
Thursday 2 April 2015

Thursday..... A little give away!

 Good Morning Ladies,
I thought that today would do a little give away, nothing special don't get excited, just the simple card you see pictured above!
This was a die that Pat had bought, she had it with her today and I cut several sets out in different
The Die is Spellbinders Romantic Rose Die, quite a pretty little die set, it is shown in its entirety on this card, you even get the little dies to make the tiny rose heads and leaves.
I used some Blush Card and white card and to cut the 3 layers of the die and matted it onto a white card blank, I wrapped a piece of the new Creative Expressions Ribbon sets in Sideshow Rose Colour,
I had to add the white oval centre die from one of the Noble Die sets by CE to give a contrast colour to mount the little rose onto, I then tied a bow with the same ribbon added a little brad with a matching colour centre, a few complimentary coloured pearls and a couple of the Creative Expressions Stick Pins in matching colour!
If you would like to be entered into the draw to win this card, let me know in a comment below.
I was so pleased to hear that Myra and Saba had a lovely meet up yesterday, Pat and I had a lovely day too, she got two cards almost finished, so a very productive day all round.
Paul is now off until Tuesday :) ....YAY! we haven't got much planned apart from my sister is bringing my Mum over on Sunday, which is the first time in over a year, so I am looking forward to that. Apart from that we are just planning on relaxing.
What have you all got planned?
Hazel, I hope you plan on making the most of every minute of your ten days off my lovely.
Well I am off, breakfast in bed is the plan this morning!
love and hugs to all
Sandra xxxxx

Bargain Basement alert...... Craft   has got the Papermania Capsule Collection paper
collection on offer, they are in packs with loads of extras, buttons, ribbons, flowers etc.  the price is
£9.99 instead of £19.99, a lot of other bits in there sale too!

Sue's Open Petals Camellia Dies are in stock in go and have a look.


  1. Morning Ladies

    Quick visit as I need to call in at the butchers then deliver an Easter card before work.

    Sandra-your card is beautiful, really classy.


  2. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe. First I must say sorry for not saying how much I loved your card yesterday! It is a really beautiful one, photos just didn't do it justice, no reflection on Paul's camera skills, just can't enjoy how gorgeous it is the same as seeing it "in the flesh". You do deserve to be mentioned in the same way as Sue Wilson, don't knock yourself. You are so talented my lovely : ) How kind to offer todays lovely card to one of us. You always manage to bring out the beauty of dies etc, and you always find perfect matching ribbons and embellishments, it is gorgeous : )
    What a pretty set of dies Pat, glad you found them, and that you both had a busy day together : )
    Sandra, yesterday wasn't windy for me, thank goodness. Won't be so lucky next time though!
    How lovely that you have Paul home now for a few days, enjoy every minute.
    We are helping eldest RJ, and Gemma move today, well I am on babysitting duty so Christopher and I will be sat watching the others doing all of the lifting and carrying while we look at books and talk to each other......ohh that will be so hard for me.....not. Christopher is growing at a rapid rate of knots and is very rarely still, talk about a wriggler! :))
    I hope you all have a good day. I must get on now, will try and pop in tonight. Take care xx

  3. Good morning everyone, Sandra your card is beautiful & your giving it away wow your very kind I would love the chance to win it. The die set is gorgeous makes. Me think I should really think about useing some of my old spellbinders die's.I had a terrible night we had really heavy rain so Annie was shaking & kept jumping off the bed & barking I must have got out of bed 6 or 7 times putting her bake on the bed,pluss OH snoring through it all.
    Not much happening today apart from Tesco's shopping.
    Oh yesterday we took the dogs up the park,& I gave Alison the lady in the cafe the card I made for her engagement,she loved it. Then Kathy the other lady gave me two orders,one for A mans 70th & A ladies 70th so I'm pleased about that,so after shopping it's into craft room. Only 9 day's till AP.YAAY.
    Will pop back later to catch up with everyone's comments.
    Hope your ok this morning lovely Sandra after your two days crafting. Enjoy your time with Paul & twins did they enjoy there sleep over.
    Patricia enjoy the boys tonight have a lovely evening with them.xx
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

  4. Good Morning from my little wet corner of Somerset. At least those strong gales have finished for now.
    My poor garden is bedraggled and untidy. Pots and bins all over the place. One poor rosemary has lost its pot altogether, even sturdier plants have been blown away down the path. Too wet to go out to rescue them and now its raining at least they'll get their roots watered.

    Sandra, that is one very stunning card, the dies are as good as their 'Romantic' name, all frills & roses, very Victorian inspired. Enjoy your Easter time-out with Paul and your family.
    I won't put my name down my dear if you don't mind, I think I have won enough this week and it will be thrilling to see someone else's name pulled out. Still in anticipation for my parcel to arrive. When my camera surfaces I'll send photo of all the goodies.
    I'm off to lunch today with an old workmate, who retired to Spain 2013. I said she should have brought the sun over with her!
    Obviously with Arthur Ritis and Miss Sciatica visiting me last weekend, the big push to get my playroom finished went by the way, so this weekend I 'm really going to try my best. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms from very little crafting time!
    I've had my second cuppa and some toast for breakfast, which was very delightful and now pooping out, will catch you all later.
    Love Cheryl xxx

    1. Popping out not pooping, I have been toilet trained!
      Google's spell check dictionary needs serious updating, some words don't bear any relation to what I type, and I need new glasses cos I didn't register that word. LOL

    2. Cheryl not good about your garden, after all your work the other week. Enjoy your lunch and catch up with your friend, I hope she did pack you some sunshine, just don't over do the sorting out, it will still be there tomorrow as they say. Hazel x

    3. Hazel,
      Thank you for some kind words of wisdom. You are so right, the sorting out will always be there. My problem is, I always try to run instead of walking and want to get it all done at once, result is mess everywhere. So I have now decided I am going to stow away what I already have in the craft room and when I need anything that is not to hand and in another room, go and find it and THEN put it in it's new home when I have finished with it. Job sorted, don't know how long that idea will last for but at least it's a start.

    4. Cheryl. I can't speak really as I am guitly of doing the same as yourself??.. But you have been really busy these past few weeks and we don't want you over doing and being ill. Hazel x

  5. Forgot to ask Muriel is Maria out of the dishwasher hope she is ok & didn't get anything cut off with you leaving the cutlery in as well poor love. So cruel.
    Hope your ear ache is better Maria. Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all who pop into the " Coffee Shop" today.
    Sandra what a gorgeous card, that die set is beautiful, now I for one would be delighted to give this little beauty a home.
    I see my big sis has opened up this morning, thank you Patricia, everything looks lovely. Yes Sandra I will try and take it easy, now I did say try? Daughters and Charlie have said the same. It's hard but I am getting better at it.
    So glad all four ladies had a great time yesterday, Sandra and Pat actually got some good crafting time in which is unusual, they normally talk that much??? But no a lovely day had by all.
    Karen you had all the right in the world to be on your soap box!!!! I for one totally agree children are a gift that should be treasured, now don't get me wrong when I say this. Beth's mum doesn't not love them, but it's a love that isn't in its rightful place ( does that sound wrong?) I think some don't know that to love your child doesn't mean you have to give it all the nice things in the world, buy it expensive items and In Their case do all these activities!!! To me being there at the end of the day listening to what has gone on in their day is priceless.
    Karen my heart goes out to you, I can only imagine the pain you feel in losing your son. (((((( hugs))))))
    Brenda, poor Scarlett, not knowing if her mummy will come back on the day she says she will? Thank goodness her daddy and yourself are there for her! You are her rock. My 4 grandchildren are lucky as they have none of those worries.
    Yes Rebecca worries when her daddy isn't well, she has never known anything else than Chris our son being not 100% healthy. Hope it wasn't to strange a night for you being back in your own home.
    Diane, hope the pain has settled, Sam, again I hope you are feeling a little better. To all those who have't been In for a while I have left (((((( hugs)))))) incase you are needing.
    Talking about not knowing why you have so many looks in and not the comments remember Sandra every time us lot come in and out it registers, and I for one will look in and see if anyone else has commented if not I go out again so that also adds to the numbers. But my lovely you have a blog that has true followers that come in as much as they can to chat not just leave a comment and go. So stop worrying if it wasn't for this fantastic blog would Saba and Myra meet up yesterday - answer NO.
    I am off before you are all asleep will my waffle, see what happens when I don't have work to go to???. Hazel x

  7. Good morning dearest Sandra and the mad cafetieres,
    I'm so glad that i can walk along a clean floor as that Pat was in drinking last night again and getting her red and white aisles all jumbled by getting reed wine out of the white aisle. Poor Maria is more dizzy now than before as that Muriel shoved her in the dishwasher(think she must have put her on a high speed spin as she is still spinning more than my spinning top ever could. I hope that you are not more bunged up because of all the water swimming around inside. Hope that with all the various home cures and actual medicinal ones that you are feeling better soon flower.
    I can see a gold sheen coming off the beautiful peachy pink card, what a beautiful die set that you have Sandra but what a gorgeous card you have made with it. I love how you have been making up your beautiful hatpins to coordinate with it like it does. Rory off to school for his last day of term today so they are away to the National Galleries in Edinburgh(lucky wee sod) gets to go more trips to the most interesting places than we ever did. Enjoy your Paul's time off for Easter and mum's visit this Sunday as you will be better seeing her this time than you were the last as you wont have all that journey beforehand to make you all sore, so enjoy it.Glad that coffee shop wont be shut though as for some of us it will be just like any other day although i have OH off Monday for him to mump and moan the whole day about what i should be doing. Now that is fine, yes i should be doing all the different things that he says but the body just retaliates back at me for doing too much and totally floors me for the rest of the week because of what i should be doing. He can't understand this do a bit, sit down and rest and start again attitude that i have. Trying to tell him that it's not an attitude, its being sensible with what i have to work with means that in the end i get more physically done than his way, but you all know that men know better in all these matters(yeh right then).
    Well we are having a lovely day up here if a tad on the chilly side and my landscape is just looking lovely coming back in to bloom. Some of the fruit trees that i rescued from mums is budding with green shoots which means they are still alive thank goodness. Although thank goodness it is the dwarf variety of fruit trees so they wont grow to tremendous heights so lets see what happens this year with them.
    I have parked my basket over in my corner Sandra with all my hugs in it so they are for all shapes, sizes and needs so please help yourself to the own of your dreams and i will sit with a latte and my knitting and watch all the happy to-ings and fro-ings
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Norah, Rory will have a great day on his trip, yes lucky him. You are so right about doing a bit, then sitting. I have to do more of that these days. Yes we would live to keep going, but that's all well if you don't spend the next week suffering!!! I am lucky as Charlie will make me sit, and he will make me a cup of tea. No you just do what you know is right for you. I took the attitude a long time ago if he wasn't pleased with how it's going do it himself that way he will know it's done right???. Funny it doesn't get done!!! Well that's me had a break. Off to hang out the bedding and put another wash on. Money in the pot, Sandra if we all put just one penny in a pot when we say we have paid for our virtual tea I bet we would get a surprise how many we have had since you stared the coffee shop??? Hazel x

    2. Janet ecco of Sheffield2 April 2015 at 12:33

      Hello Norah - Rory will have a wonderful day and I just know that he will tell you all about it when he comes home tonight. So you can see all the things through his eyes which is fantastic as youngsters always see things we don't.
      As to pacing yourself you just carry on doing it. Never mind anyone else giving vent to their ways as Hazel says if some-one doesn't like how it's done just tell them where the cleaning stuff is and get on with it. I bet it wouldn't be done. Would love to see what your're knitting at the moment but being over here is a little difficult so please don't knit too fast so that when I return it's all finished.
      Hugs are flying via tinternet to you.
      Janet x

    3. Hi anorak
      Rory will have a wonderful day out in Edinburgh. Not that I've ever been myself. It's one place I've always to see but never got round to it. Now you tell him indoors that mustn't be obeyed, that you'll do it as and when your able. You might suggest that perhaps he might like to do it himself. Either that or I'll send up a pair of earplugs so you can't hear him complaining.

  8. Morning Ladies, tea and toast for me today before going off for shopping.
    Sandra your card is delightful, I really like these dies and what you have done with them. After reading the above comments I must go back and read last nights
    Hubby ready and waiting for the off, will catch up later, take care, Jess x

  9. Well I am in for a quick cup of tea, in 2 hours I have clear out 3 black sacks of clothes. Oh it's a great feeling has done me the world of good! I don't why I do it but I had put away summer tops that were so washed out looking, they must not have looked like that surely at the end of the summer last year, cardigans that looked well worn oh I must have had a brain break down to have thought they were ok so they are all gone in the sacks. Good thing too, I have looked out things I will take to Canada they will get washed and ironed and hung up ready to be packed, they were washed before they went away but they need freshened up, better try them on I know I have put weight on so I might not be taking them with me? Next I will do Charlies clothes he just wouldn't do it. So retreat pot can get what I get for it all?
    TALKING about RETREAT!!! Are we all booked in??? As I will e-mail and say that's us. We don't want to be paying for those extra rooms.
    Tea was good so off now to do something else. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, I think I'm booked in - as yet had no confirmation although I emailed them asking for one. I didn't want to ring as I feel like a pest but it may come to that! Has everyone else had confirmation of bookings? It may just be Saba and me as she hasn't had confirmation either.
      Just make sure our names are on that final list!! Or I'll cry! Lol.
      Love Myra xxx

    2. No not yet i'm hoping that my 3 new friends that i am seeing on Wednesday is going to help me sort out my travel arrangements and booking because you know how a sieve leaks, well that is my concentration levels in retaining details because i said to his lord almighty and got told why was i asking him but how was i going to manage when i can't walk and was it another show. Now this is the edited highlights of the conversation that i had without all the explietives in amongst it and don't expect him to visit me in hospital away down there. As i told him if he can't come 15 miles to our local Larbert Royal i have got absolutely no chance of him coming down to Birmingham so i need my room pleaseeeeeee.

    3. Hi Hazel I haven't booked yet, it's on my to do list for today so will sort it out this afternoon. Thank you for the reminder xxx

    4. Hi to you all.
      Well I booked but haven't had any confirmation either. I only remembered yesterday when Sandra and I were talking about it. Perhaps I ought to email as well.

    5. Norah, I am in no way being pushy, but are you actually saying that you are coming, is this all my Christmases in one day???

    6. Woopie ! I feel like you Sandra when I read that Norah coming to the retreat it's like a big present you waited for at last will arrive , so I really hope it will come true xxx

    7. I hope you lot realise what you are letting yourselves in for having me along but i just need to book my room and find out about the train situation which i am hoping Hazel and Patricia will guide me in the right direction. I have never been away on my own before ever so it will be different that's for sure.

    8. Norah, I will personally promise that we will take care of you, while you are with us, I know that Hazels travel plans include you joining them for the journey down, so you can relax and enjoy even that part of it, the party will start early for you lot!
      I cannot tell you what a huge difference you have made to me and I know all of the others too by agreeing to come along, you have to be one of the most loved and respected sister on our little blog here,
      apart from the fact that you will be 'the party' !
      Oh I an just about to do my 'spazzy' happy dance!!!!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    9. Wow! That's great news Norah! We'll all take care of each other!
      You've made my day! Love Myra xxx

    10. Yes I have booked and received confirmation, and Norah, oh-my-goodness, it is going to even more fantastic now you're coming!!!! Sandra is right in how you make a huge difference, you really make my day with all your lovely comments and wee stories.
      One happy bunny xxx

    11. Norah, that's great news that you're coming, my word can you imagine the noise levels when we all get together lol. xxx

    12. Hi everyone I hunted down my email today and I've booked my room. I was quoted the right price etc, had to ask for confirmation but not received an email yet. I had to give my card details to secure the room though. I didn't at first but she rang me back and said her manager said she must have it. Norah I'm so pleased you are going to come too, it will be lovely to meet up with you.
      Oh my goodness this hotel doesn't know what's going to hit them! Xxx

  10. Sandra flower, i know that your Paul is wonderful but to make so many cards telling the world on C&C website is just showing off ;)
    Take a look on the heartfelt creation pick under "Every day heros" and you will see what i mean flower
    hugs and back to my knitting quietly here in the corner now that i have been cheeky

    1. Oh Norah, I just had a look, those sentiments are about right though, boy aren't they expensive though!
      Sometimes something comes along that just expresses how you feel!
      Paul would actually die of embarrassment if I were to be so bold as to tell the world how amazing I think he is! He thinks he is just doing what any husband does!
      Are you knitting the blue shawl ?
      Sandra xxxx

  11. Janet ecco of Sheffield2 April 2015 at 12:52

    Bon Jour my favourite sisters
    Well we have rain and it's cold but the horrible winds have dropped at last.
    We are still running around getting things sorted - we went to see the Dr this morning so Jim could have his INR checked as requested by his GP last week. This takes all morning not like in the UK where Jim visits the surgery between 8.45-9.00. He then has his blood checked; dosage sorted etc and he is out before 9.10. We arrived at the surgery after a 30min drive where He sat in the waiting room until it was his turn. (I stayed in the car reading my book. Best place for me) The Dr then gave him a complete medical check saying all is well and so 23euros please along with a form to take to the labs in Corbigny to have his blood taken. So off we go (this takes nearly 1hr to drive there). Blood taken another 13euros please and please ring us at 16.00hrs today so we can give your your INR count. He then has to visit the Dr again in the morning when he will give him his Warfrin dosage and depending on his blood count he may need to visit again in 8days time.
    We just might get into our normal routine here by Monday of next week. Fingers crossed by all please (if fingers won't behave then anything that can be crossed will do).

    Sandra your card is just beautiful and I would really cherish it if I were to receive it. I love the die you have used and your colours are so calming - just what I need at the moment. So pleased that you will have Paul home for the Easter Holiday and that Mum will arrive Easter Sunday and you will be able to entertain her feeling as well as you can without the long journey first.
    I've brought the camera this time so will take some indoors pics for you so you can see our rooms. I have an e-mail from Christina yesterday to say they are now well and truly in the middle of lambing and that it's not easy at the moment as the weather god is throwing hail rain snow and high winds at them all the time. She will be soaked through having to change at least twice a day and having to wear three pair of gloves at a time because of her Raynards. Take care my lovely Friend. Hugs are on their way via tinternet as I can't be in the coffee shop in person at the moment. Can you please take yours out and then put the rest in the basket by the door as usual. Speak to you tomorrow.
    Hugs to your wonderful family
    Janet xxxx

    1. Bon jour Janet & Jim,
      What a palarva and an expensive one at that! Do you not get to use your EHIC cards over there?
      Hopefully all will be well with Jim's INR and you can get back to normal, yes please to the indoor pics !
      Poor Christina, it sounds exhausting, but so rewarding seeing those little lambs bouncing into life!
      You two take care now,
      Live and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Sorry if this sounds a little irreverent.
      Mint sauce springs to mind with the mention of all those little lammikins. Joseph's favourite roast and he can polish off a whole jar of mint jelly if we let him! Do not envy Christina at all working out in this unseasonal weather, her hands must be in agony. ((((hugs)))) blowing their way to you my flower. xxx

    3. Hi Janet oh what a palava for you both and so expensive, especially if you have to go back. Makes you grateful for the Nhs doesn't it. I hope the test results are good and you can get into your usual routine soon xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Another stunning card today for your giveaway. This card did give off a lovely sheen didn't. So pleased for you that Paul has some time off. Hopefully he won't be ferrying the girls about and you can spend some quality time together.
    Now as you ladies could see this morning I cleared up behind me last night after sitting with my glass of wine. It was called Echo Falls fruit fusion with Winter Spice. Very nice and warming it was as well. Had a lovely day with Sandra yesterday as well. We actually got quite a bit done, which is very unusual for us.

  13. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Beautiful card today Sandra that really is a pretty die isn't it. Love the way the ribbon matches the blush card, must have a look out for that in our local craft shop. Thank you for your offer of a give away too, what a treat. How lovely having Paul home for a few days. Julian found out yesterday he is working away next week and possibly the week after too so that's the Easter holiday sorted! At least we will have the long weekend. Xxx
    Well I feel like I have gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson today. I've helped myself to a soft hot cross bun and a glass of water today and put the money in the pot. I'm feeling very sleepy and lazy so I don't think a lot will get done today. I've got a friend dropping in after school for 5 minutes and then find out which station my daughter is able to get home to tonight. All the trains were cancelled this morning and no replacement busses in place so she had to be taken to the main line station to catch the train instead. I must check the local mews in a minute to see if the trains are running again.
    Hope everyone is having a good day today, weather isn't brilliant but hopefully it will get better over the weekend. Take care everyone and see you all later.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      Sorry to hear you are feeling so rough sweetheart.
      Why are the trains all cancelled, such a lot of messing about for you, just when you don't need it!
      I hope your friend will cheer you up, the weather isn't brilliant here but sit calm at least!
      Take it easy sweetheart,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Sandra
      I checked south west trains and apparently there was a body on the line so all power had to be switched off ( we have 3rd rail power rather than overhead power). They do apologise for not having busses organised but they have still got to get to college. Quite often if we get to the station and there are no trains we fill the car with Emma's friends and drive them to college. Unfortunately Julian had a meeting to get to so he dropped her at the main station where the trains were running so she only missed a lesson at the start of the day.
      I'm feeling a bit better tonight, not quite so sore but I think I need to eat something a bit more solid tomorrow! Just been watching the program on fats which was very interesting.
      Well the holidays have now started so we can relax for the weekend (oh Jess, if we do come your way we will let you know and come and give you a hand!) .
      Enjoy your evening.
      Love Diane xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all,
    Oh what a delicate card in a very soft colour. The die is lovely and you have put together once more a very pretty card. like the stickpins and the bow. It funny I got quite a bit of ribbons etc but rarely putting them on my cards, might have to change that after seeing your lovely creations.
    A large black coffee please while I still trying to sort out this bristle brush someone special gave me last night hmmm. Don't think I bother with the di-con-gest-ion tihi as it's my tonsil's thats up and earache to match .Why didn't my mamma get the doc. to take them out when I was a child. anyhow we have a gorgeous day here after torrential rain all last night.
    Hope Annie is finished baked by now Lynda hihi! bless her and Cheryl all the work you did in your garden,hope it's soon put back again.Enjoy your lunch with your friend.
    Mrs B,have a fabulous day spent with wriggly baby Christopher ,aaaah. Last summer must have been bad,there sooo many babies everywhere you look tihi
    Sandra have a lovely time with your family,nice that Paul could take some time off and Sunday seeing your mum. We are having a little special lunch on the Sunday, used to do so much, even had chicken kitchen curtains and branches of ( willow something) decorated with feathers and eggs but over the years it gets less and less done. I'm going now but sending Hugs to everyone who need one and I see you later.
    Love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Oh Bless you Maria,
      I have been lucky enough to have only suffered with tonsillitis a couple of times, I had always thought it was a glorified sore throat! Oh my goodness me was I wrong, which I realised I on the first occasion I had it, I had never felt so unwell in my whole life, my throat well sore didn't come close, I couldn't even swallow water, let alone the huge tablets they gave you at the doctors, they called it 'chronic tonsillitis', boy they weren't wrong to the point that I had to have the pain meds up me jaxi !
      that was an experience all in its self! why the blue blazes people mess about around there for 'pleasure' I will never in my lifetime understand!
      Anyway this bout of tonsillitis lasted about two weeks as when I had finished the antibiotics it returned! I swore if I got it again I would cut my own tonsils out!
      So my darling Maria, you have my total and utter sympathy, I am issuing you with a 'do nothing but sit and relax pass' for you to use until you feel better.
      Oh and Manuka Honey, that will really help your throat, proven medically to heal!
      Love and warm comfy snuggles

    2. Quite agree Sandra, I don't understand turd burglars either. It was bad enough when I was admitted back into hospital after my kidney operation with chronic constipation and had to have enemas. Ouch!!!

    3. Turd burglars!!!!!!!
      Cheryl, I needed a change go clothes of that !
      What are you like!
      Are you coming away with us in October?
      I so hope you are!
      Sandra xxxx

    4. Turd Burglars ....... well that's a new one.
      Really must remember that!!

    5. Haha not heard that one either! I know how you feel Maria, I had so many bouts of tonsillitis one after the other and finally said I had private medical insurance through work so was referred to a consultant. I had my tonsils taken out when I was in my 30s the consultant said he hadn't seen such infected tonsils for years. I still get sore throats but nowhere near as bad as they used to be and haven't had antibiotics for my throat since. I hope you feel better soon, it's not nice to feel so rough. I wouldn't get into the dishwasher tonight though sweetheart.

  15. Hello everyone,
    Sandra, your card is gorgeous. I like everything about it.
    I have just read last night's posts, honestly, you lot crack me up. I hope Maria's ENT problem is better (ear, nose and throat Maria), and I only loaded the dishwasher I don't think I put it on, but if I did I'm sorry. I won't do that again in a hurry!
    Well Myra and Saba should have calmed down by now - although knowing those two I doubt it.
    Cheryl will be in seventh heaven playing in her craft room.
    I haven't read today's posts as I haven't long been in from school where we went into the Forest School and did the Stations of the Cross, which was especially lovely as it's a beautiful calm sunny day, and it's my mother's anniversary RIP Elizabeth Shotton Matthewson, nee McGill, 4th June 1906 - 2nd April 1980.
    I am now going to the doctors for a small MOT, then to school to get Eleanor and Zoe, then the Easter Hols, time to relax.
    See you all later, when I'll catch up on what you've been doing.
    Love and hugs
    Muriel xx

    1. Wow Maureen slow down, you are exhausting me, just reading what you have been to this morning!
      hope all goes well with the MOT,
      I am sure your Mum will be resting in peace and looking down, bursting with pride a what a beautiful, loving, caring generous and all round amazing daughter she has bought you up to be.
      Try and find five minutes to take a breath and relax,
      love and hugs lovely friend,
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Chill out, my dear heart, relax xxx

  16. WARNING!!!!!!! POSSIBLE 'TENA' MOMENT BELOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was going to save this poem sent to me by our Jess for the weekend but every time I think about it, I have a 'tena' moment, so I can't wait any longer to share it with you! Its written by the amazing genius that is Pam Ayres, so you know its going to be funny, I had a few of you in mind as I was reading it, Pat, Lynda, Maureen, Myra and Maria to name but a few, so please read below and leave you comments!
    Something to brighten your day..............
    By Pam Ayres of course.
    .FIFTY SHADES OF GREY - (a husband's point of view)

    The missus bought a Paperback,
    down Shepton Mallet Way

    I had a look inside her bag;
    T'was "Fifty Shades of Grey".

    Well I just left her to it,
    And at ten I went to bed.

    An hour later she appeared;
    The sight filled me with dread...
    In her left she held a rope;
    And in her right a whip!
    She threw them down upon the floor,
    And then began to strip.

    Well fifty years or so ago;
    I might have had a peek;
    But Mabel hasn't weathered well;
    She's eighty four next week!!

    Watching Mabel bump and grind;
    Could not have been much grimmer.
    And things then went from bad to worse;
    She toppled off her Zimmer!

    She struggled back upon her feet;
    A couple minutes later;
    She put her teeth back in and said
    I am a dominater !!

    Now if you knew our Mabel,
    You'd see just why I spluttered,
    I'd spent two months in traction
    For the last complaint I'd uttered.

    She stood there nude and naked
    Bent forward just a bit
    I went to hold her, sensual like
    and stood on her left tit!

    Mabel screamed, her teeth shot out;
    My God what had I done!?
    She moaned and groaned then shouted out:

    "Step on the other one!!

    Well readers, I can tell no more;
    Of what occurred that day.

    Suffice to say my jet black hair,
    Turned fifty shades of grey.!!

    1. Hazel sent me that and did almost wet myself laughing.
      Tears rolling down my face and a sore side.

    2. I had this sent to me on Face Book, wet myself too!

    3. Sandra I don't think this was by Pam Ayres, but in her style. It was sent to me from Oz

    4. Hi Jess,
      I can picture Pam Ayres saying that poem with that hilarious grin of hers, I don't know if it is or isn't, I just copied and pasted from your email!
      Either way it's hilarious !
      Hugs and thank you for sharing!
      Sandra xxxxx

    5. Wow Sandra that sounds like me hihi I nearly needed a Tenna lady as laughing so much. Thanks for cheering me up.xx Lynda xx

    6. Sandra!!!!
      Ha ha please check before you post a poem written with me in mind!!! xxx

    7. Thank you Sandra this has cheered me up after a shity day Hihi
      Hugs Maria xx

    8. Glad you enjoyed the poem ladies, it was too good not to share!
      Jess x

    9. Oh that's brilliant, thank you for sharing, my husband and I had a good laugh. I must send it to my sister and my friend.
      You have given me a good giggle xxx

    10. Hi Sandra
      Oh my god, I read this out to Pete and we had a laugh. Now you know my voice sounds like Pam Ayres, right countrified is my voice. Sandra please send this to me as I don't know how to copy and paste. Well jot on the IPad. Shall I be the last one in and pour myself a crafty snifter while no ones looking. Seeing as I only drink to be sociable, I do hope someone might join me. I'll clear up after us ladies, but don't want to wake Maureen ( is it Maureen ) whose hiding in the dishwasher.

  17. LOL! Sandra I love the poem Definitely a Tena moment!
    HAZEL, thank you for your kind words. It is a shame that these days parents SOMETIMES show their love by showering them with gifts etc I loved playing with my kids, reading to them, making fancy dress for them, assemblies, concerts the whole kit and kaboodle.
    SANDRA - as I'm a newbie to your blog, leave me out of the draw I'd feel terrible if I was lucky enough to win but would feel very guilty. My prize is having found you and have the chance to have a bit of a moan/share good news etc. YOUR CARD IS FANTASTIC though

    1. Not on your bloody life Lady Jane, you are every bit a part of this wonderful cafe as the rest of us that are so lucky to have stumbled through that door, so just get back down there and Sandra don't listen to a word she says cos shes talking rubbish
      me x

    2. Karen, sweet pea, I feel the same as you. Years back after my divorce from first husband, money was very tight but my kids always had me around and the biggest compliments I received was from their friends. They said they wished their mums were as mad as I was and even if my lot didn't like me joining in with their games, they did. xxx

    3. Cheryl, dear,
      I agree with every word you've said. Time spent with children and love are no substitute for gifts. xxx

    4. Yes you don't get those years back do you and you see so many children with the latest gadgets but no parents to say how proud they are of them or share special moments with. I love having Emma's friends round and we have a good laugh. I hope they will know they could always come to me if they need someone and their own parents are not around. Karen yes you should go in the drawer you are not a newbie you are part of the cafe xxx

    5. Karen!
      Now listen to Auntie Myra - you are a part of this super blog therefore you are in the Draw! Ok Jose! Xxx

  18. Had to pop in for a cuppa and put my feet up, just for a few minutes though.
    Busy, busy here today ..... doing not a lot that I can see. Did not sit down till lunch time. That was short lived, the Fish Lady appeared at the door. Got fish for the tea, John off along to collect the boys. Once they come through the door that's the peace broken for the rest of the day. Audrey will pick them up later, then Elaine is supposed to be coming, she will it leave till nearly midnight.
    See what I mean I really need a cuppa and a BIG slice of cake.
    Will probably be missing this evening. I will catch up with you all tomorrow.
    Cup & Plate washed crumbs in the bin, money in the pot and I am off.
    Be good till I get back

  19. Hi Sandra,
    Oh my dear, what a lovely card. The dies are so pretty and your colours are just me! I love your stick pins too. The quality of the beads is lovely. I was very impressed with that.
    I am still a happy bunny after my lovely day yesterday! Hopefully we'll meet up again before Saba goes back home to Germany . You will all love her!
    It's a gorgeous Spring day here today and it completely lifts the spirit. My husband has popped out to deliver a Kerria cutting to some friends.
    I was about to clean the conservatory windows but was interrupted. Will do it in the morning all being well. Too difficult to do it when sun shining on them!
    As for Easter goings on here - grandchildren and son on Sunday after Church and then on Monday we go to other son and DIL in Warwick for a few days. Looking forward to that.
    Must go now and check my shopping order for tomorrow's delivery.
    Will drop in later,
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Oh Myra, you will only be about an hour from me when you are in Warwick, fancy organising a quick coffee somewhere, maybe stow on the wold ?
      Just a suggestion
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sandra,
      If I were the only person to be considered I would say yes without hesitation. However my DIL is lovely and has taken time off work so that we can go out . Not only that but my husband will be there too and since we haven't seen our younger son and his wife since Christmas we are looking forward to catching up!
      Sorry but
      I have to reluctantly say no. Hope you'll forgive me!
      Love Myra. Xxxx. Thanks so much for even thinking about it!

    3. Stow on the Wold I was there y e a r s ago!!!
      Still waiting for Elaine coming. Boys gone off home after LOTS of hugs and "snottery" kisses. ,Just hope we don't catch their colds.
      YEH!! Myra is coming, so, so happy.

    4. Patricia,
      I am so looking forward to meeting the Scottish contingent! If I learned anything yesterday it was to trust my judgement! I like many others have never done anything like this before and I admit to having reservations but I truly appreciated that Saba was taking the same chance as me and her lovely daughter allowed a complete stranger into her home because she trusted her Mum. We will have a lovely time. As for Norah - Norah will be so quiet we won't know she's there! If you believe that you'll believe anything! Norah - you know me by now! I hope! Xxxxx

    5. Norah! Are we still friends? Xxxx

    6. Myra, i'm quiet shy and retiring as everybody knows
      Sorry getting choked with my halo that slipped down around my neck. eeeeckkkkk
      me xxx

    7. Norah, we will recognise you on wednesdaynthen with your Halo shining so brightly!!! Hazel xx

    8. Norah - great - you and me two peas in a pod! Aaargh !
      Sleep well, xxxx

  20. HAZEL!
    Booking confirmation has arrived by Email! It's official - I'm coming!

    1. Sandra! You may regret that Yay! Lol.
      Course you won't ! Tihi as Maria would say! Xxx

    2. Yippity do dah, that's great Myra xxxx

    3. Oh Maureen!
      I'm so oooo touched! Thank you my dear! Im so looking forward to going. Having met Saba I just know that we're all going to get on and have a super time! We're not going to meet as strangers but as friends! Prost! Xxx

    4. Oh Myra I'm doing cartwheels in excitement that you are coming too.
      I got a feeling that Norah, Lynda and I are the quiet once really so we need some people keeping up the fun and we all going to have a fabulous time Maria xx

    5. Maria - some people think you and I are the same person! We're not but we're both lovely people!! Maria - if we don't say it no one else will! Tihi!
      Soooooo looking forward to having a real chat! I hope you have a good sleep tonight and are not trapped in the dishwasher with hair raising results! Xxxxxx

    6. Excuse me ! Lynda quiet - Oooooh no Xxx

  21. Oh yes it's a tena moment, Jess kindly sent it on to me and I laughedy that much I cried.
    Norah, we will get you sorted as its the icing on the cake that you will be joining us, then again you still have to meet us i.e. Patricia and I as poor Jess is in the same boat as yourself, no we are ok don't you worry.
    I will e-mail Matthew and get him to tell me how many rooms are booked etc.
    Well Charlie gave me time to just get ready to go out and no more, he knows that when I get a bee In my bonnet about clearing out and don't give up. Anyway we went along the coast to the club house that has the view of the sea from its Hugh curved windows, had lunch then he took me to Dundee to Hobbycraft. I now own a teal GC. My pink one which I sent away last summer to get repaired has been working full out die cutting and embossing all the invites, but yesterday I was useing the same card stock and dies and oh boy was that handle so stiff it would hardly turn plus the noise as the plates were going through was scary, you no when you are just awaiting the BANG!!! It didn't happen but it is, so it's been replaced, as you know I have my X.cut machine which I do like useing, but I find I like the G.C still as much especially when embossing etc. and seeing how silly me has agreed to do Gillian's friends invites for her wedding, small order, I wanted to use my G.C. Now it's my birthday in a few weeks time so I had an early birthday gift. But I still came out spending money on an A3 storage box, A4 &A5 ones too plus some little ones for holding little bits. Oh yes and 2 pkts of pre fold cards and envelopes 300gms weight 2 for £8. ( 25 cards and envelopes) So stocked up.
    Right I have had my drink, so money in the pot and I now have a date with the iron and ironing board. It's ok it is lovely to get your washing done dried ironed and put away. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel, just a quick note to say I have not had a confirmation
      For my room, it was booked on 23 March, I spoke to Matthew at that time, then on Monday 30th phoned the to ask about confirmation and spoke to a receptionist (I think) who hadn't a skooby what I was talking about, and told me that the person who dealt with bookings was at a meeting but would get them to contact me regarding it. Took my details and my email address. Still haven't heard anything yet!

  22. Good afternoon or early evening, ladies of the best virtual Coffee Shop.

    Lunch was lovely, good food, good company, lots of laughter and chat. Thoroughly enjoyed it, so relaxed now.
    Can't think what to have for tea so might just be honey toasties and another gallon of tea. I take it you are all having your own tea, so I'll leave some ((((hugs)))) in the basket for when you return.

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      I am so pleased you had a lovely lunch today, you have had quite a busy and exciting week knew way and another! Just as you deserve, I am just making a lasagne, you are more than welcome to come and join us, I always make too much food! (I wish you were that close) !
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

  23. Hi Sandra and all cafe friends. Hope you've all had a lovely day. For once it's almost been like Spring, a little bit of sun really rises the spirits, but after reading just a few comments, (sorry, so many I cant keep up lol) but I dont think spirit's could be any higher than they are! Its lovely to read of so many new 'real' friendships striking up through friends meeting each other plus the big craft meet in October. I cant believe that the retreat hotel is only half an hour away from where I use to live before moving up here ! You are quite close to the NEC station which isnt far from your hotel so that's useful for you all (providing on route I suppose)
    Well.Sandra, today's card is delightful, it looks more like vintage gold on my phone screen, but I do know that blush is difficult to pick up in a photograph.
    At last I finished the 50th birthday card, not made 50 lol for a customers sister's 50th birthday, for those of you that are feeling that shattered you read it wrong ! So at long last I can concentrate on catching up for the April market.
    I will get your flowers in the post tomorrow Cheryl but im afraid you wont get them now until after Easter I suppose. Sorry.
    OMG, that 50 shades of Grey had me really laughing, and so did Andy, its brilliant. It may not have been Pam Ayres that wrote it but thinking at first it was, you could almost hear her resiting it : )
    Our Alison is ok - ish, she is totally crsam crackered, feeling a little low due to all the awful weather we've had over the past few months, plus Tiilly being on school holiday, Tilly comes first so Alison is trying to keep her daughter happy and occupied. Well, my eyes are getting heavier and heavier, so I'll finish off my latte and wash up my glass, and say goodnight.
    Whatever you are doing tonight hope you are finding time to rest and relax, and hope you've all had a lovely day. See you tomorrow sometime.
    Rest and sleep well.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Thank you Steph, particularly for the news about Alison. Pleased the crafting is going well and the better weather should help you! Xx

    2. Hi Steph,
      Thanks for the update on Alison, I kind of guessed that she was run ragged, I just didn't want to hear of her being poorly like our Sam, I am guessing Theresa is not so good either bless her, she has had more than her fair share to deal with!
      Tandy has been awol for a good while too, I hope that's its the internet and not her health that's dodgy!
      I am glad you have caught up and can relax a little, its so much easier when we are making cards for pleasure rather than pressure!
      Enjoy some Andy time,
      love and hugs

    3. Hi Steph my you have been busy. Enjoy making your cards for fun, you must do really well at the market and it's a great way to fund your craft addiction !
      Enjoy your evening with Andy, it's good to hear you have both had a chuckle too over the poem!
      Night night, sleep tight
      Love Diane xxx

  24. Good evening ladies,
    Sandra your card is lovely, it's brilliant that you, Pat and Sue can all use each other's dies. The stick pins are gorgeous. I particularly like the milky one, especially as it coordinates so well with the card.
    I have driven my daughter mad since yesterday with "Myra said this or Myra said that" we really did have a lovely few hours together. I am hoping we can meet again before we all go to the Retreat. Talking of which, I phoned them this afternoon and explained about not getting any confirmation. She was lovely and checked the list for my name, which was there, I asked her about price and dinner and everything was as it should be. I then asked her to send a confirmation and also asked her to check Myra's name and to send her a confirmation as well which she obviously has done. Yipeeee we really are going.
    Jess, I would give them another ring. I think there has just been some confusion from the staff there, the girl I spoke to seemed to think that one confirmation to Hazel was all that was needed and I explained we would all like individual ones sent to our email. She was called Nicole and I got my email within minutes of speaking to her.
    Karen, you are a part of our coffee shop family and if you were to win we really would be thrilled for you so don't for one minute think you are not entitled to be in the draw.
    Dinner is literally being served so must dash be back later though.
    Saba xxxx

    1. Should have known I had you to thank for the confirmation! It was too much of a coincidence. I have done likewise re yesterday! I've probably bored my husband and my friend and DIL today. Isn't it lovely though.

    2. Thanks for that Saba, will give them till after Easter and get back to them. Jess x

    3. First one gone to cyber space!
      Thanks for the info Saba will give them till after Easter then I will get back in touch.
      Jess x

  25. Hellooooooooo
    I'll just get a hot chocolate and shortbread biscuit, I've put the money in the pot and will give you all the benefit of my musings!!!!
    I've just waded through today's comments and I just know that I'm going to forget something, or someone, so sorry, although I have said a few things under different peoples entries.
    Maria, I'm so sorry that you are in such pain. Rachel was in her 20's before they finally took her tonsils out, after years of battling with her GP who said that she'd grow in to her big tonsils. Honest, they were like footballs!
    Diana, I hope you pick up soon and am sorry that you are feeling poorly.
    Norah, woo hoo, It'll be great to see you, don't forget to bring some photo's of your hills.
    Cheryl, don't you overdo it and knock yourself up. The garden and craft room will be there tomorrow, and the day after. Anyway, if my garden and craft room are a mess why shouldn't yours be!
    I've just remembers, I've got a GWS card to do, so off I go and will come back later.
    Saba, are you OK, when do you see Val?
    Chocolate drunk, dishes in dishwasher and off to craft room.
    Muriel xxx

  26. Right ladies I will get an e-mail off asking him to give us a little bit more time to settle the numbers of rooms we so far have 11 booked I keep saying 12, must write 100 lines to remind me to say the right number. We will hopefully hear from Sam as she did say she was coming, and hope that our lovely Norah will feel she will be safe with us looking after her! Thankfully things seem to be coming together nicely.
    Well I have been having fun playing with my new GC I am saving myself 3 extra run throughs on the square die and 2 on the striplet so my arm is happy about that. Plus the GC handle on the new one turns with little effort and cuts so well.
    I have had a hot chocolate and one of those shortbread biscuits that Maureen had.
    Myra you are so right about trusting your own judgement, I don't think I would have looked into the retreat hotel if my judgement hadn't told me it was right to meet up for a weekend.
    Right dishes washed up, and I have tidied up, money in the pot. Hazel x

  27. Diane, Charlie thinks it's a security thing but they won't take any money off it. Charlie often had to give his when he booked over the phone. We will get all that sorted out. But that's great you have booked. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, dear, I am a definite. Please make sure you count me in as I'll be so disappointed if I'm overlooked. I do have an e-mail from the hotel confirming my booking in the name of a certain Mrs. Evans!! xx

    2. My confirmation is in the name of Mrs Evans also but I don't care - I'm going anyway! I'll sleep on your bedroom floor Maureen. I'll put a placard outside in the hope that I'll have a bed for Saturday night.
      Hey! We could all claim to be Mrs Evans with our computer print out! No problem! Just a question - would the REAL Mrs Evans have to settle the Bill? Xxxxx

    3. Thanks Hazel , yes I thought so too. I had to give my card details when booking aberdeen last week ( gosh was it only last week!), that was strange though because we booked an apartment , were sent a PIN number to let ourself in, instructions how to find the key and then what to do to check out. Didn't see a human being the whole time we were there! Thank you for doing the organising, you are a star. Xxx

    4. Charlie is saying that he thinks I should cancel my credit card before then??? I will pretend I don't have one, I am just a poor old lady that only gets pocket money!!! That's what comes with being in a care home. That hotel might regret this booking??? Hazel x

    5. Hazel, the thought of someone else having to pay my Bill made my Aberdonian husband laugh! Xxxx

  28. Dear Sandra, every time I open your blog and see your beautiful card, it just gets better and better.
    I'm so tired as it's been a busy day today, and little sleep last night, so I'll say goodnight. The money is in the safe, benches cleared, bottles hidden from Norah, but I'm not touching the dishwasher as I'm frightened that I hurt Maria.
    Sleep tight everyone and have a peaceful night.
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. Night night Maureen sleep tight. I'm just having my Horlicks then I think I'm going to head off to bed soon. I'm not going to touch that dishwasher either, you know I get blamed for these things too!! It's ok Pat will stagger in latter with her bottle of Ech Falls so she will probably put it on for us. Heaven help Maria though if she goes through the hot wash cycle again. Still is she waers glasses they should be beautifully sparkly!
      Right I've rinsed my cup up, I hope there is some of that yummy shortbread left for tomorrow, I think I could manage a piece then. Night night everyone, sleep tight. See you tomorrow.
      Love Diane xxx

    2. Oh stop It! There must be an easier way to clean one's spectacles! Xxx

  29. Sandra , why o why did you have to tell us about Craftworld !! 30% off and free p/p omg ! I'm not going near that dishwasher tonight Maureen so don't worry you have a good night sleep and that goes to all of you !
    God natt peeps !
    Love and hugs Maria xx

  30. Maria have you looked at everycraftsapound? Some things cost more than the pound but they had craft CDs for £1 yesterday!!! Bargain night night xxx

  31. Hi Sandra, beautiful card , love that little die, how sweet.

    Not got anything planned as hubby will be working so I guess I will be crafting to my hearts content Whoopeeee!!!
    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  32. Myra, just tell him I have Aberdeen blood in me too, family came from up round Longside, Rathen way, Hazel x

    1. Will do! He was once asked in Salford , where were you born - Perthshire he said ! Before he knew what had happened it was all round his workplace that he was born in Persia!!
      Accents can cause confusion!, xxx

    2. He was actually born in Comrie but no blue plaque there to show it. Lol . He left there as a baby - not under his own steam you understand! Xx

  33. Don't speak with an aberdeen accent moved around to much, and dad wouldn't allow us to talk with the local accents, we were always corrected. Where in Perthshire was he born?? Hazel x

  34. Beautiful place, our three went to Morrisons academy Creiff, so know it well, Hazel x

  35. I answered that above as I thought you'd wonder but I obviously typed at the same time as you! Comrie! Xxx

  36. Isn't it a small small world! A bit like the Disney song! Xxx

  37. Ooh ladies you are all great Dishwasher is full not switched on yet Tables wiped and chairs are all tidy Everyone's special corners all look ready for tomorrow's Parteee!

  38. Sandra. I have just looked back to see when I first found your blog, it was the 20th June. Won't forget that seeing how it's our anniversery. You had a beautiful verse up that day and I had answered saying I wish I had seen that when our daughter had got married, well I was talking about Tammy and to think I never thought that I would be making invites for Gillian this year, if you don't mind I will borrow it to put in a card for her on her wedding day. To think it's less than a year and who would have thought that 14 of are going for a weekend retreat and how many friends have we all aquired since then??? You had like only 5-9 comments then, tonight it was 114 all because you have such a wonderful blog. Hazel x

  39. Hi everyone. Sorry I am late again. Been a busy day. Called in yo see eldest son as his birthday. Then drove to second son as staying there over Easter. Went with my daughter in law to pick youngest granddaughter up from nursery. She showed me her classroom and then the one she will move up to after Easter. I had to read her two stories before she went to sleep. Everyone was tired tonight so came to bed early but I hadn't had time to read this blog all day so have been catching up. Your card today is gorgeous Sandra and I would love to win it. Shouldn't be so late tomorrow I hope. Will just have a hot chocolate and get into bed. Already got onesie on.

  40. Gorgeous card - do not include me in the giveaway please but wanted to say how brilliantly the die has been used :) xx
