
Sunday 12 April 2015

A Beautiful Gift No.1

Good Morning Ladies,
Well what can I say, I had the most amazing day yesterday,
I have never laughed so much in one day, or talked for that matter,
needless to say I have no voice to say (Paul is so pleased)!
I wanted to share with you this beautiful card that Cheryl sent me,
I have never received a card so prettily wrapped, it came wrapped in a
sparkly tulle, wrapped with a pretty yellow ribbon.
Just look at how pretty this card is, using on of Sue's Gemini Dies and
her Trailing Ivy Die, with some beautiful flowers to finish it off.
I was so touched, the verse inside had tears streaming down my face,
I haven't shown it as it is personal message.
Here is a close up of the flowers that and Ivy Die in
the corner of the card!

Lastly the gorgeous Gemini Die, Cheryl, thank you from the
bottom of my heart for such an uplifting, heart warming, gift and message.
Back to Ally Pally, the day started bright and early with Sue and Margaret (Sue's Mum)
Arriving at our house at 7.30am, yes I did say 7.30 am!
We then went to collect Pat and made our way to Ally Pally, where the first surprise
of the day was Cameeli, waiting for me in the entrance to Ally Pally, such a wonderful
hug to start the day!  Myself and my entourage then walked past the huge queue and
straight in with my disabled entrance (fast pass)! We all went straight over to see Sue
who is always so welcoming, I find it amazing that with all her blog members she still greets
you with your name and a huge welcoming smile, such a warm, friendly, kind hearted lady!
Later on in the day I got to meet up with Lynda, Maria, Brenda, Brenda (littlelamb),
Sue and Pat! Security did approach once, but we kept it down and they retreated!
It was such a lovely hour, we all spent the time chatting and like has been said do many times
it was just like we were all sat chatting with old friends, I literally cannot wait for our Retreat
now, its those little experiences that make this whole  blog thing so worthwhile.
I had some of the most heartfelt hugs every yesterday, I have been waiting for my 'Mumma Hug'
for Brenda L, for too long, but it was so worth it! The Cameeli hug was and unexpected Bonus,
I have tried to persuade her to start trying to come in and join us more often, believe me she
has a wicked sense of humour!
A special thanks to my two crafty sisters Sue & Pat without whom the experience would have
a lot less fun, I love spending time with you two!
I will call in later and update you on my shopping (yes I managed a little of that too)!
But at the moment I am still too tired to open the bags!
Thank you to the lovely ladies that kept the Café open and running in
my absence, you did an amazing job!
Love and Hugs


  1. Sandra, I hope you are resting? After all the travelling, excitement and then coming home to see what this lot got up to yesterday !!! I am so glad you had a great day and of course the others too.
    Cheryl your card to Sandra is just stunning, the design is beautiful, elegant and how you have wrapped it is gorgeous. I use tissue, never thought of using the tulle.
    Next thing is? Have we found Steph??? It wasn't a good night to be out in!
    Someone said last night that any outsider reading the blog yesterday would have thought we were a mad lot? Sorry to say the answer is we are! I think there are less mental cases up the road from here in Stratheden Hospital !!! Charlie and I always joke that we bought this house so that we could visit who every ended up in there in our old age, but I think I will be visiting some of you lot. Talk about a bunch of sulky children who didn't get to the big party!!! But I think that is the great thing about this blog you can do ( write) like we do and we all take part. Fun was had by all.
    To every on who isn't feeling to good today the basket is full of ((((((hugs))))))
    Everything is ready for the day. I have got my tea and some toast, money in the pot and I will just sit and read one of those craft mags that someone left for us to read.
    Those going to AP today I hope you have a good day too. Hazel x

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a beautiful card you received & how kind.

    Can't wait to hear what you (& everyone else) bought yesterday-I love to know what people buy at craft shows. I wonder if people go craft crazy and buy loads or if they don't want to carry it all so buy very little.

    The predicted rain has just arrived so that means no gardening (hurrrah ) so once I've done my usual chores-washing, ironing & big clean in the bathroom then I can settle in my craftroom.


  3. Good morning Sandra and the Gang, hope those of you who were at that "palace" yesterday are taking it easy, resting and building up your strength for the day ahead.
    So glad to hear you hade a great day.
    Cheryl your card is amazing, absolutely beautiful. I love how you packaged it, like Hazel I use Tissue. Will try using Tulle next time I have a special card to do.
    See that "goody two shoes" sister of mine is telling tales!!!
    She is just jelous that she had to spend time sorting her curtains when we were having fun ....... !!! She was late and there was not a muffin left for her!!
    Where the heck did Steph get to, I spent most of the night looking for her.......!!
    Hazel and I are having a cuppa and are still the best of friends, really we are.
    Looking forward to hearing about the Ally Pally Day.
    Leaving a big basket of (((((hugs))))) by the door for those who are ill, in pain or just a bit down. Please help yourself plenty more where they came from.
    Will be back later to hear the news.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. What can I say about this gorgeous card? It is so beautiful, I love the simplicity of it and also what a wonderful use of tulle. Cheryl you are so clever, and so very kind. I know Sandra was stunned, and over the moon, to receive this card, she will always treasure it : )
    Sandra, thank you again for making yesterday such a great day out. (and of course a great big thank you to Paul for driving us. Yes ladies he really is a saint(with a wicked sense of humour : ) ) It is always wonderful to spend time with you and Pat, and then to get to meet my lovely friend Brenda-littlelamb (please please book time off from babysitting for the retreat Brenda) LYnda (yeah, I remembered the spelling: ) ) Brenda Lello, Maria and Cameeli (come on, take the plunge Cam : ) As you have already said Sandra, it is just like meeting up with friends that we have known for years, that hour was lovely.
    All in all a great day, apart from the early start! There is not going to be much done by me today though but all the aches are so worth it : )
    Pat I really do hope that you are not in too much pain after all of the walking you did yesterday! Please make sure you have a good rest with your feet up today and some painkillers my lovely friend.
    Sandra, sure you are going to be having a restful day too, with some extra top up painkillers.
    Oh, an extra thank you to Matt, Sandra and Pauls lovely son. We arrived back at their house to find Matt just finishing washing my car which I had left parked on their driveway! He had been washing his own car and then decided to do mine. How kind is that? What a lovely thoughtful lad he is. Sandra please thank him again for me.
    I hope everyone has a lovely day and those of you that are going to Ally Pally have a great time : ) Take care xx

  5. Can someone bail me out please ?

    1. Where to heck are you??

    2. Oh dear I think we will have to have a fund raiser to get Steph's bail money together! Hazel x

    3. Where are you, do we brink a thermos and blankets, or do we need a file?

    4. Whew! At least you're alive! Hope you're not kicking! I've had no sleep at all! How much do we need?
      PS! You're daft - you do know that! xxxx

    5. You've surfaced, thank goodness I thought you'd gone off skulking somewhere else. You left me alone in the corner. We were about to send out Fire and Rescue for

    6. Janet ecco of Sheffield12 April 2015 at 10:56

      Where oh where did you finish up? We cannot get to you if you don't let us know which direction to take!! Have you got any supplies with you or do we have to break and enter any shops on the way?
      If we don't get you back in one piece Sandra will never let us be in charge EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!

    7. Steph I've got a banana cake on the go I will put in a file and a pokey tool that should get you out and we can always use some of the left over geli ! :) xxx

    8. Stephanie dear! Would you please be so kind as to let us know when you get home? Careful where you stick that pokey tool! Xxx

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Myra, where's the dynamite when we need it? xx

    11. I don't think we should mention dynamite until Sandra recovers! These shocks are harder to take when you are older you know! Xxx

  6. It's me again! I have just gone to read yesterdays comments and what did I realise? Yes, I forgot to mention all of the wonderful crafty items on that post! Patricia what a clever lad Robert is. He has made these pen holders look beautiful.He has a great talent at matching colours and embellishments. Well done Robert, you should be very proud of yourself : )
    Janet your cross stitch is gorgeous. It must have taken you ages. Do you still do it? (I can't do it any longer as my fingers refuse to play but cross stitch wasmy first loe for several years) It is a lovely craft isn't it ? Thank you for sharing this lovely picture with us : )
    Breanda, Scarlet loves her owls doesn't she, (our 5 year old grand daughter Phoebe does too) What a beautiful card, she certainly takes after her Nanny with a talent at all crafts. Well done Scarlet, you must be very proud of yourself : )
    Sorry for not commenting about these yesterday. Take care xx

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield12 April 2015 at 10:59

      Hello Mrs B - thank you for your lovely comment. Yes I still do some. I cannot spend as long at one sitting like I used to as you say fingers don't work as good but it does help to keep them moving. It was my first love also starting at school and I always have a piece on the go.

    2. Thank you Sue, Robert loves doing things like that with me. We made a few for Chistmas Gifts for teachers. We put some pencils, pens, a small ruler and some Chocolate in them. Did them up with Cellophane and ribbon. Teachers we're delighted.

  7. Hi Sue. Good to see you again yesterday. As we were saying about people forgetting to pick up goods they had bought. When I got to my friends yesterday I decided to have a look at my purchases and NO weaving dies! I remembered having picked up Two when you were paying and putting that back. I remembered putting my card away and putting the free stamp in my purse for safe keeping then must have forgotten to pick up the dies:-(. I couldn't think what to do so in the end I emailed Sue. She replied that yes they had found them and announced it. We were probably all chatting and didn't take any notice of the announcement. She will mail then to me on Tuesday. She is filming in Monday. How lucky was that that they were found. She thought I had already left and didn't hear the announcement but I said no we were probably too busy chatting.:-). It was a good day wasn't it.

    1. Brenda. Mr Luck was with you? Oh my heart was in my mouth when I read what you had done, then i read on! Thank goodness it they were found. It's so easily. Done as we are all so worried about putting our cards and money away savely. Hazel x

    2. Pleased that story had a happy ending Brenda! Glad you had a good day. Xx

    3. Wow! Oh! Wow! we're you a lucky lady or what!!!
      Glad you all had a wonderful day

    4. How lucky was that Brenda? Somebody could have been watching you, picked it up and walked away before you realised. Sad to say I have seen something like that happen in a shop. Luckily the lady turned round just in time. xxx

    5. Well you really are one very lucky lady so pleased for you xx

    6. I will be too hopefully! Would love to meet up as soon as we can make it, hopefully, how about by the entrance where you get your programme and free bag, or by Sue somewhere?
      Sandra xxxx

    7. Wow Brenda you was very lucky i'm so pleased for you.
      Sorry we didn't meet but we had too go,our little dogs had been home alone since 7.30 am & didn't get in doors till 6.30 pm so they had all paw's crossed hihi. Hug's Lynda xx

    8. Pleased you got your dies Brenda as it would have spoilt your day if you hadn't, and it proves there are some honest people still. xx

  8. Hi Sandra,

    Beautiful card there from Cheryl. Glad you had a fabulous day at Ally Pally along with plenty of hugs. I shall look forward to seeing what you have bought lol!

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  9. Sue, I can't wait to hear or see what you bought yesterday. Sandra you could do a page of what everyone bought so we could all be even greener than we are? So come on you ladies get those buys out and photo them then send on to Sandra. Hazel x

    1. Yes I agree with Hazel it's not that we are nosey we just like to know what we have missed! Please let us see. xx

    2. What a good idea, I agree with Hazel and Margaret, let's see all your goodies please xx

  10. Morning Sandra, and everyone else.
    So glad you had a great day out Sandra, and enjoyed meeting up with everyone else.
    We all had a very quiet day, met in the coffee shop for a quiet cuppa, discussed the latest knitting pattern, tidied up and went home. Honestly, nothing happened, you don't need to check the CCTV or anything for yesterday.
    What a beautiful card from Cheryl. Doesn't it make your day much better when it starts with a gift from the heart like this. Gorgeous layout and colours, and I love the idea of wrapping it in Tulle.
    See you later, I hope

    1. Too late Ms Wallace! I have already checked, plus I have had a Bail Request from a Police Station in Scotland, I think we may get off light if Hazel pops round with a batch of her Scotch Pancakes, & Patricia takes her muffins!
      Although I am tempted to say just leave a certain Ms Cotterill in there to think about what she started yesterday ! Envy is a dangerous thing!
      Not sure who is to fit the bill for Mr Hadrians wall though, Cafe liability insurance won't cover that!

    2. Oh dear the BOSS has spoken!!! We are in big trouble!!! I knew it would end in tears. I always tell children this is what happens when they do things that they shouldn't! ( no I am not a goodie goodie) but I think we are all going to be on naughty chairs ( oh goodie do we still get to eat cakes and have a tea or coffee while we are sat there???) Hazel x

    3. GULP! , we weren't soooo bad! Xxx

    4. I thought we were all pretty good. Pretty good at being naughty that is! Muriel hasn't been in yet, we could say it was her leading us astray and Steph ( the one who ended up in clink!) and Patricia made the muffins with something in them and lots of people were weeding! We were just innocent bystanders Jess Myra and I honest! Tee hee. Xxx

    5. Diane , very well put! Totally agree. Xxx

    6. I'm keeping a low profile, please don't tell Sandra that I'm here but I've got to tell the truth, it was Janice, Myra and Diane wot done it. xx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    Hello everyone!
    So pleased you had a great day yesterday and all managed to meet up! Would love to know what everyone bought!
    Today's card from Cheryl is indeed a beauty and one to treasure . I too like the tulle idea!
    We had a quiet day yesterday as Janice said. Nothing much happened at all. We will get Steph back, Sandra, try not to worry!
    Will call back later when I have raided the pot for some bail money!
    Love Myra xxxxx

  12. Good morning Sandra & ladies,
    So glad you all enjoyed yourself at Ally Pally, (can we now mention it girls?)
    My card is very self explanatory, and it is my very favourite design for my dear hearts. You can use any die for a lacy look and then whatever flowers are to hand.
    I'm off now for a spot of gardening before it gets too hot or windy. I'll pop in later for a catch up.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  13. Cheryl, I am glad you have good weather? It's tipping down with rain here and cold. We have the heating on its just not a nice day at all. I see Myra has a very long nose this morning - nothing went on yesterday ??? That's right ! NOT with what you lot were up to? Hazel xx

    1. Hazel - I guess it's curtains then!! Xx

    2. It's very wet here too! Not a day for adventures! Xx

  14. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    I am so delighted you all had a fantastic time yesterday and met everyone too, how lovely that Cameeli was waiting for you, the icing on the cake! Hope all that are going to the show today have a great time too.
    Cheryl your card is simply wonderful and the flowers are beautiful, what a good idea to use tulle I shall be on the look out for some as just like Patricia and Hazel I use tissue and ribbon to wrap my specials, thank you for the lovely idea.
    Now on to a more serious matter, Cheryl do you realise up her in the Lake District it's trying to snow, so you take care in your garden I don't want you suffering from exposure there is always another day not broken into. Go into that lovely craft room of yours where it will be lovely and warm, and see if Steph is hiding in there!
    Well the coffee was lovely my money is in the pot my basket of hugs and cuddles is over ion the corner so that no one falls over it just help yourselves, there are plenty more where they came from.
    Sandra have you noticed we got your follower numbers to increase yesterday! See something good did happen yesterday, I don't understand what you are talking about saying you will tell father!!!
    I will try and look in later to see if Steph enjoyed the wedding, I am sure that's where she went.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Try the Range if you have one near you. Mine has beautiful rolls of tulle and it's cheaper than a fabric shop. i also use coloured cellowrap to match card colours if no tulle to hand. xxx

    2. Oh Cheryl thank you so much for the tip, there is a Range about 30 miles away so next time I am there I will check it out. I do use coloured tissue papers and co-ordinating ribbons, but I do like your idea of tulle, thank you so much sweetheart.

    3. When I was in a Walmart store in Floida they had rolls of tuile. I looked at it, put it back, I could not think what I would use it for once I got it home ..... Doh!!!!

    4. I will try the Range first Florida is just a bit too far!!!

    5. Totally agree Margaret - we have a Range in Leyland and one in Southport whereas passports and excess luggage would feature on a visit to Florida! Xxx

    6. Hi Margaret,
      If we were ever misbehaving my mother would say to us " that's it I am telling your father" that was all she needed to say for us to fall in to line and behave, he never hit us or anything, he never had to, the fear of it alone was enough, at the end of the day it all comes down to respect doesn't it!
      We were the same at school, our headmaster used to glide around schooling his Mortar Board hat and cape, you used to just drop your head for fear of catching his eye! But children these days have no respect for authority (well some of them), that in itself is part of the problem with society today!
      Can somebody please help me down off of this soap box?
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    7. There's an idea who's for Florida next year???

    8. Patricia, what a great idea. I don't know if my knicker legs will be big enough though!!

    9. Please will you two behave, if you go to Florida what will happen to Anglo American relations, not forgetting the police over there carry guns!!!

  15. Glad you all had a great day! Must have been fab! Hopefully might make it in September I was hoping to stop over but my regular hotel is mega expensive that weekend I wonder if there is a big event on.

    Card is beautiful Cheryl really pretty!

    I have been busy gardening and tidying feeling a lot more energised since it has been lighter and warmer!

    See you soon xxx

    1. Hi Alison,
      Nice to see you - to see you Nice!
      Can you please exert some control over your neighbour , Steph! She got all of us into trouble yesterday and she is still AWOL !
      She also needs turps or something to clean her face!
      Thank you in anticipation - as they say!
      Myra xxx

    2. I told her to use distress ink but she insisted on using stays on , said it would last longer and not show off her face on CCTV!)

  16. Hi Sandra
    My word such a stunning card made for you by Cheryl. All our ladies are so talented aren't they. I use the words ours loosely as you brought us all together. Well I've just looked into yesterday's blog and was gob smacked to see you had 168 hits. How fantastic is that. Patricia, Robert has made some beautiful pots out of what we would usually throw away. Such a brilliant idea. Of course he gets his talent from you doesn't he, love the cross stitch picture Janet. It was have taken months of patience to make it. My word Scarlett your Owl picture is lovely. I to have a love of Owls. They are such gorgeous creatures.
    We had such a great time at Ally Pally and met Brenda, Brenda (Littlelamb) Maria and Lynda and her husband who took photos. Brenda ( littlelamb) gave Sandra a lovely bowl that she'd made and Zentangled. What a very talented lady she is. Seems to have many strings to her bow.

  17. Janet Ecco of Sheffield12 April 2015 at 11:11

    Morning Sandra and everyone
    Cheryl what a gorgeous gift you sent to Sandra - Everything just perfect and definitely one to cherish - I've never thought of using Tulle as a wrapping but will in future if that's OK with you.

    So please to see that you all had a good day and would love to see your purchases.

    We had a really good/sedate day here in the coffee shop. I even managed to pop over from Marigny to keep one or two Friends company. The discussions around knitting patterns/cross stitch and upcycling objects was really useful and the Muffins and tea was just out of this world. We really were good!!!

    Hope you're all having a restful day just find time to go and rescue Steph first please.
    Hugs to all. They're on their way via cyberspace for all to take as needed.

  18. Steph must be ok! She has blogged on Sue's blog. She went into hiding in her craft room and sulked and spent money on goodies??? Said that last night that she was hiding in her craft room. Hazel x

  19. Just looked out my kitchen windows we have SNOW on the hills again.
    Oh! I just hope Steph has got home from Scotland it will be far too cold for her here. Would have over for you to stay longer Steph.
    STEPH:- where the blooming heck are you???

    1. Yes Patricia we have snow too and boy is it cold!

  20. Nottingham. My disguise blew away with all the high wind ! Found some of those missing diamonds from the jewellry raid last week and tried to cash em in for train and hotel to get to that place down south but got dobbed in ! Only thing is my face is still green, that shabby shutters is a swine to get off !!! I need all Sue's newest dies to bribe this copper as his wife is a crafter too !

    1. Hello Steph so glad your safe, was really worried about you.
      Did you manage to hide some of the diamonds in the same place as Maureen hides her money......!!!
      I will be with you soon we could divide up the spoils and get all Sue's NEW stuff, might even manage to get some for that coppers wife as well.
      Joking apart are you OK today??
      Hugs xxx

    2. Oh Steph! I thought you were in Scotland! No wonder you didn't here me! Nottingham - are you joining up with Robin Hood? You would make a lovely Maid Marian!
      I don't wan to know where you've put the diamonds! Too much information!
      Are you still green?
      Hope you ok! That's a genuine caring remark! Xxx

    3. Here! Meant hear!! Xxx

    4. Think there is someone in the Newcastle area who might object to Steph becoming Maid Marian!!!

    5. Robin Hood, Robin Hood riding through the glen. Steph, thank goodness you've surfaced. I've been looking High, High High, looking Low, Low, Low but couldn't see you anywhere. No wonder, if you've still got your disguise on, I was looking for someone normal. Normal? on this blog. How silly is that??
      Myra - got two songs in on this one xx

    6. So glad you're safe. Tried to get to you but went in the wrong direction as usual oil. Hope all is well with you today and that you've managed to get that colour off your face. Hugs my friend xxxx

  21. Cheryl, thank you for the tip as to where to get the tulle. Just hope they still have some by the time I get there! Hazel x

  22. Hi Sandra and all 'ladies' tihi
    I don't know about you but meeting up yesterday felt so comfortable and good, just like we known each others for years and not just like cyber friends. Really looking forward more then ever to meet up in October and yes the scottish clan as well but after their stunt in the coffee shop we might have to rethink where we putting them up, it was so funny when we suddenly had the security guys behind us because we were really well behaved and not like them in the North, oh dear I think Sandra blow her top off seeing what they been doing. How long is your nose Janice ? hihi
    Brenda,Littlelamb ,Cameeli and Lynda it would be lovely if you could join us in Birmingham (no pressure at all !)
    Cheryl, your card for Sandra is Beautiful, love it all !
    Michele, have you ever been to a craft fair ? Oh boy don't ask me how much I spent, wont even tell OH but if you want a picture I will try to send one and also a lovely picture of us that Terry (Lynda's OH) very kindly took of us at the table, thank you Terry and a huge thank you to you Sandra for getting us all together.
    I'm not sure I can pass of any new die's do to save Steph, sorry maybe some gilding flakes or glitter would be ok ?
    I hope you are all in fit state today and not to many ache's and pains, the arms are hurting I wonder why hihi.
    We are having a sunny day and +15, our new car was in so we went and picked it up this morning so my OH is now busy reading the handbook, so many buttons to press and that makes it easier for me to have a play with my new crafting thingies so I bid you all a cheerio' and see you later
    Alison, ToB, Sam and Sheila Take care and love to see you soon.
    Bamse hugs to you all Maria xxx

    1. Oh lucky you Maria, a trip out yesterday and then warm weather today, we are having SNOW and boy is it cold up here in the Lake District. Enjoy your new goodies, what did you get come on spill the beans we are waiting to hear?
      Margaret xx

    2. Hi Margaret,
      Snow brrrrr! I do love the Lake district it's Beautiful but not sure about snow in April. hmmm I'm actually remember snow in end of May as a
      youngster. The weather has changed so much over the years,it's nuts.
      Well I bought some dies, of course from the wonderful Sue ! Tried really hard, not hihi, to follow my list but sadly some companies were not there so have to go on-line one day.
      Couple of stamps ,white card for stamping, Thanks to Sandras beady eye's and her lovely OH Paul helping out I also got some more magnetic sheets to keep the dies on and some other little bits and pieces tihi Can never leave empty handed can you from these places.
      Where is your closes one if going to a fair like this one ?

    3. Oh luck you so pleased you got some bargains.
      We have spectacular mountains and beautiful lakes but craft places for things are very few, and as for shows they are none at al.l Harrogate is the nearest but a long journey and a bit too far for me. so it is the internet for me! We do have Papermill Direct in Cumbria but they closed all their shops so have to get their card via the internet, which is a pity as it was such a lovely trip out to the mill.

    4. Hi Margaret, I used to love the paper mill shops, we had one near us and I was always in there buying card. We have been to the pencil museum in Cumbria a few times not for about 7 years now though, what a lovely place that is and what art bargains! I'm sure Emma has the full set of Derwent pencils for all their collections thanks to that shop! Xxx

    5. Only been to the Sincerely Yours show at Leigh (quite a few times) and one at Eventcity once. The others are too far or involve taking time off work. I won tickets to Ally Pally a couple of years ago but just couldn't get there. Ah well-one year I'll make it!


    6. Hi Diane
      If you come up to Keswick again to the pencil mills do let me know I live about 10 miles away I am sure we could arrange to meet for at least a coffee if you wish. xxx

    7. Hi Margaret that would be lovely thank you. We haven't been to the lakes for ages, Julian's auntie has a cottage at Orton which we went to a few times, we normally holiday in the uk so go to lots of different cottages but this year we are going abroad. I will let you know if we come your way again, it would be lovely to meet up. Xxx

  23. Maureen
    Are you going to be on BBC 2 tomorrow at 9.15am if so I will be watching out for you. Victoria Derbyshire is in Newcastle doing news and interviews you had better get out your posh frock, do let me know what colour it will be then I can spot you quickly!
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, I can't understand why they haven't invited me! I'll be watching and cringing if they get some of the broad, thick Geordies on. They seem to deliberately get the worst examples of Geordies that they can find on this sort of programme.
      Muriel xx

    2. What a pity it may just be delayed in the post, why not go and gate crash, after yesterday that should be a doddle for you! What colour posh frock will you be wearing?

    3. Margaret, I'll be in gold sequins with my diamond tiara and matching necklace, earrings and ring - a la Queen Elizabeth II. I do hope I stand out and that you'll be able to spot me!!!
      Muriel xx

  24. Good afternoon Sandra & all the lovely ladies, Wow i had a brilliant day yesterday
    we arrived at 10 am went strait too Sue's stand waiting for a space to say hello & i was so chuffed & amazed that she remembered my name she was lovely.
    Then i turned round & Maria was in front of me i was so thrilled she is such a sweetheart i felt i had known her for years not 5 minutes.
    Now all you night owls don't shut her in the dishwasher again she is too lovely for that be kind to my lovely new friend.
    I met Sue ( Mrs B) Pat they are two lovely ladies i now know why Sandra love seeing them each week. Brenda L she is also a sweet heart Cameeli seemed lovely too but didn't get much chance to chat as she was just leaving.
    I thank you Sandra for giving me the chance too meet all the lovely ladies yesterday & it was really special too see you again.
    I have Emailed Sandra the pictures Terry took so she can put them on the blog.
    Cheryl your card is so beautiful i love it all i'm sure Sandra will cherish it.
    yesterday's supper duper pots that Robert made they are brilliant well done.
    Scarlet your owl card is gorgeous your so very clever well done as well.
    Well i still haven't unpacked my goodies yet,although i was up at 8 am but i still ache all over.Terry didn't show till 11 am but he looked allfull & was being sick just hope he hasn't got that bug again,so i sent him back to bed,will check on him soon.Sandra i hope your not in too much pain today just rest up.
    i think i will have some lunch now with a cuppa. will call back later
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      I was lovely catching up again yesterday, I am sorry Terry is feeling poorly, Pat is feeling sick too today, I wonder if there was some bug going around , I hope not, I have a headache, and I am sore but it was all worth the pain!
      I feel so blessed to amongst such wonderful people!
      Love and hugs

  25. OH Janet i'm so very sorry i forgot to say your cross stitch is amazing.
    Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      So pleased you had a lovely day and managed to meet up with everyone! Sorry Terry is not well today - hope he feels better soon. We had a quiet day here, very boring really. Hope you got some nice goodies! I know Maria is lovely - I keep missing her as someone else shuts her in the dishwasher! Xxx

    2. Thank you Myra yes it was lovely puting faces to names & everyone was lovely,I wish I could have met you too. That would have been the icing on the cake. OH is still not feeling too good & Sandra said Pat's not feeling too good either,so hope it's not another bug going round.
      Yes I'm not sure who puts Maria in the dishwasher is it that Muriel that dose it,she is too nice to be put in there & with all the knives as well how cruel of you.hihi. Take care see you later.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Lynda, pleased you had a great day, don't know how you could though when you left all of us behind!
      Sorry that Terry is not well and you take care when you're looking after him - we don't want you poorly too.
      It's Myra who keeps putting Maria in the dishwasher!!!!
      Muriel xx

    4. Now Muriel,Myra said it's not her who puts Maria in the dishwasher so is it you or them Scottish sisters !!!! Lynda xx

  26. Afternoon everyone, Cheryl you card for Sandra is gorgeous, how thoughtful of you.
    Well ladies I'm glad you all had a great time yesterday, meeting Sue and everyone else, I hope you have all recovered from a long happy day, looking forward to seeing the photos of you all.
    The rest of us who weren't there had a really quite day just chatting and crafting in the shop, we left it all neat and tidy for you Sandra, hope everything was in. It's rightful place.
    I have been to our scrapbooking crop today, that is why I'm late in commenting, I haven't been locked up with Steph, who by the way blagged her way out of custody with a bribe to the Judges wife with a Sue Wilson die!
    Have a restful day, will catch up later, Jess x

    1. Hi Jess, I must remember to carry a Sue die around with me the next time I'm arrested!!! (only joking, honest).
      Muriel xxx

    2. Definitely not us , Lynda! Xxx

  27. Well its nice to see you all had a brilliant day yesterday at Ally Pally, wish one day I will get there but we live in Lancashire so a bit far. Such a beautiful card and so thoughtful, also I love the wrapping it makes a big difference and the effect is so worthwhile. Look forward to seeing any pics and also some shopping - till latr Jean xx

  28. Sorry didn't make it too the cafe yesterday but as you know we went to AP. Had a wonderful day. Saw Sandra. Sue, and Pat it was lovely seeing them again also met Lynda, Maria and Brenda. Expect you have already read that I didn't pick up my 2 weaving dies from Sue's stand but she has said they were found and she is mailing them to me this week. I was wondering if someone else might have picked them up and then they wouldn't have realised that they had gone but I was very lucky. Thank you all for your kind comments about Scarlett's card. She made it for her dad for Father's Day last year. He was very pleased. Patricia please tell Robert he is very talented and I love his decorated pots. Janet your cross stitch picture is wonderful. Cheryl your card today is beautiful. I know Sandra was very pleased to receive it.

    Am staying in Essex at the moment and went down to the seafront this morning. Lots of people around but very windy. It was diffult to walk along the seafront. Will be doing my pottery several days this week. Am looking forward to that.
    Will just help myself to a Lime and Ginger tea please. Had a large lunch so won't have any cake today. Be back later for that probably.

    1. Littlelamb,
      I'm so happy that you will get your dies back. so easy to do what happened to you but unfortunately people around might pick it up and you never see it again.So nice of Sue for sending them on to you.
      It was lovely to meet you and hope to see you again. You take care now,
      hugs Maria xx

  29. Maureen is away out for the day, she did say she would be late in tonight.
    Now what's all this talk about Florida ??? I think that's maybe just a bit far for a three day retreat don't you think??? And who would do the arranging might I ask? Hazel x

  30. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies in the cafe and roaming around Nottingham in disguise.
    Sandra what a beautiful card Cheryl made for you and what a great idea to wrap it in tuille, hadn't thought of that, I usually make a box and line it with tissue. Must get some tuille next time I'm in the range. Well it's been a busy day so far, took Emma to granny's for a few days and met up with Julian's uncle, came back via several garden centres to look for a new garden table, but came home with pots and sheers and other things instead ! Julian said it would probably have been cheaper going to ally pally than to garden centres with me! Cheek.
    I'm pleased to hear you all had a good time yesterday and managed to meet up and see Sue. Would love to see photos of what you all bought. I have to say I usually look around first and compare prices only buying what I really need and then go completely mad and buy loads!, then wonder why my arms ache for days afterwards!!!
    Well I will just sign here quietly again just like we did yesterday. Swapping knitting patterns and eating muffins and talking about gardening. No sign of Maureen - think she said she was off out, or is she still dangling in that lift shaft by her scarf putting the loot in her tena ladies? Haha.
    See you all later, the cats missing too, do you think he went bot London to visit the queen?! Xxxx

    1. Diane, I can't get the loot in there, it's full with my Soiree money!!!
      The cat's not missing, it's in my back garden being sick over the patio.
      Muriel xxx

    2. Why can't you put it in a jug or pot like everyone else?
      What did you give that cat to eat? Xxx

    3. Why do you want to put the cat in a pot,
      is it so he will grow bigger ?

  31. Oh I see there is a few porky pies getting told on here ??? Looking at Knitting Patterns, cross stitch and upcylcling. Really ladies do you think the Boss will believe any of that??? I only hope Matthew hasn't got wind off what goes on when we get together ! I bet Sue Wilson wonder what was going on across from her, did she manage to hear herself think? It's just as well she is a lovely lady. I am sitting here having a lovely cup of tea and just enjoying people watching, Back to work I think tomorrow, I will likely get a text late tonight telling me one way or the other, granted they don't get home till about 9 o'clock. Good job I am not planning an early night, I will just plan I am in and go from there. Right money is in the pot I will give a quick tidy round as I know the Rebels will be in late. Hazel x

  32. Still no word from Steph although Jess thinks she's out of custody.
    That's our boys off back home, they are so tired looking. Wow! our ears are buzzing. They had a wonderful time, the best parts being 2 visits to the Barcelona Football Stadium. The game was exiting, I got the feeling that Daddy enjoyed it every bit or maybe even a little more than the boys, even mummy enjoyed it.
    We worked out that John was only 8 when we took him there. He had memories of places we visited and tried to find as many of them as he could. Lots had changed but the usual Tourist Atractions are still there of course.
    John was in Barcelona last year lecturing Fire Fighters. John, Audrey and the boys were entertained on Friday by the young lady who had organised last years event.
    Better go see if I can get some news on Steph. Hope Maureen is having a good day out. Also Saba she was at Ally Pally today. Looking forward to hearing their stories.

  33. Helloooooooooooo
    Before I start I'll help myself to a latte and toasted tea cake, sit still you must be tired out, money's in the pot.
    Sandra, I hope you have recovered a bit from your tiring day but I'm really pleased that you managed to meet up, meet Sue and have a great time (ooh my nose is growing like Patricia's did). I see the Security Men had you all under observation, you obviously looked a dodgy lot, not like us who were left here to hold the fort.
    We had our usual boring day, but Hazel went a bit mad, and Steph did a Houdini act and disappeared, although I think she got tied up in Hazel's curtains and couldn't get out.
    Cheryl, your card is really pretty. The use of the buttons, the die down the side and the tulle wrap is inspired. At least it inspires me, so I'm going to pinch your ideas!!!
    I've been adding to all today's posts as I've been reading them because I knew that if I waited until the end, I'd forget what I was going to say, and if I made notes I'd struggle to read the shorthand.
    Right, I'm going to do another ATC and maybe finish a card or two - but I shall return.
    Muriel xx

  34. Muriel
    You sound just like the Scarlet Pimpernel 'I shall return'!!

  35. Maureen doesn't look like the Scarlett Pimpernel either??? She lovely. I don't think poor Sandra has recovered from her day out or the shock of what went on in here yesterday. I hope Saba and karen had a good day at the show. Well I have another day off, girls are having a quiet day tomorrow, that will be a first. I bet they are creamed crackerd after 8 days of skiing? I will have a day of getting something else done in here - like tidy the spare room. Hazel x

  36. Phew! I've been home from Ally Pally since 8.30ish - did some crafting at the friend that took me's house before OH collected me You ladies make me die I've had such a giggle reading about the antics I too had a brill day at AP today Boughtt far too much stuff but hey Ho! Your card is lovely CHERYL I hope STEPH is now safe and sound I'm so tired I can't remember the thread of everyone else's yarns - sorry Gonna hav a quick look at the late night comments from yesterday and then off to bed Early start in the morning but it means I can play tomorrow afternoon Slleep tight everyone

  37. BIG SHOUT TO MARIA ALDER yes I live near Watford So would be lovely to meet up I don't drive but could meet in say St Albans if you didn't want to drive to WGC And any others that live 'darn Souf' want to meet The more the merrier

    1. Hi Karenlotty ,
      please don't shout so loudly, my ears still ringing from all the chatter and laughter from yesterday hihi.
      Send me an e-mail so will we see what can be arranged rg. a meet up as I'm not driving either so I guess it would be by OH or train and of course if someone else who live 'darn souf' hihi they could join us too xx

    2. Sorry forgot tihi,

    3. Hi Maria and Karen I'm darn sarf but Southampton so a bit further away, will have to look at my map cos I have a feeling you're the other side of London (I get tolD these things by my husband!).

  38. Hi folks
    For those looking for tulle Cheryl has said the Range have some but I don't think all the Range stores stock it, my daughter has checked our local one and cannot find any. I have found some at The Remnant House at Harrogate on their web site it is in the bridal section under dress net it is 54 inches wide and costs £2.49 per metre they have it in 7 colours including ivory. Not sure if this is a good price or not but I have had fabric from this shop and they are good and any fabric I have had in the past is good quality.
    Sandra I do hope you are feeling a little better now, looking forward to seeing the pictures Lynda's Terry took of you all yesterday, I just bet there are some super smiles! Sleep well sweetheart.
    Well Derek has found a railway programme on TV, so I am off into my craft room.
    See everyone I hope tomorrow.
    Margaret xx

  39. That sounds good to me Margaret, I wish I'd seen how Cheryl did her cards before we finished doing Gillians invites up in their boxes as that would have made them extra special. Never mind they still looked good done up in their tissue paper with their little rose bud. Hazel x

  40. Well Hazel, we'll all see how nice Gillian's invites are when they pop through our letter boxes. You are sending them to all on this blog aren't you??
    Ha ha, I can see you running screaming at the thought of us at the wedding. There'd be mayhem and riots, and if Myra and I come there'd be dynamite too!!!
    Muriel xxx

    1. Are you saying we are dynamite? Crikey - dynamic duo , maybe! Lol xx

    2. Sorry folks that not happening!!., not my wedding we aren't paying out a penny, so we have no say? Thank goodness then it's not my fault if anyone misbehaves on the day. We are not being tight, the other two paid their own too, that way they choose a wedding to their budget. No one paid for our, we didn't start married life with much but we didn't have debt either. Ours were bought up with if we couldn' t afford things they didn't get, no was a well used word in our house, didn't do any harm as they all owned their own flats by the time they were in their early 20s and now have moved on to owning a house, sorry Chris and Ang are in a rented flat as they are looking for a bigger house. No Gillian and Andrew will get a gift of money on their day. That way it can be saved or used for what ever they want/ need not that those need really anything as it was two houses going into one if you know what I mean. So sorry no invites dropping through your door as much as it would be lovely to have you there, we aren't even having a party on our anniversary.. A trip to Canada for us instead. Hazel x

    3. Good for you, and good for them xx

    4. Hi Hazel. How sensible. I heard a while ago that that the average price for a wedding these days is £25, 000!!!!!!!!!!! What a ridiculous waste of money. The people that spend that sort of money on one day seem to be divorced shortly afterwards, (maybe because of money worries?) They seem to forget what a wedding is really meant to be about. I have to admit that our parents paid for our wedding between them, but it was done on a tight budget. We all had a fantastic day with many wonderful memories and nearly 29 years later we are still very much married. Need I say more. Well done to you and yours for being sensible. Off my soap box now : ) Take care x

  41. Hello everyone,
    I'm tired. I've been crafting like a good un today and got quite a few cards done, a few ATCs and finally threw out some cards that I'd made about 10 years ago and kept putting them to the bottom of the pile in the spare card box because they were rubbish. It's only taken me this long to realise that I'll never send them to anybody so they've gone into the recycling bin. Sometimes I can be a bit slow!!! lol.
    Now I want you all to keep clear while I clear the benches, fill the dishwasher, wind up the clock, and put everything away - especially the bottles in case Norah looks in. Where is Norah?
    Norah, I hope you are well.
    Sam, I hope you are keeping better.
    Saba, love and hugs and prayers to you and Val x.
    Cheryl, I meant to ask about the flowers on your card, they are lovely x.
    I'm going to kick the cat for being sick all over my patio (not really - I'd never deliberately hurt an animal, well flies or wasps but they aren't animals, are they). Well, that's all done and dusted so Good night ladies. I have another week's holiday until my granddaughters go back to school as they only broke up on Maundy Thursday.
    Is anybody watching the golf, it's been great. If I hadn't been watching it, I would have been able to get more cards made. I wish my grass looked as good as the greens at Augusta, I can't call mine lawns - well I could but they are pretty poor specimens - and tiny.
    Ok, no sign of Maria so I'm switching on the dishwasher.
    No sign of Steph either, come in Steph, your time is up!
    Night, night, sweet dreams.
    I may be like the Pimpernel and come back because the golf is scheduled to be on until midnight and I don't have to be up at 6.30 in the morning.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Muriel,
      I've been watching the golf too! Brilliant! Augusta is such a lovely course as well . Azaleas are gorgeous! Glad you had a productive day! Xxx

    2. Good night peeps,
      I'm off too but still shaking my head in dismay that you actually thrown your older cards away when you could have sent them to Sandra so she could have put them on the blog for us to see first lol.
      The golf is good and I agree Myra do you think they are using 'Green Thumb' to keep the lawn so perfect
      Good night all ! xx

    3. Well it works for us Maria! Green Thumb that is!
      Why didn't Muriel send the cards to Sandra? We could have taken a vote on which ones to keep!
      Night Night, my dear! Xxxx

    4. Mine is only green after using some kind of paint ,they were useless down here. Ask Steph she will know if you can find her
      Night xx

  42. Myra, believe me you'd have shaken your head in disbelief if you'd seen them. It will tell you that if I didn't think they were up to much 10 years ago, they must have been bad!!!
    Maria, still watching the golf Speith is 19 under par! xx

    1. That's brilliant but sorry ,have clocked off for tonight. swim in the morning

    2. Maureen,
      I cannot believe how awful my cards were a few years ago ! In fact I've learned so much from Sue. She has taught me so much.
      In the Golf some of the Brits have done really well but Speith is just amazing! Xxx

  43. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry to be so late, it has been another manic day in this household. But let's talk about the blog and all of the lovely ladies.

    What a super day it was yesterday at AP and the icing on the cake was meeting
    up with you - Sandra and Paul, Pat, Sue and Sue's mum Margaret, Lynda and Terry, Maria, Brenda (Littlelamb) gosh have I missed anyone out? The time just flew by, it was really lovely. When I left AP went to our daughters, Callum was 13 yesterday A TEENAGER!!! Just to prove a point he slaps in this morning. He has never ever slept in before, always up with the lark.
    When we returned home last night we had some very sad news a friend had died. He had motoneurons disease, it is really so sad, John has known him for about 50yrs he was such a lovely man.

    Cheryl your card is stunning, thank you for letting Sandra show it to us. I like the idea of tulle to wrap a card in. Also sometimes flowers/plants come wrapped in a sort of fabric (like posh disposal serviettes) that would also look good.
    Sorry ladies I'm off to my bed, this place is looking good. I have made an Australian Boiled Fruit Cake , it's on the counter, only baked it this afternoon but it should be ready to cut tomorrow. It one of these cakes just works every time.
    Sleep well my lovely friends, Love Brenda xxx

    1. So pleased you had a lovely day Brenda! Looking forward to seeing some photos!
      Sorry about your friend. Motor Neurone Disease is an awful disease. Must be one of the worst .
      Sending you love and hugs.
      God Bless, sleep well.
      Love Myra xxxx

    2. Delighted to know you had a good day and met so may people. Really sorry to hear about your friend it is a really cruel disease, we had a neighbour who had it he was only in his 30's he left a lovely wife and two young girls.
      With love and hugs to you
      God Bless
      Margaret xxx

    3. Thank you Margaret,
      He was only in his 40s lovely devoted wife and two daughters.
      Sleep well, LOL Brenda xx

    4. Hi Brenda. It was lovely to see you yesterday. So sorry that you had such sad news when you got home though. Such an awful disease. take care x

  44. Hello Brenda,
    Well if you're going to bed, I may as well close up because I don't think there will be any stragglers in now. I'm tempted by your cake but will be good and leave it until the morning. Glad you have a great day yesterday with the lovely sisters, you'll have to let us know what you bought.
    If Callum slept in he's certainly turning into a proper teenager.
    Good night, sweet dreams
    Love Muriel xx

  45. Hi Maureen, that's exactly what his Mum said.
    Night , Night sweet dreams Brenda xx

  46. Hi Brenda
    Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday, so lovely to meet up with everyone.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, he was young wasn't he, so sad.
    My daughter says it's been medically proven that teenagers need to sleep late, that's her excuse any way!
    Night night sleep tight
    Love Diane xxx
