
Monday 23 March 2015

Guest Designer Pat !!!!!

Good Morning Ladies,
After looking through some of my projects I have found a few cards that I haven't got around to
showing. This is one of them!
Pats card is  mix of different dies sets and different techniques, that came together to create this gorgeous card. Hopefully Pat will call in later to tell us what she used and how she created it too.
I look forward to seeing Pat back creating cards with Sue and I very soon!

Ally Pally is about three weeks away, we need to find out who is coming so that we can make arrangements to meet, maybe take over a corner somewhere or a table at least!
I can't wait to meet all of you that are going to be there. Should we be wearing something to make us stand out do you think, well I am pretty easy to spot, as Brenda (lello) will tell you!

Craft Weekend, Can all of you that are definitely coming to the retreat email me with your full name so that between Hazel and I we can get some bookings in place.  I also need to ask you if you would like to have access to a room to craft in? it would bring an extra charge of £10 each for the weekend
I personally think that it would be good to have a room to craft in, for a few reasons, one being that although we all 'know' I think having a place to sit around together will give something else to talk about, an Ice breaker if you like, if we are all sitting, crafting and talking everyone can be involved,
its also great to have space to share our skills, helping each other, as we all have different strengths and weakness's.  We will also then have 'our own room' where we can come and go as we please.
I am looking into trying to get us some free craft goodies to play with, I am going to write to different craft companies to see if they would be willing to send our group of ladies some samples of their products to use over our craft retreat weekend.  I already have some interest.
I am totally open to ideas, we can have some little games to break the ice if you fancy a bit of a giggle, maybe see if we can get some bits together for a raffle too.
But please feel free to send me your ideas, this weekend is about all of you having fun together, hopefully if its a success we can do it again next year.

Well its a funny feeling day today, all of my children have gone to 'work', as Sophie and Lucy start their work experience today, wow they are growing up too fast.
I hope you all have an amazing week ahead.
Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra. Flying visit again, just enough time to switch on the urn and grab a slice of toast.
    Have loved all the cards and crafty items that have been shown over the last couple of days, sorry that I haven't been able to comment on each one.
    Maria - hugs to you and your Mum, and also to anyone else not feeling too good. Will try and pop back later but last week of term is always manic. Sue xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Quick visit as got to collect a parcel on the way to work-hopefully its one of my craft orders!!!

    Beautiful card Pat-I just love cards made using dies, they are my absolute favourite. Haven't made many recently as it means thinking and I don't seem to be able to do that once I get home from work.

    Might pop back later,

    1. Hi Michele
      I'm not doing thinking at the moment either. My hip op must have addled my brain I think. At least you have a hard days work that addled you brain. All I have is a muddled brain.

  3. Good morning Sandra and all you wonderful Coffee Shop Ladies.
    I will have a quick cuppa and some toast and Jam. Money in the pot and I am over in the corner.
    I will have to be quick though.
    Fantastic card Pat, love the colours and the wonderful use of all the brilliant Dies.
    Awww!! Sandra your babies are off to work today heres a wee (((hug))) to keep you going. Where are the working?? Think I must have missed that bit.
    MARIA:- thinking of you and your Mum hope all goes well.
    Hazel and I had a BRILLIANT weekend. Far too much food consumed though, gosh I still feel "overstuffed". Did not manage to get round the Titanic Exerience ..... that's another trip to be organised. It is a permanent thing, there is a wonderful "landmark" where the exhibition is. Seeing that is an experience in itself. The City Bus Tour which took us near to where we lived and went to school when we arrived in Belfast. It was at that school I met Oriel. They had moved in from the country for her dad to get work. She started school the week before I did. The teacher thought it would be a good idea to put us together as we both needed to "find our way" One of the best things that happened to me. She was my very best friend while we were at that school, after we moved across Belfast we still kept up. When we came back to Scotland we wrote to each other every week. She eventually came over to Glasgow with her mum for a family wedding. Came through to Dundee on the train, we picked her up and she spent a few days with John & I . We had been married just over a year at that time. Gosh we were so young and yet we are still such good friends.
    Right better get a move on.
    Sending (((((hugs))))) to everyone who needs them. Leaving a basket of (((((hugs))))) by the door please help yourself. Will be back later to see what going on.
    Have a good day folks
    Patricia xxx

    1. Oh Patricia such a lovely story about how you and Oriel met, (such an ethereal name by the way), who'd have guessed that that teachers decision all those years ago would have forged such a strong friendship, one that has spanned both years and miles, truly heart warming to read, thank you for sharing Patricia,
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  4. Morning Sandra,

    Beautiful card from Pat, love the use of all the dies.

    Sandra I have been checking the dates for the retreat and as much as I would love to come its the NEC the following week which I wanted to go to this year, I miss it every year! So sorry I shall have to decline the retreat as I cannot afford both, PLEASE let me know if anything like this is arranged again in the future as I would love to meet you all and a crafting weekend away with friends sounds such a delight its just a shame its a week before the NEC. Maybe in the Summer (next year) would be fabulous. I hope you understand and I wish everyone going a fabulous time.

    Have a great day

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie,
      Oh that's a shame, hopefully, you will be able to make it another time as you say, it would be lovely to meet you at some point. Are you going to Ally Pally?
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra #xxxxx

    2. Hi Sandra,

      No I am not going to Ally Pally, another place I wish I could visit lol! One day! Love to all

      Love & Hugs

      Jacquie J xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What a beautiful card this morning from Pat. I love the layers and the colour.
    Sandra it is strange when they go out to work, I hope they enjoy it. I expect they will be tired tonight as it is quite different from a school day (are they working in a school, if so perhaps they won't be too bad). It was a real shock to the system when Emma did her work experience and did 8.30 to 5 pluses a train journey. She had to come home and sleep! For about a week it made her think that we did that then make a meal do washing and cleaning etc! I hope they enjoy themselves.
    Patricia isn't it lovely to have friends from school. I have a friend who rescued me from a big boy in the playground at infant school. She took me to the toilets and washed the mud off my knees and we've been friends ever since. We don't live that close any more but when we meet up it's like we only met yesterday. It sounds like you and Hazel had a great trip and lovely to see old places and share the memories.
    Well I must get on, I will pop back later and see what mischief is brewing!
    Love Diane xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe. Please may I have my usual tea and some yoghurt and grapes. I will be at the normal table, hopefully Maureen will be in soon for a natter : )
    It is almost scary when you realise just how many years have gone by when your youngest are off on work experience isn't it! I can still clearly remember doing mine at a nursery in Abingdon! Where has the time gone? Where did you do yours my lovely?
    Pat, your card is beautiful. I love the stamping in the background and the way you have layered up the dies. I do hope that you are being careful, and that you feel up to crafting this week, maybe even an Izzy bag. I have emailed you about which day is good for you : )
    Maria, I take it, after reading CraftySuetoo's comment, that you are not feeling so good. I hope today is better for you : )
    Right I'm off to go back and read yesterdays comments to see how you all are.
    Take care

  7. Sorry, forgot to say that I think a room to ourselves is a really good idea : ) xx

  8. Janet Ecco of Sheffield23 March 2015 at 08:50

    Morning All - Sandra it's a funny feeling isn't it children going off to work. Even though it's Work Experience you realise that the children are not babies any more. It's also the start of a new phase in your life giving you a little bit of freedom so you can start to do something for yourself. We never lose our 'babies' times just change.

    Pat - I just love your card; you have used all the different dies to compliment each other and the result is Beautiful.
    Patricia and Hazel so pleased you had one fantastic time this week-end but now it's time to settle down back to earth lol.

    Well we (that's the Royal We!) have booked the ferry and hotel for next Monday. We shall be returning on Monday 27th April so it's just a short stay this time. So now I have to sort and pack my craft box ready for the week-end. I have already had the first warning 'We are not taking as much as we usually do this time' and my answer was 'Yes Dear'.
    This is a comment which comes from some years ago when we were out one Sunday in Castleton Derbyshire. We'd done our shopping -we were looking for a piece of jewellry for Bernadette (French) which had Blue John in it. (and before anyone makes a comment it's a semi precious stone only mined around Castleton lol). Anyway we decided afternoon tea was in order and went into a lovely little Tea Room having to sit at a large table which catered for 8 as no small tableswere free. At one end of this table was a couple around our age. We said hello and sat down. The lady was talking to her husband - well talking at him really - and after every statement she made his reply would be 'Yes Dear' until the time came when she had been going on for at least 20mins he came out with 'Anything you say Dear'. They then left the cafe and she was still rattling on at him. We then just looked at each other and burst out laughing. We had not looked at each other all the time this was happening because both of us was having difficulty keeping a straight face.
    So now whenever either of us wants to wind each other up out comes the phrase 'Yes Dear. Anything you say Dear'. We've often wondered if she is still living or has he done her in!!
    There's one thing for sure we never forget that little Tea Room or that visit to Castleton.

    OK Latte finished; money in the pot; hugs in the basket by the door for anyone in need and now have to keep an ear open for Monday delivery from Mr.T and start some sorting. Hope to see you later. Hugs
    Janet xxxx

    1. Oh Janet I don't think my mum and dad ever went to castleton but that's exactly what my dad used to say to my mum. Mum got wise in the end and it became a standing joke. If dad said yes dear she knew she had to repeat it a little while later. We all used to laugh about it. I'm sure your packing will go smoothly - yes dear!.
      Love Diane xxx

    2. Hi Janet,
      Oh my, I can imagine you shoe horning things in here there and everywhere, pots of glue inside shoes, scissors hid in pants and socks, oh make sure he checks them first, I won't suggest anywhere for your 'pokey tool' !!! haha
      We had school trips to Castleton and the Blue John mines at secondary school, I think it was a Geography field trip. I never got to go i'm afraid but everyone loved going and they all came bag with their little bits and pieces of Blue John.
      You two sound like us when we go out, we love to people watch, like you we can't look at each other else we would both erupt into not very discreet fits of laughter!

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    I'll start with my usual honey and lemon drink please, Will order something to eat a little later.
    Gosh everyone in your household off to work, it must be very strange feeling. Hope the girls enjoy their work experience. And they are placed with inspiring teachers who use their (the girls) talents to the classes advantage.

    PAT I love your card, you have used quite a selection of dies here, they really work so well together. Love the colours you've chosen. Thank you for letting Sandra show it to us.

    CHERYL, Have been meaning to say I really like our new photograph you have used, it's lovely you have chosen one with Pete on. You have given us so many little snippets about your time together, it was almost as if we know him.

    SAM & LINDA hope you are both feeling better. Just take it steady girls. LOL

  10. You wouldn't believe it ladies I started the above message after Michelle's. Hurst was posted at 7:29 so it was soon after that. Number two daughter rings me on the telephone she hss takin teenage daughter to school, in Croydon and now driving up to Huntindon. she kept me talking so long she said - I'm here now mum bye. I'm not even washed". yet. Must dive in the bathroom before anything else happens. It could be one of those days.
    See you all later LOL Brenda

  11. Michele don't know where Hurst came from !!!
    This iPad seems to have a mind of his own at times. Sorry about that

  12. Happy Monday everyone. I feel I must start with the biggest apology Ive ever had to give. I want to say a big heartfelt thank you for the fantastic cards I had from you wonderful ladies - you know who you are, and for all the best wishes you sent that I couldnt read, I had NO or very little reception whilst on the ward let alone being able to connect to the internet, so I felt I missed out on such a lot during that week that felt like a month, and unfortunatly, not enough hours in the day to catch up on all the messages. Ive looked at the cards, bags and other craft I missed but cant compliment each individual but I will say that everyone has the most incredible talent, from card making to shading to knitting etc and Pat, your card today is amazing - I was thinking about you and asking after you when I could and hope you are feeling SO much better than you did a few weeks ago xx
    I cant believe how selfish some people can be !! I emailed those that send me orders explaining id be out of action between certain dates and the reason why, thinking that will give me time with my man, to catch up with any funny or strange stories he had whilst Id not seen him for the week, but as I opened up my email after sorting my hospital bag there to greet or annoy me were 8 emails all leaving their orders for cards !!! All were needed ASAP please ! DONT people read, or take any notice of what is written in emails ? I couldnt help but feel a little cross with these people, after all whats a week with my husband ? Was it too much to ask ? So as I dont like letting people down I spent from the following day I got discharged until Saturday just gone in my 'den' order's, Easter cards and childrens baskets, re stockin up my baskets and more orders... I knew once I opened the door to this cafe Id get nothing done, its full of such wonderful women Id never want to leave. So I had to look only, then leave as quickly as I could, and I felt awful as I knew I should be praising all this fantastic work you were sharing with me, but as I go on n on n on n on, it would be time to start and prep dinner and no crafting done, you know how it is right ?
    I only had an hour a day off the drip stand, so that hour was spent showering, I did no crafting at all, just couldnt concentrate, which made me more work after I got back !
    Yes, I have orders to do after market yesterday, and cards to re-stock, but my routine will include my most fav blogs again before I start crafting. Im so sorry.
    Each and every card that I received was absolutly beautiful, id never have thought of leaving in the 'bits' of mosaic leaves, Id have poked everyone out (or used my 2 - 1 brush from SB) if you dont have one yet you MUST, its the best ever 10.00 Ive spent on a craft tool, saves so much time. I spend ages taking out all the bits, and they look so different when left in or just a few here and there pricked out. So again, thank you for all your messages and cards.
    Thinking of each and everyone of you beautiful ladies today. I also leave my basket of hugs near the door... Please help yourselves.
    Love you.
    Lancashire Steph xxx
    Will be off to Scotland and Wiltshire later today xxxxxx

    1. Hi Steph,
      Lovely to have you back amongst us, I hope you have some breathing space now and 'you and Andy" time.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Lovely to have you back Steph. Hopefully now you can spend some quality time with your lovely husband. I hope your treatment was successful and you are feeling a lot better now. Take care
      Love Diane xxx

    3. I feel a complete idiot, Steph! I was thinking you were going away - but seemed an odd couple of places to go simultaneously! Oh dear!
      It's Maureen's fault. She thought someone was going to Holland yesterday . I am not alone!
      Hope it made you smile , at least.
      Myra xx

    4. Good evening Steph,
      Great to have you back with us.
      Take things easy, remember making cards is not really that important.
      Looking after yourself and spending time with you lovely husband Andy is for more important.
      Patrica xxx

    5. HinSteph
      It's so nice to see you back. I do hope the treatment worked fir you and you are feeling much better.mhopefully you and Andy can spend some quality time together.

    6. Hi Steph,good to see you back.Hope your treatment has helped & your feeling the benefit of your stay in hospital. Now take time out of your den & spend that quality time with Andy. Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    7. Steph I really got things in a 'mucking fuddel' so to speak I really thought you were coming to Scotland (duh)! Great to have you back take care, Jess x

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies, Pat your card is gorgeous, I love the way you have used the dies.
    Sandra your house will feel empty today a little taster of what is to come I'm afraid, I really missed the boys when they left especially when they got married, but you really get used to having the house to yourself in time.
    I think a room to craft/talk/laugh in would be great. At least we would not be disturbing anyone lol.
    I've had my coffee so will get on with boring housework, will pop back later. Jess

  14. Good morning Sandra and everyone who calls in today.
    Pat your card is absolutely stunning, love your use of all the die cuts.
    Janet, I have two pieces of " Blue John" jewellery? So yes I know what you are talking about, you made me laugh with the " yes dear" you right I wonder if he is still saying it?
    Ladies I have had an e-mail from the Hillscourt Hotel, between Sandra and I we will get an e-mail to you all explaining how things will work and we need a definite decision by the 1 -2 April. About the rooms and the craft room. Sorry it's not long but it's a busy place and they have to know what's booked or not. So please do take notice of an e-mail from Sandra, and if you are coming follow the instructions on the booking of your room. Don't want to sound a bully but it has to be this way with us all being all over the country!!.,
    Well the blood pressure is still a bit high after getting pulled in by the police last night for being naughty doing 34 in a 30. Got a warning but as I said last night it was one of these stop and check everything things.
    Right I enjoyed my tea and toast, will not be eating big meals today, like Patricia was saying we have eaten to much yummy food all weekend.
    Hazel x

  15. Hi Sandra
    Thanks for showing my card today and the lovely comments that I've received.
    I used my swirls from my previous card. The are made by Ecogreen crafts and made from recycled rubber and is called Embellishing flourishes. But any swirl stamp will do. All stamped with Victorian Velvet. I used one Sandra's Grand die for the base, but for the life of me I can't remember what it's called. The other dies are from the New York Collection Union Square. I embossed the Happy Birthday but should have done that in Victorian Velvet as well. Wasn't really thinking of doing it the same colour, but realised afterwards that I should have. No Steph, people just do not read. I also couldn't get an Internet connection in hospital. I could receive but not send anything. People are so inconsiderate and obviously don't get that your ill. Hope your feeling better today anyway.

  16. Good Morning Sandra and all the ladies who pop in,
    I'll have a pot of tea please and maybe a toasted crumpet and just go sit in the corner and make a list of all the things still to do today.
    Sandra you will be on tenterhooks today thinking of your girls, I bet they will be full of stories when they get home. As far as booking the extra room for crafting I think that would be lovely if everyone is in agreement.

    Pat, love your card, the Victorian velvet looks so rich and I think doing the happy birthday in black is just the right colour to make it pop.

    Maria, I shall be thinking of you today and hoping all goes well for your Mum.

    Hazel I will reply to Sandra's email as soon as, and please don't think you are being a bully, it's important we get it right and each and everyone of us has a responsibility to do what we have to do to make sure we've secured our place.
    Fancy getting stopped for doing 34. They must have had nothing better to do. I know speed limits are important but actually stopping you at that speed does seem a bit excessive. It's not like you were passing a school at tea time.
    Myra, last evening when I suggested you boiling your eggs I didn't know they were wooden ones!!!
    Must get on now, love to you all
    Saba xxxx

    1. Saba, they explained at that time of night and they were catching your tyres etc. they pulled me in for the speed and then did the checks. No I was passing the prison, Hazel x

  17. Hi Sandra,
    Hello oo to everyone who call in today!
    Good to have you back Steph! Yes people can indeed be very inconsiderate. I hope yesterday went well and you sold lots! Have a lovely break in Scotland and Wiltshire - wee bit of travelling involved there! Hope no seagulls to annoy you and keep you awake this time! Lol!
    Pat your card is lovely and at first glance I thought you'd used patterned card! I love your colours. Thank you for sharing. I can never remember the names of dies either! So pleased I'm not alone.
    Hazel - you are definitely not a bully - things have to be done and I am just grateful to you for all the organising you have done. Will answer email ASAP , after getting it , obviously!
    Sandra - I think having a crafting room would be lovely . I know it's a little bit extra but the benefits would be huge. Thank you for all your hard work! You are a Star! Maureen thought we should make you one!
    Saba - couldn't resist the eggs! Sorry! I was just picturing my husband's face as he saw thirty five wooden eggs boiling ! Men in white coats would have been on their way!
    Our Happy Wanderers! - Patricia and Hazel. - Sounds like you had a great weekend. You can always diet for a few days! As you say you have a great excuse to return. So pleased you enjoyed it.
    Hazel - I was booked - it was a camera on traffic lights and although the light was on green I went throught at 34mph and was offered a fine or go on a speed awareness course . It cost me £65 but I didn't get points or a Fine. I was so cross , the lights were at a Pedestrian Crossing , they was no one within miles and it was 10pm on a clear night. Sorry, didn't mean to have a rant!
    Better go as I have said more than enough.
    Love to Sam, Sheila and Nikki, and Norah . Patwyn , thinking of you too and Theresa. Xxx
    Love Myra xxxx

    1. Our Parish Pries was clocked three times within an hour. He was on a country road going around house bound parishioners with communion, and a Policeman was standing half hidden by a tree with a hand-held camera. Father was doing about 35 when he went to give communion, the same when he returned, and then he remembered he had to visit someone else and got clocked again. He saw the policeman on the return trip and slowed down. I know he got fines and points, but didn't lose his licence because he obviously needed his car for hospital and pastoral work.
      Muriel xx

  18. Hello everyone,
    Well after reading Patricia's last message I''m going straight away to read last night's messages.
    Pat, this is a really striking card and I love the stamping around the edge. It just gives it an edge, if you know what I mean!!
    Sandra, I bet the girls were excited this morning. They will feel all grown up, and I hope they have a smashing time.
    Maria - I hope mam's all right today and that she goes through her treatment with no difficulty.
    Patricia, Oriel sounds lovely and how wonderful to have a friendship that has lasted so long. I'm glad you and Hazel had a great time in Ireland.
    Jacqui, it's a shame you can't make our little soiree, next year maybe??
    Mrs B, sorry I'm so late, you've probably gone by now, we might catch up later.
    Janet, I had to laugh at your story about the couple. I'm sure it's the same ones who were among the group who sat at a table whilst on holiday in Ireland. At every mealtime in the Hotel she could never decide what to order, then when the meal came she would look at her plate, then her husband's and say "Oh, I should have ordered that, we'll swap" and he'd say "Yes Dear" and swap meal with her. George and I just used to look at each other and he would say "If she did that to me I'd tell her where to put her meal". He's a mild mannered man is my George - but don't mess with his meals!!!
    Steph and Pat - I'm sorry that I didn't send G.W.S. cards but I don't have your addresses, but I was thinking of you.
    Well, it never rains but it pours. Eleanor got out of bed this morning and promptly fainted, fell backwards and bumped her head. She lay down for a few minutes afterwards but wouldn't hear of not going to school. She got ready, had a good healthy breakfast and we took them to school instead of going on the school bus. I went into the office to tell them, and as I'm in school this afternoon in Zoe's class doing some more of the dreaded cross stitch, I'll be there if she is poorly. We have a doctor's appointment after school just to make sure there's nothing untoward that should be investigated.
    Right, this is probably much longer than I intended, so I'm going to read last nights posts - have to say that I slept like a log after the busy day, and will pop in tonight for a catch up.
    Love to all,
    Muriel xxx

    1. Totally agree with Muriel, Maureen - mark this day in your diary! Lol
      Seriously I ,too, would love to have sent cards to people but don't have addresses. Saba and I chatted on the blog about this when David, was ill. We wished we could contact you Maureen but couldn't! We can put that right when we go away, I'm sure.
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Maureen,I also would have loved to have sent Steph & Pat a GWC but I don't have addresses,but hope they know I was thinking of them. I would loved too have sent Sheila a card but again didn't have her address. Hug's Lynda xx

  19. Well, how stupid am I? STOP don't all shout at once.
    I've just read last nights comments and laughed my way through them once again.
    Diane - How silly am I thinking you were going to Holland, and not our friendly health shop!!!
    Myra - looks like we'll have a quiet Wednesday because they are sure to keep you in the home! I'd love to see the state of your wooden eggs if you boil them, Saba was trying to be helpful wasn't she (who needs friend like that lol).
    Well, can't sit here enjoying myself, got to get the polyfilla out (I'll go sparingly Sandra) and put on a bit of make up, have some soup, and get myself off for the enjoyable?? afternoon in year 4. Zoe is one of the youngest in the class as she won't be 9 until July, a couple of weeks before the end of the school year.
    Bye, and see you later, I'm still chuckling at the idea that I thought Denise/Diane was going to Holland!!!
    Love xxx

    1. Dear Muriel
      Greetings from holland, I am here with my clogs and Edam cheese. I have just been looking at the tulips and they are beautiful. Wish you were here with me.
      Love Denise
      (Ps sorry I'm being steriotipical!)

    2. Ha ha ha! Steer well clear of the Cannabis !! Xx

  20. My Lord,
    Just read that Myra agrees with me (she won't when she reads that I think the home will keep her in). Seriously, it is frustrating isn't it when we can't contact people.
    Muriel xxx

  21. Steph, nice to see you back in the coffee shop, don't over do it. These folk don't realise how much you have had go through while in the hospital. Take care Hazel x

  22. Knew it was too good to last!
    Whoever said life was easier after retirement was not retired! I'm also about to apply the polyfilla (other fillers are available!) and the make up! Aren't two schools so fortunate today! Ha ha!
    Myra. Xxx

  23. I really do not see the problem with boiling eggs, even wooden ones. I shall not be offering my help or advise to any of my former friends ever again.
    I am going now to the hairdressers which will be lovely because not only do you get offered coffee from a very amazing machine which makes anything you want, but you get a nice biscuit and sit in a massage chair with your legs up whilst having your head faffed with. Lovely. Then meeting hubby in town to buy a new television, which will undo all the lovely relaxing time at the hairdressers. He wants a massive one, I hate big televisions. We shall no doubt have a row.
    Saba xxxx

    1. Ooh dear!
      Your poor husband will television when you are away! However at the risk of interfering in a domestic - I also hate large televisions. I campaigned for years to have ours banished from the sitting room. Was successful in the end. Now they all agree with me!
      Saba - relax and enjoy - think of your ex- friends working with delightful children. Your favourite King is featuring big time on the News!
      Myra xxx

    2. Myra,
      I have just watched return of a lost king, an inside out special and I am incensed by what I perceive as a money grabbing opportunity by the Leicester tourism society. It's all they are interested in. Now I admit they have invested huge amounts of money to ensure they make the most of out of finding our King but it is simply not cricket!!! And as we all know there is only one decent cricket club. King Richard belongs in Yorkshire. It makes me so cross.
      Anyway, we are now the proud owners of a 40 inch television complete with every function which we do not understand and will probably never use i.e. Internet, triple pentel processors, ultra high definition etc.etc.etc. I just do not understand men. We hardly ever watch tv, only the news or a documentary or something similar, but get a man in an electrical shop and they lose all sense of rhyme and reason.
      Enjoyed the hairdressers. Not that my now television obsessed husband noticed any change despite me having about 8 inches lobbed of. Should have stuck an ariel on my head, that might have got a reaction.
      Lots of love, a very twitchy Saba xxxx

    3. Oh dear! Glad you pleased with the haircut if not the television! Ours is a rather modest affair which the children and grandchildren are not at all impressed by but like you are not big television viewers.

    4. Hi Saba
      You were lucky you stopped at 40 inch, I was over rules by hubby and daughter, I have got used to it now but it is quite a shock when you get a new TV. If it's an all singing all dancing smart one you can watch Sues you tube videos from your iPad on the TV - very clever. I think your hair looks lovely, who would have thought pink blue and purple streaks would go so well with the green fringe!!! Lol xxx

    5. Just picture that in the yellow sporty number! Xxx

    6. Hi Saba your hair looks BEAUTIFUL really I love it.
      We have surround sound on our TV I hate it,watching a film it's soooo loud especially when the music starts blows my hearing aid's out my ears lol, OH sits with the plonker ( remote) turning it down then up when music stops THEN down again up down up down all through the film so what's the POINT. Hug's 'Lynda xx

  24. Hi Steph good to have you back, you have been missed.
    Where are you coming to in Scotland? I hope you enjoy your stay
    And get lots of r&r. Off now to email Sandra about the retreat and read the last of last nights comments, the wooden eggs are intriguing me, catch you all later. Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      Sweetheart I think Steph means she is coming to visit the 'Scottish' blogs of Hazel & Patricia and then off to Tina E in Wiltshire xxx
      Sandra xxxxx

  25. Hi Sandra and the lovely ladies,
    Pat your card is Beautiful, love the colours.
    Hello Steph, I only joined this group a couple of weeks ago so its nice to meet you.
    Sandra After my holidays (I go away on Wed.) you can send me an address and I will post on that dies and you can raffle them at your retreat., or whatever you want to do with them.
    Just had a phone call from Doctor so they want to see me in 20 mins. so better fly, will be in later.
    Wendy xx

    1. Wendy
      I hope all went well at the doctors my love, let us know later ?
      Sandra xxx

  26. Just found your blog PharmacyMichele told me about you I may not visit every day I'll need about 30 hours in each day to catch up on blog land Good to see some names I recognise from Sue Wilson's blog Having just started my own blog I'm finding it all so exciting

    1. Welcome Karen,
      You are more than welcome here in what the girls call the 'cafe' as it's a place to sit at chat with friends!
      I look forward to seeing more of you on the blog x

    2. Welcome, Karen,
      Lovely to see you! Recognise your name from Sue's blog. Some people here are bordering on mad but everyone is friendly and completely harmless!
      Myra xxx

    3. Mrya what do you mean we are bordering on Mad!!! We are all very nirmal here, are we not!!! I am sure when I spoke to Matthew at the hotel, he must be wandering what he is allowing to come into his hotel. Hazel x

    4. Oh Hazel, have you seen how you spelled my name? I rest my case!
      Love Myra xxx

    5. Hi Karen
      Welcome to the cafe - you know the signs that say you don't have to be mad to work here but it helps, well just substitute mad to visit this cafe for work and it just about sums us all up!
      Hope to see you again soon
      Love Diane (who sometimes gets confused with Denise but Myra says she's smoking something funny in holland! ) xxx

    6. Hi Karen,welcome to the cafe, I'm the refined customer in the cafe the one with the droopy bit's & Tenna Ladies lol hehe.Myra put that happy backy away I'm getting high wahay. Hahah!!!
      Hug's Lynda xx

    7. Hello Karen, welcome to the best coffee shop in town, we are a little mad in here but not too bad except for a few night owls, you will find out about them soon enough, Jess x

  27. PS pat's card is lovely I'm at Ally Pally on the Sunday if anyone is interested

  28. Well! I made it home still in one piece! I've now got three Monday's off because of the Easter Holidays! Yea !
    Hope you have survived too, Maureen!
    Eggs and Easter Gift Bags were a success and a little choccy egg to go with them.
    Coffee now - I'll save the wine until later.
    Myra xxx

  29. Diane & Maria
    I need your email address ASAP please. Xxxx

    1. Hi Sandra
      I've been looking back at the blog posts to find your email address but can't find it (I know you put it once when you wanted pictures but I'm blowed if I can find it!) sorry, could you either post it again or tell me how I can find it (date you posted it will do. Will get back to you ASAP I'm off radar for a couple of days visiting aberdeen uni and I'm not sure what internet connection will be like.
      Love Diane xxx

  30. Hi Karen
    Welcome to our mad tea party in the Cotswold Cafe. We're not all mad just bordering on it. What with puddly knickers and Tenna ladies. Mind you that's caused by laughter and having weak bladders.

  31. Good evening all, how are yiu all.
    To tell the truth I am "cream crackered"
    Home late last night, up early this morning. John had kept the house beautiful while I was away. However he added plenty to washing basket after working in the garden. Stripped the bed, got ALL the washing done, hung out, dried and ironed. Took myself off for 21/2 mile walk. It was such a beautiful day and there was heat in the sun jacket had to be removed after pounding my way up the hill to the main road.
    Hope you have all had a good day and saw some sunshine.
    Patricia xxx

  32. Sorry forgot to welcome Karen. Great to have you join the Crazy Gang.
    Be prepared, we are all a little mad but have great fun and lots of laughter.
    Patricia x

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Sounds as if you had a strenuous walk this afternoon! Back to old clothes and porridge as my Grandma used to say! Think that's probably a Scottish expression!
      Myra xxx

    2. Old clothes yes!! porridge NO!!! hate the stuff.......!!!
      A little strenuous, you don't realise how much of a hill it is when in the car. Certainly raises the Heartbeat which is good for you ..... well that's what the Medical Experts tell you anyway.
      Patricia x

    3. Believe me, they'll tell you anything! Xx
      However exercise is good - I 'm just not that good at it. It was fine when I could play tennis or Badminton but the weather has to be good to make me walk! I love walking on holiday. Here I'm bad for jumping in the car! Xxx

  33. It's me,
    Hi Karen, I visit your blog as well, although they tend to call me Muriel here - don't ask, it'll take too long to explain. So welcome.
    I survived school - just - and I'm only a volunteer - not an ex teacher! ~Cross stitch is a sheer delight, the knots, the spaghetti threads at the back, oh bliss!!!
    Myra, how come you've finished already. I'm in two more days this week and three next week. Retired - don't mention the word to me. I've only been in half an hour because Rachel and Peter have been to the Parents' Evening at school. Eleanor has been checked over at the Doctors after she fainted this morning (11 years old) but he doesn't want to send her for a scan as she's had a lot of scans and x-rays because of back trouble and he's worried about the radiation build-up in her little body. Her heart sounds fine and she's been ok today, so we'll go with what he says.
    GREAT NEWS David came home today and is on medication and has to have his GP visit, then the hospital will be in touch. It truly is fantastic when you think that one side was just not responsive.
    Maria, I hope your mam's ok after her radiotherapy.
    Wendy, I hope everything is ok after your visit to the doctor. Where are you going on holiday - not Holland with Denise/Diane surely.
    Saba, I hope the visit to the hairdressers was a relaxing success, and how's the TV situation? We have a huge monstronsity and George plays with the remote like it's going out of fashion. That's why I rarely sit in the same room, drives me mad. Also he's as deaf as a bat and the sound is at crescendo level. Oops, it's as blind as a bat, isn't it, well they're deaf as well now - poor things!!!
    I'm going to e-mail Margaret Corgi about our little soiree. I'm sooooo excited, like a kid in a sweet shop.
    See you later,
    love Muriel xxxx

    1. Hello my Friend!
      I followed the excellent Saba's excellent intructions and left you a message which will give you my email! I do hope your impressed! I've impressed myself - it wasn't painful.
      Great news about David! Wow - George must be thrilled to bits.
      Something else we have in common is a husband who is a little hard of hearing! He doesn't have a Hearing Aid , I just wear ear plugs! Kidding!
      He really only watches Sport and Current Affairs ( nothing to do with The Great British Bake Off).
      I'm on my hols from teaching after tomorrow! I usually take a friend with me just to help with glue/ scissors / tops etc. She, most inconsideratly, has gone to Rome! Another friend offered to help but she has been unwell with a bug and rightly doesn't want to introduce that to a Nursing Home! So it's me - on my tod! Pray for wisdom, patience and HELP.
      Not necessarily in that order.
      Myra xxx

    2. I am so pleased to hear David is home. What a relief for you and George and of course David's family.
      As for TVs Muriel I lost the battle.
      Haircut is lovely though but will never be able to recreate how she has styled it unless I grow another two arms during the night and invest in another 3 round brushes.

    3. What did you decide to have from the magic machine?
      Followed your instructions , dear lady, and sent message to yourself and Maureen! Xxx

    4. I'm guessing that's the end of the plaits then? Xxx

    5. Yep. Greta has well and truly gone. I had a latte macchiato and very nice it was too.
      My instructions were obviously rubbish because your message must be somewhere in cyber space!!! Xxxx

    6. I shall return! Ha ha ha ! Xx

    7. Hi Maureen
      What lovely news about David, that must be such a relief to you all.
      It sounds like you had such a lovely time at school, there's something wonderful about being handed a screwed up piece of sewing tied in knots and with a lovely soggy pice of thread hanging from it ready for you to put a needle on! Oh I don't miss that at all!
      I think remotes are a man thing, we have so many floating around now I have put a basket in the lounge to keep them all in. If he can't find them I just point to the basket!
      Enjoy your evening
      Love Diane xxx

    8. Hi Saba
      I read your post quickly and thought you said you had a moustache ! Oh my goodness me, now that would be a fashion statement!, especially a latte one! Oh dear must go and clean my contact lenses!
      Love Diane xxx

    9. Hi, Maureen great news about David, tell him to take little steps and they will lead to bigger ones, take care Jess x

  34. Hi Patricia,
    Glad to have you back.
    Muriel xxx

  35. P.s. Stop groaning, just lettnng you know that I'm off to phone our friendly hotel manager!!!
    Muriel xx

  36. Karen,
    welcome to the best blog in town. If you read my reply to Myra further up the blog, please don't think I am always so grouchy, normally I am quite sane and even tempered.
    I am Going to Ally Pally on the Sunday, I think we are probably the only two from here going that day. You will recognise me by the very large tv ariel and the White rose in my lapel.
    Hugs Saba xxxx

    1. SABA:- was that Ariel thingy not called Deely Boppers in the past.
      at least folk will see you coming right enough.
      Patricia xxx

    2. Yes Patricia, I think they were. Might have to buy a pair.

      By the way, I feel a bit stupid, not because of my Ariel, but because of what I said about this being the best blog in town. It just occurred to me whilst I was tidying the dinner things away that quite a few of you have your own blogs which are equally fantastic and that it was such an insensitive thing to say. But I am sure you know what I meant, I meant it as a welcome for Karen.
      I'll just go get my hair shirt out of the wardrobe.

    3. Whoever said this blog was not educational! Xxx

    4. Never even thought about it that way.
      It is one of the Best Blogs ever certainlŷ can't argue about that.
      Would never have met all you wonderful people with out it .... would we???
      Put the Hair Shirt away my friend
      Patricia xxx

    5. Saba,
      Did you knit or crochet your hair shirt. Was it what the hairdresser cut off, or did you pick it up off the floor. Myra is quite right (ye gods, red letter day - I agree with her) this blog is educational. And yes, Saba, you could keep on digging and make the hole even bigger lol!!!!!
      Oodles and oodles of love and hugs and laughs xxxxx

  37. Maureen did you get my message from this blog ? The one you would see at the top of the screen where all the faces are? Xxx

  38. Oodles! Crikey Moses! Xxx

  39. Myra, oh noble one,
    I've received nothing from you except and ear bashing. Were you supposed to be contacting me via the big thing in the sky known as the internet?
    Saba/Greta/Gretchen - you will always be my little dirndle skirted Heidi of the mountains. Braids or no braids, ribbbons or no ribbons ha ha ha.
    Muriel xx

  40. Evening ladies.Can I kick off my shoes while I have a hot chocolate.
    Off work today, but by the time I had walked the dog, caught up with some housework, shopping, and started teaching a friend how to use a sewing machine, the day has just disappeared.
    Welcome Karen, just be careful here, they are all crazy, but not me. I just sit quietly and listen..then get a fit of the giggles.
    Pat, I really like this card. Very regal colours.
    Wish I could join you in October, it would be lovely to meet face to face, but we are hopefully starting a major building work in Sept, I don't want to commit to anything for that time. So sorry.
    Steph, sorry you haven't been well, but perhaps you should have just sent everyone one of those "out of the office" emails. I seem to get them from quite a few businesses these days when a staff member is away. Give yourself time to recover properly.
    Thanks for the chocolate

  41. Saba. Sandras blog is the best, I have a blog, she got a coffee shop full of friends with a blog to go with it. It was the best thing I did pressing on Sandras photo that day I was in Sue's blog. Hazel x

  42. Yes! I thought I had, clearly not! I will try again as I eventually got Saba's via a little sign at the top of the blog which said "message" . I was so pleased with myself too!
    Note to self - as you would say - don't try to run before you can walk! Xxx

  43. Myra,
    I've just sent you a message from the big notice board at the top of the blog. Let's see if they cross in mid-air and knock each other out. Mine is just a try out message, rubbbish really, but then what else would you expect from me. I didn't know you could do that,, so thanks for the thumbs up - if it works.

    Has anyone seen Cheryl today???

    Muriel xxx

  44. Got it , got it, got it! I'm not in the least excited!
    You technophobe you! Xxx

  45. Oh I've been trying to contact Sandra and have been looking at the wall of fame at the top (or is it wanted mug shots!!!) and pressing on people (sorry I hope it didn't hurt) but can't see an email address or way to message Sandra. You lot all seem to be so technical ! If you can help me that would be great.
    Right I must go and get myself organised, I'm off to bed in a minute so I've helped myself to a Horlicks . I've got a busy day tomorrow but hope to pop in quickly in the morning.
    Night night
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Diane,
      You've been making me laugh! Saba hasn't seen what you've written about her hair yet! Get to bed quickly,

    2. Hi Myra
      Yes I think I will! Just so you know if I'm missing tomorrow I'm not off my trolley in holland smoking funny stuff I'm off to Aberdeen for a university trip- just a flying visit but not sure what internet connection will be like. Let's hope Saba is too busy watching her new TV and trying to work out what the 6 remotes do!!! Lol
      Night night sleep tight
      Love Diane xxx

    3. Nigh Night Diane! Hope the trip goes well.
      Aberdeen is a lovely city! My husband went to University there! Love Myra xxx

    4. Diane take your brolly and a big jacket , its pissing rain and freezing cold up here lol.
      Wendy xx

    5. Enjoy your day in the city of my birth.
      Not always the best weather, follow Wendy's advice
      Patricia xxx

  46. Myra sorry about the misspelling, it's the shock of having to work all day tomorrow, Beth had piano exam this morning so nervous and between that and car sickness, was thank goodness sick in mummy's car with mummy in charge, but if coarse not allowed to go to school for 48 hours oh the joy of being a nanny ??? So working 7.15 - at least 6. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, I was only teasing! It was my proof we were a little mad! Please don't be upset with me - it's my stupid sense of humour! We all make typing errors all the time as we are too quick for our own good most of the time. Lots of love, Myra xxxx

    2. I am not upset, I was being nice as I have terrible senior moments so have to apologise, Myra that's the great thing with this coffee shop, we are all as bad as each other. Just blame these I pads. Hazel x

    3. Hazel, I blame mine all the time. It made me buy a new pullover today, naught I Pad?

    4. Oh you got off lightly - mine made me buy a jacket! Not confessed my sin yet! Xx

  47. Diane, are you in bed yet? I WAS going to explain how to do the messaging business, however, I have changed my mind. And the fringe isn't green, it's turquoise actually. I don't like green!

    1. Love the turquoise darling , it matches your eyes;)
      Tee hee
      Night night
      Love the ever so naughty Diane xxxxx

  48. Myra, got it!!
    Patricia, got it!!
    Isn't technology wonderful.
    But I didn't get a little message at the top of the page, I just checked my email.

    1. I got both! How weird is that! Success though!
      My technical ability is growing in baby steps rather than the conventional leaps and bounds! Xxx

    2. I want a little notification envelope. Feeling very left out!
      Sent Muriel one, haven't had so much fun in ages, can't decide who to contact next. There are 22 to choose from. Mind you if we pop over to Sue's we've got thousands to choose from, or of course another way of thinking is that there are thousands who could contact us lol.

    3. Aaah! Don't even go there!
      I saw the little message thingy before I checked my emails . However have had an email from Muriel and there was no message about that!

  49. Goodnight everyone, I'm off to bed as I'm dog tired. See you tomorrow.
    Good luck Hazel, a long day for you tomorrow and if it's just nerves and car sickness Beth won't be ill. Oh joy of joys, you have my sympathy.
    Can't be bothered to clear up the cafe, will someone please fill and switch on the dishwasher. Thanks.
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. Night God Bless Muriel.
      Think I have sent you an email!!!
      Love Saba xxx

    2. Night night Muriel! I know where you are now!
      Love Myra xxx

  50. Lynda,
    Thank you, so glad you like my new hairstyle, I think I would like you to be my best friend because that Diane has been making fun of me and that Myra has been egging her on and if Muriel hadn't gone to bed she'd have been in with them too.
    Love and extra special hugs for you!!!

  51. Think I'll turn in folks! I was painting eggs until very late last night! Don't want to look as if I belong in that Home tomorrow!
    You are not going to believe this - my dear husband says he'll come with me and help me! Now - crafter he is not but as he said - it will give them a laugh!
    Night night! God Bless,
    Love Myra xxxx

    1. Ps! Saba hasn't seen the comment about the facial hair yet! Xxx

  52. Myra, oh yes I have and Diane is definitely off my christmas card list. Muriel is back on it as I have just had an email and both She and George have voted to bring my Richard back home. The jury is still out regarding you my ???Friend.
    Night God Bless xxxx
    Ps I'm turning in too, I'll just empty this dishwasher first and check Maria is not asleep somewhere.
    Night all Saba xxx

    1. Wuv you really :) I'll ask Denise to bring back a bunch of droopy tulips for you- nothing worse than a droopy tulip is there Linda!
      So much for my early night!
      Sleep tight - hope you didn't find Maria asleep in the dishwasher!
      Love your bestest friend Diane xxx

  53. Good evening Sandra,& night owls Saba, Myra
    Sandra hope Twins had a good day with work exsperance & enjoyed it what are they doing ? are they together or on different placements?
    Pat your card is gorgeous love the colours & all the die's you have used such a pretty card. Maria hope your mam was ok with her treatment sending her Hug'sxx
    Good night Sandra Saba ,Myra Maureen Diane love D B Lynda xx ( no not Dawn Biddy ) xxxxxxx
    Droopy bit's lol

  54. Hi Sandra,
    lol what is it with you all, you know it takes ages to read down to the bottom and be able to have a say.and I don't want to disappoint anyone but i'm not asleep yet tihi
    I like to say Thank You my wonderful friends for wishing my mum will be alright during her treatment ! Not chemo. so hopefully this will go fine Bamse hug to you all !
    Pat your card is lovely ! Love the colour and that die have now gone onto my wishlist, New York, Scandinavia, bitty thing's and EF's, really hope she have some offers on or I will be broke for a loooong time.
    Oh Sandra did the girls have fun today ? Lucy and Sophie-hope your first day at work experience went well and I' sure you both looked nice in your new clothes.
    Maureen, great news that David is home ! and that Eleanor is ok!
    Wendy, hope the doctors visit was fine?
    Steph, fabulous to see you back and hope you are feeling a lot better than before the treatment but uj how much work you have to do. Don't overdo things so you get ill, try to take things slowly and enjoy some time with OH.
    Welcome Karen, yes this is a great group of friends who trying to meet up at least ones a day for a drink a some calorie free cakes hihi you have to have a good imagination but you get the hang of it quite quickly in a mad kind of way as most of us haven't meet yet and a big YET as we are soon going to meet at AP soon,yay. Think I saw you going Sunday which is a shame as most of us going Saturday but at least you will have a chance to meet our lovely ( I think little crazy, as most of us) Saba with her colourful new haircut . Wondering if they let you through customs looking like that lol
    Diane ,what's with a moustache on women ?tihi I keep trying but it keeps coming back !
    You know girls, it's gone rather late and we had a full day out so I will leave you to your dreams and I see you again in the morning sometime until then
    I have locked up and put the key in it's usual place,
    Love and Hugs Maria xx
