
Tuesday 24 March 2015

Sapphire Anniversary !

Good Morning Ladies,
Today's card is a commission from a colleague of Becca's, she wanted a Sapphire Anniversary card
for some friends of hers.
I started with a 8 x 8 card blank and added a matt of navy blue card and then added a layer of white card embossed with the Heart Lattice Embossing Folder from Creative Expressions, I then used the
Spellbinders Floral Oval to cut some Navy card and added the sentiment that I had printed out onto white card, mounted this onto the background.  I then cut a Scandinavian Border out of Navy card and glued that to a satin ruffle edged ribbon and stuck it to the front of my card and added a strip of pearls down the centre. I arranged some navy blue and white flowers in the top left corner and added a Silky Crush Bow with a Navy Rose centre (by CE) and added a couple of stick pins and some pearls around the focal element and in the corners of the card.
I next printed the insert onto pearlescent paper and matted it onto
some dark blue patterned paper and added that to the centre of the card.

I made a Box for the card using Centura Pearl card and added a some silky crush ribbon and a heart shaped Dazzler, I placed a Laser Cut Matt from Papermania into the centre of the box lid and cut the Greeting with a Spellbinder Heart Die, I finished off with a few pearls.
I hope you like today's card, please let me know by leaving me a
comment below.
I hope all of those that are feeling poorly are starting to feel better and I am sending healing hugs to all of you.
Love and Hugs to the rest of you,
Ps Maria & Diane could I please have your email addresses. xx


  1. Good morning. Sandra, and all who pop in today? Well I just realised from your stunning card that it's our Sapphire anniversary this year. Yes your card is as always just gorgeous, from your embossed background to all your wonderful embellishments. The same with your box. A truely beautiful gift.
    Sam, I do hope you are starting to feel a bit better, it will be lovely to have you back here opening up the Coffee Shop. But I. Might be the first in today, so I will get everything going,
    Welcome Karen, please don't be put off coming in by the things we seem to get up to, and when we banter between ourselves it's all in pure fun. To be honest that's what makes this blog what it is, if you are feeling a bit low when you pop your head in the door, believe me you will go out feeling so much better - apart from the sore side from laughing so much.
    Brenda ( littlelamb). Are you feeling a bit better today?
    Norah, it would lovely to hear from you, and you Theresa too.
    Gosh my brain is still half asleep, can't think who else wasn't feeling 100% so what I will do is I will put extra ((((((hugs)))))) in the basket.
    Oh it's Maria I meant to ask how was your Mum after her treatment? But remember it's to be all positive thoughts only!!!
    Right I am going to have to move just looked at the time, off to see if Beth was sick yesterday due to nerves and car sickness, or is it a bug, keep the fingers crossed it was the nerves etc, I don't do sickness and thankfully they are not sicky kids. But the joys, she can't go back fo 48 hours so I am in work all day.
    Money in the pot. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I know you had a early start this morning, I think the 48 hour rule is a bit too inflexible really, as she was car sick, not 'bug' sick, from what you said yesterday she was back to her bright and bouncy self later, so she could have gone to school really! You now have to entertain her today, all day, maybe get her making some Easter cards!
      What ever you decide I hope you have a good day.
      I am going to phone Matthew this morning to get my room booked, I must also ask about tea/ coffee making in the rooms, fingers crossed.
      I think the general opinion was to book the extra room so that we have our own space, to craft, chat or whatever we chose, no interruptions!
      Hazel. I can't begin to thank you enough for your organisation skills, you have been so helpful, we couldn't have don't it without you and Tammy of course for her bargain & best offer seeking skills, we really do appreciate everything that you have done!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxxxxx

    2. Morning Hazel,
      thank you for thinking of me and my mum. I will call her later but as I know from my sister she is ok. Not sure how bad you can react with radiation treatment etc know that chemo is horrible and hopefully she won't need to have that.
      Also a Huge Thank you for organising our getaway lol really looking forward to that already !
      Have a nice day, Hugs Maria x

    3. Morning Maria,
      Pleased too here your Mum is doing ok with her treatment,hope you have a good chat with her when you phone.Hug's for you both.
      Love Lynda xx

  2. Good morning ladies,

    Sandra - this is just gorgeous - and boxed as well! it's not just another card but a gift...

    Pat - very classy card yesterday, loved the mix of Spellbinders dies with Sue's, they work really well together don't they...

    Sue (Mrs B) - thanks for that further info re the Framed Tags set - I probably won't bother then especially as I do have a couple of buckles on one of my Cricut carts anyway as well as the SB one I've been using...btw, did you know you can make your own buckles using two little circle dies to cut a frame and then adding a thin strip of card across the middle?...I've done that before and it works fine but you do need to add another circle frame to the back to hide the joins...hope that makes


    1. Hi Izzy. Thanks for the buckle tip but as I am not the sharpest knife in the block I can't picture how to make one this way, until I actually sit down and cut them out, then it will make sense I'm sure. Take care x

    2. Hi Izzy'
      Thanks for stopping by, And for your kind words, you'll have to let me know what Cricut cartridge you used, I am always glad to get a bit of use out of the Cricut E 2 as most of the time it sits gathering dust!
      Do you use yours much ?
      Sue, I will show you tomorrow what Izzy means, izzy ignore Sue's comment about not being sharp, she is a very gifted lady, always looks at things to see how they work and if there is a way to make it cheaper! She' s a genius and a nightmare, while we were at Farnborough her and Paul were looking at things and bouncing ideas off each other as to whether something would work , what it's flaws were etc. ! Love them both though! Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Tea & toast as usual for me. Especially as I'm meeting a friend for a curry tonight, will have salad for lunch!!

    What a beautiful card, I love the border going across the card. I'm tempted to purchase it but as i've already done a couple of orders for craft items & I still have dies that I haven't even used yet, perhaps I'd better wait!

    Right, need to get a move on as lots to do on work today.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Thank you for your kind words my lovely, I hope that you have a lovely day and enjoy your curry later, are you a hot and spicy or cool and creamy girl? My favourite thing about Indian food is the Naan Bread, oh my I could live off those alone, only really like the genuine take away ones, I haven't found a good shop bought alternative yet!
      Have Fun,
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe. Please may I have the usual mug of tea and a toasted teacake with butter today. i hope Maureen comes in soon :)
    Today's card is a real stunner that will be treasured by Becca's friends. I love your box too, it all makes for a beautiful keepsake. I will have to get you to show me the sentiment inside the card. Where did you get it from? I find it hard sometimes to find just the right verse/sentiment. Some are just so slushy or so corny that they only suitable for family or friends that you are very close to.
    Sandra, I hope you managed to get a reasonable nights sleep, see you in the morning my lovely : )
    Pat, I hope Pete's scans went well and the results are good. See you tomorrow : )
    I am sorry but I made the mistake of not making a note of who is not feeling too good, who has been up to what etc. when I read yesterdays comments so that means I can't remember names but I am sending big hugs to everyone, with extra special ones for those of you that are having a hard time.
    I want to say Thank you to you Sandra and Hazel for getting our retreat organised for us all. A single phone call to the hotel to confirm your room doesn't get much simpler does it! Thank you both so much : )
    Welcome to this brilliant blog Karen. Yes, we are all slightly mad but very caring and supportive of each other. Please join in the fun : )
    I am off to get the washing done and hope that I can get it on the line, then I have Chris's birthday card and a Welcome to your New Home cards to make. That means hours of deciding what to do, which colours and embellishments to use etc. then less than an hour to actually make each card. Thank goodness for Pinterest!
    Have a good day everyone. Take care. xx

    1. Morning my lovely, lovely to chat yesterday,
      I honestly think we could go on for hours and hours, Paul was in background and he said afterwards how can you get from booking a hotel to getting a bad neck in bed then to bingo in such a few short minutes amazed him! I love how we can discuss just about anything, hilarious and such a "pick me up" when feeling low! Thank you, looking forward to tomorrow, when we get to go laugh with Pat and terrorise Pete, I can almost hear his sigh of relief as we leave the house, followed by "ahh peace at last" and then "where's the bloody Hoover you lot have made a terrible mess" ! Bless him, good job he only has to suffer once a week, last time we were rearranging all of the furniture to try and get Pat sitting comfy, I bet he kept going outside, counting to ten and then returning to see what we had done next. It sounds as though he is doing a fine job of taking care of Pat though, which is nice to see! Well I hope you get all of your washing dry and get the cards sorted!
      Sandra xxxxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang!!
    Wow! Oh! Wow! Sandra, that is one stunningly beautiful card. Will loved and treasured that's for sure. Mmmmm!! looks like I will have to make a Saphire Anniversary Card .... Hazel has just said it will be theirs this year. Would never have known otherwise.
    Like Sue .. Mrs B I wrote a wee list of names of all who needed a special mention .... Ooopps!! think I must have thrown it away as scrap paper. Anyway I am sending you ALL (((((hugs)))) and thoughts for a speedy recovery, good luck with any appointments, a better day if you were just a little down.
    Slept in a bit this morning, i will have a quick cuppa, Toast & Jam. Money in the pot, I will sit over there with Hazel. Oh!! she must have seen me coming, that's her on her way out. It's OK she is on the School run this morning, will catch her later. Thought for a minute she'd had enough of me over the weekend!!!
    Off to teach the Crazy Bunch at my card class this morning. Will pop back later to see what you all get up to. Till then be good if you can ... don't want to frighten off our new customer KAREN now do we.
    Love & Hugs to all
    Patricia xxx

    1. Good Morning Patricia,
      Thank you for calling in this morning and brightening g the place up!
      I will pop across to see what you have organised to teach the crazy bunch today, you are so clever, the ideas and projects you come up with are stunning! Thank you for your kind words about my card, I always find it a bit more of a challenge to make a card that someone has asked me to make for them as you have to think about what they are hoping for! Personally I always ask if the recipient has a favourite colour or style to give me a starting point, my own creations start with a colour or a die that was used by someone and then the old steam starts churning my rusty cogs and then ideas start to flow! Or I will have just had a peek on pinterest, that's a huge source of inspiration, but a word of caution, you can lose hours in that site, I started having a quick the other day and came out three hours later, buzzing with ideas, most of which I have forgotten!
      Anyway have a fun day, lovely lady, and I look forward to catching up later.
      Sandra xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Just a flying visit as I'm getting ready to fly later this morning ! Sandra I sent you an email last night so hopefully you got it, if not I will try again on Thursday. Not sure what internet connection or time will be like so sorry in advance if you don't see me for a couple of days.
    Sandra your card is beautiful, I'm sure the couple will love it and what a card to treasure . I love making the box to match too, it just finishes it off.
    Hope everyone who is feeling poorly is feeling a little better today. Sending a hug for everyone.
    Right must pack knickers - do I take ones that can double as a parachute just in case or ones that scrunch to nothing???? It's got to be parachute really, don't have scrunch to nothing ones!! Haha. See you soon
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      I just wanted to send you the booking information for our weekend away, so that you can get booked in before it gets too late, I don't want you missing out!
      I would definitely go with parachute, cover all eventuality pants rather than the ones that you can floss your teeth with, I cannot imagine anything worse than that wee string chaffing! I shudder at the thought, your bum cheeks need to be covered for sure!
      Thanks for your lovely comments today, have a safe journey and I look forward to hearing all about it! I will email you back shortly,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and Ladies,

    Well, you've done it again Sandra, another stunning WOW WOW WOW!!! Your cards just blow me away, how you can ever doubt yourself at times is beyond me. You are fantastic. This one is a real beauty and the box as well. I am positive whoever the recipients are, they will treasure it for many more years to come.
    My apologies for not making an appearance the last couple of days, I thought I had got over this fatigue but it crept up on me so slowly over Friday & Saturday, that I have hardly managed to do anything at all. It has been enough just to sit and sort out my craft boxes for my new station, and I haven't even scratched the surface yet. 20 boxes of goodies still to go, and I think I might be running out of space. I have seriously misjudged how much of a hoarder I actually am and how many different crafts I do as well. I believe my local primary school will be getting a bumper box full of craft items for their make and does.
    I'm off now to read the last couple of days' comments.
    For all of you ladies that are not well, in pain or discomfort, or suffering loss, I have topped up the (hug) basket with loads and loads of comfort blanket ((((hugs)))), please help yourself.
    My craft retreat fund got an extra top-up this week, I didn't spend as much on my shopping budget so it has gone straight into craft funds.
    Welcome Karen to the friendliest cafe on the Internet. We are all slightly bonkers but also very adorable.

    Love &hugs Cheryl xxx

  8. Diane, just read your comment above mine, I hope you pack some cheese cutter knickers to go with your parachute knickers. Hehe xxx

  9. Diane, just read your comment above mine, I hope you pack some cheese cutter knickers to go with your parachute knickers. Hehe xxx

    1. As long as you wear your "cheese cutter" the right way's ouch! ouch! ouch! otherwise......LOL!!
      Patricia xxx

    2. Diane,perhaps you should just pack Tenna Ladies might smell better than cheese cutter knickers he he
      Lol Lynda with

  10. Good morning Sandra and Ladies,

    Well, you've done it again Sandra, another stunning WOW WOW WOW!!! Your cards just blow me away, how you can ever doubt yourself at times is beyond me. You are fantastic. This one is a real beauty and the box as well. I am positive whoever the recipients are, they will treasure it for many more years to come.
    My apologies for not making an appearance the last couple of days, I thought I had got over this fatigue but it crept up on me so slowly over Friday & Saturday, that I have hardly managed to do anything at all. It has been enough just to sit and sort out my craft boxes for my new station, and I haven't even scratched the surface yet. 20 boxes of goodies still to go, and I think I might be running out of space. I have seriously misjudged how much of a hoarder I actually am and how many different crafts I do as well. I believe my local primary school will be getting a bumper box full of craft items for their make and does.
    I'm off now to read the last couple of days' comments.
    For all of you ladies that are not well, in pain or discomfort, or suffering loss, I have topped up the (hug) basket with loads and loads of comfort blanket ((((hugs)))), please help yourself.
    My craft retreat fund got an extra top-up this week, I didn't spend as much on my shopping budget so it has gone straight into craft funds.
    Welcome Karen to the friendliest cafe on the Internet. We are all slightly bonkers but also very adorable.

    Love &hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      Oh it's so good to see you back, I was concerned about you, as were the others, but you had quite a week lady week didn't you? So it's bound to catch up with you, so take it easy for a few days, oh I wish you were closer, I would love to come and rummage through your boxes with you, helping to sort out everything, don't forget to send me the "after photo of your craft space' as I could do a little feature on it one day! (If you like), we are all nosey at heart and like a peek into each other's homes!
      Did you get my email yesterday, regarding booking your room for our weekend away? I hope so, I can't wait to meet you!
      I am guessing it's too far for you to go to Ally Pally isn't it? That would have been a lovely treat to get to meet up there.
      Thank you for your lovely comment on my card today, you lot give me such a confidence boost, you are so kind xx
      Sending love and hugs your way,
      Sandra xxx

    2. Just sent you an email regarding the weekend retreat.Do I book now as can't remember the dates or hotel, doh?

    3. Cheryl take things easy, we don't want you being ill, you are not super women after all. Think Diane is maybe trying that, seeing how she is needing her parachuting knickers with her. Hazel x

  11. Morning Sandra a ladies, well what can.I say about your card that has not been said, it is absolutely beautiful, you need to be a designer for one of the suppliers young lady!
    Well I have done the dirty deed and booked my room for our retreat, roll on October!
    Will have to catch up later with the comments as I am off to my friends craft shop to man the shop while she takes her card class, catch up with all the gossip later. take care Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      Thanks so much for your sweet words of support and kindness, wow what away to spend the day, don't spend too much!
      Catch up later,
      Love and hugs

  12. Hello Sandra,
    What a gorgeous card. I haven't read any of today's posts but will comment later. No time to stay, as I've a busy day meeting old (ancient) friends) and got to get cracking. I'll read all the comments tonight after granddaughters have gone home and see what's what then. Had some exciting e-mails from people on the blog, ooohhh.
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. Have a lovely day Maureen, look forward to catching up later ,
      Have fun meeting your relics!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

  13. Hi Sandra,

    I think you've sussed what I meant - I didn't really explain it properly did I...apologies for that....what I should have written is "cut two little circle dies together to make a frame, then cut a thin strip by hand and attach it at the back of the diecut frame at it's widest point, cut another frame as backing to hide the join"...I should get my brain in gear, but it was early and I'd only had two cups of coffee at the

    Will have a trawl through my C. carts - it might be Wild Card which was a free download for the Gypsy...not 100% sure though but will look later on today and get back to you on that....


  14. Hi Sandra,
    Wonderful card and box,you are amazing with your cardmaking.
    Can't stay OH calling to get ready for the weekly shop lol but I be back later for sure. I sent you my e-mail address again last night but I think you should already have it as we sent mail to each other before so have a look in Paul's
    Got to dash, thank you for well wishes for my mamma!
    Love and hugs Maria x
    posted early this morning , you all had gone to bed lol

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi Sandra,
    Wonderful card and box,you are amazing with your cardmaking.
    Can't stay OH calling to get ready for the weekly shop lol but I be back later for sure. I sent you my e-mail address again last night but I think you should already have it as we sent mail to each other before so have a look in Paul's
    Got to dash, thank you for well wishes for my mamma!
    Love and hugs Maria x
    posted early this morning , you all had gone to bed lol

  17. Hi Sandra,
    Wonderful card and box,you are amazing with your cardmaking.
    Can't stay OH calling to get ready for the weekly shop lol but I be back later for sure. I sent you my e-mail address again last night but I think you should already have it as we sent mail to each other before so have a look in Paul's
    Got to dash, thank you for well wishes for my mamma!
    Love and hugs Maria x
    posted early this morning , you all had gone to bed lol

    1. Head you first time Maria ........!!!
      Patricia xxx

    2. Ok Maria four times is a bit much I have trouble keeping up with comments now without you doing sooooo many hihi
      Hug's Lynda DBITSXxx

    3. Well, I'll certainly remember Maria's post!!! But, you have to remember that she is the OLD one.
      Muriel xxx

    4. How do you solve a problem like Maria ? Answers on a postcard please! Xxxx

    5. very funny Myra and Maureen and I deleted one so it should be easier for you Lynda tihi

    6. Thanks Maria your so kind xxxx

  18. I see Maria is being a bit repetitive this morning??? We will put it down Maria to the stress of mum having her treatment. Then again with these I pads etc they have minds of their own at times. Hazel x

  19. Hi Sandra,

    This is gorgeous, love the design and the use of the die cuts. Beautiful

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  20. Hello everyone,
    Sorry this has to be a it short, so much to do, so little time.
    Sandra, your card is spectacular. I agree with Jess, you must put yourself forward to be on a design team. It is one of the most beautiful cards I have seen for a long time, and I have seen some beautiful cards lately. Well done.

    Sam and Norah hope you are both alright, thinking of you.
    Maria, home your mum feels alright today after her first treatment.
    Love and hugs to each and every one of you lovely ladies. Will be back this evening, probably exhausted but in a state of nervous excitement knowing I will be seeing one of my gorgeous grandchildren tomorrow.
    Saba xxxx

    1. Slow down Mrs Blos, you are going to exhaust yourself! I know you are excited, I bet they all are this end too, especially Val, that will be one tearful reunion! Are you sure there is no way you can change your arrangements and come to AP on the Saturday, I so want to meet up with you! xx
      Have you booked your room yet? make sure you do it before the 1st of April, I don't want you missing out.
      Will you still be able to call in to the Café while you are over here? I do hope so, I want plenty of updates and maybe some photos too!
      Take it easy my lovely and safe journey,
      don't watch the news!
      Love and hugs

  21. Good morning dearest Sandra and the coffee shop crew,
    Oh Sandra, this is exquisite and the recipients couldn't not love this masterpiece as that is what it is. I love this way of giving everlasting flowers that don't need watered but remain beautiful for all time. I don't think that this will see the back of a cupboard or drawer some how, what a beautiful, stunning gift to give and i am not biased in saying that because i bet the rest of the crew say the same thing or along similar lines.
    Well folks the Glenochil Yokel is back after her down time so trouble with a capital T is back. Sorry, i was struggling with Mothers Day and Mum and Dad's Golden Wedding anniversary on Friday but i am on the up again. I took up two big bouquets of flowers up and had a talk to them about going dancing as they were both dressed for the occasion, gave their faces a wee wash as it is amazing just how dirty they can get up at the cemetery and tidied up around them because they were being mucky pups and had all sorts of rubbish in and around them, then i went and did the same to my brother Jim's plot at the back of them.
    Michele, i am so sorry that your young friend lost his battle but i hope that he is at peace and in no more pain now. I am sending hugs to you and his beautiful young bride just because as she must be finding life so very difficult just now. I have said a few wee prayers for the lass and hope that she is getting the help, support and comfort that she really could be doing with the now.
    Maureen, i have been thinking of your poor brother in law and hope that he is on the mend now. I am so sorry that i couldn't put fingers to keys before now to let your poor husband know just how much i was thinking of him and his twin. I am a twin as well so know only too well what was going on with Jim when i wasn't around as i felt all the pain, illnesses, you name it that he had and he was the same with me. I can vouch for the old school of thought of twins feeling the others pain even though there could be in another part of the world, so it's not just his twin that would go through the pain of the heart attack but poor George would feel it as well even though it wasn't happening to him. I hope both men are on the road to recovery and sending hugs to them both.
    end of part 1

  22. Part 2
    Aren't kids funny or maybe it's just mine but take Kirsten for instance doesn't want a white shawl as it will get mucky too easily so wants a blue one. Do you know how difficult it is to get 2ply wool in blue? I have finally found 1ply pure extra fine merino that i am having to double up to make her the shawl for Harry. Boy has she always got to be awkward and just can't go with the flow and the traditional white like everyone else. Rory on the other hand makes me laugh as he comes in last night and says to me that his art teacher at the college wants to have a competition with me. Now what on earth has he been saying to that poor lassie that is making her feel inadequate about her talent. A wee while ago he came home with a whole pile of sticky back plastic in all sorts of colours that he had got from her because his mum does lots of things with all sorts of bits and bobs and could use that in her card making. I found an adult colouring in book called Secret Garden in at Waterstones and it is wonderful being able to sit and colour in again good pictures instead of kiddies books that just don't do it for me. Well i am in the process of working on page 3 of said book ( mainly because i am a numpty and like to work my way methodically through it) when the young sir comes out with the competition request yesterday just in from college and as i said to him, i only colour in now i don't do any the fancy stuff, but no what ever he has said to this poor lassie about my art is anyones guess. He did the same to one of the support workers at the school about my card making and came back to tell me that she wanted me to teach her how to do it properly. What has he said????? Crikey my opinion of my work may not be high but with Rory around he does what i don't, one of these times he is going to blaw that big about something and he's going to burst.
    Right the sun is shining up here at Glenochil Towers and my hills are looking fair alive even if it is quite cool(2 degrees) so i shall sit across in my corner with my basket full of hugs of all shapes, sizes and eventualities with a cup of white coffee and a piece of victoria sponge cake if you have it Sandra. I hope that you lot have been behaving yourselves while i have been gone or at least been respectable in what you have been getting up to as we don't want the local bobby around saying we're causing a disturbance. And talking about a disturbance, i would dearly love to come on our meet and greet but can't quite commit just yet but i will asap as i would love to meet my fellow loonies sorry crafting friends.
    Take care everyone of you lovely people
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hello My lovely friend,
      Oh my goodness it is so good to hear from you, you have no idea how big a hole you leave when you are not here, and I don't mean the size of your bum either, you are a huge part of the life and soul of this blog Norah, I so value your friendship xx
      I hold out every hope that there will be a chance that you may join us on our retreat, we have all said how amazing it would be if you were able to join us , if you email Hazel she has made some amazing cost savings with the cost of transport, the price reductions were incredible,
      Now I would have thought that both pink and blue 2ply wool would have been in the companies basic colour range. How funny that its not, I can see Kirsten's point to a degree, but I think that we all think of white as they are often used for christenings! Poor Matthew (my eldest) had to wear the 'family' christening gown and shawl, oh boy were they hideous, I made sure that all of the girls were too big to fit the dress, but we still used the shawl, it was almost brown as it had discoloured over the years, and like a shiny material that made it feel like you were holding onto a wriggling eel rather than a baby, I understand Pauls mum wanting us to use it, but well we kind of conformed to the rules!
      I have to say that your shawls are beautiful, so lacy and delicate, I will be featuring them on Saturday.
      Well it sounds like Rory has set you up a fair challenge, how funny is he, but it is so lovely that he speaks so highly of all of your work, so what are you going to enter into this challenge? I hope you will photograph it so that we can feature it on the blog!
      I love those adult colouring books, I did picture the ones from Ann Summers to start with, where you have to sketch in the anatomy, but I was relieved that you meant those proper colouring books, keep an eye on the Works website as the get them in sometimes at really good prices.
      Right I must away, I am supposed to be in the craft room this afternoon, but I started on this blog and haven't got there yet!
      Let me know if you want the booking details for the weekend away and I will email them to you, please, please consider it, It would be like Christmas if you said yes!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Flower, me i'm not entering anything as i dauble and that is all i do, i am not proficient enough to enter anything although old lecturers might have other ideas. My art lecturer from college days entered my embroidery into one of the Highland shows and it did win but the eejit entered it back to front because he couldn't tell what was what. me, i don't know how he couldn't tell as a blind man running for a bus could tell but not him, nor the judges(they definitely were missing their glasses that day).
      Hey what colouring books have you been seeing in Ann Summers as they never have that kind when i go in. I will take a trip down to Sterling Mills to see what ones they have there but i have got 3 coming just in case they go out of fashion once more and it's considered childish to want to colour in. See the funny looks you get when asking for a real colouring in book up until recently you wouldn't believe but i think that there is an awful lot of us that have fond memories of sitting for hours in peace and quiet colouring away with out pencils and then FELT TIPS.....whay hey, that's when you knew you could finally be trusted not to colour the walls, doors or anything else of mums.
      Maureen, Jim was 46 mins older than me but was always about 10 inches smaller until he joined the TA in the February and he grew from being so much smaller than me(I am and have been from the age of 11, 5ft 3/4inch) to 5foot 4inches the friday before he was gone. What a spurt he took in that 6 months and what a change in attitude as well, he sort of grew up inside as well as out in that time, but i am glad your "boys" are doing better and hope that David recovers as he can do with the right Atilla the Hun as his Physio. I know that it seems harsh what they are trying to get him to do but in all honesty it is for his own good that they are doing it, so that it brings him back as close as they can to the man he was before so don't take no for an answer from him when you go to see him as the more exercises that he does, the more he will recover. Sorry Sargent Major is leaving the building.
      Maria flower, i hope that your wee mammy keeps her pecker up through this horrible treatment, but i am sending her the biggest hug since i can't give my own one i'll give it to yours. I hope that she gets a bit brighter and feels like her self soon.
      I used to think it was just me that was infamous but its you lot as well. You haven't even got to Birmingham yet and they know all about you, dear me what are they going to think and that is you all without the drink.
      Have fun
      love and crafty hugs to my angels
      PS. I'm the fat one at the other end of the photo. This was taken about 3 years ago when Rory had just started High School(at 12 up here in the North) x

    3. Nice to see you back Norah? Right there are three of us going from up here and will travel by train from Haymarket so we would be there to help you on and off, Maureen will join us at Carlisle so if you can make it, it would be great. Rory is so proud of you and what you do, it's lovely that he lets folk know, yes I know you do wonder what he's getting you into, but your super Mum in his eyes, our Calum is the same, at school he tells the teacher " it's ok my granny can do that for you". Loved how you wrote about your mum and dads grave and them being mucky pups. I still talk to my mum after 46 years and I know she is always close at hand, it gets easier, but it takes time.
      Oh I'd can't wait for Saturday to see your shawls, I am so glad my daughter was into white and pale blue when the boys were babies, Angela daughter- inlaw was the same with the girls and had them in white and pale pink for a long time, it's about the only thing we agree no. Take it easy, Hazel x

    4. Hi NORAH
      Now what is Sandra all about here. Here was I thinging that Ann Summers made naughty underwear and a lot of unmentionables. Now Pete wanted to buy me a rampant Rabbit when his kidneys stopped functioning. But only if he could watch while I used it. If you ever did. He even talked about the women twirling their Tassles. He reckoned he'd beat them hands up twirling his pipe work. Mind you he does have a funny sense of humour. Mind you he says it keeps him sane. Now we really had the wrong end of the stick and they actually sell colouring books.

  23. Hi again Sandra,
    Just to let you know I have booked my room. Soooooo excited!!,

  24. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Sorry not to have called in during the last few days but have had a few problems, but hey ho that's life I suppose.
    Sandra your card today is absolutely stunning so very beautiful I have forwarded you an email (a second one) about applying for a design team, no pressure you understand!!! You really should give joining a design team somewhere serious thought sweetheart, and I notice I am not the only one with that view I see.
    Right now welcome to our newest visitor I do sincerely hope you become a regular.
    What is the news on Sam does anyone know?
    Cheryl please, please, do listen to your body, you have been doing too much, do take it easy and have some quality rest then you will soon be in fine form again.
    Well I shall go and see just what I have been missing these past few days.
    My basket of hugs and cuddles is over in the corner please help yourselves.
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      thanks for the email today about the design team, I looked at it and them got had no confidence to do anything about it, I will have a look again, send them what they ask for and just see what happens I guess, I have nothing to lose.
      thank you Margaret, you are such a sweetheart.
      I am so worried about Sam, I have emailed her a few times and got not reply either, I don't think she has been on Sue's blog either. I know that she has one or two health issues, I hope she is ok, I hate to think of her in pain bless her.
      I hope that you are ok too Margaret, sending you the biggest, warmest hug, ever,
      Love too,

  25. Hi Sandra and all who pop in,
    Wow Sandra, what a lovely card! I'm sure this one will be treasured by the recipients as it is beautiful! I love that deep blue and that shade of silky crush ribbon is one of my favourites! Your flowers are always gorgeous and the box is a perfect match. It's not just a card - it's a gift!
    How did yesterday's work experience go for the girls? Hope they enjoyed it.
    Well Norah, it is so good - " It's So Nice To Have You Back Where You Belong!".
    Love the photo too! It's lovely !
    We tried to behave while you were absent - but some here just can't !
    Rory obviously adores his Mum - just as it should be. Teachers will have noted that too. Sending hugs.
    Maria - sorry we missed you last night - it was a hard day yesterday! I was concerned that they turned the dishwasher on with you inside! Diane thought you may be in there for some reason!
    Cheryl - you need to chill a little ! I hate that expression but my grandchildren use it a lot. Can't wait to see this crafty haven!
    Sam - missing you - hope you are feeling a little stronger. Hugs for you too.
    Well, off to the Home shortly - if I don't get out - please send out a real search party not a virtual one!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxxx

  26. Hi Sandra and all,
    Large black coffee please I'm in desperate in of one as this is my third attempt to post, before it just said error 503 and then nothing so here I go.
    I sent my E-mail to Paul's last night or early this morning if you haven't got it I will do so again. I thought you already had it as we sent E-mail to each other before.
    Your card is a work of art Sandra, its so nice with the flower arrangement and the colour is so lush and stick pins and a box too, Wonderful !
    I went to the cafe' after coming back from London visiting my SIL, it was a full day and we do have great fun together but it doe's tire me out something silly.
    Thank You all for helping me thinking positive thoughts reg. my mum <3
    I will call her later and see how she got on.
    Put the weekly shopping away and now to hang the washing, indoors,to cold and rainy here to hang it outside, anyway when I done that I will come back, read all the comments and have another little chat. Yay Norah you are back, can't wait to read what you been doing see you later,
    Love and Hugs Maria xx
    please post !!!! lol

    1. Tihi it worked, see you later ,M xx

    2. Maria, thinking about your Mum. Hope she is OK after her dose of Radiation. Chemo is such a horrible thing I am sure she will find the Radiation less aggressive.
      Sending you and your some (((((hugs)))))
      Patricia xxx

    3. Hi Maria, Thinking of your Mum and you!
      You are having quite a day! Just wanted you to know that they let me out!
      I knew you'd be so relieved! Lol.
      Myra xxx

  27. Hi Folks,
    Hope you have all enjoyed you Lunch. I just had Soup & Sandwich .... money in the pot.
    I am hoping, skipping and dancing round the the Coffee Shop ...... WHY???
    That's Hazel and I booked our rooms ... all done and dusted.
    So easy too, just need your Name, Address & Contact No.
    The girl who answered the phone knew the booking when I said The Coffee Shop Retreat.
    If you have not done yours it's easy so no worries.
    Patricia xxx

    1. Hi Patricia I know how you feel, I booked in this morning. Will get in touch regarding travelling down, maybe we can meet up and travel together
      Jess x

    2. JESS:- if you contact Hazel she will be dealing with the Transport side of things .... I will be taking direction from her as far as travelling goes. I am sure we will be able to meet up and travel together, which was will be good.
      Patricia x

  28. Afternoon Sandra and crew. WOW its crowded here, thought you'd all be crafting away, how wrong am I lol ! Been in my den up till now, so if you have one can I have a chicken noodle cup a soup please then I can have lunch and craft ! More orders to finish and send in the post ! Suppose to be re stocking my cards, and I feel like screaming "leave me alone" !! Dont I sound ungrateful ? I promise im not, just want to give people MORE choice and my stock is depleating before I can restock, im SO frustrated.
    Ohhh my Sandra, what an amazing gift you made, I bet it took their breath away.
    Im sorry I cant keep up with all the messages, but I had to giggle when someone thought I was going on a road trip lol. Sandra got it : ) but unfortunatly I didnt get to either, sorry Patricia and Hazel, I need at least an extra 6 hour's added to my day to fit everything in. Promise after dinner tonight I will go and see what beauties you have shown us.
    Poor Theresa is not at all well bless her. So im sending love and big hugs to anyone that feels pants today. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
    Love to you all and welcome Karen, so glad to see you at the friendliest virtual cafe ever.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Hi Steph,
      Goodness me I am so thrilled that you are so in demand and busy, I hope that maybe one day, I too could be in that position.
      How do you do your verses etc on the inside, I have had many cd's over the years but they are very boring and some way too cheesy, so I would appreciate any of your advice, you wise old bird! tihi !!
      I am devastated to hear that Theresa is so poorly, I have emailed her a few times, but please pass on my love and best wishes to her.
      Try not to go too mad in that den, make a cut off time so that you get to spend some quality time with Andy too, we can take that time for granted sometimes.
      Sending you love and warm hugs

  29. WOOHOO,
    My room is all booked for the retreat, I asked for the lovely Matthew but the lady asked what it was regarding so I told her it was "The Coffee Shop Retreat" and she knew all about it , oh girls we are notorious and we haven't even been yet!
    Please let know of any companies that you think would be worth contacting for freebies for our retreat.
    Right will pop back later,
    I have emailed all that have said they are interested in coming with us in October but if anyone else from our café is interested please let me know, the more the merrier!
    love and hugs
    Sandra xxxx

    1. I'm booked tooo!!! Just read your email and thought I'll do it now. That has given me a bit of a lift as has all your lovely comments.
      I had two lovely visitors this morning, both complimented me on my beef and tomato stew cooking, they could smell it coming up my drive! I lunch at 1 o'clock then have been dozing off and on trying to play catch up with recorded programmes. Think I'll have to watch them again later to see what I've missed.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    2. I'm booked tooo!!! Just read your email and thought I'll do it now. That has given me a bit of a lift as has all your lovely comments.
      I had two lovely visitors this morning, both complimented me on my beef and tomato stew cooking, they could smell it coming up my drive! I lunch at 1 o'clock then have been dozing off and on trying to play catch up with recorded programmes. Think I'll have to watch them again later to see what I've missed.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    3. Hazel & I are booked
      Patricia xxx

  30. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies,
    Your card is gorgeous Sandra love the box as well( I have mastered that now thanks too you ) well I think I have had a serious senior moment dishing out mine & Terrys tablets well I put my morning ones in my pot & took my night ones this morning so if I nod off poke me zzzzzzzz ok not that hard hihi haha,
    Hope twins enjoyed yesterdas work exsperance.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Oh no what a boo boo that is, do you have amytriptilene (sp), if so you will be nodding off for the rest of the day! bless you, at first I thought you were going to say that you had taken Terry's and he yours!
      Which bit do you want me to poke? haha
      The girls came home and had something to eat as they had worked through their lunch, they finished that and went to have a lie down, they emerged 3 1/2 hours later, after a little nap!
      haha their first day and they were exhausted! But they were up and organised early and keen to go, thankfully, they finish at lunchtime on Friday as they break up for Easter, is it early this year? or is it just me?
      Anyway I must get on.
      Catch up with you later!
      love and Hugs

    2. Ha ha don't poke the droopy bit's or belly you will loose your pokey finger in the rolls of blubber lol Sandra,yes I do take Amytriptilene did feel a bit sleepy alway,so probably won't sleep well tonight,so will have to join the other night owls later. So pleased girls enjoyed there first day, a long day for them without lunch.
      You was saying when we go to AP about putting something on so we recognise each other well I have some clip on butterflys so might use them you know me & Butterflys what do you think Sandra.
      Take care lovely,love & Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Oh Lynda glad you are ok lol , so easy to take wrong pills sometimes even if I have a pillbox I do the same or more likely taking one to many, hmmm it's that's why I feel so funny some days............
      Butterflies sound good Lynda. I have a little name badge from when I saw Julia that I might put on, what are the others doing, I wonder ?
      Hugs Maria xx

    4. Hi Maria I know I took Terrys once. Mind you if OH dished them out I would never get the right ones probably give me a Bob martin hihi.
      I'm not sure what the other are doing for AP I was either doing name badge or then thought of a butterfly. Do you know who is going. Sham Saba's going on Sunday would have been nice to meet her.
      Love Lynda xx

  31. YOO HOO
    I'm in the Queen's Suite at the Hillscourt, or did she say "you are a queer sort" when I rang to book my room!!! Sandra, the same happened to me when I rang and asked for Matthew, she asked what it was about and when I said "The Coffee Shop Retreat" she knew straight away and booked me in there and then. She was really pleasant - obviously hasn't met me yet!!! Ooooohhh I'm soooooooo excited.
    Really, I think I should give you all a warning, first it was David in hospital with a stroke, then it was Eleanor fainting yesterday, and today one of my oldest friends rang to say that she has contracted Shingles and is in so much pain, so had to cancel. I did meet another friend but I left her earlier than usual and came home to make some Easter Cards, bet I don't get started until tonight.
    So if any of you decide to cancel your rooms, I quite understand lol.
    Maria, glad that your mam got through her first treatment ok, and at least she knows the drill now.
    Cheryl, so pleased to see you back on the blog. I was going to e-mail you last night but was so tired that I could hardly think.
    Patricia, hope the Crazy Bunch were ok this morning, and didn't drive you to distraction.
    Hazel, thank you so much - and the lovely Bargain Betty - for the hard work in sorting me out. And believe me anyone who can sort me out deserves a medal.
    Myra - I keep laughing to myself wondering if you will get out of the "Home" in time for our soiree. If you don't appear on the blog for a day or two we'll send in the SAS to rescue you!
    Izzie - oh designer of the wonderful bags - what a good idea to make a buckle like that. I've made a note of it, but knowing me I'll end up throwing it out during a clear up.
    Norah - It's lovely to see you back, and thank you so much for your kind remarks concerning George and David. George is the elder by 5 minutes and has always looked out for David (doesn't matter that they are 75 this Christmas, oh sorry ladies, I've said the "C" word). They have always been so close. Anyway, it's nice to see you back and read your stories.
    I like a good story, don't I girls!!!!
    Mrs B, I feel as if we are fated never to get together in this coffee shop, here's looking forward to October.
    Jess, can't remember what I was going to say!!! xxx
    Lynda, hope you wake up to take your night time pills lol !!
    Diane/Denise, I can't remember what I was going to say to you either - if anyone finds a memory looking for an owner, sent it to me please.
    Love to all, the girls will be coming in and I haven't made a card yet today.
    See you all later, ooooohhhhh I'm so excited!
    Muriel xx

    1. No Muriel I have to wake up & take my morning pills took night ones this morning. I think I need to go to Myra's OAP home lol
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Now Lynda! It is not my Home! However the Staff there came round before afternoon tea with the relevant medication! Could you find a responsible adult in your houe to perform this task?
      Love Myra xxxxx

    3. Houe equals house! Sorry! Xxx

    4. No Myra no responsible adults in my house,OH should think himself lucky I never gave them tablets too
      Poor beaky ( Freddy Parrot) never got fed either but that was the other non responsible adults fault.OH!!!
      Love Lynda xx

  32. Oh Sam and Steph, I meant to say that I hope you are both feeling a bit better and I am thinking of you.
    Muriel xx

  33. Me again,
    Girls here, off the school bus, and went into my e-mails to find confirmation from Hotel.
    Way Hay, I'm now called Mrs Evans!!! Have they got me confused with another of the sisterhood? I've e-mailed them pointing out my proper name and now waiting for new confirmation.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hi Maureen, I'm Mrs Evans too! perhaps she thinks we're all related to Hazel? xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl, think I'll have to change my name again to Mrs Evans!! Seemingly it's because it's going to be a block booking under Hazel's name. xxx

    3. Everything will be booked under Hazels Name.
      The must be using the one e-mail to confirm all the bookings

  34. I have booked but could someone now please tell me where I'm going, what date and am I sharing with someone lol I was so excited so can't really recall the conversation only know she told me it would cost £ 75 per night.
    OMG I have just seen what you mean Patricia, tihi You did hear me head first but nothing was showing up that it was sent, I'm so sorry 'Ladies'.
    Did the crazy bunch behave themself or should we come over and sort them out ?
    How did the meeting go Maureen, can you get much for your relic's
    these days ?
    Norah it's so good to see you back and hearing about Rory, he is so proud of you and just want to tell everyone what a clever mum he's got. Like Sandra said it would be amazing if you could join us in Birmingham, if only for a day/night so we could meet. Think about it, yes.........
    Margaret, how are you doing and your corgi's are they being good or are they a bit like the 'pesky divas' ?
    Is Myra back or is she stuck at the "home" shall we let her stay the night ? hihi
    The spuds waiting for me to be peeled and I have a few (64) mails to look through ,I'll be back later for the nightcap
    Maria x
    ps mum is alright,thank you. Told her about you and now she think her Alder'st gone more loopy then ever hihi

    1. Marie it should be only £70 unless they are adding on the daily cost of the craft room, you will be in a room of your own we all are, it's the Hillscourt hotel from the FRIDAY 30th - 1st November. Where are you travelling from???
      Mum will be a little bit tired after a few of these treatments, but nothing like chemo.
      Hazel x

    2. Hi Hazel, I think she must have put on the extra because she said it a couple of times, that's I remember. I got a confirmation soon after so now I'm sorted except for the train fair. I'm very lucky because I only live 1 hours drive from Birmingham but will take the train up from Milton Keynes.
      Spoke to mum ,she is fine but tired. No different there, know where I get it from lol
      Hugs Marie/a xx

  35. I'm back!
    Don't look so disappointed! Going to book my room now!
    Myra xxxx

  36. It's me again!
    I was unable to book my room! Matthew has gone home for the day and the lady who answered the telephone had no idea what I was talking about! She advised me to ring tomorrow! So be it! Xxx

    1. Myra dear,
      They let you out - or did you make a run for it when some visitors went through the main door?
      When I made my booking I told them to block any Myra Young who rang!!!! No I didn't, I told them to be very nice to you as you were in a Home for the Confused and to talk v e r y s l o w l y ha ha. When you do get booked, they'll do it under the name of Evans (Oh I saw that Miss Marple Episode - "Why didn't they ask Evans" - as it is going to be a block booking under Hazel's name.
      How did it go today, was Hubby any help??
      Muriel xx

    2. Well - yes and no! - to was hubby a help! He had them all in stitches laughing! That wasn't really the point but we did have fun! He helped with pens, glue, etc. and generally turned it into a pantomime! They decorated some eggs in spite of him really! I took some photos as they did a good job. We stopped on the way home and had a relaxing coffee! Southport was lovely today and the tide was actually in! Michelle will know exactly what I mean! Xxx

    3. I hope, Maureen dear! that you noticed I did not rise to the bait about my confused state. Are you sure you didn't tell them to black me?
      I'll get another complex!

    4. Hi Maria, I had a lady book mine and all was fine, you should only pay £70 though not £75, so we may need to check that, unless you have booked the Honeymoon sweet!
      your where and when should be on your confirmation, although it might be in the name of Mrs Evans, as Hazel was the lead booking!
      love and hugs

    5. No she deffo said £75 (like Hazel said she must have taken for the craftroom) maybe its Myra but they have to check her credentials first therefore she couldn't book her room lol
      When I phoned I only said I wanted to book a room for the' coffee shop retreat' so no problemas. Call you in the morning Myra or you can always bunk with me as long you DO Not Snore ! got enough of that at home !
      Maria xx

    6. Maria,
      You are incorrigible! Your joke may come back to haunt you, my dear!
      Will ring in the morning all being well and see how it goes.
      Myra xxx

  37. Janet Ecco of Sheffield24 March 2015 at 17:49

    Good Afternoon everyone
    I know it's late for me today but I don't seem to have stopped and yet I cannot see what I've done - so my Latte is really needed.
    Sandra your card is just one big WOW. I love all about it and taking one step further by making a box is just perfect.
    Norah and Steph it's wonderful to have you both back where you belong but you have asked the 64000 dollar question - have you been good while I've been away?-. I for one have not been able to keep up with the late night revellers. Names have been changed and more than once! Antics have been immense and I do believe that the local Constabulary have been bribed to ignore the noise etc.!!! lol. I'm sure that you both can sort things out or perhaps NOT and just join in.

    Sandra I'm getting really envious as each day passes about your Cafe Retreat so can you please allow me to send one or two things that you might like to raffle off or something like that. Please let me know.
    Thank you for your ideas re where I could pack my crafting things and I'll let you know where I put my 'pokey tool' lol. I've been advised that my craft box should be ready by Saturday afternoon. After all we're not going until early Monday morning!!! But you know who has to be organised.

    To all have a good evening. Hugs to all under the weather. My usual hugs are in the box by the door.
    Janet xx

    1. I would much rather you can Janet! xxxx
      Even if you were to come for the day, I would so love to meet you!
      We are changing things with our holiday plans this year, we are thinking of taking our own caravan down to spain and leaving it there, I would love to get close enough on our journey to call I for a tasse du the !
      I will get to meet you somehow, I am determined!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxx
      ps of course you can send something but don't feel you need to xxx

  38. Hi everyone great to see you back Norah, hope you are feeling a lot better.
    Has a good day at my friends craft shop, bought a few things well you would, wouldn't you? Off to make a few cards, of I can muster up the mojo.
    Steph it was me who thought were on your travels lol.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

    1. hi Jess,
      come on, what did you buy?
      remember to take photos of the cards for me!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  39. Hi Sandra
    Wow wow and more wow. This card is simply stunning. I bet Becca's friend will be over the moon, and a box to boot. Your talent is truly amazing. I read out what you said about terrorising Pete, he thought that was so funny. And he's learnt not to hoover before you come now at least. Hope to be making some cards tomorrow in between our laughter and chattering. He'll be glad when I no longer need my stockings on and I'm able to bend so he doesn't have to dry my legs off for me. We won't know how his scans went until we go back to the hospital 3 weeks today would you believe. We're assuming that if anything shows up they'll call him in early. But will keep our fingers crossed that they don't. Hope that everyone is feeling better today then they were yesterday. Maria I hope your mum was ok after her treatment. Pete had Radiation Treatment and Chemo therapy and he was ok with both. So fingers crossed it won't have to back an effect on your mum. Hugs to all in need today, especially Steph and Norah.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Sue and I are looking forward to playing Pete up tomorrow!,
      Thanks for the lovely comments about my card, I can bring it tomorrow it you like?
      Have you booked your room?
      I have absolutely everything crossed that all the scans come through ok, 3 weeks is ridiculous, there is no way that it will 3 weeks for them to check out the results.
      We will bring some craft stuff to have a play tomorrow, looking forward to it,
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  40. Hi Sandra
    Well I wrote to say how fabulous your card was, and a few other things as well. But it disappeared into cyber thin air after I hit publish. I said that I hoped Maria's mum was ok with her Radiation and that hopefully it wouldn't have an Adverse effect on her. Pete's not hoovering until we've finished crafting, as he's now learnt his lesson. I wrote a few other things but I'm suffering from CRAFT now. Hugs to all in need of one today.

    1. Hi Pat, Isn't the technology fantastic lol at least yours did not come through 4 times tihi
      Mum is ok thanks, you are all so wonderful thinking of her. We haven't even meet, yet, and all your support is helping a lot, thank you !
      Have a real hoot with Sandra and Mrs B tomorrow, wonder if you get any crafting done hihi Your Pete is a Saint, is he wearing earplugs during your get together ? Take care Hugs Maria xx

  41. Good evening ladies,
    Myra, don't worry about not getting a room, when I phoned earlier at lunchtime, the lady I spoke to said there were still lots of rooms available. She asked if I needed to be on the ground floor and I told her no, she could bung me up in the attic if she liked. However she did seem reluctant to let me speak to the lovely Matthew and said she could deal with my booking but didn't seem to be able to find the details, said not to worry she would check it later and send me a confirmation e mail. I gave her all my details but as yet haven't had the confirmation. I think I might ring back in the morning just to check.
    Ive had a busy day here but finally everything is slick and span, just have to pack my case in the morning and then get to the airport for lunchtime. I have to admit to being a bit nervous In view of today's events. Both my flights are with the same airline and same type of machine and although I normally don't give it a second thought it does bring it home.
    The whole nation here is in deep shock, especially as there were children on board so forgive me ladies if I don't join in tonight. Don't worry about me, I am absolutely fine but terribly sad.
    Love and hugs to you all.
    Night night God bless
    Saba xxxx

    1. Safe journey, my friend! It is an awful thing that has happened and German technology and safety are A1 . Thinking of you tomorrow , just remember - one flight takes off every 2 secs! The timing is so bad for you but my heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones! I will keep in touch and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Remember Val who is longing to see you! Hug for your husband who is letting you go!
      Myra xxxxx

    2. Hi Saba,
      awful thing with the air crash but you have a safe journey and you will have a fantastic time with your sister, daughters and grandchild/er. Give Val a huge hug from me when you get a moment, can never have to many Bamsekramar lol
      Love and hugs Maria xx

    3. Safe journey Saba for tomorrow my others have said my heart goes out to all the families of the passengers on that flight.
      You will be fine Saba just think of seeing Val & your daughter's & grandchildren sending them ((((Hug's))) you have waited so long to see your lovely sister & Hug her in person. Sleep well my friend. Hug's for your husband.
      Love Lynda xxxx

    4. Hi SABA
      It's an awful thing with the air crash. All of Germany must be in shock. But because of this everything will be checked and double checked. So just sit tight and look forward to seeing your family, and you'll be able to see first hand how Val is doing. Don't firget to ring your husband to let him know you have arrived safely. Telling you how to suck eggs I kniw. But it's easy to forget for awhile in the excitement of seeing your family. God bless.

  42. SABA:- I am so sorry to hear what has happened. I feel for the families of the the passengers on the Aircraft. As Myra has said .... remember Val and your darling daughters are so looking forward to seeing you. They will be worried till they can hug you tightly. I also send ((((hugs)))) to your husband who will be worried till you let him know you have arrived in the UK.
    Look forward to hearing you are here safe and sound.
    Love and hugs my friend
    Patricia xxx

  43. Hi Saba,
    I've thought of you all day today as the news has constantly been on the TV about the events today. If ever there is a good day to fly it will be tomorrow because everyone will be checking and checking again everything on the plane. You are so looking forward to coming over to see your Sister, Daughters and grandchildren so just keep that thought in mind.
    Safe journey and let us know when you arrive.
    Lots of love, lots of hugs and prost!!
    Maureen xxx

  44. Saba. Maureen is so right, everything will be 100% for flying tomorrow. My heart goes out to the families. Your family will be just so glad when you are here and giving you loads of ((((hugs)))). Safe journey my friend. Hazel xxx

  45. Sorry everyone! I've been on the phone to my lively daughter in law!
    Night night everyone who is going to bed!
    Myra xxxx

  46. What's happened too all the night owls hoot hoot .
    Good night everyone love Lynda xx
