
Wednesday 8 April 2015

Myra's gorgeous Birthday Card


 Good Morning Ladies,
As you can see Myra has made today's amazing card, I did go and sit in the craft room today,
I was in there about 2 hours, most of that time was taken up by helping Sophie mount her GCSE
artwork onto coloured card and arrange them in her Art Book! I enjoyed spending the time with her
but by the time I had done that I was too exhausted to finish a card.  I am trying to reserve my energy and keep control of my pain so that I don't end up being to unwell for Saturday, I have looked forward to meeting everyone for so long.
I have even had to cancel my Craft day with my two besties, sorry girls :(
Well today the Cotswold Café has made another successful match up.....................................
Hazel, Jess, Norah & Patricia, I hope you have an amazing time today, I want to hear all about it
when you get home. I know you will all get along, you are four of the nicest ladies ever, I cannot to continue the party with you all in October !
Anyway back to todays amazing card, thank you so much Myra for allowing me to share your card with everyone today, I can see you have used the Austrian Collection Dies, I just love that embossing folder too, it was almost impossible to get hold of when I tried, so frustrating!  is that the Cornflower die you have used for that gorgeous flower too, with a dazzler in the centre, I always think that they look like fruit pastilles (well the coloured ones do)!
So Much more detail when you look closer,
you have used the Trailing Ivy Die and a lovely pair of stick pins, they match your card perfectly,
What is the colour of the card that you have used?
You have one of those amazing card stands too, how very posh! (sorry) xx
Saba, I hope that you had an amazing day visiting Val, I bet she was so pleased to see you, I can imagine that there were a few tears shed!
Well I am off for another frustratingly lazy day,
I get too bored! I am going to make cards today and nothing more!
Oh by the way the lady loved the Sapphire anniversary card that I made and I was over the moon as she insisted on paying me £10 !
I was so amazed!
I will pop in later to see what you are all up to,
love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all the Coffee Shop ladies. Hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead. I read that SAM:- is rather poorly, I have posted a big bag of (((((hugs))))) for you. Hope they last till you get better.
    MYRA:- Your card is STUNNING. I love the colour combo, the use of all your fantastic Dies and the embossing.
    I have done everything for the gang coming in. I will not stop this morning ....... I have to get myself washed & brushed up for a special "meet up". Will be back later to tell you about it.
    Be good xxx

    1. Well, well, well!!! You've obviously have been smart enough to delete some of your blogs. I will not tell you who I am as I realize that saying the wrong thing on these blog can cause a lot of trouble. If I see another post about "family's more important than me" so help me, I will come down on you like a ton of bricks. You know what I'm talking about!!! I will reveal myself to you if I'm ever in your company again and it will be by saying "go away" or in my vocabulary"F***k Off!!

  2. Morning Ladies

    Had my tea + toast, off up to dry my hair.

    Myra-what a stunning card. It's just so beautiful. I've lost my "mojo" somewhere along the way, i've got more dies than some craft shops and all I seem to do is use craft cds for cards. Seeing your beautiful card might tempt me into using my dies again.

    Right-off for another fun filled day. Luckily no-one got "up close & personal " peering at the new uniforms yesterday but who know what will happen today?!


  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies. A bit late again for me, baby sitting over in Perth for the grandsons and didn't get home till gone 12.30 so a very late night for me.
    Mrya. Your card is stunning. I love your coulours, dies that you have used and that embossing is so crisp, it's all lovely. Thank you for letting Sandra show it.
    Saba. How did that meeting up with Val go??? Was it a mop and bucket job with all the tears? Oh I bet that hug felt so good.
    Sam. Here's hoping this is you on the road to getting stronger and better, so glad to hear that you are still coming in October.
    Oh I'd better not sit here much longer, or I will be in big trouble if I am late picking big sis up. She will come in and leave her car at the Park and Ride at Perth, then we will travel down to meet the others. It's silly but there is not many places you can leave your car between Perth and Kinross which would be a better place and even in Kinross it's restricted to 2 hrs, it's all to do with folks car sharing for edinburgh. Anyway that's the plan and seeing it will take me a good 20-25 mins to get over and I am sitting here in my pjs it's move time.
    Money's in the pot for my tea. Have an easy day Sandra, you have to be on full power for Saturday. Hazel x

  4. WOW beautiful Myra! Take care Sandra and like Michele I've lost my mojo a bit re dies and my most recent cards have all been cd generated with the odd die cut embellishment (as per my last post) I really must make more of my dies as features on cards Have fun today on your meet up

  5. Morning Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies.
    Myra I have to say this is a beautiful card, I love the colour combo and the butterfly is so pretty. Did you make your stick pins? They are lovely. Thank you for sharing this beautiful card with us. ( no comment re the very posh card stand from me either :) )
    Sandra I remember the art mounting well, in fact the portfolios are still propped up in the lounge! Do they have books? Emma had to use A1 sized sheets of black mounting board for hers and all my tape pens!!! When she did AS level they didn't double mount and used blue tack so they could be taken off and looked at more closely. For GCSE they had a big art show after the work was marked so some of Emma's pictures were properly mounted which is fab but her main piece is on a very large mdf board! The girls must be revising hard this holiday, not long til exams now. Emma is studying hard but I am trying to get her to take a break in the sunshine so she gets her vitamin D. She has acquired a very large white board to write her maths and chemistry formulas out - it's a bit like The Big Bang Theory in our house!
    Well I do hope the Scottish meet is a success, I know it will be. Patricia and Hazel it sounds like you have quite a trip - thank goodness for park and ride. Enjoy your day everyone.
    I've had a lovely cup of tea thank you Sandra I've put the money in the pot and have straightened a couple of tables that got knocked askew by our ladies rushing in and out so fast! Have a great day everyone and enjoy the sunshine if you get the chance - Sandra keep relaxing, put your feet up and watch a funny film if you can and then take your coffee to the outside bench for a sit in the sun to warm your bones.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Diane. You mentioned yesterday to Maria that you would give her your friends address for instructions for making the pop up card. Could you please put it on here for everyone to see and that will save me trying to explain how to do it. I am not much good at that. I can show someone but not write down the details so they can understand. Thank you. Hope you don't mind me asking but I would have to make another one to be able to explain and with this dodgy wrist it is not easy at the moment.

    2. Hi Brenda
      My friend is Jackie Trinder who comments on Sue's blog and her blog is I hope that helps xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and coffe shop ladies,
    Myra your card is stunning, I love the colours you have used, I think we all lose our mojo from time to time, I find if I walk away and go and do something different (like housework) lol, the mojo comes back pretty fast.
    Well all spruced up (as best I can) for our meet up today with Patricia, Hazel and Norah, it will be a fantastic day, no doubt you will be hearing about it later.
    Sam hope you are keeping better and looking after yourself.
    Take care everyone, enjoy your day, Jess x

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Sorry that you are not up to much my lovely and will miss you and Pat today but we have to be ok for the meet up on Saturday don't we. Only 3 sleeps until we can put names to faces : )
    Myra what a beauty! I love everything about this card and the colour combo is right up my street : )
    The embossing folder that Myra used is on my long list, I am hoping to get a few items ticked off at Ally Pally! I must remember to price up my shopping list before we go, that was such a good idea that you came up with Sandra.
    Wishing our Scottish ladies a wonderful day. Please tell us all about it once you have recovered from all of the talking you are going to be doing : )
    Sam, wishing you a speedy recovery, so sorry that you are suffering so much at the moment. We want you back to your normal lovely self as soon as possible.
    Sandra, rest up as much as possible my lovely.
    Hope you all get to enjoy some of this wonderful sunshine : )
    Take care xx

  8. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    So sorry you are not up to a giggle day with your pals but better to rest up and look forward to Saturday, I am so looking forward to your show report will there be any pictures?
    Myra your card is so very beautiful and I too love this die, the colours are wonderful that you have used, and the flowers give your card a real luxury look well done, I love it!
    I do hope our Scottish friends have a wonderful time and don't get thrown out of the café they are meeting in for giggling too much, have a great day!
    I hope everyone is enjoying the lovely sunshine we are having up here in the Lake District .
    Take care and have a lovely day all
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Can you hear that Scottish lot in the lakes? The racket down here in Newcastle is deafening!! lol. You take care xx

  9. Good morning lovely Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    well i'm all ready to go to Tillicoultry to meet Patricia, Hazel and Jess so be on the look out girls for a coralie - pink twin set and pearls but a smile as big as the Clyde tunnel i just so hope that you wont be disappointed when you meet me but i am so so looking forward to today.
    I'm sorry that our Three Graces can't play today but conserving what little strength you have for your big day out with them Sandra is prudent because it will be a great booster to you going to the AP and you all meeting the rest of the girls. I hope you have that wheelchair battery on charge so that you can gain the maximum out the day as you possibly can flower.
    Myra your card is so beautiful and i see that you bought the pinpoint fanfare for it's beauty as well, isn't it a beautiful EF? So pretty and adds that different bit of detail to our masterpieces than the ordinary(if you can call an EF ordinary) EF. I think that the blue (i'm thinking cornflower but can't remember) is such a lovely blue and shows off the detail in the dies so lovely. Your cornflower and butterfly is so pretty and i think it looks so true to life that flower. Thank you Myra for letting us see your stunning piece of workmanship, i hope that whoever is lucky enough to receive this appreciates its beauty as much as we do flower.
    Well it is a quick call today so i will have a latte to takeaway please Sandra, but i'll leave my basket of not so well behaved hugs(some of them get a bit excitable) across in my corner for all my Angels to get the one that will do them the most good, see you all later,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  10. Hello Sandra,
    I'm sorry you are still not well, but I think you are wise to forego your usual meeting with the other two graces to be on top form for AP. I just wish I could go. Take it very easy today. x
    Cheryl, I hope you are well today. x
    I'll have a quick coffee, no just sit still and talk to those in the corner - is it Mrs B, can't quite see as my specs have misted up!! I've helped myself and the money is in the pot.
    Well if you, Pat and Sue are the 3 Graces, what are the 4 from Scotland? I'll have to give that some thought!!!
    Patricia and Hazel remind me of the cowboy saying "have horse will travel", only in their case it's "have car will travel". You girls must cover some miles and I see Australia is mentioned again lol. Have a fabulous day with Jess and Norah, it'll be interesting to see who loses their voice first ha ha.
    Oh, I've just realised that I've never commented on Myra's fantastic card. Myra, it's gorgeous, and I love that embossing folder, well everything really as it's sooooo pretty. The black dazzler in the flower gives it that oomph!
    Saba, have a simply spiffing time and love and hugs to you and Val xxxxxx.
    Well, I've done most of the housework and then will get into the back garden to tidy the borders - that's a lie, I'll do one border today and the other two over the next two days. I find that's about all I can do at one time, unless he who must be avoided offers to "help", in which case I'll leave it until he's not about!!!! lol.
    After that, it'll be lunch time and then I'll tile in the bathroom where my son in law fitted a new shower but there's a gap at one side. Luckily we have some of the tiles left over so that will be no problem. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but spent the day with Rachel and the girls instead. Make every day count is my new motto.
    Then I'll jump!!!??? into the bath to freshen up and put some half decent clothes on (instead of the decrepit gear I wear when working) and get some shopping in.
    After that, I may just collapse for an hour and then make a box - see that Patricia, make a box!!!, well try to make a box - to go with the 95th birthday card. I'll be sure to take a photo Sandra to send to you, but Rachel has gone on holiday this morning so unless I can pull someone in from the street to show me how to upload it, we may have to wait until she comes back.
    You know, it's not unheard of if George is out for me to stand at the front door with a jar or bottle in my hand and stop some unsuspecting male who passes and ask them if they can open it for me!! I meet all sorts of nice people that way lol, I find Domestos one of the hardest to open. I did get a great thing at the £1 shop but if it's a wide neck on the jar, I cannot grasp the handle.
    Michele, is it disconcerting to have people peering at your chest instead of looking you in the eye? Really, it's given some people the perfect excuse!!!
    Well,, got to go. Dead bits and weeding are calling to me, I'll just make sure you know who is out of the way, otherwise daffs and other goodies will be pulled out as well!!!
    Love to all, enjoy the lovely day and I hope all your aches, pains - and maybe loneliness - are better today. Maureen xxx

    1. If the people "peering at my chest" were hunks I wouldn't mind but they're usually very poorly OAP's! Never mind-I still help them if they stop me & ask for help.


    2. Maureen I'm exhausted just reading about your day! I hope you have a good rest tonight. I can just see you standing at the doorway with a bottle in your hand accosting young men to open it for you! Lol. Reminds me of when I broke my elbow , Julian was late getting home and I was cooking sausages chips and beans one handed, first try and cut the sausages left handed then try and turn them under the grill, then try and open a tin of beans one handed! I was on the verge of going round to my neighbour to ask for help when Julian came home! Emma was only 3 so couldn't help and she was hungry!
      Take care love Diane xxx

  11. P.s. My word, that is one long post, sorry ladies, I do waffle at times but after all that I forgot to say to Sam that I hope you are soon feeling on top of the world and I am thinking of you xxxxx

  12. Morning all.
    I love this - that embossing folder is sooo beautiful in real life. After Alison let me baby sit her Sue collection I fell in love with this die, its not as 'fancy' as a lot of Sue's dies so makes for an ideal focal point for a blokes card, especially with a car stamp or die, or some other 'blokey' hobby stamp as a centre point to the die. Its a really lovely shade of blue too.
    Hoping the Scottish friendship goes well and a lot of fun and laughter is shared (once the tear's have dried)
    Well another day of joing the 'pants brigade' for the past two days Ive felt awful, so not had the inclination or enthusiasm to do any market cards. I thank God I have no orders as I know my heart wouldn't be into giving my all.
    So I'll wish you all a beautiful day, hopefully you can wrap up and enjoy a little Vit D in prep for AP, a little relaxation will help you dear Sandra.
    Hoping Sam feels so much better soon. You HAVE to feel well ready for your amazing holiday next month dear Sam.
    Ok ladies, will love and leave you. Sending lots of hugs to all that need them.
    Love n hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Sorry you are not feel A1 Steph, take it easy and get well soon xxx

    2. Yes take it easy Steph bad get well soon.

    3. Sorry you are not so well today Steph. At least the weather is being kinder to you. Hope you feel lots better soon! Xx

    4. Sorry your haven't been 100% today Steph hope you feel better soon
      ((((( Hug's ))) Lynda xxx

  13. Gorgeous card Myra. Love the colours. Must get some blue card as a friend of mine likes blue and I don't use it very often. Thank you for showing us Sandra. Sandra. Please rest today otherwise we will not be meeting up on Saturday and that would be a shame. Have got Physio later and hope she will say that the wrist is getting better. I hope that Patricia, Hazel, Norah and Jess have a lovely time today. Sam I hope you will soon feel a lot better. Take care everyone and hugs by the door. Will just make myself a latte to take away. Hope to be back later

    1. Hi Brenda, I've got my fingers crossed for a good physio report. xx

    2. Hi Brenda, Hope the Physio was pleased with your progress, and you get the all clear to drive to AP on Saturday. LOL

    3. Yes she was very pleased and I can drive so hope to see you there. Thank you for thinking of me

    4. Hi Brenda, so pleased you got a good report! Xxx

    5. Hi Brenda,sorry i'm late but hope you got good results from physio today Hug'c Lynda xx

    6. Hi Lynda. Yes had a good report from Physio. More new exercises to now and back in a fortnight. Told her about the ends of my fingers feeling numb(but if I stick something in them can feel it) she said it's all to do with the nerves and because I had the plaster on a while. Will take a while to get back to normal and if it doesn't she will investigate further. Don't fancy an investigation so hope it gets back to normal.

  14. Good morning Sandra and all our lovelies.
    I am still with Val, and yes Hazel, it was a bit mop and bucket. I was a bit shocked when I saw her initially, she has lost such a lot of weight, most of her beautiful hair and she looks so frail but she is slowly regaining her voice and is now fully independent. Not up to doing much but is managing a little walk each day. It is hard, but we are all being positive and although it was a shock, I feel so much better having seen her. Bless you all for your thoughts and good wishes.

    Myra I love your card. Gorgeous stick pins, gorgeous colours, in fact the whole card is quite simply .....gorgeous!!.
    Sandra sorry you won't be meeting your other Graces today, but it is important you stay well for the weekend.
    Patricia, Hazel, Jess and Norah have a lovely time together. Can't wait to read about it.
    Love and hugs, hope to be back later, can't concentrate, BIH twittering in my left ear!!
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba, Much love, hugs and prayers for you and Val, and all the family. Enjoy your time there xxx ooo

    2. Saba - It's so hard for you but Val's lovely hair will grow back. I know you know that - it's just so hard looking on . Thinking of you both. Xx

    3. Saba,so glad you have at last seen Val it must have been very hard for you seeing how frail she is but she will get stronger each day,my thoughts & prayers are with you both. loads of (((Hug's)))) & love
      Lynda xxx

    4. Saba, I am sending you some (((((hugs))))) having been there seen it and know exactly how you feel. Determination and positive thoughts are what is now needed in "bucket loads" ......!!!
      Hazel was determined it was not going to beat her and boy it did not get a chance to. I am sure Val will be the same she has started and will continue to get stronger. Her hair will grow back in, I know it looks bad now in a few months it will be so much better.
      Continuing to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    So pleased you are taking it easy today Sandra, I'm sure if you get really bored you will find something to distract you. And hopefully the other graces are also taking things easy, girls save your energy for the weekend. looking forward to seeing all of you.
    I have been thinking about the Scottish four and hope they are having a fantastic time, I just know they will.
    What could we call them?
    The for (four)good measures.
    All for (four) one,
    or what about - The fantastic four
    or even - The four wheelers
    Maybe on their return they would like to choose a name for themselves, I bet they've even been thinking about it. LOL
    Myra your card is stunning, did you make these beautiful stickpins. Love this embossing folder (something else that is on my shopping list.) and please dies match up so perfectly with this EF. I just love it all.
    Will be ping back later, love and hugs. Brenda xxx

  16. OK I will ping back later!!! Even pop back later LOL Brenda x

    SAM Sending you love and gentle hugs. Please get well soon.

    SABA Sending gentle Hugs and Prayers for Val. LOL

    1. Brenda sweetheart, you ping if you want to!!
      I like the "All for one" but I think "The fantastic four" just pips it to the post. You're on the ball there. What do you think? xx

    2. The Fantastic Four sounds good to me - I called them the Four Amigos after a very old film I think! So maybe they won't appreciate the link! Xxx

  17. Hi Maureen, Yes I think they "The Fantastic Four" would be a good choice.

    Well will ping off and make lunch. Love Brenda xx

  18. Hello to the Best Coffee Shop on the Blog,

    This morning saw me up with the sun and larks, shopping in Aldi by 8.30, home to prepare veggies etc ready to cook later on this afternoon for 5 of us. Visited Post Office with friend Freda, bought some bedding plants for my window box, then home for a well-earned cuppa sitting in the sun on my decking with Freda putting the world to rights. Lunch over, cauliflower cheese ready for grilling later and now I have chance to visit you all. Phew! was going to do the windowbox but it has put on weight over the winter, it's so heavy I can't move it to get rid of spent compost in my compost bin. Will have to wait for Fiona. Now I think I'm overtaking myself.
    My oh my, Myra, what a stunning beauty of a card, can I pretend it's my birthday so you can send me it??? I love everything about it, the colours and flower and flutterby, need I go on? Yes, because it's a beautiful work of art.

    Steph, sorry you feeling pants today, get better soon my flower, thank you so much for the camellias and the lovely 'hello' card. They were not squashed at all. If I have anything you would like just say so my dear and I'll send it.
    Sandra, lovely to see you taking time out, very wise decision my darling, you need your energy for Ally Pally.
    Jess, Pat, Hazel & Norah, looking forward to hearing of your meet-up.
    Sam, loving hugs for you, so you get better soon.
    Maureen, dear heart, you sound as busy ass I am today, don't forget to chill out, glad you liked your surprize. (Sshh keep it secret. I won't tell if you don't)
    Brenda, I hope you are not pinging too much, I love that saying.
    Saba & Val, oh you two lovely ladies, enjoy every minute you have together. Plenty of love coming at you from me.
    Should anyone need a hug from me, put your arms around your shoulders, then squeeze. Now you have had my hug. There's plenty more where that came from, they are all in the basket waiting to jump into your arms.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxxxxx

  19. Hi Sandra
    Hope your not doing to much today, so that your nice and rested for Saturday. Myra you card is stunning. I love the colours you've used. The Austrian collection is lovely. I haven't this collection so I borrowed Sandra's at Christmas. Must have a lend again. I also wonder what colour you've used. Hope you four Scottish ladies have a lovely time when you meet up. NORAH why would anyone be disappointed to meet you, your such a lovely lady. Saba I'm glad your having a lovely time with Val. Hope you both didn't start a flood.

  20. Sorry Sandra
    My iPad wouldn't let me finish. Sam I do hope that your feeling better soon. Hugs for all, I'll put them in the basket. I hope it's not taking up to much room in the Cafe Sandra.

  21. Hi Sandra,
    Afternoon Everyone!
    Just got back " home" to Warwick after a lovely day out! We had intended going to Stratford but it was full up as were the roads leading into it. Parking would have been a nightmare as would finding somewhere for lunch so we changed our plans and went to Leamington instead! So lovely to see people in summer tops and eating outdoors. I'm sitting in the garden as I type.
    Todays card was sent to help Sandra out as she works so hard.
    Everything used is by CE except the sentiment which I had in a box - it was just the right size so I used it. The dies are all SW dies and I love that butterfly set. I did make the stick pins but it's so easy when things match so well. I wasn't sure if I'd left too much card bare but sometimes I can keep adding things and then I'm sorry! Thanks for all your lovely comments. They mean a lot! You will have gathered I quite like blue!
    I hope our Four Amigos have had a super day together! I'm sure they have.
    Maureen - speechless! Never - we can't have that! I read that on Sue's blog!
    Sam - get well very soon, you are really missed here.
    Well, I'm going to read all the comments carefully now!
    Going out for dinner tonight but will call back later. Anyone seen that daft cat today?
    Love to all, Myra. Xxxxx

  22. Afternoon Just checking that you're still resting SANDRA
    SABA it sounds like your friend Val will get there she sounds like a very strong lady
    I have another name How about the Fab Four - quicker to type...

  23. Hi Sandra, I'm getting a little worried - those girls should have been home by now. Do you think they are still in the Cafe?

    1. Home now Brenda, left the house at 8.45. Went for petrol then on to Perth to meet Hazel. Left my car at the park and ride used Hazels to get to the "meet up" I arrived back home 5.30 ....... think that says it all
      All got on like a house on fire. It was like we had known each other for ever. Jess and Norah are lovely, I for one have had a great day. I will leave the rest to say what they felt. Jess might not be in the evening she is off to her Card Class. Don't know when she will get home from that.

    2. Hi Patricia, so pleased you all enjoyed your day. I have been thinking about you all, just knew you would get on. LOL

    3. So thrilled you had a good time - knew you would! Thanks for letting us know before I had to go out! Will pop in later.

  24. Good evening all, Sandra I hope you have been good today and rested well. Only 3 more sleeps, please be good, lots of people will be waiting to see you.
    WELL:- I for one have had a great day. Norah and Jess are just an absolute delight. We arrived passed a car with lady standing beside it, right away Hazel knew it was Jess. We were chatting when a car passed , I said "that's Norah" we followed the car round and yes, it was Norah. No real introductions needed ...... was like we had known on another for ever. Coffee, chat and laughter. Lunch, chat and laughter. Before we knew it, it was time to depart. We have decided that we will all meet up again probably end of June. We all have things going on between now and then. Norah was going off home to book her room fo the Retreat. Hazel has said that if Norah books her own Hotel Room, she will do the organising of help on and off trains. Norah has a scooter which the Railways give help for. Once that's all in place it should hopefully all work out well.
    Don't know about the rest of the "fab four" but as I said I have had a great day.
    Off to have something to eat will pop back later after I have read about what every one has been up to.

  25. Hi Sandra,sorry late again another busy day spring cleaning indoors & out in garden. O H got 5 bag's of toot out of the 1st shed,2nd one tomorrow.why dose junk pile up so much as himself says it might come in handy & it never dose.
    Hazel Patricia Jess & Norah i hope you all had a fantastic time today & loved every minute.
    Myra your card is amazing i love the colours & the die you have used which luckily i have its lovely,your stick pins are gorgeous in fact your card is gorgeous.
    Sandra hope you have been resting all day my lovely. It was a shame you couldn't meet up with the other two graces. I think they will understand you want to be well for AP Saturday.
    well my lovely i have to go & dish up dinner,will try & see the night owl's later
    love & Hug's Lynda xxx

  26. Sounds like the Fab Four had a great day Just waiting for other half to go supermaket shopping What Joy! NOT!

  27. Well, I thought I'd get in my pjs on before I commented about our fantastic day, yes we had no problem finding each other as Patricia has already stated? And to be honest it was just like we were meeting up as a normal routine thing. No we didn't get thrown out, granted we stayed at a table well away from where most folk were sat that's so we were able to hear each other and didn't upset others with our chatting,and laughing. No we had a great time all four and half hours and oh yes we, well I had a "num bum " as they would say. Sue I wish I had taken a cushion? Will know the next time. Norah should now have the info she needs to book her room, and we will get everything sorted ref her taking her scooter on to the train etc. we don't need to do that till July. As that's when we need to book, before that Patricia and I will plan a meet up with Maureen. So ladies DO NOT listen to Norah when she says folk won't want to meet her, she is the sweetest, nicest person you could meet. Jess is exactly the same as I said it was just like a group of friends meeting up as normal? Jess hides her talent under a bushel by the way, she produces stunning card, she paints and does lots of crafts. We had to tell Norah off as she had to cheek to say her things aren't anything or good enough or something to those words? I gave her into trouble before she could say to much, we will get her sorted, I know we are all judgemental of our own work, but as you all know from her shawl she is very talented. Oh yes a great day was had by myself and Patricia and I think I can say the others too??
    Saba, oh I can see the puddles from all those tears? Remember Vals hair will grow back, she will put some weight back on and her strength will return, just give it all time. I know it took me a while, and I know I can get tired more easily, but I have learnt to just sit down after doing things. My look on life now is " it will still be there tomorrow! But I might not so enjoy every minute "
    Brenda, I hope it was a good report you got today?
    Maureen, you seem to be doing catch up on all those little jobs around the house, good for you doing that tiling! Now me I stay well away from gardening, for all the years Charlie worked away from home, and he was at his busiest from April till November I had to do the garden up until I could afford to pay a gardener! So I leave all that to Charlie. It keeps him busy. I think he took the chance while I was out to do very little, washing still in machine I pad not taken to see about a new battery just a few jobs that he said he would do. Any way I'd better stop waffling, you would think I did enough of that today? Hazel x

  28. Helloooooooooo,
    We'll try this again, I've just lost a post that's wandered into the wide blue yonder, probably got caught in Lynda's droopy bits!!!
    Hazel and Patricia, I'm so pleased that you had a good time with Jess and Norah, but there really wasn't any doubt was there. Mind you the BBC local news did say that they had a number of complaints of whooping, hollering and laughing coming from over the border. I rang them up and explained that it would be four very excited young!! ladies who were meeting up for the first time.
    Patricia, I'm so excited that I finished my box and I'm going to photograph it to prove that I actually did it. Mind you I had to make a prototype first and then adjust it, but don't tell anyone and they won't know! I'm sure there must be an easier way!!!!
    Got the jobs done that I wanted to today, but some ornamental grass is taking over the side border that I did today so George will have to dig that out tomorrow, but I'll have to watch him like a hawk. I can't pull or dig heavy things as I've had two inguinal hernias - that's the male type hernia!! My brother has had umbical hernias which are the type woman usually get. We are a very unusual family!!! I had to get measured for a truss at one stage and the appliance shop said that they did not know what to do as in all their years of supplying the hospital they had never made one for a lady before. It was hopeless because I didn't have the necessary bumps and things that a gentleman has lol. Anyway, I have to be very careful as to what I'm doing. Will do the small border tomorrow so that should be easier.
    Myra, What's new pussycat?
    I can be rendered speechless at times. Especially when someone comes up with an old song and I cannot think of another, or when I meet someone new and it's a bit like Strangers in the Night.
    Sandra, I'm pleased to see that you have been resting today and hope you will be fighting fit for AP.
    Saba, I hope you've had a lovely day with Val. I've been thinking of you all day xx.
    That's it for the moment. Will be back later to clear up and toss the stragglers a bun or two!
    Maureen xxxx

    1. Helloooooooo!!!Maureen, yes we had a wonderful time. Jess and Norah are just wonderful.
      Beware you could be on the list for later, possibly sooner than you think ...... !!!! Hazel has been checking on train prices.
      It's been long, busy day, all the chatting, laughing and eating is rather exhausting.
      I am off to bed.
      See you all in the morning.

  29. Good evening Sandra and everyone
    Delighted to know the Scottish gathering of the clans went well and you were not thrown out for making too much noise!
    Sandra I do hope you have been a good girl and rested ALL day and not just five minutes here and there.
    Maureen or should |I say Wonder Woman, tiling indeed is there no end to your talents? Yes I could here giggling here in the Lake District just like you did, I wonder who it was!!!
    Saba how many boxes of tissues did you and Val get through? I do hope you both had a wonderful day with a few gentle cuddles thrown in for good measure.
    Well ladies if that cat is giving trouble remember Amy my little corgi will soon sort it out, just say the word.
    Well I am off to my bed as I did not get a good sleep last night, so I will wish you all sweet dreams.
    Margaret xx

  30. Good evening Sandra & ladies,
    A good meal was had by all with plenty of reminiscing of Pete and all his funny quirks. I have so many memories of my own, it was good to hear others tell theirs. A wonderful man with the biggest of hearts and I'm so glad that he chose me to be his wife. Mmmmm
    Reading everyone's posts today and it seems like we have all had a good day one way or another. New friendships made, tiling and gardening done, Michele's looking out for chesty hunks, Maureen is tossing straggly buns, and I can't remember who lost their mojo but I certainly hope you will find it, while Steph has been in the pants brigade now for two days. Have a ((((hug)))) or two from me Steph, I hope it helps to cheer you up my flower. And Brenda has been pinging off and on all day.
    Good night Margaret, sweet dreams my dear, have a restful night.
    So I will say goodnight too, it's way past my meds time and I'm nodding off whilst writing this.
    See you all tomorrow.
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Sound you had a lovely day. Your picture together say's it all.
      Have a good night,
      Hugs Maria xx

  31. Evening ladies,
    Sandra, hope you are still resting and preserving all your energy.
    Myra, I love this card. Really pretty.
    Saba, Val will look much better soon, you are seeing her at her worst just now, harder on you since you have been so far from her. She has the determination to get there.
    Patricia, Hazel, Norah and Jess, I wish I could have joined you all today, sounds like you had fun. Just proves what we already know, crafters are the nicest people there are.
    Night all
    I must be too tired, not even had a glass of wine all week.
    Hugs all

  32. Gosh it's terribly quiet in here tonight? I could have gone to sleep a couple of hours ago. No Norah it's nothing to do with today, it's a late night getting home last night. It's ok baby sitting in Perth but the 25 miles home after midnight when you are travelling along country roads that have lots of Deer, badger and foxes crossing it you have to be so alert? By the time I got home I was in the wide awake club and so didn't go straight to bed. That's the reason but Gillian phoned, then I answered a couple of e-mails from friends and of course I am back in the awake club. Maureen you take it easy, we need you to be fit and well? We can do without wonder women but not Maureen? Ok!!.,
    Sandra I hope you will go to bed to night in a bit less pain and feeling a lot better than you have been. Cat is cozied up with Harris and is very happy. Ok it might feel a bit squashed as harris is a kind of using it as an extra pillow, don't worry Sandra I will make sure it's ok? Hazel x

  33. Good evening ladies,
    What can I say, I sat with tears in my eyes reading about your fabulous meet up, I just knew you would all get on fantastically, we can all be ourselves on here, we discuss our thoughts and feelings each day however good or bad we are feeling, we probably share more than some friends as it is sometimes easier to write things down whether on a piece of paper or on a blog, so this makes us all the best of friends in my opinion, we know most of each others likes and dislikes and funny quirks, we discuss our families and ailments, I share much more with you ladies than I do anyone else, because I feel like I can and that when I do I have your support and you don't judge!
    I know you probably are sick of me saying this but I could never have wished for a better outcome those few months ago when I started blogging regularly, I do hope the blog will grow but I am more than happy with the way it has evolved, I could never have forseen that I would be rewarded so handsomely with such an amazing group of friends.
    You have each and every one warmed my heart and soul, I am thrilled that your meeting today was the start of something much bigger!
    Sending you so much love,

    1. Sandra. We were just saying more or less what you have just said today, Jess was telling us something and she said that she wouldn't tell it here, but we were saying that it's better to talk about something and yes other will open up back, it good to talk even if it via here? I think today proved that as we were friends just chatting as we do here yet today was real. No we all said the best thing we did was pressing on your photo. I think Matthew and his staff will think I was telling porkys when I said we hadn't all meet. We will be like this is the normal thing we do all the time. So be very proud of yourself Sandra as it is all down to you that we have formed these friendships in less than a year.
      Hazel x

    2. I second everything you both saying
      I have so many more 'friend's' since joining your blog Sandra and it is a great way to get to know each other. Wonderful to see you all had a fun day Hazel and that you already planning to meet up again soon.
      Thank you Sandra !!
      Maria xx

  34. Well, It's time for me to turn in, so I'll clear the benches, fill the dishwasher and hang Sandra's fur hat up in case Myra tries to take it home thinking it's the moggie!!
    I'm glad people seem to have had a good day, even if it's been emotional for some and I look forward to doing it again with you all tomorrow.
    Cheryl, I'm glad you've had a lovely time today x.
    The lights in the cafe are switched off and the key is hanging in the usual place.
    Maureen xxx

  35. Hi Sandra,
    Good to see you had a restful day because I can see Saturday be a long day. I will get there early and then wait for OH until fotball finished at Tottenham so I will be one of the last once leaving too. The difference this time will be that I will spend some time with friends and have some time out for a drink and snack lol something I missing when I normally have been so it will be great.
    Thank you for showing us Myra's card .It is lovely, the stickpins,EF and the die is wonderful together, very pretty colour on the card used.
    Thank you Diane I would like to take up on your offer for the box tutorial, I might be able to make something others can. I hidden the beginnings of the Izzy bags tihi they look dreadful ! Maybe at the retreat I can muster something like it,oooh.
    The rumbles of laughter has been heard all over today when the four "divas" meet up hihi so happy you all got along .
    Pleased you getting better Littlelamb and that your physio helping!
    Steph, hope you are feeling better after a good night sleep, take it easy.
    Sorry to hear you so poorly Sam, wishing you better asap.
    Hazel ,I like your look on life saying. It is so true.
    Saba and Val, Hugs to you both !
    I have been out most of the day and now sitting with a tea and a episode of 'Roots'. I see some already gone to bad so I hope they have a good night and to the rest of us hope we get some shuteye at all, see you tomorrow
    Love and Hugs Maria xxx
    ps I think Hazel got the cat and the dishwasher done and emptied for today.

  36. Hi everyone, very late for me I have caught up with all today's comments after card class, I had a super day meeting Patricia, Hazel and Norah, we got on like a house on fire. Patricia gave Norah and me one of her gorgeous bags, with goodies inside, what a lovely thing to do.
    Feeling really tired now, so will catch up tomorrow. Take care everyone, Jess x
    PS have put the key back for the early birds tomorrow, x

  37. Oooooerrr it's a bit dark in here, I know it's rather late, I've been reading the comments from today and trying to comment back but the internet keeps playing up! Julian and I thought it was his hotel connection ( a common problem at premier inns!) as Skype kept cutting out as we were trying to chat tonight but it might be his end that's causing problems! Ho hum.
    Well ladies it sounds like the Fab Four had a wonderful time today, how lovely, I thought you might. Xxx
    Brenda I have put Jackies blog details after my earlier post, I hope it helps people make a pop up card. Glad to hear you got on well at the physio today but don't overdo it. Xxx
    Brenda I hope that wasn't your knicker elastic pinging! Lol xxx
    Well my daughter has just come home from an impromptu BBQ with her friends ( expect snow tomorrow!) so I can go to bed. I wasn't sure if I would have to pick her up or not so I resisted a glass of wine. I have spent the afternoon trying to organise some of my stamps, I've taken all my clarity stamps off the handles and have put them onto acetate in a folder so I can reuse the large box they are in for my dies. I then did some ironing so no wonder my shoulder aches tonight.
    Oh well night night everyone sleep tight, see you all tomorrow.
    Sweat dreams love Diane xxx

    Ps Saba I had tears in my eyes when you said about meeting Val. She will get stronger and seeing you will do her so much good. It must be so hard for you being so far away from her but she is on the road to recovery. Sending you both lots of hugs xxxx

  38. Oh oh! It's the late Myra again!
    We went into Warwick for a meal tonight , just the four of us and it was lovely. We don't see our younger son and special DIL as often as we'd like so this week has been lovely. Tonight was like a summer's evening when we came out of the restaurant!
    I am so pleased, but not at all surprised that today's meeting in Tillicoultry went so well. How could four lovely ladies not get on? So pleased, Norah that you are booking a room for October! That will be lovely!
    Sandra - look what you started and be very proud! xx
    Saba - I'm thinking of you and Val and praying that you will see even a tiny improvement in her condition before you have to leave. Chin up my dear! xx
    Maureen - what are you up to! I go away for a few days and you get totally out of control! The Sun has Got its Hat on Hip Hip Hip Hooray , the Sun has Got its Hat on to Help Muriel keep the Weeds at Bay!
    Best I could do after a glass or two of white and a dessert wine!
    I've missed MARIA again!
    I'm not touching that cat! Mary Stewart wrote a book - Touch Not the Cat ! Good book, excellent advice.
    I'm in bed so I'd better settle down I think!
    Night everyone, God Bless,
    Myra xxxx

  39. Everything seems in order in the cafe I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Sandra This blog is great Like others have said you allow us to say how we feel etc Sometimes it's easier to write it sometimes it's easier to say it I had some sad news earlier today one of my Uncle's died last Friday Life can be really s**t at times That's the only way to describe it at times - I aplogise for swearing Night night all

    1. Oh Karen I am so saddened to hear of your uncle passing, it's never an easy thing to cope with but my lovely we are all here for, just take one day at a time, we will give you all the support you need!
      Sending you a big hug
      Sandra xxxxx
