
Tuesday 7 April 2015

Brenda (littlelamb) Saves the day!

Good Morning Ladies,
After a very exhausting weekend, I just couldn't get a card made yesterday, I sat in that Craft room and nothing happened! I had to alter a card I had already made because the name I was given was incorrectly spelt, lesson learned, if you are in any doubt that a customer has spelt a name incorrectly, check and double check before proceeding! Anyway I got that done and finished, but I couldn't concentrate enough to get my creative mind into gear!
I wanted to be in so many different places today, Matt and Paul were out in the garden in the glorious sunshine, Matt was mowing the lawn, Paul was clipping and trimming and moving pots about, I went out for about an hour, purely as a forewoman! I did get my hand on the secateurs to have a go at cutting the dead bits of an old rose bush, but as my concentration is not on point today I got a massive thorn in the fat pad part opposite your thumb, boy did it hurt! I gave up after that and went in!
I am so grateful that Brenda answered my plea for sending in a card for tomorrows post, as you can see she has sent in the awesome Exploding Card, I certainly want to know how she made that, its so fantastic and a real WOW card, the recipient must have been blown away!
Then there is this gorgeous card, with a real Cutie on the
front, I bet scarlett would love this card Brenda!
I love the embossing folder you have used, it would make a feature of any focal element, however simple!
Your flowers are beautiful, have you used Bitty Blossoms?, they match perfectly with the rest of your card.
You have really captured the movement in the little girls dressed with your colouring, the butterfly finishes it off perfectly.
Thank you so very much Brenda for allowing me to share your cards with our lovely ladies on the blog.
Well I am going to have a quiet day today, Paul has gone back to work for a couple of days, so I have time to recharge my batteries, I am hoping that Sue & Pat are coming over on Wednesday.
Then relax to make sure I have plenty of energy for Saturday, I can't wait to meet some of you at Ally Pally,
Sam I am so hoping you are going to be well enough to come too.
Well I must go and get a shower, I hope that all of you have a lovely day, whatever you are doing!
Love and Huge Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Ladies, hope you are all well. For those of you who are ill, in pain or just not quite Tickety Boo here are some (((((hugs))))) in hope they help.
    I am in early because I fell asleep just before 10pm last night after a very busy day. Today is Craft Class day, I have kits all made up for them and it's NOT a card. The really do not like to be taken out of their comfort Zone!! However I have put in a bundle of cards, bits & pieces for the rebels, rather than see the long faces and feel the "vibes"
    Right I heard the Enviromental Health are doing the annual certificates today. I have popped in to check the Cleaning Rotas are up to date and all the jobs are ticked off the daily lists. I know from working in the Tearoom with Eliane they are so "picky" when they appear.
    Urn filled, cups out, all the goodies are ready for you guys coming in. Someone left a pile of Craft Stuff over in the corner. Must have been all the Chit, Chat last night it was forgotten about. Plenty there to keep a few busy with some Card Making later today.
    BRENDA:- your cards are brilliant. Love the Card in a Box they are fun to make and fantastic the fact the go flattish for posting. Second card is beautiful the image is great and so beautifully coloured and super design.
    That's me finished the check all it perfect as I knew it would be all you guys are so good at cleaning up each night. Even the cat was out, and no one in the dishwasher!!!
    Everyone have a wonderful day.
    SABA:- have the most amazing day with Val. Give her a (((hug))) from me and I send one for you as well. I know how things were for both of you, having been there with Hazel. I was lucky that I was here with her, you two were so far apart.
    OK!! I am off.
    Will be back later to catch up with the chat.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Had my tea + toast looking out at the thick mist we have here again.

    Brenda-two beautiful cards. I love making pop up cards as I think they are a lovely surprise. Your coloured image on the second card is great-did you use Promarkers?

    We have all been issued with a new uniform for work & told we have to wear it from today! Old ones were white tunic tops in white with green trim (perfect for Pharmacy) but someone has decided we need to "change our image" so we now have burgundy with white trim & they have our "title" on them. This is meant to help staff and patients so they know who to approach only the writings so small we're going to get people coming up close to our chests to read what it says-ha ha! I bravely ordered the same size as my old ones-now I don't know if its the Easter Eggs or the tops are just a smaller fit but it seems I need to get back to Slimming World. Would help me stay on track before my holiday I guess!

    I'll leave you with that vision of okd folk squinting at peoples chests & me breathing in all day-ha ha!!!


    1. Oh Michele, it will be the tops! Gillian found them the same yet the trousers were that wide legged she could have made two pairs out of the one. More money wasted and for what? Like you say the writing is that small, at least your aren't just a shade different in colour from the nurses. Oh yes the health board, police, fire service could save millions if they would stop changing uniform designs and styles? Hazel x

    2. Michele, ha ha, you won't know if they are dirty old men or just half blind old bats!!! It won't be you love, it'll be the sizing.
      Maureen xx

    3. Hi Michele
      The image of you having your chest ogled by all and sundry today has made me chuckle! Poor you, yes I'm sure the tops are smaller this time round and it's not you. My mother in law was a nurse so wore what she calls a proper uniform with hats. She was horrified when she came to the maternity ward when I had my daughter and she couldn't tell who was who and who was in charge! She was very proud of her belts and hats that changed colour and the hats got bigger the higher up you got. I know today's uniforms are practical and wash well but there's something to be said for definition. Enjoy your day. Love Diane xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and Ladies. Lovely to walk in and see every thing done again, I see it was my big sister that's set up. I thought she had been away to her bed early as no messaging from her last night! Then again she hadn't stopped all day. Now I will check with her later to make sure it's tree limbs they were collecting, can't think who was concerned about that last night?
    Brenda, as I said last night thank you for going to Sandra's aid last night and sending in these fantastic cards. The exploding box ones are great to make? ( I remember Patricia showing me how it all worked when we meet up for a chat one day) I think we had fellow coffee shop customers wondering what we were up to? Your little girl card is brilliant, I might just take a little of your idea ( if you don't mind) for our Lauren's 5th birthday card.
    Saba, so glad you had a safe journey, oh I bet those cuddles and hugs were wonderful? Those hugs from Val today will be equally amazing. Give her ((((((hugs)))))) from me. She will be on cloud 9 today knowing you are coming.
    Sandra. Please, please just take it easy, your are a terrible young lady, have you not listen to us all, you have to rest if you are going on Saturday???
    To all who aren't going to be able to pop in today as they aren't feeling to good I have filled the basket with (((((( hugs))))))
    It's the understairs cupboard to get a clean out today but it's not easy as the door to get into it is at the corner of the living room and back hall and sure as eggs are eggs Charlie and the dog will want to get passed no end of times, everything will be dumped in the living room to and I dread the door bell going. Like Alison saying about her garage any one breaking in would walk back out thinking ( to dangerous or someone got here before me) you would be amazed what I can fit in that little slopped roofed space. But things have fallen down and I can't get the Hoover in. Not good?
    Tomorrow I will be having the day off and a lovely trip out to meet up with Patricia , Jess and Norah. I am so looking forward to it, a real meet up in a real coffee shop will be great. A bit like all you lucky ones going on Saturday to Ally Pally. Is it a meet up for lunch???
    Right I have had my tea, money in the pot. Most get moving and get the washing on so it gets out looks like we are in for another beautiful day. Hazel x

  4. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well at last we have some sun this morning and not fog yippee! Sandra please, please will you stop doing things and really rest up, it will not be long until Saturday so please be a good girl.
    Sandra you say you have had an order and the name was miss spelt, what I do is get the person to write the names down so there is no problem unless they spell it wrong!!
    Brenda your box card is fantastic and so is your beautiful little girl card the colouring is super well done you.
    Good luck with the tidying Hazel and Saba you enjoy all the hugs and cuddles you are getting each and everyone is so special. Please give Val a hug from me I know you will both enjoy every minute you spend together it is the least you both deserve after all the worry and tension you have had to say nothing of what Val has gone through. She is still in my prayers and I also give Him thanks each day for her wonderful progress. Have a wonderful time both of you.
    Have a lovely day everyone, thanks for my lovely coffee the money is in the pot.
    Margaret xx
    P.S. It wasn't me who left the crafty mess last night but I did chase that cat out last thing, good job too if there is an inspection today, we don't want to be closed down!!!!!!

    1. Now I did not say it was a "crafty mess" it was a "crafty stash" but there can be a great similarity!!!

  5. Morning all. Another grey misty morning here. Hope it turns into another warm spring day like yesterday.
    Im dozing off and head bobbing already as Princess Paws decided she'd slept enough by 4.50 so yes im shattered already,so will keep it short.
    2 beautiful cards today, the exploding box is sooo clever and as for the skirt on the little girl card, I thought it was all 'poofed up' with fabric and its not, its the amazing shading that gives it that flouncy look, its brilliant Brenda.
    So Ive just nodded off and lost grip of my phone ! So time to send love to you all, and send hugs to our poorly friends.

    Need an extra strong coffee me thinks !!
    Bye for now, have a lovely day whatever your plans.
    Love n hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  6. Good Morning, Sandra and all Crafty Friends!
    The sun hasn't come out here yer but we are reliably informed by a weather man that it's on its way! Still having a debate about what we are doing but Cheltenham seems high up there. Will let you know!
    Saba - have a great day! So pleased the children were thrilled to see Granny - no surprise there. Val will be thrilled today too and I think you may both shed a few tears! Hugs to both of you from me. I'll be thinking about you. X
    Brenda - like a superhero you came to the rescue with some super cards. I love the colourful box and the little girl is just right! Thank you!
    Patricia - don't you worry - they talk about taking limbs off trees - mind you not exactly legs! Lol x
    Hope you Four Amigos have a great day tomorrow! I'm sure you well. There is no point asking for best behaviour - it won't happen! X
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxxx

  7. Hello Sandra,
    Please take things very easy today, it's not good when you wear yourself out to the point of morphine, as I said yesterday. People who know you should know better and be there to help you.
    Brenda your cards are fantastic. The pop-up is brilliant and I must have a go at doing one of these. The little girl one is soooo pretty with fantastic colouring.
    I can see that when we all get together in October we will be "borrowing" ideas off each other. At least I will. I've already got Patricia in my sights for box making and Hazel for baskets, but don't tell them as they will avoid me.
    I've been awake since 3 a.m., then fell asleep about 6.30 and woke at 8.30, I hate that, and now I'm going out for the day with Rachel and the girls, as they go on holiday tomorrow and I'll miss them. Will do all my house cleaning, gardening, etc. whilst they are away as I don't spend a lot of time with my daughter, we are like ships that pass in the night.
    Saba, it's brilliant that you've had such a good time with Oliver and his family but now you're going to see Val, so please give her my very best wishes for her continued well being and a few hugs from me. Also a hug for you!!!
    Have a good day ladies, I'll be back tonight, and I hope those of you in pain or lonely will have some ease today.
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. Maureen my friend, I would be more than willing to show anyone how to do a basket up, I have one to make this week, it's needed for when I am away next month but the customer is happy to have it early. But I have to get a new roll of cello while I am over in ther Perth later this afternoon, baby sitting the grandsons this evening for a few hours. They have been away up at Inverness for a few days so I will get all the news of what they did. Hazel x
      P.S. I will maybe just bring a few products and cello etc with me for the retreat weekend and do a little demo.

    2. Maureen, absolutely no problem showing how to make boxes.
      If others are interested I will do a wee workshop. I make Kits for the Craft Classes, would just do similar before I pack my case. Will see what Sandra thinks. It would be away of us all doing things together and chatting at the same time.
      Have a good day.
      Hugs xxx

    3. Great idea! We won't be like your craft class pupils - we are all perfect Angels! Xxxx

    4. Thank Goodness for that, I had one today ...... I have upset myself because I was very cheeky to her and she is "old" I should have respect for my elders BUT!!! I actually went out of the room and stamped my feet I was so angry.

    5. Oh Patricia, how funny! I know it wasn't for you but it must be so difficult. At least with the children I can say " because I said so" - if things get difficult! I promise to be a good girl in your class! Xxx

  8. Well cupboard. wasn't as bad as it looked? Set myself an hour to get it done. This was the time I knew Charlie and Harris would be out. It's amazing what you can get done when you are on a time space? I have taken all the fleece jackets and quilets and they are either in the wash that on at the moment or will be in the next couple, a nice breeze this morning so they will dry and be put back in the cupboard. Not dirty just need freshened up, some will have been washed before but what ones. Top cupboard next but it's not that bad, just needs sorted out a bit, Charlie has a habit of taking things out then just plunks it back in. Off now to sweet talk my friendly craft shop owner into cutting some A3 card for me.
    So will be back later to see what's going on. Another lovely cup of tea. Oh I think the poor cat can come in live here, poor wee soul he can snuggle up beside Harris once they get to know one another. Hazel x

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, what a treat from Brenda, these cards are lovely, I love the pop up one, so different, and the little girl on the other is so cute.
    Sandra what were you told yesterday, take it easy, yes, but did you, no. Have a easy day today to help you recover.
    Saba have a great time with Val, I'm sure you will, you can give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery even though she doesn't know who we all are, but through you we know her.
    Not such a nice day just now, very overcast, after such a lovely couple of days.
    Really looking forward to tomorrow when I meet up with Patricia, Hazel and Norah, it will be a fun day I think.
    Take care everyone, will try and pop back later, ironing is calling. Jess x

  10. A very good morning Sandra & all the lovely ladies.
    Brenda your exploding box is brilliant & the card is beautiful so cute any little girl would love this card,love your colouring.
    Another full day just finished the ironing,I have too clean out all the draws & cupboards. Then we are going to tidy the back garden OH got to put grass seed on the bald patches & clean out the shed ready for summer. Then we are attacking the front garden. After all that we will take dogs up the park,i will show lady in the cafe the cards I made for her & she is writing down what she wants inside both cards,so hope she likes them.
    Well must get showered & dressed,we have a gorgeous sunshine today makes you feel so much better,but I will probably ache all over after all the above.Only 4 sleeps to A P Yaay. Saba have the best time ever with Val I can imagine it will be a very emotional reunion with plenty of cuddles.
    Sending Val a bucket full of ((((Hug's)))) from me & some ((( Hug's ))) for you Saba. Just enjoy each other while you are here.
    Hug's too all in pain & not feeling too good & missing friends.
    Sandra my lovely please rest as much as possible before Saturday. Are all ladies going putting a badge ,bow or something so we can recognise them I thought of putting a butterfly or two on my top.
    Love & Hugs till later Lynda ( Droopy bit's ) xxxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and all,
    let me get my coffee and I go and sit over here to see if I can understand how Littlelamb have made this box card.(1 hour later!) nope not a chance lol It is very good and fun but with my mussy brain, a written tutorial would be no good.
    Like the card too, funny characters with those huge eyes. Your colours are good and the EF and those flowers, very nice.
    Sunny but fresh outside so a nice day. SIL around tomorrow so need to give the house a clean so could you send some of your energy down here Hazel please because mine has disappeared with the mojo for anything much at the moment.
    Have a nice day Saba ! Sandra take it easy and hugs to all who need one today, I see you later,
    Hugs Maria xx

  12. Good morning Ladies,
    Rather downcast, cloudy and dull here in my corner of Somerset. After that glorious sunshine the past few days, I feel as moody as the weather.
    Today's offering is two beautiful cards from the wonderful mind and magical fingers of Brenda. How marvellous is that exploding box and the wide-eyed girl? Stupendous. Like Steph, I thought the dress was made from fabric. Are you coming to the Retreat? If so perhaps you would give us all a few tips on how your colouring is spot on.
    Sandra, you obviously are experiencing a shortage of CRAFT. Not surprising with the busy weekend you have just had. Now take yourself in hand and CHILL OUT, girl, you will be too tired to enjoy Ally Pally if you don't.
    We need our effervescent Sandra back. You know, the one who is always cheerful and encouraging. I know she's in there somewhere, so come on out.
    Saba, Many, many ((((hugs)))) for you and Val, you are going to be so emotional after all that you both have been through. Enjoy each other's company my dear.
    ((((hugs)))) to everyone not feeling so good today for whatever reason.
    Love Cheryl xxx

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Sam your cards are beautiful, love both of them. A friend of mine makes pop up cards and put a how to on her blog so I am going to have a play one day soon. The colouring on the other card is stunning too, you are really clever. Hope you are feeling brighter now ANC the sunshine is helping you recover. Xxx
    Patricia sorry it was me imagining the odd arm and leg sticking out of your fire, yes tree limbs of course- silly me! Xxx
    Hazel wow you've finished your cupboard already! I'm impressed. Our cupboard under the stairs is like a tardis and the look on the mans face as he comes to read the meter is a picture! It does need another sort out but I need the owners of some items around to say if they are still needed! I've got coats to wash too and I'm hoping the weather will stay sunny this week to get it done. Xxx
    Maureen enjoy your day out with your daughter, now don't get stuck on the swings and slide will you, we don't want to have to come and rescue you xxx
    Saba enjoy the time with your daughter and grandchildren and the time with Val. Sending you both a huge hug xxx
    Well it sounds like everyone is busy today and enjoying the sunshine. Sandra take it easy today, you need to rest before the weekend. I hope your hand isn't too sore this morning , I caught my arm on a rose thorn yesterday twice. As Julian said once was silly, twice well...... !
    Right must get on and put the washing on the line.
    See you all later, lots of hugs to you all.
    Love Diane xxxxx

  14. Boy, I'm so late! Work, ferrying MIL to GP which she insisted was one practice but no, it was at the "sister" practice. That'll teach OH not to check her calender before leaving the house! And the dancing has taken its toll Must have a nap - diabetes can make me tired too. I feel like I'm walking through treacle - the effort. SANDRA Take care of that injury! BRENDA your makes are amazing. I'm usually not a lover of "cute" images - I don't have a market for them but I really love this one - not too frilly

  15. Good afternoon dearest Sandra and my coffee shoppers,
    What a great surprise for someone's birthday Brenda and i think that i would give this to my special wee niece who is 8 as i think she would be so impressed with it exploding into life and with all the greetings that are on it. Having a nervous disposition these are definitely the best kind of balloons to give as they don't suddenly go bang when you least expect it. I hope that the recipient was as delighted with it as we all are because getting it right makes for a lot of hard work, so thank you Brenda for a right up rising surprise. I love the embossing folder that you have used, with the frame around the center it just gives that natural place for little miss bessie to show off her pretty party frock. I wonder whose party she was off to all dressed with her beautiful bunches and her big eyes. This would make any wee girls day special Brenda and you have coloured it so lovely.
    Well it's turned out to be a beautiful day here at sunny Glenochil, what a day. Kirsten came and gave me grief about the state of my hair so it has been coloured again, but really i don't what her problem was as i just had that ombre look that they're all going around with at the moment so where's the difference at least only half of my hair was fake, the rest including all the grey hair was all my own painstakingly gotten with all the nerves and stress that lot put me through, i had earned every one of those grey hairs. PC Chain has just been to try Rory out for his uniform for the cadets as Rory and 3 other children are wanted for a big do that is on at the Police College at the end of the month by the Chief Constable. As yet we don't know what is on but he has asked for 4 of Central Regions cadets to be on show so that will be nice for them and i hope they all realise the trust that both PC Chain and the CC are putting in them. I think the young constable has picked the more polite out of the children so that he doesn't get any surprises on the day which considering what Rory has is a big trust on his part asking Rory to be one of the special party and i have warned him that i do not want him abusing his trust or mine and let the lad get the pride in his unit of cadets. I know that i am supposed to make allowances for Rory's condition but i expect him to act responsibly and make me proud of him where ever he goes and what ever or who ever he represents.
    My poor puppy dog is going through a hard time today as she takes what is almost like epileptic fits now and again, well today was one of those days for her. I have never known a lab to take seizures before but vet says that as long as they are not 2 or 3 a week, to just leave her alone, but poor wee thing gets herself in to an awful state with it all. So that's her calmed down again and in her basket.
    Saba i hope that Val and you are having a good old making up for lost time. Is she starting to feel a bit better after her surgery for i do hope so. Sending hugs down to you both just because. I bet you are having a ball with your wee grandson and your daughter, although i hope you have skype for that wee lad to be able to still see his granny for when you go back home. I know it's not the same but it is so much better nowadays the fact that you can see them in real life on the computer even though you can't touch them. Have a great time anyway flower.
    Sandra you are supposed to be doing as you are told so that you can go out later this week, if you don't behave you're going to be grounded and you don't want that now do you? No getting up to anything more that you shouldn't be.
    I am across in my wee corner with my basket of hugs for all that need, want or could just do with one
    love and crafty hugs the now
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Norah - Rory won't let you down! I guess the people who asked him know that too. I'm sure he'll make everyone including himself proud. I hope he has a great experience. Enjoy tomorrow! Xxx

    2. See you tomorrow Norah, really excited.
      Hazel had a Lab that took wee fits.
      She is very aware of that with Harris. He does not get to play with a ball because he goes funny. She will tell you herself whe you see her.
      Hugs xxx

    3. Norah I am quite sure your darling boy will not even think of letting you down quite the opposite in fact he will make you so very proud.
      We had a Red Setter who came from Hamilton in Scotland he was wonderful, as daft as a brush though. One day we had him out for a walk in the fields and he ran caught a crow and tried to swallow it whole! He used to have fits and as long as there was someone near to him while it was going on and they were talking quietly to him and stroking him gently he soon was ok again. I know at first we were so frightened and our vet said he would pick up on our fear so we had to keep calm, not easy but it helped him so that was the main thing.
      Have the most fantastic day tomorrow and I for one want to hear all about it from you all.
      Margaret xx

    4. Hi Norah,
      I can see Rory standing there in his uniform with his chest out and so proud and you will be very proud of your son for what he has achieved .You have a fabulous time tomorrow and we like to have a full report after........try to have a good sleep tonight ,
      Hugs Maria xx

    5. Hi Norah,
      I'm sure Rory will have a wonderful time and make you proud. Have a great time tomorrow - jealous, me, whatever gave you that idea?? lol.
      Maureen xx

    6. Hi Norah
      Your lovely son will be the best behaved boy there and will probably ask the most questions and get the most answers and will make you the proudest mum in the world. I hope your dog is ok, how worrying for you.
      Enjoy knitting in the sunshine over there.
      Love Diane xxx

  16. Janet ecco of Sheffield7 April 2015 at 15:57

    Afternoon Everyone - I can see Norah sat in her corner so if you're still there Norah when my Tinternet hugs arrive can you please put them in the basket by the door after you've taken yours out of course. Thank you.
    Brenda - both of your cards are just beautiful. I've never tried doing those pop up boxes as they look complicated but really do look worth all the time spent on them. I just know one little girl who would love to receive your beautiful girlie card in fact I've got to make from the My Bestise CDs I've got for the end of May. I love their big eyes and their fancy dresses etc.
    Well have have had another beautiful sunny day and it's also been warm enough not to have the log burner on. We actually sat outside this morning for our mid morning coffee. It was lovely but of course we saw all the jobs that need doing in the garden etc. Oh well they will get done in time.
    Hope everyone is feeling a little better for the sunshine so please take care and don't do anything silly before I get back. Take care and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
    Hugs Janet xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      I read your comment on Sue's and I could imagine you sitting outside, looking out over the garden/field with all the wonderful flowers everywhere and Jim coming back with the fresh bread for your coffee in the morning. Have a nice time in the sunshine
      Hugs Maria xx

  17. What a fun pop up card design and the little girl image with the embossed background is wonderful.

    Hugs diane

    1. So Sorry Diane, I hadn't realised you were a 'new diane' as we already have one, please stick around and join in the fun!
      I think that between the two of you you will have to come up with an initial so that we don't get you confused!
      Love and Hugs

  18. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I really am holding my breath and will try to keep this message short and I have been trying for over two hours and 20 minutes to post, every time I have the message do you to send this stupid stupid iPad freezes it's driving me crazy. Deep breaths - that's better. Brenda thank you for coming to Sandra's rescue with your beautiful offerings, they are both stunning. Love the box card. And that ho so cute little lady, is stunning, you really are very very gifted and talented. Thank you for sharing.
    Sandra, please take it steady, look after that hand, oh and don't forget the rest of the body! It all needs looking after.
    Thinking about A P it would be lovely if we could meet and possibly also a hello to one another, does that seem practical? Thinking space wise, also time, what about sometime in the afternoon? Just say and I am happy to fall in with everyone.
    Be back later Love, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I think we are quite a few of us who are seeing each other at AP and I for one need to see you. I need Sandra and Paul as well for a coffee so we got to Arrange a Meeting Place ,do you hear me Sandra tihi and Lynda, Sam, Pat, Mrs B, Muriel and any one else who are going on the Saturday !!

  19. Good afternoon ladies,
    Well you will be pleased to hear that I did nothing but rest after getting up at 4.10 am to feed the kittens, I went back to bed and and didn't move all morning!
    It was a foggy start to the day here, but then glorious sunshine has arrived!
    I have spent the past couple of hours helping Sophie mount her artwork onto complimentary coloured card and then display them in her art book.
    Patricia/ Hazel, I think that doing little craft workshops/demonstrations is a fantastic idea, so anyone that wants to do one just let me know and we can maybe plan a rough time schedule nearer the time, the fantastic thing is that as we have the craft room 24/7 we can have demo's whenever we fancy!seriously ladies I am so excited! If anyone wants to do a demo and doesn't have the materials just let me know and I will bring it along, I have a large guillotine, score boards etc, 2 grand caliburs and a cuttlebug so I am sure we will have enough resources to get by, anyone that's driving it would be helpful if you could manage the bulkier items, we will get by!
    I had an email from Sam Smithard today, sadly she won't be able to make it to Ally Pally but she is still planning to come to our retreat. She was able to sit and watch tv for the first time since she has been poorly yesterday, I have everything crossed that she is well and truly on the mend.
    Now for Ally Pally, I think that we should commandeer a table there were some pretty big ones opposite Sue's stand last year, maybe I could make a sign to secretly stick on the table , so that we have a meeting place, maybe we can agree on a time to meet up, I know little lamb Brenda says she meets her JS blog friends at 1pm, so maybe sometime after that, I am tempted to say shall we all bring some cakes etc ans sit and have a little afternoon tea, but that might be too much for some folk to carry!
    I would love to hear your ideas please!
    Right I am off to rustle up a bit of tea for the girls as they are off to the cinema with friends.
    Be back later,
    Sandra xxxx

    1. I'm glad you had a rest today Sandra, how is that hand of yours ? thorns can be pretty painful, I know.
      Just told Brenda that I think we should make a Meeting point otherwise we might miss one another, noooo lol. I still like to buy you and Paul a coffee and cake ! What time will you be at AP ?

    2. Maria, You really don't have to, we will be there as early as we can and we are always almost the last to leave!
      I am looking forward to meeting you xxx

  20. Just popped in for a cool drink. We are stacking logs and boy it's hot out there.
    My IPad bleeped, it was a message from Hazel. She is at Tammy's looking after the boys. The Internet is down, her phone will not let her leave a message. Told me to tell you all in case you thought she was not talking to you .....LOL!!!
    Ok! better go or the Boss wil be in looking for me.
    Left my pennies in the pot, will try to get back later. Might just be a "tad tierd, I have to be up and out early tomorrow I have a meeting with some special people........!!!!

  21. Now to see if mr phone will let me leave a comment, at Tammy's and their broadband has gone down so having to use this.
    Sandra I am so glad you have done nothing as it's the only way you are going to be fit for Saturday.
    Norah our Harris just can't have his ball to play with now as he fits afterwards, he only ever got his ball at the beach so we just avoid going there for to long and don't take a ball, he spends 10mins trying to see were it is - he's daft. But it's not nice to see him having a fit. It's just a case of you being came round them. Big sis just been telling me I have not to speed going home from here tonight. Oh no I will be a good girl. I bet her BP is well up after her wee paddy today?
    Hazel x

  22. It's working that's a first, yes I am talking to you that big sis will not be getting a lift tomorrow if she misbehaves Hazel x

    1. Does Patricia misbehave often Hazel? So hard to believe! Sitting here relaxing as my lovely DIL is cooking - could get used to this ! Xxx

    2. Misbehave ...... what does that mean???

    3. I cannot believe Patricia would misbehave, I thought she was practically perfect in every way!!! xx

  23. Myra no not at all normally but someone did upset her and seeing how I know who I can just say I have nearly had a hole in my tongue when I have been in her company. Hazel x

  24. My ears are burning ......... someone is talking about me .... what a fantastic subject!!!
    Are you discussing those "limbs" they are "tree limbs" the "big branches" ........ not ones with feet on them Diane.......!!!
    The men have just chopped the big overhanging branches of some trees. We have managed to move some of them. Others blew over in a storm they are HUGE and been chopped into chunks so big we can't move. Hopefully some of our neighbours who have Chain Saws will chop them up and we will get some smaller bits. Quite a few in the village have open fires a couple have Log Burners. There is more than enough wood for all to have a share.

    Oh! no! I see my sister has mentioned one of my Class ladies. That's what you are talking about ... !!! We will try and forget that, I have just about had enough. I feel I will have to finish teaching these Classes they raise my BP just a "tad" to much, well that one person does.
    I am rather tired after all the Log Stacking. John is off making a cuppa, he must be tired as well but he insisted.
    Here he comes chat later.

    1. Patricia - there is always one! Xxx

    2. Can't you kick her out ? I heard a lot about this person, is her name Myra too ?

    3. No, can't kick Myra out she a friend, it's not her honest.
      This person is OLD and well past her "sell by date"

    4. MARIA! I thought you were my friend! Xxxx

    5. Oh Lord, how old, will you be kicking me? xx

    6. Don't worry I won't let her kick anyone, she to nice to do that anyhow . Hazel x

    7. It's not Muriel is it???!!! Lol xxx

    8. I won't let her kick anyone, she to nice to do that, she never kicked me when we were little she just slapped me with a slice of bread spread with jam, she got in to trouble for that as the jam got in my nice white blond hair. And it had to be washed and it wasn't even Sunday when it was due to be washed. Hazel x

    9. Did you not suck the jam out of your hair? Oh, oh, my screen keeps going big, then small, then big again but it's small at the moment, what is happening? xx

    10. Sorry Myra it should have said Maria ! Oh these stupid computers, huff
      Of course I'm your friend Myra

    11. Oh thank you Maria! I need all the friends I can get you know! Xxx

  25. Hi Sandra, so glad you had a rest today. You need to learn to delegate jobs to your visitors, although I can't say I am very good at that either.
    Brenda, your cards are lovely. I enjoy making these box cards, done a few for new babies, and everyone loves them, I just don't think I have photographed any.
    I am really envious of you all meeting up tomorrow. Have a great time, and think of poor me, working all day.
    Going to have an early night tonight, the Easter holidays have left me feeling exhausted.
    See you all tomorrow

  26. Hi everyone. Sorry to be so late today. Been a busy day. Came home from my Son's where I spent Easter. Then had to go into town to my church. One of our people passed away recently and there was a thanksgiving service for him followed by a buffet and lots of catching up to do. By the time I had got the Park and Ride bus and got home it was after 7pm then had to get a meal.
    SANDRA thank you for showing my cards today. Only took pleased to help you out. I hope you have been taking it easy today as you will be busy tomorrow and it's not long until AP, I think mid afternoon would be a good time to meet and it may be a bit quieter by the tables then. Will just go with what everyone else wants to do.
    Thank you for all your kind comments about my cards. The pop up cards are not difficult to do. Will see if I can put the measurements on here in the next few days. The paper was from a pad I have had for a long time. It had balloons on it so just cut them out and put them on card. I secured them to the pop up card by sticking them to a piece of acetate (I cut up one of the acetate things the embossing folders come in. There are struts inside the box and they were stuck to these. The embossing folder on the other card is an XCut one. The little girl is a Sherrie Baldy digi stamp. I coloured her with Promarkers and the flowers are bitty blossoms by Spellbinders. I made it for Scarlett's 6th Birthday last year. The pop up card was for my GtGranddaughter's birthday. She was 4. I am sure your granddaughter Hazel would like the Sherrie Baldy card or something similar. Hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow those who are meeting up. Can't wait to hear all about it.
    Beautiful day here today. Hope it lasts. Saba I hope that you have a good time with Val. I am sure you will. Will leave hugs with the others for all who need them.

  27. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad you had a restful day today. Not to sure how I missed commenting as I'd thought I had. Have been trying to book another holiday with Thomsons in August for our friends and myself. If I booked as a foursome ( now now ladies ) not that kind of foursome. We'd get £60.00 off, but if I booked as two seperate couples we'd get £60.00 off per couple. So I've been juggling two iPads so i could book us in seperately . I'll email the hotel later to say can we have adjacent rooms. Sandra the only problems with having a tea party at Ally Pally is that we won't get any shopping done. If we just decide to have lunch at a certain time, and just meet up for lunch. What does everyone think. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Just eaten a creme egg, it was yummy. Sorry I didn't have one for everyone.
    Brenda your exploding box and card are both gorgeous. What a multi talented lady you are.

    1. Thank you Pat. I have just had a creme egg as well.

    2. I've just had two Thornton's choccies with my coffee , yum! Xx

    3. I've had a crunchie with my hot chocolate!! xx

  28. Good night all, that's my days work catching up with me.
    John has just told me to get to bed. He is so assertive my OH!! ... No! not really he said he could not hear the Telly for my snoring!!?
    See you all in the morning.

    1. Wey Hey Patricia, you licky night tonight!
      have fun!


    Hope you have a lovely time tomorrow. Will be thinking of you all.

    Sending a Big Basket of hugs, Love Brenda xxx

    1. That sentiment comes from me too ladies! I hope you have a great time.
      Safe travel and look forward to hearing all about it! Xxx

  30. Well, I'm back and can't believe that I'm one of the late nighters, as usually I go to bed sooner than most of you. I've had a lovely day with him who must be avoided, Rachel and the girls.
    I got home after tea but have been finishing a card for a 95 year old lady. She is still very active and lives by herself.
    Diane, I got a thorn in my little finger when I was about 10, and it's still there! I did mention it to the doctor about 20 years ago and he looked and said that it would cause more trouble to try to take it out after all this time as it's so deep.
    Lynda, hope your droopy bits are on the up and up!!!
    Karen, I think it's time you rested up a bit, you'll make yourself ill.
    Littlelamb Brenda, I'm looking forward to the measurements and instructions for the pop-up card.
    Pat, if you get adjacent rooms, will you also have adjoining doors!! Ooh er missus.
    Sandra, I hope you feel more refreshed and ready for some fun and games with the other two Graces tomorrow. The local council have told me that a noise abatement order is in force, so be careful!!!! Enjoy.
    Hazel, Jess, Norah and Patricial (alphabetical order so that nobody gets the hump!), have a great day tomorrow and don't all try to talk at once!! I bet you have a wonderful time Grrrrrrrrr. Have a safe journey.
    Saba, I hope you've had a day to remember and that you've found Val in good spirits. Much love, good wishes and hugs to both of you.
    Cheryl, I wish you the best of everything, but you know that.
    Love and hugs to all, I hope you all have a restful and peaceful night.
    Maureen xx
    P.s. I've cleared the benches, put the bottles in the recycling before Norah sees them and goes beserk. Dishwasher is filled ready for Maria to switch on, I've wound the clock up and put the cat out! x

    1. Hi Maureen,
      I am pretty sure I have got all the thorn out, we are over precautious in our house as Paul got a tiny piece of splinter embedded in his finger, he got a funny over growth of skin that the Doctor just ripped off, it healed and then a year later a sore started in the same place and slowly got so bad that his finger started to get gangrene, it was the worst smelling thing in the world, it went on for weeks and he narrowly missed being hospitalised, for a man that won't take pills he was rattling, he got so fed up of it one day he squeezed it and the thorn shot out and it cleared up pretty much straight away! never trust Raf doctors!
      Anyway despite having a really lazy day I am still to much in pain for tomorrow so I have had to call off my play date with my two besties :(
      I just don't want to push myself and ruin things for the weekend, I am so looking forward to meeting everyone on Saturday.
      I hope that Hazel Jess, Norah & Patricia have an amazing day tomorrow, the blog strikes again another date!
      Thanks so much for cleaning up sweetheart, Please remember to send me a photo of the card you made!
      Love and hugs

    2. Tihi Glad you didn't wound the cat up and put the clock out !
      Think actually I'm going for the night as well just wanted to make sure Myra is ok, it was a honest mistake earlier not reading before posting. You know I'm your friend, I even found you on pinterest this evening.
      The 3 gracies and the 4 gracies who are meeting up tomorrow, have a wonderful day together and Saba seeing Val, have a lovely time together! Sending thoughts to our missing ladies,
      see you late tomorrow as out am and then have SIL pm but I will popp in
      Love and hugs Maria xx

    3. Maria, I'm fine Dear ! I know you found me and I left you a little message somewhere! Night Night and I hope you sleep well.
      God Bless, Myra xxxx

    4. Sandra I don't trust any doctor I would rather go to the vets they really are so much better.
      Night, night. God Bless
      Margaret xxx

  31. Maureen I don't know what cat you put out as I took one home this morning thinking I had got the right one. Poor wee soul kept getting chucked out so it's living with us now . Harris not to happy but he will grow to like it I am sure . Hazel x

    1. Not if Harris is anything like my little Amy he wont!
      Margaret xx

  32. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well it does sound as if everyone has been busy today. I've managed to get two loads of washing dry today and have finished a card and have a plan to sort out some of mt stamps! I like a plan! Maria I will let you have my friends blog address so you can look at her box instructions if that helps, she usually photographs each step which may help. Let me know if this will help. I'm a bit like you, sometimes I read something and I just know it hasn't gone in but if I watch a video I can work it out as it goes along - dome times I'm even a step ahead!
    When I read through the comments earlier I thought I had entered the twilight zone - there was a comment from Diane at 4.10, now I know it's not me, my iPad had died by then! So the other Diane welcome to the cafe, lovely of you to pop in.
    Well I could be talking to myself haha , not usual I hear you say!
    Patricia I can just see you leaving the room to stamp your feet, I can feel your frustration - as you say there is always one. Knowin my luck she would have come up behind me as I was swearing and stamping my feet! She sounds like the kind of person who you would never be able to please but would not stop coming to the session because she actually enjoys herself!
    Right I've made myself a Horlicks put the money in the pot and wiped the table down. I've left the dishwasher for Maria :) Saba I hope you have had a lovely day with Val, lots of hugs and tears I expect. Jess Hazel Patricia and Norah have a wonderful day tomorrow, can't wait to hear about it.
    Night night everyone sleep tight, see you tomorrow. Sandra glad to hear you have had a good rest today, now don't think you are wonder woman and over do it tomorrow!
    Love Diane xxx

  33. Oh, I don't know what it was I put out then. Must have been Sandra's fur hat, don't tell her though. George is complaining about putting the light off so I suppose I'll have to go. Laughed at the comment about Patricia hitting you with bread and jam and it going in your hair. Oh, oh, if Myra sees this she'll be singing from the Sound of Music. I'm going quick before she appears!!!
    Have a great day tomorrow, lucky things.
    I bet Harris goes after that cat as soon as you turn your back lol.
    Maureen xxx

    1. I've been very good lately - haven't brought songs eithe old or new into my posts!
      However - if Hazel took the cat it would seem we have - What - new pussy cat oh oh oh oh oh oh NO !
      With that I bid you goodnight and God Bless!
      Saba - hope you've had a good , if emotional, day! x
      Muriel - I won't let anyone kick you - I was brought up to look after the elderly! x
      God Bless,
      Myra xxxx

  34. Well it looks like we have a new Diane, as 'our Diane' didn't comment at 16.10 today!
    So welcome my lovely, enjoy the blog!
    Everybody Welcome Diane please!

  35. Have a wonderful day tomorrow all of you who are meeting up, oh you lucky people!
    Margaret xx
