
Wednesday 25 March 2015

Bright Blue Bloom By Sam and Gorgeous Glam card By Janet!

Good Morning Ladies,
I wanted to show this card as a special flower for our Sam who is still poorly, hopefully she will get to see it today and may even feel up to leaving us a comment about it, I really hope so, Sam we are really missing you, we all send you lots of healing hugs. xxxx
This card you have made is absolutely stunning, the lovely wedgewood colours of the background and then the gorgeous flower, stamped and coloured beautifully in that stunning Blue! Finished off with Sue's gorgeous flowers and the lovely stick pins. Thank you Sam for sending us this gorgeous card to share. xxxx

Next we have this gorgeous card by Janet, how amazing is this card?!! Janet has used a variety of Sue's dies to create this masterpiece, Janet I am hoping you will call in later and tell us all about what you have used and how you have created this fab card, I think I am going to have to copy your idea of the centrepiece, its gorgeous and I love it. Thank you so much for sending this card for me to share with all of your crafty sisters here in the Café! Hug xxxxx
Well what a lovely start to the day, gorgeous cards to put a smile on your faces, what are you all up to
today? Sue and I are off to craft with Pat, which will be fun, I think I may try and get Pat to try and make an Izzy Bag, watch this space!
Now a word to our absent friends:
 Theresa I was sad to hear from Steph yesterday that you are really under the weather, we have all been sending you get well wishes over the past few weeks and I want to add my heartfelt wishes again today my lovely, I can't for you to be well enough to be back amongst us, how is that shoulder? I hope that there has been some progress. hugs xxxxx
Sam, I wish I could make contact with you just for the reassurance that you are ok, I am sending you the biggest hugs, for a speedy recovery, love and hugs xxxx
Tandy, I hope you are ok my lovely, It seems ages since I have seen your name, I really miss your daily input in the blog, sending love and hugs your way xxxx
Anyone else who is under the weather or just feeling miserable is getting a hug to whether you want it or not, I am sending you some love!
I hope that all of you that are attending the weekend are booked ok, it sounds like none of us got to speak to Matthew yesterday, maybe he only answers to Hazel, there seemed to be a little confusion too, so hopefully we can get that ironed out today.
Saba I am wishing you a safe journey, let us all know when you have landed and you are home safe!
Well I am off to have a shower, I look forward to reading all of your comments,
Love and Hugs



  1. Morning all. Water boiling, oven heating up and heating on ready for you all.
    WOW, what a start to our day, that amazing flower of Sam's just adds to the sun we have, Sam its an absolute stunner as is Janets card.
    I forgot to say how great it was of Saba to do such detailed instructions for the 'Izzy' bag. I cant wait to find time to go back and read through them and try to make one - wish I wasn't so thick as far as instructions go lol. I can already feel the excitement and buzz about your craft weekend down in Brum, its just so central to things, not far from the centre of Bham, bet there are many more new craft shops than there was 4yrs ago when I lived there ! There was a tiny one not far from the airport but it was like the tardis lol and you are near the NEC which is near to the airport, sounds like there will be no time for shopping though lol. Hope your little hiccup gets ironed out today.
    At last my order from Sunday is done and will wave them goodbye when Andy takes them to the PO later, and they CAN PO as far as im concerned lol - sorry guys for the potty mouth, but you know when you've just had enough it gets to you lol (who said crafting wasn't stressful) ? Lol. Wonder if 'our Sue' ever feels like this as her workload is humungus all the time.
    So its an Easter card for my MIL today, then heads down for market stash ready for next month.
    Hope you all have a lovely day. In my thought Theresa and Alison and Sam, hope you feel better soon, to Tandy hope all is ok, and to our friends that dont feel so good im thinking of you. Pat, hope your surgery has helped you feel more human again and less pain that you had.
    Love n hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Hi Steph,
      One lot down then your market stash to go. Please, please take it steady, my dear, we don't want to see you run ragged with your workload. You have endured a lot these past few weeks. Many healing ((((hugs)))) from me to you.
      Love Cheryl xxx

    2. Good morning Steph, so happy to see you back with us.
      Please take it easy, cards and others can wait. Your the more important person in the mix.
      Just to let you know I don't mind you mentioning the "Stamps" on my Blog. I love them and it was you who pointed me in that direction in the first place.
      Patricia xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Oh it's a bit frosty this morning so I have popped the heating on so that it will be cozy for you all, everything is on and cakes etc are in the cabnet.
    Ladies I have sent Matthew an e-mail telling him about all the little problems you seem to be having and I booked the craft room as most of you think it's a good idea. So here's hoping it all gets sorted, if you still have to book the lady on the desk should be able to deal with it if you tell her you are booking under the "Coffee Shop Retreat". Anyway let Sandra or I know if you still have a problem.
    Sam your card is a delight to look at, it's beautiful, you are like Patricia with your stamping and it your flowers 3D like. Hope you are feeling a bit better.
    Janet. Another work of art from you, your centre piece is stunning and how you have put your different die cuts to use is lovely.
    Steph, thank you for your lovely comments on my blog, yes I understand you are very busy, you don't want to let people down with their orders, but you must take care of yourself too.
    Theresa, sending you gentle (((((hugs))))) hope your pain gets easier soon.
    Saba. Again safe journey and enjoy those hugs and cuddles you are going to get from your family. I bet you are so excited you will be on a high.
    Margaret. Sending you ((((((hugs)))))) too, just rest and don't even try to do things.
    To any one I have forgotten I have put plenty of ((((( hugs)))))) in the basket as I dont want you to feel left out. But my brain is still not fully awake, I am off into the shower and then it's get dressed and off down to big daughters to wait on the carpet fitters to turn up. I will pop back in later and see who is in. Hazel x

    1. Morning Hazel,
      I had an email from Grace last night saying that we are all booked under Mrs Evans as you made the original enquiry/ booking. That way they can keep us all together. Makes sense, as for my Family Reunion in July, everyone uses my name for the room allocation, so I expect that's what Hillscourt have done too.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    2. Thank you Cheryl, I think some of the others weren't to bothered about my name being there, but more to the fact that with things not being what was quoted didn't help either? I just wanted Matthew to know his staff weren't all talking from the same piece of paper. Husband and I ran a ski/adventure training lodge many years ago before computers and mobils and we only had one or two hiccups as me made sure everything was in order and anyone answering the phone knew what was what. We are only a small group, I'd hate to think how they would manage over a 100. I bet you are looking forward to your reunion, it's lovely when you meet up with family again. Lots of chatter etc. take it easy, I was like yourself and thought I could do more than I could and it didn't work, now adays I sometimes have to say " there is tomorrow? And it will still be there"
      Hazel x

    3. Hi Hazel,
      All done and dusted! Booked in for Retreat! Thank you for taking so much trouble to organise things. Much appreciated.
      Love Myra xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Another frosty start but beautiful clear blue skies here in Southport, such a pity to be going into work soon!!!

    Two beautiful cards & I think both Sam + Janet have used Sues flower dies on them but don't both cards looks so different.

    Not much to report here other than more tales of woe-a colleague had s text off her hubby on Monday morning to say "don't panic but i'm in A&E with chest pains"! Turns out he was sent from work & was in the middle of a heart attack. He was blue lighted to Broadgreen & successfully had a stent fitted. He had a stroke about 3 years ago so this will another shock to them both. Fingers crossed things improve for them.

    Right-off to feed the birds then set off to work.


    1. Oh my goodness Michele your work colleague must have been so worried getting that text seeing how her husband had a stroke only 3 years ago? Will be thinking of them. Hazel x

  4. Morning Sandra & ladies,
    Another beautiful start to the day here in my little corner of Somerset, bright, bright sunshine although still quite a chilly nip in the air.
    I have my Case Worker visiting for our monthly chat this morning at 9 o'clock, she has become a good friend over the years, then taking my Grandson no. 2 Joshua and partner Lucy shopping for bedroom furniture for their new home. Then home for lunch and yet more sorting out, it's getting easier now I'm not trying to push myself, still 18 boxes to go then I will send Sandra pics of my new crafting corner.
    Onto Sam, oh my word, you really do get your flowers so lifelike! I almost feel like I can smell them, and your penmanship is superb. I do so hope you are feeling a lot better than of late.
    Janet, yet another beauty from you too. have you used swirly mirri card? the composition of the diagonal centerpiece and the borders are divine and I love the floral embellishment.
    Love & hugs for Theresa, you must be so frustrated at times with limited motion in your shoulder, which I certainly hope is improving.
    Hugs also to all those under the weather today.
    Just had quick cuppa, so I'll be back later on for scrummy, jammy, snow dusted doughnuts please.
    Love Cheryl xxx

  5. Good morning Ladies,

    Two lovely cards today, great colouring on that hydrangea by Sam and Janet I'm going to be stealing your centrepiece idea's so effective...

    Sandra - it IS Wild Card that has the buckles...I found the handbooks so I must have bought the cart before it became a free download on the Gypsy...if you have the actual cartridge the buckles are on Pages 80/81, an oval and a square but obviously with the Gypsy you can tweak the shapes to make the oval more of a round and the square into a rectangle...if you only have the download the you'll find the Oval one on the Icon button for Gift Box 1 and the square is under Envelope 1, again on the Icon button...hth...
    ..and in answer to your question, no I don't use my E as much as I used to but it does come in very handy every now and again so wouldn't actually part with it...but it has been a while since I last bought a cart...I've got about 20 now and that's probably enough as I've now got lots of different images for every type of card or project I need to make...


  6. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang!!
    Late this morning and in a rush as well.
    SAM:- your card is stunning. Love the flower so beautifully coloured. The Frame and all over design are wonderful ..... love it.
    JANET:- your card is also stunning, love how you have used your beautiful Dies, the effect is brilliant.
    Sending ((((((hugs))))) to all who need them. Have Saba so much in my thoughts. Everything will be fine but can you imagine what our friend has going through her mind as she travels over here.
    Must go will be back soon for Soup & Sandwich
    Love you all
    Patricia xxx

    1. Me too, Patricia,
      Managed to book my room this morning , no problem. So Looking forward to that. I spoke to another chap this morning and it took quite a while as he at first didn't understand about the group booking - however he did eventually. He was very nice.
      Will pop back later but just wanted to let you know Room Booked!
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Hi Patricia
      Sandra has pointed me in the direction of your today. I see that on the 18th March you made a Happy Birthday card. We're you using the Grand Labels 1 for the base cards. I've been trying to get that die for ages but found out it was discontinued. It's a shame they did that although you can get the other sizes in it. Your cards are really lovely and I'll be popping back to have a look back further.

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sam your card is gorgeous, I love your art work, so lifelike
    Janet, what a stunning card, I also love your centrepiece, may have to copy that one!
    When I booked my room for the retreat, I asked to speak to Matthew and got put through no bother, he took my name, address and phone number and said that was fine, not had any conformation maybe it will come in the post as I can't remember if he asked for an email address.
    It is a lovely sunny day here today a wee bit chilly at least it is dry.
    A coffee would lovely and I will sit outside in the sheltered side of the garden and enjoy the sun
    Take care everyone will pop back later, off to the hairdresser to see what magic she can work. Jess x

  8. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well we have had a really hard frost this morning but at least all the spring mist has lifted, a latte would be a lovely warm up thank you.
    Sam I do hope you are feeling a little better today missing you, your card is stunningly beautiful and your flowers are quite simply so wonderfully lifelike so amazing how you get them looking like they do, thank you for sharing such a wonderful card with us all.
    Janet you really have worked wonders with these dies. With regards to you packing your craft things for France, is it not possible to leave some of your crafting things over there? I have a friend who has a house in Florida and that is what she does so she can still do her patchwork over there as taking scissors, needles etc is not possible.
    Saba wishing you a very safe journey and happy landing, you are in my thoughts especially this morning, but Val will be so excited to know you are on your way I am sure.
    Cheryl please do take things easy there is always another day not broken into remember, have fun with your family today.
    I hope the three graces have plenty of fun and laughter today, looking forward to hearing all about it later. How is the work experience going, well I hope.
    Norah wonderful you are feeling up to calling in to see everyone thinking of you.
    Well my coffee was just lovely I shall try and call in later to see if Saba has landed. My basket of hugs and cuddles are over in Norah's corner just help yourselves.
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield25 March 2015 at 11:14

      Margaret - I do have a large cupboard and stocked with crafty things. When I buy pieces of equipment etc here I usually buy two so that I can take one to Marigny and leave there. The only things I take are my cutting dies as I can't afford to buy two sets of those and at the moment my Ebosser. I'm on the look out for another to take and leave but at the moment haven't found one at the right price. When I used the GC I did have two and still have waiting for me to decide what to do with them. It's just that I have to take such things as papers/card and any other things I have bought for over there as Craft Shops are like hens teeth in France and if you can find one Expensive isn't the word so we have our usual days of 'fun' re packing. Thank you for your very kind comments. It's lovely to have crafters comment as they know what they're talking about. Hugs x

  9. Hello Sandra,
    I hope the Three Graces have a lovely day today. I expect the chatter noise level to be off the scale!!!
    Sam, the hydrangea is beautiful, as is the card, in fact everything is perfect, the pins, oh everything.
    Janet, what a great way to use the middle die, why did I never think of that lol? It's a super card too.
    Sam - I'm sorry you are still poorly and hope you pick up soon and will be able to join us on the blog.
    Theresa - I hope you are in less pain now and look forward to seeing you on the blog soon.
    Michele - What awful news about your friend's husband, but good that he got medical attention so promptly. Look at the difference it has made to David, although there is scarring on his brain, but I don't know enough to know if that makes any difference.
    I'm wondering if we will get a brochure/leaflet in the post giving information such as how to get to the hotel from the station, facilities such as tea/coffee machine, hairdryer, iron (got to have an iron, otherwise I'll take my travel one), or am I old fashioned and expecting too much. I'll look on the website and see what's on there.
    Well, time to get the cement mixer going (polyfilla no longer good enough) and put on my make-up for lunch time date with my sister in law. As I keep missing Mrs B, I'll make do with Joan!!!!
    Jess, great that you got booked up and got to speak to "The Man" himself!!
    I hope Saba got away from Germany all right, as I see some of the flights have been cancelled. Thought about her first thing this morning.
    Love to all, have a good day ladies, and see you later.
    Muriel xxx

  10. P.s. Margaret, I hope you are in less pain today, and managing to negotiate all the obstacles. You are so lucky that George is not there to help you lol !!!
    Cheryl, don't go hell for leather, take things easy. We don't want you to be poorly.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Maureen, I think we wil just get a taxi to the hotel, it's 5 miles according to what I read. Sandra was going to ask about the tea/coffee thing , but generally they have these, maybe a few extra tea bags with you wont go amiss, I always feel they don't give enough. Hairdryer again I will be surprised if there isn't one! Now the iron they might have one to let you borrow, it's a conference centre so folk at big meeting( women I should have said). Like to looked ironed!! The stamp Beth used is from www.stampingallday. Great stamps to work with Margaret put me on to them, I have used them on Daughter wedding invites, I have a few now, Beth loves stamping and fines them easy to use. Hazel xx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    Well, Sam you have done it again! Your colouring is just lovely. The hydrangea looks real . Hope you are feeling a bit better. We miss you!
    Janet , your card is lovely too. I love seeing how different people use the same things in so many different ways. Thank you. Hope the packing is going well!
    Michelle - so sorry to read your bad news but do hope your colleague's husband will be ok! I thought of you yesterday as I was in Southport. The tide was in!! Sea was quite choppy too although it was a gorgeous day.
    Hoping Saba's Flight goes ahead as planned. Thought about her first thing this morning. She has to be at the Airport for lunch time.
    Will pop by later but out again this afternoon! Tonight I've got to iron!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxxxx
    Ps. To The Three Graces - have a great day and do not wind poor Pete up as you said you would! Naughty girls. Lol.

  12. Hi Sandra
    Sorry I didn't stop by yesterday, had an INR appointment and then hairdresser. Was back home by lunchtime, then picked up the iPad to see what was going on in the cafe, sorry then fell asleep. It certainly wasn't your tolls girls because you are also stimulating. Anyway was out for a couple of hours, woke up with a stinking cold, headache, etc etc. needless to say I felt the pits. Anyway up and dressed today - trying to get my self motivated. Miracles take longer!!

    Sandra, your card yesterday was stunning. I'm sure the recipients were over the moon. Love your beautiful floral arrangement. It was all just gorgeous.

    Sam, your card today is another all well it is gorgeous those hydrangeas are just perfect.
    Janet, you like Sue W Have got another of making me thinking outside the box love the angle you set this triplet at. Another stunning card.

    Steph, I promise you you will be able to follow simple instructions for the Izzy bag. If I can I clever girl like you certainly can. Pleased you've caught up with all your orders

    Hope the three graces have a lovely time be thinking of you LOL.
    Will stop by later, love Brenda XXX

    1. Brenda,
      Sorry you've got a nasty cold! You must have had what my Mum called "the miseries" yesterday. Just feel heavy and miserable and not sure why until the cold arrives! Hope you feel better very soon! You made me smile with the miracles bit!
      Love Myra xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Aww!! Brenda sorry to hear you are so under the weather.
      Hope you feel better soon..
      Love the quote about the "Miricles"
      Patricia xxx

    4. Brenda, nothing worse when a cold hits you like that? Plenty of hot drinks. Hazel x

    5. Hi Brenda,
      I am sorry to hear you are under the weather, I guess that's why you fell asleep, your body's way of getting you to slow down, pesky germs!
      I hope you are well and feeling better for Ally Pally, I agree with what you said about Janet making you look differently at the striplet dies, it just takes seeing something different to inspire you, doesn't it, I will certainly be using Janet's idea.
      Sending you healing hugs and lots of love,

  13. Steph That should be Saba's instructions

  14. Good morning ladies,
    This is just a very quick one, I am about to leave for the airport, just wanted to say thank you for all your good wishes, I am not worried, quite like flying, would have been nice if it was a direct flight but have to transfer at Frankfurt and as this is the centre for Lufthansa I expect the atmosphere there will be very subdued. will call in this evening.
    Sam and Janet, beautiful cards, will look properly at them both when I am "home".
    Love and big hugs for all
    Saba xxx

  15. Janet Ecco of Sheffield25 March 2015 at 11:39

    Morning Everyone
    Hope all are feeling OK today and if still on the poorly side that today is better than yesterday.
    Sandra thank you for show casing one of my efforts.
    SAM - again I'm in awe of your colours and the way you use them. You could definitely give a Master Class and I for one would definitely beneifit from one. I hope you feel a little better each day and I look forward to seeing you back where you belong here in this fantastic cafe.
    Oh thank you for my Latte - I'll make sure I pay before leaving.

    Well what did I do with this card. First of all it's my usual 8x8 blank card and it was for a Silver Wedding Anniversary. I used Red and Green for the backing cards as these were the colours the young lady had for her Bridesmaids etc.
    I did use a cold/silver swirl card which I have had for ages to place my dies on (I did not use a piece which was all Silver as I thought the topper might get lost in the Silver). The corner dies are Calaforian borders and the centre piece is the Embroired outer die -Striplet topped with Grand/Petite Vinery and Delicate Daisies closed and open and finished off with a tiny Silver Heart in the middle of the large Daisy.

    I hope all that makes sense.

    We have some lovely Sunshine today but it's still on the cold side so I hope you all can at least sit by the window and enjoy the scene outside. Off now to do a little more sorting etc. Hope to see you all later for a further cuppa.
    Hugs as usual in their place.
    Janet xx

  16. Hi me again. Just having a quick break and popped in for a cup a soup please, got this addiction to chicken noodle at the mo ! Anyway ladies Ive just read about Michelle's work collegue and his heart attack. Im sure you've heard about the Heart Foundation and the new drive they have going. They want everyone to donate a pair of shoes and with all the money raised they will get more defibs in schools/colleges and give students CPR instruction. My sister in law had to give my brother in law CPR as he dropped to the floor as he was getting ready for work, it was many years ago but I cant imagin what she went through, he was too young to leave us but we can help by donating shoe's we no longer want or like, so I hope we can all help in some way, and save our children and young adults, they deserve a good try at life, and these defibs will help save 100's of lives round the country.
    Thanks everyone.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Hi Steph,
      Do the shoes have to be taken to British Heart Foundation shops? I think that's a super idea and worthy of support.
      Thanks, Myra xxx

  17. Oh! My! Word! where is all that NOISE coming from???
    Don't tell me it's the "three Graces" making all that racket!! Good job we have booked that room for us to Craft in for the Retreat ....... we would get thrown out otherwise.
    Right thats me just back from my 21/2 mile walk. Beautiful day for walking, very cold but once you get going you soon "warm up"
    I need a cuppa and a BIG slice of cake, I will sit outside with Jess and chat about the Retreat.
    SABA:- hope all the flights are on time
    (((((Hugs))))) for all of you
    Patricia xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' this lovely but still chilly day!
    Sam, your framed and stamped hydrangea in blue is beautiful, it is like you could touch and smell them in the sunshine. I hope you are feeling better soon and will have time for a cuppa, we all missing you.
    Janet, you card is gorgeous with all bling, love how you used the dies in all different ways.
    Steph, now step back and have a breather. Fabulous you got your order together and will you now do some more for your market days ? Take care so you not overdo things. I know it's easy to say but how many of us are actually following that rule, To have a break in your chores,ha ! must have been a man who came up with that one.
    It was sweet reading about the Christening gowns that was given down the generations. We did the same, only changed the ribbon if it was for a boy or girl. My sisters daughter however had to have a new one because she was so big so she couldn't fit in the one we had lol. If mum still got it it would be nice to see my grandchild in it one day,if there be any.....
    Had a morning in the pool, usually it is quite empty but today it was too many so not so fun, always frighten I kick someone. Then to Ikea for some herring as it soon Easter we always do a small special lunch one of the days.
    Do you do anything special for Easter ?
    To all who are poorly ,please get well soon.
    Sheila and Nikki, thinking of you both and sending hugs.
    Steph I will go through my shoes, sure a lot I'm not using that can be given away.
    Sandra ,hope you three not making a too much mess for Pete lol Have a wonderful day together. I see you all later, have a card for a little girl to make but wont be too much of a effort as I know it will go in the bin shortly after, what can you do
    Hugs from a tired Maria xx

  19. Hi Sandra
    Lovely cards today from Sam and Janet. I felt I could reach out and touch your Hydrangea Sam. The colour looks just right. Janet your card is stunning as well. Love the centre piece on it with the flowers. Steph and NORAH I do hope your both going on ok. Theresa I hope your arm will show some improvement soon. No crafting done today as the girls decided to take me out to a Garden Centre for a look round and a coffee. Bought a jumper and some card. Mind you when we got home the front door was locked, and shock horror I hadn't taken a front door key. As I can only go out if Pete takes me I've not needed one. Mrs B went round the back and Pete was in the living room, the door had been locked because he was in the garden before. I thought I was going to have to ring him to see where he was. He then went off to do some garden shopping for the elderly lady across the road. It's awful Maria isn't it when the effort that you've taken to make a hand made card isn't appreciated and gets thrown in the bin. SABA hope the flight is uninventful. Hugs to all in need of one today.

    1. How lovely for the three Graces to have a day out, I bet you all enjoyed the change??? And poor Pete will have thought he was in second heaven not having to hoover all those little die bit up? Oh I can just see your faces when you thought you had been locked out. So glad you had a lovely time together. Hazel x

    2. Glad you all had a great day. Hate that when the door is locked when you get back. Bet Pete just wanted to see your faces ....... cause you did him out of a job this afternoon!!!
      Patricia xxx

  20. Hi Sandra & all the ladies
    Sam WOW your card is gorgeous & your colouring is amazing love it.Sam i hope your feeling a little better please take care we miss you sending
    (((( Hug's)))
    Janet i love your card too especially the middle love how you have used. the die's the layout is lovely. well done too you both. Sandra hope you had a good day with Sue & Pat. Did you get any crafting done or just chatting about your retreat, i could here you all down here in Kent haha. hope you wont be to worn out tomorrow.
    Steph good idea about the shoe's do we just take them to the heart foundation shop or is there a special drop box somewhere.
    Micheal i hope your friends husband is ok sending Hug's too them xx
    Sheila & Nikki thinking of you always sending Hug's to you both xx
    Saba hope you are with Val & daughter's & granddaughters by now bet there wasn't a dry eye on meeting them. Sending you all love & (((( Hug's )))) xx
    Sandra I have just posted another card boy it dose take a time doesn't it.
    Love to everyone will pop back later Hug's DB Lynda xx

  21. Hello everyone,
    Pat, do you not think Pete was trying to tell you something when you couldn't get in the house, especially when you were with the other two Graces!! I hope you enjoyed yourselves today and didn't spend too much. Will we see the new jumper at the retreat?
    Maria, where do you live? In our family we roll paste eggs downhill - usually the drive at Eleanor and Zoe's house (hard boiled decorated eggs) and have a chocolate Easter Egg hunt in the garden if it's fine, and indoors if it's raining. We go to church for Stations of the Cross on Good Friday and then Mass on Easter Sunday, and that's it. We usually have a Meat and at least 5 veg dinner with loads of yorkshire puddings, and for sweet - maybe Sticky Toffee Pudding and ice cream or custard.
    I hope we hear from Saba later just to let us know that she got here OK and how happy all her family are that she's here.
    Went to see Zoe dancing after school as she's been going to dance club there after lessons. They did African, Indian, and Street dances. The show was brilliant and they were all pleased as punch at the good turn out to watch them. The Indian dance especially was great, although 7 and 8 year olds seem to have difficulty in swaying their hips!!!
    Brenda, I hope as the day has gone on you are feeling a bit better. Take it easy and rest.
    I'm away to try to finish my Easter Cards, only got two more to do - yippee.
    See you all later.
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. Hiya, How fantastic to get to see Zoe and her friends doing dancing. They are so adorable when they are that age.
      Your Easter lunch sound much better then ours, what time will you us over lol. Here on the edge of Milton Keynes, we are having lots of eggs (they might be drawn with funny faces) Herring,salmon,prawns and bread like bagels and rye bread and of course some pudding.
      In Sweden the children used to dress up to witches, black cats etc and giving out Easter letters they coloured in with chicks, bunny's and large eggs. It was a bit like Halloween. The children then took it around the neighbourhood ,knocking on the doors and got some sweets in return for a letter, it was great fun.
      Son back from outing to Frost gardencentre and brought back a very yummy Victoria Sponge lol stuff the healthy eating for today and probably rest of the week, put the kettle on
      See you later Hugs Maria xx

  22. Hi Hazel,
    I've just read your comment about the hotel facilities. I won't bother with tea bags as I only drink coffee!!! As for taking a taxi for a mere 5 miles to the hotel lugging bags and airport style case - well ok but only because you want to - I'd just walk any other time ha ha.
    Love Maureen xx

  23. Maureen. Now I said about getting a taxi as I was thinking of you, Patricia and I would have run the 5 miles carry our cases!!! NOT ON YOUR LiFE. I want to enjoy my weekend not be in pain. Hazel x

    1. Hi folks, that's Audrey and Thomas just left.
      Now it's my time ....... John's off making yet another cuppa!!!
      Only 5 miles to the Hotel ..... I am in training now for the run. You guys can take the Taxi I will manage. ,Done 21/2 miles each day this week will increase it over the next few days. Then I will start doing it with a Rucksack on my back pulling a Trolley Bag. Tell you what bin that I will just go with you guys, just to keep you company mind.
      Hope SABA has landed and enjoying seeing her family.
      Patricia x

    2. Well done Patricia, you look so healthy and slim out on the picture. you put me to shame.
      Enjoy your cuppa!
      Maria x

    3. Your only seeing my face in the picture ....... thank goodness you don't see the body!!
      Patricia xxx

    4. Sorry but I need to get a taxi, can't walk very far.

  24. Oh Patricia,
    I'm so pleased that you will keep Hazel and me company in the taxi. I know that you would rather get there under your own steam, but are prepared to make the sacrifice for us!!
    Come on Saba, where are you???
    Muriel xx

    1. Will there be room in this taxi for you three and your mountain of luggage?
      As I'm coming by car I take it I need to bring all the heavy and dangerous stuff! EG - GC. And pokey tools and scissors!

    2. It will be good to know The Eagle has Landed! Xxx

    3. Some folk have all the luck ...... Mmmmmm!! coming by car.
      What Is the Chauffeurs name???
      Patricia xxx

    4. Think James sounds so much better!!
      Patricia xxx

    5. Ok Ok ! Just a minute - it's one thing calling me Maria - but James is a step tooooooo far ! Xxx

  25. Myra we are coming by train so we can bring the dangerous things, I think we will call a halt at the machines. We just couldn't manage them too as we don't know the layouts of the train stations and can you imagine carrying our case and a bag with a G.C in it up and down stairs??? So we will leave that to you, that's if they are needed? Hazel x

    1. Silly me ! I thought you were flying and not on broomsticks as Maria suggested! GC much to heavy to lug around. As you say - if we need them those of us coming in cars can bring them! I got a teal one just recently as my other one was a nightmare. The new one is much better. Maybe I should have waited to see new machines coming out - we shall see. Xx

    2. We were to be flying but Hazels Bargain Betty managed to suss great prices for on the train.
      After the Pantomime at Edinbugh Airport on Friday are we glad....... it was shocking.
      I got the new Teal CG it is so much better. i have an EBosser and
      It is absolute rubbish. My best machine is my old faithful CuttleBug. Of course it onlyo takes small or narrow Dies.
      I am sill waiting for the "perfect" machine ...... do you think think they will ever get that???
      Patricia xxx

    3. I don't know, Patricia, but the handle of my old GC would fly off - new meaning to fly off the handle!
      It was more like turning a lock gate than a little machine. I also like my little plates. Have you had a look at the new Sizzix Big Shot Plus? It costs a bit more

    4. Got the "Bog Standard" Big Shot and don't like either
      Patricia xxx

    5. Oh that's interesting! I don't know anyone who has one but as I like my Cuttlebug , I thought it might be quite good. Don't feel so bad now.
      Did you see my message about your rose tutorial and me making my best rose ever following your tutorial! Give yourself a pat on the back! Xx

    6. Hi Ladies,
      I saw the Big Shot Plus (A4) machine being demonstrated at Farnborough and I was really impressed, the lady demo'ing was cutting really intricate dies in the centre of the plates and it cut them perfectly, through thick coated card too, and then she did an A4 E Folder and it embossed it perfectly corner to corner, top to bottom.
      But I haven't seen any reviews on It so far!
      Keeping an open mind tough!

    7. Hi Sandra,
      I remember you said that - I read it on the blog I think! It's hard to know what to do. I'll wait until I hear someone I know and trust say they have used one and are happy! I was impressed you were impressed -, if you see what I mean! However I'd be really impressed if you'd actually used one and liked it! I trust you, you see! Xxx

    8. Hi folks
      I have a big shot the ordinary one it is rubbish I have a cuttlebug which is fine I also got a good while ago the 12 inch long plates they are useful I am on my second pink GC so if anyone needs a spare handle I have one you are more than welcome to it. I have an e-bosser and none too impressed with it either.
      Sandra just a thought I wonder if anyone will loan you some of these new machines for you all to put through their paces on the Coffee Shop Retreat? I know I can't be there but I would trust all of you to give good judgement on them.
      Margaret xx

  26. Myra, did I not tell you Matthew told me strictly no "Broomsticks " it was bad enough a group of nutty crafters??? Let alone on their Broomsticks ? Only joking? We are not nutty just mad!
    Granted after we have been their he might wonder what he did allowing us to come. HeHe. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel, I said to the chap I spoke to - who was very nice - that he had no idea what he was taking on! We had a chat and he seemed really nice. Mind you I've had no confirmation of the Booking as yet. He has my email so no doubt it will turn up! Xxx

    2. No confirmation here either and I booked for both Hazel & I
      Patricia xxx

    3. Oh that's good! You see my friend and yours a certain Maureen told them not to give me a room if I rang up! Well I think she had second thoughts and then told them to speak to me very slowly as I was a bit dim! Just so you know with whom you are sharing a taxi - that's all! Xxx

    4. Maybe I should just keep up with my training then!!!
      Glad you reminded me about that awful Maureen or maybe its Muriel!!!
      Patricia xxx

    5. Maureen - coo ee! I know you haven't gone to bed as you are waiting for Saba . She won't be long now! Xxx

  27. Sorry Maureen please pop in I was only joking.........I will share a Taxi no problem
    Patricia xxx

    1. Hey They can't be too picky they gave me a room!
      I think they knew how special 'Our Muriel' as they gave her a room that cost £5 more than it should!
      She must have requested the presidential suite!
      Sandra x
      ps Come on Saba, stop chatting and let us know you have reached your destination!

    2. Sandra!
      The minute I said my name there was a reverential silence, a bowing and scraping and they got the head CEO to deal with me (I wish)
      Muriel xx

    3. You are incorrigible!
      The thing is , you probably will end up with the best room!
      I won't mind - I can sleep in a garret!
      Oh Lord it's hard to humble , when you're perfect in every way!
      Do you know that one?
      Just kidding by the way! Xxx

  28. Myra,
    I didn't realise that you'd read that as you didn't comment!! I thought I'd got away with it ha ha.
    I'm going for my full body and face lift before I meet Hazel and Patricia as I don't want them to run screaming from the train. Plastic Surgeon said he'd tie it up in a nice big bow on the top of my head, and I'm hoping to make some of Patricia's flowers to finish it off, no stick pins mind!!
    Patricia, I didn't know they put on Pantomimes at Edinburgh Airport. Funny time of year for them, are they any good? I expect you've got the Krankies!!!
    Cheryl hasn't been in lately, and there's no news from Saba. Do you think they are all right?
    My money pot is coming along nicely - I'm hoping there will be babies soon and they will grow into £20 notes.
    By the way, I haven't even wandered past the craft room door, so no Easter Cards done again.
    Maria, our girls only get dressed up like witches and such like at Halloween, me - well I always look like that lol !!
    Sandra, I hope you and the other two Graces had a great day, although Pat getting locked out was a bit of a shock. We'll hear all about it tomorrow, actually we could hear you in Newcastle!
    I'm tired, and going to bed - it's these early starts - I've wiped the counter, filled the dishwasher and checked that Maria is not hiding in there, and put the key in the usual place.
    I may not be in the cafe tomorrow until the afternoon as "Joy of joys" I'm going to school on the school bus, an experience if ever there's one, and helping in year 3. Don't know what I'll be doing yet but the children are all lovely,.
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. Muriel my dear! Enjoy tomorrow 's bus ride!
      Saba is fine! Xxxx

    2. Oh! Maureen,
      Trust you to make something out of our experience at the airport.
      Thank you for making the whole thing seem funny ...... off to tell Hazel to read the comment.
      Good night my friend. Sleep well in preparation for tomorrow.
      Patricia xxx

    3. Alison hasn't been in lately either. Hope she is alright too! Xx

  29. I've just read your comments which you've posted whilst I've been typing my epic post. It's all right, I'm thick skinned as the Doctor told me when he was stitching me after Rachel was born. (Is that too much information lol)
    Muriel xxx

  30. No reply from Hazel think she's fallen asleep.
    She has a l o n g ...... day tomorrow. She will be getting her beauty sleep.
    Patricia xxx

  31. Good Night all.
    Thinking of SABA.
    Thinking of everyone else as well
    Patricia xxx

    1. Saba is fine! Xxx night night!
      Love Myra xxx

  32. Good night all sweet dreams
    Do hope Saba is fine I have heard there have been lots of cancellations of flights in Germany perhaps she has been delayed, now news is good news.
    Hugs and cuddles
    Margaret xx

  33. Good night my lovelies,
    I hope you all sleep well, sweet dreams xx
    Saba, I will check in in another half hour just in case, you have managed a visit
    Night all, God bless xxxxxx

  34. Night night Sandra!
    Don't worry. Xxx

  35. That's typical, just when I managed to read the new comments ,you all gone to bed lol
    Sleep well all, see you tomorrow
    Hugs Maria xx

    1. I'm not in bed Maria! Xx

    2. Do you know where Maureen has hidden the bottle ?

    3. She took it home Maria! Xxx

  36. I'm home!!! Its lovely, everyone speaks English.
    Had really good flights apart from the delay in Frankfurt because the pilot wasn't happy with the plane so we had to wait until another one could be got ready for us. We were all given a free newspaper. Really nice thought except the first four pages were full of the plane crash!!!
    So sorry I have kept you all waiting. Had a very excited grandson to cuddle and then read his bedtime story when we finally could persuade him to go to bed. Then dinner and speaking to other family and hubby to let them know everything was fine. I have had a quick read, but am going to settle down now and read all your comments properly.
    Love and huge hugs to you all. Saba xxx

  37. Been waiting all evening to see this from you SABA.
    Good Night my friend, have a wonderful time with everyone.
    Love & Hugs
    Patricia xxx

  38. So pleased you are 'home' and safe with your family,
    Lovely you got to read your grandson a bedtime story.
    Sleep well, love Brenda x

  39. Yay your home and safe!
    Fab news, it felt like waiting for one of the children coming on from a night out!
    I was pacing!
    Isn't it nice to know we all cared Saba ? Bless you, you must think we are all crackers!
    Lots of love
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Lovely to see you are home and safe Saba, now have a wonderful time with your English family :-)
      Have a good night,
      Love and Hugs Maria xx

  40. Hi Sandra
    I'm here but I'm just off to bed. Pete's watching deal or no deal. But he'll have to come up and adjust the bed for me. As I'm not allowed to bend my leg, he has to put a pillow under my legs fir me. I find I sleep a bit better like that. Can't wait until I get the all clear in 3 weeks time to finally sleep on my side. Good night sleep tight hope the bed bugs don't bite.

    1. Good night Pat,
      Hug & goodnight kiss coming your way xxxxx
      Love Sandra xxx

  41. Hi Saba
    I'm glad that you have landed safely and had some great cuddles from your grandson.

    1. Wish you a good night ladies
      Hugs to all, Maria xx

  42. Saba, glad your here safely, I knew your flight would be ok as they will be on full alert. Enjoy your cuddles from that grandson.
    Yes I fell asleep!!! On the sofa, so off now up to bed. Have get up in 5 hours. Hazel x
