
Friday 17 April 2015

Michele's 21st Card & Pats dotty Happy Birthday Card


Good Morning Ladies,
Hopefully this post will appear as it is supposed to today and not cause me
early morning stress like yesterday!  I still wonder where the original post
disappeared too, I think its floating around up there with some of your comments!
Todays card is a fabulous 21st Birthday card by Michele, I can see she has
used Sue's 8 X 8 Embossing Folder, I really like this folder as it is so unisex and
very effective, I have done the embossed lines effect going one way on a card
but I think it would be impossible to get that effect with a score board.
It looks like Michele has used buttons to cover the 21, it is very effective
whatever it is she has used, looks quite sparkly!
This Card was made by Pat (Witney) for her Granddaughter,
The dotty card is Anna Marie Design and the focal element is made with
Spellbinders Floral Ovals, they are one of my very favourite Spellbinders,
I can't remember the make of the Happy Birthday Die, although Pat and I
were together when she made this card, there is a CE Checkerboard Pinpoint
Embossing Folder, embossed white mat at under the dotty card which had been cut
with a Spellbinder Card Creator set, it just gives a different shape to your layers.
Altogether a gorgeous little card for any teenager.
Thank you to both Michele and Pat for allowing me to share the creations,
you really are a very talented bunch of girls!
Did any of you ladies see Julia Watts Craft Clinic on Monday?
She used these brilliant little things that looked like eggs, they are latex sponges
and they looked like they took all the hard work out of applying ink to paper,
either to ink around the edges of your card or for inking through the die, I have
got the Brushes from Inklyscious, but I still don't always achieve seamless blending
in fact I often get little marks from the bristles of the brush!
I did see over at Oyster Stamps that they sold a Sizzix version of the Tool n One,
they sold it as a complete set with a mat for £7.50, which is cheaper than the Tool n one
alone, there was also a Zutter make one too but I can't remember the cost of that one.
 I ordered myself one of those Fiskars Stamping Press plates as well today, stamping really
isn't my strong point, I usually end up stamping something 10 times a may get 2 good ones,
I am not sure if its being disabled and I transfer too much of my weight when I lean
forward to press onto the stamp, or it goes the other way , when I find it hard to stand
so don't apply enough pressure, this Press is supposed to aid these problems, its
basically a large Stamping block with four sponges at the corners, so you can place it
over your piece of card or die cut shape, you can get it into position and them press
down and hold with one hand while rubbing your other hand over the area of the stamp.
It looks great but we will see,  was a little sore today after trundling between the dining
table and craft room yesterday, so I decided to have a sit down and shop on the internet.
While watching the C & C birthday celebrations, nothing has tempted me so far, but a
couple of good demonstrators, its free P & P this weekend, but the prices were still to high,
I was shocked at the price of the Tattered Lace Die cutting machine, almost £300, I guess
its C&C machine isn't it as they are actually Tattered Lace or Vice Versa, so I expect we
will be seeing a lot of that too! No mention of their new TODO machine yet though!
Well fingers crossed this goes to plan!
Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Well I am glad to see that you didn't get caught outside again today my lovely! I have asked Dad to make you a key holder, and after getting through all of his questions..."What size does she want it? What material, wood, plastic, metal....? How many hooks?" etc, etc...........we have settled on a two hook oak one. I hope that is ok.
    I love todays card, how beautiful for a wedding and the couple die is gorgeous and a great price. Joanna Sheen Signature dies are certainly worth a look.
    Todays cards are both yet more beauties that would be perfect for teenagers.....yes I know the dotty one is for a 21st but you understand what I mean, don't you? Michele, how did you get the buttons to fit in the 21 shape so neatly, I love using buttons so will have to remember this lovely one : )
    Pat, your card is so pretty, again it is ideal for the younger ones, well any age actually. Not all ladies are into the flowers and frilly bits are they. I actually make far more "non Frilly" and male cards. I do love making a really pretty one when do get to make one though : )) I must thank you again for al of the help and goodies that you gave to me on Wednesday my lovely, you really are so kind. I haven't touched it since so it will be finished while we are away, if we ever get there! I felt bad yesterday so only managed to sort the washing so have ironing piled up and no other jobs done that I had planned to do. Both Chris and Gem have told me that I am only allowed to pack my bag and they will do everything else that MUST be done. They both said that there is not much to do anyway and that I just try and do far too much unimportant stuff before going away. Maybe they are right. I am just going to shut my eyes tight so that I don't see all of the jobs that haven't been done. It will all be there when we get back won't it : ) What are you all like? Do you have to have everything clean and tidy before going away?
    Patricia, I hope you are feeling better today. Keep on drinking that water : )
    Cheryl, there is another craft channel. It is only online, at the moment and it is called The British Craft Channel. Hour long shows with no presenters or selling during the show, just a list at the end of places to get what was used during the show. It is so much better than C&C which I have just about given up watching unless Sue or Barbara Gray are on. I will not be renewing my membership this year as even with the deals it is far too expensive.
    Right, I am off to sort out what I am taking with me. Don't you hate packing for British weather, you have to cover all types of weather, don't you! (We are taking clothes unironed this time and just doing them as we want them....NOT my idea I hasten to add! Help, I am going to struggle with that one! Will let you know how it goes. as Gem pointed out, lots of the tops especially get creased so have to be ironed again before wearing, and if they don't get worn Ihave to be ironed before being put away once home. I do agree with her in theory but I do have slight OCD leanings about some things. Wish me luck (I am taking my iron though and Chris didn't quibble when I told him as he knows they are both pushing the issue anyway : )) I can't be using a travel iron or whatever grotty old thing that is in the chalet). How sad am I?
    Well, I hope that you all have a lovely day, crafting if possible, or at least a pleasant day if you are just doing the same old same old as usual. Take care xx

    1. I'm the same as you, before I go on holiday the house has to be clean and tidy, bed changed, it is so nice to come home to a tidy house and a nice fresh bed, because once you have opened your cases the place is a mess.
      Jess x

    2. And me Jess, there's nothing like coming back from holiday to a lovely fresh home, with the washer going hell for leather!!! xxx

    3. Hi Sue
      A bit late I know but I hope you have a fantastic holiday. Try jog yo do to much before you go. We don't want you yo be ill on holiday, because you've done to much.

    4. Bon voyage Sue!
      Relax and enjoy your break with Gemma & Chris, I know the two of them will have you relaxing before you even leave, stop worrying about bloody ironing, is a wrinkle free t shirt really worth missing a day with Gem & Chris? They will feel bad as they have to go out without you, all because you insisted on ironing! Do as you are told!
      (I know this us a case of poor calling the kettle black) but I want you to enjoy every precious moment with your loved ones! Remember to photograph that card!
      See you in a week, love you lots,
      Bring me back a pasty (I'm sure they have them in Devon)!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    5. Hi Sue,
      Yes I do love to leave the house clean and tidy but sometimes you just have to do what's best for you and not the house! I hope you relax, have a safe journey and a lovely holiday. Take care,
      Love Myra xxx

    6. Hi Sue yes I'm the same can't leave withe the house in a mess.
      Have a lovely holiday & relax. Safe journey love Lynda xx

    7. Sorry Sue, I didn't realise you were going on holiday so soon. Have a great time and a safe journey xxx

    8. Mrs B,
      Wish you a wonderful holiday, try to have a proper rest and enjoy your time with the others xx

    9. Hi Sue, hope you have a lovely holiday and the sun shines for you.
      Yes, I am like you, have to have a clean and tidy house to come home to.
      Saba xxx

    10. Have a great holiday, hope you get plenty of sunshine.
      Oh! yes, I need my house tidy for my return.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-your card is beautiful, really lovely.

    I used some number stamps (Papermania) and cut them out then filled them with gemstones & Candi. The card order stayed lots of black so I think I got it right. The embossing folder is my most recent purchase-not much else has caught my attention. I got the e/folder as I thought it was unisex & I would get plenty of use out of it.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Thank you for sharing your amazing cards, I appreciate it sooo much!
      I got your email last night with the template, do you want me to add it today of tomorrow?
      I will try and pop it on today's post, as it is supposed to be mixed craft day tomorrow, although I am very low on pictures!
      I so agree about the E folder, it's fabulous and embosses so well, really crisp!
      Thanks again,
      Sandra xxxxxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Well I am glad you didn't ger locked out this morning up here? It's a really hard frost here and a tad chilly. Shock to my body this morning as I have to get ready and take Harris for his walk? Now don't get me wrong I am looking forward to the walk , it's just I haven't done it for a while? Charlies job, can't have him not doing something!!! No I have one big golden lab lying in front of me with two big eyes watching every move. But I am just taking 5 mins out to have a cup of tea, can't come in to the coffee shop to have this one - health and safety and all that? He's very well behaved but does enjoy a pet and he's a rather large lab, not width wise but height wise with long legs so he might take up a bit to much floor space?
    Michele, your card is beautiful, it's suitable for male or female even in the black and white, but you could do any colour.
    Pat, again another beautiful card, simple design but very effective. And by making the oval plain it would make a good card for a male.
    Thank you ladies for letting Sandra show us these beauties.
    Oh I think I'd better make a move and get this dog out. I have to be at the doctors for 10.30, steroid review and my BP to be checked as it was I bit high when the nurse did it, so it's keep calm and no hurrying. I will need to put something warm on as the frost still isn't lifting.
    To all those who aren't feeling to good this morning there are (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket help,yourself.
    Oh yes Sue I know what you mean about going away leaving things not done? But they will still be there when you get back, go and enjoy your break! We do fuss to much, the young have a better look on these things and Chris and Gem just want you to be in less pain. Hazel,x

  4. Good morning Sandra and the Gang, hope you are all well. Sandra I hope you are not suffering any ill effects after your escapade yesterday!!!
    Have left the usual basket of (((((hugs)))))) by the door please help yourselves.
    MICHELLE:- great card, change the number and how many times can that brilliant design be used, great EF as well.
    PAT:- love the colours you have chosen for your really pretty card, brilliant, classy design. Change the colours and you could have a perfect Man Card.
    Nothing much on the cards here today. John is popping up to Kirriemuir (Barrie's Birthplace .... he wrote Peter Pan) to get something for his Railway. He is picking the boys up on route. He mentioned he was going, the boys asked if they could go with him. The boys love the little sweetie shop there ... The Star Rock Shop. It an old fashioned place with most of the sweets in glass jars. They like to choose and watch them get weighed out. Grandpa spoils them as you are bound to have guessed by now!!!
    I did manage to sleep very well last night. Could have been the strong painkillers or the fact I had made up my mind to "blank" out the thought of all this new Crafty Stuff on or coming on to the market. Can't afford it, don't need it, no where to store it, not enough hours in the day to play with it, why would I want it. Do you think I convinced myself enough???
    I am feeling much better today ... so far. I have a few things to catch upon after the past two days. I usually buzz right through the house on a Friday, then that's it for over the weekend. I am passing on that, rather than "buzz" I will "meander" I know I will still get though it.
    OK had my Tea & Toast, cleared the crumbs, Hazel is not here so she's safe!!!
    Money in the Pot.
    Will be back later to see what everyone is getting up to.

    1. Ooopps!! how could I have missed my sister???
      Two minds with a single thought we were typing at the same time!!!
      Bet she's glad I did not turn her into crumbs again

  5. Morning Sandra and everyone, Pat and Michelle. your cards are lovely, change of colours and they would suit men cards,
    Well having the day off from our craft shop today, lots to do at home, so will finish my coffee and get on. Will catch up later, Take care, Jess x

  6. Morning Sandra and all,
    sitting with a cup of tea and trying to get moving for going shopping in Waitrose, we are very lucky to have a coffee shop there to read the daily papers so we don't buy them very often anymore, any penny saved tihi
    Michele I so wished now I got that EF it is fab as is your card. Fun thing you put all little bits inside the number, love it.
    Pat, the paper is lovely and the style of the card is great. I love the HB die. Lovely card !
    I posted late/early this morning and then sat up to 5am before manage two hours sleep ,yay!
    Hazel, hope your doc. appointment goes alright.
    Mrs B take it easy and take your time. Don't fret to much about the cleaning before but saying that it is nice to come back to a house which is tidy. Don't do ironing, used to when Rick worked but no more unless it is really creased.
    I'll pop in later, OH getting a bit grizzly so I better move my big bum and DB hihi
    Huge hugs to all Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Enjoy Waitrose, (bad idea on a Friday)! I am sure a coffee in Waitrose café is more expensive that buying a paper Maria! that's not a good excuse for having coffee and a cake out!
      Buy the paper and put the money you saved in your Jaunt Jug for our retreat in October!
      You and I are very similar in our sleep patterns, I was still awake 2.50am, got up for to go to the bathroom, the cats then decided it was play time, finally got everyone settled again and what seems like 10 minutes later Pauls alarm went off! urgh!
      Anyway enjoy your day with Grizzly bear, I don't remember your bum being that big Maria, boobs yes, but not bum!
      I think that the most prominent thing on that photo that I posted was BOOBS!!!!!
      Sandra xxxxxxx

    2. Hihi what are you like? When purchase a brekkie or cake you get the coffee free. Sit for a while reading the daily papers also free. Rick wanted the Daily Mail with him home so spent £5 in store and he got that free too so yes we spent a bit extra then staying in your place but we had a nice time ,thank you with bums and boobs too ! lol
      Funny I haven't been tired at all during the day, hope you had a good day too. Will catch up with the others now see you down below
      Hugs Maria xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Michele what a beautiful card today and yes it fits the brief. I'd forgotten those large number stamps paper mania sold, they work so well with that embossing folder xxx
    Pat what a beautiful clean and simple card today just right for a teenager. I do love the AnneMarie spotty paper xxx
    Well I'm being lazy today after a busy week, must give myself a shake and get going. Mrs B I'm with you on the cleaning front, I always get told off for doing it but isn't it lovely to come back home to a clean house and only have to focus on the washing! Enjoy your holiday and do as you are told! Xxx
    Right I will pop back later, have a great day everyone.
    See you soon
    Love Diane xxx

  8. Hi Sandra my dear friend and all my dear friends in the Coffee Shop
    I had a bad day yesterday, I'm hoping today is a lot better. I Love today's Cards by Michele and Pat I Just Love The Embossig Folder Michele has used it saves all the scoring on the scoring board, I Love Pat's Card I have the Die she used.
    You mentioned those fantastic Latex Smoothies For Ink Blending I ordered some from Sunrise and mine came yesterday I'm so looking forward to working with them. I know Sue mentioned she was bringing out new Dies I never buy the full set I just get what I like plus I couldn't afford them all and because I'm a Stamper first and foremost I only use my Dies in conjunction with my work, I've got quite a few Cards to make before we go on holiday so I'm having to really push myself.
    I hope your all keeping well.
    Take Great Care All
    Sandra I Will Get Back To Answer Your Email
    Love and Hugs To All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam I hope today is much better for you.
      Sending some (((hugs))) don't push yourself with these cards.
      Being and feeling good for you break is much more important.

    2. Sam' here's hoping your day will keeping being good. Hazel x

    3. Hi Sam,
      Sorry you had a bad day yesterday sweetheart, I hope you are feeling better today, don't go rushing about and making yourself exhausted! Please if you can manage it take some photos of your cards, as I love showing them on my blog!
      How long do you have before you go away, do as Lyndon says and rest up, this upcoming holiday will do you the world of good.
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    4. Hi Sam,
      Lovely to know that you are feeling a bit better. Please don't overdo things - just get ready to enjoy your lovely holiday! Xx

    5. Hi Sam,sorry you had a bad day yesterday so I'm hopeing today was better. Take thing easy don't push yourself to get those cards finished
      Sending you Big Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Hi Sam,
      sorry you had a tough day yesterday hope you were feeling a bit better today. Gentle hugs Maria xx

    7. Hi Sam, sorry yesterday was a bad day for you. Try and rest as much as possible before you go on holiday.
      Love and hugs Saba

    8. Hi Sam
      So sorry to hear you had another bad day yesterday. I hope you have a better one tomorrow. Don't Rush to get those cards please let us know if those smoothies work Sam. Take care.

    9. Good to see you here Sam. Don't over do it though

    10. Hi Sam sorry to hear you had a bad day yesterday I hope today was a better day. Don't push yourself too hard, I'm sure friends and family who care about you will understand if they don't get a Sam made card, you need to be well for your holiday . Take care love Diane xxx

  9. Morning All.
    Hope you are all ok today. Where did last night go ? What with dreams and the dog lick lick licking after she snagged her legs on barbed wire yesterday, Ive probably had 2hrs sleep ! I felt pants yesterday and didnt get into my den for the 2nd time this week ! I snoozed most of yesterday as I tend to do when off colour, then HAD to pull myself together when Andy came home and told me her legs were bleeding ! I know she didnt need it but neither did I !! So out came the savlon dissinfectant and blood sticks (if you have dogs and never heard of blood sticks they are brilliant to take out with you) then of course vets wont give antibiotics without seeing them, so I dragged myself into the car looking and feeling like id been through a hedge let alone the bloomin dog, came home, dozed off again, and that was that. Was so looking forward to going to bed, but wasn't worth putting my pj's on !!
    Anyway enough of my moaning and whinging, these cards are enough to put a smile on anyone's face. Michele I think you did just what you were asked for, a beautiful 21st. How pretty is Pats blue spotty card, soo fresh and clean looking, I think that both recipients will love their cards. Thanks to you both for sharing your beautiful work with us.
    Really hope you all have a lovely day, the day you all deserve.
    Now then Mrs Janet, I thought now that the cafe is well n truely up and running we'd be able to see photographs of these amazing French pastries you have after market !! Although we have wonderful imaginations (too good sometimes) we'd all love to see what you stuff your face with every Friday lol.
    Hugs are next to Patricia's.
    Love to all.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Good morning Steph, hope today is better and the dog is OK.
      Sending you some (((hugs))) sounds like you really need them.
      I think like you, the best policy is to get that "smile" going makes such a difference to you and to others.

    2. I agree with Patricia, some times you just have to put a smile on and get on with it, as the more you thing to much about how awful you feel. It gets worse! I hope your dog is ok, they are a worry. Hazel x

    3. Hi Steph,
      I hope the pooch is ok, they can be such a worry, but sounded like the last thing that you needed yesterday!
      I hope that you managed to get into your den today.
      Because I know how stressed you get when you get behind.
      I bet the vets cost a good few 'dies' !
      What is a blood stick?
      Have a good day my lovely,

    4. Janet ecco of Sheffield17 April 2015 at 14:50

      Hello Steph - first I must apologise for the times last week I typed your name and it had come out as 'Stephen' even the times I altered it. I'm sorry the only thing I can think was different was that I used my 'tablet' when catching up on postings. I usually use the laptop and that behaves itself (oh perhaps I shouldn't have said that). Anyway I will try and get some pics of the pastries for you. As a major co-incidence Jim only said last week 'don't you send photos of the cakes'. My reply was that I have enough trying to get photos of cards etc but I will do my best. I still have to take some of the inside of Marigny for Sandra to post. Hope your little four legged friends is OK. Barbed Wire should be well and truly banned or perhaps wrapped around the appropriate necks of those who put it up. That's being very polite by the way. My Daughter would be far more outspoken than that given the numer of animals they get in having been hurt by the wretched wire.
      Hugs to you and yours and of course four paws. xxxx

    5. Hi Steph, hope you are feeling better today and hope four legged friend is not suffering. Barbed wire is nasty, I agree with Janet it should be banned.
      Hugs Saba xxx

  10. Hello Sandra,
    I hope you are well today, what have I missed, I didn't get back on the blog yesterday so I'll have to read all the comments when I get a spare minute.
    The granddaughters are washed, fed, dressed and quietly playing so I'll find out if they are staying for the day, or going home fairly soon.
    Hazel, I hope all is well at the doctors today.
    Sam and Steph, I'm sorry to see that you are poorly and hope you soon feel a hole lot better.
    I'd better go as I can hear some commotion, but I'll be back in later.
    I hope you are all well, love and hugs xxx

  11. P.S. Oh, oh, I'm so sorry - The cards are wonderful. Michele that embossing folder is gorgeous, and the gems and candy on the 21 is just perfect. An ideal card for any age, and for a man - with buttons instead of gems - brilliant. Another idea I'll have to borrow.
    Pat, I adore spots - well on paper and material - so this is just up my street. I think for an older lady or a teenager it's just perfect.
    SANDRA, I've found over the years that stamping is more successful if you put a wadge of copy paper under the card that your stamping. Doesn't matter what type of stamp I use, I always have about 12 sheets of copy paper under my card, I hope this helps.
    Got to go, WW3 about to erupt downstairs

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Thanks for the stamping tips, I have tried that, not too much success, I have noticed that it does depend on the stamps I use, for instance I find that the red rubber justrite dies are find, I tend to have more problem with clear stamps!
      Sounds like you are having fun and games at 'Chez Killen' today, are the granddaughters running rings around granddad?
      I think you will need to be sitting with your feet up and a bottle of wine tonight!
      look forward to seeing you later,

    2. Hi Sandra,
      Not being much of a stamper myself, I use a small foam mat, that came with some alphabet stamps, underneath which helps me to get a clearer image. I have tried the gadget on my CraftDragon but find that so fiddly to keep changing the plates. Another tip I picked up from somewhere was to stamp first then cut out with a die.
      hugs xxx

    3. Hi Sandra,
      One of the ladies at the Craft Class has one of those Stamping DoDas. I am not a stamper and tried it, it works but I still have not bought one.

    4. Hi Muriel, hope you survived WW3.
      I use my mouse pad upside down when stamping as I find it gives me that bit of spring I sometimes need to get the image to stamp clearly.
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

    5. Hi Sandra
      Have you tried rock a blocks? I used to get in a real mess stamping until I tried them, I do find better quality stamps stamp better and a good ink pad helps too. The funky foam under the stamping card also helps xxxx

  12. Good morning Sandra and everyone
    Sandra I do hope you are feeling recovered from the escapade of yesterday, I am interested to know more about your stamping aid perhaps you will be able to give us all an update on it's use and just how good it really is.
    Sam great to see you have been in this morning, please do let us know what you think of these new sponge things. xx
    Wow two really lovely cards today, Michele I had dismissed this EF as I was none too impressed with how it looked and could not see me using it very much but you have made me think again your card is fabulous, thank you so much.
    Pat your card is so lovely I too love this die and use it such a lot and the dotty card, well what can I say except, I love it I have had two orders of it, your pearls just give a lovely touch of luxury I do hope your granddaughter is thrilled with it after all your hard work.
    Patricia just take it easy, housework will keep for another day I am sure even in your house! Do hope you are feeling a little better.
    Steph take care, what exactly are blood sticks I have never heard of them? I do like Savlon healing Gel though it really does work wonders. As for barbed wire I think it should be banned it is dreadful stuff.
    Well I hope to return later especially for Janet's Friday goodies report was there one last week, if so I didn't see it! At least I was a little earlier today!!!
    Have a lovely day everyone hugs and cuddles to you all.
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. 3rd time lucky.............................
      Ooh Margaret thank you for that cuddle, I really appreciated that this morning, I hope and pray that one day I will get to have one in person, all my wishes are that you by some miracle would be able to come in October, but I won't go on!
      I will give you a full appraisal of the stamp press when it arrives, it will be an honest appraisal too!
      I am loving a set of two tonic dies on tv at the moment, they are so different and pretty, I haven't ever used a tonic die so not sure of the quality! what was that embossing folder that you used on that anniversary card that we featured?
      Right I am going before this message disappears again,
      sending you love and lots of cuddles,

    2. Hi Sandra
      Tonic dies are fantastic at cutting and cut so well mine cut first go too, much to Derek's delight as he is having to do it for me at the moment. I will need to check which EF I used on the card will be back later hopefully with an answer.

  13. Firstly I must apologise, I have no idea why today's post published in such a ridiculous layout, I never typed it in that way!
    Well surprise surprise! It's a tattered lace pick of the week! How unusual, only £149.99 so another pocket money purchase!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Sandra,
      I thought you were very clever to have got the layout like that! Lol.
      Did I mention yesterday I was sick of Tattered Lace? Xxx

    2. Popped over to 674 then 675 and saw the machine everyone is talking about. Although Nancy said you didn't have to hold the top as with others, I did notice that it rocks slightly. NOT on my wish list. xxx

  14. Back from the doctors, he was running 40 mins late, but they had explained that he had an elderly couple with him and due to the nature of their appointment he would likely be a bit late, I didn't mind as it could be us in their one day? Anyway due to my sister sharing her water infection with me? Yes I have got one too? I am on antibiotics as he doesn't want to leave it to see what my sample shows as that could be middle of next week before results back, we have a minors injuries unit up at the health centre, why can't they test it there. Any way so doc said he wasn't doing the BP as infections can effect it. Steroids are to stay on the high dose for another 2 weeks then only reduced a little. But apart from that I am fine to drink lots of water. I will have a cup of tea and a toasted tea cake please, money in the pot and I will sit and watch all that's going on and hope someone pops in for a chat. Hazel,x

    1. Hazel, sorry you too had to visit the Doc ! Hope the antibiotics help and keep drinking the water. Just missed you last night and today again! Xxx

    2. Hi Hazel,
      Sorry to hear you have a water infection, that is something I am very familiar with, after my last operation in 2009 I was left with reduced sensation when needing to pass urine, so as a result I was never completely emptying my bladder, which meant I just seem get infection after infection, my GP is very good and said that I needed to start drinking Cranberry Juice on a regular, daily basis, this has helped immensely, she said that she had her daughters drinking it every morning as it had great health benefits, you don't have to buy the Ocean Spray one either, it is more palatable if you have Cranberry and Raspberry juice and supermarkets have their own brands that have the same amount on Cranberry concentrate in if not more than the marker leader, so shop wisely, but I truly think it helps, it did me, I was having them one or twice a month and left untreated it can spread to your kidneys and then you really feel unwell, you have a very busy year ahead, you haven't got time for infections, please rest and let your body heal itself, I am also a bit of an advocate for having those 'live' or biotic yoghurts when you are having antibiotics as they can strip your body of the 'good' bacteria too, we can then get thrush and other side effects but those yoghurts put the good bacteria back in, I only do it when I am on antibiotics.
      Sending you warm, healing hugs
      love too,
      Sandra xxxxxx

    3. Sandra did you by any chance see the " Rip of Britain " programme the other day when they showed that you are just as well to buy the cheaper concentrated brands than the expensive fresh ones? I take a flora fibre tablet every day which is like a live yoghurt, but like you my trouble is not emptying my bladder properly which was caused by the radiotherapy, that's why he has put me on to the antibiotics!! As I have had kidney problems since I was 5. I have to drink a tall glass of water every hour up till 2 hours before going to bed? I have my feet up at the moment as I feel drained after hanging out another wash and ironing the load that came in, that's where I know the antibiotics are needed? So guess who isn't doing any more today? Hazel x

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Hi Hazel,
      hope you are feeling better soon. I have never had your problems but I don't drink enough and was always told that's not good as you can get kidney stones etc. with antibiotica I always get problems so will give that juice a go next time
      Hugs Maria xx

    6. Hi Hazel, how lovely that you share everything, that's what sisters do!
      The antibiotics and gallons of water will soon get it under control.
      Live yogurt is good, but the problem is the acid in your stomach kills it, so it won't really help a urine infection. It's really effective for thrush though if you apply it directly. Bit messy though!!
      Love Saba xxx

    7. Hazel you don't have to do everything your sister does you know!What a pair you are, hope the antibiotics work really quickly for both of you as I said yesterday Derek has trouble with kidney stones and has cranberry every morning it does help.
      Have a restful weekend.
      Margaret xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and All Friends who pop in!
    Well I'm a bit late today! What a morning. It never stopped here. Friday is my big clean up day but as all windows and therefore ledges had been dealt with earlier it shouldn't have taken so long! Well - it was going well until I was putting a box back on the shelf in the craft room - I knocked a punch off the shelf below which knocked a glass lightbulb thingy which contains silver glitter over - it smashed - glitter everywhere mixed with glass! Sometimes you just want to scream!
    Shopping comes on Fraidays and it was later than usual so that made lunch late!
    Well, I think today's cards are both lovely.
    Michelle I think that's a super card for a teenager and your use of the gems to fillin the numbers just lovely! I also really like that EF and it is just perfect for your card. Thank you.
    Pat - I love dottie card too and I always think it looks so clean! I like the shape too and the pearly finishing touch. Thank you.
    It's a lovely day here now - Hazel I hope it has warmed up where you are!
    Norah - missing you - hope you are alright. xx
    Maureen - hope you managed to calm things down and that WW3 was averted.
    Will pop back later.
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Oh Bless you Myra, you are clearly having one of 'those' days!
      I hope it gets better, at least you have added a little sparkle to your Friday, I hope the delivery driver didn't think that you applied the glitter to 'sparkle' just for him! did he offer to put it away for you??
      (the shopping I mean) I know what you lot are like!
      sending love and hugs

    2. Oh! Myra that's was not a good start. Hope the rest of your day went better.

    3. Oh Myra,
      what a morning you must have had. Did you managed to get it up?
      and I mean the glass and glitter,of course lol
      hugs Maria xx

  16. Shopping comes on Fridays! Oops! Xx

    1. Hello my little glitter ball. How lovelyto be so sparkly and if you climb up your garden tree and let the illumination light you up you will look like a fairy.
      Lovely hugs for you
      Saba xxx

    2. You are incorrigible! I have missed you !
      Hope you are behaving.
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    3. Hi Myra what a day you have had, isn't it always the way once things start to go wrong they just escalate!
      Now, have you watched the film Nativity? There's a song on there called "sparkle and Shine" I thought of you!
      Love Diane xxx

  17. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Hope you are enjoying a peaceful day today after a very eventful start to your day yesterday.

    Michelle, Love the 21st birthday card. I Have this EF but haven't used it yet. Your gorgeous card has given me some inspiration, thank you for that. LOL

    Pat, What a gorgeous card you have made for your granddaughter I'm sure she will be delighted with it. Love the A-M card. I have added this spellbinders card creator to my WishList it really does look great.
    Thank you girls for letting Sue show these cards to us.

    Sam, lovely to see you again, but please don't go over doing things.
    Steph, Hope your four paws is feeling a little better, and that you are not pushing yourself too hard, do take care.

    Pat, I'm really sorry I forgot to say - pleased you got on well at the hospital, not such good news for Pete. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

    I think before I go I will have a cup of tea and a piece of fruit cake, and will sit over by the window and watch the world go by.
    Will pop back later just see what everybody's been up to.
    Love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

  18. OOPS The brain is gone dead again!!!
    Thank you girls for letting SANDRA show us your cards.

    1. Hello Brenda,
      Thanks for popping in today, how is your day going? have you got the day to yourselves?
      I was quite flattered that you confused me with Sue, either of them are delightful, talented and lovely ladies!
      See you later,
      Big hugs coming your way.

    2. Hello Sandra, Yes we have the day to ourselves, Ciara went home yesterday evening as mummy will be home today, we do miss her she really is such good company and can talk for England! so this is a very quiet house today, have done a little house work not over doing it
      and some crafting. Thought I would try and catch up with the messages on the blog, and maybe now go back to my craft room, should really be tidying it up.....Will think about that one!
      Sending you love and specially big hugs, love Brenda XXXXX

    3. Brenda it's lovely to hear how well you and Ciara get on. Glad you had a fun time with her.
      Love Saba xxx

  19. Janet ecco of Sheffield17 April 2015 at 15:04

    Afternoon one and all.
    Well how different it is today - I've actually lit the log burner this afternoon. It rained heavily in the night and so this morning it was wet, damp and cold. Considering the temps we have had this week it was really a shock to the system. We ventured out to Corbigny to the weekly market as usual though after the monthly one on Tuesday it was very quiet all round. The cafe was full and Mrs Gossip was holding forth. Her husband got up and went out early today so I dread to think what he had to hear when she arrived home!! Other than that it was just the usual crowd. Pastries were bought and I'll let you know tomorrow how and what they were.
    I cannot believe that this week-end will be our last here as we leave next Sunday to sail on Monday 27th April. Time has really gone speedily this time. We hope to return in the middle of June for our summer as always.
    Just a note to bring you up todate on Christina's lodgers at the moment. She has a new intake this week of a pigeon with a broken wing; a Sparrow Hawk with a damaged wing - thankfully not broken so fingers crossed for a full recovery of him. The owl's wing is now back to full health but he will not fly properly and so cannot be released. It looks as though he will have to go to a sanctuary. All the Hedgepigs are now out and about and last but not least she had a telephone call two days ago from the TV programme DIY SOS who were filming near Heanor in Derbyshire saying that they had knocked a wall down and then found a bird's nest with one baby bird in it and could they fetch it. So off Robert went to collect it. He is now playing Daddy bird to baby and feeding it every half hour. It's a good job he can work from home when need be!!
    Hope everyone is ready for a good week-end and that all plans made go smoothly. Enjoy the rest of the day and I'll speak to you tomorrow.
    Hugs are on their way as usual. Can someone please put them in the basket after taking theirs. Thank you.
    Janet xxxx

  20. Hi Karen,
    I am sorry to hear that you are not enjoying your Weaving dies, I saw them up close at Ally Pally and fell in love with them but couldn't really afford them as you obviously had to buy the two!
    they do seem quite fiddly.
    I hope you are well and have good weather, the sun is shining brightly here, although it is chilly!
    Sending love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  21. Had an e-mail from Craft Super store. They have the New Teal GC down to £79.99 XCut one, £89.99 Sizzx's big shoot A4 is down to £115.99 Circuit £239.99 and Sizzx's boutique £30. Do you think they are feeling they are feeling the pinch? Folk aren't buying??? But a Teal GC for that when they are not that long out? I fancy buying the little Sizzx's at £30 for a xmas present for Beth, she would love that! Oh I am laughing at my OH. Our toyota is in getting a recall part fitted and they have give him a brand new smallest toyota and he is having a job getting it out of the parking place the big one sits in, he did say he wasn't impressed? Hazel x

  22. Hi everyone just popped back for a quick catchup, sorry to hear about visits to doctors and vets, I hope everything clears up soon for everyone.
    Sandra, if you are having trouble with your clear stamps don't press too hard or the ink bleeds out, have you tried the rock-a-blocks I find they are ok for clear stamps. Hugs to everyone, Jess x

  23. Yoo Hoo,
    I can hardly move!! E and Z went home about 11.30 and George and I had a bacon sarnie about 12.30 for lunch. Phone rang just as I was about to take 1st bite and it was my daughter. Zoe want sto come to your house for lunch!!! Ok I said, we'll pick her up in 10 minutes. Threw the sandwiches down our throat (with a mouth my size it was no trouble!!!) and went to get her.
    My word, she came downstairs carrying her childrens' cook book and showed us what she wanted to make for lunch. I vetoed the first one because the cost of the ingredients would have been ridiculous. She showed me her second choice which was not so bad, we only had to buy - wait for it:-
    chicken breasts (put the rest in the fridge for tea tomorow, so not so bad_
    Rice vinegar
    honey (which I will use)
    Sesame oil
    Brocolli (the rest of which we will use)
    Pasta of her choice (none of the bog standard cheap stuff which I have in my cupboard!!)
    Ye gods, it would have been cheaper to take her to the Ritz lol.
    We came home and I cooked the pasta (boiling water, no way I'd let an 8 year old handle the pan), and I was her assistant to cook the chicken. All the other stuff she prepared (under supervision) and when it was ready ate every scrap and declared it delicious, so no money wasted.
    Then it was a trip to the local park, Grandad went for Eleanor and I've run up and down pushing them on the zip wire, helped Z on the monkey bars and generally been on hand to push, shove, run and manoeuvre into some unusual positions.
    We've taken them home and now I'm going to collapse!!!
    I don't know what you've all been up to and will read the comments when I've had a nice cup of coffee and recovered some strength. It's been another lovely sunnny day today, didn't even need a woollie on in the park.
    Bye for now, see you all later.

    1. OMG Maureen, And I thought granddaughter ( same age) kept us busy - please go and rest before you expire! LOL

    2. Sounds good even if it was expensive. They fairly have BIG ideas these young ones.
      Boys gone home, both of us sitting with our feet up enjoying enjoying the peace and quite.
      Grandpa more tired than me after playing In the Burn with the boys. Robert was first casualty, slipped and got water in his right foot wellie. Out again with Wellie Socks on and my wellies. They had cut the grass outside the hedge along by the road. Trimmed some bushes then tidied up all the gear. Busy day for them, I just supplied the food.

    3. Hey Maureen, have you turned i into SUPERWOMAN. Where on earth do you get the energy from. Can you please bottle it up and send some down to Oxfordshire.

    4. Please can you send me a bottle too. My 4 year old is slowly killing me.

    5. and to Buckinghamshire lol Hi Maureen,well hopefully you will have a good night after all that running around today. Must be lovely to have grandchildren, hugs Maria xx

    6. And to Cumbria too if need be I will pop over and collect! xxx

  24. I've just had another try. I will be posting my results on my blog tomorrow...

  25. Hi Sandra,hope your ok & enjoyed all your crafty shopping today, I'm pleased with my crafts two stamper, the stamp that I was geting a void after stamping was brilliant useing it. Haven't been upto much today,I will have to make a appointment I think for doctors next week as my neck back & feet have been really painfull latley I think my Arthritis is getting worse. We now have a new doctor as our surgery has shut down so we had to register with another doctor so hopefully he/she will be better.
    Michelle I love your card I bought that embossing folder at AP but haven't used it how you have embellished the numbers. Pat your card is also gorgeous I love that SB die it's lovely so effective,& love the colours.
    Well try & pop back later for catch up with the night owls.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, sorry your arthritis is causing you so much pain. Sending you comforting hugs.
      Love Saba xxx

    2. Hi Lynda, I'm so sorry for you and really hope your new doctor can help you out. I got co-codamol again on top of my others so yes I'm feeling like I flooting a bit this evening. Promise to be careful but it's the first time today the pain is numb a bit so just need a good nights sleep now so I can do some gardening tomorrow
      Love and hugs Maria xx

    3. Aww thank you Saba,Hope Val is still doing ok & you are still enjoying your time here. Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi Maria,
      Thank you I'm on 30/500 mg codeine phosphate/ paracetamol capsules have been on them a while now not sure if they are are helping any more.but hay ho plenty more on this blog worse than me
      Hope you feel better tomorrow MARIA DON'T over do the gardening & make things worse my friend.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Lynda sweetheart I am so sorry that you are suffering with more pain, I would definitely go get a review of your pain meds, I hate going to a new doctor though, its the thought of going through your whole history, what a nightmare, worth it though if you end up with a better doctor!
      I can't wait for my stamp thingy to arrive, hoping its the answer to all my prayers! (believe it when I see it)!
      I am looking forward to getting my new blending egg thingies from creative expressions, they look really good!
      I hope you have a good weekend Lynda, with too much pain, Broadstairs was on the news today but I can't remember what for!
      Sending you big pain healing hugs

    6. Lynda you take it easy please, you have I think been over doing the cleaning so not a bit of wonder you are having extra pain. So please this weekend just relax and take it easy, to say the least you have earned it.
      Do hope you are feeling easier really soon
      Love and hugs
      Margaret xxx

    7. Lynda,
      So sorry you are suffering so much pain! Maybe you have been overdoing the cleaning! Think we've all gone a bit mad this week!
      I don't know about a glittering future but I've certainly had a glittering day! Xxx

  26. Hi Sandra
    We had a trip to Evesham Garden Centre for lunch. My word what a journey. Part of the A44 had been closed. Remember this is a main road with large lorries etc going up and down all day. We had to do a detour going over single track roads. We followed 5 big lorries, cars and in front of us was a car pulling a caravan. Hairy wasn't the word for it with the same coming towards us. We had to go via Snowshill. Needless to say we didn't go back that way.
    Thanks for the comments about my card I made for Olivia. She loved it. The Happy Birthday is made by a company called PRESSCUT and cost £4.95. I bought it from Farnborough Craft Show. It also says it came from Everyone seems to be having a really busy day today. Hope that everyone takes it easy for the rest of the evening.

    1. Hi Pat
      What a palava for you having to take a detour, I hope it was well signposted, sometimes they take you part way then just abandon you! Sounds as though your journey was quite scary ! When I came back from Salisbury last night the motorway junction was closed so the detour took us on the motorway going the other way, off at the next junction and back on again which added about half an hour to the journey. Our motorway has been closed at least one day for the last few weeks due to serious accidents which has caused chaos xxx

  27. Maureen, what did you put in those sandwiches that were in your picnic??? As I will have to get some of it? You know when you get to a certain age you are meant to start taking it a bit easier? ( I know the kettle calling the pot black) but I don't do running with zip wires and that now a days I leave that to the older ones helping the younger ones! Feet up and take it easy. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, It was a little bit of what Patricia puts in hers!!!!! xxx

    2. Oooo!! I just LOVE on the Zip wire. We have one in the big park that's 3 miles along the road from us.
      The village park just has 2 swings which I love having a go on. The boys are getting older, changes will get less & less of an excuse on these things.
      I am keeping that ingredient a secret........!!!

  28. Right, I've had a rest, a nice cup of coffee and have decided to buy the Tattered Lace special dies and DVDs, the Crossover Machine and the Tonic Craftinator. All this on the same day, are they living in the real world, do they not know we are saving up for our Retreat. Come on C&C get your act together!!!
    Patricia and Hazel, I hope you both get sorted out regarding your water infections. Rachel has been bothered with this since being a baby and although it has been investigated at the hospital, Cranberry juice is often on the agenda.
    Michele, what is the EF called, I am going to treat myself to it.
    Janet, had to laugh at the description of Mrs Gossip, what a great name.
    Brenda, I know you'll miss Ciara being there. It's great when they chatter away about nothing and everything.
    Sandra, I cannot get away with the rocker blocks, but I find that my Clarity stamps never, ever let me down. They stamp perfectly every time, and I've used them for about 15 years. (not the same ones all that time!)
    Myra, sounds as though you've had a "smashing" day. Hopefully The Sun'll come out Tomorrow!. Yes WW3 averted, it turned out to only be WW2 1/2.
    Steph, I do hope you are brighter tomorrow and that you feel more like your old self.
    Pat, my love and prayers to you and Pete.
    Margaret, I hope your corgis are fighting fit and that you are not in so much pain.
    Norah, where are you?
    Cheryl, love to you.
    See you all later
    Muriel xxx

    1. Oh Maureen I feel tired out having read what you have been up to today, I'll bet you sleep well tonight, do take care not to fall asleep before you get to bed!!!
      Thank you sweetheart yes the corgis are fully recovered from their ops at the vets last week but the bank balance has not quite recovered, but they are worth it for all the pleasure they give.
      I am getting used to the pain with my shoulder but hey ho at least I am still breathing time to worry is when I stop that is my motto I just keep smiling. So lovely of you to ask thank you.
      Will you have the chance of a rest tomorrow, I hope so.
      With love
      Margaret xxx

    2. Maureen
      You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear , how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away.
      I don't know who sung it but I can remember it being sung when I was little! I love my Clarity Stamps too, perfect every time. You've been on that zip wire again haven't you!!!
      Take care love Diane xxx

    3. I don't know who sang it either but my mum used to sing to us when me and my sister were little as a lullaby

  29. Thanks for all the lovely comments & i'm glad to have provided some inspiration. just two more pop-up 21st cards to make this weekend!


  30. But Maureen will that big sister of mine share some of it with me? She turns me into crumbs and share her water infections!!., but not that portion that give superwoman powers? Hazel,x

  31. Hazel if I share the secret ingredient with you do you promise NOT to tell???

  32. Evening ladies, 2 beautiful cards I got the embossing folder this week and it is also great for frames.

    Just can't see your problem ladies a £300 die cutting machine, tattered lace pick of the week and tonic craftinator why are you all reluctant to part with about £600??!! It's all a snip! Ms Weightmans pushing her luck if you ask me no wonder she came back to c and c!

    Have a nice evening see you all tomorrow

    1. Hi Alison,
      you are right about ms weightman, I wonder how she benefits financially now that C&C own Tattered lace, do you think she is paid as a designer? she must have sold it to them for a pretty penny, but she still works on there as a presenter, its all very strange, I read on a blog this morning that the CrossOver machine was originally a Cheery Lyn machine and retailed for about £150, so they were all questioning what they had done to it for it to be double the price, apart from adding the tattered lace name to it? if you could have seen their stand at the show though, the dies were on buy one get one half price, but everytime I walked (wheeled) past it was deserted, not a soul in sight, so they surely wouldn't have covered the extortionate cost of their huge stand for the weekend!

  33. Ooooohhhh
    Saba, it's lovely to see your posts on the blog. I hope you are all doing really well and that Oliver doesn't manage to finish you off before it's time to go to the Mother country - or whatever it's called. Love and hugs x
    Hazel, well I could give you the recipe, but I'll have to kill you! Patricia told me in the strictest confidence and she started the conversation with :-
    "We cannot let this go any further, oh crumbs", so you see I just cannot tell you ha ha.
    I've got to tell you all that I am sooooooo tired I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm supposed to be up here making a baby card for my friend's daughter who had a baby girl 4 weeks early. Everything is ok except baby Charlotte is having to be fed by tube, but I think I'll leave it until tomorrow. I know what I'm going to do so the making it will be easy.
    I don't know about anyone else, but I cannot wait for the morning to see Sandra's super duper, all singing all dancing, opening comments on the blog. If this morning's are anything to go by we should all be in for a treat. How did you manage such a thing of beauty?? You know what Sandra, I bet if you had set out to do it, you wouldn't have managed it. It is very effective though x.
    Barbie, I'm not sure, but is SW part of the management at C&C - or have I dreamt it???
    Cheryl hasn't been in much, I hope she's not in her garden again, she wears me out.
    Myra - are you not feeling well? There have been no songs from you today, or have I missed them? Come on now, pull yourself together and "Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Down, and Start all Over Again" just like you did when you covered yourself in sparkle.
    Goodnight all, if I can summon the strength I'll call back in.
    Sandra, you look after yourself, we need you to keep this super blog going and to keep us in order xxx
    Muriel xxx

    1. are you talking about that bloody ridiculous layout, I was so miffed when I saw it published, it didn't look like that in my draft !
      well it gave you all something to giggle at!
      tomorrows post may yet be cancelled, I am not sure I have enough mixed crafts!
      I will go have a poke about in the depths of the files on the laptop, see if there are in covered in cobwebs at the back that I can dust off and post!
      You have had a busy day Mau, you take it easy now!
      I might go for that design tomorrow!

    2. Helloooooooooo
      and b****r it!
      Another long missive On the Road to Nowhere, and I'm NOT walking 500 Miles to find it!!!
      Nearly bedtime so I'll pop in the corner in the hope someone comes in for me to say goodnight to.
      Pat, I have been so lost in my own thoughts, I was very remiss not to leave you a comforting comment re Pete's cancer. You will be in my prayers tonight my dear. Take comfort knowing that this is Cafe is a wonderful place with loving friends to support you.
      Love& hugs
      Cheryl xxx

    3. Hi Sandra sent you some pics for mixed crafts earlier this evening. Hope you got them. Thank you for sharing Michele's and Pats cards with us. They are both gorgeous. I have the stamps Michele used and forgot about them last week when I made my Grandson a 21st card and used a template I had instead. It is very effective with the buttons and candy. Pat your card is lovely. I am sure your granddaughter loved it.
      Last day at pottery today. Picked up some pieces from the kiln which
      H will go in the gallery tomorrow. Will try and photograph them before I go. Tried a new glaze and it is gorgeous.
      Sorry to hear so many of you are feeling unwell and hope you all soon feel better. I am feeling very tired so off to bed now before I fall asleep agsin. Didn't have a good night last night so hope gonight is better. See you all tomorrow

  34. Helloooooo

    I came in earlier roundabout 3:30 ish and left a very long message, which I believe has caught this nasty Vanishing Bug and flown away into Cyberspace along with everybody else's over the last few weeks. I now can't remember what I wrote.
    Pat & Michele, what beautiful statement cards you both have posted today.
    Loving them enormously.
    Having to go back and read comments to catch up, here was I in my own sad thoughts and I am mortified that I didn't leave a comforting comment for you Pat and OH Pete, what a shock you both had learning about his cancer. I have said a few little prayers for you both. Stay strong my dear.
    Nearly bedtime so I'll just loiter for a while with a hot chocolate, and see if anyone pops in.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  35. Helloooooo

    I came in earlier roundabout 3:30 ish and left a very long message, which I believe has caught this nasty Vanishing Bug and flown away into Cyberspace along with everybody else's over the last few weeks. I now can't remember what I wrote.
    Pat & Michele, what beautiful statement cards you both have posted today.
    Loving them enormously.
    Having to go back and read comments to catch up, here was I in my own sad thoughts and I am mortified that I didn't leave a comforting comment for you Pat and OH Pete, what a shock you both had learning about his cancer. I have said a few little prayers for you both. Stay strong my dear.
    Nearly bedtime so I'll just loiter for a while with a hot chocolate, and see if anyone pops in.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. And here they are, one even duplicated. xxx

    2. Ha ha, well Cheryl, you cannot have too much of a good thing!!
      Love Muriel xxx

    3. tihi bless you Cheryl, have a good night !
      love and hugs Maria xx

    4. Goodnight dear heart, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. xxx

    5. Nighty night Maria, see you tomorrow. xxx

    6. Oh Cheryl ! I'm confused - I know it doesn't take much! You have made me smile! Night night, sleep well!
      Love Myra xxx

    7. Hi Cheryl, so good you said it twice! Enjoy your hot chocolate and sleep well tonight xxx

  36. Sandra, we will manage with what ever you have to show us??? It's not easy to make up a blog every day, we enjoy coming in to chat and yes it's lovely to see all these stunning cards and crafts, but we will be in reguardless. I would have sent something in but I don't have anything. I am not blogging that much myself as I am not making much apart from Alice's invites. have you not a piece of now is it Lucy or Sophie art work? You could show us?!., Just a thought. Hazel x

  37. Good night Cheryl so pleased you won in the end with your post I too know how frustrating it can be to say the least.
    Sweet dreams sweetheart
    Good night and God Bless
    Margaret xxx

  38. Evening ladies,
    I think I have replied to all the comments so far today, but if I have missed anyone out, sorry.
    Michele I think you did a brilliant job of getting mainly black into your card, it must be difficult when a customer specifies exactly what they want. I nearly bought that EF at Ally Pally and put it back at the last moment, now I wish I had it.
    Pat, I am not surprised Olivia loved her card. It is so pretty. Love the rounded edges. Thinking of you and Pete with love.

    Sandra, Sorry I didn't comment yesterday, your card was lovely. The stamping plate by fiskars is brilliant. I received one last year for my birthday and love it. It is perfect for getting sentiments straight or if you want a repeat a pattern with a group of stamps.
    I have a few tonic dies as well which I am really impressed with. They cut like a dream.
    I agree with all the comments from yesterday. It just seems far too soon for another launch. And as yet we haven't seen many cards made using the last launch. I am much more selective nowadays about which dies I buy. I don't feel the need to have the whole collection and even if I did, it it is slowly becoming impossible.
    Hope you are are all having a good evening.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

  39. Saba, lovely to see you back in again, how is Val doing?are you staying with her at the moment or are with your other daughter? Even you are not staying with Val but seeing lots of her it will be good for you both, and spending time with your grand children will be special too. It's funny how none of us have got excited about Sue's news of her new die launch? Your right there are not even a lot of cards being made with her last collection, Sue herself seem to use a lot of the last but one collection. She surely runs out of designs like we all do.
    I have had my hot chocolate, money is in the pot. I have wiped down the tables and cleaned the coffee machine. Hazel x

  40. Helloooooooo,
    has no one sent you any pictures of their pets yet? I'd like to see all the little darlings even Lynda's Freddy lol and what about some from the animal sanctuary, I have never seen a hedgepig before tihi
    A new pound shop have opened near town and I will try to go there tomorrow,
    I need more magnet sheets hihi oh and a folder to keep them in, they are in such a mess at the moment, no idea why....
    Saba- hope you are having a nice time and you got to see some of the english spring before it got cold again. Have friends from Bamburgh coming to see us at the end of April for a couple of days before they continue down to Bournemouth,
    he speaks five languishes but he's wife don't speak anything else then german so it will be a lot of hand waving between us hihi.
    Christian (son) home from work so we are going to watch a film together, you take it easy now , all of you! Have a good night (awake or asleep that's the question ?) see you tomorrow,
    love and hugs Maria xx

  41. Good night all,
    The clock has been put out and the cat wound up!!!! Well something like that.
    Dishwasher is filled but not on because Maria is too nice to get a bad ear and throat again. Had a very nice hot chocolate (real not virtual) and will see you all in the morning.
    Night, night, sweet dreams and love, hugs and prayers to all.
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. Thank you Muriel for thinking of me but you can put the machine on if you want. hihi Also sitting here with a hot chocolate and going to watch a film before bed so you have a good night.
      hugs xx

    2. Night Night Muriel!
      You've had quite a day! My whole house seems to be sparkling but not quite in the way I intended! I'm trying so hard to think of a suitable song! An appropriate one for you might be - " slow down you're goin' too fast! " xxx

    3. How about twinkle twinkle little star for your song

    4. Excellent Margaret!
      I did not feel like a Star little or big but I did twinkle big time! I'm sure I'll find glitter for at least a week in the most unlikely places! - I do mean in the house! Xxx

    5. Hi Myra
      I left a comment further up, how about "sparkle and Shine" from the film Nativity, that's about right for today! Xxx

    6. Good night Mureial Sweet dreams are made of this ( my song.)
      MYRA good job you don't have Droopy bits ( like me ) or they would be sparkly bits most uncomfortable hihi
      Maria hope you have a good sleep tonight or morning whichever comes first. Enjoy your film.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  42. Hi Sandra, and any of the night owls. I looked in earlier, but then someone called for me and kept me busy all day. I can't complain though, everyone seems to be having a busy time.
    Lovely cards today. It's great to see so many different styles.
    Could you put your email address back here Sandra. I know you did before but I can't see it, then I may even send you some pictures.
    Going back to C&C and this week's fantastic bargains. Have you noticed that they only give you a percentage sale, Had a quick look today to see what was so special about this machine (nothing) and noticed the sales jumped from 40 to 45%, That could be 1 machine if they only have 20.
    OK, will see if I can sleep tonight, usually manage every few nights.
    Hugs for everyone

    1. Janice hope you sleep well too!
      Night Night, love Myra xx

  43. Well I'm going to gave a Baileys before I turn in tonight. We've had a busy day doing nothing. It's so tiring isn't it. Dropped off during Griff Rees Jones. Pete decided to have a whisky so I though I'd drown his sorrows as well. Thanks gif all your good wishes. I gave a full bottle of Baileys if anyone wishes yo join Nd. I'll make sure that Sandra is indoors before I lock up after me. A baileys might help you sleep Janice.

    1. Night Night Pat - I've got a glass of white wine here! Not too keen on Bailey's. Thanks for the kind offer. Hope you both sleep well.
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Might just join you in that Pat. Will let you know if it works tomorrow.
      Night night, hope you sleep well too

    3. Hi Pat, Emma and I sat here tonight looking up cocktail recipes using Baileys earlier on this evening for a bit of a laugh. We didn't make any though, that's for another day!!!
      I think I'm probably the last one up! Must go to bed in a minute, I'm hoping Julian will be home from work soon, he drove back from London this morning after working most of last night then went into the office for a meeting at 3 and then is working tonight and over the weekend. I hope we get to see him for at least part of the weekend though, but it's a nightmare for arranging meals and I don't like it when he ends up eating take always rather than proper food!
      Night night everyone sleep tight, see you tomorrow, can't wait to see the blog layout in the morning!! Lol
      Hope those that have had a rough day today feel better tomorrow and I hope the sun shines again to cheer us all up!
      Sweet dreams everyone.
      Love Diane xxx

  44. I adore all of your comments re C&C Hadn't realised that Ms S Weightman had sold TL to C&C I was at AP on the Sunday and the TL stall was deserted then too I think the a happy Birthday die is a bit cheaper on icon night all see you tomorrow and SANDRA please put your email back on coz I couldn't find it either
