
Saturday 7 March 2015

Mixed Craft day!!!!

Welcome to our first Mixed Craft Saturday,
I am quite excited to see all the different things that you amazingly
talented ladies have achieved.
First up is this gorgeous Little Owl he has been created by our very own
Brenda (littlelamb)
Oh Brenda he is so cute! Please tell us when you made him.
Next Up we have Margaret's amazing Blue Skylanders cake that she made
for her Grandson's birthday.
I think it is amazing Margaret and I bet it had all the other children wanting one
too, I love how you have used the French Border Die to make a decorative edge
to the cake, it looks almost like an elegant fence.

Will You just look at this amazing Cable knitted Bed Cover from the very
multi talented Janet, she has sent me some amazing photos of things to share
with you of the coming weeks!
This must have taken forever, but it is so lovely, one of those things
that never dates.
Well that's all for this week, I don't want to be spoiling you with too many treats
in one go, you might not come back!
I can promise you that tomorrow we have another special feature all being well!
You will love it.
Brenda (littlelamb) Margaret & Janet
thanks you all so much for sending me your gorgeous things to show.
I hope it has inspired you all to go digging for the things you have made over the
years, I have on or two too!
I will catch up with you all later today, I am off to watch the girls
play football in the morning, so a chilly start for me!
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Sandra my dear Friend
    Also All my other very Dear Friends I do hope your keeping well,
    Could I please have my usual Weak Latte and a Toasted Teacake thank you so much.
    I Really Love The Mixtures Of Crafts On Saturday They are Truly Amazing Talents.
    LITTLELAMB: I Love your Beautiful Owl I Love Owl's I can't wait to hear your description on how you achieved this Stunning Creation, Just Fabulous.
    MARGARET: What Can I say I Just Love the Fabulous Cake, I Love the Stunning Border that was round your Cake and also the great Card, I wish I could make Cakes I'm not very good at cooking I think Lyndon's Mom would be very upset with me as she was a Awesome Cook, I really admire people that can Cook and Bake, thanks so very much for sharing.
    JANET: What an Extremely Talented Lady you are! Knitting is another thing I can't do This Bed Cover Is Truly "Outstanding" you must be thrilled with the end result, can I also say I Love The Wallpaper.
    SANDRA: What talented ladies visit The Fantastic Cafe, when you go out today to watch football wrap up well.
    MARGARET: (Corgi Owner) we used to have a Corgi when I was a small child my Dad bought him for me it was a Tri Colour One, our Cocker Spaniels have got Long Tails as all our Spaniels in the past have had there Tails Docked they looked strange at first but now I'm used to it and I think they would look strange with a Docked Tail.
    STEPH: Please take care I'm thinking about you.
    NORAH: Missing you.
    SABA: I'm so pleased Val is coming along so well
    Well I left a message for Sheila (ginger) and explained everyone was asking about her and sending there best but I must admit I found it very difficult to put into words as sorry doesn't seem good enough! In time she may pop in I've given her the Blog details but I'm sure at present she must be feeling pretty raw and low.
    Take Care my dear Friends I've Loved the Fabulous Saturday Collection SANDRA great idea of yours.
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Good morning Sam,
      It's the weekend you are supposed to lie in! It's great to see in you first place, where you belong!
      I hope that that you are well, I bet you are up early spoiling those boys of yours!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  2. Good morning Sandra, hope you have a good day today. Good morning to all the Coffee Shop ladies.
    I seem to be first, I will go get the Kettle on and things set out for all the arrivals. I have popped a basket of (((((hugs))))) at the door. Pleae help yourselves to as many as you need.
    NOW to the GOODIES from the Guest Designers.
    Wow? Oh! Wow! how wonderful are they??
    BRENDA:- your owl is so cute, I love him.
    MARGARET:- your cake and card are wonderful. An absolute treat for any Skylander fan.
    JANET:- that Bedcover is stunning, wow! that certainly is a Labour of Love. Great that it is on show like that, it's beautiful.
    OK! I can't stay I am off to meet Hazel in Perth (Scotland)......LOL!!! then we are off through to Glasgow for the Hobbycraft Show. I have been told it is not too good this year. Lots of the big names missing and everything crammed into one hall. Anyway we will go see, all that might help us not too spend so much.........well maybe not!!
    My thoughts are with you all especially if you are not so good today. Suffering pain. ill in anyway, please look after yourselves.
    Will be back in the evening to read all your comments and catch up with what going on.

    Patricia xxx

  3. Hi Payricia,
    I hope you and Hazel have a great time, I wonder if Norah is going?
    I hope all your favourites are there,
    Sandra xx

  4. Good morning Sandra and everyone. I do like a cafe where no-one minds that I'm in my dressing gown and slippers! Hope that you have had a better nights sleep Sandra and that you are recovered from your migraine.
    Thank you to Janet, Brenda and Margaret for today's mixed crafts - they are all gorgeous. I'm another person who needs Norah to teach them how to knit, I just have never been able to get the hang of it! My grandma taught me how to crochet though (only granny squares) but it keeps my hands occupied when I'm watching tv. I can't papercraft and watch because I have to take my glasses off for close work which means I can't see anything further than about a foot away!!! I tried varifocals but could not get the hang of them and kept falling over - family found it hilarious but it was embarrasing when I was out as it looked like I was drunk, I couldn't stand up without having a wobble.
    Michele - I hope you have a wonderful, crafty week off.
    Saba - Looking forward to the surprise tomorrow, pleased that Val continues to make good progress with her recovery.
    Theresa - so pleased that you finally have a correct diagnosis, no wonder you were in agony! Sending healing hugs your way.
    Norah - Hope that your room-mate has gone and left you in peace, sending you get well wishes and hugs.
    Love to hear all the pet stories. I used to have a miniature schnauzer who's sole purpose in life seemed to be to see what was the biggest dog she could terrorise! She won some puppy shows but had a nasty habit of slipping her show lead and going after the giant schnauzers so I stopped taking her. Apart from big dogs and one of my brother's friends who she LOATHED and would chase out of the house, she was the most laid back, placid dog I've ever known. My daughter used to dress her up and she just let her, even though she was a very old dog by then. Sam, I can now picture your boys waiting for their toast, I bet they look very smart after their haircuts.
    Hazel and Patricia -have a lovely time at the show, and Maria - enjoy your Julia W workshop.
    Well, I've waffled long enough - time for more coffee!! See you all later (I do love the weekends when I can keep popping in). Sue xxx

  5. Good Morning

    I'm also sat here in my dressing gown & slippers so hope no-one minds. It's a sunny but very windy day here in Southport.

    The Owl is so cute, the Cake looks amazing & the bed cover looks like something you'd find on a hotel bed & must have taken a lot of work and patience.

    I'm off out later to meet a friend for coffee at the local garden centre then back home. Might start my crafty marathon ir might just read one of my craft magazines .

    Someone asked where hubby was driving to down south-Welwyn Garden City , Tesco offices are there. He won't hear about redundancy until after the 16th of March so a bit longer to wait.

    My friends health is slightly worse again, he had a fit yesterday so they added in more medication and his fiancée just sent a text earlier to say he's had a catheter fitted this morning. He will be hating all of this but unfortunately can't do anything about it -so sad.

    Off I go to get ready, might pop back later.

    1. Michele & friends
      May your Angels wrap their wings around you all.
      Love Cheryl xxx

  6. Morning Sandra,

    WOW! Ladies these are all marvelous creations but I especially adore Janets Bedspread that must have taken forever to knit but worth it. A treasure and keepsake.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  7. Some amazing projects, talented ladies indeed :)

  8. Some amazing projects, talented ladies indeed :)

  9. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    I see it's getting busy in here already, nice to see a few looking all comfy in their dressing gowns. It's a quick latte and toasted teacake for me please, lots to do today.
    What a lovely mixed bag you've shown us Sandra.
    Brenda, I adore your owl. Did you make him at a pottery class and how did you get him so rounded. It made me think of pottery classes at school, never managed anything as lovely as your owl though.
    Margaret wow. I am in awe of anyone who can make birthday cakes for their grandchildren. And to make themed on for your grandson is brilliant. I am not surprised he and his friends were impressed. Great idea for Sue's dies, you should send her a picture. The thank you card is a lovely touch. Not enough children are taught to say thank you these days.
    Janet, I Neeeeeed your bedcover. It is fabulous. I have been on with a scarf for at least 6 weeks now, it only has 32 stitches across and it will only be about 2 ft in length and it is still nowhere near finished. How on earth you managed to make something as spectacular as this I do not know. Is it made up of strips sewn together? Love it you clever lady.

    Patricia and Hazel, hope you have a fun day together and the craft show is better than you expect, I imagine you will still manage to find something. Ooooooh wish I was going.
    Missing you Steph.
    Thinking of you Nora.
    Comforting hugs for you Michele,

    See you all later. XXXX

    1. Good afternoon Saba, what's the weather like in Nuremberg?
      How are you coming along with your 'project'?
      You sound like you are too busy to sit and knit so no wonder your scarf isn't finished!
      I think the only thing I ever managed in pottery class was a decorated tile! tihi
      I am quite envious of Patricia and Hazel, I bet they are having a ball, looking at all those crafting goodies, mind you not many weeks now until Ally Pally!
      I am so looking forward to it this time, not only for the shopping, I am more excited to be meeting so many of you, we will have to plan this out properly!
      Hope to catch up later,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra, & all the ladies in the cafe, I have got myself a cupper & some toast if that's ok.I will put money on the side,I'm also in my dressing gown.
    Sorry didn't get back yesterday I tried three times,I'm not sure why but every time I finish the post the screen went black before I published so tried on the PC that was the same so thinking it was Internet trouble again,but seems ok this morning so far.fingers crossed.
    Janet your card yesterday was stunning think your K&N ladies should have a word with themselves what's not to like about your card.
    Wow wow stunning & Gorgeous bedspread is amazing you have such a talent Janet.
    Brenda I love your little owl he is adorable.
    Margaret your cake & card are amazing,as I said when you emailed it too me
    & I know Ben loved it,I also wish I could make cakes like this. My daughter is so good at children's & adult cakes don't know who she takes after hihi.
    You all have so much talent,unfortunately I only make cards.
    Sandra I hope your feeling much better today you take care & wrap up warm my lovely watching the girls play football.Sophie & Lucy wishing you good luck hope you win.
    Steph hope you feeling more like doing a bit of crafting today. Thinking of you sending you Big Hugs xxx
    Gentle Hug's Theresa,
    Sheila & Nikki your in my thoughts & prayers one day at a time (((( hug's)))
    Saba so pleased Val is getting stronger each day sending her love & big Hug's & you too.xx.
    Sandra I have ordered that little flower book thanks & Margaret was saying yesterday how lovely it was so looking forward too that coming through the letterbox.
    Have to get ready now as going over my son's as he has got my grandson Alfie today he was 9 yesterday taking him & his friend & the girls to Lazer fazer bit like paint balling. It will be lovely to see him as it doesn't happen very offen with his B...H of a mother (Son's ex wife ) then later we are going to my daughter's for dinner & will see my no one grandson & lots of cuddles with Harry. Will try to pop back later
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Lynda, I am so sorry you don't get to see your Alfie very often. It must be so hard for you love. How any mother can not let her child see their grandparents very often is beyond me. Children need all the love they can get, and grandparents love is that extra bit special. I could throttle her for hurting you like this.
      Enjoy your special time with him.
      Saba xxx

    2. Hi Lynda,
      I send you a package yesterday, so you should have that in a couple of days hopefully!
      I think it is so sad that you don't get to spend as much time with Alfie, it's not fair for you or him, specially if he could see how much time you enjoy spending with Harry, poor Alfie is really missing out on that special time with his grandparents, he is of the age now where you could be really getting involved in things be it crafting or spending time with Terry, his mother is just do selfish but clearly can't see that the one person getting punished most is Alfie!
      I really feel for you Lynda.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and lovely ladies, coffee and toast please this morning, it is chucking it down here today and very windy, as I said on Sues blog, a craft
    Day for me today!.
    What talented ladies we have in the coffe shop, Brenda your owl is gorgeous, Margaret what a wonderful cake it seems a shame to eat it and Janet what can I say, your bedspread is beautiful, maybe Sandra could open a corner of the coffee shop and sell some of your creations!
    Sandra you were asking yesterday about sentiment stamps, The following
    Might help you to decide.

    Justrite large fancy sentiments have a lovely font and a good selection of sentiments, there are 18 clear stamps altogether.
    Creative Expressions have a few good ones as well they include
    Classic Sentiments, Sweet Thoughts and Everyday Expressions, hope this helps you to decide.
    Patricia and Hazel enjoy the craft show don't buy too much lol!!

    Take care everyone, Jessxxxx

  12. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today
    I do so love that cute little owl the eyes are so lovely and my goodness what a super glaze you have got on him Brenda well done.
    Janet I am in awe of such a wonderful bed cover I can only do the basic knitting stitches and not very well, you must have the patients of a saint! Can J just say I think your wallpaper is so very beautiful too, not being nosey but couldn't help noticing.
    The cake was very easy to do and I did send Sue a picture to let her see just how versatile her dies can be. Ben made his thank you cards using my GC and Spellbinders square and oblong basic dies. He loves making cards but thinks the GC is such hard work, after doing a few he says 'Oh Nanna shall we have a drink and a little rest.' His Mummy has always insisted on good manners and he always wins the head teachers prize at school for courtesy and good manners. If he opens a door for a lady he will give a little bow and say 'ladies first!'
    Hazel and Patricia have a safe journey to Glasgow and have a great time at the show, I hope there are some bargains for you.
    Well I am off the younger daughters to alter more curtains at her new house she is still on cloud nine.
    Michelle sending you a comforting cuddle hope it will help all the hurt you are feeling, life can be so cruel thinking of you sweetheart.
    Sandra please wrap up warm today we don't want you getting a chill, and please have my sincere thanks for showing the cake and Ben's card too, he will be thrilled when I show him.
    Will call back later for my usual latte
    With love and hugs for everyone
    Margaret corgi owner

  13. Good Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies , some still in dressing gowns and slippers!
    Well what a lovely treat today! This is such a great idea Sandra and it's lovely to see what everyone makes apart from cards.
    Brenda - your owl is really cute! They are so popular just now as well. Saw an owl suitcase go round the carousel at the airport!
    Margaret what a super cake! Just right for a Skylander fan! Lovely thank you card too!
    Janet - Wow - I'm in awe of your bedspread ! That would take me years! It is lovely and would look good in any room because it will go with any colours. I make crochet blankets but they are just ordinary. Yours is lovely.
    Didn't manage to look in yesterday so may have missed lots!
    We got home around 11 30pm last night and were rather tired. My nose is now red from this lovely cold Alastair kindly shared with me.
    I will check back later as need to get washing dealt with and shopping is coming between noon and 1pm.
    Had phone call yesterday on mobile from delivery man who was sitting outside my house with my shopping ! I had cancelled that delivery and made one for today! The chap sounded a little surprised to discover he was talking to someone in Majorca! Had email to say they made a mistake! I could have told them that myself!
    In the pile of mail is the Laura's Diary Magazine so looking forward to seeing it later.
    Patricia and Hazel - have a great day! You'll have fun just spending the day together looking at goodies you both love! Safe travel!
    Saba - enjoy the workshop!
    Steph - sending love and hope you get home very soon feeling a bit better.
    Michelle - enjoy your coffee trip with your friend. You need a little break!
    Sandra - hope the girls win! Keep warm.
    Love to all,
    Will try to catch up later.
    Love Myra xxx. Norah - missing you x

  14. That owl is tremendously gorgeous and cute

    1. Oh Brenda did Scarlett make the owl?
      I didn't realise that!
      Scarlett it is such a fantastic owl we all thought that your Grandma had made it!
      You are a very clever little girl!
      Sandra xxxxx

  15. Morning ladies, Tilly at a Tennis lesson so got 5 minutes to catch up with you all. I have manged to pop in but not had time to comment. I worked all night Wednesday and had 50 mins sleep on Thursday surprisingly felt ok!! Yesterday food shopping, ironing and the usual school run, guitar lessons and worked til 2 am.

    Sam your stamping is brilliant I tend to used stamped sentiments a lot but don't colour in too many images it's all that shading I find difficult!

    Cheryl fab boy card they are so difficult to do aren't they!

    Janet your card is a stunner quite frankly your group sound ungrateful to me what I wouldn't give for an afternoon with like minded people producing a Sue Wilson style card that someone had done the prep for! Unbelievable!!

    Brenda your owl is a cutie! How is he made?

    Margaret love the cake I enjoy doing some baking but would really like to do more but time doesn't allow so I am limited to cup cakes and cake pops for school fairs etc!

    Janet what a beauty I am no knitter can mange a scarf but that's it!!

    I have managed a couple of Sues pins which are currently drying off! Tilly is at a party this afternoon so thought as they are portable I may do some whilst waiting for her. They are lovely and it is nice to make your own. I got my beads off the on line store recommended on here which was great as I couldn't justify the massive c and c bundle.

    Someone mentioned sentiment stamps just to say I got my first phill Martin stamps recently. The sentiments are fab and stamp like a dream the quality is second to none even with distress inks.

    Michelle I hope your friend is comfortable a hospice is certainly the right place they are experts at caring for people with life limiting illness in a calm and serene environment. My uncle is still in a hospice and time now is very limited. I hope he is comfortable and peaceful.

    I am taking a few days out this coming week from work as I work on a locus basis I usually only have time off when I am actually going away as no work equals no pay. However, because of numerous things I can't actually work so I am going to get a few jobs done you know those glory holes that need clearing, wardrobes that could do with thinning out and I am going to enjoy crafting. A few days and evenings to myself for once. I can't wait! I know my aunt is going to need a lot of support and I am going to be the one driving my Mum over, picking her up etc so a break before that maybe??

    Well my coffee is going cold ladies nice to catch up with you all xxx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    Well, it's onwards and upwards. I'm determined to have a good day today so first of all :-
    Bumper pudding is a joke between Myra and myself. When Becca was getting her new car, Myra posted something about eating it, I did a menu for your Coffee Shop which included car parts such as Bumper Pudding, Car Handle cakes etc. Well, that was a waste of time yesterday because Myra was busy coming home from Majorca and chasing around the carousel for her cases! I've got to say that I didn't even realise she was away - how sad am I?
    I hope you are feeling well today Sandra, not too many aches and pains.
    I'll get myself a latte and toasted teacake, no just sit there and have a natter with the other ladies. My money's in the pot.
    Now, how talented are the heavenly trio?
    Brenda - I've never tried pottery and this is fab. Zoe would adore it. She's into Owls - as well as many other things. I can hear her saying "I would like one of those Grandma"!!
    Margaret - what a brilliant idea to match the card and the cake. I'd never have thought to make a "band" for the cake with a spelllbinder die, even though I've seen them demonstrating the cake Spellbinder. It's so effective so thank you for sharing that idea. It's one I'll "pinch" or is borrow a better word?
    Janet - your bedspread is beautiful. I know how much time and effort it has taken you, and it is gorgeous. The weight alone would be tremendous, or it looks as though you knitted squares and sewed them together. Either way, it's a labour of love and very beautiful.
    Me, well I hope to do a bit of housework today, I don't think I'm up to gardening Cheryl.
    Then I am going to have a beauty session (George reckons I should have started yesterday) as we are taking my brother and his wife Joan out for
    a run (in the car) and we've booked an evening meal for a surprise for them for their Golden Wedding which was last Halloween. What do you buy for the couple who have everything and for whom money is no object? They said that they didn't want presents so we've just waited until the threat of snow and ice is away (I hope) and today is the day when we said to them "How about going out for the day and having a "mooch" about a few garden centres - which I knew would appeal to Joan - so that's what we are supposed to be doing. We may end up going up to Seahouses.
    Now for the poorly ladies:
    Steph, I hope you are not too fed up, and that the floor and bed are covered in confetti pieces from your crafting. Love x
    Saba, love to you and Val, she seems to be doing really well. We have been on a few cruises and always had a great time. But I don't like the mega huge ships as you never see the same people twice.
    Patricia, don't spend too much money - Hazel may want to borrow some!!!
    Michele, thinking of you and your friends, but enjoy your coffee break with your friend, and I have to say that I love that dressing gown. Where did you get it from lol ??
    Norah, missing you and your hills.
    Lynda I'm so sorry that you don't get to see Alfie as much as you'd like. We get very tired looking after our granddaughters every week day, but if I don't see them at least once over the weekend I get withdrawal symptoms. Enjoy your day today with him and the rest of your family. xx
    Who have I missed - I'm so sorry if it's you, but it wasn't deliberate and I send my love to all. xx
    See you later

    1. Hi Maureen,
      I did respond to your comment you know! Sometimes I think I shouldn't encourage you really! Seriously you shouldn't have eaten bumper pudding - you'll get a spare tyre! Lol.
      Love Myra xx

    2. Hi Maureen,
      Oh I get it now, I did see the car pudding thingy the other day, I was clearly being thick yesterday!
      Will your beauty treatment take long, cheeky beggar George, are you another one who gets the cement mixer and trowel out! Lol
      To be honest I hardly ever wear make up, I never had the time, or the inclination when the children were small and now, well I hardly ever leave the house so what's the point?! I do apply a little if we go anywhere to meet people, so school, parents evening etc,the craft shows band on the rare occasion that Paul and I go out! Part of me thinks they if you wear a lot of makeup all the time you don't look any different when you do go out (that's my argument and I'm sticking to it) just as an example my lipstick (that I wear more than any other makeup) is now only usable by sticking a brush into it as it's got so worn down, it's one I bought for our first Ball in the sergeants mess, that was 9 years ago! I don't think they make the colour anymore and I am gutted about that as I love it.
      Maybe Michele could start a trend and we could have pyjama day on the weekend, (don't worry I will put some on mrs B, before you go telling my nightwear secrets)!
      Well I must go and think of something for tea....
      Love and hugs

    3. Maureen, you and me both. I thought Myra had gone to Slovenia where her husband was skiing and she was going to rest in their motor home! Where did I get that from? Do you know what, since I stopped working my grey matter is dwindling to nothing.

    4. Oh Saba / Barbara,
      You made me laugh so much it hurt!
      I will try not to go on holiday at the same time as anyone else again!
      It has been fun though!
      Love Myra x

    5. Myra, I'm sure someone went to
      Slovenia. I am going to have to look back to last week now otherwise I will never sleep. Thought it was odd you got your nose burnt. Thought you must have been on the slopes. Xxx

    6. Saba, my dear friend!
      I was in Majorca! Hence the burnt nose. I don't "do" slopes and I'm not much of a sailor either! It's terra firma for me.
      Lots of love,
      Myra xx

  17. Hope you don't mind but Scarlett wanted to leave a comment. Thank you for all your kind comments about my owl. He was meant to go in the garden but thought it was a bit cold at the moment:). I made it last year. The pottery I go to you can do your own thing or paint things they have bought in or made themselves. I prefer to do my own thing and start from scratch I made the owl in two halves, waited for them to harden slightly then joined them together. It is hollow inside. The eyes were made from a flower cutter and the feet, wings, beak and ears were cut by hand. I love the glaze. It is basically brown with lots of different colour crystals in it the sort of explode when it is fired. Looks different every time.
    MARGARET. Your cake is fabulous and the Thank you card. You are a very talented lady.
    JANET. Wow. That bedspread is marvellous. It would take me a lifetime to knit that. I have got out of the habit of knitting although I did a lot when the children were small. I had some knitting on the go before I broke my wrist so perhaps getting back to that would be good exercise now. Will give it a go.
    PATRiCIA AND HAZEL. Hope you have a good day and get lots of goodies.
    SABA glad that Val is making good progress.
    LYNDIA. Enjoy your time with your grandson. They grow up so quickly. I couldn't see my eldest two for a while but see them again now. I am the only Grandparent they have.
    MICHELE So sorry to hear about your friend. It is very sad. I hope he and his wife can spend as much time as possible together.
    STEPH. Hope all is going well for you and you will be home soon.
    NORA. Missing you. Hope you are ok.
    THERESA Enjoy your crafting week.
    I will help myself to a Latte and crumpet. Be back later.

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield7 March 2015 at 13:15

      Afternoon Barbara - your Owl is just wonderful and needs pride of place wherever he's put. I've never tried ceramics; always looked and thought how wonderful it would be but never had the confidence to give it a go. Would love to see a pic when he's placed in his permanent home. Hugs Janet xx

    2. Brenda, thanks for letting Scarlett leave a message, she is becoming a regular, are the other pottery pieces made by Scarlett too? I will probably show those next Saturday!
      The Pottery place you go to sounds fab Scarlett, they let you use your own creativity and you come up with something super amazing! Does he/she have a name? It is way to sweet to go out in the garden!
      Thank you so much Brenda for showing us Scarlett's amazing skills once again.
      Janet it is Brenda (not Barbara) (Barbara is Saba), sorry to confuse you my lovely!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Sorry for confusion. Scarlett just wanted to leave a message and doesn't have an email address or Google on her iPad. Sure one day she will come with me to pottery. I made all get pottery and the card I sent this week. Scarlett did the Owl one last week.

    4. Hi Scarlett, nice to see you. Not long to your easter break, will you be doing some crafting with Nana /grandma ? you take care x

  18. Good morning Sandra and lovely ladies
    I am still in my dressing gown and slippers also, going away to have my shower. What talented ladies in this coffee shop the owl and the cake is fabulous but oh my that bedspread would take me a good few years lol. in fact it would probably never get finished. I used to be very much into ceramics, and had my own kiln but have never taken any photos of the ornaments I made I will maybe think about doing that. I am going over to my daughter and her partner today as the kids are up here from Edinburgh for the weekend, but they move up to this area with their mother next weekend so we will see them a lot more. They may not be our biological grandchildren but we all just adore them, and after what my daughter went through when her husband died it is great to see her back to having a normal life again.
    I am really enjoying this coffee and toast but must go and get showered.
    Lots of hugs and love to all that have problems or are not feeling too good.
    Wendy xx

  19. Hi Sandra and all the ladies in the cafe. Well if I'd known I could turn up in my dressing gown I would have been in here sooner! I'm being so lazy again this morning so I must give myself a shake and get on. Mind you I'm the only one up! Shocking isn't it ( oh no I'm turning into my gran!)
    Margaret your cake us wonderful, I had forgotten you had used dies to cut the edge, at first glance I thought it was cake lace. Xxx
    Janet oh my what a wonderful bed spread, a real labour of love. I love knitting but haven't got anything on the go at the moment. This must have taken you ages but it really is beautiful xxx
    Brenda your owl is so cute, I did a pottery session at sixth form many moons ago and really enjoyed it. It will look lovely in he garden. Scarlet how lovely of you to leave a comment too. Xxx
    Michelle I hope you have a relaxing day and a good natter with your friend xxx
    Lynda enjoy your time with Alfie and running around playing laser quest! Xxx
    Maureen have a lovely day too xx
    Patricia and Hazel have fun and enjoy yourselves, I'm sure there will be loads to buy even if the big names aren't there xxx
    Steph and Pat hope you are doing well and behaving yourselves.
    Anyone I haven't mentioned have a lovely day I will pop back later to catch up on the news. We are going to an engagement party tonight so I must make a box to put the card in, oh yes, I'd better finish the card too! This darn tooth has put me so behind this week! See you all later. Love Diane xxxx

  20. Hi Sandra and the very talented crafters on this blog!
    It is so nice to see a variety of crafts and not just cards all the time. The Owl is fantastic and what a beautiful cake but that bedspread must have been a labour of love, it is beautiful!!!
    Have been very busy this week as my MIL has just come out of hospital after 10 weeks. She had a fall in her house and then ended up with pneumonia. She now walks with a tripod and is quite frail so we have managed to get her a ground floor flat in the sheltered complex that she already lives in. The major problem is she is a hoarder and the present flat is an absolute nightmare, the bathroom has boxes, trolleys and god knows what else pile up and even puts stuff in the bath. The kitchen is tiny but she has a table and chairs, chest of drawers, boxes etc.
    We are trying to convince her to get rid/give to charity of some of it but it is a battle and she is bursting into tears and saying we are all ganging up on her. She is 85 and set in her ways but there is no way all her stuff will fit in the new flat. We tried to get her to stay in hospital until we could move her into the new flat but they needed her bed so she was discharged but we just don't think she is up to the move. Its stressful enough for a fit younger person but for her its a nightmare. She has to move as the present flat has really steep stairs and is an accident waiting to happen. She puts pieces of cardboard on the stairs to save the carpet. She doesn't want a home help so you can imagine the task we have in front of us.
    On a lighter note Sandra I loved the idea you had of sending you pictures of our pets I would love to see what you all have.

  21. Janet Ecco of Sheffield7 March 2015 at 13:47

    Afternoon everyone - OK it's Saturday afternoon I've just done my Tesco order and am now sat with my wonderful latte in myt favourite cafe but have just done the most stupid thing. Brenda I've left my praise about your beautiful owl in the wrong place; I've mixed him up with Barbara's granddaughters' owl we had the other day. SORRY but here I'm trying again. He is just gorgeous; how have you made him and does he have a name? He should be placed in the most perfect spot for him; somewhere where everyone can see him. I would love to see a picture of him when he takes up residence. Please.
    Margaret your cake looks just perfect and any little boy would be jumping for joy when receiving it. I know just where to come when I need a beautifully done cake!

    I did the bedspread a couple of years ago. I had bought a book on knitting throws. It turned out to be Canadian published and the result of a magazine running a competition asking for New Aran Designs to be submitted to them. The best 20 entries would be published as a book and the 20 squares would make a throw. At that time my second right knee replacement had gone wrong and so I was limited in mobility and needed something beside papercrafting to keep my busy. So I chose 18 of the patterns from the book (each square measures 12" x 12") and I did two of each giving me 36 squares; I then made up my own Aran squares using existing Aran stitches enough for 10 squares and again I knitted two of each squares giving me 20 squares a total of 56 squares (I do hope that makes sense) Because each square was only 12"x12" they weren't heavy and very manageable. I hand stitched all the squares together; backed it with a king size cream straight sheet and finished it off by edging it in cream satin ribbon. Out of all the squares there are two important ones; One has the Breast Cancer Ribbon pattern (this I did in memory of my sister in law) and the other has the pattern of a fish (this is my birth sign and so my signature as well. It took 12months to knit the squares and another couple of months putting it all together. It will be passed on to my eldest Daughter and hopefully then down the family line. Thank you for all your wonderful comments they really mean such a lot to me.
    Hugs enought for all. Janet xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      Thanks for telling us about your lovely throw. I noticed the breast cancer logo! The whole thing is just lovely.
      Love Myra xx

    2. Janet you are so clever, it is such a work of art, I so love it when something has had so much time and love poured into it and it then turns out to be a family treasure! Stepping under that would be so special!
      Thank you so much Janet for sharing your work of art and the wonderful story behind it.
      I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people !
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    3. I personally think it is out of this world it is fabulous and anyone with the patience to do this has my greatest respect.
      Wendy x

  22. Well good afternoon ladies, I finally got here.

    Was up early to go B&Q for the paint and lining paper as found a dodgy bit that was behind my bookshelves, that needs replacing and some holes filled in from taking out the bookshelf ties. Had brunch then have just come in from a very enjoyable 3 1/2 hours in the garden. The tidying takes me so long these days, I move as fast as a snail. Slow but surely with a days' break inbetween.. I just have the middle of my longest border to do next week as Jamie is now coming out tomorrow, he forgot he'd said today. lol
    I didn't get to call back in yesterday, was completely shattered after all the humping boxes around and now my guest bedroom looks like a storage unit!,
    so my apologies to Janet for not commenting on her K&N card.
    My dear it is absolutely gorgeous and I can't understand why anyone would want to moan about it. I would only too pleased for someone to give me everything cut out so I could just do the assembly. Give them a colouring book next time and see what they have to say about that! Some people just want to moan about anything and everything.
    Today, I am totally in awe of your gorgeous knitted bedspread, that is a WOW WOW WOW from me. No wonder it took you so long to make.
    I gave my daughter a knitted shawl last year that my maternal grandmother had done for her christening. Very remarkable as I can't remember her ever knitting. She taught my sister and I to lachet hook rugs using wool from old cardies etc, embroidery, sewing and crochet, using tiny metal hooks and the finest of cotton thread. I have several treasured crochet and linen items she made for my 'bottom draw' still going strong to this day.The items not the draw, that fell to pieces years ago.

    Margaret; your cake and matching card are divine, no wonder your grandson was pleased and proud of you. I so admire your talents, I'm afraid I buy store bought cakes as I am allergic to egg products. It costs my surgery a fortune to give me an egg culture free flu jab every winter.

    Brenda and Scarlett, aficionados after my own heart. I love owls, and elephants, so have them nearly everywhere. Your owl is so beautiful, take credit where it is due learning to make it from scratch, WOW again.
    Sandra; Thank you so much for our Weekend Mixed Media Showcases. A fantastic idea and one to which we will all be able to contribute. A few photos will be sent soon when I can find them again on this damn cloud! I swear mine disappear somewhere over that rainbow.!!!
    Diane; I don't recognize your cousin's name but I probably would know her by face. My address is 16 Main Road, if she ever would like to pop in so we can meet, she will be sure of a warm welcome. As would you my dear, when you visit Cannington again.
    Lynda, it is heartbeaking that you don't see your grandson very often. I understand that feeling very well.
    To all our poorly friends, my comfort blanket ((((hugs)))) to you. Wrap them around you my dears and take comfort in the knowledge that we are all thinking of you.
    Maureen dear heart, I'll email soon
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      My you have had a very busy day, how is that craft room coming along!
      I look forward to receiving your photo's too.
      I didn't even know the flu jab contained eggs!
      You can make egg free sponges I think, is that your only allergy?
      look forward to seeing you in tomorrow, I will bake up a batch of those egg free sponges right away!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  23. Hi Sandra, and all who come into the coffee shop today,
    Wow what a vast array of talent, Brenda, how cute is that owl, what is it made from its gorgeous.
    Margaret what a beautiful cake and card, I have never been able to bake Tony can but not me, look how smooth that blue icing is, Love the border.
    Janet, what a beautiful item to pass down the family its stunning.
    Hugs to all Love Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      How are you feeling my lovely,
      Thanks so much for calling in to the cafe today, have you heard from Steph today? I text her again as I have most days, I wondered if she had received my card! I hope so bless her, I was thinking all day today that I wish I was close enough to visit her, I expect the weekends are the longest!
      Hope you are having a relaxed weekend my love.
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  24. Hello Sandra,
    Hope you did not get to cold watching the girls play football. Was it a good match?
    Hope everyone in the coffee shop is well, those not able to make it here today, sending lots of love and caring hugs
    NORAH hope you're feeling a bit better now, just take it steady, come back when you feel stronger. We are keeping your corner nice and warm for you. LOL
    What a lot of clever ladies we have on this blog,
    Littlelamb Brenda, Your Owl is so cute. I think he would be happier to stay indoors with you. Unless you make him a family of Owls. He might then be happy to go outside !
    MARGARET, Your cake and card are gorgeous, I'm sure your grandson was the envy of this friends. Last year one of our grandsons wanted a Minecraft cake. He was really proud of his Mums effort. She had always bought his birthday cakes at the supermarket. He said this was the best cake he had ever had.
    JANET. WOW WOW WOW....... your bedcover is a real family treasure. All that work - it really is beautiful.
    Well I will finish my tea and go, need to put my feet up for a while, got a funny tummy today and it has left me feeling drained.
    Will pop back later, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thanks for popping in, put your feet up over in the easy chair, I will bring you something light.
      Please make sure you get plenty of rest, it can really take it out of you!
      Love & gentle hug
      Sandra xxxx

  25. Wendy, just wondered how you were getting on getting to know us all.
    I am sure by now it's as clear as mud.
    Brenda made the owl, Scarlet her granddaughter likes it. Barbara made an owl card last week. Sandra has told Janet it was Brenda who made the pot owl and not Barbara as Barbara is Saba (me) however it was Barbara who made the owl card last week, the real Barbara, not me. Myra thinks we should all be eating cars. Maureen thinks I like going on cruises but it is Theresa who cruises, I sail.
    Sandra sleeps in the altogether but that's a secret.
    All in all, it's not a bit confusing in here.
    Love and confusion
    Saba Aka Barbara who has never made an owl.

    1. Hey, thanks Saba, that has cleared up a few things for me too....I think...but then again....
      Sounds like a normal conversation with my in laws!!!

    2. What do you mean Myra thinks we should all be eating cars! ?
      Wendy - there is no confusion here at all - so long as you are a bit batty like the rest of us!
      Love Myra xx

    3. Poor Wendy, If you weren't confused before you will be now. Littlelamb (Brenda) not this Brenda made the owl - although I did go to pottery classes at night school some years ago. I WILL STOP THERE before I confuse you even more.
      WELCOME to this lovely coffee shop.
      Love Brenda L xxx

    4. Thought I was winning but now welllllI after reading that and not understanding any of it lol.) back to square one, one day I might just get it right

    5. PLEASE Just stay with us Wendy, It's a great place to be.
      LOL Brenda x

    6. Oi Saba,
      SSShhhhhhhhh!!!!!! no spilling the beans on my nightwear, I only came into the café in my nightwear once, result was had to wear plasters on my nips all week, didn't need spoons to stir the tea though!
      and it was Scarlett that made the Owl Card last week not any Barbara!
      hope that's as clear as mud!

    7. Oh no. Sandra, You are absolutely right. It was Scarlett's beautiful owl card with the lovely shiny eyes. I just can't keep up. It's that bl..dy project I had for my homework today. You should see my craft room / dining room! Might have to have another glass of wine before bed.
      Love and hugs

    8. Hello all, I've just come in after a lovely day with George and my bro and his wife, but having read these comments, I'm going to lie down in a darkened room to recover!!! Good job I only drink coke or I'd think it was the drink that made me confused.
      Wendy - it was so kind of Saba (Barbara - I never knew that was your name) to thoroughly confuse us altogether!! I'm now going to write all the names and aliases down so I'll know who I'm talking about - of course I'll lose the paper and be back to square one!!
      By for now, going to read the rest of the postxxx

  26. Janet Ecco of Sheffield7 March 2015 at 18:51

    Hello again - This is me Janet - to everyone 'confused? you will be'!!! who now remembers that quote and another 'you don't have to be mad but it helps' lol.
    Good night xxxx

    1. Everyone says I am mad but it is certainly not helping lol.

  27. Finally catching up here, Just popped in to see what everyone is up to. Today's makes are amazing, such a wide range of talent. I used to go to a pottery class at nightschool, many years ago with my Mum. We had fun at that. My baking is much plainer, tray bakes, not fancy stuff, so I always admire someone who can decorate like this, and although I can knit, I would think more than twice about creating a masterpiece like this bedspread.. I do make patchwork ones though.
    I would love to see everyone else's pets. How do we send a picture to you Sandra? I have no idea how to do that.
    Just about to take my darling pet out, into the driving rain which has been on all day. I will try to stay on my feet tonight, not my a*** (see last night's post if you want to know what I mean)
    Night all

    1. Hi Janice,
      good luck for your walk, stay upright if possible!
      If you want to send me photos you can send them to my email address.
      I look forward to seeing what you send.

  28. Good evening Sandra and anyone who might pop in for a late drink, I see the cake cabinet is a bit low on choice, but that's ok I will have a tea and that shortbread biscuit that looks lonely? Well I didn't comment this morning as I left my I pad at home last night when I went to babysit the boys over in Perth. And my phone just won't let me leave a comment.
    Brendra, your owl is so cute, your right a wee bit cold to put out just yet.
    Margaret, what an amazing cake, that border really works and Bens card is fab, he has made a great job of it.
    Janet, what can I say. Having knitted aran's years ago, this is a labour of love, it's fantastic and all those designs are great. I loved knitting the aran's as you had to do a set of patterns before you could put it down, so they soon knitted up. You have defiantly got an heirloom their.
    Well Patricia and I meet up and went to Glasgow, bus was buffeted about in the wind and oh boy what rain too. We were both so disappointed with this years show, one hall only usually two, a great lack of top named stalls and the ones that were their in about half the size of their normal stalls their were telling me that the price has gone up and size reduced, and they won't be back, which is such a shame. Lots of hand crafts and wool stalls, which goes to show that knitting is coming back, but the wool is far from cheap, but gorgeous quality and colours. I did spend and will post on my blog tomorrow my goodies. Did buy a couple of new dies, so I will be playing with those too. But on the good note Patricia and I had a good time just catching up, we were saying we must get back to meeting each week. I am really tired, woke up when Tammy and Derek came in last night then Tammy and I sat chatting till gone one, then two little pussy cats decided to waken me at the back of 5 this morning, so I am sending ((((((hugs)))))) to all who aren't feeling to good today and to those who are a bit sad due to what's going on at the moments. Will be in tomorrow. Hazel x

  29. Hello to all you lovely ladies
    I am so pleased you all liked my birthday cake and my thank you cards that I made. The cards were really hard work turning the handle of the machine.
    I just wanted to tell you all that my cake was delicious too.
    A big thank you to my Nanna's friend Sandra for showing my super Skylanders cake and to you all, you are so kind.
    With love
    Ben xxx

    1. Hi Ben,
      Your cake was so lovely and I'm sure it was delicious. I was very impressed with your Thank You card. Thank you very much for leaving a message for us.
      Love , Myra - also a Grandma .

    2. Hello Ben,
      We really loved seeing your birthday cake, it was amazing, and well done for making your own thank you cards, it must have been very hard work, I am sure everyone who received one was very impressed with your skills.
      Thank you for leaving us a message.
      Lots of love.
      Saba xxx

    3. Hello Ben,
      You are one very creative young man, your cards are absolutely fantastic, the fact that you took the trouble to make 'thank you Cards' goes to show what a remarkable young man you are, so polite, which is rare these days! Did the cake taste as yummy as it looked? Your Nanna is very clever, what are you going to ask for for your 9th Birthday? Do you have anything in mind? Do you like Minecraft?
      Now can you promise me Ben that you will make another card or a drawing or anything you have made yourself and then give it to your Nanna and she can send it to me so I can show it on a Saturday, you can then come on and tell yes all how you made it? I would love it if you could, there are 300 people that look at this blog some days, they will all see how amazingly talented you are!
      Thank you so much for your comment Ben,
      Sending you a big hug,
      Sandra (Nanna's friend) xxxx

    4. Hello Ben,
      You are such an amazing young man, making your own thank you cards, and I bet the cake was very tasty. Your nanna must be very special to you. I would love to see anything else that you have made.
      Love Grandma Mo (I only let very special people call me that). xxxx

    5. Hello Ben, it's lovely to see your cake again on Sandra's blog. Your Nannie sent me a picture of your cake Do you remember I sent you the Harry Potter card for your birthday, & I said you was a lovely sweet & polite little boy. Love Nannie Lynda xxx

    6. Hi Ben.
      Your clever Nanna's cake looked fantastic and I wish we could have tasted it too, but I am glad that you enjoyed it. I love your Thank you card that you made, turning the handle can be hard but it was worth it because you made a great card. I wish I could stick the layers on my cards as straight as you have, you are a clever young man. I would like to see anything else that you make please : ) Take care. Love Mrs B x

  30. Hi Hazel,
    I am so sad to hear about your disappointing day, I have been so excited all day to hear about how you got on and who you got to meet? Which ones were there, I noticed last year that pin flair had stopped attending the AP shows, I guess the Glasgow one maybe costs more for travel and expense wise? What a shame as I expect that there aren't too many up your way! Or do you have smaller ones, Farnborough was about the size of one hall of the NEC. Maybe a little bigger, but they gave you room to sit down! I so wish you two could come to AP, I could fit you both in here and you could travel there with us as we have a 7 seater car! You are always welcome !
    There are Holiday Inn hotels not too far from venue!thats where Sue stays.
    It's a smaller show than the big ones but all the stalls that you want are there!
    I will have to pop over to your blog to see what your bought!
    There were an awful lot of knitting and seeing stalls at Farnborough too, but I think that's due to the 'up cycling' trend and the sewing Bee programme.
    I think you will need a feet up and take it easy day tomorrow!
    Love & huge hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  31. Hi Sandra I have shown the comments to Ben about his cake and the cards that he made and he asked if it would be ok for him to say thank you to everyone, I hope you didn't mind.
    Thank you so much to everyone for all your lovely comments believe me it was the easiest cake I have made, thanks to Sue's dies.
    So pleased you were able to call into the coffee shop today Cheryl I was getting concerned when you were missing yesterday. Please don't overdo the gardening just remember there is always another day not broken into. I know only too well how troublesome allergies can be, my grandson was born with a full dairy allergy, which was dreadful, the pain he was in 24 hours every day for the first six weeks until they found it out, we almost lost him. He can have a little dairy now, but it really was a nightmare for the first five years when he could have none. That included no chocolate or ice cream, we tried him with the dairy free ones but he would not have them and I don't wonder they tasted dreadful.
    Saba you really have me guessing as to what is coming! Ben loved your comment about his good manners, he is so proud of his certificates from his head teacher for his manners.
    Well I have finished my latte and done the washing up and swept up so all is clean and tidy for tomorrow.
    Take care everyone and have a lovely evening.
    With love
    Margaret xx

  32. Hi Margaret,
    It was lovely of Ben to comment. I have left him a reply, you must be very proud of your polite young man.
    There have been a few cryptic comments today, something about a surprise from me? I haven't said a word. I do hope you are all not disappointed tomorrow.
    Love Saba xxx

  33. Hi Margaret,
    I have sent a message back to Ben to thank him for letting us see his cake and card, I have also asked him to give you a picture or something that you can send to me so that he can share more of his work, I would be delighted to show whatever he wants to share!
    Thank you Margaret, that gorgeous, polite young man is a total credit to you!
    Love & hugs
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Message for Ben. Your card is marvellous. Would love to see some more of your work sometime.

  34. Sandra, have you got my email?

    1. I got your emails for tomorrow xxx
      They look perfect!
      thanks so much
      Sandra xxxxx

  35. Myra,
    It was Tandy. Tandy went to Slovenia. Posted 26 th Feb? Thank goodness for that, I thougth I was going mad!!!

    1. I knew it was Tandy ! Well at least I knew it wasn't me!
      Love Myra xx

  36. Sorry I am late coming back tonight. Came back home tonight and been catching up on phone calls and managed to fall -no bones broken I hope this time. Thank you for all the comments on my owl. Have explained how I made if earlier. Sorry for the confusion earlier about who had made the owl but Scarlett wanted to leave a message and I suppose it was confusing with my name on the top. It was my Scarlett that made the owl card last Saturday. Been a lovely day here today but a bit windy. Hugs to all those who need them today. Hazel and Patricia. Sorry you were disappointed at the Glasgow show today. Looking forward to seeing the goodies you bought. Think I had better have my hot chocolate and think about going to bed. I seem to be on my own here so will wash up and lockup and leave the key in the usual place. Night.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      What are you like. Can you not stay upright! Try putting a little more tonic in your gin! Seriously if you keep this falling lark up you will have to go to your GP!
      Please take care,
      Love Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Brenda. I do hope you are ok after your fall. Please try and stay the right way up! I would hate for you to break any more bones. Take care xx

  37. Hi Sandra and all, Pj's and slippers on, maybe a hot chocolate before bed.
    What a amazing Saturday mix of crafts.
    Littlelamb your owl is so cute, just want to hold and stroke it gently. Way to nice to put outdoors.
    Margaret the cake looks soooo yummy ! Hi Ben, the thank you cards you made are great and well done for a good job turning that handle.
    Oh Janet your bedspread is a work of art, I could never make anything like it in a millions of years. Absolutely wonderful and a lovely thing to remember you by.
    Hazel and Patricia, such a shame your outing was a disappointment but you managed to spend some I wonder what you bought...... did Norah go at all or is she still poorly, if you are I hope you feeling better soon !
    Janice-hope you not to bruised after your fall yesterday, take it easy. Also hope that Steph doing ok after her infusion.
    Michele- thinking of you and your friends.
    Lynda ,how many hugs did you get today ? loads and loads I hope.
    Tihi Saba, I think you made Wendy even more confused then before and me too. Oh boy how I have trouble with names etc. these days so it was very lucky that we all got a name badge to wear at JW workshop lol. I had a lovely day crafting and I managed to keep up pretty good, my worst fear. It was a lot to take in and lots of cutting out to do so I'm quite sore this evening but made three different cards and they don't look half decent if I can say that myself. I loved to go again but at £40 it is a bit deep so I have to see.
    Hope you all getting a good night sleep and Sandra you rest up propper , see you tomorrow hopefully not to late. shhh key back under the pot, hugs Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      I am so pleased you had a great day, I was thinking about you crafting with Julia Watts while I was crafting this afternoon, glad you enjoyed it, we would love to see your cards too, can you photograph them?
      You will probably have aching shoulder tomorrow, so I will butter your muffins ! Now there's an offer you don't turn down at this time of night?,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  38. Brenda love, are you alright? You have been in the wars lately. I do hope you haven't damaged your poorly arm.
    Thinking of you xxx

    1. Thanks Saba for your concern. Seem to be ok. Arm hurting anyway so not sure if I have done any harm. Hope not. Will have to keep quiet about it or family will only worry and I will be in trouble. Didn't have to tell them when I fell and broke my wrist as was with son at the time.
      MARIA. Thank you for your kind comments on my owl.

  39. Hi Maria, sorry I missed you, we must have been typing at the same time.
    Glad you enjoyed your day, I would love to a workshop with Julia or even better with Sue. Hope we might get to see the cards you have made.
    Love and goodnight hugs. Xxxx

  40. It's me again, I'm sitting in bed typing this and am getting more and more confused after reading all the posts. I'm going to be dreaming tonight, or should I say having nightmares, of Saba on a cruise shouting "No, no, I don't do cruises - I sail", and Theresa saying "It's me, it's me - I'm going to sit at the Captain's Table". Littlelamb is now Brenda, or is it Barbara, and Myra likes to eat spare tyres - or is it someone else.
    You know what, I think it's a good job that Steph is in hospital and out of the way as she, Sandra and Norah are the only ones I'm sure of. Although Wendy is a safe bet, she hasn't confused me - YET.
    I'm going to lie down and try to sleep - wish me well after that lot.
    Patricia and Hazel, sorry you didn't enjoy your day out more.
    Cheryl, you put me to shame.
    Love to all xxx

  41. P.s. I've cleared up and done the dishes, key is in the usual place if you pop in for a midnight snack. xx

    1. Thanks Maureen you are a treasure, hope you had fun night out!
      I would clear your head or you will never sleep !
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  42. Maureen,
    It's a good job my OH has taken himself off to bed, because I am sitting here chuckling to myself. He knows I am barmy but doesn't realise just how barmy I am. Serves him right, he should have married a sane Fräulein called Gerta or Helga or something similar with plaits around her head, not some daft Yorkshire lass.
    But you are right about Cheryl, she puts us all to shame, she is such a sweetie, I love her to bits.
    I feel so blessed to have found such wonderful friends here. Thank you for making me laugh.
    Loving hugs, sweet nightmares and God Bless,
    Saba xx

  43. Goodnight everyone, it has been lovely spending the evening with you.
    Sweet dreams. Love Brenda

    1. Night night Brenda,
      Hope you are feeling better!
      Gentle hugs
      Sandra xxx

  44. Night night God bless Brenda.

    1. Night night Saba
      Big hugs

    2. Good night Sandra & Everyone will tell you about my day tomorrow as didn't get home till 12 so off to bed God bless don't let the bed bugs bite love Lynda xx
