
Friday 6 March 2015

Janet's Gorgeous card Designed for her Knit and Natter Group

Good Morning Ladies,
Thank you for holding the fort yesterday during my absence, I just didn't seem to stop all day!
Anyway you have my undivided attention today as I have to have a relax day, otherwise my outings and sleepless nights will catch up with me.
Today's card is the amazing card that Janet designed for her Knit and Natter ladies, who then went on to complain about it! WHY!!!!!!!
It is beautiful, I love it Janet, the bow goes so well with the outer part of the die, Sue is a genius isn't she?  I love the focal element too Janet, that rose is stunning!
Hopefully Janet will pop in to enlighten us as to how to recreate this WOJ (wonder of Janet)!
Steph I hope your treatment is well underway and not giving you too many side effects.
Pat, it was so lovely to see you yesterday, at the not so posh, posh hospital, I don't know what I was expecting but that wasn't it!   Although Pat did have afternoon tea delivered while we were there, which included a proper china pot and cup and saucer, not the luke warm muck I had when I was in, when I enquired why it was never hot, I was told it was health and safety, to avoid scalding!
Anyway Pats was hot and she had a lovely chocolate tart accompanying it with a half strawberry in top! Sue and I were drooling a little, we were kind of hoping that we may have been offered a cuppa but no! Anyway as we arrived Sue declared that we needed to look the part and put our hats on, I was puzzled at first but then looked over at Sue as she produced two Christmas Cracker Paper Crowns!
I said I would put it on but only when we got to Pats bedroom door! it was worth it to see the smile on Pats face, I think she secretly thought we were mental! Well .....she isn't that far off the mark really!
I wonder how Sue is enjoying her cruise around Norway, I really do hope that she gets to see the Northern Lights!
Well I must go and get myself a drink as all this talking has left me parched!
Thank you to all of my lovely CafĂ© friends, my life is so much richer with you all in it.
Anyone looking in and thinking about joining us, come on, you will love it, its the friendliest place
ever, most of us on here barely knew each other this time last year and I am still amazed every day at how lucky I am to have such a wonderful group of friends around me.
Love and hugs to you all,


  1. Hi Sandra, I've just popped in to get the urn on and the toaster warmed up; in a rush again this morning! Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, I was just totally wiped out by the time I got home. Your post this morning made me laugh - I can picture the two of you in your paper hats!!!
    Loved the cards yesterday and as for today, I want to go to Janet's k&n group, I would love to produce something this beautiful! I don't know what your ladies expect Janet but they should be thankful that you take the time to create, cut out and give your time and energy.
    Steph, I hope that your treatment is going well and that you are getting lots of crafting done.
    Hopefully will call back for a hot chocolate tonight! Happy Friday everyone. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue
      Thanks for popping in, apologies not necessary, it's lovely to see you today! Thanks for opening up and for your kind words.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Urn on, toaster switched on, the great selection of cakes and other goodies are in the cabinet. No not Patricia's one at the Elaine's tearoom!!! No here in Sandra's most friendly happy tearoom. Ok there are sad times ahead for Michele and her freind em but we are going to see her through it.
    Janet, Patricia has the same problem with her ladies at the card class, they are onky happy when they are doing cards that are very simple, they hate her if she takes them out of their comfort zone. Your card is stunning, they should be so grateful you are taking them to this level, and that they now know how to making a stunning card which they can either keep or give it to someone with pride knowing they have made it. You like my big sister put so much time and work into making up these packs for them to use. Little Beth whom I nanny for would be in here element getting shown how to put this together, I bought the new Sue Wilson regal striplet the other day and Beth has asked me if she can come next week and cut it out herself on the GC then make a card, so I will let her under strict super vision it's a beautiful die and cuts out a dream, I don't want it damaged.
    Steph, I hope you are starting to feel the benifit of your infusion and that you are getting some crafting done.
    Pat, so pleased the other two behaved, but oh dear how rude of your private hospital not to offer visiting friends a cup of tea, they need lessons I think???
    Norah, I do hope you are ok???
    To everyone else under the weather I am popping ((((((hugs ))))))into the basket in the corner.
    Right I am going to sit by the window and enjoy my tea, then I will have to move and get busy.
    Sorry Sandra I meant to say please take things easy today you have had a couple of busy days this week. Back to bed and try getting some sleep.
    Hazel xxx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Thanks for opening up!
      What are you up to today?
      I agree with you, how Janet's knit and natter group seem a little ungrateful, all Patricia's cards are works of art like Janet's proper works of art!
      Sue and I enjoyed seeing Pat, I did have one little gripe and you may think this wrong of me, I just wish that all health professionals should have a decent, monitored test on their language, especially in the health business, Pat had tried to one of the nurses that she felt 'out of it ' but because they didn't understand they did nothing .
      Any way that's my rant over for today Steph, your soapbox is stowed away once again!
      Love and hugs

  3. Morning Sandra, beautiful card from Janet.

    Lol I can just see Pats face when you all went in with paper hats on, how lovely of you all t brighten her stay in there like that, it must have been a posh place to have tea in a cup and saucer rather than the usual paper cups lol!

    Have a great day Sandra and get plenty of rest.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie
      Thanks for popping in today, Pats face was a picture yesterday when we walked in with out party hats, she is getting used to Sue and I's antics I think! We do have a giggle though! She is in a private hospital, therefore china cup is standard, not those old pale green pottery things we used to get in NHS hospital, I also noticed there was a quilt on the bed and not a sheet and one blanket!
      Anyway I must go as I need to visit the ladies!
      Love and hugs

  4. Morning Ladies

    Truly stunning card today. Am getting withdrawal symptoms as I've not been in my cradt room for a while and when I did it was just to put together some simple cards using images i'd printed off a cd(by Ellas Design-brilliant). I plan to do lots of crafting next week when i'm off work. Should be possible as hubby got to work on Monday + Tuesday but needs to travel down south on Sunday evening. My car us due a service & MOT on Monday so once I've walked into Southport from the garage and done some non-food shopping, i'll get stuck into crafting. I've bought some new Sue Wilson dies-lattice, pierced labels & banners so I want to have s play.

    Just seen a wedding picture of my friends on Facebook-she looks lovely in her dress but seeing my friend sat down in his suit is do sad. It's really obvious now how ill he is & despite knowing this two colleagues decided to go and visit him uninvited-how tactless!

    Rant over-only today to get through then I'll have a whole week off!!!!!!


    1. Hi Michele,
      I bet you can't wait for your week off, are you going to try an 'Izzy Bag'?
      Don't you just hate MOT's, I know it's good to know your car is road worthy, but there are so e garages that seem to use them as a way to make money, it scares me that some garages are less than genuine with their testing and certificates, on Monday for instance, the lovely mechanic that Becca uses returned her KA from it's MOT,
      and I could tell by his face he was shocked, he said "thank god, that car needed an mot before she got to drive it" so I asked why, he went on to explain that the corrosion underneath was so extreme it had compromised the stability of the car, it would gave affected her steering and braking, basically he said that if she had had an accident, the car would have just disintegrated underneath her, giving her no protection at all, he also added that there was no way that car could have passed a test last year, but someone in the bank had told her not to worry, he knew somebody that would give her an mot certificate, no questions asked! How frightening is that, I said that I had all the vehicle documents and I would ensure that the only place that death trap went was the scrap yard! I could not have the thought of anyone driving that car on my conscience!
      She has bought herself a cute baby blue Citroen C1 now, it's only 18 months old!
      So good luck for your mot, where is your other half travelling too?
      I bet you can't wait to sit and okay with your new dies!
      I am going to look for some nice ' happy birthday' or other greeting stamps today as I don't seem to have much choice, but I don't know where to start, I may be better getting a 'greeting die set' rather than stamps? Any suggestions?
      It must be so bitter-sweet in a way seeing your friends photographs,
      looking at the beautiful bride and then seeing the groom sitting there, clearly suffering, but I guess you have you have to think about how happy they have made each other by getting through the ceremony, how thoughtless can people be Michele, I imagine that their every last moment is precious to them both, you don't need anyone turning up uninvited, it's both rude and thoughtless !
      I so hope they enjoyed their day and night together.
      I hope today flies for you Michele so that you can start your week off, don't forget to call in though, I would love you to share some photos of your creations!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Please may I have the usual mug of tea and toasted teacake. I will be at the usual table waiting for Maureen, who I hope has a better day today than yesterday!
    It was lovely to see Pat yesterday afternoon, what Sandra didn't tell you is that the posh hats (read Christmas Cracker Hats!) that we put on before going in to Pat's room were too small! They had been glued i the wrong place so we could only balance them on our heads. What a sight we must have been but it gave Pat a giggle and that was the plan. She is doing so well now that the sickness has stopped, thank goodness.
    I have just about managed to catch up with all of the comments now so just want to say a few things
    LittleLamb, so glad that the pot is off, I hope that you manage to get back to driving quickly, giving you your freedom back, and of course back to crafting so that we can see more of your beautiful cards : )
    Theresa, How can the docs get things so wrong you poor thing! As you say though, at least you should be getting the right treatment, finally!!!
    Michelle, at least your friends have got their wish. My thoughts are with you all.
    Diane, I hope the antibiotics are starting to kick in, toothache is awful isn't it, it really gets you down.
    Marie, wishing you and your husband a belated Happy Anniversary. It sounds like you had a lovely day together : )
    Steph, I hope you are managing to help the time pass by crafting away.
    Norah, you are missed when you don't get to the Cafe, but you are always in our thoughts, as are all of our customers. I am happy to deliver anything you fancy, can I tempt you with that yummy Lemon Meringue Pie?
    Life can get very stressful at times for all of us, in many different ways but it is so nice to know that the Cafe and customers are always here for us no matter when we call in. Thank you Sandra my lovely for giving us such a special place : )
    Well, todays card by Janet is beautiful. Your K & N group should try and do what you have to do for them and then they may stop moaning and being so ungrateful! I love your card, and do I spy another one behind that one in the picture? Are we going to be lucky enough to see that one as well, I do hope so.
    I hope that everyone has a good day today, Sandra make sure you rest up or you will get bitten on the bum for doing too much. You should have learnt to pace yourself by now.........yeah, just like I have! We would both be rich if we had a penny for every time we have been told that, wouldn't we? Shame that real life doesn't know about pacing yourself isn't it.
    Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing what our wonderful ladies have been up to share tomorrow. What we will see when we open the Cafe door I wonder?Take care my lovely. xx

    1. That last bit has reminded me of TV's Playschool and which window is it going to be today. For some unknown reason I always wanted it to be the round one! : ) x

    2. Sorry, more that I forgot to say!
      Congratulations to Cheryl about your garden award, you obviously have more than just crafting talents : )
      Saba, so glad to hear that Val is staring to drink, I bet that soup will taste delicious, even if it is not really. Lovely news : ) x

    3. Morning my lovely,
      Thanks for yesterday, the more time I spend with you the more I realise how alike we are, I truly love your company, never a dull moment when we are together!
      I look forward to meeting up again next week for some crafting, it seems like months since we sat and crafted together!
      I hope you have a lovely day with your mum & dad today Sue and a lovely peaceful weekend! Ps I was right about what I said about Paul and bedtime! I slept very well!! It really is a miracle!
      Love you
      Sandra xxxxxx

  6. Morning Sandra my dear friend
    Also all of my other very dear friends, I do hope your all feeling well.
    SANDRA: could I have my usual please one weak Latte and a Toasted Teacake.
    JANET: What can I say about your Truly Stunning, Outstanding Card I Love The Fabulous Embossing Folder you've used and Sue's Dies I've got this set, I just Love the Colour you have chosen Everthing on your Card is Just Perfect I Love The Flower, Sue would be very Impressed with Your Very Beautiful Card thanks so much for sharing this with us.
    SANDRA: you are so very very kind letting us share your Fabulous Blog, I Love this Blog it's just so very Caring and Friendly.
    SANDRA: thank you for showing my Card yesterday and I Can't ThNk You All Enough For Your Extremely Very Kind Comments They Mean Such A Lot.
    MARGARET: (Corgi Owner) your not being nosey at all we don't have Labradors we've had one many years ago but now we have
    Two Cocker Spaniels they are so very funny and mischievous and I Love them dearly this is our second set of Spaniels the last passed were 14 years old When one passed it wasn't long until the next I think he missed the other one so very much, so yesterday after there trim they look Beautiful we have them trimed etc: every four weeks.
    SANDRA: I'm Glad you got to see your dear friend Pat.
    STEPH: I'm thinking of you my lovely lady.
    NORAH: I'm missing you.
    CHERYL: What a Fabulous achievement with your Garden it must look very beautiful.
    THERESA: I'm thinking of you please take care.
    WENDY: You must be very fit doing Pilates and then a game of Bowl's.
    SABA: I hope Val is comfortable.
    LYNDA: I will have to have a look in the works to have a look at what they may have.
    SANDRA: I'm thrilled Becca loves her new Car I know when I first passed my test it was Fantastic.
    Take Care All My Very Dear Friends
    Lots Of Love And Hugs To You All
    Love From Sam xxx

    1. Good morning Sweetheart,
      Thanks for calling in today, goodness me your boys must be looking very smart with their new hair cuts, I think we will have to have a 'photograph of your 4 paw family members day' very soon, as we always talk about our pets, it would be lovely to put faces to names!
      What do you think?
      Have you had a play with your new stamps yet, I am so excited to see what you create, with your fantastic stamping and colouring anything is possible! I have seen some of Patricia's cards that she has made with those stamps and they are perfect little works of art!
      So please Sam don't forget to photograph your makes and send them to me! what are you & Lyndon up to this weekend?
      Does he just work weekdays like Paul at the moment?
      Becca lives her new car by the way, she was panicking yesterday as she had parked her car in the bank car park at work and gone in as normal, but they later has a visit from the police to say that there was a big gypsy funeral on in town(we have them a lot around here )
      but this time all of their kids were playing around the cars in the Car park, so she went I to full panic mode, but no damage was done thankfully!
      Well I am going to grab a cup of tea, shall we go sit in the corner and carry on chatting?
      I wish !!
      Love & hugs

  7. Good morning Sandra, please take it easy today we need you here.
    I am just popping in to leave some (((((hugs)))))
    Busy, busy here but I wanted to see what today's GD had posted.
    WOW!! I love it, absolutely beautiful ... how in the name of heavens would anyone want to "complain" about it ..... beggars belief ...... people!! what more can I say.
    Right must rush, I will try to get back and stay for lunch and a chat with all the wonderful ladies.
    Patricia xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      Thanks for popping in my love, what's got you dashing about today?
      How are those handbags going down at Elaine's tea rooms?
      I agree with you about Janet's card, I would be over the moon to be able to sit and create that as a novice! Mind you, you know what it's like don't you, you can't please everyone!
      Well I won't hold you up as you are clearly rushing about today, take 5 and relax at some point though!
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all the ladies. Well I'm being naughty and have bought a cup of tea back to bed after the 7 o'clock station run this morning. Although it's sunny I had to defrost the car! My mouth still feels sore and strange but not quite so painful which is good.
    Janet your card is beautiful, what a lot of moaning Minnie's your ladies must be. I would be thrilled to make this. Did they have to make the flower and the bow? I would take your cutting machine and dies with you next time and make them cut the bits out themselves the ungrateful lot. I feel like coming to visit your class to get them all to appreciate you more. Xxx
    Cheryl I left a comment late last night , my cousins name is Heather Douglas and she has only lived there a few years. She has a huge garden around her house which she loves to do. It would be funny if you did know her- she is completely mad but lovely! Xxx
    Oh Sandra and Mrs B you did make me laugh with your Christmas hat antics, it's good to hear Pat is doing well, Fancy not being offered a cup of tea though!
    Steph I hope you are behaving yourself and have found a friend near you to have a chuckle with. It makes the day pass much more quickly.
    Michelle I hope today flies by for you so you can dance as you leave tonight knowing you have a week off. It sounds like you need some me time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your friends. Xxx
    Thank you for putting the urn on ladies that cup of tea has worked wonders, now I should really start my day again, but my book is sat on the bed looking at me and a couple of chapters wouldn't hurt would it........
    See you all later. Love Diane xxxx

    1. Morning Diane,
      You stay right where you are, pick up that book and relax, let the antibiotics work their magic while you lose yourself in your book! It's Friday, so it doesn't matter if you lay there a little longer does it?!
      I so hope the antibiotics work quickly there is nothing worse than toothache!
      I hope you enjoy your chilled out day, that's my plan too?
      Have a great weekend too,
      Love & hugs

  9. Janet Ecco of Sheffield6 March 2015 at 08:54

    Morning everyone - Sandra please take it easy today - I know it is difficult to do but you will really feel all the better for it. The cafe will be in safe hands for the day. Thank you for showcasing my K&N card. I just hope that my fellow cafeiers (I know that's not a proper word but like it) don't get to thinking 'oh no not another one' as this fantastic and wonderful blog is truly your baby.
    Theresa - what a revelation you had yesterday - It really makes you wonder what it would take for medics to read X-rays correctly doesn't it!!
    Well at last you can see the way forward and I know how difficult it's going to be not to be able to do the wonderful things you do but you have that wonderful husband to support you.
    Steph - hope you had a good night and are managing to keep the staff on their toes lol.
    Norah- you are so missed. Please just pop in even if it's not to stay.
    I would have dearly loved to see the three Graces together again. My only question is 'why didn't you take a hat for Pat?' then all three of you could have had your afternoon tea dressed appropriately lol.

    Well how did I do this card:- The card is 8" x8" I had just received Sue's Noble Rectangle die and so wanted to use it. The card is embossed with a Spellbinders reversible folder called 'Garden Lattice' and I used side B.
    The base die is of course Sue's Noble Rectangle Ornate Pierced and I used the complete die so I got the full effect of this gorgeous die. I used the Filigree Bow with the classic bow underneath but reversed the tails. The enhancement around the flower (I always do a cheat on flowers and buy them off the net. They are so inexpensive and it saves my fingers from locking up and raised BP) is the Petite Vinery die and the thin bough from the Pine Dies. The main flower is sugared so it just gives that little bit of bling. The sentiment inside reads:-
    True Friends are those who care without
    Remember without Limitation
    Forgive without any Explanation
    Love with even little
    I hope you all like it.
    See you all later but please take care.
    Hugs to all either present of absent.
    Janet xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      Thank you so much for calling in to tell us how to recreate your amazing card, I can't remember whether you said your K & N group complained about it being to hard or too easy?! Either way they went home with a gorgeous card!
      Janet I love, love, live that sentiment it is so very true, every word of it is meaningful to me!
      I want you to know Janet that I will never think 'oh no' about any of the photos of projects you sent in, I love to see what you have all been making, I wanted my blog to be a place where everyone could come together and share their wonderful creations, I couldn't possibly keep up with making a card for every single day, my life and disability gets in the way of me achieving that do it is like a safety net for me to have a back up of crafty photos to share when I haven't got one to post, also I want you to be able to experience the feeling oh reading everybody's comments on your cards etching, it's uplifting and confidence building, it it fills me with great happiness knowing that you are able to feel that!
      So please don't ever think I don't appreciate you sharing your work!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, Janet your card is gorgeous, what were the ladies complaining about,
    Just a quick pop in as I'm off to cover our craft shop today, will pop back later to catch up. Take care everyone, Jessmx

    1. Morning Jess,
      Thanks for popping in, I hope you have a super successful day at your craft shop, will have your lunch waiting for when you pop back later!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  11. Hi Sandra, Thank you all for your support and hugs I woke up with a much clearer head, as I at last know what is going to happen. Diane thanks for reminding me about jigsaws Tony went up and got some from the attic, theres a price sticker of 98p on them, the same ones are now £12.
    My friend is coming on Monday afternoon to die cut stuff for me to give Tony a break so I will have everything I need to craft as soon as I can.
    Janet your card is beautiful, I would love to make one like that. Please don't feel despondent about your K&N group, mine are exactly the same. I stopped doing demos because it would take me ages to get 16 of everything ready, and although they loved (sometimes) the things they did it was too much for me to do and I was so ill the next day.
    STEPH sends her love to everyone. She isn't able to craft or read a book as she is feeling very up and down. The person in the next bed is an alcoholic so you can imagine what that is like, but thank goodness she's leaving today. Have been telling her how people are doing but not anything sad, will tell her all that when she goes home, I hope that's ok.
    Congrats Cheryl, well done
    Pat glad to hear you are doing well, I can imagine your face when Sandra and Sue walked in with Christmas hats on. Nothing nicer than a smile to cheer you up.
    My turn to send everyone hugs today, please help yourself , I have lots to give.
    Love Theresa xx

  12. Hi Sandra and all my very dear friends,
    I've just had a message from Sheila,
    Sandra I hope you don't mind I told her about the wonderful Cafe and The Wonderful Ladies that join in daily hopefully she will come and join us in a while.
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Oh Sam I am so thrilled you have persuaded Sheila to come and join us, I think it will do her the world of good knowing that the lovely ladies here will giver her the love and support she needs right now.
      I so wanted her to come and join us but felt uncomfortable, as it felt like I was trying to push or promote my blog and that just isn't the case, I want people to feel like they are joining out of their own free will rather than feel like they have too ( I hope you understand what I mean)!
      I am so delighted Sam, thank you so much,
      That's a double hug I owe you!
      Sandra xxxxx

  13. Hi Theresa,
    Glad you are feeling a little clearer on the coming months, it's going to be tough, but hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel, thanks to Tony being so persistent! What would we do without them?!
    Jigsaws are a genius idea for you just now, I have a load here, I wish you were round the corner, I would live to come and help you put them together, do you do the outside edges first and then fill in?
    You must continue to treat yourself to the odd die etc to keep your interest and to also make you want to get back into it, as it's easy at times like this to turn away from the things that are difficult, I did once and it was Sue W, who 'had a word' and got me back on track!
    Will you be able to get to Ally Pally next month Theresa? I imagine it's too far, but would love the chance to meet you!
    Thanks for the update on Steph, bless her, an alcoholic is the last thing she needed! Poor thing, I know she said the side effects of the illprost can make you feel headaches etc, so maybe when her body has adjusted to it a bit she may feel more like she can manage her crafting, ISO wish I could visit her!
    Well I will catch up with you all later.
    Love & hugs
    Sandra xxxxxx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone that pops into this lovely coffee shop today. JANET I love your card, I feel really sorry for you after all your effort that you're K&N Ruth did not appreciate it. It was their loss. I think it's stunning.
    I love this sentiment if you don't mind I would love to use it on a card to my friend in Crete also to my half sister in Australia. It would be so fitting for both of them.
    STEPH So pleased to hear that you will be going home today. Hopefully will be feeling the benefit of your med's by now. Take care LOL
    SAM Thank you for keeping us up to date with Sheila (ginger). When you reply please know that she is in our thoughts and prayers.
    MICHELLE, enjoy your week off. Thinking of you and your friends. LOL
    SANDRA , I am so pleased you're having a relaxed day. Please remember you need this time, it's okay to come and sit in the coffee shop - but that's all you are allowed to do. So you sit in your favourite chair and everyone who pops in will be delignted to come and chat with you.
    Your visit to Pat with Sue sounds as if you all had a lovely time. She reminds me of my friend Vera. Who sadly passed away a few years ago. She used to have me in hysterics the things she would say and do, she was such fun to be with.
    Will better get on and do something. Can't remember who said it, but yesterday someone commented when she gets on your blog is like reading a book. You have to carry on reading - I totally agree. Sandra your blog is addictive. In the nicest possible way.
    Be back later, love Brenda XXX

    1. Morning Brenda,
      Counting down the weeks to getting a proper cuddle at Ally Pally,
      The blog is very addictive, I could spend all day on here and do some days! But then I don't get anything else done.
      Inlove that sentiment too and I can think of many friends that it would be very meaningful to.
      Well I am going to message Pat now, keep her spirits up,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Janet Ecco of Sheffield6 March 2015 at 12:40

      Brenda - thank you so much for your lovely comments. Of course you can use anything Sandra so kindly puts on of mine. I love to share and afterall that's what we crafters do isn't it and not just in crafting. This is such a wonderful cafe and we are so so lucky that Sandra set it up. It's certain a haven of peace and comfort where we can be ourselves with our Friends. Hugs
      Janet xx

  15. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Just back from the diabetic clinic so I can sit down and have a nice coffee and cake. Janet your card today is gorgeous, I have that embossing folder so must get it out, it looks really good. When I first starting crafting I would have been over the moon to have made something that beautiful. will continue to sit and giggle and learn who you all are but if I giggle too much like I did this morning with those hats just give me a shout that is my kind of sense of humour.
    I send all the ladies who are ill or going through a rough time lots of love
    Wendy xx

    1. Hi Wendy,
      Thanks for popping in, I am glad we are making you giggle, we are a bit of a crazy bunch to be honest!
      Lovely to have you on board,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  16. Hello Sandra and the lovely ladies.
    Sorry I am late in this morning I don't know where the time has gone. Jehovah's knocking on the the door at about 9. I didn't mind, I admire their commitment, have great respect for any religion, but theirs is not for me. Then a long chat with Daughter No.1 and then an even longer one with daughter no 2 and before I knew it it was nearly lunchtime. So I think I would like a big bowl of tomato soup and a glass of fresh orange please. Sandra I am glad you sound as if you are feeling a bit better today, but don't forget to have a rest later. It was lovely to hear about your visit to Pat. I can see you and Sue in your paper hats. Glad you brought a smile to her face.
    Janet, I love your card. I can't understand the K&K group not being thrilled to make this. It's beautiful. Love the way you have built up those noble dies and the embossed background is gorgeous. Thank you for letting us see another of your wonderful creations and for giving us the sentiment as well.
    Theresa, if you speak to Steph again give her a hug for me, she must be so fed up. I don't know whether you have a tablet, iPad or laptop but certainly on an iPad there are jigsaw apps that are free to download and are really good, and might help you pass some time until you are able to craft again.
    Hazel I see you have got your priorities right. At first I thought you were saying Beth would only be allowed to use you GC under supervision so she didn't hurt herself, then laughed when I realised it was your die you were worried about.!!
    Sam it would be nice if Sheila came in and we could offer her some comfort. I know she is in all our thoughts.
    Michele special thoughts for you and your friends.
    Nora, I hope you will soon feel up to joining us again. CFS must be awful. Loving hugs for you.
    Maria, thank you for your comment last evening, I am not worrying about my OH and whether he will be made redundant. We really will cross that bridge if we have to. In some ways, apart from financially, it might not be a bad thing, there are so many things I would like to do and the older we get the less likely we would be able to do them. I'd like to walk part of the Pilgrims way in Spain to Santiago de Compostela and my biggest ambition is to sail the Atlantic and you need to be fit enough to do that and if he has to work till he is 67 then I doubt we will ever do either of those things. And it would be lovely to see more of our Grandchildren.

    Right lovelies, that soup was just the thing, best crack on, love and hugs
    Saba XXX

    Ps nice to see Wendy giggling her hat off in the corner.

    1. Hi Saba,
      I have just messaged Steph to send her your wishes, he has no internet in her ward, but for that matter Pat had none in her ward either, so its no reflection on the hospital!
      As for the morning disappearing, I spent three hours answering blog posts, I am now sat in craft room wanting to make an Izzy bag, where did you start Barb, I have no idea, did you make a template, just copy down measurements or what?
      A friend of mine who moved out to Gibraltar did the Pilgrims walk same as you want to do and she said it was the best thing she had ever done! she was exhausted but had no regrets at all!
      Sailing the Atlantic, well that's a totally different thing I couldn't bare the thought of the sea sickness!
      its great to have such amazing goals to chase.
      love and hugs

    2. Walking the pilgrims walk sound nice as long it is not to hilly, one we did in Austria ones nearly finished me off while my son got the nickname at the time as 'mountain goat' lol
      I'm with Sandra and sailing- seasickness all the way lol
      hugs Maria x

    3. Hi Sandra, I just used Izzy's measurements. They are really easy to make. I have sent you an email about it.
      Love Saba XXXX

    4. I love cruising, we were coming back home one November with torrential rain and snow, waves that were as high as deck 3, the dining rooms were empty with everyone having sea sickness. We has the Chinese form of anti sickness treatment, which is in the form of putting small seeds in certain areas of your ears we were all fine.(The Chinese herbalist on board put them in for us.) The week before our cruise they closed the dining room because the waves were coming to far up the ship and everyone was ill. It's pot luck really, the worse part is around the bay of Biscay after that its plain sailing.Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

  17. OMG, sorry if some of you have read my comment wrong. STEPH IS NOT GOING HOME but the woman in the next bed is.
    Sandra yes I do the outside first and then fill in the rest, always have done.
    I give Steph everyones love every day. I do so wish I lived near some of you, but hopefully Sandra I will get to meet you in June when we are in the Cotswolds. hugs Theresa (TOB) xxx

    1. Definitely Theresa, you can either come here to me or we will come out to you, also at a small town between where you will be and where I live (moreton in marsh) Anna Marie Design is hoping to open a new warehouse that you can go in and shop!
      Now that's increased your excitement hasn't it!
      love and hugs
      Sandra ]xxxxx

    2. Hi Theresa,
      Sorry, what a numpty am I ( don't answer that) I read your comment that Steph was going home today, OOPS - NO it's the alcoholic. Sorry about that. I'm sure the bed will not be empty long, just hope for Steph's sake it's not an old biddy or another alcoholic. Please send her my best wishes, I hope she will be feeling better soon. Brenda x

    3. Janet Ecco of Sheffield6 March 2015 at 17:46

      Hello Theresa - thank you so much for sorting my tiny brain as I was one who assumed Steph was going home!!!! Oh dear if I had just a couple of brain cells I'd be dangerous. This is what my lovely family are always telling me. Once again a big thank you.
      Hugs xx

  18. Hi Sandra and ladie's,
    Coffee and prawn sandwich please as it's lunchtime already.I need more hours in the day ! Janet your card is amazing and I would love to make one like that. The sentiment inside is wonderful and so lovely words ! The ladies at the K&N have not a clue whats goes into to make a beautiful card like it, all the prep work you must do for them etc. I'm seeing Julia W tomorrow for a crafting day /workshop and I presume it will be some kind of cards made like Sue W's. Looking forward but worried she might go a bit fast for me to finish one card when the others are on their third tihi
    Oh Sandra what are you and Sue like, christmas hats in March eye Hihi loved to seen Pat's face when you both walked into her room. Her tea sound very nice, shame you didn't get any lol. Send her my love and hugs when you speak next. Diane -how are you doing today , did you manage to have a rest last night ? Michele- my thoughts are with you and your friends, lovely they got married and now have some quality times together.
    Sandra- I would love to see the pets as a posting on your blog ! I haven't got any myself but like almost all pets, maybe even Lynda's Freddy (the parrot hihi) The weather here is spring like today with a lovely sunshine so some gardening would have been perfect to do but stiffening up a bit now after the swim this morning so it will have to be another day unless you are free Cheryl ? You have more then just green fingers, congrats to all the awards !
    Hope Steph doing alright and you Sandra, Sam and Theresa are taking it easy. Saba- hi to your sister Val, hope she feeling better now after her op.
    I might pop in later , thank you for your friendship ladies ! bye for now Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Oh I do love a Prawn Sandwich, with a little mayo and lemon!
      How exciting doing a craft day with Julia tomorrow, will it be her new love Spellbinders or Sue's dies I wonder?
      Be sure and send pics of what you make please, I would love to see them.
      Thank you for your friendship too, I really do enjoy your company everyday you always make me smile.
      Love and Hugs

  19. Hi Ladies. This is my second attempt. Had typed a comment and ran out of battery. By the time I got back the message had disappeared.
    SANDRA. Thank you for showing Janet's lovely card today. I hope you are taking it easy again today and having a good rest. I got my GC yesterday as thought Scarlett could help me cut some of my new dies at the weekend but plans have changed so I am going home for a few days and will probably come back later in the week. Not sure how I will cope but needs must. I am getting withdrawal symptoms not being able to craft.
    JANET. Love your card and my granddaughter would jump at the chance at making that gorgeous card. I wouldn't bother with those moaning Minnie's. Tell them to think of something. Thank you for that lovely verse and saying we can use it.
    Michele. Thinking of you and your friends at this time. I have a friend who was in a hospice until this week and although I would love to see her she doesn't want visitors and I respect that. She has gone home this week but I don't think it is because she is any better.
    MRS B (Sue). Good to see you back have missed you and glad you were able to see Pat yesterday. Shame she hasn't got any internet.
    CHERYL Congratulations on the award. Think it will be a while before I can get in the garden again.
    NORAH. Missing you. Hope you will soon be back here.
    DIANE. Glad everything went ok at the Dentist. Never very nice.
    THERESA. Hope you will be able to start treatment for your shoulder soon and glad someone at last has sorted out what the problem is.
    STEPH. Know you won't get this message but hope you will soon be feeling heaps better and can get some crafting done.
    Pat. Sorry you haven't got WiFi. Glad to hear you are improving
    Well on the message that disappeared I was going to have a Leek and potato soup and a cheese scone but perhaps I am too late now? Be back later.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      How come you are having to go home? Scarlett would have loved helping you with the die cutting.
      I reminds me of turning my nans mangle when I was little!
      Has the happy wanderer returned?????
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  20. Good afternoon Sandra and everyone, sorry to be late again but this time it is Sandra's fault. My copy of the flower making book from Pink Frog Crafts arrived this morning what a super little book full of tips and ideas, thank you Sandra for letting us know about it.
    Well Janet you have done it again yet another stunning card so very beautiful and elegant, I love it. When I did card classes a few years ago my ladies would say 'Oh we cannot do that it's far too difficult' to which I would reply' I don't do difficult' and talked them through each step. They were always pleased with themselves when they got it finished, but I agree they did moan!
    Yesterday some people were saying how they dreaded the dentist well I love going as she is a friend and we catch up with each other's news. She love chocolate cake so I always take her one, hand it over and get a kiss and a big hug! I made her wedding cake a huge chocolate heart, I only just got it in the oven it had 4 layers so I was baking all morning to get all the layers made, she wanted to make the flowers for the top so I loaned her my books and tools etc. She still talks about it even now. I do have to say she is the only person I will trust with my teeth.
    Michelle enjoy your week off work thinking about you and your friends.
    Diane I do hope you will soon start to feel better.
    Oh Sandra I would have loved to have seen the visiting party yesterday what a hoot! So pleased the patient enjoyed her tea and cake!!!! Please give her my love and best wishes if you visit again.
    Sam I can just see you walking your dogs now I know what breed they are, we have always just had one dog until now but as the corgis are brother and sister we could not bear the thought of splitting them up and their previous owner had asked that they remain together. They had been a Ruby wedding present from a friend of our who was a corgi breeder and show judge and as they had no immediate family they had promised to take them back if anything happened to either of them. Well three years ago the husband had died and them a year later the wife died. We had just lost our last corgi who was 16 and were lost. I telephoned to see if they had any puppies planned, none planned, but they had two 6 year olds. Well after a weekend of yes we will, no we wont have them, we set off to Huddersfield to see them. One look and that was it, the rest as they say is history! All I will say is they filled a very big hole in our lives and are adorable.
    Well I shall try and call in later my basket of hugs and cuddles is over in Norah's corner help yourselves, so missing her hope she is ok.
    Take care folks
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      You have no end to your skills, baking is obviously another one!
      That cake sounded divine mind! was it covered in chocolate too or traditional white.
      Paul and I made our own wedding cake, we had someone else ice it though, it was lovely and moist, it felt quite a proud moment and the top tier kept lovely for Matts Christening too!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  21. Good evening Sandra and all the Coffee Shop friends.
    I noticed the light was still on. Sorry missed coming in at Lunch Time.
    I have poured a cup of tea and I see one last Teacake I will toast that. Have put my money in the tin.
    Right!!! I have not had time to read all your comments will have to leave that till later.
    I am not long home, we had a performance of the Gruffalo "In Scots" plus musical entertainment at the school this afternoon.
    Now to let you understand our 2grandsons attend a very small rural school. There are only 14 pupils but by Jove they do lots of things. There latest project is raising money from the £20 they were given. This is to encourage their entroupanarial (is that how you spell it)??? skills. They had written to shops for some goodies for the raffle. Organised the little concert, baked Shortbread, Cupcakes and Rock Buns. All in all it was a great afternoon and they raised £152. John & I actually won something each from the Raffle. Kind of unknown for us might just buy a Lotterly ticket tomorrow!!!
    They played a lot of Scottish Tunes on their Recorders, a few of them play Brass Instuments, we had a few tunes with them as well. The little Gruffelo Play was really funny. Robert played a mouse he was all dressed in brown and had a mouse face mask on. The only thing was they were not very loud. When we were at school and did things like that the teacher was always at the back of the room shouting .... I can't hear you!!! By the time the performance came round she could hear you all right. Anyway it was good to see the kids all working together. John Jnr took a Video of Thomas helping to do the Washing Up ........ a thing they really don't do these days. They open the door and stick the things in the Dishwasher.
    OK It now comes time to say that I am thinking of all who have not had a good day for whatever reason. May tomorrow be a good day for each and every one of you wonderful ladies.
    Hazel and I are off to Glasgow tomorrow but we will certainly be taking and thinking of you all.
    Hugs a plenty

    Patricia xxx

    1. Hi Patricia
      Sounds like you have had a lovely afternoon. The Gruffalo is a favourite book of mine, we met the illustrator several years ago at a book fair and he signed Emma's book and drew a little Gruffalo for her. He was a lovely man. It sounds like the boys go to a lovely school, what a great way to raise money and lovely music too. Enjoy yourself at the craft show tomorrow - I won't say don't spend too much!! Have fun. Love Diane xx

    2. Oh I really miss those sort of afternoons at school, events around world book day etc, mind you I did read that someone sent their child to school dressed as Christian Grey, a little odd and the child got excluded!
      I have to admit that Mr Grey wouldn't be my first thought for fancy dress for World book day at School!
      sounds like you had a perfect afternoon though!
      Sandra xxxx

  22. Hello Sandra,
    Sorry I'm so late today, no sit still I'll help myself to a latte and scone, and put the money in the pot.
    Well - Janet this is so pretty and elegant. I think the ladies at the K & N must be complete airheads if they were complaining about making this card. Do they not realise how lucky they are that you take the time and trouble to have everything sorted for them? Pretty ungrateful lot, if you ask me.
    I've had a very busy day and am dog tired, I'm even thinking of having a bath and going to bed. Can't even be bothered to eat anything but I do hope you are feeling much brighter Sandra.
    Steph, Sam, Pat and Norah - hope you are all coming along nicely in your own way.
    Saba = I hope Val is coming along nicely (that sounds like a cake cooking doesn't it - but you know what I mean. x
    Michele - thinking and praying for your friends. Went to Stations of the Cross this morning and offered it for them.
    Cheryl - I should really try to do some clearing up in our garden. You've set me an example, if it's not too windy I'll have a potter tomorrow.
    Wendy - have you sorted who's who out yet? No, me neither!!!
    Myra - I can recommend the Bumper pudding!!!
    Love to all, see you tomorrow. And if I've missed someone I'm sorry xxxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Hope you are well, thanks for stopping by tonight, oh a good soak in the bath sounds like heaven, not for me unfortunately, one day I would like to book a hotel room that has one of those huge baths at floor level that I could get into with Paul, candles & champagne, not you have got me fantasizing!
      What is Bumper Pudding,?
      love and hugs

  23. Maureen lovey I think a nice bath and an early night will do you the world of good, but you must eat something before you go to bed.
    Val is coming along nicely thank you and today was given "sloppy food" I am sure they could describe it better than that, but that is what they told her she would be having, talk about making things sound appetising.
    Night and God bless. Xxx

  24. Hi Saba Val is doing wonderfully well, when you think her op was only last week and already she is on semi solid food. I do hope it looks and tastes good for her as that is half the battle, knowing just what hospital food can be like. The days are ticking by, before you know it you will be winging your way over here then the 'dream team' will be together again, and I just bet that will be the best medicine for Val.
    I do hope your other half's job is going to be secure for him.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Margaret xxx

  25. Hi Margaret, 9 days today and she is doing so well. They said initially 2 to 3 weeks but I think she will be home sooner than that. I can't believe you like the dentist, best friend or not I just cannot imagine. I hate it. I've recently had a lot of work done, double crown and then needed a root canal and it was yucky. I think it is the thought which is the worst. Our youngest daughter is a dental nurse.
    Peter is not too worried although I think he would struggle to get another job,.
    You have a lovely weekend too.
    Saba xxx

    1. Hi Saba, Yes I have to agree that root canal work is not the nicest I had two done last year both together, then a double crown and that was followed by her removing a little lump from the inside of my mouth. It was only after she got the stitches in did she tell me she had never actually done it before and was nervous doing it! As I said she is the only one I will have but I have such a dread of false teeth.
      Take care
      Margaret xxx

    2. Oh please Stop I cant stand any d****st talk it makes me shudder, my biggest fear in life!

  26. Theresa, where was you cruise? I've never been on one, the ferry is my only experience of big boats. We sail a much smaller boat, 30 feet and perfect for the two of us. She sleeps 5, but it is usually just us. Don't fancy the bay of Biscay though. We often sail across to Italy from Croatia and that takes us about 36 hours, no land in sight and you rarely see another soul until you get near to Italy where you have to cross a major sea route, but don't get me started on sailing otherwise we'll be here all night.
    Hugs Saba xxx

  27. Evening ladies, sorry I am so late tonight, I have been catching upon everyone's news. Guess it's cocoa I need at this time of night.
    Janet, what a lovely card. I would be really chuffed if anyone had taught me how to make a card like that. I have never tried teaching adults, I used to make cards with some of the residents of the nursing home my Mum was in, but they were great, could never remember that they had made a card a few minutes before, so everything had to be super simple.
    Hope everyone is having some of the nice weather promised, I am still in the bit covered in blue on the forecast, and it is so wet tonight I skidded on the wet grass in the park when I had the dog out. A bit stiff now, but I think mainly my dignity hurt. Does not help when the big mutt licked my face when I was flat on my back!! Just as well so many dog owners here or they would think I was nuts, my life is ruled by one huge hairy German Shepherd.
    Wendy, you will get to know most here pretty quickly, everyone is so friendly, and forgiving if you do have a senior/blonde moment.
    Well, night all

    1. Hi Janice,
      I am not laughing......really I am not!
      your dog obviously enjoyed it and that he got the chance to give you a big old smooch! You will probably feel it tomorrow!
      we all have those moments Janice, don't worry!
      love and hugs

  28. Evening,ladies, a quick call in for nightcap and catch up, it is really like reading a book you can't put down. I love reading all about everyone's day, and like you all to know that I think of everyone who is going thought a rough time. We had a sort of good day at the craft shop, I don't think people have the same amount of money to spend as they used to, but it give us something to do, and keeps us in the loop so to say.
    Sandra loved the story about the hats, you should have got one for Pat and then took photos for us, that would have cheered her up no end.
    I got my card from Sue the Wednesday card giveaway, it is lovely much better in real life than on tv, it has birthday wishes stamped on it, and it is my birthday on Tuesday so it might have pride of place. I need to find a spot for it in my disorganised craft room.
    Have a good night everyone, sleep tight. Will catch you all tomorrow. Jess x

  29. Having a busy day tomorrow so I wont be in until the evening. Just wanted to wish you all a good night as possible and take care .Hugs from a 'very tired' Maria xx

  30. Good evening Sandra and all the ladies in the cafe.
    Jess i hope you are ok after slipping on the grass, that sounds nasty, but yes I can see your dog taking the opportunity to give you a lick and make sure you are ok. Have a hot bath before you go to bed with some soothing bubbles then hopefully you will not be too stiff tomorrow. Xxx
    Maureen hope you are tucked up in bed too by now. Xxx
    Theresa I'm glad my jigsaw idea helped, we have got loads too (yes some have got 99p on!). We usually start one at Christmas but if they are too large we end up having to put the table cloth over it to eat at the table! I did laugh , yes I thought Steph was going home early too, but it was the alcoholic instead! Oh dear. I hope your husband has enjoyed using your dies and GC, isn't he kind cutting things out for you. Take care love Diane xxx
    Well I put the washing on the line, tidied the kitchen and made a Madeira cake (trial run for a birthday cake in a couple of weeks time), but had to give up after that as my face was really hurting. I fell asleep this afternoon so obviously needed to rest. Hopefully the pain will start to reduce tomorrow.
    Saba it sounds like your sister is doing so well even though the food doesn't sound wonderful. Hopefully the days will fly by until you see her. I know what you mean about the redundancy it's a double edged sword isn't it. A chance for you to do some of the things on your wish list but quite a financial worry if you are not prepared for it. I hope you find out soon xxx
    I've swept up a few crumbs Sandra and watered the plants so we should be ready for the morning. I will bring some cake for you all to try. Thank you all for your kind wishes, it does cheer me up. Night night everyone sleep tight. Love Diane xxx

  31. Just thought I would pop in and make sure everything was secure for the night and that Maria hadn't got herself locked in again, but everything looks fine, Diane's done all the hard work so I'll just pull the blinds down, switch off the lights and lock up. Key in usual hiding place but wrapped in cling film, think Diane gave it a bit too much water and it's quite wet under the plant pot.
    See you all in the morning, can't wait to see what we have in store.
    Night and God bless all
    Saba xxx

    1. Thanks Saba, just came by to do the same, you get off you have an early night, you have a lot of work to do tomorrow! I am putting off doing what I was going to do until after your special post!
      Love you
      Sandra xxxxx

  32. No pressure then lol. Night night. Xxxx
