
Friday 3 April 2015

Guest Designer Maureen!!!! and Sam!!!!!1

Good Good Friday Morning Ladies,
I thought that today I would show this lovely card of Maureen's, I love the sentiment "let your dreams take flight" with the added feathers on the card to help you on your way!
I hope you will be in in the morning Maureen to tell us all about your lovely card, thanks for sending it in for me to share, hugs xxx

This card for Grandad is by our Sam, I can't quite see the verse, but I love all the other nautical bits on the card from ships to shells and knotted rope, they all go together so well!
Please Sam if you are feeling up to it, could you please pop in to give us a quick run down and tell us all what your verse says?! I so hope that you are feeling a little brighter each day. Thanks for sending me this card to share.  hugs xxxx
Well I hope you all have a relaxing day planned, I managed to get to the Allotment for an hour with Paul yesterday which was really nice, we did a bit of potting up and sowing! We are hoping to pop back for an hour tomorrow, its so peaceful up there, just the birds and the occasional chicken for background noise! (some of the chickens sound like they are laying Square eggs) haha !
What ever you do have a good family day if you can.
love and hugs
Sandra xxxxxx
Winner announced after 12 noon today!
Bargain Basement .........
I had an email from Craftworld yesterday saying they have a sale with 30% off Sue's Dies! maybe worth a look!


  1. Good. Morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Ladies.
    Hope you are all well and looking forward to the Easter Break. If you are ill, in pain and just not feeling so good I send you these (((hugs)))
    Looks like I could be first in again. Filled the Urn and switched it on. Opened up the bread and muffins. There are also some Hot X Buns, I will have one of them toasted and a quick cuppa.
    Well ladies your cards are absolutely stunning. Maureen, your card is amazing, love the gentle colours, that wonderful Die, sentiment, bow, embellishments and all over design. Sam, yours is amazing as well. A perfect "man" card, I can not quite read the verse but am sure it will be just right. Maybe you could let us know what it says.
    My friend Elaine arrived last night at 8.35 did not leave till 00.10. Tell you what it takes her almost 2Omins to get along to her house. I am sure I was asleep by the time she got home..........did not even wash my face .... naught, naughty. Don't think I could have found my face was so tired.
    OK! that's me finished, tided up my things, money in the pot. I have left a big basket by the door please help yourselves.
    Will be back later, off to get the house cleaned.

  2. Of course that's a "basket of hugs" I left by the door.

  3. Morning Ladies

    I've had a lovely lie in this morning-yesterday was so busy at work, then hubby & I walked into the village and ate at the Indian restaurant. Lovely meal then had to walk home again and it was just starting to rain. All I managed to do was read the local paper then went to bed.

    Maureen -love the card. I've got a set of feather dies and have only used them once. I'm quite inspired after seeing your card.

    Sam -brilliant card, especially for a man. Can't wait to hear how you made it.

    Right-had my tea+ toast so best got moving. My in-laws are coming over for lunch, hubby will do everything. He loves cooking & is much better than me-I like to bake. I Made peanet butter chocolate brownies & took them into work yesterday-seemed to cheer everyone up! I've got a bag of craft magazines for my M-in-L plus a few other crafty goodies which will make mu craft room look a bit tidier.

    Hope everyone has a lovely, relaxing Friday.


  4. Good morning Sandra and friends, I will try again to comment! I pad just not playing ball this morning I can write all I want but it freezes and won't let me publish have to keep rebooting the whole thing.
    Maureen your card is beautiful, love your design with those dies and your feathers just finish it off.
    Sam, another master piece of a great man card, love it.
    I to have filled the basket with (((((( hugs)))))) keeping this short, money in the pot and I will see you all later. Hazel x

  5. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Maureen your card is beautiful, you have used such a pretty background die and the feathers are wonderful, what a perfect touch. Thank you for sharing xxx
    Sam wow what a beautiful card too. All that stamping is perfect and just right for a man. I love the black shadow mats too they really add depth. Thank you for sharing xxx
    Well you are both very talented ladies and I hope the recipients loved them.
    Not sure what today is going to bring, it's raining so no gardening, it's just lovely to have some family time together.
    I've put some money in the pot and have tidied away my things, the hot cross bun was just what I needed thank you.
    Right I will see you all later, let's go and get the day started!
    Have a wonderful day everyone.
    Love Diane xxx

  6. Happy good Friday to everybody,
    Enjoy your day doing whatever is your wont. Strange word that, means what is customary or habitual to a person. Well mine today is to put away what I already have in my playroom. I might actually find the floor, never mind Maureen's 4"square.
    Oh my word Maureen, dear heart, the colours you have used are sublime, just loving the muted coffee? tones, feathers etc and the sentiment, that is so lovely. A beautiful card for anyone to treasure.
    Sam, my dear, I hope your health is beginning to improve, you have been sorely missed in the cafe. What a fantastic card for a Granddad, the nautical theme is spot on for many men. Have you used stamps for the shells etc?
    Washed my mug and plate, the toasted Hot X buns went down a treat and I have helped myself to a couple of hugs, thank you Patricia.
    Joshua and Lucy have asked me to do the invitations to their Baby Shower and are coming over this weekend to let me know exactly what they want. I'm so thrilled to do do that for them, I haven't done anyone's invites before.
    Love & hugs to all xxx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Happy good Friday Sandra and Ladies,
    Hope everyone enjoys their day,
    Maureen your card is beautiful. I bought those feathers too but have never used them, however having seen how you have used them I will definitely get them out again once I am back home. Love the corner die, is it a spellbinders?
    Sam, well my dear, anything nautical does it for me. I love the stamps you have used and the boat ( it's a frigate by the way!!) is just perfect.
    Hope you are starting to feel a little better,
    I'll help myself to a hot cross bun and a caramel latte today and go and sit by the window I think. I read all your antics from last evening and was having a quiet chuckle, apart from the poem, that was a somewhat full blown chuckle and you were all having such fun it was lovely. I am however a little bit worried about Maria, She seems to have turned into a cat, maybe her dishwasher experience had something to do with it.
    Love and hugs to all,
    Saba xxx

    1. In Germany I think today is called Karfrietag, which means 'sorrowful Friday', is that a more apt name for today?

  9. Hi Sandra and all who call in!
    Maureen I love your card - I love the colours and the feathers are gorgeous! The whole thing quite tickled me! Very nice indeed.
    Sam , your card for Grandad is lovely too. The shadowing is lovely.
    Well, I will pop back later and just check on behaviour!
    Happy Good Friday - have a lovely day.
    Love Myra xxxx

  10. Morning ladies from a wet, grey miserable Bolton, so much for Spring, we've had our's yesterday by the looks of it ! Sorry I didnt get your camelia flower's to the post yesterday Cheryl, at least it can go into a post box without going through the 100 questions box at the post office !!! So hopefully they will arrive after the bank holiday !

    What two lovely cards today, both so different and both so lovely. Im sorry if Ive messed up, I meant to mention this the last time Sam showcased her card but LOTV are/were doing a DT call, im thinking maybe the info is still on their website ? So many of you should be looking to join DT's you cant say you're work isn't good enough, not after what you've let Sandra show us. Lets face it, we card makers can be very critical, there are two reasons why I wont leave comments on blogs - 1. Time has got the better of me or 2 - I wont say I like something if I dont, I think its unfair and giving someone a false sense of security. Id hate someone.big my work up if I know its pants, so I wont do it to those I class as 'friends' but when I say "I dont understand why more of you dont try out for a DT position" I mean it lol !
    Soap box cleaned and put back ready for someone else to use xx
    I hope you all have a lovely crafty day in the warm and dry today.
    Hugs to all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  11. Both cards are lovely Today is a normal dy for me except I haven't got to go to work OH works all through all Bank Hols OK he'll be home Sunday It means I can potter and play Just hung some pictures with some brilliant tape stuff - ha ha look at me DIY! Wish I could say OH does something prophetic but NO he's a betting shop manager! I think I've earned my lovely buttery hot cross bun and cappuccino Gave washed up Think we're going to treat MIL to a fish and chip supper so I don't even have to cook -yay!

  12. Good morning Sandra & ladies.Horrible day today rain windy & cold after our gorgeous sun yesterday. Maureen your card is amazing i love the soft colours of the card you used,,i had a free feather die on a magazine but haven't used it,i will defiantly use it now thank you for that inspiration. I just love your card.
    Sam wow your stamping is brilliant & such a good man card love it.
    I agree with Steph Sandra & all the guest designers should look at getting on a D T as you all do such amazing cards.
    well not up too much today too wet & miserable too go out,so think i will be in my craft room. I want to get my list typed out of the things i want at Ally Pally next week mmm think it will be way too long but one can dream.
    What B....DY luck of those lottery winners winning twice oh well i did win £2.50 on a scratch card yesterday so i'm not jealous at all ( i lied ) lol
    Just had a lovely cup of tea & hot cross bun money in the pot hope to pop in later love Lynda xx

  13. Lovely cards from the Ladies Sandra, glad you had a lovely time down your allotment, we have just given our up as hubby is working almost constantly we never had time to get down there.

    Enjoy your day today

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  14. Helloooooagain ladies,

    I've finally done it!!! I've emptied all the boxes on the floor in my playroom and stowed them away in their new home, so I now have a clear table to craft again.
    One drawback, I haven't even touched the chest of drawers in my guest room that are filled to the brim with more crafty goodies. As Hazel says, tidying up will always be there.
    Eventually, Pete's favourite word for getting out of doing things, it will happen, but for now I'm one happy Easter bunny.
    Many thanks Steph for the camellia flowers, looking forward to using them.
    Time for lunch so bye bye for now,
    love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx
    P.S. Sandra & Maureen, sent you an email xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Your Pete sounds like Keith my son in law. Nothing ever gets done. He took my Pete to Banbury to pick up a double garage. Told Pete he'd pick him up at 1.00 but pulled up at 5.00. That was 4 years ago and it's up the horse field still waiting to be put up. He can turn his hand to anything but never does anything. A green house gas been waiting to be put up for 3 yrs and the sand and cement is sitting on the driveway. Mind you I could go on and on, but you get my drift.

  15. Hello Sandra,
    I hope you are feeling well today, and have to say that when I logged on and saw the first card I thought, "Oh, Sandra has made a card like mine!". I didn't even register that you'd written Maureen and Sam along the top, I can be really thick at times!!!
    Sam, What a super man card, the stamps are wonderful and beautifully crisp. I hope you are feeling much better today.
    I had a long lie in, just watching the TV and reading the morning paper (I got up at 8.30) but it really doesn't do me any good. I'm sluggish all day. (ugghh)
    Now, I'm not as professional as Sandra when it comes to describing a card, but here goes.
    Card 300 gsm cream A5 finished size. Largest SB Elegant labels 4 in pinkish coffee colour, matted onto cream card. The 4 corners matted underneath that are a freebie from one of the Tattered lace magazines. The feathers are a Hot of the Press feather freebie from a magazine. (I have the SB peacock feathers die, but prefer this freebie) The sentiment (it's not smudged, there are a lot of small stars around the words) is a freebie from another magazine stamped onto two SW Stockholm dies. The pearls and small bead spray are from the £1 man at one of the craft shows.
    So now you all know what a cheapskate I am! If I see something on a magazine that I know I'll use, I buy it, have a quick read of the magazine and then give it away or recycle it.
    I have to admit that I did like it when it was finished, and so did the recipient (well she said she did anyway!).
    I think with different colours and made more manly, it could do for a man's card. I think I'll have a go over the weekend.
    Oh, the Butler is call up that lunch is served, so I'll go for my salmon lunch. Thank you so much Sandra for showcasing my effort. You are very kind.
    Maria, I hope you're feeling much better today.
    Diane,I hope you're feeling much better today.
    Love and hugs to all, see you later.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hi Maureen
      Your card is really beautiful, thank you so much for letting Sandra show it. I've been feeling a bit better today, mouth isn't hurting quite so much, but I woke up with a sore neck and a headache with is probably due to the way he was waggling my head about!!! As Julian also pointed out I haven't eaten much the last couple of days either. Thank you for thinking of me, I hope the butler prepared the salmon beautifully.
      Love Diane xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and friends,
    Mureen I love your card,have been looking for feathers for ages but couldn't find any I liked but now I have and you telling me they were a freebie from a mag.! Like the colours and the sentiment, very nice!
    Sam. your card is fab. ! So nice to see more cards for men and I think a ship/boat is nicer sometimes or a lighthouse then sport ones. I wonder were you buy your stamps from ?
    Sandra I spent hours on the craft site this morning(3-5am) but only looking, not allowed to spend any more until next Saturday but it's so tempting , do you think one could get it cheaper at AP ?
    I envy you Cheryl I must say, I so want a space to call mine. Only to have a home for all the bits and pieces, cards and papers, dies and EF's . You enjoy your place for craftiness !
    I went out this morning to see a friend, she thinking of moving and I feel a bit sad about that as we have so much fun together and then I'm thinking of next weekend and the retreat and feeling happier again, yey! My throat is still sore but thankfully the earache is better. I also got a right eye that keep streaming, not hurting just annoying.
    Saba, you are seeing Val soon aren't you ? when you see her give her a massive hug from me and tell her to take care. The cat kept me company during the night, so it was quite cosy in here tihi
    I finished the hot x bun and the coffee and will go to lay down for a hour or so but not longer or I feel weirder then normal all evening. laters ,
    Hugs Maria xx

  17. janet ecco of Sheffield3 April 2015 at 14:14

    Afternoon everyone - hope you are all having a really good start to the Easter Week-end. Weather here in Marigny still very damp and cold so I can truly say we are 'hand in hand' with the UK. bank holiday weather.
    Muriel - your card is just beautiful - Your colours are so calm and warm and I just love the dies you have used. I do not think you are a 'cheapskate' at all. Crafting can so easily take all our hard earned pennies and so when you see something that is useful in many ways then what's wrong in getting it whether it cost 0 or £10. I always look at mags to see if there is anything interesting to me and only buy if really necessary. I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful crafting goodies.
    Sam - Yet again I'm in awe of your crafting talent. What a wonderful subject and what a fantastic 'man' card. If you don't mind I would love to put this into my 'must do' file. I hope you're feeling somewhat better today.

    OK we are now officially into Marigny mood. Jim's INR is where it should be after our expeditions yesterday so off to market we went this morning. (having made the call to the Dr for results first). There were more stalls than last time we went in January but still not up to full yet and I really cannot blame stall holders as it was very very damp and cold you know one of those mornings when everything heads straight for your joints and bones without any thought of being careful! Anyway into the cafe (not as beautifully decorated and crafty as ours but still good for a short stay and cuppa) lots more customers than last time all the locals and one or two strangers to boot. Nice to hear the gossipers trying to make themselves heard above one another and so it was coffee for Jim and a hot choc for me. Managed the walk back up the main street to the pastry shop - rest called for here for Jim to buy the necessary goodies- and then home to the log burner and a quiet afternoon.
    Will let you know how the pastries tasted tomorrow.
    Will some-one please catch my load of hugs and put them into the usual basket by the door as they are delivered by Tinternet so anyone can take as needed. Enjoy the rest of the day and please remember all those who stay to play late in the evening to clear all the bottles and don't forget to turn off the lights and lock the doors. Talk to you all tomorrow. Hugs
    Janet xxxx

    1. janet ecco of Sheffield3 April 2015 at 14:16

      It's me again - I'm so sorry I've called Maureen Muriel - please tell me how I have got you mixed up. Sorry Sorry.
      Extra hug

    2. Maureen "IS" Muriel ...... confused???
      Yep!! so am I ......LOL!!,

    3. Hi Janet, I am o pleased to hear that Jim's INR was ok after all that worry and messing about! So you can now fully immerse yourselves into 'Marigny Mode', relax and soak up the peaceful environment!
      It will do you both the world of good, I would do anything to be sat by that log burner beside you today!
      I look forward to tomorrow's pastry description, I have put your hugs in the basket, apart from the warm snuggly one I kept for myself!
      Sending you one of mine, by carrier pigeon as it is quicker than the post office,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxxx

    4. Don't worry Janet you could have called her a lot worse!
      Xxx. Pleased all the tests results were good. Xx

  18. Janet, you can call me whatever you like, so long as you call me! Wasn't that a line in a song or film?
    It started with Diane (was it Diane?) calling me Muriel, and I much prefer that anyway than Maureen so Muriel I became on this blog. My grandaughters have started calling me Murr!!! I can't remember how I told them about being called Muriel on here but Eleanor liked it so instead of Grandma Mo, I'm now Grandma Murr!!! (rhyming with fur).
    I'm pleased all the test results were ok. Do you claim all medical costs back when you get home. My brother in law and wife do, and the treatment they get is fantastic. Instant scans and tests, as opposed to waiting forever when back home. Still, I don't knock the NHS as it's been good to me (apart from the butcher with the barbed wire).
    By the way everyone, thank you for your kind comments on my card. It's always nerve racking showing things to other crafters.
    Must go and give the girls some tea as mam and dad dropped them off a couple of hours ago, they want a sleep over tonight but I'm trying to put them off until tomorrow night. Watch this space!!
    By the way Sandra I think "Sorrowful Friday" is a perfect saying for today.
    Muriel xxx

  19. Afternoon Sandra and ladies, a bit later today, a Friday is our day for covering the craft shop, it was a quiet day, not may people about, managed to sell a few things though
    Maureen and Sam your cards are lovely. Both of you are so talented, no more hiding you talent under a bushel (Think that is what you say)
    Off to think about dinner don't know what is on the menu tonight, will have to check the freezer.
    I will check back later for all the gossip.
    Hope you have all had a brilliant day.
    Jess x

  20. Oh Well ! It's official , I'm getting old and a bit batty!
    Don't please all rush to agree - I am quite a delicate flower really!
    You see I rang a friend - I do have some - and when her husband answered the telephone I said - hello David I thought you'd be at work! Well I would normally he said but it's Good Friday! Did I feel a chump!
    Reminder to self - put brain in gear before speaking! Xxxx

    1. Lol! Myra I keep thinking it' Saturday and had a mild panic thinking I hadn't done a post I wish I lived nearer a decent newsagent that would stock better craft mags The one near me has a few (very few) and they're quite close to the top shelf mags - bit embarrassing trying to look with these boobs staring back at you! Have a great evening off for a shower to get ready for Salsa tonight

    2. Karen - Keeeep dancing! Lol. Xxx

  21. Oh! Myra .... thanks for the laugh.
    You would have been OK here it is not an official Holday neither is Monday!!

    1. He really laughed and his parting shot to me was - it's Easter Sunday the day after tomorrow! I'll get him back! Glad it gave you a laugh. It's a horrid wet day here - so Good Friday in name only! Xx

    2. Patricia, is that true, Good Friday and Easter Monday are not Bank Holidays in Scotland (or are you in Aussie at the moment!!!)
      Myra, I don't want to worry you but I'm lucky if I know the year, never mind the month or date! xx

    3. Honest, everything apart from some of the Banks and Building Societies are open. We had a post delivery today, nothing but blooming Voting Junk!! but there you go.
      When I worked In Banks and Building Societies we got the Monday.

  22. Hi Sandra
    I have the same trouble as you Myra. We were going to post a card to Australia. I looked out of the side window while putting my shoes and wondered why Clair next door wasn't at work. Then the penny dropped its good Friday I said to Pete so the P Of won't be open
    Stunning cards Maureen and Sam. The feathers set yours off a treat Maureen, and yours Sam is a brilliant card for a man.

    1. It comes of being retired, I think, Pat. Every day is much the same.
      Never mind ! Xxx

    2. I usually have to look at the top of the Newspaper to find out what day of the week it is!!! As for "the date" ...... good job I can find that in the same place!!

    3. Pat, my OH went to the Bank in Streatham this morning. He was going by bus and almost there when he realised it was ................ Bank Holiday .... OK we will blame it on being retired.

    4. Thank you so much Brenda! It's good to know I'm not alone! Xx

  23. Hello Sandra and lovely ladies of the cafe
    have got some wifi, both the cards are gorgeous, very different but both so lovely. Still very hot herein Lanzarote but getting withdrawell systems not doing anything with paper. Very jealous you all meeting up and I can,t even make the October event. I f anyone comes anywhere near Aberdeen let me know and I will travel into there lol. My wifi keeps cutting but someone said the ladies showing these cards should go for demos. They definitely should.
    Sam glad your feeling better
    Glad all the meetings went fantastically well
    That's mt time about up for wifi so love to everyone xx

    1. Wendy, lucky you still having good weather, I will easily swop with you? It's damp and miserable here. Hazel x
      Aberdeen wouldn't be a problem, once your back we will see what we can do!

  24. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I didn't post yesterday, tried twice, both long messages but as I've explained before The Internet at our daughters house is really the pits. She has the skybox but it doesn't make any difference. She frequently has to work from home, and sometimes has teleconferences- I just don't know how she copes.
    Maureen, your card is absolutely stunning, love the subtle tones you have used, it really is very very beautiful. I know I would be thrilled to receive a card like this.
    Sam, your nautical card is gorgeous, I am sure Grandad absolutely loved it. You are such a talented lady, and have shown us so many beautiful creations.
    I hope you are feeling a wee bit better, take care dear lady come back soon.
    Janet, really pleased about James INR as I'm sure he is too. A few years ago I went with my sister to Tanzania, we stayed in a convent in Tanga. Before I left on my travels I was instructed by my one of the nurses who works at the Medical Centre I go to, that should I have any problems I was to go to a clinic in Dar es Salaam. Which was only five hours drive away. Needless to say I make sure I had no problems. Ha ha
    Maria, I have a Spellbinders die pack of Feathers S4-428 (6 dies in total) I am more than happy to cut the feathers out for you, just say what colour(s) you would like or you can borrow the dies and return them when you finished. Ladies that offer is open to all of you. My email address is my name, in lowercase and no spaces, If anyone would like me to cut some out please remember to say what colours you would like.

    Well Sandra, you've probably guessed we are home now, it's always fun being with the children. Next week mum will be at home with them, the following week only Ciara will be off school, we have suggested that she comes over here ,she likes that so we'll see what happens.
    Tomorrow we will all be going down to Billericay Essex to see our elder daughter and family, so all the family will be together. I love that.It has to be tomorrow as oldest grandson has to go back to uni on Sunday, because he's off to Spain on Monday with the uni rugby team. Think we have worked out that you will not be playing rugby. Not sure what they will be up to.
    Well I better think about dinner now, I might just stop by later on, I think I'm up for something in the bottle !!!!!! anyone care to join me?
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'll pull up a chair and join you in a bottle. Hope we can get past the neck. We'll have a bit more room than those in a champagne class. Will hopefully see you at Ally Pally.

  25. Sorry Sandra, forgot to say your Card yesterday was absolutely stunning.
    LOL Brenda xxx

  26. Oh Brenda,
    You put me to shame, why I didn't think of that. I can cut, or lend my dies to anyone. The peacock feathers has 4 different sizes, but the freebie is only one die. I could put the stamp in the package as well. My e-mail address is my name in lower case with no spaces between anything. Unlike me with the space between my ears.
    By the way, I don't know if I've said it but thank you to everyone for your very kind comments. And if I have said it, it just shows that I really, really mean it.
    Love Muriel xx

  27. Replies
    1. Norah! I am adding my voice to Patricia's Hallooooooo! Are you ok? We miss you my friend xxxx
      Will you post if I promise to be good and not joinBrenda in a glass? Xxx

    2. Will you fit in a glass Myra. You said you were small BUT!!! and Brenda will be in there as well.

    3. Patricia! Don't hit an oooold lady when she's down! Would I fit in a glass - well I would fit in. Greenhouse! What size greenhouse ? I don't know ! A fairly small one! Gulp ! I'm not that big! Saba- HELP!

    4. No!! I saw you sitting in a Champagne Glass. Just wondered is there was enough room for two in it. They are delicate like you?

    5. Oooh! Wow! Is that a glass or a flute? Xx

    6. I get this picture of me cross legged in a champagne glass , wearing my specs thinking - oh no where am I ? Xxx

    7. Think it would have to be the "tradional" style the are far more me!! and I am sure you as well.

    8. Girls - Remember these glasses are virtual, SO we can all fit into one glass BUT please make sure your Tena's are dry !!!

    9. Brenda never thought of that, and I agree ref the Tenas. Hazel x

  28. Did this message once but was called away and it disappeared. Wet day today. Looked after 2nd granddaughter today. Did some craft this morning and watched Frozen and Nemo this afternoon. Read 4 books at bedtime. I am having some time to myself now and reading all your comments. The cards today are lovely. Hope you will soon feel better Sam and able to come back to the cafe. Will have a hot chocolate and leave the money in the pot. Might be back later.

  29. Brenda using my new teal machine is like night and day. It's great. No your wrist won't like turning that handle I know my arm didn't . Hazel x

    1. Totally agree ! Old versus new = night from day, xxxx

    2. We should be on TV !! What better commendation than from real crafters! Xxx

    3. We would make a far better job than those on C&C that's for sure. Apart from Sue that is.

    4. Thanks for your comments. Think I will see if there are any bargains at Ally Pally. If not will look on line.

    5. I got mine from Hobbycraft £89.99 Hazel x

  30. Right,
    Who's sitting with whom in a glass. What sort of glass, and are they empty?
    Has everyone got the new Teal GC except me?
    Why do I feel tired when I had a lie in?
    Who will explain the mysteries of the Universe to me?
    How did they mow the lawn on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

    1. Muriel! It's been a long day - don't be difficult! I'm suffering here!
      As for Babylon - just sit down! For now ! Xxx

    2. Do You get it! - By the rivers of Babylon - there we sat down!!! Xxx

    3. They only had flowers
      Jess x

    4. Thank you Jess! - I think! Xxxx

    5. Do we "REALLY" know that???
      They might have liked a bit of Lawn as well.

  31. Evening all, sound a bit like Dixon of Dock Green(if you are old enough to remember), back to not knowing what day it is, when you are retired, you don't get days of or bank holidays, it is a bummer!!!
    Jess x

    1. I work for myself, I don't get days off or bank holidays either!!

    2. Janice , I have worked for this family for years! I'm not sure what you do but I became what is called a housewife many years ago! It has been a very satisfying job and thankfully been appreciated by my family! I heard all the stories after school and was able to attend all school productions. For all this I am very thankful. I earned nothing but gained so much! Xxxx

  32. I can answer the one about why you feel tired when you had a lie in, it's your body is not use to the luxury. Mines the same when it gets the luxury of a lie in. I am better of getting up at 5.30am, I get so much done! Don't worry not everyone has a Teal one!!! Hazel x

    1. Hazel, my dear! Not everyone feels that 5 30 am is a spiffing time to get up! Oh dear! It's the middle of the night! My teal one works anytime after 10 am ! Xxxxx

    2. I am with Hazel on that one!! I am an early bird I love to be up early. I get so much more done then have lots of time to "play"
      Mind you I do go bed when most young folks are going out to the dancing!!!

    3. I am not a dancer but I do things like ironing at the opposite end of the day to you. Hey ho ! we get the jobs done! It's so interesting to see how these traits have been passed down the generations. I have a ten year old grandson who can't sleep like his siblings but then his Daddy was just the same . As a strict Mum I made him go to bed and if he couldn't sleep - then read a book! This of course was before IPads etc. we need the wisdom of

  33. Jess I suppose you don't get days off or the holidays and when you are retired isn't life one big holiday??? Only joking. Hazel x

  34. I only have a Teal GC the past 2 pink ones are in the GC Graveyard.
    I just wish they would hurry up with one that will cut right across the whole plate!!!

  35. Sorry Myra, I forget not everyone likes that time in the morning? Hazel x

  36. What will you do when we are away, will you still be up so early, maybe that will be when we are off to bed!!
    Jess x

    1. Jess it's a funny thing, when Hazel and I are away from home we actually do actually sleep longer.

  37. Just noticed Saba has not been in.
    Was it today she was going to see Val??
    If you come in Saba hope you have had a good day.
    Right folks this is where getting up early has its limits ... I am off to bed to read my book.
    I have been reading the same chapter for about 3 nights!!! Keep having to go back, re-read the bits I fell asleep over.
    Good night all, thank you for your company during the day.
    See you tomorrow
    Love & Hugs

    1. Patricia, night night my dear! I've lost my book! Don't even ask ! Xxx

  38. I looked in again - it was number 77! If you remember 77 Sunset Strip ! Go to bed! Xxxx

  39. Jess in good company I will stay up late and sleep late!!! Well I will try and have a lie in. I remember 77 sunset strip! Hazel x

  40. He who must be avoided has just walked into the Boudoir so I guess it's time to watch the 10 o'clock news and then The Papers, although he's usually asleep by the time the news is finished. Then wakes up after half and hour, and then gets up and down all night with his restless legs. I've brought the mallet up tonight - enough is enough!!!
    I tend to work until quite late at night, and prefer to wake about 6.30 and just watch the news until about 8. I don't go back to sleep, but I can't just lie in bed. I like the paper to read or the TV to watch. George just snores!!!
    I think that might be a bit too much info so I'll tidy up and leave Maria to switch on the dishwasher, don't want to lock her in there again.
    We haven't had Norah or Saba in today, I do hope they are well.
    See you all tomorrow
    Love xxxxxxxoooooooooo

    1. Saba was in earlier but Norah may have had a busy day! Muriel my dear friend , sleep well! I've got family for lunch tomorrow but brain of Britain here arranged an Optician's appt. for 10 50 am! Why? Who knows! XXxx - was nearly the beer advert!

  41. Myra, I to have a 10 year old grandson who doesn't go to sleep till late, drives his mum to distraction, they have tried everything, he would just carry on reading. Little brother sleeps from 7.30 till about 1 then is restless the rest of the night. Mum is like a zoombie some morning as she has to be up by 6.30 and get the boys up to take dad to work, weekends aren't much better for her. Hazel x

  42. Maureen, Charlie seem to sleep through anything, I have seen we geting and coming downstairs in the wee small hours and he never misses me. I alway tell him I could pack the car and leave him and he would know a thing till the morning. Hazel x

  43. Sandra, Have tided up. Every thing is ship shape, no one in the dishwasher or toilets. Cleared all the EMPTY BOTTLES off the counter. Everything ready for a very busy Saturday. Hope you all have a good nights sleep. Sweet beams (as Ciarea used to say) see you all tomorrow. Love Brenda xxx
    If anyone wants to pop in later PLEASE leave it tidy and put the key back where you found it. Don't want Hazel or Patricia telling us off in the morning. Wish I could get up that early. My Mother always told me it was because I was born just before midnight !!!

  44. Everyone has gone to bed here so I have also come to bed but I cannot sleep this early plus I haven't really done much today to get tired. Will read for a bit and make myself a hot chocolate and put money in pot. Hope you have all had a good day.

  45. See Brenda has left everything tidy and I haven't made a mess. Will just sit quietly and read.

  46. Boo ......Brenda did I scare you!

  47. No oo! But you scared little old me rigid! Xxx

    1. Nothing like that scares me, I live in a haunted building.

    2. Pardon! Explain yourself! Xxx

    3. I live in a hotel, over 110 years old. Never seen an apparition, but lights and electrical items go on and off on their own, items disappear, and are returned, beer gas gets turned off, doors slam shut, cold draughts waft past and every housemaid, not prompted by others, are wary of one very small room. I am quite happy with it, and wander around in the dark when we are closed for winter. Nothing spooky, and I am not loopy...honest!

  48. Now what are you girls up to? I thought you were all fast asleep

  49. I am really going to turn out the light. OH is out for the count. So do not want to wake him up - night, night everyone. Sleep well. LOL xxx

  50. Sorry Brenda, just the night owls around. The larks are all asleep.
    Just wanted to say that todays cards are both stunning. I have looked at feather dies, but until seeing this card, I never saw a really good way to use them.

  51. Night Night Everyone! This bunny is heading for bed ! Xxxx

    1. JANICE!!!!!
      how can you live in a spooky haunted house, do you let that room out?
      Goodnight Myra, Brenda, Brenda & Janice if you have already gone xxxx

    2. Nightie nightie aaaaah!

  52. Just got in from Salsa dancing Could see that the cafe was in complete darkness so OH just drove straight past Night night See you all tomorrow
