
Sunday 8 March 2015

Special Sunday Tutorial, By Saba....Izzy Bags

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
We have a special blog post today, for all of us that to have a go at the amazing 'Izzy Bag' !
Saba has been so very kind and has done like a step by step tutorial for us, with pictures to help.
If any of you want to add any hints or tips please feel free.
So here we go.......
First of all the plans and measurements, I have enlarged them to make it easier to read.
I will add that Saba came up with this idea as a way of making it easier for us all to have a go, I am so grateful to you Saba for taking the time to prepare and photograph all of these instructions.
These step by step photos have made it look so much more achievable! The book is a good idea to hold the sides while the glue dries.
Look how fabulous these bags look, you could use them for so many different occasions and

        any age bracket too.
Just one more photo to temp you into having a go, we will have a special Handbag Gallery day, to showcase all of your bags, just think of all the different colours and embellishments you can use.
Saba is going to call in this morning to talk us through all of the steps involved.
I hope you will all join me in thanking Saba for all of her hard work, I think you are amazing Saba,
thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Love and Hugs


  1. Happy Sunday Morning Sandra and all your lovely ladies

    Firstly I must say that all the credit for the design of this Bag and the measurements must go to Izzy. It's her genius and the generosity of Sue Wilson for showing Izzy's bags which have made it possible.
    It was just an idea I had to try and help anyone who needed it by doing a step by step breakdown of how to make one. And I decided to do an almost replica of one of Izzys but without using the left over bits coloured and put back in.
    So for those of you who have already worked it out, my apologies for trying to teach you to suck eggs. Patricia in particular because your takes on Izzys bags are fabulous.

    This is one very long post, sorry.
    It's easier if you start with the Flap. This determines how wide you want your bag to be, so if you are wanting to use a border die, just lay it on your card and cut a strip to fit its width. If you don't want to use a border die, then the bag can be as wide as you want.
    The length of your flap depends on how "tall" your bag will be. It needs to be long enough to go from the back, over the top and down the front.
    If you look at the measurements I have used, my bag is 4inches tall so my flap is about 6 inches long, and the width of the Ursa die.
    Still on the flap, I have used just the just cutting edge of the Ursa on white card to form the front edge, and have faux pierced what will be the back edge. I have then cut out the complete Ursa in Lilac and glued that to the front part of the flap to give a contrasting colour. I decided not to use the bits and don't know know why I left them in the photo,!!

    Now the body. I have used Purple for the main part.
    An oblong of 9 1/2 inches (4inch for the front, 1 1/2 inch for the base and 4 inch for the back). And the width is the same as that used for your flap. But don't let the measurements worry you, it doesn't really matter so long as your side pieces match up you can make it as big or small as you want.
    The purple oblong was then scored and folded. I cut a semicircle at the top of the front but you don't have to do this, I just thought it looks nicer when the bag is opened.
    I used White cards for the sides, 4 inch long 1 1/2 inch wide ( exactly the same as your bag ) with a little extra for the fold in flaps which are to be glued. Again I cut a small semicircle at the top. I find it easier to form and glue my side flaps first before attaching them to the body of the bag, and as you can see, I have used a book to help me wrap the body oblong around the side pieces.
    Before you glue the flap to the back of the main body, us a rolling pin or something similar to form the rolled top otherwise it tends to crease.

    Right that was it. You have now got your bag and can add a handle, bows or whatever your heart desires.

    The handle was made using the ribbon die which was part of the bow die cutting set. I extended it a bit to make it longer by not cutting it out right to the edge and the repositioning it and cutting from the other end. Any strip will do however. The buckle I made from the smallest die in the California collection, decorative frames set. The handle was attached to the sides using a brad, the reason being you can swing the handle out of the way to open up the bag and reveal the goodies. I used a Velcro fastener to keep it closed

    Phew. Think that's it. The other quilted bag was made in exactly the same way, body and flap same width and embossed, and side panels same width as base and same height of bag.
    The flap given a scalloped edge instead of a border, decorative pearls added and instead of a rounded top. I just squeezed the side panels in at the top and then folded the flap over and creased it.

    Hopefully that hasn't bored you all to death. Any problems, let me know.
    Thank you Sandra for letting me be guest designer today and I can't wait to see all your Izzy Bags.

    Love and hugs Saba xxxxx

    1. Hi Saba,
      I hope you are happy with the way I have laid it out, thank you so very much for your hard work and fab photographic skills!
      I hope that everyone enjoys making them!
      Love and hugs

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Please may I have a cuppa and toast and marmite, I will sit and wait for Maureen to join me. I am making a comment right now just in case I have a repeat of yesterday as that was a washout. I was sat catching up with Fridays comments then woke up at 1.30pm! Had a cuppa and something to eat then slept the rest of the day/eve apart from eating at 7pm. I think my body was just making me rest as I have been quite busy over the last few days. For some one who is happy to get 3 hours sleep in a row at night it was A LOT of sleep! I actually feel a lot better today so hope to get some housework and ironing done, then I must start on my Mums Mothers day card.
    Sandra, I am glad that you slept so well Friday night, yes you were right weren't you : ) Sad my sleep yesterday wasn't for the same reason : )
    By the way, please put a "splutter" warning on some of your comments,
    I keep getting my tea all over the bed etc. when I read some of them : ))
    I must say how much I loved seeing the wonderful mixed crafts yesterday. Littlelamb, your owl is so sweet, the exploding glaze looks great, it is far too cold to put it outside though. It was lovely to see Scarletts comment too : ) I do hope that your fall yesterday hasn't left you in any more pain. You should mention it to the doc if it keeps happening though, you may have something simple like an ear infection that is causing the falls. We would be so sad if you broke any more bones so please take extra care.
    Margaret, your cake is brilliant, I just wish we could have tasted it too. I don't do cake decorating, I leave that to Chris(husband), who is very good at them. Ben's card is lovely too, I have left him a comment on yeterdays blog.
    Janet, your knitted bedspread is a real stunner. Thank you for telling us how you made it. It will be a treasured family heirloom, how wonderful : )
    Did you speak to Pat at all? Is she home yet? I am going to email her in a minute to see how she is. If I get an answer from her I will pop back in and let you know.
    Saba, Thank you for taking the time and trouble of doing the tutorial of Izzy's handbags for us. I am going to have a go when I am with Sandra this week so your lovely clear pictures will be very useful. The bags you have made look gorgeous. Have they got homes to go to already, or will you sell or keep them? I do know that anyone who receives one will be thrilled. Thanks again for sharing with us : )
    Well ladies, I hope that you all have a good day today. I will be thinking of you all with extra special thoughts for those of you that are having a hard time for what ever reason at the moment : ) I hope to pop back in again later, but the way the days seem to be flying by might mean that it will be tomorrow morning before I know it! Take care xx

    1. Good morning Sue,
      I am so sorry to hear you had a pants day yesterday, your body must have been desperate for that rest Sue, as otherwise you wouldn't have actually got to sleep! Bless you! You have been pushing yourself though, you have a lot of trips out and with the Grandma duties (that I know you love) at the start of the week, you will be exhausted, I know that to you seeing Rj & Gemma, bright eyed and smiling makes it all worth while, but It will catch up with you! Never mind whizzing about doing the ironing etc today, take it easy, let your body recover!
      I emailed Pat yesterday but haven't heard anything back from her,
      I thought that today was her last day, as it was five days wasn't it.
      I hope that she does get to go back to her own bed today!
      Maybe I will try calling her later on.
      Anyway I am off to sort this lot out as they are all trying to organise what they are doing and driving me mental!
      Catch up later,
      Love you lots

  3. Happy Sunday to everyone who visits our wonderful, friendly Sandra Cafe today. I think I'll be having tea and toast so I'll get the toaster and chunky toastie bread ready for anyone to join me.

    Up early for me to crack on with some tidying up before Jamie comes help to paint etc my soon-to-be-craft room. My poor old joints today are creaking with all that I accomplished yesterday in the garden as well, so no up the ladders for me. Fiona and Joshua coming to collect my bookcases, they are having one each. Joshua & partner Lucy have just got their first home together so put first dibs on one bookcase as it will match coffee table and TV corner unit. They are so excited as they didn't want to live at either parents' homes with the baby due in May. Very wise decision. My first great grandchild. I would rather know when he/she is born to celebrate. They will be God's gift and I like surprizes, I'm not who wants to know beforehand as that takes away the anticipation.

    Saba, what a beautiful person you are to expand on Izzy's instructions. This will be so much easier for those of us who need visual instructions especially my granddaughter.
    I can't wait to crack on with them.
    Onwards and upwards, I'll pop in later with progress report and to have a chat.
    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. Good morning Cheryl,
      Take it easy, sounds like another busy day for you today!
      I am sure you are feeling it after 3 1/2 hours gardening yesterday !
      It was a lovely bright and sunny day here yesterday, not so bright today though!
      I love the days when you can get all the washing dry outside on the line in the fresh air, it smells so much cleaner to me!
      I hope you have a productive day, please take plenty of photographs of your new craft room to share!
      Love & hugs

    2. Cheryl I hope you have taken it easy and left all the work to the young ones. Oh I totally agree about not wanting to know the sex of baby's until they are born, I think it's like knowing what your present is before you open it. Hazel x

  4. Morning ladies, I'm up & about just as early as a work morning but at least I don't have to leave the house.

    Saba-I can't thank you enough for the very detailed instructions. i feel confident enough to try making an Izzy bag now, I'll let you know how I get on.

    Where do I email the pictures to???
    I just need to clear the dirty dishes then start on some housework so theres time to craft this afternoon.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Try and find time to relax today, you have been one busy lady over the past couple of weeks.
      I would love to see any of your cards or bags, just email the photos to......
      Look forwards to receiving your pics,
      Love & hugs

  5. Janet Ecco of Sheffield8 March 2015 at 08:41

    Morning everyone - I'm a little on the late side this morning. We stayed up late last night watching a couple of old recordings of 'Lewis'. They may be old but still good watching - well we think so and as we loved 'Morse' it was just a natural progression for us. Am helping myself to my usual and then sitting before I fall down. Sandra am hoping the girls get a win today and that if you go please wrap warm and remember jumping up and down is just not ladylike!! lol.
    Saba WoooooooooooooW; Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and Woooooooonderful are your takes on Izzy's Bags. One very big THANK YOU for showing us how easy it is to make one of these unbelievable bags. I just have one more March card to make and then I will definitely be following your tutorial which looks so easy to follow though how mine will look heaven only knows but will definitely be trying to create one.
    Can anyone please remind me how to revive Distressed Ink Pads. I have one or two which need some TLC and for the life of me cannot remember if there is something special needed.
    Have a really good Sunday everyone. Not long now before we put the clocks forward and see some beautiful fresh greenery around us.
    My usual basket of hugs -one size fits all- is just inside the door so please don't fall over it.
    Janet xx

    1. Janet, I also like the old "Morse" and "Lewis" and the "Endeavour" series, which are the prequel to Morse. Have you seen them ?
      Maureen xx

    2. These oldies can be watched over and over again. They are good viewing. Hazel x

    3. John Thaw as Morse was simply the best as irascible as me! Loved him can watch them over and over!

  6. Morning Sandra and thank you Saba. I take it the width of the bags are a normal width of A4 card and can I ask what the length of the sides are as neither of these measurements are showing, sorry to be a nuisance, always one isn't there? lol! Beautiful creations though and going by these images are very easy to make.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Morning Jacquie,
      You are not a nuisance at all, the bags can be whatever with you want them to be. In this case, the one with the Carina was 6 3/4inch and the Ursa, 6 3/8 inch. But I didn't use measurements, I let the width of the dies give me the width. Likewise, the length of the side corresponds to the height of the bag, in both these cases, it was 4 inch not including the bit extra for the bit to be glued. Hope that helps.
      Saba xxx

    2. Sandra I have just found the follow the top of the page is 2 little red and a menu falls asking you to follow the blog you now have 9 followers lol

    3. Hey, thanks Wendy, I have just been dropping in most days, but hadn't noticed that box. Done it now.

  7. Good morning Sandra, and all the Coffee Shop ladies. Hope you are all Hunky Dory & Tickety Boo this morning.
    SABA:- you are an absulute "star" I have done all that but would not have had a clue how to get it to Sandra. I have drawn and cut all the parts, given them to Hazel. That's a s far as I managed. All your bags are fantastic, I love making them. They are rather addictive are they not??
    Still keeping you and Val very much in my thoughts. Hope all is well.
    After my day with Hazel at the Hobbycraft show which was a real disappointment I still have money left. All tucked away for our next wee escapade to Belfast in a couple of weeks. Hazel and I lived and went to school there for a few years. I still keep up with my Best School Friend, John and I visit quite frequently. Oriel and her hubby run a farm, their son now does most of the hard work and they manage to come over a fair bit for visits as well.
    OK! I will have some Tea, Toast & Jam. I will sit over with some of the other ladies to chat has up on the chat.
    I will leave a basket of (((((hugs)))))for any who need them today.

    Patricia xxx
    PS I know the 2 ladies who have decided to become the latest followers on by blog come in here for Coffee. You could win yourself a little Blog Candy. Just pop over and add a comment and your name will be popped in the hat.

    1. Patricia,
      I have just been over to your blog, and your bags are fabulous. I adore the one with the pink patterned paper.
      I didn't comment because thought it wouldn't be fair to your regulars but will in future. Love and hugs
      Ps sorry Glasgow was so disappointing, funny thing though that magazine you bought has a stamp set giveaway which I got ages and ages ago as a freebie and I used it a couple of weeks ago for my son in laws birthday card.

    2. Hi Patricia,
      I know you aren't much wiser than me when it comes to the blog tech, I think it turned out I already have the 'anonymous' choice on the drop down box. Can you check and confirm as it may look different for you as a visitor!
      The other thing I would like to know is to you get people to 'follow' you, I think it's fab you have 156 followers, I have 2 I think,
      So what am I doing wrong? Is there a button I don't have?
      Don't get me wrong I love how my blog has evolved over the past few months and I wouldn't want to change it for the world, however it would be nice to see the 'followers' number rise.
      I only say this because I would at some point like to apply to join a Design Team and I don't know if they look at your blog ratings!
      They may look at mine and think that I only 2 followers because my blog is pants!
      I would really appreciate anyone's help and advice!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    3. Sandra I can't find your followers button as I would be there. Your blog is just great and don't you think otherwise. So just you stop all that nonsence. Look at the great people you come in and out of here from early morning till late at night. Followers are only numbers I have 53 but I do t have 53 coming and leaving comments, so your blog has 2 followers but look who comes in everyday they are who counts.
      Now there's a point you have never meet Patricia and I yet what have you just offered us??? To come to yours and then we could go with you in your car??? Now in Patricia and I eyes that's what is called real friendship, we were both choked and have looked at flights trains etc. but I think it's just a bit expensive but you never know!!! As Charlie said " what's stopping you" I might have to get Tammy on to it she is the bargain hunter.
      Saba sorry I nearly forgot to say what fantastic bags and great instruction, Patricia has given me templates so I will have to have a go even got a border die now.
      Right Charlie chumping at the bit about me sat here and he's wanting us to get going. Will call later.
      Hazel x

    4. I also joined your blog but like Saba I did not like to leave a comment. Have just been in again and the bags are gorgeous and I would like to make some of your boxes. I actually typed my name in wrong as so changed back to Wendy just now
      Wendy x

    5. Hi Hazel, I have just popped what I think is the 'follow' button at the top right hand side of my blog, if that helps!
      Thanks for the help!
      Sandra xxxx

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Wendy,
      Thank you for that, I went and added the button this morning!
      But as you can see from the actual post, it's knocked things out a bit, text wise. But I think that's because because I made the photos extra large so that we could see the measurements.
      Thanks for your help,
      Sandra xxx

    8. OMG!!! Sandra you are doing nothing WRONG!!! I looked a few weeks ago and noticed you did not have a "follow bit" all Blogs are different and I just though that's they way yours was ...Doh!!!
      I have pressed the follow button so I am on there now.
      As far as numbers go .... yes!! I have 156 but there are approx 120 have never called back or have and not left comments. I have on average 30 - 35 comments per Post. I certaing lay have more since I started visiting a certain Coffee Shop!!! I thank all those ladies who have taken time to visit and comment I love seeing you. Sandra your name is in the hat along with all the others.
      I will give you a few weeks and a I bet you £5 you will have at least 50 followers.
      Patricia xxx

  8. Morning Sandra, Saba what a star you are, your instructions and photos are really useful, combine them with Izzys and any bags we make will be fantastic.
    A coffe and toast for me this morning, I really have to get a move on, I am hoping to get some flower seeds planted and put in the greenhouse which is needing a clear out after the winter. Then a little ironing while watching the Musketeers, which I recorded on Friday, nothing like a bit of swash and buckle to help whizz through the ironing, that D'Artagan s something else!!!

    Patricia sorry you and Hazel didn't enjoy your day, I have heard that the show is not as good or as big as it used to be
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  9. Good morning Jess,
    I now have visions of you ironing whilst 'ducking and diving' like you were in a sword fighting scene on Three Muskateers!
    But anything that makes the ironing pile disappear is a winner to me!
    Paul is hoping to go to his Allotment today to get ahead with some seed sowing! It is always lovely seeing things starting to spring into life, there are so many snow drops around at the moment, it's like a sign of hope, the horrible dark winter is coming to an end!
    Enjoy your day my love,

  10. Hi SANDRA My Dear Friend
    Also my very dear Friends in The Cafe
    SANDRA: Your Blog is not "PANTS" at all I'm sorry im late today but I've got a very busy day, so I can't stay, If you visit some Blogs that I see you'd be truly amazed and wonder how they got on a Design Teams in the first place, why don't you send some of your work to Sue when she's back as I know there always looking for people for there Design Team, Try Out a Few others and see if you get any reaction, if you don't NEVER EVER PUT YOURSELF DOWN MY LOVELY YOUR CREATIONS ARE AWESOME.
    SABA: Your Bags Are Well And Truly Exquisite I Know When I Saw Patricia I Thought That They Was Outstanding Your All So Very Talented Indeed SABA I Love All The Different Styles Thank You For Sharing Them With Us.
    I Hope Val Is Well.
    STEPH: I hope your well.
    NORAH: I hope your well also.
    PATRICIA/HAZEL: Did you have a good day yesterday?
    JANET: You were asking about Distress Inks all I know is you can buy the
    re-fils for them, that may help I'd also Purchashed from Inkalicous (I think you spell it like that) I buy mine from her and The Distress Pads are £1 cheaper than anywhere else, if that's not what you want try and go onto
    Tim Holtz Blog he may have some good idea's.
    SANDRA and My Very Dear Friends Please Take Great Care
    Love and Hugs from Sam xxx

    1. Aww thank you Sam for your kind words.
      What are you and Lyndon up to today that's keeping you so busy?
      I hope it's something lovely.
      Slow down a little though Sam , conserve your energy my love.
      See you tomorrow, love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    I didn't have my usual coffee yesterday so will have a cappuccino , if I may, and a toasted tea cake! Thank you!
    Saba, you are a clever girl! I am really looking forward to making some Izzy bags and you have made that so much easier. I was going to cut out the pieces to size and go from there but you have really helped. Also, I think you have clarified the construction by using two colours - it's a huge help. Thank you! I will try to behave today and not be silly. Please note I said - try!
    Cheryl - take things a wee bit easier today!
    Sandra - I don't understand blogs at all - but I get an email about your blog sent to me each day. If that doesn't make me a follower not sure what does!
    Patricia - you knew I was following but didn't know my name - presumably just an email? I don't get an email about your blog but I do check regularly.
    It's all double Dutch to me. I also get emails about Sue's and Marisa's blogs.
    I may have made things worse but trying to help!
    Will call back later as have a busy day and am still full of the cold! Yuk! I know it's nothing in the overall scene of things so musnt complain.
    Steph - hope you get home very soon! Sending hugs.
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

  12. Ladies, please don't think my comment to Patricia as me complaining or think that I am in any way unhappy with the way the blog is running.
    I am so incredibly grateful to each and everyone one of you that call in everyday for a catch up and a chat, that's EXACTLY how I want the blog to be, it keeps me going all day, especially when I am on my own, popping in to catch up on what people are saying, I love it so much, I really do, so don't think I am in anyway ungrateful!
    I just wondered how you get from having 80 + comments everyday and some days 300 views, to having more actual 'followers' , although it doesn't necessarily make any difference day to day, Sue has 5,000 + followers I believe but they certainly don't comment every day.
    I have added a 'Followers' tab on the right hand side of the blog, I don't know too much about what it does but it might encourage people to sign up! Although I would have thought that if you are getting an email about the blog that makes you a follower!
    I have absolutely no idea, but I want to make one the perfectly clear to you all,
    I CLASS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU A VERY DEAR FRIEND, regardless of any numbers.
    Please continue to stuck with me for more crafty inspiration, fun and laughter.
    Also please let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions for the blog, I want it to be a place you are all comfortable to be in and enjoy visiting!
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra,
      Never thought for one minute you were complaining! Please don't worry about that. I just thought if I explained how it worked for me it might clarify it . I am hopeless at setting things up so wouldn't know where to begin! It would be great to get your follower numbers up - you deserve to with all the hard work you put in and share your blog with us!
      Sending calming hugs!
      Love Myra xxxx

    2. Sandra we know your not complaining, and I am just saying you have the greatest blog and followers number mean nothing. I get maybe 20 comments but get well over a 100 looks I think Sue has all those followers but kess than 20% comment but I bet she has some amount of looks. My head is nipping as I have been looking at ways of trying to get to yours or ally pally but still well over the £200 mark yes flying into London City is cheap but not enough time so we are thinking a few days away and meeting up with a yourself Sue pat and anyone else would be nicer, so watch this space for the future. Hazel x

    3. Hi Hazel,
      Can you fly into to Oxford airport, would that be cheaper?
      We can always pick you up!
      Sandra xxxx

    4. Hi Sandra, it's like the Hot Line to the Kremlin between Hazel & I.
      We were so touched by your wonderful offer, think we both shed a tear. Poor Hazel has worn out here keyboard trying to find the best way down to visit and get to Allly Pally.
      As few of you have gathered Hazel & I do lots together. We had a good happy childhood but moved around a lot. We formed a close bond as we only had Mum, Dad and each other. Mum and Dad were often busy packing boxes or un-packing them
      Hazel does lots of trawling to get great deals on the things we do. She does all the bookings EXCEPT for our annual "week" holiday. For some reason I have always done that......don't really know why!!!
      Might not manage Ally Pally but you never know you just might get a couple of visitors at some point.
      Patricia x

  13. Hello again (sorry)
    I just wanted you to know that I have just ha a text from Steph, she is trying some different medication from what I can understand and it is making her feel not so great, although she did have a go at some paper crafting last night!
    She is unsure of what day she will be going home as yet, but I am sure either myself or a Theresa will keep you in the loop!
    Sandra xxxx

  14. Hi Sandra and All
    I Just thought I'd come back in very quickly to say I've received a message from Sheila (Ginger) She says as soon as she is feeling a little better she will call in The Cafe, she was saying her poor dear husband doesn't get buried until
    19th March such a long time for them to wait bless them.
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Oh Sam that is a terribly long wait for poor Sheila, I think it is impossible to have closure or come to terms with the loss of someone until the funeral is over, it is like you can't say goodbye until then, I know that's how I felt when my dad passed away, it was almost as if you are handing them over to their loved ones that have passed before them. I know we all have our own thoughts and ideas about this subject, but to me, having to wait so long to pay your respects and say goodbye, just prolongs the agony, not only for Sheila in this case but for Nikki too, it may be the only way she can understand what has happened.
      Poor Sheila, we will all be here waiting to welcome her with open arms and give her all the support she needs.
      Thank you Sam for the update,
      Thank you all for what you do, such a special bunch of ladies!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  15. Hi Sandra,
    Gone to top and I'm now "officially a Follower" . Yeh!
    Even I can do it! - This however is not an invitation for either Maureen or Saba to say - Well it MUST be easy ! Lol.
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Well, it MUST be easy, so I'll pop over there now!!!!!!!!
      Maureen xx

    2. Hi Sandra,
      I'm now officially a "Follower" and Myra is right, it is SO EASY ha ha. Tried to put a photo in, but the computer obviously is feeling queasy today as it wouldn't upload! xx

    3. Well it MUST be easy, I'll do it now !!!!

    4. I am also an official follower. Didn't realise we needed to do that. Thanks for telling us

    5. It was really easy, If I can do it all you clever ladies most certainly can.
      Lol Brenda

    6. Thank you so much for not disappointing me! However I promised I'd behave today. So farry so goody !
      Love Myra xx

    7. And me ..... no show without "punch"
      Patricia xx

    8. Check your followers now, Sandra, it's on the up

    9. Awwwww
      Thanks ladies.......woohoo double figures!!!!!!!!
      Love you all

    10. Hi. I think (hope) that I'm now an official follower! Sue xxx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    Sorry, I'm so late but I'm not feeling too good today. Think I enjoyed myself too much yesterday and laughed till I was choking - Raymond my brother was to blame for that.
    Well Saba/Barbara your bags and instructions are just the ticket. They are very addictive to make aren't they? I haven't any bow dies yet and they do finish the handles off perfectly. Honestly there's always something that I want/need.
    I've missed Mrs B because I'm so late, so I'll leave it for now, go back to bed for a couple of hours and pop in later to catch up.
    Sorry this is short and sweet, I hope you are all fairly well and not poorly.
    So sorry to read about Sheila's long wait.
    Cheryl, thinking of you xxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      wish you better and that you feeling better after another sleep
      Hugs Maria x

    2. Hi Maureen,
      I know we tease and have lots of fun but I'm genuinely sorry you're not feeling so well today. Hope you feel better very soon!
      Love Myra xxx. Ps It was that pudding! Xx

    3. Maureen, you make everyone laugh with your wonderful sense of humour ....... so sorry your not feeing too good today.
      Is there any way we can make you laugh ..... they do say "laughter is the best medicine"
      Sending you a bucket full of (((((hugs))))
      Patricia xxx

    4. Hi Maureen,
      Sorry to hear you aren't feeling so good today, you get your self back to bed my lovely
      We will see you back later when you feel up to it.
      Live and gentle hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  17. Hello ladies, just a quick one to say thank you for all your lovely comments.
    Hubby is dragging me kicking and screaming away from my craft table ( no prizes for guessing what I have been making !) out in the fresh air to go on a bike ride. Not a motorbike- I hate those- but a bicycle ride. Can't see why I can't just open the widows to get some fresh air, but he is being very persistent, so I will leave you with a lovely little tune to hum along to for the rest of the day....
    I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride it fast, I want..........NOT
    Saba xxxx

    1. hihi love it, have a lovely bike ride.! oh the horrible saddle can make your bottom sore lol

    2. How about another tune
      "Fat bottom girls you make this rockin world go round"
      Not that I was behind you, watching you pedal along Saba !
      Sandra xxx

    3. Good for you I absolutely "hate cycling" recently sold my bike. We have bikes here for the boys. John and the boys cycle for miles. They have not been out much lately but it will all start again when the better weather is here. I would rather "walk" the distance they cycle. Hope you have a "Gell saddle" on that bike.
      Patricia xxx

    4. Hi Saba,
      Are you going on a tandem?
      Shall we call you Daisy?
      Love Myra xx

    5. Ladies
      All I can say is, it's not my bottom which is now sore, it's the other bit. Dearie dearie me, next time I shall put some sheepskin in my knickers.........

    6. Hi Saba. Ouch!!! I don't cycle any more. I used to live in Greece and was knocked off my bike one morning on the way to work - by a donkey!!! Sue xxx

    7. I hope the donkey was ok I do so love donkeys if I win the lottery it will be the first thing I buy, second will be to hire a hotel for all of us to spend a week in to craft and chatter and laugh and then more craft!
      Margaret xx

    8. What a lovely thought Margaret! Will the donkey be coming too? Lol.
      Love Myra xx

    9. Hi Margaret. The donkey was fine, I needed 5 stitches though! Sue xxx

    10. Margaret.
      A Donkey. You are going to buy a Donkey. Well I never. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like donkeys too, but, you fill in your ticket. Then on Saturday night, Merlin or whatever that machine is called spits out your numbers and you jump up and down shouting... Hurrah I'm going to buy A Donkey,!!! I'd like a Maserati, bet you don't get sore bits in one of those.
      Love you

    11. Ummmm my friend used to have a donkey who was quite naughty and didn't like cows! Not good when she lived on a big country estate with cows in the fields! We used to ride her and yes your bits used to get quite sore! Especially if she saw a cow and would either stop dead and refuse to move or head off very fast in the opposite direction without stopping! Xxx

  18. Hello Sandra,
    It's one of those cyberspace days again today. So here goes will have another try.
    I can officially say but the days are getting lighter and warmer. How do I know? Our Tortoise came out of hibernation today. He is sitting up the garden in the sunshine. It's always lovely when he wakes up, sure sign of warmer days to come. We have had him for over 40 years, and when he was given to us he was already quite a size then. We think he must be about 60 or 70 years old.
    SABA, Your bags are gorgeous, thank you for giving us easy instructions to follow. I will ATTEMPT to make one later. I have some bright red shiny card, And will use my Lyra die to cut the fancy trim on the front in gold. IF this works out I will then fill it with lindt Lindor chocolates and give it to daughter No 1 (her favourite chocolate's)
    SAM, thank you for letting us know about Sheila. What a long wait she has to say her goodbyes. I know when my father died, that was 1998 we also had a long wait. It's so hard on the close family and friends.
    SANDRA, Please give STEPH my best wishes, I hope the meds. Start to give her some sort of relief soon.
    SABA, I continue to include Val in my thoughts and Prayers.

    Well I have almost finished my coffee now, I had my usual - with cream (well it is Sunday)
    Will stop by later, love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      That shiny red card sounds perfect for a bag, but there us a saying isn't there? Is it Red Bag no knickers or red hag no knickers?
      I can't remember but have definitely heard it!
      Before you ask NO I have neither a red hat or bag!
      Love you lots
      Sandra xxxx

    2. We usually say, fur coat, nae knickers (posh but skint)

    3. Yes Sandra it's RED HAT !!!!!!!
      I'm using Red and Gold because then it will coordinate with the Lindor chocolates. LOL Brenda xxx

    4. It. Yet be a scottish thing as I to say fur coat and no knickers, Hazel x

    5. It's fur coat, no knickers in Yorkshire too. Sue xxx

    6. It's fur coat and no knickers in Newcastle too - a saying I always adhere to!!! xx

    7. Same in Cumbria too! Margaret xxx

    8. Red hat no draws down south but then again my gran used to say that and she was a Londoner ! Diane xxx

  19. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies.
    Oh I am being lazy again today , probably because we had a late night last night.
    Saba thank you so much for the bag instructions. I haven't had a play yet but will when I have some spare time! Xxx
    Maureen and Mrs B you must relax today, your body is telling you you need it xxx
    Sandra thank you for the update on Steph, poor lady she sounds like she is going through it. Please send her a hug from me. I'm impressed that you have managed to set up a blog, I wouldn't know how to start, but Emma and my friend keep telling me it's easy!!! One day I might have a play.I must t log onto my computer soon to go through emails as there are some things is don't do on my tablet and I know the blogs are more visible on the computer (I don't know why but it looks that way to me!).
    Cheryl I expect you do know Heather by sight as it is a small village isn't it. I know so many people by sight but not name - funny isn't it! I will tell her about you next time I speak to her. Don't do too much today after gardening yesterday otherwise you will tire yourself out xxx
    Sam thank you for the update on Sheila. That is a long time to wait for the funeral isn't it, probably something to do with the time of year. It is sad though because closure comes with the funeral doesn't it and then you move on to the next step in life, never forgetting them but just taking each day as it comes. Please send her a hug from me.
    Myra I hope your cold is a bit better today and your nose isn't so red xxx
    Patricia and Hazel what a shame the show wasn't so good yesterday - it must have been poor if you came back with money!!! Xxx
    Well ladies I did check back very late last night to see all your comments and I was sat in bed having such a chuckle. Are you sure it didn't turn into a wine bar???!!! Yes I think a splutter warning is a good idea. It was so lovely though seeing you all have a good laugh together - it's a great place this cafe isn't it. Oh well I must give myself a shake and get on with sorting washing and my pile of ironing. It's never ending isn't it. Hope everyone had a good day - try not to overdo it. Love Diane xxxxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      I was going to apply for a drinks liscence but thought it better if everyone just brings their own wine or whatever tickles your fancy,
      I bet the size of everyone's handbags increases now as they are entering the cafe with their tipples!
      I usually sit and sort the laundry and paul irons it, men take a lot longer to iron though don't they!?
      I couldn't find the splutter button I'm afraid, so read with caution, always swallow before you read!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Can you get a half bottle in an Izzy bag?

    3. I think one of the small wines might fit? Hazel x

    4. We could always make bigger bags!!!

  20. Hi Sandra and lovely ladies of the tea room
    Saba your bag instructions have saved my life I had given up on any intentions of making them but now I will try thank you. I am now a follower also. Can I have a coffee and one of those chunky slices of toast please. Hope everyone keeps well. I am going away to attempt these bags
    Wendy xx

    1. WENDY:-
      Sorry to have you wondering.
      Ally Pally ...... it's a BIG Carft Show in Alexandra Palace, London ...... That's where they get the abbreviation Ally Pally
      Hope that answers your question

      Patricia x

  21. Well I am back in for my cup of tea and a cake, been that busy trying to sort things to see how Patricia and I could get to ally pally but we will have to pass on it but we will think of something. Having lived down in Wiltshire i woukdnt mind doing a wee trip, and Tina E isn't to far from you Sandra so it would be lovely to meet up with her.
    I have all my new toys just sitting here and I haven't even started to play with them. Sunday dinner is looking like I am on duty to cook that - full roast chicken dinner, now it might sound terrible, but you know something I hope it is just the 2 of us. Between us all out last Sunday then working, babysitting friday night then out all day yesterday I just want an easy day. Three loads of washing done and out and a quick tidy round is my lot.
    Oh yes a splutter warning is needed, the amount of times I to have nearly choked on things that are said because they are so funny.
    Money in the pot. And ((((((( hugs))))))) in the basket for those who need them .
    Hazel x

    1. Roast beef and Yorkie puds for us!
      Not till tea time though!
      Yum yum!
      Sands xxxx

  22. Hi Sandra, Thank you for leaving me the buttered muffins they are yummy and so is the coffee today.
    Omg Saba, your Izzy bags are amazing ! Your cut down and pictures how to make them is great, and that you can put little gifts inside is a really nice thing ,thank you so much for sharing them with us. Even I might have a go, one the moment I can't even lift my arms properly after all paper cutting yesterday lol ,but it was a fun day. Hugs to you and Val !
    Cheryl are you taking it easy today ? You put me to shame with the hours of gardening you managed to do. I haven't even started yet but need a good clearout. We have lived here over twenty years but nothing grows well, to much clay ! so if someone need some for crafting it might work to make a owl or two lol
    I'm sure we all can't wait to see your new spruced up craftroom !
    Hope Steph are doing alright. Not always nice starting new meds. but hopefully she will get used to them and they will help.
    When you get hold of Pat send her my well wishes !
    Mrs B ,sleepy still :-) you have a lazy day and rest, if you can.
    Sheila and Nikki must have a horrid time, then have to wait so long until the funeral. Love to see her here when she is ready. Whoever who is contact with her please send her my condolences and hugs !
    Janice, hope you feeling ok today and not to sore. Sam are you alright ?
    Well it's lunch time I think so a bowl of hot soup in todays raw weather might get some warmth into my aching body and I who thought spring had sprung at last yesterday with +15 in the sunshine. how wrong was I. Take care all and hugs to you and your family Sandra! Hugs Maria xx

    1. Thanks Marie
      For your good wishes. Not feeling up to much at the moment still though.arent Saba's bag simply gorgeous.

    2. Glad to see you back home, hopefully not to sore after the operation. It will probably hurt when you can start exercise gently to get moving but just think how wonderful it would /will be to join so many of us at AP, I'm for one can't wait to meet you Gently hugs Maria xx

  23. Sheila (Ginger)
    I see you have joined up to follow my blog, I want to thank you for that, I also want to let you know that we are here waiting to welcome you with open arms when you are ready to join in! There is certainly no pressure to comment ever, just pop in and out as and when you feel up to it,
    Everyone hear is waiting to help you through the stormy months ahead.
    Sending both you and Nikki the biggest comforting hug ever.
    Sandra xxxx

  24. Pat's home everyone! Thank goodness, she sounds so much brighter now that she is back in the comfort of her own home! There us nothing quire like it is there?
    Love and hugs

    1. So glad to hear that Pat's home.
      Please send her my love when you talk to her
      Patricia xxx

    2. So good Pats home, just Steph now, and we will be back to some kind of normality
      Jess xx

    3. Sandra Thank you for letting us know Pat is home.
      PAT, Please take it easy, remember a day at a time.
      LOL and gentle hugs, Brenda xxx

    4. Hi Sandra,
      Thanks so much for letting us know Pat is home. Great news. Look forward to her joining us again very soon!
      However ! Pat, please take things slowly. No running just yet!
      Love Myra xx

    5. Delighted to hear the good news on Pat do give her my love and a cuddle when you see her
      Margaret xx

    6. Pat, so glad you are back home, nothing like it. Plus it's easier on family to come and help.
      Steph is next, I hope she response to her new meds then she will be home to.
      Hazel x

    7. Thank you for letting us know Sandra, give her my love. Xxxx

    8. Thanks for letting us know. Hope that you're feeling better Pat. Sue xx

  25. Good Afternoon Sandra and Ladies
    I have signed up to join your blog!
    Thanks SABA for the wonderful instructions you have made it very clear and easy to follow. Your bags are so pretty and especially like the blue and white one.
    Hope you are feeling better STEPH its not very pleasant starting new drugs, hope they get you sorted.
    Will pop in later to catch up.

  26. Hi Sandra and all the coffee shop customers
    Well I left a long post this morning hit the publish button and the internet went off it has only just come back now, but considering the awful storms we have had the last tow days I am not surprised one of our garden fences has blown down, but hey ho that 's life I suppose.
    Sandra could I please have a latte thank you, and a little word with you too, you tell us how much it means to you having us visit your blog and how grateful you are, but have you ever thought what you have done for all of us that visit? You have brought a group of strangers together and they have all become friends and very good friends at that, they are always there if anyone has a problem or a worry, they share it and give their comfort and friendship so freely and we can all laugh together too. Where else is this possible, your blog is so very unique and wonderful too and I for one am so very grateful to you for all you have done and all that you do each day for us all, thank you s much sweetheart.
    Saba do you ever sleep??? What a fantastic set of instructions I have even printed Izzy's instructions off Sue's blog but the fog did not lift, now but thanks to you I am now seeing as clear a summer's day just what to do, so rest assured thanks to you my dear friend I shall be giving this a try. The bags you have made are wonderful and can I just say I do like your vase too, thank you so much for all your hard work, I for one am so very grateful.
    Well my friend who has a farm shop is needing some more farming birthday cards so I must get on with them, I shall call back later internet permitting!
    Cheryl please have some rest, you are making me feel tired reading all that you are doing! lol
    Have a lovely afternoon folks, my basket of hugs and cuddles are in the corner where Norah usually sits help your selves, Saba please feel free to take some for Val too, she is doing so well, thank you for the updates.
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  27. Me again
    Does anyone know how we can print or save Saba's photos and instructions from the blog? I like to keep instructions for future use to refresh the grey cells when needed.
    Margaret xx

    1. Margaret, I don't know if you use an iPad but if you do you hold your finger over the photo and it comes up copy, save and something else just press on the save and it goes to your photos. Other wise can't help. Hazel x

    2. Margaret,
      Than you for your lovely comment. I am so glad my attempt at instructions weren't too confusing. My vase is a moorecroft which I bought many years ago. I love anything Art Nouveau and fell in love with it when I saw it in a shop in Leeds which only sells moorecroft pottery.
      if Hazels tip doesn't work and you want to email me, Sandra has my email address and I would be more than happy to mail the photo to you.
      Love Saba xxx

  28. SABA:- your name is in the HAT ....... it is the "Luck of the Draw" my friend.
    Patricia xxx

    1. Tried to become a follower but not sure if I managed it Patricia.

    2. Littlelamb:- Your name is in the Hat as well

      Patricia xx

    3. Is it a RED HAT ???????
      See Brenda's post above!!!

  29. Afternoon everyone, well, having chucked my tuppence worth in throughout todays conversations, I better make a few more comments, would hate anyone to think I was quiet!!
    Saba, thanks so much for taking the time to do this. I have been meaning to have a go, but seem to have so many other jobs to finish..well, this has tipped the balance. Your bags, as well as Patricia's are amazing. Does Izzy know what she has started?
    So glad we have managed to sort out Sandra's blog followers, but we will soon need to batch baking, or get a cake rota going (not car cake please, I am not too fond of rust)
    So glad some of our invalids are improving. And thanks for asking about me, just a bit stiff, but could have been worse, at least it wasn't face first into the mud. And woooo, the rain has finally stopped and the sun has came out.
    Right, off to finish my ironing, well I deserved a coffee break.
    Cheers all

    1. Janice:-
      Popped your name in the Hat as well

      Patricia xxx

    2. Hi Janice, not really sure where I saw your name but you have won something somewhere tihi congrats!

  30. Hello everybody. Sandra thank you for letting us know that Pat is now home. I hope she is doing well. Thank you also for showing Saba's instructions for the Izzy bags today. Hoping I can give it a try soon. Thank you also Saba for all that hard work. Sad day today as one of my friends lost her fight with cancer. Hadn't been able to see her as she didn't want any visitors and didn't answer my text messages. It's so sad. I now need to make a sympathy card as don't keep a stock of those. Will have to see if I can cut some dies later. If not will have to buy one tomorrow.
    MRs B (Sue) thank you for thinking of me and your kind comments about my owl. Hope you are having a rest today. Last night was the first night back in my own bed for over 5 weeks and although I woke at 6am the next thing I knew it was 9.45 so a lazy day today. Hoping to meet a friend for lunch tomorrow. Haven't been able to see her since my accident as she cannot drive and I cannot either at the moment so will make a nice change.

    1. Brenda, I am so sorry to hear about your friend loosing her battle with that awful disease, I hope you are alright. Hope also that you are not sore after yesterday's fall, but glad you slept well. Enjoy meeting up with your other friend tomorrow.
      Love and gentle hugs
      Saba xxx

    2. Brenda sweetheart,
      I am so sorry to hear about the sad loss of your friend, please feel free to pop in and out there is always someone around that will chat with you. I wish I was close enough to give you proper support!
      Also yo help you cut out those pesky dies, maybe you should consider saving for an automatic machine to make it easier on your wrist. I just turn my machine round and use whichever are is stronger!
      Has the happy wanderer returned by the way, from Brazil?
      I was thinking about that the other day.
      Enjoy your lunch tomorrow my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxxx

    3. Thank you Saba. Yes I am ok after my fall. Was carrying a tray with a bowl of tomato soup and some bread. Amazingly I didn't lose much of the soup and what I did landed in the bread. After I had fallen I was still holding the tray with the bowl etc., on it. Don't know how I managed to hold on to it. I landed on my backside. Woke up at 6am and quick trip to loo and then slept till 9.45. Glad you enjoyed the bike ride even if you were sore afterwards. Hope Val is still making good progress.

    4. Yes Sandra she has. That's the reason I have come home, but she is only staying for a few days!! That's what I do usually turn it round and use the best arm. I am hoping sometime to have a Silhouette Cameo when I can get my craft room (which is really the dining room sorted out) that should solve some of the problems but I keep buying the Sue Wilson dies! Thank you for your sympathy and everyone is so kind in this cafe. Glad I came in. Hope Sheila will when she feels able. Hope Pat and Steph will be joining us again soon.

    5. Hi Brenda. Sorry to hear about your friend. Hugs, Sue xxx

    6. Brenda so sorry to hear your sad news but please take comfort in knowing she will be at peace now and no one can ever take your memories away from you they are yours to treasure sweetheart.
      With love
      Margaret xx

    7. Brenda so sorry to hear your sad news, sending you a big hug. Don't put pressure on yourself to make a sympathy card, they are hard enough cards to make at the best of times, but if your arm is still sore then take it easy, a shop bought one will be fine. Oh my goodness, your fall yesterday was bad enough but with tomato soup! Oh that could have been such a mess!!! Tomato soup doesn't wash out well either (spilt it down my skirt in my home economics exam at school- never got the stain out!). Take care of yourself lovely lady xxx

    8. Brenda so sorry to hear about your friend, look at it this way, she is not in pain anymore sending hugs to you
      Take care, Jess x

  31. Sorry couldn't finish that last message. Thank you Sandra for this lovely cafe and to all the lovely people who visit. Better go and give this die cutting a try. I hope I am now registered as a follower.

  32. Littlelamb,
    So sorry to hear the sad news about your friend. Was pleased however that you had a fairly good nights sleep in your own home. Sending hugs,
    Myra xx

    So sorry to hear about your friend. At least she is now in a better place and her suffering is over.
    BIG (((((hugs)))))

    Patricia xxx

    1. Thank you to Myra, Patricia and Hazel.

    2. Littlelamb,
      Sorry to hear your friend passed away, Just remember she is no longer in pain, and focus on the time you enjoyed together.
      Take Care, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    3. Brenda, I send my deepest sympathies and love to you. Just think that the angels have wrapped her in their wings xx

    4. Thank you Maureen. I am sure that is true. Have lost several of my friends recently to this.

    5. Littlelamb, so sorry to hear about your friend. It's a horrible illness, just think she is not suffering anymore and is at peace.
      hugs Maria x

  34. COFFEE SHOP Ladies:-
    I have some Blog Candy on offer. I have decided to include any of the Coffee Shop Ladies who leave a comment on my Blog, whether you are a follower or not.
    You are all so supportive, I think it is wonderful what you do for each another. I feel your names should be included.
    Please all don't rush, fall over or anything!!! Its just a little bundle, I am not showing what it is, it will be a surprise.

    Patricia xxx

    1. Patricia, you are so kind, it doesn't feel right commenting for the first time when there is candy up for grabs! But I am off over to your blog now!!! Thank you. Xxxx

  35. Brenda so sorry to read about your friend, she is now at peace and pain free. You be careful trying to cut that die out. Which I could come and help you with it. Hazel x. ((((((Hugs))))))

  36. Well ladies I survived a 15 km bicycle ride. The sun was shining and it was actually nice to be out in the fresh air. There was a slight problem in the nether regions but I have addressed that further up,the comment list so won't go into it again!,,
    Thank you so much to everyone for your kind comments, I can't wait to hear about your bags.
    Maureen love, so sorry you are not feeling brilliant today, hope a bit of a rest does the trick.
    Myra so glad we didn't dissapoint!!

    Sheila, our thoughts are with you each and every day, we are here for you anytime you need us.

    Off to baste the duck now. Myra, that is not a cryptic message, I really do have a duck in the oven.
    Love and hugs to all you special ladies
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba,
      Well done on completing your bike ride, my eyes are watering at the thought of your bruised 'tuppence' !
      I will admit that I thought that when you said you were off to 'baste your duck' you were applying some kind of remedy!
      Hugs & smiles

    2. Saba,
      I'm not saying anything! Told you I was going to behave today!
      Somehow Orville came into my mind! Does anyone remember him - he was a ventriloquists dummy! One of his catchphrases was " I 'ate that duck" . I have a mind full of useless information.
      Love Myra xxx

    3. Saw Orville live as a child! My brother had an Orville birthday cake, there was a monkey called cuddles and I think Orville and Keith Harris actually made no 1 with I wish I could fly!

    4. Oh! Sandra that is brilliant, fairly made me laugh
      I remember Orville ....... you guys are priceless
      Patricia xx

    5. Hi Alison,
      I used to watch it with my children! It was just such innocent silly fun!
      Had forgotten the chaps name .
      Have a good week! I too am hoping to make an Izzy Bag.
      Made some stick pins earlier! Now I'm a bit sticky, but they look quite nice.
      Love Myra xx

    6. Oh Saba I'm sat here having such a laugh to myself about basting the duck and your sore undercarriage! I'm laughing in sympathy with you though not at you! Have you tried those gelli shorts the cyclists wear? I don't ride, but my husband used to cycle miles when he was younger and still goes out on his bike when he decides he needs to get fit or needs some exercise. He and Emma usually do the sky ride in the summer. Emma is our daughter , she likes the idea of cycling but doesn't like exercise!!! Last year Julian bought some padded cycle shorts that looked far too small and caused great hilarity when he put them on ( not a good sight!). Emma ended up wearing them but put leggings on over the top because although they were slimming she had rather large knees!! She could hardly walk the next day poor child but her bottom wasn't too bad! Enjoy your bath! Xxx

  37. Good Evening my dear friends, where shall I start!

    Sandra, I have become a follower hope that helps!
    Saba, thanks sooo much am desperate to give these a go they are just up my street. I am taking some time out this week so hopefully will be able yo give them a go! Can't wait!
    Sheila, hope you feel strong enough to join us all. This is a start of a long journey for you on which you need a lot of support we are all here for you. I wish my Mum had been so lucky when my dad died I am sure it would have helped.
    Steph, hope all is going well alcoholics you should be used to them after C3!!!!!
    Pat, glad you are home nothing better than your own bed!

    Ladies that are planning going to ally pally are you going on the Saturday? Tilly and I can get down and back for £34 return for the two of us on the Saturday which I think is pretty good. Richard - hubby thinks we should stay over and see my brother I have text him to see if it fits in with his shifts cos if he is working I am not wasting money staying over though I love Greenwich market on a Sunday morning! So are you all planning Saturday because I need to make a decision before train prices escalate?!
    It would be great for some of us to meet up in the real world and have a real coffee!!!
    Have been to an outlet shopping this afternoon they have a works how can you get so excited about ribbon?!!!!
    I also hot some Yankee candles - another love!
    I have managed to do a couple of cards today so quite a crafty day. I am desperate to do the bags!
    Hope you are all ok. See you soon. Please can you let me know about A p then I can decide thanks xxxx

    1. Oh Alison I am so jealous you getting down for that price Patricia and I have priced it and the cheapest from edinburgh is £177 . Hazel x

    2. I am planning on going on Saturday I hope. Best of luck with the bags.

    3. Little lamb, sorry to hear about your friend. May she be at peace. Awful disease stops at nothing xxx

    4. Brilliant price to get to London lucky you!!!
      Ribbon ..... Yes!!! I for one can get very, very exited about ribbon.
      Patricia x

    5. Thanks Barbiepinkfairy
      I don't think I'll be able to get round to thanking everyone for they're good wishes. I'm still feeling rough, and hope that I can have a better sleep tonight at home.

    6. Alison, I know that Sue, Pat and I are planning on going on the Saturday, so is Sam, Brenda (lello) too I think, Lynda usually goes on a Saturday too, I am so pleased you have changed your mind, I think that there were issues with the trains last time we spoke, I am so thrilled to be meeting so many of you! I don't think I will get much shopping done though!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    7. Hi Alison,
      So pleased you changed your arrangements, the last time we spoke you were unable to get to AP because of issues on the train line.
      Its going to be so fab meeting you all,
      Sue, Pat and I are going on Saturday, Sam is too and Lynda, Brenda (lello) usually does Saturday too, to name but few!
      I can't wait, although I will have a shopping list but don't think I will get time to shop!
      So Excited to have the Cotswold Café on the road!!!!!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    8. I'm coming Too ! unless 'someone have locked me in again tihi
      Night,night and hugs Maria x

  38. sorry to hear about your friend, Brenda she is now pain free and at peace.
    Very jealous of Izzy, Saba and Patricia for being able to make these beautiful bags, but thanks to the instructions Saba I have managed to cut out all the pieces on cheap card and wrote all the instructions out so I may make a passable copy. I have now started to write down names relationships etc. on a pad at the side of my computer, I think this is the only way I am going to get anywhere knowing who is who.
    So very glad to hear some of the invalids are improving hopefully I will get to meet some of them soon (which will confuse me even more lol)
    Everybody keep well
    love to all

    1. Thank you Wendy for your comment.

    2. Wendy I put a wee explanation on one of your comments further back

      Patricia x

  39. Hello again,
    Well, after doing next to nothing all day, I thought I'd pop in for a catch up with all you lovely ladies.
    MARGARET CORGI OWNER - I've printed the instructions off for you and if you pop me an e-mail with your address, I'll post them to you. My e-mail is
    SABA - Good job I wasn't having a drink when I read about your bike ride, I thought basting your duck was an euphemism for something else - and if it's not - it should be!!!!!!!! I thought "what a great expression, I'll borrow that" lol.
    CHERYL - I hope you have recovered after your garden marathon - you put me to shame.
    MYRA - No it wasn't the pudding, I think it was the Door Handle cakes that did it!! I don't remember Keith Harris and Orville at all, it was obviously long beffore my time - I'm much to young, ooh my nose just got longer and longer!
    SANDRA - I'm so pleased that Pat is home, please give her my love - and also pass it on to Steph. I hope they get her sorted soon. I also hope that you are well and I want to add my comments to Margaret Corgi Owner in that you have been a great support line for so many of us. Yes, we came on at first to get a crafty fix but to make so many caring friends is wonderful, You deserve a medal the size of a dustbin lid, and we love you for it xxx
    WENDY, I did that - and it was great, I say was because I shredded it as I thought, I can't leave those names lying around. I'm going to have to do it again!!
    Love to all, I've taken the hugs from the bins today, thank you xxxx

    1. Oh Maureen thank you so very much I shall email you
      Margaret xx

  40. Well our internet is still off and on so annoying, so I will be quick, Pat delighted to know you are home there is nothing like your own bed please do take it easy.
    I have clicked the join button Sandra the numbers are climbing!!
    Patricia you are so kind offering a present.
    Saba so pleased you arrived home safely although I have to say ouch try a nice warm bath to ease your situation. The things we do for our men!!
    Well I will have a quick latte and do the washing up ready for tomorrow.
    Enjou the rest of your evening ladies and sweet dreams.
    With love
    Margaret xx

  41. Hi Sandra
    I've had a quick look back through the weeks posts, even thought it was a new improved WiFi it was rubbish. I couldn't look at anything at all, nor reply to emails. SO THANKS TO EVERYONE YOU POSTED THEIR REGARDS.
    SABA, your bags are gorgeous. And thanks for the instructions. I'll have to see if I can follow them when I feel a bit better. Your instructions look very clear, but my brain isn't I'm afraid. To the latest who posted on her during the week. I hold you all in my great steam. What a wonderful creative bunch you all are. I can only look and marvel at how creative you all are.

  42. Pat, sooooo glad you are back with us. We've missed you.
    Just need Steph home with us now and lovely Norah when she feels up to it and everything will be back to normal again.
    Love and healing hugs

  43. Pat:- it is so great to have you back, missed you.
    Have a good sleep in your own bed ...... nothing better is there??
    Looking forward to chatting with you in the Coffee Shop.
    Wish Steph was home and joining us as well.
    Good night & God Bless
    Patricia xxx

    1. So pleased you are home now Pat. I am sure you will sleep better tonight

  44. Well, I ate the duck. Not all of it mind but enough.
    Sandra, I cannot remember the last time I laughed out loud like that. Do you know, if we did ever all get together it would be dangerous. I suffer very slightly with asthma and your comment about my tuppence had me reaching for my inhaler. I will never in my whole life be able to baste a duck again without becoming giddy. I actually cried.
    Have you got that drinks licence yet? I don't half fancy a glass of wine. I'll just go sit in the corner with that lady, the one with the enormously long nose.

    Patricia I finally got to your blog and left a comment, and I started following you too. What with following Sandra as well, I hope you two know where you are going. I don't want to get lost.
    Love for now

  45. Hi Sandra. Thank you for posting Saba's instructions and pictures today. I would never think you are moaning, your blog has been such a pick me up. Not only do I get fabulous crafty advice but I've "met" such wonderful people, all this would not have been possible without you. And where else could you read about basting a duck and the conversation going from euphemisms to Orville!!!
    Saba - THANK YOU for your clear instructions, having the visual layout has been perfect for me. Guess what I've spent the day doing? I've made 2 bags (well almost, I can't find my velcro dots so can't finish them off until I can get into town next Saturday). I'm absolutely delighted at them and now I have your instructions I can see how to make different sizes. I've even started to see if I can make a bag out of an A3 piece of card; using your directions it's easy to work out the measurements. May I ask though, how did you achieve the scalloped edge on your white embossed clutch?
    Glad that Pat is home and feeling better, and thanks for the update on Steph, sending both of you healing hugs. Sheila - if you pop in, just know that we are all thinking of you and Nikki and we are here whenever you are ready.
    Well, I've had a quick tidy around but I won't lock up just yet. See you tomorrow. Sue xxx

  46. If you are having a wine, can this wee wifie, the one with the fur coat (with knickers though, it's still too cold) join you for one.
    I have realised why I have not made my mother (in law's) day card yet...I spend too long gossiping in a certain coffee shop.
    Cheers all

  47. Sue,
    that is brilliant, I am so pleased you have made not one, but TWO bags. Well done. But be warned, they are addictive.
    The scalloped edge was made using a circular scalloped die set from a range called Little B (, they are really good quality but that's not answering your question. I laid the die on the top edge of my "flap" and staggered my cutting plates so that only the bit I wanted cut out was under the top cutting plate and the rest of the die and flap were sticking out of the end. Do hope that makes sense.

    Thank you, the fact you have made a bag which you are delighted with has made my day, that and also that along the way we have managed to save Wendy's life. I'd hate to loose her so early in the game!!Lol
    Love Saba xxx

    1. Oooo errr Saba now you have a scalloped flap! Is that what happens when you baste your duck???? Lol xxx

  48. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies. Well I started to read from the bottom up (sorry Saba!) and decided to go back to the beginning and start again and have been sat here crying with laughter! I think the handbags from A3 card are holding litre bottles of gin by the sounds of the laughter in here today! Maureen you do sound a bit better tonight, except off your long nose! What a bunch of pickles you are.
    Pat how lovely you are home again, I Hope you sleep well in your own bed tonight. Xxxx
    Well I've stacked the dishwasher and made a cup of Horlicks, no alcohol for me because of the antibiotics! I will leave the door on the latch in case Myra wants to pop in later. Night night everyone see you tomorrow. Love Diane xxxx

  49. Hi Sandra and everyone!
    What a day!
    I have laughed so much! It is all quiet now however - even the lady with the long nose has gone home!
    So pleased the numbers have gone up, Sandra - well they haven't really we were all here before but now we're sort of official followers!
    Great Blog, Sandra, Great Cafe.
    We just need Steph back now and Norah. Sending hugs to you both.
    Hugs to Sheila and Nikki too.
    Will lock the door - if someone is out late they know where the key is!
    Night night everyone,
    Love Myra xxxx


    Right its after the watershed, Saba's post and my comment got me giggling earlier at the funny names we used for our 'lady bits'......
    So lets hear all of your 'nick names', we used to call it a 'mini' not sure why, or how it came about, but we had puzzled faces when years ago when we were at my Mums and my son asked where Grandad was, to which my Mum innocently answered 'he has gone for a ride in his new 'mini'' both he and Becca turned to me with very puzzled faces and a little grin, that took some explaining, another nickname we have used is 'tuppence' again no idea why!
    So Come on lets hear them.....
    Sandra xxxx

  51. Last as usual or are you there Saba ? hihi oh my world now I'm going to bed with a big basting duck, cycling with a sore mini or is it tuppence ? and you Sandra with Paul walking around in your onesies. Tilly and Cully plus all the other poosies chasing the kittens or is it the other way around ? and Freddy screaming in the background while tortoise still waking up from his sleep lol How I'm I now meant to go to sleep with all this in my head ! Maybe a large glass of red would help lol
    See you later for lunch, having a busy morning. love and hugs Maria xx
