
Saturday 4 April 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,
Welcome to another Mixed Craft Saturday
First up we have this amazing Anniversary Cake
Made by the amazingly talented
Those beautifully crafted roses and leaves
look so realistic, look at the tiny rose buds!
Thank you Margaret for sending me the photo of
your amazing creation for me to share with everyone.
Next up we have some love pottery by our resident all
round crafter Brenda (littlelamb)!
Now I now Maureen will love these as she can have
"a little fishy that is a little dishy"
Brenda these are amazing, so bright and colourful, I love
the little olive dish too, you have some amazing pieces
in your collection, your table must look so colourful when
you have a buffet (although these look too good to use)
Do you go to a pottery Club?
My favourite piece of yours will always be the Zentangle
Bowl, I loved it as soon as I set eyes on it, but these
are a very close second, you are one very multi-
talented lady Brenda.
Thank you so much for sending me the photos of all
of your makes for me to share with everyone.
Last but not least today we have this gorgeous Tag
that has been created by the very talented Myra !
You can see Myra has used quite a few of Sue Wilsons
Products to create this stunning Tag, Myra this is like
a gift in itself, it is so beautiful.  All of the elements
you have used work so well to create a stunning overall
effect, I hope you will call in this morning to tell us
how you created this amazing Tag.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share this with
everyone in the café!
Well what an amazing array of crafts we have on todays post, I will say though
that I am coming to the end of all the pictures I have been sent, so I need you to
all dig about in your craft rooms and find out some of your crafty makes.
The other thought I had was to have a Mixed Craft Saturday made up of
children's crafts, so please send in photos of crafts that your Grand Children
or Children have made, it would be lovely for them to come on and read all
of the amazing comments about their work, it can be anything from a piece of art
to something knitted, or a clay pot, anything at all.
What do you think?
The Winner of the yesterday's draw, which was drawn using
machine by the name of ......Paul
Using Balls.......well he actually used his fingers
so don't worry!!!!!!  ..................
Congratulations Hazel, I am sorry it isn't anything too exciting!
Email your address and I will get it posted out to you.
I hope you all have a lovely day today.
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning ladies. Im not suprised im first in! Salsa dancing till 2am ! Haunted hotels, some of you sitting in champagne glasses, what the hell is this ? Is it a new wave home for the insane retired, if so im in, retired, likes the odd drink (cant dance due to spacky knee) but remember the days I could so that sends me insane) Im almost certain that these phsychotherapists would look at our cards and put a reason to why we use feathers, why we decided to place things where we do, you know, the way they read picture drawings, I dread to think what they'd say about us lot lol (although I do seem to be a little less mental than some of you) lol or is that boring ; /
    so the buns have just boiled and kettle in the oven ready to start your day. Cat litter in vases, hope you like them and fresh posy of flowers in the tray by the door : )
    Must mention this to ALL our wonderfully talanted friends Docrafts are putting a call out for demonstrators. I got the recent Creativity mag yesterday and noticed it. They are looking at specific area's I know Manchester is one area - they ask for people in and around or near certain area's, I shall come back later to put the other area's on here, as I cant just get to the mag yet, think I left it in the fridge !
    Well, what an amazing array of beautiful, amazing talant today. WOW those tiny rose buds, I use to watch mum do her cake decorating, lots of different nozzles to form the petal of various sizes, petals of different sizes all layed out on muslin cloth then watching her take these tiny peices of icing and turning them into the most amazing roses, so Margaret I take my hat off to you, your eye for detail is just second to none. If I even tried to do pottery, it would never be recognisable, Id love to be artistic in many things, and as for the tag, I cant catch my breath its so beautiful, WOW, do you really put these tags on gifts Myra ? Im dumb struck, what size card do you start with hon or is it MDF ? Am I showing my ignorance here ?
    Well Im done. Your camelia's went into the post box yesterday Cheryl, Im a little bit embarrased but you may realise why when it pops through your letter box, I'll say no more ! I had to get some reasurance.
    Have a smashing day everyone. Whatever you are doing today I hope you are happy. You ALL deserve to be happy as you ALL spread so much happiness here by showing your wonderful work (W.W) plus your crazy brain personalities lol.
    Leaving BIG hugs on every table.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Looks like we're going to have sunshine today-hurrrah!

    Margaret-what a beautifully decorated cake. A work of art.

    Brenda-the fish dishes are lovely, so different abd a lovely keepsake.

    Myra-your tag is stunning. If I were to receive this, i'd keep it on display.

    Had a lovely, relaxing day yesterday-in laws here for lunch which hubby cooked. They left late afternoon so we watched tv then after a light supper we watched Jersey Boys the film on Sky-quite good, not as good as seeing it live. I'm hoping to see it again at The Empire in Liverpool for my birthday-have hinted not too subtly to hubby!!
    Todays plan is a quick visit to Sourhport for a few bits (ys the obligatory trip to the £shop) then home to either gardening or crafting.
    My turn to cook the tea so it'll be something simple probably in the slow cooker.


  3. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies.
    Margaret your cake is beautiful and I love the flower spray, gosh you must have spent hours making that. Thank you for sharing it with us xxx
    Sam what fabulous dishes you have made and I love the colours you have chosen for your glaze. I have only done pottery at school (many moons ago!) but couldn't produce anything like this. Thank you for sharing xxx
    Myra your tag is beautiful too, I wonder what was inside the gift!!! I would certainly be keeping something like that if it came on my present. Thank you for sharing ( I have that candlestick too!!!) xxx
    Well the sun is almost out. I must get up and doing as I need to pop to the shops. We are off to visit Julian's mum for a games night so I will probably br AWOL today. I had to chuckle about the antics last night, now my bottom would have got stuck if I'd sat in a champers glass, virtual or not, and that's a saucer glass rather than a flute! ( I have both!!!) . I made my brother in law laugh one new year by telling my husband to use the everyday champagne glasses ! - what I meant were a set of plain ones it keep in the cupboard with the plain wine glasses rather than the posh ones we had for our wedding in the china cabinate!
    I hope everyone has a lovely day. Steph you sound just like me today - I open the fridge and wonder why I can't see the bag of cereal sometimes! Xxx
    Patricia what a lovely gift and you can say his love is helping your seeds to grow. Did the stone have a hole in it? We used to pick them up when we were little because they were lucky! Xxx
    Right I must go. Enjoy your day everyone. Lots of love and hugs
    From Diane xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Well, having just sat and read yesterdays comments I see that mine went off into cyber space! I try and remember to copy it before posting and then check to see it has appeared but it's sods law that I didn't do that yesterday! Of course it means that you didn't get my compliments on the lovely cards that Maureen and Sam shared. They are both beautiful. I am slowly getting more and more frustrated with computers, mobile phones etc. at the moment. It seems that nothing is going right and with that and the joints not being nice to me I am feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment so sorry for not keeping up with what is going on here. I do get so much pleasure from hearing what you are all up to though. Please don't change any of you, especially you my lovely : ) Normal mad me will return soon.
    Thank you Maureen, love yourcard. I have that feather die but haven't used it yet but will now after seeing what you did with it.
    Sam your nautical card is lovely, any male would be so happy to receive it Thank you for sharing. I hope that you are feeling better each day, it is not the same when you don't comment.
    Todays goodies are a delight to see.
    Margaret, your cake looks gorgeous. The flowers are beautiful, how long did they take to make? I also love the unusual shape of the cake. What occasion was this made for? Thank you for sharing with us all : )
    Brenda (Littlelamb) what wonderful pottery. How clever you are. I love the fishes, so much detail. The olive bowl is beautiful too (not that I would use it for olives as I loathe them!) Do you actually use the items that you make or are they just for show? Thank you for taking the time to share them : ) This time next week we will be on our way to Ally Pally won't we? I am so looking forward to catching up with you again, and everyone else that can make it : ))
    Myra. what a gorgeous tag, it is as good as a card any day of the week. Do you make beauties like this for all presents that you give, or is this only for special occasions and people? Thank you for sharing : )
    Sandra, I hope you manage to enjoy some time at the allotment with Paul today, and that you don't tire yourself out tomorrow too much with your Mum, sister and brother in law's visit. It is so good that they are coming to you rather than you having to face that long painful journey to them. Enjoy yourself my lovely.
    Only 7 sleeps now : )) Take care xx

  5. Morning Sandra and all lovely ladies,
    I can't stop looking at todays craft on offer, it is all so beautiful.
    Margaret , your cake with those wonderful flower garland is amazing, would be a shame to remove and cut into the cake. I hope they saved the flowers.
    Littlelamb, love your collection of pottery. Gorgeous colours especially the blue one is singing to me. thank you Sandra now I will have that song in my head " all day long "hihi
    Wow Myra, your tag is something else. never seen anything like it before, Love it!
    Hazel, lucky you getting Sandra's beautiful card (glad see Paul used his fingers and not his balls oooooh)
    Patricia ,cherish the gift.
    Can't tell you how glad I am that it is not the 11th today as I don't think I even will get dressed, just sit here in the corner, read what you all did last night and see if Sam and Norah popping in at all.
    Have a nice day my lovely friends and enjoy your choccies !
    Hugs Maria, aaaaatcho tihi

    1. Maria, sending you some ((((((hugs))))) I can feel the Vibes up here. You are feeling really miserable my friend.
      I will treasure my gift, I have a few John Jnr. gave me many, many, years ago.
      Keep cosy

    2. Thank you, yes it is a crappy day but hey ho hopefully it will only get better from hear on, luckily no one can catch it through cyber hihi
      I'm keeping cosy under a duvet watching 'Roots', it's sad so something funny after to cheer me up (reading the comments in Sandra's cafe')

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies, what a talent all you ladies have, Margaret's cake is gorgeous it must have taken ages to do these roses.
    Brenda love you little dishes, they are lovely.
    Myra your tag is absolutely beautiful, this one would certainly not go in the bin with the wrapping paper.
    Tea and hot cross bun for me today, thank you Patricia for warming them up, they smell delicious.
    Weather not too good hear today quite overcast, but at least it is not raining YET, might try and get out into the garden for a tidy up and get some little seeds planted out in the greenhouse.
    Well done Hazel on winning Sandra's beautiful card,
    Take care, Jess x

  7. As usual I forgot so mething! I had a Bargain basement find yesterday.
    In Poundstretcher, they had a mini straight stitch sewing machine reduced to £14.99. I have been looking for one to use for piercing around the edges of cards for ages and this is by far the cheapest so I had to get it. (It was the last one they had in the Swindon store or I would have rung you Sandra) As it is so small (about 10" x 5" x 8" ish) I can keep it with my craft stuff easily rather than having to get my normal sewing machine out, which I don't bother to do unless I am doing more than just the pierced edge on a card.
    Note: It can be run by 4 x AA batteries or by a mains adaptor, which is NOT supplied, but as we have a multi voltage one already it was not a problem for me.
    It says on the box rhat it comes with 4 bobbins, spare needle and needle threader but actually you get that AND a small ( very cheap quality) sewing kit which has several coloured threads, hand needles, scissors, thimbles, buttons, poppers etc. PLUS and here's the best bit, 25........yes 25 metal bobbins, which are threaded with various colours. I don't think the thread quality is very good so to be honest I would only use them on cards but metal bobbins are not cheap so I was really pleased at finding them in the box : ) I'm really not too sure how good it would be for "real" sewing but for cards it is fantastic and just what I have been after for ages. xx

  8. Morning Sandra and Ladies, well I think we can now blame Janice's ghost for all our messages disappearing??? I have tried a few times to leave one this morning!!! And if I have to sign in again this I pad will be going. Why does it wait till you have written your comment, press the publish button. Message disappears and then tells you???
    You see I now have forgotten to say Thank You Sandra or should I thank Paul for choosing me as the winner!!! Yeh. Box frame is awaiting that stunning card.
    I had written it so many times before, brain just isn't thinking now.
    Margaret, firstly I hope you are having a better day pain wise, as I know when I e-mailed you the other night you weren't to good. I can now see why you were glad your cake was finished when you had your fall??? The cake looks lovely ( diamond wedding ) was it? And you spray of flowers are stunning the work that has gone into that is amazing.
    Brenda, more beautiful pottery from yourself. Now I can just see the table set outside on a gorgeous summers day with all these dishes on it filled with little bits to add extras to ones plate, now like Sue I can't stand olives but would still use it for them as others do enjoy them.
    Myra, you maybe don't bring your G.C out before 10 am, but if this is what you produce then it works, I might have to let mine have a wee lie in!!! Your tag is a gift in its own right, it's stunning.
    You ladies have been silly hiding all this wonderful works from the world. Sandra I am so glad you have opened our eyes!!
    Right seeing how I have been trying to leave a comment since around 7.45 - yes a lie in again this morning. All the dogs fault he did the good thing again and came up and woke Charlie. Me I decided to be lazy, big mistake but so what?
    Off out he who has to be obeyed (NOT) wants to go see about some new trousers, now he does not need I am sure, but will keep him happy by going out, once we are in the store I will remind him to stop and think if he needs them, can't do that before hand as he will say he does and not change his mind! Age thing I am sure? Money for all my teas is in the pot. Hazel x

  9. Janice, we ran an adventure training / ski lodge and it had the same things go on as in your house, but not scary really, got use to it. I can also say you work hard while your open? 24/7 as we would say. Hope the weather is kind to you thief weekend. Hazel x

  10. Oh this I pad must want to go to I pad heaven? That's meant to be this weekend? Hazel x

  11. Hi Sandra,

    Wow beautiful creations from the Ladies Margaret, Brenda & Myra, well done Ladies and congratulations to Hazel.

    Happy Easter to you all

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  12. Morning all Enjoyed my dancing AND I have been up ages Just been pottering about More tonight and tomorrow afternoon I used to collect stones as a child (many moons ago) and painted them with clear nail varnish They looked very pretty (I thought) lol!

  13. PS the makes are amazing I wish I was that talented I'm not very good at thinking outside the box and need inspiration to try stuff so thank you ladies

  14. Popped in for a quick cuppa, will not have anything to eat. I have just got back from my 21/2 mile walk. Usually do it in the afternoon however it was bright and dry so grabbed the chance to get it done.
    There's postie putting the mail in the box, wonder what's in store today.
    Catalouge from Paves Shoes and a couple of Easter Cards at least there were no bills!!
    Ok cuppa finished, money in the pot, good catch up with the chat. Off to get some things crossed off my list.
    See you all later

  15. Hi Sandra,
    Oops I'm a wee bit embarrassed! You see I didn't realise you'd show this! I was so proud of my rose - first rose made with Patricia's Tutorial! I emailed it to Sandra to let her see it. That's not the embarrassing bit! I then put it on a gift bag and took it to Saba! Sorry Barbara!
    However , here goes, I cut the top of the tag using one of Sue's California Dies.
    I then used my trimmer to get the rest completely straight. Used Dottie card and plain card in various shades of blue using SW Striplet die as my focal point. Underneath is a border die cut in half and placed side by side. There is also my rose. - I was so pleased with that - Patricia - take a bow! A SW butterfly, a blue feather and some matching stick pins finish it off!
    Thank you , Sandra, for showing it and everyone for your kind comments. It really is so nice to have fellow crafters say nice things about your work!
    Margaret - your cake is a work of art! The flowers are gorgeous. I could not even start to make that.
    Brenda - I love your pottery items . I particularly like the fish . You are a very clever lady. I like the little dish too - so useful .
    Well, I'm a bit late today as I have a bit of a migraine! It's not too bad but enough to make the smell of food yuk! I'm cooking lunch too- family coming - but I won't eat anything I don't think! Sorry to moan.
    Love to all,
    Myra xxxx

    1. Thank you Myra that has made my day. So glad I was able to help.
      Barbara will have been over joyed with her gift and the beautiful Tag that adorned the Gift Bag.
      Sending you some (((((hugs))))) hope you feel better soon.

  16. HI, Just popped in for a quick coffee and hot cross bun. Is it OK to have a virtual one along with a real one or is that greedy?
    What a lovely selection of art work this morning. Amazing how many crafts we will all try, and how many we can become very skilled at, whilst other folk can do nothing. I feel sorry for them.
    Guests have either checked out or off exploring for the day, so this is my quiet time. Hope I didn't worry any of you with my ghost last night. Actually it has been very quiet recently, but probably now there are guests again, things will happen. Mind you, it's a great thing to blame when I am having a senior/blonde spell. who will argue with me?
    Will pop in later if I don't fall asleep on the sofa.

  17. Hi Sandra
    My word Margaret your cake in amazing. It must have taken ages to do the roses, and what an unusual shaped cake. What a clever lady you are.. It looks so professional. Brenda, I love your pottery dishes they are fabulous. Do you go to a pottery class?. I'd love to be able to do something like this. Myra what a stunner your tag is, I'll have to look at Patricia's tutorial to see how this was done. Hope the person it went to, or is going to appreciated it and keeps it as a keepsake of your talent. Hope your migraine clears up soon Myra.Patricia fancy doing a walk of over 2 miles. What a talented bunch of ladies we have on the blog.
    Well the weather looks awful and its trying to rain. It was looking bright earlier so Pete decided to put some washing on. Fat chance of getting it dry today me thinks.

  18. Hi Myra,
    Please don't be embarrassed about showing your work, it's utterly gorgeous, and if that's the tag, what does the bag or wrapping look like? I love the colours and how you have tied it all together. You're one very clever lady make no mistake about that, you have given me the impetus to do one for my granddaughter's birthday on the 14th. She is very much into girly girly things and she will be thrilled to have this on her present.
    Love &hugs Cheryl xxx

  19. Janet ecco of Sheffield4 April 2015 at 12:36

    Afternoon everyone - I hope you're all enjoying your Easter week-end and haven't started on your Easter Eggs yet - wait until tomorrow and they will taste so much better!!!
    I hope I'm not so confused today lol so here goes:-
    Margaret - your cake is just wondrous - I'm in awe of your icing talent and if it were me I wouldn't let anyone near it never mind eat it.
    Brenda - Oh how I wish I could make pottery - yours are so just up my street. I love their simple styles which just make them so stylish!!
    Myra - your tag is just amazing and yes it's a gift in itself. I would really love to see more of your work please.

    I hope everyone has not had their quota of sugar today because here comes last night's pastries.
    Jim had one of the most fabulous rectangles of delight - the bottom was make out of some gorgeous crunchy bits (a little like a certain choc bar). On top of that was a layer of sponge soaked in raspberry syrup plus a little something else liquid. The next layer was raspberry mousse so light it nearly floated or it would have if it didn't have a top layer of lemon mousse to stop it. It was all finished with the most wonderful decoration of raspberry and lemon colours swirled through a setting gel.
    Me I had a beautiful Easter Bird's nest consisting of thin layers of plain sponge (circular) and coffee flavoured butter cream. The last sponge layer had a flat base of coffee butter cream as the ottom of the nest. The whole thing was then coated all the way round with choc sprinkles before the top decoration was added. This was made up of thin piped strings of coffee cream to create the nest itself and in the middle were five little sugar eggs. The final touch was a little yellow duckling sat to one side of the nest.

    Both tasted out of this world and so now we wait for next Friday's treat.

    I see from some of the comments above that there were some real partying taking place last night. I hope you all left the cafe in proper order so that when Sandra walked in this morning everything was in place (well I can 'always live in Hope even if I die in Bamford'.) Thank you Sandra for catching my hugs yesterday. I've sent another parcel full today so please whoever is in when they arrive via Tinternet please keep one for yourself and put the rest in the basket by the door for those who need one.
    Off now to start my next needlework project - it's a piece of tapestry and as I've never tried this before it should be eye-opening. Speak to you all tomorrow.
    Hugs Janet xxxx

    1. HinJanet
      Your wonderful cakes are making my mouth water. I never see the like in the UK. You'll have to take a picture and pass them onto Sandra
      So we can drool.

    2. Yikes Janet ,how do you start eating a concussion like that hihi
      they do sound very yummy!

  20. Good morning or in my case, good afternoon Sandra & ladies,
    What a showcase for today! 3 completely different items on show and 3 very talented ladies.
    Margaret, if that was my cake, I wouldn't let anyone touch it let alone have a slice! It will be all mine not Terry's but mine. The detail of all the flowers and leaves are amazing, you must have so much patience for detail, they look almost real that I could smell them. In fact if I didn't know they were icing, I probably would try to have a sniff.
    Brenda, your pottery dishes are exquisite, they would grace any table. they remind me of the Spanish tableware, bright, colourful, and zingy. Where did you learn such a lovely talent.
    I am having such a lovely time in my craft room playing with all the wonderful goodies that arrived first thing this morning from Sue Wilson. I was amazed that they had arrived so quickly being that it's Easter time and usually no post till the Tuesday after. As requested by Sandra, I have sent her a photo to show you. Thank you all again for your good wishes following my little bit of good fortune, I wish I could share it all with you. So I will be bringing some of it to our retreat, then we can all play with it together.
    Myra, forgot to say I hope your migraine improves. I have been feeling a bit heavy headed myself the last couple of days and it's usually the weather that affects me like this, does it you too?
    Have filed up the basket by the door with plenty of warm fuzzy hugs, take as many as you like. See you later,
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  21. Hi everyone, just poped in after lunch to catch up.
    Cheryl so pleased your prize has arrived from Sue, enjoy using it, and what a nice gesture to say that you will bring some of it to our retreat.
    Managed to get seeds planted, and a bit of the garden tidied, ongoing project.
    Think I will pop into last nights shenanigans, and find out what was happening.
    Take care, catch up again later. Jess x

  22. Good afternoon Sandra & all the lovely ladies in the cafe.
    Wow Margaret your cake is amazing those flowers are gorgeousI must have taken ages too do,love the unusual shape of the cake your very talented.
    Little lamb your pottery dishes are beautiful. Myra wow your tag is amazing it's so beautiful the colour & your stick pins just perfect.
    Not up to much today just got to pop shops OH needs more grass seed as we have lots of balled will spend time in craft room, I have too cards to finish.We are looking after a little dog as well till Monday evening she is a Chawuauwa like Bambie looked after her a few times now she is sweet.
    Maria sending you some get well soon ((((Hug's)))) sorry your still unwell take care hope your well for A P next week.
    Hazel Congratlations on winning Sandra's card.
    Mrs B Sue thank you for telling about your little sewing machine what a brilliant idea for doing piercing round the card as I have trouble with doing it with the rular thanks xx
    Sandra lovely enjoy your day with your family, love & Hug's to you & everyone xxxx

  23. Only me,
    lets get greedy together Janice as I too having a hot x bun with a strong coffee.
    Your haunted house sound interesting. Sitting in Champagne glasses ,got me thinking of Betty Boop, i would need the size of a bath to fit in. Was it Diane that was the posh one who have two different sets oh my!
    Myra -hope you feeling better from the migraine ?
    Did I read that Margaret have had a fall or is this the one she did earlier ?
    Sam, ToB, Alison and anyone else that are missing. Take care. Did Tandy ever come back from Slovenia or ?
    Thanks for you hugs ladies and Lynda even if I have to crawl in , nothing will stop me to go to AP and see you and the others !!
    see you later, Maria xx

  24. Hope migraine is improving Myra and that lunch wasn't too tortourous Janet - your pastries sound heavenly, really making my mouth water

  25. Hello Sandra,
    I hope you and all on the bblog are well.
    Margaret, you are welcome to my house any time if you can make cakes like this. The flowers are stunning and I am in awe.
    Brenda, as Sandra says, I'd have my fishies on these dishies any time. If I threw a pot it would break, they are so pretty.
    Myra, I love your tag. It's gorgeous. Only trouble is you'll have to make an equally gorgeous bag to put it on. Or, of course, it could go on the front of a card!
    I can't stay and I haven't read any of the comments as I've had such a busy day with people calling, coffee out with friends, loads of family popping in and out and we've just come back in to get a telephhone call to say our granddaughters want a sleep over tonight, so that's my spare time up the swannee. I'll have to come on the blog tomorrow and catch up with today's and tomorrow's comments. I don't know what time I'll get on so don't be lonely!!!! iif I'm missing for most of the day. We are going to my daughter and son-in-laws for the day, but we will be gallivanting, maybe to the coast.
    Happy Easter everyone, and love and hugs to all.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Enjoy the time with your family,Maureen!
      miss you already tihi

  26. Hiya. Just taking a quick break from making an engagement card on a card card, yep you read it right a card on a card : )

    AnywayI did say Id be back with the area's that Docrafts are asking for demonstrators. You have to live around -


    So please dont keep your amazing inspiration to yourself or us, share it with those who long to be as good as you.

    Hope your headache hasn't turned into a fully fledged migrain Myra.
    And im SO sorry Hazel, well done on receiving the giveaway card, chosen by Paul's own balls.
    Hope you are all enjoying your Saturday.
    Friendly hugs to all.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  27. Margaret's fall was one she had the other week!!! Tandy did come back, but remember they helped catch the drug dealer, I hope they havent had to go into hiding??? Maria and Janice you aren't being greedy, as the ones in here are virtual and calorie free, so enjoy your real ones. Oh why oh why when you get an idea in your head it doesn't turn out how you want it to? I am trying something for Beths birthday instead of a card, but I think ii will end up with doing a card! I only hope I don't get a light bulb moment in the middle of the night?
    I am sitting here thinking of you Marie sitting in that glass??? I would have to find a big glass bird bath that was shaped like a Champagne glass to be able to fit in.
    Norah are you ok??? You can't be ill you need to be able to meet us? No my friend if you are ill we can arrange to meet up another day, so dont you worry.
    well I enjoyed my tea, money in the pot. Hazel x

  28. Dear Sandra, thank you for showing the Mixed crafts today. Especially for showing mine and thank you all for your lovely comments. The turquoise fish is to go on my bathroom wall and the mauve dish is also to go in the bathroom, which is lilac, and I will put popori in it.
    MARGARET your cake is beautiful, especially the flowers. I know how difficult these can be as have made some out of clay. I hope they were not eaten.
    MYRA your tag is lovely especially the Rose. I am sure Saba was very pleased with it. I am sure it will take pride of place I her home.
    HAZEL congratulations on winning Sandra's card. I am sure you have the box frame ready.
    Hope you all have a Happy and a Peaceful Easter weekend. Sam and Norah hope you are both ok. Missing you both. Will have a Salmon and cream cheese sandwich and a Hot Cross bun as a special treat today. Will leave money in the pot. Won't stay, must get back to my child minding but will try and come back later. Might be very late though. If any of you are researching your family history Ancestry is free this weekend for certain records until 6th.

  29. Good evening ladies,
    What a lovely collection of mixed goodies today.
    Margaret, your cake is amazing. I love the flowers, it's a veritable bouquet of gorgeousness. Are the edible? I wish I could bake!
    Brenda, what a lovely collection of pottery and your fish will look lovely in your bathroom and your potpourri dish is beautiful.
    Myra my lovely, your tag is just fabulous. I know, because it is here before me and I keep touching it. Joanne was amazed by it. Please don't be embarrassed, it was a lovely surprise to see it here.
    Patricia, the rose Myra made following your tutorial is stunning. Thank you for sharing that on your blog.
    Haven't had chance to read the comments yet,
    Will be back later when I have.
    Love for now
    Saba xxxxx

  30. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your lovely comments about my cake, a very good friend of ours asked if I would make it for his parents 65th wedding anniversary which is sapphire hence the touch of blue, it was for 1st April and they were delighted with it. I made them one five years ago when they celebrated their diamond wedding they had it on show with the Queens card they had received. It took me about five hours in all to make the flower spray, luckily I had just finished everything the day before I fell other wise Derek would have had to help! He is having to help more around the house not that he objects but ladies did you know there are five different ways to hang your knickers on the washing line? When I told him he simply said well they are hung out what is the difference, they will dry, then it started to rain! Men!
    Little lamb your pottery is wonderful such lovely colours and super glaze too.
    Myra I love your tag and your rose is wonderful I have just got the dies that Patricia has used and I have read her tutorial several times but at present am not able to try making some but really itching to have a go, I have even bought the new Heartfelt Creations flower making kit too.
    Thank you so much Janet for your superb description of your French pastries, really looking forward to next weeks description, good luck with your new project, I am sure it will be wonderful.
    May Easter bring you all sunshine and happiness.
    With love and hugs
    Margaret corgi owner

  31. I knew that!!!! more ways to hang a pair of knickers than you can shake a stick at!!? John is exactly the same, I am rather OCD about how I hang my washing.
    Love John to bits but dispair when I am out and he hangs out the washing to "help".....!!!.
    Look forward to seeing your Rose Margaret. Myra's is beautiful as I am sure yours will be. They really are very easy to make, once you get it
    Happy Easter

    1. Mine have never been trained to do anything at home so some is my fault, I know but really some things you think is just common sense or. Lived in the same house for over twenty years so you think OH have seen what or where things go but since retired he can't seem to anything right and are just under my feet all the time, so help he is not
      soapbox back in it's place.
      Margaret, take care and have a nice easter Sunday
      Hugs Maria xx

    2. Mine doesn't even know where the kitchen is...unless he has some machinery part that needs washed.

  32. Gosh it's very quiet in here tonight, lovely to see Margaret and Saba have been in, I hope you managed to get a drink, I have a funny feeling Janice's ghost switched off the urn as the water wasn't that hot.. I have just used the kettle to make a nice cup of tea. I have gone round and wiped the tables and have given all the chair a wipe too. Will leave the floor as I have a feeling the late night lot might be in at some point. Maria will be in her bed, making sure she is well for next week, Myra I hope your headache has gone. Right I am off home the cafe is tidy keg in its place. Hazel x

  33. Hello again all,
    I have just read all the comments from earlier.
    Sandra I hope you have a lovely day with your mum tomorrow.
    Margaret hope you will soon be back to full strength after your tumble and Maria make sure you rest and get well ready for next week.
    Myra, sorry you are suffering today, I do hope it hasn't turned into a full blown migraine.
    Hazel, congratulations on winning Sandra's lovely card.
    Patricia, how sweet of Robert to bring you a stone. Little boys treasure their stones so he must love you very much to give you one.
    I have had a lovely couple of days with Oliver. Yesterday we watched the Paddington Bear movie. It is a lovely film with lots of humour for the adults and it is just so "nice."
    Today Lego, scientific experiments involving vinegar and bicarbonate of soda - messy but fun and then baking a surprise birthday cake for his mummy. It's Joanne's birthday tomorrow, so church in the morning and then out for a celebration lunch.
    Hope you are all having a lovely evening,
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

  34. Everyone seems to be having a good Easter. I am so glad.
    Isn't it nice to have a ghost, it's someone else to blame when things aren't right.
    Night all, had my shower and off to bed now.

  35. Looks like I am in too late and everyone has gone. Suppose that's because I am a night owl. Cannot do early mornings as once in bed I don't want to get out but hate going to bed at night. Put it off until I really have to give in. Always been the same. Well I will just put the kettle on as Hazel said that the water in the urn wasn't very hot. Will make a hot chocolate and sit in the corner for a little while and perhaps someone else will come in.

    1. Well Little lamb don't ever get a corgi they are early risers Amy is up at the latest 7am and if you are not through quickly she starts to bark so then you just get up to have some peace as once she see us she is fine!
      Have a lovely Easter whatever time you get up and enjoy your hot chocolate.
      Night, night, sweet dreams
      Margaret xx

    2. I usually pop in late to check up on the rowdy ones !
      Can I join you in the quiet corner!
      Paul is sleeping like a baby, as usual five mins after head hitting pillow!
      If only!
      I've to wait for pain meds to kick in to allow me to get any where near comfortable enough to try and sleep!
      Sandra xxx

  36. Brenda. Sorry you had to sit on your own, usually at this time of night it gets busy? I am in the wide awake club tonight!! This getting up late in the morning is the problem, plus I think I just have had to lazy a day. Never does me any good, will have to be extra busy tomorrow so that I make sure I am tried tomorrow night and get back into a routine. Hazel x

    1. Sorry Hazel just realised I forgot to say congratulations on winning the prize card
      Have a lovely Easter
      Night, night, sweet dreams
      With love
      Margaret xxx

  37. Sandra
    Hope you enjoy your day tomorrow with your family, have a lovely Easter.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you Margaret, been a hugely busy day, I am exhausted before tomorrow arrives, 10 for roast lunch & 11 for tea! Busy busy day!
      Hope you have a lovely day xxxx
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. I guess you all gone by now but just wanted to say good night if someone was around. Hot chocolate , think I have one before maybe bed.
      You young lady make sure you got plenty of help dishing up so much later today, otherwise I can see you out of action for at least a few days ! Take care ,see you later if I'm not by any chance is a sleep,
      Hugs Maria xx

  38. Just got back from dancing N

    1. omg you are fit, are you sure it's only dancing
      you are up too ?
