
Tuesday 24 February 2015

Theresa's Treat for Tuesday!

Good Morning Ladies,
I was going to save this card for later in the week, but I was too excited, I still cant believe how Theresa has managed to design this amazing card given the pain she is in, it is just beautiful.
My cards can wait this has to be shared to Inspire others that are like Theresa and myself and many more of you in an awful amount of pain, yet can still concentrate enough to create this.
I saw Sue get some amazingly different shapes with this background die, from squares to smaller rectangles!
Theresa you did and amazing job here, Tony too for his die cutting and your gorgeous daughter of course for her help in putting this card together!
 I hope you feel up to popping in to tell us how you all achieved this lovely card.
Well Sue is certainly a lot happier at the start of this week than she was at the start of last, she did say she was really uplifted by all of the lovely comments.  The Bloglovin numbers are rising daily, Sue said today that it helps if you press the '3' button on the side bar of her blog! It takes you to the blog ratings page.
I had trouble trying to leave a comment on Bloglovin on Sue's blog today, I had to go through the normal route. But I am still following on there so I am sure that counts, as long as we keep going on and sharing the posts. I think someone mentioned pressing the X on the bar that is going across the top of the page after you have signed in. so will try that tomorrow.
I want to thank you personally for rallying round to boost Sue's numbers, she really does appreciate it.
How many of you are off to buy coffee filters today, I am tempted, I don't have the Stampin Up Punch but I have a die that is similar.
Hands up who went to JGD Crafts and ordered their beads? Thank you Margaret x
Well I have a lovely day of crafting with my other two 'Graces' !!!
I want to thank you each and everyone for popping in, for commenting, for contributing, for caring and for supporting, You really are amazing ladies and a very important life line! I feel I know you all as very dear friends and my life is all the richer for it x
Love and hugs everyone,


  1. Good morning Sandra. And all you lovely ladies that call in today. Well I said good morning, but to be honest it's awful here, high winds, rain and cold, and I have to go out in it very soon. On the other hand my spirits were lifted when I opened up your blog page Sandra and was faced with Theresa stunning card. Theresa, WOW,WOW, WOW. What a beautiful design with Sue's dies and now I am going to say deep pink colour, now it might be red. My iPad is showing deep pink and it's gorgeous, all your little embellishments and flower is just perfect, Thersea you are one special lady, that suffering so much pain ( I can start to think how bad it is,the thought of you breaking your shoulder and it not being set makes me shiver) yet you have put this stunning card together. Thank you for allowing Sandra to put it up on the wall. Thank you Sandra once again for showing another very talented designers work.
    Oh it's a thought to go out to work with this wind blowing like it is. Sorry I hope you didn't mind me just helping myself to my cup of tea, I have to say Saba those flowers you left yesterday are beautiful how kind of you. Also Sam I am sorry I forgot to say thank you for the tea and cake yesterday, oh well I'd better get going, I will pop in later to see what everyone had to say? Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      It's blowing a gale here too! I hope you went out with your headscarf and thermal knickers on! Haha xx
      I am enjoying sharing everyone's work, it's lovely to see the beautiful ways that everyone uses the same products.
      Thank you for calling in today despite the bad weather, I made some lentil & tomato soup that has a hint of chilli in to warm you, with some homemade Red Leicester cheese and pumpkin seed bread, that should get your warmed back up and ready for the rest of the day!
      See you tomorrow, take care,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    2. Sandra, thank you for going to all that trouble to make us a fab pot of soup, I. Don't do cheese that much but it sounds lovely, I do love lidl's pumpkin rolls they are yummy, so apart from the cheese your bead I would love. Went out to pick up Beth from the school, had to park the car a good bit from it, I had on my cozy trousers fur lined boots, a thermal t-shirt, hoodie, fleece gilet, was still cold so on went my big jacket and scarf round my neck. Looked a site I am sure but did I care, as after standing waiting for 10 mins for her I was frozen, she came out with no jacket on saying it wasn't cold, it's not like she has a bit of padding? As my friend would say " more meat on a butchers pencil than on that one". Oh to be 10. I did think that is the only down side of having had chemo I do feel the cold more now.??? Maybe I need to get the thermal knickers on too. Glad you three had a good day, it is good to have a good natter and craft at the same time. Patricia and I are hoping to meet up for a chat but it's looking like one of those weeks where it will be Friday before we know it. Hazel x

  2. A beautiful card from Theresa Sandra, lovely use of the dies.

    Hope you are both feeling better soon.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jacquie, Theresa has made a fabulous card, thank you for your kind comments.
      Sandra xxx

  3. Beautiful card today. Really lovely. I'm Feeling much more "human " now as my cold symptoms slowly go. Glad about that as I'm off our for a meal tonight with friends who have been advised to bring the date of their wedding forward as he's unlikely to live (or be well enough) until the original date. Things like that make you stop + think don't they?

    Ah well, off to work.

    1. Michele
      glad your cold is finally getting better but , I am so sorry to hear such sad news, my heart goes out to you and your friends.
      Comforting hugs Saba

    2. Good afternoon Michele,
      I hope you and your friends have a lovely meal out tonight and i send hugs to them, the bride and groom. It's not how long you are married that is important it is how much you love the other person and lifetimes are different for everyone. May they have their own lifetime of love and happiness.
      Norah x

    3. Hi Michelle, glad you are finally on the mend my lovely,
      I think that despite your friends being so unwell the wedding will still go ahead, it just proves how deep the love is between them, it is very sad, but that level of unconditional love really does warm your heart.
      Thank you for sharing that with us, have a lovely evening with your friends. Thanks for calling in.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    4. Oh Michelle, my heart goes out to you and your friends. The beauty of unconditional love is really very, very special and they, and you, obviously have it.
      I hope you have a wonderful evening with such special friends.
      Maureen xxx

    5. Michelle, how sad that your friends have a short time left enjoy each other. I hope you had a lovely meal. Hazel x

  4. Good morning Sandra, and everyone who will pop into the best "Coffee Shop" in the land. Not many over at the table in the corner yet. I know it is still rather early. I will have a quick cuppa if the kettle is boiling, Oh! Maybe a slice of toast.
    Wow! THERESA:- that card is stunning. Love, love, love the wonderful colours and fantastic design. The breatiful ribbon and flower embellishment.
    Hope the pain is easier today. How much longer will your plaster be on???

    I have a Card Class to teach at the Tearoom this morning, up and getting everything in the crate. We are making boxes today, I can hear some of the moans and groans already. The ladies hate to to taking out of their "comfort zone" of just making cards.
    I will leave a box of HUGS for anyone needs some. Be back later to re-fill it and catch up with what's been going on.
    Have a good day everyone

    Patricia xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia, thank you for that lovely introduction,
      Now are you a 'marmite' person or not, do you like anything other than butter on your toast. How did the box class go down? I bet they loved it once they got started, do you take everything bagged up for each person or do people bring their own tools and bits and pieces!
      Hope you had a great day,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    2. Sandra, I will know what Patricia will say in reply. NO, No NO. To marmite and a great big NONO to butter. She can't eat anything with butter she hates it. And her ladies bring tools ??? Some do but others don't. Hazel x

  5. Hi Sandra. How are you today my lovely? It seems you had one of those days yesterday. I hope we can make sure today is better for you when you, Pat and I meet up later on.
    Please may I have the usual tea and some toast and marmalade. I will be at the usual table, with Maureen hopefully : )
    Thank you for sharing Theresas beautiful card, it is showing as deep red /white (one of my favourite combos ) If this is what you do with a pot on I would love to see one of your usual ones as it is gorgeous!
    Saba, thank you for the lovely flowers in the Cafe yesterday, both on your card and in the vase : )
    It is so good to know that Sues numbers are going up, lets hope they hit 1000+ very soon. I am going to get Sandra to go through the whole Bloglovin sharing thing today, if you feel up to it my lovely.
    Only 4 sleeps now Sandra : ))
    Well, I had better get on so that I am not late picking you up (not that I am ever late..........!!!!)
    Have a good day everyone, stay safe and warm. Take care xx

    1. Hello my darling,
      Sorry for being in my dressing gown when you arrived, I had another sleepless night so wasn't 'firing on all cylinders" this morning, the only cure for a good night sleep is a not always a viable option !😜
      Thanks for a lovely day, I so appreciate you coming to get me.
      Love you lots
      Sandra xxxxx

  6. Janet Ecco of Sheffield24 February 2015 at 08:41

    Morning one and all - Theresa your card is just one big WOW. and as Mrs B says if you do that as you are now Please may be we see your cards when fully fit. I managed yesterday to catch up on all of Sue's shows yesterday and just loved hearing so many coffee shop names. I loved Sue's face when one of the emails mentioned 'Wilsonettes' and she was asked if that's what her followers call themselves - she was all smiles. May I help myself to my usual please. Margaret many thanks for the tip off re jdg crafts. I popped in and ordered my pins and beads. I too have saved this wonderful shop in my favourites and will be visiting it again.
    I didn't get anyway near deciding on what to do for my crafty friends next Tuesday. I just couldn't come up with anything suitable at all. Sometimes I find it very difficult to arrive at a card suitable for all at K&N as they range in ability so I need something that is not too easy for advanced crafters but not too difficult for the ones who only craft at K&N. I have to find something today. Have a really good day Sandra with your other two 'Graces'. I just love that name for you three. I'm hoping to see you all later. I say this every day and then find myself after tea and not being back. Thank your for the drinks and flowers yesterday Sam and Saba.
    Hugs all round.
    Janet xx

    1. Hi Janet,
      What about doing a colouring project, maybe pre stamp for the less able ones and let the more advanced ones do their own stamping maybe? I guess you are never going to get it tight for everyone. Patricia takes classes so she may have some good tips!
      I went and had a look and it is a fairly priced little place that deserves a second visit! I so wish somewhere sold the full range of foundation card and had it in stock!
      I really would like some of the baby blue and milk colours that Sue used on The weekend shows! But nowhere seems to have it in stock.
      Anyway thanks for calling in,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  7. Good morning Sandra & Coffee Shop ladies,

    I think I am in need of tea and 'proper' buttered crumpets today please, we have had the most tremendous winds and waves battering our Somerset coast that kept waking me last night and it's still going strong now, although there is a glimmer of sunshine trying it's best to break through.

    Theresa, I am absolutely in awe of your beautiful card. For you to create that in such pain as you are is a spectacular feat. I cannot praise you enough or you husband and daughter for helping you. Everything about it is stunning. I wish for your pain to be easier today if that is at all possible.
    I have said a little prayer for you as well dear heart.
    I have finally got February's b/cards finished so will be sending the later ones out today, then it's onto March's lot, I don't think I have one month free of some kind of celebration as I have such a large family and friends.

    Onto Bloglovin, I type in bloglovin/particraft in address bar, but I have not noticed a '3' on a side bar to get the ratings. I can leave a comment on the day's offering by d/c on the picture itself. Does Sue have another blog? I am probably missing something somewhere.
    Well breakfast is calling me so I shall pop in later for another chat.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl
      Hope that winds died down and you have a better night.
      On Bloglovin there isn't the Ratings banner, that is only on the actual Particraft site, it's the one at the top right which shows where she is in the ratings, 3 at the moment. You don't need to do anything with that, all it does is take you to another site which shows all the various Blogs who are competing for most visited blog.
      So you are not missing anything love, just go to her normal site and you have then added your visit to her ratings automatically.

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I only memntioned the '3' button as Sue W asked me to bring it up, she said she gets some benefit if it is pressed! Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered mentioning it, between that and all the Bloglovin chat I am going crazy!
      Anyway Cheryl,
      I hope the wild coast has calmed down,
      It sounds like you are ploughing through the cards, are you going to take a place on the guest designer wall?
      Would love to see some of your work!
      Love & hugs, thanks for calling in today,
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies, wow Theresa your card is stunning, what a achievement with your broken shoulder, well done your hubby and daughter for helping to create such a masterpiece, thank you for letting Sandra show it off.
    Had a look at the beads yesterday and they are good value, might just have to treat myself.
    Quick coffee today Sandra as I am off to my friends craft shop today, she has a card class on and I look after the shop for her on Tuesday mornings, I get a good look at all the new goodies!!! Like a child in a sweet shop!!!!
    Sandra love, hope you have a better day today, take care, Jess x

  9. Wow Theresa your card is wonderful. Love everything about it. Watched Sue cutting up this die on Sunday and was thinking that although I haven't got that die I do have others that are rectangular. Must give it a try when I can use my cutting hand. Thank you for showing us Sandra and hope you are feeling better today and have a good time with Sue and Pat. I am going out for coffee with a crafting friend later but will have a latte now please and some toast. Thank you. Glad Sue's numbers are going up. I had problems going on Sue's blog via Bloglovin but will wait till I come back now as I usually get it via email about 11am. Rough and windy night but sun out now so hope it stays like that. Have a lovely day everyone. Hope you got on at the hospital ok Steph.

  10. Good morning Sandra and everyone oh it is so cold out side so if you are venturing out please wrap up warm .A latte will hit the spot today please and one for Sam when she comes in Sandra.
    Theresa wow oh wow what a fantastic card and for you to make it as poorly as you are is a wonderful achievement, well done to your little band of helpers too. I really love your card so very beautiful and your ribbon and flower spray take it up to such a high level of elegance too.
    Delighted to have been of help with the beads ladies hope you enjoy playing with them when they arrive!
    Sandra I hope you are feeling brighter today, please remember what I said in my email last night I really do mean it sweetheart.
    Have a lovely day everyone especially the 'three graces' I will be back later to hear all the news, yes I know, I'm nosey!
    Hugs for everyone who would like one there are plenty going free and a special one I have left in the corner seat ready for Norah when she pops in.
    Take care

    Margaret xxx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    Theresa, love the colours and design of your card, is that one of the New York dies, the ones I ordered at the weekend, I hope so. It's so awful that the terrible mess they've made in the diagnosis of your shoulder problem is still giving you pain.
    Mrs B, sorry I'm a bit late to join you this morning, but we may catch up later. I've helped myself to a latte and toasted teacake and put my money in the pot.
    Margaret - I bet the owner of the jgd crafts doesn't know what's hit them. I bet they think all their Sundays has come lol. I wrote that I'd heard of them through the Cotswold Crafter Blog. I also signed up for their newsletter, so thank you again for the information.
    It's very cold, very windy and we are due some rain and snow shortly so I think it's a day to hibernate. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could win the lottery, I'd give loads of money to different charities in this country, and we could all go for a long holiday with our families to somewhere safe and warm. We could craft and they could do what they like. I'd book the whole 5 star hotel for us and take Sue along for the ride. Oh, that's what dreams are made of. Don't pack your cases yet ladies, I'll let you know when!!!
    Well, I've finished my coffee so will push off to tidy up and see you all later.
    Sorry Sandra, hope the Three Graces have a lovely day, and I hope you are feeling better today.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Maureen
      Wouldn't that be wonderful. But could you imagine us at breakfast,
      A latte please, oh I'd like a weak tea, could I have a camomile, no sorry make that Ginger and lemon. The poor waiter wouldn't be able to cope and when we come down for afternoon coffee, well heaven help him.
      Enjoy your hibernation. XXX

    2. Hi, Maureen,
      How about one of the craft holidays? I went to one on the Isle of Wight many moons ago and thought it fantastic. Twas only for the weekend but was a fantastic break.

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    I think I would like to order a latte and a piece of short bread I'll just go and sit over in the corner and enjoy this delicious drink.
    Theresa. you are amazing, to have created such a gorgeous card with all the pain you're suffering, I just don't know how you managed it, so pleased you had your two angels on hand to help. Your card is gorgeous love the little floral arrangement the side thank you for letting Sandra show it to us.
    MAUREEN, becoming a much quieter day today no men knocking on the door (I hope ) Oven now working and freezer man should return on Friday when he should have the part to repair it.
    LOVE you're dreaming, think we all need to dream it just helps with the problems in life. AND and it's good to have something to aim for yes lets all have a lovely dream. My dreams used to be paying off our children's mortgages. Now my dreams are how can we ever help our grandchildren even get a mortgage!
    Hope you 'three Graces' are having a lovely time, and Sandra, that you are feeling better today, I'm sure your two lovely friends will make all the difference.
    My drink was lovely really enjoyed it, think I better move myself but was not by later.
    Love and big hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

  13. ME again!
    That Should read, 'think I better move myself But will be back later' Oops!
    Any excuse to pop my head in the door to see if I missed anyone . Ha, ha

    1. Hi Mumma,
      Oh I could do with a big mumma hug today!
      I am so pleased your oven working, John will be wanting some proper cooking now! Do you like baking?
      We had fun catching up, talking about Sues new grandsons arrival and Pats hospital trip next week, it will be lovely to get her back o pain free!
      See you tomorrow
      Love you lots
      Sandra xx
      Ps are you near to Farnborough for this craft fair at the weekend?
      Be lovely to meet up for a hug if you are ! Xxxx

    2. Hi Honey, so pleased you girls had a great time catching up, I'm sure it did all of you a world of good, A real tonic.
      It's lovely having a working oven at last. Yes I love baking. It was good last week (half term) at our daughters. Both Callum and Ciara love baking so we had different cakes almost every day.
      I'm not going to Farnborough (wish I was) I hope you all have a great time. But have started my wish/shopping list for Ally Pally.
      Hope you have a good night. You must be tired.
      See you tomorrow, love Brenda xxx

  14. Hi Sandra,
    Hello to everyone who pops in on this rather breezy day!
    Theresa your card is beautiful. I am amazed at how you manage to create such beauty while in such pain. I love your flowers and ribbon. Congratulations too to your husband and daughter. Hope your shoulder is a bit less painful. As has been said - would love to see your work when not in pain!
    I am in total awe of so many of the ladies on this blog! You literally I think battle on day by day through pain and I feel hard done by sometimes with a simple migraine. You are such a help and encouragement to others too. This is a lovely place to be. Don't think they give out Michelin stars for coffee shops but this one is definitely a 5 Star establishment.
    Thank you for the lovely flowers yesterday and the tea.
    Well, must go as I'm off to Southport this afternoon. Should be fun! I can guarantee it will be stifling hot! Retirement homes always are.
    Take care everyone, and to the Three Graces - have a super time together!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra

      I live in Southport so if you're here again & want to meet up just let me know.


    2. Hi Michelle,
      It's a small small world! - as the Disney song says! I'd love to meet up and hve a coffee. We go to Majorca on Friday for a week. I'm looking forward to having a break. Will let you know when I'm next in Southport although I'm not far away and would make a trip to meet you no problem. I live in Euxton.
      Love Myra xx

    3. Hi Michelle, Me again!
      I went out out in such a rush today I didn't read everyone's comments. Wow are you and your friends going through a trying time. I do hope your time together goes well. It does really make us stop and think!
      Love Myra xx

    4. Will look forward to hearing from you after your holiday. The meal went well but my friend has lost some speech & they're not sure if he's had a bleed on the brain or its the tumour spreading-very upsetting.


  15. Hi Sandra my dear Friend and all my wonderful Friends,
    I'm late today I had to go out very early as I had things to do as I'm at the Hospital tomorrow!!!
    Steph my Lovely I really hope all went well with your Hospital visit, Sandra I'm sorry you're not feeling too good, well today is just so very cold I went out and every time I turned a corner the icy cold wind hit you.
    Saba The Flowers make The Cafe look so homely and Sandra that wall with all The Outstanding Creations On is getting full very quick.
    This brings me to today's Card I don't know where to begin other than This Card Is "WOW WOW WOW" Amazing, Rich, And Extremely Opulent it's Just So very very Beautiful, I Love the Colours you've chosen and the Beautiful Ribbon down the side, and your Flower your one
    Truly Talented Lady I Love Your Work.
    Thank You for the information re: Sue's Blog and Bloglovin I have pressed the X on the right top corner and it's great so I can leave my comment and also still put Sue's Card in my Pinterest Folder.
    Theresa I've never Purchashed Anna Griffin Stamps and your saying they don't hold the Ink I only use Memento Ink as if you use any other when using Alcohol Markers such as Copics etc they will Bleed if I'm doing a Verse etc
    I always use Black Archival like Sue and Perfect Medium For Embossing Sue gave me tips on that as I was always getting it wrong.
    Margaret (Corgi Owner) Thank You so very much for your drink I'm going to have a weak Latte, your all really kind people and it's such a pleasure to call you my Friends.
    Sandra I do hope your feeling much better Today.
    Please take care my dear Friends
    Love and Lots of Huge Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam,
      glad you liked the flowers, hope all goes well for you at the hospital tomorrow. XXX

    2. Sam, I hope everything goes ok at the hospital tomorrow, I will be thinking of you. Hazel x

    3. Hi Sam,
      I do hope and pray all goes well tomorrow. Thinking of you.xx
      Love Myra

    4. Sam, thank you for your kind words my darling!
      I will be thinking of you tomorrow, what are you having done?
      Whatever it is I hope all goes to plan this time, does Lyndon go with you ?
      Let us know how you get on, when you get home,
      Love & huge comforting hugs
      Sandra xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    I won't have a drink as well have a drink later, after Mrs B picks you up. Wow, Theresa how did you manage to create a stunning card when your in so much pain. I love the colours that uouve used as well. Such stunners you all make. Thanks to hubby and daughter on putting this creation together for you. Hope you hosp visit goes ok Steph. Must work on putting ribbon on my card. You all make it look so easy. Better go as the carpet fitter is about to ring the door bell. Hugs to all in need of one today. I see that Sue is No 3!on the blog list. Never heard of No 1 and I didn't know that Hobbycraft had a blog, they're No 2. Keep up the good work ladies.


  17. Good Afternoon Sandra,
    Hope you have a lovely day with Sue and Pat.
    What a beautiful way to start the day with a gorgeous card by Theresa.
    It is stunning and so beautifully made and considering the amount of pain you are in Theresa I don't know how you managed such perfection. Love how you have used the background die for your sentiment and then offset that gorgeous flower element and ribbon to the side. Love it. Hope all goes well this week with your physio.

    Well I don't know about you ladies, but I am not getting on very well with Bloglovin. I like it that all Sue's cards are one place but find it a long way round to get to Particraft.
    It's a brilliant way to spread the word about our Sue and get people to visit her blog, but it's visiting Particraft that counts in the ratings, not Bloglovin.

    Sue and I have been having a few emails to discuss the confusion. (I don't mean confusion here, just general confusion). She has asked me to try and explain it on her Blog, which I have done, but thought I would post roughly what I said on here as well just in case anyone here is not sure.

    There is only one way in which to add to the ratings and that is to visit Particraft. It doesn't matter whether you visit it via Bloglovin or whether you choose to visit as you always did previously via the web or from your favourites.
    Bloglovin is simply a way to get Sue's blog more widely known. So we just have to hope that the people who do find her and follow her there will click on the link bringing them to her blog site. Otherwise her ratings won't improve.
    The other thing is, once you have gone onto Particraft you are counted, and you are only counted once (it's very clever, knows when you have visited) so you don't need to click the "Ratings button" (the one with the 3 on at the moment) at the top right as it doesn't count towards ratings, it just gives them an extra bit of info about how many came to their Top 50 Blog site from Particraft.
    Do hope that makes sense.
    Love and hugs for now, will be back later for a cuppa.

    1. Hi Saba,
      Thanks for that, I am o confused though as at the weekend Sue suggested that we try and persuade people to follow her through Bloglovin, so I spent 80% of 3 days, going round doing as she had asked, she also said to suggest people hit that '3' button !
      So are you saying that it was all a waste of time and the best thing to do us exactly what we were doing before ie going to '' ? My poor head is spinning!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx

    2. Oh love, it's been confusion all round. Poor Sue, as she said to me has had a problem understanding it. She was looking to improve her ratings and somehow ended up using that Bl..dy BLoglovin. She didn't realise how it worked re ratings and believed that checking in to Bloglovin counted. Similarly with the 3 button.
      It was causing so much confusion, especially people thinking they had to go to Bloglovin.
      So, yes, you can go on as before just using particraft and your visit will count for her ratings. but it is good to be registered as a follower on that Blogspot blasted site, because it might get more people to see her work and then visit her Particraft site. So not a complete waste of time, just caused a lot of unnecessary worry for some and could have lost her valuable no.s for the ratings.
      Love and hugs

  18. Hi Sandra, Thank you for showing my "Family" card. I really couldn't have done it without my musketeers. I had been craft crazy not being able to do anything, so this cheered me up no end. I feel very humbled by your comments, you have no idea how much you all mean to me.
    Sandra hope you are ok and hope you 3 graces have a great day.
    Sam I am so pleased you are now able to use bloglovin it took me a while to work out why it wouldn't work but it has done so since. So Ladies if you go in via your bloglovin e-mail you will see a tab running along the top of the page if you click on the cross on the right hand side it will load Sues page. If you then look onto the right hand side that shows the visitors who are going on the page you will see that yours shows you have come from bloglovin otherwise it doesn't.
    Thank you for all your help with my stamping problems, last night Tony tried all the suggestions and I have some beautiful stamped images, hooray, thank you.
    I don't have any cast on as my arm has to be moved around, I still can't sleep very well and the pain is worse in the mornings. I still don't know if I will need surgery but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

    Right onto the card, I didn't emboss anything it really is a straight foward card.
    Using the New York background It was cut out in hammered white card then the large centre die was cut out in copper card and the smaller centre die was cut out in white with the sentiment Happy Birthday darling daughter (this is for a friend for her daughter) Then a panel of white card was cut using wavy design scissors to this a piece of red satin ribbon was added. The ribbon was pinched in at the centre and then the piece was added to the card.Sues closed daisy petals were bunched together with one copper open leaf daisy on the top. Two small satin flowers were added from my stash and the foliage is from Sues cornflower die and a small die from io deisgns. A small red heart was put underneath the sentiment.
    Phew I'm exhausted now so a nice hot chocolate and a slice of chocolate cake please oooh I can almost taste it.
    Lots of love Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa. Have already left a message about your card but will say again. Wow! I have also had a broken shoulder that wasn't diagnosed at first. After a while they said about an operation but it would take a year after that to recover, if I didn't have it then two years. Well it was already nearly a year and as I was in the middle of treatment for breast cancer I said I would wait until it was finished. They agreed to that. No problem. Then had a letter to say that as I had refused the treatment they had taken me off the list and I would have to go back to the GP and start all over again. The time didn't seem to matter then as it was a year which ever road I went down. I find I cannot carry too much with that arm as the shoulder will ache but it is bearable. Usually put a wheat bag on it if it starts hurting in bed. Helps me to get off to sleep. Hope everything goes well for you. Am thinking of you. Know how you feel about not being able to craft with this broken wrist.:(

  19. Good afternoon Sandra,
    Hope you Sue & Pat are enjoying your craftiness together.
    Hi to all that pop in today.
    WOW WOW WOW Theresa your card is so gorgeous I love the red & white combo. You are an inspiration making this beautiful card & you being in so much pain your an amazing lady,well done to your hubby & daughter.
    Your always in my thoughts Theresa,hope physo goes ok for you.
    Thank you Saba for all your explanation's regarding Bloglovin your a star. The flowers are beautiful. Hug's xx
    Sandra hope your feeling better today my lovely,I have just had a tea & banana sandwich left money on the side.
    Sam wishing all goes well for you at the hospital Hug's xx
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

  20. Good afternoon dear Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    Theresa your card is so beautiful in both the composition and the style of it. Thank you for putting the topaz hint in it at the leaves and the corners as it is just enough to stop my OCD from going way off course over the red and white theme. I hope that darling daughter loved her card because this really was a labour of love for you to make this special gift. I am glad that you had a wee bit help with the cutting part for that poor shoulder of yours. Thank you flower for allowing our Sandra to display it in the coffee shop as it adds that lovely touch to the walls along with the other beauties from our talented group.
    Thank you Margaret for my latte yesterday, boy i just needed one. My energy has gone away looking for someone's mojo so i am hoping that someone finds it and sends it packing back home to me as i am like an advert done in slow motion trying to do anything today. I think i will have a large hot one with a flea cemetery in my usual corner. Kirsten came in a wee while ago to see me as she was going for her 20 week scan tonight. She has just phoned me to say about her kettle that is leaking after speaking to Argos on line as her MIL threw out the box with the reciept in it and wanted her to go and kick up blazes with Argos about it leaking and only being 3 weeks old. The daft numpty has definitely got baby brain settling in as she has just taken the house phone to Argos and put her mobile phone on the house phone cradle. She came across last night to see her dad and the wee fella was doing acrobatics in her, but what happened when his granny here tried to fell him... all quiet and away back to sleep. I hope that when he gets fed up of being nice and comfy in there that he sleeps as well for granny here looking after him. Of course i went to see my friend that i have been teaching to knit and now sew (because i'm not doing it) he was back to life and kicking out at his papa/ grumpy which his nibs thought was great.
    My friend is so taken away with her wee mittens that she has made that she is now started her second pair, so i must have done something right. Poor thing was showing me that she had an idea to make the cords for the mittens by plaiting 3 lengths of dk together until i showed her what the handle of her living room door was good for and a lot quicker and easier for her. Have been trying to make some cards up but the arms are not willing to caw the GC handle so i have given in and dug out the Ebosser which is temperamental and takes turns at whether or not it is going to let the sandwich pass through but at least it is getting there in the end which is a darn sight more than my arms were.
    I have signed up to that bloglovin but i can't for the life of me work out how to comment because each time i try it, it sends me to subscribing which i already have and put it in my favourites folder so i'm in the old fashioned way of leaving a comment for Sue as i just can't get that thing to work, but there again it could be the fact that my brain has went on the run along with my energy which could explain a lot.
    I hope that the 3 graces are having a lovely day together as usual , leaving a basket full of hugs of all shapes, sizes and strengths for all sorts of occassions, please come and take one while i enjoy the one that Margaret left on my seat waiting for me today, Thank you Margaret that was a lovely one you left.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hi Norah,
      Sorry you are a bit in slo mo today, I know that feeling, I am feeling like a zombie!
      Kirsten's baby sounds like he/she is fit and well, you clearly have the calming effect Norah! When he gets left with his papa, he will be kicking and wailing on the outside too!
      I am so pleased your friend has got the knitting bug! Such a boost for you too!
      I will send you an email in a while, I have washed your tommee tippee cup and popped it under the counter, so hell yourself, just a thought, maybe you can do a bit of sewing and make you and I a bib to cover our booby shelf! It would save on the washing!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  21. Hi Sandra and friends, large black coffee and a cinnamon bun, god how I miss a real one :-)
    Theresa your card is wonderful ! It's amazing how you managed to put it together but you have now started a family business for your cardmaking and I for one like to see more. The die you used is lovely and so is the colours. Ribbon on the side and flower together is wow ! I'm sending you gently Hugs and hope your physio will help some.
    Have a great day Sandra with Mrs B and Pat, it's so nice to see that you manage mostly once a week to meet up for a natter and crafting together.
    Have a nice day at the old folks home Myra and Patricia at your card class, are you the teacher at this place ? Oh and Jess have a good day in the "sweetshop" :-) I have looked into to go for a craft retreat as I thought it sound like fun but you have to get there on your own and some places are out of my price range . Was yours good Maureen ? Who is it of you who have been doing craft classes on cruises , was that you Sam ? Hope your visit to the Hospital goes ok . Glad to see you feeling better Michelle just so sad to hear about your friends....hope you had a nice time together today.
    :-) your daughter will be busy Hazel ! but is it anything better to have your feet done (or massage) Have any of you had their feet by done the fishes ?
    Norah ,your friend coming along very well with her knitting.. Soon she will make warm cardigans :-) I think we all need them now, it has gone sooo cold the last few days but we haven't had the storms that you seem to have in some parts . Did we have some newcomers to the coffee shop ? I'm sorry if I missed you but if so Welcome to the best coffee shop there is ! Even if we have not met yet, I feel like you Sandra that we are all good friends that meet up for a chat ,laughter and tears. We understand when someone have problems and are in pain.We are smiling when something nice happening, like when grand and great grand children are born. I'm giving cuddles to one and all of the little ones, I love children but haven't got any grand children myself yet and it doesn't look there will for some time :-) Lynda ,have you had any cuddles with Harry lately ? Like to see a new post on your blog again as you also making some wonderful cards. I love seeing all the amazing crafts and cards that coming though here every day,it's like a tonic for body and soul. Have not made my own pins and flowers but have promised myself that I will try, one day.. Thank you for the coffee and must say the flowers over there are beautiful, were they from our Saba ? might pop in later,for a read.I'm also a nosy parker what everybody have been up too :-) Lots of Love and Hugs Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      We did more chat than crafting today!
      I am glad you feel the same as me regarding feeling like friends, we do share a lot with each other, but that's the good thing about the blog you feel like you can share almost anything, whether it's a frustration, a worry, something happy or sad, it's just nice to get able to share sometimes, with like minded people who share the same interests. I am not sure if it's the same one but Create & craft did a crafting cruise to Amsterdam a few years back, it was quite expensive mind! My only problem with that would if the crossing is rough! We went with friends and the crossing was so rough, the crew were handing free sickness tablets! You could barely stand let alone craft, so I wouldn't have bothered with that, there were some good crafters that went along, Sue Wilson, Sam Poole, Debbie Moore to name a few, they also did one at Hayling Island which was same kind of thing but this one had .......the one & only Dawn Bibby as the main craft demonstror! So for 'obvious reasons' I wasn't interested in that.! I guess you have to shop around to find one that suits you.
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Maria,
      Thank you for asking I had Harry cuddles last Sunday week,so missing them now :0(( I will be putting a card on my blog tomorrow I have finished one today. Hope your ok,not long now for Ally Pally I'm really looking forward to meeting you & the others. How many coffee shop ladies are going.
      Hi Sandra hope you had a good day with Pat & Sue & your not too worn out . Can I have a hot chocolate made with milk please thank you. Will see you all tomorrow love & Hug's Lynda xx

  22. Sam good luck with the hospital tomorrow, will be thinking of you.Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

  23. Hi Sandra
    Sorry I have been absent but when I got home on Saturday we had unexpected guests. They finally went home today and I had to finish my mum's mothers day card. Theresa your card is lovely . Just off to finish box for mum's card. Love Tandy

    1. Hi Tandy,
      You sound like you have been busy, you must be exhausted!
      Remember to take some pics of your cards so you can send me one to show everyone!
      I hope your mum loves her card!
      It's lovely to have you back!
      Sandra xxxx

  24. Hi to all dear friends. Hope you all had a lovely weekend. I really enjoy listening to all your emails. What makes me really smile is that so many names are familiar, and even though its all a virtual friendship for those that live some distance, it feels like a real friendship, does that make sence ?
    Had an email from Sue this morning, she sounded a bit paniced. She thought it maybe doing more harm than good pushing bloglovin - that name is almost making me want to rip my hair out lol, Sandra know's what I mean lol. There are people that are visiting Particraft via just BL website, they arn't clicking the button that sends you to PC so they are just looking at Sue's blog via the email or via BL and not clicking the button that takes you to her blog ! She has a follower in Germany that has looked into it all and explained it at great length to Sue, so Sue got slightly concerned that people wasn't using BL properly so it meant she was losing number's not gaining more ! (I must explaine Im a proper techno numpty) and have not a clue about computer's etc. Barbara - the concerned lady from Germany was going to try and explain all about BL when she commented today. Not had time to check yet though.

    Onto Theresa's outstanding card, she was SO chuffed and proud as punch of herself when she emailed it to me last night and I pleaded with her to let Sandra show it, Im so glad you did Theresa and your skill, dedication and love for what you do show's in your stunning cards etc you deserve all the praise you get.
    As do you Saba... Coffee filter's ay ? Wonderful, but which punch did you use or am I being thick and not read your comment properly ?! Does it annoy other friends when Sue has written all the dies, ef's colour ink etc down in her blog then some 'thicko' sorry, then asks a question about exactly what Sue has taken time to type out !!! READ the blog you fool then you would find out what she's used and wont make yourself look so bleep bleep stupid and thick !!
    Sorry for that outburst, not a great day at my appointment, and Im tired, so a bit narkey.
    So sorry everyone. Mrs. B hope your ears arnt badly bruised after being pulled from the cup. Congrats to you on your card. Ooooo yeah, what's the flip card all about ? ! Lol... Btilliant Sue but no more, that's what we love about you, you dont follow the 'boring' trends !! Saying that, I may have a go myself !
    OMG - the time... Oops, dinner !! Lol.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Hi Steph,
      Don't know if you have made the connection yet, but it was me who has been having the discussion with Sue and looked into it and commented on her blog for her. She herself hadn't realised that it wasn't sufficient to just go on Bloglovin. It's all to do with something called an html which at her time of signing up would have been embedded into her site to count the visitors. This html recognises the IP address of every what they call unique visitor to the site, hence when you look at that list of people who are presently visiting you can see where they come from, you know the one " a visitor from Timbuktu visited Particraft 20 seconds ago" . This visitor is then entered into the log and their visit counts for the ratings.
      She may be considering a different morning email service but as I mentioned to her, Bloglovin is a great way to for people to find her once it has enough followers to be noticed.
      It just doesn't help with the ratings unlike they come to Particraft.
      I have left two comments on her blog and some people have already responded, with relief as they thought they were letting her down by not coming in via Bloglovin.
      Hope I have solved your Mystery of who the mysterious German lady is!!
      Hope you enjoyed your dinner
      XXX Saba

    2. I think I am just going to throw the towel In! Too technical & way to stressful, personally I press follow on Bloglovin and then then go to particraft via the old method!
      Way too much to think about and I can't even bare to utter that 'bl****n word anymore!
      Love & confused hugs
      Sandra xxx

  25. Hello again everyone,
    Have you ever had a day when you just wished you hadn't bothered to get up in the first place. Well join me, and to make things even better I've just typed a whole long message, giving opinions - which I know you are dying to hear lol - and answering peoples posts, all of which I've forgotten and my message is in cyber space floating around looking to hook up with Norah's energy.
    So, I'm giving in because I know when I'm beaten and will come back in the morning all bright and bushy tailed - I hope.

    Maureen xx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      I know the feeling, always now get in the habit of 'select all ' & 'copy'
      That way if you lose it in cyber space you can still tap the text box and 'paste' and voila it all comes back! I hope you can re do it so that we can read all of your opinions! Please!
      I look forward immensely to seeing your 'bushy tail' in the morning!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx

  26. Hi Sandra could I have a quick latte please just popped in to see if you have had a better day than yesterday been thinking of you all day, now was it all crafting, all chattering or a mixture, but as long as you have had a good day that is the main thing.
    Sam best wishes for tomorrow with your appointment, I hope all goes well for you. I shall be thinking of you and there will be a latte waiting for you when you feel up to popping in to see everyone, take care.
    Norah hope the scan goes well for your special girl and not like when I went for one, they had just got the machine I remember and were all new fangled. They nearly gave me a heart attack when they told me the consultant had queried a multiple birth!!! They said they could only see one baby but another could be hiding behind!!! Talk about trying to put your blood pressure up.
    Well I have hugs here for all who need them just help your selves and have a lovely evening my friends and a restful night I will see you all tomorrow.
    God Bless
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Another sleepless night I'm afraid, I was so cold too, I kept trying to warm my feet up on Paul but he was already sleeping and not best impressed!
      We had a lovely afternoon together, to begin with we talked more than craft as we hadn't seen each other for a fortnight, we needed all the details about Sue's grandsons Arrival and Pats upcoming operation, this time next week it should all be done! I can't wait to see Pat pain free, there will be no stopping her then!
      My scan story was the opposite way round they missed the fact that I was having twins on five separate scans, I was over half way when I found out, shock was the understatement!
      Well I must go, for a shower!
      Sandra xxxx

  27. This card is a real stunner Theresa. Really striking!

    I have given up on the bloglovin thing I just switch off when it gets too technical!

    Trying to declutter got two rooms done and just been starting on craft room! I have been sorting my dies out getting more on magnetic sheets and all in plastic bags. As I was doing it I was thinking there must be a fortune of stuff in that room a non crafter just wouldn't believe it would they?

    I have had 2 evenings off this week I normally work mon and Tuesday and it has been so nice no pressure to get homework, tea, bath pjs sorted in a rush and time for me to chill!

    Michelle I used to go to Southport every week with mum and dad when Tilly was little before school it was a regular Thursday day out. I have never been back since dad died I always felt I would be looking for him but have decided to go back this summer as we always enjoyed it.

    See you all tomorrow after fat club!

    1. Hi Alison,
      Glad you have had a couple of nights off to de stress, wow look at you doing all the de-cluttering, very impressed
      I think it doesn't do to go adding up,all your craft stuff, it becomes a bit of a shock!
      I know what you mean about Bloglovin! Way too stressful.
      Thanks fir stopping by today,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  28. Evening everyone. Well I have just had an argument with the stair carpet - tripped up the stairs and landed on my cast. Pretty painfull and just hoping I haven't done anymore damage. We shall see. Hope all goes well at the hospital tomorrow Sam and sorry you didn't gave such a good time at the hospital yesterday Steph. Think I have sorted out about my 9.30 appointment at the hospital next week. My granddaughter is going on a school trip and has to be at school at 8.30 so if I go with my son when he takes her to school we can go straight to the hospital when he has dropped her off and we should get there in time. Hopefully. Seeing I had to wait over two hours last time before I was seen I can't see a few minutes will make a lot of difference. Hoping to ave a blood test done for the GP which will save me having to make an appointment at the surgery with the nurse. At the hospital it is just walk in and wait.

    1. Oh Littlelamb,
      You poor thing, is your cast still in one piece, I think if your cast is ok you should be fine, if a little bit sore bless you!
      Was it the gin?
      I am glad you have resolved your appointment worry, the less stress the better!
      Take some painkillers and go steady my love,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Thank you Sandra. Yes the cast is in one piece so hoping everything is ok. See you at the cafe tomorrow.
