
Sunday 22 February 2015

Special Sam Card for Sunday

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Well at least we have a time for a leisurely breakfast before Sue's shows today.
Just look at Sam's stunning card today, it is so apt for our coffee shop isn't it? The Sentiment
reads Coffee with a Friend is like capturing Happiness and pouring it in a cup!
That just about sums up our little blog!  Sam, your card is so special, from the gorgeous little teapot charm in the corner to the 'oh so perfect' stamping, your matting and layering skills are perfect too, you obviously don't have a 'wonky guillotine' like me, mine is driving me scatty!
Please Sam I would love you to tell us how you achieved this masterpiece, what is your chosen method of colouring?
Please let Sam know below how much you love her card.
How are you all getting on with Bloglovin? I actually quite like it, its the instant access to all the cards on peoples blogs that I like, its also quite easy to share the blog posts on to the other popular platforms, so lets all get spreading the word for Sue.
How many of you bought something from the show today? Maureen did you remember to press the
flexi-pay button, please make sure of that everyone as Maureen found out to her cost they won't rush to help you out!
Its a frustrating thing with Sue being on Create and Craft as I desperately want to support everything that she does, its the prices that are the off putting thing, I would so love all of her shows to be sell outs, to be honest I did think that the Stick Pins would sell out, they are beautiful quality beads, maybe if they could have squeezed another couple of flexi-pays in, but its only a fortnight after the last shows where people used flexi for items over a hundred pounds and more and to squeeze more money out this month is just pushing it a little too far, maybe if it had been next weekend (payday)!
So I do feel a little sorry for Sue! She is just so inspirational to watch, when she isn't being spoken over.....Dean!!!! Boy was I shouting at the tv, Sue was disagreeing with him quite a bit!
What has Sunday got in store for you all today? I hope its nice and peaceful.
Steph my love, I wish you every success today I hope you have a sell out show! Then you can be like whopper-whatsaname and buy the whole bloomin Sue Wilson Die Collection!!!!! We can call you WhopperSteph!
Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra my dear friend, and all my other friends at The Cafe
    Sandra I hope you're feeling much better today.
    First could I have a weak Latte and Toasted Teacake.
    Brenda I do hope your IPad is now alright I've been having problems with mine and it's extremely frustrating You've typed things and think it's all gone through only to find its lost.
    I'd like to say a huge "Welcome to Josie" to "The Cotswold Cafe" which is the best and friendliest Cafe ever every single person has a great big heart and our Sandra is just the "BEST" she's such a Fabulous host.
    Steph I Truly hope you have a Tremendous Day at The Market today and you have a Sell Out!!!
    Well I didn't purchase anything from Sue's Show's I'd rather wait until I go to Ally Pally, mentioning those Stick Pins once again I know Sue has mentioned in the past that the Beads had to be good quality, I've had a go at making a couple and I went and bought some Bullit Earing Stoppers (for pierced earrings) so once the Pin was on the Card at least the Pin end wasn't showing.
    Well Sandra Thank You For your really kind comments re: My Card but believe me I'm extremely critical of myself I mainly make 8 x 8 Cards which I purchase from Anna Marie, All The Card is Foundation Card which I purchase from Joanna Sheen, I'm a Stamper at heart but I do try to include my Dies also The Stamp is from JustRite they are wonderful Stamps, you can't see to well but I stamped the flower twice so I could place foam tape on the back and I added Glossy Accents. I use Copic Pens and Prisma Pencils as my choice of colouring I'm not brilliant!! I spent some Training Days with Bev Rochester when she used to Blog daily now she is Brilliant at Colouring and shading I am always practicing on trying to get hair correct.
    Well enough of that I hope your all well in The Cafe today and I'm sure we're all looking forward to watching our Sue and at least it's not JJ they've got to give her chance to get Demo's done it's so frustrating.
    To all you wonderful ladies I send huge hugs
    Love and Hugs
    Sandra take great care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Good morning Sam,
      Thank you for letting me share you very 'perfect for coffee shop' card today!
      I have seen Bev Rochester's cards and tutorials and she is one very talented lady, her Lily of the Valley cards are just fabulous, so cute too her colouring really brings the images to life! So to be taught by her, my goodness how amazing, I now understand why your colouring is so good! I have heard a lot about those Prisma pencils, what sets them apart from other colouring pencils?
      I too buy my 8 x 8 cards from Anna Marie Designs, such good quality consistently! It's the same with all their cards!
      I need to find a supplier of foundation card that has it in stock, I don't have a problem with JS but she is more often than not out of stock, particularly Sue's most often used colours, I would like to get my hands on the 'periwinkle, aqua,blush and the lilac one too'
      I did see them for sale on the show yesterday but that was a very expensive way of buying them, you only get 10 of each colour as apposed to the 25 in a normal pack!
      Well I had better go and organised for the day, thank you once again my love for Sharing your stunning card!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Good morning Sandra & Ladies,

    I hope everyone is feeling well within themselves and that you had a better night's sleep Sandra.
    Tea and crumpets this morning please.
    Sam, your card is absolutely delightful, and I agree with Sandra on your stamping, matting and layering techniques. They are perfekt. I love the sentiment too and have copied it into my Commonplace Book, I hope you don't mind?
    Re C&C prices, my visit to Westpoint Craft Show did remind me that there I met the lovely 'hippy' Lady with the rainbow coloured hair and the BIG BIG knitting needles. Does anybody else remember her on a C&C show in January?. We had a lovely conversation and I asked why hadn't we seen her again. Her reply totally floored me. As her business is quite small and she doesn't have a shop, she has to watch her overheads so to be invited onto C&C was a big deal for her, to enable her to reach a larger audience, BUT they wanted and took 60% of the total sales!!!! She said she could not afford to go back on TV. That is probably why we wont or don't see many of the smaller businesses again! C&C have the monopoly on everything they show. Kanban, Lily of the Valley just to name a couple who we rarely see now, even Martha Stewart not such a big name on there anymore. Shattered Face has taken over alongside Hunkydory.
    Soap box over... (for now).
    Well, it's been quite a frosty morning here in Cannington everything has a silver gleam to it in the weak sun. Promises to look like a good day again.
    Yes, I was tempted by the stick pins and after pricing them up, my reckonings I think I made it £2.95 for 10, I did press the add to cart button.
    My nearest craft shop of importance is in Taunton and with all the roadworks at the moment, not to mention my recurring agoraphobia, it would have cost me more in petrol and hair pulling. 200 though is rather a lot and will take me forever to use up as like others I only put them on special cards, so if anyone would like a few, I am quite willing to share.
    Grandson No.1 Jamie is coming out shortly to help me connect up my new HD sky box so bye bye for now, I'll pop in later.
    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Morning Cheryl,
      I really am tempted by the stick pins, I have made a few myself in the past but I have struggled to get the proper beads!
      I know that other people have Said on here a couple of weeks back about c & c wanting 60% and exclusivity deals too, that's enough to tip a small business into the red and then out of business, that's how that 'BritishCraft Network' channel was born, it's all the smaller companies that have at one time been on create and craft! Can you imagine bringing out a new Line of stamps or dies that you are excited to launch and you have a sell out show only to have to give a huge portion of your takings back to them, it must be soul destroying! Why are they so greedy! Then you have all of their strict rules like 'you can't advertise on BCN' etc!
      I am not sure if Sams craft leader was planning to go back on with her company ?
      I totally understand about not going out, I suffer with that too, the panic attacks I get are terrible, it mainly stems from not going out for a couple of years or so after I had all the trauma around the operation that has left me permanently disabled! I was too scared to go out initially and it's just got worse as time has go on!
      Wouldnt sky fit your new HD box, or did they want to charge the earth?
      Fingers crossed for a fine and sunny day!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good morning Sandra, hope you are OK today. Good morning to all visitors to this great Coffee Shop. Think I will have a hot chocolate this morning.
    SAM:- your card is stunning, great colours, image and design. Your colouring is brilliant.
    When I make my Stick Pins I pop the pin into my card then I glue a small bead over the sharp point on the pin.
    Just watched the repeat of the last show with Dean. Oh! how I wish these presenters would let the guests get on with showing us how to use the goods they have there for us to buy. Not that I am I buying any ..... other than the Pin Selecion we can get all the items other places at cheaper prices.
    LITTLELAMB:- congratulations I noticed you have won on Sue's Blog.
    Right better be off, get things all sorted out so I can sit back and watch Sue.
    I will leave a basket of (((((hugs))))))in the corner for anyone to help themselves.
    Will pop back later

    Patricia xxx

  5. Beautiful card. Not long got up as I'm feeling lousy-full of cold etc. Took some NightNurse last night to make sure I slept, only downside is how groggy you feel the next day. Never mind, only got a few chores to do then I might watch Sues shows.


  6. Janet Ecco of Sheffield22 February 2015 at 08:50

    Morning one and all - My usual latte please. Sandra I hope you're feeling better this morning and had a good night. Perhaps this coming week you can get a little R&R as the girls are back to school and things may be a little quieter.
    Sam - how can you say you're not 'brilliant' your card is just beautiful and I only wish I could stamp as well as you and your colouring is gorgeous - mine looks as though a 3yr old has been let loose with some colouring pens! So may I please have some lessons? I have tried to purchase the cup and saucer stamp some time ago and everywhere I went it was not in stock or not available - do you know if it's been withdrawn?
    I've only managed to see one of Sue's shows as yet and I purchased one of the NY bundles - the one that has the border and tag in it. As it was on flexi and as I have a bday coming us very shortly I would treat myself. I would have loved the stick pins but just could not pay that price. I buy my stick blanks from JS. They have a stopper at the sharp end and as well as a button tin I have a bead tin in which I collect old and broken necklaces etc but I also look around such shops as £land, £stretcher and charity shops. My family also know not to throw anything away in this line.
    I have been relegated back to passenger as Jim is back to himself and his bloods are back to where they should be. I didn't get around to telling you about my usual shopping trip yesterday morning. Our route is always the same first stop coffee shop then work our way to shops we need to visit and the coffee shop and last call M&S. Everything went well until our last coffee shop. As usual it was full but we found a table and I was doing my usual people watching in particular a young women with a little boy under 4 and a girl who looked as though she had not long been walking. I know I'm on my soap box but why do people let their children run riot? The boy was chasing the little one around the shop where customers are carrying hot cups of coffee and staff are out and about clearing tables etc. Where was Mum - just sat with mobile in hand and not taking an ounce of notice of her children. That was bad enough but to finish this tale Mum was joined by husband/partner who plonked himself down on a stool with his back to me and to the whole world showed his 'builder's bum'. how to put people off their coffee and cakes!!! Fortunately we were ready to leave and did so quickly. OK I know that the above is one of my pet hates but I hope I'm not on my own here. Right rant over; soap box back in the corner. Hope to see you later. Hugs Janet xx

    1. Morning Janet, I hate when kids running wild in coffee shops and restaurants where you go for a nice time. It's so dangerous, even in the supermarkets they running around and the parents are completely, oh don't know the word er ignor something dho tihi and poor you to have to see his' builders bum' on top,uuuuuj !Hugs to you and Jim, glad to hear he is better! Maria x

    2. Janet. Have had a look and they have the stamp at Sunrise crafts. That is where I purchased mine. It is a Justrite stamp. Hope you manage to get one.

    3. Janet, i cannot stand children that don't know how to behave because their lazy mother is too interested in the thing that is attached to her right hand as if it was a life saving blood drip than in telling her children to park their little beem ends on what is called a chair and behave. Now i know that i have Rory and that he has Austism but it still did not give him the right to run around daft in a cafe or any where else for that matter and annoy folk. He like Kirsten was brought up to park it until i said that they could move and then and only then were they allowed out of their seats. They found out that if they flouted my rules on went the reins again because if i couldn't trust them to behave themselves and not show me up a) they lost out on going to the cafe the next time and b) they had their reins on (bearing in mind Kirsten is 7 years older than Rory). I know wicked cruel mother but i am not having them making a nuisance of themselves to other people. My rant on the subject over and keep builders bums, tongs and what ever else they care to put on display that shouldn't be well under clothing please, some of have to eat.

    4. Norah and Janet, I am with you where children should be taught that they do as they are told. When ours was little I could take them on the ferry from Europe to here and they didn't have all the gadgets they had a couple of packs of playing cards, colouring book and pencil, they were to stay beside us, no wondering off and when they went to the cabin they were to be quiet, being well warned what would happen if they made a peep, you weren't cruel at all,your two were well brought up to respect others. I wish I could say the same for the children that were with their adults today. I think today it's a case as long as they aren't bothering the adults they belong to that's ok. No it's not !!! Rant over. What day are you going to SECC ? Hazel x

    5. Janet, I totally agree with your rant. I would like to add my personal irritation that is smoking. Yes I did try it when I was about 15 and didn't like it, my father smoked until he realised it was killing him. My OH smoked when he was in the navy (they were duty free) on leaving the navy stopped because he was appalled at the price. He has never been tempted since. BUT recently I saw a neighbour carrying her young son coming out of our local Tesco Express. Putting a cigarette to her lips and lighting it, her little boy was inches away from it.!!!!!

    6. Sorry didn't make myself clear there. Yes smoke if you want to But Please not when children can inhale the nicotine.
      Please take the soapbox away someone.
      Lol Brenda x

  7. Hi Janet,
    You have mentioned JS and so do some of the other ladies. I have tried JS in Google search and I get everything from stepladders to fashion. Could you give me the link to them please?
    Thanks Cgheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, type in Joanna Sheen
      Jess x

  8. Morning Sandra, strong black coffee and as it's Sunday lets have a bacon bap,please. How did your sleep go ? sorry Sam but it didn't work for me the breathing technique because OH was snoring so badly and stopped breathing at times so I had to give him a nudge. After a hour and half I went back downstairs and sent a comment on Sandras etc. instead so I'm still sitting here and writing again Tihi many nights are like this so not sure if to laugh or cry.... To open up my acer again do after putting some juice into her and see your Fabulous Card made me feel happy Because as Sandra said it's just perfect for our coffee shop and hopefully she will put it so everyone get to see it. I love the colours and the little teapot charm is so sweet, thank you for letting Sandra showing us your card ! I hope you feeling ok and have a nice Sunday, Hugs.
    wow, you girls in yesterdays post had made some amazing work as well ! Myra your card is beautiful ! Nice of Lynda to send you some dies and you making card for us all to see. Alison your art is lovely too with all the little bits put together! Janet those dolls are fabulous in such wonderful happy colours ( sorry but they still look like clowns to me but these are smiling ones so they dont scare me) Tihi have bad thought with the circus ones :-(
    I'm having our Sue on recording so I will watch her later. Understand it was stickpins on offer but sadly in to big bundles. I would never spend £60 on them when you can get quite a few die's instead. I have met Leonie at AP a few times and personally like her, she is funny but can get a bit blab/ talkable sometimes probably not the word but hope you understand :-)
    You seem to had the house full Sandra, hope they went after a while. Your cat made me smile, it's amazing how loud they can be when they purring and especially when the house otherwise is quiet.
    Hi to Josie and welcome to our wonderful coffee shop where we can eat and drink whatever our hearts desire and talk about just everything. Blue, happy or naughty, you know how you are hihi! it's lovely to be with so many 'friends'. Oh by the way I have made the bloglovin and also told people on Sue's blog to join us so hopefully we will get her up to the top again. Maureen have you made something pretty out of the Cheryl die yet ? Littlelamb sorry to see you also have problems with the hospital rg, appointments, it's like they not listening to us patients at all. It is just hard and exhausting. I would ring them tomorrow and sort out a time that suits you better. Michelle, I wish you better and sending you a cyber Hug.! I got home late last night after meeting friends from Germany down in London and after we walked around for a few hours before taking the train back home. My feet were killing me and I really thought I would have a good night sleep because I was poofed ,it's that a word ? tihi anyway that how I felt so today I'm just going to have a calm day and sort out my embossing thingybobs so I know what I have got or I might by doubles at AP and thats silly..... Coffee has gone cold and the bap gone a bit dry but it's ok I will have it anyway tihi I'll see you all later I'm sure until then take care and lots of hugs Maria xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all todays visitors. Please may I have my usual tea and porridge with fresh banana and apple in it as it is a frosty morning here today? Hope that's not too much trouble.
    Sam's card is beautiful, what a great stamp and sentiment, the colouring looks perfect too, I wish I could manage to make mine half as good, thank you for sharing it Sam : )
    Sandra, did you manage to get a better nights sleep and a nicer wake up this morning, I do hope so my lovely?
    Thank you to you and Saba on answering my question about sharing Sues cards via Bloglovin on Pinterest. I still can't work it out so you will have to show me on Tuesday please.
    Congratulations to Littlelamb, enjoy your stamps from Sue : )
    It was good to hear the emails from Steph and Brenda. I have had a few of mine read out but since I emailed C&C with a rather strongly worded letter about their terrible customer service etc. I have not been lucky. Now it may just be the luck of the draw but it does make me wonder. I think I have been blacklisted, like I care! The only time and reason I email the shows is when Sue is on is to show her my support otherwise I wouldn't bother! As always I do wish C&C would show some manners and let Sue get a word in and several demos, but I think pigs will fly before that will happen! I agree with you Sandra about the timing of Sues shows, payday weekend would have been better for those that still buy from C&C.
    Janet, what a lovely end to your shopping trip, a Mum with her head in her bloody mobile phone while her children run riot (she would be very caring suddenly if, God forbid, coffee got spilt over one of them wouldn't she! What with buggies that face away from you and mobile phones the poor babies and children don't stand a chance with parents like that do they! My family used to tease me by saying that they were surprised that our 3 learnt to talk at all as I was always waffling on all of the time to them from the day they were born : ) And then for you to get a "buiders bum" view. What an end to your visit : (
    Have a good day ladies, enjoy watching Sue. Take care xx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, coffe for me today please
    Watched Sue's shows yesterday and was disappointed that she didn't do a few demos, because of the presenters, I know it is a shopping channel, but we would still shop if we wanted to buy any of the stock.
    Izzy's handbags were stunning I hope she can show us how to do them, they would go down a bomb at markers and craft fairs, take heed Steph!!
    Is is wet and miserable here today so a little crafting will not go amiss.
    Janet, so sorry your day was spoilt by unruly children, and especially the 'builders bum', no one has any pride anymore.
    Take care everyone, hugs to all who need them, Jess x

  11. Sorry forgot to say SAMs card is stunning, love that stamp.

  12. Hi Sandra
    I just love SAMs card, so apt fir your coffee shop. Sam this is my kind of card, using stamps and colouring them in. Will have to look at AP and see if I can find it. Now Sandra I can always bring you some card back from Bournemouth. Emerald Crafts in Lyndehurst to be precise to save you paying postage. Mind you I won't be calling in this time as we're off to Farnborough on Sat. I'd like to know why parents let their kids run riot in shops as well. I don't think our kids ever did. My favourite ad was where the mother and child are in a Supermarket, and the Mum laid down and had a temper tantrum. I thought that was so apt. Sorry forgot Sandra can I help myself yo a hot chocolate if you have enough milk, and a piece of chocolate cake.
    Congratulations to littlelamb on winning the comment draw on Sues blog. We saw a builders bum at Farnborough Janet, but it was on a lady.

    1. Hi Pat,
      It couldn't be me, I haven't been to Farnborough lol !!!
      Maureen x

    2. Hi Pat,
      I did exactly the same with my son once when he had a tantrum. He stopped, looked at me and then asked 'what was I doing?' mt response, 'I thought you were having fun so I wanted to join in'. Never happened again. lol
      Cheryl x

    3. Hi girls, now i did exactly that in Woolworths when my Kirsten was wee as she had just done that and the funny stares you get but hey she never did it again because her mother embarrassed her. The time before when she had lay down in the same place only next to all the china i picked her up and smacked her arse well and truly and she was put back on the reins again. This old lady told me she was going to report me for abuse and i told her that she was either too old to remember what like her children were or she didn't have any but either way to stick her nose somewhere else as did she prefer that i let her keep up with her tantrum and break the china and get badly cut in the process. I picked Kirsten up and dragged her out of the shop and she was grounded with no sweets that weekend and since that was the only time she got any, she didn't do it again for a few years when i tried the other approach.

  13. Hello Sandra,
    Sam, I love your card, and as everyone says it's just perfect for Sandra's coffee shop. Stamping is one of the things I mainly do, and enjoy very much.
    Cheryl and Maria, I played with the Cheryl die all afternoon and evening. George just kept coming up with cups of coffee!!

    I really wish NIGEL would button it. He keeps interrupting Sue.

    Sandra, I hope you feel a bit brighter today. I had a h*ll of a night last night but have done most of my housework so that I can sit and watch Sue. George is in the kitchen - I can hear him chopping the carrots. He's so good as he always does most of the cooking since he retired. Lucky me!
    Oh Sandra, I've got to admit that I got the New York collection - the one with Times Square in it - and managed to get flexi pay!!!! I held my breath until the order went through. I did go on the website to compare prices but such a lot were sold out and then they didn't offer flexi pay, so I bit the bullet and ordered, and that's my Easter treat to myself. I just think that I'll be a long time dead and I don't drink or smoke. Am I selfish do you think?
    Oh my word, forgot to order a latte and toasted teacake. Ah Mrs B has gone from the corner table, but I'll go and keep a seat warm for her, as she's bound to be in later.
    Janet, George often says to me "Stay where you are, don't say anything" when we are out because when I see children being ignored, in danger, not dressed for the weather - i.e. no sun hat or no shoes on when being carried on a freezing cold day. The parents are usually wearing Ug* boots when it's cold, and they'll have a little tot in a sling with only socks on. It drives me to distraction. And as for mobiles, don't get me started.
    I've finished my coffee Janet so I'll push off and see you all later.
    Maureen xx

    1. Maureen that is not selfish at all, you should be able to treat yourself when ever you want. Enjoy the dies : ) There is always room for you at the corner table with me. We can put the world to rights together as we have the same views it seems : ) Take care x

    2. Hi Maureen,
      I knew you would, and so you should, you deserve it my lovely, like you say what else do you have?
      I can't wait to see what lovely cards you cone up with, I want you in that designer spot no arguments? What happened with your Sandinavian set, did you keep them?
      You are getting quite a collection!
      I am so with you on the inappropriately dressed children I have many a pet hate I'm afraid one being a mother walking along, wrapped up warm and them a little one in a pram, no blanket, no so socks and two green candles of snot dripping from it's nose, I want to pick them, wrap them up and give them go someone who would love and adore them as they are meant to be! The other thing I gate to see is little girls dressed like they are in their twenties, leopard skin, midriff showing, bloody great earrings, oh It just makes me want to slap their mothers, who more often than not are dressed exactly the same, pushing a 'designer' pram!
      Half the time they have gad the baby for the benefits and a flat !
      Yet there are so many loving couples in lovely homes that would give anything for a baby to life & cherish!
      My brothers recent girlfriend fitted into the category above, trapped my brother by saying she was on the pill, (although he should gave been more careful too) but they had been together a while so he thought he could trust her, anyway, they now have a little girl, that us dressed in Dolce & Gabana, Nike air trainers with a pretty dress! I have never seen anything like it, we had devastating news, as the girlfriend lost her Chanel sunglasses! Oh my, the world was over, but she found the money for another pair although had to borrow money for nappies and food!
      I could scream with frustration at times!
      Well i am off to my craft room to make a card, or finish the one I started yesterday!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  14. Well done Sandra. Lovely to hear your email on C&C also Sue and Mrs B got a Hi from Our Sue. Be back later. Love Brenda x

  15. Oh Pat, poor you, think seeing that on a woman (not going to call her a lady) is even worse than on a man! Yuk. xx

  16. Hi Ladies,
    How frustrating, firstly Nigel on read two lines of my email, then after Saba's name was mentioned the laptop went into 'buffering mode' so didn't hear her email or anyone else's, who got picked from cup?
    Sandra xxxx

  17. Hihi Janet It's funny because I wondered if you were going for more. Love to see your take on the times square, I like all Sue's dies but I have no income so I have to really think wish ones to buy.
    Great to hear your E-mails being read out, Sandra,Brenda and Saba ,hope I didn't miss anyone <3

  18. Hi ladies, just a quickie from me, will be back later for a chat.
    Sandra, it happened to me too, I missed most of your email, then everything ran smoothly again, and then, I heard my name and the poopy buffering started and when I refreshed I had missed it. So annoying. XXX

  19. HI Sandra and all the ladies in your coffee shop. I haven't came in for a proper visit before (just hovered around the door), but I can't resist a latte.
    Is there room for another Scottish visitor?
    Just watched Sue, and love seeing her demo's. Keep writing to C&C, I managed to get one of Sue's cards on her last weekender and I have been so critical of C&C for their service in the past. I am no longer a club member and can usually get much better prices elsewhere. My cousin had a small craft business a few years ago and had their die cut sheets on C&C, they were a nightmare..they had to guarantee a lot of stock, and got very little back from them. They are not a friend to any small producer.
    I was looking at the stick pins...try looking for florists corsage pins on ebay. Not quite as long, but I found 3" pins at around £4 per 100. I am sure that with some beads from charity shop finds, or cheap jewellery shops, we could all make our "own look" pins much cheaper.
    I always have a laugh when I see the stick pins being used, my grannies both used hat pins, and I used to ask if it didn't hurt. I couldn't see how she could pin the hat to her head without feeling it.

    1. Welcome Janice,
      No more hovering, get in here and join in the fun!
      Lovely to have you, we love to hear your comments, rants, opinions, pet hates, and like today, your great bargainy finds!
      We all share your views on create and craft, they took my membership fee the month before it was up so I am making sure that won't happen this year as we are all quite savvy when it comes to buying our crafty goodies, so we all shop around, dies usually Icon Uk, or Joanna Sheen!
      Please stick around, grab a seat and your coffee will be with you shortly!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sandra,
      All of your email was read out and Sue even said 'hi Pat & Mrs B' but then I'd recorded and then watched it later. I can't remember who won but I didn't recognize the names.
      Cheryl xxx

  20. Ladies, can we please welcome Janice, who has joined us this morning, I can see we are going to have to have an extension soon! Lol
    Did anyone see who got pulled from cup?
    Sandra xxx

  21. Welcome Janice. Hope you will enjoy your visits here. It is very friendly. Sam your card is wonderful and like the colouring. I eventually managed to get this stamp after a lot of hunting for it. Love it. Thank you all for your Congratulations on being a comments winner in Sue Blog. Love that new Rose embossing folder. Must put on my 'must have' list. Can think of lots of uses for it. Didn't hear who was 'pulled out of the cup' at the end of Sue's show also had problems when Sandra 's message and Saba's were read out as it kept freezing and when I got back on was too late. Glad yours were read out though. Well nearly time for the next show so had better go. Can I have a hot chocolate and cheese scone to take away or are we all eating the TV at the Cade. If so I will stay.

  22. Hello Sndra,
    I think you had better double your coffee bean order, and get industrial supplies of cake making goodies!!!
    Welcome Janice, I can recommend Sandra's coffee shop, everyone is so nice (what an insipid word, everyone is lovely) and the calorie free cakes are to die for. I'm not Scottish, but have been told, when I'm in Scotland, that I'm a Scotsman with my brains kicked oot. (I'm a Geordie).
    Yes Sandra, I did keep the Scandinavian dies - well it would have been rude not to lol. Just juggling my small pension around, and robbing Peter to pay Paul. I didn't recognise the name of the lady who got pulled, but then again I missed all the names who were mentioned from this blog, including you. I don't know how, I was in the room the whole time.
    Sandra, if you let me have your home address on my e-mail address, I'll send you a couple of cards and I'll leave it to you if you want to show them. I haven't found out how to photograph and post them on the laptop.
    Mrs B, how kind of you to let me join you at your table. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older that I get more and more impatient at unthinking and rude people, so we could have a good chinwag and compare!! Men and children don't even get up on the bus for older people or pregnant women. George always does and he's 75 this year with a few health problems.
    Well, that's my rant over for now. I'll be in later for another cuppa. xxx

  23. What a gorgeous card that C&C have just shown my lovely :) You have had your emails read out on both shows today, fingers crossed third time lucky by getting drawn out as thecrad winner! xx

  24. Well Sandra, Saba and Wheelybad, I've heard you names read out, fingers crossed for the pull out of the pot. xx

  25. Brenda too, are we all going to be read out do you think, ooh xx

  26. Congratulations to all who had their names read out on the last show. It was quite exciting every time someone's name was read out that you recognised.think will have Ginger and Lime tea this time with carrot cake please.

  27. Thanks for the welcome ladies. Great to see so many of Sue's Wilsonettes being read out. I was surprised when they said 105 emails. I would have thought many more. Is pretty good odds to win a card.
    Glad a few of you have mentioned your computer buffering during the shows. I thought my lap top was developing a problem, but must have been their signal.

  28. Forgot to say loved your card on Sue's show Sandra.

  29. Hi Sandra and all the usual visitors/ friends including our new coffee friend, Janice!
    Wonder how Steph is getting on. It's such a horrid day here in Lancs and we even had snow showers earlier. Do hope Steph keeps warm and the customers come out shopping!
    Sam - what a lovely card! Love the colours and your shading. I won a Sue card with this cup and saucer on it on the Wednesday giveaway card a while ago. It has pride of place. Because I got it I ordered the stamp and have used it lots.
    I have only seen the 2pm show today as Sunday is always busy here. I sent in email again! No ooo! However it was lovely to hear well known names read out and Sandra's card shown!
    Saba - loved the German lesson for Nigel!
    Must go as only had a few minutes before a little person came looking for me!
    Will call again later.
    Love to all,
    Myra xx

  30. Good afternoon ladies,
    It's very busy in here today, can I just squeeze in at the little corner table. I think I'll have an espresso if you don't mind Sandra, my nerves are shattered. Firstly iPad freezing at critical moments on the 12 o'clock show, and then so many of us having our emails read out on the last one. I was convinced one of us would win and when Sue said she would pull two out, I was fit to burst. Then rotten luck, none of us. But cheer up ladies, our very own Littlelamb was a prize winner today, YIPEEEE, enjoy your stamps.

    Sam, thank you for letting Sandra show us your beautiful card. Your matting and layering is so perfect. Do you use the perfect layers rulers or a guillotine to cut them. I love the composition of the sentiment and the stamped focal image, it is so balanced, I can be a bit OCD at times. Love how you have used your copics to colour the flowers and edges of the cup it is so professional that dinky little charm is so sweet. It really is beautiful Sam.
    Maureen and Michele, Sorry you both had a bad night, hope tonight will be easier for you.
    Janet, so glad you have got your chauffeur back. Dearie me, builders bum and out of control children. It is infuriating the way some people let their poor children run wild whilst they are glued to their mobiles. What if one of them had been scalded by bumping into someone with a hot cup of tea. I Suppose it would have given mum something to post on her Facebook page!!
    Cheryl, it is disgusting what C and C are doing to smaller companies, I expect for the big ones, 40% profit is still good for the amount of sales they recieve from the shows. I spoke to Sue a long time ago about some of their practices when she launched her first range of dies. They wouldn't let her show her dies unless she would give them exclusivity for a certain no. of weeks and she wasn't prepared to do that, she wanted the smaller companies to have their chance too. Looks like the same thing has happened with her new range too. It is a shame they don't have any competition, I mean QVC was not brilliant but at least they were competition.
    Oh well rant over.
    Welcome Janice to Sandra's special blog coffee shop. As you have probably gathered we are one big happy family here, we share, we moan and we support, eat lots of calorie free cake and we have a daily delight to give us inspiration from either Sandra or her guest designers. So pleased you stopped your hovering out side the door and came in to join us. XXX
    Love and daily hugs for you all

  31. Hi Janice, and welcome to the friendliest cafe around . So glad that you stopped hovering by the door and took the plunge. We are looking forward to seeing you again very soon : ) Take care.

  32. Hi Sandra, hi all, Sam your stamping is stupendous, a really gorgeous card,
    how beautiful is your little charm. Any tips on getting a better stamping result would be gratefully accepted.
    Received my sue card I won it is amazing. E-mailed her to say thank you she is so gracious.
    Heard Sandras, Saba and Wheelybads e- mails read out. I did e-mail in but it didn't get a mention. I didn't recognise the name of the person pulled out. of the cup
    .Congrats Littlelamb on your win.
    Welcome Janice to Sandras little coffee shop.
    Could I have a latte and a tea cake please.
    Hugs to all Theresa (TOB) xx

  33. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a busy show Sue had and she was able to do two demos. So many of our emails read out, I was really bouncing Sandra when they read your email, at that point I hadn't even sent one, so I did a very quick little message and WOW. Shame no one won one of her cards.
    JANICE welcome to the best coffee shop ever, So pleased you stopped hovering by the door. Just sit down we can chat about whatever you like or you can just chill out.
    SAM your card is beautiful, love your shading and colouring - you could certainly give me a lesson or two. Your matt and layering is perfect.

    I helped myself to a cup of tea hope that's OK. Well better think about dinner, we are having gammon (because you can cook that on the hob. Tomorrow we might even have a working oven, well maybe, possibly, we will see)
    We have had some delicious meals in the slow cooker. I had almost forgotten we had it

    Take care everyone, will try to pop back later , Brenda xxx

    1. So glad you got your email in Brenda, I was super excited when I heard your name read out, thankfully Sue could read properly. She obviously recognised your name from her blog. Get one in for the next one, you never know you might get picked out of that cup next time. I think I might send one in under an assumed name, Sue will be thinking she has got a stalker if mine gets read out againLol.XXX

  34. Good afternoon Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    Sam, i bought this stamp a while ago as it was just me and my friend Di as we meet up and put the world to rights over a nice coffee. Your card is lovely and surprisingly i do like the matting and layering that you have done with the black and white. I found Bev Rochester just a couple of months ago when i found Wild Orchid Crafts blog site and she does make the most beautiful cards that is coloured in so i can understand why you would take one of her classes lucky thing. I don't know what you are downing yourself at with the colouring in as i really wish i could do half as well. Thank you flower for allowing Sandra to show us your WOS as it deserves it's day of glory well and truly.
    Hi girls, i never ordered anything as trying to keep what wee bit i have saved for the SECC next month. I would have been tempted by the hat pins but there not, there just the same pearl topped ling pins that i got 100 for £3 a while back and just not got the customers to justify that kind of spend i'm afraid. For some reason i have the shakes in the hands today so although i have completed two cards i won't tell you how long it took me.
    I think i will sit in my usual corner Sandra watching the world go by with a cup of coffee in a Tommy Tippee cup please as i am wearing a few today and please may i have a slice of cake.
    I have got my basket full of hugs of all sizes for all my Angels, please come and help yourself to one that fits,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (glenochil)

    1. Hi Norah,
      What's given you the shakes my lovely, is it connected to your migraines? I would love to see your cards, you need your day as guest designer!
      You can have your own special tommy tippee cup hanging behind the counter like fellas have their tankard at bar! I can tell you Norah I always have dinner or something spilt down me, my boobs seem to act like bib! I so wish you were near enough to come Ally Pally, it would be so lovely to meet up, mind you another Scottish crafter joined us in the coffee shop today, you are almost taking over! Ha ha!
      Well I hope you gave a better week this week my lovely, no car dramas on migraines !
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx

  35. Good afternoon Sandra and all you ladies that are sitting chatting in the coffee shop. I am glad that Janice has decide to come in side, you will get a very warm welcome in here, and another scottish member too!!! SAM your card is stunning, I love your design and your colouring is briliant. Well I am shattered, went with Tammy to do the Jack & Jill market. 55 tables and just say a lot of people made worse with??? Yes mothers, fathers uncles, aunties and grandparents with the children but not careing two hoots what those children were up to. Tammy had two boxes of figures and small toys, well these little people were having great fun playing - where were the adults don't ask me? And if they were around they let them play with the remote controlled toys to the point we thought oh looks like they are going to buy that as others weren't geting a look. In. No they call the child "to get here" child abandon toy dropping the controller, I felt like shouting " get back here now and put it back properly". Tammy did ok came home having made £145 after paying her £25 for her table, loft has a bit more room and we will do another in a month or so. I tell you what there are going to be a lot of babies born soon, my there was a lot of bumps!!! Haven't watched any shows today. Not buying anything, Patricia and I are going to Glasgow in 2 weeks so will see what's on offer there. Well I am off to have my tea, then i think it will be a shower and PJs on. Hazel x

  36. Hi Sandra and friends. Just a quick post to admire Sam's card. Im soooo cold. Not read any of today's post's and have hospital appointment way over in Leeds tomorrow at 12pm. So when I eventually get back I will catch up with all that Ive not read today, catch up with tomorrow's then will HAVE to start the cards that have been ordered today as they would like them by end of week.
    Sorry Sandra that I cant stay for coffee, cake n natter, hopefully, sometime tomorrow.
    Take care everyone, adore your work Sam, I love using that stamp, but there is NO way my colouring could ever do it as much justice as your's.
    Love you all.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Steph we have all been thinking about you today and hoping you weren't cold, so sorry to hear that you were. Good luck tomorrow in Leeds, hope the journey is not too awful for you. Will be thinking of you. Try and gets some rest my lovely. XXX

    2. Hi Steph, been thinking of you as Ita been so cold. Glad you got some orders,& hope you sold a lot of cards.
      Good luck at hospital tomorrow take good care.
      Have a good evening & get warm & rest.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Steph, so sorry you got so cold, it has been bitter here and sleety snow. I know you were in doors but it's getting there then back into the car to go home that's the problem. I would be get a couple of Margaret's heat bags round you. Hope tomorrow goes ok, I will be thinking of you, here are some ((((((hugs))))))). Hazel x

    4. Hi Steph, I was thinking of you today it was cold and wet here, I knew it would be even colder 'up north' hope by now you have thawed out. All the best for tomorrow. Take care, Brenda

    5. Hi Steph,
      So sorry you got so cold. It was even snowy here today and we never get very much. Bitter wind too. Pleased you got orders and hope you sold loads! Wishing you all the very best for tomorrow - be thinkin of you. Sending hugs.
      Love Myra xx

  37. Hi Sandra and fellow crafters.
    Sam your card is gorgeous, I do like that stamp.
    Tried emailing the shows but wasn't even read out and didn't recognise any of the names who won cards. Loved the stickpins but couldn't justify the price so have just ordered some pins from Wendy the Spanish crafter at a great price. Need to save all my money for the SECC next month.
    SANDRA who is whopperjaw? Have you seen who is with Sue at 7pm!!!!!!
    JANICE welcome from a fellow Scot!

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Whopperjaw is not a's an American version of skew whiff, squint, crooked.
      And yes, I noticed it's Dean. Not sure if he or Jaqui is the most irritating. Perhaps I'll just watch later and I can fast forward bits,
      (after I email in of course)

    2. Hi ladies, when Sue did her launch someone called whopperjaw came on to the give away posts boasting she had been bought the whole range of Sue's dies, but still entered for the draws! Slightly annoying ! That's why I referred to it earlier!
      I have the show on record, just for that reason!
      Sandra xxxx

    3. I have set mine to record as well.
      I remember that Sandra, lucky her she obviously wanted us all to know about it.

  38. Hope you did well today Steph and good luck with the hospital tomorrow.

  39. Good afternoon Sandra & all the ladies in the coffee shop,hope we haven't got any builders bum's on show,yuk!!!
    Sam your card is Gorgeous,I love that stamp,I agree your colouring is perfect & the little teapot makes it stunning. Congratulations Little Lamb on your win
    Welcome Janice lovely to see you.
    Wow so many coffee shop emails read out on C&C didn't have mine read though. I missed if any of you won a card. Will look at the recordings Have recorded most of them as been to Lisa's for dinner & have just got in
    Had a lovely day with No One grandson Joseph,we made one of his Lego sets he had for Christmas it was a big station wagon!OH we had two tiny pieces left over but HaHo it looked good,good job I don't work for Ford
    Sandra hope you are feeling better & you had a good night sleep. Bet you will miss the girls tomorrow being back a school.
    Well forgot to order will have a quick glass of lemonade please as Terry wants something to eat. So hope you have a better night sleep tonight my lovely.
    Love & Hug's Lynda

  40. Hi Sandra and everyone. Just a quick post tonight before the internet goes down again - not sure if it's something to do with the gale force wind but it keeps coming and going.
    Sam, your card is fabulous, love how fitting it is for Sandra's coffee shop.
    Welcome to Janice and Josie from yesterday, this really is the friendliest shop in the world. Congratulations to Littlelamb on being one of Sue's blog winners today.
    Have loved hearing all the emails from people I "know" and your card Sandra was amazing - can we see it on your blog sometime please?
    Will catch up properly tomorrow (I hope), but as it's back to school it depends what happens!!! Hugs to all. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue, the card has already been on the blog, Sunday 11th January, (I just checked!)
      Hope that helps
      Sandra xxx

  41. Hi Sandra
    Just popped in to say hullo, and hope that all goes ok for Steph at the hospital tomorrow. Wow, I had a job reading what people had written as the writing has gone all fancy. I see that you've been using the slow cooker Brenda, well I can't remember the last time I used mine. Perhaps I should fish it out. Well Pete will have to get down on the floor to fish it out if the bottom of the cupboard. Hugs to all in need of one today. It's horrible outside so wrap up warm tomorrow. Schools back tomorrow, so I'm not to sure how long it's going to take me to walk to school which is 5mins walk away.

    1. Hi Pat, that is exactly where our slow cooker was !!!!!!! At the back of the cupboard. LOL Brenda

  42. Well done Sue!
    I have tried three times to get the coffee shop mentioned!
    They looked puzzled as to which coffee shop would be showing create and craft! Haha
    Although I do wish he would shut up! Stupid jokes and glasses shaking not funny!,
    Sandra xxx

  43. Yay Sue, you won! Congratulations!!
    Love you lots!!
    Sandra xxxx

  44. Sue, (Mrs B.) yipeeeeeee. So thrilled for you.Xxxxxx

  45. Evening all, just a quick catch up, welcome Janice to the best coffee shop ever!! You know you will be made welcome
    Well done everyone who got emails read out on Sues shows, a lot of known names, Sandra they even showed your fabulous card, well done.
    Take care everyone it is really wild and wet out there, we have snow predicted here in Central Scotland, catch you all tomorrow, Jess x

  46. Hi all,
    Loved the coffee shop message read out, they couldn't understand it being still open ha ha.
    Mrs B - you won, hooray.
    I tried a little flattery with my last e-mail and called Sue and Dean the Dream Team, true to form Dean read it out but just said Maureen or Mo.
    See you all tomorrow, if I don't pop back in later. Wonder which card you'll get Mrs B. xx

  47. So pleased for you Sue. Congratulations. Wonder which card you will get although both were lovely.

  48. It's been a good day for the Coffee Shop ladies.
    Well done everyone who got e-mails read out and Sue you got "pulled" ... congratulations.
    Good night see you all in the morning

    Ooopps!! almost forgot to welcome Janice to the best Coffee Shop ever.

    Patricia xx

  49. Congratulations Sue enjoy your card.

  50. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe.
    Thank you Sandra, so much for my theory that I was blacklisted by C&C for sending them an email telling them just what I thought of them! Can't wait to see which card I have won : )
    I said in all of my emails to C&C today that I was watching the shows in the Cotswald Craft Cafe with all of you. They will be frantically trying to find out where it is so they can take a slice of the profits no doubt!
    Norah, sorry you have the shakes today. I have a spill proof bottle of water by my bed as I got fed up with sending my glass of water flying all over my dressing table 3 nights in a row last year! Actually the bottle I have is great as you don't have to tip it up to drink out of it which is great when you are laying down or not feeling too strong. I need to get another one but can't remember where I got it from, story of my life sadly! If I do find them I will send one to the Cafe for you when your hands are bad.
    Steph, sorry to hear that you are so cold, I hope the market was worth it for you , good luck at the hospital tomorrow.
    Pat, can't you take the car to school? It may not be far usually but at the moment you need to walk as little as possible my lovely friend.
    Take care. Mrs B xx

  51. Good evening Sandra and everyone!
    So sorry to be late yet again, have I to sit on the naughty step?
    Firstly we have visitors this morning and then this afternoon we have been partying! It was a very dear friends daughter's 21 birthday and she decided she wanted Afternoon Tea with family and special friends, it was absolutely delicious, a wonderful selection of sandwiches and of course scones with jam and heaps of cream, oh the mini chocolate eclairs just melted in your mouth and the little strawberry tarts were so lovely too. Then all of that was followed by beautiful birthday cake made by her Nan and that too just melted in your mouth!
    Sam many congratulation on such a wonderful card it is truly beautiful perfect in every way really it is, please stop hiding your wonderful talent can we see more sometime please, please? I know I am greedy, 'there is no pleasing some folk' I hear you say, thank you so much for sharing this today. Thank you Sandra for making this all possible.
    Wowee !!!! The Coffee Shop got mentioned on C &C I just bet that has them guessing! Many congratulations to all who got their emails read out on Sue's shows I swear she had a look of pride on her face when she recognised some of the names, and Sandra yours I think was fully read out, not mumbled or summerised along with our Saba's am I correct they said Nuremburg? Our own very special Little Lamb got pulled out of the cup am I right? I have not seen all the shows today as yet so if I have missed anyone well done to you too. All in all a great day for our Coffee Shop members!
    As I said yesterday I get my teardrop beads from Hobbycraft now I have only been in one of their shops so I don't know if they are all the same but our 'local one' 28 miles away is only quite small but they do have a good selection of beads, pearls included. They have cups of varying sizes that you can fill with a variety of beads for the hat pins as well as packets. I do think some of the goods they stock are expensive but I find their beads and pearls etc. are cheap, I hope this may help some of you.
    Well I am still full from my afternoon tea so I will pass on anything to eat but could I have a small latte please Sandra while I go over and give Janice a welcome hug.
    Well hugs to everyone especially for a good night's sleep happy snuggling see you all tomorrow.

    Margaret corgi owner

  52. Hi Margaret
    I have just watched the repeats because my I pad was playing up when they went out live. I loved watching Nigel trying to say squirrel in German. It's one of those words that is almost impossible to pronounce and I just thought it would be funny to see if it got read out. Yes, I do live in Nuremberg. Have you been here?
    Sue, I am very confused, when he read out your email and mentioned the coffee shop he said Sue from North yorkshire, I thought you lived near Sandra, did he get it wrong or was that someone else's email, am I having a senior moment?
    One very confused Saba XXX

    1. Hi Saba. Congarts on having 2 of your emails read out today. Lots of us in the cafe were lucky weren't we :) I do live near to Sandra but only use Mrs B as my name when I email in to C&C. Sue knows me by both names. I also thought that a Sue from N Yorkshire said she was in the cafe watching but I'm a bit confused who she is. Sorry whoever you are, I am terrible with names! Take care x

    2. Saba, I think it was 'Crafty Sue Too' Sue and not 'Mrs B' Sue (who does live near me.
      Hope that helps lovely.
      We managed to 'shout outs' oh well maybe one and a half, on my Ipad!
      Love and Hugs

    3. Hi Sue, I watched it twice, repeats as my internet was being very naughty earlier. I wanted to see the coffee shop email from "you" being read out as I had seen it mentioned here, and when he read out the email it definitely said Sue from North Yorkshire. Which made me think crikey Mrs B goes a long way to visit Sandra, and I come from N.yorks too so my ears did prick up. I wonder if it was our other Sue, Crafty sue too? Xxx

    4. Sandra, we are going to have to stop doing this, writing at exactly the same time. It is so spooky. Did you get my last email re flower description? XXX

  53. Hi Sandra,
    I have got two of today's programmes to watch! I missed lots didn't I ? Trust me. So pleased emails were read out and coffee shop got a mention! How funny! Can't wait to watch it now. Will have to wait as Match of the Day will have to come first . It's been a busy day here!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    The are a small company/shop who give an excellent service and free postage for orders over £10 I have used them several times as I don't have the luxury of a local craft shop and found them to be very good.
    Hope this will help
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret, How are you feeling sweetheart?
      Thanks so much for the Info on I will be going to have a look later.
      Can you remember to put this info on again tomorrow as some people might miss it tonight.
      Finding a decent online craft shop is vital, like you we don't have one either! I wish I could find somewhere that had the Foundation card stock actually 'in stock' as Joanna Sheen seems to be always sold out! Goodnight sweetheart,
      See you in the morning I hope,
      Love and hugs

    2. You should be in bed sweetheart getting a good nights sleep!
      Yes I will put it up on the blog tomorrow not a problem. I will try and get onto the blog sooner than today, but first thing I will be going to the crem with flowers for my Dad's birthday, but as soon as I get back home will leave a post.
      With love
      Margaret xx
      P,S, She also has the Glossy Accents that Sue was saying to use.
