
Monday 23 February 2015

A Stunning start to the week from Saba!

Good Monday Ladies,
How can it be the last week of February already?
I have an exciting week this week, as I am going to Farnborough to the Craft Show on Saturday,
I haven't done this craft show before so not sure what to expect, but one of my favourite crafters will be there (Christine Emberson), I am looking forward to meeting her. Plus I think Anna Marie Designs will be there too so I hope to stock up on some of her goodies too!
Right todays card......Isn't it so amazing?!!!!!  Saba has created this masterpiece and it has special connection to our 'coffee shop' as the flower is made from......wait for it...........Coffee filters!!!You would never guess it would you? Saba will stop by later and tell us how she has created this beautiful card, here is a photo of the stages leading up to achieving this gorgeous flower. I can't believe that a coffee filter can transform into such a beautiful flower. I am desperate to have a go, although I am  not sure if coffee filters are as cheap here as they are in Germany.  I am guessing there will be a surge of sails after todays post.  Do you think that Aldi sells them?                                                                       Did any of you buy anything from the shows at the weekend? there were some gorgeous card samples weren't there. I missed the 'paper grouting' technique on Saturday morning so I need to catch
up with that one.  I was pleased to see they got the message in the end and Sue managed to get two demonstrations in on most shows.  Gosh those cups were overflowing though weren't they, Sue does have a huge following, I hope that a few more will jump on board on Sue's blog this week, so we must remember to push the Bloglovin thing again tomorrow, to hit those newcomers!
Sorry to keep on about it, I just want Sue's blog to go through the roof, as she deserves!
Well what topics are we going to cover this week? I can't wait to find out.
Love and Hugs to all of You!
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Morning.
    Back later sometime but wanted to share an email I received from Sue.
    She has just had an email from bloglovin congratulating her on reaching 900 : )

    So the biggest thank you to ALL friends here that have helped Sue with this amazing push to help boost her moral again. Our mission to get more follower's for Sue has to continue Im sure you will agree, do you know something ? You are AMAZING xx
    I know this news will help brighten your day as much as Saba's outstanding beauty this morning. Will be back to catch up on what Saba has shown with her flower details when I can... See cloud number 9 ? That's our Sue lol.
    Love you. Have a great day.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  2. P. S. Ive not mentioned the numbers on Sue's blog just incase she wants to announce it herself so please dont in your excitement mention how many bloglovin follower's she has been informed about. I wanted to keep YOU all posted. We could spoil Sue's joy of telling people if we mention it. Its between us : )
    Thanks dear friends.
    L.S xxz

  3. Morning Sandra, Gorgeous card, would never have thought the flower was from coffee filters. Love the patchwork technique.
    Never bought anything from the shows as no money till pay day but Sue has loads more dies coming out so I am sure there will be more shows soon.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  4. Morning Sandra. I'll just help myself to a quick coffee this morning before I head out to work.
    Saba, your card is stunning. I can't believe the flower is made from coffee filters, will call in later for the instructions. You must have so much patience to do the background technique too.
    Stephanie, thanks for passing on the message from Sue - I hope lots more people join Bloglovin. I hope that everything goes well today, will you be popping into Samuel Taylor's? I wasn't too impressed the last time I went there (the one near the market), lots of wool but not much in the way of papercrafting.
    Just to clear up any confusion, I'm the Sue from North Yorkshire and it was my email that Dean read out saying I was in the coffee shop, but it was Mrs B - Sue - who was drawn out of the cup - congratulations by the way. It was the first ever email I've had read out so I was chuffed (Yorkshire for well pleased). It was great to hear emails from so many of Sue's regular followers too. Well, coffee finished so better go to work! Have a lovely day everyone. Sue xxx

    1. Oh bless you, it made my day hearing all of our coffee shop regulars's names read out and then to round it all off the coffee shop gets a mention too, I had put it In both of my emails but the didn't read them all! The look on the faces of both of them when he said you were watching from a coffee shop with friends! Was hilarious, you could see him thinking what coffee shop is open this time on a Sunday and showing create and craft!
      Thank you for mentioning us
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

  5. Hi Sandra my Friend and all my dear Friends at The Coffee Shop,
    Welcome to Janice to our wonderful and Friendly Cafe.
    Could I please have my usual and can I take this Opportunity to say a great BIG Thank You for all your Extremely Kind words yesterday re: my Card it's due to our wonderful host Sandra I was able to share it with you. So Today I would like to buy a drink for you All and a piece of nice Cake!
    Sandra you asked about Prisma Pencils well they are soft and more waxy than most and when I went on a training day with Bev she was great and said don't go out and buy a full box (which is expensive) she gave us a list of about Twelve and said that's all you will need, and she was correct there is one for Skin and hair and different Colours, Theresa when I Stamp I Stamp on a Cushion a bit like the one our Sue uses for making Flowers or doing her piercing even if The Stamp is a cushioned one it just gives a clearer image.
    Saba yes I do use Perect Layers Rulers which are just Brilliant I also use my Guillotine. If my matting is out slightly I have to start again.
    Myra I'm sure your Card from Sue with The Coffee Cup was far greater than mine.
    I know you mentioned about sometime Joanna Sheen been out of stock well I press the bit that says read more and they will get in touch with you as soon as it comes in stock, which they do they done it for me often!
    Janet (Sheffield) I would like to send this Stamp to you so you can Use it, no problem at all.
    Michelle I really hope your feeling much better than yesterday.
    Little Lamb Congratulations on winning a Gift on our Sue's Blog I'm sure you'll Love it.
    Saba your Card is Truly Amazing, I Love The Fabulous Colours you have chosen, and making your Outstanding Flower from Coffee Filters which is just Fantastic you are one Extremely Talented Lady I Love The Stick Pins Also.
    Steph I really hope you've warmed up and I hope everything goes well at the Hospital.
    Sandra I'm sure you'll have a terrific time at the Craft Show sometime even if I don't buy anything it's great to see the people Demoing with the Products we use, like Phill Martin always comes to the show's near me and he promotes his own products as well as Creative Expression.
    Sandra and my very dear friends have a good day.
    Keep warm today it's Cold out there!!!
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      Thanks for explaining about the pencils, I have often wondered and I have seen them use a 'stubby' paper pencil and some kind of fluid to aid blending.
      Like you I like seeing all the demos, sometimes you can pick up a bargain too, this time I am looking forward to seeing Christine Emberson, I have been friends with her through her blog for many years, she is an ambassador for Spellbinders and creates all the display boards for the Spellbinder shows on Create and Craft!
      I don't think that there are any Creative Expressions representatives at this show!
      Anyway I am off for a shower, see you tomorrow,
      Sandra xxxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all who visit today.
    Wonderful news Steph, I am so delighted for her, she will soon be back at no. 1 where she belongs.
    Please may I have a Latte and a toasted teacake Sandra.
    Wasn't it an exciting weekend hearing all our emails being read out and then the topping on the cake Sue (Mrs B) winning a Card. I wonder which one it will be?
    Thank you Sandra for letting me be your guest designer today.
    Obviously inspired by Sue I made the background in coconut white, pale lilac and mauve. She does a brilliant video explaining how to do it. I can't remember whether she ran hers through the embossing folder or not, but I assembled mine first by sticking all the pieces onto a piece of cheap white card, then embossed it using the Eternity folder and then trimmed off any excess white background card. I inked the edges with dark mauve before matting and layering to make sure the white card didn't show. The stick pins were made from my stash. The flower as Sandra said is made using a coffee filter. They come in in brown and white and they are also inexpensive in the UK, I am sure Aldi will stock them? I used a white one on this card, but you do get lovely shades using the brown ones too. On the second photo I have used white on the flower on the left. I used a stamping up punch for the bigger part of the flower, and a Martha Stuart one for the smaller inside part. After punching I colour them in using spritzers, h2o's or an ink pad wash. Starting with a really weak mix to colour one and adding more colour to the subsequent layers. I scrunch them whilst still moist, let them dry and assemble them.
    After colouring them, I cut a couple in half to form the lower layer, this gives me a larger flower and saves me buying anther larger punch. I then I attach the next layers and the last one I fold up and snip around the edges to make it a bit smaller and attach that. The smallest inside is just a few from the smaller punch stuck together and then scrunched. Sounds a bit long winded and if I had a lot of flower die cuts I would probably use those instead. I arranged and attached the petite vinery first, and then the flower. Hope you can understand all that, I hadn't realised just how difficult it was to describe how something was made!!! Sorry it is so long winded.

    I am going over to Sue's now, I do hope Izzy has given us some info about her fabulous handbags. You could see the pride in Sue's face when she spoke of her. I wouldn't be surprised if she recruits her in some way to work for her.

    Love and cuddles for you all today
    Saba XXX

    1. How very clever of you to use filters, the flowers are amazing. And the card is so beautiful.
      Love & hugs
      Cheryl xxx

  7. Good Morning-lovely card today. I spent quite a but at the craft show on Saturday but all the goodies were on my list! Feeling a lot better now-the cold is all in my head now.


  8. Hi Sandra and all that visit the cafe today. Please may I have my usual tea and some porridge and fruit again today, I will be sitting at the little table that Maureen and I like, thank you.
    Saba, your card is gorgeous, and the flower is wonderful. Than k you for the details, it is always hard to describe something on paper isn't it but I think you have done a great job. Like Sandra said there will be a rush on filters today : )
    Sue reaching 900 on Bloglovin is a fantastic start to the week, thanks Steph for passing on such great news : ) Lets hope it is up to at least 1000 very soon. It is so good that we are not stretching the truth about just how good Bloglovin is, it really is great isn't it.
    CraftySuetoo, I suddenly thought of you in the middle of the night, I had a feeling you have mentioned Yorkshire before and it all made sense, at last. Oh I do wish I had a decent memory, my meds have put paid to mine!
    Sandra, I know just how much you are looking forward to meeting Christine, only 5 sleeps now my lovely : )
    Chris sees the surgeon today to see how his hand repair has healed, fingers crossed he will be able to start looking for a job. After over a year off work because of this broken hand he is rather keen to work again, but may have to do some training first depending on what he is allowed to do. Today will tell!
    I hope yo got some decent sleep last night Sandra, and all of you ladies are keeping well. Will pop back later. Take care xx

  9. I did notice that there is no Bloglovin button at the bottom of Sues blog today. I have let her know as that will not help will it! x

  10. Good morning Sandra and anyone else who pops in today. Well I am on a very lazy start this morning, I think my busy few days have caught up with me, so can I please have my usual tea and I think a toasted tea cake would be lovely.
    Saba. Your card is stunning, love the softness of your colours and your gorgeous design. Thank you for sharing it with us, and of course a big thank you once again to Sandra for showing it. I am so glad the coffee shop got a mention yesterday, your right they will be wondering what going on??? Congratulations to Sue and little lamb on your wins yesterday, also to Sue in Yorkshire and the others who had their e-mails read out.
    Yes it's good to see Sue's numbers go up on bloglovin, I just hope the powers on high see that she is going to get the support of her loyal supporters. Well Id better make a move or husband and doc will be back and I will stil be sat here. Steph hope today goes ok for you, don't get cold again. Thank you I enjoyed my tea and tea cake, be in later to catch up. Hazel x

  11. Good morning Everyone
    Just a quick note for all as I have to go out early so will be back later for my usual latte.
    They are a small company/shop who give an excellent service and offer post free if you spend £10 or over I have used them several times and they are really good.
    I discovered this late last night and left a quick note but Sandra has asked me to post this info again.
    Hope all had a good night and are feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed
    Will see you all later
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Thank you Margaret, i have now ordered up my beads and spacers at a price i can afford and it is giving to a wee company that is not greedy. Hope you don't mind but they ask where i heard about them and i blamed it on you and Cotswold Crafter blog(sorry Sandra) but i have now saved this wee company to my favourites. Thank you flower for the info,

    2. Norah that is fine I'll take the blame, so pleased you were able to get what you wanted, hope you enjoy using them sweetheart. Shall we have a latte before we brave the cold to go home?
      Margaret xx

  12. Janet Ecco of Sheffield23 February 2015 at 08:32

    Morning one and all - extra large latte this morning please. What a weekend we've had - two wonderful days of Sue (although I've only managed to see one show up to now - my awful end to shopping Sat. morning and then yesterday evening my halogen cooker stopped working. We had friends over for a meal and half way through my cooking it just stopped. A perfect way to raise my BP. Anyway it will be looked at today and if major surgery is needed then a new one will be bought lol.
    Saba your card is just amazing and your colours are in my favourite file. Given the amount of coffee filters I use you have now given me another use for them. A big Thank You. Sam thank you so much for your offer of sending your stamp. May I please keep it open for a while? You see I have a bday next week-end and like many of us my list is strategically placed and it's on the list. But again a big big thank you for the offer.
    Isn't it fantastic news about bloglovin numbers and I too noticed that the link wasn't there this morning. Thank you Steph for letting Sue know. Right have to go now and sort out the shelves in the freezer as Mr Tesco is due between 09.00 and 10.00 and I know it sounds odd but I do like the meats and shelves in date order. Oh having just typed and seen that it really makes me look dafter than I am. Hope to be back later. I have to decide on a creation for a week tomorrow as it's my turn to demo at Knit and Natter so it's 10 sets to be cut and collated.
    Hugs Janet xx
    Aren't Izzy's bags just

  13. Hello Sandra,
    I'll just take a latte and a toasted tea cake please to Mrs B's corner table as we have some important issues to sort out!! Sam, thanks for your generosity in treating us all today, it'll cost you a bomb!
    Saba, what a gorgeous card, and an ingenious way to do the patchwork. It will make it so much easier doing it your way than embossing each square, cutting into triangles and then sticking. And the flowers - fantastic - and recycling at it's finest.
    Steph, my lips are sealed - and believe me it takes a lot to do that!!
    Margaret corgi owner - thanks for the info on the pins and beads, I'll be having a look on that site.
    Janet - I agree with you, Izzy's bags are just.................. By the way, who is Izzy?
    See you all later, Maureen xxx

    1. If anyone finds my brain please forward it to me, just realised who Izzy is !!

    2. Please tell me, who is she???

    3. Hi Cheryl,
      We don't really know who she is, just that she comments regularly on Sue's blog. She was in contact with Sue by email must have sent a picture of her delightful bags and butterfly and Sue asked if she could show her creations on the weekender show. That's all we know about her. She commented today and is looking into how she can share - how to make the bags- with everyone.

  14. Hello again Sandra and Friends
    Where am I going wrong I've joined Bloglovin on Sue's Blog, which is Fantastic but when I go into it when it appears on my e-mails I try to put a comment in but it just keeps jumping back to the top.
    So I'm having to comment the old way please can anyone tell me what I'm doing incorrect!!!
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Mine was doing the same yesterday and it was very frustrating so just went in my usual way, same as you, and it was ok. Don't know why it was doing that.

    2. Sam if you go in from e-mail you have to close off the bloglovin tab bar at the top of the page(theres a cross in the right hand corner) that allows Sues page to fully load and then you can comment.
      Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

  15. Margaret,
    thank you for that, I have just had a look and they have Intenational delivery calculated according to weight unlike some companies who charge a flat rate which can be exorbitant. I might have to order some. I have a brilliant bead shop here in Nuremberg and she has some unusual ones like the one used on one of my stick pins on the card, but for some reason doesn't stock the teardrop crystals with the hole going through the middle so it is good to know where I can get them. So glad Sue has done the smaller packages for those of us who can't stretch to buying the big set.

  16. Hello me again,
    Thank you to Margaret Corgi Owner I've checked out The Stick Pins and Beads individually Bagged and at a Great Price so I'm going to have some of those and as you mentioned no P P after £10 which is great it will have been Create and Craft that wanted Sue to put the whole Bundle together, they make me very Cross!
    Love and Hugs from Sam xxx

  17. Hi Sandra, Hi all, Saba your card is gorgeous. Love the quilting technique background, that flower is gorgeous, just need to get some coffee filters now.
    That's great news about Sues numbers. Bloglovin is showing when I went on Sues blog just now.It's straight underneath the card.
    Can I just mention you have to go through Bloglovin for Sues site for it to count. I have had Sues blog in my favourites tab forever, but that was a different lbogging site, if you go in the old way it may not count on bloglovin.
    Well that was long winded but hope you understand that.
    I'm chuffed this morning as Tony and Emma cut a pile of dies out for me and with their help I was able to make the card that I had promised someone as I don't like to let people down. I am hoping now that if I take it easy I might be able to make another one. Have Physio again Thursday it's a long road but as long as I can do a little something craftwise I'll be ok. I've been CRAFT CRAZY not doing any.
    Sam thank you for your tip on stamping, my problem is the stamps don't hold the ink. I have several Anna Griffin stamps that won't hold any ink at all, any suggestions.?
    Well done Mrs B.
    A nice Latte and a Chelsea bun for me today please.Thinking of you Steph.Hugs to all Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa
      Try huffing on the stamp after you have added the ink. That might work. If not, and the stamps are new try cleaning it with a wet wipe as it might have a film of something over the stamp.

    2. Hi Pat What does huffing mean, I have no idea. hugs Theresa (TOB)xx

    3. Theresa, breathing on it in a sharp puff of breath

    4. Hi Theresa,
      are you using rubber or acrylic clear stamps? If you are using the clear ones, it could be the ink pads you are using, some inks like Tim Holz distress ones tend to just sit on the surface of clears stamps whereas the chalk based ones like the ones from "Color box" work really well with them as do StazOn.

  18. Sam if you go in from e-mail you have to close off the bloglovin tab bar at the top of the page(theres a cross in the right hand corner) that allows Sues page to fully load and then you can comment.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

  19. Good Morning friends I did pop in yesterday but had a busy day and didn't get to leave a comment.

    Firstly Sam loved your card yesterday clean lines and classy. I don't do too much stamping as I struggle with shading despite having spectrum noir pens. Your card is wow.

    Saba, beautiful card, gorgeous colours and must give the flowers a go. I guess we will all be raiding Aldi and Lidl for coffee filters! Heard your name read out yesterday too

    Maureen thanks for the info on the stick pins want to have a go but that bundle was cost prohibitive. Do c and c not see that why not offer smaller bundles? I think I will do a taster order off the site you mentioned and give it a go. Thanks!

    Tilly still off school so having a friend around and going swimming. I need to get a grip and the chaos that this house has become!! Cheryl you think you are a clutter queen - you ain't seen anything!

    Good luck Steph in Leeds crafty visit spending your profit? I bet!!

    I will pop back later. See you soon xxxx

  20. Morning Sandra and ladies, just a coffee for me please today.
    Saba your card is gorgeous, Aldi and Lidl will be wondering what is going on whe their sales of coffee filters goes up.
    Ladies please help me, I got onto bloglovin but don't know how to comments, there is only a few of Sues cards on there as well, not so good with technology. Your help would be appreciated.
    Sam thanks for my coffee today, will catch up later, Jess x

  21. Good morning Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    Well on my road down to this part this morning i spied Margarets wee info on JGD crafts so got waylaid as i had to go and have a peek and have got my order in. My trouble is i have a lot of different types of long pins with pearl head and crystal acrylic head and all sorts so don't need the pins just the other beads and i know you lot, you will have the place sold out before the rest of us could get there (lol) but i just ordered one of each so that i left enough for everyone else, promise.
    Saba, your card is beautiful flower and with the coffee filter what looks like a poppy to me( my favourite flower) the filters give it the delicate look that poppies have. and just for a change i can actually see each star because of the beautiful contrast colours that you have used. Love the filigree foliage that you have used around the poppy head as between that and your beautiful stick pins, anyone lucky enough to receive this card should put it up and not take it down. Thank you Saba for making a lot of peoples day here at the cafe as it is so lovely seeing all the different works of art that our talented friends put in. thank you Sandra for being so kind as to share your blog with all of us.
    Theresa flower, take each day at a time and grow in strength and away from the pain hopefully with each physio visit. I know from experience at physio that a lot of the time you come out feeling worse than when you went in but over the time you can slowly see a difference. It's nice that you managed to get some of your family involved in helping you because they are helping in a far wider sense than just the cutting for you they are helping to build your confidence and keep you going which is even more to the point. sending you hugs flower for when you could do with one.
    Sandra i think today i need a hot creamy chocolate(i'll take the headache pills the now to counteract it) and what ever you recommend as a bit low on the energy levels today some how, awful glad i don't need to go anywhere as that would be up the swanny river somehow. I'm going to my usual corner to watch the world go bye. Have my basket as ever full of hugs of all sizes and strengths for anyone that could do with one,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  22. Morning Ladies. Saba your card is gorgeous. Think I have some coffee filters in the cupboard, will look when I am back home. Don't bother with the coffee filter machine now there is only me. Just buy the coffee bags. Sandra thank you for showing Saba's card today and hope you are ok. Will look out for you on Saturday at Farnborough. It's usually very good. Granddaughter has an extra day off school so think we are going into town as she needs a birthday present as going to a party on Saturday. Hope there are not a lot of people around pushing and shoving. Before I go I will have a hot chocolate and a toasted tea cake please.

  23. good morning again Sandra and everyone
    Oh I do like spending other peoples money! Delighted to know that some of you found the information useful, I just went on the site last night to check to see if they had any new Tonic dies and discovered all the beads and pins could not believe it at first I had to have a second look! So pleased I have brought a smile to our Norah's wee face, she looks so happy sitting over there in the corner, could I have my usual latte and one for our Norah too please Sandra. I am still feeling full after my special 21st Birthday afternoon tea yesterday, oh those eclairs just melted in the mouth with lovely thick chocolate on the top, not the usual icing as some places put on, and the smoked salmon sandwiches were so delicious.
    Saba your card is so very elegant and beautiful, the colours are wonderful and your stick pins takes your card to a higher level of luxury. How very clever to make your flowers that way they are fantastic, thank you for letting us see your work of art, and many thanks to Sandra too for making it possible.
    Well I is snowing at the moment but not laying thank goodness but some of the Lakeland passes are closed with snow so please do take care everyone and wrap up warm it is so cold outside.
    Hugs to all who need them my basket is full so just help yourself.

    Margaret corgi owner

  24. Sorry I should have said Well it is snowing!!!

  25. Hi Sandra.
    Please have a cappuccino nothing else, I'll just go and sit in the corner an dd some people watching.
    SABA whenI opened Sandra's blog today I said a very loud WOW, your card is stunning and the coffee filter flowers are gorgeous, love the colours you have used. WOW WOW WOW
    Margaret thank you for the tip on Sue's beads. Have checked out the web site. Will put an order in when I get my head around what colours to go for.
    Bye for now everyone, the oven engineer is due. And the freezer engineer between 1 and 3pm. In the meantime one of us will do the school run.
    Who said retire and have a peaceful life. Love to all Brenda xxx

  26. Hello again,
    Well, how did that happen. I just went onto Margaret corgi owners bead site and a whole load fell into my basket. You know, you ladies are a bad influence on me - as if I need much persuading!! Thanks again Margaret for the tip off.
    Brenda - you'll have the neighbours talking with all these men going in and out of your house!! It's back to the grandchildren routine for us as well. Those hours in between getting them out to school and back again until their parents come home seem to get shorter and shorter don't they?
    Going to try to fit a card in before school bus arrives at 3.30. Won't get it finished but should make a good start xx.

    1. Oh Maureen,
      you have no self discipline! lol , I hope you left some for us!
      Did you get the card finished?
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxx

  27. Good afternoon Sandra, all the ladies chatting in the corner. Plus all the ladies who have gone home.
    Hope you are all well.
    SABA:- your card is stunning, love the colours and fantastic design. Your Stick Pin is really pretty. Sandra you are such a sweetie having all the Guest Designers in showing us their wonderful work.
    Glad to see Sue's figures are well up.
    STEPH:- hope all has gone well for you at the hospital.
    LITTLELAMB:- is that wrist a bit better??

    May I have a cup of week tea and a slice of the first gooey cake you come to.
    Late for me today, thanks to Margaret who sent me the information for the beads and Stick Pins. Spend ages ooooing!! and aaaing!! I did not need Pins plenty of them. I did buy some of the "cone" shaped beads. I have lots of beads but non of the cone shapes. There will be no beads or pins left in that wee shop after we have all go our orders in. Thank you for the link Maragret will be back there soon to have another
    After I got he cleaning done and the washing out I went to get my "tootsies" done. My neice (Hazel's daughter) is a Podiertist or a Chiropodist as we used to call them does them for me. I don't have problems with my feet, I manage my nails ok. I do take Thyroxine since the removal of my Thyriod which makes my Toenails very thick. I go every 3 to 4 months so Gillian can give them a "really good" cut, she makes a wonderful job.
    I have caught up with all the news and crafty tips from the ladies.
    Think I better go get things organised for the dinner tonight.
    By for now, be good

    Patricia xx

    1. Getting better thank you. Be glad when I am back to crafting and trying out my new dies and stamps. Sue said she was posting my stamp set today so expect it will be here in the next couple of days. Looking forward to that.

    2. Hi Patricia,
      Well you have drummed up so business for Gillian tonight, poor girl, having to treat all of these old girls hooves! haha
      I too have massively thick toenails paul can only hack through them after I have soaked them, oh my goodness why am I even sharing this ! !!! haha
      What we having for dinner then? don't you ever get fed up of thinking about tea everynight, I sometimes wish that someone else would choose and do all the shopping and I could just put it together!
      see you tomorrow,
      Love and Hugs

  28. Afternoon Ladies, it's my coffee break now.
    What a beautiful card from Saba. Need to try coffee filter flowers. I have been die cutting fabric for flowers recently, some things work, some don't, but it is fun to try.
    Weather is diabolical here today, very wet and windy with sleet, so it's good to be able to sit in the warmth and have my latte, and a natter.
    I have been trying not to buy anything craft wise this winter, and I am finding papers and embellishments I had forgotten about. Perhaps they are just making simple cards for the charity shop, but between paper and fabric I was struggling to get into my craft room.
    Cheers all

  29. Hi Sandra
    Thanks for showing Sabas card. It's gorgeous Saba. I'm going to have to have a lesson from Mrs B. Your way seems quite straightforward and I love the flowers as well.well have a run on coffee filters, won't we. Littlelamb I'm going to Franborough as well, although not with Sandra and Mrs B. We're hopefully meeting up for lunch so might see you all they're. I'll have to ask Sandra to post a time for when we're having lunch, and we could all meet up. Hi Patricia could I have a lend of your niece. Pete cut my toenails for me, but didn't like to complain to much. Hope that Chris's wrist past muster Mrs B at the hospital. Glad your having some therapy Theresa. Hope the snow isn't to bad up North, it's just very cold and windy here in the south. We've had a few snow flurries but nothing much.

    1. Look forward to seeing you then.

    2. I'm sat here laughing at all the comments about footfairies and psychiatric nurses. Hope we don't get them mixed up. I sat here having a Baileys. Sush dint tell a Steph or else I'll be out on the naughty step. Pete thinks it's not cold. But with all the hormones he's having pumped into him he doesn't feel the cold. I'd better have some of what he's having.

    3. Pat you got me giggling because you sound like your pickled!
      Haha, you can't drink on them drugs!
      Love you
      Sandra xxxx

  30. Good afternoon ladies,
    I have been out all day and just got back, it's foul out, wet and cold so I'd like a steaming pot of Yorkshire tea and a sticky bun please, and thank you Sam for treating us today, I'll put the extra in for having a whole pot, and not just a cup.
    THANKYOU, so much for all your lovely comments. It's scary being guest designer after so many of you have shown your fabulous creations. Seeing as Sam bought the tea and cakes today I have bought flowers. They are all in that big vase over by the door so please help yourselves to as many as you like because Sandra's cafe is not just a wonderful place to be, it's magical as well and that vase will always be full up, just like the never ending love and support we all receive here. Bless you all.

    Patricia, please could I borrow Gillian as well, I won't keep her long. You are so lucky having a niece who is a foot fairy (can't spell podiwotsits let alone pronounce it) my niece is a psychiatric nurse and I hope I never need her skills.!!!

    Need to get cracking with dinner prep so I will see you all later, thank you once again ladies and thank you Sandra for making me guest designer today.

    Love and hugs Saba XXX

    1. amazing inspiration with everyone!
      Thank you too for the wonderful comment about the cafe!
      Love and huge hugs,
      Sandra xx
      Ps any card you want to share just email it to me xxx

  31. Hi Sandra, Large Hot Chocolate would be nice this cold day!
    Thank you Saba for letting Sandra posting your stunning card in one of my favourite colours and those pretty made flowers! Can't believe they are made out of coffee filters, how good are they. Do you sell your cards, like at a market or something ? Oh and very nice stickpins .
    Watched some more from Sue's weekender and it was great to hear your coffee shop being mentioned, that will get them thinking :-) Brilliant her Bloglovin got so many followers.
    Hope you did well yesterday Steph with your marketday and not to frozen afterwards. Also hope your hospital app.went ok ?
    I can't seem to get this posting together today ,started at 3pm ;-( so I try again tomorrow with better luck..... Love and hugs to all Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria, I have days like that too, things just don't go the way you want. Thank you for your kind comment but no I only make them for friends and family and for my own pleasure. XXX

  32. Good Afternoon Sandra,& all in the cafe.
    wow such good news Steph so pleased Sue's numbers are going up,i was having trouble with commenting for Sue on bloglovin so have just done it the normal way on her blog,sorry if i'm silly but does it count,or do we have to comment on both. Please don't shout i'm having a senior thingy lol
    Saba YOUR CARD IS AMAZING clever you love the flower & stick pin it's gorgeous hope to see more of your cards.
    Sandra can i have a quick cup of tea please & cheese cake.
    hope your day went ok Sandra with the girls back at school.I have just finished my grandson's card & got blister's on my fingers from the hot glue gun,have you got a first aid box in the cafe.
    Steph hope the hospital went ok.
    well have to start dinner so will say lot's of love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      No love you are not silly and whichever way you use to visit Sue's blog it counts. The reasonSue is keen to promote Bloglovin is to get more publicity. It's like Pinterest. When people go on to visit one of their favourite sites, they might see her site and then visit her particraft site, that way she gets another visitor and they might come back and that pushes up her numbers for top blog position. Everyone who visits her site gets counted, no matter where you come from, be it the normal way or through Bloglovin. And another interesting thing, if you visit her from both, the thingy which counts the visits to her site recognises your previous visit that day and doesn't count you twice. So don't worry Lynda, your visit counts. Sadly and most annoyingly mine doesn't. It only counts UK visitors and believe you me I have tried to trick it!!!
      Hope that helps XXX

    2. Whoops sorry I forgot to say thank you for your lovely comment about my card.

    3. Saba You say that your vote cannot be counted as you are outside the UK does Sue realise this? My reason for asking is she has visitors from the US too and probably other countries too so do they not count either as that does no seem very fair to me.
      Margaret xxx

    4. Thank you Saba for helping out the old girl,just didn't want Sue to miss out. Bloglovin is great though all her cards in one place & I aways Pin them as well. It's a shame your's don't count that's not fair. Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Hi Ladies,
      I am pretty sure Sue does realise. The site is only for UK blogs and that is why they only count UK visitors. If you look at their statistics for the day, it tells how many UK visitors a site has had, and how many from other countries for instance today when I looked Sue had had, 1,300 UK visitors and 190 from America, 19 from Germany and so on. It had had 3 from Cambridge!!! We all know who they are. The stats are really interesting, weekly and monthly averages and how many people have visited more than once a day ( which don't count but it's interesting to see)
      It's fair, because it applies to all the other blogs as well and I know Barbara Grey gets lots from Germany as she used to live here, quite near to where I live.
      Hugs Saba XXX

  33. Good evening everyone, well it looks like that little craft shop will wonder what's hit it, they will be running around making up all these orders, did you see that you can buy Sue's card there too. Ok it 5 sheets for just over a pound, but I suppose you could buy 5 sheets of each colour to begin with.
    The other thing can any ladies wishing to have their feet done by my Gillian, can you line up behind me please, I am waiting to get mine done and it's going to be a case of first come first done and seeing she just lives 5 minutes from here I will be first there. Andrew might wonder what's going on when you all turn up? Oh it's a horrible evening here so I am off to have a shower and get my PJs on. I might come in later on for a hot chocolate. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel, looks like I'll be last in line then, two planes and a train to catch, what time does she go to bed??

    2. Hi Hazel I too could do with an appointment does Gillian have a clinic in England? If you call back later have a hot chocolate on me. xxx

    3. Oh Gillian is going to be busy? Sorry ladies she isn't mobil. To think she always wanted to be a podiatrist from the age of 9, when people asked how could she want to do feet! Her answer was most people have two or maybe just one, a robot can't do the job, and there will always be a need for a podiatrist! How right she was, she loves her work. Well I am on the last leg of the invites they will be finished this week. Now it's the thank you cards next.
      Thank you I enjoyed my hot chocolate, that bit of cream and crushed flake just made it? Sandra are you ok I have notice you haven't commented today. ((((((Hugs)))))) incase you are feeling a bit under the weather. Hazel x

  34. Good evening Sandra
    Thank you for showing Sabas beautiful card. I am a big fan of making flowers with different techniques and this one is gorgeous. Love the colour scheme and the quilted background.
    So many talented crafters on this blog.

    1. Good evening Barbara,
      Thanks for calling in, also for your lovely comment for Saba, maybe you could show us your flowers some day!
      I am happy to share your cards anytime!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra x

  35. Hi Barbara,
    thank you. I love making flowers from different materials too. Even Toilet Paper!!! Now that's inexpensive for you, I wanted to say recycling but it conjured up too many horrible thoughts lol. XXX

  36. Hi Sandra,
    Good evening ladies,
    It's the very late Myra! I have had a crazy day and children's crafting this afternoon. Tomorrow I go to an Old Peoples Home - ok calm down I'm going to do crafting with them. You have not got rid of me yet. It's just that it takes a lot of prep and I am not as young as I used to be!
    Firstly Saba - what a gorgeous card! Your flower is exquisite and although I have pinned flowers made from coffee filters this is the first CLEAR explanation of how to make them I have had. Explanation was crystal clear! Thank you. Also like your method of construction of this card - it's just simpler .
    So thrilled about Sue's numbers. Numbers actually show on Bloglovin.
    Have still got two shows to watch but I'll get there.
    Good news too on the bead front - unfortunately I succumbed to C&C . Don't shout at me as it's been a long day and it's not over yet.
    I will need to try and do an Izzy and find other ways to use my stick pins and beads.
    Don't hold your breath - I'm not that clever.
    Wow, may I have an Espresso to go with my shh shh, glass of wine? Don't tell Steph!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

  37. Hi Myra. Thank you so much, I thanked everyone in my earlier post but incase late comers don't get to read all the comments I don't want to miss anyone out. We were brought up to send thank you letters for gifts or acts of kindness and I would never sleep if I thought someone thought I hadn't acknowledged them.
    I had no idea there were coffee paper flowers on Pinterest. Must have a look. I honestly thought I was the only one trying to save money by using things from around the home. Tell you one thing I forgot to mention though, die cutting is no problem but if you have trouble punching them out they punch better if they have been coloured first and left to dry. They are somewhat stiffer.
    You bought the beads!! Why can't we tell Steph you are having an espresso?

    1. Shh - you can tell Steph about the Espresso it was the glass of wine I was worried about! You see she called poor Alison a Wino last week for having a little glass! Lol .
      As for coffee papers on Pinterest - I have actually pinned them but not looked into it any further. I am full of good intentions!
      Thank you for sharing a beautiful card.
      Love Myra xx

    2. Myra, I think that maybe it is wine that you are full of! haha
      There is no good hiding the wine in the espresso cup either!
      Thanks for bringing the fun to the blog
      ps did you save me any? xx

    3. It's not big enough! Ha ha! Yours is in the fridge in a crystal goblet! Ha ha!, xx

  38. Thank you all for stopping by today, your comments have really made me smile.
    Sorry I haven't got around to replying to everybody, but it has been one of 'those' days!
    looking forward to another day with you all tomorrow!
    love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  39. Hello luvvie,
    Must admit was starting to get a bit worried about you, so glad you are alright.
    You try and get a good nights rest.
    Night and God bless XXX

    1. Bless you, we have a lot to think about here at the moment and it's not helping with my already poor sleeping pattern!
      Good job I have you guys to rely on! Specially for gorgeous cards to post when I have been in a no mojo moment!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx
