
Thursday 16 April 2015

Pretty Congratulations!

Good morning Ladies,
Such a pretty card today, Could be used for a Wedding Card, or even Engagement or Congratulations
for winning a dance competition,
Sue's beautiful Heart Lattice die has been used on some beautiful pearlescent card, this sets the perfect background for the gorgeous main focal element, that beautiful die, its called "First Dance"
its a Signature Die by Joanna Sheen, its so pretty and a great price £7.99, it has the look of a Tattered Lace Die, but at half the cost!
A "Congratulations" banner and some gorgeous Camellia Flower Die Cuts by Sue Wilson topped with some pretty pearls finish this card of beautifully!
I am sorry about the interruption to normal service today, the Original Post disappeared with so many of your messages into Cyber space!  (what actually happened is I just couldn't find the key to open the front door, so I have been sat outside since 6 am waiting for a lock smith!
I am going to ask Mrs B's dad to make me a little hanger for the keys so that doesn't happen again!
The three of us had an amazing crafty and very chatty day yesterday, I have no idea where the time goes though!
I was very shocked to see on Icon Uk that Sue has another Die Launch at the End of April, it just is too close to the last one for me, I have hardly any of the new dies in the last collection, mind you I tried to get some inspiration yesterday for the Greek Island dies but there is hardly anything out there,
even Sue has barely used them, I do think that they are a bit of a strange shape, I think that the only really successful range in the last set was the Noble Range, there are more of those in this next launch, along with a Canadian and Portuguese range and something called Configurations!? we will have to wait to see what they are.
Well my head is buzzing from this troublesome start to the day, thanks for sticking with me, you really are the dearest, most caring bunch of friends!
Love to you all,


  1. Good Morning Ladies,
    Apologies for the late start, technical difficulties I'm afraid, I hope you van all see it ok now! Off to shoot our Service Provider!
    Sorry if you were all worried!
    Love to you all
    Sandra xxxxx

  2. Hi Sandra,
    I think I'm first - and that's a first! Maureen said I was a pest yesterday but I thought she was joking! Didn't think you'd all leave me!
    Seriously Sandra, do hope you ok! We do worry about you doing too much. Today's card is very pretty . I will call later to see if all is well in Sandra's world!
    Love to all, particularly you - take care!
    Myra xxx

  3. Oops this isn't the correct post at all, bare with me!

  4. Beautiful Sandra, gorgeous card.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  5. Oh thank goodness you are ok!!! Who cares if it's the right post, you being ok is more important. Love this card is beautiful and stunning. Hazel x

  6. Hello Sandra,
    Don't worry if it's possible not just as long as you're okay, was a bit concerned about you LOL
    This card is really beautiful, is it one of yours? Be popping back later.
    Just popped in with Ciara. we had croissant with chocolate spread and one orange juice and one cup of tea. right off food shopping now.
    Love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

    1. Doing things in a hurry again ...... that was supposed to say - Don't worry if it's the wrong post, just as long as your okay LOL

  7. Janet ecco of Sheffield16 April 2015 at 11:01

    Good morning Sandra - Ooh you had me worried there - knew Paul was away yesterday and didn't know whether he was back for last night. Never mind - just as long as all is well with you and yours the correct post or not doesn't come into the equation. Please remember that.

    The card you have posted is just beautiful and yes I can see all the occasions it could be used for. Your Efolder is one of my favourites of Sue's and one of the very first I bought when I first started with dies etc. It is always near the top of my pile of folders so easily got at.

    Hope you had a good day yesterday and that some really serious crafting with all your goodies bought at the week-end. Am now waiting impatiently to see some of your creations.

    It's much cooler here today and as yet we haven't seen the sun. Daniel and Sylvie have been to cut the grass and plant the first veggies of this year. We have the most beautiful display of wild primroses and cowslips in the grass this year and Sylvie just managed to catch Daniel before he mowed them all down. So as a dutiful husband he's cut round the patch. Don't you just love it when husbands do as they are told well sometimes! It's Sylvie's bday today so instead of just making her a usual card I've made her an 'Izzy' bag and wrapped it in tissue paper and so she has taken it home to unwrap. I wonder what she will think of it. Hoping she'll let me know when she comes by to deliver eggs from her own chickens. They just taste lovely as the hens run free and nothing artificial is used anywhere on their land or our garden if it comes to that. Veggies are planted and if they appear and bear fruit all well and good and if they don't well it's not the end of the world. Daniel doesn't believe in putting anything that's not natural on the garden. Our compost heap is used every year so what we make in compost goes back into the earth.

    Right off now to see about a bit of lunch as it's just about 12.00noon here. Will pop in later to make sure that everything's OK.
    Hugs have been sent so I hope they arrive OK.
    Janet xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      I'm sure your Izzy Bag will be much appreciated. It would have been nice to see her face when she opened it. Glad the primroses and cowslips got a stay of execution! Enjoy your lunch!
      Myra xxx

    2. Hello Janet, don't you fret, your Izzy Bag will go down a treat believe you me!!!
      Hope you had a beautiful lunch.
      Patricia xxx

  8. Hello Sandra,
    I'm pleased that you are ok and I hope you are taking it easy. You card today is so very pretty and elegant, I really like it. Those camellias do seem to show off any card beautifully.
    It's a gorgeous day here today - for a change - and I don't know where the time has gone this morning. Washing is out on the line and I am just finished upstairs, and will do a quick dust and hoover downstairs, then I'll jump in the shower and then prepare the picnic for the girls coming for their lunch at Jesmond Dene.
    Janet, you must tell us what Sylvie thought of her |Izzy bag.
    Sam, I hope you are well today.
    Margaret, great that the dogs are doing well and I hope you are in less pain.
    Patwyn, love and hugs d
    Cheryl, love and hugs to you x
    Steph, love
    Norah, I hope you are ok, where are you?
    Who have I missed??? Love to you, you know who you are. Where is Patricia, she's normally in very soon.
    Love and hugs to all
    Muriel xx

  9. Just back from the Docs,
    So glad to see you have opened up the Shop.
    Will have a cuppa, scone & jam I will be able to enjoy it now I know your OK
    Hugs xxx

    1. Did all go well Patricia? I do hope so, I noticed that Margaret mentioned about Cranberry juice yesterday, my GP swears by it too,
      I suffer with recurring Urinary tract/bladder infections and having the Cranberry daily has really reduced the amount of times I suffer, you can buy Cranberry & Raspberry juice which is much nicer to drink, also don't feel like you have to buy the Ocean Spray one, some of the supermarket own brands have a higher amount of Cranberry concentrate!
      Sending you big hugs, thank you for caring about me enough to message this morning!

    2. Doc sending for an appointment to see a Urologist.
      I drink a lot of water all the time. When I am at home if I go to the loo I go to the fridge and always drink almost all of one of the small bottles of water. Like trying to replace what went.

  10. Janet, Sylvia will adore her Izzy bag. Oh yes nothing nicer than a true free range egg, daughter and work have chickens that are. Very free range.
    Maureen, Patricia was off to the doctors to get her B12 and see about her kidney problem!!., Enjoy your picnic and fun with the girls.
    We are off out for lunch, oh I am liking this not work more and more, yes just doing the very few hours is ok with me. Hazel x

  11. Well ladies I have re-written the post for today, so please pop back up and have a read.
    Sorry once again for the troublesome start to the day, I think I need to have a little lottery win so that I can buy a new, up to date lap top that isn't as old a temperamental as this one!
    Love and hugs

    1. Sandra! Sandra ! Sandra!
      All we care about is that you are ok! Technology beats me a lot more often than it does you! So sorry you were locked out - bit chilly in your PJ's . Who was last in last night! Own up - where is that key! Xxxx

    2. Embarrassing thing is Myra I don't where pj's , so I had to be creative with the potted lavenders and the bay tree! I will leave to your imagination what I had to use the milk bottle holder for!

    3. What are you like! As my granddaughter would say! Xxx

  12. Have you all seen that Tattered Lace have launched a new die cutting machine today on Create and Craft Birthday shows! its only £299 so just a snip really, I am just off for a dig down the back of the sofa!

    1. No good raiding my Jaunt Jug! - that's a lot of money. Xx

    Hi ladies, the link above should take you to a different alternative to the Spellbinders Tool n one, its a Sizzix one that with the foam costs only £7.50
    which is considerably cheaper than the other one! have a look, the distress inks on that site are only £3.25 too!

  14. He Sandra, glad you are ok, it was weird not being able to talk to everyone earlier, happy everything is all right now.
    Your card is lovely would do for any occasion as you say.
    The new machine that is on offer at C&C is very like the X- cut one with the dial on top, there is nothing on offer today that floats my boat even with the free p&p, just the usual rubbish.
    Lunch was nice, soup and a roll will do me till dinner time, catch up later, take care, Jess x

  15. Thank goodness all is ok ! You've had me worried, I even txt you to see if you were alright and after no reply I thought something was wrong, anyway, I think you are ok maybe just a bit flustered ? Or was it that it was refuse collection and the bay slipped as they turned the corner ?
    A pretty card again today. HOW much for a mangle ?!? Money grabbers ! I was so shocked when I noticed on Sue has more collections to share with us, thats why I txt you Sandra to let you know. Ive not got one single full collection and at this rate I never will have ! I think its a little unfair to bring so many out so soon, it kind of gets like Tattered Lace and Tonic, I know craft is very competitive, but Id really hoped that our Sue wouldn't follow in the same foot steps its like keeping up with the Joneses !! Im afraid people will start to feel the same way about Creative Expressions producing new dies as they feel about TL, thats its just 'greed' !
    Oh well, we'll have to see.
    Another 'yuk' day so not been in my den again, another wasted day that I cant afford but not feeling upto concentrating on cards.
    I'll send lots of love n hugs to all that pop in and to our poorly friends.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    Another stunning card today. Thanks for a lovely day yesterday. Cheered me ip no end talking yo you both. How on earth did you lock yourself out or did the last one out yesterday lock it. That'll teach you to stay in bed and the last one out yo make sure your indoors. Bet you gave everyone an eyeful when they were going off to work. Shall we have a new machine each, cheap at half the price I think not. Not to sure how many die cutting machines these manufacturing people think we need at one given time.

  17. Oh Sandra. What are you playing at? Now was It a nice morning? Or bit frosty like here? Not good to be hanging a out outside at that time of the morning you will have people talking? You know something between new dies and machines to these companies think we all have money trees in our gardens??? If I did I still wouldn't go buying everything that comes out, we can't make that many cards! When my G.C wasn't working someone said it was due to over work, now I am sorry it was far from over worked if you put it to the amount of new dies coming out and if I was buying them all and useing them then yes? No they have taken it to far. We will all start being very picky? It's funny you posting your special occasion card, I have posted a special day one today, both been thinking the same.
    Well I hope all the chatter about steam generator irons has helped those who are thinking of changing? I still like my ordinary one but the steam it's as good these days and after using Tammy's it show how much it isn't working? Right I have enjoyed my cup of tea, I didn't have any to eat as we were out for lunch which was lovely. Hazel x

  18. I think that they don't realise most crafters have been around the block abit and won't just buy dies for the sake of it. No one can keep up and I for one now tend to go for sentiments and accents as a lot of the others start to look similar after a while and other dies can easily be substituted.

    I still haven't put my last lot on magnetic sheets yet!!

    Well I will put steph's soap box back now hope she didn't mind loaning it!

  19. Ps thought if buy a new die cutting machine a steal at £299 - not! See Steph Weightman trying to coin it in again. Getting a bit fed up of these people thinking we are daft!

    1. Totally agree! I got one Tattered Lace Die free with my new Teal GC . It is very flimsy - the die not the GC.
      I don't have any TL dies apart from that as they are always too fussy for me! Not a big fan of the lady either. Xxx

  20. Hello everyone,
    Sandra what a start to your day!! The main thing is you are OK.
    Had to go to the Doc. about this pain. Usually I can control it myself till the Kidney Stines flush through. I phoned for an appointment yesterday .... none!! Told, phone at 8am for one for today. Did that got my appointment then got told by the Doc if that happens again just you ask to talk to me. Said what I had should have been dealt with right away and the fact that I never have to see a Doctor should let them know it was serious. I do go every 6 weeks for Vitamin B12 injections but the Nurse does that and takes 5 mins and I am out. Well that's not really true the Nurse is a friend and we do sit and chat for a few minutes but you know what I mean!!!
    Ok I will get myself a cuppa and a bit cake. I am going to sit over by the window, watch the world go by till some of my friends pop in.
    I topped up the basket of (((((hugs))))) please help yourselves.

  21. I just have to agree with what you've all said about S Weightman & Tattered Lace Huge huge rip off Proper price is as expensive as a ScannCut I've said before that C&C is turning into the Steph Weightman show So much so I don't think I'll renew my membership As to new dies I cannot afford to keep buying them Like someone else has mentioned I may buy some accent & sentiment ones and maybe Christmas one's coz that's the most type of card I make

  22. PS the card is lovely I need lots of inspiration re Wedding cards The daughter is looking at Wedding venues.....

    1. I think Hazel may be the resident expert on those at the moment! Xxx

  23. Karen you will be busy I can see, if you look back on Sandras blog to the 20th June 2014 you will find the most lovely card with a beautiful verse that to me is just right for a card from a mum to a daughter on her wedding day!!! Oh have fun and a sore arm from turning the handle? Hazel x

  24. Well I haven't even got one die from the last issue. Been getting really picky, need to use a die and I have plenty that don't get enough use. Do we really need all these things as soon as they are released, after all there are now so many they are on sale somewhere in a short time. So many look the same anyway, and the card recipient just sees a nice card. They never think, hey, that's last years die. Besides, I have set myself the task of reducing my stash with the thought of downsizing my home in a couple of years and I am still finding, and using, bits from kits I have bought years ago. Feel the same about Ms Weightman and tattered lace, I have a few early ones,but not very impressed with them.Pity we couldn't organise a die library. On a shelf in the coffee shop perhaps.
    It's a lovely day here (at last) and I now have a very wet and tired dog as we went a walk along the beach.
    See you later,

  25. Oh I am with you Janice, you have to get the most out of the dies we have. I to think it's a pity we didn't live nearer each other and we could swap dies and folders? I am lucky as Patricia and I can do that. Glad you enjoyed your walk, who is more tired ? Hazel x

  26. Well ladies, I finally got here,

    I've had a beautiful day spent with an older friend of mine who I used to work with. We had tea and scones at one of our local garden centres for elevenses before going on to Burnham on Sea where we enjoyed a lovely walk along the seafront then lunch in Fortes before coming home.

    Then I had a long chat with my friend Brian, he is coping much better than he thought he would, but he did make the remark that it will be the day of the funeral that will really get to everyone. I agreed with that as Pete's funeral day totally floored me as it was only then I realised this was the last day I could see him before I said my final goodbye.

    Sue, what a truly beautiful elegant card is that? It's just scrumptious, you really do have a flair for gorgeous cards.

    Will agree on comments re S Nightmare (predictive spelling hehe) and C&C, she's only one designer and I can't understand why they give her so much airtime. How much %age though are they taking if they charge others 60% of all sales? Surely someone can come up with another channel devoted to crafts? C&C can't claim they are exclusive when they have the monopoly. Enough said on that subject, I don't watch them anymore, they're boring.

    Sandra, read your comments on your earlier posting going off to Cyberspace (did it go 'From Here to Eternity'?), and had a little chuckle re you posing as a Calendar Girl locked outside your house. At least you safely back inside now, don't go frightening the milkmen again lovely lady.

    And now it's time for tea, so I'll pop in later
    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

  27. Helloooooooooooooooo
    Just nipped in for a quickie while girls are being entertained by Grandad. I agree with comments on dies, machines and other things!!!. I think they think we are all millionaires the way they keep bring out new machines, which are the best ever and tell us to "buy quickly before they sell out" as if we've never heard that before.
    As regards dies, I now look at a die and think to myself "how many times will I use it", then I divide the price with the number of times and if it's worth it I buy it, and if it's not - well I usually buy it ha ha. No sometimes I'm sensible and don't bother. As Janice says, the recipient will not realise if the die is the same this birthday and the last birthday, if you know what I mean.
    Oh, oh, I'm being called for so will go and try to get back in later. Lovely to read all your comments today and if I don't get back will someone wind the clock up and put the cat out?
    Love to all xxxx

  28. Evening Ladies

    Just home from supermarket shopping straight sfter work.

    Gorgeous card today-so pretty.

    Goodness-more Sue Wilson dies. I didn't buy any if the last launch & very few before that. A lot of them are too fussy/feminine for me as I know I wouldn't get much use out of them. Don't get me wrong-I like the cards Sue makes with them but they're not all my style.

    I have my dies on magnetic sheets, in A5 folders(folders + magnets were all being discarded from work-I have tons of the magnets, pity I can't send you all some). I currently have six A5 folders very full and one A4 folder which stores my large dies. They are in categories & a list on the front of each file so I know what I have!! There are some dies that I wonder why I bought but thats life eh??!!

    Lunch yesterday day was lovely but Daves widow didn't feel up to joining us-shame but she knows we were thinking about her.


  29. Maureen, I am a bit like you, I have to think if the die will pay for itself in the long run? I have to say that most of the striplets do that, but saying that there is two that I use but not as much as others? Ok the heart one has been very well used with Gillians and Andrews invites plus a few others? And the regal one will have paid for itself by the time I am finished with Alice's invites. The American market doesn't seem to buy like us?
    Michele, what a shame Dave's wife couldn't feel she was up to joining you all for lunch, maybe the next time she will. A phone call telling her that she was missed and for her to please try and make the next one? And just talk to her via the phone where she won't have to show her feelings yet she will be able to see you are all there for her? I feel that once she is able to talk to you over the phone meeting up will be easier. Hazel x

  30. Hi Sandra and all,
    I have been out today visiting friends and have only just logged on, so not sure what went wrong with the post earlier. The only thing I have seen is a fab wedding card! It is truly beautiful. Sadly I have no wedding cards to make at the mo.
    I haven't had a chance to see the new die cutter - recorded the shows- but at that price I think I will give it a miss. Tattered lace dies are so expensive so I am not surprised the new machine is pricey.
    Why is Sue bringing out another collection so soon after the last one? I am still trying to catch up with what I want from that collection. Unfortunately I don't have a money tree in the garden. Anyone got a cutting of one that they could send to me ?
    Take care everyone.
    Pat xxx

  31. Good evening folks, still have not got my body in gear today.
    Love, love, love the beautiful wedding card. Everything about it is stunning. I looked back at the Hazel was talking about back at 20th June 2014 Oh! My! Word! it is also stunning the wording brought tears. It is perfect for a Mother to Daughter I love it.
    I am off folks, I need to retreat toa dark room on my own.
    See you all in the morning.

  32. Good evening Sandra and everyone
    Who ever it is that is stealing my time will they pleeeese stop I just cannot keep up at all this week, I just don't know what happened to time today it is on super jet speed. At the moment things are taking me longer with my shoulder but time at present seems to be here today and gone tomorrow if you know what I mean.
    A truly beautiful card love everything about this one so delicate and graceful looking.
    Sandra what on earth have you been up to out at 6am you will be catching a chill at least I hope you have not suffered any ill effects afterwards.
    Patricia I do hope you get some help really quickly, you were lucky with the appointments down here you can wait between 2 and 4 weeks for one, what is the NHS coming to. Derek's urologist in London told him to drink plenty of water but not too much, as that can cause problems too he said. But cranberry juice does help him, he has gone over 5 years now and no sign of the nasty little devils returning thank goodness.
    Well I will not get on the rant stool I may fall off!!! But I agree whole heartedly with what everyone has said except I have no Tattered Lace dies and have no intentions of getting any, and as for the new machine words fail me, well words that I can use in front of all you lovely ladies.
    Speaking of machines I have today just received my new teal GC and every word that Patricia and Hazel have said is true, it cuts first time just like a dream, fantastic! I had a go with a Spellbinders, a Tonic, a Memory Box, and of course a Sue die and all cut just great!
    I fear Sue's new dies that are coming will be given a miss, as I said last night my purse is not a bottomless pit, Should there be one that I simply cannot resist Derek and I will just have to go on jam sandwiches for a few weeks, at least the jam is home made!!!
    Michele I agree with Hazel about your friend's wife, do have a chat on the phone as a' half way house' to help her. I have done this with a few friends of mine and it really helped, perhaps she just cannot face several people just yet.
    Although it seems I have been trying to climb a helter skelter today to try and catch up we at least have had some lovely sunshine so all is not too bad really.
    Well I have finished my coffee thank you lovely as always, my cup is in the dish washer but not switched it on just yet I am sure the stragglers will be in later for their nightcap. I am off for now but promise I will try harder to get here a little earlier tomorrow, honestly.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening.
    With love hugs and cuddles
    Margaret xxx

  33. Late again but have been out all day doing my pottery again. Been making things today and my wrist was quite good really. Stuck to easy things
    SANDRA. Sorry you had all that hassle this morning and glad that you are ok.
    Today's card is lovely. Hope you are al, ok. Patricia sorry to hear you are in pain and hope it is sorted soon. Wonder where Norah is. Has anyone heard from her? Will just have a Ginger and Lime tea. Been drinking tea all day. Money in the pot

  34. Well ladies I think we should all have bought that Spellbinder Deal ... what a bargain we would have got!!!
    Plus of course the new Tattered Lace Machine ... it's the best thing since Sliced Bread!!!
    Of course we will all need to buy everyone of Sue's new Die and Folder section ... Tell me this when did we all WIN the Lottery. I am sorry but I think the Crafting World has gone crazy.
    Rant over, I am away this time

    1. Steady Patriccia! You will not be able to sleep! However you are right - Dies are not Peel - Off Stickers or self adhesive pearls - they cost a lot of money and there has to be a time when I say enough is enough! I know we are not obliged to buy anything but as keen crafters we are constantly bombarded with new products. I don't even look at most die launches - Tonic or Tattered Lace or C&C 's own brand etc! I still have much more than I need. When I see so called Offers of more than £200 worth of dies in Easy Payments I wonder who on earth is prepared to pay that amount of money at once!
      Oh sorry get me off the soapbox - Maureen's right! I am a pest! Xxx

  35. Hi Sandra
    Thought I would pop in just to make sure you haven't caught a chill, after giving all the workmen a treat first thing this morning. Talking about Tattered Lace fuss, they had a bug stand at Ally Pally on Saturday. Mind you every time I went by it, which was quite a few times. It was quite empty of people. So nobody was buying any there either. Mind you Barbara Grey and Sues stands were chocka block with people.

  36. I have noticed that down at my local craft store his Tattered Lace die stand doesn't have " sorry out of stock" Things like on Sue's stand of dies! Has any of you used Wild Rose Dies? Adrian has just started to stock them and there are some beautiful ones, I wouldn't mind 2 that look lovely, but again I wouldn't jump in and buy at this moment without giving it much more thought and then I would be one at a time? Hazel x

  37. Good evening Sandra, what a treet you gave all the men pasing by your house this morning, I hope the droopy bit's were hidden by the bay tree,& your modesty was covered by the lavender pot's hihi. Joking apart Sandra pleased your ok,is Paul home now. OMG more Sue die's coming,She did tell me on Saturday that she had the prototype of her new Christmas Angel & said it cut like a dream in one pass,but never said about the end of this month a new release. I never buy a whole collection I just get the ones I like but after the AP spend I won't be getting any more die's soon.
    Had a busy day did ioning,changed & washed the sheets,then put another wash on one more waiting,house work,managed to put card on blog then Tesco's shopping, Hhmm didn't win the lottery:0(( Put shopping away then we took dogs for a walk. Started dinner.when got home. Now all cleared up & now boring you all hihi. I want to know where all my washing & ironing comes from
    As only two of us now.
    Sandra your card is gorgeous & Stunning I love it all especially the dancing couple die. Glad you had a lovely day with Sue & Pat yesterday.Hope your ok Sandra & not in a lot of pain.Have a lazy day tomorrow.. My fasting day so won't have anything to eat. Call in later too see if any Rowdy ones are in later.
    Love & Hug's Lynda with DB xx

  38. Where is everyone tonight? I thought I'd pop in for a hot chocolate, but all the lights are off and not a soul in sight,, it looks like I will just go home and go to bed. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Looks as if I just missed you! I've been ironing again! Where does it all come from Id like to know. Well if there is no one else around I won't even go inside. Don't want a repeat performance of a lost key!
      Night night everyone,
      God Bless,
      Myra xxx

  39. Very quiet in here tonight. Was everyone so stressed and angry at constantle being asked to shell out for more dies and machines (or mangle as Steph called it), that we are all exhausted.My friend, Carol, is fairly new to cardmaking, and is presently on a 3 month trip to New Zealand. She is going to be shocked to find she has missed 2 releases of dies, and 2 releases of John Next door's stamps. Hope she returns with some cash left. She gave me her dies to play with when she was away.
    Sandra, sorry honey, but I forgot to tell you how lovely your card is.
    Right, think I will try for an early night, especially since there is no one here to talk to, and Derek is watching question time and the dog is snoring.

  40. I am so glad that we seem have similar opinions on dies In fact the SW dies I bought at AP I'm thinking of selling already. They're the Classic weaving die and the Stripes weaving die. They look lovely but now I've got them I don't know when I'd use them AND with my fat fingers I found them a bit faffy and fiddly. I paid £31 ( a lot of money for me) I'll decide by Saturday and say so on my blog (am I allowed to do that...)
    HAZEL thank you for the tip re verse for a wedding card
    Will also look at these new dies you mentioned
    Night night all, the key and cat are all safe and sound

  41. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies.
    Sorry I'm so late, I popped in first thing and was confused to see no log post but then had to go out for the day and I've just got back! Sandra today's card is beautiful, love the dancing couple . Thank you for sharing .
    I must go to bed now as my eyes Are closing.
    See you all tomorrow
    Love Diane xxx

  42. Hi Sandra and anyone else around,
    a hot chocolate before bed please. A beautiful card for someone getting married or maybe even as a Anniversary card, very nice die.
    Is everyone doing their spring clean at the moment lol I feel really guilty because I just reading what you all doing and by the time I finished I'm well and truly to exhausted to do any myself. Need to do some soon do as we have visitors coming for the first time to our home so will have to make a effort just hope OH is ready to help a bit.
    Cheryl , so sorry to hear about your friend Janet. we are here for you ! I hate this illness!!
    Michele, it must be hard for your friends wife. Just give her time and she hopefully will join you at another time.
    Did I hear right Sandra , More Dies on it's way Nooooo! They will have to be I'm afraid as you know I bought some last Saturday so thats my quota for this year. They do come out a bit to close ,don't they. I tried to follow my wishlist but did do a panic buy as I call it when I couldn't find some, I bought some I didn't have on the list. One of the pierced banners is a bit faulty but not enough to send of and get a new one,otherwise so far so good. I was putting something together for my SIL daughters birthday that's coming up soon and I wanted to take it with me this morning as we were meeting up today but as usual it didn't work out so into my old decoupage made cards I had to go. The card was made sometime in -13 and the glue from the sticky stuff had gone through to the picture a bit(sad) but covered it up as much as possible and gave it anyway ( hope she don't notice it) at least it's handmade lol!
    Nice you met up yesterday again, you, Pat and Mrs B, hope you had a nice time.
    I managed to get to Frost, no crafting section anymore except for the young ones, the blue something, luckily maybe tihi but had a nice lunch outside in the wonderful sunshine and +22 ,oh and another panic buy when nothing else, six small plants for the garden £20. Will try to plant them on the weekend and then in a few month they probably gone tihi no laughing matter really it's just I have no green fingers at all just like I have no cardmaking bone in my body lol just love seeing what everyone else can make. Feel for Patricia and anyone else who lost their mojo, do they ever come back. sorry I think it's best I go to bed and hopefully wake up in a cheerier mood I make myself feeling depressed reading what I writing . Read the conversation between Myra,Patricia and Muriel do make me laugh you are nutters and I love it lol
    Diane hope you not to sore after your cleaning holic tomorrow lol
    Nice to see you back Patwyn, Sam and Margaret take it easy and Norah do come back, we are good listeners here
    see you tomorrow peeps, Love and Hugs Maria xxx
