
Monday 6 April 2015

Margaret's Amazing Anniversary Card !

Good Morning Ladies,
I hope that you all had a lovely Easter Sunday,  with family and Chocolate in abundance!
It is fair to say that I am somewhat exhausted after a whole day of entertaining, as lovely as it was 
To have my mum and sister & her boyfriend over for the day, I was on the go from pretty much 9am
until they left and the back of seven!  So my knees, hips and ankles I would gladly give away today, not to speak of my back! I would not have managed without Paul, my goodness me he's a good'un! 
Now to Margaret's fantastic card, what can I say, it's amazing and goes so perfectly with the cake that 
Margaret made gorgeous the same couple , that was showcased on the blog on Saturday!
I look forward to Margaret coming in tomorrow and telling us all how she made this fab card.
Well we are spending the day chilling today, it will hopefully be a little quieter than yesterday!
Although I have loved every second of having all of my children home!
What have you all got planned for today? I am hoping to fit in a little card making, after all it us relaxing, until it comes to tidying the craft room.
Steph thanks for flowers and chocolate on each table! I never got to eat one piece of chocolate! 
We have enough food leftover from yesterday to aid a to relaxing day, I cooked turkey, lamb and an 8lb ham, everyone was too full for Apple crumble & fruit tart!
So guess what's for dinner today!
Well I must go, I gave some relaxing to do!
Love & hugs


  1. Morning lovely ladies, hope you all feel refreshed - whatever that means !!
    Just been reading yesterdays comments whilst waiting for the milk to warm up in the latte/espresso machine, and had to giggle, what with Sandra's cheese cutters waving about like a windsock, all you ladies (including me) hanging our laundry again (but the way WE like it to be hung) thank goodness im not alone doing that lol, and a vicar cooking bacon sarnies actually IN church ? (or was that Saba pulling my doodahs) ?!!
    It sounds like you ALL had the day you deserve yesterday - a lovely one. We popped over to Halifax to see our daughter and SIL and our lovely grand-pup (he's not a pup, a lovely old gentleman) but he's our grand-pup and we love him to bits.
    Its lovely to feel the happiness in the cafe after such a lovely Easter Sunday, and I hope it continues over to today for you, and that you all find time for plenty of R&R. Saba, have a lovely safe road trip to beautiful Yorkshire to see your beautiful Val, I know you will send our best wishes to her.

    Margaret - MY kind of card. Looks like you adore your Scandinavian border as much as I do, im suprised.I've not worn the cutting edge down I love it so much, how odd, I was only using those dies yesterday to make an Anniversary card ! I thought if I could get one card under my belt before going to Lou's id be happy, I didn't get it finished so will do that today.
    I was a lucky bunny yesterday and received 3 dies all hidden within the egg packaging !! So I will play with those today, and maybe, just maybe, if its as warm as it felt yesterday today, I may go out to play when the dog has her afternoon playtime out in the country side.
    Margaret, the couple that received your cake must have been speechless when they received your matching gorgeous card, it really is beautiful, a wonderful memory of all those year's together. You are SO talanted Margaret.
    Ok, latte all finished and money in the jar, table wiped down. So I'll leave you all with a big gentle hug and wish you a happy day whatever your plans.
    Love n hugs to you all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and everyone who calls in today. Now I am hoping that Norah might be along at some point, also maybe if Sam is able is might give a quick Hello!!! Alison it was lovely to see you back here yesterday, if you were working last night I hope you weren't over run with very sick children, who basically had eaten to much chocolate and the parents just couldn't see they had to get it out of their syptoms??? Up here it could also been cause by to much SUN!!! Yes we don't get it often I have to say but yesterday was gorgeous, Patricia got sunburn on her cheeks ( face ones I will add now save on those messages later) Gillian my daughter, it was the back of her neck, so I suspect a few others will be suffering.
    Margaret. Your card is so beautiful, I love your whole design and delicate colours, what a keepsake for the couple and along with you show piece cake they must have been so thrilled???
    Sandra, I hope you stay in your bed today and recover some of that energy that you used up yesterday, I thought you said only the family plus your mum, sister and her boyfriend? Not half of the RAF base as well would be for lunch! All that yummy food, no wonder they had no room for pudding? Looks like we are in for a treat today ladies - fruit tart! Is that with cream too?
    Well I have got evetything switched on and ready,,Harris must have thought I was going to work, as he came upstairs and straight to my side of the bed this morning. I don't mind as this getting up late does me no good. I am I think going to attack the kitchen cupboards over the next few days. How many cups and bowls etc. do we need not as many as there is in my cupboards I am sure, will sort it out and get rid of the ones that have not seen the light of day for a long time. We have a project shop in Cupar that take these sort of things so people who get a flat or house but have nothing get help to start up. So that's were they will go. Well that's me had a lovely cup of tea and a slice of toast, money in the pot. Hazel x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Just read all of yesterdays comments-made me giggle! Glad I'm not the only one who has to use matching pegs when putting the washing out. The tins & jars in the cupboards are all lined up neatly too!! I'm A Taurus but clearly have OCD which drives hubby mad, my colleagues aren't too thrilled either.

    Margaret-your card is stunning. So much detail on it and a perfect match for the cake you made. I hope the lucky couple realised how much work must have gone into making both items.

    Miserable day here-mist + damp. The mist came in last night and looks set to stay. Perfect day for crafting I think.


  4. Morning all Enjoying my cappuccino - money already in the pot I haven't read the comments after the last one I made so apologies if I've missed you OH has taken over washing duties! Don't know how that happened but I'm not going to complain I have to sit on my hands sometimes because he doesn't hang it out as I would like He makes me smile though instead of wearing the peg bag around his waist (like a big pinny with pockets) he hangs it around his neck like a nose bag! Just waiting for him to get up and go to work so I can get crafting in the bedroom next door! Suppose I'd better tackle the ironing while I'm waiting

  5. PS your card is amazing Margaret I'm intrigued to find out how you've done especially whether or not you've used an embossing folder...

  6. Good Morning Ladies,

    It is glorious sunshine here in Cannington, birds are singing and all's right with the world and I'm feeling fine. My little walkabout with the lawn mower has done me the world of good, my joints feel so supple today. Might do another hour in the garden later on.
    So glad you enjoyed yesterday Sandra, I was a bit worried you might overdo it too much. My goodness your table must been groaning with all that cooking! One very happy and well fed family, at least you won't have to cook too much this week with what's left. It's always tastes better the second time around, especially stews and casseroles.
    Today I have my April birthday cards to do, can't remember how many.
    Note to self, buy another calendar for craft room.
    Might even check the linen basket to see if I have any washing and perhaps a bit of dusting. Ssssh there's that dreaded word again, housework. No, I'm
    going to have another day off to craft.
    Whatever you are planning for today, ENJOY
    Safe journey Saba and remember to give Val lots of hugs from the coffee shop ladies.
    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Glad to hear that all went well yesterday and everyone enjoyed your scrummy food my lovely. Now you will be laid up no doubt but at least you can enjoy the leftovers and some Easter eggs : )
    Margaret, your card is beautiful, I love it. The periwinkle blue /white combo is my all time favourite and I love the dies and EF. A lovely card that the anniversary couple will have been delighted with, along with your gorgeous cake : )
    I am off to catch up with yesterdays comments now.
    Lay back down and relax today my lovely. Take care xx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies, wow Margaret your card is gorgeous I bet the couple were delighted with it and their cake, well done you.
    Off to chiropodist in ten minutes so will catch up later. Jess x

  9. A lovely card Margaret really pretty especially with matching cake!

    Nice meal out yesterday, a chilling out day really. A bit misty this morning but hoping to tackle the gardens later. Need a big tidy after the winter plus need to tackle the conservatory!

    Not one OCD tendency I am afraid in fact my OCD friends and mother drive ne insane I can't cope with it! I am genetically challenged and take after Dad's family who certainly weren't OCD! It's weird because in some ways I am really organised but not in others. Our neighbours garage got burgled - he's very OCD so easy for them to take bikes etc I just said nothing taken from ours that's the advantage of a garage that's an assault course!!!!

    Have a restful crafty day with a bit of chocolate thrown in!

    See you soon xxx

    1. Just love your description of your garage, it sounds a lot like Pete's garden shed! Which eventually will be cleared but not now I have so much crafting to do. xxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    A hot chocolate and a piece of lemon cake please. Greedy I know before lunch, but I can't resist.
    Margaret what a stunning card you made to go with the cake. Can't wait to see if it was an EF you used for the background. Looks like you've embossed and then laid a fancy cut out over the top. I've finished my cake, so hopefully when Pete's stops, if ever stops talking to his brother on OZ we'll be going out with friends for the day. Then we'll come back and have a look for a holidaybsomewhere warm later in the year. We were looking at Salou, but the flight times aren't to hot. Pete's not to good in the mornings.

  11. Hi Sandra,

    My sounds like you had a lovely day, those are the sort of days I love but get them very little now days. Beautiful card Margaret has made, love the embossed background, gorgeous.
    Have a lovely relaxing day today

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  12. Margaret, my flower I am soooo sorry for not mentioning your beautiful, fantastic cake-matching card. Ooooh I bet they were absolutely thrilled with it, I know I would have been. hugs Cheryl xxx

  13. Good morning ALL. Hope you are well and not suffering too much after entertaining, eating and drinking your way through the day yesterday. Take it easy for today, you will need all your strength for the weekend ahead.
    MARGARET:- you card is absolutely STUNNING love every single thing about it.
    I am not staying, busy, busy, busy here and it is alao rather noisy. The are 5 men limbing, trimming and shredding trees in the lane that runs down the side of our garden. Lane just goes to the fields, the trees were getting just a bit thick and wild. Hopefully we will once again get the evening sun till much later. Past couple of years it has been blocked by the foliage on the trees in the summer.
    Bonus will be the logs we will get once they are finished.
    Will Be back later, off to hang out some more washing.

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I think I'd like a cup of tea and a scone for now, thank you that will keep me going.
    Margaret, your card is beautiful, love the periwinkle and white, I'm sure the couple you made it for were Delighted with it. It really is a card to treasure.

    Have a chat with some of yesterday's comments, I'm not a naturally tidy person I have to confess - but I have to match the pegs when I put clothes on the line, keep my shoes in boxes also Iline food packets, boxes and tins in the cupboard and keep my spices in alphabetical order. It's lovely knowing I am not the only one with these habits.
    Sandra, it sounds as if you've got enough food for us all to come round for dinner and you still have some spare. So pleased you enjoyed your day yesterday but do take it steady now. Remember AP is only five sleeps away, hooray
    Well I will go and check our second bedroom, teenage granddaughter is coming for a sleepover. She is revising for her GCSE chemistry and said she can study better at our house. Not sure about that, There could be another motive but
    we will find out.
    Will stop by later, love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  15. No I did not have a chat with some of yesterday's comments - I HAD A CATCH UP WITH SOME OF YESTERDAYS COMMENTS.

  16. Was going to say morning all, but I see I'm too late for that, so good afternoon!
    What a lovely card, Margaret. And how nice to be able to match the card with the cake. Just perfect. many were you feeding yesterday? Wow, you eat well in your house. It's been a while since I catered a big family dinner, my family are all so far apart now. My Mum used to do all the catering, and on a regular thing. Dinners for 20, parties, with buffet for 40, all that sort of thing. She loved it all.
    Right then, ham sandwiches for lunch is it?
    See you later

  17. Janet ecco of Sheffield6 April 2015 at 12:28

    Afternoon to all - We have the most wonderful sunshine today and it's even warmed up a little since first thing. So Jim has been out to tidy a fence that had come down because of the winds and sort out the bird feeders etc. I've managed to get some laundry out on the line so hoping it's dried nicely as I've already filled the washer so it can be switched on when off peak time arrives.
    Sandra I'm so pleased you had a lovely day with all the family yesterday and just hope that you are relegated to the sofa today and others take care of you.
    Margaret your card is absolutely beautiful - I would more than cherish it if it came to me. I love everything about it.

    OK I'm off now to get a little cross stitch done. I prepared everything yesterday so now it's ready for the first stitches. I've also got to print off one or two verses for cards which need to be posted this week so must really get a wriggle on.
    Hugs to everyone - Please catch my parcel of them when they arrive via Tinternet and place them in the normal basket. I'm so missing you all even though I do love it here. I shall have a lot of catching up when I get back.
    Janet xxxx

  18. Good afternoon my wonderful friends,
    well now that i have 5 minutes to myself as left OH to go down to mum's and carry on again i can see what everyone has been up to. Sorry girls for not stopping in before now but i just have been doing so much down at mums as i am still trying to go through all her stuff, and oh boy did she have a lot of it and the place is still packed full of things. Have given the old car books of my daddy's to Jim next door who is supposed to be a mechanic to trade but the less said there the soonest mended, but i know that he has a love of the old greats so that way he can carry on enjoying the books. Some are going to the school as i think they would find them interesting as loads of history books. I have a very old joinery book that i am going to give to Rory's pastoral teacher Jim as he loves making things with his hands in wood or metal. He made out of an old piano about 5-6 ukalaylees and they work like the real thing as well as looking just like them, a clever man. I still have a load to go through in the book line because our family have always been prolific readers but the library has to go as i have no where to keep it all and i think buying the mansion house is a bit out of my league some how.
    Sorry girls that i wasn't on to comment on the stunning plethera of beauty that was on show on Saturday but they were stunning. Margaret flower, i hope that all that got to see your baking confectionary of wonderous appreciated the work that went into making that cake and the beauty that topped it as it really does look amazing and to receive your beautiful Wonder of Margaret masterpiece along with it, i bet the couple were thrilled at their amazing gifts from your very talented hands.
    Brenda, your blue platter fish looks like a Dover Sole (well i think that is the fish i'm thinking off) with its scales showing up like iridescent twinkles. Your other fish design and the duo bowl/plates set is gorgeous as well. It takes a lot of time and skill to get pottery to look as high end as these finished pieces look.
    Myra, love your tag but i think it would go perfectly with Margarets cake and card that she made as the colours are just so beautiful a match from this distance. I hope that the person you receives your beautiful work of art deserves it and to me that would be kept in a box frame. Thank you girls for your stunning works of art that you have let us see as they are all just stunning.
    Cheryl, i am not even going to hide the fact that i have turned green and not into the incredible hulk either but with envy at your crafty hideaway, you lucky thing. I bet i am not the only one to have sighed in this cafe upon seeing this as i think we all secretly long for something along these lines to have to store our precious things in. I wish you many, many happy years of enjoyment flower with it as i think you have picked the best possible thing that we all dream about and it keeps your home nice and tidy but i bet you still end up with just a few inches to craft on like the rest of us in time. Enjoy flower all the happy hours that this will give to you.(but i'm still jealous :D)
    Well it has brighten up here in Costa de Glenochil nicely today so i have had plants delivered from Bakker that i need to get into the ground so i will have a quick latte please Sandra and i will sit in the corner with my basket of wriggly hugs that are just all desperate to get out and cuddle someone
    love and crafty hugs
    PS 2 sleeps until i get to meet my Scottish friends Whoopeeeeee xx

    1. Norah, lovely to see you are ok? Was thinking we would have to make new arrangements to meet you. No as you say only 2 days. How lovely of you to think you whom would benifit from those books, yes only so much room can be given to them. Now just go easy doing that planting, it's not the getting down to do it but getting back up again. Right back to the next cupboard to clean sort out. Hazel x

    2. Norah, you are so right! Toady i have ended up[ with about 6" to craft on and I'm only making two cards!!! Keep changing my mind what I want to put on them so everything is out. xxxx

    3. Norah great to see you in the Coffee Shop today. I was worried you were not too good and would not manage on Wednesday.
      So looking forward to our "meet up"

    4. Norah,
      So pleased that you were able to pop in today, you bring so much fun and happiness to our café!
      I am so looking forward to hearing about you four meeting up on Wednesday, there will be some laughs going on, please remember your TENA's ladies, not all cafe's are as accepting of the puddles on the floor as this one is!
      Look forward to tomorrows instalment!
      Love and Hugs

  19. Sounds a lovely day you had yesterday Sandra. Hope you are taking it easy today. Not long to Ally Pally. Just hope I will be able to drive that far. Must keep exercising the wrist and hand. Margaret your card is wonderful. I am sure the recipients loved it. That and the cake. Still cold here but sunny today which is the first day this Easter. Think I must have some lunch. Think I need some warming soup and a cheese scone with cheese. Hope those who are feeling unwell will feel better soon. Missing my crafting. Hoping to do some pottery next week but will have to see if it is possible. Might be good therapy for my wrist but on the other hand might not be. Will have to just give it a try. To all those meeting this week I hope you have a lovely time. Saba, enjoy the time with your family and especially your sister. I am sure you will keep us update when you can. Well lunch is calling so had better go. See you later

  20. Just to add I am the most untidiness person Husband is the biggest hoarder - do we really need 3 nonworking DVD players? Daughter is so so organised and is a Virgo She writes a list for a list

    1. As my hubby would say they may come in handy for spares! Even though he never does any electrical repairs Men! My sympathy
      Margaret xx

  21. Afternoon everyone, been out all morning, after going to chiropodist, we went to Falkirk needed to return bras that did not fit properly why oh why cant they make bra fitting simple, never mind the half cup, full cup, balcony, push up, minimise, and uncle Tom Cobbly and all, all I want is a bra that fits and doesn't leave my boobs hanging out (not a pretty sight) lol.
    Finished a late lunch so off to craft until dinner time.
    I could be doing with a bit of OCD sometimes, especially in the craft room!
    Take care everyone, catch up later
    Jess x

    1. I need a bra with one cup smaller than the other, as that's how I've ended up after two breast ops. xxx

    2. Cheryl have you tried Bravisimo they do have some shops and they also have a very good on line store. They fit like a dream both of my daughters use them, my younger daughter has had two breast ops the first one when she was seventeen, she says they are the most comfortable ones she has found. They do some lovely swim wear too, which fits really well and again very comfortable
      Hope this may help you.
      Margaret xx

    3. Jess have a look at my comment for Cheryl about bras.
      Margaret xx

  22. Jess you will be walking on air tonight after having your feet done. I love getting mine done, and I am lucky to have a personal chiropodist in big daughter. As for bras you are so right, Patricia and I were just saying that we both have found the ones we have bought the straps keep slipping so annoying, no matter what we pay for them or were we go, I have to say I do like M&S but tried debenhams still the same. Hazel x

  23. Keep posting comments, but getting lost between lanzarote and uk. Margaret the card is gorgeous. Cheryl your room is fantastic, but regardless what I hadI would still be the most unorganised person on this planet. Hopefully when I come home I can organise a meeting with some of the Scottish friends, I will look forward to that.
    Take care Sandra and stop overdoing things.
    Take care everyone and lots of love.
    Hope this message does not go via Africa and get lost.
    Love to you all

    1. Good evening Wendy, once you are home Hazel & I will pop up to Aberdeen. If you get your self in to the Papeterie we can meet there. We are often up there for card and paper.

  24. See my big sister has been reading my mind again? You would think we were twins at times they way we seem to know what Is in the other ones mind. So yes Wendy a meet up wouldn't be a problem? Hazel x

  25. Good afternoon ladies,
    Can I make a polite request for one of you lovelies to send me a photo of a card for tomorrow's post ? As I am not sure if I will get one done in time!
    I hope you are all having an amazing day,, the weather is stunning!
    Love and hugs

    1. I would if I could Sandra but don't know where to start. I am so hopeless on the computer. How I ever got my Blog up and running is a complete mystery even to me.
      Hope you have had a good day and did it overdo it yesterday.

    2. Have sent you some Sandra. One with the owl is one that Scarlett did for her dad last year on Fathers Day

    3. Sandra that should have read did NOT overdo it yesterday

  26. Hello Sandra,
    Glad you had a lovely day yesterday, but I think you have overdone it. It's a bit late to say take it easy but I hope you have done exactly that.
    Margaret, your card is beautiful, and that, together with the cake, must have been a stunning display. I bet they were thrilled.
    It's been such a gorgeous day today. We have been in the country with my brother and sister in law, had a fab lunch and a lovely day. Now I'm back to reality and have taken the washing off the line to iron so I'll go and come back later.
    I hope everyone has had a lovely day.
    Muriel xxx

  27. Good evening everyone hope you have all had a fantastic day. The weather here has been glorious, hot and sunny once again. Plenty Sun Cream on and plastic framed glasses don't want a repeat of yesterday's burnt face.
    John & I are "Cream Crackered" so it's feet up for us tonight. After me doing and hanging the washing I helped John weed the borders in the garden. Then we got loads of the chipped wood the men had left in bundles when they were chopping the trees and put that on all the borders. I did the ironing while John continued in the garden. Then we stacked lots of the limbs that had been cut. We have wood to last us for another couple of winters.
    Will be back later to see what you have all been up to "IF" I don't fall asleep.

    1. Oh Patricia I am feeling tired just reading what you have been up to today, please do take it easy and enjoy tomorrow.
      Margaret xx

  28. Well done Brenda for saving the day for Sandra. I think someone is still suffering from not doing as she was told by us all yesterday don't you???
    I know I will likely be a bit sore tomorrow from getting up and down off the stool doing the top cupboards, but all done and bins are full, why did I keep the plastic bowls plates and things from when the grand children were little??? I even still had the baby bottle granted no teet. Bibs were in the tea towel drawer they are in the wash and will be passed on to our neighbour to give to her son for his wee one. Flasks that I know will likely leak if used so out they went, no I have had a good clean out so feel good for doing it. Now it's the understairs cupboard tomorrow, now that will be fun not? We only have that and one at the top of the stairs as storage in here so very full. But still they need sorted so will start with the downstairs one. So Norah I feel for you having to sort through your mums things as they have memories that I know you won't want to part with. Have you made a memory box for those extra special bits? I wonder who will be in late tonight? With all this lovely weather and so many of you have been out and about it might be early bed tonight. Hazel x

    1. Cor Hazel, and you say Patricia is the Virgo. I think a little of it has rubbed off on to you.
      Muriel xx

  29. Evenin' All,
    It's only me! Well I have relocated to Warwickshire! It has been the most gorgeous day - 20 degrees. We sat in the garden until after 6pm. Had a little glass of Prosecco!
    Margaret, your card is beautiful! I love the colours and together with the cake made a really lovely gift!
    I will try to pop back later.
    Maureen so pleased you having a lovely day!
    Saba - hope you have arrived safely without too much travel chaos.
    Sandra - pleased your day went well yesterday!
    Be good! - oh! Norah , great to have you back! So looking forward to hearing your report on Wednesday!
    Lots of love to everyone,
    Myra. Xxxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      I really like that song from The Student Prince, you know the one - The Drinking Song!!!!

    2. You are a cheeky monkey! But you are Maureen and my friend - so are forgiven! There is football match being watched here - only the end as we had dinner at the beginning! City are losing so there is great rejoicing! Let's hope there are no tears before bed time! Xxxxx

  30. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well what a surprise to see my card on the blog I only sent it with the picture of the cake to show Sandra! Thank you all so very much for your very kind and generous comments, you are all so kind.
    The card used was from Anna Marie Designs
    The blue card was pearlised card from Crafters Companion
    The flowers and the pearl bow decoration were from Wild Orchid Crafts
    Organza ribbon from MeiFlower
    Pearls were non-adhesive ones from my stash, I think I got them from Major Crafts
    The dies I used were from Sue Wilson
    The little one with the sentiment on was a Spellbinders die
    On the left hand side the die cut was Tonic trailing blossoms that cuts like a dream first time, every time too
    The embossing folder was also from Tonic which gives a lovely deep embossing pattern.
    The front of the card was layered up in the usual way with (yes Steph) my favourite border die from the Scandinavian collection being cut twice, the first layer was glued on flat and the second layer glued only along the centre and once dried the edges were teased up slightly to give a frill look, then the pearls were added along the centre and to the tonic die cut too.
    On the inside of the card there was a layer of blue card then white embossed card to match the front of the card and the sentiment firstly printed on the computer was cut to match the front using the outer die of the Sue Wilson's die set.
    I Wrapped the card in tissue paper and tied it with light blue satin ribbon before putting it in a box from Anna Marie Designs. For the top section of the box I cut two more of the Tonic trailing blossom die cuts and glued them in opposite corners and using the same Spellbinders die used to cut the sentiment on the front of the card I cut the label with their names printed on.
    Now I have checked this twice so I hope it makes sense!
    Our friend has been here today and has told me both his parents were absolutely delighted with the cake and the decoration, he has assured me it was delicious, and they were over the moon with the card, so I am one happy bunny!
    They are such a lovely sweet couple, I was delighted and honoured to make both the cake and the card for them. They also received a congratulations card from Her Majesty the Queen.
    Thank you all once again for your generous comments and many thanks to Sandra for showing my cake and card too, you are so very kind to say the least sweetheart.
    I hope you have all had a lovely day and Sandra I do hope you have recovered from all your catering and entertaining yesterday.
    Now after my marathon post I will take my latte and have a little rest over in Norah's corner thank you, my money is in the pot.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Thank you so very much for sending me the photo to share, You have no idea how valuable these photos are that you all send in, on days like to day where it is all I can do to move, it is so useful to have these fabulous card photos in reserve so that I can continue with the promise I made myself to blog everyday, it would be a dull post with no card photo to share!
      So please keep sending me the photos of your makes for my emergency folder!
      I know I am a fool to myself, I could feel my body ceasing as the day progressed, I was no sooner cleared up from what was a mammoth roast lunch for 10, than I was being asked what was on the menu for tea, as they didn't want to leave too late! I had to quickly rustle up a chocolate cake, salads and glaze the 8lb ham I had boiled all morning, with some lovely fresh bread and some coleslaw, pickles etc that was me done, they left at about 7.30pm and my body was about screaming by then, so I showered and collapsed on the bed!
      Morphine was my saviour! As was my rock Paul,I have no idea what I would do without him.
      Hopefully it was a worthwhile exercise and next time we drive over to Colchester we won't have to go and get something from the chip shop for tea! I was so tempted to say 'I didn't know what you would have wanted so I haven't got anything in' as we have heard on so many occasions!
      I am off for a shower and a lay down now, Margaret, you have persuaded me to consider buying a Tonic die, that background is gorgeous, what size is the die?
      Margaret thank you so much for helping me out today!
      love and hugs

    2. Oh Margaret, this is really a stunning card - and much nicer than the one that the Queen sends!! No wonder they were delighted and thrilled with the cake and card as they are gorgeous. Everything about the card is fabulous and I'll have to look at the Tonic embossing folders and dies. I hope you are feeling much better today.
      Sandra, how naughty are you, you should have told your visitors just to help themselves as they are family and should have had the sense not to wear you out to the point of morphine. Make sure there is not a next time and have a good night, if you can.
      I think the fresh air has tired me out so I'll tidy the benches, load the dishwasher - oh the cat's in their again, Maria must have warmed it for him!!!! (Am I an idiot or not - don't answer that). I'll hang the key on the hook and take myself off to bed.
      Have a good night everyone, sleep tight and make sure the bed bugs don't bite.
      Muriel xxx

    3. I'm saying nothing! Now there's a first xxxx

  31. Hi Sandra and all lovely ladies,
    Sandra I'm so glad you had a nice time with your family but uj so much food ,you must had a lot of leftovers . I could smell it all the way here, especially the apple crumble, how I love a crumble with custard sauce hihi .Hope you had a rest and have not been in to much pain today.
    Margaret your card is wonderful. I love the colours and the dies and EF, yes you right I love it all ! The couple you gave the cake and this card to must have loved to receive it for their Anniversary.
    Just got back from Benbecula or was it Blakulla I'm not sure any more. Had to get away as they all wanted to put the washing out with colour coded pegs, hanging the scarves and skirts back in the right order and all the brooms and shoes back (some with twigs) in boxes and then put at the back of the cupboards for next year, lol It was cold and rugged but today we had wonderful sunshine but I didn't get burnt ,we are using something white and sticky which is said to stop burn's. Most say do it does not always work, I have had my shoulders so bad that no bra could come close for at least a few day's so DB or not it just had to go.
    I had a vision today of this nice craft room with a lovely cupboard for all the papers, a teal GC, scissors and bits and pieces and then I woke up and I have boxes of boxes on the floor around the bed and on a bookcase next to me, oh well it was nice while it lasted. lol
    Once again Cheryl enjoy your craft room !
    Norah take your time, you can see so many memories from a parent house, all the little trinkets, books and other things that been collected over the years so just take your time. I feeling glad that you ,Patricia and Hazel and was it someone else , will be meeting up soon like I am with the girls down south. I'm all excited for us all, how silly am I lol.
    Saba, you have a good trip tomorrow, belated birthday wishes to you daughter.
    Yup that's me for today, have not done much but very pooped so a early night perhaps. Thank you Sandra for today, have rinsed the coffee cup out and put it in the drying stand. I do not go near that dishwasher again lol
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria, what a busy girl you have been, I can not understand how anyone has the time to colour code clothes pegs! I like all trousers, skirts, shorts hung by the waistband, blouses shirts& t shirts to be hung by the bottom, jumpers go out in a hanger, knickers & socks have their own wee Peggy thing that looks line an octopus! Socks hung by tops and not by the toe! What other way is there?
      Although I have seen trousers hung by bottoms of legs folded over the line and a peg stuck in the middle, ooohhh nooo .......peg marks, that's almost as bad as hanging t shirts by the shoulders!
      My bras and pants stay safely inside for fear of ridicule! Haha
      Maria, only 5 more sleeps till we meet up!! Yay xxxx

    2. lol you hanging the socks by the toes paired together on the line or on the octopus ( the best thing since baked bread ) so when dry you just fold over together at the ankles and they can be put straight in the sock draw ,saves a bit of time tihi yes 5 more sleep !
      Night,night xx

  32. Hi ladies, regarding the comments about the super tidy and organised people, when I mentioned my Granny being VERY organised, I was asked if she was a Virgo. Well, I couldn't say, so I have just checked through the box of documents and who would have guessed it...YES, she was born on 10th Sept 1902. Thanks, girls, you just made me learn a little bit of my family history.

    1. Glad to have done that for you, she just sounded like one to me and she was well and truely one with a 10th September. Hazel x

  33. Sandra, oh I know where you are coming from about having to eat when you are traveling home as your family didn't lay on food for you! While in Canada the last time, only one of Charlies family feed us the other didn't make us a cup of tea or coffee without giving us the feeling it was a chore! That's why this time if they want to see us they can come to the hotel we are staying at.
    that way we can invite them to eat with us in the hotel. We have one of the said lot coming to the wedding and we will make sue while they are here food will always be high on our list they will leave our table like your did - full. When Charlies nephew and girl friend were here on holiday I was working and they came and ate at ours most nights, they kept saying " you shouldn't have" well we found out they don't do it excuse from those two was we have been working all day. I wonder what they thought working all day here was??? Hazelx

  34. Good evening Sandra & All the lovely ladies, iv had my daughter SIL & Joseph down all day for dinner & tea,they didn't leave untill 9,30 which is late for them,we had a lovely day. Just sat down,so haven't read all the comments,just thought I would read them after. Sandra so pleased you had a lovely day with your mum sister & SIL. I can imagine how much it took it out of you,I hope you just rested today Lovely.
    Margaret your card is amazing so beautiful love that background die thank you for sharing.
    Hope all you ladies had a good Easterwith your families.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda my lovely,
      Sounds like you had a fab day, so lovely that you got to spend it with Joseph too, did you go to the beach?
      I can't wait till Saturday, so looking forward to catching up, thinking we should actually sit down and have a coffee this time!
      Can't wait!
      Sandra xxxx

  35. Good evening Sandra and all the lovely pink and glowing coffee shop ladies!
    Sorry couldn't resist! We have spent most of the day in the garden cutting back the trees and shrubs - I have sone lovely scratches from a rose! The weather was glorious so washing dried beautifully too (yes I matched my pegs!). We filled the garden waste bin and two other sacks to go to the dump and we still haven't finished!
    Margaret your card is beautiful, I'm glad to hear the lucky couple loved their cake and card, I'm sure they apreciated your hard work. Isn't it lovely to hear of people celebrating major wedding anniversaries and getting a card from the Queen.
    Sandra I'm not surprised you are so tired today, your food sounds lovely, you and Paul must have worked so hard all day. I would rather people were full up at the end of a meal rather than having to stop for chips on the way home! How lovely to spend time with your family. I hope you managed to sit in the sun today as a bit of sunshine always makes you feel a bit better. Make sure you rest this week so you are raring to go next weekend.
    I am a bit worried about Patricia picking up limbs to put on her fire for a couple of years!!! The odd leg sticking out of the flames would be a bit un nerving! Hopefully Patricia picked up logs for the fire instead! Lol. Hazel can you check for us please just in case! Oh dear now I have visions of them all packed up neatly in Lakeland colour co ordinated boxes! I think I've had a touch too much sun today!
    Well I really must go to bed as I am nodding off in the chair and it's getting rather late.
    Sleep tight everyone and see you tomorrow - sweet dreams everyone.
    Night night
    Love Diane xxx

  36. Good evening ladies,
    Margaret, I love your card, your friends parents must have been delighted to receive it. I am certain it will have been as equally special to them as the one from Her Majesty.
    Well ladies, I am sitting up in bed writing this. It has been a long day, took the train early this morning and arrived here at lunchtime to two very excited grandchildren who have clung to me like limpets since I arrived. I am shattered so won't be staying long, just wanted to pop in and say I am missing you all. I am staying at Vals tomorrow so will probably be late again. Thank you for all your birthday wishes for Joanne yesterday. She had a lovely day.
    Love and hugs for each and every one of you.
    Saba xxx
    Ps. I'm a Virgo too!,,

  37. Well this place is really peaceful tonight. Think the late night owls have had a very busy day and gone to bed early. The cafe is all clean and tidy ready for a new day. dishwasher all loaded and turned one, YES I have put the cat out, so if health inspector turns up early in the morning we will not get into trouble.
    Sleep well dear friends. See you all in the morning (Oops later)
    Love Brenda xxx
