
Monday 27 April 2015

Noble Peach Floral


 Good Morning Ladies,
Today I fancied a little bit of peach, I have only recently discovered a liking for this colour and now
I have to stop myself from picking it up all the time.
This card started when I took some Creative Expression Foundation Card in Peach, I used the Criss Cross Mask, from That Special Touch (Stamps away) and applied some Cosmic Shimmer Clear Sparkle Medium through the mask and left it overnight to dry.
I loved the effect so much that I couldn't wait to use it! I took the Classis Adorned Rectangles and The Ornate pierced Rectangles and made a frame to go around my sparkly background.
I used some cream card as a contrast, I mounted the whole thing onto a Cream A5 Background with a matt of Peach card, I then got my flower boxes out and set to arranging a spray of flowers up the side of the card, I Used the Delicate Fronds to cut some Green card to go underneath the flowers and added a few Peach Stamens from Anna Marie, I then used Sue's Pierced Flags to Stamp the Happy Birthday sentiment on, I used Peach Bellini Ink and embossed with Detail Clear Cosmic Shimmer Embossing Powder.
I used some Peach Coloured Seam Binding, Also from Creative Expressions and tied a double bow, using a little piece of the Delicate Fronds die cut card to accent the flower in the centre of the bow.
I finished with a few Peach coloured Pearls.
I hope you like the card, I was trying to capture the 'Spring Feel' .
Janet I hope you made it home safe and sound and have started the huge job of unpacking, there is nothing like getting in and having that first cup of tea though is there?  A cup of tea doesn't taste as good anywhere in the world as it does at home!
Saba, sweetheart, today will be a very emotional day for you as you prepare to Leave Val and your family behind, try and focus on those arms that will welcome you home though, We will all be here to fill that void when you get home, I am sure you will feel lost for a few days, and catch up on some sleep too, as I expect you have crammed as much into every minute of everyday that you have been away!
I am going to try and set myself a goal of making at least three cards this week, I seemed to have lost my mojo of late and have lots of PHD's! I think you just have to be in the right frame of mind, so I gave myself a 'virtual' kick up the pants and I made myself sit and complete this card between 5pm and 8pm last night, (that is good for me)!
Maureen you put me to shame making 4 cards and boxes in one day, well done you!
Well I must get on so as to keep to my goal,
I will call in again later to catch up with you all, thanks for being such a great support team!
Love and hugs to all of you,
 Ps I think there are 187 sleeps till Retreat time!


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. What a gorgeous card to start the week : ) It
    is always a treat to see one of your beautiful cards, especially when they have some of your "trade mark" floral arrangements on them, thank you my lovely : ) I will have to have a go at using masks, you will have to give me some tips on Wednesday, please.
    Wendy, glad that you got home safe and sound, but so sorry to hear of the sad news that greeted you. You will be in my thoughts today.
    Margaret Corgi owner, I have had a good poke around in the bottom of the sofa but I really don't think you would want to know what I found. Let's just say that I am 7p nearer to buying C&C and the hoover is full!!!! : )
    Janice, Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday : )
    I will have to try and do some ironing today if the joints allow it as the pile is getting to be a hazard it is so high! Oh, I hate letting it get this bad.
    Right, I'm off now so have a good day my lovely. Take care xx

  2. Morning Sandra,

    Gorgeous card, love the Peach colour and that flower spray is divine.

    Have a great day

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Sunshine here, beautiful blue skies, but freezing cold. Hope the sun shines for all of you today.
    Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Sandra I love, love, love your stunning card. Everything is just beautiful, and that floral display is wonderul. Good luck with your PHDs.
    Been busy this morning, fire all cleaned out, vacuumed and washed. Need to polish the brass surround and get the candle display put in. Will leave all that till later. I am going out to meet Hazel this morning. Have not see each other face to face for ages. We chat lots during each day, however it's much better just sit together and chat.
    Tables look nice and all the goodies on display. Sue was in first today and got it all done.
    Right folks be good.
    Sue don't overdo all that ironing.
    Saba, thinking of you (((hugs)))
    I am leaving a basket of ((((((hugs)))))) by the door for you all to help yourselves.
    Be back later xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Another lovely sunny day-yesterday was sunshine all day so pottered in the greenhouse quite a bit.

    Sandra-your card is beautiful. I wish I could produce cards like this especially as I've lost my mojo. I finly finished the last 2 cards that my colleague ordered so for now anything I make will be for me. I had a tidy up in the craft room last night which usually inspires me to start a card but no such luck. I have a week off work soon so msybe I'll get started on some cards then.

    I see Sue Wilson is offering her usual giveaways when she showcases her new dies-the number of people commenting will go up again!!!


  5. Good morning Sandra & Ladies,

    Oh Sandra, a lady crafter after my own heart, who likes Peach!
    I adore this colour, so much it was my preferred colour choice when Pete & I were married. My wedding dress was in a rich brocade of peach, silver and a touch of green, with my daughters in peach bridesmaid dresses. I still have my bouquet of peach roses, ribbons with crystal stars on pearl stems.
    Oh, so your card really reaches out to me and touches my soul. I love your floral arrangements so much I might copy that but in a different colour way as I do not have any peach cardstock left and I need to finish a belated Thank You card for a special lady.

    Saba, it is always hard to say goodbye to family, it breaks your heart especially when its grandchildren too. Although you are leaving with a sad heart, remember the wonderful memories that you have left behind and the ones that you are taking with you.Safe journey my friend.

    Wendy, oh my poor dear, what a sad homecoming for you. I've said a little prayer for you and the families of the people you mentioned and for them also.

    Janet, welcome home. I shall miss your French pastries every day. Drooling now as chewing on a foam egg sweet, the only type of egg I can eat due to my allergy of egg whites and its products.

    However you are planing to spend your day, ENJOY it.
    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and Ladies. Oh Wow oh wow Sandra, your card is beautiful and as Sue says your trade mark floral arrangement is stunning. I just love it and it's lovely to see one of your cards, not that I don't enjoy the delights we are shown here it's just lovely to see your work too.
    Oh I think we are going to have some lovely clean sofas!!! That's down in the corners and sides? But ladies I think if we are going to get anywhere near the price they are asking for C&C we might have to go out singing!!! Now I for one can not sing? So it will be up to you others?
    Saba, as I said last night we will be here for when you get home and need to be cheered up. Sending special ((((((hugs)))))) for you today as I know you will be heavy hearted.
    Steph, I hope you didn't get cold yesterday and had a good day sales wise?
    For those of you who were busy gardening,cleaning etc yesterday, I hope you will just take it a little bit easier today. Give those musels and joins a rest!
    Sue, I know you hate to see that pile of ironing, but please take it easy, I learnt to just except that I couldn't do it 3 years ago and let others do some for me, when I could get back to doing it myself, I did what I could, when the pain started I stopped, and put everything away. The ironing can wait for those who cannot wait for something they can do it themselves!!.,
    For everyone else I haven't forgotten you? I have put (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket, I have enjoyed sitting and having my tea and toast, but I must go and get moving as Patricia has told you we are meeting in Perth this morning for a catch up. It's ok not going into work, but it does make me lazy. Right off to get in the shower. Will call back later to see what everyone is up to. Hazel x

  7. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    I'm sorry, I fell asleep really early last night so didn't get back to the cafe so must go and do a catch up . Sandra your card is so beautiful today, I don't think you have lost your mojo, I know what you mean though , you have an idea but it just doesn't flow and it takes ages to finish. This really is gorgeous and the flower arrangement is so pretty. One to be proud of. Well it is sunny here again, not the forecast rain so may do some more gardening. I need to walk I to the village to post a letter and visit the butcher so that will be this mornings job and then gardening this afternoon I think. I do need a craft day soon to make some cards for birthdays but the sunshine keeps calling me!
    Saba have a safe journey home and I know how emotional it will be for you but your husband will be so pleased to welcome you back home. You will leave behind lots of love and wonderful memories. We will be her for you when you need cheering up. Xxx
    Janet I know you are on the way home now so safe journey xxx
    Patricia and Hazel enjoy your day together xxx
    Mrs B take it easy with the ironing and only do what you can, I hate it piling up too but there's no point in tiring yourself out for the whole week just to get it done is there young lady ! Haha xxx
    Right it's time to get up and going , I have washed my tea cup up and have swept away the crumbs.
    See you all later
    Love Diane xxx

  8. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,
    WOW Sandra what a beautiful card I love how are you arrange flowers to compliment your designs. Anyone who received a beautiful card like this would be totally overwhelmed. I love it.

    Saba, I really feel for you saying goodbye, albeit temporary to your dear sister daughter and grandchildren be strong LOL. When I first grandchild was born over 19 years ago every time we left the house I would be in tears knowing how I would miss him, and they only live an hour and a half away by car!!!!

    Sandra, Sue has got the card you won as her card of the day.

    Sorry have to go – can't really stop for a coffee either, I'm going to my friends to get my hair done and then onto our daughters and then the school run. And in much later back home.
    Hope everyone has a good day will try to pop in sometime during the day.
    Love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

  9. Good Monday morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Wow Sandra you really have excelled with this really stunningly beautiful card your flowers are absolutely divine love, love, everything about this one.
    Oh please could I have a warming latte this morning we woke up to a really hard frost the lawns are white! We have sun at present although the forecast is for snow, yes snow, and it is almost May, so Patricia you just may need that fire on again hang onto those candles.
    Saba thinking of you and sending you hugs and cuddles, have a safe journey home.
    Sandra please don't stress yourself too much, yes set a goal but don't be too hard on yourself if you miss the goal. You have lots going for you here and at home with Paul and your wonderful family, and of course you always have us too, lots of people will envy what you have.
    Just heard on the news that two people from Keswick (just up the road a few miles from us) are safe and well they have both been on Everest so good to hear, one is a member of Keswick Mountain Rescue Team, who do such a brilliant job.
    Well must go and finish the cards I started last night one for my daughter's birthday and two a friend has asked for.
    My coffee was lovely warmed me up a treat thank you, money in the pot.
    My hugs and cuddles are over in the corner take as many as you need there are plenty more.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thanks Margaret, lovely to get some good news from Nepal! It will take a long time I think before they know just how many lives have been lost. Great to know two have been spared. Xx

    2. Fantastic, some good news from that disaster area.
      As Myra said I don't think they will ever get the true numbers who have lost three lives.

    3. Too late Margaret, the candles are in and they are not coming out till summer is over. I just could not leave it, did it before I went away to meet Hazel. Dont tell John but I am kind of sorry I was so hasty!!!
      Heating is on, house cosy but the fire would have been nice. xxx

    4. Patricia,
      I've always wanted to be able to do that! I think they look lovely and provide a lovely focal point when it's too hot for a fire. Our sitting has an " open fire" but we put a gas coal fire in it . It looks and feels great in winter and also is nice to have on cooler days when the heating isn't on . However I do like the candle fire! xx

    5. Hi Margaret that is good news, the pictures from Nepal are awful aren't they and I saw a video from base camp on the news yesterday, really frightening. Patricia just light the fire and stay warm, the candles can go on the mantelpiece for now! Xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, what a stunning card you have left for us this morning Sandra, the flowers are gorgeous, I have thought about trying to do a card a day but there is always something that gets in the road, and then the mojo goes.
    Saba have a safe journey home and plan you next trip back.
    It looks lovely outside but it is very cold, we are s unposed to have rain later, as long as it is not the hailstones we had yesterday, they made some noise hitting the windows.
    Off to tackle some more housework, will pop back later, coffe cup washed money in till, take care everyone, Jess x

  11. Help please, Sandra & ladies,

    Has anyone got the Sizzix Big Shot Plus? Got one 20% off.

    I have one to try out and I can't fathom out which order the plates need to be in for Spellbinders dies. I have tried the instructions in the Spellbinders packets, and they won't go through in the order that they say and have also tried leaving out plates, adding extra shims but my brain won't work anymore. I don't want to force them through in case I need to return the thing.

    1. Cheryl dear, does it have the extended multipurpose platform with it? xx

    2. Right Cheryl, I've been experimenting as I usually use my GC and not my Big Shot, but it all came back to me!!! I have the extended multi etc.etc. and I used a very fancy Tonic die.
      Platform on the bottom with all the layers closed together. Die, with cutting ridge up, card, then the two acrylic plates.
      Sometimes, if it doesn't cut perfectly, I put the platform, 1 acrylic plate, card, die cutting ridge down, then other acrylic plate.
      I hope this helps.

    3. Cheryl why not email Spellbinders and Big Shot better to be safe than sorry and you don't want to damage your precious dies. Good luck.

    4. It does have a large platform, haven't seen anything to extend it any longer, Maureen.
      Do you mean layers on top? Cos there is nothing to close it together although on the instruction sheet it does state extend or close tabs, but there is none. Will try what you say though and get back to you later.
      Margaret, I have emailed both companies, no response from either.
      Many thanks xxx

    5. I don't have one Cheryl, did look at it once before I bought, but is the platform not like a book with pages, is that not the reference to tabs, at one end of the platform.

    6. Just checked youtube, looks like lots of items there. Just type in your machine name.

  12. Hell Sandra,
    Oh this card is beautiful. I love peach and cream tones, actually I like most things!! Everything about it is gorgeous and the background with the stencil is inspired. I love it.
    Mrs. B, I hope you won't let the money you found change your lifestyle!!
    Patricia and Hazel have a lovely day together. I hope you don't lose your voices with all the talking!
    Michele, I wonder how many additional people will sign on to Sue's blog.
    Diane, it's a good job you let Hazel get away from the cafe before you swept up the crumbs.
    Brenda, good to see you are not Brendan today.
    Cheryl, your Wedding Dress and the colour scheme sounds beautiful. You have a lovely day today and just enjoy yourself xx
    Well, it's a lovely sunny day here today, George says it's a lot cooler but I'm always having hot flushes so I'm all right Jack!! It's not an age thing (hmm) I've always been like this. My father used to say "Our Maureen's overcome again!!)
    I'm at school this afternoon with the 7-8 year olds, I wonder what pleasures the Teacher has in store for me this afternoon, whatever it is I'll enjoy it, but housework this morning and maybe half an hour in the garden before I go in for 1 p.m.
    See you all later tonight. Whatever you're doing have a lovely day.
    Saba, I've left you until last to say that I'm thinking of you and hope that you leave Val in good spirits and optimistic. Love and prayers xx
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hope those 7 & 8 years olds manage to keep you unser control. xxx

    2. What happened to the letter o in your greeting to Sandra! I take it you were not ordering her to that place! Xxx

    3. Maureen, be thankful you weren't out in the Forrest here!!., Winter woolies still wouldn't have been enough. It's freezing. I hope your little ones has fun.. Hazel x

    4. Oh Muriel, I thought of you and this blog today when with the children! We finished making the MDF tealight holders and some look really pretty even if they haven't grasped the concept of less being more!! One little girl age 8 told me she was going to give hers to her Grandma as she lit a candle every night with her glass of Baileys! Direct quote! How I didn't laugh I'll never know!
      Heard that and thought of you! Xxx

  13. Morning all. What a beautiful sunny day, most unexpected as we were/are suppose to be brewing wintery hail showers with some thunder mixed in lol and its sooo lovely and.warm at the mo I cant see it getting so wintery (although appreciate this is the UK lol)
    OH MY WORD ! Amazingly exquiset (sp) ? Your.signature floral spray is just stunning Sandra, stunning. Love that die, since you cut down an 8x8 with that die to make a smaller card, Ive found it at perfect size to mount onto an 8x8 card so you have a card on a card, and they look sooo good. Well if you've lost your mojo and can create something as gorgeous as this, Id love to lose my mojo too, id probably come up with some beauties too - I wish!
    Well last market yesterday until July, I wont do May out of protest, last year as its the Summer Fair they charge 30.00 a table and I mean ONE table instead of my usual 3 so they can jog on this year, imagin how many cards Id have to sell to make my table money plus pocket money ? I only charge 3.50 for my 8x8 cards, so no way am.I doing May, plus its in a craft marque and last year May was cold and I froze to the spot. June, Andy has to pick up our grandog from kennels as Lou and Craig are going to London for their 1st anniversary, and obviously the kennel is in Yorkshire the market is in Lancs and he has to vacate his en-suite by 10am so its impossible to do market. But I dont mind as it gives me so much longer to do more cards and make a few 'changes' to my family and extended family add on sentiments : )
    Well, I'll send my love to you all and send hugs to you Saba, try and stay strong. Welcome home Janet, the sun is shinning down on you today : )
    Have a good day all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Quite right Steph ... £30 for a table is rediculous.
      A Marquee at any time is cold in my opinion.
      (((((Hugs))))) xxx

    2. Steph, they might just stop and think next year about charging that amount for a table? Yes all the stall holders need to do the same as yourself and just not go. Hazel x

    3. I've no idea what the going rate is Steph but £ 30 seems an awful lot to me. You would have to sell ten cards to break even! How many hours of work is that? No , well done you. If people vote with their feet perhaps they won't be so greedy next time. X

  14. Hi Sandra,
    Thank you, a really lovely card today in that lovely soft peach. The flowers are very pretty. I love the background!
    Well, I found a policeman down one of my sofas! He was made of Lego - keep calm! He has now gone back in the basket with his motorbike! I too found a wee bit of dust! No money at all - sure my husband checks for it !!
    It is gorgeous here again today and warmer than yesterday! My husband had his coffee outside - I couldn't as hair wasn't dry! He is currently cleaning the guttering on the Conservatory - that's my windows had it! Why does he do that the week after the window cleaners come?
    Janet and husband - safe travel home!
    Maureen - try to be good in school - please don't end up in the naughty corner!
    Have fun though.
    Sue - don't go mad and tire yourself out!
    Saba - my heart goes out to you today! Be thinking of you all day. Safe travel to Cheshire.
    Well it's craft club again today so better get a move on! Holiday next Monday though ! Yeh!
    See you later, all being well.
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Oh and enough stock for EVERYONE to at least 1 of what they want. xxx

  15. New Teal Grand Calibur has just arrived. :-)

  16. Right ladies, I have a question, let's just say Myra found £200 million in small change down the back of her sofa (well she does have posh guests )!
    What would you change on create and craft , who would you have demonstrating and presenting!?!

    1. There is a certain large lady I would remove from our screens! Or is she 'the owner' of the channel? To me it just seems like she is.

    2. Sue demonstrating with a presenter that will let her get on with things.
      I would like to see Sue make more that one card per show.

    3. No presenters, just the demonstrator, either on their own or with a colleague showing firm's products and then demoing more than one card. And a better giveaway, although I would love to have another one of Sue's, some of the others 'NO thank you'. (Some of the 'other' cards are cobbled together so quickly I don't think they survive being posted.)
      Other crafts, it would be nice for them to donate an item of theirs so that someone could 'road test' it and then give a report of what they thought.
      Am I picky on this subject? Hell, YES!

    4. My other condition has appeared under Myra's post. HOw that happened I don't know. Wonder of blogging. xxx

    5. I agree with Cheryl, no presenters, just like Sues videos.
      I can't stand Jackie, she really gets on my nerves, so her and Steph would be looking for a new job.

    6. I would get rid of the presenters too, or if that was not possible I agree with Brenda and would at least get rid of the one who acts as if she owns it !
      I think a format of either a one or two hour show of one crafter demoing with no interruptions then show a list of suppliers of the items used shown at at the end of the show for a short while. All shows would be available to go back and watch again at any time.
      A test show where viewers can ask for products to be tested on air so that we could see exactly what it is like, how to use it and also get other peoples reviews of it.......will come back with more if I think of any xx

    7. I would like to see some new presenters when they are needed as I feel some of those that do demo would not be happy without someone with them BUT and it is a big one they must shut up after introducing the products and let the people get on and do their demos. We do not need to know things from their personal life when they run out of things to say.
      When the people are doing their demo and explaining something the presenters must not talk at the same time it is so bad mannered and frustrating too.
      If small companies can offer free postage, why not C & C when the p&p is added to goods quite often it is cheaper to buy else where.
      If goods are ordered and don't arrive there should be a better system of sending out replacement orders and quickly not waiting weeks.
      Just like Cheryl I would like to see other crafts and yes I too am being picky and why not? Well I for one am sick and tired of telling the presenters to shut up!
      Mike Ashley the owner of Sports Direct could quite easily buy C & C and he has the money apparently he has a fortune of a few Billions! His shops always have plenty of bargains and good cheap prices! Perhaps our Maureen could have a word with him.

    8. I think Presenters aren't always necessary! Sue does her videos week after week without a Presenter. Sue knows all about the products she is using and the details go up on screen anyway! Maybe "ordinary crafters" could have a little say. There are lots of craft people like Joanna who would I'm sure contribute so much more if they were not asked to give such a huge percentage of profits.
      Have a CE Show lasting say 2 hours! Use demonstrations from more than one member of the CE team.
      I'm only using CE as an example - it could be Indigo Blu , AnnaMarie etc . etc. I don't think one hour is enough in its present format as too much time spent showing products.
      Phew! You did ask Sandra! Xxx

  17. Good afternoon dearest Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    Well i'm back although haven't managed to lift myself out of the downer i was on completely yet as i am just so upset at not being able to go in October that you guys have no idea just how upset and down it got me, but i am trying to behave myself and think that i will be able to go to the next one, i hope. I know i am just being silly as there will be some of us that can't get but..... awh well.
    I have a bit of a chilly day up here at my Ochils but at least it's not the promised snow which i am grateful for as the legs and feet don't quite agree with the pavements in that kind of weather. I am sure i don't know what it is but the legs always want to go in different directions from each other in that kind of a day.
    Sandra, what a beautiful card that you have made and the peach blossom of the flowers cascading down the side of the card is so pretty. I go through phases i think of the colour pallet between pink, lilac, peach and blue all in the soft colours though. I made a black, white and hint of red card for Ryan's fathers birthday which was quite a leap for me as i don't do black, but i'm not too good on male cards at anytime as i always feel they are bare and nudey with no lovely bits added. I too have some of that paste in clear though which when i can find my table that is lost under the contents of Devon Drive to be sorted through, i will give it a definite try flower as yours looks so lovely and not too much as in what some of the CE team do, but it wouldn't do if we all liked the same or made the same now would it?
    Saba flower, i hope that both you and your family have had that much needed boost while you have been "home" but i wish you safe journey back across the water to your other family. Has Val improved a lot with seeing her beloved sister as i do hope so. Take care dear friend on your travels and sending a load of cuddles and hugs to keep you safe on your journey.
    Janet, is that your time up already across at your little french riviera? Crikey, you would just be getting unpacked this time when it's time to come back. Take care on your road back across the channel and enjoy your hop.
    Well i'm finished Harry's blue shawl but need to wash and pin it and have started the 2nd of 3 that i need for July, but it is slow and steady as the fingers are objecting so much about all their ill treatment and here was me just giving them some exercise to keep them fit, Huh!!
    Well if no one has pinched my table i will see you all in the corner with the white shawl this time. Sandra flower, i think i will have a large latte and a cheese toastie today it being a bit nippy. I have brought my basket full of hugs and cuddles and they are a bit exciteable at the moment having been kept at home lately so watch you don't all get set upon by them :-)
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)
    Sandra a few of the lady presenters that drive me nuts x

    1. Well hello there my lovely,
      Your table has a vase of spring blossoms awaiting your return!
      Go sit down and make yourself at home xxxxx
      Hugest hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hello Norah It's lovely to have you back with us. We've been keeping your corner nice and tidy - just knew you would be back soon.
      I love the spring blossom Sandra left for you. Welcome back, and please remember we are all here for you.
      Sending you love and lots of hugs, Brenda XX

    3. Well, well, well, stranger, I was thinking you might have been abducted by some handsome young man who had whisked you off to the sunshine for the past month. Living in the the lap of luxury surrounded by servants dancing to your every whim. Oh! that for me would be a dream come true, well the sunshine part anyway, will pass on the young man. The one I have is fine, I really could do with feeling the warmth of the sun today.
      Good to have you back all the same.

    4. Hi Norah, Welcome back and just for you I'll let you have a Baileys from the new tanker that arrived this morning. Now who was it last night that suggested a drop of brandy on the top? Do you think that might be going a little too far - no, I don't either!!!!
      Don't be down. We are sure to have some more "get togethers" when The Boss thinks it's time. I'm saving for this one AND the next one already.
      Muriel xxxx

    5. Hi Norah,
      Oh you have been missed! Made my day to have you back with us! Please don't be down - we'll try to keep you up! Muriel is high enough for all of us mind you! I love her really , but just keep that to yourself!
      Was wondering about your lovely shawl , pleased you've finished it. Hope Kirsten is keeping well. Sending hugs. xxx

    6. Good to see you back Norah.x

    7. Have you tired your new CC ? Brenda. Hazel x

    8. Hi Norah, so good to see you back, we were a bit worried about you.
      Lots of hugs, Jess x

    9. WELCOME BACK NORAH : )) We have missed you so much. Your spot in the corner has been kept for you. It's just not thesame when you aren't in the cafe. It is a shame that you can't come in Oct. but there are going to be more meets so don't let it get you too down. Your hugs are all over the place, it is great fun when they jump on you and squeeze you tight as you sit down, thank you for bringing so many. A special hug back to you on your safe return to the cafe xx

    10. So lovely to see you again Norah. Have missed you loads and loads and loads. Have captured some of your hugs and cuddles, thank you lovely lady. Sending you some in return. xxx

    11. Well hello stranger lovely to see you, I too would love to have gone to Birmingham, but it just is not possible so you are not the only one not going so come on cheer up we will keep the café going when they are all away on their retreat. After all Norah someone has to be here to sign for Muriel's Baileys tanker!

    12. So good to see you back Norah you have been missed. I'm pleased you have finished Harry's shawl, I wished I could have made one for my little grandson who is also,Harry I can't beleave how quick the time has gone he will be one at the beging of June. I hope Kirsten is keeping well. Sending Big Big Hug's too you all. Take care love Lynda xx

    13. Hi Norah how lovely to have you back, you have been missed. We all kept your corner tidied and dusted for you. I'm sorry to hear you have been feeling so low, we are all here for you. I hope you didn't get snow in the end today, it turned so chilly down here this afternoon and that's in the sunny south. I'm looking forward to seeing your shawl Norah, you knit so beautifully. Look after yourself lovely lady. Love Diane xxx

    14. Hi NORAH
      Lovely to see you back in the fold so to speak. Don't be down about not being able to join us in October. I expect we'll have another one that you can come to. Glad that you've finished your shawl. They are gorgeous aren't they.

    15. Hi Norah, there is a baileys in the corner for you but be careful because it has a shot of brandy in it, you will have lovely sleep

  18. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. The irredescent paste looks lovely put on through the mask. I love the peach card, what a shame it's been discontinued. Love how you do your flowers. One day I'll get some and have a lesson on how to arrange them.
    My word Mrs B what time of day do you call that. Just after 6.00 in the morning. I didn't get up for work until 6.30 as I was trying to miss the horrific traffic jams going into Oxford. I've lived in Witney for over 29yrs and the talk was of a bypass into Oxford then. We're all still waiting for it to materialise.
    SABA how you gave a safe Journey home, try not to be sad at leaving but think of the lovely times you've had with Val and your family.

    1. Hi Pat, I didn't sleep well (nothing new there!) so thought I would pop in early and open up to give the other early risers a little lie in if they wanted it : ) xx

    2. Hi Mrs B
      You're probably in the land of nod now. But thanks for opening up for the early birds.

  19. Wow, Sandra, what a card. \have you ever worked as a florist, this is a professional floral display we have here.
    I never really think of using peach, but it is such a lovely colour, as you have shown us here.
    Norah, how good to see you back with us. I have missed your stories, have you started writing that book yet, Tales from Glenochil is it?
    I passed the message to my cousin last night about C&C for sale. She had a craft business which struggled with C&C's high commission. Her laugh was that perhaps the owner of Kanban would buy it, he has resurrected his business so many times.
    As to your question Sandra, despite removing the one we all complain about, also remove the one who thinks I have already bought the stock..."this is YOUR card stock and YOUR dies, etc" Not mine till I buy it honey! More demo's less updates. They only need to say, selling fast.
    OK, now who said the sun was shining with them? FYI, I have snowflakes, big ones and lots of them. Who sent me them? Can I return them, free of charge, please.
    Shivering in the cold and snow

  20. Janice ..... come on!!! I know you like to share BUT did I ASK for giant snowflakes??? Just cause you don't want them!! xxxx

    1. Waiting for Anna's bus and so far we have had hail stones and snow now rain? Who turn this weather on ???? Hazel x

    2. Oh, I'm nearly frightened to tell you, but here goes - stand well back everyone:-
      Janice, Patricia and Hazel - it's been lovely all day today and I've been in the Forest School with the children WITHOUT a woolly. We've been planting various veg in tubs and later in the week we will plant the rest of the veg in the allotment. It's to see whether they grow better in the tubs or allotment. The forest school - which is part of the school grounds - has bird hides, large pond for wild life (fenced off), bug hotels which the children have made, pizza oven specially built, and really too much to tell you, oh it's fabulous, so I've really enjoyed myself today. Since we came home though it has started to get windy and a bit of cloud cover has arrived. Just hope George gets his game of Bowls this evening as it's the 1st match of the season and he'll be as grumpy as hell if it's cancelled. I've even seen them playing with someone holding an umbrella over them!!
      Cheryl, there should have been two small clear acrylic plates with the platform, a bit like the cuttlebug plates.
      See you all later xxxx

    3. Your forest school sounds fab Maureen, ours was a in a little woods, not a purpose built thing!
      They used to take the children pond dipping etc,
      Don't you think children miss out these days though, we used to take our selves to the woods to build dens etc, we found a huge tin bath that we used to slide down the side of these really steep 'pit' in, hair raising stuff, we made this rope swing across what we called the elephant pit as it was a huge, deep pit (from past excavations for sand and gravel) m I remember waiting ages for my go and then letting go (stupidly ) half way across and I landed flat on my bum, to say I was winded was an understatement , these days they would have called an ambulance, we just got our selves up dusted ourselves off and run home!
      I am as much to blames as other mothers, I have never allowed my children to run off to a local woods to play, for fear of something happening to them, we have always taken them places and let them go off, maybe just out of sight, to do ax they pleased.,
      Sandra xxxx

    4. I know Sandra, if you'd seen the children this afternoon. They were running hell for leather around the paths in the forest school. They know not to leave the paths because of the swamps etc. but they got rid of so much energy before we sat and did our planting that they could barely lift the watering can at the end. They'll sleep tonight for sure, and no "Elf and Safety" in sight!!!
      I'm sorry but I had to laugh at you letting go half way across, that's the sort of thing I would have done! xxx

    5. Ouch,that must have hurt Sandra, but like you said we all did similar things. I'm sure our Mums would have had a fit at some of our antics, having talked to Mum and Dad about their childhood they did just the same though.
      It is our kids that have missed out. We didn't mind what they did in the large garden we had when they were small as it was a compromise of letting them try things out like we did but somewhere where we knew they were safe. They were left in peace and I wouldn't even go out to see what they were up to, so it sort of gave them freedom. All I do know is that our garden was always full of kids as no other parents would let them "spoil" their gardens! Funny but they never did any real damage, the flowers in the borders, apart from the odd football squashing them, always survived. Maybe because there were no do's and don'ts and we had already taught them to love and respect nature.
      And I must say Scouting lets them get to do things that they wouldn't get a chance to do otherwise these days but it doesn't get much good press!
      Right, I have been feeling rough all day but woke up about an hour ago feeling much better so I am going to make a start on the ironing. The washing and ironing (once the ironing board is up) are the two jobs that I still do (and enjoy doing, unless I am having a really bad flare up) I won't go mad though, I will stop once I've had enough tonight and will do some more tomorrow : ) xx

    6. No snow here, but it is certainly cold enough for it. Yet this morning brilliant warm sunshine.
      The Big Shot I have is the new A4 one, and there are two clear plates Maureen. Have had Utility Warehouse man in to discuss changing elec/gas suppliers this afternoon, which meant I didn't get to try out your suggestion, will try now I'm back in my craftroom. Have taken some more pics for Sandra. All finished except for photos pictures etc to go up on walls. xxxx

  21. Evening ladies, another place here with snow this afternoon, no big snowflakes Janice, its still snow, what the hell is happening to our weather, it is so cold like winter! Last week I got a bit sunburn sitting outside,
    Caught up with washing and ironing, so every thing is ready to sit and craft hopefully.
    Will try and pop back later, Jess x

  22. Evening Ladies

    Quick visit as I've just read all your comments so here goes..

    C&C tv should be run by Crafters for Crafters. No presenter should allowed to prattle on, in fact the presenter should only get 10 minutes to "sell" and the celebrity crafter will get the remaining time to make lots of cards for us to drool over & copy. Really famous (!) crafters should be forced to give cards away like Sue does. Can we get rid of Dawn Bibby-can't stand the woman??!!!

    What started out as a sunny day soon changed , had to scrape ice off the car windscreen, then very sunny. Went straight to blood donor appointment after work, out by 6pm snd it started to rain which turned into sleet!! Lazy tea-Tesco finest ready meal! Not many dishes to do so can sit & read now.


    1. Hi Michelle,
      As I came home I looked in Southport direction and there was a very dark cloud! It was still dry here! I said - "Michelle don't you be sending that rain cloud over here!" Well you didn't here me! We've got it but no hail so far. There is a very strange light here at the moment as the the sky is dark grey but the sun is shining on the kerria on the back wall! Weird effect. Relax and enjoy your evening! Xxx

    2. We also have the most beautiful rainbow! Xx

    3. Myra can I send you some of our rain and snow, I do like to share you know!

    4. You are so kind! We've had some rain but no snow! I haven't got an email address for you but I've sent a photo of the rainbow to Patricia! At least I think I have!
      Thank you soooo much for thinking of me! Xxx

    5. Myra, I got it and it is beautiful, thank you.

    6. Thanks! Got your reply! I was so excited I had to share it. Was sitting quietly in the Conservatory and looked up and saw it! Xx

    7. I shouldn't have been so pleased! We've just had a power cut! My husband was putting the bins out and I was halfway down the stairs with some cardboard boxes! Wow it was so dark! Now we have light again but microwave and oven clocks will need to be reset! Ugh! Xxx

  23. A nice mug of hot chocolate please, I need to get warm. Heating on but I am cold! Mainly my feet, ro that's what I get for wearing shoes when I was out today? I should have been sensible and put trousers on then I could have worn my boots. Was meant to be away with Charlie to a planning meeting, they want to build 43 houses in the field across from us. Now we aren't against houses being built, but they want to build two storey flats across from us and we live in a single storey cottage with our bedroom in the roof space and we have velux windows and the flats would be looking into the room. I decided Charlie could go on his own as its being held in the church hall which is very cold and I am cold enough as it is? So it's my job to do the dish washer and tidy the kitchen and due to Harris casing his coat I need to get the hoover out again, That hot chocolate was lovely, it's helped a bit but feet still cold I think I will go get a heat bag, see if that's the answer. Hazel x

    1. If Charlie has some thick work socks, put them on. I do, with heat savers, it warms my feet up a treat. Once my feet are warm then the rest of slowly starts to warm up. Right now though, I am in my PJ's with a thick fleecy dressing gown on. Toastie or what? xxx

    2. Thank you Cheryl, he has thermal ones and I will go put them on and I have one of Margaret's heat bags at my feet and I have got my slanket over me. I think my feet got so cold walking to get Beth, I won't make that mistake again. Hazel x

    3. Hazel I can sympathise with you and cold feet. If I go to bed with cold feet it takes me ages to get to sleep. I can't believe the change in weather you have all had, I would blame Patricia cleaning out her fire if I were you! Keep warm and toast, we don't want you going down with a cold xxx

  24. Hello Sandra and lovely café ladies
    Thank you for the lovely welcome back. The floral decorations, Sandra, on the card is gorgeous.
    I was at the funeral today, it was held in a wood. It was a humanist funeral which I have been at before, but this was slightly different, it was held in a wooden shed with lots of windows so you had a great views but thank goodness it was dry because approx100 folk had to stand outside we then followed the coffin which was put in the ground and tomorrow they plant a tree on top of it, no headstones so hopefully you would have to have a good sense of direction to remember where your tree is. It is in the middle of woods and it is called the wood of rest.All the cars, and there was a lot, were parked one after another nose to tail in every direction amongst the trees. There was no loos and waiting for the cars to maneuver out you would not have had to be desperate lol.
    Will try to pop in later
    love Wendy xx

    1. Hi Wendy welcome back. I was so sorry to hear your news yesterday, what an awful shock for you. The funeral sounds lovely and peaceful , I have been to a couple of forest funerals, it's surprising how quickly the trees grow up. My sister and I had to chuckle because last time we went we found my uncles tree and we knew the lady who was buried next to him- they would not have got on at all!
      Stay warm and make sure you have a relaxing day tomorrow. Love Diane xxx

  25. Hello Sandra and all our lovely ladies,
    Sandra your card today is absolutely gorgeous. You are the queen of floral arrangements. I love it. I could never hope to recreate what you have done and as for only taking a couple of hours, well, it would have taken me days and I still wouldn't have been able to get them looking anything like yours.

    Ladies, I think there has been a little bit of confusion. Thank you so much to all of you for your good wishes and messages of support. However, I have only travelled as far as my younger daughters home today in Cheshire. It has meant saying goodbye to my other daughter and 2 of my grandchildren and to my wonderful brave sister and yes that was awful and I am so grateful for all your thoughts, but I won't actually be leaving for Germany until Saturday. I will now be enjoying Oliver's antics for the rest of this week!!

    Norah, so good to have you back with us. We have missed you.
    Wendy hope today was not too hard for you. My best friends mum had a similar funeral and when we visited her tree a few weeks later we spent quite a bit if time trying to find it. Heide my friend has the most terrible sense of direction and thankfully she saw the funny side of it.
    Dinner is being served by my lovely son in law so I'll say bye for now.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Oh! heck, my long post has gone into cyber space.
      Will start again ...... I did realise you were just moving on rather than going home.
      I know you will have found it hard leaving Val, your daughter and Grandchildren, it always is, especially Val.
      When I was sitting opposite Hazel today I was so thankful she was there. 3 years ago just now, operation just done, Chemo and Radio Therapy I looming. She was so blooming positive and determined to fight that big "c" and by great she did. Lots of hard days of being tired, sick and just feeling terrible but that's all in the past. I still have my sister and she's well.
      Enjoy your time with Oliver
      Sending you some (((((hugs)))))
      Patricia xxx

    2. I, too, knew you were going to Cheshire ! I'm sure Oliver was thrilled to see Grandma! I'm sure you've had a lovely dinner and read bedtime stories, not necessarily in that order! Will be in touch. Chin up my Friend! Lots of love Myra xxx

    3. Hi Saba so pleased you have had such a wonderful time with your family & your really brave sister,she is always in my thoughts & prayers. Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday with your youngest daughter son-in-law & grandson.make more wonderful memories. Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    4. I thought I must have misunderstood you so I'm pleased you're here for a little while longer. I bet you spoil Oliver rotten, I know I would (as well as Ava and oh I've forgotton, sorry, your other grandson). Val will have got such a lift at seeing you and I'm sure she will feel more positive. You know you have my thoughts and prayers.
      Wendy, it was you who suggested of having Brandy on top of the Baileys, what a brilliant idea and the order for a tanker full has been sent!! You get lots of Brownie points for that.
      Actually Wendy, it sounds quite a nice funeral, if there can be such a thing, and I'm glad it went well for you.
      Cheryl, you are so posh. You have an A4 Big Shot, mine is the ordinary one, I didn't know that they made an A4 model. I must admit when I used mine today to try it again for you, it was lovely and smooth, and the plates just glided through. Only drawback was that it isn't A4.
      Patricia and Hazel, I hope you enjoyed your get together today.
      I'll just give a quick wipe down of the benches, the dishwasher is stacked, I've personally emptied the drinks bottles, hic, and I've swept the floor. No sign of Maria yet, and the late stay uppers will be in so I'll put the key on the hook for them.
      Oh, oh, he's making noises so I'll have to go.
      See you all in the morning, night night and sweet dreams.
      Muriel xx

    5. I'm not posh Maureen, more like down to earth, say what I think and All That Jazz.
      I went for the bigger A4 model so I could cut more things out in one go.That's why Sue sold me the Grand Caliber on its launch over here. I couldn't see the point in having a small machine,the bigger the better. xxx

    6. That is why I went for the GC because I have the small big shot, but saying that if it is a smaller die I think the big shot is a better machine

  26. Hello Sandra & all ladies in the cafe,
    Sandra sorry so late iv had a migraine today & my neck has been so painful so I took myself too bed & got up about 9pm just watched the Safe House on ITV. 6 part serial. Your card is so beautiful Sandra love the colours that peach card is so pretty must get some of that. Your flower spray is gorgeous love it all. I send Sue an Email yesterday showing her my card I put on my blog yesterday & the red 70th one both using the weaving die's. Bless her she answered today saying she loved them both,so that cheered me up. I agree that C&C should let the crafters do more demo's & just have the last 10mins at the end giving out the stock updates & order numbers with NO P&P.
    Well OH has just made me a cuppa,then I'm back to bed Love &Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Sorry about the migraine Lynda! They are horrid! Hope you sleep well and are much better tomorrow! Sending you lots of love , Myra xxx

    2. Sleep tight Lynda I hope you feel better tomorrow xxx

    3. Sleep well tonight Lynda, hope the migraine's gone by tomorrow. xxx

    4. Oh Lynda, poor you, I hope you get a good nights sleep and wake up and the migraine has gone. You really have my sympathy I suffered them for years, even when they have gone you end up feeling totally washed out. So appreciate how tou feel.
      Take care, Sleep well LOL xxx

  27. Muriel can we afford a tanker of Baileys and another one of Brandy? Were not going to buy C&C at this rate are we! Lol.
    Must try that concoction soon, it's probably a Friday night drink!!!
    See you tomorrow sleep well xxx

    1. Make sure you put the brandy on top of the baileys . And enjoy xx

  28. Good night ladies, pleasant sleep and sweet dreams.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  29. Hi Maureen
    Your forest school sounds fantastic. We have a small pond at our school plus we make bug houses and hedgehog runs. We often take the children to hill end camp. Where they hunt for clues to make up different animals. They also make fires and whittle wood. Plus lots of other things. The also bug hunt and go pond dipping. They amused themselves while pond dipping by dropping their nets into the pond. Guess who had to fish it out, yes you guessed it yours truly. It was the blacklist pond you could see. Goos job I could go and wash my hands afterwards as we sat in there hall and had our lunch.

  30. Started two cards today with the weaving dies but am now waiting for the Noble classic square die to make a frame. I am trying them out for the craft sessions my friend and I are going to run for about 12 ladies in a few weeks time. Have tried putting both dies together and also one with just the classic die. As they haven't done crafting before I think perhaps the classic die one might be best. Perhaps try the other one an other time. The new GC is cutting well I am pleased to say so can try all my new dies now. Spent the afternoon gardening. Filled the recycling bin and enough to fill it again. They will collect it Thursday. No sign or sound from the foxes today thank goodness. If they had appeared I would have gone indoors quick.
    Well think it's time for bed now so I will make a hot chocolate and take my pills. Iron, calcium and statin this time. See you all tomorrow.

  31. Hi Sandra and well I might be talking to myself here but didn't want to go to bed before saying how much I like your card , yesterday's hihi
    The colour is nice and I'm getting better towards these lighter ones, however I have cards and papers to last me a while and no money since AP left oops so it will have to wait. You are amazing putting the die cut together and also with your flowers, wonder what you are using to make sure they stay on ?
    So nice to see you back Norah, you have been very much missed and I'm glad you feeling up to be joining us again. Are Rory doing well and how is Kerstin's baby bump ? you must be looking forward to become a grandmother or is it nanna ? Love to see the blue shawl as the others were beautiful.
    Saba, you have a great time of what you got here in old blighty before going 'home', they must miss you there too.
    Maureen, your day in the woods with the children sound really nice. Loved it when we took the children out for the day ,running and playing freely with no worries, they were great days out.
    Mrs B ,hope you will be feeling better today and you Lynda hope you both had a good night.
    Toast and hot chocolate finished, must be lunch time somewhere lol
    Everything put away and I left the key in it's normal place,
    Love and hugs to you Sandra and to the rest of you lovely ' ladies '
    Maria xx
