
Thursday 26 March 2015

Guest Designer Debut from.......Maria

Good Morning Ladies,
Just look at this amazing card, it has been created by the very talented to Maria, everything about
this card is gorgeous, the colour combination the composition of the card.  I think that Maria went
to a Craft Workshop with Julia Watts, I am not sure whether that is where she made this fabulous card.  She has also sent me two others that I will show at a later date, equally as amazing!
I love the beautiful and unusual sentiment too, but this is one of those cards that could be used for
so many different occasions with a change of sentiment.
Thank you Maria for allowing me to share this gorgeous card with our lovely craft family.
Well I don't know about you lot but the temperature seemed to have dropped and I was quite cold later on yesterday afternoon and evening.
Sue and I had a lovely day with Pat, we decided she could do with a trip out, so we went to a local
Garden Centre that (just by chance) has a Craft shop, albeit a rubbish one, we did manage to find a few things to buy and Sue our 'eager beaver' or should I say 'badger' managed to get a cracking deal on the card and paper we bought, so I will definitely be taking her again.  I can tell you already though that tomorrow is going to be a resting day, as I walked too many steps and I am now paying the price, well I started paying it yesterday afternoon, but please believe it was SO worth it!
I so love spending time with my two crafting Sisters, we just seem to 'work' together, we worked out last week that we have only been 'actual' friends since the beginning of August last year, but when I say that it feels like we have been friends forever, I mean it in the most sincere way!  In the same way I cannot wait to meet all of you so that we can extend out 'actual' friendship group even further, but we already know this is a forgone conclusion as I consider you all very dear friends anyway!  I know that because for years I have bottled thoughts and feelings up, but now like some of you I feel like I have good enough friends to share my thoughts and feelings with and I know I will get the love and support I need from you, in the same way that I want to love and support you too!
Oh I am so lucky to have this Blog, thank you all so very much for making it what it is!
Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. I'm up for a large mug of the usual and some yoghurt and fruit please. I will leave a little note saying "Hi" to Maureen at our table as we are fated not to meet at the moment : )
    What a beautiful debut card Maria, I love it, and monochrome is always a winner isn't it : )
    Sandra, I knew you were struggling yesterday, please make it a bed/easy day today my lovely : )
    Pat, you need to be careful today too, I know you are going out but please take it as easy as possible my lovely friend : )
    Sam, you are missed. I do hope yo are ok, just having a little break!
    I hope that everyone is on the up, I think a good dose of sunshine will do us all the power of good.
    I had a lovely day with Sandra and Pat, we were very well behaved while visiting the garden centre craft shop. I managed to find a few bits of card/ vellum that will come in handy, especially for flowers. I think we are all suffering today though.I know Sandra and Pat were by late afternoon yesterday, and as the cold always makes my joints rebel I am also not at my best!(Can't remember what my best used to be actually!)
    Margaret, I love your idea of testing die cutting machines at the retreat. I am going to have a chat with Sandra, not up to it today but when I am feeling a bit brighter, about maybe talking to companies about this. We could also test other goods. How often do they get a chance of a honest group review? That would be a real test of products wouldn't it? Umm, food for thought......
    Right I am off as the laptop fan is making a noise again, must get it fixed!
    Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Thank you so much for taking us all out yesterday, your new car is a dream to ride in, even in the back!
      I once again can't believe how fast the day went, I looked at my watch and it was 12.10, and then looked again what seemed like half an hour later but it was 4 pm!
      It was a truly lovely day, but boy I am paying for it today mind
      But it was worth it, in bed, just boosting up the pain killers!
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. So pleased to hear you ladies had such a good day out together. Take it easy today my friends,it sounds as though you need to recharge your batteries. I know the feeling very well.
      Hugs Cheryl xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. A quick pop in this morning, guess who decide when she woke and looked at the clock that she felt an extra 30 mins would be better to have? Yes me and now I am paying for it! But I am sitting here with my cup of tea and just taking 5 mins. I am always in a good 10 mins early to work so I will shock them this morning!
    Maria,I see you are another one hiding your talent? You card is gorgeous, I see you to love using striplets, they are so easy to work with aren't they. Oh I love how you have done your layout, and that sentiment is perfect.
    Right to all those in need of some comforting ((((( hugs))))) I have put loads in the basket. Have set up everything for the day Sandra so you just have a bed day, we need you fit and well? Glad you had a good day out, but you will have just take things a wee bit easy for the next few days. Right that's me. I have washed my cup and put it away. Will call back later. Hazel x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Looks a bit miserable out-been raining overnight & it's a bit breezy. You do get used to it being windy most days living by the seaside!

    Todays card by Marie is truly stunning-i'm going to email myself the picture of the card to see if I can re-create it using the dies I have in my vast collection. I truly do have a large collection of dies (& embossing folders) and am ashamed to say some of them have never been used. I find I rarely use the smaller embossing folders now but can't quite decide what to do with them.

    I'm thinking my craft room is long overdue a clearout over Easter, maybe I'll send you some pics of my crafty den .

    Right-off to collect another parcel, hopefully it's the new Sue Wilson embossed lines folder!! Just had to have that one.


  4. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang.
    SANDRA:- take it easy today please. You had a fantastic days yesterday .... be good and REST, we need you here.
    MARIA:- you have been hiding your talents .... that is one Stunning card. Love, love, love everything about it.
    I have poured myself a cuppa and made some Toast, money in the pot. I was going to sit with Hazel but she's in early this morning and has run off. Will sit here and "people watch" .
    Horrible, wet miserable day here at the moment. Hopefully it will clear up and I can have my daily walk. Trying to walk off all the food we ate over the weekend.
    Cup washed, crumbs cleared up, that's me off to get some work done.
    Be back later to see what's going on.
    Left a basket of (((((hugs))))) by the door, hel yourselves. There are plenty more where they came from
    Patricia xxx

  5. Janet Ecco of Sheffield26 March 2015 at 08:39

    Morning one and all.
    Oh I'm on my own at the moment so have helped myself to my usual and will sit and watch or maybe think no watch the world go by for a little while. I only hope I don't put anyone off from coming in as they see this daft woman sat on her own wrapped in a fleece jacket and a 1920's Closh Hat. We we did have a slight covering of snow when I got up this morning and the wind is blowing.

    Sandra bed rest for you today young lady - after all you have to be fit for your adventure to Alley Pally don't you. So pleased to hear that the 'Three Graces' behaved yesterday on your trip to the garden centre!!!
    Maria - what a beautiful/gorgeous card you have given us for your Debut. Monochrome is always a classic winner but I love everything you have done to create a beautiful Card. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

    Well I'm pleased to say I haven't put anyone off but then I'm still on my own!! So right off I go to put the washing machine on as I changed the bedding yesterday and the laundry basket is nearly full again. Honestly you'd think the house was full given the amount of washing we create and there's only the two of us. Thank goodness for washing machines I say and not the tub; wringer; wash board and posher that Mum used to have when we were little. Now those items are classed as 'Kitchen Memorabilia' who would have thought it!!!!
    Hugs a plenty in their usual place. Will pop back later.
    Take care if going out further than this fantastic cafe.
    Janet xxxx

    1. Janet, we have snow on the hills this morning as well and it is a tad cool. Mum didn't have a washing machine when she first go married so Jim and I were in the bath tub with our feet stamping up and down the bath, personally i think i have the skills to be one of your grape harvesters to make into wine as i have plenty of practise and experience in said occupation. She had a mangle outside that one of us turned while Mum fed it and the other caught it BEFORE it went on the ground. She used our old tin bath that she used to plonk us in as babies to carry it out and in. When you think of the exercise that our mothers used to get just doing everyday cleaning, it's no wonder they had figures to envy, they were never off the trot.
      Hey your cloche hat is right back in fashion and there is a big crocheting trend the now for making them. Me, it's fine if it suits you but me and hats just never look right unless it is a silly one for ""C" or Pudsey time which i have a white baseball hat with big red spots on it....perfect.
      Norah c

    2. My word Janet and Norah, laying if snow and I though we were hard done by with the cold and rain. I remember mangles as I had one myself. Not to sure how my mum did her washing. As you know we lived in a large tin hut,it resembled a large pig house. We had to have a bath in the living room in front of a fire a tin bath at that. My what a performance that was for my sister and I. As we had an old black range to cook on and fir mum to put her iron on, I assume that was always alight even through the summer. And what wonderful summers we had. Why do we think of all the things we'd like to ask our parents when they've gone.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Snowing here over in Perthshire.
      Our mum was lucky and had a Washing Machine only because Dad worked for Service Washing Machines. However when it was "blanket" time she did that in the outside wash house wearing wellie boots & rubber apron.
      Happy days
      Patricia x

  6. I've somehow missed some previous posts but having looked at them (although not commented on each individual one) they are all stunning And very professional looking They make mine look very ameteurish but I do enjoy what I do It gives me the oomph to improve my skills

  7. Good morning dearest Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    Maria, what a gorgeous card that you have made and for me with the wee soft gold accent flowers with the black and on their own at the trellis panel just finishes off this card and makes it a definite possibility for me to make(i'm not over keen of black in cards as you all know) as even with the black, the gold just softens it for me so that it isn't just as harsh and in your face. Truly a beautiful card, so thank you Maria for letting us see it.
    I am so glad that our 3 Graces had a lovely time yesterday even if you are all having to pay for it today( in the same boat today) at least you had a giggle and fun and found a good buy. My old friend Bessie used to think that they put the sale sign out when they seen me coming as i do like a bargain. Take it easier today girls as you need to build some of that get up and go energy again for other things as well.
    I went to meet my friend Di yesterday at Dunelm in Falkirk yesterday and found quite a few things that i was looking for and a couple of things that me friend Margaret was needing as well. They have the best wee actual cafe as they sell a lovely white coffee(the milky one) but their hot chocolate is out of this world and that is what i get for my pick me up when we have walked Dunelm and Hobbycraft as knackered and jiggered doesn't even begin to describe how i felt by the time i got home, but it was fun. I got some buttons that were down to £1 and paper mache letters to make Harry's name up for in his room. His soon to be mummy wanted wooden ones up on the wall 12" high. Aye good idea, so that they can fall off the wall and fall on top of the wee fella, i don't think so. At least with these if they fall off the wall, they won't do any damage. She wants them painted/papered in pale blues and lemons so that as he grows, they can be painted nice and bright primary colours. You know i sometimes wonder where i got my lassie you know. Many years ago i had saved up and bought a Brother 3100d embroidery sewing machine which i had always wanted and i have just a few Disney embroidery cartridges that i can put in to it. I now have the Brother 4000d as well but that is another story, but anyway she was pricing up Winnie Pooh bumper and cot bedding and finding out that it was an arm and leg. Now i had already offered to make the wee fella's bedding and things but she didn't want home made as everyone would know that it wasn't real and bought from a shop. DOOOOHHHH!!! is it just me or what. These flippin machines are specifically made and costed because they are Disney machines and she doesn't want home made. Oh sometimes i could scream at her as she knows just how pernickety i am at making and finishing off things, so who is going to know that it didn't come from a shop. I have made Campbell badges for his work and sewn them on to his jackets for people to ask how he managed to get ones with the badges on them. I have warned him not to tell them as i don't fancy running off a few hundred for that lot some how, as it was just so that Campbell didn't get caught with not the proper jacket on.
    Well i think i will go into my wee corner with my basket full of hugs for all occasions, sizes and strengths and see who comes in to visit us today. Please may i have a white coffee Sandra as i sit and people watch. It's some rowdy crowd you get in at night to the cafe flower, i started of with poker straight hair and some of them in here at night are turning it curly.
    Have a good day everyone if you can with hugs for our poor Sam, Tandy, Georges twin David, Sheila and Nikki, Michele and her friend, Alison and poor Auntie, and to all else that could do with one just because,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Norah, don't our off spring make you want to shake them at times??? I just laughed at Kirsty wanting shop bought! Would she not have liked to be a little be different??? As you would have made the bedding perfectly but sewn with so much love!!! My son and daughter -in law are the same, thankfully or some times not my little daughter loves for me to make things. I offered last summer to make little simple dresses for grand daughters for on holiday,, Oh no we don't want homemade, I have seen some in Next! Yes the same as all the other wee girls walking about. It's the same as the young ones not wanting knitted cardigans on them. But wait and see hand knits are coming back.
      Hazel x

    2. Norah, have come across the same with this younger generation. If it's 'designer', they don't want it. What they don't realize or don't want to know about, is all these 'designer' clothes are made in sweatshops by adults or kids younger than them, working in appalling conditions and not even getting paid minimum wage! I think they ought to have a reality check by the Job Centre sending them out there for a month's work instead of holding their hands out for the Dole, then they might just use their brains and THINK. Luckily my lot appreciate everything I make for them because, it's unique and made with love and they know it's a 'one-off' and nobody else will have one like it.#
      Cheryl xxx

    3. Should have been not designer, lol.Fingers not hitting right keys today.

    4. Young ones!!!
      Wonder what folk said about us when we that age and wanting things "our" way???
      Patricia x

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies, great to know you had a good day yesterday with the Graces, just have a good rest today and build your stamina back up.
    Maria your card is stunning well done you.
    Patricia and Hazel, I have tried and tried to leave a comment on your blogs to no avail, when I try to leave my name there no place to enter it at select profile II don't have a google account or anything like that, any ideas as to what I can do. Cheers.
    I will have a coffee and a piece of toast then on with the ironing, quite wet here today it was so lovely yesterday as well.
    Take care everyone, will pop back later, Jess x

    1. Jess I will have a look to see what has happened as I did do it so messages could be left. Will e-mail or phone you ref meeting up for a coffee in real life and get things sorted. Hazel x

    2. Hi Jess,
      when I started to follow Patricias blog, sorry Hazel, I clicked on Patricias name on Sue's blog and got in that way and then clicked on 'summerhouse crafts which is Patricias own blog. See if that's works ,Oh I better get over to Hazels now so she doesn't be upset with me. Hugs Maria x

    3. Hazel and Maria, I can get into the blogs, type a message but when I go to publish, there is not a name/URL space in the box. Sorry to be a nuisance, I just wanted to say how lovely their card were, it's nice to be appreciated, and to thank Hazel for all the organising for our retreat. Jess x

    4. Hi Jess,
      I have a Blog that the same thing happens to me. Not everytime but most times.
      Have you tried putting in your browser and trying it that way.
      Your not a nuisance all these things are just so annoying. I am right "technophobe" and I really bugs me at times. As long as I can get in here and also chat to Hazel using my IPad I am happy.
      Have a good day
      Patricia x

  9. Good morning ladies,

    A beautiful debut card from you today Maria, monochrome is very classy and your choice of dies, flowers and sentiment all compliment each other.
    Very windy and wet here in Somerset, such a marked change from yesterday's beautiful hot sunshine. My heating is back on for a couple of hours to warm my cockles and my joints up. So I will pop in the corner with you Norah, if you don't mind with my cuppa and that jam doughnut I promised myself yesterday.
    Received my new Xcut dies yesterday so today is all about crafting and taking things easy.
    Had a lovely trip out to buy Joshua and Lucy their bedroom furniture for their new wee home, very tiresome though, with all the roadworks going on in our area. Not only do we have to contend with the normal traffic light system the roadmen even have their own sets and believe it or not, they are actually putting in new traffic lights not 20 yards away from their own, so it's stop start, stop start and start again with 3 sets in the space of 50 yards! Some planner definitely has his head where the sun don't shine! Honestly, they might have degrees but not 1 ounce of commonsense!!!
    I have added to Norah's basket of hugs for those of us who need one today.
    Stay safe whatever you are doing today, I believe the weather is from one extreme to the other allover the UK.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl I know just what you mean by planners. We had a road system that the council out in and it was a nightmare. You had to constantly cross in front of traffic to turn right and left. Bearing in mind that large lorries also had to cross in front of traffic you could take forever to turn right. They then decided after a few years to change the system and put in filters. Well this took over 6 months to do. They'd put in 4 way tempory traffic lights, plus traffic lights about 20 yards further on, on the Standlake road. What a nightmare is was. Mind you it's better now although where you had a lane to turn left, you can now also go straight on. As they also have a middle lane to go straight on, both filter into one, a bit hairy if you don't know that happens.

  10. Hi ladies. Just helped myself to a quick latte before I start. My paper cutter is driving me mental (ok even more mental) its either my eyes that are uneven in my head or this stupid blade isnt cutting perfectly straight ! So I remembered your post a few weeks back Sandra so Andy will check it over for me, cant send cards out that arn't perfectly even id get a reputation and its bad enough living with the one I got from working for the NHS !!! : 0 lets just say I use to 'enjoy' a night out, liked a particular ICU aneathest which I leaked out whilst under sedation at the Bham hospital I use to work at having a line put in by SAID aneathetist !!!!
    Anyway... Away from that.subject quickly, I have to give Maria's card a WOW, its really lovely.
    Im so glad you all had a lovely day yesterday, sounds like all 3 of you need a duvet day watching all the Sue show's you've sky +'d over the year's what could be better ? We woke up - or should I say the dog woke ME up at 5.20 to a covering of snow !! 2 days ago the sun was blinding me and this morning its gone back to winter ! Oh well, my den is calling - suprise suprise, thank goodness just one order came through this morning, maybe I can start on my market cards ! So far 1 1/2 wedding cards done, with probably 20 left to do of various occassions !

    Ok, washed up my glass and cleaned down my table, added a fresh daffodil to the vases on each of the tables so Im offskey. Love to you all. Enjoy your day.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Hi Steph,
      Get Andy to take blade/handle off, mine had a piece of card jammed in somewhere, he then tightened it back up and it cuts like a dream again now ! Any tips on sharpening scissors? Tried to cut some ribbon the other day and it looked like the cats had chewed the ends !
      I hope you have a productive day,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx
      Ps the daffodils have really bought some sunshine into the cafe, thanks x

    2. Sandra, Fiskars do a scissors sharpener. It is not at all expensive and I've had mine for years . It's only a plastic casing but kind of like a knife sharpener. It sharpens scissors of any length too.I paid about £7 for mine! Will go see if I can find one. Love Myra xx

    3. Sandra! Me again! Google Fiskars Scissor Sharpener and you will see them on EBay, Amazon etc. it proves I've had it years they are just the same as mine but about £15. Thing is once you have one it's virtually indestructible . Hope it helps! Xxx

    4. I agree with everybody else, Fiskars does a wonderful job!

    5. Yes Absolutely agree Fiskars sharpener is the one to get, really it looks nothing but boy does it do a really good job.
      Margaret xx

    6. Thank you Myra
      I will go and look for that,

  11. Hi Sandra
    I hope that you and Mrs B take it easy today. Wish the weather was a bit warmer for your joints Mrs B. Thanks for a lovely day yesterday, it cheered me up no end. Your new cars a dream.
    Maria what a stunning card you've done for us today. My you are one talented lady. I just love seeing the different styles that you all come up with. The daffodils look lovely on the table Steph they look lovely.

  12. Morning Sandra and all in the coffee shop may I have a coffee and some crumpets,please.
    Got down into the kitchen earlier and poured water into the kettle and out came water and orange scrap on the floor!, this is a time I wished the kitchen been a fantasy one but no such luck, the waste disposer had shook loose the pipe under the sink when it was used last thing last night (by OH) so when I used the tap the water just went all over the floor ,grrr so now I have to stay indoors and wait for the plumber who give you a time between 12-6 pm so I guess some crafting could be done. Our lovely postman have just delivered a parcel from Christine E. I bought some dies from her shop the other day so it makes me feel a bit better.
    Thank you for liking my card that Sandra very kindly posted today.
    I must own up and can't take all the credits as it was made at a workshop with Julia W. but it is my own take of the card.
    The cards used are: Milk, Black and gold. I used the Art Deco Fanfare EF for the background. The Striplet I use is the Eternal Rings (might have to buy that one tihi ) Next I cut the SW Dainty Oval Frame from black card and on a milk card piece I stamped the sentence from Regal Iris singles Stamp set,
    Next I cut out lots of Complete Petal Camellia's in Black and Gold and put them together with Cream and black Pearls and Little Black Dazzlers. Mosaic Leaves cut in Cream and some Black Swirls tucked behind,
    oh dear I think that's all lol But as very good crafter's I'm sure you all already know what was used.
    Karenlotty- I promise if I can ,you can make it too!
    Thinking what I could bring for our retreat to help, bags not packed,yet lol, but my mind doing cartwheels tihi no worse than normal then.
    Got to look what I got in my parcel now but I see you all later , Sandra and everyone who overdid it yesterday and the day before ujuj Have a restful day with your feet up, I bring the drinks and food'ish thingy's for you all today,
    Hugs Maria xx

  13. Good morning you lovely lot,
    Thank you all so much for thinking about me yesterday, and waiting up for me!! I was really touched and am so sorry I didn't let you know straight away that I was home, by the time I had got the little one to bed and then had dinner it was getting quite late. Bless you all.
    Sam, I am so impressed with your card from yesterday. It must take you ages to get the colour and shading so perfect. Love the stamp you have used.
    Janet, how clever of you to use your focal element an the diagonal and your embellishments look so opulent.
    Maria, your debut card I gorgeous. I adore the gold, black and cream/white colour combination. Please can I do a screen shot for my photo album and try to make a copy when I go back home.
    Glad the 3 Graces had a good time, what a coincidence that there was a craft shop at the garden centre!!! Make sure you all take it easy today.
    I got up very early this morning, had a little person get in bed with me. Then I did the school run, well actually the school walk. It's about 20 mins walk away, and it was raining but I love taking him and he was so excited so we decided to do it anyway. I nearly got blown away walking back though, the wind had really got up and the umbrella I took was enormous. It was very nearly a Mary Poppins moment a couple of times. I'm only little and I really thought I was up up and away.
    Loving the daffodils on the table today. Didn't realise we had a washing machine here as well but Janet's sheets on the line out back look lovely as well.
    I'll skip the coffee today though as I need to rush off and go chat with my daughter.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxxx

    1. Good morning Saba, I can almost feel the HAPPY vibes.
      Enjoy every moment, I love taking the boys to school. Even at 10 & 8 I get a hug and a kiss at the school gates. They walk away and shout "love you Granny" the fact that there are only 14 pupils and we know them all. We also know all the parents and most of the grandparentts of the pupils
      Have a great day Mary Poppins!!
      Patricia xxx

    2. Welcome home my flower.
      Have a wonderful time whilst you are here and give Val a gentle hug from me.
      Cheryl xxx

    3. Good evening Saba, I can just imagine you doing a Mary Poppins
      ,thi wind here was very strong but no chance me being whisked up as I'm not little haha big ( D Bit's ) So pleased your having a good time Give Val a Big Hug from me. Enjoy you time with your family
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  14. Hi ladies,
    Coffee & Tea Making Facilities in each room and Wi-fi also for one of you in particular....there is ironing equipment too!
    Hope that helps xx
    Sandra xxx

    1. Shhh!! don't tell Maureen, I will pass on the iron and wear "linen"
      I like ironing but when I am away I try to wear things that when hung up the creases drop out.
      Like that we have Tea/Coffee making. Sometimes if you can't sleep a wee cuppa is just what you need.
      Patricia xxx

    2. I am really NOT anonymous but it's the only way I could get my message to publish.
      Patricia xxx

    3. Oh that is grrreat, I was wondering about my 1st cuppa of the day and where I was going to have to go for it. Now I can turn on the kettle and sit in bed to drink it. The cuppa, not the kettle.
      Not too good with ironing so I'm taking crease free clothes. xxx

  15. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Goodness me it is so very cold today I blame our Saba for bring this very chilly weather with her yesterday, but so very thankful she arrived safe and sound. I was up during the night and just had to see if she had arrived.
    Sandra so very pleased the three graces had a great day but please do rest up today, remember young lady you have Ally Pally coming up and you want to be at your best to spend all your pennies and to meet up with all who are going.
    Maria your card is quite simply fantastic so very beautiful indeed the way you have used your die cuts is wonderful and the colour choice well what can I say except WOW! You really should be so very proud of your self well done, now we will have to wait for the next one with baited breath, can't wait.
    Sam sending you a cheery cuddle hope your boys are ok, looking forward to your return dear lady.
    Norah so lovely to have you back with us all both you and Janet have brought back some lovely memories of washing in ancient times! Well that is what our families would say, I can remember being at my grandmothers on wash day and nearly fell in the dolly tub where the clothes went after being in the boiler and using a poss and a dolly to get them super clean before going through the mangle. My grandmother also had a gas iron and boy did the flames come swishing out when she swept it over the sheets to iron them. Happy days when there was not the pressure there is today!
    Well have a lovely day everyone especially Saba with your grandson and daughter.
    With love and hugs to all who call in today
    Margaret corgi owner xxx

    1. Goodness me Margaret that iron sounds proper frightening, flames!
      I am surprised it didn't scorch the sheets!
      I used to love being home from school when mum pulled twin tub out!
      Nana had a Mangle and then upgraded to a washing machine with an 'agitator' in the centre and the mangle was on the top!
      Oh she was thrilled with it!
      We used to love helping, the sheets used to come out like a stiff board out the back of the mangle
      Those were the days!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Our mums big service washing machine had an "agitator" and an electric "wringer." I started married life with a gas boiler and a "wringer" that went between the two Belfast sinks, I still Belfast sinks?
      Hazel x

    3. How well I remember my Nanny Campkins mangle! It was the only thing apart from a picture of her that I requested after she had passed on, but one of my elder cousins got it I think. Was such a change using it to help Nan with her washing from having to help Mum with her handwashing and wringing of our laundry.

  16. Hello Sandra and everyone, Maria your card is stunning. For your debut card you are making a very grand entrance, and rightly so because this is so beautiful. Looking forward to seeing your other beautiful creations. Thank you for letting Sandra show it to us.
    Oh Norah, it was so lovely to see you up there, you always give us a story Full of the realities of life. It's a shame the youngsters do not appreciate the effort that we put in to try and make their lives special and individual.

    Well I hope the three graces taking things steady today. Girls it sounds as if you have a brilliant day yesterday. It must've been a real tonic for all of you. I'm just
    sorry you're all suffering a little today, take care LOL

    I've made some soup so it's behind the counter if anyone wants so me it's a bit of everything, potatoe , onion, celery, leek, this stalk off the broccoli and chicken stock Plus a dash of cream. You can probably guess I was clearing out the veggie box. But I have to confess it's very tasty.

    Sabh, so pleased you got to do the school run, these are very special moments to treasure. And lovely things to keep your husband up to-date with what's going
    on, I'm sure he will love all of your stories.

    Well girls I've had a coffee and it was lovely, will pop out later to see what everyone is up to.
    Still got this stinking cold. Seem to spend most of the time wiping my eyes because they are streaming, then if I blink I have to clean my glasses because they get splashed. Oh the joys of life!!
    Love to everyone, Brenda XXX

    Sam, hope you are okay. We are all missing you LOL

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Oh Your soup sounds delicious, I need something comforting and warming today as I was a very stupid person yesterday.
      We decided that it would be nice to get Pat out, so we went to a local garden centre & craft shop, we hadn't taken my wheelchair for two reasons, 1 being that we had packed all of Sue & my craft stash in the boot of the car and we weren't initially planning to go so didn't think I would need it as I can use crutches for short distances, anyway once we had decided to go to Garden centre we both remembered that they had wheel chairs there that you could use. But when we got there, there was none, so Me being daft said oh no don't worry i'll be fine, its not too far to walk.....big mistake, it was clearly a lot more walking than I thought, I find its standing about too, both of my lovelies kept asking if I was ok, but I am terrible for not wanting to cause a fuss, when we eventually got to coffee shop, I went to sit down and boy was I in pain, you know where it hurts so much you can't concentrate, we went back to pats for some lunch and then home, when I got in I was finished for the day, I know that Pat and Sue are going to be feeling it too, but do you know I have taken as many painkillers and combinations of painkillers to get on top of pain and it still hasn't touched it, but that has taught me a lesson, its totally my own fault, \I should have just said but that's just not me.
      What am I like!
      I have my ears covered now ready for being told off!
      Bless you my lovely have plenty of vitamin c and kick these germs out!
      yummy, that soup was just what the doctor ordered!
      Huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Hi Sandra, I am really surprised, I thought businesses had to have a wheelchair available if required. But not sure, it seems everywhere you go shops have wheelchairs. I was assuming it was law.
      Anyway you are really paying the price for trying to be independent, I really feel for you and hope with rest you will feel better soon LOL also hope your partners in crime are OK and taking things easy .......... Are you listening girls?
      The soup really was delicious, all the veggies blended well. We have enough left for two more servings (4 bowls) So I will freeze one of them for another day.
      Have a good evening, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    3. Well I too am surprised that there were no wheelchairs available. I believe it is a requirement but not a law for large emporiums and such like to provide them for less abled persons. Although saying that, there is an AGE limit on them. We were refused a motorised one for our grandson when he had a badly broken ankle which was plastered up to his knee, so Pete and I had to take it turns to push him around, very hard going up the ramps, (Jamie is built like a Welsh rugby forward back) as this garden centre was on different levels. xxx

    4. Oooo Sandra,you are silly but saying that they should have had wheelchairs,we have in our garden centre. You rest for the next couple of days my lovely,did Paul tell you off. Hope Pat & Sue are going to rest as well. Lots of love & Hug's Lynda xx

  17. Hi Sandra,
    Good Afternoon All,
    I am a bit late but I've been reading the comments!
    I remember my Grandma and her twin sister on a wash day! They looked like a couple of North Sea Trawlermen in stormy weather! They were really tiny ladies. My Mum used to laugh. It was Dad's Mum not hers! Mum always had a washing machine although it was a round thing that stood on three metal legs! The wringer folded down inside it and a wooden slatted top sat on the top!
    Maria - your card is beautiful! That Striplet is one of my favourites and I am waiting patiently for the camellias to come back in stock! They look lovely on the striplet. I love your colours too. Thank you.
    So sad to hear the News about yesterday's crash. It's so very sad.
    Saba - so pleased you are already enjoying our lovely weather! You need to hang on to your hat - cloche or other today! However we don't have snow here!
    Dentist this afternoon! Just a check up! Fingers crossed!
    Will pop back later!
    Maureen , hope you survived the school bus run!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxxx

  18. Good Afternoon Hazel & Retreat Ladies,
    I have called the lovely Matthew to ask about a few things that were concerning me, first of all the costing, with some being charged over the £70 first quoted, this was due to a confusion, Matthew thought he was taking £10 off of each person to cover cost of the Craft Room, but this can be rectified at the time, as none of us pay until the day we depart.
    My Reservation came through as Corporate Bed & breakfast, but he said that that is incorrect and that it should be dinner, bed & breakfast.
    All the rooms have Tea & Coffee making facilities and Ironing too, FREE WIFI throughout the hotel.
    We also will have access to our Conference/Crafting Room 24hrs a day all weekend, so we can craft, chat etc as late as we like, which is nice.
    So I hope that that clears up any concerns that anyone has had.
    I for one will be taking extra tea bags just to be sure and a few nice biscuits, cookies, cakes etc.
    Anyway I am even more exited now!
    Love and hugs

    1. I am with you, extra Tea Bags and LOTS of cookies and Sweet Treats.
      Poor Matthew bet he's getting more and more as to what he has let himself in for.
      Patricia xxx

  19. Hello Sandra, (and the rest of you!)
    Maria. your card is gorgeous, it's so elegant.
    Patricia, You'll never be anonymous so stop trying to sneak in under the wire, we can see you!!
    Sandra, what a shame that there were no wheelchairs at the garden centre, you wouldn't be in the pain you're in if there had been. How did the other two manage with all the walking and standing, but it sounds as if you got some good bargains.
    I can remember using the poss tub to do the washing, and my mother had a very posh mangle with an enamel lid that came down to make pastry on. When a lever was pressed you could life the lid up and the mangle raised also (it was heavy). Another tub was placed underneath and I would feed the folded clothes through whilst mam turned the handle. As I got older I could feed it through and turn the handle at the same time.
    The iron was put on the fire to heat up, but I wasn't allowed to iron until I was about 11. Could you image that now with elf and safety. Social Services would be involved!!!
    When I got married we went to a launderette, but when I was expecting Rachel, my father bought me an electric washing machine. I used to work for G.E.C. and got a Service washing machine which was manufactured by them for £35.
    It had an agitator in the middle and an electric mangle which fitted at the back, but could be removed to make it a sleek, modern appliance - how posh ha ha.
    Sandra - regarding our retreat, I've been billed £150 which I take to be £70 per night and £10 for the Craft Room. It also said it was for B & B but I just thought that it was a standard letter and as Hazel had negotiated a deal (clever Hazel), I ignored it. Mind you I nearly choked on my coffee when I saw the £150 as I thought it was per night!!! Yeek.
    Sam and Theresa - I hope you are feeling a bit better today.
    Saba - so pleased you are enjoying yourself with your family. Isn't it lovely when those little chubby arms enfold you? How's Val.
    I know I've forgotted loads, but I've rambled on enough so I'll go as the girls will be coming in soon. The school bus was delightful, I took 2 paracetamol as soon as I could!!!
    Love to all,
    Muriel xxx

    1. Was that with the bus or not? Must have been very hard to swallow!!! xxx

  20. P.s. Saw David yesterday, and although he looks tired and a bit drawn, the alternative is a whole lot worse. He says he feels good but gets tired so easily.
    Maureen xx

    1. Maureen, I am absolutely positive I sent a message to you re:- David.
      However I don't see it ...... maybe it's that forgetting thing rearing it ably head!!
      Anyway, glad David is getting there. As long as he does what he it told and takes the medication prescribed he will be fine.
      Hugs for all of you
      Patricia xxx

    2. Oh! These blowing IPads i KNOW I typed

    3. See it's done it again !!!

    4. Maureen the tired feeling could be due to the drugs he is probably on I know Derek was like that at first but give it a few weeks and things should improve if not get him to tell the doctors as he just may need some iron to take, please note - not ironing to do by the way!
      Margaret xx

    5. Maureen the tiredness is possibly due to the medication David is on I know Derek was like that at first but give it a few weeks and if there is no improvement make sure he tells his doctor as he may need some iron to take please note - not ironing to do, before anyone makes a comment!
      Margaret xx

  21. Told you I'd forgotton things,
    Myra, good luck at the dentist this afternoon.
    M xxx

  22. Just sent Matthew an E-Mail
    I booked for Hazel & I had not Confirmation as yet.
    Just hope they can cope with the Chaos we we actually arrive!!!!
    Patricia xxx

  23. That should read .... have not had confirmation yet

    1. I've not had conformation yet either.
      I actually managed to get into your blog today, thanks for the idea. Off to try Hazels now.
      Jess x

  24. Afternoon All!
    Well you'll be pleased to know I still have my teeth! Got all clear for another six months ! It cost £166 for both of us to have a check up and see the Hygenist! That price for our Retreat is better by the day! Just paid more or half an hours water torture and prodding!
    Thanks for caring, Maureen! Sure you had fun on that bus, really!
    Love Myra xxx

  25. This forgetting thingy is catching! Great news about David! I'm sure he is easily tired it must have been quite a stressful time for him too and I'm sure he will be fine in

  26. Good evening all, I won't manage in later.
    Sending (((hugs))) if any of you need some.
    Off to have something to eat. Later my friend Elaine will be here for some "fun, laughter and some crafting" Not a lot of crafting gets done most weeks. She does not normally leave till almost midnight.
    Be good .... well that's asking a bit too much. Have fun, I will pop back in the morning to see what you have all been up to.
    Patricia xxx

    1. Good night Patricia,
      Have a lovely evening with Elaine, we didn't get any crafting done either this week! Plenty of chatting though.
      See you tomorrow, I think I am going to follow your example an do an Oldie Friday.
      Love and Hugs

    2. Have a lovely evening Patricia! Xxx

  27. My comment on Belfast sinks should have said I still hate Belfast sinks and they have one at work' it bugs me that I seem to be the only one that cleans it with bleach, I hate to see all that brown staining. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel, I totally get where you are coming from there, if its meant to be white, it should be white and lets face it, it doesn't take 5 mins does it? sounds like with that and the bedroom windows the cleaning staff need a kick up the pants!
      I had a lovely chat with Matthew today, he asked how I was involved so I told him "well its my coffee shop" ! It was like getting through the Gestapo to try and talk to him though, but he confirmed the teas & coffee facilities in the rooms as well as Ironing facilities and free wifi, all over the complex, and I also wanted to check that we had full 24hr access to the Craft room, which we do, I left me even more excited though, He sorted the cost of my room too and the error regarding it not being just B & B! So all sorted.
      I think I could hear him thinking 'what on earth have we let ourselves in for)! haha

    2. Sandra I bet he had no grey hairs the day I e-mailed him the first time, by the time we leave he will be white??? He is lovely to talk to but he needs to get his staff sorted. Oh yes the cleaner at work needs a kick up the pants. She gets 10 hours a week to do the cleaning and the ironing the old cleaner who did top surface most of the time and deep cleaned when they were away only had 6 hours. I did the ironing on Tuesday while I was there as there was that much, 8 of Richards shirts he wears 181/2 collar so big, 5 of Anna's shirts the same of Beth's polos ones plus king sized and a single bed sets plus a few other bits it didn't take me 2 hours let alone 4 but she has the girls rooms to do, but we know that's a lick and a promise job. Other wise windows wouldn't have thick mould on them. She is all ready saying she can't work many hours over the holidays. So it's going to be fun, fun, fun. Hazel x

  28. Hi Maureen,
    Yes apparently he thought that the charge for the craft room was going to be divided between us and added to our bill but I think that there have been other thoughts and ideas, but we wont be charged until we leave on the sunday anyway so we can sort it out then, I did tell him today that my reservation only stated Corporate Bed and Breakfast and they have sent me another one updated to Dinner Bed and Breakfast, but we are all booked for that anyway, I guess the confusion has come from other staff not being fully briefed on the details.
    I was so pleased that we got Free Wifi and have access to the Craft Room 24/7
    so the late nighters among us can sit chatting and drinking their contraband drinks until the wee small hours!
    Eeeh can you imagine the mess for the poor cleaners, all those die cut bits!
    oh well, and then in the bedrooms will be all the little bits we have transported in our bra's etc, oh yes its not just bits of dinner that gets down there!
    I must stop talking about it now as my family think that I talk of nothing else.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Hello All,
    Let's try again and see what happens to this post. If anyone finds the one I've just lost, kick it up the ??!!** and send it on it's way.
    Patricia, you and Elaine have a good time but keep the noise down, I've got a headache.
    You never did tell me about the pantomime at Edinbugh. Bet it wasn't as good as the one at Jersey. Delayed from Saturday lunch time until early hours Monday morning. Given a £5 voucher each for the whole of the time. Had to prepay for a coach to take us to a hotel, Paid for bed and breakfast before we were shown to a room, left at 6 a.m. before breakfast was served. All claims for reimbursement were refused!! George had emergency laparotomy for suspected bowel cancer 8 weeks before and the Consultant said to get away on holiday it would do him the world of good!!!! There wasn't any seats, we sat on the ground, they ran out of drinking water, it was a nightmare. Three months later we were flying to Malta to join a cruise. Got to Newcastle airport and at check in we were told there was a 6 hour delay, "Oh, is that all" I said and the assistant nearly fainted as everybody else had complained. We were given a letter straight away to take to the Restaurant for a meal and drinks. The difference in the two airports was amazing.
    Maria, I've never seen a poor dentist, but I've seen plenty poor patients!!! The bus is actually great fun because they are all 11 or under, so are easy to control. We just tie them up and handcuff them to the seats - no, not really, don't get alarmed ha ha. They are usually just comparing lego figures, moshi monster cards and such like. Except at Christmas when we go a bit mad, and the Chaperone and I get them hyper before they go into school. Although Karen, who has been chaperone on the bus for 16 years, has left and we have Ashley now, so I'll have to teach her the ropes.
    Well, I hope all the ladies who felt rotten this morning, feel a lot better now, and that our leader - Sandra - is in less pain and has rested well.
    Glad to see that Saba is safe and sound and with her family.
    Love to all
    Muriel xxx

  31. Oh Cheryl dear,
    I always take a bus with two paracetamol, I find they work quicker that way.
    Muriel xx

  32. Good evening folks
    Well Sandra I do hope you are feeling a little better and have had a good rest I know just what you mean about standing being almost as bad as walking, but I would let the garden centre know that wheelchairs would be appreciated and may even get them more trade, in other words get off their butts and get something done! That is the trouble with some places they just don't care as they are not feeling the pain. Sorry rant over.
    Thanks for the tip Muriel about how to get faster pain relief I could do with that at the moment, I will give it a try, does the bus have to be a single or a double decker?
    I hope everyone has had as good a day as they possibly can and Saba you enjoy all those big hugs, hope Val is doing well.
    Have a lovely evening and sweet dreams everyone
    With love
    Margaret xx

  33. Hi Margaret,
    It was a double decker bus, but if that's to much to swallow a single decker would probably do the trick.
    (Anyone reading this will think we have completely lost the plot!!! I hope you are in a little less pain every day, you take care, I am thinking of you, even if I don't write about it.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Would a mini bus do? It's just a bit smaller! Xxx

  34. Hi everyone,
    May I ask if everyone has had Confirmation of Booking for the Retreat? I have heard nothing but so long as I am not alone it doesn't matter. Emails are usually sent fairly quickly though. Was everyone else asked for a credit card number? I know that's usual practice - but that far ahead makes some cards out of date!
    Thanks, Myra. Xxxx

    1. Do not give credit card details!!! He said its to be paid at the time we leave and that's that, he will get my back up if he asks for them. Just email them and ask for your confirmation as you would like to make sure you are booked in, he told me to day that he had sorted it all out, excuse new staff members, I am a bit disappointed. Patricia had to e-mail them. Hazel x

    2. I had my confirmation direct after given my name, address and phone number. Nothing about any card details ! It's under your name Hazel but know that's fine and the sum of £150 will be right at the time of bill setting. Hope it's get sorted for all as you made such a great job to find this place,
      Maria x

    3. Myra I haven't had conformation yet either, Matthew didn't get my email address I think. So I was looking for something in the post. Maybe I should email them, what do you all think. Jess

  35. CooooooEeeeeee!!!
    Is anyone there ..... I have been stood up!!
    Elaine's not coming, nothing unusual there though. We are really good friends BUT her family have her at their "beck & call" some of them will be off out for the evening. Elaine will be baby sitting. She makes excuses, she know I get really angry at the way they treat her. I have actually stopped saying too much. A friend of Hazel & I deals with people who suffer from Depression. She has met Elaine a few times and told me to step back, do not comment, just be there for her when she needs me. She has to admit she suffers from depression before she can be helped.
    So here I am all on my own. No that's not true, John is somewhere in the house think he might be in his office.
    Sandra I Hope you are of suffering to much after yesterday's outing.
    Patricia xxx

    1. Hello Patricia! I'm Free - ! That's showing my age a bit!
      It is hard sometimes to step back! I've been there too and it is so easy to get over-involved in other people's lives. Just recently was asked by a younger friend to go to school with her as she had a meeting with a Governor! Wow! I so wished I'd asked more questions beforehand. I was almost under the table with embarrassment. She was totally out of order. She turned up with a File which she had been keeping on everything her child came home and said! He is a little monster but she believes every word he says! I learned a valuable lesson that day. She is in the middle of a divorce and it's every one else's fault.
      Oh Patricia! So sorry rant over! Xxx

    2. I love that program lol

  36. Well it looks like Patricia and I going to be having a late night catch up, seeing how Elaine isn't coming after all. To think we were having a cup of tea together this time last week, and we're excited about going yo Belfast. Hazelxxx

    1. Will go and email them now! I don't know the other chaps name but the card I gave him ends in May so a new one will come. It just seemed strange although I know my husband is often asked for that but usually for something very imminent. Xx

  37. Hi Sandra and all,
    thank you for your nice words for my card, I was rather chuffed that I actually managed to put anything like it together tihi I hope to get some tutorials to take with me back at our retreat so I am glad to see we can spend a lot of time in the room crafting.
    I hope you feeling rested after you outing yesterday, they should really have wheelchairs around for guest to borrow as it not always easy to take them in the car.
    Brenda, how are you feeling ? I wish you better soon! Nice you can still pop in and have a little chat.
    Hope the others who are missing will find the strength to see us soon again.
    Saba, I guess your day have been full of cuddles and talking, do you mix your words up sometimes tihi I'm terrible when visiting my family but saying that my memory is not what it used to be.... How is Val doing? she must be so happy to have you around for a while and the others, huge hugs to you !
    Sorry Muriel but were you telling me anything about poor dentist's I must have fallen a sleep, can't remember that one but saying that I can't remember much these days.
    Got a bit of die cutting done this afternoon as the plumber did not turn up until five, isn't it fun to play with new dies, embossing folders and bits and bobs lol
    Patricia and your friend have a great evening together, I can see it being quiet in here tonight unless I missed something while writing this .
    I will be out tomorrow but will be back in the evening so I'll see you then for a catch-up .Time for a double-decker I believe Take care all !
    Love and Hugs Maria xx

  38. Exactly, I don't think the others were asked? It's like Peter dosent know what Paul's doing. Yes we have had to give credit card details for the hotels we have booked for our first few days in Canada but that's in the next few weeks, not 7 months away. Hazel x

  39. Oh! Myra, that was NOT good.
    I have known Elaine for 18 years and have had so many good times with her.
    Been on so many holidays to the USA with her. Hazel & I include her in lots of trips we do. Sometimes she comes others she passes on.
    However I have stepped back. I usually offer her an alternative evening to come along however I did not tonight. I could have been out with Audrey tonight but passed on it because Elaine was coming.
    Eliane tells me lots of "Porky Pies" which I am finding hard to cope with.
    I had to e-mail the Hotel. Got a really quick reply with all details "present & correct" Can't understand why they are getting things so wrong when they are a Condpference Centre. You would think they would be used to all the bookings.

    1. Sorry you got stood up Patricia and now I'm baling on you too, have a good night anyway with the other night-owls, see you tomorrow peeps
      Maria xx

    2. Don't worry I have emailed them and explained about the credit card and lack of confirmation and asked them to confirm everything is ok as I feel uneasy! Won't do any harm ! Please don't feel responsible for this as it isn't your fault. It's not as if I am not used to dealing with people but this young man - he sounded young - said he could give me a better deal than £70 . When I said this included Dinner he said he'd " go check" . Still wanted card details though - when I told him this particular card expired in May - he said don't worry - you can ring and update it!!
      We'll see. Xxx

  40. Myra you should get your Confirmation by tomorrow.
    I got mine within a couple of hours, all detailed and correct.
    Right I am off to bed ... I know it's early but I am almost falling asleep sitting here.
    Good night, sleep tight
    Love & hugs
    Patricia xx

  41. Myra, I often wonder how these places survive??? They have a lot of full things up on the availability, we will still make it a great weekend, I do like things in place. I know Lesley often has problems at conferences but they are world pain ones with 100's attending we are only a little group. Just found out I am needed in the morning, she has two of the speakers to show round some unit at the hospital. Hazel x

    1. Oh Hazel, you are so busy! Please don't worry about this as it will sort itself out! I feel this week, as if I have never stopped. I now really need to go upstairs and tidy away all the bits and bobs from this week's crafting. Last night I ironed for two hours but it was worth it! Tomorrow , house cleaning for the weekend, shopping and whatever else arrives!
      So looking forward to meeting you and chatting properly. Xxx

  42. Patricia I am so sorry your friend did not turn up for what ever reason, I think you are right to take that step back and perhaps in future if you have the chance to go out with anyone why not go? As my Mum would have said, you are not salt and pepper, a convenience to be used when they fancy it. Let her see you are not just sitting waiting for her, if you do cancel and go out then by all means offer her another evening for all you know perhaps a variation of days may just suit her better. Stay calm, try not to take the cancellations too personally and let the po,rkies fly over you if she feels she cannot tell you the truth it is not worth it, that is the problem sometimes with a regular thing perhaps a variation or short break of a week or two may be all it needs for her to realise what she is missing.
    Sending you a big hug and cuddle just for good measure.
    Margaret xxx

  43. Hi, coo eee
    Anybody there, I feel as though I am conducting a seance!!!!
    That's right, go to bed Patricia and stand me up. I'll manage. Actually, I used to have a friend like that. I was at her beck and call, altered clothing, curtains, did all sorts of things for her, went on holiday with her when nobody else would, the list is endless, but was dropped if a better offer came up. After a good few years I suddenly realised what a fool I was and gradually loosened the ties, which was made easier after she moved. Only you know if she's worth the effort you put in, but porkie pies, she must be in a bit of a state.
    Margaret, I love your mother's saying about salt and pepper. It is so true and people who make a use of you are not worth the trouble.
    Myra, I got my confirmation from the hotel within the hour, so I hope you get sorted. They did not ask for my credit card details and it was a very nice girl I spoke to who knew all about the booking.
    Well, if everyone is going to bed, I'll clear up, do the dishes and fill the dishwasher - Myra, I've told you before, get out of there - and switch off the lights. The key is in the usual place and I'll see you all tomorrow. I hope those who are in pain or discomfort tonight have a good night and are rested and feeling better tomorrow. Saba, enjoy your family. Night, night, God Bless to everyone.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Night Night, Auntie Muriel !!!
      I'm in craft room clearing the chaos so that I have a clear line for the cleaning in the morning!
      God Bless,
      Hope you've had a lovely day Saba!

    2. Myra, thank you I have had a lovely day, but feel so guilty that I have not been contributing here.
      Will try harder tomorrow!!!
      Night love. Xxxx

  44. Hello Sandra I hope your feeling a little bit better lovely,hope your in bed.resting if not sleeping.
    Maria your card is gorgeous love Black & White combo love all the die's well done.
    Has all the night owls gone to bed, see you all In morning love Lynda xx

  45. Good Evening Lovelies,
    Its very dark in here, looks like you have all abandoned ship and gone to bed, oh just a minute who is that in the corner? Muriel is that you asking " is there anybody there?"
    I do not know where the time has gone today. Apart from doing the school run and unpacking I have done absolutely nothing. Of course once Oliver was home we played together the whole few hours before bath and bed time and he was a bit late going to bed again and we had extra story time so once again I am late coming in and finding out what you have all been up to
    Well, what a lot of goings on with the booking. I haven't had an email confirmation either so I think I will ring them tomorrow and check everything is alright and that I am actually booked in and what I am booked in for i.e. price and evening meal. Myra do let us know what they have to say when they reply to your email, sounds like you got someone who really didn't know that we had been told we would be paying when we leave. The lady I spoke to was also a bit unsure about our group booking but told me not to worry, she would check the details later.
    Val continues to do well. I haven't seen her yet, mainly because until I have my own transport it's not really feasible to just go and see her for a couple of hours. It's about a 3 hour trip by train (3 separate trains) and then journey back down here again in the same day and we thought it more sensible to wait until her daughter has gone back to work, and she feels more up to having me stay.
    Sorry I haven't been around the last t so evenings, will try and get back earlier tomorrow.
    Love and hugs to you all
    Night night God bless.
    Saba xxx
