
Friday 27 March 2015

Oldie For Friday!

Good Morning Ladies,
I thought that today I would do the 'Oldie For Friday' idea that was started by a lady called Erika at
I think its a great idea to revisit some of our old makes as it can sometimes give us that 'mojo' boost that we all sometimes need. (well I definitely do).
Here's briefly what I did and used to make this card.

I have used the California Collection for the main element of the card, some felt flowers, cut out with Sue's Classic Rose Dies, and a silky crush ribbon bow, mounted on top of the Grand vinery cut out in white card, the background is embossed with the Heart Lattice Folder by Creative Expressions. The Italian Border die is used at the bottom of the card with a pearl trim laid over the top.
I hope you like todays card, would be perfect for a wedding or anniversary.
I bet you can all spot the mistake can't you?
Well its an easy one to make and I haven't made it since!
This card to me shows that sometime the simplest things are the most beautiful, there is something so 'perfect' about an all white card!
Well we have had an eventful week again in the 'Riley' house, Poor Matt left the house at 4.30 am and 45minutes later I get a call from him, very shaken and a little emotional to say that he had hit a Deer, it ran out in front of him and he couldn't stop, result one poor dead dear and £200 + worth of damage to his car, luckily he drives a big Ford Ranger so it protected him well but the bumper in it is huge and very expensive to replace.
Then Yesterday Becca is out driving in her little C1 and went on another mercy dash for Josh's dad, who was having a nose bleed, she was panicking and went down an enormous pothole which bent the wheel of her car, amazingly her tyre didn't burst as she would have panicked even more, she said she couldn't avoid it as there were cars coming the opposite direction. She has had the tracking re aligned on her car, luckily and very surprising these days her car came with a proper spare wheel, not one of those thin things, so the garage have swapped that for her and she is apparently having the wheel repaired.  The road it happened along , Sue and I have been travelling each week to get to Pats so I knew how bad it was, its a flaming disgrace, the Potholes are over a foot deep, if a cyclist or motorcyclist were to go over that they would be thrown off, so I rang the council today and gave them a piece of my mind.  We are now filling in a claim form so that she can get the money back for her repairs.  Apparently they have said that it costs them less to pay for the repairs of those that bother to claim than it does to repair the roads! What a disgraceful attitude is that!
Well I hope that you all have something exciting planned for the weekend , the girls break up for Easter Holidays today, so it will be nice to have them around the house, we haven't planned anything as yet.  When do you all start the Easter Break, I imagine a lot of you will be looking after your Grandchildren etc. 
I look forward to reading your comments, I need to make sure that we have all got booked in for the retreat weekend, I hope that Sam is back and well enough, we may have to ask him to hold a room for a couple of weeks, just in case.
I really hope she is ok bless her, I have asked Sue W to try and make contact too.
Love and Huge Hugs


  1. Oh well it looks like I am first in again? I will just take a minute while the kettle boils and I make myself a cup of tea, the urn would take to long! It's willl be ready for you all coming in later.
    Sandra. What a stunning "oldie" yes nothing like white on white to look elegant and gorgeous. I just love it. Now I do hope you got some sleep as I know you were in so much pain yesterday, and sometimes it gets worse during the night, well I know mine can. At least at the retreat you will have your chair with you and plenty of helpers, that's the great part of being in a hotel that caters for won't have to worry about getting from one area to another.
    I think you need to break a match! We don't want any more mishaps? Poor Matt has he gotten over it? And our Tammy did the same sort of thing when she hadn't driven long, a farmer in his big 4x4 pushed Her into the soft verge and she damaged her wheel. Becca is on a learning curve, yes they can drive but it's these little things that teach them what can happen.
    Margaret, Sam, Thersea Brenda (littlelamb) and Brenda also anyone I have forgotten, I hope you are all feeling a bit better, ((((((hugs)))))) are in the basket please help yourself to as many as you need.
    Saba, do just enjoy your time with the family, yes it's lovely to see you pop in, but you are only over here for a few weeks and time goes so quickly. To think this time last week Patricia and I were waiting to board our flight, where did the time go??? Well I'd better make a move, that's the frost coming down so I will need to be extra careful while going to work and taking the girls to school. I will be glad when I finish tonight, but I am glad I am not doing this again every day like I did. Everything just happened to land on this week. Hazel x

    1. Good morning Hazel,
      Thank you for opening up this morning, it took me a while to get comfortable enough but I did get two or three hours sleep, I was woken at 3:50am by a certain kitty named Milo, he hops up onto our bed, he will then snuggle himself under your chin and then start purring so loud it would waken the dead! I usually get up and feed them both then, but paul could see how much I was struggling yesterday so I was instructed to stay where I was, so he got up and fed them, bless him, I feel terrible then as by the time he gets back into bed and asleep his alarm is going off at 5.30 for him to get ready for work! I think we are going to have to find away to get these kitties waking up their owners to feed them (Sophie & Lucy ) who miraculously sleep through anything!
      Where did that week go Hazel? It doesn't seem 5 mins since you and Patricia where away on your travels does it! I also can't believe it's Easter next weekend! How, so soon, it's only just been Christmas !
      You go steady on those frosty roads this morning, not many days now until you have a week off is it? I bet you can't wait!
      Well I must go get in the shower I suppose, everything is in slow motion today!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. I am going to type as fast as I can (!) before the laptop starts playing up again. I didn't turn it on again yesterday as I shouldn't be using it at all really and I was not so good and am commenting now before reading about what you were all up to. I am going to type as fast as I can (!) before the laptop starts playing up again. I didn't turn it on again yesterday as I shouldn't be using it at all really and I was not so good and am commenting now before reading about what you were all up to.
    I would just like to say that I HATE TECHNLOGY. Laptop is playing up and my (very old, basic) mobile phone is too-and that's nothing to do with the awful network coverage we get at home sometimes. (we have a mast about a mile away) Can any of you explain why sometimes we can get a great signal at our home and at other times we can't use our mobiles AT ALL. I bet I will get the usual loads of texts as soon as I leave our estate (housing estate, not country estate (I wish!) I hasten to add) I will find out later when I go to Mum and Dad's!
    I do hope you are all well, or as well as can be expected. I can use Gem's tablet at the weekend to have a good catch up, thank goodness.
    Sandara, I hope you are ok my lovely. I have been worrying about you walking so far on Wed. I have a feeling both you and Pat walked far too much. Fingers are firmly crossed that you felt better yesterday than you did when I dropped you off on Wed. my lovely.
    I hope that Sue W can get hold of Sam to find out how she is, but then Sue mentioned the other day that she wasn't feeling too good either, bless her. That makes me think she was really quite poorly as Sue isn't one to feel sorry for herself is she? I hope she is on the mend and of course I am hoping you are ok Sam, we miss you and can't wait to hear from you very soon.
    I am going to try and make an Izzy bag that looks like a fishing tackle bag for Chris's birthday, which is at the end of next week. I will let you see it Sandra,, if it works out ok : )
    Today's card is gorgeous, I always love your white on white cards, your's are always perfect and this one is no exception. It is good to see that even you make a little mistake sometimes, it is so easily done with this one isn't it! but you never do it again do you : )
    Going to have to go as the fan has just stuck again!
    Take care my lovely. xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I know how frustrated you must be because like me on your bad days your laptop/internet is your connection to the outside world! So I imagine it has com close to being thrown across the moon!
      I think the idea of fishing bag for Chris's birthday would be a great idea,
      I can't wait to see it!
      Thanks for the lovely comments on about the card!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card-something really classy about white on white.

    Mrs B-am glad you explained about "the estate" & it did make me giggle thinking of you in your country house. I often day to hubby when he wanders round the garden "are you strolling round the grounds "- it's not that big a garden just in case you are wondering!

    Had nice news from colleague to say hubby is now home after having the stent fitted. Next thing today is my friends funeral-think of me (and his wife/family) at 1pm today ladies.

    Right-best gather my clothes together that I'm going to wear later.


    1. Bless you sweetheart you will be in all our thoughts this afternoon, It's going to be very emotional, particularly for his new wife.
      We will all be here for you later should you want to talk Michele.
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Be thinking of you today Michelle! At least it's a reasonable day so far as the weather is concerned. Will think of you all at 1pm
      Love Myra xxx

    3. Janet Ecco of Sheffield27 March 2015 at 16:05

      My thoughts are with you and your Friend this afternoon. As Myra says at least it's a reasonable day weather wise. I just wanted to say we're all here for you. Bless.
      Hugs Janet xxxxx

    4. Hi Michele,
      I hope all went as well as it could go today. My thoughts are with you and with his family,take care . Hugs Maria x

  4. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop customers. See Hazel has been in and set things up. I will have a cuppa, tea & toast, sit in the corner and admire Sandra's beautiful card.
    Wow! Sandra that is absolutely beautiful, I love the White on White so elegant. Looks like it could have been made yesterday it is a classic design.
    SANDRA:- hope you are not in so much pain today. Poor Becca, she is getting all the trails of driving thrown at her at once.
    EVERYONE:- who is not so good today I am sending some (((((hugs))))) hope they help and you are back with us soon.
    Well the sun is shining the sky is blue, I am off to get the house cleaned. I like to run through the place on a Friday then that's it for the weekend. Have to Vac. the bits up in the kitchen if I have been crafting (no craft room for me) all say ahhhh!!!
    SABBA:- you enjoy being with your family, your time at home will fly past far too quickly. We love to see you and hear what you have been doing. As long as we know you are happy we are happy too.
    That's the mug & plate washed, money in the pot I am off to get going.
    By the way talking of "pot" yesterday I was going to order something crafty that I liked but really did not need .... I resisted. The money has gone in the Retreat Fund or "jaunt jug" as someone called it. Think it was Saba but I am not 100%
    sure. It is amazing how just putting a pound coin in every day, plus the money from resisting buying things I really don't need is mounting up.
    Will call back for lunch if I have time.
    Patricia xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      Well done for saving the money, you didn't do a 'Pat' did you? We spent a good half hour looking for the 'Romantic Rectangles 2' die set as it is a set I desperately want and so did Pat, but most places were out of stock, anyway Pat rang yesterday to tell me that she had found the die set, she was so excited, so I asked where she had found it, her reply.......on my dining table, I had forgotten that I had bought it! Honestly what is she like! She does make me chuckle, so I need to go have a look for one for myself now!
      Those pounds will all add up quite quickly, you will end with enough to pay for your room and change for some new dies to play with while you are there, because I bet there will be another Sue 'launch' before we go, I won't be too fussed if it's Christmas dies though, I think you can have too many Christmas dies, so I hope that there isn't a whole launch dedicated to it.
      Well I am going to make sure I have enough crafts for mixed craft day tomorrow, anyone reading this that has something to share please email me a photo of anything crafty you made!
      Sandra xxx

  5. Good morning one & all,

    Your Oldie for Friday is another stunner Sandra, white on white is so classy for Weddings, and yours is oh so beautiful, love everything about it. (I did spot the mistake but not saying so everyone else can guess)
    Glad your children OK with their unfortunate car mishaps. Living in the country you are always going to come across deer and potholes at some point, although I'm glad to say I have never met one yet. My former S-I-L and my daughter did one night, it was pitch black and this deer came flying over a hedge and landed on the bonnet of his van.Result new bonnet, luckily neither of them were hurt. And Jamie also sued the council for a broken axle, he was on his way to take girlfriend home, from our village to hers down the lanes. Someone in opposite direction came towards them at high speed in middle of the lane and forced him to swerve. There was so much muck on the road surface, he didn't see the pothole just went straight into it. It was over a foot deep! He rang council straightaway and they sent out a pick-up truck. Same excuse as you were given re cost of repairs. Yet they can always find more money to go into their pension deficits.
    Michele, loving thought for you and your friends' wife, today it's really going to hit her hard with the finality of it all. I found I coped as well as I was able with Pete's death, but it was saying goodbye at the Crem that did me in, it was only then that I realised I was never going to be able to see him again. That totally undone me. Give her a friendly hug from me, my dear and hugs also going out to you.
    To all our friends in discomfort and pain, warm fuzzy hugs and plenty of love coming your way.
    Love Cheryl xxx

  6. Morning all.
    Hope everyone feels a little more rested. Isnt Sue's card fab today, but as I keep saying, me and instructions just dont mix lol !
    Sandra this card really has the WOW factor, its really stunning, Ive enlarged the picture, had a real good look - I think lol but cant see your mistake ! You have poked all the bits out from the leaves, you have picked all the bits out of the California dies, so I just cant see it hon ! Id say a mistake is leaving all the loose bits in instead of pricking them out, unless that's part of how you like them to look that is, but no, no bits left in, no pearls missing either, naaa, stupid here cant see it lol.
    What a curve ball you had thrown at you yesterday, jeez, but all your babies were safe and thats all that matters right ?
    Have a 50th card to do today, an email I had yesterday, for a woman who loves pink and bling and cava lol. The problem is I have to use my Ice Snow and dont want to lol its mine to look at just like my blush and aqua card, dont wanna part with it lol hohum.

    Michelle, Im SO sorry love, I did read about your dear friend getting his wings and meant to send my love and condolence's to you. My brain doesn't retain much info at the moment and if I dont right something down its lost, so I want you to know that at 1pm my heart, lkve and thoughts will be with you. Its going to be an awful day, and no words will help but as long as you remember that I and every single person you know here and on Sue's blog etc will ALL be thinking of you, if it gives you that tiny bit more support then I will be content.
    Cant wait to hear what the mistake is.
    Love to you all.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Morning Steph,
      The hearts on the E folder background are upside down! Oops tihi x
      What are you like not wanting to use your crafty bits, when you have made the card and she gas paid you, you can buy some more!
      I do understand though as I have some pretty papers that I don't want to use up!
      So what are you going to make for this order then, I have a bottle template I guess you could make a bottle shaped card and have the greeting etc as the label? Sorry feel like I am 'teaching grandma to suck eggs here" , but just had the idea! (Sorry Grandma)
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Can not remember the number of times I have used that Folder "upside down" you would think by now I would check before sticking...!!!
      Patricia xxx

    3. Can you pay by petrol too ?

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies, this card is stunning, white on white is so beautiful. I spotted your little mistake, who is going to notice unless they are a nitpicker.
    Michelle, will be thinking of you and y our friend today, it helps if you can think positive thoughts and hope that they are in a better place.
    I'm glad that Becca's car is being fixed, up here if a pothole hasn't been reported the council don't pay out for repairs.
    I've drank my coffee thank you, so will be back later, take care everyone, hugs to all who need them Jess x

  8. Hi Sandra
    Your oldie card is stunning, I just love white on white don't you. My word you've had a bad week this week haven't you. Not to sure why Josh is getting Becca to ferry him around all the time. She ought to tell him it's not an option. She didn't pass her test to become his chauffeur, and it's not on him saying I don't need to pass my test now that Becca's passed hers. She can't keep taking him to and from jobs every day. Hope that Matt is feeling better after his run in with a deer as well. SABA I hope you having a lovely time with your family.

  9. Good morning dearest Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    Oooo this is a beauty Sandra and just in my favourite colours too, white on white, perfect. W on W always looks so elegant and stylish and this treasure is up there at the top of the pile for me. Thank you flower for showing this gorgeous mini masterpiece to us. I am so glad that young Matthew is semi protected in his Ranger from low leaping missiles that just launch themselves at vehicles as if on a suicide mission or to beat the odds of it being a miss or a hit. Having been born and brought up in the countryside i know that you need to be aware of what is going on around you every bit as much as in a town and i know people will say "it is only an animal" but to the chicken hearted amongst us it is still a live being that we have taken the breath from. I bet he is all shaken up and has a similar view point about life whether it be animal or human, but as long as he is ok the 4x4 can get fixed, it's a longer process if he was (god for bidden) hurt. And what about our Becca? Has she stopped shaking now from her horrendous drive? I am only glad that that is all that was damaged but it will make her a bit more conscientious about where she, or rather how she will drive in future. I am sorry to say that it is all sorts of minor wee things that makes us better, more able drivers. They say you've passed your driving test and you are on cloud nine as you can go where you want, when you want, but it is not until you really have wee minor things happen to you and a couple of years under your belt that you really learn to drive to suit the roads properly. I hope you gave them both the biggest hug (checking as you go that everything is still in the right places) because they are ok and they are safe.
    Michele, my thoughts, prayers and hugs go to you all on this sad day. Laying him to rest is the hardest day after the event for everyone concerned but i am thinking of you all and can only hope and pray that it goes as easily as possible. Take care dear lass.
    Sam flower, i hope that you can read us even if you can't comment the now but you are missed dear friend so much. Since you can't pick up your hug from the coffee shop the now, i am sending you one in the hope that you are better soon and that you are on your way back to your friends that love you and miss you.
    Well my boy wonder yesterday went to a thing that was on in the town hall and brought back 2 bracelet/ bangle things. One for him and one for his mum, so i bet that brought a few sniggers at him. He found 30p so bought me a long jelly gummy snake because he knows that i can't eat Jelly Babies or Gingerbread men. Long story short i can't eat Jelly babies because i can hear them cry when ever i go to eat one and i just can't do it. See told you all i have a certificate for being a loony, but it started when i was wee and i just can't do it even today, so my boy will get me something that is not cute, sweet or life like.
    My hills might have been covered with snow yesterday but today you wouldn't know it bar for the chill in the air. So i am going to get on with Harry's blue shawl as i still have another 32 rows to do before the border around it and i still have another 2 shawls to knit before July, thankfully in white so i shall take my knitting and sit in my corner with a Latte and watch to see who comes in to our wee coffee bothy today. I have brought my basket full of hugs for all occasions, sizes to fit all and strengths as well. Take care everyone
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil) x
    PS Saba, i hope that you have a wonderful time catching up with your family now that you are home and that Val is coming on in leaps and bounds x

    1. Norah, how sweet of Rory. To me that gummy snake was better that a big box of expensive chocolates, as he thought of his mum not likeing things like Jelly Babies!!., Norah so many folk have a thing about them my Tammy will eat them but won't bite the head off first. You are going to be busy having all these shawls to make, knitting all that love I to each stitch. Can't wait to see them. I knitted for years making up my own patterns a lot, but never did shawls, a bit of a regret to be honest. Hazel x

    2. Hi Norah,
      Oh my you have the sweetest most thoughtful young man! He clearly puts so much thought into what he buys, who cares if they sniggered at him, these days you would get sniggered out for doing good or bad, the thought that someone would do that yo such a kind thoughtful young man actually proper angers me!
      Hazel I think biting their heads off first would be he kindest thing, eating the limbs while they still have a mouth to scream from is just bad planning and inhumane, head off first..instant death, the rest of the body can be guilt free! I do hope people have read all the post and not just this part else they will be reporting us!
      Norah it sounds like you are going to have very 'fit' fingers after you have finished all of these shawls, I am looking forward to seeing the blue shawl I have to say! Please make sure you have nothing else to show for mixed craft sarturday, how about asking Rory if he would like to show something that he has made, then he could come on and tell us all about it? What do you think?
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Old afternoon Norah,
      I have never ever thought about things like that when I eat "jelly babies" oh! I am sure I will in the future. You have one sweet (Ooopps maybe a other word would have been better) son there!!!.
      Hills I see out of my kitchen window are thick with snow again.
      Blooming freezing here as well.
      Patricia x

    4. Girls, i feel so very lucky to have my beautiful son because he is that to me inside and out as he has a heart of pure gold and always has had. If asked or offered a sweet Rory would ask always for 2, 1 for him and 1 for his big sister and since being at the support service making and baking he will always come home with one for each of his family, failing that he would not take one himself just to make sure everyone else had whatever it was. I consider myself richer than a lot of parents because i have him and i wouldn't swap him for anything.
      Norah xx

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Hi Norah,
      your Rory is one in a million and will always be wonderful inside and out just a shame that other ill thinking people can't see that, give him a big Hug from me. Love to see your shawl when finished for baby Harry, he's gonna look so smart. wished my mum had made some knitted things for my son when he was a baby, don't understand today's generation regarding handmade with love what not to like.
      Hope you are alright with your beautiful hills around,
      Hugs Maria xx

    7. Hi Norah
      Your Rory sounds a lovely lad, a real charmer who always thinks of others. What a kind soul he is buying you a bracelet and a sweet. Your shawls sound so beautiful and I can see them as a loving hug around your grandson. I knitted a little jacket for a friends baby and she was asked by so many other mums where she had bought it, she was quite proud it was an original! Take care love Diane xxx

  10. Well that's the morning duties done, took a bit to get Beth out of her pit! I say pit as her room looks like one. She told me she was just to tried last night to care? I think doing the performance on Wednesday evening then the two yesterday I top of everything she had done since last FRIDAY !!., show jumping, cross country, piano exam then a busy Tuesday while off, her vaulting it all caught up, she has nothing on tonight thank goodness so it's chill out time for her. Now I must go make retirement card, I think I will look for a LOTV image, nice quick and easy card.
    Michele, I will be thinking of you and your friends wife at 1pm. It will be very sad afternoon, but do think of happy times and talk to her about these as believe you me it will help, sadness only makes more sadness, but a happy memory will encourage more of them.
    Cheryl, meant to say yesterday so glad you managed to get the young couples furniture.
    Maureen, are your grand children off as from today for easter??? If so things will be easier, or maybe not?
    Maria, how is your mum? No after effects I hope!
    Well I to have been putting away into my " Jaut Jug" Myra's name for hers which I think is perfect. Did buy a couple of sentiment stamps yesterday, Adrian at my local craft shop, has just got in. New Phill Martin ones so it would have been rude not to!!! Tammy was with me and she bought a couple, now she does not craft at all, give me good ideas, so guess who will be using those bought stamps, Oh yes ME!!! Right had my tea of off to get that card made. Hazel x

  11. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    Sandra your card is simply lovely. I have looked until I am blue in the face and can't see any mistake. If I look back at my older cards I just think they look so basic now. Thank goodness for Sue and all her inspiration.
    Poor Matt, what a shock for him, it's a huge problem in Germany and the road I travel once a week to my sailing school (I don't own it I teach there) I have to watch out for wild boar.
    Becca is definitely having a run of bad luck bless her, so glad you thought to ring the council though.
    I still haven't had confirmation so I rang this morning, unfortunate Matthew wasn't in and the lady on the phone said there was no one on reception so could I phone back.
    I did the school walk this morning again. Topic of discussion heaven. Oliver wanted to know about Jesus and if he showed people the way to get in, did he also show them the way out!! How do you explain that to a 4 year old.
    Sam hope you are alright, we are all missing you and thinking about you.
    Michele, you will be in my thoughts and prayers today.
    Steph, charge extra for your iced snow, if she drinks cava she can afford it!!
    Norah, I am with you about jelly babies, always think they know what's coming when I bite off their heads. Sometimes I have them shouting back " noooo don't eat me....." But I do anyway.
    Right my lovelies it's out into the glorious sunshine with my gorgeous daughter now. See you all later.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxxx

  12. Hi Sandra,
    Why oh Why did you ask if we spotted a mistake? You see that's a challenge!
    Your card is an absolute stunner! I love everything about it. Your flowers are just lovely. The whole thing - I really , really like it!
    As for the mistake does it have to do with corners? It may not - it may be the angle of the photo but are two rounded and two not? You really shouldn't have said anything you know as I'd never have noticed . Just because you knew !!
    I may be wrong! Believe me I often am! Lol.
    Will call later - still had no confirmation of Booking but I did send an Email and I don't want to be labelled a pest before I even get there!
    Thanks for the lovely latte. The daffodils are lovely!
    Rory is a Star! Norah. You should be really proud of him. Looking forward to seeing your shawls.
    Love to Sam - missing you , and Sheila and Nikki - hope you are both getting on alright. Tandy - miss you too! xxxx
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

  13. Hello Sandra and everybody,
    Oh Nora lovely to see you sitting over there your shawl is coming on a treat,you are going to feel so proud when you're wee grandson is wrapped up in it, he will be so snug and warm, it will be like having your arms around him - even when you're not there.
    Sandra, I made the same mistake with this EF it was for my sister and she didn't notice so I got away with it. Your white on white card is stunning, elegant, beautiful, gorgeous YES I LOVE IT. I love tone on tone so they are all winners for me all the time, just a little bit biased!!!
    Michelle, thinking of you, your friends and the young widow, try and think also talk about happy times although I'm sure it will be difficult. Sending you love and prayers.
    Sandra so sorry to hear about Matt and Becca, Life can be so hard at times, I know they will have learnt lessons and be wiser for their experiences but still horrible to have to live through them. Give them both hugs and tell them I hope things start getting better and not costing them an arm and a leg, they work hard to be able to afford their independence (cars) and through no fault of their own these things happen.
    I've just made myself a cappuccino, will go and sit by Norah's and watch her creating this beautiful shawl.

    Will stop by later just to see how everyone is doing.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    Sandra, Forgot to ask (sorry) how are you feeling today?
    Do take it steady dear friend LOL

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I agree with you my lovely as hard as these experiences are they are all part of life's rich tapestry, all of these little experiences make us who we are I guess. I am hoping that they learn about leaving some money behind at the end of the month so that they are prepared for life's unexpected expenses, sadly running a car is fast becoming a luxury!
      I am sure you will be in a daze watching Nora knit, quite peaceful too,
      She can tell you one of her stories too, you will find that everyone will move and be sitting with you to listen in as Norah tells the best stories ever!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    AS you know if have not been blogging, just seem to have too many tinkgs goig on just now. Stunning Card today just looks so stylish.
    I have just stopped by breifly in the Cafe but I propbably need something a little stronger than tea or coffee I seem to have your contact details.
    I had my craftroom destroyed in a fire on Tuesday which has been devastating. But thank goodness nobody was hurt.
    I hope everyone is well and glad to see that you have lots of lovely followers. I was also pleased to see you will get some time to spend with your family...
    Our Grand baby is doing well and getting bigger everyday he is such a joy.

    WEll have a great day everyone and a lovely Easter

    Cameeli xxx

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield27 March 2015 at 16:12

      Lo Cam - I'm so sorry to hear your horrible news re your craft room. I know it's good that no one was hurt but that doesn't make up for all you've lost - things that cannot be replaced etc.
      I hope you know that we're all here for you whenever you want to talk.
      Take care. Janet xx

    2. Hiya Cameeli, oh flower i am so so sorry that you have lost your craft room because it along with your allotment seem to be your wee bolt hole that you escape to. I am glad to hear that no one was injured but it is the mess that it makes not only there but else where as well. Smoke damage can be worse than the fire in a lot of cases so i hope that your insurance company are quick of the mark to help you get back to a sort of normality. Your wee grandson will be growing like a wee mushroom bless his wee socks and it just gladdens your heart to see them growing and the new things that they find to do or find out about. The wonder on their wee faces and in their eyes is great to see. Sending you some hugs flower as i think that you could do with some and hope and pray that you get back on your feet again soon
      love Norah x

    3. Hi Cameeli
      Oh my you have no idea how pleased I am to hear from you,
      So sorry to hear about your craft room, I know how much crafting meant to you, was it in your garage?
      I am so pleased to hear that Mason is doing well, I bet he is the light of your lives.
      I have emailed you, too.
      Are you going to Ally Pally ?
      I hope so be lovely to catch up xx
      love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    4. So sorry to hear about your fire. Although, as you say, no one was hurt, the loss of your crafting room is a hard thing to take in. We forget (or hide) just how much we have tied up in our stash.

    5. Cameeli, so sorry to hear about your craft room. Like you say the main thing is no one was hurt, but that doesn't stop you feeling terrible about loosing all your things.
      Lovely to hear from you.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    6. Cameeli , how awful for you, I'm so sorry. As you say at least no one was hurt but it is such a huge part of your life. Sending you a big hug. Take care of yourself. Love Diane xxx

    7. Oh Cameeli,
      what a horrid thing to happened ,as you say no one got hurt but so much get damaged with a fire. Could you salvage anything
      Love to hear from you again, Hugs Maria xx

    8. Oh Cameeli
      I'm so sorry to hear that your craft room has been destroyed by fire. You must be devastated. I do hope that the insurance company deal quickly with your claim. How on earth do you put a price on your prized possessions. I'm glad to hear that your Grandson is going from strength to strength.

  15. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies in the coffee shop
    Oh goodness , I have missed some beautiful cards, Sam Janet and Maria your cards are beautiful and Sandra today's card is beautiful too , it's a good thing you pointed out your mistake, I hadn't seen it!! It's taken me a day to catch up with all the newsin the coffee shop! I was exhausted yesterday so it was good to just potter around and have a read. Saba I'm so glad you arrived safe and sound, it wasn't a good day to fly but then as someone said they will be extra careful and check everything twice. I sent a text to my husband as soon as I arrived but then we went out to eat so didn't check our phones until later. I had 2 messages from my sister and when Julian's mum phoned her husband he had been worrying about her all day! The weather in aberdeen was beautiful and sunny but they were forecast snow yesterday and from comments from the Scottish ladies it arrived! After the trip I think we will be seeing a lot more of aberdeen over the next few years! Emma preferred the course at the university and we all agreed it has a lovely feel about the city. She just needs to get the right exam results now so lots of hard work ahead.
    Sandra I have got your email, I will log onto my laptop to read it properly later and book my room. I will also try and send you some photos that are on my phone. Your family aren't having much luck with cars are they, potholes are such a pain aren't they and yes I've heard it is cheaper for them to pay compensation rather than fix the problem. We used to laugh because you could tell it was the end of the financial year when councils filled holes and resurfaced pavements and put in new curb stones!
    Michele I was thinking of you this afternoon and your friends wife, I hope everything went smoothly. Xxx
    Mrs B , Pat and Sandra I hope you have all recovered from your outing, will you be allowed back to the garden centre or will they put the closed signs up next time they see you coming? Xxx
    Maureen I hope you haven't swallowed any busses today, personally I like a double decker, the chocolate is so yummy! Xxx
    Well I'm not going to hang around too long at the moment but I will pop back later and see how everyone is doing. I'm going to go and meet my husband after work tonight so we can decide what to have for dinner tonight. We've hardly seen eachother this week so it will be a lovely start to the weekend. We are going out for afternoon tea tomorrow so that will be rather wonderful too. It's good to slow down sometimes and just have some time together.
    I hope everyone is ok today or feeling a bit brighter if you are under the weather. I can see you have all been getting up to mischief whilst I've been away, Maria I told you not to hide in the dishwasher ! You will have to find somewhere else to have a nap!
    I must go now, I will check back later to see what's going on!
    See you soon
    Love Diane xxx

  16. Forgot to say Maria I hope your mums treatment is going well and she is coping ok. Xxx Saba hope you get to see Val soon, enjoy the time with your grandson xxx
    The children round here don't break up for Easter until Thursday , it's odd when they start the holiday with Easter, I keep forgetting it's next week!
    See you all later.
    Love Diane xxx

  17. Janet Ecco of Sheffield27 March 2015 at 16:18

    Afternoon everyone
    Sorry I'm late and I've just popped in to say Hello.
    It's been one of those days - Jim went for his INR yesterday and it was very low so there was a question mark about whether we go to Marigny on Monday. Anyway he has had to go back this morning and have it checked again and it's gone up one point but the upshot is that we can go but Jim has to visit a Dr over there next week to have another check. I should have had the second half of my MOT today and at the last minute it was cancelled as the nurse wasn't in so it's had to be put off until we get back.
    In the scheme of things of what's happening to other these are small but sometimes they cause stress.
    To all in pain and suffering I hope you all feel better soon.
    Please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow. Hugs to all in need; ther're in normal place.
    Hugs Janet xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, I tried to leave a message for you on Sue's blog But it ended up in cyberspace . Pleased you can go to your French retreat Hope it does not pose a problem for Jim having is his INR checked in France. Maybe it's a good thing your MOT was cancelled, I was thinking about your BP. All this stress might of sent that up as well. Just take it steady you two and look after each other. LOL Brenda xx

    2. Hi Janet, you must be so relived that you can go ahead with your trip but sorry Jim is having problems, hope his INR is back to normal when you get it checked down there.
      Love Saba xxx

  18. Hello Sandra,
    I haven't read any of the comments yet, and am going for my tea now but I am dog tired and was in the middle of a huge yawn when your blog appeared on my screen. I nearly swallowed my tonsils when this beautiful card appeared. In fact I nearly choked because I was yawning and swallowing at the same time! Sandra, it's amazing and I love it.
    I've been to school all day today and must just have a rest and something to eat then I'll be back to read all the comments and tell you about my day with 30 six year olds!!!
    Muriel xxx

  19. Hi girls,
    i have been working across here in my wee corner and getting more and more panicky by the minute. Please i hope you are not going to be too disappointed tomorrow when you see them as they are just an old simple pattern that i think we all came into the world into. I know my nana knitted it for all corners of the world and her claim to fame was knitting 2 for Jimmy Logans twins with a couple of angel matinee jackets to go with the parcel. I am not as accomplished as the rest of you fantastic crafters so please don't be too disappointed.
    Janet i am glad you are getting to go across the water to the French Riviera but please Jim take it easy and don't do anything that you shouldn't and be good for the nice french suave, handsome young intelligent doctor(well i can have my fantasies) with ripling biceps and triceps please and a six pack that i can play like a xylophone. sorry went away of to dream land there with my dreams of fantasy.
    Rory breaks up from school next Thursday which means just for a change they are incorporating Good Friday and Easter Monday in with the fortnight Easter holidays, thank goodness.
    Do you have a couple of paracetamol behind there Sandra as the head is deciding to act up funny and it is not funny ha ha either.
    Diane, i used to love to nibble around a solid Mars bar taking all the chocolate of the sides and then to eat the bottom of it leaving my favourite part to the end but the Mars bars today are not as good but i still like a Double Decker giving it the same treatment but i need to swallow a couple of pain killers as it brings on a migraine, but you know there is sometimes you just have to, don't you? And as for the wee lass and Aberdeen Uni, it is a brilliant Uni to go to and she will have an absolute ball which is what life should be about at that age as well. There is so much going on in and around Aberdeen but it is a tad on the chilly side up at the Granite City so she will need a good pair of leg warmers tucked into her boots and a good heavy Aran sweater which looks quite fashionable off as much as on :) One that covers her bum will wrap around her knees clenched up on the chair. I have my fingers crossed for her that she gets to live her dream flower.
    Michele, i hope that you are back and in the process of recovering from todays ordeal as that is what it would be for all of you. Heaven is richer in gaining a lovely young man and he will still be with you if you keep him alive in your heart and mind dear friend. Sending you cuddles.
    Now you rowdy lot of night hawks, i don't know where you are finding all the drink that seems to be floating around the cafe at night but be drunk and orderly please so that we don't get shut down. The local constabulary seems to be making a few more turns around the block these past few weeks probably keeping an eye on certain of your clientele Sandra, you know the ones that has the champagne and wine bottles floating around the place?
    bye for now
    Norah xx

    1. Norah, my Friend, I couldn't knit a shawl if you paid me handsomely! I had one for each of my children , knitted by my Mum but I just didn't have the patience. I am so looking forward to seeing them .
      By the way I will try and keep some of these noisy folk under control tonight!
      Lots of love, Myra xxxx ( you know , the one with the halo!) lol.

    2. Norah, do you not realise that to knit a shawl is a craft, as I said earlier I coukd put my hand to knitting most things but oh no not a shawl, so don't you get in a panic, we are looking forward to seeing a craft that we will all be jealous of as like myself and Myra we addmitt we can't make one. Hazel x

    3. Hi Norah I would love to see your shawl I can imagine it will be AMAZING,I wouldn't even think of doing one.I can knit one pearl one drop one or two lol. Please can we see your Shaw love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Norah, from one who can only manage to knit a scarf on big needles with thick wool ( I don't even know the correct term for thick wool) I am in awe of anyone who can manage a shawl. I can't wait to see it.
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

    5. Hi Norah
      Thank you for the good wishes for Emma. She loves a long jumper and I have a lovely long Aran pattern that I think I will be knitting for her. She loves a hand knitted jumper (I've bought her up well!) and I will knit her some leg warm eras too that's such a good idea!
      Take care my lovely lady, mind you don't fall over all those bottles rolling along the floor near Myra ! I'm looking forward to seeing your shawls. Love Diane xxx

    6. DIANE !! You're a rascal! Xxxxx

  20. Afternoon Ladies-me again

    Thank you all so much for your lovely messages. The church service was beautiful but so sad. There were 2 large screens up with photos of Dave being shown throughout the entire service. After the minister spoke, Daves wife said a moving piece then Daves brother then his best friend. There was a huge floral tribute to him -it was Grommit as he loved him! The church was packed as expected. The service at the crem was brief with two modern pop songs then that was it, I was OK (of sorts) until a colleague who trained with Dave went up to the coffin & just patted it-well, that was me in floods of tears! Couldn't face going to the wake so dropped my boss at hers and stayed for a coffee & a chat. Dave called her "his mentor" so I wanted to make sure she was OK before I left.

    Home now & about to start on a bottle of wine...!!!

    Talk again tomorrow,

    1. Oh Michelle,
      What a day! It's often the little things that set us off - because they are unexpected. We steel ourselves almost for the Service - but then something so simple just brings everything to the surface. It won't have done you any harm to cry! Got a tear myself here as I type! Relax now by all means but just be careful as Norah is on the warpath regarding wine and champagne! It's some of the others that have been causing trouble so don't you worry!
      Take care my dear!
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Michele, I have been thinking of you today. You are right, it is often the little things which bring all the emotion to the surface. A few months ago a lovely friend of ours died suddenly and although so sad during his service we were keeping it together until his work colleague read a lovely eulogy and at the end just touched his coffin and said ciao. It was what he always said when leaving.
      Enjoy your wine, it will help you sleep and you deserve it.
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxx ps. I won't tell Norah if you don't.

    3. Sending you a big hug Michele, it's been a hard day for you but you were very kind to think of your colleague too. I hope you manage to get a good nights sleep tonight. Love Diane xxx

  21. Hello again,
    Sandra, even though I've done the same with this particular folder (only once!) I still didn't notice that you had put the hearts upside down!
    Michele, you must have had such a heart rending day, and I hope that you are now winding down and that the awful ache is starting to go away. My prayers are with you, his widow and family.
    Maria, I hope your mam is doing well and I liked your remark about double deckers!!! You may have seen from my earlier post that I nearly swallowed my tonsils today!
    Saba, enjoy yourself with your family - and I'm sure you are loving every moment with your grandchildren. I hope Val is well as can be.
    Hazel, the girls break up on Maundy Thursday for their Easter holidays. They always break up then, but lots of local schools broken up today. I can't wait to just relax and do what we want, when we want, without keeping an eye on the clock - heaven. At least that's what I say now, but you know I'll probably be tootling up there to see them. They are going to Spain for a week's holiday in the middle of the fortnight though. You'll have started your "holiday" today, have you.
    I was at school today making Easter cards. The children in year 2 were tearing up tissue paper into mosaic sized pieces and sticking them onto a cross shaped card. Guess who eventually came home looking like a multi-coloured mosaic woman??? I've got enough tissue paper stuck on me to wrap a thousand presents, if only I could stick it all back together lol !!
    Norah, your Rory is a lovely natured, kind hearted son, you must be so proud of him, and rightly so.
    Patricia and Hazel, I have some absolutely wonderful news. When I told George that I was travelling from Carlisle, he said that he would probably come over with me to make sure that I was all right!!!!! So when your train pulls in just look out for the paramedic, ambulance and armed guards - you'll know it's me - my God, I've got to think of a way of putting him off otherwise I might not get there in one piece lol.
    All the ladies who are poorly Sam, Pat, Theresa, Sandra - oh I'm sorry I know I'm going to upset someone who thinks I don't care but I mean YOU I hope you are soon in less pain and feeling more like your old selves.
    Oh Janet, I see that you're managing to get to France, that's great, have a pastry for me, and take care, and have a safe journey.
    By for now
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. Oh! Maureen you fairly know how to raise a laugh ...... poor George.
      You'll be fine as long as long as you are not wearing a scarf!!!
      Patricia xxx

  22. Sandra,
    Bugger, bugger, I meant to comment on the accidents that your children have had. I hope these haven't put them off driving, and I can imagine poor Becca must feel that nothing is going right for her. Get her to break a match straight away. And poor Matt, is he still shaken. What a nightmare for him. I hope they are both calmer but I know the events for both of them will be going around and around in their heads tonight. I send my love to them both.
    Maureen xx

  23. Patricia dear,
    You just don't know what's in store for me. Really. He tries so hard, bless him, but the more he tries, the more I suffer lol. If I didn't really love him, I wouldn't have used a rubber mallet all these years, I'd have used the huge lead one that I can't pick up!!!
    Muriel xx

  24. You are a "gentle" giant with cruel thoughts ........lead Mallet oh! dear!!
    Me I just keep the cast iron frying pan at hand forJohn!!!
    Patricia x

    1. You cruel lot! My husband is in total innocence of my thoughts!
      Have you read that Norah is upset about the rowdy behaviour ? I feel I ought to try and keep order! Has anyone got the slightest idea how we keep VIRTUAL order ?
      Muriel my dear, your reward is in heaven . Xxx

    2. Well you lot with your mallets and frying pans I always buy a bride a frying pan and heavy rolling pin as a gift as I think they are very dual purpose. Now Patricia I would know why you would ever need the use of a cast iron frying pan upon your dearly beloved husband but it'll be for his bacon and eggs and that big fried breakfast that farmers eat after milking :D

  25. Ooopps forgot about Norah.
    Sorry Norah, I do love John to bits but he does need to be kept in line now and again.
    Better be good to him or he might put chains of me to prevent me getting the Retreat.
    Patricia xxx

    1. Norah, HELP,
      I am trying! Do NOT, I beg of you say VERY !
      I need advice? Xxx

  26. Myra ..... you "trying" never.
    How could any of us treasures be "trying"
    What do you need HELP with??
    Can I be af any assistance??

    1. Patricia! I hope I don't detect tongue in cheek!
      I'm just worried about your reputation! Cheers ! Please don't say the P word because Saba is being good! Promise! Xxx

    2. My husband is watching the England match! Foootball that is! He is a loyal Scot but we have lived in England for many many years and when it comes to Cricket, which I love, thanks to my Dad , a Scot who lived inScotland nearly until the end., I'm an ardent England Cricket Fan. Tonight we want England to win! Xxx

    3. John was watching the match (he has gone to make a cuppa) he's a darling really.
      He was not a football fan till Robert (8) became a Goalkeeper for a local junior team. Thomas (10) plays as well with the older team.
      John has to keep up with the football to converse with them. They will be popping in for lunch tomorrow and will analys the Goals scored.
      They boys and their parents are off to Barcelona a week today. They have tickets for a match. Dad has arranged for them to meet some of players (a surprise).
      Here comes my cuppa

    4. Wow! That's a great treat - a visit to the Bernabeu l Barcelona is a lovely city and I 'm sure they'll have a super time! Having had two mad crazy sporty sons - if you can't beat 'em you have to join 'em!
      It is sometimes tricky. I was once told in a family cricket game - Mum you are bowling like a girl! I pointed out that in actual fact I was a girl! Well I was then! Xxx

    5. I loved Barcelona when we were there many years ago.
      We also took John Jnr there when he was about 11. Bought him the whole KIT & Kabuddle at the statium. The boys saw photo and keep saying it was not a proper strip as there are no sponcer badges on it......!!! changed days.
      Do you really think Norah is responsible for those Wine Bottles???

    6. Oh Oh! Just made a colossal Boo Boo! Should have said Neu Camp! Bernabeu is Real Madrid! Fortunately husband and sons know nothing of this gaffe! Xxxx

    7. Your OK Myra I was none the wiser!!!
      I always just nod and agree when they talk football

    8. Thanks! As soon as I pressed send! I knew! You see we have sons and Dad who are Man Utd supporters and D. Beckham went to Real Madrid! It's just not up there with my crafting knowledge - which probably isn't great either!
      Maureen - please be kind to me! Xxxx

    9. Where is Maureen. ...... is that her sleeping on the sofa in the corner??
      Wakey, Wakey Maureen we are missing you

    10. She's getting on in years you know! Cocoa time for Auntie Muriel! Xxx

    11. Myra can you explain the off side rule to us then? You'd better put that bottle down as you wave your arms around though, we don't want any red wine on the carpet! Xxx

    12. DIANE, you are naughty! I don't drink red wine - it gives me migraine! Xxx

  27. Oh Blast!!
    Sorry ladies, just lost my message to cyberspace. That place must be full of very mixed messages.
    Sandra, I looked and looked and couldn't see any mistake on such a lovely card, so if you hadn't 'fessed up I would never have known. Didn't Sue do it too, and that's with her own design!
    Norah, hope to see your shawl some day. An old workmate started knitting a 2 ply intricate baby shawl for her friend. It looked stunning and had taken her several months to knit. But she was visiting her friend a time after the baby was born, and found the new mum stuffing the shawl into the washing machine. She vowed never to knit like that for someone again. Others don't always appreciate the work involved.
    I am not passing any comment on my other half. Lets just say he has his uses, is good at fixing things, and after 40 years, I can't be bothered trying to break in a new one.
    See you later

    1. Hi Janice,
      I had to 'fess up' as I was worried that if I said nothing a you lot noticed straight away I would have looked a right numpty!
      Oh my a beautiful hand knitted shawl shoved in with the normal washing!
      I think all men have their good points, I am genuinely lucky that I have a good one! (I am not boasting) he is a diamond!
      Good to see you in the café my lovely,

  28. Maureen , no our schools don't break up till Thursday as well, the girls finish on Wednesday as they are away skiing. So yes I will be off till they are back. You need to just have a couple of days doing things with George or maybe not as its still cold and your will have to wear a scarf, could cause a problem?? I will be taking it off, sometimes I will go and check the house and take in the mail out of the box. They have a daughter of a friend staying in the house looking after the the dog cat, hens and the horses. If she doesn't do it, it's not my problem. I have to take a back seat. The house is In the wall garden of the big house, they have neighbours but they don't look after each other, and they can't see what going on. New cctv is getting fitted tomorrow if the guy turns up this time??? That's why I use to go and just check.
    Myra. What are you needing help with, is that help with you keeping us goodies under control. Or help with you controlling yourself from getting up to mischief??? Patricia and I are not responsible for those empty wine bottles, we don't drink. I think it's those folk who are standing outside looking in??? We can blame them couldn't we??? Hazel x

    1. Yes! Great idea! , do you think it could be Norah ? l xxx

    2. Hey, I've not been in much this week! Besides, I keep my bottle in my Izzy bag, Never leave it lying around

    3. No Myra, Norah doesn't drink, plus she comes in and chats, I think it's those who look in the windows but not want to join in.
      Hazel x

    4. Ooh! Sorry Norah, forgive me! How much have you paid Hazel! Lol! Xxx

    5. Nothing Myra but it's true I don't indulge as its much more fun watching all the drunken fun and games that take place and the other reason is that I broke my arm going in one side of a bed on holiday and straight out the other side crashing onto the marble floor so much safer doing without and watching the chaos sorry fun begin. ;)
      Me x😇

    6. Norah! You like me are a Scot! I'm hoping you appreciate my sense of humour! Xxxx

    7. My smiling halo has disappeared:(

    8. Norah! I don't have much myself! I like a glass of wine with my meal but I can live without it! So good to know you're there ! It just may keep some others in order! Xxxxx

    9. Oh Myra with a daddy like mine you have to know when to take some one seriously as he had a very dry sense of humour that could have us in stitches at the people who thought he was being serious instead of being naughty and not so much as pulling their leg, more like giving it a thumping good yank so yes I do appreciate a good sense of humour or any sense of humour other than my OH who has none.
      Norah x :)

    10. Norah -,any advice for those who are not early birds! I'm not interested in worms and I iron when lots of others have gone to bed ! My friend does her ironing at 6 am! Soooo pleased I haven't got such a bad conscience! I've told her that many times!
      Lots of love Myra xxx

  29. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Sorry to be so late but we have had a visitor then just as she was leaving another arrived followed by two more, so today it has been like Piccadilly Circus.
    Sandra I am so sorry to hear of all the trouble that your two are having at the moment lets just hope that is an end to it all bless them.
    Your card is a real work of art, so very rich and luxurious looking with a good helping of true beauty, by the way I do like this one if you are wondering!
    Michele you have been in my thoughts today, a difficult one but keep his smile in your memory and he will be near, enjoy that bottle of wine and if need be have another too as you sit with your memories.
    Saba you enjoy all those walks to school and all the fun with your little grandson there is nothing to match such innocent fun.
    I firmly believe that there is a reason for everything although we may never get to know that reason, our second visitor came to collect a cake I had made for his parents wedding anniversary their 65th! I decided to get it all done last week and not leave it to the last minute as I usually do, always frightened the cake will be dry, Derek says that would be impossible with all the booze I put in! Thank goodness I got it all finished, sugar flowers the lot before my mishap last week, or I would have been in a right panic.
    Now ladies lets have no more violent talk pleassse pleassse! We don't want any broken crockery as I have just swept the floor ready for Norah's shawls to go on show and she will not be best pleased if they get dirty tomorrow, is it tomorrow we get to see her works of art? I hope so, I am so excited that we are going to see them, I crochet one for our grandson, and boy was I pleased when I got it finished so I do know what is involved.
    Lovely to hear from you Cameeli I have been thinking of you but so sorry to hear of all your trouble, it is all the aftermath you will have to deal with, I do hope it is all soon back in order, don't take any nonsense from the insurance people. Delighted to know your little prince charming is doing so well, take care of yourself.
    Well that is me for tonight so sweet dreams everyone, and if you have had a difficult day, tomorrow is near so lets hope it will find you feeling a little better.
    Good night and God Bless
    Margaret xx

    1. Nigh Night Margaret! Xxx

    2. Good night Margaret, it's pity you could not stay for a wee chat.
      See you tomorrow

    3. Hi Margaret,
      Well you must be one very exhausted lady, all those visitors in one day!
      I hope you are feeling a bit better this week, I hope your bruises are coming out and you are in less pain.
      I would love to have seen the cake you made Margaret, will you take a photograph of the next one to share on the blog?
      Well I am guessing you are ready for an early night! back for Norah's shawl tomorrow!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  30. Sandra, your card is lovely. I do like white on white. I need to make another sympathy card and expect that will be white on white. Sorry I have been missing but have been away for a few days with a friend and haven't had chance to look in. Will have to catch up with all the things that have happened. Sorry to hear about Matt and Becca. Hope they will soon get their cars sorted. So glad to hear they are both ok. To all who are unwell I hope you will soon be feeling better.

    1. Great to see you Littlelamb,
      Hope you were away somewhere nice.

    2. Brenda, oh I have been worried about you!
      I am relieved that you are ok! Did you have a nice few days away?
      Did you go somewhere nice? You deserved a break (although you have already had one this year) oops sorry I just had too!
      I hope you had a good rest and a few laughs.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Hi Littlelamb.
      hope you had some nice days away and some good rest.
      tihi Sandra, you do have a wicked humour, bless her xx

  31. Has any one heard from Alison??? She hasn't been in since her uncles funeral, I hope she is ok?
    Janice we knew it wasn't your leaving the bottles, as you said it's in your Izxy bag, plus you have been busy, you haven't got time to be sitting around have you? Hazel x

  32. Oh so glad Brenda that you are ok, was getting worried about you. How's the wrist? Are you managing any better? And I hope you enjoyed your little break away. Hazel x

    1. Hi Brenda!
      Lovely to see you with us! Are you feeling any better?
      You may just bring some credibility to whom some are calling the riff raff! Take care and don't do too much too soon. Xxx

    2. Thank you. Wrist beginning to get better thank you. Still not crafting though and need to make two cards. Must have a try. Hazel my Xcut bag die came this week whilst I was away but my son didn't hear the postman (probably didn't knock) so have to go to the sorting office to pick it up. It had to be signed for and my son said he couldn't go to tote sorting office for me as he didn't have any ID for me. He forgot he was looking after my passport, driving licence etc.,

    3. Brenda,
      lovely to have you back, hope you enjoyed your few days with your friend and glad your wrist is starting to get back to normal. You'll be crafting again before you know it.
      Love Saba xxx

  33. Maureen ..... where are you
    I thought that was you sleeping on that sofa in the corner,

  34. OK! folks that's me off to join Maureen
    See you in the morning

  35. Coo eee,
    Here I am. Before I went to school this morning hung a load of washing out and put another load in. George hung it out (he NEVER does it right,, but I keep quiet!) and it all dried so I've just finished ironing (yippee). Had a phone call from one of my sister in laws which lasted 58 minutes. Finished ONE Easter card, can someone please put Easter back a week or two, as I'm not going to be able to get finished in time. I could, of course, stay up all night and not sleep at all.
    I have decided that I must start drinking before our retreat. I'd hate to be the only one who has no clinking bottles in their bag. Any suggestions as to my tipple??
    See you later, be good now (that'll be the day)
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hello! It's so good to see you - well not see you - but you get my drift! I shall really try to think about a personal Maureen/Muriel cocktail!
      This could be fun!
      Oh Maureen I'm tired today and I haven't been with lots of children! I've just made loads of coffees today, for gardeners, window cleaners and Lawn Care personnel! Xxx

    2. No clinking in my bag Maureen, rattling yes, clinking no!
      I have stopped looking at the washing after it's been hung out by Paul, makes for some interestingly placed peg marks!
      Causing many a 'titter'!
      I would stick to a 'Mocktail' Maureen, all the class and glam yet no alcohol! I don't think you need alcohol Maureen, you seem to be on a natural high!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Oh Sandra, have you seen washing which my husband has pegged out!?
      Have to confess not happened since early 1970's but he did peg pyjama bottoms by bottom of the legs! I made a swift recovery!
      Seriously though -, hope Becca and Matt are ok -.such is life! Just so pleased they are both ok! Xxxxxx

    4. Hi Myra
      A nice bottle of white wine, or red if you prefer I'm not fussy. We always take a bottle or two when we go on holiday, whisky for the men. Yuk. Sounds like I'm an alcoholic doesn't it. But it just saves us paying a huge bar bill. We hide the bottles in the wardrobes. My friend takes a tea towel so she can wash the glasses out after we use them. Mind you we are rather noisy, no not with drink but with laughter. A couple of years ago we went to Cyprus, They sat us near the door leading into the kitchens. Well every time someone went through it, it sounded like someone blowing off. Well Heather and I were in hysterics for the whole time, we nearly wishes we were wearing Tena ladies. A few days later the waitress was going to seat us there again, but we asked to sit somewhere else, our stomachs couldn't take any more it was sore from laughing.

  36. Maureen do t, please start drinking, Patricia and I need some else to keep us company when we put this lot to their rooms on a night! You just join us drinking your coffee, we won't get up with a sore head in the morning, now I think Sandra will be on our side I know she said she didnt drink more than a glass of wine these days. Myra what size of house do you live in??? Needing all those workers to keep it looking good! Hazel x

    1. It's a little bigger than a garden shed! Xxx

    2. Maureen,
      May I suggest Gin. It's a rather nice refreshing little tipple particularly as a pre- dinner drink. During your meal a nice glass of white wine for the fish course, followed by a nice glass of red with the main course, followed perhaps by an after dinner port with the cheese. I promise you won't have a sore head in the morning because you won't waken up till lunchtime.
      Saba xxx

    3. Hello! It Had To Be You, ------xxxx

    4. Hello my dear. Just wanted to be helpful and ease her in gently, didn't want her to feel she had to go onto the strong stuff straight away.

    5. Saba you forgot the desert wine with the sweet before the port with the cheese and biscuits with a lovely brandy to finish! Now didn't we have a comment about Ena Sharples the other day - didn't she drink a rum and black? There's sophisticated for you Maureen ! Xxx

    6. Nightie Night Diane, !
      I am on Norah's behaviour Patrol! Xxx
      Steady dear x

  37. Hi Sandra and anyone still on their feet,
    I'm so late so not many here but have to say how stunning your card is with it's sweet little flowers, stickpins and dies. Can honestly not see anything wrong with your card at all, just it is perfect ! Love to get some hints and tips while on the retreat when we got so many talented crafters/ teachers among us.
    I really hope that both Matthew and Rebecca are ok. We have problem with moose and wild boar too in Sweden suddenly running out in front of the car or jumping on top of the bonnet, very scary. My Oh called our council just last week for some potholes and I'm sure they been called before about them but so far nothing done, like you I'm thinking if a bike or motorbike got in them then it very likely to be a bad accident ......
    Saba, you seemed to be already busy with your granny duties tihi enjoy the time you have with him and when you see Val later so if you not posting for a day or two we understand fully.
    Like me today ,went out at 8.30am and not back until 9pm so will now read your comments and bed is calling, if you still up by the time I come to the end I might yap back ups. ssssh don't wake Maureen in the corner
    Alison and Sam hope you are feeling better soon, we miss you.
    Sheila and Nikki my thoughts are with you both
    Love and Hugs Maria xx

    1. Evening Maria,
      You have had a very long day! Doing anything nice?
      Matt & Becca are fine, Matt is cursing as his car us going to be quite expensive to repair, more than he initially though, his car is huge so the bumper is really expensive, then there are a list of other parts, but at the end of the day he is safe and well and in the grand scheme of things that's all that matters!
      The council went out that same afternoon and fixed those potholes so they must have had many complaints!
      I am hoping we can all swap hints and too sat the retreat.
      How many of us are going to Ally Pally? Do you know? There are a few I think, it's going to make a lovely day even better! I can't wait!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Sandra, sorry got a bit sidetracked with so many comments lol
      Well first into town for a haircut, which was long overdue, breakfast at patisserie Valerie and then we had a lunch date with OH step-mother who lives in Stamford. We are always going to The George and I don't like to visit her or the cost of food in this place but 'she' paid this time as Rick's is coming up in April ( and I can give him the amazing card you made ) We were there until 6pm so when we got back I couldn't move so it took a while until I could post today. Glad to hear that Matthew and Rebecca have survived their ordeals. Can understand he is fuming but he is fine and that is the most important thing. I hope do that this hasn't scared Rebecca to continue her driving. Why do we still have so many potholes on our roads, will they never learn from ex.Germany and Austria which have wonderful roads mostly everywhere and so clean too.
      Yes not long now, ey tihi it will be a great day and for the first time I will have some breaks for a sit down ,drink and a chat with some friends ! I think I have more then 10 names written on a little note, to remember names and put a face to all. Do you think it will be ok to take a couple of photos of us all together ? I don't think really believe yet that I'm going for a craft retreat in end of October so he wanted to take me too like Maureen's OH tihi but I will come by train and then I think it is another little one who can take me to the hotel but if he going on I might let him pick me up on the Sunday, men !
      I wonder if you get to see this, way past our bedtime I guess lol
      Diane and who else think I sleep in the dishwasher but I'm not ,really I'm not and Norah bringing the bottles hmm it's not me drinking as I'm only doing squash, water, tea, coffee and hot/cold chocolate's
      Oh dear my nose is growing again lol
      Horrible thing to happen for Cameeli, do hope she is ok......
      See you tomorrow, hope you get some sleep
      Hugs to you and the family , Maria xx

    3. Maria, taking group photos would be fun and you won't be the only one that wants one.
      Poor Cameeli, the Fire was a terrible thing to happen, I wonder what started it off?
      Pat was saying to me last night about how would you work out what you had and what it cost. The only tiny thing that could possibly come out as a positive would be the shopping to replace everything !
      Sandra xxxx

  38. I must live in a kennel, granted we did have a gardener when Charlie worked away so much before he retired, the gardener only needed to come for 2 hours once a fortnight. The gardeners come for 3 hours every week at work, the window cleaners only come once and never come back as their are so many windows and it takes that long and they need to use long ladders, I dont know when they were last cleaned. It's a job I never started, don't mind doing my 8 inside and out but at work 22 on the bottom level with 3 sets of patio doors on the outside and 2 more inside, top level 8 plus 1 set of doors 3 roof windows. Then there is the anex which is bigger than my cottage. I think Lesley paid nearly a £100 to get them all cleaned. Hazel x

  39. Myra,
    I've seen some bigger garden sheds than my house. You are the poshest person I know, well not actually know, gardeners, lawn care personnel and window cleaners. Well, we have a window cleaner and the one we have now actually cleans them. We used to have one who had come off the ships and still thought he was cleaning port holes. (well that's my theory anyway).
    Has Patricia gone to bed? Oh Hazel, you'll have to take Patricia in hand. I hope she stays up later when we are away. Mind you I might be in my nightie at this time!!! Are you looking forward to seeing George if he comes to Carlisle with me? I warn you now, you might never recover. Just keep away from wheelchairs, walking sticks or crutches and stay sitting down - and you might be ok!!! He's watching me as I type this, and has no idea I'm talking about him.
    Well, I'm off to clear the benches and wipe them down, fill the dishwasher - MARIA, how many times have you been told, that's no place to lie down - and switch off the lights. The key is in the usual place in case someone pops in.
    Night, night, have a good sleep everyone, I'm hoping for more than the usual 4 or 5 hours.
    Love Muriel xxx

  40. P.s. meant to say that I'm going off quite early in the morning and may not be in until after lunch, so don't think that I've gone off all of you. I'll be in after lunch to read about your shenanigans.
    Muriel xx

    1. Night Night! My Dear, I'm not rising to your bait.
      Sleep well, God Bless
      Myra xxxx

    2. Night God bless Muriel. Do hope that bus isn't giving you indigestion.
      Saba xxx

    3. I have had three emails today encouraging me to arrange my Funeral!
      Happy Days! Good job we can laugh. Please don't offer to help!

    4. Myra, I think you should reply to them and tell them you are Zoroastrian and what tower could they suggest.
      Talking of funerals we were travelling near Northwich yesterday and saw an illuminated rolls Royce hearse. It was like something out of Las Vegas. I wanted to take a photo but was not allowed, told it would be "tacky". As if an illuminated hearse is the height of class and decorum!!

    5. Thank you dear! You always make me laugh! I had such a sense of the ridiculous but it may not affect everyone in the same way I felt some may think -," the end is is nigh" and give up ! Xxxx

  41. Oh I think I might try and get some sleep, I think I might have one of those nights when you look at the clock every half an hour, or do I go do the ironing, maybe not, I will do that when I get up at around 5.15 I will be on auto pilot as I have been up at time every morning this week, I actually like ironing at that time.
    Night, night. Hazel x

    1. Night night Hazel! I won't be joining you ironing in the middle of the night! Xxxxx

    2. Hazel, please forget the ironing, you need to get some rest, you never stop. I recently saw a lovely shirt which I was going to buy for hubby until I saw it had to be ironed. I loathe ironing. I do do his shirts for work but only token ironing, crease on the sleeves and collar.
      Night night. Xxxx

  42. Good evening Sandra & all the Ladies. Anyone in Sorry late tried to post this morning before we went out guess what yes cyber space grabed it twice.Sandra your card is stunning I didn't spot the mistake & probably wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said. I love white on white cards all in all a gorgeous card. Sorry too here of Matt & Becca's driving mishaps hope they are both ok. Poor Becca she hasn't had a lot of luck since she passed her test bless her. Are the night owls still awake Myra what have you said to Maureen i haven't seen her tonight.Think I saw Maria with some bottles coming out the cafe earlier & they wasn't milk bottles hihi.we had a lovely day until we got a bloody parking ticket. We parked in Waitrose car park in Ramsgate always park there no limit but never noticed they have put a time limit of 2hours now we got back to find ticket on windscreen Grrr.£70 or 40 if pay straight away,that would have bought me two die's at AP.
    Michelle hope all went as well as it could for your friends funeral my thoughts & prayers are with his poor wife.Hug's xx
    Good night all Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda that is just rotten. Glad you had a good day beforehand though.
      Night night
      Saba xxx

    2. Oh Lynda,
      That's not fair!
      Pleased to know you are on the mend my friend.
      Take care and try to be good like me! Lol!
      Myra xxxx

    3. Sorry you got a parking ticket, how rotten is that! They keep doing this and it's not right
      See you later my friend,
      Hugs Maria xx

    4. Hi Lynda
      How bloody annoying, that happened to us once in Swindon, we took girls swimming, parked as we always did, displayed blue badge and timer, went swimming, came to find £70 ticket as they had changed car park over, to a pay and display, but the signs were tiny and badly placed, Paul appealed but they still made us pay!
      I think it's funny how we quantify everything thing in 'die sets' like they're a form of currency! Haha
      Hugs Lynda
      Love Sandra xxxxxx

  43. Hi Linda
    What a pain getting a parking ticket! They are changing our car parks around here too, co op cut their parking from 2 hours to 1 hour and put it in small print. The staff on the tills there are so lazy you can be in there over an hour queuing to pay!
    Off to sleep now so night night everyone, I've checked and Maria isn't in the dishwasher or the loo so we should be ok!
    Sleep tight, see you in the morning
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Very funny haha ! I'm just sitting waiting for the little man with the sleeping sand but he seemed to gotten to you all first as usual. The dish washer is too small and all the prongs are so annoying sticking in to places no prongs should go. Norah keep bringing bottles so now Linda, who she again, Lynda think I'm a alki (AA) with all the empty's I have to bring back out ,huff
      See you later my hilarious friend's
      love and hugs Maria xx

  44. Well, looks like I am the last one in so I'll just collect the empty bottles and take them to the bottle bank so Norah doesn't spot them in the morning.
    Night and God bless all.
    Saba xxxx

  45. Has anybody checked if Maria is smoking outside?
    Just a thought,
    Night night all, including Maria who knows I love her dearly

    1. Smoking NO WAY JOSE' ! and what is Saba doing with my bottles eye? I think we gone around each other hihi
      Still waiting for the sandman so until later night,night my friends
      Maria xx

    2. Sugar, how lonely you can feel this time in the morning

  46. Absolutely stunning and lovely card, fantastic!!!
    Best regards petra
