
Friday 1 May 2015

Romantic Wild Roses

Good Morning ladies,
Goodness its May all ready!!!!
Well here it is Ladies, my first proper stamping, once I got started I couldn't stop, I did a few
background papers and then decided on making one larger image that you see above!
I used a selection of Memento ink pads, from the pack I bought at Ally Pally, they ink up the stamps really well and give a good image too.
I decided to follow the colours of the stamped image throughout the card layout, I used the decorative edge from the Noble Adorned Squares to put the fancy pink border on the frame, I used some pink and green card from my stash to matt and layer the background, it ended up fitting an 8 x 8 white square card.  I then added a few pearls to accent the corners of the card, also one of the layers that you can just see peeking out has some of the smaller stamped images on, for a little bit of interest.   I finished the card with the Delicate Fronds in green and some pink and green ribbon to match the stamped image and a contrasting pink flower to finish the bow. What do you think of my stamping?  I love the double stamping concept, I know Patricia has done some different ones, they are Stampin Up stamps, Pat and I couldn't find them when we looking on Wednesday. Rubbernecker do some really pretty ones too, Oyster Stamps had them,  don't know who stocks them other that them, on their own website the have some of Sue's stamps which is obviously the link with the Rubbernecker stand at Ally Pally. There are also some great demonstrations on these multi-layer stamps on You Tube by a Rubbernecker demonstrator.  The results are absolutely fabulous.
I have been really pleasantly surprised how much I like most of the new dies launched so far, those
Configurations Dies are simply Genius and I think we are going to take to those like we did the 'Lyra'
die and some of the other Gemini dies!
Now I know that some of you are sick of hearing about the Craft Retreat but I want to just ask anyone that has any particular craft skills, for instance quilling, stamping, Quilting (Margaret I so wish you were able to join us, your patchwork/quilting is amazing)! or any other skills, I think Hazel is going to give a demo of her beautiful wrapping and gift baskets, which I can't wait to see, Patricia could do her multi-layer stamping or her beautiful flower creating skills, Brenda has too many skills to mention.  So I would like to know if anymore of you would be happy to give an informal, brief demo on anything craft related, please.
Well I am off to check the coffee shop, maybe have a quick cuppa!
love and Hugs



  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang.
    That's the Tables done, Urn & Coffee Machine on, cups and goodies all ready for the the day ahead.
    Now young lady how beautiful is your card?? Absolutely stunning, love, love, love it. You have made a fantastic first effort, a card to be treasured.
    The StampinUp Stamps can only be bought through a StampingUp Demonstrator. I can give you the details of a lady who could get them for you. Just let me know and I will e-mail you them.
    Sun shining here but extremely frosty again.
    I will be missing most of the day as we will be spending time with our friends.
    I will try to pop in later this evening just to check to see if you have all behaving. I doubt if it will all be good but as long as it is fun and you are enjoying yourselves that's the main thing.
    For all who are ill, in pain or just needing a hug there is a BIG basket at the door. Please help yourselves. I have plenty more to top it up during the day. xxx

    1. Thanks for setting up this morning Patricia, the cafe looks lovely, thank you also for your lovely comments on my card, I rather enjoyed that stamping, I have a feeling that the stampin up stamps are going to be out of my price range, maybe I will wait and have a go with yours, if you don't mind! I got the Romantic Wild Roses set for £9.99, which I thought was great value for a comprehensive stamp set.
      Have an amazing day with your friends today, I look forward to reading all about it later,

    2. Have a lovely day with your friends, Patricia. No need to worry about our behaviour. You know Norah calls us Angels after all! Xxx

    3. It's Maureen I am worried about. I saw a delivery tanker coming a long the road. xxx

  2. Hi Sandra, And All
    Sandra Your Card Is Truly Magnificent The Stamping Is Excellent As Is The Colour Choice I Love The Dies You've Also Used Just A Truly Fabulous Beautiful Card I Have This Stamp And Its Wonderful To Use.
    Take Care All
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Good morning Lovely Lady,
      How are you feeling? Are you all set and ok for your holiday?
      Thank you for brightening my day by stopping by, do you have any other multi layer stamps that you can recommend?
      Have you managed to play with those beautiful scenery stamps that you bought, like the ones Patricia had used?
      I would love to see your creations, I have missed showing your beautiful cards.
      Have a lovely day,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    2. Good Morning Sam, glad to see yo back again, I certainly hope you are feeling so much better and looking forward to your holidays.

    3. Good Morning Sam, glad to see yo back again, I certainly hope you are feeling so much better and looking forward to your holidays.

    4. Hi Sam lovely to see you again. I hope you are feeling ready for your holiday. I'm sorry to hear you will need an operation on your return but I hope it will mean you will be feeling well again. Enjoy the sunshine today if you get some xxx

    5. Hi Sandra, Diane and Cheryl
      I'm not too bad I HATE complaining about feeling unwell as there is a so many more people in the world worse of than myself, I'm hoping the Sunshine will do me good, I've lost so much weight, over Three and Half Stone so now I need New Clothes.
      Sandra I will send you some photographs of Cards etc I've made, but I must admit my Mojo has really gone!!!
      Take Great Care All
      Love And Hugs
      To You All
      From Sam xxx

    6. Good morning Sam so lovely to see you have popped in we have all missed you. I do so hope you are feeling ok and looking forward to your fabulous holiday. I am pleased to hear you will be able to get some help on your return then you will be back to us all ,and feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed once again.
      With love and hugs
      Margaret xx

    7. Hello Sam ,
      So sorry you have been so unwell and lost so much weight. I do hope and pray that your holiday does you the world of good. Sorry you will need surgery on your return but hopefully that will get you on Recovery Road where you may find your mojo once more.
      Take care!
      Love Myra xxx

    8. sam flower i know you have lost weight because you have been so ill flower, but you WILL be a total new person now and look fabulous in some new clothes and this holiday is definitely what the doctor ordered so go and enjoy yourself but before you go make or have a wee box at your bedside, write in it all your worries on pieces of paper and put them in it and shut it tight and leave them at home. You are going to recover, recuperate and get stronger and we want to see the blooming Sam back here, so remember about that box and leave them ALL BEHIND at home,
      lots of love and squishy crafty hugs
      Norah xx

    9. Hi Sam,
      you go on your lovely holiday, probably putting some of the weight back on during it. Sorry you need a operation but after that I crossing everything for you to get better, many gentle hugs Maria xx

    10. Hi Sam, hope you have a relaxing holiday and get yourself ready for your op. which will make you feel a lot better. Look after yourself.
      Hugs Wendy xxE

  3. Morning Sandra,

    Gorgeous card, very pretty stamp and great stamping. Pink & Green always go so well together.

    Have a great day

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie j xxx

    1. Morning Jacquie,
      Thank you my lovely for your lovely comment and for stopping by,
      Huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Will be thinking of you >What a waste when it is a young person

  4. Hello Sandra,
    What a gorgeous card, and the stamping is spot on. I hope the Parent/Teacher meeting went well yesterdday
    Norah, I hope Rory's day was a huge success.
    I'm away for most of the day, hence an early post from me. School this morning and then funeral for son in laws cousin who has died aged 28.
    Love Maureen xx

    1. Maureen, so sad to hear about that so young death, will be thinking of you. (((((Hugs)))))) xxx

    2. Oh Maureen,
      I am so sorry to hear about the tragic death of such a young life, this will be one very sad funeral, I will update you on the parent teacher thing later, my thoughts and hugs are with you today, sending huge hugs my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Maureen dear heart, will be thinking of you today, a young always hits people harder. Love & hugs xxx

    4. Maureen dear heart, will be thinking of you today, a young always hits people harder. Love & hugs xxx

    5. Maureen what a sad day for you, sending you and your family a big hug xxx

    6. Hi Maureen ,
      I was missing all day yesterday so playing catch up !
      So sorry to hear of the death of such a young man. I'll be thinking of you and the family this afternoon.
      Love Myra xxx

    7. Will be thinking of you today. Very sad.

    8. Hello Maureen love,
      So sorry to hear of such a young man losing his life. My thoughts will be with you, your son in law and the young man's family and of course he will be in my prayers.
      Love and comfort hugs
      Saba xxx

    9. Maureen really sorry to hear your sad news I will be thinking of you, such a sad loss of someone so young.

    10. It's always hard with a young person. It's often the first time their friends have had to deal with this.
      Thinking of you

    11. Maureen, so sorry to hear about SIL cousin. It's difficult enough to deal with any funeral but when it's such a young person it's really upsetting. Thinking of you and sending Love and Prayers. Brenda xx

    12. Maureen dear lady, i am sending you strength hugs to keep you together and remind you that all your friends are here beside you even if we can't actually be there in person. I can only send my deepest thoughts and condolences to your SIL and his family as it is so very hard a young death when they have so much more trouble and happiness to cause and bring. hugs flying your way.xx

    13. Maureen,
      so sad, sending you and the family hugs !
      Maria xx

    14. Maureen, so sad when a young person dies, thoughts are with you and your SIL cousins family ,
      Jess x

    15. Maureen so sorry about your SIL cousin. It's such a shame when they are still young and haven't had a live. ((((( hugs)))))) hazel x

  5. Morning all. The cafe looks beautiful and fresh this morning Patricia. Have a day full of fun and laughter and making memories hon.
    Sandra - I know a lot of us struggle with stamping but - by george she's got it ! You've done a fab job chick, I can imagin how many colourways you are working on now to match your foundation etc cardstock. I feel the need to do some crafty research at some point over the weekend inbetween the order Ive just had through. You have made the most bright, cheerful spring like card from this stamp, the sky is your limit now hon. Have fun (imagin how much this would go for at a craft market..... Please ?
    OMG, I walked/hobbled into my little craft shop yesterday and for those that didnt see my post on Sue's blog, I was confronted by a massive pile of...... Sue's spring collection, It took my breath away, believe me when I say they are amazing in real life, the nicest so far in my opinion and the finishing touches range, lordie lordie lordie, to die for. I wont say much more, as I go on about not liking my suprises spoilt, but honestly ladies they are all out of this world, I was so good, like I said, I want to catch up on the older collections before they become looking for hen's teeth, but it was lovely to actually see Sue's hard work in front of me, unfortunatly Alison sussed out where I was straight away with my "guess where I am and what im looking at" text I sent lol for all you know Alison I could have been in hobbycraft looking at Splattered Face dies lol !!! But she got me : )
    I will hopefully be sending Sandra a photo of something I received through the post yesterday, I know you will all like it as much as I did, what with my lovely suprise, bumping into Sue dies in the shop, plus adding the quilted striplet die to my box I had quite a good day, hope you all did too, have quite a few cards to work through over the next few days thenI can start making changes to how I 'do things' at market as I cant do one now until July, boohoo.
    So I'll wish you all a lovely day, and if you dont feel so good, just keep in mind tomorrow is a new day. Bet you are on countdown now Sam, who wouldn't be considering where you're going and where you are staying, Id be so excited Id need to wear a whole box of tena's !!!
    Sending hugs to you all.
    Lancashire Steph xxx : )

    1. Good morning Steph,
      You sound on such a high today my lovely, it has really made me smile, thank you for your lovely comments on my stamping and my card, Steph I think you would love that stamp set, you may also benefit from that Stamp Press thing I bought too, specially when your fingers are playing you up, as you could stick your stamps on, ink it up, turn it over and just stand it over your card, position it and the press down, you could even do it with your wrists or sides of your hands, it just takes away the problem of hovering with fumbling fingers over your card and then either dropping it or in my case getting too much of your weight behind it as I would be using both hands and having nothing to steady myself with! I wish you lived nearer so you could pop round for a play!
      I was so pleased to see that a Sue mentioned about the person doing the multiple comments yesterday, who was it? How greedy can you get?!
      I would love to see your surprise, that you received yesterday, I am hoping it was from Theresa, just so that I know she is ok!
      Hopefully catch up with you later,
      Love and hugs

    2. Hi Steph,
      My Lovely Lady it's Great To Hear How Thrilled You Were At Your Craft Shop, The Craft Shop Where I Go My Craft Leader Is Really Nice But We Never Seem To Move On! "Its A Stamping Class" And we Have Christmas Stamps All Year Round Out For Sale.
      She Only Buys Stampendous And Few At A Time And I've Even Had To Start Going Elsewhere For My Ink And Pens Its Quite Sad Really I've Mentioned To Her About Stocking Sue's Items They Would Sell As No Other Craft Shop Around But She Doesn't Seem To Want To.
      Looking Forward To hearing About Your Surprise
      Take Care
      Love And Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, the stamped & coloured image is stunning.

    Quick visit as I need to dry my hair & make my lunch. Friday before a long weekend is always busy as we have extra treatments to make as we don't open over bank holidays, just the main Pharmacy. I'm still hoping someone will take pity on me & offer to work on Bank Holiday Monday for me....!!!


    1. Oh bless you Michele, why do you have to work if you aren't open?
      That's just frustrating, what treatments is it that you make up?
      I am sorry that you have to work Monday, I know how frustrating that Is as up till the last few months Paul had to work them all, Christmas, new year, Easter etc, but one he has changed jobs he works office hours, which is great, but I know how 'cheated' you feel when everyone else is off, I am hoping that you are on double pay or something for your trouble!
      Sandra xxxxxxx

    2. I manage the Aseptic unit where we make all the chemotherapy amongst orher items. The day ward is only open Monday to Friday so thats why we are. I'm sure the morning will pass quickly in the dispensary!!!


    3. Michele,
      I do hope someone helps you out and you get Monday off. Where would the NHS be without people like you! Xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Well it's a WOW, WOW for you today Sandra, your card is gorgeous love the colours you have used, I just love everything!!., I would love to be able to stamp like this, I might have to have a look at that stamp press. So glad you had a good parents night, I knew you would. Your girls are a credit to you both, and I think you are so right about giving them separate times, they are twins but still two individuals with their own strong and week points, which wouldn't be addressed if they were discussed together. Enjoy being proud parents your children are what they are because you show them you are proud of them!!! We were and still are the same with ours.
    I see when I went off home last night, the night owls came out? A lot of drinking went on again? The retreat Hotel will get the wrong impression of this group of crafters? I did tell him we were a quiet group just wanting to meet up and chat in real life not by Internet!
    Maria, don't worry Jess, Patricia, Maureen and I are coming by train too? This is why I have asked what we all want to do while there ( apart from drinking that is ). That way you will know what to bring apart from your basic tools and a mat and glues. If it's going to be say stamping you would like to be shown - some card and a couple of ink pads and say a stamp or two? I know if you were having trouble knowing what to do with a die, one or two of us would show you or at least give you advise? We all have skills and I think we can all learn from each other, and that's what will be good about it. That's where us coming by train rather than flying has its plus points - no weight restrictions!!! We won't be able to bring things like GC. But can bring things like scissors and glue. All the talk yesterday about dies, I looked at mine and I was shocked to how many I don't use now and they are from only a year ago? So what it like for those of you who have been using dies for years? I am going to try and use mine more often.
    Margaret, if you find where time is going can you tell me please? It's speeding up I am sure.
    Saba, make the most of your last day with your family, are you back here again before the retreat?
    I have to go make a move, the beds need stripped so that I can get them in the wash. Weather not good over the weekend so I will get as much washing done and out today. Plus we have a busy weekend, Tammy is treating her and I to a pampering and afternoon tea,tomorrow then we are down to Gillian and Andrews Sunday for coffee and cake, the whole family will be there, they were hoping we could at least let the children go over to the park, but no that won't happen.
    I have put ((((( hugs)))))) in the basket for those who need them. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Thank you for your lovely comments about my stamping, I didn't really need the press for most of it, you must borrow Patricia's Hazel and have a go, I promise it was so easy, the multi layer system really makes the flowers come to life, I got lost in it for hours! I need some more ink pads now though or Distress Markers, as they both worked well on these stamps !
      It sounds like you are to be run ragged over the weekend! Enjoy your pamper time with Tammy, those moments are so special, proper memory making moments!
      Have a wonderful weekend, you are one very special lady and totally deserve to be spoilt!
      Sending love and hugs, hopefully catch up later,
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Hi Hazel,
      Joanne and I have decided to spend our last day crafting together, but we may pop back to the craft shop today as they are hoping to get Sue's dies in. They were due in tomorrow but when I told the young lady who runs the shop that today was my last day she rang through to head office to see if she could get them to deliver today instead. She knows me well, I always spend a fortune there when I am home from the crafting wilderness of Germany!!
      Last school trot was a bit sad though.
      I can't recommend that stamping press enough either. It is brilliant.
      Love Saba xxx

    3. Enjoy your pampering day Hazel. I went to one with my daughter in law.

    4. Hazel,
      Enjoy your pampering and then tea! It sounds lovely. Enjoy the weekend catching up with the family too.

    5. Hi Hazel,
      thanks for the wise word of encouragement and making me feel calmer. I was seeing myself coming dragging with a couple or three of suitcases and the GC in tow lol Have a lovely day with the pampering and tea !
      Maria xx

  8. Good morning Sandra & Ladies,

    A lovely refreshing sleep has made me feel quite bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Ready to face another long journey up to Tamworth to visit my family for the weekend. I say long but when my daughter drives it's not. I don't think she knows there are 3 lanes on a motorway.
    And onto Sandra's gorgeous card, oh my dear lady that is definitely something you will NEVER see in a shop! I love everything about it, from the printed flowers to the colour scheme, it definitely is a Spring card. You have chosen the colours carefully. and I do like the faded background on the outer edge of the card. Ties everything in nicely. So glad your twins had good reports, they always give you a glow don't they?
    And I certainly Rory had a wonderful time yesterday Norah. You must be so proud of him.
    I do quilling occasionally so I can bring my stash along. I have recently been the grateful recipient of a large bag of quilling papers from a lady in my village. So I do not mind sharing them in the slightest with my wonderful Coffee Shop friends.I also have a couple of quilling books which I'll pop in my bag. I have emptied one of my sewing bags that previously was storage for my EF's and will be filling it with all my goodies for the retreat.
    I'll catch up on last night's shenanigans later on, must dash to pack my bag and sort out tablets inhalers etc. Fiona is arriving soon.

    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra & Ladies,

    A lovely refreshing sleep has made me feel quite bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Ready to face another long journey up to Tamworth to visit my family for the weekend. I say long but when my daughter drives it's not. I don't think she knows there are 3 lanes on a motorway.
    And onto Sandra's gorgeous card, oh my dear lady that is definitely something you will NEVER see in a shop! I love everything about it, from the printed flowers to the colour scheme, it definitely is a Spring card. You have chosen the colours carefully. and I do like the faded background on the outer edge of the card. Ties everything in nicely. So glad your twins had good reports, they always give you a glow don't they?
    And I certainly Rory had a wonderful time yesterday Norah. You must be so proud of him.
    I do quilling occasionally so I can bring my stash along. I have recently been the grateful recipient of a large bag of quilling papers from a lady in my village. So I do not mind sharing them in the slightest with my wonderful Coffee Shop friends.I also have a couple of quilling books which I'll pop in my bag. I have emptied one of my sewing bags that previously was storage for my EF's and will be filling it with all my goodies for the retreat.
    I'll catch up on last night's shenanigans later on, must dash to pack my bag and sort out tablets inhalers etc. Fiona is arriving soon.

    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good morning Cheryl,
      Thank you for your lovely, kind words about my card, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed doing the stamping!
      Thank you so much for offering to show us your quilling skills, I can't wait, to have a go, it always looks so pretty and delicate on a card I think!
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family up in Tamworth, I look forward to hearing all about it too!
      Sending you huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  10. Janet Ecco of Sheffield1 May 2015 at 08:30

    Morning one and all
    We have sunshine but it's still cold so heating on and an inside day again for me. I just might be taking up Diane's offer of her warm place which she made yesterday.

    Sandra your card is just fantastic. I would never have believed that the middle was stamping. I'm useless at it and only stamp when really necessary. I've not heard of multi stamping and even the thought of it scares me. I'm finding the idea of that stamping plate interesting though. So please all went well re the beautiful girls.

    I've just had my letter informing me that my C&C membership is up for renewal and of course I'm not going to ring and cancel. Afterall who in their right mind would cancel when they are such a wonderful and caring company. I just cannot wait for their next 'pick of the week' at 12.00 today and of course I'll be there instead of looking at Sue's next die. (oh how Mum would have ranted at me for doing that. Yes she always uttered the famous quote about sarcasm and wit). Have tried once this morning to ring but of course they only operate within normal office hours.

    Sam - I know you're on count down so please take care.
    Norah - I just know Rory had a fantastic day yesterday but would love to know what he told you.
    Cheryl - Take care this week-end but have a really good time. You deserve it.

    I noticed this morning on Sue's blog her comment re multiple comments. Good on her. I just cannot believe how greedy some people can be.

    OK off I now go as it's Friday and cleaning time approaches. How different it is from Friday market and coffee time.
    I'll try and pop in later for my usual latte and corner. Hugs are in the basket for all to take.
    Hugs xxxx

    1. Hi Janet not so warm today at the moment but chair is ready for you and kettle is on. I can offer you chocolate cake but not a French fancy I'm afraid! Xxx

    2. Morning Janet,
      Warning.....make sure you cancel your direct debit for create and craft as they take it super early, not leaving you time to cancel!
      Thank you for the photos of the inside of Marigny to share with our friends here in the cafe!
      Can you believe the sheer bloody greed of some people, leaving more than one comment so as to leave the rest of us with less of a chance (or so they thought) I am so pleased that Sue stood up to them, greedy beggars !
      The stamping was easy to do, I have seen your work and you would master this stamp set quite easily! I wish you were coming away with us, I would love to sit and craft alongside you :(
      I know what I would rather be doing today, it would involve a trip to the Patisserie !
      I hope you whizz through the cleaning so you can sit and relax, particularly as it's your favourite company on create and craft for the pick of the week!
      Dis you all see how the extended the 3 Diemension pick of the day into two days, never in the history of me watching that channel have they ever given extra days ! It's unfair for other companies I feel! They clearly had poor sales on the launch shows! Disgusting business Ethics in my eyes!
      Rant over soap box replaced to it's corner!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Hi Janet,
      Thank You So Very Much For Your Kindh Comments, I Agree With All About When People Duplicate On Sue's Blog I'm So Pleased She Has Now Mentioned This, My Machine Was Playing Up The Other Day And I Tried Three Times But I Went In Later To Delete But None Had Appeared.
      Take Great Care
      Love And Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  11. Hi ladies, Sandra your stamping is amazing looks like a hand painted watercolour. Beautiful!
    Off to manchester shopping in a bit. Still feeling shattered after a long stretch at work dying to play with my new crafty goodies. Hopefully this weekend!

    1. Good morning Alison,
      Thanks for your fab comment about my card, there is no chance of me doing any painting, that is for sure!
      You enjoy you trip to Manchester!
      Love and hugs

    2. Hi Alison,
      Enjoy Your Shopping I Used To Work In Kendals Now
      "House Of Fraser" I Really Loved It I Was The Home Manager So I was In Charge Of All Homewares And Restaurants, I Used To Travel 160 Miles A Day As I Live In Doncaster, But Loved Every Minute Driving On M62 etc: I'd Still Be There If It Wasn't For My Aneurysms That Burst And Couldn't Drive But Now I'm OK With Them Anyway It's Other Items Lol!
      Love And Hugs
      From Sam xxx

    3. Alison enjoy your day in Manchester! I was there with a friend yesterday!
      Had lunch in Kendals yesterday at the Champage Bar! Very civilised! I don't think we lowered the tone! Xxx

    4. Hi Alison I hope you have a good day shopping. Oh Myra look at you at the champagne bar! Was it Christal or Krug? And did you have the oysters too? Lol xxx

    5. I knew someone would pick me up on that one! My money - if I was a betting woman , which I'm not, was on yourself, Maureen, or Patricia! Xxx

    6. Just remembered I forgot to say we had a latte each and a sandwich! I think driving in city centre Manchester is better done absolutely sober! Xxx

    7. Haha it's catching this remembering to forget lark! Xxx

    8. You are a wicked woman Diane, laughing at an old lady ! Xxx
      I'll get my own back - if I remember! X

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today.
    Sorry I have been missing since Tuesday but have been laid really low with a nasty flu type bug. I woke up in the early hours of this morning finally feeling a lot better thank goodness : ) The ironing never did get done so I can't blame that : )
    Sandra, your cards are all gorgeous. I love the spring colours today, so fresh and pretty : ) I will have to have a play with your new stamp thing.
    Great news about Sophie and Lucy's parents evening reports.Of course you don't just lump them together when it suits as they are individuals aren't they and you always treat them as such (even if they do just about everything together, but that is their choice isn't it) It will be interesting to hear what the head has to say at the meeting next week!
    I have loved catching up with Sue's new dies. I think there are some beautiful ones this time. I think I can safely say that my birthday money is already spent : )
    Pat, I forgot to say that I am sorry that Pete is still waiting for his new meds. Getting funding always takes a while, let' s hope that he gets away with the least side affects possible. My fingers are firmly crossed for him x
    Sam, it is so good to see you back, you have been missed x
    Cheryl, glad that the funeral went well, they are always such a mix of happy and sad emotions aren't they. It sounds like the newest member of the family is keeping you all on your toes just like our Christopher did! At least you all know that she is well after all of the checks. What joy you will feel when you get that first cuddle, especially after all of the sad news you have been having over the last few days, bless you x
    Norah, how proud were you as Rory went out in his uniform yesterday? And so you should do, he is the lovely young man due to one person and that person is you. Please, please, please can we see a picture of you both with Rory dressed up to the nines in his uniform (with the correct length trousers, thanks to you) x
    I'm sure I have missed lots of you but the brain is still not back to it's usual slow mode (it is just about at tick over I think) long gone are the days when it was fairly quick : ) I hope you all have a good day. Take care xx

    1. Hi
      You have all been so very kind, I'm really loving the Fantastic Cards that Sandra has made herself she's so very talented and whom ever the other lady was the other day her Card was Amazing.
      Take Care Mrs B
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your card is absolutely stunning, I love everything about it, you could be doing the demonstrators on the tv out of a job!
    Just a quick visit just now, this is shop cover day, so will catch up with all the comments later.
    Well Sue has certainly cottoned on to the greedy b........ , who do multiple comments on her blog on giveaway days, good for her..
    Did everyone wash their faces in the morning dew this morning, I see you are all looking stunning.
    Take care, Jess x

  14. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Wow Sandra your card took my breath away when it popped up this morning. It's really beautiful and your stamping is wonderful. I love the colours you have used, so fresh and spring like but you could go really wild and do ivy in shades of blue or orange for a really different look . Thank you so much for sharing it with us. It sounds like you had a great parents evening last night and yes definitely an appointment per child just like the others as they are individuals. Are the girls taking their GCSEs this year or next? I expect your parents evenings are like ours were where you have appointments with each teacher but have to move around the school to find the right room etc. we always had to take Emma with us as the meetings were geared to talking to the child mainly but telling patents about progress etc. we would have been completely lost trying to find our way round without her. At college it's different, you only get called in for parents evening if there is a problem! The stamping up stamps aren't too bad a price, if you can find a local demonstrator they are usually quite helpful. I go to a stamping up card club once a month with my cousin and although the cards we make are sometimes not my style it is good fun to craft with a bunch of people and have a laugh. I know the demonstrator quite well through guiding so that makes it fun. If you can manage it, I have had a stamping up party where you invite crafty friends ( ours holds the parties at her house) and you get to choose freebies based on what they spend. Their ink pads and paper are good and they also do branded stuff too.
    Well ladies I'm sorry I didn't come back to comment last night and join in the fun. By the time Jean had left and I'd watched the news and added my comments to Sues blog it was quite late. I went to bed and started to read the comments and woke up at 1.30 face down on my I pad where I had fallen asleep!!! I put it down to the alcohol fumes coming from the cafe myself! Jean an I had a lovely day, we started off with a trip to our local nursery to buy plants as she liked some of the plants we had bought at the weekend and couldn't believe the prices. We came home for lunch then started to cut out my dress and sew it up. I'm not the worlds greatest needle woman and would probably have given up if she hadn't been there ( I don't understand sewing patterns!) but when she left the front and back pieces were sewn together and I know what to do next. Well mine certainly isn't a walk away dress that you start at breakfast and wear in the afternoon! I will take a picture when it's finished Sandra. I must get on with a birthday card today too so it's another busy day.
    I was pleased to see Sues comment today - do you think she had complaints? After all anyone can make a mistake and publish twice but multiple posts, that's not on!
    Hazel you sound like you have got a busy weekend and Patricia has too! We haven't got any plans yet, Julian should be home this afternoon but he's hurt his shoulder lifting things so probably won't be up to much. He's hoping he won't be away next week but I won't hold my breath! No doubt it's his on call weekend too, always the way when it's bank holiday. Emma will be revising, she's got a mock maths exam this morning so I think it will just be me gardening! Emma made her final university choice yesterday and has put Aberdeen and Edinburgh so all being well one way or another we will be visiting Scotland a lot over the next few years!
    Well I hope everyone has a good day today and Maureen I will be thinking of you this afternoon. Norah I'm looking forward to hearing Rory's adventures, you too are one proud mum with Sandra today. Cheryl safe journey, I assume your daughter only knows the outside lane of the motorway or have I got that wrong and she only knows the inside? ! Love and hugs Diane xx

    1. Diane, what ever one she chooses she will love both cities? We can arrange meet ups in either too? Which would be great, even meeting Emma, as sometimes to have a friendly contact up here for her if needed. We live about an hour from each. Hazel x

    2. Well I can't blame the I pad for putting "either too " instead of "either one! " Using my new I pad oh it's great not to having to put it on charge everytime I stop doing something on it. Still got 61% and that's since this time yesterday. Hazel x

    3. Hazel that would be lovely thank you. Aberdeen is her favourite but both cities are lovely. Xxx

    4. I live 15 miles from Aberdeen so if she makes it here I will be here for her if she needs anything.
      Wendy xx

    5. Thank you Wendy that is so kind. She will be a very long way away from home although not far away if we fly. Xxx

  15. Sorry me again I waffled on so much it wouldn't let me post so I had to delete my last bit! Would you like me to bring my cake lace stuff to the retreat? It can air dry so by the end of the weekend we might have a butterfly or two each to take away. I don't know if I'm going to drive or train it yet but I can bring stencil brushes and ink pads to do a clarity scene if you like and I can make roses like Sue is that helps. I don't think they would let us make cakes in the kitchen do you! See you all later Diane xxxx

    1. Diane that's something I haven't seen and I for one would like even it's just to pass on to Tammy and Christopher who both bake. We do thing Christopher's last kidney came from a baker as he suddenly started making the most fantastic cakes etc not long after he got it. Yes I think they would say to us baking but we can still learn? Hazel x

  16. Oh no me again! I'm getting really good at remembering to forget things! Bargain today, just had an email from Fantastic Ribbons and they have a huge bundle of different sizes ribbons in different colours, with buttons and washi tape for £25 free p&p instead of £50+ they are a good company to use with prompt service. Xxx

    1. Diane , I love that phrase " getting really good at remembering to forget" - Join the club! Thanks for the tip on Fantastic ribbons! Will have a look. Love ribbon. Xxx

    2. Diane, what is Emma going to be studying??? Hazel x

    3. Hi Hazel she is going to study Biomedical Sciences. If she goes to Aberdeen she can study maths along side it for fun! Yes I know not my idea of fun!!! Xxx

    4. So pleased I missed out on that fun! However my hat comes off to a clever girl! I do hope Emma is able to go where she would like to go. All the very best Emma! Xxx

  17. Hello Sandra and all coming to the coffee shop today,
    I was so pleased to read you and Paul had a good parents evening I agree totally with you about seeing the teachers separately for each of your girls, they are individuals and should be treated as such. I'm sure you both came out on a high after being told They are A* standard.
    Message for Sophie and Lucy please keep up the good work this is your future
    you're working towards, Wishing you both the best of luck - not that you need it take care LOL
    Sandra your card it's like a breath of spring, it really is stunning. So bright and cheery, this card would brighten up anyone's day. I love it .
    CHERYL, pleased you had a good night, enjoy your time up in Tamworth with your family. Your daughter is driving sounds a bit like our younger daughter she drives a lot with her job. So naturally spends a lot of time on the motorway (in the fast lane) Now if I'm on the motorway I only use the fast lane just to get past someone and only if I have to.
    Washing machine needs them to you so better move myself, weather is not too bad so should get it dry and ironed. Have heard we should have rain tomorrow so I'm trying to get a ahead of myself.
    Really enjoyed the coffee this morning and the carrot cake was absolutely yummy, I really recommend that.
    Will stop by later, but for now sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

  18. GRrrrrrrrr.... The washing machine needs Emptying!!!!!!!

  19. Good morning Sandra and our lovelies,
    Decided to comment as I went along today to make it easier and I didn't have to remember everything. My memory is getting worse!
    Sandra your stamping is fabulous. It really does look like a watercolour painting.
    I love my fiskars stamp press too. Love the samps you have used and having seen this technique used on Patricia's blog with equally fantastic results I think I might have to buy some. I will probably use stamping up as we also have it in Germany. I didn't realise Sue's Rubbernecker did similar stamps, or that they had an online site, or did I misunderstand that.
    So glad parents meeting went well for your two lovely girls.
    Norah hope Rory had a wonderful day yesterday.
    Love and hugs for all,
    Saba xxx

    1. Hello!
      I do hope you manage to get your dies!
      Have a lovely time crafting with Joanne . Will email later. Take care and try not to be too sad! Xxx

  20. Sandra your card is beautiful. I don't think I would be that successful. What make are the stamps please? I have had the Fiskers Stamp Press for a long time. My son bought it for me and it is very good. Glad you like yours and it is obvious you are getting on with it well. Well done. Glad you had good results for Lucy and Sophie. Will be interesting to hear what the Headmaster has to say. Sam. Glad you feel able to comment again. Sounds as if you had a good time yesterday Steph. Must have been wonderful to see all Sue's new dies yesterday. I have ordered two. Looking forward to getting them. Norah. Hope we will hear from you today and hear how Rory got on yesterday. Sue (Mrs B) sorry you have not been too well and hope you will improve today. Well must get ready and go into town for a few bits for Scarlett's present. Will see her later.

    1. Hi Littlelamb
      I Cant Thank People Enough On This Blog For There Kind Words Of Support.
      Take Care
      Love And Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  21. Me again. Sorry Patricia I forgot to say that I have now found your shoes on your blog. They are amazing. I think I must have seen them before but had forgotten:-(. Much better than SW's. Just seen that the two of Sue's dies I have ordered from JS are now out of stock. Glad I got in quick. Must be a popular choice.

  22. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    WOW Sandra and double WOW wonderful news from parents evening you must both be so proud and rightly so, you are both wonderful parents do give the girls my congratulations. Second WOW your card is absolutely fantastic if this is your first attempt at stamping well all I can say is the sky's your limit and no mistake, the colours are beautiful. As people say, a spring card but also a summer card you can almost feel the warmth of the sun coming through, you keep on playing if this is what happens!!!
    Cheryl have a safe journey and a wonderful trip enjoy yourself.
    Saba enjoy your day with the family, these days are so special, and a safe journey home.
    Sandra what make is your stamping aid and where did you get it from, you have got me wanting to stamp?
    Hazel enjoy every minute of your pamper you have really earned it have a lovely weekend with your family these are special times when you are all together.
    Patricia have a great time catching up with your friends and partying!!!
    Norah I do hope Rory had a great time yesterday.
    Have a lovely day everyone and if you are not feeling too bright why not do what Sandra has done have a little play with stamps.
    My hugs and cuddles are over in the corner help yourselves there are plenty more, take as many as you need.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

  23. SANDRA - fantastic
    SPLATTERD FACE! - far too many Argh!
    MAUREEN - Take care I know only too well how painful today will be for you all
    STEPH - You'll love the Quilted Striplet and I too have my eye on the Finishing Touches dies and the canadian background
    OH nagging me to get lunch (diabetes and all that!)

  24. Good afternoon my little cherubs of fun and laughter,
    Sandra i too love the double stamp stamps(does that make any sense, i doubt it) any way your card is beautiful and in beautiful colours as well with a right sense of spring about it. It must be wonderful to now be able to stamp like you have always wanted to and it to turn out right. Your card is such a happy looking card that would look right in a number of different guises whether it be birthdays, congrats, get wells, or what as it is just that understated amount of elegance and beauty. How diid you get on last night at the wee lasses parents night? Although i can' t imagine your two being anything other than model pupils because of their activites, talent and parents as they need all that to do the best they can we as parents can only guide them along the path a bit.
    Oh boy have i just been a lazy tike, i made up homemade custard in the micro in a plastic jug and thought to myself that if i transfer it from there to my bowl it will cool down and it always keeps a hold of some of it in the jug so i put my prunes into the custard in the jug. I know, into the corner i go but it was good and my custard was still hot.
    Rory after prising a few teeth(that might have been easier with my boy) he had a great day and he just open doors for dignitaries. So there you have found out as much as i. I'll tell you talk about blood from stones, it must be a darn sight easier to get than get summary of a Rory day. When i went on Tuesday for his last school meeting, would he come in to find out anything that was going on from now on and the help that he can get from who, would he heck as like, he was too busy listening to the Great Train Robbery in History with Gordon who has this gift of bringing it alive to the childrens minds. Although since a lot of these children come from houses that have got little or no respect for the law, are into drugs, tobacco, drink and various unlawful practices, i don't think it was perhaps the best film and history to be taught to some of these youngsters if you know what i mean.
    Did anyone see that Sue has put a one comment only in place for the dies per person per listing? She must have noticed that a few people weren't being fair either as we would all love the chance to win one of her coveted new launch but we stand in the queue and wait our turn where as some people are jumping the queue.

    1. Oh Norah,
      Rory is just a typical boy! Ours were just the same most of the time. My Dad used to say that when I came home I gave him too much news! When my brother came home he got none! Dad reckoned there had to be a happy medium somewhere! Glad Rory enjoyed his day - that's the main thing!
      I read about the one comment per person on Sue's blog. It just beggars belief really! I assumed that if someone had entered twice they had made a mistake! Silly me!
      I'm supposed to be putting my shopping away! Xxx

  25. I seen a travel cot in Smyths toy shop for the wee fella but was waiting to see how much i could find it on line. I got 20% off it from Smyths online today(only) so got it for £55 and it has the wee bassinette part in it for him while he is tiny to save your back ache(brilliant, just made for me) and then i can use it as a play pen when he gets that bit bigger to keep him out of mischief. Kirsten found a vibrating rocking bouncer for me in Asda in their baby event so that when my foot gets sore working the treadle action i can just put that on and because it was in the baby event it was cheaper than one of the cheap bounceys. So that is me sorted as i have bits pieces of other things that i needed for here and the rest is easily a make do and mend job like sheets and covers eg that's where granny's blanket that she made for her wee button coming will do very nicely in his cot. Teeny has just finished saying to me that i could make her another shawl in white this time for changing with his blue one. As i told her that will be after i have finished this white one and the next that i have to do for others due the same period as her. Sometimes i don't think she totally comprehends the amount of time and work that goes into a shawl, oh and she needs, tammies and helmets and mitts and she doesn't like booties as they are for girls but she'll need some to put on when his wee chenille socks are in the wash. Aye Kirsten, just keep coming with your orders, oh and the Aran pattern that she picked up yesterday when we were in Hobbycrafts, although she doesn't like Aran, she want's this dark slate grey jumper made up for him(crew neck, no buttons) and i looked at it and immediately thought his poor wee lugs are going to be hauled off his wee head(i like the shawl crossover neck as it cooiers right up to their wee necks but are gentle on heads and ears).
    Right i'm going into my corner as i have been havering now for long enough, so my basket of mischief is across there a waiting a pair of arms to cuddle,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Oh Norah. You need to make sure you do the neck of that jumper a little bit loose? Poor wee guy will have sore lugs other wise!!., dark slate lovely colour for an old man, but not a baby!!. Give me white, lemon or pale blue for little boys. Take heart she isn't the only one!!.,
      Rory will tell you all about his day when he is ready, my son is 41 and he never tells me anything? But is the first one to say I never ask? Men !!! Just give him time. He had a good day other wise you would have known by how his mood was when he got home. Hazel,x

    2. I am sitting here laughing imagining his wee lugs bein pulled aff.

    3. How about a dark navy Aran with a loose neck. I'm sure Kirsten will approve of that! Sounds like you have got a lot of knitting to do Norah, you are going to be busy xxx

  26. Hi Sandra,
    I seem to have been popping in and out of the door all morning but never stayed long enough to sit and have a coffee! Crazy Friday morning here as usual!
    First of all, your card today is absolutely gorgeous! I love the whole thing but the stamping is lovely! I love the touches of green . Well done you!
    Well was interrupted again! Neighbours who are moving called to say bye bye!
    What a lovely report you got at school about the twins! Well done girls!
    I've now forgotten what else I was going to say so need to get this posted and then I'll call back later, all being well.
    Went to Manchester yesterday and had a lovely time with a friend shopping. Left husbands at her home and they enjoyed their day too! We all had dinner later but it was a long day. We left home at 10 15am and got back home again just after 11 pm!
    Love to everyone,
    Myra xxx

  27. Janet Ecco of Sheffield1 May 2015 at 16:08

    Afternoon my lovely Friends.
    Well housework done - well all thats getting done for today - 3/4 made a card so do you think I could join the upper class with degrees? and to finish off this afternoon an hour on my new cross stitch.

    I called C&C again this morning - during office hours - and managed to speak to a human. When I say speak I mean after waiting for a good five minutes despite being told every so often that I was the first in the queue and they apologise for keeping me waiting. Even here they get as much money as they can by making you wait whilst being charged 10p per min!!!!! Anyway after getting through it was automatically assumed that I wanted to talk about an order and when I said no they went on to ask my name, membership no and full address - I had already given this information when I got through. They then went on to tell me that my telephone number for the UK was in fact my French one - do they not know that the numbers here start +44 and in France +33. I wonder where they recruit from; anyway at long last I managed to get through to them that I wanted to cancel my membership and was then told they would take my name off their records but if I changed my mind I only had to call them and that I was still a member until 18th May.

    When Hell Freezes Over comes to mind. I have made a note of today's date and time I cancelled.

    I think a large latte and Choc Cake is called for in celebration please.I'll sit in the far corner out of the way as I've got my tens machine on and don't want to frighten anyone and stop them from popping in to this wonderful cafe.
    Oh I've filled up the hug basket so please take as many as needed.

    Oops nearly forgot to mention the best thing of today the delivery of my first purchase of Sue's new dies. They are stunning and much better than the last launch. I'm not telling until the end of the launch.
    Hugs xxxx

    1. It's ok steph's seen them you can tell us what you have bought! I can't wait to show everyone your inside pictures of Marigny, so typically French country, I can't wait to come and visit! Xxx
      Glad you have made time to sit and sew!
      What are you up to this weekend ?
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Janet
      Just to be on the safe side ask you telephone company for a print out of you calls for this month, this is your proof that you have in actual fact telephoned C & C today. You may be able to do it online we are with Sky and we are able to. Our electricity company disputed I had phoned them as they, not us, had cancelled our direct debit payment so I sent them a copy of our calls for that day as proof in the end we got an apology and a rather nice credit! Without the proof they would not listen and disputed we had called them!
      You are one lucky bunny getting your new dies hope you enjoy using them,
      Margaret xxx

  28. Hi Sandra, your card today is a stunner. You have really mastered that stamping.
    I have tried to get time to read all the comments today, but I have been just too busy. Hopefully I can catch up tonight.

  29. Just seen NORAH's comment re Tge Great Train Robbery It happened (the 1950/60's) close to where ai lived and my poor old dad had to take part in an identity parade Apparently the police went into his place of work and said you you and you are needed down at the police station! Scarey or what Of course he wasn't picked out Didn't stop my mum worrying about it all though

    1. Oh my goodness Karen, yes I can imagine your mum must have been worried sick in case he was identified by mistake! Xxx

  30. Sandra I really feel a bit thick (only a bit some would say) tried to email you pic of a card I made, it has been returned to me. I have probably got your email address wrong. would you kindly send it to me, my address is
    Thank you, B xxx

    1. SORRY just spotted address on right of opening page THICK or what ?
      don't answer that !!!! I recall you used to have Paul's on the left of screen.
      I will try again. Don't hold your breath. LOL Brenda xx

    2. SORRY just spotted address on right of opening page THICK or what ?
      don't answer that !!!! I recall you used to have Paul's on the left of screen.
      I will try again. Don't hold your breath. LOL Brenda xx

    3. It's

    4. Thank you was just about to give up. xxx

  31. Stole a few minutes just to check on you all.
    You seem to be behaving so far. Wait till that Tanker starts unloading!!

  32. Hi everyone, just back from shop cover today and catching up on everyone's comments it takes a while!!
    Hope you are all enjoying Sues new dies, they are lovely, so many to choose from. Off to have dinner, hope to catch up again later.
    Jess x

  33. Only here for a few minutes as off the Laugh and Craft. We are making a C.....Card tonight. Will pop in again later.

  34. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning card you've given us today. I saw this card in the fresh so to speak ladies and it's fabulous. As well as pale pink gems it has pale green ones as well. As Sandra said I gave her 2gold stars fir her stamping. I think she did better than me. I wasn't to impressed with these when Sandra opened then, but had a go and they really are nice. You can stamp either way. Sandra did the flowers then added the stems, I stamped the stems then added the flowers.
    Glad that the girls had fab reports. You see they are a lot cleverer that they think. NORAH would love to know how Rory got on yesterday. Sam, I'm glad your feeling a bit better today. I'm off to do the drying up. My dishwasher, aka Pete has just started. Don't worry about the tanker and Maureen Patricia. I won't let her drink the lot.

  35. Hi Sandra,
    Have you had emails from me? Xxx

  36. Very quiet I here again??? I see my sister was stealing a few minutes? I wonder what one of us she stole them from??? I have missed some today, and I know you have as well Margaret.
    Thank you everyone I will enjoy my pampering and afternoon tea tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. Coffee and cake on Sunday is another day I won't be doing any thing towards, been told I have to just come and sit, it's my day so I am to do nothing, Hazel x

    1. Hazel, that sounds just lovely! Couldn't happen to a nicer lady! You enjoy it. Xxx

    2. Still have not found a solution Hazel, but if I find out where time goes you will be the first to know rest assured. I really like the sound of your weekend lovely to know no present is needed, just your presence, you enjoy every minute while you can!
      Margaret xxx

  37. Gorgeous card Sandra, I do not stamp, have got lots of stamps but if I touch ink I seem to get it all over the place so its not worth it. Will give it a try again but I am a messy crafter lol. Going away to make a card for my inherited grandson he is 7 tomorrow so going to a little party where he will play Bill and me for anything he wants lol.
    c&c was full of shattered face dies today and nothing much more, the rest of the companies must be getting fed up of this.Have been leaving messages on the way down cause I con't remember once I am down here, left a message for you Diane re Aberdeen.
    xx hugs

    1. Hi Wendy thank you yes I saw it. You are very kind, it will be lovely to meet up for a coffee when we are up there. Xxx

  38. Ladies any of your who have the XCut gift bag die I have altered it to make a little bag, I will put it up on my blog hopefully tomorrow and I will try and show you how I did it. It makes like a little izzy bag. Really easy to make. Another use for the gift bag die!!! Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I'll look forward to seeing that as
      I love my Xcut gift bag die. It's been one of my most used purchases! Xxx

    2. That sounds good Hazel. I also love my XCut die. Will look out for that.

    3. Looking forward to that, I cut out 4 of that die today. xx

    4. Wendy I have cut 14 of them to day, Beth needed 11 for her party bags. One split and that's when I decided to cut it down! Then I cut 2 more so I could make the little bags. Thank goodness they cut so well. Hazel x

  39. Hi Sandra and all,
    well this is a wonderful ,spring like card and I love it all . Sandra, you have made a super job here stamping and the stamp and colours are so lovely. well done you!
    We had gym and shopping this morning, after all was put away I started to read your comments and it taken me until now to get to the bottom as been interrupted all pm with phone calls, doorbell , cooking dinner , at last can now sit down to say how much I enjoy reading what you all been up too. Happy and sad moments, the coming and goings during the day. Cheryl seeing family, Saba leaving her english one, Janet back from her chateau (looking forward to the pics.) Lucy and Sophie being the stars they are and Rory seem to had a good day but saying not much about it, Norah have got orders from Kirsten and Steph have order from customers. Patricia seeing her friend,hope she hasn't got lost ,Pat was stamping with Sandra, you must have so much fun. Sadly mrs B couldn't join you ( hope you are feeling better?) and Littlelamb is already making c-card omg. what happened to summer in between I know some of you are missing hours in the day but month's now that silly !... Myra think she is a cuckoo and Muriel still waiting for her tanker which is stuck on the M62 tihi
    Painkillers and the glass of red have kicked in, off now to see what Sue has to give us. Oooo the numbers and the trolls have come out from under their stones again I see
    see you tomorrow my friends, Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria! Explain yourself young lady! Are you saying I'm cuckoo ? You will find lots of people to agree with you. I will not pull you out of that dishwasher ever again! Ha ha! Xxx

    2. Yes I know but the idea is to make one C......card a month when it is Laugh and craft. That's usually the first Friday of the month. The second Friday is rubber stamping and the third Friday is Promarkers. We then have a break till the beginning of the next month.

    3. Myra, Not my fault you can't stay without popping in and out of the door tihi
      Littlelamb, your crafting days /Fridays sound great fun. Loved to learn more stamping and promarkering

  40. Hello everyone, I haven't read the comments today, I'll do it tomorrow. See you then.
    Sleep well all, love Maureen xx

  41. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies. Gosh it is quiet tonight and almost tea total. Well being a Friday night you can let your hair down, I tried a bees knees cocktail tonight (I know Myra pot and kettle springs to mind and no I didn't get a cocktail shaker out!) it's lemon juice honey and gin! It was a bit strong so I added tonic and now I feel quite sleepy. I've been making a card today and finished making the flowers watching TV. I just need to glitter them tomorrow and arrange a bow. The weather looks dreadful tomorrow so I'm not sure yet what we will get up to. Julian made it home safe and sound, he was muttering about shopping soi wonder what's in store!
    I hope everyone has hada good day today. Saba safe journey home tomorrow. Xxx Take care everyone see you tomorrow. Night night sleep tight love Diane xxx
    Oh bother I've got red squiggly lines, can't see straight after gin som afraid you will have to imagine what the word says!!!
    Love Diane xxxxxx

  42. Diane, oh one clever young lady you have there? She will go far. Hazel x

  43. Has everyone gone to bed? Perhaps I should have an early night for a change although I forgot to take my Diabetic tablet after my evening meal as I was dashing out so had to have it when I got back. I then have to take the iron tablet two hours after so cannot take that yet. Though my new Sue Wilson Dies from JS would come today but disappointingly no. Hope they come tomorrow if not will not come before Tuesday. I won't to try them out at the weekend.

    1. oh Brenda, you are a naughty girl not taking your tablet, will it make any difference because you took it late, you will have to wait up to take your pills!
      Its so frustrating when you are really excited for something to arrive, you are tracking the postman's every move, but still no sign! I can feel your frustration, maybe tomorrow, i have my fingers crossed for you, which ones did you order?
      I look forward to seeing you in the cafe again tomorrow!

    2. Hi Sandra. No it won't make any difference although I had to have something to eat as is should be taken with or after food. I have ordered the Lattice Arched Adornment die and the Gemini Pavo. Was thinking of Izzy bags.

  44. Brenda I am still up been finishing Beth's party bags, I forgot to take the things Beth and I had got for them plus the ribbon when I went to get her back home so I took them back home and finished them. She did very well and choose a nail file, a nail polish, nail polish remover and a sweetie. She saw a set of 9 little bottles of the nail Polish in Boots and worked out it was a good buy then found another set of three bottles. She spent £25 on everything, mummy had given a budget of £50 so mummy was amazed to get change let alone £25. Anna would have spent the lot. Glad your class went ok, not so good about you forgetting you tablet. Don't forget the iron one. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, that sounds like a lovely party gift bag to me! I can imagine some delighted girls receiving those. Xx

    2. That sounds good Hazel and only spent half of the money. Well done to both of you. Must try not to forget the iron tablet. Have to take the Calcium and also the statin at the sane time. Well I hope I can do that. Was told not to take the diabetic one and the iron at the same time. Anyway however I am doing it last time I saw the GP she said it was working although it needs a lot of improvement yet.

    3. Brenda glad it's all starting to work, Beth's mum was saying today that diabetics need to watch their vitium B12 levels new research I think is showing this. It is amazing how these things are found out!!! Hazel x

    4. Oh I will have to enquired about that. I have got Vit B6 with the calcium tablets. Thanks for telling me.

  45. Hi Sandra,
    It's hard to see individual messages I know sometimes but did you get some emails from me this week? It doesn't matter either way really but if they haven't gone to you where did they go! Ha ha! Xxx

    1. Myra were they the ones with the fab teacher presents etc?
      If so I did get them, they are all in the line up for mixed crafts Saturdays in May !
      I think maybe one week we could have a 'pet' Saturday, as that has been asked for too?
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Thanks Sandra, wasn't bothered about you showing them , just concerned they may not have reached you! I also sent two cards I think . Xxx

    3. Keep for dire emergencies! Xx ha ha !

  46. Myra, she has a lovely group of really nice friends who don't want to be any more than 10 year olds? They will all be pleased with them, they are all going to do water sport activeities on Sunday afernoon, but I wouldn't want to be them as the weather is going to be terrible. I know they will be wet anyway but? Hazel x

    1. Oops Hazel! I wouldn't want to be them either but they are young! It has been lovely here today - wall to wall sunshine but a bit on the chilly side! Hope it stays dry for the grandchildren tomorrow! It would be nice if the boys could play cricket and football in the garden and tire Grandad out!! If not it will be crafting! Hey ho! Xxx

  47. Myra no hope of that here, Gillian lives across from the village park which is a brilliant one and we were hoping the children could go over there and play. We will have to get them doing some thing. Or we will have 4 bored children as Gillian not having children doesn't have much to entertain them with! Hazel x

    1. Oh dear! I take it your weather forecast is not good! Xx

  48. Myra put it this way. The weather map shows deep blue on land and the sea. It was freezing here today 5c we have had the heating on. To think last week it was 17c hopefully it will pick up again. Hazel x

    1. Oh that's chilly for May! Admittedly our heating came on tonight as the temperature dropped enough to bring it on. However it was around 8pm before it came on. The sun warmed the conservatory earlier and that's where we sit most evenings! Sitting room redundant! Xxx

  49. Good evening Sandra & lovely ladies sorry so late went too see my daughter & didn't get home till 10.30 pm been trying to leave comment since then, two posts went cyba space then I pad froze twice grrrrrr.
    Sandra so pleased Lucy & Sophie got glowing reports well done girls.
    Your card Sandra is gorgeous & your stamping is beautiful love the colours & the Noble die. The person who gets this card through the door would be over the moon with it.
    Will have to catch up with all the comments tomorrow. Hope Muriel hasn't started on the new shipment of Baileys yet, I thought I here'd some singing as we past the cafe door or was that the cat trying to get out hehe( sorry Daffy )
    Good night all no night owls in tonight.
    Love & hug's Lynda xx

  50. Hi Sandra, you keep popping by my blog and leaving me comments so I thank you so much..
    You do an amazing job on here, all your lovely ladies chatting and so friendly..
    Then your posting these beautiful cards you have made..I dont know where you get the time and energy, it is you that is the inspiration..
    Hugs Pam x
