
Thursday 9 April 2015

Regular Guest Designers Janet & Pat

Good Morning ladies,
I hope that you are all well and enjoying the glorious sunshine while it lasts, I believe we have
one more, even nicer day tomorrow and then we have quite a temperature drop for the weekend!
But we can't complain, it has been so lovely for the school holidays.
I was so thrilled to hear that the Scottish Sisters meeting went well, I had a lump in my throat and a proud tear in my eye when I read your posts yesterday, it so reminded me of when I first met up with Pat & Sue at the beginning of last August, I still find it so unbelievable that we have only known each other 8 months, it feels as though we have been friends for years, that's as honest as I can be, I feel that we all play a huge part in each others lives, going a week without seeing them is just unthinkable, they are mostly the highlight of my week and I now get to leave the house 100% more than I ever did before that first meeting. 
So I have full confidence that it will be the start of a fantastic 'actual' friendship as well as your continued 'virtual' friendship!  I am sure it will be the same for all of us that are meeting up in October, my biggest wish is that all of you could make it, that would make the perfect retreat, it is shaping up to be a great event!
Today's cards: First up is Janet's gorgeous birthday card, those Gemini dies make such a pretty and interesting front to the card, I love the sentiment too Janet, is it a stamp or die? I am looking for some pretty 'Happy Birthday' stamps or dies to add to my collection. The flowers and that pretty paper all work so well together Janet to make a totally stunning card, thank you so very much for sending me some cards etc for me to have as back up for these tougher painful days.
This pretty birthday card is one of Pat's creations, it is so pretty, I am sure the colouring medium
used for this card had some iridescence, like the Twinkling H20's, It is so pretty in the 'flesh'. I think Pat's granddaughter will have loved it. Those star borders set the stamped element a treat too!
Thank you Pat for sending me the photos to share with everyone, I have really needed your support this week, haven't I ?
Well I missed my two crafty chums today, I spent the day not doing very much, sulking like a spoilt child because I was missing out on seeing both of them!  I am struggling to get control of the pain this week, this has been the worst it has been for a while, which worries me, so I just want to personally thank you for the cards you have all sent in, please don't abandon me, normal services will resume as soon as I can possibly make them!
I have another thank you to make too, I had the most beautiful card delivered today with a lovely surprise hidden with in, I have never received such an exquisitely wrapped card Cheryl, I cried like a baby when I read the inside, thank you from the very bottom of my heart, I was so touched, even Paul had a lump in his throat, you are very kind, although I am at a loss as to why I deserved such kindness!
Well all have my wee chicks have the day off from work/school today and Paul is home too so we are (all being well) having a family day out, we are planning to go to the West Midlands Safari Park, Matt is driving us and Becca is following behind, we are only doing it this way as Matt had taken the girls for their birthday treat some weeks ago and has a return ticket for the three of them. The picnic is all planned, the only fly in the ointment is that Matt has developed a swelling under his right eye, there is nothing in his eye or any soreness, just looks like a build up of fluid underneath, he had this a couple of years back but it spread to the whole side of his face, so we are all waiting with fingers crossed to see what a good nights sleep can do to relieve his symptoms!
I hope that you all have a lovely day in the sunshine,
I will catch up with you all later,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all the Coffee Shop Ladies, hope you are all Hunky Dorey and ready for the day.
    The sun is up the sky is blue,
    Hope it is the same for you.
    SANDRA:- do not fret my friend we will NEVER, EVER abandon you!! We need you to keep things together. Without you there we would miss out on so much. Myra meeting Saba, Hazel, Norah, Jess and I meeting up. Everyone looking forward to October. Daily visits here just to chat and have fun, come on!!! Your a STAR and deserve a Medal.
    Janet and Brenda your cards are STUNNING both different, both amazing in their own right., love, love, love them.
    Everything ready for the Gang coming in, I have had a quick cuppa while preparing things, money in the pot.
    Today will be a rather "dull" day not because of the weather but the lack of "sunshine" of the friends I made yesterday. Norah's smile lit the room, a happy day had by all. Off to Blairgowrie to do some food shopping, we have to eat is suppose.
    Left a big basket of (((((hugs))))) at the door for everyone to help themselves.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Looks like it's going to be another glorious day, especially for anyone not stuck inside.

    Janet-your card looks stunning, and looks likd it should be on Sue Wilsons blog made by the very lady herself.

    Pat-beautiful card & i'm wondering how you have coloured the image. I've got a mid sized collection of stamps that I've hardly used as i have no confidence colouring the images.


  3. Big, big, apologies PAT:- oh! my! goodness I am so sorry I got you and Brenda mixed up. Please, please forgive me. Could say it was because it was early, I am always up early, can't use that. Can we say it's "old age" ......!!!

  4. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Sandra I hope you have a lovely day at the safari park today but don't overdo it my sweetheart. I hope Mats eye is better today, my optic ion recommended cleaning my eyes with Blephasol when I had a fluid lump on it as it clears blocked pores. That might work for him . Enjoy your family time and the sunshine xxxx
    Patricia perhaps not old my sweet just a senior moment! My sister got me a t shirt saying senior moment back in five minutes! Cheek she's older than me!
    Janet what a beautiful card, love the Gemini dies at the sides so pretty. Xxx
    Pat you are so clever at colouring in too, haven't used my h2os in ages, must get them out. Love the star boarders too, the whole card is beautiful. Xxx
    Brenda I did post my friend name on the blog yesterday but it was quite late and the internet was playing up. Her name is Jackie Trinder, she comments on Sues blog so you can probably find her blog through there or her blog is She put a tutorial at the top of her blog with instructions for the pop up box. Glad to hear physio is going well xxx
    Well our Fab Four Scottish ladies, have you got sore throats today from all the chatting and laughing? You were all quite quiet last night so I think you wore yourselves out! Xxx
    Muriel I hope your day isn't so busy today, we don't want you worn out xxx
    Cheryl don't over do it xx
    Michele see if you can find a nice hunky doctor to ogle your chest today not a short sighted oap!
    Steph I hope you feel a bit brighter today and Linda I hope your dangly bits don't dangle too much. Anyone else I haven't mentioned by name have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine if you can, as Sandra said cold again by the weekend! Typical!
    Well I must get myself going today, I'm ushering at a dance school performance this afternoon, I met a friend in M&S who told me they were an usher short today so I volunteered. It's Emma's old dance school and my friend and a bunch of ladies do a tap class there so I know them all quite well, in fact we went to belly dancing classes together some time ago but that's another story! It will be funny to see a show without Emma in it but I'm sure it will be excellent. Have a wonderful day everyone, I will pop back later and might bring a bottle with me! Lol!
    Take care and lots of love
    Diane xxx

    1. Still hoping a hunk of a doctor wishes to inspect the embroidery on my tunic-ha ha!!!


    2. Diane yes my dangly bits are still dangling ha ha !! Xx

  5. Morning Sandra & ladies,

    Another beautiful bright start today, I might be doing some gardening this morning. A good friend and also an older very avid gardener once told me, "An hour everyday will keep the weeds at bay, and before you know it, your gardening will be done." This is so true, but when you didn't do any last year you now have to play catch up. Gardening to me is as cathartic as crafting and done with great pleasure.
    Two beautiful cards again this morning. I am amazed at the versatility you all show with your cards. True crafting artistes.
    Pat, the opulence of your chosen focal colour is glorious, I love the rich deepness in tone. And the sentiment and flowers totally makes the card a very special work of art.
    Janet, what a delightful card for a youngster. So bright and cheerful and I just adore the cheeky little bird with his beak in the air with not a care in the world.
    Are you going to be demo-ing your colouring talents at the retreat? Because I for one, would love some tips please, please, please. My colouring in is abysmal, more like a drunken spider.

    Sandra, I am so pleased that you enjoyed your surprise. Without you and your blog, I would not have been able to come out of my shell as fast as I have the last few months. To even think of going away or talking to, a group of ladies that I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting would have filled me with dread and caused the most massive of panic attacks. It is through your kindness in allowing us to meet here and share our lives with each other that I have been blessed with so much love and support that I took the plunge and booked my room. I am so looking forward to October, I'm floating on air. You have given me so much inspiration in the way you deal with your life that I am not afraid anymore. You have been such a GIFT in my life and I can't thank YOU enough.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,

      Hope you don't mind me replying to your post but I agree with you Sandra has bought a lot of people together as have all the blogs, isn't it such a great way to meet new people with the same interests. I am a bit like you, very shy and nervous of meeting new people, I always wonder whether they would like me or whether I would make a fool of myself, which is usually the case lol! I wish I could meet up with you all in October but I am hoping Hubby will be taking me to the NEC the following week so need to save my pennies for that one lol! I am sure you will all have a fabulous time.

      Love & hugs

      Jacquie J xxx

    2. Thank you Jacquie,

      Sandra is such a special person, she just doesn't realize it. xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl,
      I also agree with all that you say about Sandra. She allows us to have a joke, be serious, share our worries and make wonderful friends without even having to leave the house. I cannot wait until October when we actually get to meet her.
      Maureen xx

    4. Another one in total agreement here. I may not manage to contribute much to the discussions, but I look in throughout the day. I have stopped reading the comments on other blogs since they all seem the same, but here I get a laugh, can share a problem, get tips, crafting and otherwise, and feel like I am with friends. Sorry Sandra, but I am addicted to your blog, so won't abandon you. There are no other blogs who want us all to show our makes, most are just "see me, see what I do" types, and while they are great to learn from, they are nothing like this.
      Be proud of it, you have created something unique.

    5. Janice you have said it all. I think you are right it's addictive in such a good way! Hazel x

    6. Totally agree with all the comments above! Roll on October - but we don't want to wish our lives away so we will enjoy all the daily fun and sympathise with the sorrows too that come our way! That's what friends are for! Xxx

    7. I'm so glad you all agree with me ladies, I wouldn't leave this Blog now for anything. xxx

    8. Totally agree Cheryl, this blog is ver addictive ! Xxxx

  6. Morning Sandra, I hope you have made it on your day out and that the weather holds up for you. Sorry to hear you have been in pain a lot lately I do hope it gets better.

    Fabulous cards from Pat & Janet as usual, always lovely to see them.

    Hope everyone else is fine?

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  7. Good morning. Oh it's a beautiful morning and it does fill me with that get up and get things done feeling! I see my big sis has had a senior moment?
    Janet, I love your card, that die works so well what ever it us used on or how it's used, your design and colours are just lovely.
    Pat. Oh I wish I could stamp and colour like this? I am in awe of all you ladies that can do this? A gorgeous card your grand daughter will have loved it.
    Sandra. Will you stop worrying!!! Without you all these new friendship would never happen? The retreat would not be on for October! you wait till Saturday when the others that are going to Ally Pally meet up??? There will be a piece on the news saying that a group of ladies had to be escorted out of Ally Pally due to the noise they were making plus they couldn't close for the night due to this group still being sat there??? I am not jealous!!! Oh yes I am I wish I was going too. October won't come soon enough for me.
    Maureen. I know we do lead a jet fast life don't we??? I wish?this week has been a week of doing less than half the miles I do in a normal week. Patricia and I are lucky that or husbands dont mind us going away together. I think they enjoy the peace and quiet to be honest? Oh well I'd better make a move, next load of washing needs pegging out. Hazel x

  8. Oh meant to say. Jess gave us all a beautiful card and box yesterday. Now in our boxes was little foiled wrapped eggs and oh my they are yummy!!! I will saviour them and remember our great day, then the little box and card will be the reminder.
    Also I think the idea of us all taking time at the retreat to teach/show each other little extra tips and ticks of how we do things is great? We all have something that we can share.
    The other thing? Do any of you shop at " Boots" if so when they give out the vouchers of £5 off No 7 or a leading brand of hair products? Do you use them or just through them in the bin? The reason I am asking is they are a good money saver! If you are doing a big shop there and you can split it down and pay it separate so you get 2 vouchers, what I do I go and buy 2 products that go together .I put them away to use as a CHRISTMAS gift / or even to do up and donate to a raffle. You will find that the £5 off voucher off a No 7 cleaners or toner which cost £7.50 means you are only paying £2.50 so the 2 together will only cost you £5 yet you have a really good gift. The hair ones work just the same. So don't bin them. Just think of the craft stuff you can buy for your self with the cash saved, yet you can give a nice gift with those products. No 7 vouchers are often for make up ?Now what young lady donestnneed nail polishes etc??? I will even show you how easy it is to do them up in cello. Hazel x

    1. What a brilliant idea, I usually just bin them. I'm going to start doing what you suggest, they'll be great little pressies.
      Maureen xx

    2. Great idea! Top tip! Great stocking fillers for granddaughters too! Xxx

    3. Thanks Hazel,great tip I normal bin them so will now use them,as Myra said great stocking fillers.xx

    4. That's a great idea Hazel, must tell my daughter that one as she is always on the look out for inexpensive gifts for friends. Thank you for sharing xxxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, well I think I have recovered from our meet up yesterday with Patricia, Hazel and Norah, what a lot of chatting went on, it was fabulous to meet them. Roll on October when we can meet the rest of the crafty crew!
    Pat and Janet what super cards you have posted today they are both fantastic.
    Sandra if it was not for you we would be all sitting at home wasting our brains away not thinking about anyone else, here in your coffee shop we all support each other whatever the crisis, so don't beat yourself up. Enjoy your day but don't overdo it you will need your strength for ally pally
    Coffee finished so off for food shopping how boring!!
    Take care everyone, will pop back later, Jess x

    1. Jess, glad you had such a good time.
      Maureen xx

    2. Jess, those eggs in the box you gave us are absolutely to Die For!!!
      Mmmm!! so yummy.
      Thank you so much for them and your beautiful card.
      Thank you for a super day

    3. Jess like Patricia's delicious gift i am sharing with OH and boy wonder as my boy always shares with us so i am just returning it but they are lovely and i take the 2 paracetamol so that i can enjoy them.Mind what we said about your masterpieces flower as they should be seen by a wider audience than just you and your phone and the girls will back me up on that one. xx

    4. Jess has done a FANTASTIC painting and Oh! Wow! it is a stunner. Yes I am sure everyone here would love to see it.

    5. Oh yes, indeed we do want to see it Jess, don't be shy come on and post it. I'm so glad you all met up and found kindred spirits yesterday, it makes every friendship that more valuable.
      Well, I only got to do my window box before having a visitor, she's my Robin's new partner and apart from parties, family gatherings etc we have never sat down and talked woman to woman. She arrived 10.30 and left 1.130 and we did not stop chatting mainly about our travels all over the world. Afterwards I had a quick lunch, watched recorded Person of Interest then back to garden for 1 hour only. I can thoroughly recommend the Fiskars weeder. Now I'm back inside talking to you all and listening to the joyous sound of Wedding Bells. We seem to be getting a lot of lovebirds choosing mid-week for marriages, and it's so delightful hearing the peals merrily ringing out.
      Love Cheryl xxx

    6. Jess - hallo oo ! I would love to see that painting too! So pleased you all had a super time! Xxx

    7. Hi Jess so glad you had a good time and yes we need to see your painting xxx

  10. Janet ecco of Sheffield9 April 2015 at 11:14

    Good Morning one and all who pop in today.
    SANDRA - you are worth more than all the riches one can buy - material objects can always be bought but Friendship; Thoughtfulness; Kindness and Caring are all the true things straight from the HEART and that's you!!!!
    As been said above without this wonderful cafe of yours non of us would every have met whether via cyberspace or in person and we are all now richer. You will never be deserted.
    I hope that you all can get the day out and that Mat is feeling better today.

    I just wish I had been a fly on the wall yesterday when the four of you all met. I can just see you all now round the table coffee/tea and refreshments at the ready and not a moment of quiet - just how it should be when friends meet.

    Sandra I'm so so sorry I didn't get in yesterday via cyberspace - I just do not know where the time went - we had sunshine again so I got another load of laundry out on the line with the help of my 'peg man' lol. Jim then decided he was going in the garden but needed me out there to just make sure that plants stayed in the ground and the weeds came out. He also planted a couple of new rose trees we brought across with us. In the middle of all this we left off for lunch and then out he went again shouting for guidance (he really knows what's what but he just wants company as he's not an avid gardener. Anyway after tea I just collapsed in a chair until bedtime. So sorry I'll try harder next time lol.

    Pat I'm always in awe of crafters who can stamp and colour - whenever I try it always looks as though a 5yr old has coloured and not the effect I want a all. So I love love your card and everything about it.

    My card today is an 8x8 as usual covered with a page of patterned paper from a block Creative Expressions -Phil Martin - Decadent Damask - each page is patterned on one side with either a circle or square left in the middle and on the reverse side the same colour is used but blocked and again with the middle left clear. I cut the Happy Birday by a Tattered Lace sentiments die and placed it in the middle of the circle. I then cut the edges of another 8x8 scalloped card and covered each piece using the reverse side of the patterned paper. On this I cut and placed complete cut out of the Orion Gemini die. These pieces are then placed on the card using foam for height. The flowers are my usual ones bought from the net; the little purple ones were white and I coloured them with a Pro Marker to give the corresponding colour. The little spray leaves are Sue's Petite Vinery. All finished with a tiny hand made bow in white.
    The verse is one of my usal ones which starts:-
    May you Have
    For every storm a rainbow

    I have written it out in full before. I hope you all like my effort.

    Enjoy the rest of the say - When my parcel of hugs arrive can someone please put them in the basket by the door after taking one or two out for themselves. Speak to you all tomorrow. I hope that our Four Highlanders have their voices back by then lol. Hugs
    Janet xxxx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    I'll help myself to a cold drink today as it's beautiful again and I'll put my money in the pot.
    Pat and Janet, your cards today are lovely. I love the colours of both cards, and the design of Janet's card is so pretty with the Gemini die. Pat, I love that stamp and the colouring is gorgeous. What make of stamp is it ?
    Sam, I hope you are feeling a bit better.
    Norah, I hope yesterday didn't tire you out.
    Saba, I hope you and Val have a beautiful day.
    Everyone, I wish you a lovely day today.
    Sandra, I hope you are feeling more rested today and in less pain, but watch what you are doing, take things easy.
    Karen, I was sorry to read about your uncle, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Diane, I've always wanted to tap dance, ever since I saw Singing in the Rain as a child. My brother and I danced all the way home, and one of my favourite Morecambe and Wise show skit is that one - and the Andre Previn one. They never fail to raise a smile.
    Well, the bedding has been washed and on line, George is busy digging out the ornamental grass, it's lovely and whispy but takes over the whole place. One of my worst buys ever.
    I'm a very, very happy bunny today. George is going to a Bowls meeting tonight so the season will be starting soon.
    Cheryl, I hope you are well today x.
    Have a good day everyone, I'll do a little more in the garden and then after lunch I MUST make some cards. I'm so far behind that I'm meeting myself coming back.
    Bye everyone, I'll be back later, love and hugs to all
    Maureen xx

    1. Maureen i had an absolute ball yesterday and it was fantastic and best feeling ever just being laughed with and not at because you're just stupid or made to feel like that. It was magic and i can't wait until we do it all again and it wasn't like meeting someone for the first time honest it was as if it was a normal catch up and chat with old friends . I too wanted to learn how to tap dance but since having two left feet and being corifisted i go in entirely the wrong direction, order, the lot so wasn't meant to be i think. I did find my old country dancing pumps though that mum had in a bag from our days of causing distress and mayhem to the country dancers at the various Caleidhs and that that we went to where imagine a heap of dancers and mum and i on top, well that was us. we got drummed out for causing mayhem. :D

    2. Hi Maureen, yes I'm fine dear heart.
      I love those two skits too, my favourite has to be the one in the kitchen getting their breakfast with the Stripper playing. Such funny men, we don't see their like any more. I don't get this alternative comedy, too much swearing and descriptions of mens danglies and women's t**ts going on, what's funny about that?

    3. Agreee with you re the comedy, Cheryl. It's just swearing and sex, there is no intelligence being used now. The younger writers have lost the art of subtlety.

    4. Maureen I haven't tried tap dancing myself but a lot of the ladies I got together with did and believe me they were all shapes and sizes and ages! Many of them were grandmas in their 70's! My friend Cheryl is in her 50's and is a fab tap dancer and still takes exams! She has always danced which helps but it keeps her fit. Now belly dancing was another thing altogether, again all shapes and sizes and ages, especially mature ladies but oh boy what a laugh! Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    So missed you yesterday. The day didn't seem right at all without you in it. Now don't you do to much today. Hopefully you'll have a lovely day and won't be doing to much walking. Hi Janet your card is stunning. I really love how you've made this card. I would have said that the sentiment was a stamp as its so swirly. But it is lovely.Wish my brain would come up with such great ideas. Patricia, I don't mind being called Brenda, I knew who you meant. I also have brain trouble remembering whose who. I'm glad you all had a great day yesterday. The stamp I used was a Woodware clear singles called Garden Birdie. I used Cosmic Shimmer Mica Powders for the flowers. The borders are a tonic one, but it belonged to a friend. I used it awhile ago and don't remember the name I'm afraid.afraid.

  13. Hi everyone. What a treat, another gorgeous sunny warm day plus TWO sunny bright cards today. Both so perfect in their own way. Whereas Janets dies sing to us, Pat's beautiful stamp and colour shading smiles and says " look how pretty I am on this sunny day" both absolutly beautiful cards ladies.
    After 2 days of not feeling so great (thats life - no amount of moaning/whining will change owt so why bother) ? I still haven't made a 'market card' 2 wedding, 2 get well, 2 engagement and 2 childrens birthday cards and I should be re-stocking a lot more... All in good time !
    I hope you all had a lovely time meeting up yesterday. Id love to be able to get to my place of birth - Brum in October but its just not possible as I cant plan so far ahead, especially if I was to lose money if I wasn't well enough to go, my hibernation has well started by then, my MIL lives in Brum and I dont even get to go down and see her as its usually a day road trip when Andy goes, so maybe I will join you sometime, October maybe a very busy month for us anyway, sorry Sandra. You'll ALL have the most wonderful time anyway.
    So Sandra, hope you have a lovely day at the safari park, its absolutly great. I cant tell you how much I could cry knowing I cant get to AP meeting Sue is a hugh dream for me, she has done SO much for me id just love to say "thank you" face to face, oh well, one day I hope : /
    I'll leave my hugs for anyone that needs one just on the corner table.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi Steph,
      It would be lovely if you did manage to pop in even for just a day. Look after yourself and rest. xxx

    2. I second that, if you managed to join us for the Saturday it would be fantastic.
      Look after yourself, take it easy, please don't get stressed about cards. Your health is far more important.
      Hugs xxx

    3. Steph - hope you feel better tomorrow! Try not to worry about your cards. I know it's easy for me to say. Xx

  14. Hi everyone I just thought I'd pop into the cafe and have a quick coffee with you.
    Good heavens Sandra you and your cafe regulars are a wonderful bunch I crafters, all the cards I have seen, the cakes andt he various other pieces are absolutely amazing as are today's cards. Well done to each and every one of you.
    Life just seems to be flying by at the moment and I thought it would drag by after I lost my dearest Clive....I miss him so much we had been courting since I was 14 and would have been married for 47 years this year....but as they say 'life has to go on' and so I am doing my best especially for's not the easiest thing trying to be bright and breezy on the phone to help her to stop hurting but I get by and will be going to seeher next Saturday for the first time since the funeral. Anyway I wont drag this on as you are all such a happy bunch of ladies.
    I do hope Sam is okay and anyone else who is feeling poorly or feeling down.
    Thank you for all your condolences and for thinking of me. Will pop in again very soon.

    Love and hugs
    Sheila xx

    1. Hello Sheila,
      How lovely to see you on the blog. I am so sorry and I send you and Nikki the biggest hugs and lots of love. We will always be here for you when you feel strong enough to call in.
      Maureen xx

    2. Hello Sheila. Good to see you here. You are welcome anytime.

    3. Hello Sheila
      How lovely to see you, both you and Nikki have been in my thoughts and prayers do remember we are all here for you when you need us. You can always have a hug or a cuddle from my basket it is over there in the corner near Norah's table just help your self anytime.
      With love
      Margaret corgi owner

    4. Hello Sheila wonderful to see you in for a cuppa.
      Don't leave it too long to come back, we love having a chatch with you.
      Sending you and Nikki some (((((hugs)))))

    5. Hello Shiela, nice to see you, just take your time in coming back, you know we are all here for you, love to you and Nikki. X

    6. Sheila,it's so lovely to have you pop in to see us! We think of you every day. It must be so hard for Nikki too! Don't feel you have to be jolly here - that's not necessary! Sending you lots of hugs for Nikki and you! Xxxx

    7. Hi Sheila, this is a great place to visit, you can sit quietly with a coffee and just listen, or shout and scream if that is what you need that day. Either way, this lovely bunch is here for you.

    8. Hello Sheila, it's lovely to see you are looking at the blog, I'm sure it must all be very difficult but well done,you certainly are taking some positive steps. Sending love and hugs to both you and Nikki. Am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Love Brenda XX

    9. Hello Sheila it's lovely to see you popping in today your doing very well even though it's very difficult for you. Give Nikki a big Hug from me on Saturday. Your both in my thoughts & prayers.
      Love Lynda xxxx

    10. Hello Sheila how lovely to see you and take your time and pop in when you feel up to it. I know there are lots of tissues around if you need them when you laugh or cry with us. We are all here for you. Sending you a Nikki a big soft cuddle.
      Thinking of you both love Diane xxx

  15. Good afternoon our lovely Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    Well i had a ball yesterday and didn't need rocked to sleep last night i can tell you and i got a brand new Tommy Tippee cup with baby Pooh and friends on it which i might share with my grandson when he comes if he's good he can get a shot of it. It's amazing how they knew me the minute i went by in the car because donut here forgot about the "posh" restuarant and went around to the cafe. Probably just as well because i think we might have been asked to leave politely by management if he had gone in to it some how. I'll tell you something, i think it was just as well we stopped when we did yesterday because i think some of us would have needed the services of Ms Tena if it had carried on. My hips decided they weren't talking to me after making them sit for so long so i am gradually trying to regain control of them, getting them to behave themselves again and co operate with the rest of me. It was so nice being able to say something without being shouted down at or told that i'm talking rubbish(which to be fair i suppose it is). Sandra this blog has done more good than any Psych nurse did in 3 years of going to see her. Just being able to laugh at the things that we all do(no there is not one of you that can claim to be innocent of fun and laughter). I'll tell you what, that poor Matthew and his staff don't know what they're in for so has anyone got plan b in place for when we all get flung out the first night?EEEkkk. Oh Sandra just wait until you see Jess' "Chief", it is out of this world. Goan make her tell you about it because girls what a work of pure art, honestly so make her show and tell please. Sorry Jess but it had to be done flower because you hide your fantastic talent away under the bushiest bush i have ever seen so you need to let the girls see it and Hazel and Patricia will back me up in that.
    Sheila flower it is so lovely to see you back in the fold of our cafe huddle again. Take each day as it comes flower and cry if you want to we don't mind and we will cry along with you to keep you company. I hope that you think of the great times and funny times you had as they will keep you going through this hard time. I do wonder if poor Nikki will ever get over it though because it is just so hard with our special children of the world to be able to accept or fully comprehend what has happened. Sending you both hugs dear friend just because we care. Come back any time you feel like a wee build me up is needed and we are here for you.
    Well it's a gorgeous day here at my beautiful hills but they are being a bit shy(just like me) and have a veil across them. The sun is out but it's just a tad on the nippy side but the washing is out getting the fresh air and i am trying to drag a certain party who is off school for Easter out of his dressing gown and into some resemblance of dress attire and it would be easier pulling teeth some how. Anyway i shall go across to my corner and have a latte please Sandra as i get down to getting a hold of Matthew for my room. Hazel is going to book the train for us all so that we can get seats together nearer the time, i have to get my rail card which i will do online if i can. Right i have had a word with some of these hugs as get quite outrageous and misbehave, so they have had a stern talking to but i have them in all shapes, sizes and for all occasions here, please take one.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (glenochil)

    1. Oh Norah, I'm so pleased that you and Jess had a great time. We could hear the talking and laughing down here in Newcastle, in fact it interfered with our TV reception !! lol.
      Don't forget to bring some photographs of your special boy Rory when you come down to Birmingham, it will be lovely to see him.
      Maureen xx

    2. Oh i will Maureen, i will. I have a picture on my phone of the pair of them when they were 10 + 17 and he is dressed in his kilt outfit and i just love this picture off them. My wee boy just has the build to wear a kilt and he likes it so why not but he will tell any passing heathen that it is a kilt not a skirt in no uncertain terms(which is quite funny when he was knee high to a shirt button and his daddy is trying to get him up the stairs before these young louts decide to have a go at him). I will try and get a more up to date picture of them though. Sorry for the interference, it was all that laughing that was going on, it was getting picked up by the local satalite that was trying to pass over head at the time but it just got nosy and was trying to earywig to hear what was going on. :D

    3. Oh Norah I am so delighted that you had such a good time yesterday it is the least you deserve sweetheart, when do you next meet up for another gathering of the clans?
      Margaret xx

    4. Emm, Norah, who is this talking about Jess hiding her talent? Had a look in the mirror recently.
      I must say you sound happy today.

    5. Norah, really thrilled you had a great time! I thought you might. So pleased you booked for October . I'm left handed too! Xxx

    6. Janice you are spot on. Norah got told off yesterday for running herself down, told we don't do that on here! She has so many talents. she keeps saying she rambles oh no she paints a picture with her words and stories. Hazel x

    7. I'm left handed too. Just as well as it's my right wrist I broke. They say left handers are artistic!
      Glad you all had a good time yesterday. I have Saturday to look forward to.

    8. So pleased to hear you had a lovely time yesterday Norah, yes like many of us you hide your light too but you are a star. Lovely to hear you are booked for the retreat too, so looking forward to meeting you. Xxx

  16. Sorry i got bit carried away with myself. Janet, your card looks so rich and really lovely with the flowers top and bottom at opposite sides. It takes your eyes down to each part of the card and across the width of it. The white against the plum/lilac just brings out the various parts of your piece of card beauty. Hey getting out in the fresh air with hubby even if it is just watching over him to make sure he gets it right would be a lovely way to spend a relaxing afternoon with him and at least he wouldn't keep the weeds and toss the plants unlike certain male counterparts of his that say live in Glenochil just as a for instance or plant them so that they flower in Austraila again from the same region as the weeds keep. I bet it is a whole slower pace of life across there for you both as opposed to home here with the continual check ups, bloods and waiting to see if you can get to go at the last minute. I think you could probably get home quicker from France than you could say from being up north on our islands. Anyway flower enjoy your time across there and thank you for your WOJ today, as it is so pretty.
    Pat, you've been a colour inner as a youngster haven't you? See we can tell as the enjoyment that it gives never leaves you i don't think. I hope that the young miss that your beauty is for loves it as much as you did making it. Its amazing when we look at the works of art that we each have how others can tell the amount of love and energy that went into creating the mini masterpiece. I love the softness of the colours that you have in it, as it looks so whimsical. I know that there is the old saying about wearing your heart on your sleeve but i have never heard or seen a bird wearing it on their wings before and the wee totesy butterflies are so cute. Thank you girls for your beautiful creations that just brighten up and enriches our lives each day as i know it really makes my day
    love and hugs
    Norah xx

    1. Norah, sorry to hear your hips are playing up. We did sit far too long, however it was such good fun. Until we looked at the clock we did not realise how long we had sat on our bums.
      Don't know what we can do next time to avoid that pain and discomfort??
      Thank you for making the day special

    2. Anybody got one of the "Polo" cushions? I don't know if the hospitals still use them but that might help Norah a bit.
      Maureen xx

    3. A swim ring might work? I think I might pack a cushion for October, I fact I normally have a small one with me for on flights as I feel it makes a difference, Patricia always asks if I have remember it, it will be going with me to Canada? 8 hours flight I would be in so much pain without it. So bring one with you if it will help. Hazel x

    4. I'm going by car - all being well and unless Saba packs a trunk - I can bring anything that may help ! Please note - kitchen sink, bathtub and hot tubs are not included in this offer! Xx

    5. Myra are you sure you can't fit all that in? You will be travelling light in other words? At least with us taking the train we can take crafty things without causing the security to go daft? Hazel x

    6. Hazel - please note , in case she kills me , I said a trunk and not her trunk!! Saba - we love you! Xx

    7. I don't care as it was worth it for the happy, happy day i spent yesterday so i am going to enjoy the memories of that for longer than me and my hips not talking and i will do it all again any time at all. so thank you girls for giving me such a wonderful day. xx

  17. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' this sunny afternoon,
    Coffee and Red Velvet cake please. The two cards of art today are Beautiful.
    I love purple so your card is right up my street Janet, the Gemini die is very nice and I love those flowers. I also love your card Pat, the stamping and colouring in is perfect in all ways. I have pro-markers but now these Aqua Chameleon pens and lots of other ones come out so I wonder what's your prefered colouring in method are ? Any idea to spend more money on new type of pens, hmmm
    I hope you got out to the Safari today and spend some wonderful time with your family, sorry to hear your pain is no good. My shoulders screaming a bit after the weekly shopping and hanging the washing out so I having a little rest before going to brush the patio .
    Lovely to see you Sheila, you will be going through a lot of emotions so if you want to cry, laugh or scream you are in the right place because here you can do whatever you want, almost anything, depends little on the, do you call it 'the watershed ? Give Nikki a big hug from me when you see her next.
    Saba, hope all is well seeing your daughter and Val and you got some nice time together, Hugs to you all.
    Diane, thanks I will go over and look at Jackie's blog
    Jacquie,. maybe you could come for the day if not to far, would be lively to meet you too ?
    Sam, I wish you better and Steph, hope you are having a better day too.
    ,see you later before bed
    Love and Hugs Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria, Hope you got my email. Have Feathers packed and with my ticket ready to go to AP on Saturday. Yippee ......Just two more sleeps. LOL Brenda xxx

    2. Hi Maria, Hope you got my email. Have Feathers packed and with my ticket ready to go to AP on Saturday. Yippee ......Just two more sleeps. LOL Brenda xxx

    3. Thank you Brenda, I feel we are going to have a smashing time,not sure about any shopping tihi
      I wrote on the 7th below your comment,maybe you missed it
      Take care, Maria xx

  18. WOWSER! Both cards are gorgeous. I don't stamp or colour (yet! Hoping to get some stamps from AP and as I don't have any form of colouring pens I am waiting to see what the price of Chameleon pens will be after C&C lose their exclusivity. DIANE I can remember being an usher at my daughter's dance school, stressful but great fun with costume changes, shoe laces needing tieing, hairbands replaced. Will go and look for Jackie's blog because I do see her name on Sue's etcShe's DT on CE too isn't she? And your T-shirt made me smile. I must get one! SHEILA my thoughts are with you too xx
    SANDRA Don't overdo things at the safari park AND I completely agree with what everyone has said about you. I'm new to the cafe gang, but everyone has made me feel very at home.I'm really jealous that you're meeting on Saturday (blow the show it's the meet-up that's most important! And the retreat sounds like you will have a ball

    1. Would you not consider joining us at the Retreat. Still time, I think the bookings close on Monday. Hazel has to finalise the room numbers by then.
      Patricia x

    2. Karen. Why not it's open to those who come to the " Coffee Shop". And you are one of us? Isn't she ladies??? Hazel x

    3. Most definitely! Give it some serious thought - it'll be fun! Xxx

    4. Go on Karen, you know you want to!! xx

    5. Hi Karen be lovely if you could join us on the retreat too. Jackie was on Sam Pooles design team for a short while before Sam went on maternity leave but has been spotted by other design teams too now which she is really pleased with. We worked together for many years and when I left school last year she missed our crafty chats so she pops over to eat her lunch with me every couple of weeks to catch up and share ideas. We have grown as card makers together which is lovely too. She's got a photo of me on her blog from Farnborough! Xxx

  19. Whey hey i'm booked on the ground floor. yipppeeeeeee xx

    1. Brilliant, that's fantastic.

    2. Ooooh! Just looked in - great news! Going to read all the comments now! Xxx

    3. Norah, great, great, great. Hazel x

    4. Well done you x

    5. Hazel - good job you didn't stick an Auntie after the greats! Xxx

    6. Glad to hear it Norah. xxx

    7. Glad to hear it Norah. xxx

    8. Brilliant Norah. How do you know, they'll probably put me in the garret

    9. See some people get Special treatment ...... Norah is a rather Soecial lady. I think Matthew has put her in a Special room next to Sandra.
      You'll be fine, well maybe not, cause you might be next to me in the Garret

    10. He'll put the mad ladies in the garret! Now I'm a bit concerned! Xx

    11. You and I will be fine together then!!!

    12. Absolutely! - they're sure to put Saba there too! Maureen was first up there! No contest! Xxx

    13. All the best people will be up there xx

    14. Norah.......You have made my day! thank you, I cannot wait to meet you xxxx

    15. I think I'm in the attic or basement, probably with padded walls and no window! Lol xxx

  20. Afternoon ladies, Hazel, Patricia and Norah so glad you enjoyed your little easter eggs, they are a bit morish!
    If you insist I will try and send Sandra the picture of Geronimo that I painted and showed you.
    I still can't believe how much we all have in common, from skirts in knickers, to ceramic painting, bet everyone is wondering what I am talking about!!!
    Take care, catch you later, Jess x

    1. Jess that will get them going? Hazel,x

    2. Jess, when you paint your knickers with ceramic paint how long do you have to wait before you can wear them, and does it make them waterproof?? xxx

    3. Do you not think painting your knickers with Ceramic Paint might make them rather "stiff" and a bit difficult for walking about. Might chaff a little as well......!!!

    4. Hi Jess
      You might start walking a big stiff legged after you've painted your knickers. You can borrow my crutches if you like.

    5. I didn't paint any knickers, I got my skirt stuck in them!!!

    6. Ahhh! That explains everything! Xx

    7. Skirts stuck in knickers, ooooh I think we all been there lol

  21. Well ladies I received my beautiful "give away" card from Sandra this morning. Thank you Sandra. it's on the mantel piece along with the one from Jess. I think from the comments of the other three we are all still thinking about the great day we had. Yes Jess you have to send the photo of that painting, it's a work of art and I mean Art !!!
    Sheila it's so lovely to see you have popped into the cafe! We are here the listen and to chat, you know what they say the best medicine is to talk and with yourself talking about Clive is welcome here? We would love to hear those little stories and memories - you can cry and laugh as much as you want, the only down side is we can't get you that needed hug in real, but as Cheryl says put your arms across your shoulder and feel the hug!!! You are not alone in here we have all had these things happen in your lives, Nicky will take time, but just give it to her and again let her talk about her Daddy.
    Steph, if you can make it down for a few hours to the retreat you will be more than welcome, glad the sun is out for you the heat is not much but so much better than the cold.
    Sam, I hope you are a little stronger today.
    Sandra. I hope you have managed to get out, and that Matts eye is ok?
    We have had a gorgeous day here, we went out and got bits that were needed and ended up going to the Chinese Buffet for lunch, well it will cover tea as well with us having just something light to eat. Only down side is the amount of salt they use? We don't use salt at home but it just one of these things. So another lovely day. Well that's Patricia just messaged saying Norah has booked her room, Great !!! Hazel x

  22. Well, it's fun each day to visit here, read all the comments, add my tuppence worth, and see 2 outstanding creations. Janet and Pat, these are both so lovely.
    Just take things easier for another day Sandra, and you will have a terrific time at AP.

    1. Janice, be careful, be very careful how you use the word tuppence as Sandra uses it for a certain part of her anatomy!!! ha ha xxx

    2. Really? worth more than that surely?

  23. Hi Sandra,
    I do hope you are taking things easy and not tiring yourself out! I hope you have a lovely day out with all the family and then rest! You need to be at Ally Pally! The others are longing to meet you!
    Wish I was coming but will be content to hear all the goings on here! Just don't get yourselves thrown out for rowdiness. It's all the quiet ones who aren't going!
    We will look after the coffee shop and keep it clean and tidy!
    Ladies - todays cards are both lovely!
    Janet - I love what you have done with the Gemini Dies it really showcases them and the colours are lovely.
    Pat - what a lovely stamp and your colouring is beautiful! I'm sure your granddaughter loved it.
    Thank you both for sharing and thanks again to you Sandra xxx
    Lovely to hear the good news from Scotland - well we sort of heard it yesterday! What a racket! So pleased everyone enjoyed it . Not the racket - the day!
    Well, we set off for home again in the morning. The sun has shone all week and we've had a lovely time.
    Will pop back later.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Oh Myra, does that mean you'll be "Homeward Bound" xxx

    2. Oh! yes, she's "homeward bound"

    3. Yep! The Old Town should look the same - I've only been gone 4 days! Xxx

    4. Myra The sun has got its hat on hip hip hip hooray,now your homeward bound xxx

    5. However, I'm not leaving on a jet plane! Xx

    6. Will you say "I am Sailing" then??

    7. Oh we are all very sharp tonight ! As , unlike my friend Saba, I'm no sailor - so we'll just say - Walking back to Happiness - oompah oh yeh yeh! Xxx

    8. Mind you a bit dangerous up the M40, M42 and M6 xx

    9. I hope The old home looks the same xx

    10. You and me both! - directly opposite us there is a chapel which is now a house! I do not want to be Crying in the Chapel! Xx

    11. Is that the green green grass of home with mr blue sky??? Xxx

  24. Hello Sandra and the cafe ladies
    I have managed to connect but it might still fly off to Africa.
    I am so happy the Scottish ladies had such a good time,I am so jealous, I would have tried to drive down to meet you all.
    Sandra after reading all the comments regarding this blog, I must say I agree with them all,I don,t have a lot of confidence and it took me a while to enter the cafe but have found more confidence just listening to you all, so thank you.

    The cards today are gorgeous, I cannot colour in no matter how I try,I never like it.
    Well it is stil very hot here about 27 degrees so must go and have a drink.
    Love to all

    1. I will just go with "cheers" you would not want to see my "bottom"

  25. Well another lovely day here again and I managed to walk to the local shops without falling over. Was worried though. Very nervous about going out. Thank you Sandra for showing the lovely cards today from Janet and Pat. Hope you have had a brilliant day. You are very much needed here.
    JANET. Your card is beautiful. My colours and I love the Gemini dies. So far I only have one. Just counted my SW dies and was amazed I have 17. Cannot believe it.
    Pat. Love your card. The colouring is superb. I am sure your granddaughter loved it. Well must get on. Have made on card today for a friend. It will be one year since her husband passed away on Monday and just want to tell her I am thinking about her. The second one I am in the middle of is for my Grandson's 21st Birthday. Male cards are always difficult aren't they. Just hope he likes it.
    Will just have a Latte and a custard donut I think and will put my money in the pot.

    1. I know exactly how you feel Brenda when going out on my own. xx

    2. What a lovely thing to do for your friend, Littlelamb and I'm sure your grandson will love his card, has he got any hobbies ?

  26. Beautiful cards yet again, I love looking at all the different style and colour combinations . Wishing everyone a lovely day from Jean xx

    1. Hope you've had a lovely day as well, Jean xx

    2. Jean you have to keep me here....... I have not been coming in to the Cafe for long so I am not sure if I know you or not??
      Hope you have had a good day and the sun has shone where you are.
      Thank you for your comment on my Blog. I am hopeless on the computer. How I ever got that Blog up and running is a complete mystery even to me!!!

    3. Welcome Jean - I think you may be a new friend? Hope I haven't made a mistake. If I have, sorry! Xx

    4. Hi Jean
      Welcome to the cotswold cafe. Lots of laughs abound in here. Hugs are left in a basket in the corner just help yourself.

    5. Hi everyone a big thank you for the lovely welcome - yes I am a newby - been crafting for a good many years but still love to see what everyone else does - this is a lovely friendly blog - came upon it through reading Patricias blog which I have followed for some time now. Well now I know what to do I can comment more often. Bye for now and take care - Jean x

    6. Hi Jean, welcome to the crazy coffee shop, where the customers all muck in and help each other.. It will probably take a while to work out who is who, I still get confused here, but then when some people change their names, .....or are not sure who they are..., don't worry, they are all friendly, whatever they are called.

    7. Hi Jean,
      you are only a newbie the first time you come Jean, then you become a friend and enjoy the same delights as everyone else. Welcome flower to the mad house cos they'll not own up to it, but i will. Hugs are always awaiting new owners so one flying off in your direction.
      Norah x

    8. Hello Jean welcome to the best coffee shop there is did you know all the delicious cakes are calorie free!
      Lovely of you to come and join us Sandra will be over the moon, just you wait and see.
      Margaret xx

    9. Hi Jean welcome to the coffee shop. Lynda xx

    10. Hi Jean and welcome to the best cafe' in the blogland. It is a crazy but wonderful place with like minded people who like crafting, hope to see you around
      Maria x

    11. Welcome Jean,
      I am so very pleased that you have decided to pop in and join us, we do have some fun, nothing is out of bounds for conversation, as you will probably know if you have read back over some of the comments, I would also like to reassure you that you are now in the arms of the most amazingly supportive bunch of ladies I know,
      so stick around and enjoy the fun!
      love and hugs

    12. Hello Jean it's lovely to meet you, thank you for putting your head around the door to say hello. Hope to see you again soon
      Love Diane xxxx

    13. Hello Jean, WELCOME to the best Cafe in the kingdom. Everyone here is so friendly. You can laugh or cry here and NO ONE WILL EVER JUDGE YOU everyone will always try to support you. Please stay LOL Brenda xxx

  27. Welcome to the " Coffee Shop" Jean. Hazel x

  28. Hi Sandra
    Talking about Jess'S painted knickers reminded me of my friends brother. He didn't like the colour of a pair of trousers. He thought he would change the colour, so he laid them on the lawn, and painted them with Emulsion. When they walked up to the pub he was aghast that they were starting to crack, then it started to rain. He was leaving a black trail behind him. The only problem was he didn't notice, so he walked into the pub dripping black Emulsion all over their carpet. They weren't very impressed to say the least.mnot to sure if he's ever been back.

    1. hey Pat, they were mighty clever trousers being able to walk to the pub unaided. Could they order the pint as well? xx ;)

    2. Oh Norah! What a picture eh! They would be able to drink more being hollow legged. Xx

    3. I bet they staggered out feeling washed out!! xx

    4. hihihi I got a stitch!

    5. That was a turn up, I hope they didn't fly away.! Xxx

  29. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    It's been one of those days where I seem to take one step forward and two backward I'm almost feeling dizzy! Have popped in and out of the blog a few times, every time I do have either lost my post or the phone rings, I've just been interrupted the whole day.
    My sister was coming down from central London to pick up her car as its MOT is due (she has been unable to get a parking permit where she lives, so we have been caretakers for her car) she rang when she was on was that a local train station and John went to meet her and the plan was she would then drive her car to the garage to get it MOT. Her garage is someone near London Bridge.when he arrived at the station she told him she left her bag in the train. The man in the ticket office was very helpful he made a few phone calls and said her back had been handed in at West Croydon station. So do you John suggested she better get a move on and get her car to the garage as time is pressing, he then went on to West Croydon to retrieve her bag containing passport, driving license and a few other items with her ID on. Now he's gone up to her flat in London to return her belongings.we will at some point eat today!!!

    Janet, I love your beautiful lilac card. it is stunning.

    Pat, your card is also beautiful and the colouring is just perfect. (Must check back to see what you use when you're colouring.

    Our Fab Four seem to still be on a high after the brilliant day they had yesterday, I was beginning to get worried about them, but so pleased to hear how how will they all got on, but then we all knew they would.

    Sandra, hope you're not too tired after your day at the Safari Park and all of the family enjoyed a real family day.

    I'll be popping back later girls to see how you all are, and hopefully in the meantime read up on some of the comments I've missed.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Oh Brenda your sister was so lucky to get her bag back so quickly and isn't your husband lovely driving up to London to return her bag. One of my daughters friends left their college bag on the train 3 weeks ago, he caught the next train up to London straight away and let his station and the lost property office in London know whilst he was on the train. Once he got to London, he filled in all the forms and followed the train again on it's next journey but still no luck. He was told it would take about 3 days to get through the system. By this time he was distraught, all his college work, electronic devices and I'd. He got the bag back a week later and everything was still there so he was delighted, even his sandwiches, which were rather smelly and mouldy!!! Xxx

  30. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well I have tried several times to leave my post between visitors and my posts getting lost oh what a day, but better late than never I hope!
    I would love a latte my money is in the pot, I put it in this morning but then the first lot of visitors arrived before I got it. Sandra I do hope Matt is feeling better and that you all enjoyed your trip out and hopefully you are feeling a little better. Now young lady I have two requests, please lets have no more of these negative thoughts we are not going to leave, besides where can we go and have a giggle and some fun like we do here and sound off when we feel it is needed this blog is unique there is not another one like it, so as others have said we are going nowhere and neither are you, so no more pleeease, pleeease
    Talking of going places brings me to my second request, please get plenty of rest so you are up to AP on Saturday and can enjoy every single minute of the show and meeting everyone, Now who said I am greedy making two requests?
    Janet your card is superb, especially how you have used Sue's die and the colours you have used are quite simply wonderful. Looking forward to your report from France and your pastries. Oh what will they be I wonder, one thing for sure they will be delicious!
    Pat such a beautiful card and a lovely darling little bird but your colouring is wonderful if only I was half as good!
    Saba did you know that Flymo have named a hedge trimmer after you???
    Yes it is true, Derek ordered one and it arrived today, one thing for sure I will be keeping out of his way when he uses it, with my luck lately it will be me who gets a trim not the hedge! Hugs to you and gentle ones for Val xxx
    Now ladies I have enough trouble getting Derek to hang my knickers out the right way on the new whirlybird, as the old one gave up the ghost in those winds last week. So please don't go telling him about painting them, I don't want paint on the new whirly bird, or hard knickers, I only like soft ones!
    The corgis are off to the vets in the morning for a scale and polish of their teeth, they cannot have any breakfast so we are having none either. There is no way I could sit eating while they watch and lick their lips in antisipation of getting a corner of my toast.
    Well the latte was lovely thanks, I have put my cup in the dishwasher and put the tablet in ready to switch it on.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening and sweet dreams.
    Margaret xxx


    1. Margaret, he who must be avoided offered to trim my dad's hedge when we were courting. This is before I realised what him "helping" could mean. It was a Sunday morning, everyone in the street cooking Sunday lunch and George cut clean through the eleccric cable. The people who had electric ovens had their meat cooked in the gas ovens of their neighbours and the Electricity Board finally were able to do whatever they had to do in the sub-station to re-instate the electric supply. Dad never let him touch the hedge trimmer, or lawn mover after that. There is no end to my husband's talents!!! xx

    2. Maureen , I think circuit breakers were invented because of my husband! Xxx

    3. We have two circuit breakers and I don't mean the corgis! xxx

  31. Quiet in here again tonight? It's all this gardening etc you are all doing, it's trying you all out surely??? So it looks like I'd better start Sorting every thing and making it all tidy for tomorrow! I think Sandra just might have to take things a bit easy tomorrow, as other wise she will not be able to keep going all day on Saturday? I am off to Perth again tomorrow, was babysitting both boys but Calum is off out with his friend. So it's just Andrew and he was telling me he will be out playing with his friends Emily and Caitlin, so it looks like I will be standing doing my ironing! Yes I am taking my ironing over with me, Tammy has a super duper iron so I will be using that!!! Now ladies it's all tidy so you late comers please don't mess it up? Hazel x

    1. Oh Hazel,
      I'll have lots of washing after I get home - you are doing this ironing too early ! So pleased you had a great day yesterday. Xx

    2. Hi Hazel, only thing I'm going to do tomorrow is grout the new tiles at the side of the shower. I wanted to get the last part of the garden done tomorrow but I'm going to have a day off and enjoy the sunshine. Don't work too hard tomorrow. xx

  32. Good evening all,
    I don't know where to start, I have just finished reading the later comments from last evening and it's probably best to start there.
    I am so happy to hear the Fab Four had a lovely time meeting up. It really is amazing isn't it. A few months ago we didn't know each other and now we have a lovely family of true friends. What is so exceptional about your blog Sandra is that we really can be ourselves. There is no need to pretend, we all care about each other for who we are and I for one am truly grateful for all the love and support I have received here.
    I am even starting to like our blasted cat!! Myra I read that "touch not the cat " book too. Totally forgotten what it was about but remember I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    I am now going to read today's comments and will then be back, by which time you will all probably be in bed!
    See you soon

  33. Welcome to Jean You really will enjoy it I love visiting here because everyone makes you feel welcome Do I sound like a stuck record Probably But it's so true This retreat sounds amazing Who shall I contact re dates hotel etc The only drawback will be the dates We have our holiday in Nov and may not be able to do a w/ender so close to that Will be on laptop rather than App on Saturday So will look for email address etc then (if OH has stopped hogging it by then) Just finishing my hot chocolate with marshmallows The money is in the pot I see that dishwasher is ready to go but will leave it in case there are a few stragglers popping in later

    1. Yes, some straggler likes to sleep in the dishwasher

    2. Karen e-mail Sandra for info. Dates 39th oct - 1st nov. Hazel x

    3. Karen, I think Hazel is drunk again, the dates are 30th Oct - 1st Nov Maureen xx

    4. Yes indeed! I do hope she sobers up before she gets hold of that iron tomorrow! Xx

    5. Oops I shouldn't try to type on here and read a text at the same time off my phone. Then again the shock of hearing that the girl looking after the house, dog, horses you name it at work while they are away told the groom that the family are getting a puppy when they get back? They will be getting a new nanny I am not looking after no puppy!!! So sorry Karen and thank you Maureen . Hazel x

    6. I don't blame you Hazel, I think it is time those two parents came into the real world of loving and caring, money is not everything I know it can get lots of things, but it cannot buy everything. Stay calm until you see what is really going to happen. xx

  34. Right, I have read everything, typed a long long reply and it has gone. I think I might cry!
    Off to start again. Xxx

    1. Hi Saba mine too. Hope you had a good day Hug's for Val & Hug's too you Lynda xx

  35. Hello Sandra,hope your was feeling better today& you enjoyed your family outing. Hope Matt's eye is better & didn't get any worse. Now my lovely only 2 more sleeps so tomorrow please rest the whole day.for AP Saterday.
    So pleased the Fab Four had a wonderful time.i did leave a message last evening I have been reading yesterday posts, Who let mine out the door as it's missing has the cyba Hoover sucked it up.!!!
    Janet your card is gorgeous love the colours & the Gemini die's they do make a statement.Pat your card is also gorgeous love the stamp & your colouring is perfect. Almost finished my two 70th cards just got to do insides .
    Well I'm off to make a cupper then off to bed so bid you all good night.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Oh Saba, don't cry. I'll see if I can find it for you. I do hope Val is feeling brighter, well she is bound to with you there, what I mean is I hope she is feeling, oh I can't find the words. You know what I mean. And you, I hope you are feeling happier and not so overcome as you were when you first saw her again. Take care, enjoy yourselves and love and prayers to the both of you.
    Maureen xx

    1. Maureen, if you find it, smack it hard. It's probably hiding with your words.
      Bless you love.

  38. Janet and Pat, thank you for letting Sandra show us your cards, they are both lovely.
    Sandra, hope you had a lovely day out and I hope Matts eye is now back to normal.

    Cheryl, it is heartwarming to hear how this blog has helped, I can't wait to meet you, lovely lady.
    Sheila, it is lovely that you felt able to comment today, we are all thinking of you and Nikii and you are in my prayers.
    Norah, YIPEEEE you are booked in,
    Karen, please consider joining us.
    Jess, I can't wait to see your knickers!!
    Brenda, it good to hear that there are honest people around, we tend to hear only bad things nowadays.
    Margaret, how dare they name a hedge trimmer after me! I might have to sue them. I wouldn't mind if Porsche named a car after me, but a hedge trimmer! I am sorry but I am not a happy bunny!!!
    Myra have a safe journey home, be careful walking up the M6 hope your boots are made for walking?
    Love to all
    ps no hedge trimmer jokes please

  39. Noooooooooo, I've just lost a long and rather cheeky comment about Saba and a hedge trimmer, which on reflection is just as well otherwise I might have been barred for life, and I am soooooo looking forward to October!
    I can't believe it but it looks as though I'm the last one in the Cafe, so I'll see to everything, including That Darned Cat.
    Sandra, I hope you've had a lovely and not too tiring day.
    Goodnight all, sweet dreams,
    Maureen xx

    1. Nightie Night Muriel
      God bless xxxx

    2. Why is it a sign on the door with 'Beware Of Stragglers' ?
      Sandra, I thought we are the' night owls' so it can't be us. Oh hello little pussy how are you tonight, come and sit with me before Muriel see you still inside, she might get the Saba out and give you a trim lol
      Bed is calling with a snoring OH in it, sleep or no sleep that is the question ? God natt my friends,
      love and hugs Maria xx

  40. Hi Sandra and the coffee shop ladies
    Well it's taken me most of the evening to get to the bottom of the blog and before I go back and add comments here and there I thought I'd leave one at the end! The dance show was lovely today but so strange to know that Emma wasn't in it to look out for. In the past I have helped with costumes, been a runner, been an usher, sold raffle tickets, done props and pulled so many little girls hair to put it into a bun!!! I was often put on bun duty because Emma had really long hair that I always got up into a neat bun - if I could get her hair to stay in place I could get anyone's to stay!!! Jacquie who was in charge of costumes had a no food policy especially chocolate when in costume and she used to get me to go into the changing rooms to tell the children off as they listened to me!! The worse ones were the mothers who thought it was a silly rule but didn't have to wash and dry the costumes in between shows if they got chocolate on them!
    The mature ladies tap dancing was fab, a Spanish dance and a charleston .
    Well I've left a cold bottle of Chardonnay in the fridge so help yourself if you fancy some but make sure the bottle goes in the recycling as I think collection day is tomorrow.
    It sounds like everyone has been busy again today, so sleep well everyone .
    Lots of love Diane xxx

  41. Hi Diane,
    So pleased you had a good day! Sounds fun to me! I had sons so it meant standing shivering at football or helping with cricket and tennis teas! Look what I missed! Xxx

  42. Hi Diane,
    Glad you had a lovely time. My granddaughter might need you in a couple of weeks. She is in a ballet and buns are not my forte.
    Thank you for the Chardonnay, it went down a treat. There is still a drop left in case Maria pops in.
    Safe journey Myra,
    Night God bless all.
    Saba xxx

    1. thuk Din for wino, fery niiiiice, hick!
      puss bak in, ssshuuch dontell Bren, hick!
      tihi xxx

    2. Thank you! Can't get to sleep now for some reason! It won't be funny in the morning when my husband wants to set off on time! Sleep well,
      God Bless xxxx

    3. MARIA - you are incorrigible! You won't be able to say that tonight after all that Chardonay! Hope you manage to sleep it off! Xxxx
      Night night my dear! X

    4. Hi Saba
      I'm quite cheep if you need me! Lol. The trick is not freshly washed hair, damp down the top part, put it in a pony tail then plait it. Once you have a plat twirl it round, pop on a hair net and loads of bobby pins. Finis with a gallon of hair spray!!! Oh I can't spell tonight! It also helps if you are an octopus!!! I hope that helps. Xxxxx

    5. wowser had to look that one up.
      Already thinking of getting a scottish/english lexicon,
      do you think it would help. what does 'garret' mean for example ?
      night night

  43. Sweet dreams Brenda.
    Glad my trimmer was put to good use!!

  44. Oops I think I have upset Saba, sorry I didn't mean to, I thought she would be pleased! Fancy wanting to be called after a posh car there are not a lot of them about, but there will be lots of hedge trimmers xxx
