
Sunday 26 April 2015

A day of Prizes


 Good Sunday Morning ladies,
I thought I would use today to showcase the prize cards that Maureen and Steph won from Sue's
Pick of the day show's on Create and Craft on Wednesday, I was amazed at how quickly mine arrived. As always with one of Sue's cards to see them 'in the flesh' shows them in all their glory, they look so much more amazing up close.
Mine had the presenters signature on too, did yours ladies?
First one is Maureen's first card, I think Sue is fond of that Caribbean Border as it is on my prize card
too, it is a fab border though, I like the tag that's in with it too!

 This is Maureen's second prize card, Pat and I both decided we might need to buy this Caribbean Background die too, its so different to the others too!
Sue's pattern of the blue and white with a little touch of black is really growing on me too!

This last card is Steph's prize card, one of Sue's 'channel' cards, this time decorated with the Splendid Swirls, I did get to learn in the shows how cute that little spiral thing that came with the splendid swirls can look, just teased out to add dimension to your floral focal point or bow decoration.
I would like to thank both Steph and Maureen for sending me photo's of their cards to share
with you all.
Pat, Paul and I had a lovely trip out to Anna Marie's new showroom, it is a lovely place full of lovely
Anna Marie goodies and lots and lots of inspiration too, she has some lovely flowers and pearls and bits in and had the same offers on card and card blanks as they do at the shows, which was great, Pat did rather more shopping than I did, but shhhh (don't tell Pete), I was kind of hoping to go back on Wednesday to show Sue but Anna Marie said they aren't opening every day, sadly!
She was very excited today bless her, it was so lovely as we arrived she rushed to open the door and greet me by name, how she would remember me i'll never know! We were made very welcome, even had a cup of tea and a choccie biscuit (well some of us did eh Pat)!
Well I am off for a shower and a cup of tea,
I hope you all have a lovely Sunday, a bit less rain today would be nice!,
love and hugs to each and every one of you,


  1. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop Gang. Hope you are all well and got the sunshine like we have. Thick frost this morning that gives the effect of a dusting of snow.
    WOW!!! what about those "works of art" everyone a winner. They will be great inspiration for Maureen & Steph. I have the card I won, in one of these deep frames. It hangs in my bedroom, I have designed cards from it, been really pleased with the results.
    Have set everything up for the day, looking good even took Stephs idea and popped some flowers on the tables. Sorry it was just cheap bunch I got at the Co-op on the way past. They have divided up nicely though.
    Nothing much on th cards here so far. John still in the "land of nod" so you ever know ...... he might come up with something once he's awake.
    OK! I am off to have my cuppa and think about a small box I want to make to go with the card I have on my Blog. Have a small gift for my friend, I will put it in the box and give it to her when I see her during the week.
    Looked back to last nights later posts,, Sandra so glad you and Pat had a good day yesterday we need to hear more, more, more!!!
    Be back soon xxxx

  2. A very happy Sunday morning to you all, whatever the weather is like in your little corner of UK.
    The clouds were crying persistently from lunchtime yesterday, has eased off for the moment and its still very grey,cloudy and dull.
    More tidying up today, have to do that dreaded word Housework so that I won't feel guilty whilst I am away.
    Brian has rung with details of Jan's funeral, it's on Thursday at 2 o'clock. we will go straight to their home and then follow Brian to the Crem. Fiona, Joseph and I were going to our family in Staffordshire on Thurs morning so plans will have to be revised. I don't think I will feel like going on after the wake, so possibly going Friday morning now. Problem for Fiona as Joseph already has the time off school for our trip, so she might not go to the funeral.
    Will pop in later to see who is about.
    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

  3. Sorry Maureen & Steph, I didn't comment on your cards, they are beautiful treasures to keep. xxx

  4. Morning Sandra and Patricia and everyone that pops in today.
    I cant stop looking at my Sue card, its still in the place I put it when it arrived, I will put it in my den when I spend more time in there.
    Off to market soon. I have to smile when people have said hope I have a sell out lol wow, if only (considering the amount I take) 3 pretty basketsof 8x8 plus a few smaller sizes in other pretty baskets plus gift bags and gift tags. Put it this way - if I had a sell out 1. Id panic as at least another 200+ to remake and 2. Id be able to treat us all to those missing dies we still dont have (unless you are wappajaw that is) lol
    Sounds like you had a lovely day out, some people are good at names, even if they haven't seen a face that often.
    Must get on, fresh veg etc list to make and breakfast to eat. Tables look lovely Patricia.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Hi Steph I hope you have a good day at the market and sell half your stock (is that better? Not so many to make to replace but enough for a few dies?) take care on that ankle though, not too much dancing to keep warm xxx

    2. Hi Steph wishing you good luck for a good day at market,hope you sell enough to get one or two die's. Take care on your ankle.
      Keep warm Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Good morning everyone WOW is all I can say, these cards are so beautiful, I don't know how Sue thinks of all the different designs and colour combinations but they work every time. Lucky ladies to have such treasures. Well it's nice and sunny today so far so I think the fences will have to be finished, hubby has been colouring one per day so I'll help today and see if we can make progress. (((Hugs))) to anyone who needs them, till next time take care Jean xx

  6. Morning, so lovely to see all the prizes today. It's nice to have a bit of inspiration on our wall too.
    I must say though, that the cards which appear on this blog, and all the blogs you other ladies have, are equally as beautiful. You are a very talented and skilled bunch of friends.
    Have a lovely day, just hope it's warmer than drier than here.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today.
    What lovely cards you lucky ladies won : ) The Caribbean Background is one I keep looking at, I can't decide between that one and the Scandinavian one.
    I am glad to hear that your trip to Anna Maries went well, but must admit that I was thinking of you all day yesterday and wishing I was with you!. Never mind we will have to go another time very soon. Do you know what days she is opening? I suppose it will depend on whether she has enough staff to still open when she is away at shows etc. and also how much custom she gets on different days of the week, won't it?
    Thank you for all of the lovely welcome back comments : )
    Littlelamb, please please please book the weekend off from babysitting so that you can join us in October. It will not be right without you there : )
    Janet, What a wonderful day that you had in London with your grandson David, what memories for you : ) Wishing you both a safe and trouble free journey home: )
    Janice, I love your Canadian friends dance partner :)
    Cheryl, your newchest of drawers sounds perfect for your dies. Can't wait to see the pics of the finished room : )
    Saba, you are busy aren't you! You will need a holiday to get over this visit won't you : )
    Norah, where are you? Please let us know you are ok. We are so worried about you and the cafe is just not the same without you sat in the corner : )
    Maria, you have been busy in your kitchen haven't you! Isn't is strange that these cooker cleaning companies don't do the extractors too? That is a missed opportunity for them I think, and a job less for you to do. Please take care. Pacing yourself is the hardest thing isn't it. You know you should but sometimes you just say "B..... it!" and suffer afterwards don't you. I know Sandra and I are just as bad : )
    Patricia, I loved the story about the orange Shnapps. I will argue with you about having the best ever Mum in Law though as mine was the best. Only joking, I was a lucky as you in that my Mum in law was a wonderful lady, we never once had a cross word with each other and spent a lot of time together. For the last 4 years of her life when she had severe dementia the only two people she recognised was my husband Chris and me. She used to tell everyone that "This is my Sue. She is my daughter, but she isn't my daughter" I always felt so proud to be thought of like that by her. God bless Elsie : )
    Diane, we had Minadex as children as a pick me up after being ill, and I loved the taste. Metatone is still around now and is the same sort of tonic I think.
    Hazel, my Gran always had a bottle of stout a day when she was pregnant, my Mum (her daughter) couldn't stand it while expecting and I loved my bottle every evening when pregnant with RJ and Tim but couldn't face it when carrying Gem! RJ's girlfriend was told last year while she was expecting Christopher that one small bottle of good quality stout wouldn't do any harm, (strictly no other alcohol allowed though) especially if suffering from a lot of sickness, so maybe we were on the right tracks : )
    Janice, what a great tale, what must that poor American Mum have felt like when she found out what she was giving her children, bless her! : )
    Pat, missed you last week my lovely friend and am looking forward to caching up it Wednesday this week? : )
    Sandra, I hope you are feeling ok after your trip out yesterday, have a lovely day with the family I hope. Can't wait until Wednesday or whatever day we are meeting this week, I have missed you so much my lovely. Take care xx

  8. The cards are lovely I too treasure the one I won many moons ago Sounds like you had a fantastic day yesterday Sandra The diabetes is back on track and the ironing is calling But hopefully will be going to watch future son in law play in a charity footsie match later and a bit of Salsa dancing this afternoon I may need my Virol and Minatone later Might join you in a Baileys too Will pop back later

  9. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today. Oh you lucky ladies winning those special cards, you can look at them and get all that inspiration from them. Sandra and Pat so glad you get some goodies and were made so wellcome, it's lovely when you go some where new, yet the owner still remembers who you are? Look forward to seeing all these cards that will be made using the lovely colours of that card stock! I have been lazy and not long up. Glad to see big sister has been in and set up, looking lovely big sis..well it was 4am when I went back up to bed, I knew that would happen with falling asleep early? Don't think we will be going far, which is good as I have to get things done in here or it will be next weekend and I still will have nothing done.
    Thank you ladies for letting us see your prizes and thank you sandra for showing them. Money in the pot for my tea and toast. Will be back later to catch up with every one. Hazel x

  10. Morning Ladies

    Just realised I hadn't commented-up early, stripped the bed. Washing now outside on the line as its a glorious sunny day. Been upto the greenhouse & talked to my plants-got 2 cherry toms, 2 peppers & a mini cucumber plant so far. That's all I'll probably grow this year in the greenhouse , shoukd work ok with us going away mid September.

    Wow-lucky ladies winning Sue Wilson cards, they are stunning. Pride of place in craft rooms?!

    Got some filing -bank statements etc to do later then a few emails but might get some craft time later.


  11. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh Patricia everything looks lovely today especially the flowers.
    So pleased and so envious Sandra that you had a lovely day yesterday at Anna Marie Designs how lovely she remembered you.
    Many thanks to Maureen and Steph for sharing your lovely wins from Sue so pleased they arrived as I know in the past some people don't get theirs. Something for you to treasure and be inspired by.
    For anyone that missed my late post last night C & C is up for sale! A mere snip at £200 million!!! For more details have all the news on their site.
    Well at the moment we have some sunshine but we awoke to a thick frost this morning so fingers crossed it warms up.
    Do hope Sam and Sheila are feeling better
    Have a lovely day everyone what ever you decide to do today, my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner help yourselves to as many as you wish there are plenty more .
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Hello Margaret, hope your having a good day.
      Being nosey I went over to HixxySoft but could not seen anything. However, I a rather stupid when it comes to computers so might have missed it. I do deal with them, is it my imagination or do they have a lot more on offer than before??

    2. Found the Info. wonder if they will ever get an offer at that price???

    3. I couldn't find it either Patricia!
      I googled - is C&C being sold! That took me to Sky News, who apparently had a story about last Thursday! Xx

    4. hi Myra
      Well first on my list will be Dean. He's wasn't to bad before he won an award. Now he has gone mega stupid. He talks a load of rubbish and most of its not about any crafting what so ever. We're fishing down our sofas and our offer will be in soon. If I win a few pounds on the premium bonds next month. ( I'm due l win ladies). Well think about how much we can afford.

    5. Will you please get rid of the " spotty potty" for something a little more classy! Xxx

    6. I would get rid of the lot and bring in who I wanted!!
      Who wants to be CEO??

    7. I tried Hixxysoft but couldn't see anything only stuff for sale. X

    8. Hazel and Sandra joint CEO I think Patricia, you can be MD and get to hire and fire would you like that?

    9. Oooo!! Mmm!! I am a hard "task master" a typical Virgo it's my way or the highway kind of thing ...... maybe I could help the Accountant I was in Banking would that do?? Mind you folk now don't have any confidence in Bankers. Oh well I really don't mind leading the Cleaning Team xxx

    10. I thought our darling little Ducky perhaps would like to head up the cleaning team after all she is used to dealing with George what do you think?

    11. Oh Margaret, you reminded me!
      My Dearest ,Darling Ducky,
      Your face is always mucky;
      But, never mind , for love is blind.
      My Dearest Darling Ducky! I know, I'm mad! Xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Hi Margaret I've just emailed Sandra and Mrs B this morning telling them that C & C was up for sale. I think the three of us will have to scrape up the money to buy it (. I think not). We'll have to fish down our sofas to make up the shortfall.
    Lovely cards that maureen Maureen and Steph received from Sue. Just love the Carabean border that Sue has used.

    1. Hi Pat. I haven't got to my emails yet today but wouldn't it be great if us three could buy C&C! Just think how we would run it. No ripping off customers and proper non interrupted hour long demos are just two of the changes we would make, wouldn't we. I will have a good poke around in the bottom of our sofas but think I might be a bit short, hehe. Take care xx : )

    2. Could you make it 4 please I have a few pounds set aside for the Retreat. I am sure I will be able to make it up again from the "profits"

    3. Question for you budding entrepreneurs! Who will you hire and who will you fire? Xxx

    4. Oh I think between us all we could do a far better one than some of those on these shows? Now I wonder who will step in and buy the business, at that price it will have to be some big multi lot? Or it will be broken up to lots of little company's ??? Hazel x.
      P.S. Could be a Chinese buyer??? They are selling more and more craft stuff.

    5. Think you could be right Sis. When you look at lots of Craft products they are make in China. Even big names like Heartfelt Creations their papers are made in China. MS Punches, and more, and more, and more!! xxx

    6. Hi Pat I emailed Sandra last night when I got the email from Hixxysoft. Well my dear I have had a look down our sofa but all I have found is some of my grandson's lego! So sorry xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow what beautiful cards you both have got, they look gorgeous and I bet thy are even better in the flesh! I'm not jealous at all haha.
    Well it's a gloomy day here today but we had quite a lot of rain last night so I didn't have to water my new plants! We are late getting going this morning but I'm hoping now the garden bin has been emptied we can finish cutting back today and fill it again! It gets emptied every other week but I sometimes think why bother in the winter and do it every week in the summer! I expect proper gardeners fill theirs all year round not just us mad people who hack away when we need to!
    Well Sandra Anne Marie's warehouse sounds lovely. I looked at their website after you said you were going and their opening days are on there. I must tell my friend Jackie as she is an Anne Marie fan too. I will have to sweet talk hubby for a trip out but I think it will have to be later in the year now.
    Patricia the flowers look lovely on the tables, thank you for opening up.
    See you all later.
    Love Diane xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and ladies, Maureen and Steph thank you for showing us your cards through the blog, i was lucky enought to win one a few weeks ago and they are absolutely gorgeous when you see them in the flesh.
    Sandra so glad you had a good day at Anne Marie's, a return visit on the cards?
    Myra you asked last night if I was a teacher no such luck, although my sister was one till she took early retirement this year.
    Well it was a lovely morning but the rain has just come on, and it has turned quite cold, such a difference from last week.
    What a commotion we had last night/ early this morning at the back of our house. Around 4am we were wakened by lots of shouting and a dog barking, torch lights everywhere, of course we had to get up and look out the bedroom window. At the back of our house is open scrubland, and there were police officers searching around it with the police dog, they finally caught someone and put them in the back of the police van. Couldn't get back to sleep for a couple of hours. That was our excitement for today.
    Well tea and toast finally finished, so will wash up and pop back later.

    Oh Janice have a happy birthday, take care everyone, Jess x

    PS will go and have a look at HixxySoft to see what is going on with C&C

    1. Hi Jess,
      I will definitely return to Anna Marie's showroom, when we work out her opening hours, she isn't open now until next weekend, she was telling us yesterday that with it all laid out and organised it was also going to be used to ease the packing of orders as they don't have to go rifling through boxes in the warehouse! It is laid out beautifully, very boutique, not cheap though, little packs do roses were 3.90 for 12 little roses, which I think is a little jtoo expensive! She did have great deals on card etc, I offered for Sue Pat & I to have our craft day in her showroom, that way, we could Craft in a very inspirational place and keep her shop open for her! She didn't look keen though!
      It sounds like there were stun and games going on at the back of yours last night, I would have laid awake for hours wondering what the person had done!
      I typed Create and craft up for sale into into google and it came up in sky news, they are selling £200 million, which is double it's worth 2 years ago, apparently the craft industry is worth 2.5billion in the uk, how scary is that,you wouldn't think it when you here all of the companies moaning, but I think that the smaller companies are struggling more, but that's down to the likes of create and craft, who are greedy, demanding 40% of the takings from the shows that companies appear on, 40% is huge to some of these smaller companies, it must be crippling! You wonder if it's worth it, particularly as so many of us don't bother watching the channel much anymore!
      I know when I said that to Sue, she was shocked as she said they had been having record sales on some shows, so I guess even though most of the people we read about or speak too don't use or watch create and craft, there are many thousands just starting out like we once were that don't know any different!
      I will admit that there are occasions that it does work out the same price sometimes when buying a bundle of dies etc and flexi -pay makes it easier to buy what we want without the huge outlay up front!
      But most of the time things are half as much again more expensive per die, I would like to think that this us the reason that Joanna Sheen and Icon uk have managed to do so well, mainly due to the fact that there aren't too greedy, Joanna Sheen in particular is continuing to do really well despite the fact that she hasn't been on TV for months, proving that you need just one good name supporting you and you are off!
      Well I must go and help organise some lunch!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Janice, I see Jess has wished you "Happy Birthday" if it's your birthday I wish you that as well and send you Birthday (((((hugs)))))

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I'll help myself to a latte and a toasted teacake, put my money in the pot, and have a look for Mrs B. No I think she's gone, probably panning for gold to buy C&C!
    Thanks for showing Sue's cards and they are even more gorgeous in the flesh. The first one doesn't show too well in the photo but the background paper has micro beads on it, and the whole thing is just beautiful. I may just have to get some of the micro beads, I've never fancied them before but they do give a lovely effect. Same with the buckle effect - I've never been keen on it, but in real life it's striking.
    The second card is beautiful. The colours and that big Caribbean die in the middle are so lovely. I'm hankering after that die, may have to raid the Retreat Pot!
    Well, I've just about finished the massive clear out in the craft room and (Myra, this is for you), "I'm beginning to see the Light". Got quite a few empty plastic A4 boxes, and things put away that have been piled up in the corner for a good while, but you know what - give it a couple of months and we'll be back to square one. It's the one room in the house that always seems to be a mess, thank goodness I can close the door on half finished things and be a PhD like Patricia!!!
    Will call back later, it's a lovely sunny day here so may get into the garden to do a bit when I've finished up here.
    Coffee and teacake finished, and it was lovely as usual, so bye for now.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      I have got the micro beads, they are like a lot of things, you use them a lot when you first get them and then they sit gathering dust in the corner! they are great at softening the colour and pattern of some of your least favourite papers, so you could hide them in a background! also if you put them in a little pot and put a couple of drips of alcohol inks (baileys wouldn't work) on them they make a fantastic centre for flowers! I think That since Sue discovered Iced snow the micro beads have taken a back seat!
      My craft room like yours is permanently untidy, I could tidy it round the clock, walk out come back in a be back to square one! Paul doesn't understand why, when in have a six foot work space I send up crafting on top of a pile of things in a corner!
      I have to say though that I think that most genius's work in a mess, my dad could fix anything, build anything, he could build trikes (the type that bandana'd men drive, not toddlers), fully fitted camper vans etc, but if you walked into his garage you couldn't find anything, he however knew the exact location of every little spanner, nut and bolt!!
      Sue, says that her craft room is a muddle too! So celebrate your genius and stop worrying about the mess!
      If you are anything like me though you still have all the naff things we bought when we were first starting out in card making, I have some fairly naff toppers, peel offs, some grim paper collections and one or two kanban/hunkydory kits that I now feel I would never use, they are virtually created for you, you just need to push out and stick together,
      I know they are a great way to start, but I feel that they are too much like 'shop' cards!
      I do hope I haven't offended anyone, we all starting out with the most basic stuff, the point I was trying to make is that most sensible people have thrown that stuff out, I however, still look at it and think " I may use it some day", I did offer it all to Cameeli for her craft club sometime ago but she politely declined!
      Anyway I am off to have five minutes crafting if I can find my desk and chair!
      Love and hugs

    2. Coooooo!! Eeeeeeee!!! Maureen, Sandra are you there??? Or is that your feet sticking out of the pile of paper and A4 boxes in the corner???
      Is that Sandra in the other corner having lost her chair so she's sitting on the desk!!
      Just popped in for a quick cuppa before I start on a wee project I got the bits ready for this morning.
      I could have had it finished but I went off with John. He was needing bits for his Railway. There's a shop on the outskirts of Dundee in the village our Sister Jackie lives. I was going to go visit her at the same time, no one at home. i was all dressed up (you have to be for visiting Jackie) before I phoned and got no answer. Rather than change I just went with John for the jaunt. After John got what he wanted we popped into Asda on the way home just for some "tomatoes" heck of a dear they were ........£43.68 !!! It was mostly John's fault ......!!
      Cuppa finished off the get on, be back later xxxxx

    3. Hellooooo!
      My goodness Maureen and Sandra!
      Patricia - your tomatoes were so expensive because you were so well dressed! I know you probably bought far more than you intended. Always the way!
      Maureen - re: I'm beginning to see the light! I would be much happier if you were singing " I can see clearly now." Xxx

  16. Hi Sandra,

    Beautiful cards you Ladies won. I too love the Caribbean Background as it makes a lovely frame too.

    Have a great day

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and all,
    Wonderful cards you got girls, they are real wow one's. I too like the Caribbean background soooo who knows. Wonder how far it is to Anne Marie Design from Mk, maybe see if a daytrip could be made as I have been very nice tihi
    Round two on the kitchen this morning and the lounge now look acceptable for a little while anyway. Oooh I do ache, but not more than usual so that's good and tomorrow I will take a day of rest going for a swim and after out for a coffee with my OH ex. we are very good friends .
    Tidying up some crafting bits and boxes around my bed next on the agenda, I so want to have a crafting room. Love yours Cheryl, the new draws sound good.
    Karenlotty ,glad you feeling better and hopefully we will be able to meet up soon.
    Is it Janice's birthday today ? If so have a lovely day and a big hug !
    Hope Sam and Norah are alright, anyone in contact with them ?
    Better go before I seize's up totally tihi, will see you later tonight
    Love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      I am nit sure that it would be worth the journey for you to be honest, by the time you factor in your full you would be better buying online, unless of course you fancy a day out, it's only about 10 mikes or so to the shop from here, so you could come and visit with Sue, Pat and I at the same time!
      The other thing to tell you is, the shop is cash only, that could have been tricky had I not been given dome dash from Becca !
      Sandra xxxxx

  18. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Hope you are all well and enjoying this lovely Sunday, well it was lovely when the sun came out it's gone dull again now. I'm so pleased you manage to get to Anne-Marie's shop. How lovely of her to meet you welcome. That's her she is such a lovely lady.
    Maureen and Steph thank you for sending Sandra photographs of your Beautiful cards they are all gorgeous, I am just a bit jealous though - just kidding.
    Steph Hope the market went well and you have an exhausted yourself too much.
    Janice, happy birthday hope you're having a great day.

    Sending love and crafty hugs to everyone, Brendan XXX

  19. Hello Sandra & ladies, Wow what lovely cards Maureen & Steph won. I love the Caribbean die think I will have to move it to the top of my need it now list hehe.
    Just cooking a bulk of Spag bowl for freezing Mmmm. Horrible day raining windy & cold after a gorgeous day yesterday,so playing with my AP stash. Did a card yesterday ( put it on my blog ) using the weaving die's so pleased with them.
    Glad you had a good day with Pat visiting Anna Maria warehouse did you buy lot's of crafty goodies,your very lucky having craft shops near you all I have is Hobbycraft or the Range both not very good. If I win the double rollover Wednesday I will buy C & C but don't hold your breath hehe.well OH wants some lunch so call in later Sandra..Patricia flowers look lovely on all the tables.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. It's very nice indeed! The card that is . Xxx

  20. Sorry Janice Happy Birthday hope your enjoying your day xx
    Steph hope market went well & you sold enough for some new die's take care.
    Hug's Lynda xx

  21. Hi Sandra,
    A wee bit late today but it's been a bit busy!
    It's lovely to see the three beautiful cards. They are all so different. They are really lovely and it is lovely to see them. Thank you!
    I'd forgotten about my micro beads! I use them more at Christmas when I use brighter greens, reds and blues. I'm not so keen on them on the softer colours although they look better in real life than a photo!
    My Sue card is very appropriate for the Coffee Shop as it has a coffee cup as the focal point! I have it in our bedroom as its duck egg blue and shades of cream and so is the card!
    It is a beautiful sunny day here today but not as warm as last week ! However I'll settle for this! Michele already gave our weather report! Happy gardening!
    Going to read everyone's thoughts now! No I'm not psychic - the thoughts committed to paper!
    Have a lovely afternoon!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

  22. Thanks Ladies, it is my birthday today. I am 16. (oops sorry, I tend to get my numbers mixed up)
    I usually pass on my birthday wishes to Sue's Mum since her birthday is tomorrow.
    I am having a lazy day today and going out for dinner with friends tonight.

    My craft room sounds like yours, Sandra, Big problem in our home is Derek is very similar. Oh well, we can tolerate each other that way.

    With regards to the hunkydory/kanban type toppers, try surrounding them with die cuts. I still like to mix everything up, since so many folks still like a picture somewhere on their card. (Cute kitten cards still sell). I know that's my challenge to myself, use up ALL my stash, even if I don't love it, someone else will. I give a box of cards to an older lady who loves giving birthday cards to others. Apparently she overheard someone buying a card one day, and when the shopkeeper asked her, who's birthday is it, the girl had said it was her own, but she had no-one to give her a card, so she bought one for herself. My friend was so touched by this she has always given out cards. She was in with mine yesterday (a bought one since she said she couldn't give me my own card back)

    1. Happy Birthday Janice!
      I hope you have a lovely day!
      What a lovely story - some people are just so thoughtful it restores your faith in human nature! Xx

    2. Hope you are having a good day.
      What a sweet lady you are and that sweet lady "buying" yiu a card rather than sending you one of your own "God Bess" her.

    3. Janice hope you are having a really Happy Birthday wishing you a happy year ahead too. What a lovely story about the sweet lady giving cards.

    4. Happy birthday Janice, you will find a very special cake in the big fridge in the kitchen, it's a double chocolate gateau, topped with Patricia's hand made Baileys Truffles and some white chocolate curls, I hope you enjoy it my lovely, calorie free of course!
      Big birthday hugs
      Sandra xxxxxxx

    5. Oh is there enough for us all to share - it sound yummy!!! Hazel x

    6. Happy birthday Janice enjoy your special day and your meal with friends tonight. 16 eh they might let you have an orange squash with your meal if you are lucky!!! Hope you got some lovely goodies for your birthday. Love Diane xxx

  23. Janice. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you get some time off to enjoy you day.
    Can I join in this BUY OUT of C&C. Please I have a few £2 coins in my box!!.,
    Maureen and Sandra, I have given up trying to tidy my spare room of my craft stuff, why is it you tidy it all up, then you need to find something and you have to get all the boxs out to find it? Been making a 50 th anniversery card, but you know when you get to a point and you can't get the finish right? I am at that stage! And of coarse I can't find the ink pad I think will be the right colour to use! Jess all fun and games at yours, I wonder what they had done. No thought for the likes of your selves trying to sleep? It will be I. The local paper tomorrow!!! Well we have had hail stones here, that's how cold it got, so if this stays so cold it will be back to winter clothes again , I was enjoying having more summer type tops on. Right that's me had mt cup of tea, off to get the di near started, or we will be eating to late. Hazel x

    1. Hope it's not a "murder" like in Elaine's village just a few miles along the road from here.
      When Eliane arrived on Thursday she told us her village was swarming with police. Streets condemned off and lots of activity. The rumours were that it was a murder. Yes! all over the papers the next day, young man 49 dead in his bed but was murder.

  24. Happy birthday Janice, I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your meal later on today.

  25. Happy Birthday Janice, I wished for your day to be filled with sunshine, laughter and love. xxx

  26. Happy Birthday Janice, I wished for your day to be filled with sunshine, laughter and love. xxx

  27. Can you beehive it folks ...... it's so blooming cold here we have just put a match to the fire. When I clean it out it is always re-set for the next time. It has not been one for about 6 weeks so its struggling a bit. We did have the heating on but its so miserable we lit the fire. In the morning I will take everything away clean it all out and set it up with candles for the "summer" I think!!!
    We have just had the most horrendous Hail Storm making the fields white. This time last week we had a beautiful day. xxx

  28. Regarding the commotion here last night, we live not far from a YOUNG OFFENDERS PRISON, maybe it was an escapee!!!! I think there would have been more police and prison officers if that was the case. Maybe it was housebreaking/drug dealer/, we will probably never know!!

    Sandra regarding the price of the little roses, my friend who has a craft shop sells hers for 70p for ten, the bigger flowers cost more but not as much as Anne Marie's, I've told you before about Klassy Kards, have aloof at their web site, no P&P for UK
    Take care will catch up later Jess x

  29. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well I'm just having a quick sit down to rest my back after spending the afternoon gardening. It's been chilly hear but the sun eventually came out so we have spent a few hours chopping back. I tackled the bit by the side of the drive and next to the pavement so all being well I should be able to get my car out much easier now! Julian broke up our old table that was falling to pieces and took it to the dump then swept the patio. He's talking of pressure washing it next weekend! Watch out for snow!!! I have filled the garden bin yet again but I am desperate to weed the front garden so hopefully this week I can get out there and make a start. Sounds like everyone has been busy again today I hope there are not too many aches and pains in the morning!
    Jess sounds like you had an exciting night, we have a country park near us and occasionally we get the police helecopter circling around at night if they are looking for someone. If you go on the local police Facebook page sometimes it says what's happening. Patricia I can hear a Taggert "murder" there, we used to watch it just to hear him say that!
    Well I must dash off again, hot pot is smelling yummy and I must put the veg on to go with it. If I'm still awake I will pop back later but it might be bath and bed tonight while I can still move!
    Lots of hugs
    Diane xxx

  30. Here at last. Lovely cards you both won from Sue. Love them all thanks for letting us see them. Have been to an open garden in aid of British Red Cross. Wasn't much to see really. It is part of a garden centre so looked round there afterwards and had a cup of tea and a cake. Very nice it was Lemon and Poppy seed and had lemon curd in the middle. Then went to my friends house to sort out what we are doing for the craft group which is starting again on 13th May. Sorted out some card for Izzy bags and notebooks. Must get some more bits and pieces this week. Very cold here. Well better go and get something to eat. Can't really be bothered but have to take my diabetic pill after food so will have to do it. See you later.

  31. Love all the Sue cards - lucky ladies I have never won one yet!

    Happy birthday Janice

    Have to agree about Kanban / hunkyory you can Mass card make but not like the cards we do. Have a few bits for when I need a feature but if I need that I need to turn to my graphic 45! Just love their stuff.

    I love Anna marie card and use it loads. Lucky you living so close.

    See you tomorrow. Off to work xxx

  32. Well ladies did you see the news that inverness had a good fall of snow today? I bet poor Janice has got some too? It's really cold here. Charlie was hoping to get more of the flower beds weeded, but it was such a good biting wind he decided to give up and come in doors, he didn't think it would do his back any good getting cold round his back. Daine, you are lucky getting your garden bin emptied every two weeks our is once a month! So we end up taking bags to the tip, we can't put it in a composs heap, as we were bothered with rats a few years ago and that's where they had a nest!!! Dave the "Ratman" as we call him told us to get rid of it and just take everything that we can't fit in the bin take to the tip. Brenda, these open gardens can be like that, one very good and the other ok. But I think if it raises money and you get a lovely cup of tea and a cake, well it's an afternoon out. There are a few round us for S.S.A.F.A. We try to go to as many as we can, you would love next weekend here in our area as its open art studio weekend where artists, potters, work works open their studios to the public, it's wonderful. Hazel x

    1. Like the sound of next weekend but rather a long way to come I think.

  33. MARIA - yes must meet up Have u emailed me Can't say I've seen one
    SANDRA - Anna Marie's sounds lovely You lucky things I can understand why she's only going to open on certain days Pinflair - I use their glue gel is just down the road from me and when you walk in it does feel a bit like a store house for items to be shipped but the layout is great and all of their stuff is on display inc syringes which I need to buy often because i lose the yellow top
    C&C - what did I say the other day that they're going to price themselves out of the market Why put something up for sale if it's that profitable? I prefer shops like JS icon Good prices and great service with no stupid chatter by the likes of Dean and don't get me started on Steph W!

    1. Hi,
      I sent you one early this morning again now a minute ago, lets hope it goes to the right person hihi

  34. C&C got to big for its boots likely and have put their fingers into to many pies. A bit like Tesco? And now competion is getting stronger and they are feeling the pinch I think? So it's a case of sell up before they go down hill big style. Might be wrong, but how many companies get so bit they go bust??? Hazel x

    1. Hazel, it's so funny I was comparing them to Tesco earlier ! It's all very well getting bigger and bigger but if you lose customer loyalty it will all go pear shaped. Xx

    2. Two great minds thinking alike??? Hazel x

    3. Definitely! Hazel! Xxx

  35. Good evening ladies,
    Sandra so glad you enjoyed your trip out.
    I have had my last full day with my eldest daughter and 2 of my grandchildren before heading back down to Cheshire tomorrow afternoon. It will break my heart leaving them in the morning but sadly I don't have any choice. I will be spending the morning and early afternoon with Val and then catching the train. So there will be tears there as well. I absolutely hate going " home" and of course this trip has been a hard one anyway with Val recovering from her operation and the future still being uncertain.
    This morning! Max (7) played a game of tag rugby. It was part of the Harrogate rugby festival and there were about 1,000 people there and lots of teams from various clubs all playing. We stayed there until mid afternoon then home, showered and dressed to take Abi (5) to the theatre where she was a part of a rainbow In a ballet production of Dorothy based on the wizard of oz. So sweet. I shed a few tears to see her on the stage with all the other little ones.
    Just got home now and got them to bed and we are about to eat now so I will say bye for now.
    I haven't read any of the comments yet so please forgive me if I have missed anything important. I will try and get back later.
    Love and hugs to each and every one of you.
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba, you have brought a lump to my throat. It was bad enough for me leaving Hazel when she was recovering. She was only 50 miles away. I really feel for you leaving all your darling family.
      (((((Hugs))))) xxx

    2. Oh Saba,
      Lovely to have you join us even for a little while. You are going to have a tough day tomorrow . Just remember little Oliver will be looking forward to having you back with him. He will help you - at least for a few days! Gulp!
      Pleased you've had a lovely day today.
      Safe journey tomorrow!
      God Bless,
      Myra xxx

    3. safe journey home Saba. Families are so spread out these days, it's hard an everyone.
      Take care,

    4. Saba My heart goes out to you, saying goodbye is the hardest thing, specially as the grandchildren have got so used to having you around, hopefullt the time will soon fly until you see them again,
      Do they come out to you?
      We will all be here waiting to fill the void when you get home my lovely!
      Have a safe journey, boy that time has flown by!
      Love and hugs

    5. Dear Saba ,I'm feeling so sad for you now that the time have come already for you to go 'home'. You will miss eachother something terrible but hopefully you can see them soon again
      Love and hugs to you and your family ! xxx

  36. Oh heck
    Forgot to mention the beautiful cards. I have already seen Muriel's as she sent them to me earlier, and they are gorgeous as is yours Steph. Jealous? No. Well perhaps a teeny tiny bit!!! No seriously I am thrilled for you.
    Saba xxx

  37. Oh Saba, another bucket and mop job!!! I use to hate them when either our three went back to boarding school from Germany or I was putting them back in and heading home to Germany? I would be driving sobbing my eyes out and have to keep pulling in to calm myself. With hind site we should have bought a house here and the children and I stay here and Charlie stay in Germany until his tour was finished, but I always say your life is mapped out for you? Everything has a reason! Make the most of the rest of your time here, we will be here when you get back home and need cheering up. Hazel x

  38. Hello Sandra and café ladies
    Well home and getting back to normal, whatever that is. Was sitting in the sun 2 days ago and now looking out my dining room window on a winter wonderland of thick snow. Came home to the news of My son-in-law who died 3yrs ago aged just 40, his best pal was killed on his motor bike and I am going to his funeral tomorrow, another friend is terminally ill and another had is first chemo when we were away, so I think I will go and book a flight back. not have had time to read anything but will catch up slowly, the one word I keep seeing is baileys, a little tip, pour your baileys then put a topping of brandy in and drink slowly, its gorgeous but be aware,have no more than 2.. As I said I have not caught up with anything so I hope you are all keeping well and will pop in tomorrow. lots of hugs and love to everyone
    love Wendy

    1. Wendy glad to see you back .... Oh! My! Goodness what things to come back to sending some (((((Hugs)))))
      Catch up with all your news soon xxx

    2. Now Wendy! I feel you should have read just how much Muriel has been drinking before you suggested adding brandy! However it's too late now! There could be tears before bedtime as my Mum used to say!

      It's lovely to have you back but I'm so sorry you have come back to much bad news! Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Take care.
      Sorry about the snow as well! We've had a lovely day here today just chillier than last week.
      Love Myra xxx

    3. Welcome home Wendy, even though its been so traumatic for you. I hope tomorrow is not too trying for you. You take care.

      Do not believe the fowl (get it Myra) slurs from Myra. I only have one Baileys per night. One tanker full of Baileys that is.

      Dafffy (was Muriel, was Maureen - you've got a lot of catching up to do!!!)

    4. I really don't need to have "jokes!?" explained to me you know!
      So pleased you have been a busy bee today and made some cards and boxes as well! I ve been sorting dies this evening and labelling with my handy little Brother machine!
      In trying to tidy up I've made a an awful mess! I also found dies I'd completely forgotten about! Note to self - you don't need any more!
      I found a Spellbinders Christmas tree which would never cut completely in my old GC , well it's cuts beautifully in this new one on the small plates. Any one need a Christmas tree in April? Thought not! . Xxx

    5. Hi Wendy
      So that to see your back, up but to come back to such bad news. Now please don't add Brandy to the mix if Baileys. Although I might give that one a try. I once had a port and brandy, well actually more that once. Mind you I had a glass that you'd have orange squash in. I had half a glass of brandy and the same again of port. Didn't realise that Portwas so strong, my was I squiffy. Didn't try that one again. I'm just having a Baileys before I go to bed. Must finish up the bottle once it's open, and low and behold I found another one in the cupboard. I think they're breeding.

    6. Welcome back wendy,
      So sorry to hear you have come back to such bad news, will be thinking of you tomorrow my lovely xxx

    7. Hi Wendy,
      nice to see you back but so sorry to hear what you have to do the next few days. Will be thinking of you
      Maria xx

  39. Wendy I was just asking this morning if you were home, poor you coming home to awful news and awful weather? Go break a match and break the spell??? Oh don't give this lot ideas about what to add to Baileys, they are bad enough as. It is without adding brandy in to the mix! Good to have you back by the way. Hazel x

  40. Hello everyone,
    Before I forget, Happy Birthday Janice, I hope you've had a smashing day.

    Craft room all sorted, so many empty A4 boxes that I might sell them back to C&C, but I know I'll get enough card to fill them again.
    I've made 5 cards with matching boxes for 4 of them - 1 box to go - so I'm a happy bunny. Mind, the desk is full again, but I'm resigned to that. So long as I can walk straight in and go to my nice new chair and sit down.
    I've never been into Kanban or toppers and things. I've always stamped and done parchment. I didn't know you were supposed to learn how to do parchment so I just sat down with a book from the library and taught myself! I think if you don't know you're not supposed to do it, it never occurs to you that you can't.
    Jess and Diane, you certainly live exciting lives, Police, helicopters, the full works. I once witnessed a Bank Robbery and had to go to the Police Station to look at books of mug shots. When I'd gone through them they said that another Officer from CID would bring some more to my house. He came that night and when I'd looked at them and said that I didn't recognise anybody, he asked me if I recognised anyone even if I hadn't seen them that day. I told him no and he said "By you've led a sheltered life!!".
    Saba, I didn't realise that you'd be going home so soon, I hope you have a safe journey and don't wear too much eye liner, black panda eyes are not a good look xxx.
    That's all Folks!
    See you later
    Muriel xxx

    1. Ooo!! Maureen, wish I was nearer I need a few A4 boxes. I have my card in colours in those boxes. Mine all used up, could do with a couple for some printed papers extra card and my PHDs.
      Glad you have got sorted and been busy creating.

  41. Hi everyone,
    Wendy, so sorry to here about your awful news, I can see where you are coming from wanting to get a flight right back.
    Saba you take care, I know it is a wrench leaving your family, but you are only a flight away, and I'm sure it won't be long until you are back.I think I will have an early night after the disturbing night we had, I can hardly keep my eyes open.
    Catch up with everyone tomorrow, Jess x

  42. Well It's a quick return for me. George has just arrived upstairs so I'll say goodnight because it's an early start tomorrow. Sleep tight everyone and I hope that all our sisters who are missing because they are not well, will soon be back among us.
    I've done the dishes, emptied the tanker!! and cleared the benches. Will you make sure Maria is safe and sound?
    Sweet dreams all
    Muriel xxx

  43. Good I too late or is there still a glass of baileys around. A little left in the tanker perhaps? I'll miss the brandy though, working again tomorrow.
    I have had a good birthday. Thank you for all your birthday wishes. My diamond necklace hasn't arrived yet though, Sandra(just teasing)
    Just been lazy today, caught up with a friend and a cousin and my god daughters by phone and others by email, since we are all spread around the globe. Thankfully there are ways of keeping in touch.
    It's been bitter cold today, but sunny tonight. There is loads of fresh snow on the hills, but probably just above 2000feet. Nothing in the town. It helps being right beside the water.
    Sorry you got home to all those problems Wendy. That's never good. Hugs for you.
    Love all

  44. Oh Wendy I am so sorry to hear all of your sad news Take care hun and look after yourself x

  45. Just popped back in for a quickie,
    Now now ladies, not that kind!
    Managed to read all today's comments.
    Wendy, so sorry you have returned home to such sad news.
    Janice happy birthday, sorry it is so late, glad you enjoyed your day.
    Been trying to squeeze a drop from the tanker but it seems like it's empty so I'll say good night God bless to you all.
    Sweet dreams
    Saba xxx

  46. Night night too, I have probably had enough wine with my dinner tonight anyway that I don't need my nightcap. When is the next tanker due? see you then.
    Janice xxx

  47. Maureen have finished Everything ! tihi
    My eye's are shutting so to bed I will go,
    Love and hugs Maria xx<3
