
Wednesday 15 April 2015

A Perfect Pair of Pop -Ups! By Michele!

Good Morning Ladies,
Just look at how fabulous todays cards are, what teenager wouldn't love these amazing creations,
they would definitely be regarding this card as "Cool"! Which is something quite hard to achieve with teenagers these days!

I love both of these colour combinations, they could be used for both girls and boys!
I am hoping that Michele has a template or something so that we can all have a go at making
one of these cards, I imagine once you have got the mechanics right the decoration of the pop up card is up to you, I am quite excited at the prospect of completing one of these!
So Michele I will be looking forward to you coming in and telling us all about your cards.
Well it was so lovely to see Patwyn return to the café yesterday, I hope that you will soon be up to
popping in more often, you will be in the best place for support.
Cheryl my lovely I hope that you feel up to a visit as well today, I have missed your daily post,
I find you such a positive and uplifting influence on my life! Hurry back, please xx
Well a lovely day ahead today as I have Pat and Sue coming to play, which I am very much looking forward to, particularly as Paul is away!
They will have to ignore the dust etc as my domestic genius is not here, if I hoovered there would be no crafting, so you can't have it both ways, it always needs doing again when you leave anyway!
The important things are always clean, my only problem is you have to walk through my craft room to get to the toilet, and that is rarely tidy, I just can't craft tidy, sorry!
Well I am off for a cup of tea,
love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Morning everyone. What did I tell you some time ago ? Its grim up North ! Whilst you lucky ladies down south bask in the beautiful sunshine, we are expecting grey clouds and the odd spot of rain !!
    Good job we have this amazing box of sunshine to wow us. Michelle you are SO clever, I wouldn't know where to start (a peice of card would help) lol.

    Ive been mulling over that nasty message from last Wednesday, why is it under Patricia's name ? Could it be that woman that had that argument with our Patricia I wonder ?
    Anyway onto something happier, have a wonderful day Sandra, enjoy your crafty company, thinking of you Pat xx
    Hugs to all.
    Water boiling and tables ready. Tea cakes ready for toasting for anyone that fancies one, lemon and orange curd in the fridge xx

    1. Steph - did you not have a lovely sunny day yesterday! It was lovely here after 11 am! Still hoping for sun today too! Xxx

    2. Steph, come oop norf. It's lovely and cold, with a biting wind, and raining as I speak. Ain't life grand!!! xxx
      Myra, where are you? Now I don't mean living room, dining room, etc. I mean georgraphically!! xxx

    3. Myra, how many times have I told you that there is only one r in geographically xxx

    4. We had a good day of weather yesterday, just one shower!!!! started before midnight, still on today, but the sun is trying to get out now. So please stop telling me how hot and sunny it is. It's easy to find Fort William on the weather map, just look for the blue bit.

    5. Janice, I thought the west of Scotland was supposed to be wet today. We always go by the south east of Scotland weather report, because the north to the BBC is somewhere like Birmingham!!! xxx

    6. Hi Muriel,
      You are struggling with geographically! Probably too similar to George for you! I am in Lancashire but nearer to the coast than Steph . I'm not far from Southport and our Michelle! I blame the Pennines for Bolton's weather. My mother blamed Ireland for the rain in the West of Scotland! I discovered some people in Ireland blame the USA for their rain! That Blame Culture has reached everywhere!
      It's drizzling here today! Ugh! Xx

    7. We have rain and a biting wind yet again today up her in Cumbria. My Mum always blamed our weather on Ireland! Although she loved Ireland and going there to see family but every time she sailed over wow such rough seas always whipped up we could leave Scotland weather beautiful but never stayed that way! xxx

  2. Aaaaaaagh, second attempt gone half way through typing!!!!!!!!!!
    Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. I can't write it all again but must say that I thought your card yesterday was perfect Sandra. Just right for someone who doesn't want traditional sympathy cards.
    Michele, I love both of your cards, they are perfect for those "nearly as hard as the men to make cards for" teenagers : ) Please can you tell us how big the "box part of yours are as I had a go at following some instructions online but it was rather small and on looking around they all seem to be similar sizes. Do you think there is a reason, apart from the cost of posting, for this? It is funny but I have to make a birthday card for our Paige, who will be 4 and I had decided to make a Frozen one of these today! How strange is that? They are great fun aren't they. Thank you for sharing Michele : )
    I am going to read yesterdays comments then get ready for a lovely crafting day with Sandra and Pat : )
    Have a good day everyone. Sorry to those of you that don't have the glorious sunshine we have at the moment! I can assure you all that it won't be this lovely in North Devon next week as Chris, Gem and I are there on holiday Friday to Friday. I have often said that we could sell ourselves to areas that need rain as we have had very few dry holidays, no matter how long it has been rain free! : )
    Take care xx

    1. Ah Mrs B,
      George and I went to Torquay the first summer after we were married, as he had been there with his two brothers a few years before and it had been wall to wall sunshine. We went August 1967 (never forget the date) and it was wall to wall rain. And it was lovely to hear the people who owned the hotel saying, "this is the first rain we've had in months"!!!
      The day we were coming home (12 hours on the train) the sun was splitting the pavement. I think I cried for 11 of the 12 hours because I was thinking of all the things we could have done with the money we had spent! Oh happy days! xxx

    2. Mrs B you are just like us, it's quite rare for us to get sunny weather when we go on holiday so we pack for all eventualities! People we know have even changed their holiday weeks so they are away at a different time to us! Mind you the two times we have been to Aberdeen it has been warm and sunny, we haven't yet experienced the freezing cold we've been told about! I'm sure we will though! Xxx

    3. I think I will have to tell you when our Tammy goes on holiday as when she is on holidays they get gorgeous weather, think last week how good it was and yes they were on holiday, back to work this week rotten weather. well North of the border!. Hazel x

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Gang, hope you are all well. If not I am sending some (((((hugs))))).
    Michelle your cards are amazing and absolutely perfect for teenagers. Change the colours, perfect for young ladies as well. Mind you some young ladies would also love those colours,
    STEPF:- I had a wee difference of opinion with one of my Craft Class Ladies last week. For as much as I was upset because I am not that type of person. I would rather turn the other cheek. It really was not "vicious" and I can't think it could incur a horrible comment on Sandra's Blog. To be honest I don't think she would know what a "Blog" is. I also don't think anyone other than Hazel knows I comment on this Blog others all the Coofee ShopGang!!!
    SAM:- I don't have to go outside to clean my windows, they are all "tilt & turn". I did go out to do the Patio Doors but that only took minutes, thank you for your concern. I am better today .... so far. I do have problems with Kidney Stones, hopefully drinking plenty water during the day will help.
    Saying that I will have a cup of tea & some toast before I start the day. Not a lot on the cards today, the boys may appear to help their Dad fill the trailer with some wood. There is still loads of wood and they have an open fire as well.
    Cup washed, crumbs cleared, money's the pot.
    Be back later to see what's going on.
    Left my usual basket of (((((hugs))))) at the door, please help yourselves

    1. Ok Patricia, thanks. I was just worried that this lady was being evil towards you and would get to you anyway she could even if it meant worrying others. Hope I didnt upset you in anyway xx
      Steph xx

    2. ooh Patricia, kidney stones are very painful, as you will know of course!!! I hope you get some relief. xx

    3. I know the pain of kidney stones well, my brother and I both suffer there. Just keep drinking the water.

    4. Hi Patricia sorry you have had pain but Derek has problems with kidney stones and after his last op to remove them the hospital told him to have at least one glass of cranberry juice every day. At first he did not like the taste oh what faces he pulled, but has got used to it and has had no stones now for well over five years. He has to have a scan every two years and there is no sign of any. xxx

    5. Steph, you have not upset me. The person is a bit of a witch .... but we can't all be perfect can we???

    6. My GP also recommends a glass of Cranberry Juice every day, for me it's for Water infections, but the antioxidants in it are really useful for destroying bacteria!
      I quite like it, I have Cranberry and Raspberry juice, it tastes more pleasant, also don't buy the ocean spray one thinking it's the best, some cheaper brands have more Cranberry concentrate in them!
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    It's a shock to see your own cards on this lovely blog! I Found some instructions in a craft magazine gor this style card & tweaked them a little. The main "box" uses one sheet of A4 card-mid thickness as it needs to fold easily after scoring it. I score it as 7,14,21 & 28 cm with the long side towards me. Fold all the score lines & the box shape appears. The tony piece is to glue thd box together but some of it needs to be chopped away. I found that 9cm for the "flaps" was just about right-flatten the card out again and on the three panels furthest fron the tiny side strip, score 9cm down from the top. Your A4 piece of card should have (from the left) three 7cm wide panels with a score line at 9cm down, a 7cm wide panel with NO score line accross it and the tine side strip. You can trim some of the side stip off-I score it at 9cm down and remove the shorter piece. The three flaps need cutting so turn the A4 card 180 degrees and cut down on the three 9x7cm panels & turn the card completely over to fold tbe panels. I chose to round the corners off which helps if you've not been too accurate cutting! Now glue the box part together by using a really good glue or red line tape along the side strip, having folded the card into its box shape. I choose to glue the strip inside the box to make it look neater. You should end up with something looking like my cards. I love these as the fold flattish so you can post them-I use expandable envelopes.

    I can send in the printed instructions if anyone wants them.I'll pop back tonight to answer any questions.


    1. The "tony piece" should read TINY!

    2. Hi Michele
      Printed instructions would be good. If Sandra can follow wht youve printed then I'm ok. She's a wiss at everything she does.

    3. Hi Michele,I love your boxes they are gorgeous they would just be perfect for my step granddaughter 18 th birthday. So I would love the printed instructions please thanks Lynda xx

    4. Hi Michele, fantastic and I'd love the printed instructions. Maureen xx

    5. Michele printed instructions would be fantastic if it is not too much trouble for you, I know just how busy you are. I really love your boxes and they will make great cards for teenagers. Many thanks
      Margaret xxx

    6. Will email the instructions to Sandra then you can arrange how to get a copy. I don't mind emailing them out-just don't want to print my email on here if at all possible.


    7. Very wise! I wouldn't do that either. Xx

  5. Sorry SAM:- it was MATGARET that commented on me being out cleaning widows. Another of these "blonde moments"

    1. And of course that should be MARGARET .... oh! I am off to hibernate the rest of the day!!!

    2. Don't wory Tapricia, we all mack sully mistooks now and agen xxx

    3. Muriel - thank you - you made me laugh out loud with that one! Xxx

    4. Myra, my pleasure, you know my only aim in life is to serve and please the sisters on this blog! xx

    5. Myra, my pleasure, you know my only aim in life is to serve and please the sisters on this blog! xx

    6. So good they named it twice!! Xx

    7. Maureen a question for you was that a deliberate mistake or have you been to the Beer and Cider Festival that is on in Newcastle and had a drop tooooooo much? xxx

    8. Oh Maureen you been on the Newkey Brown this early in the day? Now is it Muriel or George who's leading you astray? (I didn't mean that to rhyme it came out like it at the time!) xxx

    9. Oh Diane,
      Your on top form today! You're a poet and you didn't know it! Xx

  6. Hi Sandra My Friend and all my other dear Friends
    In The Coffee Shop I'm still taking each day one at a time as I so wish to be ok for my holiday we've had to take out extra Insurance this year just to be on the safe side I'm always covered for Epilepsy but now with my other problems my husband wants to make sure.
    Michelle your Pop Up Boxes Are Beautiful I Did One At My Craft Class Last Year There Was One On Facebook Yesterday Using A Template From Rob Addams Which Was Really Nice I Love The Fact You Can Fold Flat And Place Into An Envelope. I Really Love The Colours You've Used.
    I Would Just Like To Say A Huge Thank You All For Your Kindness And Encouragement Your All Such Wonderful Extremely Kind Friends I Can't Begin To Thank You Enough
    Love To You All
    Sandra Thanks For Being There For Me
    Love From Sam xxx

    1. Sam, my dear,
      So glad to hear you are improving daily. As you say, you need to be fit for your holiday which I am sure you will enjoy immensely.
      Love & hugs on their way to you. xxx

    2. Hi Sam
      I'm so glad that your feeling a bit better. I do hope that you gave a lovely holiday.

    3. Hi Sam
      So pleased to hear you are improving each day,& hope your well for you holiday & you can enjoy it.xxxx

    4. Hi Sam, it's lovely to see you and I'm glad that you are picking up. Take things easy and take care. xxxx

    5. Sam, a day at a time and do just what your body is able to do and you will get there. Lovely to see you back. Hazel x

    6. Hi Sam one day at a time and the change of scenery for your holiday will make all the difference I'm sure . Lovely to see you popping In again xxx

    7. Wonderful to see your post Sam thinking of you and your boys, hope they are ok. Just take it one day at a time and you will get there and get on your wonderful holiday, but better to be safe than sorry with the insurance, very wise. xx

    8. Lovely to see you posting Sam. Hope you have a good holiday.

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    Wow, what a delightful pair of exploders! They would be ideal for all the BIG 'O' birthdays too. I for one, Michele would love the printed instructions, you are so kind my dear.

    I have been very unsettled since Saturday when my wonderful friend Janet lost her life quite suddenly whilst in hospital. She was suffering from a chest infection which wouldn't react to antibiotics so she was admitted to Gloucs Hospital where they did an X ray, discovered a shadow requiring a biopsy, revealing Mesothelioma. Long term prognosis is not good for that. She then developed pneumonia and couldn't recover from this double whammy.
    Pete and I met Janet & Brian on our honeymoon to Malta in 1989 and became not only very dear friends but also part of each others family. We shared not only an infinity with each other, but also many holidays, marriages, births Big O birthdays and anniversaries. She is a big loss to all of us. This pernicious thing called cancer is a horrible b*****d. A cure must be found sooner.

    I have popped in to read all the posts but didn't feel that I could share at that time. Ally Pally was a wonderful time for some of you and I couldn't dampen your delight at finally meeting up with each other and seeing all your wonderful goodies.
    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh! My! Word! Cheryl that is so sad.
      Thinking about you and your friend
      (((Hugs))). xxx

    2. How very sad!
      Sending hugs your way . Xxx

    3. That's very sad news Cheryl sending Hugs your way xxx

    4. So sorry Cheryl, yes cancer is shit. There are many more surviving it now, but still not enough. Sending you a big hug

    5. Hello my dear Cheryl,
      I'm so pleased that you felt strong enough to comment today. We missed you yesterday.
      Maureen xx

    6. Cheryl, I am so sorry you have had such a shock with Janet's death. Cancer is an awful thing, all I can say is that she didn't suffer anything more than a chest infection which don't get me wrong is bad enough, but long term what she had wouldn't have been good. Sending ((((((hugs)))))) and please if you need to talk I think I can say we will all be here to listen. The same with Pat over her Pete. It's good to talk. Hazel x

    7. Hi Cheryl
      Oh I'm so sorry you have had such awful news especially as it was so sudden. I can understand why you couldn't comment, but remember we are here for you. I'm sure you had a lot of support from Janet and Brian when you lost Pete and I'm sure you will be a great support for Brian and his family as they deal with their grief. Look after yourself lovely lady, sending you a big hug xxxx

    8. Cheryl you are such a thoughtful person keeping this awful shock and sad news to yourself rather than spoil others fun at the weekend, you are to be applauded you are such a sweet lady. Please do remember Cheryl a problem shared is a problem halved, we are all here for you, please do take care of your self.
      Sending love and hugs
      Margaret xxx

    9. So sorry to hear your sad news Cheryl. Thinking of you and sending love and hugs.
      Pat xxx

    10. Janet ecco of Sheffield15 April 2015 at 15:52

      Hello Cheryl - I'm so so sorry to hear about your beloved friend. This horrid word beginning with C has no thought for anyone whatever age, race or creed and like you I just pray that some cure will be found in the not too distant future. I just know that all your support will be welcomed by your extended family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. xxxx

    11. So sorry to hear your very sad news. I've had yet more bad news-two friends have cancer. For the love of God, can we not find a cure for cancer???!! I truly hope so & SOON.


    12. Oh Michele, sorry you to have sad news about your friends and Cancer, it's seem to be getting worse and effecting younger folk mire and more. Hazel x

    13. Oh Michele that's so sad, my thoughts are with you and your friends xxx

    14. Oh Michelle,
      I'm so sorry , you are going through a difficult time. Sending love to you and your friends and will pray for a good outcome. Xxx

    15. Sorry just realised I have been spelling your name wrongly! Xxx

    16. Hi Cherly and Michele. So sorry to hear your sad news. Thinking about you both. I have lost so many friends to this awful decease.

  8. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    I've just been reading through the previous blog posts and came across that off-colour message from some troglodyte....and now I'm feeling a bit guilty!, it wasn'tme! maybe he/she got through only because you re-jigged your Comments Profile list to enable anonymous input...but since I can only visit occasionally (because of home circumstances) it does seem a high price for you to pay just to get my tuppence-worth every now and again... please feel free to re-adjust your list to it's previous higher security setting, I can still pop in every now and again just to look and admire all your work.

    Happy crafting Ladies...and take care...


    1. Izzy - this isn't your fault! Xx

    2. Oh Izzy, as Myra has said this isn't your fault, Sandra was happy to open her blog to those who didn't have a Google account. No you are not a blame it on yourself. I did mine so people could leave comments, I don't know if it's still like that. Hazel x

    3. Izzy, I didn't change my privacy settings at all when you came over, I have always had the anonymous choice, please don't blame yourself and DON'T give them the pleasure of you not bring part of the blog anymore, I really appreciate your input!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    My word what a stunner you have done for today. These are perfect for teenagers and the big O's. Hopefully Sandra can follow your instructions and can show me what to do. I'm a need to be show type of person, rather than a reading type of crafter.
    May I thank everyone for their kind comments and thoughts re Pete yesterday. It's very much appreciated by us both. I'm off to see Sandra and Mrs B later this morning.

    1. Hi Pat
      I have been reading yesterday's comments and wanted to say how sorry I am to hear the bad news that Pete has cancer. Thinking of you both and sending hugs and good wishes.
      Pat xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, just a coffe for me today, trying to be good!!
    Michelle what a stunning pair of cards they are lovely, I know that Rob Adams does a lot of pop ups on some of his CDs but I don't have any of them, so this would be great to have instructions.
    Cheryl, so sorry about your friend, C..... Is a horrible thing for anyone, it claimed by brother and brother in law within six weeks apart a couple of years ago. Both were in their late 50s.
    Anyway we all have to take one day at a time, it gets easier as time goes by, but it still only seems like yesterday.
    Sandra if your craft room is tidy it means you are not creating enough, hands up who has a tidy craft room/area?
    Take care everyone, will pop back later, Jess x

    1. Jess,
      I must be the busiest crafter in Christendom!! I tidy up and two or even one day later it looks like a bomb's dropped. I hate it as everything has a place, I don't always have time to put it back though lol!!! xxxx

    2. Not today Jess! Had too much fun making Camellias last night! Xx

    3. Oh mine is a total bomb site, but I am a happy crafter, as they say a untidy craft room is a happy one. I put it away then go looking for something so you have to take things out again. Hazel x

    4. Come to my house ....... I am not even making anything in particular and you should see the mess!!!
      Thought I would get some some "stuff" out to see if I can get my Mojo back. No such luck as yet ... just the mess!!!

    5. My craft stuff is in the study which has been taken over by Emma so now you can't see the floor for revision paperwork and I have to tread carefully to get in and out and that's on top of my creative mess! In fact several boxes have migrated to the lounge as I can't face the tiptoe walk! Xxx

  11. Hi Sandra ,
    Hello to all friends who drop by!
    I hope you slept ok Sandra and that you are looking forward to a day with Pat and Sue. Have fun ladies - I hope you have a lovely time!
    Michelle - I love your boxes and they are a super idea for a teenager. They could be adapted to include hobbies etc. thank you for allowing Sandra to show them to us! I've never actually made one either but I will definitely have a go!
    Patricia - I looked out the window this morning and thought. 'I can see clearly now the muck has gone!' Just couldn't help that!
    Cheryl - so very sorry about your friend and such a shock for you. How very thoughtful and typically Cheryl to keep that news to yourself until today. Sending you hugs , my dear. Life can be very cruel sometimes. xx
    Sam - great to have you back and feeling a bit better. Praying the improvement will continue. xx
    Will go and do some work now and call back later! Behave yourselves!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra,
      Do you have a nice clean "crystal Chandeliers" as well??

    2. Are your windows really "Shine"ing?

    3. Oh Oh ! No crystal chandeliers ! Just bare light bulbs here! Xx
      Up until a few minutes ago I was singin in the rain! Xx

    4. Now you are singing "give me sunshine"

    5. Oh Patricia, you're on the ball today too! That rest last night did you the world of good! I will restrain myself from the Eric and Ernie dance routine that goes with it xx

    6. It's not "raining men" is it? Xxx

    7. Nope, and the washing was "blowing in the wind"

    8. At least I'm only working nine til five - unlike Maureen who seems to be on night shift with the washing! Xx

  12. Good morning Sandra, hope you enjoy your day with Sue & Pat. Not sure if you saw my post yesterday about the stamp thingy well I was very pleased with it used the stamp that kept leaving a void well It stamped perfect with thingy.
    We have lovely sunshine again so going to get ready & go out not sure where yet. Be back later. Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Lynda,
      How perfectly explained ha ha. I once told my dad that I'd found the whatsit in the thingammy and he just said "perfectly explained" !!!!! xxx

    2. HaHaHa Maureen HaHaH my thingy was a perfectly stampyyy thingyyy does that explain it better :-)) xx

  13. These boxes are great fun to do. I have made quite a few. Look complicated, but once you work it out, real easy. I had a box of die cut things, you remember the ones that came with making cards magazines.( I used them for making cards with my Mum, she could push the shapes out. ) Perfect way to use all these little bits, since I hate to throw anything out. Last one I did was a flock of sheep (shuan the sheep die cuts) for a sheep loving friend.

    Well I can't face doing it again. Must go and have a shower and get ready before I meet my sister in law for lunch. I've typed a great long message and it's disappeared.
    I'll summarise:-
    Michele, love, love the card.
    Cheryl, so pleased to see you x
    Sam, lovely to see you
    Sandra, hope you are brighter today - we are all behind you (and believe me my behind is big enough for anybody!!)
    Patwyn, thinking of you and Pete, love and hugs xx
    That's it, must go but I'll see you all later.
    Muriel xxx

  15. Oh Margaret, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. xxx

  16. I can't believe its afternoon and I am just getting in. Not been working just been doing things then younger sister called in, which was lovely and we had a good catch up. Read last nights late nighters and you going on about the steam generator irons, that's what Tammy has and I am thinking of going for one now.

    1. Could not live without my Steam Generator Iron
      Love it, and I love Ironing as well

    2. Thanks everyone! That's a real help. I was trying to bore poor Sandra into sleep last night! I hope it worked! Xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Well I've finally got to the end of the comments. Michele your box cards are wonderful, I've promised myself a play making one of them for my brother in laws birthday. He likes making moving cards so this will keep him entertained. If you could put the written instructions on that would be fab, thank you.
    Well I've been a busy bee again today, beds stripped and 3 loads of washing done, I've hoovered upstairs and have even reached some places that haven't seen a Hoover for ages! I've washed the bathroom floor, cleaned alkaline the glass in the bathroom and have tackled a dirty window frame in our bedroom. I'm so hot now I've had to stop to cool down. I put shorts on today to clean so don't worry it will be snowing down south by the weekend!
    Right I've just helped myself to a cup of tea and a quick sandwich, I think I've deserved a wander around a garden centre this afternoon and perhaps a trip to a craft shop! Tee hee. Money is in the pot, crumbs tidied (whoops sorry Hazel), and washing up done.
    See you all later.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Diane - I am one load of washing behind you - but I get up later! Enjoy your afternoon. It's not weather for shorts here - unless your the postman, apparently! Xx

    2. Diane you have a lovely afternoon out with your friends you really have earned one, I feel tired just reading all about your morning!
      Margaret xx

  18. Good afternoon Sandra and everyone
    Such fascinating boxes from Michele they are quite simply wonderful thank you for letting us know all about them and special thanks for offering instructions copied.
    Wow the sun at last is trying to break through I really thought it had got lost!
    Been to the vets with our corgis this morning for a post op check and pleased to report all is looking well, so good news.
    Especially remembering one of my old teachers today as she was held in Belson Camp for a some years and had the tattoo to prove she had been there, she was such a kind and lovely lady who never raised her voice. She could have raised her voice especially to some of the boys but never did, always spoke quietly. If anyone was caught being hurtful to another she would ask 'Are you pleased that you have caused hurt and sadness to your friend, are you proud of yourself, you know there is enough hurt and pain in the world without you causing more, so why?' They always felt remorse at what they had done and apologised. She really was a wonderful teacher.
    Sandra I hope the three Graces are having a lovely time today it must be so lovely to meet up with each other, I hope you are all over the effects of your spending trip at the weekend, still envious, but the green shade is starting to fade!
    Have a lovely day everyone take care
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. I love that story about your teacher! I used to find that telling a child I was disappointed with their behaviour worked better than shouting! However it didn't work for all!
      Watched the News and the reminders of Belsen - hard to understand . Man's inhumanity to man is worldwide even today. Sometimes we take peace for granted! Soapbox returned to corner. Xxx

    2. Lived not many miles from Belsen, hated when you had to drive passed it even with the camp being well back in the woods away from the road, only went that way if the other road was closed, I cant go passed standing stones either, the hairs stand up on my arms and a chill goes down my spine!!! When we lived in Devizes and we drove to Swindon, I use to tell Charlie to get passed the standing stones which we had to drive passed to drive quick. Do any of you remember they did a programme I think it was called "the children of the stones ". Couldn't watch that.!!! No Belsen will be remember by those who suffered, but were lucky enough to get rescued and also be remembered by those who found them. Local people round Belsen said they knew nothing about it - rubbish I think? Hazel x

    3. Margaret - thanks for sending the sunshine south from Cumbria to west Lancs! It's good to share! Xxx

  19. My goodness Diane you have been a busy bee, I could be doing with some of your energy!! I Hoovered upstairs today, god knows where all the fluff comes from, it is never ending. Craft room floor is looking good lol!!!
    Off out now to meet up with my usual Wednesday friends at our local garden centre for a coffee and catch up on the gossip, catch you all later, Jess x

  20. Afternoon all I hope you've forgotten that intrusion by anonymous My theory is same as Steph or was it Sam? And nobody is to feel guilty I am sorry to hear your news as well Cheryl Take care everyone

  21. Hello All,
    Thanks Sandra for welcoming me back and also to all the friends for their kind words of support. I really appreciate it.
    These cards are gorgeous. I have read Michelle's instructions but cannot
    understand how to make one. My old brain can't take it in! So I would appreciate a diagram if possible. Maybe I could kick start my crafting again doing something new.
    It is a beautiful warm and sunny day here in S Wales. I have been sitting in the
    garden soaking up the rays instead of doing the housework.

    Hugs to all
    Pat xxx

    1. Good for you Pat, enjoy the sunshine while you can . So nice to see you again today! Think we'll all need the diagram for today's lovely box! Xx

    2. Good Pat, they do say a little of what you fancy does you good and there is nothing like the warmth of the sun to perk you up. There is always another day not broken into for housework so don't worry just enjoy! xxx

  22. Janet ecco of Sheffield15 April 2015 at 16:07

    Afternoon one and all from a very very sunny and very very warm Marigny.
    Michelle your boxes are just out of this world and look so complicated to make and so may I too ask for a diagram. My little remaining grey cell sometimes will only work on pictures (what am I talking about 'sometimes' it's ALWAYS these days. I agree these fab boxes would work for any gender and yes teenagers are a nightmare to cater for and not just in cards. Oh how I'm so pleased that my days with teenagers are over and done with when I see some of them these days - OK take the soap box away from me now please.

    Thank you - oh that's better.

    Sandra I hope you three graces are having a wonderful day and getting some crafting done with your goodies from the week-end.
    Sam it's lovely to see you back but yes one day at a time always works.

    Off now to start prep for tonight's meal - Jim has requested Spag so according to him he can sit with his meal on the table, dish upside down and eating with his fingers!!!! This is because we had a picture sent to us of Lily-Mae (14months old) doing just this the other day at her Nans. The only thing is is that Nan had taken her T-shirt off so she could get spag etc all over her without spoiling her clothes and when finished she put her in the sink.
    Jim has been told in no uncertain terms that yes he can have spag but he will eat it properly and he is definitely having his clothes on to eat his tea because we haven't a sink big enough to put him into Never thought that my youngest Daughter would think of something like that. She usually says 'it'll go in the wash' re clothes. She must have learnt something along the way.

    So enjoy the rest of the day - hugs are on their way as usual. Speak to you tomorrow.
    Hugs xxxx

    1. Hi Janet what a brilliant idea, never thought of eating pag Bol with no clothes on (might need a tray though cos plate might be too hot!!!! Lol). I have to say I think it is the worst thing to try and get out of clothes, especially when children get covered in it. I can remember feeding spaghetti Bol to Emma for lunch before she was christened as it was something I knew she would eat. Hadn't thought about what might come up again afterwards! Luckily she stayed clean in her cream christening robe! Enjoy your dinner xxx

  23. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I really hope the three graces have had a wonderful day, I'm sure their company Will have lifted your spirits Sandra.

    Michelle, your exploding boxes are lovely, yes please, I would love to see the instructions but also a diagram would be more than helpful. Or certainly for me anyway.

    Sam, so lovely to see you on the blogging again, you keep improving like this and you will get on your holiday LOL

    Yesterday evening you girls were talking about steam generator irons well I'm on my second and wouldn't be without one of these. Fully recommend them.

    Well I'm going to get on and make dinner, but will be popping by later. Helped
    myself to a lovely cup of tea, sat quietly in the corner watching the world go by, it was bliss.

    I'm going to have to go back over the comments I'm sure there were other messages I was going to leave. Should have written them down!!!

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  24. Sandra, I hope the three of you had a good day of crafting, laughing and lots of chatting. Did Sue and Pat bring there goodies with them, so you could all try each other's out? Hazel x

  25. Hello Sandra and all our ladies
    Michele your boxes are amazing. It's one of those things that I have seen but never attempted but might give it a go after seeing yours. I am so sorry to hear your news about your friends being ill.
    Pat, I hope you enjoyed your day with Sandra and Sue and it helped you seeing them. My love to you and Pete, I did comment yesterday, but it was quite late.
    Sam, so glad you are feeling up to posting again, take it slowly though.
    Cheryl, I am so very sorry my lovely. My heart goes out you. You are such a sweet person, we are all thinking of you.
    Love and hugs for all, dinners ready, will be back later.
    Saba xxx

  26. Hi Sandra an the lovely ladies
    Oh my goodness me, now I've stopped I ache! I'm just watching master chef and I'm trying to muster up some enthusiasm to do some ironing. I managed to buy some seeds at the garden centre today and some sweet pea plants, I only went to look at garden furniture! The craft shop next to the garden centre was a bit disappointing, although they had quite a large bead selection. They didn't have many dies or stamps so I saved my pennies! It's good to look somewhere different for a change, but my usual craft shop which is part of a pick your own farm has a much better selection of things.
    Well I had better go, I'm expecting Julian to Skype me in a minute, I expect he's watching master chef or trying to find somewhere exciting to eat before he goes back to work again through the night. I will pop back agin later to see what the night owls are up to. See you soon
    Love Diane xxxx
    Ps is anyone watching master chef- can we have one of those chocolate Puds in the cafe please?! Xxx

    1. I'll have to watch it later! I record it as that way don't miss it! Xx

  27. I don't want to be a nuisance but having advised me to buy a steam generator iron - any suggestions as to Brands I should look at? Thank you.
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Myra, mine is a Russell Hobbs (Slipstream)

    2. Thanks Patricia - don't really know where to start ! It would be nice to at least have a starting point from people whose opinions I trust. Xxx

    3. Tammy has the morphy Richards one it has a good sized water tank and a high steam out put, she was saying there is a good offer at Currys. Hazel x

    4. Thanks Hazel! Muriel says I'm a pest but I knew that! She then had the cheek to say she'd be interested in your advice! I don't know.
      Good job she's a friend! Xxxx

    5. I have to say I got through loads of ironing last week at Tammy's using her one, and my linen skirt has never been so easy to iron, Tammy and I have done a deal I am having her one she has at the moment and she is going for the next one up that gives the bigger tank, she has her own cleaning and ironing company and does baskets of the stuff, but I can have her old one if I am willing to give her a hand and do Gillian other daughters bedding, so when she comes to clean Gillians house ever other week she won't have to stand and do the two sets of bedding. I don't mind saves me Pennys? Hazel x

    6. Sounds like a great deal to me, Hazel! I need one of those more than new dies! I've ironed two sets of bedding tonight and it's hard work with my iron which is rather old now and it's steam quality not great! Xx

  28. Myra, you a nuisance??? Whatever gave you that idea??? A pest now, that's a different thing!!!
    Sandra, I hope you are well and that you and the other Two Graces had a lovely day, crafting and chatting, and generally having a good laugh. I bet you were talking about A.P.
    My granddaughters are back from Spain so I've had lots of cuddles and a lovely fridge magnet, to go with the 500 they've already given me!!! (I may be exaggerating slightly! They are having a sleep over tomorrow so will have to have some ideas for tomorrow afternoon and Friday morning. If it's fine, I think tomorrow we'll have a picnic lunch in the Dene and a visit to Pets' Corner. Maybe even a nice ice cream from the cafe - no not this cafe, the one in the Dene. Then in the evening dinner in the local pub. Zoe will no doubt bring a DVD to watch before bed. By the way ladies I don't drink alcohol very often. I may have a glass of something about once every 20 years. I just don't like the taste, I prefer iced water or a soft drink - light weight or what.
    You all look as though you've been very busy today, whilst I have had quite an easy day, although I have done one wash ready and folded to hang out in the morning, and there's another one in the machine as I type. I hope it's finished before I finish on here, then the towels can go in. Honestly, we are like washer women on this blog.
    I'm interested in the steam generator iron debate, and will see what is recommended to Myra as I may treat myself if they are that good.
    Has anyone bought the Spellbinders on C&C? Like Sandra I think they are vastly overpriced and very "bitty". Not all put together like sets from Sue that can be mixed and matched.
    Saba, I hope all is well with you and yours.
    Cheryl, take care x
    I'm going down to see how the washing is going, and if I can put the next load in.
    If I don't come back tonight, I'll wish you all sweet dreams.
    Muriel xx

    1. Heaven help me if you are the Pest Control Officer! I can just hear you now - exterminate exterminate!! Xx

    2. I think it's that Muriel that likes a sherry every now and then. Anyone remember Mrs Wembly? Just the one. I'm sure she's your alter ego Maureen who leads you astray - she's probably in cahoots with George!!! Make sure you don't end up in the washing machine with the towels. Night night sleep tight xxx

  29. Good evening Ladies,
    Well we had a lovely day Crafting together and chatting, boy can we chat, the time just evaporates as we fast away! We did a good but of crafting though, we didn't pack up until around five o'clock and were still chatting on the way out of the door!
    Now Steam Generator a Irons, ours is a Tefal, it's the very best iron we gave ever had, it has outlasted all of our previous irons and makes the job so much faster!
    Have you all seen that Sue has a new Die Launch at the end of April, Canadian, Portuguese, Configurations, new Gemini and Finishing touches dies, 30 new sets in All!
    I haven't barely started on this last collection yet, have you? Thus seems a super fast turn around!
    What do you all think?
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra,
      Soon pleased you had a great day, did you sleep last night?
      You have dropped a bombshell! Oh help I'm still collecting previous sets! Steph will have kittens! Well you know what I mean.
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Hi Sandra,
      Glad you had a good day.

      Oh! My! Goodness MORE new Dies ....... I just don't want to hear.
      I am saving and that's that.........I don't need any more ...... or do I??
      NO I don't well we will see what they are like!!. NO! NO! NO! don't "think" I will need them.
      Am I being indecisive???
      Good night off to dream about New Dies that Sue's bringing out!!!

    3. Who told you? How did you find out? Was so stunned I forgot to ask a sensible question! Xxx

    4. I am now picky and only buy dies I know I will use a lot, but even then unless there is a real need, if you wait a bit, it will be on sale somewhere. When you see the speed Sue, Spellbinders, Tonic and tattered lace bring out dies, no-one could buy them all. How many of us even use all the dies we own.
      I should have stayed up and kept chatting last night, I tossed and turned, but just couldn't fall asleep. I have too many nights like that.

    5. Icon - sent email ! I can't believe it! I know there is a Christmas set in the offing too - probably around July. I really don't need any more - do I .?? Xxx

    6. Now, now big sis you don't need any more. You keep telling me that? I will have to tie your hands together so you can't type to order any of them. Feel sorry for the small craft shops they are just getting the last lot in without awaiting ages, by the time they get the new ones most folk have already got them. Hazel x

  30. Sandra, like you I haven't got that many Sue dies from the other sets let alone a new lot coming out. I agree, a bit of a quick turn round? I for one won't be able to afford to go mad! It's a case of looking at what I have and making do with maybe just one or even two new ones but they will have to be stunningly stunning if that make sense??? She must be going for 4 new sets a year.
    So glad the three of you had a good day..
    Hazel x

  31. Oh my goodness my purse is not a bottomless pit! I wish it was but there are still some dies from set two I would like and set three! Oh Sandra I was hoping for a good night's sleep, to call this a quick turn around is putting it mildly if we are not careful it is going to be every other month there is a new set launched! What oh what is Steph going to say if she can speak at all.
    Delighted to know the three Graces had a good time today.
    Good night everyone I wont say sweet dreams though, I know what we will all be dreaming of winning the lottery!!!
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Night Night Margaret! I said above that Steph would have kittens! Xxx

  32. Late again. Sorry. Have been glazing my pottery all day. Michele. Love your cards. I really like making these pop up box cards. Made quite a few Christmas cards like these. Sandra so pleased to hear that you, Sue and Pat had a good day. My replacement New York Times Square die came today but I won't be able to try it out until the weekend when I get back home. Hope this one works. Must look for the best deals in GC's when I am back home. Will just put the kettle on and make a Hot Chocolate and then off to bed.

  33. Myra, just went and checked my iron.Steam generator. It's a Tefal. Had it for years. I must admit, if it broke it would be replaced with same or similar. You do need to let this one cool down before refilling, but it's only a couple of minutes. Can keep ironing for ages without refilling it, since it has a nice big tank.
    Think I'll have some cocoa, see if I can sleep tonight.

    1. Thanks Janice - hope you have a good night's sleep. Xxx

  34. Hi Sandra amd all,
    Sorry to be so lare but have been out all day and tomorrow I'm going down to London so might noy see you.
    Michele you have a secret art gene because these pop up card are Fabulous!
    I have not read any comments but will do in the morning to see what's been happening during day.
    My eyes keep shutting so I will try to go to bed Hopefully I see you all tomorrow,
    Good Night all and have happy dreams
    Love and Hugs Maria xxx

    1. Night Night Maria, have a lovely day tomorrow! Xx

  35. Please no more dies to tempt us at the end of the month! Hasn't Sue got some C&C shows this week end - their birthday?

  36. Helllooooo anyone still awake? I can't believe there's another die launch, there's no way we can all keep up! I've only bought a couple of the last lot, not many cards have come through using them yet have they, especially the Greek set. Like others I will only get something if it really calls to me and yes I don't use all the ones I've got - aren't we shocking.
    I did a huge pile of ironing tonight using my old faithful - had it. For years. We tried a steam generator iron, think it was a morphy Richards about 7 years ago but really had a lot of problems with it. We bought it from Robert Dyas as it was on offer but when it didn't work we had a real struggle to retun it, it had to be collected rather than taking it back to the shop but they couldn't collect and deliver at the same time! When the second one went wrong too we gave up. It was lovely to use when it worked, but I was glad I'd kept my old one as a back up. I quite enjoy ironing, it's a good excuse to sit down and watch the TV !!
    I'm glad to hear you had a lovely day crafting with Pat and Mrs B.
    Sleep tight everyone sweet dreams
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      I totally agree, I tried to look up a bit of inspiration for The Greek Island dies today as Pat gad them with her, I could find barely anything, even on Sue's blog, like you they haven't really stood out enough for me to want them! Compare those to the amount of New York die cards or Scandinavian!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  37. Sandra, are you ok??
    Did you forget to press the button last night??

  38. Morning! Ok Sandra?

    Fab cards Michelle I have done these cards and they are really effective and fairly simple to do.

    Cheryl so sorry to hear about your friend. Wasn't a teacher was she? A number of teachers get mesothelioma due to asbestos in schools and the pin boards years ago. Enjoy your memories.

    Michelle sorry to hear about your 2 friends I personally don't feel chemo is the way to the ultimate cure need the eureka moment where someone finds how to switch off the rogue cells.

    Have been reading about new die launch I won't be rushing in I am afraid too many in quick succession. I now tend to go for sentiments or accents as a lot of the others can be mixed and matched or substituted. I have loved the Greek ones which most of you haven't gone for. I love the ivy element to it.
    Steph will be in a spin. I thought there wouldn't be anything until around July when there would be some new Christmas ones.

    I love my steam generator I couldn't iron without it now! Makes ironing a dream!

    See you all soon xxx

  39. You OK Sandra? Hope you just had a good night's sleep and have just slept in. That's allowed. Just concerned, not complaining.

  40. Hi ladies.
    I was mooching round yesterday to find the SB die Sandra used on the thinking of you card and noticed 3 new sets - canadian portugues and configuation dies !! I'll never catch up either !!
