
Monday 13 April 2015

Ally Pally update ! (sorry steph)!


Good ladies,
Todays blog post is an update on our trip to Ally Pally.
This first photo is of Cameeli, Me, Sue, Lynda & Maria, gosh I hate having my photo taken!
Its is a lovely photograph of all the , lovely ladies though! (Thank you Terry).

This next photograph is of all of us that met up for a chat in the afternoon, here we have from left
to right...Brenda (Mumma) Lello, Maria, Sue (Mrs B), Brenda (littlelamb), Pat, Paul, Me & Lynda.
We had such a good time and the hour we were sat there went so fast, I just didn't want to say goodbye to any of you! Although we continued to bump into each other for the rest of the afternoon, we then all migrated backed to Sue, where we were all chatting until we were asked by Security to leave!  Yes we were verbally 'removed' !
The crowd behind us is around Sue, there was a crowd around Sue for pretty much most of the day!
As with other craft shows this year, the amount of stands were less, the ones that were missing were as with other shows, all the companies from the British Craft Network Channel, I am guessing that they have just decided to not bother with any shows this year, I asked Sue but she had no idea why they weren't attending. So that remains a mystery, there was plenty of room to get around and as always at this show there was plenty of seating for everyone!

This photo is a picture of Maria's haul from the show, she clearly had a stock up on Sue's Dies
and a few Spellbinders too, Stamping card, Mica powders, Bakers Twine and embossing folders,
you did very well Maria, now you have mastered the art of sending me photos you can send me some pictures of the cards you make with this amazing Haul!
This photo is my purchases, I bought Pinflair Glue as they were 3 for £10, which I thought was a bargain, I have long awaited the Shaded Lilac Distress Ink, Distress Markers too, they were 3 for  £5, which again i thought was a good deal! A pair of scissors for £1 they were good ones too, Westcott !
Three packs of cards from Anna Marie Designs, a kind of a patterned, gingham in the new colours and a pack of Pearl card in matching colours too, eagle eyed Pat spotted this deal, there were a hundred sheets for £15 instead of £29! The Anna Marie Stamps were buy one get one free, so there for a must! The green fibres and voile in the packet in the back of the photo, along with the coloured stamens were also from Anna Marie.  I got my new White Tulle, Clear Embossing Powder, a large pot of Iced Snow and some of the new Sparkle Medium from Creative Expressions stand, the small  
Memento Ink Pads set were from Inklyliscious, I watched her using them and they worked as well as
Distress inks, so thought that all of these colours would boost me existing colours for many techniques! A gorgeous Trailing Butterfly stamp from HoneyDoo crafts, a couple of odd dress  stamps from Sue, a pack of Big bloomers from Papermania  and some A3 Centura Pearl card and a large Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear Glue complete the list! What do you reckon, did I do well???
Everything was a great deal or bargain price, nothing too exciting but all necessities (well that's what Paul thinks)!
I can't wait to get in my craft room and put all of this fab stuff into use, so watch this space!
Sorry If this post has bored you all senseless, you did ask what we had bought!
It was truly a fab day, made special by my Café friends, so thank you all!
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Well I now have more faces to names with seeing your photos, Maureen has sent Patricia and I one of herself so that we know whom to look for when we meet her in July? Yes the dates fixed and Maureen has booked her train. Patricia and I have now to find somewhere nice for us to sit and chat.
    What a haul you bought Maria!!! I spotted that you bought my favourite at the moment edging die? It makes a lovely Izzy Bag edge. Oh I can see we won't be hearing from you for a few days as you will be playing with all your goodies. Great buys there Maria.
    Sandra, again you did a big shop too. Lots of lovely goodies in your pile!!! Love the card colours and the inks, in fact love all your buys?
    Steph will have to send you a photo of her buys that she bought when she went into her den and bought?
    Also there are a few other ladies will have to let us see theirs!!.
    Thank goodness there aren't really any other big shows before the retreat, oh got that wrong Ally Pally is September ? It's a pity about the lack of big names,,I wonder how long these shows will be around for?
    The Internet is all well and fine, but at the shows you see the new things and like with card it's the colours, on the net it looks one colour and when it arrives it often doesn't look like what you thought.
    I have filled the urn and switched it on, filled up the cabnet and I have refilled the sugars, napkins etc. now who I s the one that keeps playing with those sugar packets making them In a right old state??? And stop making little squares and things with the empty ones? Oh and I see the napkins were used to draw up plans the other day too? The (((((( hugs)))))) basket is all tidy and I have put in a load for those who need them or just want a couple,
    Sam I hope each day brings you better health.
    Sandra thank you for the photos today, it brings everyone more closer if you understand? Plus the ones of all the bought goodies.
    I will sit and have my tea, I think big sis will be in soon so we can sit and chat.
    Hazel x

    1. Hi Sam
      Nice to see you in print again, even if it's only short we love to know you are popping in. Hope that the Dr is able to sort you out soon, and that you are able to get away.

  2. Hi Sandra and Friends
    Well the lucky Ladies that went to the fabulous Ally Pally it looks like you had a terrific time, just a short one this morning as I'm at the Dr I so wish I could get sorted as we go away soon take care all.
    Love to you all
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam lovely to see you. Fingers crossed that you get sorted. You want to get away and be feeling good. Hazel x

    2. Good to have you back Sam, take it easy.
      Jess x

    3. Hello Sam,
      It's lovely to see you! Well you know what I mean . I do hope you do get sorted. Praying you will feel better for your holiday and much better afterwards. Sending hugs! Love Myra xx

    4. Janet Ecco of Sheffield13 April 2015 at 10:56

      Morning Sam - it's so good to see you even if it's only for a few minutes. You are really missed. Fingers crossed for your visit to the Drs. and hoping that you'll be on your holiday very soon.
      hugs Janet xxxx

    5. Hello Sam, I will say as Janet said, Even for a few minutes its lovely to see you. So pleased you found the strength to say hello,
      I hope the Doctor can give you some relief and you are able to go on holiday soon. Sending you love and prayers. Brenda xxx

    6. Hello Sam how lovely to 'see' you. Hope you didn't have too long a wait at the doctors and they were able to help you so you are able to go away. You really have had a year of it haven't you. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel up to popping in again soon
      Love Diane xxxxx

  3. Hi Sandra,

    Thank you for that, its good to put faces to names and didn't you and Maria do well with your new stash, plenty to keep you both going, will look forward to seeing what you create with them. Glad you all had a wonderful time but fancy being!!!

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Looks like it's going to be a lovely day here-typical after heavy rain + gales yesterday!

    Thanks for the photos -I love to see what people buy! Maria-thats a serious amount of dies, my idea of heaven!

    Sandra-interesting mix of goodies, the Anna Marie card sounds like a real bargain. My Mother in Law got me using that card and its fantastic. I'm hoping we might go to the British craft show in Bolton (?) next month so I can stock up on card etc.

    Lovely to put faces to names-you all look like you were having a great time.


  5. Good morning Sandra and ALL
    Wow! Great pictures, will study and put names to faces. You all look so happy, I just love happy people, can't wait to meet you all.
    Oh! My! Giddy Aunt! did Paul have a trailer on the car to get the "hauls" home???
    Well there will be some stunning creations shown on here going by what has been purchased. I just LOVE all those goodies that have been shown. What about the rest of you???
    I mentioned on my Blog that I will be stepping back a bit. Things are going to get rather busy here. I will still be in for coffee every day ...... you can't get rid of me that easy.
    Sam I hope all goes well at the Docs and you can get off on your travels soon.
    Had some Tea & Toast with Hazel cleared to crumbs, money in the pot.
    Off to get the cleaning done, hopefully get back for Lunch and a catch up with everyone.
    I have left a basket of (((((hugs)))))by the door for those who are ill, in pain or just need some hugs. Please help yourselves plenty more where they came from.
    Steph where are you today???

    1. Patricia! What have you done to your sister? She's crumbs!
      Ain't predictive text such fun! Xxx

    2. OMG!!! poor Hazel ... sorry Sis

    3. Does it mean that I am now crumbs I can be remodelled into a better shape and size??. When I am pressed back into shape? Hazel x

  6. Hi Sandra,
    I hope you are fully recovered from your fabulous trip.
    Thank you so much for posting the photos. It's lovely to put names to faces and to show the goodies you have bought. You and Maria must have had trailers to put all your haul in. My goodness there's some gorgeous things there. Green - envy - me - never!!!! And the icing on the cake, meeting Sue, how lovely. I had to laugh at the thought of the Security Man moving you on to leave - such innocent looking ladies!
    Sam, I'm so sorry that you are still feeling so grotty and I hope the Dr manages to do something for you so that you enjoy your trip.
    Steph, are you locked up in the tower like Rapunzel?
    Will be back later for a read of all the comments and a cuppa with Mrs B at the corner table.
    I hope you are all feeling tickety boo, and if you're not I hope you soon do.
    Love and hugs Muriel xx

  7. P.S. Sandra, I forgot to ask, are all the ladies at the tea table going to the Retreat in October. It'll be grand if they are.
    And Norah, how are you my dear. You haven't been in for a coffee lately.

  8. Hi Everyone
    Wow what super pictures a big thank you to Lynda's Terry, so lovely to put faces to names. You all did some serious shopping girls and got some good bargains by the look of things I shall look forward to seeing some of your creations with your great buys. Sandra do let us know what the Anna Marie Design stamps are like please.
    I do hope you have all fully recovered from you trip to the show by now and are ready to get creating, I do love seeing what you have all bought thank you.
    Sam I do hope the doctor is able to give you some more help this morning but once you are away and are able to relax and enjoy the good food as well as the sun you will start to feel better, fingers crossed, do let us all know how you are doing, we miss you.
    Well my coffee was as always lovely my money is in the pot I shall try and call in later to see if there are any more show reports ans to see if Patricia has got her cleaning done, they mist be mucky folk up there in Scotland they are always cleaning!!! lol I needn't talk, Derek has the vac out twice a day at the moment as the corgis are casting!
    With love to you all, my basket of hugs and cuddles is over in the corner just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, the horse die is from icon and sorry it's the craft able set not createables they have a full horse image to that I must get? The head one is only £6 odds, but if you would like to borrow it just let me know. Hazel x

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, a quick coffe for me today please, money in till. Well you certainly had a ball at AP love all the photos, great to put faces to names so we should recognise everyone at the retreat!!
    What a lot of shopping you all did, well done to you all, not the least bit jealous!!
    Will pop back later, take care, Jess x

  10. Good morning,
    How lovely to see these pics, and see what my cyber friends really look like. Oh, I wish I had been with you. Next year perhaps. Looks like you had loads of fun.
    I have a feeling we won't be seeing too much of some of you for a while, holed up in craft rooms and playing with all that fantastic...essential...stuff. But then the fun bit, we get to see what you have created.
    See you later

  11. Hi Sandra,
    Thanks so much for the lovely photos! It's so lovely to see everyone! Thank you to Terry - an excellent photographer.
    It's so nice to put faces to names and you all look lovely and so friendly. Lovely too to have that photo with Sue!
    Maybe Steph can show her haul of goodies - purchased before the " raid" . Are you home yet, young lady?
    Maria - great lot of goodies - you are going to have such fun! Don't disappear for too long into that craft room - we'll miss you!
    Sandra - love your haul too! I would love to see the Anna Marie colours in the flesh as it would be a lot easier! I love her card. Scissors were a bargain and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the CE Sparkle Medium. Love the pens too. Thanks so much for showing us what you bought. This is a special blog Sandra - have really enjoyed seeing everyone and the purchases. xx
    Hope you are not too tired.
    Norah - miss you - hope you ok ! Hugs coming up your way! x
    Sheila and Nikki - hope Saturday went well. xx
    Saba - hope you had a great weekend - you deserved it! xx
    Love to everyone,
    Myra xxxx

  12. Popped in for a seat and a VERY quick cuppa.
    Bedding all out blowing nicely in the sunshine. Next load spinning away merrily.
    8 Windows, Patio Doors, Shower Doors, Mirror Wardrobe doors all cleaned. Thank goodness for the Karcher Window Vac, best piece of Kit I have ever purchased. It's on charge ready for the other 10 windows still to be done ..... why oh! why did we decide on so many windows.
    Had another look at all those wonderful goodies. Oh how I would like to get my hands on some of them!!?
    Also looked again at all the happy faces, just wish October came after April......!!!
    Ok! that's me watered again, spinning stopped so better get that next load of washing out.
    See you all later xxx

    1. Patricia,
      I'm thinking of getting Vac, which one do you have?
      Muriel xx

    2. I just have the "KERCHAR" Bog Stamdard Cheapest Window Vac.
      It was £49.99 can't remember the shop. Bought it when we were away somewhere.
      We have lots of windows, I always HATED cleaning them. Now I really don't mind. It's a darned sight cheaper than the window cleaner as well.

    3. I have the same Kerchar for windows, brilliant, so easy to use, I got mine at Homebase, same price as Patricia's, well worth the money.

    4. HinMaureen
      We to have the Karcher Window Vac. I must say it goes a very good job. Which reminds me Patricia. If your in a cleaning mode are you popping down to Oxfordshire soon, I could do with a hand once I get the all clear from the Dr.

    5. PAT, if I was passing your door, I would have been delighted to pop in and give you a hand. That would be after a bit of Crafting with your new Goodies.

  13. Janet Ecco of Sheffield13 April 2015 at 11:11

    Morning one and all
    Sandra hope you have recovered from Saturday and all the ladies who were there too. Thank you for the photos - it is really lovely to put faces to names (I'm one to talk I have to be nailed down before anyone can get me in front of a camera). Your happy faces all re-inforce the fact that you had a really good day and purchased carefully and needfully. Paul just has to join Jim in packing as he is also very good it seems at getting everything in the boot!!

    Steph - when does your ASBO run out? Perhaps we can then go a wandering again. We all had such a good time too and we are definitely not Green with Envy at all - ARE WE!!!!! Us that stayed and had a lovely day of our own! lol.

    Well Steph I joined you yesterday and purchased via the net. I managed to get another E-Bosser (used but looks in great condition) for £75.00. Is that a bargain or what. I will now be able to leave one here in Marigny and not have to carry back and forth. Someone is very pleased about that!! I just now have to get rid of my two GCs. I don't know about you but I hate having to put a price on an article I want to sell but I cannot afford to just give them away. Does anyone have any ideas on prices please?

    OK Clock has just struck so it's lunchtime here so off I go to feed my OH.
    Hugs are on their way please pick them up and put them into the basket when they arrive. Hope to speak to you later.
    Janet xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, my GC has broken down beyond repair, so I wouldn't mind buying one from you please. xxx

    2. Oh dear not good Cheryl? it will be good if you can buy one from Janet? Hazel x

      P.S. Tell janet to check out sending it by carrier, daughter found that her parcel to a friend in Cornwall was under half the cost sending it this way rather than parcel force!

    3. Janet I would hang on to at least one your GCs as back up.
      I have an E-Bosser I would gladly put in the "tip". I just LOVE my new Teal GC it cuts a dream compared with the Pink or Purple ones.
      I see there is a buyer for one of your GCs
      Hope you enjoyed you Lunch

    4. Hi Janet yes hang on to one, what if you get a power cut!
      Hope you had a good lunch xxxx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone, Lovely seeing the pictures of yours and Marias booty. I have just laid mine all out OMG I've got a lot of plane to do. I got some lovely card from Annamarie in muted tones some stripey, some with dots on. I'm still stroking it so it won't become anything for awhile !!!
    Lynda, thank Terry for sending these pictures to Sandra, it really is lovely to see all the happy faces, it was just so lovely to meet up with everyone. SORRY to you ladies who couldn't make it. We did think about you all - I promise. LOL
    We have Ciara saying for a few days as she is the only one who hasn't returned to school. She has another week. Isn't is a shame that schools in the same Boro can't get their heads together when it comes it to working out holidays.
    Will pop out later sending everyone love and hugs, love Brenda XXX

    1. No I am not flying off with my booty!! ......... I have got a lot of playing to do. But then if I fly off I can play away to my hearts content!. Anyone else want to hop on this plane?
      Gosh wouldn't that be fun LOL Brenda XX

    2. Got my passport .Where are we going and for how long, need to know so i leave enough food in the freezer for the boy's lol xx

    3. My passport is up to date, I'm game to fly anywhere!!

    4. Isn't it great "living the dream" I know we all love our families BUT sometimes it lovely to dream. No passports required girls. Just hop on the next passing cloud. Up up and away ....... Sweet Dreams

  15. Ok Patricia super women, were you making those muffins again as you have an awful lot of energy, I haven't done any windows or glass, but cleaned, hoovered and dusted the bedroom and done washing and that's my lot for today, but then again I was turned Into crumbs earlier, so hard to work when you leave a mess behind yourself. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, I'm worn out just reading about it. I'll have to have whatever she's having!!
      Muriel xx

    2. I know the Karcher is great and very fast but it must go into turbo mode with Patricia at the controls! Xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all,
    a hot chocolate please and crumbs,oh sorry no that is apparently Hazel and I can't eat her can I hihi
    Omg, the photos came out fine thanks to Terry but bless her Sue standing next to us 'Bosom Buddies' lol oh I hate so to have a picture taken of myself but now we got a face to the names ,only a few missing and they will come. The day was great and I did buy a lot didn't I oops! That 's what I do and then it goes in a box and I'm thinking to make a card and Nothing, that's it and it keeps happening but for you my wonderful friends I really will try to put something together, yelps !
    Sandra, you did well too I can see tihi and if I seen the dew drops I would have bought them too. Great you found the magnetic sheets for me, as you can see I needed some. Lynda got some good storage folders for dies, will hear what she thinks about them before getting some myself.
    Janet, bonjour me petite poe tihi. yes that's right, I can not speak french but a good effort no? My OH bought me the new teal one a couple of month back from hobbycraft and payed £89 (no raspberry plate incl.) so maybe that give you an idea what you can take for yours. How does the pastry eating going, as nice as last time ?
    Brenda so true with teenagers, hit 13 and they don't move from under the duvet if they don't have too hihi they can sleep all day. Were we the same ? can't remember that far back.....Hope he had a fab. birthday and you a nice evening but so sorry to hear about your friend, the husband of a friend of mine has got it and it's horrid.
    Sam ! how wonderful to see you popping in. It was quick but sweet to see your little face. Hope you got on well at the doctors so you can go on your holiday,hugs
    Hope Saba had a nice weekend and that Val is improving slowly but steady !
    Hugs to Norah, Sheila and Nikki and to everyone on Sandra's blog !
    Has Steph emerged anywhere yet ? see you later,
    Love and Hugs Maria xx

  17. Good afternoon Sandra wow I love all the things you got from AP & your bargain £1 scissors I didn see them :-(( did you not get the die cases after all.Maria what a lot you bought are you playing now with all those new die's .
    Glad you liked the pictures of all you lovely ladies, it was so lovely meeting you all.Sandra I will send you a picture of my goodies. Pat hope your feeling better.
    Sam lovely too see you hope doctors went ok. Gosh Patricia I can see you from here now with all them clean windows I can see you making more muffins lol & Hazel all that housework & washing are you the Scottish supper Sisters.
    Will pop back later to make sure Maria isn't in the dishwasher finished my tea money in pot,didn't eat anything as I'm back on my 5 2 diet today.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Linda
      I hope you're not watching master chef ! We realised the other day when it was our diet day we watched about 3 food program's! Have you tried the Covent garden pulled pork soup? It's a good one for your diet day, not too many calories and a bit of substance to fill you up! I'm not doing it this week as it's still Easter holidays here so one or two treats hanging around! Xxx

  18. OMG! What great stash Your bargains look better than mine I admired Anna Marie's stall from afar Her MDF projects were to die for Never thought to go over and look at the papers I'll be posting my stash on blog tomorrow Too tired to even think about it now MARIA ALDER did yo see my quick comment re living near Watford I'm up for a meet SANDRA where do I find your email address I'll try and pop in later Got a Salsa class to teach tonight Nooo! I'm not an expert I teach beginners whilst my daughter teaches intermediate and advanced Arriba arriba!

    1. Hi Karenlotty,
      I left you a comment and my E-mail after yours last night so go back and have a look if you don't mind as my hands are sore from all the turning of the GC handle hihi My you must be fit doing all this dancing, have fun with your class.
      Maria x

    I've been to The Works (well not everyone can go to AP lol) and they have a pack of four metal embellishments with gorgeous turquoise coloured various stones inset for £1. The are not heavy and will be perfect for cards.
    What with Patricia and all her window cleaning and Karen doing her Salsa, I'm worn out and going for a lie down!!!
    If Cheryl looks in again xxx
    If Saba pops in I hope everything is well xxx
    If Sam pops in, I hope the Dr has sorted things out.
    If Steph pops in - where on earth have you been.
    If Norah pops in - I hope all is well.
    Sandra, I hope you are recovering from your trip to AP
    And if I've missed anyone out, I'm sorry.
    See you later
    Muriel xxx

  20. Hi Sandra
    My word you did buy a lot of goodies didn't you. Look forward to seeing if you've made anything when we meet up on Wed. Lovely to see the photo that Terry took for us. I to bought some Anna Marie card plus dotty card and a pack of cards. Her dotty card and card packs were selling 5 for £10.00. A good bargain seeing as some of them were £4.99 each. I also bought some of Sues dies. I often wonder why the Ipad changes what you write sometimes. Like Hazel turning into crumbs as written by Patricia. Pete's been busy on the garden today. We're off to the hospital tomorrow. I go to see how my hips doing and Pete to the Churchill to hear the results of his scans and blood tests. The scan results can't be to bad we reckon as the hospital would have called him in by now. As his PSA was doubling each time he had a blood test over the last three months, we reckon it might now be up to 48. What that means in relation to his scans we find out tomorrow afternoon.

    1. Hi Pat,
      good luck for both you and Pete tomorrow!
      Hugs Maria xx

    2. Pat, I hope everything goes ok for you and Pete tomorrow. Hazel,x

    3. Pat, I hope everything goes well tomorrow . Now I know what you look like! It's lovely ! Xxx

    4. Hi Pat hope you both get on ok at the hospital tomorrow . Now that's what I call organised getting appointments for the same day- how did you manage that! Xxx

    5. Hi Pat, lovely to put a face to a name. I hope your hip and you are given the ok tomorrow and that Pete's results are good. I must have a look at the Anna Marie card on the internet.
      Muriel xx

  21. Sitting with my feet up, did not do much this afternoon. My MOJO has really deserted me, I have lots of nice things but it's not in the mood for playing these days.
    Boys here for the day tomorrow. Grandpa had promised them new Cycling Shoes so we are off to look for them. Thomas wants to play in the burn when we get back. Its not deep and has always been an attraction for him.
    Bet they ask for a sleep over, they just love being here. Nothing else on the cards and Robert might just encourage me to do something crafty.
    Has anyone heard from Steph yet???
    Do you think she is still talking to us?? Maybe we took too long to bail her out!!!
    Think I need a cuppa and a bit of some kind of "sticky sweet" cake. I will help myself, sit over the corner in hope that someone will join me.

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Had dinner and just sort of flopped into my chair in the Conservatory. The birds are singing and it is a quiet still evening.
      Children were a little excited today but we made things using Washi Tape. Do you use that much? I find it good for them as it can be removed and replaced without harming work! They made clothes peg magnets for the fridge today and photo / card holders using wooden bobbins with a fancy paper clip pushed into glue in the centre - this holds the photo. Sorry if I'm explaining something you've done many times yourself! It's windows for me in the morning! I've been Patricia 'd ! Lol. I'll join you for a while, if I may. Xxx

  22. Great to have your company Myra. I need to learn about Washi Tape. Something I have never used, don't have any. Now what kind of paper clips did you use., have not done that before either.
    Oh! we have lots to chat about.
    Have you heard anything from Steph??

    1. No, I think she is hiding in that craft room using all these lovely goodies she got on Saturday!
      Washi Tape - well, I find it sticks to anything, MDF, card, Glass etc. I have covered things like cheap notebooks with it. What I actually do is cut a piece of card to the size of notebook or pad - cover the card in whatever pattern you choose, then glue to book/ pad . All raw edges are completely hidden . If you like you can cover that in Glossy Accents or similar and then decorate. They look quite good. You get so many lovely patterns now. Xxx

    2. Sorry Patricia, I'm off again , but I think Robert would love it too. I have some with animals , some with cars and trucks, some with keys, scissors etc. great Christmas patterns too. Xxx

    3. I like the Notebook Idea, kids love doing things like that. They have changed something that is useful.
      Thanks for that, must keep my eyes open for cheap Notebooks

    4. Better remember the Washi Tape as well, that would help!!

    5. Good teacher's presents! I put magnetic tape on the back of the long thin shopping type notepads and they can be stuck on the fridge! Not mine as it has a door but I have one on the side of the microwave!
      Ok Muriel! I do know fridges have doors but I meant a hidden fridge door!
      Isn't it good to bounce ideas off one another. I've learned so much that way. Not least your rose tutorial, Patricia. Xxx

    6. I love this, another great idea, I have a roll of Magnetic Tape never been out of the packaging.

    7. Wonder where my Sister is?? Bet she's fallen asleep on the sofa. Charlie leaves her to sleep, if I nod off John keeps poking me in the arm, so annoying!!

    8. Oh Patricia, I may be a wee bit sad! I've gone back to my Filofax as I can write ideas down when I see them! I totally embarrass my husband in Stores by picking up table decorations etc to see how they are made ! Trouble was I was forgetting what I'd seen - so back to the pen and book! At Christmas I asked my granddaughter Annabelle to ask everyone what they'd like to drink . This was coffee time - so options were tea/coffee/ soft drink! She got her iPhone out and took the orders on that! It's a generation thing , I think! Xxx

    9. Oh totally understand the poke! Mine is accompanied by a shout of "you're asleep!" Helpful - Nooooo! Xxx

    10. Hi Myra, you have been a busy washi women, sounds like the children had fun useing it.i will have a look on pinserest have you put them on yet ? I have used the Tim Holtz ones they are nice.
      Hope your ok xxx

    11. Hello Lynda,
      Yes I'm fine! No they are not on as yet as brain of Britain here forgot to take photos! I will photo my examples but the children come up with such original ideas! I'm too matchy matchy ! They just go for it!
      Pleased you had a lovely time at Ally Pally. I'm waiting impatiently for my Camellia dies to come from JS. Hope they come tomorrow. Xxx

    12. Charlie wouldn't dream of waking me, he has been shouted at so many times for doing it!!.,granted it took a few years for him to get the message " leave me to sleep" Hazel x

    13. Patricia and Myra is it just the two of you in here tonight ?
      Patricia if you come down here we got cakes for a whole army hihi
      It's my OH birthday so we went and bought some goodies for after dinner and of course our son came home with more after his job so now we have cake's for at least the next four days, oh well you can't throw it away can you.
      I must ask do , what is the burn ? don't sound very safe place to be playing in even if it's not deep !
      I haven't got any washi tape either but have been looking at them for years, held them in my hand and then put them back again tihi might have to get some next.
      Hope we can find our Mojo's, it is a nuisance when it's keep disappearing ! Coffee,cake,film at the ready so Good night the Cotswold cafe' see you tomorrow,
      Love and hugs Maria

    14. Happy Birthday, so glad you have had a lovely day? Oh we would all help to eat those cakes but the don't travel very well in this virtual world? Hazel x

    15. Hi Maria,
      It was lovely to see your photo! Pleased your OH has had a lovely Birthday. I'm longing to see what you make with all these lovely goodies! So glad I didn't miss you tonight! Sleep well! Xxx

    16. Maria, a burn is a tiny little stream not deep, only a a couple of ins as long as children don't mess about pushing each other so they fall over they have fun, come out rather wet usually. In Patricia case it's usually her John that comes home wet as he has fallen over a few times. Hazel x

    17. Maria, oooo!! cakes wish I was nearer. Happy Birthday OH hope you have had a good day.
      The "burn" is a narrow, shallow river that runs along the side of our garden. The boys play there but NEVER on their own up till now. Grandpa has always been with them. Now they are older they could play there themselves. They are only shouting distance from the back door. It's a bit too cold but they don their Wellies and are quite happy.

    18. Hi Maria happy birthday to your other half, have fun eating all that cake, yum yum :) your washi tape books sound lovely. I haven't used it before but have seen it in shops and been intrigued ! Hobbycraft sell duck tape in fab colours and have got a book of things to make with duck tape, that looks fun and child friendly too. Have you heard of a company called fantastic ribbons? They are often at craft shows, the more you buy the cheaper it gets. Their web site is good and they often have bargains, they have quite a range of washi tape again quite good prices. Enjoy your film and the rest of the evening xxxx

    19. Oh no! Shouldn't have had wine! I'm getting muddled again! Maria ignore the washi tape comment! That's for Myra ho hum!!! Sorryxxxx

    20. Diane, don't worry Maria and I have been muddled up a few times! However now I have seen Maria's photo - she is younger than me so not flattering for Maria!
      Thanks I will look for fantastic ribbons! Xxx

  23. No not asleep, I wish I have had been, a few folk phone tonight. Plus I was playing with a die but with all the interruptions the card ended up in the bin and the die went back in my die box. Very quiet I here tonight, you must be all playing with all your new goodies.
    Sandra are you ok? Or are you suffering from your long day on Saturday??? If so please take it easy?
    Sam I hope the doctor gave you some answers today.
    Saba did you enjoy your london weekend? And how many goodies did you buy?
    Well seeing how it's so quiet I am going home. Hazel x

  24. I do that all the time as well. I buy cheap jewellery in the likes of Primark. John will say why the heck did you buy that rubbish?! Oh! it's not to wear, I will disect it and use some of the bits for decoration on Cards & Boxes.
    I am a Technophobe or I would take pictures on my phone. Which by the way I only ever use to text or call home, anything other than that is a No! No!

    1. Ooopps! that last comment from me was ment for Myra.

  25. Right folks my iPad has run of juice, off to plug it in.
    See you all in the morning, be good, leave the place nice and tidy.
    Hope the Boss is OK she's not been in today.
    Sandra I hope your OK and not suffering too much from your adventures at the weekend.

  26. Oh Patricia!
    You just reminded me - I embarrassed my granddaughters just before Christmas! We were in Primark - not somewhere I venture on my own - I bought dangly earrings ! Grandma - are you going to wear those? Oooh no! They were candle pins! Pressed into cream candles they looked lovely and were less than half the price of candle pins! Ladies if you wear earrings and have lost one - you know what to do! Xxxx

    1. Wow!! see another great idea, love it.

    2. Patricia - tonight you are very good for my morale! I have learned loads from your blog! Xxx

    3. We haven't seen Cheryl today either , have we?
      Hope you are okay, my dear! Xxx

    4. Cheryl was in early, as she asked Janet about buying one of her GCs.
      Hazel x

    5. Oh that's right! Sorry! Xxx

  27. Your right a few are missing today, I hope they haven't got this sickness bug. Then again they might just be busy, we will hope that is it. Hazel x

    1. Hope not! Hazel I don't think you should be remoulded - sure you are perfect as you are! Xxx

  28. Hellooooooooooooo,
    I was hoping to catch Patricia, but she's gone so are you there Hazel. Washi tape for sale at The Works, £1. I got some a while ago, stuck in strips on thin white card, all different patterns but same colour hue, and die cut it. It was so effective but I tend to use it on children's things as it can be a bit gaudy for us. Oh, Oh, I've just noticed that the figures Rachel and Peter bought us when their children were born have been moved. That means George has done something to one of them and is frightened to tell me, well not frightened exactly more like wary. I'm off to check on them now.
    It took forever to read all the posts tonight and I laughed at so many of them, wish I was as funny as some of you.
    I've cleared up, put the cat out, wound the clock up and will say goodnight as I'm off to have a shower and then bed.
    Night, night everyone, sleep tight and watch the bed bugs don't bite.
    Love Muriel xxx

  29. Just checked the figures and they are fine, sorry George to cast aspersions but my sisters don't know you like I do!!!

  30. Sorry late again. Scarlett has now seen her card on the blog and all the lovely comments. She has asked me to say thank you to you all. She cannot send a message herself. She also says if anyone has any ideas as to what other cards she could make she would like to know please.
    Have had a day out shopping with my friend today who is also called Brenda. We have been to Chelmsford which we like very much. No craft shops that I can find though. Had my haircut and blow dried before I went and tomorrow morning having my feet done. Lovely. Then I shall be glazing some of my pottery. Good to see what some of you bought at AP. I haven't had time to photograph mine yet and, of course, I am two dies short.

    1. Brenda,
      My granddaughters like to draw the outline through a stencil and then zentangle it. I give them the metal type stencils and they make up some amazing patterns, then Zoe usually die cuts hers with a labels die and puts it onto a card base. Eleanor keeps them in a sort of scrap book that's she's made. Maybe Scarlett would enjoy that, what do you think?
      Maureen xx

    2. Yes she would but she has already done that. Something she loves doing and loves looking through my Zentangle book which her dad bought me for my birthday. Thanks for the suggestion though. Glad your granddaughters like doing it.

  31. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Better late than never!!!! Sorry had one of those days where I've been chasing my tail! I became engrossed in my book this morning so got up late, had breakfast late and had to go food shopping. I caught up with myself in Sainsurys and thought I would be home at a reasonable time but stopped to check my tire pressure (much needed I have to say!). I drove into the garage behind a lady who was going 10 mph and blow me she stopped in front of me to check her tires. She went all the way round her car once then did them all again! I couldn't believe it! By the time I'd done mine got home and unpacked the shopping I was having a late lunch! I then went to visit my cousin who has had an operation on her foot so can't get about. We sat for 4 hours putting the world to rights, it was lovely just to sit and catch up. Tomorrow her poor husband is taking her shopping in the wheelchair and her mum and dad too (uncle is 90 this year!) I did try to find out what time they are going as that will be a sight to see....and hear! Poor Brian!!!
    Well thank you for sharing the photos of your gathering with us, it's lovely to put names to faces and you all look like you are having fun. Sandra and Maria what lovely goodies you bought. I love the every crafts a £ stall, they have some amazing things (and others not so amazing!) but scissors and twine for £1 is a real bargain. What a lovely selection of dies too, am I jealous ? Well just a tad!
    Patricia I hope fun was had in the burn - I find it is usually grandads that get the most muddy and wet and instigate all sorts of fun and frolics long before the little boys! Enjoy the sleepover xxx
    Hazel oh crumbs!! Hope you are ok. Xxx
    Maureen I had to chuckle last night, we watched the video of the most exotic marigold hotel last night (the first one) and there is a Muriel as a character in the film. She's a real character with a lot of spirit in her, reminded me of another Muriel!
    Well I must wend my way to bed, I must get cracking tomorrow and get washing gardening and housework done, now where did I put my Wonder Woman outfit! ??
    Night night everyone, sleep tight, see you tomorrow.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Night Night Diane - busy day! Sleep well. Xxx

  32. Just got in from Salsa Busy night tonight! Got the munchies now So a quick slice if toast and nice cup of tea I'll clear up and make sure the lights are turned off MARIA I'll be in touch
