
Thursday 30 April 2015

New Baby Girl !


Good Morning Ladies,
Today's card is another beauty from an anonymous contributor! A very talented, contributor at that!
A beautiful use of many of Sue's dies, including our favourite Scandinavian border Die, The Oslo, the Classic Bow die set to name but a few, also the Rows of Bows Embossing Folder, all from Creative Expressions, designed by Sue Wilson, No1 Blogger! yay!!!!
Are you all enjoying the new Die launch over on Sue's blog, I have to say I was actually blown away by those 'Configurations' Dies, they looked hard to work out in the picture, but boy when you seen them in use, they really pack a punch, they look very versatile too. In the one card Sue used them as a background and the focal element! Ooooh what will tomorrow bring?
Well Pat and I had a lovely day today, apart from the fact that we both missed Sue, we did a lot of die cutting and chatting though, my new stamp set arrived, I was so pleased that it arrived while Pat was here, so I could have her guidance, I had a go and she gave me not one but two gold stars!!! Actually it is a Justrite stamp set and they always stamp well even in my hands, Pat left and I continued stamping for a couple of hours! I'm hooked, it is a multi-layer stamp system, which I thought I could never master, but it was quite easy!
You will see my stamping skills in the next few days, I just need to make them into cards.
Well all that is left to do is thank out Card creator very much for sharing their work!
Maureen I still need those photos of your cards too, Brenda (mumma) I would love to see one of
yours too!
I hope that you are feeling better Sue, we really missed you today!
We have Parents Evening tonight, be interesting to hear what the teachers have to say about 'hospitalgate'!  and to hear how well the girls are doing too of course!
I will be back to catch up with you all later,
love and hugs
Sandra xxxxxxx


  1. Hello Sandra and all,
    I don't know whom made this truly Stunning Card but it's so very very Beautiful I Love the Colours everything.
    Take Care All.
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Oh it's lovely to see Sam back in early.
    Well miss annonymous, ( whom I think is Steph to be honest) if it is you why hide when your absolutely stunning cards from us!!! I just love this design, it packs a punch and is so beautiful and different for a new baby card. I love different.
    Sue, sorry you weren't up to being with the other two graces yesterday, that's I bet because you did that ironing??? We all told you to leave it!
    Myra, are you feeling better?
    Sandra, you sound like you have had fun with your stamp press, can't wait to see these cards made with them.
    Oh I must go, I am in early today? I am getting to use to this in early mornings, I will call in later. Hazel x

  3. Morning Sandra,

    Gorgeous card and beautiful use of dies.

    Sues dies are wonderful i love the Canadian Background she is showing today.

    Hope all goes well a parents evening

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  4. Morning Sandra and all that visit today. Ooo, my favourite border die and favourite blush card. I do love pastel shades. This is a really pretty card, one to go into the memory box. Ms Anon, reveal yourself !
    Im loving Sue's new collection, I really want to build up my collection of the very first launch, but both Sue or Joanna Sheen dont make it easy do they ? Sue with some outstanding designs and JS with her brilliant discounts !! But I have to say that I really love what Ive seen, and what's to come is totally lush. My craft shop owner called yesterday to ask if id changed my mind about demo day errr NO lol. Id rather spend what money I have on a die, lets put it like this, I wouldnt go if it was gratis.
    Im intregued about your stamp set Sandra, is it like the one Tina E and Patricia use ? They both have a rose stamp that sounds like a similar technique ? Which stamp is it hon ? Awww what a pitty Sue couldn't join you and Pat yesterday, it must feel like you've had a limb taken away when one of you dont feel well enough to go out, hopefully next week the 3 of you will all have a smashing day together - fingers crossed. So Izzy, what have you seen in these new dies ? As soon as I saw the first configuration set I said to Andy "Izzy will make the most stunning bag from this" so what are your idea's so far ? Dont worry chick, im not artistic or clever enough to 'copy' any idea's you have lol not even attempted a bag or notelet box yet !
    Im really looking forward to seeing your cards Sandra and the new stamp you used.
    Wishing you all a lovely day whatever your plans. I need to make a start on an order I have.
    Sending love and hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Wow-beautiful card today. Whoever made it should be very proud .

    I see the comments on Sues blog are already up from the normal number-as predicted eh?!

    I got a last minute request for a personalised 50th birthday card-needed for Tuesday! Only thing is, I'd just volunteered to work Bank Holiday Monday-grrrrrr!!!!! Heh ho-will have to hope hubby will cook all weekend. He usually dies when he's home-safer option than my cooking. I also got another card commission-wedding card in navy+ lemon-help, need ideas for that one....!!!!

    Best get a move on as we have quite a busy day at work & I do the shopping after work on a Thursday so its a long day.


  6. Good morning Sandra and the Gang. Hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead. I am late I was finishing off the order I got yesterday.
    OH! Wow! another stunning card from the person that will show face. Can't believe that you are not willing to claim your stunning work. I lobe the colour combo, use of all those beautiful dies and the great design.
    Sue sorry you did not manage to go Crafting yesterday. However sounds like your pals had a good one!! Sandra I just love using my multi layer stamps you get fantastic results. Looking forward to seeing yours. Yesterday I had a project using them almost finished then I dropped an ink loaded stamp, it landed rights the middle ....... doh!!! had to start all over again.
    Right folks I need to get a wiggle on. I have lots to do, we will be very busy over the weekend. We have lots of "partying" on the cards. A good friend of ours was 70 yesterday and it's all go over the next few days. It all kicks off tomorrow evening, with a Birthday Meal. Saturday is the BIG event "glad rags" looked out and matched up.......oh! by the way that's just John's . Only joking like most men his is easy to get sorted out.
    Be back later, basket of (((((hugs))))) at the door as usual. xxx

  7. Janet Ecco of Sheffield30 April 2015 at 08:25

    Morning everyone
    In need of a large latte this morning so here goes.
    Right that's better - it's amazing what a cup of coffee can do even if it's only sat in front of you.
    Sandra today's card is just gorgeous and which ever talented lady has created this needs to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. Everything about it is just beautiful from the colours to the use of Eplate and then the dies. This is one card that will be cherished and placed in a memory box.

    Well it's wet, windy and cold and I still haven't managed to get warm this week inspite of having the heating on. Oh Sue sorry you couldn't join your other two graces yesterday. I hope you feel better today and will be well enough to see them next week. Oh Sandra Parents' Evening - How I remember them even though it's well we'll not brood on that little nugget. I'm sure all will be good afterall they're your two wonderful Daughters so how can it not be.

    MOT over until next year. According to Practice Nurse I just need to loose a couple of kilos as I'm that up from last year! Easy to say but not to do. How do you loose weight when you're limited how much exercise you can do but you do as much as you can; when you've altered your normal diet and given up things you love because it's good for your heart etc.
    I would like to 'live and enjoy life' not just 'exist'. Oh well everything else was OK when tested.

    I'm going to have a play day crafting today as I've not touched any since arriving back on Monday (apart from K&N). Have to make June's Bday cards.

    Thank you for the Latte just what I needed. Hope to see you later.
    I've left hugs in their usual place.

  8. Good morning Our Sandra and the rest of my coffee shop rescuers,
    Sam it is so lovely to be able to read you again but i hope that you are like me on the road back up to the top flower.
    Sue, oh Sue what did you do to yourself that you didn't manage to make it a threesome yesterday? Please take it easier on your self flower, as i know just how much that meeting up with each other is and how it is a life saver in more than one aspect.
    Sorry Ms Anon but the memory is fleeting to say the least today as i didn't sleep much last night worrying that i might sleep in for Rory and his big day today. Today's baby card is so pretty and very much appropriate when you think of our new baby girl just waiting to come in to this world via Cheryl & family. I love the dainty border that has been used as it is just right for a baby card because it is dainty in size and with the Sue bow at the top above the verse panel, it just frames it prettily. Thank you Ms Anon for a spot on card in every way, just perfect.
    Well my boy got picked up at 7:22 this morning as i had him all organized so that the young PC wasn't kept hanging about, so i just hope that the rest of the children were ready for him just to pick up (i don't or rather can't do late as i panic). All OH was bothered about was what the neighbours would say from behind their curtains and blinds about the big police van being at the door and couldn't he pick him up at the other end of the, that would be a no and i couldn't care less what the neighbours think at what they think they see, but it will give them something to gossip about like Etta and Netta across the fences to each other. I did that face and comment to him that that Scottish lassie does with the face and the "Bothered, do i look bothered" although her voice grates on my nerves to be honest. I have Marie Curie coming this morning to pick up 17 boxes from mum's this morning so at least she would be happy knowing that they were going to do some good but i still have loads still to look through and decide upon.
    Anyway i am going to sit in my wee corner with a latte and my basket hoping that they behave themselves(which i doubt), but sending hugs to you Cheryl in the hope that they help you cope on what is yet another awful day for you flower. My thoughts and love are with you today in the hope that it brings you some comfort and strength,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    Sue's count was 95 when my comment went in at 7.49, so i see that all the usual suspects are coming in xx

    1. Norah
      Your Always So Very Kind, It's Lovely To Be Able To Comment Again I Was Getting Very Depressed With It All, They Have Decided To Operate When I Return From Holiday.
      Take Care
      Love From Sam xxx

    2. Norah, what have you got to be embaressed about? No you can hold your head up high, as he was picked out of the group! He was seen to be a credit for the force! He didn't go out in hand cuffs did he!!! He was in his uniform would that not tell them that he is off to do a duty. Enjoy your proud moment!!!! Hazel x

    3. Hi Norah,
      give the neighbours something to talk about if they want, ignore them and be proud of your boy, hope he had a great day and have lots to tell you about his day xxx

    4. Why embarrassed, head held high and proud as punch that's what you should all be.
      To heck with the neighbours, the van was there to take Rory away for an exciting day not to put him in Jail.
      Hope he has had a fantastic time.
      Enjoy every moment of being a "proud" mum
      Hugs xxx

    5. Girls, i was so proud of him when he was all dressed up this morning and he went running out to that van. I gave up thinking what neighbours would think along time ago because if they are talking about us, they are leaving some other poor soul alone and this lot are just the kind that add up wrongly and i am rotten and don't see any need to correct them until they find out the hard way and then it serves them right for being auld gossips.
      Sam flower, i am glad that you finally have a solution to your pain and yes boy do i know just how it can get someone down but if all i can do is put a smile on your face dear friend then good. Now the huggles in my basket are not on their best behaviour at the moment and i don't need to coax any of them out of the basket so right you lot of trouble go and give Sam the biggest huggle that she has ever had. xx

    6. Norah hold your head up high your son was picked out specially because of what you have made him. Hope he had a great day and hope you have a few laughs when he is telling you about it. xx
      Sam you take care x

    7. Hi NORAH
      Now why does my IPad put your name in capitals. I know, you are a special person who does a fantastic job with a very special son. I hope that Rory had a fabulous day. Never mind the neighbours, those busy bodies have nothing better to do with their lives.

  9. Hello Sandra,
    How lovely is the card today? Please Anonymous, put us out of our misery and reveal yourself (not that way), because your cards are gorgeous.
    Sue, sorry to read that you missed out on the 3 Graces yesterday and I hop you are feeling a lot better this morning.
    Cheryl, I hope you got no midnight or early hour phone calls regarding the impending baby.
    Norah (I was tempted to write Nanny), I hope Rory has an amazing day, and I am sure he will do you proud.
    Patricia, you've got a busy time ahead, Glad Rags eh, that's not what you told us earlier!!
    Got to go - the little dears at school are waiting for me, so see you later this afternoon.
    Love Daffy XXXX

  10. Morning Sandra and all,
    Just a quicky ,We have visitors from abroad and they will be here in a minute for breakfast !
    Yesterday's card is absolutely gorgeous Sandra, you are a master a card making ! This morning card is Beautiful, love the soft colours used and the dies,wow!
    I will read all the comments when our visitors have moved on tonight so expect me back for a coffee ,until then have a good day, sun is out so hope for a lovely day. Love and Hugs to you all, yay Sam you are back !
    Maria xxx

  11. Oh, that printed and I wanted also to say to Cheryl that I hope today is not too much of a trial for you and that I will be thinking of you.
    That's all xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies.
    Well Miss Anon what a beautiful card today, so delicate and just right for a lovely baby girl. Take the praise lovely lady your cards are beautiful. You can put your clothes on again now by the way after Maureen asked you to reveal yourself, we don't want you catching cold! As my dad used to say"I don't know what you've got on but it needs a damn good iron!"
    Well the sun is out today, I've done the station run, filled the car up with petrol, put the bins out washed the food bin and the washing is ready to go on the line, oh yes and I've commented on Sues blog. Must get going as Julian's mum is coming today and the lounge needs a tidy! Funny I asked Emma to tidy her stuff up yesterday, usually a granny visit helps because Granny thinks she's an angel! She did move a pair of shoes to wear them but nothing else! She did put her bowl in the dishwasher though, there's a treat!
    Cheryl I'm thinking of you today and sending you a big hug. Xxx
    Sue sorry to hear you couldn't join the other two yesterday, look after yourself,xxx
    Pat and Sandra it sounds like you had fun together and the stamps sound gorgeous looking forward to seeing them xxx
    Janet I've got a nice warm patch of sun here, pop down and sit by my window watching the birds that will help warm you up xxx
    Patricia I dropped a fully inked stamp on my white t shirt last week, vanish doesn't get archival black out! Xx
    Sam hope you are feeling better xxx
    Norah you are one proud mum today, I hope Rory enjoys himself today, blow what the neighbours think xxx
    Steph, would you like to come down with Janet and have a touch of sun for a day, Jess Wendy and Patricia and Hazel can come too as their week has been so bad. Tell you what, I've got the leaf in the table so there's room for everyone else too if they want to come. Can you imagine! Let me know what time your flights/trains get in and I'll send Muriel's tanker to collect you! Haha.
    Enjoy your day everyone. Take care
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      Thanks For Caring
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

    2. Janet Ecco of Sheffield30 April 2015 at 18:12

      Thank you Diane for the invitation. Please keep it open as I'm sure I'll need it tomorrow looking at the weather forecast.

    3. Thanks for the invite ,Diane, I will be catching the first flight better not send the tankard because it might be empty if you leave me in there xx

  13. Diane, thank you so much for the kind invitation. Sun shining here at the moment but I am coming anyway!!! Be there soon I am a fast driver.
    Ooopps!! I just needed to turn my card and start again. Looks like your shirt has had it, bet it was a favourite one as well. xxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Patricia luckily it was a M&S white one from last year now with a tree upside down in the tummy region! I could start a new fashion! I think it will be a messy gardening job t shirt now!!! Xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and ladies, well who is hiding their light under a bushel! This card is gorgeous, just right for a new baby.
    A latte would be good this morning, running late as usual.
    Sandra you seemed to have a great day yesterday , looking forward to seeming your lovely efforts, I sure they will be outstanding. I don't think you will have anything to worry about at parents night, your girls sound lovely, my sister who was a teacher always said that the wrong parents came to parents night, the ones you really wanted to see couldn't give a monkeys about their childrens
    Cheryl thinking of you today, take it easy.
    Norah, I hope Rory has a fantastic day, he will be as good as gold, and not let you down

    Well Sue's blog is well up, surprise surprise.
    Diane, thanks for offering us some of your sunshine, it's a wee bit cloudy today but at least it is not raining (for now)
    Shopping is calling, so will pop back later, take care everyone, Jess.

  15. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Has to be a quick one.
    I love this card. Please reveal yourself mystery lady.
    Sandra good luck with the parents day.
    Cheryl thinking of you today.
    Norah hope all goes well for Rory. You must be so proud.
    Patricia are you wiggling to music or just generally wiggling?
    Maria have a fun time with your visitors please wish the schöne Grüße from me.
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxx

  16. Well I have just been having a look to see what products Phill Martin was demonstrating on C&C today and I though I would see what they have on over the Bank Holiday, what Company do you think is the Pick of the Week this week?
    Come on let's see your guesses?

    1. Would it be Tatered lace with SW hehe xx

    2. I am with Lynda on this one!!
      Oh! maybe it could be the Scan-n-Cut have not seen that for a while!!

    3. Sandra, is it Shattered Face dies? lol xx

    4. Got to be SW, with something, I had the TV on this afternoon when I was making a couple of cards, and it was Nancy with the NEW templates for bags, shoes, cars and a tool box, they looked quite difficult to put together and were quite pricy.
      Patricia has lovely bags and shoes that she makes.
      Jess x

    5. I turned it on for 2 minutes, what a shock I got at the prices for that 3 d dies, not a chance lol

    6. Ok girls, i turned on this morning for the clover show and what do you think was in it's place i wonder!!!! Of course Shattered face Pick of the Day. Now the reasoning behind it was seemingly trouble broadcasting the shows the day before, well not that i noticed. I wonder if more than me thought that these were a BIG waste of money, the shoe template is strange to say the least with a thin heel and a great big long foot bed which just doesn't look right no matter how many flowers they put in it to try and disguise the fact and the racing car, well it is just a big long waste of time as it is nothing spectacular. Now paying out that sort of money you want something that is going to WOW yourself when you are finished never mind some one else. That is the last 3 weeks SF has been either POD, POW, ODW, or/and Weekender. Come on C&C give it a break with the in house promoting of a presenters company.
      Sorry, will step back down of my soap box before i slip and go and stand in the corner with my D hat on but it gets beyond a joke.

  17. Good morning Sandra & all you lovely ladies that in the coffee shop today.
    Wow Miss Anon your card is gorgeous love the design & delicate colours,Why hide you should be proud of your talent.
    Sue sorry you weren't well enough to join Pat & Sandra yesterday I hope your feeling better xx. Sam so lovely to see you today hope your feeling a lot better sweetheart you take care xx
    Sandra hope your ok after your crafting & chatty day yesterday. Hope parents day goes well later I'm sure your lovely girls will make you & Paul proud.
    I'm pleased you love your stamp press,I did say it was brilliant my best buy at AP. Looking forward to seeing your card tomorrow. Well we are off now to do weekly shopping & to see if I have won the lottery well I can dream untill she rips my tickets in half again haha. Will pop back later, first im just popping to see what stunning creation Sue's has for us. Cheryl thinking of you today.
    Norah hope Rory has a great day & he will make you so proud give him a Hug from me.xx
    Love & hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Thanks for caring so much.
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  18. Hi Sandra
    Another lovely card from Anon. I've just been on Sue Wilsons blog. A person called Joanne Dickson from Blackpool has left 4 posts. Wish I could go in on her profile and tell her to stop cheating. 3 of the posts are together. NORAH hope you and Rory have a lovely day.
    Sandra hope that parents day goes off ok. Tell Paul not to be late or else the girls will grumble.

    1. Saw that Pat, I was giving her the benefit of the doubt that her comment did not show and she just kept pressing the "publish" button. Surely no one could be that selfish??? xxx

    2. If you go back on Sue's blog you notice that she often has double comments I think she has got something wrong with her computer, but I tend to check it's only one. Hazel x

    3. Methinks there's something squiffy here. One is fine, two is sometimes the i-pad or laptop, three is careless, but four is downright squiffy !!! xx

    4. A few people leave more than one comment i notice,i will go & check who they are, i have my detective hat on so i'm on the case hihi xx

    5. Maureen/Muriel i thought squiffy was what you get in here at night when we are not looking? ;-D xx

    6. Hi Norah
      Yes, squiffy is how we finish up the night after we empty the tanker. Might find a bottle in my cupboard, if not I might just have a nice glass of Chardonay. Not that I like a drink or anything. I'm really a virtual teetotaller (not). Sush Maureen and I are hiding in the corner until the cafe empties.

  19. Beautiful card! A very talented crafter.
    Postman just been ooh er card from Anna Marie, roses from wild orchid, and a couple of Sues new sentiment dies and Scandinavian border! Glad hubby at work saying that new bike gadgets arrived last week so all is fair!
    Tattered lace again I guess! Ms Weightman has previously " gone bankrupt" left a lot of small businesses in the you know what and walked away paid no outstanding debts and set up again. After I found that out that was me done with her!
    See you all later must go and play!

    1. She's had more than one company that has gone "bum" up xxx

    2. I could answer that, but I'm too much of a "lady" xxx ha ha

    3. Well yes but let's face it it is rather a large one and her name is so ironic if you ask me! The more tired I am the worse I get!!!

    4. Same reason that I don't buy anything from her. It is very unfair to the people she owes money to. The way they go on about these 3d things you would think they were the first to invent them. I am sure XCut have some and Patricia May not have dies but makes lovely things from her own templates. I prefer Izzy's bags myself.

    5. Those bags Tattered Lace are doing are Tiny!!!
      You can make nice bags using Izzy's sizes that Saba kindly make very clear for us to use. You could even cut them down to make them smaller and still be nicer the Tattered Lace ones. xxx

  20. Hi ladies, you are right of course, it's Tattered blooming lace, I am sick to my back teeth of it, now I am not sure if there us something wrong with my tv line up but the pick of the day is still showing as those 3d dies! I have Phill on at the minute, I don't mind him, but why does he make all of his cards to look the same?
    I heard the same about as you Barbie, frustrating to hear and you feel so bad for the companies that had to close!
    Has anyone noticed that lady that had all the dies and still entered the draw last time, was it whopperjaw? Or the Brighton Belle?
    Sandra xxxx

  21. LADIES:- if we are having "demos" of talents in October .... is there anyone who does "patchwork" ??? I have never tackled this and would love to have a go. Hazel has always said "why would you want to cut up a piece of material then sew all back together again"??? I am sure if everyone else was having a go Hazel would as well. This is the kind of thing we would need to know about so we brought some material with us. Just a passing thought.
    Making 4 pairs of shoes, I have been asked to make Boxes for them as well. xxx

    1. Patricia, my mother (who was a hot-headed red head) one threw a shoe last at my brother Rayment, who jumped out of the way and it hit Thomas instead. I was just a baby at the time, otherwise I may have been in the firing line as well!!!
      Mind you, I can understand her throwing it at Raymond, but Thomas was lovely, calm, placid and very, very kind.
      I didn't know about SWt, I have changed the initials because I always think you are talking about Sue. Where did you read about her?
      The little angels were lovely this morning, not a pick of bother as my mother would say after she'd finished throwing the iron shoe last around ha ha. Year 2 tomorrow - now they are a different kettle of fish.
      Wonder how Cheryl is managing today and how Rory is enjoying himself.
      See you all later.
      Daffy xx
      P.S. Patricia, what about shrink plastic. Does everyone know about that? xxx

    2. Good one Maureen ... Shrink Plastic!!! had some, goodness knows where it is now!!! Tried it, was a disaster so probably binned it.
      Yes!! that would be another good thing.
      I just had another thought .... oh! dear! that's serious ..... me thinking!!!
      Anyway, Saba mentioned the Envelope Board making Crackers and boxes. I have one and only ever made envelopes. That could be anther good thing for October what do others think??? xxx

    3. Do you think I should bring some shrink and a slower heat gun which works better than the fast hot one? xx

    4. Yes xx (that's short and sweet, isn't it?) xx

    5. Hi Patricia
      I was looking at your blog with Sandra yesterday. I forgot what it was called after I got home. Bak to that CRAFT thing again. I'm going to be in Queer Street if Pete's me or stats to go with his new medication when he gets it. Anyway can you let me know your blog name please. I asked Sandra after I got home but she ignoring me today. Only joking, she probably busy playing with her new stamps. Haven't played with shrink plastic for years. I might have some hanging around.

    6. Pat, if you just click on my Picture it takes you to my Blog.
      It is Summerhousecrafts.blogspot xxx

    7. Hi Patricia
      I've just this minute thought of that. That's how I found Sandra's blog. Told you my brain was going. Many thanks anyway for the info.

    8. Hi Patricia, I do patchwork. Just cut the fabric into bits and sew them together again.Simples!
      I collected loads of fabric for years and have recently returned to patchwork and quilting. Better get some of this stuff used up. They do say the one who dies with the most fabric wins, well think I am in the running.

  22. Just popped in for a cup of tea and I think I will have a piece of that shortbread. Don't have to pick Beth up till 4.15. But funny how my mind is thinking I am late. Been die cutting strip lets again, really need to get Mr Dyson out and get the bits hoovered up, I suppose I should go and do that once I have my tea. I will just go sit over by the window and do a bit of people watching. Hazel x

  23. BARGAIN INFO!!!!!!!
    Little Claire are celebrating a birthday today so have 30% off everything across their website! I just got a Versafine ink pad and new Memento ink pad for £7.20, they have some nice stamps too, worth a little look I think ladies, discount only for today xxxx
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Thanks for that Sandra, they have some sweet little stamps that are not too expensive. Getting something off them is always welcome.
      Good luck for this evening xxx

    2. Thanks Sandra, will pop over there now. Hope this evening goes well xx

    3. Thanks Sandra, will go and have a look.
      Jess x

    4. Will go and have a look, thanks x

  24. Hi everyone, a good tip for shrink plastic is to colour it in after shrinkage, you don't use as much ink.
    Norah I hope Rory had a good day, he will be talking about it for days I bet.
    Sandra good luck for parents night, I really don't think you will need it.
    Linda how is your detective work coming on, are you under cover?
    Catch up later, Jess x

  25. Hello Sandra and coffee club friends,
    Thanks honey I took the hint and have been working on trying to get some pics to you my computer skills seem to have gone like a lot of my posts - into cyberspace!!! Sat down this morning with camera ended up editing 800 + pics.
    Stoped for lunch - tried loading pics on computer. Ended up getting old computer out - great, loaded up photos, went to email them computer telling me it was not a secure site. (Think that is because the security software has expired) any am now back to my latest computer and still trying!!! Just had a thought it might work if......... Won't bore you ....... but will try that tomorrow.
    Hope you have a good evening at the girls school, I'm sure they both work very hard and you will have good reports.
    NORAH, Have been thinking about wee Rory today I hope his parade went off well and he enjoyed his special day.
    SUE Sorry you could not join the two other Graces yesterday, hope you will be welll and are able to make the next date. LOL
    CHERYL, Hope you are OK and getting through this difficult time LOL
    SAM, lovely to have you back. Hope you are feeling a little stronger. LOL
    To ANON,Your card is beautiful, what a treasure this would be for any new parents.

    Well really must move dinner is ready, will stop by later.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Thank You So Much For Your Very Kind Words.
      Love And Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  26. Today's card is lovely. Would be good to know who made it but I don't suppose we will find out. Thanks girl showing it Sandra. Went to M&S at Camberley today. I have a voucher to spent and wanted some jeans. Had seen a Burgandy pair in my local store a few weeks ago but not my size. Depending on the design it's either a 10 or a 12. M&S sizes vary a lot. No Burgandy. That's the winter colour. Tried a colour called Berry. Well tried 10 and 12. Couldn't do either up and the ones I was wearing were also straight leg size 12! Tried done crop ones well they ended up a few inches above my ankle and as my mother would say looks like your legs have had a row with your ankles so I ended up buying nothing again. I can go into Bon Marche and buy a size 10 and they fit perfectly. Only went in M&S because of the voucher. Pity you cannot use them in any shop. Fed up seeing Tattered Lace all the time. Only put it on just to send what they had. As Sandra says it was a POTD and when the first program came on they said this is a POTD and it runs from 9pm tonight til 9pm tomorrow (Wednesday) so why was it still on today? Only saw it was on because I was watching Phill Martin. They will go bankrupt again soon. Rant over. :-). Will gave a tea and ginger cake and put the money in the pot. Probably be back later but as I am another night owl I expect most of you will have gone to bed.

  27. Brenda (Littlelamb) now I for one am easily confused and by great I was certainly that this afternoon ... why???
    Switched on the telly, clicked to see what C&C were offering on the way up the channels. Yes!! Tattered Lace Dies that were POTD ... Mmmmmm!!! Shouted "John what day is this"?? Thursday came the reply ..... OK thought it was just Wednesday. Why would you think that ?? .... well you know the answer!!!
    Obviously nothing else to show or no Companies participating in Shows this week. Wonder how long it will all last??? xxx

  28. Hi Patricia just tried clicking on your photo on your original post. Ipad takes me nowhere. So I'll google you. Good old Google.

    1. Good old Google ... you got me.
      Thank you for your support I really appreciate it. xxx

  29. Hi Sandra and lovely café ladies
    Have been making comments on the way down. What a beauty of a card, it is gorgeous wish I could claim to be anon. but what a shame I'm not.
    I thought the 3d things on c&c were very small but I don't particularly find them attractive.
    See you all later meal time

  30. Well ladies, I havent a clue what's been on TV today, I am wondering where the day has gone? I don't really look at the craft channels as the presenters do my head in? It's ok all these new dies, but would I use them? I don't think so! I like what Sue is showing with her new sets, but I cant see me buying until I have a long hard think about which ones I would get the most use out of and would I get bored of them quickly? No I think there will be a good few of these companies going to the wall? They need to slow down on the new stuff, and let us save our pennies for a while!!.,, can you imagine if we were at the retreat at the moment what the topic would be???
    Sandra, I hope you didn't have to bite your tongue at the parents night ref Lucy's eyes and all what they put you through months back? I think your girls school work will not be a problem.
    Norah, I hope Rory had a great day.
    Oh I think I need to go and get a shower and put my pjs on. Will be back later and have a hot chocolate. Hazel x

  31. Quite tonight that's cause Maureen's out. Is Myra out as well??
    I am off to get things done we have busy day tomorrow. I want all tomorrow's jobs done tonight or early in the morning. xxx
    Might pop back later xxxx

  32. Well hello ladies,
    I'm finally home absolutely shattered and ready for bed.
    Jan's funeral was so beautiful. Just like her, no nonsense and no frills. The service was at Gloucs Crem and was really beautiful.
    'Love Changes Everything' was music choice for going into the chapel, 2 of her sons were pallbearers and one of them found a lovely poem which the Minister read out. When remembering Jan in the few minutes silence, I nearly burst out laughing as I remembered her getting absolutely blotto with my Pete and sort of carrying them back to our hotel, where we finally got her upstairs and Brian couldn't find his room key. Pete was still in the lift so I propped Jan up against the wall and told her not to move while I went to rescue Pete from the lift. Brian let out a shout and I turned round to see her sliding down the wall until she got to the last couple of inches and plomped down on her bottom. She was laughing her head off and we had a few doors opened and shushing sounds coming from irate guests. It was so so funny. I was OK until the walk out song, 'I will Always Love You' by Dolly Parton (I never liked Whitney Houston's version. She sounded as though she was strangling the cat!) and then the tears came, sad ones and happy memory ones mixed in together.
    I haven't been able to get to Sue launches as no internet on my phone. I will have to have a quick peek before sleep finally claims me.
    Today's card is divine, just waiting for a new lovely little fuzzy one to be born. Come out from beneath the bushel Miss Anon.
    Lucy Ok now and we're back on countdown days.
    So glad everybody has had a good day, Sandra would love to see you stamp press cards on show shortly and can you bring it to the retreat?
    Great to see Norah and Sam recovered from the doldrums. Is your holiday still set on its course?
    Thank you all for your loving, caring thoughts today, see you all tomorrow.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, I bet you are tired and drained too. So glad Jans funeral brought happy tears along with the sad ones, I think she would have loved the fact you remembered that occasion. Have a good nights rest. Hazel x

    2. Cheryl. Glad it all went well today and brought back some "Happy Memories"
      Have a good sleep and we will see you in the morning.
      (((((Hugs))))). xxx

    3. Dear Cheryl,
      I'm so pleased that you could have a good giggle during the service. Things like that come to me at the most inopportune times, but there is no malice in it, and then something happens which almost breaks your heart - such is life. Lots of love to you, and try to have a good night's sleep. I'm pleased Lucy is ok.
      Love Maureen xx

    4. Hello Cheryl love,
      Glad today brought back some happy memories for you despite it being such a sad time. Have a good nights sleep now.
      Glad Lucy is alright, won't be long now.
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxx

    5. Cheryl, glad everything went well today, happy and sad memories for you.
      Have a good sleep you must be exhausted. Jess x

    6. Cheryl, the memories will always be there, and I am glad you have some funny ones and some lovely ones.
      love Wendy xx

    7. It's always good to remember the fun times, we are the lucky ones to have them.

    8. Hi Cheryl it sounds like you have some lovely memories of times spent with your husband and friends. Sleep well tonight xxx

    9. Hi Cheryl,
      Your All So Very Kind, It's Just The Medication That's Helping Some Days I Feel Very Nauseous That's The Side Effects From The Medication.
      Thank You For Caring.
      Love And Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  33. Gone quiet again tonight,there's me thinking a few would be in, looks like the tanker is empty and you are all sleeping it off?? Oh well I will just have my hot chocolate and then I will clean the cake cabinet and do the coffee machine and microwave, so all ready for the morning. Money in the pot for the chocolate. Hazel x

  34. NO, come back, I've been in my little room crafting away for a few hours. I had the three Wise Men on debating the Politics. Cameron, Milliband and Clegg. I must be soft in the head. To be honest I was just listening to the same old, same old. Each one pulling the other to pieces, but it was background noise whilst I was working.
    The tanker isn't empty Hazel, I've plumbed the new one in and it's raring to go.
    I see Patricia needs some support, it must have been her that emptied the other tanker. Honestly I cannot leave you sisters alone for five minutes before you go wild!
    Saba, if you look in, have a safe journey home tomorrow. I am sure all the family have been so pleased to see you and cannot wait until you come back over again. I hope Val is progressing and feeling more cheerful and optimistic and that your mind is settled a little about her. I also hope that I haven't got the wrong date and that you are going "home" tomorrow!!!! Well I don't mean I hope you are going home, I mean that I hope I've got the correct date!!
    Is everyone in bed, have you all turned in???
    Daffy xxx

    1. Now Daffy, I am not exactly sure what you are hoping for. That Baileys is strong stuff you know!
      It's Saturday bye the way so I am not sure just how disappointed you are going to be!

  35. Good evening ladies,
    I was in Joanne's local craft shop today and it really is quite spooky. Not the craft shop, but what we were talking about with the lovely lady who runs it. Our first topic was Julia and how rude she can be. The second topic was how S.Wt is ripping people off by going into liquidation on more than one occasion meaning she didn't have to pay her creditors but equally didn't have bankruptcy status. And the third topic was how rubbish C&C had become. What I find spooky is that these are the same topics we discussed yesterday and now today, and it was her that brought them up. Maybe it's not spooky at all, maybe it's what everybody is thinking.
    I have enjoyed Sue's launch and I love today's dies. Like everyone else though I have been a bit miffed by people who have commented more than once. Some I gave the benefit of the doubt to, but then it seems like some of the same people have done it on more than one die launch.
    Now a nice glass of chilled wine would go down well.
    Ooh just remembered, the lady in the craft shop very kindly told us that "quality save" have some makeup sponges which are exactly the same as those egg shaped blending sponges at £4.99 from creative expressions. She said they cost about 80p and apart from being pink instead of beige they are identical.
    Hope you are all having a lovely evening
    Love Saba xxx

    1. I'm thrilled you are staying for another day (believe that, you'll believe anything!!!). I bet you are looking forward to getting back, but also so sad to be leaving. I know you'll be torn in two.
      I'm going to put in Quality Save in my search engine and see if I can find some of the sponges. Thanks for the tip.
      You take care, have a great day tomorrow.
      Love Daffy xxx

  36. Hallo all lovely ladies,
    A hot chocolate sound nice Hazel so I think I join you if it's ok ?
    well I have been busy the last two day's but my visitors now have left so back to normality again lol. It's nice to have people around but uj it is a bit tiring especially when the wife don't speak much english and I don't speak german so it was a bit of hit and miss understanding each other. we did have some moments when we just laughed trying to translate words tihi.
    Sandra, sure the parents evening went well. Have not met them but your girls are stars! Sorry Mrs B could not join you and Pat yesterday ,hope she is ok?
    Saba, the greeting went well tihi. Take care and hugs to you all !
    Pat, sorry Pete must wait for his treatment, hugs to you both!
    Cheryl, was thinking of you today. Hope Milli-May behaving herself !
    Maureen, You had a nice day. First playing with all your new goodies from TL and then go and see Eleanor with the Guides Promise,sure the day couldn't been better !
    Sam, it's so nice to have you back and I hope that you will stay,at least until holiday. Where are you going this time ?
    Norah, how did it go for Rory ? hope he had a good day and enjoyed himself.
    Lynda, are you feeling better lovely lady ?
    Oh is Margaret bringing the Corgis to the retreat ? Are Annie and Bambi coming too ? tihi I love dogs and little ones so if they coming too I'll be happy.
    Please Sandra what can I bring to help, starting to feel I might not have much and going by train it could be a bit tricky. Don't want to disappoint anyone, just sitting and thinking of it all. You are all such good craft makers and I'm not unless someone showing me what to do then I can mostly put something together lol.
    well it's been a long day, shall watch a film with OH until hopefully Mr Sandman coming or I will be sat here again, hmmm
    Love and hugs to you all at the Cotswold cafe' !
    Maria x

  37. I wonder if Sandra got locked in the school, instead of outside of the house today, as she's not got back to us. I told Patricia she's ignoring me today. I'm calling in tomorrow to drop Paul off some cabbage plants Pete has left over. So I'll probably hear all the goss, hope she's not done to much today and has taken to her bed.

  38. Hi Maria,
    Glad your friends visit went well, and you didn't manage to poison them ha ha. Sit yourself down and I'll get you a Baileys to have with your hot chocolate, after all the running around you've done, it's the least I can do for you.
    I'm glad your here because I'll clean up the cafe and put the dishwasher on, safe in the knowledge that you are not sleeping inside it!!! The thing is you are so quiet that we don't always know where you are (ha ha).
    George has appeared so I think I'm going to have to close down, see the end of the news and the Press Preview, then it's Sandman time. Do you know that was one of the first records I ever bought. I bought two and my brother Thomas took me (he was 12 years older than me so he bought them really). They were "Mr Sandman" and "The Naughty Lady of Shady Lane". I'm going going to google and see when they were released and who sang them, they were groups, I remember.
    George's dodgy legs have been jumping all over, so he's got up and gone downstairs. Restless leg syndrome I think it's called. I call it old man's legs!!!
    Sleep well everyone, see you in the morning, but I might be back when I find out about my records.
    Love to all xxx

  39. Mr Sandman sang by the Chordettes 1954 and Naughty Lady was sang by The Ames Brothers in 1955, so I must have got them in 1955 because I remember I got the two together. What a memory, eh, 60 years ago!!! Oh, I feel old, no I don't I just feel happy, must be the Baileys!!!
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Ohooooooo I was just going to tell you that LOL
      Sweet dreams, Brenda xx

    2. Oops ........ you do realise I was going to tell you the artists names don't you? I was NOT making any reference to your age or anything like that. Think you should have one more Bailieys before you turn in. I'll join you. The Tanker is due again tomorrow! xxx

    3. Brenda, yes I knew what you meant, do you remember them as well? We could have a sneaky one or four Baileys hic. xxxx

    4. Maureen, Yes I remember it (them) well - and listen to them on YouTube as we sip our Bailieys, any more Night Owls care to join us? Shooosh Don't disturb the OH's

    5. Hi Muriel, hope you and Brenda have left a little one for me tihi
      I too will listen to the two groups but will have to be tomorrow now because I think actually that 'he' turned up after all so I'm saying good night to you and see you later
      ps hope Mr restless legs keeping it quiet down during the night, I'm a light sleeper hihi
      Hugs Maria xxx

  40. I expect everyone has gone home now. Glad everything went well for you Cheryl. Hope the new baby comes soon. Craft club tomorrow evening. Always enjoy that as lots of like minded people to chat to and make a card at the same time. Hugs to all those who need them. Will just have a hot chocolate and try not to make a mess as Hazel has already tidied up. See you all tomorrow.

  41. George back, night night everyone, sweet dreams.
    Muriel xxx

  42. Good evening Sandra and everyone
    Oh I feel as though I have been running on the spot all day and going backwards! Please will someone stop the world while I catch up!
    Sandra who ever has made this card has really excelled so very beautiful indeed.
    Do hope all went well at school this evening Sandra, looking forward to seeing just what you have been up to stamping and what about this gadget you have got for stamping what is it called and what is it like, good, bad or not sure?
    Cheryl I do hope you are ok after today I have been thinking of you sweetheart.
    Well must go I have two cards to finish for tomorrow no rest for the wicked, well you all didn't need to agree!!!!
    With love and hugs
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      I Hope Your Keeping Well
      Love And Hugs From Sam xxx

  43. baileys is nice in hot chocolate as well but its lovely in coffee, but I am having a brandy before I go to bed nit nite xx

  44. Hi Ladies!
    You're all snoring - I guess I'm a bit late today!
    Been out all day and am now sitting relaxing for a little before bed!
    Today's card is lovely. Whoever has made it has done an excellent job.
    I do hope Rory has had a good day. Looking forward to hearing about it.
    Hope all went well for you too Cheryl.
    Well I don't think I "ll see any of you tonight. See you tomorrow , all being well.
    Lots of love, Myra xxx

  45. Good evening ladies,
    Just want to give you a quick update, Parents Evening was just brilliant, they girls are doing so well they were referred to as A* students on several occasions tonight, I was blown away and such a proud Mummy!
    We have made a follow up appointment to discuss the other 'issues' with the head next week!
    We left the house at 4.30 and didn't get back in until after 8pm, its exhausting when there are two of them to discuss, several parents asked why we didn't just discuss both girls at the same appointment. but any mum of twins will tell you its essential to give them both their own personal appointments etc, if they stick to the level they are working at now we are going to have some fantastic results!
    Love and hugs

    1. You must be a very proud mum. Well done to the girls

    2. Hi Sandra,
      I'm Thrilled to hear about your Daughters, as Wendy mentioned you must be extremely proud I do hope your keeping well.
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  46. Beautiful card Ms Anon Have you revealed yourself yet?

    Cheryl - I hope today went OK Tough, tough, tough.

    Sandra - Cant wait to see the results of your stamping

    I went off Steph W ages ago I hadn't realised what she has done to businesses etc though. Is it definitely Shattered Face tomorrow or is it Scan n Cut.... can't wait (not!) I

    I've noticed before how some people have commented more than once on Sue's blog when there's prizes like these on offer. It's so unfair and as someone has already said, twice you can put up with BUT 4 times that's outrageous. I wonder if Sue's techy guys could filter off duplicate comments - just a thought!

    Night all

  47. Hi, I am late tonight too. My friends were here today and it was good to have a catch up on their extended holiday. Carol liked her Izzy bag and she went through my dies and looked for ideas for a wedding invitation she has offered to make. Not many, just a small wedding. Took the dog for a good walk and had an Indian take out before they went home. She couldn't believe how many dies have been released recently.
    Lovely card today, but I can assure everyone..."it wisnae me" If it was I would be delighted to own up to it.
    Well, it's been a long day, just had a glass of wine, so off to bed.
    Sorry I haven't commented on everything.
    See you all tomorrow

  48. Forgot to say
    Michele - how about lemon flowers with a tough of navy foliage for your wedding card
    Patricia's shoes are far better than any I've seen from SF
    Izzy's bags are devine
    I hope Rory had a great day
    I know I've forgotten to mention others but you're all in my thoughts Big hugs to everyone
