
Tuesday 28 April 2015

A Male Duo from Maureen

 Good Morning Ladies,
Today we have 2 male cards from Maureen, they are like buses eh? you hardly see any and then
two at once, only our Maureen could pull two male cards out of the hat at once!
This first one has real character with his socks falling down, great for any young man!

This second card is just Fantastic, so funny. I bet Ray loved this card when he opened it!
This is the one thing that you can't get from shop bought cards, its that 'wow' factor,
people always really appreciate a personal touch don't they, you have got so much texture into
the card Maureen with that background stamp and the wood effect embossing folder gives the 'Wanted' poster the realistic look!
Thank you Maureen for sharing both of these fabulous cards, you are clearly very talented!
Please send me photos of the four cards you made at the weekend too!
Well sadly we still haven't managed to gather together enough loose change to for the big buy out!
Just think of how much better it could have been, we could have had all the greats, and they must be great because we all share the same view, we all seem to get tired and bored of the same things too!
Saba, enjoy the rest of your week in Cheshire (very posh) maybe you can have a dig down the back of your daughters sofa for our 'take over' fund! Lucky Myra found a Policeman down the back of hers! All that I found were a couple of old cashew nuts, a Hazelnut still in shell, clearly used as a missile at some point! A few bits of die cut waste and some cat hairs! I think a 'spring clean' is on the agenda!
Well I had one of those 'get nothing done' days today, I was busy all afternoon but achieved very little.  I think that today will be spent in my craft room.
Love and hugs,


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Two great cards on show today. The first one could be done for any football loving boy! You could even colour it in there team colours. Maureen your one for Ray is fantastic? You have captured the wanted poster on a tree look really well. Lots of texture in this card,which is often hard to get on a mans card.
    Well seeing how I am first in, I'd better get this place set up and looking pretty? Tablecloths and flowers done and again will the person that plays with the sugar packets STOP doing it, it brings down the tone of the place! Urn on and coffee machine ready for use.
    Well Harris got it wrong this morning, he woke me up, but I am not going into work. Anna has the dentist and mum is taking her so she will do the school run.
    Which is fine with me, especially as I have my BP being checked this morning, nothing exciting on the cards for e today? Just the usually chores, and looking at the weather I don't even think I will bother putting any washing on. We haven't had a frost, thank goodness after what we had yesterday that would just cause mayhem?
    I see Norah has returned from her world cruise? She would have been better staying here having fun with us! We would have pulled you out of the doldrums better than going away? All you have to say is " I am down" pull me up again, it would have been all hands on deck. Now I would have made sure no drink was on the go, this lot are getting worse a bit like the groups of teenagers that hang around all sharing the drink they have? Imagine mixing .baileys and Brandy??., Thought of baileys is enough for me,,it's ok in Patricia's truffles but not to drink!!!
    I see Brenda ( littlelamb) must have been having great fun with her new Teal GC last night as she didn't call in, how did get on with it Brenda???
    Janet and hope your jounrey home was uneventful, and you aren't to sore from sitting In the car so long!
    Wendy, these type of funerals seem to be getting more common?
    Cheryl, feet nice a warm again, I will be making sure that doesn't happen again,I should no better that I can't let my hands and feet get that cold? All because I wanted to wear a skirt that boits wouldn't go with- pride is ok. But at a cost!
    Oh well that's me finished my tea and I had a lovely toasted teacake today, will be back to see what everyone is up to.
    Oh can I ask a question, seeing it's now only 186 sleeps till the retreat? What sort of crafty things do you want do while we there??? Please give your ideas, then we can plan what needs bringing with us. Hazel x

  2. That's boots wouldn't go with. New I pad should be here today, then I will have to sweet talk SIL to transferr things off here on to it. As long as he doesn't transferr the bit that wants to do its own thing!!! Then again I should have checked better. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel, I hope your "boots were made for walking" they would have been much better for your feet and blow what they look like with a skirt! Did you see Nancy Sinatra on the one show last night? So much Botox she could hardly move her face but they showed her signing that song many years ago! Keep warm today. Love Diane xxx

    2. Signing her song? I didn't know she could do that Diane, very clever lady, perhaps it is all that Botox she's had. xxx

    3. Hiya,
      I'm being silly now (lack of sleep) boits I thought were like a brand name on shoes up north so didn't see it as a spelling hiccup but SIL is that a transvestite or dragqueen ? Not very good with all these abbreviations hihi or lol !
      I was in early this morning but promise it wasn't me for the sugar everywhere....... xx

    4. Oh Cheryl that will teach me to read before I press publish! Lol xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Gang, hope you are all TicketyBoo and looking forward to the day. Sunshine here "at the moment" thick snow on my hills again.
    MAUREEN:- your cards are brilliant, 1st one perfect for our Robert who spends most of his time kicking a football. 2nd one Oh! My! Word! that's fantastic. Love, love,love it and I bet Ray did as well. Really must try to keep that design in mind.

    1. Ooooppps!! pressed the wrong button.
      See my sister has been in setting everything up, she not bad at it either is she??
      Brenda (Littlelamb) hope you have had fun with your new GC. I find the Teal one so much better.
      Off to meet a friend for coffee this morning. I pick her up, today we will try the new place in Meigle. There already is a very busy Coffee Shop, and ladies if you saw Meigle, nothing there apart from a Spar and a Pub/Hotel. It is a very busy junction with lots of passing traffic so I suppose that's the reason it could stand 2 eateries.
      Right I a off todo a few "household" thugs I did not get done in my Monday cleaning routine ...... I skipped off early to meet my sister. She's more important than the cleaning that's for sure.
      Be back later to see what you are all getting up to.
      Cup and plate washed, money in the pot ...... Sis, not guilty with the sugar wrappers "honest" I know I usually do play with wrappers, not me this time!!?
      Left my basket of (((((hugs))))) by the door as usual. xxx

    2. What do your household thugs do, make things better or worse?

    3. Get things done quicker those "thugs" keep chasing me to do "things".........!!! xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Maureen-two great cards for tricky customers= men!

    Quick visit today as am running late( no idea why) & need to dry my hair +sort out my lunch.

    Will pop back in after work sometime.


  5. Is it just me or is the Craft World going crazy??
    I don't watch C&C, I do click occasionally to see what's on offer. Every time in the past few days/weeks they are selling Bundles. Today it's Tonic who have bundles. Last week it was, Card and paper, Dies, or whatever and the prices are just ridiculous really ridiculous.......or is it "really" just me??? xxx

    1. No, it's not you Pat. I have been dipping in and out of C&C to watch what's going on the last week and that's all they are concerned about these days. Bundles of money. Never mind selling up for £200 million, they must be making millions. xxx

    2. No, it's not you Pat. I have been dipping in and out of C&C to watch what's going on the last week and that's all they are concerned about these days. Bundles of money. Never mind selling up for £200 million, they must be making millions. xxx

    3. Janet Ecco of Sheffield28 April 2015 at 09:01

      No it's definitely not you Patricia - I cannot remember the last time I sat and watched a whole show -except when Sue is on-. They have changed beyond all recognition over the last nine years I've been a member - I joined when I retired - but will not be renewing membership this year. I just cannot get on with the presenters and like you and many more crafters we all work to a budget and that doesn't mean we have hundreds of pounds to spend each week on our hobbies. There's only one thing they care about 'money'. How can they quote their mission statement about Family, Friendship and Fun.
      OK soap box back in the cupboard until the next time.

    4. Unless it is Sue, I watch bits on my computer on catchup. That way I can fast forward the presenters and just watch demo's. Haven't been a member or bought from them for a couple of years now after an unresolved argument.

    5. Most definitely not you Patricia so don't you worry instead of their motto being Family Friendship and Fun it has changed to We Take, You Give. That song money, money, money, it's a rich man's world springs to mind!
      I have a quick flick to see what is on, with the exception of watching Sue Wilson I cannot remember the last time I watched a full programme.
      Please don't you worry you are not alone in your thoughts.

    6. Have not watched a full C+C program for ages unless it is our Sue or Julia but even then I record so can jump over all the drool about selling and how many percent are gone, who cares !
      During my spring clean I went down deep into the back and armrest of the sofas and not one penny I'm afraid so robbing a bank might be more fruitful, the interest for a loan I think would be too high. xx

    7. It's defently not you Patrica, I haven't watched c&c for ages & only watch when Sue is on. I haven't renewed my membership for the last two years.As you say Margaret it's a rich mans world very way could I afford the bundal prices. I had a dig down the sofa & just a couple of dog biscuits.haha xxx

    8. No Patricia,
      Definitely not just you! I cannot for the life of me understand who buys all these huge bundles! As you say it is several bundles a week! Where do they store them, when do they use them, why do they need or want so many!
      I love Sue's Dies but I don't either love or want all of them.
      Hey ho! It's a strange world.
      We are the only sane people in it you know! Xxx

    9. Don't encourage Muriel to rob a bank, look at the mischief she got up to when you went to Ally Pally, she's still got those diamonds tucked up her knicker leg! Xxx

  6. Janet Ecco of Sheffield28 April 2015 at 08:17

    Morning Everyone - Oh how nice it is to be back and doesn't the cafe look lovely. Thank you Hazel it's a lovely start to my hectic first day back. Hair dresser this morning, Knit and Nat this afternoon to catch up on all thats happened in the last four weeks and then tomorrow the 2nd half of my MOT which couldn't be fitted in before I went off. (and before anyone says anything you know what I mean lol).
    You all know how I love my little bit of France but I've really missed popping into see you all. It just doesn't seem the same looking in from cyberspace. It's like looking in shop windows and seeing something you'd love to buy but just cannot get in to do so. Sandra you really don't know what a fantastic thing you've done setting this wonderful cafe up.

    We had two good journeys and the crossing was like a milk pond (how does anyone know what a milk pond should be like. Has anyone seen a milk pond?) and it really does make a difference driving up from Dover in day light all the way. I know I don't drive these days but it really is a benefit for Jim.
    Well did I see that Norah has returned from her cruise? I must find some time to look at Sunday and yesterday's writings.
    OK must move now to start sorting crafting pieces as I craft in the dining room and although I'm not ultra tidy I cannot stand to see things out of place around my CS. as these things are so precious to me and need care and attention and then pack my bag for this afternoon.
    Latte had and cleared away - oh by the way I also don't like people playing with packets etc on the table.
    have a good day everyone; hugs in the basket.
    Janet xxxx

    1. Janet, I don't like contradicting people but is the saying not 'like a mill pond'. Sorry Jess x

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Janet Ecco of Sheffield28 April 2015 at 08:22

    Hello it's me again - what must you think of me Maureen in not commenting on your fantastic cards. If I'm like this now heaven only knows how I'm going to be by tea time.
    Maureen both your cards are just the ticket. I love the little one playing football and how many times do we need just a card like this. Ray must have been so proud to receive such a card and yes you just cannot get a card like this in any shop. Just love both of them.
    Janet xxxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Maureen what wonderful cards today, the first one is just right for so many little boys, love the image but thought he should be in black and white for Newcastle colours! The second card is wonderful, don't tell me, it's for a friends husband or one of George's pals. Love the way you have made it. I bet it made him laugh when he opened it. Love it. Thank you for sharing them both with us. Xxx
    Well it turned quite cold yesterday afternoon. I was chatting to my neighbour yesterday at lunchtime, she was cutting her back grass and I was pegging load no 2 out on the line after my walk to the village. I was going to start weeding the front garden and she was going to cut the front grass but the clouds were building up. We both went off to have lunch and by the time I had eaten and neighbours had finished ( I know guilty pleasure!) it was cold and gloomy so I did the ironing instead watching recorded Sue shows. We've got bright sunshine again today so I must get on with this weeding. Julian has gone dashing off to London for the rest of the week, found out at 5pm he was going to be there for the next two weeks, good thing I was organised with the washing and ironing otherwise he would have been calling at M&S on the way! He's getting really fed up with this site now, the hotel isn't good and the food is very limited so it gets boring being away. The trouble is the client knows he does a good job so they always want him on site! Ho hum. Must be thankful though because at least he has a job and he will be home at the weekend again. Right soapbox away, cup washed up time for a quick tidy before I find my gardening trousers.
    I had to laugh, was it Myra who found the policeman down the back of the couch? I had visions of a 6foot policeman unfolding himself from the sofa cushions a bit like the Genie in Aladin! I did have a clear out in mine a couple of months ago when we move it round the room, several paper clips bits of paper and a couple of malteesers! Lovely. We used to get quite rich with our old sofa, it was quite low and helped to tip the loose change out of pockets really well! Cleaners perks I used to call it. Right must go, see you all later. Love Diane xxx

  9. Good morning one and all,

    Overslept this morning and now all in a tither. I love going shopping as early as possible when there's hardly anyone around, I still don't do crowds, but looks like I will be there just after the school run. I've put on so much weight since my two bouts of cancer and have practically lived in trousers the last couple of years, I haven't got anything that fits me for Jan's funeral on Thursday. There is no dress code so I don't even know what to buy. Off to Matalan I go.

    Maureen, my dear heart, your cards are positively perfect for the boys/men in our lives. Who doesn't know any lad that doesn't like football? And the wanted poster?, I know so many men would have a big chuckle to receive a card like that.
    Have tried cutting Spellbinders the way you and Sandra have told me, no luck I'm afraid. I'm now seriously thinking of sending it back. I don't want to go the added expense of buying Sizzix dies for it. Still no emails back from them or Spellbinders so I've given it a 'shot' but no thanks.

    And now we have a hailstorm, so guess where I'm staying for the moment? That's right, in my craftroom.
    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl I know that feeling about nothing fits! Yes I am the same put weight on and can't shift it, I think that's why yesterday I just wanted to wear a skirt and not trousers!!! Then I stop and think at least I am here so does it really matter having that bit of extra weight to deal with? No not really, but as I said I know how you feel? Here's hopeing you find something! Sorry to that you aren t getting in with your machine nothing worse. Hazel x

    2. Don't give up on your big shot, I just have the ordinary one and it s the best ,better than the GC which I also have. I put clear plastic plate , then die face down on card, then other plastic plate and put the whole lot onto the white thick plastic base, I also have a solo shim to use if I need it but a sheet of card would be as good.

    3. Cheryl flower its that darn washing machines fault as it shrunk all your clothes when you weren't looking. Well that's my story and excuse and I'm sticking to it as I put on nearly 3stones with the DWP getting rid of me and sending me off to retire on medical grounds. It does get me down but I could be a lot worse flower and you are the same only you have had a tougher fight than me so just love your more curvacious, voluptuous body. Xx

  10. Janet Ecco of Sheffield28 April 2015 at 08:42

    It's me again - I feel like a yo yo this morning but I've just read Norah's hello from yesterday and I've just got to add mine WELCOME HOME to our lovely Norah.
    I've missed you young lady; you had me worried there but all is well now you're back. I tried tracking you via cyberspace these last couple of weeks but couldn't find you. Take care. Hugs for your beautiful self and your two lovely 'youngsters'.
    Janet xxxx

  11. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,
    Will we have a lovely sunny morning today just hope it lasts, at least I'm enough to get the washing dry anyway.
    Maureen, I love your cards, what little boy wouldn't love the first one (and some big ones) and it could be customised to there team. LOVE The second one this one is so personal any recipient would be more than delighted, yes this one has to go to the top of the list. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    I must make sometime today to go into my craftroom, I just haven't found the Mojo, Inspiration call it what you like it seems to have flown out of the window, to do anything lately, just seem to find myself feeling permanently tired.
    Hope you all have a lovely day,
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  12. Good morning dearest Sandra and all the wonderful coffee shop regulars,
    Maureen i just love your wee boy card although have to say that if he had long hair that would be me with the socks half roads up, half roads down as i was more often to be found with my boy cousins than i ever was playing with stupid dolls as they were boring. I even got bored with Tiny Tears as all she did was wet herself and cause puddles on the floor, oh aye a bit like some of our regulars before Ms Tena came along. I bet "Sparky" alias brother Ray had a laugh at his card that you made for him, it's brilliant flower and with so much fun attached. Thank you Maureen for giving us the impossible people today and showing us some brilliant examples of work for them.
    Mum got a letter in yesterday from the electrol officer saying that they see she must have moved address and for her to contact them with her new address. Well i have just called them up giving them said new address as "75, New Section, Bannockburn Cemetery" to which the lady asked for the postcode. I repeated the address to her until the penny finally dropped and did tell her i didn't think mum would mind me giving them her new address but they might not get an answer from her somehow. "Oh" the woman says, we are normally notified about that but she will make sure it is recorded now. I'll tell you the council are unbelievable some times as the left hand doesn't tell the right hand what it's doing. Wait till i tell mum on my next trip up there, her and dad will be rolling in their graves as i inherited their very warped sense of humour ;-))
    THANK YOU to all the very special friends that you lot are, you build me up when i cannot get up there and keep me going. This is Angels Cafe i have decided because it is only the most beautiful of Angels that come and do so much good that they don't even know they are doing it, so thank you each and every one of you special people.
    Going to Rory's last review meeting at school this morning which feels so strange as unlike when Kirsten was a school i didn't need to battle for her, with Rory it has been a big part of my life and it means that not only does he finish school but i have no useful purpose at it anymore either. I don't know if they will be glad to see the back of this mother or not as i have been involved with so many different committees, peer groups(HA HA), interviews for the right staff etc, it's going to be mighty strange somehow.
    Anyway i will go into my corner with my cuppa and knitting and see you comes stoatin' through the door from last nights frolics. Excuse the basket full of hugs and cuddles but they are excited encase they stay home again and they just love to jump into a pair of welcoming arms,
    so love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Norah, you are so delightful with your little stories and I creased up reading Mum's new address. I still have phone calls asking for Pete. With a very straight voice I ask them to hold the line while I see if he's available. When I 'come back' I tell them "If you have a direct line to God up ion Heaven, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you talk to Pete today". That totally floors them and they get so flustered trying to aplogise!
      Similar happened from the DVLA, Pete had letter addressed to him, 4 months after he had passed, saying if he didn't pay his insurance he would be fined £60 and 6 penalty points.
      My responding letter was "Pete's new address is..
      Mr Peter William Brown
      c/o God
      Please be advised that he has no money up there so he still won't be able to pay your fine and I have checked with Pete's Insurance Company and they have assured me that they DO NOT insure deceased persons".
      I've never heard back from them, I don't know why?
      I have many other stories like that one, will tell you them sometime.

    2. Cheryl, that was a brilliant response. I am so surprised you have not heard back from them.......!!! xxx

    3. Excellent response Cheryl - but no one should have to put up with these things at a difficult time! I had the same when my Mum and Dad passed away. Xxx

    4. Cheryl I love that response, really made me laugh.
      When my mother died I was executor. The bank issued me with cheque-book to pay any expenses. The undertaker Offered a discount if I could pay upfront. Not a problem. I wrote out the cheque and thought that was that. A few days before the funeral I had a phone call from the undertakes to say the cheque had bounced. Bank hadn't transferred her money into executor account !!!!! My initial reaction would be unprintable. Fortunately the undertaker was very understanding. LOL Brenda xx

    5. Oh ladies, I Love your responses to these silly folk, do they not talk to one another? Hazel x

    6. Had lots of phone calks like that. One was trying to see shares and asked to speak to partner. Said his colleague had spoken to him several weeks before. He had been dead at least 6 months. I said well he was very lucky then. Perhaps he could pass on a message for me in Heaven. He didn't know what to say. They think we will believe anything.

    7. Love your responses to these unfortunately phone calls and maybe e-mails too

    8. Norah and Cheryl what wonderful responses to these people, I hope they apologised to you! Xxx

  13. Morning everyone
    Maureen your cards are fantastic, the little boy one is lovely, and the wanted one really looks fun, I bet the recipient loved it.
    Just a quick coffee for me today, as I have made a promise to myself today to get cards made!!
    Norah great to see you back, will catch up later, take care Jess x

  14. Just had an email to show that Tattered Lace have a new range of dies that are 3D, shoes, bags and cars, coincidence or what.
    Not a patch on Izzy's bags though.
    Jess x

  15. Hello Sandra,
    Well, what a shock to see these. I'm in a mad dash, got lots to do so I haven't read any of your blog yet, will read it after tea tonight. But here's a quick run down.
    Boys card is super because although it has the number three on the boys football shirt, I block it out, then after I've stamped the boy on the card, I add his age as the number. I also use my alphabet dies and put his name on the top of the card, and 7 TODAY (or however old he is). The stamp is Nostalgia by John Byars.
    My brother's card - which he did enjoy, and one of the few he has commented on -is done with a stamp set from Creative Stamping. He still runs his own business at the age of 77 and although he was an electrician, his company does commercial work installing computer and telephone systems. He is trying to slow down though and only goes in 5 days a week!!!
    Sunny here but biting cold winds, stronger than winds really, so much for my saying how lovely it was yesterday.
    I've just hung the washing out and can hardly feel my hands or feet, so I'm jumping into the shower, getting ready and meeting my friend Ann, as usual on a Tuesday, although she's just recovered from Shingles so I haven't seen her for 3 weeks.
    Will read what you have to say after tea tonight. Have a good day all.
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. Muriel, my daddy always said in the last 3years before he went walking up that staircase and forgot to come back that he only worked part time....7:00-16:00, 7 days a week. I bet he did more hours in his part time mode than a lot of people do in their full time mode, but having said that he didn't stay around even a year from him starting at the doctors so maybe it did keep him going. Let young Sparky enjoy his part time work as it keeps them out of trouble and away from telly plookers that they fiddle with jumping from one channel to another.

  16. That should read that I put his age TODAY on the bottom of the card XX

  17. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh a large latte please it is really cold this morning our fells have a really good covering of snow although the sun is out it is still very chilly. That coffee is exceptionally good this morning thank you my money is in the pot.
    Maureen wow, two fantastic cards not only fantastic, but inspirational too, love both of them I can think of several men I can make the wanted poster card for, thank you so much for such a great idea, hope you don't mind if I adapt it.
    Janet you talk about a milk pond, we always used to say 'as calm as a mill pond as water mills used to have a pond with them to power the mill and they were usually calm except for the ducks. We visited one in Derbyshire that was still working, I was delighted to see all the ducks and they had some fantastic flours they had ground for sale even flour for making French bread! Boy was the car loaded down when we came home.
    Well my friend was delighted with the two cards I made her and I have even got my daughter's card finished, but what a mess with all those little bits from my dies, come on Mr Dyson do your stuff!
    So pleased to see you looking all cheery Norah keep smiling sweetheart.
    Cheryl don't forget Spellbinders are on a different time scale to us they may still reply. Good luck with your shopping but trousers are acceptable these days for funerals if all else fails, don't worry. I was at a funeral not long ago and someone was wearing jeans, now that in my book is not acceptable for such an occasion.
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing, I will try and pop in later, my hugs and cuddles are in the corner just help yourselves there are plenty more
    Margaret xxx .

    1. Sorry Margaret I am very old fashioned when it comes to dressing for a funeral in that I wear black and white Normally a skirt and blouse and don't laugh but my small paten heels which can prove to be my undoing on many an occasion but to me I just don't feel properly dressed in anything else, sorry me being a snob but I do have a had time when they decide that they want colour to be worn so have got around that one wearing purple(the old fashioned mourning colour)

  18. All well with the BP , thank goodness can get on and Rush around again? Myra SIL. Stands for son-inlaw. Margaret you are lucky you could buy the flour from the mill, our mill isn't allowed to sell only show how it's ground etc. more the pity, health and safety again. Oh I agree Jeans are a no, no to wear at a funnersl, then again I have seen them worn at weddings too. Yes dress code has gone??? Hazel x

    1. Glad your BP ( British petroleum) is fine but still take it easy, have heard they can sometimes self combust if not careful, hihi
      Thanks for sorting me out reg. SIL, Only thought it was sister-in-law,doh!
      Jeans at a wedding or funeral, not on your Nelly! xx

    2. Patricia and I were just saying yesterday, we hope we are not expected to wear evening gowns for dinner at the retreat??? They just take up to much room in the case!!. Only my joking!!! I wouldnt know what one to choose? Seeing I don't have any it would be hard? Hazel x

    3. I do hope "jeans" will be acceptable for the Retreat. I wear mine all the time.
      Please confirm that it is not "formal" for the Retreat Dinners, I don't have "evening gowns" anymore ...... !!!! When John retired I got rid of them all ...... no more big fancy occasions. I do miss them and all the buzz of the preparation.
      As long as well are all together having fun any mode if dress will do xxx

    4. I knew SIL stood for Son in Law! I ve been missing all day so a bit confused here? Xx

    5. Myra why are you confused??? xxx

    6. Hazel said " Myra - SIL stands for son in law " . I knew that and I hadn't asked about it , hence the confusion! Xx

    7. Ahhh!! get it now, takes a while you see.
      Right, Maria asked about it SIL in a Comment she made not connected to Hazels ....... I can understand how and why you were confused xxx

    8. Hazel's fault she did say "Myra" xxx

    9. All my fault, sorry it's an age thing you have to forgive me!!! Hazel x

    10. Oh !, right! I'm sorry I'm not on the ball today either! Probably never am! I think the old hay fever has started up ! Ugh!
      Hazel - nothing to forgive, my dear! Xxx

  19. Hi all, tried to drop in earlier, then got called away.
    Maureen, what superb cards. These are great ideas. I always find that men only really look at a card if it is funny, moves or has their name on it. Just big kids really.
    The weather today can't make up it's mind since I have sunshine (no heat) interspersed with hail.
    Don't worry about what to wear for the funeral Cheryl. The family will be happy that you have cared enough to attend, and the formal protocol doesn't exist now. The increase in humanist funerals, which I had for my Mum, make everything so much more personal and informal, giving me happy memories along with the sad ones.

  20. Oh my gosh Margaret, I would never wear jeans to a funeral, that is completely disrespectful to the departed let alone their family. That would horrify me if I came across that and I would probably say something to the person concerned.
    I do not even own one pair of jeans, they something that I have not worn since my jeans. Pete taught me what clothes suited me and I have stuck to his advice, although I do have some slinky clothes for chilling out in.
    Matalan did not have anything suitable so I ended up in Next and bought black and cream jersey trousers with a matching top, but I will probably wear a plain black or cream top with them and a purple jacket. Much more suitable. Thanks for the advice re Spellbinders, the shop I bought the Big Shot from says I need to purchase two further shims for dies other than Sizzix, why they didn't say anything sooner when I was ordering I don't

    1. Since my teens not jeans. xx

    2. Now for me ..... I just LOVE my jeans and boots.
      But I certainly would NEVER wear them to a funeral or any "event"

    3. Cheryl delighted to know you are all sorted your outfit sounds lovely and just right for your sad occasion, but it will be useful for afterwards too. So pleased you are winning with using your machine but why oh why don't they tell you what you need at the beginning, you just don't seem to be able to get good service these days.
      I too love my jeans but they have their rightful place!

    4. I wore black trousers and a black dress leather jacket yesterday to the funeral I attended, but there was a lot of Bikers there and they were just in there biking leathers.

    5. Cheryl your outfit sounds fine and Wendy wore trousers yesterday too. When I went to my Uncles funeral in the summer I bought some black tights to wear and told the lady in M&S I would be wearing tights out of respect even though it was hot. I turned up to the funeral and my cousins and I were all wearing tights or trousers (and before you say anything I had a skirt on too!) but his daughters were all bare legged as were their girls. My mum would have had a fit and even Emma commented it didn't look right at a funeral to have bare legs! Hopefully she will be her mothers daughter! Xxx

  21. Hi Sandra and all this sunny but with freezing wind afternoon.
    Maureen your cards are great, really like the little boy with his socks falling down. The card to your brother is fabulous hihi the background EF and everything is perfect for a man. Thank you for sharing your great cards with us and for Sandra and of course Paul to put them on the blog.
    I didn't sleep last night so posted very late/early so even with quite a busy day and I was tired, no luck. Was up 8am,for some brekkie and then went shopping. We are having visitors over the next 2 days from Germany, (no not Saba unfortunately) they are staying in a hotel nearby but will of course have their breakfast/meals here and I'm not a very good cook so we will see if they survive, hihi.
    Norah it is so great having you back in the bosom of this friendly cafe, big hug!
    Can hear your mum giggle when you tell her about the phone call and that you gave them her new address, how dumb it can be sometimes.
    Cheryl your outfit sound lovely, glad you found something. as a bigger woman I dreading it a bit going out but haven't got the willpower at the moment to do anything about it and no mojo either for any crafting so......
    Toilet cleaning next, yack do not like that job maybe OH could do it for me
    See you later and I don't mean 2am hopefully,
    Love and hugs Maria xx

    1. That's a pity it's not Saba, would love to have here here as a visitor.
      Toilets are not the top of my list either. I am always glad the daily job of doing them is dealt with. I do them, John does not do them like me. When I am away he does make the effort, he says he does them every day but I doubt it ..... MEN!!!!
      Enjoy your visitors xxx

    2. Maria, dads picture sits at the computer desk and I swear he gives off his wee grin and that I can see him laughing some days when I'm just being Norah. And as for bump well I will be a granny because since they brought out that dashed film my surname is definitely not conducive with any Nana's, Nanny's or anything else so I am quite happy just being a straight forward not so much run of the mill Granny. Xx
      YES THATS THE FILM thank you very much xx

  22. PICK OF THE DAY .....
    I have huts had an email about tonight's pick of day on tv, it's a set of 3D dies, in the form if race cars, shoes, handbags, flowers too I think, I think that they may be Create and craft dies, but not sure, (maybe part of this cheery Lynn buyout)
    They have said that there is a £30 saving so I am guessing that they are expensive !

    I just made a huge boo boo! ,.........
    I posted this on Sue's blog instead of my own! Oops that would have gone down like a lead balloon, as we aren't allowed to promote shops let alone other dies, thank goodness for the delete button! Phew I got palpitations there for a minute!
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Oh! Sandra ..... a BIG Oooopppss!! xxx

    2. Have had a quick peep The bundle is £159. Most of the dies seem to be Tattered Lace - Sorry not for me !!!!

    3. only you hihi I'm not getting to excited about these new dies

    4. I really like the "shoe" Die but the price is a bit much.
      I have a "card" template for a shoe I made years ago. Still use it and looks like I will for a while

    5. The handbag die is £44 and some pence! It's ok but nothing special!
      Izzy's are much nicer and her basic shape has been adapted by Patricia, Saba and Izzy herself! Xxx

    6. Myra, I would say the XCut Bag Die is a much nicer Die and less than 1/2 that price.
      The Izzy Bag only needs a Die for decoration if you want that. Some Punched Border, Lace, Ribbon or Bling would work every as well. Much, much cheaper all round. xxx

    7. Totally agree! The shoes and bags you made a few weeks ago are much nicer too! Your shoe is more elegant!
      They (C&C ) never read my emails out! Mind you I only send them when Sue is on . However they ask me to comment on something I bought. I did that! What I said was very complimentary. However they also ask would you recommend C&C to a friend? I said I no longer would , giving my reasons. I reckon I've really had it now! They shouldn't ask questions if they don't want truthful answers. I wasn't rude , just honest. Xxx

    8. Good for you Myra I always think honesty is the best policy and if they don't want an honest but adverse reply why ask the question who else will they learn. I don't even bother any more sending in an email, but I complained that they did not send me the famous and wonderful magazine! In the two years I was a member never got a single one, don't think I missed much though. xxx

    9. Thank you for that Myra, I really appreciate it.
      Margaret you definitely did not miss a thing. xxx

  23. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Maureen, what a pair of fantastic cards for the males. I love the lad paying football. It is always so much nicer if you can personalise a card isn't it. And your "Wanted" card is great, I think a lot of us will be remembering this one. Thank you for sending them Maureen and thank you for sharing them with us Sandra : )
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  24. Hi Sandra and Everyone!
    I don't think I've ever been as late as this!
    What a day!
    However, two beautiful cards from Maureen! I love both of them but the little footballer just edges it - he is just great ! I know two little boys who'd love one just like it!
    As for the WANTED one. It is just right too! A great card for your brother.
    You are a clever girl Muriel! Your cards are so neat and crisp too!
    I haven't read all the comments yet but I shall try. It's a bit late in the day to be starting!
    Hope everyone is well.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

  25. Great male cards! I struggle with them! My specialty at the moment seem to be sympathy cards - not good!

    My graphic 45 bargain arrived today yummy! I have also ordered some more Anna Marie dotty latte and chocolate love that card!

    I am shattered 4 th twilight on the trot and past few days everyone has stolen "time" from me when I was planning to catch up on sleep, night shift tomorrow and then off! Definite sleep after fat club! Yes I think I am a life long member!!!! It keeps me on track and is the only designated me time in a week!

    Looking forward to sues launch tomorrow. Bet her nuMbers rise!!!!! I have pre ordered a couple of sentiments,

    See you all tomorrow xxx

    1. Oh poor you, no wonder you are shattered bless you, do make sure that you have a lovely rest when you finally get some time off and enjoy using your Graphic 45, as for Anna Marie card I fully understand I love it and all of it too! xxx

  26. For some reason every time I read a message on here and want to reply and hit the reply button nothing happens. Really annoying. Wel, SANDRA thank you for showing Maureen's cards. They are just right for males. I know lots of little boys jo could do the football card for. You are very clever Maureen. I also had an email from SW and it looks like the die cuts are Tattered Lace. I don't buy any of her products on principle. They looked interesting though. Not as good as the Izzy bags and we didn't have tp buy an expensive die. I had to laugh at your email Norah. It takes a while with these people for the penny to drop doesn't it. Jeans are a no no to weddings and funerals. I wouldn't even wear them to church. I do like Jeans though and wear them a lot. Sunny here today but a cold biting wind. We are supposed to have rain tomorrow and a friend and I usually go out for a day on a Wednesday and we thought we would go to a National Trust place. Will have to see what the weather is like. Enjoying using the new teal GC. Must finish Granddaughters birthday card now it's come. Spent today at The Range and Hobbycraft getting things fir these craft sessions. As a lot of them don't do crafts they haven't got any cutting mats or scoring boards and definitely not die cutting etc., so a lot of things to prepare before we start. Still now I have the new GC should be easier. That's really what spurred me on to get it and stop struggling with the old one. Saw in Hobbycraft they are still selling the old ones. Well I will get a drink and a custard donut and sit in the corner. Not me playing with the sugar packets. I have sweeteners.

  27. Hello All,
    I've just caught up on all the comments, what's the betting I forget half of them whilst I'm typing?
    Cheryl, your outfit sound lovely, and perfect for the occasion. I'm with you, jeans for a funeral NO.
    Patricia and Hazel - I always change for dinner. Tiara, long white gloves and evening dress!! That, of course, is after the snazzy little number for lunch and the the cocktail dress for tea. I thought everybody did that!!!! Oh all right, I'll wear something more comfortable (not a negligee though!) just so I fit in. Can I put my nightie on about 8 p.m? ha ha
    Oh and Patricia, keep your household thugs up there in Scotland, we don't want them over the Border.
    Now here's a first - or maybe not - I have to agree with you and the others about C&C, I only watch a show all the way through if it's Sue or Barbara from Clarity. Some days I don't even put it on to see what they are doing. Have you seen the never-ending saga of the Cut n Boss?
    Diane, we have a great lovely swivel chair which I bought for George on our 1st Wedding Anniversary because he loved it. My brother bought a 3 piece suite at the same time, and our chair was £9 more than his suite!! The suite has long gone, but the chair is still good. Mind it has been recovered a few times.
    Anyway, it's a great little money catcher and I always encourage men to try it out when they come to our house! lol.
    Maria dear, that's a lovely photograph of you with Sue and the others at Ally Pally, don't be so hard on yourself. I think we are all to hard on ourselves and no-one is perfect. Well I just might be. ha ha.
    Sandra, first off all thank you for showing my cards. It was such a surprise when I logged on for a quickie this morning (NO, stop it) My family always call my brother Raymond but everyone else (including his wife) have always called him Ray, which worked out better for the card!!
    Mind you, Sandra you like living dangerously. Fancy posting about the other dies on Sue's blog. As you say thank goodness for the delete button, your blood pressure must have been sky high - have you recovered yet?
    After being so smug about the weather yesterday, the only thing we haven't had today is locusts. Gales, sun, rain, hail, sleet and all at the same time!!! I'll do the impossible and keep my mouth shut in future.
    Barbie Alison, I hope you have an easy night tomorrow when on nightshift.
    Brenda, I see that your I pad has not changed your sex today, phew.
    I'm going now to have a look at the wonderful new offer of dies. Only £159, I'll have two.
    See you all later, be good!
    Muriel xxx

    1. Is the chair paying Maureen? I miss our old sofa and chairs, they probably paid for themselves after a few years! George's swivel chair sounds lovely and comfortable xxx

  28. Maureen don't tempt me by asking if you could go get your nightie on at 8pm, I for one love nothing better than having my shower and getting into my pjs. So just as well we are in a hotel and not a house as I could see most of us would be sitting around in our pjs. Maybe it will be comfy trousers and tops in the evening after dinner? I did wonder with you being such a classie lady if you changed for ever occasion! But remember you are travelling by train and all those suite cases might be a bit difficult to store in the little luggage bit on the train, or you planning to use the guards wagon??? Hazel x

    1. Hazel, just you leave Maureen to take all her finery in her "matched suitcases" the Butler will be dealing with them. xxx

    2. Hazel, listen to Patricia, she knows me so well. Anyway, my lady's maid will iron anything that creases! xx

    3. Maureen, if I promise to pay your "lady's maid" do you think she would do a little ironing for me??
      Or do I remember you saying there is an iron in the room?? That might just do for me. xxx

  29. Hi Sandra and lovely ladies of he café
    The cards are beauties , very difficult to make mens cards. I am sitting making two at the moment and they have to be posted tomorrow, so basically sitting staring into space.
    Maureen its a pity I will not be there at the retreat I would so have liked to compare tiara as most of mine have rubies as I love red and they match all my red ruby velvet dresses.
    Norah welcome back please try baileys with a nip of brandy on the top it will have you dancing.
    The size of the hailstones bouncing of my car today was miniature footballs. Could hardly see where I was going. Bill is just in from his first game of bowling so at least it was dry tonight. Better get back to try and make these 2 cards.
    love Wendy x

  30. Love today's cards The little boy one reminds me of my dearly departed sister She was such a Tom boy and took great delight when the salesman asked my dad "what size shoe does he take?" when buying her first pair of football boots I love Ray's card Great idea for a man's card without a sport theme Not had time to read all of the comments - only some Today has flown Suffice to say good to see Norah and these days I only watch C&C as it is mind numbing and easy to watch when feeling low I don't buy anything unless it's a similar rice elsewhere and can use Flexipay Screen playing up so signing out for now

  31. Good evening Sandra & lovely ladies,first I would like to thank you all for your kind wishes last night,I still have the lingering migraine but felt slightly better,I took a few hug's from the basket hope that was ok.Maureen your cards are great love the little boy stamp a good one for the younger boys,your brothers card is brilliant Maureen I might have to borrow that idea next time I need a man's card. Norah so lovely to see your back flower,really missed your stories.
    Hope Rory's review went well this morning Norah.
    Sandra hope your ok lovely,& you enjoy your crafty day with Pat & Sue tomorrow. OH has just made my evening cupper so will say good night as going back to bed after.Hope to see you all tomorrow.
    Love & Hug's Lynda ( droopy bits still drooping ) perhaps I need a Baileys if you have any left Daffy. Xxxxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Help yourself to as much as you want, the Tanker has just been so we are laughing. It will do your droopy bits the world of good. Mine are so much better now!!!
      Daffy xxx

  32. It's been a bit quite here this evening. I think you have all been watching C&C and buying those Dies. Well Maureen was going to buy 2 sets ...... she said it, honest she did.........!!! Well maybe she changed her mind, I do hope so. There are much better things to spend your money on Maureen.
    I am off to bed, I like to watch the news .... well I start to watch it I don't always see the end.
    Good night God Bless xxx

  33. Am I the only one who hasn't watched those C&C shows? I am sorry but with what you are all saying, I am glad I haven't wasted my time watching it. Are these companies not in the real world??. Who has money to spare to buy so much at once? Well I don't and I work? And can one really use all those dies!
    Buy a die that you will use, use it enjoy trying to see all what you can do with it, that's to me is a better way! How many of these dies will up for sale on eBay before long? Hazel x

    1. Nope Hazel,
      I have t seen it either but
      I will have a sneaky peek at some point! I was watching a programme I'd recorded earlier the BBC2 shows with Alex Polizzi. Interesting! Xx

    2. Hi Hazel no I haven't seen it either, I was watching BBC 1 and the Victorians . I'm sure I will catch it tomorrow at some stage. Xxx

  34. Finally, I have time to pop in before saying Goodnight.

    Never mind your forgetfulness Hazel, I've just has my eyes tested and new glasses and I couldn't see in the changing room that the trousers are actually black and white not black and cream like the top. It must be their lighting cos they looked the same to me. 'Twas only when I hung them up on the dining room door to show my friend Rose (who didn't notice either), and the sun came out later shining on them that I saw 3 colours. Drove straight in to change either but no they are made of different materials so the top is an 'off-white' not 'bright-white'. Never mind though, I won't be wearing them together.
    And not long after I returned home, A very good old friend came to tell me his wife had died yesterday afternoon. I have known them since I moved to Cannington nearly 40 years ago. Another funeral to go to.
    I have helped myself to all these hugs that need someone's arms to jump into.
    Goodnight all, I'll see you tomorrow
    love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl oh no not another friend. Sending you a big hug my sweetheart, you seem to be in the midst of it at the moment xxx

    2. Oh Cheryl, so sorry to hear about your friend wife's passing. I'm sending you a big hug hope it helps a bit.
      I have visitors now so I might not be able to look in tomorrow, will try do.
      Wish you all a good day tomorrow, no more hailstones and snow.
      Lynda enjoy your baylies and let the DB be free, is it anything better then when you can take your bra off , tihi
      Good night my friends, Love and hugs Maria xxx

  35. I've been watching BBC2, the binmen in Newcastle. Cringing behind my hands when the broad Geordie women start. The binmen were canny though. I decided to get 3 sets of the dies Patricia. Well in for a penny, in for a pound.
    Did anyone see them, I was too busy watching my programme and seeing the rats running around the rubbish ugggghhhh.
    I've tidied up, cleaned the benches, loaded the dishwasher but left it for Lynda to put her glass in when she's finished her Baileys!
    See you all in the morning.
    Love Daffy xxxx

  36. I am sitting with a glass of brandy so I just nipped in to the café and borrowed a little tot of baileys to go with it, hope you don't mind, nite , nite xx

    1. I am not sure I like the sound of Baileys and brandy, you're mixing your spirits there!
      I don't want any hangovers tomorrow!
      Oh those new dies of C & C look way too fiddly and expensive!
      Where do they think people get all this money from!
      I am off for a shower!
      Good night

  37. Are we talking about these Tonic dies I haven't got the time or the imagination to faff around It's the constant "if you snip it here you can do this ..." I get fed up with In lots of ways I just want a die say what it does on the tin SW JW and JL ate the only ones I take notice of and if I hear Steph W say one more time that there's no fluff and adverts in their mag I will scream Of course it's one big advert advertising that you shoul buy their products in project form and you always get a sneak peek at what's coming What's that if it's not advertising Sorry rant over! Fingers crossed that some familiar names are lucky on the SW launch tomorrow Good luck everyone that comments

  38. I've finally got to the bottom of the comments yeah! I kept stopping to leave comments so it's taken me ages! Lol. Well just thought I would pop in to say night night, I won't have a baileys though because it's diet day and my tummy is already rumbling! We've had a cooler day today, I started to weed the front garden this morning, took me 2 hours and I've done one boarder - I did the easy side first! I thought about doing some more this afternoon but it came over quite cloudy and windy so I wrote some letters instead. Well I'm on train duty tomorrow morning so I must sign off and go to sleep. See you all tomorrow. Muriel are you having all your sets of dies delivered to the cafe so George doesn't know you've ordered them???
    Sleep tight everyone sweet dreams.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. I know Diahe,
      Tanker loads of Bailey's and now Juggernauts of dies!
      Whatever next! I think Muriel just feels the need to fill some of these empty boxes she has got! Xxx

  39. Hi Sandra
    I just love Maureen's cards today. I love the boy kicking his football, and I bet Ray just loved his special card. Nit a good day today at the hospital. The plan is they say to keep you as well as they can fir as long as they can. My word what a mouthful to come out with. We had the pharmacist in with us, would that make you think you were getting the new medication. It did me. But no, Pete had to fill in a consent form, he'll then get a phone call in about 10 days to go and see another specialist who'll talk him through what symptoms you can expect, and how to take the tablets. Well I thought you just put them in your mouth and swallowed. How silly am I. So hopefully after the Dr fills out a prescription, Pete will get his medication. In the meantime his Cancer us chomping away at his bones. Grr makes me cross that we have to go through this rigmarole because the NHS won't fund this medication. My rant over, I don't think I'll have a drink, as I might go mad and have the whole bottle. I'm off to bed now so I'll see you in a better frame of mind tomorrow. That's me by the way ladies not you.

    1. Oh Pat,
      I'm so sorry. What a stressful, frustrating day! My heart goes out to both of you. So much red tape , such a lot of box ticking and things just seem to take such a long time. I do hope Peter gets his medication very soon.
      You are I both in my thoughts and prayers.
      I hope you manage to get a good night's rest.
      Love Myra xxx
