
Saturday 11 April 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday!!

Good Morning Ladies,
Mixed Craft Saturday is upon us once again,
First up today we have two gorgeous Utensil Pots
Made by Patricia's grandson Robert,
they are both fantastic!
This First one is so pretty, Robert made the air dry clay flower
and leaves too, so beautifully decorated, how brilliant is Robert
to create something so amazing out of a Bean Tin!
This Next pot Robert has made from a Hot Dog Tin,
again, beautifully decorated, those papers are so pretty
and perfectly finished off with the twist of ribbon and
a pretty flower, he did have a little help with the
hot glue gun to stick the pearls around the bottom!
I think you should make some of these for Grandma to bring
to the craft retreat Robert, you may boost your pocket money jar!
Thank you so much for allowing me to share these gorgeous 
pots today Robert, you are very talented! 
Next up we have a beautiful cross stitch by our Janet,
This beautiful picture must have taken you ages!
It has been framed beautifully which sets the Cross stitched
picture off fantastically, another family heirloom Janet.
Thank you so much for allowing to showcase your creation.
Now last but not least today we have another card by Scarlett,
I think that Scarlett might like Owls!
She has made this fantastic card, its amazing Scarlett,
you are a very clever girl, whoever you made this fabulous card
for must have been so very pleased, keep making them, so that your
Grandma can keep sending me the pictures to share.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card
today Scarlett, you read below all of the lovely comments
about your card!
Thank you to each and everyone of you that sent in pictures for Mixed Craft
Saturdays, it is so lovely to share everyone's makes!
Well as you are probably all fed up of hearing, we are off to Ally Pally
today, I will pass on your hugs and wishes to Sue and our blog sisters!
I know that the Café will be in safe hands, I am sure that between
Patricia & Hazel and Steph, things will be all switched on and ready for
all the regulars, although the numbers may be down slightly as there will be a good few
of us meeting up for a (poorer quality) cup of tea at Ally Pally!
To all those of you going, I can't wait to meet you!
love and hugs


  1. Hi my lovely and all in the cafe today. Have caught up and must say that Janet and Pat's are beautiful cards. I have seen Pat's and it does have a lovely sparkle to it,it's gorgeus, and Janet's is so elegant, thank you for sharing ladies. Our mystery guest should be proud to be named as their card is a real beauty. If mine were a fraction as good I wouldn't want to be unknown, please can we sees some more please : )
    Patricia you have made the right choice, glad that you and your friend are all back to normal. Nasty people seem to thrive on upsetting others but she didn't get her way this time did she!
    Belated Happy Anniversary to Karen and hubby and belated Happy Birthday to Margaret : )
    Welcome Jean, it is lovely to see your comments on this wonderful mad blog : )
    Right I'm off to relax...............! I have to get ready to go somewhere. I wonder why I am so excited : )) Can't wait to see some of you later. Have a lovely day everyone anyway. Take care xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all the Gang!!
    Janet your Cross Stitch is amazing, absolutely stunning.
    Pat, I think Scarlet and Robert would a make a great Crafty Pair. It's great to encourage them and see their creations.
    Urn filled and on, goodies laid out. Made myself a cuppa and toast while I sit and enjoy the peace and quite while all those lucky ladies are getting themselves ready for a fantastic day ...... lucky them. Enjoy yourselves, have fun, come back and let us know how it all went.
    Happy belated Birthday Margaret so sorry I missed the day. Hope you had a good day and the dogs as well as OH are fine.
    Ok folks that's me finished, cleared up the crumbs, washed my dishes, money in the pot.
    We need to keep the place Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion while the boss is away. We always do please but remember to keep that cat out though!!!

  3. Hey Patricia shall we shut up shop for the day as a protest that we cant get to meet our Sue this weekend ? Lets have a NO chat about AP policy lol... I did say once I hit 50 id start to rebel and ive not started yet !! Come on, me you Hazel Alison etc could go shoppin or something, what do you say ? Shall we be naughty teehee ? xxx

    1. I am game for that ...... let's go for it Steph!!
      Wait I have not reached 50 yet.does that matter??
      Oooopps!!! what's that I feel. It's OK just my nose growing.......!!!!
      Will go waken Hazel I am sure she will want to be in on it. Although she has never been as rebelious as me.

    2. Sounds like a plan. I need a day off. And rebelliousness gets stronger after 60, really don't have an issue with what others think about me now. Where are we going to?

    3. Janice, how rebellious can you get once your over 70 ..... I am heading that way sooner than 60!!

    4. Can I join the rebel gang please - I'm 50 this year so can start practicing early! Can we wear outrageous colours and talk about people loudly, my aunt used to do that, soooo embarrassing!
      Love Diane xxx

    5. Ooh! Am I too late? Xx

  4. Good morning Sandra and every one. Oh the buzz of excitement from all these different places down south is driving me crazy - well that's not hard as I am half way there? Now have you all? Got the most important thing - MONEY!!! Now the list of goodies you need, no not the one of what you would like? You havent got enough money for that list? Phone, hankie, ( for those tears) laughter ones! Oh and spare pants and Tena. As you will need them!! You lot will laugh that much and talk to much and the toilets will be busy, we don't want accidents do we??? No have a great day, the wee green man is sitting on my shoulder.
    As I said last night a sign on a pole held up high for all to see would be the answer to finding each other. I will help keep the very quiet coffee shop going. Miserable day here, so we won't be doing much, even Harris is back in his bed normally he would be waiting to go out, like lying in front of Charlie giving him that look of "MOVE yourself and get dressed" well thanks to big sis I have had a lovely cup of tea and some toast, money in the pot. Hazel x
    P.S. Maureen you never answered last night, would you be coming by car or train for our meet up? Then we can find a half way place?

  5. Oh I am sorry I forgot to say Janet your cross stitch is beautiful, these things take an age to do and lots of patience! Robert arnd Scarlett you both should take a bow for these fantastic makes, well done the pair of you, and thank you to your granny/ grandma for letting us see them. Hazel x

  6. I see that big sis of mine is going to be in trouble going shopping with a nose that long! Your nose will get through the door but it will close before you do? Only joking!!! I am up for a day out!! It's just I thought Alison was going some else today ( not allowed to say those two words) Maureen might join us! Hazel x

  7. It will be quiet today won't it. Today's makes are are lovely, very talented. I have several cross stitch projects still rolled up in towels (for safe keeping) I must find them and frame them! Nothing as lovely as yours Janet, a real labour of love - beautiful. Robert's "tins" are a great idea. I have one for my rulers but it is plain and not decorated. Scarlett's card is a real "tweet" Right! cappucino finished, table wiped and money in the pot. off to craft now as OH at work. Busy day for him .. the Grand National will give you a clue and AP for me tomorrow!!!

  8. Morning Ladies

    Miserable day here-wet and breezy.

    Robert-the decorated cans look stunning. They would make perfect gifts for the family or to sel at school.

    Janet-WOWSER, you're cross-stitch is amazing. I have a collection of cross stitched pictures a very good friend made for men& I know how much time + effort he put into them.

    Scarlett-I love your Owl card, they are one of my favourite creatures and I love to use them on cards.

    Off out later to meet a friend for coffee then another friend after lunch-not much time to craft which is a shame as I've had an order for 5 pop-up style csrds -two as 16th birthday cards and three as 21st cards. First two needed by end of next week so guess what I'll be doing tomorrow-no panic eh??!!

    Hope everyone thats heading off to Ally Pally has a great day meeting all my craft heroes, you lucky people!


    1. Michele, Robert and I made some of these as gifts for the Teachers at Christmas. We put a pencil, pen and a small ruler, plus chocolate in them. We wrapped them in cellophane tied with ribbon and they went down a treat. Very little money was spent as well.

  9. Morning Sandra and all,
    Can we trust you are behaving girls, you know when the cat is away tihi
    Janet ,your cross stitch is wonderful and I have seen a similar one done before by my mother-in-law. It's such a lovely picture.
    Well Robert I love your tins made into great places to keep pens,brushes and tools for crafting ,well done. Make some for our retreat and I'm sure your pocket money will go up.
    And Scarlett, I love owls too. You have made a lovely frame to this one and the card is a Hoot.
    Got to go ,spending the day out.....................
    Love and hugs Maria xxx

  10. Wow Janet, I love this cross stitch. I have done a few, much smaller ones, but I really struggle now to see the chart, my close up eyesight is not as good as it was, ie need reading specs for everything, so I know the work that has gone into this one.
    Robert, and Scarlett, you two are certainly talented. I have seen a few of Robert's projects on his Granny's blog and they are all amazing, and Scarlett's card is very professional looking. Well done both of you.

  11. Good morning ladies,
    Well, I don't know what the weather is like in your area, down here is lovely bright sunshine, bit windy but a good gardening time today I shall be having. Mainly giving the greenhouse a good going over and rubbish OUT.
    I hope the ladies will behave themselves today though I doubt it, there will be lots of squeals of delight as they meet up and plenty of laughter and chat. Wish I was there, maybe next time, too far and expensive for me to drive all that way. Might do the coach trip I think.
    However you are planning your day, enjoy.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  12. My brain must be in meltdown, I forgot our guest crafters.
    Robert, your decorated tins are divine, just the ticket for all our crafty utensils. Well done for making the flowers yourself. You have a fine eye for detail.
    Scarlett, I do so love your little fat Owl friends, please show us some more, they are delightful and I love Owls too.
    Janet my flower, is there no end to your talents? Your cross stitch is a WOW for me. Are the dancing couple taken from a Monet painting? Ab Fab.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  13. Good morning everyone
    Oh I can feel the buzz all the way up here in the Lake District from everyone on their way to AP today, so looking forward to hearing all about it and what you have all bought, also what you have all learnt from the demo's too.
    Scarlett your card is so delightful and the colours are wonderful that you have used too, you are one clever girl.
    Robert your cans are wonderful and very useful too I really like your flowers you are one very talented young man as I have also seen your other excellent projects on Granny's blog. Hope you enjoyed your trip to Spain and the match.
    Janet Wow oh wow what a work of patience and devotion, it really is a work of art so very beautiful. I know just what is involved in completing these, I have done very tiny ones in the past and they were enough for me I can tell you!
    Looking forward to your French pastry report yummy as always I'll be bound.
    Well that is my coffee finished and cup washed pout I have not had a nibble of anything so no crumbs Patricia and I have made that cat scoot darned thing, if we get a surprise health and safety inspection we will be in trouble then what will the boss say?
    Please to report the corgis had a good night and apart from rather different and quieter barks now and again they are fine.
    Well I am up for a day of rebellion so where are we going and what are we going to do?
    Margaret xx

  14. Morning ladies, firstly Robert and Scarlett what a talented pair you are, I hope you keep it up when you get older, and Janet, your cross stitch is gorgeous, what a time it must have taken to do this,
    Ladies, I'm up for a shopping trip, in fact I shopped at J S yesterday and managed to get the camellia open petals die, whoopy doo!!!
    Will meet up later for lunch, I hope everyone going to ally pally has a great time. Take care everyone, Jess x

    1. Same here Jess, been long time waiting for them to be back in stock. Steph very kindly posted me some that she had cut out. xxx

  15. Morning everyone who are not going South today. Go on Stephen close up shop in protest that we Northerners don't get something like AP.
    I won't tell . Your's all welcome here with me.

    Robert you are one very talented young man. Those pots must have taken hours to make and lots of patience. I hope to see more.
    Scarlett what a beautiful Owl . Your card is so life-like. Please do more so Granny can let us see more of your creations.
    My cross stitch is one taken from a Monet painting. I did it some years ago before I got into paper crafting. I started cross stitching when I was in school and in those days it was called 'Bianca'. I still have my first cushion cover and small coffee tablecloth. They look so different today.

    To all under the weather hugs are on their way via cyberspace at the moment.

    1. I still have a yellow jute wallet type bag that I cross-stitched my initials on in primary school Janet, I must have been about 8 or 9. We used them to keep our schools books clean & tidy. I believe I lived in South Wigston Leics then. xxx

  16. Stephe sorry I put an in on your name. Please forgive me. My one little grey cell must have gone walk about. Hugs
    Janet xxxx

  17. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Robert I have to say your pen holder is brilliant and I love the flower you have made. The clay is fab to use isn't it. Thank you for sharing this with us xxx
    Scarlet I love your card, it is so pretty and your owl is perfect. Thank you for sharing it with us xxx
    Oh wow this is amazing, I know how much hard work you put into this. What a lovely frame too, I hope it takes pride of place in your house (which one though!) your pastry description made my tummy rumble! Thank you for sharing xxx
    Right must get going and start causing trouble with a bit of nagging! I need Julian to unpack his bag so I can get stuff washed and ready for when he goes off again on Monday. I'm sure he thinks a magic fairy does everything! I need to pop out to the shops to get some food too so another busy day. See you later everyone and those going to the place we will not mention- have fun and a safe journey!
    Love Diane xxxx

  18. Has Maureen gone to that Palace down south, real shopping and spending real money???
    I thought she would have been joining us on our "virtual outing" ........ I know she is over 50 and Steph says we can be rebels once we hit that milestone.
    Hope Georeg is all right after his day being made into a Die!!?

  19. No he's stuck on a card and all jumbled up like your spelling, LOL

    1. Ooooppps!! Jumbled like my brain.......John often asks if I actually have one!!!

  20. Good morning my lovely Sandra and coffee shoppers,
    Girls that are away to the Ally Pally, i have warned Sue to listen for the excited rabble and ravings that you can hear from a mile away and run as it is possibly you lot approaching the main descent. Now mind and give the poor woman some air when you all crowd around like excited school girls, but the most important thing is....have a fantastic day and tomorrow you can all recover from it.
    Robert, what a beautiful job you have made of your upcycling of the tins. You have finished them off to perfection by lining the inside as well as covering the outside. Your little string of pearls that you have run along the base of your small rose tin turns it into something really pretty that would look beautiful wherever it sat. Your yellow rose just adds life to your lovely back ground paper. These are the sort of things that we crafters really love something that is practical as well as beautiful, so thank you so much for letting us see your very skillful makes.
    Scarlet, my mum loved owls and this card would have made her day wee lass as it is beautiful with your owl hiding and peeking out from behind the leaves and the bark of the tree just being seen. You have made a lovely job of the leaves but the owl....WOW the colouring and shading that you have done gives it such realism and realistic definition. Thank you for showing us your mini masterpiece as well.
    Janet, i have a love of cross stitch pre dating card making as well. The cardmaking was just a natural progression into another craft. I have all mum's cross stitch and tapestry pictures that she did over the years. Your cross stitch just picks up the movement from the couple so well and with you just doing part of the background it looks like it disappears and they are there all by theirselves. My beloved Auntie Jean LOVED Monet in every shape and form and it how i first found out about him all those years ago, long before i ever seen his work anywhere else. Thank you Janet because of the happiness that you brought back to me in my memories.
    Well i have just had for me disasterous news in that i understood that my little cousin was coming up and getting married in July this year, but no. She is getting married on the 31st of October, i have just had the invitation in this morning and although i am slowly tempted to say i can't make it to her, she is having the wedding up here because of mum and i so i can't go and tell her sorry i'm going to be in Birmingham that weekend. I am just so disappointed because after getting it all worked out for me to go, now i can't. I'm going across to sit in my corner and sulk and i'm going to have a hot chocolate and a big slice of chocolate fudge cake with ice cream and a flake and 4 paracetamol. I'll just help myself today Sandra since you're off galavanting and i'll leave the money in the pot.
    My basket of hugs are across in my corner just awaiting a set of arms to squeeze them and some of them are highly bouncy so beware about getting set upon by bouncing hugs
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Norah, sorry to hear you won't be joining us in October, I hope you have cancelled your room quickly so that you will not be charged, you can go and join Steph and sulk in the corner.

    2. Awww!! Norah that's such a pity, never mind we can a few "meet ups" like we had on Wednesday between now and October. We will not abandon you our new found friend.

    3. Ohh Norah! What a shame! I was so looking forward to meeting you!
      It's so disappointing for you though. Families eh! Xxx

    4. Oh Norah what a shame. I'm sure there will be another retreat but there's only one wedding. Thank you for your lovely comments today. Hugs Janet

    5. Oh Norah what a shame you are having to cancel, I was so looking forward to meeting you. Hopefully we will meet up one day xxx

  21. Oh Norah, what a predicament to be in. I really feel for you, hard decision to make.
    I'm the same with first great grandchild's Baby Shower. I told them when I couldn't come and lo and behold, Lucy has picked that weekend!!! To add to that, I waited all last weekend for them to come over to discuss what they wanted on the invitations and the little madam had already ordered them from a printer without telling Joshua. Sometimes I think she wants this pregnancy all to herself, except when she's not feeling too good and then it's "Oh Josh you'll have to look after me, I'm ill". Oooff, youngsters these days make my blood boil with their 'princess' attitudes. I'm a Libran, I don't like my scales being unbalanced.
    Rant over. I'm going to sit in the corner with Steph and do some skulking sulking. xxx

  22. Norah phone the hotel and cancel quick so no cost to you, I am so disappointed for you and as Patricia has said we can't still meet up? Cheryl I take it you are still coming? Hazel x

    1. No I'm still coming!!!!
      I can't go to the baby shower as I am going to the Midlands to visit family the weekend she is holding it. And I'm not giving up my weekend away just to please her! I think she deliberately picked that weekend so she could moan to her parents, "Oh Joshua's family' s not coming" she wants everything in this relationship to be all about HER not US. So unfair to Joshua cos he's always going to be 'piggy in the middle' xxx

    2. Oh I am glad you are not cancelling your weekend? How naughty of her? After you buying them all that new furniture. Yes Cheryl she will be like that no matter what. Hazel,x

  23. Oh! Cheryl have you had to cancel as well???

  24. AHHH NO MORE AP !!! YES Im envious as hell. All I ever want is to meet our wonderful Sue, so Im closing the shop to ANY talk about that big place down in that big glass place ! Its a NO AP afternoon. I cant bare hearing about it anymore, so who cares about age, if you are of a rebelious nature then the time is now ! Lol. Lets all wear our worst clashing clothes, put some heavy slap on and lets go on a rampage. We'll start by shoplifting at a local store near Patricia, they wont recognise you hon, work down to Hazel's area then work down the country, I dont mind going in if.someone will be on look out ! We'll make a.sign ready for when we reach the cafe saying NO AP TALK welcome and put a 'swear box' on all the tables (maybe Robert will make us one) ? They are fantastic. Janet can cross stitch or embroider a NO AP TALK sign for us as her work is always beautiful no matter what she does, and maybe Scarlet will make the card that says AP swear box as she is a little star, what do you all say ? In or what ?
    Im off to get changed. Meet you at Patricia's xxx

    1. Signs done and dusted and on their way. Done them in an XL size so they cannot be missed!!!
      Don't forget to move them before you know who gets back and then we can use them again.oil
      Janet xxxx

  25. Hang On Hang on! What's going on here today! Just checked in and read Steph's post above me! Will need to read more!
    Am I being a rebel without a cause or a rebel with a cause? I'm not fussed either way actually!
    I need to read more.
    However may I just say first of all that today's crafty goodies are lovely!
    Robert - I love your tins - and the air dry clay flower is lovely! Great present for a teacher. Well done!
    Scarlett - your owl is just gorgeous and your colouring beautiful! I love his eyes !
    Janet - your cross stitch is gorgeous and must have taken hours! However it was well worth it. By the way yesterday's pastries sounded yummy!
    Off to read now!
    Love Myra xxx

  26. Put the kettle on, popped some muffins in the oven.
    Right off to raid the wardrobe!!
    See you soon Steph.
    Ooopps! better tell Hazel

    1. You're not going on a raid are you? Xx

    2. Myra there are enough muffins in the oven for all of us.
      Keep wondering where Maureen is ..... do you know??
      See you soon, Hazels on her way over as well.

    3. Yes, I think it's going to be a bit short of the Dirty Dozen though. Too far for me to join in, so you'll have to dress up a dummy for me and then let me know if I enjoyed

  27. I'm in, anything for a laugh, weather a bit changeable, snowsuit would be ok with a detachable hood.
    Shame about Norah not managing to our retreat.
    Meet you all at Patricia's

  28. Ok! I think! - I don't know where Maureen is but she may be gardening!
    I had an email from Saba/Barbara last night and she asked to say that she may not manage to call in this weekend as she is away from home! Well of course she is but she has gone to London with her daughter and will be at Ally Pally tomorrow so not much time to call in. However she did say - " tell them I'll be back!" Sounds good to me!
    I am wearing a very suitable top for a raid! It is black and white stripes - all I need is a bandana and a swag bag!
    Save me a muffin! Xxx

  29. That's right ... Saba and her daughter are off to the Theatre .... Myra you get get your own back there, she's the one being Posh this weekend!!!

  30. Yo Gang,
    I'm here at last!!!
    First things first,
    Robert, love your pencil holder and your rose is beautiful. You can come and craft with me any time. I might learn a thing or two!
    Scarlett, I love your owl card and might just have to pinch the idea from you, I hope that is all right?
    Janet, your picture is a work of art. The old eyes are not good enough to do this now, but good enough to appreciate something beautiful when I see it.
    Well - I'm singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic because If we are rebelling we need to do it in style, and the louder - the better!!! I'm all for a bit of skull-duggery and a bit of mayhem on the side. In fact chaos is my middle name. I've taken a few hints off the TV and got myself a hard hat and a high viz jacket to look inconspicuous!!!!!
    I bet they all miss each other at THAT PLACE that should not be mentioned by name and they'll not get to meet THE GODDESS that is SUE, they'll not get any bargains and will have sore feet and sore bums when they get home. Oh how we'll laugh. Do you think it's likely or am I kidding myself?
    I'd have loved to go but decided that I'd rather save my pennies and meet all the lovely ladies in October at our soiree (ooh I do love that word!).
    I've had a fairly busy morning and that's why I'm so late today.
    George has been complaining about a bad head and back, I didn't have the heart to tell him that I've been throwing darts at him ha ha. No, no, not really, don't call out Social Services.
    Cheryl, are you still going in October, or do you have to go to the baby thingy.
    Norah, what an awful shame for you. We were all looking forward to meeting you and I was looking forward to seeing pictures of Rory and Kirsty.
    Got to go, but will be back soon - you have been warned.
    Muriel xx

    1. No Maureen, the baby shower is end of this month NOT October, to which I AM going to our soiree not the baby shower. I think there's either a lack in communication or my wording is not as good as it should be. Sorry to confound, confuse and confuddle everyone. xxx

    2. Cheryl so glad to read that you are coming

    3. Muriel do you own a blue wheely bin and a jack hammer too? Don't tell me, you've got them there sparklers safe and security boxed in your tena lady knickers haven't you! Was George in on the plot too or did he just dangle you down that lift shaft with your scarf around your neck??? Lol xxx

  31. Maureen , this has no connection to you dear! It's just the way my brain works - there is a little dog goes by here every day in a high viz jacket! Owner usually dressed in dark clothing - presumably the dog can explain why ? Xx

    1. Me - a dog? Well you certainly know how to pass a compliment!!!!

    2. I said it had no connection to you!! It was the high viz jacket!
      It doesn't wear a tin hat! Xx

    3. Don't worry full set of High Viz vests here. Mind you if we go out on this raid do we really want to be seen???

    4. I just disappeared completely! My iPad decided to do an upgrade! Strange things! I thought since I was crossing the border at the time it had caught the disease which Hazel's iPad has. Hope not - only got this one last Christmas. Xx

    5. Hazel and think that since we have all started to visit this Coffee Shop the IPads are struggling to keep up with all the communications!!!

    6. Nobody takes ANY notice of high viz jackets these days cos everybody wears them. xxx

    7. Still give you fright when you suddenly see them when you know you are driving faster than you should be!!

    8. Oh, I never go faster than 90 xx

    9. I didn't think you did Maureen, I was positive it was you going 120 past me the other

    10. You go that SLOW ...... Maureen, definitely would have to pass you.

    11. Derek has a great high vis vest I can borrow. It says "I'm wearing this to cover someone else's a***" , since everywhere you go now you have to wear one.

    12. One thing for sure it is not me and the corgis!

  32. Steph, thank you for the kind offer of the camellias. As you probably saw yesterday I've ordered them from Joanna - can't wait to use them . They are so lovely. Xx

  33. Just had a thought - a rare and wonderful thing - how many of the Scottish clan are going to the wedding in Dunblane today?

    1. You suggesting we pop in there? Cromlix House is very nice! Xxx
      Not been to the Cathedral though. Xx

    2. i must be Cinderella cos I didn't get an invite, boo hoo. Who's getting married anyways? xx

    3. I had to refuse cause I,m on holiday,or I would have been there xx

    4. Andy Murray! He is from Dunblane originally and owns Cromlix House - country house hotel where Reception being held! Xx

    5. I am watching it live ....... well live on the telly anyway.
      The sun is shining for them which is good, looks cold though.

    6. Does she look lovely? What about Judy and the Bride's Mum ? Xx

    7. They have gone on to something else on the Channel, it is a right bummer!!
      Will keep watching and let you know if we see her.
      His Granny was beautiful in like a periwinkle Blue.

    8. Judy Murray beautiful in cream coat and dress with a stunning hat on the side of her head.
      Sun still shining

    9. Bride to enter by a back door. We are not going to see her till after the ceremony.

    10. Granny and Mum sound lovely! Xx

    11. Bridesmaids in a Rose/ Blush colour.
      Bride ushered in through a back door, could not see here and down came the rain!!!

    12. Oh what a shame about the rain! Xx

    13. Patricia you never told us Andy was wearing a kilt!
      I seen it on the news I was looking to see if my friend was there she used to teach him at school but don't think she was.

    14. We saw the wedding on the news tonight and got very excited. We had to make a detour to Dunblain when we were driving in Scotland so I could go to the loo! We parked near the church they got married in and then found the public loo was closed and up for sale!!!! We had to use the loo in the library instead. As we were leaving Dunblain we saw Andy Murrays gold post box so had to get out the car and have a photo with it. Vert exciting and all because I needed the loo! The wedding looked lovely shame about the weather though (and the lack of a public loo!!!!).

  34. Didn't get an invite!!

    1. My invite must have got lost in the post.

  35. Forgot to say, Sincerely Yours are having a craft fair thingy at Kirkliston, near Edinburgh on 10 May, they usually have it at Ingleston, but a change of venue this time, upset I cant go as I am off on holiday on the 9th. Swear box money in the tin!!! X

  36. Steph - how near are you to Perthshire? Muriel are you over that guy Hadrian,s wall yet? Xx

  37. Myra,
    There's another brick in the wall xxx

    1. Oh dear! Dynamite seems a bit excessive - people would get upset! Xx

    2. What are we using Dynamite for??

    3. To get Maureen over Mr Hadrian's wall! Xx

    4. RIGHT!!! thought we were going to use it on the "raid"

  38. Maureen ... you asked on my Blog what "Digi stamps" are.
    They are images you download from companies. You can then print them off any size from your computer. Much cheaper that a rubber stamp and you always get a good image. Some even do the pr-coloured these days. Kind of like printing images from a CD really.
    Hope this answers your question.

    1. Thanks Patricia, I'll pick your brains (ughhhhhh) in October!
      I've missed all the wedding on the TV, been colouring in a die cut egg faberge style and I'm up to the eyes in H2O's. Then thought I'd try gilding wax, ha what a mess I'm in now, and back to working in a 6" square - things never change. Will clear my desk AGAIN, let's see how long it lasts.
      I've been reading the posts on this blog and honestly we all sound completely bonkers. It's not half good fun though!!!!
      I bet those who are at THAT PLACE THAT CANNOT BE NAMED do not have as much fun as we are having.
      By the way Steph, I love your tag (see how up to date I am) if I remember rightly it's Grotbags!!!!
      By the way has anyone won a bet on the Grand National. I think my horse is still running. I wanted George to put 6d each way on a horse for me but he just said "Don't be silly" and put a £1 each way. I thought the winnings could go into the Soiree pot, but hey ho.
      Back later, just going to see if I can blast a whole in the wall Myra.

    2. Maureen, hope to goodness we see you before October maybe mid June, early July sometime NOT the 30th July though ... that's Gillian's wedding (Hazels Daughter)
      Remember dont ever ask me anything technical ...... bit thick me!!

  39. I know Grotbags, she lives in the next village. Lovely woman and nothing like that green witch she pretends to be. Carol Lee Scott is her name and her sister Jackie lives in the next village to the north of me. She used to do skits in our Carnival concerts, was in a variety club once and met Rod Hull and his Emu, he liked her act and the rest is history.
    See, I do know somebody famous. Most of the Somerset Cricket Club when Ian Botham was captain and met Roy Walker at the
    Langstone Cliff Hotel in Dawlish Warren many moons ago. Got the photos to prove it. xxx

    1. Cheryl, now you know me. I'm not the type to cast aspersions but the name Cheryl and "name dropper" spring to mind ha ha xxx ooo

    2. Does spending a weekend in the company of Sue Wilson count as "name dropping"
      Hazel & I have done that.

  40. Right you lot, what all this that's been going on since I went out earlier? Can't leave you lot alone for a few hours and your are raiding some where, blowing up walls and causing havoc at a tennis players wedding!!!, And little old me has been as good as gold, I went and had a catch up with little daughter and grandson? Daddy and big grandson are at the football. Now I am home and taking down hems on my bedroom curtains, they shrunk in the wash, so tempory fix until I find material I like for new ones, At least they are clean, one of the curtains had got drag out of the window and seeing we have a flat roof just under the window it was in a right mess. Now I hope you lot are going to give this Coffee Shop a good tidy!!! And can those sitting sulking in the corner cheer up? And get rid of all those green men. I will be back in to see if you have done everything. Hazel x

  41. Just remind me who said this morning it would be quiet today in here and that it would be in good hands? I don't think so. What say all of you. Thithithi

  42. Quick everybody lock all doors and windows before Hazel comes back. She wants us to tidy up!!! What's that mean? Tidy doesn't exist does it?

  43. Janet we need to tidy, I know, i know BUT if it's not tidy when the boss gets back she'll not leave us in charge again.

  44. I'll cheer up when Steph cheers up.
    I haven't made the mess, honest. It was them lot there on their raid to blow up Mr Hadrian's wall. xxx

  45. Steph ..... are you HAPPY??

  46. If any one in authority, Big Brother style, reads this blog today we will all be in trouble...em, no, just realised, Sandra will be in trouble, it's her blog. Today we have talked about rebelling, a raid, blowing up Hadrians wall, sticking George on cards, speeding at 120 mph, telling lies and swearing, and quite a few other naughty things. Oh dear!!
    ANON...well, if I put my name, I might be in trouble too.

  47. I won't tell if you don't!!! ANON also

  48. Oh alright Patricia we'll tidy. Don't want to get Sandra into trouble cos we want to play again when she goes away don't we....

  49. Ha ha Raids and all sorts MAUREEN I agree with Patricia re note on digistamps I don't colour in (yet) Does anyone have the Chameleon pens What are they like As I don't own one single alcohol pen I'm thinking of investing in those when C&C lose their exclusivity I expect the girls are having a great time Just hope it's not too crowded for them and they can get to do all that they want to do (within reason I hope they're not showing off what they hide in their knickers) it was me that asked re dates of retreat But I can't make those dates Too much going on family birthdays, anniversaries, and a hol in Nov Beg of Oct would have been better for me Perhaps next time

    1. Oh Karen, what a shame, we'll have to give you a blow by blow account. Now who said tidy up - tidy WHAT. If I'm revolting, and George often says I am, I revolt in a big way. Oh, all right then pass me the brush and I''ll get this floor swept. There's cement dust and bits of dynamite all over, I think Myra must have overdone it with the explosives. xx

    2. Karen I have the Chameleon Pens however I prefer my Spectum Noirs to be honest.
      Sorry you can't make it in October. Never mind maybe next time.

    3. Karen
      Just buy one if at all possible and have a play with it first before taking the plunge, then if you don't like them not much wasted.

  50. Where is Steph? Has she been nabbed by the rozzers? x

    1. I am really worried about Steph, hope she's not in a dark, damp cell. in that Police Station
      We might need more dynamite to get her out.

  51. Exactly!!! Right girls lets get tidied up quick. We don't have to leave, we can sit and chat quietly. Sandra will think we have really been on our best behaviour. She will be happy to leave us in charge again another day in the future.
    Hope nobody "tells" on us

    1. You have got to be joking you will be lucky if she lets you in tomorrow,
      but as for Hazel miss goody two shoes she will be allowed!

    2. Margaret what are you saying about me? Some one had to be good to keep you lot in control? I am not a nanny for nothing you know. Nanny McPhee hasn't got a look in? Hazel x

    3. Oh Hazel! You have really made me laugh! I will try to improve - there is a lot of room for improvement! Xxx

  52. Well Sandra, I am glad I haven't been in to much today, this lot have been terrible ( what mental hospital did they all escape from???) oh I hope it wasn't from the one up the top of my road, there will be police every where, searching the sheds etc. don't laugh but it does happen. Been quiet for a wee while.
    I hope you all had a fab day and did meet every one. Hazel x

  53. Patricia, do you think Steph has got lost on her way to your house/ She said that she was going to yours before the raid began. By the way has your Hazel always been so good? xx

  54. Maureen, of coarse I have? Didn't you know I am perfect!. NOT. After the day you lot have had, I suppose I have been good? At least my day has turned out better than it was when I saw how much my curtains had shrunk! But I have saved the day and they are fine, all back up for now and I will look for some beautiful material to get new ones made. ( made all my curtains for years but not now adays) Hazel x

  55. I never thought about Steph getting lost, my house is a little difficult to find. Now it is dark she does not stand a chance. ( no street lights). Hope she has on a thick jacket she can curl up under a hedge till morning, then I will go out and look for her.
    Hazel ... good?? Well yes actually, she was never as rebellious as me that's for sure.

  56. Thanks Patricia re pens It's really interesting to hear other people's opinions on tools etc

  57. BY THE WAY has anyone discovered who made yesterday's gorgeous card??

  58. No, couldn't work out why they didn't want to be known? Hazel x

  59. Wish I could say it was me, but that would be yet another lie. It's still a mystery. My money is on Steph.

  60. Duh! How do I email Sandra I can't see an email address...

  61. Just realised Myra must have got lost along with Steph. Bet they went a raid on their own!! That's a bit selfish is it not???

  62. If Steph has still not arrived anywhere I think you had better call the ambulance service you know she cannot cope with the cold tell them to take some hot water bottles and a hot drink with them too.

  63. Just had a thought has Steph gone to the wedding where the groom is called Andy?

  64. I think Steph has been hiding in her den, she just got you lot going then took herself off home to get on with her card making. She will have been sitting laughing at all what you have been up to, Myra has likely been doing the same? Hazel x

  65. Hellooooo! I'm back!
    Had a bit of bovver wiv the boys in blue! Think it was the jelly! Steph is missing in action! She does not cope well with the cold you know - in fact not at all! I got held up sorting out that old bizzy body from your ex craft group, Patricia!
    Is everyone else ok?
    Sandra will never know any of this - it's their fault for going to that place which we're not naming! Xxx

    1. Hope she gives that Witch a right doing over ....... I am NOT a violent person but I will leave Steph to sort her out

    2. Oops Steph - you're getting the blame! Xxx

  66. Oh! dear I forgot Steph could not like the cold. Yes! she will have gone to that wedding the cakes will have been better than the ones I that was the attraction!!.
    Hope she like men in Kilts

  67. Sandra is going to be mad if we have lost some of her customers as well.

  68. I think Norah made yesterday's card. There I've said it. They don't call me Miss Marple for nothing! Xxx

    1. Never thought of Norah, you could be right.
      Tell you what I am off to bed before the boss gets back.
      The place is very tidy I know that BUT I am not sure if she will be pleased with the Shanigans of the day!!!!😳😳

    2. Then our Boss will have learned a valuable lesson - don't leave the loopy ones in charge of the you know what! Xx

  69. Well then she should be proud to own up to it.

    1. It's maybe not as simple as that! It's just a guess anyway! I don't want to upset Norah. She's lovely! Xxx

  70. Steph is not lost - we have temporarily mislaid her! Steph please speak but don't yell - some of us are of a nervous disposition! Xx

  71. Just wish I knew that Steph was safe

  72. You are all getting madder by the minute, what was in those muffins this morning? I never had one that's why I have been good.
    Meet up with Maureen all sorted, I am happy and excited about another meet up in the real world. Hazel x

    1. You just don't know what I'm really like - you'll be sorry, very sorry xxx

    2. Hazel - are you of the opinion that you are sane? Xxx

  73. I know, she's just disappeared. Which in the circumstances I think is a wise thing to do so I'm going to make a run for it and make myself scarce. I can't stand bloodshed and shouting.
    I'll be lying low er I mean I'll be busy tomorrow so may not get in until late afternoon so don't send a search party out. I'm going, not even going to tidy up as I got a load of that cement dust and stuff on my chest, and I'm coughing so cheerio, sleep tight and scarper quick before "you know who" comes back to her cafe and sees the mess we've made.
    Sleep tight everyone.
    Muriel xx

    1. Night Night me dear!
      Sleep well.

    2. I think Steph must have been driving the get away car! Or mobility scooter with Muriel in her hi viz jacket haning off the back . They were egged on by Patricia who made muffins this morning with something funny in them ( there has been a lot of talk about weeding this week - I say no more!). It's a good thing it's been tidied up in here tonight, Sandra will never know. Mind you if some anonymousl cards turn up with lots of diamond sparkles on them we will know where to look won't we! Hazel being a goodie goodie may Dobbie you in Muriel but I'm sure a good tip on the GG's and a couple of Sue Wilson dies will keep her quiet! Lol
      I don't know I pop out for a few hours to go shopping and look what mischief you lot get up to! Haha. Sleep tight night night see you tomorrow.
      Love Diane xxx

  74. Myra. I have known differently for a while? Hazel x

    1. Do you ever wonder what a stranger would make of our ramblings? It is totally mad in here at times! Roll on October! Xx

  75. I've had an idea! Steph has stopped off at Glenochil to see Norah and they are both stuck fast to gilding flakes! Xx

  76. I see everything is all ship shape and Bristol fashion, is the cat out as well. I will lock the door and hope all is well for tomorrow when the boss is back.
    I really hope they all had a good time.
    Catch you all tomorrow, night night x

    1. Night Night Jess! I hope you are right! Xx

  77. Margaret - are you there? Do you know where Steph is? Andy will kill us! Xx

  78. OMG ! what have you all been up to ey ?? If Sandra see this she will be soooo cross and you all have to sit in the cornet with the shame hat on your heads ! tihi
    Norah, I'm so sad that you can't join us after all. Hopefully you keep in contact, meeting up with our other scottish friends and if all goes fine at october's retreat maybe it could be a possibility to do it again in spring. I/we love to meet you x
    Karenlotty, you too is someone we would have liked to meet, Do you live near Watford ?
    I'm a very tired Maria but also soooo Happy to have met up with Sandra +one,Lynda +one, Sue, Pat, Brenda ,Littlelamb and Cameeli . It was fabulous to see you all and I can't wait until next time !. I also met our Sue ! John and Julia too ,it has been a brilliant day (tena helped a lot) but I will have to live on beans on toast for a long time hihi, it scary actually to see how quick you can spend your hard earn pennie's but I have some lovely die's to play with tomorrow ,so I hope it's raining so I don't feel guilty and leaving the gardening for a day or two.
    Hope you ladie's (villains) now have cleared up all the mess so I can sit down with a drink and think back what I did today, ooooh it was Perfect ! Thank you Sandra for getting us together, you are all wonderful ! Many hugs to you all (incl. Paul and Terry ) Try to have a good night, I'm off. See you tomorrow.
    Love and HUGS Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      It sounds like you had a wonderful day at the place that will not be named and met so many people. I'm sure we will hear all about it tomorrow. Night night, sleep tight, sweet dreams xxx

  79. Dear Sandra,
    This is a hard letter to write! Things are not exactly as they should be! The Cafe is just fine! We went AWOL . However the instigator , our beloved Steph, is now lost! We have searched and shouted but to no avail! She was in a funny mood today and was a strange green colour!
    I so wish we hadn't gone to Scotland it was too far for Steph and too cold!
    Muriel blew up Mr Hadrian's wall and is covered in bits! Patricia makes yummy muffins! Hazel is a whiz at altering curtains , if like Hazel, you shrink them in the wash!
    You should never have left us on our own!
    I hope you had a lovely day - saying it through gritted teeth!
    For all I know , you may be in bed too and I am worrying alone!
    Lots of love, Myra xxxx

  80. Oh so glad you have had a great day Maria? Yes you are right this lot have been villains they will be on a weeks ban from the Coffee Shop, you didn't see Steph while you were out and about, she seems to have got lost. Hazel x

    1. No sorry ,no Steph around. Did you check everywhere?

    2. She's hiding! I just - hope so! Xx

    3. Sure she pops up somewhere tomorrow, don't worry.
      My pillow is calling but what can I do about the snoring Smurf thats in the bed already ?
      Good night all, Hugs Maria xxx

    4. Sorry about the Smurf! Night Night Maria, I really am pleased you had a lovely day and met so many friends! See you in October! Xxxx

  81. If Steph is in the clink can we make her a cake that we can fit her grande caliber in and a file? If we can get some pro markers in too she could colour in her arrow suit? Perhaps gilding wax on the ball and chain? Or gilding flakes? What do you think ladies?
    Night night everyone, sleep tight, see you tomorrow, sweet dreams xxxx

  82. OH MY GOOD LORD!!!!!!
    I leave you lot for one day, ONE DAY!!!!!! you have wreaked havoc across the country, really MRS COTTERILL, You were the instigator, I am shocked to say the very least!
    good night, I will discuss this in the morning!
    In the words of my mother "That's it....I'm telling your father!!!!"
    love and hugs

  83. Night Boss! Xx sleep well! Xx
