
Friday 10 April 2015

Mystery Designer!!!!

Good Morning Ladies,
I hope that you are all well and have enjoyed the beautiful weather, of which today is the last day according to the weather reports, which is a shame as it just stays long enough for us to get used to it and then disappears again.  Ally Pally is a beautiful place but in the sunshine its stunning, there is a huge round feature stained glass window in the main hall and it looks amazing in with the sun pouring through it!
Today's card contributor wants to remain anonymous which is understandable, although I think that they would still appreciate the usual comments given when we feature such an amazing card.
Lots of Sue's dies been used for this card, proving once again how amazingly they all work together,
The Noble Square die being used for the main focal element and the amazing Camellia die used to give the perfect finish on the corners of the card, I will be borrowing that idea, the Ivy die just gives that elegant touch of finesse just where its needed with the tiniest of the Camellia Dies to adorn the ivy.  The little flags with the Greetings on work so well on this card too, it looks like a gorgeous Rose Embossing Folder brings the whole card together.  Thank you so much for allowing me to share your work, the inspiration will be so greatly appreciated, it certainly is by me.  I would also like to add that your stamping is fabulous too!
We had a fantastic family day out yesterday at the West Midland Safari Park, such a fantastic day out and you get a free return ticket too, it was absolutely heaving with people today, they had used every overflow car park available I think.  I don't think we have ever been anywhere where you got so up close with the animals, feeding the Giraffe's was a highlight for me, it virtually had its whole head in the car, they were just walking among the cars, another amazing sight was the family of elephants, Mum, Dad and little Baby too, he was a little mischief and his parents were amazingly protective.
I love spending quality time with my family, seeing  Becca and her friend in her car in front in amongst all the animals was hilarious with her car being so tiny, all you could see was her beloved "selfy stick" poking out of the car at every opportunity! Another hilarious moment was when Matt (who was our driver ) was distracting whilst we were stationary by his phone and he didn't notice the advancing enormous Camel, Lucy tried to alert by squealing but that didn't help, Mr Camel was very curious and just sneaked up and stuck his enormous head straight in the drivers window, the look on Matt's face was a picture, he was so shocked and disgusted as it drooled all over him!
We didn't leave the park until almost 6.30, so didn't get home until gone 8 o'clock, these are the days I wish we had a chef, or had put something in the slow cooker!  I am exhausted just thinking about it.
Some one asked the name of the Hotel we are staying at for the retreat, its Hillscourt Hotel, Birmingham.
Well we need to organise ourselves for Ally Pally tomorrow, so maybe we can do it by email, we could send each other our mobile numbers maybe, or make a decision to meet at about 3pm maybe.
Everyone let me know what you think, I am so excited !
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Another lovely day here in Southport-bet it changes for the weekend.

    Todays card is simply stunning. So much detail in all the layers. I'm sure the recipient loved their card.


  2. Oh, now I think there will be a bit of a guessing game going on here today as to whom has produced this stunning card? It's goreous, and all those little flowers someone has patients??? Up early, as I am off over to Perth. Might be as well as Charlie not in a good mood this morning after I mentioned the puppy getting bought at work. He knows how it was when Moss came 6 years ago? Also the fact that I have told them puppy in me out. So as he said " who will be cleaning up after it"? As a puppy can't be left that long. Not my problem!!!
    Karen sorry it was a bit late for me to give info last night ref retreat and Sandra is the one to ask? She will keep you right, as this is her baby as one would say. But the hotel needs final numbers by the beginning of next week so that they can take rooms back into availability.
    Oh I better make a move, had my tea and I will be back once I get the boys sorted. Hazel x

  3. Now that stunning card will have us all thinking ...... could be a Sue Wilson. That would not surprise me it is so beautiful. Whoever has made it just be well proud of their work it is amazing.
    A beautiful day here once again, nothing much planned apart from getting the weekend housework done. Once that's done I think it will be chill out time in the garden.
    I hope you are all OK for those ill, in pain or just a bit down I am leaving a big basket of (((((hugs))))) by the door please help yourselves.
    Will be back for lunch and a catch up of the gossip.

  4. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning card today. Not to sure why the guest designer would want to hide her light under a bushel. Her card is simply stunning. I'm God you had a lovely day yesterday. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall to see Matt's face when the Camel started drooling over him. I think it would be easier to set a time to meet as you might not always be able to get a phone signal in Ally Pally. Plus everyone will have to make phone calls to everyone else.

  5. Beautiful card. Think I know who the designer is!!

    Sorry been missing but have been making the most of the good weather sorting the gardens after the winter and cleaning the conservatory - I know not like me but it now looks great and will be better when I get the back garden finished!

    Isn't it amazing how warmer weather and light in particular can lift the mood.

    See you later xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies,

    The sun is beginning to peep out from behind hazy, wispy clouds, will be lovely later.
    This is card is gorgeous, is it from the imaginative mind of Sue Wilson? I might just pinch some aspects of the design for granddaughter Tiegan's birthday card. She will be 12 next Tuesday, makes me wonder where the time goes.
    When you meet Sue at her stall, please give her a hug from me and tell her I am so enjoying playing with my blog candy. One day I would like to meet her in person. I still have the lovely card she sent to me just after Pete had died on display with a little photo of Pete tucked into the swirls. She's a very special lady too.
    So Ladies, enjoy tomorrow at Ally Pally, I am sure you will have a fantastic time meeting up with each other, with plenty of laughter and empty purses, what with all you have on your wishlists.
    I've topped up the basket with ((((hugs)))), they are waiting to jump into your arms.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Over in Perth now, just had a bacon roll and a cup of tea so feel I can trackel my huge bag of ironing. How nice it would be to get to work in a morning and be handed a bacon roll and a cup of tea, like I was this morning. No it's me that does that for the girls.
    Sandra, so glad you all had a lovely family day? Brave Becca driving her car in there, most new drivers wouldn't even think about doing that let alone drive their pride and joy car incase it got damaged? Camel drool yuk! Poor Matt.
    Can't any of you ladies going tomorrow not think of a place that stands out that anyone who hasn't been there before would fine easily? As that's the place I would choose? And just set a time. Sorry to butt in and I am not even going?
    To all of you who aren't feeling to good today I have put extra (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket.
    Jean I hope you will come back in again today and be a regular? We might seem a bit crazy and daft, but honest we are not. We all just enjoy joining in the fun and friendship this blog gives!
    Oh that ironing pile won't do itself so I'd better make a start. Hazel x

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, this card is gorgeous, why won't the creator give their name, there is nothing to be ashamed about it.
    Off to do our stint in our craft shop today, so will catch up later.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  10. Morning Sandra and all friends. So glad you had the wonderful family day you so deserve. I love that place, its brilliant, but you made ONE BIG mistake Sandra, after a day out like that, and getting home late, you are suppose to finish the perfect day off with a perfect take-out !!! You missed out there hon !!
    I love this shade of blue, its such a lovely colour. OMG those tiny weeney camelia flower's !! Id have turned the whole of my 'den' blue having to match the open petal with the full petal, If I start my day with dropsy I cant play with them as It will send my whole day into a day of frustration, so whoever the designer is today, well done for persevering lol.
    Its a lovely card to end the week with and I too must take a few idea's away into the 'den' with me.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow. I feel really sad that I cant meet our wonderful Sue, all I ask is that at least one of you lovely ladies give my love to Sue and if possible a big Lancashire Steph hug.
    Have a day of rest Sandra and those lucky ladies off to AP - booohooo booohooo.
    Grotbags (aka Lancashire Steph) xxx

  11. Morning all,
    had to laugh at your Safari park outing. Usually something happens at them. Dad once had to buy a whole washer unit for his car, he had been squirting water at the monkey sitting on the car bonnet, so it just pulled the thing out and chewed it.
    I'm with some of the others re our mystery designer. Is it Sue? But then, never seen her cards with a carte dor box behind them. Whoever it is, they are talented.
    Sunny day here again, are you sure it won't last?

  12. Hellooooooooooo
    Going out for the day with George - I know, but sometimes I have to take my life in my hands otherwise there'd be no excitement. Country or Coast - we are slap bang in the middle, about 8 or 9 miles - so we'll have to decide on that.
    I'm going to scroll back through previous posts for the owner of this fabulous card as I'm sure I read that someone was going to make an 80th card for their aunt, but will have to do it when we return as "he who must be avoided" is shouting "are you ready", Ready for what I ask myself!!!
    Sandra, you seem to have had an eventful day yesterday ha ha.
    Ladies - well I use the term loosely - got to go but have a lovely day and keep clear of Saba doing a bit of trimming. Here, pussy, pussy!
    Muriel xx

    1. Hope your alright being out with George, keep thinking about you. You wont have a scarf on, so you should be ok!!!

  13. Good morning ladies,
    Firstly, don't forget to share any photos of previous makes of yours for Mixed Craft Saturday tomorrow, any of your children/ grandchildrens lovely makes too, I think they would love to pop in and read the lovely comments about their work!
    I will be doing the post a little earlier,so that I am up and ready for the off early tomorrow morning!
    What are our thoughts about meeting up?
    I would suggest the long tables in front of Sue's (Rubberknecker Stand) at about 2.30 - 3pm
    Anymore suggestions? The only reason I mentioned mobile numbers was last time I was really looking foreword to meeting Cameeli and we totally missed each other all day, I was gutted, if we had had each other's numbers we could have called and arranged it!
    I will call in again later,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra, I think that would be a good idea meeting at the long tables in front ofSue's stand at between 2.30 - 3pm Hug'sLynda xx

    2. Hi Sandra. Yes a good place to meet and time. The only time I want to avoid is 1pm as meeting some other people then. Probably similar place. Hope you are resting today. Don't want you missing tomorrow.

    3. Good idea.
      That's where I met you last October, iwhen I got really brave and said hello. If you hadn't been there looking for Cameeli I would never have seen you. Daft thing is Cameeli was in front of me earlier in the day. asking Sue had she seen you. I didn't realise at the time who she was. Only ONE MORE SLEEP Yippeee. Love Brenda xxx

    4. Hi Sandra,
      Twas lovely to read of your wonderful family day out, slobbery camels and all. Reminds me a lot of Longleat Safari park and taking Jamie when he was about 3 along with a cousin Andrew, over from Australia, and getting lost in the maze. Hope y are relaxing ready for tomorrow.

    5. Well Lynda should be easy to spot with her droopy bits!! xx

    6. Hi Sandra yes sounds like you had good fun yesterday, is camel slobber good for the skin??? That made me laugh, bit like Emma last year and a new forest pony who found our picnic lunch in testing and licked her phone !!!
      Have fun tomorrow and take lots of photos so we know who people are. Such a shame I can't join you but I will sweet talk Julian next year!
      Love Diane xxx

  14. Hi Sandra,

    Firstly what a fabulous card that you are showcasing today, love the design and colour. Beautiful creation, whose ever it is should be very proud of their creation.

    Secondly, so glad you had a fabulous day at the safari, always wonderful times and laughs there, can just picture the event of Matt and the camel lol! It would be lovely to see some of the pictures on here.
    Now you mean to tell me Hubby did not do dinner for you when you got back or got in a take away??? lol! Its horrible cooking that time of night isn't it, especially after a long day, mind you I feel like that every day when I come home from work!!! I have to say I don't like cooking, not one of my strong points lol!

    Anyway, for those of you going to Ally Pally tomorrow have a most wonderful time, wish I could join you. Give my love, hugs and everything else to Sue, Julia, John & Phil please!!!

    Love to all

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  15. Morning Sandra and all,
    Whoevers Auntie it is, she will be amazed for this very lovely card. The colour is gorgeous and a lucky person who have the camellia's as so many is after this die.
    Your outing yesterday to the safari park as a family must have been great ,poor Matt encounter with the camel up close hihi. Hope his eye is better.
    I'd like to have a bit earlier get-to-know and then have a proper sit down before seeing each other off as by 3pm I will be legging. Not sure what the others thinking ? Know from previous visits that my phone is Not working inside AP so a Meeting spot would be ideal !
    OH calling, he need help so he doesn't dig up any plants, oh dear lol
    see you later,
    Hugs Maria xx

  16. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies. It's a gorgeous day the sun is shinning it's so nice being able to put the washing on the line,they smell so much better as well.
    Pleased you had a brilliant day at the safari park,hope Matt enjoyed getting up close & personal with the camel lol how's his eye hope it's better. Sandra hope your going to be resting up today ready for tomorrow good girl.
    Wow the card today is beautiful whoever made this masterpiece should own up as they are very talented. I love the colour & the die's are gorgeous well done.
    Will call in later to see what arrangements have been made. O H calling me as we are going for walk up park with Annie & Bambi .
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. You jinxed it Lynda, it's piddling down with rain here now!
      Why does it do it when you have a load in the washing machine?

    2. Are sooooo soooory Sandra I will post you some sunshine.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. And the sun is finally out in all it's glory here in Somerset! It's been a bit shy today but now finally the clouds have all gone. I expect you have them with you Sandra. xxx

  17. Had email from Joanna Sheen. Some of Sue's dies are reduced. If you are going to AP look at her website before you go.

  18. Janet ecco of Sheffield10 April 2015 at 13:16

    Afternoon everyone from a very sunny and warm Marigny.
    Had to really good walk through the market today coffee stop half way and finished as usual with the cake shop.
    Sunshine really does change the way people feel the market had a completely different kind of buzz with more stalls and quite a few visitors (mostly Dutch who have second homes here - they love this area).
    Just having half an hour after lunch and then will have to decide what to do as the varanda is really tempting with sunshine and a lovely breeze through the windows.

    Today's card is just beautiful and I just cannot see why it's creator wants to be nameless. I love everything about it from the colours to all the beautiful dies and gorgeous flowers. I would love to see more of their work PLEASE.

    To all venturing to AP tomorrow have a fantastic day. I hope you all manage to see each other but please I do not want to see any news headlines about crafters being ejected and facing ASBOs. thehehe.

    Please can someone put my parcel of hugs into the basket when they arrive via cyberspace. Hugs to all. Speak to you all tomorrow.
    Janet xxxx

  19. Janet ecco of Sheffield10 April 2015 at 13:19

    Hello it's me again. - It's a good job my head is attached to my shoulders but there again I wouldn't know the difference would I.
    Sandra I'm so pleased you all had a wonderful day yesterday and that you took lots of pics for your memory books. I too would love to have seen Mat's face when the Camel got up close!! Hugs to you all.
    Janet xxxx

  20. Oh Sandra would like me to send you a bit of our sunshine? It's lovely here! Andrew decided he needed a pj day.. Granted he has been busy and Tammy saying he was up and down all night, so I am letting him just chill. As he is like me if I over do it I don't sleep well. That's the one good thing from being off I have been sleeping great once I go to sleep! So here's hoping he will sleep tonight for them. You lot will not be spending much at the show if there are all these bargains on the web? Then again this is where the shows are being hit? And it is a shame as the shows were always good to go get ideas. I must get down to doing crafting. I have been lazy this week but I have enjoyed the chill time. I hope you are resting can't have you not 100% for tomorrow. Hazel x

  21. Hi Sandra,
    Hellooooo everyone! I'm home again! We "hit the road, Jack " around 10 am. The M6 going south was a total nightmare - need to bear this in mind for October! Friday's are horrendous on that road! Fortunately coming North was fine!
    Sun shining beautifully still, sorry Sandra!
    I think today's beautiful card just may have come from North of Hadrian's Wall. That's my guess! It is stunning and those little flowers are just beautiful. Sue herself would be proud of that card! Well done - you are a talented lady. I love the whole lay out of the card.
    To everyone going to Ally Pally I hope you have the best time and that you do meet up! Give my love to Sue! Hope you all manage to find what you want to buy!
    Going to read the comments now and will pop back later!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra, what you should have done was "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" and you'd have been home in no time xx

    2. You're right as usual! It wouldn't have been half so painful either! Besides I'm not too keen on Jack! Xx

  22. Good afternoon folks, well I am too late for lunch as I had previously planned. Never mind I will have a cuppa and a BIG piece of cake.
    Sandra, I am so pleased you had a good day yesterday, sounds like lots of fun.
    Yuk!!! Camel Slobber!!! I have watched a heard of Camels together, they kept shaking their heads at one another and the Slobbers were everywhere!!!
    Have a wonderful day tomorrow, hope you all manage to meet up. I am not in the least bit jealous really. Mmmmmm!! wonder why my skin has gone all "green"???
    Now I am still very puzzled, why oh! why has the maker of that card not put her/his name forward?? I would be shouting off the rooftops if it was mine.
    I sent you an e-mail, if I had known you were needing sunshine I could have tagged some on at the end, sorry.
    We have the sunshine but also a rather chilly wind. I was helping John in the garden, I have come inside I was cold. Now before Hazel puts her Tuppence Worth in ......... it can be 90degrees and I would still feel it cool, that's the truth. I like it hot, hot, hot. I dont sit in the sun unless in the shade so it has to be very HOT. I like to cover up, although Hazel does say a cardigan is a bit much in that sort of heat, I make sure the Cardi is pure cotton!!!
    I am off to clear out the crates is use for the Card Classes. I carry so much stuff, extra card, envelopes, pokey tools ....... lots of tools as they never have their own with them. I have told Eliane I am not doing the Classes any more I have had enough. Tuesday past was the final straw for me. Life is too short for strees when you are doing something you should enjoy.
    Rant over, cuppa finished, cup and crumbs cleaned up, money in the pot.
    Oh!! talking about money I cannot believe how much I spent on buying what I thought was the "occasional" Craft Magazine. Since booking for the Retreat I have been resisting. I have bought a couple but when I am good I look at the price, come home and put the equivalent into my Jaunt Jug OMG!!! there is far more than I ever would have imagined in there now.
    Off this time, see you all later

    1. Wrong "herd" used sorry!!?

    2. Hi Patricia,
      I have just popped back because I had an email from JS to say Camellia Dies back in stock! Yeah! I've ordered them - just couldn't resist and today's card made me want them even more! I am trying to do about six things at once and that never really works! Empty suitcase - put washing on - check the post - water some rather dry plants and topiary bushes. Etc. Then I just checked emails - well then just had to order - they might sell out again!
      With you on the Craft Magazines - really expensive for very little! I'm being much more prudent too.
      Still not read all the comments - but had to share about buying camellias! I was so excited - it doesn't take much! I'm a simple soul! Careful now!
      I shall return later - hopefully or not depending on your point of view!

    3. Got it as well, I am sitting on my hands so hard I have given myself a sore back.

    4. Go on Patricia! We're not going to Ally Pally!
      Expense therefore justified! Xxx

    5. Just raided the Jaunt Jug, am I bad??

    6. Noooooo! You have several months to pay the money back! You will have that money back in it's pot in no time!
      Oops , do you think I'm a bad influence?

    7. Definitely but I love you just the same.

    8. Know something ..... I always had a box with "float money" for the Card Classes which I emptied this morning and put the money in the Jaunt Jug. That will cover one of the sets. The guilty feeling has gone ...... never really felt guilty anyway!!!

    9. Whew! That's a relief! I thought I might be in a bit of trouble! I was only going to order one set - the closed petals - then I thought - oh you'll regret it and ordered both! Fillet steak just gone off the menu here! Xxx

    10. What made you finally throw in the towel with the craft classes? It's definitely their loss! Xx

    11. Oh I see that big sister of mine has given in again. Her that's NOT buying any more - oh yeh!!! Myra she nearly burst a blood vessel on Tuesday? Her blood pressure was through the roof? So she has done the best thing! Their loss and they will know who to blame and it's not Patricia!!! Hazel x

    12. Oh Hazel, that's such a shame! Not that she's bought the dies - the craft class! It's just not worth the aggro though - not when you have put in hours of work and thought in preparation alone. Have you finished the ironing? Xxx

    13. Hazel is right I would have bust a blood vessel if I had not gone out and stamped my feet!! There is an "old witch" that does not like me and I don't like her, I have always been as nice as I can with her ........ cause she's OLD!!
      After 2 years I had finally tamed the Rebels as I called them. They just wanted to make plain boring, bog standard, stick together cards. I wanted them to break out, make flowers, make fancy boxes and decorate them, even make Bags!!! We were doing a project on Tuesday that the old witch did not want to do, it was her attitude. I was mildly rude to her I had, had enough. Wish now I had got really angry with her.
      She got to Elaine who then got at me this morning. However Elaine and I are sorted, I did not want an 18 year old good friendship going down the pan because of a wicked old woman.
      Got off to a bad start today with Elaine but all fine and Tickey Boo now. Thank goodness for Sisters and this Blog.

    14. Oh yes mine and a lots of Tammy's too, I do like ironing so it wasn't a hard ship. You are so right ref the class she has a mProblem with her wrist and she found it hard going at times to cut all the bits for the class out! But did they see that? NO. They just expected to get what they want. Hazel x

    15. That's such a shame! I'm so sorry. However very glad it hasn't ruined a friendship. Some people are just awkward and trouble makers. They seem to thrive on it whereas I hate upsets! Pleased you ok and probably as well to stop . You don't need the hassle! Xxx

    16. Hi Patricia sorry your giving up your craft class it's such a shame but if people don't apreciat what you put into showing them your amazing talent it's there loss,it's not worth the aggro for you. Enjoy using the Camille die's. Hug's Lynda xx

    17. Hi Patricia,
      Are you the Patricia Duffy who commented on my blog about the mixed media projects? And who is Debs? Your posts to her are all over my blog and I'm sorry but I don't know her. Help? xxx

    18. Thank you for your comments.
      I feel sorry for a few of the ladies that I have really Gelled with and enjoy the projects I do with them.
      However that life and it is too short to put up with hassle.

    19. Cheryl I am Patricia Duffy but I only commented on Deb's projects on 2 occasions that I know of, that was weeks ago. She does not post many times. I promise I will not comment on her Blog again if it is coming up on yours.
      I am so sorry about what has happened

      How did they got on your Blog???

    20. Patricia, I promise that I am not an awkward old woman, let's just say that I can be very difficult at times, so will I still be allowed on the Retreat (or soiree as I like to call it - it sounds so much more elite!!). And will I be allowed on your train? You've got me really worried now, come on Hazel, stick up for me!!!
      Your very kind and nice friend Muriel xxx

    21. I take it you are not saying you are an awkward woman or an old woman! That's totally untrue - you're Simply The Best! Sorry couldn't help it! Xxx

    22. Well, Myra, I'm no "Mrs Robinson" that's for sure! xx

    23. No point in me saying Hello then! Xx

    24. Maureen you are NOT old you are a YOUNG thing.
      Well that's what they all keep telling me anyway??
      You are my friend, this person never was that.
      This person ...... no I am it saying any more it's over.

    25. Hi Patricia,
      So glad it is you!! I thought I was right but also thought I'd better check. I don't know enough about the blog and how it works to be honest. Haven't fathomed that out yet. So I have no idea how Debs is posting on mine, I only added you to the Coffee Shop Circle after you had found me. Perhaps I'd better ask Jamie next time he's here. It took me long enough to learn to drive emails!!!! which I am quite comfortable doing now and I can add photos and paper clips etc to them. I'm actually more comfortable with Word Processing. hugs xxx

    26. Maureen,
      You are a perfectly delightful lady and positively perfect in every way. Just like Mary Poppins in fact, so no more of this awkward difficult old lady please, I'll not stand for it. xxx

    27. Cheryl I am hopeless on the computer. I really do not have a clue about the workings of it.

    28. Maureen you haven't meet me yet? No believe you me you are going to be loved by us all as we all love you already. Hazel x

    29. Your right Cheryl we have to put the wicked witch/ old lady away for good.
      I don't want to hear another word about everyone listening!! GOOD!!!

    30. Could you repeat that pleeeeaaase xx

    31. Maureen - careful - you're nearly as daft as me! Xx

    32. Haha we are all daft well who would hold droopy bit's up with Tenna ladies hooked on there ears not me 😇or did Sandra give me French sticks xx

  23. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a beautiful card this anonymous person has made for her/his Aunty. It really is stunning, those camellias looks so beautiful in fact it all does. I Think our anonymous person could be Christine E. But then it could be one of our very shy ladies. I won't pressure you any more Sandra we must respect this persons privacy if that's what they want.
    Sounds like yesterday was a brilliant family day out, and everyone had a laugh at poor Matt. The girls won't let him forget that Camel!.
    Look forward to seeing you and all our blog friends tomorrow.
    Love and hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

  24. Afternoon all Just had a little snooze after a lovely lunch with OH to celebrate our wedding anniversary and It was a lovely sunny day like today 39 years ago
    I am definitely think about the retreat but pennies time family etc ...
    SANDRA you made me smile re your safari park story Does anyone remember Windsor safari park before it became Legoland? We practically lived there at weekends My dearly departed son loved it We too fed the slobbery giraffes. He wanted to be a zoo keeper at 4 years old and never changed his mind He managed to live his dream and was Head monkey man at Paradise wildlife park Broxbourne As my mum used to say who can honestly say they do/did the job of their dreams His ashes are scattered with his beloved monkeys and I have lots of lovely memories inc squirrel monkeys being reared and housed in my airing cupboard Snakes in his bedroom Feeding the tigers Cuddling lemurs and meerkats I would have loved to have seen Matt's face Have fun tomorrow ladies

    1. Happy Anniversary sending some (((((hugs))))) for both of you

    2. Happy Anniversary Karen! Congratulations to your husband too!

    3. Sending Congratulation and Happy Anniversary to you both.
      LOL Brenda xxx

    4. Happy Anniversary Karen & OH, what a beautiful testament to your son having his ashes scattered with his monkeys. A dream job come true.
      Special ((((hugs)))) xxxx

    5. Wishing you both a very happy anniversary Karen you have some wonderful memories of your son which I am sure you will treasure how wonderful he was able to live and achieve his dream. xxx

    6. A very happy anniversary to you both.
      Hugs Janet xx

    7. Hi Karen,wishing you & your husband a very happy anniversary hope you had a lovely day.
      What lovely memories you have of your son & is at rest now with his beloved monkeys that's beautiful Karen.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    8. Hi Karen,
      Happy anniversary to you both, and enjoy the sweet memories of your darling son. No-one and nothing can ever take them away.
      Maureen xx

    9. Happy Anniversary !
      hope you both have had a wonderful day and many more.
      Lovely memories of you son,Karen
      Hugs Maria xx

    10. Happy anniversary Karen, to you and your husband.
      Best wishes

    11. Happy Anniversary Karen,
      If you want more info on retreat, email me and I will let you know!
      love and hugs

  25. PS beautiful card Noble dies and Camelia dies are on my Need List! The designer should feel very proud of her work

  26. Congratulations Karen to you and your husband. I am so glad your son filled his dream during his time here on this earth, and his ash's to be scattered with his beloved monkeys is just lovely. Hazel x

  27. Maureen,
    They are selling a George Die on C&C - it's a special offer?
    Sandra asked us to report suitable bargains so thought I'd try to help!
    Hope you have a lovely day out! Xxx

    1. Hope Maureen has not divided George into wee bits and made him into Dies!!! Maybe I should buy one just to see what he is really like!!!
      What do you guys think???

    2. I wonder how many she made? Hazel x

    3. Thank goodness she has kept him in one piece, Maureen George looks very fit and very smart in his suit? Hazel x

    4. I thought he was a handsome chap! However he has shrunk a little . Xx

    5. Myra sweetie, George and his twin were very handsome young men. George married me and David stayed with his mother for another 12 years. George aged, David didn't ha ha xx

    6. I said George was handsome! I haven't seen David! Oh no - this is another daft conversation! No wonder Wendy said we were loopy! Xxx

    7. Myra, George and David are identical twins. By the way when did you see George, is there something you want to tell me? xx

    8. I was talking about the George Die! I guess being identical twins I've sort of seen David too - but only on my screen! Xx

    9. Hazel has seen him too! Xx

    10. I actually phoned Hazel to ask how she managed to "see" George.
      That's when she told me she went on to C&C ...... !!!! Did not know he worked there!!! No she said he is a Tattered Lace Die.
      Thought I had missed something along the line!!!

    11. Do you ever wish you had never started something? Xxx

    12. Myra see what you have done!!!
      Love it though

    13. Myra, I've wished that a thousand times since I came on this blog ha ha xx

    14. It's a scary night - we're in complete agreement ! Xx

  28. I would bet on being a sue card and if sue did not do it then I would pay to go to classes and get taught by whoever did lol. Sandra glad you had a good day out I hope you all enjoy AP.
    Patricia did you mention Meigle at one point, we stop at Meigle when we go to Ayr for the Scottish nationals for bowling, we always go to the joinery on the way down.
    So glad to hear you booked for the retreat Norah, wish I could but I am on holiday.
    Welcome Jean ,I am the newest apart from you,but I am on holiday at the moment so my posts are tending to get lost, they are completely loopy in here apart from me but they are a great bunch.
    Hope you all enjoy AP tomorrow.
    Lots of love
    Wendy xx

    1. Excuse me Wendy! I heard that! Nevertheless I hope you are enjoying your holiday.
      Loopy Lou! Xxx

    2. Oh!! Goodness Wendy don't pass through Meigle without letting me know when and at what time. I won't Gatecrash your Coffee time but would love just to say hello.
      I live midway between Meigle and Coupar Angus.

  29. Wendy oh let patricia know when you will be stoppjg at Meigle and hopefully we can meet up. Even for just for a cup of tea. Hazel x

  30. Oh I need to rewrite my last message or you will think iam drunk. Wendy let Patricia know when you are stopping at Meigle ? Hazel x

  31. Well I did wonder Hazel are all those wine bottles yours outside the cafe door,Hic Hic hihi Lynda xx

    1. Hazel, Can I not come up to Scotland to meet you and Patricia, it's not too far from here. Well the Isle of Skye is, but I was thinking of somewhere a little nearer!!! Have you sobered up enough to read this?
      Muriel xx

    2. You come up any time it definitely is nit too far.

    3. Do you want to drive or take the train Maureen? Hazel x

  32. Hi everyone, back from our stint at the craft shop, it was quite quiet today I think that money is a bit tight just now and people don't have as much disposable income as they used to have.
    Sandra so glad you enjoyed your day at the safari park, hope Mark has recovered from his kiss from the camel! I remember when our boys were young we went to Blair Drummond Safari park and the giraffes were wandering about and one of them has a lick at our oldest sons hair, he must have been about 8 at the time and wasn't amused.
    Have a great time tomorrow ladies, but pace yourselves, don't overdo it especially you Sandra, are you listening,!!!,!
    Happy anniversary Karen hope you had a great day.
    Take care everyone, hope to pop back later, Jess x

  33. Hellooooooooooo,
    Well I just couldn't enjoy myself today for wondering who had made the card. I've looked at yesterday's posts but there are so many that I think I may have missed it.
    We decided on going into the country and it's been a beautiful sunny day, but I think it's going to change for tomorrow. If it does, I'll get some crafting done while all the lucky ones are at A P. It'll keep my mind off you all enjoying yourselves. I hope you all meet up as you want to, and nobody is left wandering looking at strange women and saying "are you from the cafe", and them saying "no I don't work here".
    Yes, I've got the George die - well it would be rude not to wouldn't it. I often just cut it out and throw darts at it lol!!! No, that's not true but what a good idea!!!
    Bathroom is finished and looks very smart with the new shower, but then I'm easily pleased.
    I'm going to have a sandwich and nice coffee (real not virtual) but will be back later.
    Saba, I hope you and Val are well today.
    Love to all
    Muriel xx

    1. Oh! Maureen ..... You are awfull, but I love you.

    2. Maureen, Tihi that will be me walking around asking every poor soul
      Why aren't you joining us ?

    3. Maureen I might have to keep working and then I could borrow my bosses cottage at Kirk Yetham in the borders South of Kelso for the weekend? Hazel x.
      P.S. We are busy till end June / beginning July by the way. But still that's not far away.

    4. Would probably have to be during school hols anyway if it's during the week because of granddaughters. Anyway, it'll give me time to save up (may have to raid the Soiree jar) xx

  34. Hi Sandra is the meet up tomorrow still at 2.30 - 3pm or has it changed
    Thanks Lyndla xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      I will be there around opening time so would you like to
      meet up a bit earlier and off course anyone else who are
      coming ?
      Maria xx

    2. Hi Maria we are hopefully leaving home at 7.30 -8am so should be there at 10 ish so that will be good.i will go straight to Sue's stall.when I arrive I will see you very soon my friend Hug's Lynda xx

  35. You know something ladies I don't think you will get round Ally Pally you will be all looking for each other, Sandra you put a little flag pole up with " " The Coffee Shop" on it like these tour guides then folk will come to you? Hazel x

    1. Or an umbrella, like they have when abroad and you're going around the ancient sites. I once had some going around me!!! xxxx

  36. Such a beautiful card and I love the colours - so elegant. Just reading the antics of the safari park and having a good giggle as well. It sounds really enjoyable - the giraffes being my favourite animals, Hope everyone enjoys themselves at Ally Pally tomorrow, look forward to hearing all about it - till then take care - Jean xx

    1. Hello Jean good to se you in again.
      Hope you have a had a good day

    2. Welcome back Jean, so glad you have come back in tonight. Hazel x

    3. Hello again Jean,
      So pleased you popped back, its good to pop in regularly to keep up with all the goings on!
      The safari park was a real hoot, my daughter Becca's car is so small (she has a citroen C1) she good just about drive through the Giraffes legs!
      Love and hugs

    4. Well hello Jean, welcome to our nutty, funny, lovely crowd xxx

    5. Hello Jean so lovely to hear from you again delighted you came back to visit us all again and have a giggle xxx

    6. Hello Jean,
      I'm not loopy! Don't listen to anyone who says I am! Mind you I have nothing to prove it! Hopefully we'll get lots of news from Ally Pally. Xxx

    7. Helloooo Jean, so pleased we didn't frighten you off. I think I'm the only sensible one here, well apart from a few others, oh all right they are the sensible ones and I'm the gorgeous one!!!
      Muriel xxx (christened Maureen but renamed by Diane once upon a time long ago!)

  37. Ok folks I have had a very stressful day.
    I am fine but it has tired me out, I am putting this IPad away till morning.
    I wish all who are going to Ally Pally a wonderful and productive day. I am not jealous although I have turned a funny shade of green.......!!!
    Have a fantastic day, looking forward to hearing all the tales.
    Look after yourselves and each other
    Hugs xxxx

    1. Good night Patricia sweet dreams Hug's Lynda xx

  38. Night,night big sis. Hazel x

  39. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Sorry to be late again but the last of my visitors have just left. Oh what a busy day but I have lots of beautiful cards and presents so will not complain I have had a lovely birthday.
    What a beautiful card the colours are wonderful and the attention to detail is superb, whoever has made this card please be assured it is stunning. I thought we were all friends on this blog so why is someone amongst us afraid to put their name to a card I wonder do they not like to receive the praise they richly deserve, I am puzzled?
    Sandra I am so pleased you all had a lovely day yesterday but poor Matt bless him.
    Patricia I was so very sorry to read of your trouble with the old and horrid witch, it will be their loss and they will soon realise just what they have lost too. Like you whatever I was doing I always tried my best to be kind and considerate to others even if I did not like them, but there always had to be one thorn that thought they knew better and wanted their own way. One day when I was at work our director asked me why I was always considerate to those who did not deserve it, this is what he told me, 'Next time that tow rag talks to you in that manner just tell him this Margaret, I shall regard your remarks with the contempt they deserve. There really is no reply so that will hopefully shut him up.' A week later although nervous I did just that, you should have seen the look on his face, you would just have thought I had thrown a bucket of water over him he was speechless! Luckily your friend realised the danger your friendship with her was in, but it really shouldn't have come to that point. As one door closes another will open wait and see, in the interim just you enjoy yourself which I am sure you will now you are free of the old wicked witch and the thorns she gave out.
    Well to everyone going to AP this weekend have a fabulous time and do spend as if it's going out of fashion, as there are no banks in heaven remember! I do hope you are all able to get organised and meet up to make a good day a wonderful one for you all. I like others really wish I was able to go too, but I will be thinking of you all, safe journey.
    It is very quiet in our house tonight the corgis are so quiet after their day at the vets having their teeth scaled and polished, unfortunately they both needed a tooth taken out, thank goodness they were asleep! They were looked after very well and had plenty of attention and cuddles from all the nurses. So no walkies for them for the next two days we are instructed, that is one less job for Derek, if I am not careful he will be able to sit down and rest, and I can't have that, now can I?
    We have had sun and rain today, so goodness knows what will come tomorrow, but whatever it does we have no choice, roll on summer.
    See you all tomorrow and a little earlier I hope.
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      So pleased the dogs have survived the dental treatment! You just let your poor husband put his feet up! That's what I would do. - if you believe that you'll believe anything! I do love him you know despite everything I say! We haven't had rain here as yet but it's probably on its way.
      Sleep well,
      Love Myra xx

    2. Happy Birthday Margaret, you kept that quiet. I'm glad you had a good day. 21st was it?
      Hope the dogs are feeling brighter in the morning, poor things.
      Very quiet in here, isn't it. I think they are all so excited about tomorrow, like kids at Christmas, they have gone to bed early so it comes quicker.

    3. Oh Margaret,
      I replied to your post to wish you a rather belated Happy Birthday and promptly forgot! Sincere apologies! Happy Birthday - glad you had a good day! Xxx

    4. You kept that very quiet Margaret , glad you had a wonderful day, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !
      Hugs Maria xx

    5. And you know what Margaret, how stupid am I, I forgot to wish you happy birthday. It's not every day that a girl is 29. I'm so pleased that you've had such a lovely day.
      Love Maureen xxx

    6. Well, whose been keeping her birthday very close to her chest? Happy happy birthday to you Margaret, I am so pleased yo had a lovely day, you richly deserve it.
      Oh, and your poor doggies with their teeth out, let's hope they have a good rest tonight. xxx

    7. Hi Margaret happy birthday, sounds like you have had a wonderful day. Your poor corgis, I know how they feel! I hope they are feeling brighter in the morning and your husband enjoys his rest!
      Sweet dreams
      Love Diane xxx

    8. Hello Margaret, hope you had a lovely birthday. I'm sorry I didn't send you a birthday card as well as the get well one.Cuddle's for Tomas & Amy.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    9. Sorry this late Margaret but Happy Birthday. Glad you enjoyed it.

    10. Margaret Happy Bithday. Hazel x

  40. Hi Margaret,
    I hope you are feeling better today, apart from worrying about your corgis. I bet over the next couple of days they'll be pampered and cared for like it's going out of style. And as for Derek, can you not think of a job or two for him, I'm sure you could if you really put your mind to it!!!
    I've just been doing my April ATC that I swap. I had forgotten all about it so I think that while I'm on I'll do next month's tomorrow and then I'll be ahead for a change.
    Patricia, I'm so sorry that you've had such a stressful day, give me the old bat's address and I'll go and sort her out for you. The didn't give me the nickname "Knuckles Killen" for nothing!!!!
    Cheryl, I hope you've had a day of relaxing and company.
    Sandra, you watch what you're doing tomorrow and don't go talking to any strange people - oh, oh that could be difficult when you meet up with the sisters! Enjoy yourselves and do us proud with the chatter, laughter and enjoyment.
    Guess who's just arrived - yup, you're right, but I'm not afraid, as Patricia says I'm not wearing a scarf, using a stick or a wheelchair. Mind you he's carrying a glass of water - oops, he nearly got me!!!
    Right, benches cleared, dishes washed, cat chased out and told to stay out (sorry Myra) and the dog has come in so all's well with the world. "How much is that doggy in the Window"?
    I've wound the clock up and chased Maria out, it's time she was in bed at her age.
    I wish I was meeting you at AP tomorrow, but there's always next year, if George doesn't get me before then!! xx
    Sweet dreams all, Muriel xxx
    WHO DID MAKE TODAY'S CARD????? I hope I can sleep without knowing.x

    1. I'm going, I'm going hihi
      Watch out for George, is he George of the jungle ?
      Do you think it could be Paul, hmmmm

    2. Maria - have you been drinking again!
      I hope you have a lovely time at Ally Pally! Xxxx

    3. Thank you sweetie ( Pssst I don't drink )
      Thought maybe Lynda have seen my message but she must have gone for the night so I will go too to put my teeth in the glass at least
      Night,night xxx

    4. Helllllooooo Maria I did see your message just answered it xxxxx

  41. Saba, special post for you to say that I am thinking and praying for you and Val.
    Maureen xx

  42. Thank you Myra and Janice 21 ha ha not quite! I did recently see a notice that made me smile it said, Who says I don't get enough exercise I'm pushing 60 what more do you want. Well I'm pushing 60 plus a few more!!!
    If that cat causes trouble tonight I'm sorry but my little Amy is rather tired tonight.
    Night night God bless
    Margaret xxx

  43. Many thanks everyone else who has sent me such lovely wishes thank you so much. xxx

  44. Hi Sandra and all the ladies
    I've been trying to add comments but for some reason it wouldn't let me, probably knew I was going to be cheeky!
    Patricia good for you walking away from that stress, you really don't need it, but what a shame one person spoilt it for every one. Xxx
    Myra I hope you weren't "on the road to nowhere"! Glad to hear you are home safe and sound. Look at you with your topiary bushes! No one picked up on that one did they! Lol I have visions of large peacocks with full tails next to the boat lake on your estate, or is it a full chess set? Haha.
    Maureen I have visions now of you chuckling away as you snip bits off your George - the paper one of course. We all know you are a 'young one' and 'once, twice , three times a lady'.
    Well I don't know who made this beautiful card but this is so lovely. The flowers are so delicate and what a pretty colour. I'm sure auntie was delighted to receive it. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Well I'm rather late today, I got caught up getting the washing sorted and making bread and a banana cake this morning. This afternoon I have been assisting with chemistry revision, I've been told off for not pronouncing the chemical names properly and getting my ethanol and ethenal muddled up! I don't think I will pass but hopefully Emma will!
    Well I hope you all have a fantastic day tomorrow at ally pally, I will probably hear the chatter down south, I hope you all take lots of photos to share with us.
    Hazel I've put another bottle on the side tonight, you can help yourself if you can get there before Maria!
    Karen happy anniversary to you and your husband. How lovely your son fulfilled his dream and what a lovely thought he was scattered with his monkeys. Lovely to have those memories of your lovely son xxx
    Jean nice to see you popping in again, yes we are all quite mad but it is good to have a laugh with everyone.
    Sleep tight all, I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight and everyone has a safe journey tomorrow.
    Lots of love
    Diane xxx

    1. Oh, what's in the bottle? Ethanol or ethanol, or just plain old anti-freeze. Might just try a glass anyway. Want one Maria?

  45. Early night for me ladies, too excited about tomorrow, thank you all for making the blog such an amazing place!
    I look forward to meeting use that are going to be there tomorrow, unless I see you before I will see you at 2.30 - 3pm at the long tables in front of Sue's Rubbernecker Stand!
    Love and Hugs

    1. I will see you my lovely at 2.30 if I don't spot you sooner Hug's Lynda xx

  46. Good night all, pleasant dreams and safe travels tomorrow to Ally Pally, all that are going. I shall expect to see photos of you all having a laugh and giggle with Sue. xxx

  47. Late as usual. Today's card is gorgeous. I hope whoever made it has read everyone's lovely comments. Looking forward to tomorrow and hope we all meet up.

  48. Maria are you awake I will be at AP about 10 ish did leave you two mesages.Maria the hills are alive ARE YOU A WAKE XXXX

  49. Enjoy yourselves Ladies. Have a great day at AP. Buy lots of goodies, and meet up and laugh and talk.
    Hugs to all,
    Night night

  50. Thank you for all your lively comments and Happy Birthday to Margaret Enjoy tomorrow ladies Leave some stock on the CE and Sue's stall for me on Sunday! PATRICIA Well done you! For standing your ground It's just a shame that one person can really upset the apple cart and spoil things for the others Perhaps you can (if you enjoyed it without the witch and want to) organise a splinter group and leave her out of it Night night all
