
Sunday 5 April 2015

New Beginnings!!!!

Good Morning Ladies,
Today's post is all about New Beginnings and a transformation, we have heard a lot about this particular transformation and is has had us intrigued well I am lucky enough to be able to share with
you some photographs of both the before and after transformation, so here goes...............


 These are photographs of Cheryl's craft room, before she
started the decorating and beginning to transform her
crafting space into something more workable.
Mind you it looks like you had plenty of storage space
already Cheryl!


 This looks like it is where Cheryl did a lot of
her creating and where she keeps us updated of her progress and busy social life!

This last photograph shows some of 
Cheryl's crafty stash......
is that one of those Scan n Cut machines
Now for the New Beginning, the transformation the
excitement of what lies behind those doors
All of the sorting taking place, I can see all of the drawers
starting to fill up nicely, I guess the good thing
with this set up is, if you don't like where something is
placed you can just swap the whole box over!
More storage below the table too, looks like lots of space for
all of you 12 x 12 papers and scrapbook goodies!
The computer desk has gone too, there's even room for that in
this fab new unit, I love that ribbon storage too,
it looks like they really have thought of everything!

Finally, all set up and ready to craft, I hope you have left room
for your new goodies to arrive from our Sue, you will need a couple
of boxes at least, for everything you get in that fabulous prize,
I have to say Cheryl every single one of us thought that the winner
of Sue's Blog, the timing was perfect!
I look forward to sharing lots of your projects with
everyone too, thank you so very much for sending me the photos of
before and after your transformation Cheryl
I think everyone of your crafty sisters here in the cafĂ© will join me
in Wishing You Happy New Beginnings in your
amazing new Craft Room, with all you new craft goodies from Sue!
Lots of love and Hugs to all of you


  1. Good Morning and Happy Easter ladies. Ive left a little egg on each of the tables for you all. Hope you like the pastel yellow table cloths and daffs and yellow fresia's in the posy vases - (if only I could).
    Well what can I say ? WOW Cheryl, my camelia's will certainly be living a different life with you than they have with their last home, talk about living the life of luxury, this is amazing and how envious am I ? Its just one of the many pipe dreams of mine to be able to have something as organised as this. Is it a combined gift from all the family Cheryl ? The camelia dies will certainly think they've won the lottery when they see their new home !!
    Im sure you will have many happy organised hour's of crafting in your new posh and luxurious craft room.
    I hope you all have a lovely day whatever your plans are. I may not have a craftroom like the photo's but rather than waste money on a chocolate egg, Andy know's I get more use and pleasure from craft goodies, so whatever the occassion when little gift are exchanged, I get a die. Poor guy gets so sick of having gift wish lists with nothing but dies listed, but he knows how much pleasure I get from them, so whatever he chooses from my list of dies at least he know's its money well spent bless him. Its the only way of collecting Sue's dies, so I always look forward to these days such as Valentine, Easter etc as it means a brand new die to add to my little plastic ex ice cream tub ! Sending love to our poorly friends - Sam and Alison, and to our Theresa, who is having such a difficult time at the moment.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Thank you for lovely Easter flowers and eggs! x

    2. Thank you very much Steph for my Easter egg.
      Now that the grass has been mown, lunch eaten and about an hours kip later and 3 TV programmes watched, I am very much enjoying it. No calories either, how good of you to leave us all one, you are such a sweetie.
      Back in my craft room finishing off my granddaughter's little chest of draws. I tried to do this mixed media like Maureen's beautiful book, with the spray mica powders but it didn't come out right. Not sure if I'm putting enough mica in the bottle. Mine was all watery so I'm creating my own take on it.
      I've helped myself to a couple of hugs and replenished the basket.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

  2. HAPPY EASTER everyone, hope you all have a wonderful day.
    WOW! Oh! WOW! Cheryl your Craft Room is just brilliant, love, love, love, love it. I must have a word with John. I am sure he does NOT need his office now. He insists he still needs to keep all his paperwork in his desk. He has library in there as well. Think I could leave his library if I can get the rest of the space.........!!!
    Had my Tea & Toast, money in the pot. Better get myself off to get things done.
    I am leaving my usual basket of (((((hugs)))))) by the door, please help yourselves. If you are ill, in pain or just a bit down there are extra cuddly ones there for you.
    See you all later

  3. Happy Easter Sandra and all in the cafe today. Have a great day day with the family my lovely. Being so busy will mean that you know you are going to be having a few bad days after today, it is so frustrating but that is the way it goes isn't it! Please make sure you listen to your body and get lots of rest, well, you won't have a choice will you! We want you feeling better for Saturday so you can enjoy Ally Pally, don't we.
    Hazel, I must say sorry for not sending you my congratulations on your winning Sandra's lovely card yesterday : )
    I hope you all have a lovely day, enjoy your Easter eggs : )
    Only 6 sleeps now : ) Take care xx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Cheryl, you craft room is simply amazing, wish I was as lucky as you. I'm not at all tidy in my craftroom. Pete keeps saying, your craft room is a mess. I'm blamed it all on my bad hip before, as I couldn't get on chairs etc to put it away. Once I'm fully recover from my op, I'll have no excuse at all. Like Sandra says you can always juggle the drawers around. Put the most used close to hand.
    Sandra. Have a lovely day with your family, but try not to do to much walking about fetching and carrying. Enlist the help of the girls to do the donkey work of fetching and carrying. We need you well for next week you lovely lady.

    1. I used to take over the dining room table and units for my crafting. Pete came home one day to find me having a kip, woke me up and said didn't I know we had had burglars? I said 'No, we can't have, I would have heard them'. I looked around, couldn't see anything missing and then he said come into the dining room "They've pinched all your crafting stuff!" The cheeky sod, I'd only gone and cleared it all away cos we had visitors coming! Men huh?

    2. It's not a mess, it's organised chaos! you know exactly where everything is, just at the end of your fingertips. xxx

  5. WOWSER! Your room is amazing, Cheryl you lucky lady I do have a room but have to share it with other stuff - a futon that's never used, it's covered with boxes so I can't even sit on it let alone lie on it I have to step over stuff to get to my hanky space on my desk! Tins, ice cream tubs, boxes unlabelled of course - why make life easy! Have a great day everyone and Steph I can't wait to hear which you die you received It'll be a case of die envy and not plate envy today! Does anyone else have plate envy when they're in a restaurant and see other people's meals brought out?

    1. That was what this room used to be like before I started!!! I only had the little corner space for the computer desk. It was our study/ reading room but became a storage room only because I couldn't put things up in the loft. My Fiona had our futon for her spare room xxx

  6. Happy Easter Sandra and ladies,

    The sun is shining brightly and the church bells are ringing merrily, have a lovely day with your families.
    Sandra, yes that is a ScanNCut, (birthday present from all the family) I can't drive it yet as was too fatigued from the radiotherapy to fathom it out.
    I've been in my new craft room since yesterday, only come out to get another cuppa or to find something that I haven't thought about in ages and obviously I did go to sleep last night in my bed.
    Ladies, this is my birthday/Christmas present to myself for the next 5 years to celebrate my new found life after the breast cancer. It was delivered on 3rd October last year, the day I went for my second op, and was waiting for me on the doorstep when Fiona brought me home. And it stayed in its boxes until I was able to cope with the redecorating last month.
    When Fiona left home after her marriage, Pete & I had turned this room into our study/private room. The two tall cabinets in the before pics were crammed with books, we being quite avid readers, Joseph now has one for all his games etc and Joshua and Lucy have the other for their videos/Cd's/DVD's (Not a craft item in sight, that was always done on my dining room table with my side board full to the brim) and now it is my craft room, but it will also double up as my bedroom when I have my family visiting. The children can use the guest room and their parents will be in mine, that way if I can't sleep I can sit and craft without disturbing anyone. A lot of thought has gone into it and I'm glad I took the plunge. With Jamie's invaluable help we manged to keep costs down with the painting etc. We still have to construct the matching desk, then the computer equipment will go there, leaving me the other table for the machines. Not wanting to waste any spare space, I bought a net curtain rail from Wilkes to house the ribbons. Forward thinking there.
    If ever you are down my way, you will be more than welcome call in and we can craft together. I would love that should anybody like to come?
    I think I could be doing a bit gardening this morning, nothing strenuous, just cutting the grass. I have a lovely little lawn mower that does all the work, I just have to push it. Good exercise there.
    Hazel, congratulations winning Sandra's card yesterday. My apologies for not leaving you a comment.
    Whatever you are doing today, I hope it is something you enjoy.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Morning Ladies-Happy Easter everyone.

    Cheryl-your room looks amazing & well done you for treating yourself to it. I love the new cupboard/cabinet-perfect for having everything labelled + organised.

    I'm lucky enough to have a room to craft in-its the box room but I don't care, it's mine and very full! I keep having a tidy up & a clear out-I donate my unwanted goodies to my Mother in Law so we're both happy.

    Weather here in Southport is a bit miserable-misty start to the day, hope it brightens up as we're planning on doing some gardening. Think tomorrow will be a craft day!


  8. Good morning, Sandra and all my Good Friends!
    Happy Easter!
    I hope you all have a lovely day whatever you are doing! Just don't overdo things, finger pointing at Sandra here! I know it's rude to point!
    Cheryl - your room Is an absolute dream! What a difference it makes when things are actually made for the purpose for we use them! It kind of reminds me of my husband's before and after study photos! You just have a place for everything and everything in its place. I hope you thoroughly enjoy using it and have many happy days crafting in there!
    May I go back to yesterday and apologise for my absence! I ended up with a bad migraine but I managed to cook the lunch and serve it . I slept virtually all day after that. Hazel - I went to bed at 9pm and slept until 9am!! Feeling brighter this morning. Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday and the kind remarks.
    Steph - you asked about the base of the tag. It is is CE card . I do make some heart shaped ones etc out of MDF but that one was just card! I use my Cropadile to cut the hole. It will go through MDF as well. I've had it years. It was a Crafting TSV on QVC!
    Saba - sounds as if you have had a super couple of days! I love Paddington - even the humour in the books makes me smile! Hope Oliver gets an Easter egg at Church, I'm sure he will.
    Patricia - you are an excellent teacher! I am so pleased you were able to see my first attempt at the rose, thanks to Sandra's Blog! Thanks for the hugs - I needed them yesterday.
    Karen - you just have too much energy girl for me this weekend! Now next weekend - kidding!
    Maria - my friend who some people think is me! I do hope you feel a bit better today. Sending some hugs your way!
    Sam - hope you are feeling a little brighter today too.
    Sheila and Nikki - another milestone to pass - holidays are always hard. Thinking of you.
    I must stop as I've been rambling for ages!
    Will call back later. I've had a piece of toast and a cup of tea! It tasted like nectar.
    Sending love to everyone,
    Myra xxxxx

  9. I knew I forget something!
    Hazel -?forgot to say Congratulations on winning Sandr's lovely card.
    Norah - hope this weekend not to hard for you too! Come back very soon because we miss you. Sending hugs!
    Love Myra. Xxxx

  10. Morning Sandra and lovely ladies, happy Easter to you all. Thank you Steph for our little gift, it was really generous of you and the flowers are lovely.
    Cheryl, your new craft room is to die for, you will have many happy hours in there I think, well done you.
    Don't overdo it today Sandra, take it easy and enjoy your day, and ladies don't over indulge on the chocolate (pot calling the kettle black here).
    Have a great day everyone, Jess x

  11. Good morning and Happy Easter all.
    Cheryl, your room is gorgeous. You and Jamie must have worked so hard to finish it, and the units are wonderful. I have a small box room but it has fitted wardrobes so my space is not as big. Still, as Michele says it's mine, all mine!!!
    Well, I read all of yesterday's comments and had a good laugh, what with Diane who is so posh that she has TWO sets of champagne glasses. Karen who tries to kid us that she has been out dancing until the wee small hours - yes, I've heard that one before!! Janice, whose husband doesn't know where to find the kitchen unless he's washing his machinery parts - which machinery is that Janice??
    And knickers, I wouldn't dream of letting he who must be avoided touch my knickers - ladies, I'm really shocked. Well, all right he has attempted to hang my washing on the line, and still does when he decides to "help". I always have to go out and rehang it and he says "I knew it, I can never do it right can I?" and I say "no".
    Mrs B, you surely got a bargain with your sewing machine. Your post reminded me that I bought one about 7 or 8 years ago, put it in one of the wardrobes in my room and never used it. I've just gone to look and it's called The Sew Crafty Mini Sewing Machine. I've just opened the box for the first time but your's is obviously the better bargain because mine only has one spare needle, two metal bobbins with black and white threads (howay United!!!) and a needle threader. I think it's time I used it, don't you. Have you tried yours yet???
    Got to go, Eleanor and Zoe, would like an apple each, so I'm off to prepare them, and then we are going to the park before going to their house. I don't know if we are having lunch or dinner there. It's a beautiful, mild sunny day so we'll be going out to the coast - lovely family time as Rachel and I are like ships that pass in the night. Even though we say each other every day, we don't have time to really talk.
    That's why Saba will be having such a great time with her daughter. I bet you haven't stopped talking since you came over Saba,
    I hope that everyone is feeling better today and that your aches and pains are subsiding. I'm determined to enjoy every second with my family as we are usually rushing around like mad things. I'm going to take time and smell the roses and I hope you all have the chance to do the same.
    Love and Easter wishes to you all, especially to those who have been recently missing from our little band of sisters.
    Love and hugs
    Maureen xxx

  12. Oh, I'm hopeless.
    Myra, sorry you have been feeling so lousy, love and hugs are flying to you so make sure you duck!
    Hazel, how lovely to have won the divine Sandra's card. No - I have typed that correctly, Sandra is divine, the card is only magnificent!!
    Got to go, swings and slide are calling to me - oh no..............
    Maureen xxx

    1. Didn't duck! Caught the lot! I wasn't a slip fielder for sons for nothing!
      Much appreciated and you my dear enjoy a lovely family day!
      You'll sleep well tonight! Xxx

  13. Happy Easter everyone. I am late in this morning, life and house work got in the way?
    Cheryl, what a wonderful gift to buy to celebrate your recovery, as I say you can't take money with you so enjoy every penny while we can! I now look at things so differently. That cupboard is amazing I could fit it in my spare room as long as I didn't want to open the doors!!! Cheryl enjoy every minute crafting at it, you will change things round as you go along, and as its so changeable that won't be a problem.
    Steph, thank you the cafe looks so pretty.
    Myra, I hope you have a better day? 12 hours sleep your body did the right thing " shut down for repair work". Best way.
    Maria, are feeling any better, I hope so. These things do take time so rest.
    Now Sandra as the others have said! You need to take a back seat. You have two girls who are more than capable of doing all that is needed, I think we forget ate their age we would have been doing a great deal of household chores etc. so let them do it. I know Paul will be cooking the meal, he will enjoy doing it and more so if he sees you not hurting trying to be the big brave one!!! Remember it's only days till AP. And you want to get there?? Your mum and sister would be upset if they thought that having them to visit would leave you in so much pain. So your job is head of entertainment OK. I don't mean doing tricks etc just sitting and talking - catch up with all that's been going on.
    We don't mind if you entertain them with all the silly things we get up to in the virtual world on this wondeful blog of yours.
    (((((( hugs)))))) for all of those who aren't to good today. Hazel x

    1. Thanks Hazel, I'm soooo much better today! Need to pack later to go to our son and DIL tomorrow. Looking forward to that . Have a lovely Easter . Xxxx

  14. WOW! Cheryl you are a lucky gal, thank you for sending the photos to Sandra to show us all, how beautiful is this unit, so little space used too, brilliant idea. Everything in one place.

    Happy Easter to everyone

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  15. Good morning my lovely crafty friends. Must apologise for having been AWOL but felt wiped out a combination I think of a really bad cold, feeling a bit fed up with being used and abused at work and everything else I try to fit in! Haven't even had c and c on in the background so it must be bad!!

    Hope the Easter bunny has visited!

    Cheryl your craft room is gorgeous. I am not so organised I try but one project later and I am back crafting in a 2 inch square!! I store stuff in tins any sweet tin going at work has my name on it! Fab to treat yourself you certainly deserve it!

    Hoping to be back on a daily basis again need to get my mojo back! I have sorted a few things work wise in my head now which has made me feel better in a million ways. I have an interview on Friday for an agency that pays ridiculously well can't believe it. To be honest I just want to be paid for my experience and what I do which I currently am not. Time for change Ladies - watch out!!

    Well nice to be back with you. I have viewed all your lovely creations you are all so talented and a lovely bunch. See you tomorrow. Thanks for caring xxx

    1. Pleased you are on the up but do check out the agency one of my daughter's has dealt with some of them in the past and often they can have some 'not too good' clauses like no work, no pay, and no holiday pay. I don't want to put a down on things for you but please check it all out first. good luck xx

    2. Hi Alison,
      We did miss you but it's lovely to have you back! I wish so much that they'd take Politics out of the NHS. Nothing is ever settled on an even keel. Same with Education! Please someone, push me off the soapbox!
      You need to do what's best for you and your family, Alison. Have a lovely Easter. Xxxx

    3. Alison. Lovely to have you back, we did worry about you. Re Margaret's message. Tammy my daughter cleans for a staff nurse who like yourself was being messed about, she left and went to an agency, but found she wasn't treated very nice by the NHS nurses that she had worked with before hand, has had to only take work in the local one rather than where she knows she is needed. But as Myra says you have to do what's right for you and your family, it's such a shame that managers only do what best for them and not staff and patients. I am off the soap box now. Hazel x. P.S. Enjoy spending time with Tilly.

    4. So please you are back in the fold as it were. And my very best wishes for your job interview.
      hugs xxx

    5. Thanks ladies. Lot of thought gone in to it but I am not contracted by the nhs at the moment work on an ad hoc basis so no work no pay anyway. Saying that worked in this manner for 7 years on bottom rate and no pay rise in that time whilst they happily abuse my 22 years A and E experience so nothing to lose. Am happy to work anywhere and see how it goes. I will give it 12 months and then reevaluate! Nice to be back. Xxxx

    6. Well Alison you have nothing to lose girl so definitely go for it. I did wonder with the odd hours you worked? But why can't the NHS work like that??? Hazel x

    7. Hi Alison,
      Welcome home my lovely , so pleased to have you back, I hope you are feeling in a better place, life has a way of just making us stop and reevaluate things! You go girl, get what you deserve!
      Hope you had a lovely Easter
      Sandra xxxxx

    8. Hello Alison,
      Welcome back, we have missed you, take care of yourself and do what's right for you. Love and hugs.
      Saba xxx

    9. Hi Alison welcome back. Sounds like you have been doing some positive thinking and have made the right decision. You need to do something to change your situation before it makes you really I'll, sometimes you can't see that until it is too late! (Yep speaking from experience here!). Good luck for your interview and I hope it all fits into place so you are happy at work and have time for your family and craft!
      Love Diane xxx

  16. Happy Easter to you all my lovelies,
    well ,well Cheryl you have got a fantastic set up there now for all of your crafting things, not envious or anything, of course I am hihi you must be so happy. Hope you saved a space for the goodies from Sue, it seem to be a lot of items.
    Not much happening today, only a smallish lunch after football watching on the box. The sun has come out so should really had liked to go out in the garden and do some more tidying up but no, full blast cold instead so if you feel any shakes and hear any rumbles in your hills Norah then it might not be the witches flying back from 'heklafell' but me having a sneeze and cough . tihi
    I hope you are ok and Sam and ToB too. Sandra you heard what I said yesterday and the others today that you let your girls and boys to help you out ,no more trips to kiss the floor (kiss Paul instead) and the same goes for you all,yes Margaret you too, take care and have a nice Sunday!
    Thank you Steph for the pretty flowers on the table and the choc.egg,very nice to the coffee it was
    Hugs Maria xx

    1. 'Blockula' not 'h-fell' is the right word

    2. Maria , is Blockula any where near Benbecula?
      Seriously so sorry you are suffering! A box with tissues and hugs is on its way! Get Well Soon! Xxxxx

  17. Janet ecco of Sheffield5 April 2015 at 12:20

    Happy Easter everyone -
    Sandra I hope you're enjoying your day with all the family around you and as I see all before me have said 'let others do the carrying and fetching' and then you can sit and talk to Mum. These are the special times.
    Steph thank you for the dress up of the cafe. Although I cannot pop in today as I don't have my 'Dorothy Red Shoes' with me but from what I can see it looks so Spring like and Happy.

    Now Cheryl Your new Craft Room is out of this world and what a fantastic way to celebrate having gone through one horrendous time. You more than deserve that beautiful Tardis of a cupboard and the beautiful room to go with it. I look forward to seeing some of your wonderful creations that come out of it.

    Well we have beautiful sunshine here in Marigny but it's still cold. Jim is sat in the veranda at the moment drawing up a plan for an additional cupboard in the bedroom to house shoes and an overflow of towels etc. I love to see his plans when finished they are so neat and exact (typical Virgo). So I've made a card for his cousin Dennis who will be 94 in a couple of weeks and started cutting out for one or two needed to be posted this next week for a couple of my lady crafters at Knit and Natter. I'm now off to sit in the veranda with himself and start a new cross stitch picture. I did start - well tried - a tapestry I've had for ages yesterday afternoon but after half an hour just gave up and cried. My fingers just would not cope with the hard tapestry material and I just could not get the needle to go through the holes without having to pull hard. So it's back to good old cross stitch.

    Enjoy the rest of the Easter break everyone. If anyone is in the cafe when my daily hugs arrive can you please put the in the basket after taking one for themselves. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Hugs to all
    Janet xxxx

    1. Janet have you tried washing the tapestry fabric it could just be it is full of starch or the like, to make it stiff, it may be worth a try, please don't cry.
      Margaret xx

  18. Wishing you all a very Happy Easter full of sunshine and laughter ladies!
    Sandra please, please, do take it easy today just remember what is around the next corner AP and we want you fighting fit for that.
    Cheryl Wow Oh Wow what a dream of a craft room and to someone as brave as you it is so very richly deserved, you do perfectly right to treat yourself may I wish you many hours of fun and pleasure in your wonderful work station. I always say there are no banks in heaven or pockets in shrouds you cannot take it with you, so spend and enjoy. I am really looking forward to seeing some of your new master pieces from your new room!
    Have a lovely day everyone and enjoy the rest of the Easter break too.
    Love and hugs to you all
    Margaret corgi owner

  19. Happy Easter to Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies.
    Well Cheryl, I think we are all in awe of your fantastic craftroom. Honey, you deserve it. Thanks for sharing with us. No point in me getting one though, I would still get in a muddle within minutes, I seem to need to see a variety of papers to chose from, all in front of me. I would love to be tidy, honest, but it's just not me. I didn't inherit even one gene from my granny in that way, she was super organised, would take her slippers off, put them in the slipper box, then take her shoes from the shoe box to wear that day. All in their original boxes on the shelf. But then my shoe boxes are needed for paper, and ribbon, and dies etc
    Hope everyone has a good day, either with or without family there.

  20. Hello again Bones still recovering from last night's Salsa There's me hoping to do a bit of shopping this pm only to realise that they're shut (which of course they're should be, just forget and get used to shops being open 7 days a week!) So, a couple if new tops for work are out of the question Going Salsa dancing and catch up with friends instead Then off to SIL for a cuppa I wish I did have tons of energy I cat nap in between

  21. Janice was granny a Virgo? Patricia keeps her shoes in their boxes! Yes she a Virgo through and through? Me I am the bull in the China shop, spare room looks like one has run through it at the moment. Just spent ages cleaning out the dog car. Call it that as that's the one we use for taking Harris out in - dog hairs every where plus oh why do children or should I say Anna and Beth not know what a rubbish bag is? They just do what they do in their parents cars drop it on the floor!!., really don't know what's worse the dog hairs or the mess they made, I normally give them a bag and tell them to get it cleared out but of course that didn't happen last week, all done and now just needs to the car washed. Good to get a job off the list, Charlie cut the grass and he on cooking duties so all sorted. Gillian and Andrew popped in, did worry incase more invites were needed. No she came to get my opinion on something. Hazel x

  22. Hello everyone. Dull day here today and quite cold. Think I feel the cold these days more than ever. Don't know if it's the lack of iron or what. Have never liked the cold but now it just seems even worse.
    Cheryl your room is wonderful. Would love to get my act together and sort my room out but have got other peoples things in the room as well and although they want them they haven't got room for them. One of my son's I can understand because if all his books went to his house he would have yo be very careful or daughter in law would put them on EBay or take them to a car boot sale. You cannot leave anything there. My Granddaughter knows now if I leave anything behind she puts it away and tells her mother it is not to go on EBay. It's not funny anymore. Sorry for my rant. Back to your room Cheryl. It must be lovely to have everything in its place and know where everything is. Enjoy it you deserve it. Haven't had radiotherapy but did have chemo and Herceptin so know what it was like for you. Myra sorry about your missing day yesterday but hope you are feeling better today. Cheryl please don't overdo it today as you will not be able to come on Saturday. As a Hazel says when we were 14 we had to do a lot. When I was 13 my mother was confined to bed with a back problem. I had to miss school for 9 months and take over the running of the house plus look after younger brother and sister and foster brother. Hard work but survived. I am sure your girls will help you as they wouldn't want you to suffer afterwards. Sam and Norah. Still missing you. If I have missed anyone else who is unwell lots of hugs to you.

    1. Ladies, I'm back.

      Sandra, I hope you have been relaxing and letting your family look after you. You will need your strength to cope with Ally Pally at the weekend.
      Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on my craft room. I am indeed fortunate and I never take anything for granted now. Each new day is a bonus for me and if it wasn't for Saba asking me to come and join you all in the cafe, then I wouldn't have 'met' so many lovely new friends. You have all become so dear to me and I am so much looking forward to October when I can finally meet some of you in person.
      Easter ((((hugs)))) again for you all.

  23. Good afternoon all, I am going to help myself to a "cold" drink.
    I have read through the comments. And apart from reading how everyone would just LOVE one of those wonderful "craft cupboards" that Cherly has. It is just absolutely wonderful and so compact. One question ...... can you shut the door on all the "messy bundles" open it up again and they are as you left them??? That's what I need, I always have bundles of half finished projects. They sit on the corner of the Dining Room table. Till they reach a certain point then they HAVE TO be dealt with.
    Now I was upset to red so many of you are not so good I am sending (((((hugs)))) for you to share out. I do hope you all felt a little better as the day has gone on.
    Talking about day we have had the most amazing weather here today. Went for my walk at 10am came back, spent till 3.45 out in the garden helping John. We have hacked back so many bushes, re-potted plants, planted some things. Swept decking, patios, washed the plastic table and chairs, even had lunch and afternoon cuppa outside. We have not brought out the good table and chairs, too blooming tired, will do that another day.
    Have heard from our boys who are having great time and the food is "yummy" according to Robert.
    Right better get my "Butt in Gear" and see what there is for eating, probably steaks, that's easy. Did not bother with anything special seeing as it is just us.
    Will be back later to see what going on and what else you have all been up to.

    1. Sorry Pat, the answer is no,to shut the doors everything has to go back in it's little home. Dang, I didn't think of that. and I'm exactly the same as you, half finished projects everywhere. xxx

    2. Is it possible to designate a drawer/ box for unfinished work? Just a thought! It's gorgeous Cheryl! Xxx

    3. Myra you are Genius ...... why did I not think of that as the solution.....!!!

    4. Myra, you are so clever but I've filled all my boxes up now! Now I will have to think outside the box and but another one. oooh! xxx

    5. It's all that sleep I had yesterday! It won't last!! Xxx

  24. Good afternoon everyone, hope you have all had a lovely day, the weather here has been beautiful, really warm, but then tomorrow is another day, knowing what the weather in Scotland is like, we could have gales and snow!!
    No crafting done today yet, been outside till now, garden got another tidy up. Will pop back later, take care, Jess x

  25. Brenda, oh I know what you mean about having to miss school? I to had to miss bits as our mum wasn't a well women, she had bowel Cancer and of course 40 odd years ago it was so different from today. I brought up younger sister from her being a year old and then when mum had next sister ( which in today's world would never been allowed) I then had to take the care of her too, plus I worked. ( I had to make up my mind at 18 do I give everything up and stay at home and look after them or do I leave) I took a nannys job in Germany ( selfish I know ) but my father did nothing to help, but they were his responsibility and he had to man up! I know mum wasn't to live much longer but I had to have a break, Patricia was married with a baby and lived to far, I used to get a break by going down to hers but a nervous break down was on the cards for me.. Granted a year and a half later the girls were living with Charlie and I.
    Brenda please don't hang around or sit still long as Daughter - inlaw might just sell you!!! He,he. But not funny. Have a friend that only buys second hand good clothes and toys for her grand children as her son and daughter - inlaw sell everything if it's new or second hand. She learnt a very long time ago what was going on and put a stop to it, she use to put money in an account so when the children were older they had something. The DIL even sold the pram, cot extra that was bought when they had their first baby, and it was only weeks old. Hazel x

  26. Yes girls, do know what you talking about there. My sister and I had to look after our 3 brothers til Mum finished work in the Barracks sewing room at lunchtime during the school holidays.
    Dad was so strict with us, (what is it with Forces men?) we practically spent most of school holidays running round after them. We were certainly looked at differently to our brothers in that it was always the women's place to look after the children and the housework. We always thought it unfair that we had chores and my brothers didn't. That's why I left home at 15 1/2 and made my own way, I had already left school found myself a job and some lodgings. My Dad didn't like it one bit cos there was 1 person less to bully. Still loved him, even though he never told me that he loved me until I had married Pete.
    Different times then, wasn't it?
    hugs xxx

    1. I must be super lucky as I have married a 'forces man' that could not be more kind, caring and loving!
      He is way too soft to be strict!
      I guess there is always one that breaks the mould!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sandra minds the same, Charlie is like Paul. Hazel x

  27. Good Sunday afternoon Sandra & all the ladies in cafe hope you all had or having a good Easter Sunday. It's a gorgeous sunny day in Broadstairs so we have spent the day on the beach took a packed lunch couple of deck chairs,O H had a snooze ( snored too ) haha I read my book well we are a couple of OAP's
    I have to add all Virgo are not tidy Terry is defently not tidy,he can just make a cup of tea & the kitchen looks like a bomb's hit it.i swear it's true.
    Cheryl WOW your craft room is amazing I love that cupboard it's like a Tardis when the doors are open. So pleased for you you deserve it enjoy every minute
    In there crafting.:0)).Myra & Maria hope your feeling better take care x.
    TOB Theresa sending healing hug's & Margaret sending you healing Hug's too xx Sam hoping your on the mend healing Hug's for you.x Norah hope your ok missing you. Thinking of you Sheila & Nikki xx
    Sandra hope your enjoying your day with your family & as everyone has said let the girls help so you so your not too much pain later.
    Wel just going to dish the dinner up now,try pop in later to see what the night owl's are up too.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  28. What is that sister of mine saying about me??
    Well OK!!! yes she is right, I do keep all my shoes in their boxes. If I get a bargain and there is no box I do have boxes to put them in.
    Virgos are not always "tidy" Thomas is a Virgo and is not particularly tidy BUT he does like things done his way!! As I do, I have to admit if it is not done "my" way it's not right. If he is working on a project it has to be "right".
    I am off to do some work on a project ....... I started it but can't get it as I would like. Might just bin it, we will see.

    1. So Patricia, are you like Margaret and like your knickers pegged in a certain way!
      I too am a Virgo, I like my washing pegged out in a certain way, but my craft room is not very Virgoan, it starts off neat but soon descends into chaos!
      Love and hugs
      PS my knickers don't get pegged out as we live beside an airbase, for fear of diverting the aircraft!

    2. Oh! Sandra that raised a smile...... I really don't believe it for one minute!!!

    3. Do yo have Bridget Joneses knickers too Sandra? xxx

    4. Patricia, I not a Virgo but Libran so I could be borderline. A touch of OCD perhaps?
      I too have to have everything in boxes and whenever I buy shoes, I always ask for a box. I don't like my shoes being scratched in a carrier bag. At one time you were always asked if you wanted a box nowadays the staff just don't ask.
      Pete didn't always get my saying, " I may be incorrect at times, but I am NEVER wrong", he could not win a disagreement with that logic! xxx

    5. Cheryl, I love that saying fits me perfectly. Hazel,x

    6. Fits me perfectly as well.
      Yes I can sometime be incorrect ...... but certainly never "wrong"
      It took quite a few years but now I do manage to say I am sorry on the odd occasion I am incorrect....!!!

  29. Lynda. You have a point I think one or two Virgos slip through the tidy net. Daddy at work being one of them, he can't put anything away and leaves a trail behind him. SIL has to have all his C.D in order and low and behold if one is moved, he panics. Cheryl it's funny how we survived being so young, you were young than myself, but it was the best moved I made, I meet and marry Charlie from going and working for that army Colonel and his wife looking after their children, hated the job or should I say I hated the Mum! She wanted a slave not a nanny. Left after 5 months. Our Dad wasn't happy as he was squadron leader in the RAF and I couldn't have choosen any worse a place to go to. Hazel x

  30. Yo, ATTENTION!
    Ha, I thought that might get you army/air force types attention!!! I hope you've all had a lovely day, and Steph, I am just now going to have your egg with a nice hot chocolate, no Sandra, you've had a lovely day with your family so I'll get it and put the money in the pot.
    Well Patricia, I am also a Virgo. I not only keep my shoes in plastic boxes courtesy of Lakeland, but I also use shoes trees in them! All my clothes are hung in colour order and type of clothing order. I'm stopping now because I sound so anally retentive that I'll scare the ones who don't understand. George drives me insane because he is so untidy and just doesn't see any mess at all.
    Steph, thank you so much for my easter egg. It's lovely.
    Barbie, I hope you soon feel a lot better and good luck with your job interview.
    Myra, I wouldn't dream of pushing you off your soap box, I'd never push you off anything flower.
    Maria, I hope your coughs and sneezes are drying up.
    Cheryl, I didn't make up my own mica sprays, they were the Cosmic Shimmer ones.
    I'll pop in later, just got to go and change my Tenas!
    Muriel xx

    1. Oooo!! Maureen a girl after my own heart. My clothes are hung in colours. One side is tops & cardigans/sweaters. Other side skits/trousers. Jackets and coats in another cupboard.
      Guess what shoes not in their original boxes are in ...... Lakeland Boxes.
      Think you and I will get on like a house on fire .....!!!

    2. Maureen i am lucky, I have a hubby who is extremely tidy. A place for everything and everything in its place.
      He can put his hand on things at any time

    3. HA, he who must be avoided can put his hands on anything at any time, it just may not be the thing he wants!!! x

    4. Oh Oh, I too colour code my clothes, jackets, tops and woollies on one rail and mainly skirts above ! Not a trouser person!
      Shoes in racks in pairs with show trees! We are scarily alike!

  31. Hazel and Cheryl just read your comments and good to know I wasn't the only one although I don't suppose any of us liked it at the time. Hazel you made me laugh about not sitting down for to long. A friend once gave me some lovely dresses for my granddaughter. She tried them on and loved them. A few days later she said 'Nannie could you please buy me a new pretty dress like the one you gave me the other day. I asked why - answer. Her mother had sold them that morning at a car boot sale 3 days after I gave them to my granddaughter. There are a lot of things I would like to buy her but know they will get sold. It's a shame and makes me very sad. Well I think I will make a cup of hot chocolate and put the money in the pot. Will sit in the corner and no one comes in will read a book on my iPad.

  32. Oh Brenda, that is just like Lynda my friend she wated years to get a grand daughter and having 4 sons you can imagine what it's was like for her not to be able to buy dresses and shoes for Poppy. I do wonder about some folk. Yes just be careful. Don't want you being sold.
    Now all you virgos and oh my goodness there are a few of you, I don't want all this super tidiness when we are away? The hotel have cleaners to do the tidying no going looking for hoovers etc.
    Maureen I do like all my good shoes in boxes and use shoe trees in them. Don't colour code clothes haven't got enough wardrobes or space for them in this shoe box house. Patricia colour codes her clothes pegs do you?
    Cheryl, we are also so glad that Saba invited you to the Coffee Shop. I put up the other night that I am so glad I pressed on Sandras photo on Sue Wilsons on the 20th June last year and found her wonderful blog. I think we all feel the same as its brought so many new friends into our lives. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, I'm afraid I do tend to use a certain coloured clothes peg for certain clothes! Oh I sound so repressed!!!
      I also did an awful lot in the house for my parents. I had two older brothers who did nothing. Well Thomas was working by the time I was 2 so that was fair enough but Raymond was 4 years older than me and even when mam was widowed he did very little, and nothing was expected of him. I had very loving parents who would do everything they could to give us a better life, and I loved them dearly, but as mam worked I had to pull my weight from about the age of 11. Washing, ironing and cleaning, but I didn't cook much. I helped dad decorate, wallpaper and suchlike from about the age of 15. I hated summer holidays because before I could go out to play I had to clear up, clean out the fire and set it for that evening and do the dishes etc. and my brother didn't do anything. But I still had a wonderful childhood and as I say was loved greatly. The upshot of all this was that when I got married it was a doddle. Looking after George and me instead of 5 people - 3 men and 2 women, and handling the money (or lack of it) was no problem. Can everyone hear the violins playing, oh the drama!!!!
      Well, I've tidied up, done the benches and filled the dishwasher but as I can't find Maria I won't put it on as I don't want to set her throat off again. Shoo, that cat gets everywhere!!!
      See you tomorrow, have a nice peaceful night everyone and a good sleep.
      Muriel xxx

  33. Happy Easter everyone
    I can hear you all saying bit late in the day, but I have been up since the crack of dawn and can honestly say this is the first chance I have had to come in. Haven't even looked at Sue's blog yet!
    Not only was it Easter Sunday, but it was my lovely daughters 40 th birthday today. We ( me and her other half) had decorated the sitting very late last night, with helium balloons, hanging 40 garlands and banners so that when she came down this morning it looked special for her. Myra, you wouldn't have recognised that tidy room!!
    After presents, during which Oliver was eating chocolate for breakfast I had the fastest shower in the history of the world and we just made the 11 o clock service. NO EGGS for the children, but the vicar cooked bacon sandwiches on a primus stove during the sermon!!! He's very modern.
    Lunch in the pub and then we put out the paddling pool in the garden and a very splashy time was had by all. The weather here was fabulous, not really paddling pool weather but what the heck, you are only a child once and Oliver really wanted to get it out. Some of the neighbours children joined us and Joanne and I finished the day sitting on the garden seat drinking bubbly. I am therefore a bit squiffy.
    Cheryl, your craft room is amazing. You have had such a difficult time, and if anyone deserves something special it is you. I am so glad you took the hint and came over to Sandra's lovely coffee shop. I just felt from your comments on Sue's blog that you belonged here, you are such a lovely kind and positive lady.
    Sandra I hope you enjoyed your day with your family.
    Myra, have a safe journey tomorrow and enjoy your time with your son and lovely DIL
    I am travelling up to yorkshire ( blessed land) tomorrow, by train, to stay with my other daughter and grandchildren and will finally get to see Val so I may not get in to "see " you all tomorrow.f

    Love and hugs to you all
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba it sounds like you have had the perfect day, this trip has bought you so many things to celebrate, I am so pleased for you!
      Tomorrow you are on the move again and get to see Val, I bet you can't wait I can't wait to hear all about it, send Val all our love and let her know we where with her through her treatment!
      Happy trails my lovely!
      Keep us pierced,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi SABA
      Sounds a lovely time was had by all. Wishing your daughter a happy 40th. A bit late I know but it was also my granddaughters 13th birthday. At last tomorrow you get to see Val. Wish her all the best from us all. I just know you'll have a fabulous time.

    3. Hi Saba,
      I'm so happy that you're having a lovely time with your family. And Oliver, chocolate for breakfast, now that's what I call a real balanced meal. He's my kind of male!!!
      Congratulations to your daughter, and enjoy your visit to your other daughter tomorrow and then you will be seeing Val. I am kneeling as I type this as you are going to Yorkshire and will be so close to God's own county Northumberland!! Safe journey and happy days.
      Muriel xxxx

    4. Hi Saba,
      So pleased you had a super day! It certainly sounds perfect! Hope Joanne had a lovely birthday - I can't believe you decorated that beautifully tidy room! It has been a lovely day and we had friends call tonight so I'm late again.
      About to go and put dishwasher on and then bed!
      Safe journey tomorrow. I know how much you are longing to see Val.
      Have a lovely time with Rachel and the family too.
      Did you scare Joanne with that photo?!!!
      Love Myra xxxxx

  34. Saba, say Happy Birthday to Joanna from me, didn't realise it was a mile stone one, sounds like you had a good day. Have a safe jounrey and I think we all understand you have a lot of catching up to do with your other daughter and grand children, but more so with Val, I hope she is still doing well and you being there will be good medicine for her. Enjoy every minute with her. Hazel x

  35. Sandra. I hope you are not to tried? And has a lovely day with your family. Have you got your feet up and doing nothing??? Hazel x

  36. Saba, please wish a Happy 40th Birthday to Joanne for me please.
    Pete's sister Molly lived in Rawmarsh for many many years and we used to visit on numerous occasions. The people we met from oop north were the salt of this earth, lovely lovely people, so friendly and welcoming. When niece Tracy married her first husband, friends of hers gave up their flat just for us, they wouldn't hear of us forking out for 4 hotel rooms. How marvellous is that? When we got home we sent them an Interflora floral arrangement. We were astounded to hear from Molly that the lady had never received a bouquet of flowers before and was inviting all and sundry to come and look at them. One happy lady.
    Wow, just looked at the time, it's way past my pumpkin time and I've just realised I haven't taken my meds, so I'll say goodnight, God Bless and see you tomorrow.
    love & hugs Cheryl xxx

  37. Night night all Have helped wipe tables and stack chairs Someone is asleep in the dishwasher so have put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door

  38. Night Night everyone!
    I've missed Maria again!
    Sleep well everyone,
    God Bless,
    I'm going to have my egg for breakfast like Oliver! Xxxxx

  39. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies. Happy Easter to you all, although I expect you are all tucked up in bed by now! Sorry I'm late, we have been to my sisters today and have had a lovely day chatting laughing and eating. The weather has been a bit sunny but then a sea mist rolled in and someone lit a bonfire!!!
    Linda - broad stairs beach! It's a few years since I've been there, in fact we were talking about going back to broadstairs for a visit the other day. Julian's grandparents lived there for many years and an aunt and uncle still do. We used to go to chiapenese (can't spell it!) for ice cream and huge cream cakes!!! Xxx
    Cheryl your craft room is amazing, love the big cupboard, you are so organised. That was a good decision to make and boy do you deserve to treat yourself after the year you have had. What a good idea to put a bed in there too. Enjoy playing xxx
    Steph thank you for the chocolate egg, I have put it in my cheek and sucked it - lovely. The flowers are pretty too xxx
    Sandra I hope you have had a lovely day with your mum and you haven't overdone it. Enjoy your family time tomorrow. Xxx
    Myra and Maria hope you are both feeling better soon (it's that split personality again!) xxx
    Maureen you do make me laugh, hanging the washing out- hmm I have had to break myself out of only using matching coloured pegs on my washing as that was too OCD! ( Lakeland pegs of course!) yep the sun goes in when I hang my undies out sometimes too!.
    Now ladies I'm easily distracted and like the idea of being organised but somehow it never happens. I love some of the Lakeland storage stuff and I do keep a few pairs of special shoes in boxes but I'm not colour coordinated with my wardrobe at all! I think I need someone to come and organise me!
    Well I hope everyone has had a lovely day, I must go to bed now as it's late. Hopefully it's a gardening day tomorrow and if I get time I can catch up with the comments I missed yesterday. Sleep tight everyone
    Oh yes Saba, safe journey tomorrow and happy birthday to your daughter. Have a wonderful time with your other daughter and grandchildren and of course Val. Send her my love, I hope her treatment is going well. Xxx
    Sending everyone a big chocolate hug.
    Love Diane xxx

  40. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Tried to post a message this afternoon - pressed publish - it just wouldn't move. Gave up in the end SORRY Ladies.
    Yesterday's offerings were brilliant Maureen, Brenda and Myra you are so talented ladies. Cheryl you craft room looks so beautifully organised - I promise not to come in and mess it up.
    Sandra, I hope you have had a lovely day with your Mum and family. Please take it easy for the rest of the week - REMEMBER it's AP next weekend YES!!!!
    This place is so peaceful and very tidy NO bottles on the counter. Some one is snoring in the dishwasher can't see who it is, will leave the night light on and leave the key where you all know where to find it. I know we have a lot of night owls who love a late night hot chocolate.
    Sweet dreams everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    Leaving special hugs for SAM and SHEILA & NIKKI and anyone who needs one xxx
