
Wednesday 29 April 2015

Blue & Cream Floral Doodle

Good Morning Ladies,
Todays card was inspired by my stamp that arrived yesterday, Creative Expressions Floral Doodle,
its really pretty and stamps really well with my new Fiskars Stamp Press, it does make stamping
easier, there is no awkward hovering over a piece of card, you pop your stamp on the block, ink it up and the foam legs hold it a few centimetres above your card, when you are ready and have the position you want you press down with one hand and rub your fingers over the area of the stamp with the other! I think i find easier because I don't weight bare normally so holding a stamp block and hovering over a piece of card and then placing it down gently and correctly can be quite hit and miss!
Anyway back to the card, I stamped the Floral Doodle Stamp onto a lovely piece of almost Cornflower Blue card with Perfect Medium and embossed with True White Cosmic Shimmer Embossing Powder, I used the same items to stamp the sentiment too.
I matt and layered some Cream card and the beautiful blue American Crafts card, finishing with blue, I then ran a piece of the cream card through the GC using the Creative Expressions Eternity Embossing Folder, I matted that onto the blue card, I added a double layer of foam tape under my Cream Card Frame, with a little blue card for highlight.  I placed the stamped focal element onto the card and then added a square of Cream card, cut with the smallest Square of the Union Square die, and them a smaller Blue Matt with sentiment stamped on, cut with the centre of the Noble Pierced Square Die set from Creative Expressions.
I cut two of the Delicate Fronds dies to use as a base for my bow, I then ties a double bow using off white Vintage Seam Binding, I topped that with a double bow of the thinner Blue ribbon from CE, I then made a flower using the Camellia Full Petal Die Set and added some glue and sugared it with Cosmic Shimmer Iced Snow, I them added a few pearls, both Blue and white, and then made two Stick Pins in matching blue and cream pearls!  I would love to hear what you think about my card.
I really enjoyed making this one!  I have Pat coming over today, I have my fingers crossed that Sue will be joining us too, I have missed her so much!   I am looking forward to see what Sue has created with her new dies. There are one of two of them that have caught my eye!  I hadn't realised that the POD on C&C was another Tattered Lace thing, that explains the price, I like the shoe though!
Love and Hugs to all of you


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang, hope you are all well.
    Oh! My! Word! Sandra your card is STUNNING I just LOVE everything about it.
    I have tried one of these stamping thingies it worked well. Not being a stamper I have not bought one, but can see where it would help.
    Have set things up, hope it is all ok. Hazel is so fussy about these Sugar Papers, I see everyone has been so good and have not being playing with them. That will keep her BP down today.
    I did not watch the show last night, I did got to the Web Page to have a look at what was on offer . Far too expensive for me, like you I did look and like the Shoe ... but come on the price!!! I have a "cardboard" template I made for my shoes that will do me fine for now.
    John and I are off to Perth (Scotland) John needs a haircut. We are spending lots of time with friends over the weekend, so I want him looking good if he's with ME!!!!! Only joking he always looks good but if his hair his just that "tad" long "I" don't like it.......!!
    Left my Basket of (((((hugs))))) at the door, please help yourselves.
    See you all soon, be good. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-beautiful card today, its really lovely. I'm not much of a stamper so probably wouldn't get much use out of the Fiskars stamp press & I have a room full of stash that I'm not really using!

    Sorry I didn't pop back in yesterday-went shopping after work then upto the green house after we'd eaten. Watched Sues video on her blog & the one on Justright Papercrafts-tutorial Tuesday then sat down to read & before you know it, it's 10pm! Looked out at hedgehog food tray & to my surprise there were 2 hedgehogs. I think the make was trying to win the female over but he was a bit slow about it + kept wandering off to eat....!!! After 20 minutes of this I decided to give up & go for my bath.

    Am calling at a friends after work (mad friend who lives anything in purple), stopping for a cuppa as hubby playing a golf match after work.


  3. Hi Sandra,
    Please Forgive Me For Not Being In Touch, I Can't Say How Sorry I Am.
    I Love Your Beautiful Card Your Stamping Is Fabulous As Is The Whole Of Your Card You Must Be Thrilled.
    I'm Sending All My Very Best Wishes And Love To You And My Friends In The Coffee Shop.
    Love And Hugs To All
    From Sam xxx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ooh I won't be going! I used to like Julia but now find her like a school mistress and a bit condescending. Phill is the one for me he is a real love!

    2. You should go to John's demo, Steph. He does come up with some great ideas, not just copies of others. I have followed him long before CE contacted him. Sue told me she had been watching his designs for a while.
      You must be enjoying Sue's reveal today. The first one is certainly a different idea.

    3. Steph you should go, I am not a lover of JL but I have learnt lots of things from watching him. He gives out great Hints & Tips, I have taken a few things he has mentioned and used them to great advantage.
      Sue sees how good he is and has used it. xxx

    4. I did a worshop with Julia last year at my little craft shop in Taunton and found her to be very rude at times when talking to some of us, especially when I said I was glad I had a bow maker, and she told me that was cheating because I couldn't tie a bow the way she was showing us how to. However, when I mentioned I have very arthritic fingers, she soon changed her tune and said condescendingly, Well in that case I will excuse you". And she didn't even demo her cards, she sat there with the finished products and gave us instructions, no personal help whatsoever.
      Yet Kay from Indigo Blu on the other hand, on her work shop, went round the whole table helping us all out individually and actually SHOWED us each step as we progressed to the finished card. Now that lady has class.

    5. Cheryl, you are so right about Julia. Hazel and I were at Workshop with her. We were amazed that she did not actually "show" us what to do. I felt the way she even looked at people was terrible. One thing about being tall. ...... she had to "look up to me" LOL!!!!
      I have experienced Kay and she is an absolute treasure. Brilliant demonstrator and yes!! a very classy lady. xxx

    6. I'm not just saying it but I've never been keen on her, honest. xxx

    7. I have never met the woman but cannot stand her she really is the most bad mannered of people and as for consideration she quite simply has none. I had an email from her telling me if she and Sue could travel to Aberdeen then she did not see why people could not travel to CE headquarters to her workshops. Rest assured she got a reply!!!
      I'm with you Steph don't like John L.

    8. When my Dad thought Mum was being a little sharp with him - he would say "you're a bit nippy today," Sounds as if J might be more than a bit nippy most days! Xxx

  5. Morning Sandra,

    Gorgeous card you have created. I hope you have a great day crafting with Pat and hopefully Sue.

    Yes Tattered Lace seem to be taking over the C&C channel with shows under different names, I find their prices too high now they will be putting themselves out of the Market soon which is a shame as they produce some beautiful designs.

    Have a great day

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx
    Morning Jan,

    Gorgeous card, the die is lovely as is the colour you have chosen. I will look forward to seeing what you create with your other dies. I bought the Art Deco etc set but have not got round to using that yet, not enough hours in the day lol!

    Have a great day

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  6. Good morning dearest Sandra and my coffee shop Angels,
    OOooo this colour of blue is so pretty and fresh looking and each layer is seen for it's own beauty with your card. I love the doodle design that you have used around the centre of the frame that you have made. The soft ivory looking cream looks just so lovely soft against the blue so sets it off perfectly. Thank you Sandra flower for such a beautiful start to our day. Was it the bigger of the two presses that they have that you bought or just the small one?
    Well i called in on Sue's blog there at 8:05 and there had been 80 comments, but in the 10 minutes it took to type my wee bit and load she is up to 100 by 8:15 so i wonder what the numbers will be by tonight with all our fair weather/prize grabbing friends commenting, eh? I just wish that all those that can find the time when Sue has something up for giveaway would also find that couple of minutes the rest of the time to comment as well. Sorry moan over.
    Going to Falkirk to meet my friend Di but don't know how long i will be there today as tired and weary comes to mind at the moment. Having to physically drag me to the different parts of the house as the body is being reluctant(very). The wee lass is coming as well but she is having so much bother with her ear and face and the doctor says there is nothing they can do for her except for the codeine that she is taking the now so she is going to the dentist as it seems to be coming from perhaps a wisdom tooth??? and she will meet us across there. That means me being on my best behavior as she doesn't like me being in my silly modes. So i will leave my basket full of mischief that is waiting for a home and see you all after.
    Love and crafty hugs from a miserable, cold and dreich day up here at the Cost de Glenochil,
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hi Norah!
      I mentioned in my post about Rory's parade. Obviously not today as you are going to Falkirk. I then remembered you said Thursday! I can't get rid of old age and its problems today Norah! So I'll help myself to some naughty hugs - they might rejuvenate me! If they do you'll be on to a real winner and be able to but C&C! Xxx

    2. That should say buy! Not but!
      I'm in a bad way!
      Hope tomorrow is a huge success! Xx

    3. Hi NORAH
      I read your comments regarding meeting up with Patricia, Hazel and Jess. Let me say that we all love you NORAH. I especially love your little stories. Aren't we all silly at some petite or other, and it's lively to be that way rather than miserable. When your told your stupid etc, you just think of all us ladies that think you are are joy to behold, and ignore all those that think otherwise.

  7. Good morning, Sandra and ladies. Sandra your card is stunning, love your design, elements and colours. With your new stamping press I can see us being delighted with some more gorgeous cards.
    Firstly I want to say to Cheryl how sorry to read another close friend has died, can you please go break a match and break the spell!!., Oh I could just picture your face when you saw that what you thought was black and cream wasn't. I do think these shop lights don't give true colours..
    Sam, I hope you are having a good day. Nice to see you back.
    Patricia told me to go look at those 3D dies well I am sorry, didn't every one make at one time things like baby cribs etc that were a kind of 3D and they were lovely but you couldn't post them. And as for that load of waffle going on and only a price of £129.96 I can see why Maureen you bought all those sets??. Patricias shoes that she makes are just gorgeous, maybe she should copy her tenplate and sell it for half the price?
    Thank you big sis for setting up this morning, I was being lazy and had a lie in? Oh this not working first thing isn't do. Me any good.
    Steph, I am glad your craft shop can get Sue dies early and free demos. Poor Adrian who owns my local shop struggles to get stock full stop, waited weeks to get any of the last lot.
    Saba, are you enjoying doing the school run, I bet little Oliver is loving having you back at his house?
    Right I'd better make a move, I will call back in once I have pulled out all the furniture in here and given it all a good Hoover, the bathroom will get a deep clean when I am ready to have my shower, I have to clean it everyday but do like getting the tiles washed and buffed up at least once a week, Kitchen will get done tomorrow then bedroom on Friday. Note I haven't mentioned the spare room well that will be a weekends work. Money in the pot. Hazel x

    1. Thanks Hazel for you comments, I don't have matches in my house so I've gone and broken a wooden kebab skewer instead. xxx

    2. Cheryl, that should do the trick just as well. xxx

    3. I knew I loved candles for a reason! It's the matches! Xxx

    4. Hi Hazel
      Yes I am enjoying doing the school run with him. It takes about 20 mins at a brisk pace to get there but we discuss all sorts to things along the way. He is a real chatterbox.

    5. Myra, I do hope you are not going to turn into an arsonist! I always hated matches, I couldn't get my fire to light sometimes and always ended up with burnt fingers. So glad when I found a portable gas pilot light.

    6. Nah! I just adore candles and need my matches to light them. I buy the long matches - less chance of burning and you can light more candles per match! A canny Scot still, ha ha ! Xx

  8. Morning Sandra, thanks for sharing this gorgeous card with us. It's one that I will look at carefully, since there is so much detail in it. Stunning.
    I am glad your stamp thingy works well. I don't stamp much, I probably should try to do more, but there is a time constraint on how much crafting I can do, and I have some quilting to get on with too, and some bags to get done.
    Now if only I could find the shop which sells extra time!
    No way would I buy that pick of the day. Don't even like the items they are making. Patricia has much nicer shoes and bags on her blog, and I am sure she hasn't got a fancy die for them.How many would you need to sell to be able to re-coup the cost of the dies? Just wait, they'll be in the next warehouse clearance sale.
    Right, better get some work done.

    1. Janice, thank you for the lovely compliment I really appreciate it. xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, Sandra your card is stunning, I'm glad you like your stamping help thing, it sounds good. Your stick pins are also gorgeous.
    Well ladies, surprise surprise, Sues blog has over 160 comments already and it's just gone 9.30.!!!!
    Will have to catch up later with everyone, take care, Jess x

  10. Good morning everyone,

    A good night's sleep has done me the world of good. Life goes on on its ever turning circle and I feel much more peaceful since listening to a down loaded song called Om Shanti, it's on my google+ page and is a song for peace and love by Kirtana. A bit mystical but beautiful words. I'll see if I can pin it on my Pinterest page.

    Your card today Sandra is simply stunning. Loving everything about it. Glad you used Ivory card to showcase the blue. I often use ivory or cream as sometimes white can be a bit harsh.

    Sue's new dies are going to be gorgeous, I don't want to be negative but I did mention they would have to go on my wish list as my weekly income could not stretch to yet another launch. That's 3 so far in as many months isn't it?
    And I'm not even going down the route of Shattered Face dies. Have not even watched a full programme since I refused to renew my membership.
    That's me over for a couple of hours, I'm finally going in the shower.
    Love & hugs to all.
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Forgot to add with the circle of life comment, Joshua & Lucy are in the Maternity wing awaiting our new family member Milly May's safe arrival. Unless it's a false alarm again but they did go early hours of this morning. So fingers crossed!!! xxx

    2. Hello Cheryl,
      I was so sorry to hear you had had yet more sad news. I am sure your outfit will be suitable. I always feel happier wearing something Black for a funeral although I once made a huge error when I went to a Buddhist one for a patient of mine. Everyone was wearing white! However his son was just pleased I had gone and totally understood I couldn't have known.
      So pleased that now you have some exciting news waiting for you. Thinking of you.
      Saba xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl,
      How exciting for you to have the Wonder of a new family member. I hope everything goes well with mother and baby. A ray of sunshine in the horrible week it's been for you. Much love xxxx

    4. Hope all is going well with Mother & Baby ...... all very exciting. xxx

    5. Hi Cheryl I hope all is going well for mum and baby and dad is doing his bit too. Hopefully you will have some happy news to tell us tomorrow xxx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    Oh my word, this card is so beautiful. Everything about it is gorgeous and it looks so sumptuous. The embossing folder really sets it off. I was interested to read about the new stamping whatsit and it if helps you, that's great. I love to stamp and colour but sometimes the old hands play up, and that's a gadget to bear in mind for the future.
    Well I'm so excited, the new Tattered Lace dies were delivered this morning, I know that's a fast delivery instead of the usual 10 days that I wait, but lets face it I am a special customer!!! I've already made the shoe, the bag and a couple of other things. They are well worth the £100+ I paid and I am waiting with bated breath for the next launch ha ha ha ha. (I think I've just cracked!!!)
    What a load of rubbish. Patricia's shoes are beautiful and Izzy's bags can be adapted lots of ways, and both are better, so there!
    As Janice says, they'll be in the Warehouse Sale soon.
    Very cold here this morning but the sun is trying to get out. Not like me, I want to stay in. I've got to go fruit shopping as E and Z have eaten all mine - how dare they.
    Sam, lovely to see you.
    Norah, lovely to see you.
    Steph, lovely to see you.
    Ladies, lovely to see you all!
    Coffee and toasted tea cake finished, ALERT - watch out Hazel, I'm sweeping up the crumbs - and I'm off to the shops.
    p.s. Sue's dies are interesting and a new concept.
    Love Daffy xxx

  12. P.s. Cheryl, so pleased you are feeling more optimistic and rested this morning. What are Shattered Face dies???
    Love Daffy xxx

  13. SW's Tattered Lace. hahahaha don't believe you didn't get that Maureen. Love you loads lovely lady and dear heart of mine. xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl dear,
      I thought you would have realised by now that I can be incredibly thick!!! xxx

    2. That's only one of your qualities though! Xxx

    3. Maureen you have so many wonderful qualities and we LOVE every single one.
      Glad you got your Dies so quickly, you will have made loads by now ....... they will be so EASY to use and construct.
      My template is years old, just thick card, very shabby, but still makes great shoes. Cost ...... ZERO.
      Thank you for the compliment I appreciate it xxx

    4. And I love all your qualities too Maureen. xxx

  14. Oh I have had to come and get a sit down and a cup of tea. Would you believe all I have done is one side of the front room, by the time you pull out the sofa Hoover put it back Hoover the sofa all over, dust the picture frames and side tables having taken the lamps etc off then you have to put them back, then it was the fire. Now we have a gas coal one we had it special made to fill the old grate so it goes back a good bit but when it's windy we put a board in front as the draft is bad, well I took the board away and oh boy the half a field of soil that was there so the whole lot had to be taken out hoovered then put back which takes time as you have to make sure you put the bits in correct. So that's it all done been lit and burning properly, TV unit done and dusted. I think the dust/ soil got to my throat as I had such a dry one. Feel better now, oh to think 3 years ago I had just got out of hospital and wasn't even allowed to fill the kettle. Had a magic fairy (Tammy) came once a week to do a deep clean, oh I wish I could employ her still. Right off to do the rest. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel, it's so good to read that someone else gets half a room done and then has to take a rest. I thought it was just me.
      I had to rely on George when I has two ops, straight after the other, and again when I broke both my arms at the same time. Need I say more? Patricia would have been on double dose B.P. tablets (if she takes them). Believe you me, I don't know what was the worst, the pain of what he did - arrrrrrgggggg palpitations galore.
      Daffy xxx

    2. Wish I could type like I used to - should read "pain OR what he did" xxx

    3. Hazel,
      I remember a fire like that and not always with affection! The one we have now is easier to deal with as it fills the space! Congratulations on three years! Roll on the next three! Xxx

    4. Well I got the other half done of the front room all lovely to sit in. Got a few cobwebs dislodged too! How dare they be there!!., bathroom done just. I'd seen a handbag that I thought would go with my shoes for Gills wedding when I was with Patricia on Monday so Charlie decided that I should go get it as he knows I would be in a mood if I waited and it was gone. So that's off the list of things to do. Meet Patricia and John while there but didn't have time on parking to go have a coffee. We came back home a road that we don't use much, made a nice change of scenery. So that's me just had a toasted tea cake and a cup of tea. Money in the pot.
      I hope the three Graces have had a lovely day together.
      Cheryl aren't babies just like that, she doesn't want to up stage the royal one? No she will come when she is ready.
      Pat, I meant to say earlier that I am sorry Pete treatment hasn't started, you will just have to keep him positive and cheerful.
      Maureen so glad you got those dies and have been able to do so much so quickly - super women or what, it's that what happens when you buy these sets they come with super powers??? We can wish!
      Off to now see what I can fit in one of the cases we are planing to use for our holiday later, as Charlie is nattering on about we will not need the two I plan to use, where he thinks we will fit everything in to the ones he thinks we should use, I dont go mad taking everything like some do but there is the essentials that one needs, Hazel x

    5. My word Hazel, your making me feel giddy with all this cleaning. Now when my hips better Pete thinks I should be able to spring clean the house. Now I'm worried as he always does the washing, and hangs it out. He's very fussy about hanging it out, vacuuming and the gardening. He might just expect me to do all that in the future. Well hit the gardening as it's much to long for me to plant the vegetables anyway. If and when helps not able, I'll have to have it put down to lawn. Our hedge is 140 ft long and it takes Pete 2 hrs to cut our side and next doors, plus all the cleaning up. He's talking about digging some of it up and putting up a wooden fence. Pleaseeee I say.

  15. Good morning Sandra and our ladies,
    Sandra your card today is stunning. I love everything about it. I have the Fiskars stamp press as well and it is one piece of kit I really wouldn't be without. Hope you have a wonderful day with Pat and Sue if they can both make it.
    Sorry I didn't comment yesterday Maureen, your cards were brilliant. The little footballer would be perfect for Max as he is sport Mad, and Ray's card was lovely, I bet he felt very "wanted" when he received it.
    Joanne and I met Julia at Ally Pally and she was incredibly rude to us. She was not busy, we were the only two there and when I asked her a question she looked at me as if I had crawled out from under a stone. I have never really taken to her as a demonstrator on C&C as I have often thought she was a bit abrupt. Phill on the other hand was an absolute sweetie. I am like Patricia in that JL is not my favourite but many of his cards are very pretty and unique and he does have some good tips. I would go and watch him if he was demonstrating near me.
    It's lovely to see Sue being back at no. 1 and I love her first die set. There were not too many from the last collection that I fell in love with but if this first one is anything to go by I can see another wish list being written. I am, however, much more selective nowadays as to what I buy. I only make cards for family and friends so they have to be quite versatile. I really ought to start scrapbooking but somehow it has never appealed to me.
    Oh I have checked Joanne's sofa and armchairs and apart from the odd smartie and millions of crumbs found Zilch!! I have had a thought though. If you go into some of the posher bars they often have sofas and I bet there is a fortune to be found there.
    Having a lovely lazy day at home today before we are picking Oliver up at 2 to take him for his 3 monthly eye appointment at the hospital. So will be able to pop back later for a change.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hi Saba,
      Enjoy you day of peace and have a lovely time with Joanne. You deserve it! By the way - don't believe there were crumbs or a smartie down that sofa! While I remember - talking of helpful things like Fiskars stamp Press. - you mentioned you had an Envelope Maker which you loved - which one is it? Is it the WeRMemory Keepers one? Xxx

    2. Hi Saba,
      Lovely to see you. I'm off to town to go down all the backs of the sofas in the coffee shops!! Enjoy yourself xxx

    3. Hello Saba, your description of how you were treated by Julia are my thoughts exactly.
      The other thing for Hazel & I is, we met with Sue and Juliia for a weekend. I made one of my Origami Boxes "specially" for Sue. We did not want Julia to feel left out, I made one of the XCut bags for her. I filled them both with "handmade" sweets. The next morning Sue came right over gave us both a big hug and thanked us for the beautiful gift. She had eaten some the Tablet .... she called it (fudge cake) and was in raptures as to how wonderful it was. We are still waiting for a "thank you" from Julia ...... enought said!!!
      Enjoy your time with Oliver, I just love when they chatter. You can have the most wonderful conversations with them at that age. Our Thomas never stops to take a breath. He is at the stage that we get very in depth talks on various subjects. Only thing is sometimes it's beyond me if it's about "agricultural" machinery. We have to say "think it's Roberts turn to talk now" Robert says what he wants to say then announces .... over to Thomas again, he always has more to say than me!!! xxx

    4. Have to say she is the image in looks and personality of my mother in law to whom I don't speak!! Says it all!! Rude and doesn't know how to behave but really thinks she is something!!

    5. My word Hazel
      My writing looks like I've been on the drink. The ipad seems to type what it feels like, rather than what I'm typing. I was supposed to say, if and when he's not able.

  16. Janet Ecco of Sheffield29 April 2015 at 11:18

    Morning Everyone - Sandra your card today is just gorgeous. My favourite colours and your flowers are just to die for. I would just love to see it on the top of the piano. That's where all my cards received stand in pride of place.

    I'm in agreement with everything that I've read this morning - Shattered Face, Julia (and yes I've never taken to her. She's really so abrupt and rude though I've never seen her live). The numbers on Sue's blog this morning are of course beyond belief in that because it's a launch and give away they all crawl out of their holes just for freebies. This totally riles me and I know it does lots of Wilsonette Sisters.
    The first die of Sue's today is just beautiful and I think that this launch will have a better reception than the last one did. Just a feeling so we'll see.

    Well I've just got all craft etc sorted and in place and am absolutely shattered after yesterday hair cut and then knit and knat and this is before I go this afternoon for my second half of my annual MOT.
    It's lovely to see you Sam and Norah back where you belong.

    OK thank you for the Latte. Money in the pot and hugs in the basket. Oh it's lovely to be able to do it in person rather than via cyberspace.

    Hope to see you all later if body allows.
    Hugs xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      Great that you are actually back with us. I hope the rest of the MOT goes well and that you don't need an oil fill up or retread lol. xxx

    2. Hi Janet,
      Good to have you back! Hope you pass your MOT.
      Personally I have trouble with "the big end" . I wish it would go!
      Have finally got round to subscribing to Daphne's Diary . Thanks for that! Xx

    3. Great to have you back at the table in the corner Janet.
      Good luck with the rest of the MOT hope you get the wash, shine and polish like I do. xxx

  17. Hello Myra my lovely
    Yes it is. It's another piece of kit I wouldn't be without. You can make virtually any size envelope and although not designed for it you can also make boxes, christmas crackers and even bows and it also has a corner rounder punch at the back. If you check it out on Pinterest or u tube it is amazing just what you can do with it. Stamping up do an identical one and there are stamping up videos on u tube as well.
    I don't know what you are up to tomorrow but if you fancy coming down for lunch tomorrow Joanne and I are going into Northwich and she would love to meet you.
    Bye for now love Saba xxx

    1. Thanks so much for that! I am so fed up with trying to squeeze cards into envelopes and it isn't always practicable to post a box! So envelope maker is my next purchase!
      I am sooo sorry about tomorrow but we are meeting friends for lunch at Media City at the Docks! Looking forward to that . Would have been lovely to meet Joanne to complete the family picture in my head but maybe next time. You just enjoy your time together. These hours are very precious . Will be in touch again very soon! You have been warned!
      Thank you my dear!
      Love Myra xxx
      May I suggest that we don't introduce Prost to the proceedings at any time at our Retreat! Maureen's tanker has to last three days! We can't have a convoy of them. Xxx

    2. Myra, have you tried wrapping them in tissue, cellowrap or tulle as I do, and then posting in those bubble wrap envelopes? The postage is some times a large letter or small parcel, but 9 x out of 10, they send as normal letters. Obviously it depends on what size card you make. xxx

    3. That's a good idea Cheryl! Thank you! Xx

    4. Hazel & I do tissue and ribbon then in a Bubble Envelope.
      We certainly have never had any complaints.
      I do love Cherlys Tuile idea it looked stunning on the card she Sent Sandra. Just have to get some and have a go. xxx

    5. Why didn't I think of that? I did think bubble envelope but thought it didn't look nice , however, it would look quite different if the card was in a pretty parcel inside! Xx

    6. Can you wrap a tanker in tuille or tissue and put it in a bubble wrap envelope? I don't think it will fit in the post box! Xxx

  18. Hi Sandra,
    I think today's card is a definite WOW card. It is just lovely. I adore blue and white anyway but your whole card is stunning. I love your bow too! All the matting and layering is lovely as is the sugared flower. Beautiful.!
    Well I went on Sue's blog and I was 211. So glad Sue is back in number one spot though. I keep forgetting to look at the Counter !!
    Pat - I read your post last night and left a little message for you. So sorry you are having such a stressful, trying time. Sending hugs to you both. I left a little message but you'd probably gone to bed - hope you managed to sleep well.
    Pat, Sue and Sandra - have a lovely day together!
    Cheryl - I'm really praying you get no more sad news for a very long time! There should be good news, hopefully , any time now , with the arrival of a new little family member.
    Patricia's Shoe is MUCH more elegant! At the risk of sounding like Patricia's Groupie , she also makes much more tasteful bags and shoes!
    I knew Julia could be a wee bit sharp with Presenters but didn't think she'd be like that with crafters! Not good really . Maybe her bark is worse than her bite as my Grandma used to say!
    I 'd never seen John before he did a CE Show some weeks ago. I think he has good ideas and I've been watching Sue's POTD shows on Record! He has good tips and clearly thinks the world of Sue.
    Sam - so thrilled to see you back with us. I thought you'd actually gone on your holiday! Sorry about that. It's hard to keep up when you're old like me!
    Norah - isn't today a special day for Rory? Have I got that wrong ? I'm sure he'll make you very proud!
    I must stop - forgotten more than I remembered but I can call back again!
    I will try not to be at the cow's tail at Sue's blog next time!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra flower, it's tomorrow that his big day is and now that i am back from Hobbycrafts and Dunelm i am going to shorten his Police trousers to the 30" that they are supposed to be(which touched the ground) and not at the 30.5 and 31" that has come(down by a qualified seamstress i may add). I am going to take them up to an 1/8 of an inch short of the 30 so that they are just at the right level across the top of his shoes. xx

    2. I suddenly remembered it was Thursday you had mentioned! I'm sure he'll make you proud! Rory will rise to the occasion and I truly hope he has a great day ! If you get photo maybe we could see it. I'll be thinking of you both. Please tell Rory that I hope he has the best day! We haven't met him but we are willing him to have a great day. He will certainly look smart thanks to Mum. I hope that wonderful Scottish weather behaves itself tomorrow!
      Love Myra xxx

    3. Norah it's says a lot for the seamstress, they didn't double check them before handing them back. Just as well you can fix them, nothing worse than trousers to short or long!!!! Hazel x.

    4. HinMyra
      I read your reply awhile ago. Many thanks for that it's greatly appreciated. I don't usually like to have a rant, well only about C & C. But just had to let off a bit of steam so I birrowed Norah's soapbox.

  19. I everyone, sorry for the quick comment earlier, I had an appointment at our local Health Spa for a facial that I had a voucher for, I got it for Mothers Day, so thought I better take the plunge and go for it!!!! It was amazing, I thoroughly enjoyed it, might have to book another one soon.
    My local craft shop is hoping to get Julia for a demo, but when I read about her I think I will have to pass all the comments on, and let them know how rude she
    Going to pop over the Sue's blog to see the next release, will catch up later.
    Norah I wish I had known you were coming to Falkirk today, we could have had a coffee together, maybe next time?
    Jess x

    1. Hi Jess, flower that would be lovely if you haven't been put of by my shenanigans the last time we met as it was a GREAT day and i have my fingers crossed that Patricia & Hazel and yourself want to meet up again. You know i was tired that day when i returned but i had a ball. It was so nice being able to talk without getting shouted down at to shut up because i was talking rubbish or nonsense so i would very much like that chance again please.

    2. Jess I would not even think about it. Sorry to talk about people but she's not the one to have.
      Glad you enjoyed you pampering it makes you feel like a million dollars doesn't it??? xxxx

    3. Norah, so delighted to hear you are willing for another "meet up"
      There was absolutely NO shenanigans just lots of good fun and chat.
      Hazel and I are both busy till approx mid June but will be delighted to meet up and catch up on all your news and goings on ...... xxxx

  20. I've got nothing to say really, except I hope the 3 Graces have a good day. Myra, you aren't old. Just slightly ancient, I bet you've got "Silver Threads among the Gold". I hope that when I get to be as old as you that I am as cheerful!!!! By the way, one tanker for three days - not good - I'll put another order in straight away. hic.
    Daffy xxx

    1. Thankfully at least although I'm old the following song is not my signature tune just yet,
      "When I am old and losing my hair" xxx
      The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner! Would fit my blog posts! Although not much of a sailor! What about Saba for that one!,xxx
      Duck Daffy! Xxx

    2. You could always visit Coleridge Cottage in Nether Stowey, just down the road from me, where The Rime of the Ancient Mariner was poetically composed by Coleridge. xxx

    3. Not Coleridge ancient marina please, I did that for my a level English!!! I used to be able to quote large chunks of it but I think that bit has fallen out of my brain! Funny though I can still remember that Wordsworth sister wrote in her diary that her brother got piles from sitting on a damp rock writing old Michael - can't remember a line of the poem though!!!! Xxx

  21. Update on Milly May. No arrival yet, they were just checking up on her as she wasn't moving around yesterday, so naturally Mum-to-be panicked as she's normally playing football in there. Cue one of Maureen's cards. Why she has to stay at the hospital for 9 hours though I shall find out later. xxx

    1. Cheryl my dear friend, as long as this much wanted wee one comes out healthy in the end and they are keeping a close eye on Mum we will let them keep her for as long as they like just as long as they don't send her out at dark o'clock tonight with new bundle as i still think new mums should be kept in at least overnight just to make sure everything is fine, but i'm still back in prehistoric times with the dinosaurs xx

    2. They've just come home Norah, thank you for your concerns. She will be thoroughly spoilt when she does arrive. I'm like you First time Mums should be kept in for at least 3 days so they can rest up and take time to bond with their child and learn how to look after them. I was in a dedicated Maternity Hospital for 10 days with my Robin and then Giorgina, but only 1 week for Fiona. My daughters were home within 36 hours, no time for any help or advice. Conveyor belt system nowadays, Emma DIL was out after 4 hours when she had our Billy. Good job she'd already got 2 so knew what to

    3. Cheryl I totally agree ref mums being in for longer , yes it's nice to get home BUT no rest for the mum and to me babies should be let to a just to the outside world, it didn't do ours any harm did it to yours Answer NO. At least you were made to sleep in the afternoon and get to bed early,that doesn't happen at home.

      Norah I am with Patricia and Jess we had a great day when we meet , bear with us till the middle if June and we will meet up again. Hazel x

    4. Thank you Hazel so much as it gives me something to so look forward too as i get a bit worried that i might a tad rowdy but i think that has an awful lot to do with being told a few times if you know what i mean about stop being stupid and acting stupid when really all i think i'm being is happy. the jury's out on that one but thank you flower for giving me a lovely boost. xx

  22. Hello Sandra and all who pop into the coffee shop today,
    What a beautiful card Sandra, The blue and cream look stunning, love the stamp, it really is lovely on the Blue card. Your flowers and stick pins are really finish this card off beautiful, It just screams quality LOL

    Hope the Three Graces had a lovely day together.

    Pat, I was so sorry to read about Pete on your late posting. Stay positive and be strong for each other. Thinking of you and Sending love and prayers.LOL

    Cheryl, I was so sorry to hear the news that you've lost yet another close friend. Stay strong sweet lady , thinking of you and also and including you and your friend in my prayers.

    Saba, enjoyed your time with Oliver, Children are so lovely at this age. You are going to have an awful lot of lovely stories to share with Grandpa when you return home.

    I will pop back later to see what everyone has been up to.
    Before I leave I jwil ust have a cup of tea and a buttered scone. While I Gazing out of the window watching the world go by.
    Have helped myself to a few hugs, and also topped up the basket so there's plenty more for everyone. LOL Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Thanks very much for your warm wishes. I don't usually sound off like that, but thought I'd borrow Norah's soap box. It was lovely meeting you at Ally Pally and hope that we all meet up again soon. It's just like talking to old friends isn't it on Sandra's blog.

  23. I wasn't going to confess but I will! As I am a night owl I will never ever be first or even 21st on anyone's blog in the morning. I decided I would try to be as near first as I could for Sue's blog at 2pm! I was all ready to strike! Only there wasn't one at 2 pm!
    Told you I was having a bad day! I did laugh though! Xxx

  24. Myra, I am sorry you aren't having a good day, I think you need to go back to bed have a sleep and try again, I hate days like that. I do think once it starts bad it only get worse ! Hazel x

    1. hazel, just read some older posts and you mentioned having a list of who is bringing what. I'll bring my Scan N Cut, I still haven't got the hang of it, need another mat cos I forgot to alter the knife depth so I have a perfect heart shape cut out of it. Ooops a daisy. I still have to download whatever programme she says to use to scan your own shapes, think its called canvas. So actually we could all learn at the same time. Is that OK? xxx

  25. Cheryl that's great, as you say we would all learn, and you never know someone might decide they would like one from seeing it in action. Hazel x

  26. Well here at last. Sandra your card is beautiful. Love the colours together. Still doing Scarlett's birthday card. Think I will put Camillia flowers on it as she loves those and always recognises them on Sue's cards when she sees them.
    A lot of rain this morning so my friend and I didn't do as we planned. In any case when we checked the house and gardens we wanted to go to do not open until June and then only June, July and August as the family still live there. Will have to do that later in the summer. Went to two garden centres instead. Bought a couple of books for Scarlett for her birthday and a couple of other things.
    Cheryl - so sorry to hear your sad news. Thinking about you and her family at this time.
    Well I watched the POTD launch out of curiosity and didn't think much of the dies. Izzy's bags are much better. Theirs were very small compared. You wouldn't be able to get a present in them and it was very like the X cut bag but a lot smaller. Shan't bother with those. I haven't seen Patricia's shoes but I am sure they are stunning. I had a template a long time ago for a sandal which was good. Will have to look for it, I forget which company made them now. There was also a bag if I recall.
    Norah. Hope everything goes well for Rory tomorrow. I am sure it will.
    Sam. Good to see you posting today and Steph enjoy the rest of your holiday.
    LYNDA hope you are feeling a lot better today and PAT was sorry to hear that Peter couldn't get his medication yesterday and you have to wait longer. Hope you had a good day with Sandra and Sue if she was able to come.
    Well I will just have a cup of tea and a piece of Ginger cake and put my money in the pot. Hope to be back later.

  27. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Sandra your card is wonderful the colours are perfect so are the die cuts and those stick pins are to die for such a touch of sheer luxury.
    Please will someone stop the world until I catch up, I don't feel as though I am running on the spot but running backwards! Where oh where does the time go if anyone know will the y please tell me?
    Oh a latte would be lovely thank you my pennies are in the pot, I really need a lovely drink to warm me up it is so very cold here today, with a biting wind and more snow showers, hurry up summer!
    Now Maureen with all the talk of tiaras, ball gowns and gloves etc for October I was wondering your majesty if you would like me your loyal servant, to bring the corgis to Carlisle to see you when you change trains for Birmingham?
    Sandra have you thought of asking Anna Marie to pay you a visit in October or give you some samples to try out, you could offer her an email showing just how her goods can be used. Just a thought don't want to poke my nose in.
    Cheryl I am so sorry to learn you have had more bad news but at the same time delighted to hear your good news. The gift of love is such a special thing to know the joy a child can bring. I have listened to you music on your Google page a few days ago it is wonderful. I did try to leave you a message but not sure about doing things on Google so perhaps you never found it, Sandra has my email if you want it. Sandra it will be fine to pass it on.
    Well I shall try and pop in later thank you so much for the coffee as always it was lovely.
    My late hugs and cuddles are over in the corner help yourselves.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oooh Margaret, that would be lovely. We could have a coffee whilst waiting for the train. I'll e-mail you nearer the time with what time I'll get in. What a brilliant idea. xxxx

    2. Margaret, thank you for your great idea! We well,a lot of us love Anne Marie card, I wonder if she would do that and come? Hazel x

    3. Earlier today I had a parcel of goodies from AnnaMarie! I would never have ordered from her if I hadn't heard of her from Sandra! This is my second order. Today's was a little late according to AnnaMarie and because of that she sent me lovely freebies! I had a pack of dottie card in black/white and a pack of lovely printable paper with a sheen completely free! The quality is excellent. I am thrilled with the card and cards/ envelopes ( 4 ins sq) and an MDF butterfly blank which I ordered and wasn't worried about the delay. This lady deserves to do well. She sent a pack of turquoise 4ins sq cards and envelopes free with my previous order which was not late!
      People like her ought to be supported.mInwas very impressed.
      Thanks Sandra! I trust your judgement and Alison's . They may have been others, sorry if I've forgotten.

    4. Hi Margaret, Yes I did see you had visited and I returned your message. If you didn't get mine, it might be because we both do not know what we're doing, my dear, so I'll ask Sandra for your email address. I'll get in touch when I get home again from Jan's funeral. I glad you enjoyed the music, I came across it on one of days when I was missing Pete so much and it instantly lowered my BP and calmed me down. I think the words are so lovely. And we all forget at times that we DO indeed hold the world in our hands.

  28. Helllllooooo, it's me again.
    I'm getting ready to go out at 8 p.m. My Lord, I'm usually thinking about putting my nightie on then!! I've got a heavy date, I'm going to hear Eleanor do her Guide Promise. I expect this will be the last one as I've heard her Rainbows, Brownies, and now this.
    Pat, I've just read through the late comments of last night, and I'm so sorry to read that Peter is having to wait for his medication, when all you want is for it to start and feel that something is happening. My love and prayers go to the both of you.
    Myra, I didn't know you were a night owl, I can be the twit and you can be the twoo!
    Cheryl, is there any more news on the baby front, or are Joshua and Lucy still waiting?
    Norah, I love Nanny McPhee and Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang. The girls regularly bring the DVDs to our house when they have a sleep over. I'll never be able to watch them again without thinking of you, in a good way of course.
    Well, I'd better go and put a bit of make-up on, don't want to scare all the children when I visit Guides.
    See you later, stay sober until I can join you!!!
    Love Daffy xxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      No baby yet. She's not ready to come, I think they call it Braxton Hicks.
      Anyways, she was not moving around yesterday, usually she's playing football, so Mum panicked, they had her in for tests, reassured her and Joshua that all was OK and sent her home around 3.30 ish. She's resting up now, quite relieved nothing wrong. It's still anothe 3 weeks before due date. Thanks for asking my flower. xxx

    2. Maureen , it's twoo here!
      I Hope you have a really lovely time! These things are so precious!
      See you later in the last chance saloon! Xxx

  29. Ladies Cheryl, is going to bring her scan and cut with her to the retreat, she needs help on how to use it and she is willing to let us to use it and see what we think. I asked yesterday what you all would like to do and get out craft wise from our retreat weekend?. It just would be nice if we could work out things to do and what we need to bring with us? We all will need our basic tools and a mat, but unless we know what is going to be done we won't be prepared!!! Would you like Sandra to show us how she makes her beautiful floral sprays, or Patricia to do a rose tutorial, those who are good at stamping show those who aren't how to get the best out of stamping? We are all very talented, but it's always lovely to learn another skill? Isn't it? I would be willing to even do a little demo how to gift wrap. We have all of Saturday that we could craft. I feel we will be doing a lot of getting to know each other on the FRIDAY and Saturady we will still be chatting but to have little project will be good I think what do you think??? Sorry Sandra and Patricia to land you I it but it's only an example. Sandra said the other night it was onky 187 sleeps now it's down to 185 it will be here before we know it!!! So come on give us some ideas? Hazel x

    1. That would be fantastic Hazel, I for one, do not stamp as can't get it quite right and I even bought the rocker blocks to help me. It must be my arthritic fingers and I have Dupuytrens Contracture in my right ring finger which doesn't help much seeing as I am righthanded! Rose tutorial fine, floral sprays also and whatever anybody else would like to show us. I'm game for

    2. Cheryl, thank you I am glad you would like to do that, I can't stamp, but would love to learn, and I think this is what would be good about the weekend just everyone helping each other with tips etc.!!! I thought baby was due? Oh poor mum they get so much information these days, when I had ours there were no scans and you were never told things like if you don't feel movement for so long go to the doctors etc. Even all this about don't eat certain foods, I am glad I was ignorant to it all, it was bad enough being sick so much let alone worrying over everything. Only good thing about scans they would have seen that yes our Christopher was well engaged he wasn't ready to be born. They induced me then told me I had got my dates wrong, I knew my dates were right. He was two weeks early but had breathing problem because they left him lying in the cot with out covering him to keep him warm, they were so busy and a shift change. Hazel x

  30. Beautiful card. I have just done one in same colours!

    Absolutely shattered but off to work. Last shift thank goodness!

    Got some bargain phill stamps on amazon - half price. His stamps are superb quality. Also ordered some more wild orchid flowers so hopefully some crafting this weekend.

    Be good ladies see you soon xxx

    1. Hi Alison,
      Hope your Shift is not as bad as you expect!
      Think crafting at the weekend.
      Take care xx

  31. Had a real quick read of the above. I love the analogy (Is that the right word!) Shattered Face Great! C&C are really not worth the air play at the moment I said ages ago on C&C Dissatisfied Customers FB page that it was all turning into the Steph W show
    CHERYL I am so sorry to hear your sad news
    SANDRA Your card is lovely and I'm glad you seem to be liking your Fiskars Stamping thingy. I'm not very good at stamping so will think about getting one of those. Especially as I don't even have any acrylic blocks I make do
    OH is watching the football SO I'm going to go craft!

  32. Very quiet in here, where are you all? There isn't another show on is there selling more must have bundles of dies??.,
    Cheryl, I hope you get a good nights sleep, and aren't going to be on alert for a phone call? Do you think the Queen will be doing the same???. I bet she is!! Hazel x

    1. Hazel, I'm irony - nuff said! Xx

    2. No Hazel, I'm ironing! I give up today! Xx

  33. I'm back Hazel, only for a short while though, I've just finished Mike's sympathy card, have 3 sheets to iron with my ironing press. One of the best household tools I have ever bought, what used to take me 3 hours now turns into half an hour.
    I'm just about ready to turn in, so I'm off for my meds then while they are working, do the crosswords and sleep, it's going to be quite emotional tomorrow. Robin & Giorgina have taken time off work to be able to come with me.
    Electric blanket back on, this strange cold spell its really giving Arthur Ritus some strange ideas on making sure my joints creak at every opportunity.
    Nighty night, sleep tight with pleasant dreams.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Night Night Cheryl, my thoughts and prayers are with you! I'm ironing too but still with the old iron! I'm thinking! Oh dear!
      Sleep well. Xxx

    2. Good evening Sandra & everyone,Sandra your card is gorgeous love the colours & die's you have used & your beautiful flower sprays oh & those stick pins love it all.
      Cheryl so sorry for your sad news of your friend my thoughts & prayers are with you tomorrow,glad Robin & Giorgina are going with you sending you some love & Hug's xxx
      Still not feeling 100% with this Migraine,but better than it was.
      Sandra glad you like the Fiskars stamp thingy I told you I thought it was brilliant it was my best buy from Ally Pally love it. I also bought the rocker blocks some time ago & couldn't get on with them at all.
      Pat so sorry Pete has to wait for his medication when he should be starting them my thoughts & prayers are with you both Big Hug's xx
      Norah I hope all goes well for Rory tomorrow,I'm sure he will make you very proud of him,I know your already a proud Mum but he will defiantly be a credit too you please give him a big cuddle from me xx
      Sandra hope you had a good day with Pat & Sue & your not too worn out lovely.
      Well just got my cupper from OH so will go & drink it
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Ironing is the one piece of housework I've never minded doing coz I can do it watching tele but since I bought a press I enjoy it even more... am I mad or what? I I agree Cheryl one if the best household items I have bought Another great item is my new Breville One Cup (other brands are prob available) heats & dispenses one cup of boiling water at a time I struggle holding a heavy kettle sometimes and as I drink copious amounts of tea (and coffee) it's perfect Takes less than 60 seconds to boil too

  34. Hi Sandra and lovely ladies of the café
    Cheryl hope you hear soon about the baby its an exciting time for you it might help ease the pain of other thoughts
    Sandra your card is no less than absolutely gorgeous, you should send some of them (especially this one) into some of the companies that asks for demos. you would get picked no bother.
    Myra I am like you a night owl never go to my bed the same day as I get up.
    Alison good luck with your last shift
    Pat thinking about you both just hang in there
    Margaret maybe were like your dogs and just chasing our tails lol
    Lynda hope your feeling a bit better
    Norah enjoy your day tomorrow and give Rory all our love
    Love and hugs to everyone
    Wendy x

  35. Cooooeeee, anyone in? Sorry I haven't been in much today. Too much paperwork at the end of the month. And a bank holiday this weekend, and having to check out Sue's blog (thankfully this is a good job). It would help if I had slept well last night instead of being wide awake way too early.
    Oh, I think I could try the baileys in a hot chocolate, would that work, do you think? help me sleep?
    I am looking forward to tomorrow, my friend, another card maker, is home from 3 months in New Zealand, and is visiting me. She has a lot of catching up to do, 2 releases from Sue, and she's never seen an Izzy bag yet, just hope she likes the one I made her. Just thought, perhaps I should photograph it first, I always forget to do that.
    Night night then. See you all tomorrow

    1. Night Night Janice!
      Have a lovely day tomorrow with your friend. Isn't Izzy famous? She soon will be! Go easy on the Baileys ! Xxx

    2. Sleep tight Janice.
      Enjoy your day tomorrow, your friend will love the Izzy Bag. Go careful with the Baileys, the stocks are running low and the next Tanker isn't due until Friday xxxx

    3. HinJanice
      Yes, please do photo your Izzy bag. We'd all love to see it. I've yet to make one. I'm going to get Sandra to watch me when I try to make one.

  36. It's me, now don't all groan! Guides Promise evening was lovely, of course Eleanor spoke the best, so clearly and just loud enough so that we could hear. She was perfect, now what makes you think that I'm a little biased? There was tea/coffee and cakes afterwards, which made it special.
    I'd love to do Patricia's rose tutorial, and to learn how to do an origami box. I'm quite good at rapping but I think Hazel's wrapping might be a little different, so I'm up for that as well.
    I am no expert but I could bring a selection of stamps and ink pads to let people have a go. I do have rocker blocks but never use them as I just cannot get away with them, but I'll bring them if you want. And if I bring the nice stamping card it'll be a doddle.
    Pergamano might be a bit too complicated to do with everyone, and I only have one set of pens, tools, inks, embossing mat, dorso crayons, etc.
    I don't want to push myself forward so will you let me know what you think Hazel and Sandra.
    Well, I am tired so I'll clear up, watch the news and try to have a good night's sleep. I've checked all the bottles and finished off the dregs so that there are none lying around when Norah calls in, in the morning. Dishwasher is filled. Clock wound up, cat put out, and floor swept. Can't see Maria any where.
    Cheryl, I hope you get no late night telephone calls and that all is well with Joshua and Lucy.
    Saba, you enjoy your day tomorrow.
    I hope you manage to have a good night Myra.
    Night, night all sleep tight.
    Daffy xxxx

  37. It's a good night God bless from me as well.
    Just can't keep up with the pace of life in England. Much quieter in Germany. We only have table knocking and Prost. (Sorry Muriel didn't mean to encourage you)
    Myra and Cheryl PUT AWAY THE IRON. it's a brave new world now and ironing is not in it!!!
    On a serious note though, I will be thinking of you tomorrow Cheryl.
    Love and huge great hugs for you all
    Saba xxx

  38. CooooooEeeeee!! folks have you all been good?? Sorry I have not been in.
    Audrey was here with Thomas. Robert and JohnJnr were Football Training.
    Grandpa and Thomas did Homework, Audrey and I had a good old chat.
    Once they went I finished a card. Got a phone call 5pm, lady in the village needing a card, No hurry, could John drop it off when he collects the paper in the morning!!
    Card made, just the insert to do, will do that in the morning and get it delivered.
    Right have to get to bed, I am a morning person. Up early, things done so I have plenty time for "me"
    Good night, God Bless
    Catch up with you all tomorrow xxx

  39. Evening ladies, just popped in for a quick catch up, been out for a meal with some friends, we went for the £12 deal for 3 course meal, it was lovely, now ready to go to bed, catch up again tomorrow. Goodnight all, Jess x

  40. Right ladies I'm off to bed! I'll be out all day tomorrow! You will have glorious peace and quiet . Enjoy! Xxx

  41. Hullo Sandra
    Good evening everyone as well, well that's if you all aren't in bed. I must say that this card is lovely, however, it looks much better in the flesh so to speak. I had a lovely day crafting with Sandra. Unfortunately Sue wasn't able to make it today. We both really missed her.

  42. Good Evening Ladies,
    Sorry for my absence, its been one of those days, after Pat left at about 4pm I got lost in my new stamp set for a couple of hours, then the girls and Paul were in and then it was ten o'clock! where did the day go?
    Hazel, I think that sharing our knowledge with each other on the retreat is a fantastic idea, I would love to learn your wrapping skills just for starters, each of us have our own different strong points, sharing these skills is what crafting is all about, that's what we have the room for, we may as well use it to our benefit!
    Maureen your skills would be gratefully received, I look forward to learning from all of you!
    Well Paul has just bought me a lovely cup of tea, so I am going to enjoy it with him (the tea)!

  43. Sorry Sandra I do seem to have trouble typing when I go back and look at some comment. Hate to tell tales only Maureen was finishing all the dregs in the bottles. How many ladies where in drinking tonight. Now I missed all that as I was watching the snooker. Barry Hawkins beat Neil Robertson. What a fantastic match it was. Hazel, please stop doing all this cleaning, your giving Pete ideas about what I should be doing. Had a look at Patricuas blog today over Sandra's. My word what fantastic stamping she's doing. I especially loved how she did the stipples blossom and the stamps where she had to use all tiny bits of stamped flowers, leaves and stems. Absolutely fabulous but must be so time consuming.

  44. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies. Sorry I'm so late, had a busy morning shopping and visiting garden centres and got home for a late lunch. By the time I had checked Sues blog and started to cut the layers for a card it was time to meet Emma's train! By the time we got home it was torrential rain so we stayed in the car and had a natter until it eased a bit. My iPad died as we were on Skype to Julian so I've had to wait for a bit of charge to comment!
    Sandra your card is beautiful and I love the whie embossing. Your stamp what sit works a treat doesn't it. Thank you for sharing it with us. I must send you the photo I took the other day of a card I made, it's on my to do list!
    My mother in law is coming tomorrow to help me make my dress- I can't find my fabric scissors anywhere so she is bringing hers. We can have a good natter too and may pop out to the shops for a quick look around.
    Pat I'm sorry to hear Johns treatment hasn't started yet. I thinking about you xxx
    Maureen it sounds like you had a lovely evening at guides, Emma loved guides and did so much with them ( she was enrolled on the ice rink one Christmas!), including a trip to Switzerland to visit Our Challet and to Mexico for Our Cabanya and to build houses for Habbitat for Humanity. What great experiences.
    Well I must go to bed, I'm allowed a lie in tomorrow as Emma is catching the 8am train!
    Sleep tight everyone, see you tomorrow
    Love Diane
    Ps Norah hope you and Rory have a fab day tomorrow xx
    Cheryl take care of yourself tomorrow , I'll be thinking of you xxx
    Dander a pat and a Sue I hope you had a good day today
    Love to everyone xxxx

  45. Looks as if I am last again. Will just tidy up ROTC., and take a hot chocolate with me to have in bed. See you tomorrow. Oh it is tomorrow. Perhaps I am first in then?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Melody
      thank you for popping in, please call back and say Hi, we have a lovely bunch of ladies, with a joint interest in craft.
      you will be made most welcome
