
Saturday 21 February 2015

Selection of Crafts Saturday !

Good Morning Ladies,
I have an assortment of crafts today....
A Marvel from Myra
Brilliance from Barbie &
Joy from Janet!
First Up Myra's Marvellous card, so pretty using Spring Meadow Striplet Die
that was kindly sent to Myra from Lynda, Scandinavian Background Die and
the Cornflower Die all from Sue Wilsons Die range.
I think you will all agree with me when I say that this is a truly stunning
card that anyone would be so blown away with, thank you Myra for allowing
me to share your masterpiece today!
Next is Barbie's Brilliant Roald Dahl decorated Shelves, its absolutely fantastic
All of the jars have Roald Dahl labels too, what a work of art Barbie,
what little girl or boy wouldn't love that for all of their bits and pieces!
Thank you Barbie for allowing me to share this amazing piece of Home Décor!
Joy from Janet, Look at these amazing
Beauties, Oh Janet the amount of detail that you have put
into these from the trim on their hats to the flowers around the hem
of one of the dresses, the weather vane on one of the hats to the
lollipops on another, Janet these must just sell like hotcakes!
I love each and every one of them
thank you so very much for sharing these
gorgeous little ladies with us!

I hope you have enjoyed todays selection of crafts from the most talented
group of ladies I know.
I hope you are all set and ready to sit and watch Sue today and don't forget
for anyone that missed it yesterday to start following Sue by going to, just sign up, type Particraft in search box and then press 'follow'
this way Sue will get further towards being No 1 blog once again,
to spread the word even further, once you have got onto Particraft on Bloglovin
hit the share button at the bottom of the picture and and share on facebook,
Twitter or Pinterest, instead of 'pinning the picture you can share the whole
post, allowing more people to sign up and follow Sue!
I hope that's clear, let me know if not,
Love and Hugs
to you all


  1. Good morning all, I'll get the kettle on and put out the cakes!
    Sandra, thank you for showing such a variety of beautiful crafty makes, ladies you are all so talented. I'm very pleased that more people are finding your blog Sandra, do you know if Sue has had a look at all the talent that is shown? I think she'd be pleased that she has inspired so many people.
    Welcome Michele, the best coffee, cake and crafty advice is here, and the opportunity to get opinions on products which work best is invaluable - it's saved me from making a very expensive mistake.
    Well I'm going to help myself to more coffee and my Saturday croissant, double check which New York die I already have and then do a check of which sites have better deals than c&c. Will pop back later, enjoy Sue's shows today. Sue xxx

    1. Good morning Sue,
      Thanks for opening up for me this morning, you have made a gorgeous display of those cakes!
      I thought we good do some toasted sandwhiches & paninis today, chicken & chorizo, cheese and onion, Ham & cheese!
      Anyone fancy one? Just to eat while we are watching Sue at 12 .
      Who us loving those stick pins? They are stunning and I want them soo much!
      Sue Icon Uk always seem to be cheaper than anywhere and are usually pretty good for stock, and now the have FIRST CLASSS. Delivery it's even better, I ordered Thurday and they came Friday!
      So be sure and give them a look!
      Love & Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Morning Sandra, and all My Wonderful Friends,
    Could I Please have a weak Latte and a toasted tea cake
    Well I've done The Bloglovin thing so I really hope everyone else will support
    Our Sue as she really does deserve to be Number One for all the Extremely
    Hard work she does.
    I've seen the Pins and Beads that Sue has on the show I'm hoping Sue will show us how she makes them as it would be very interesting.
    Well Sandra I'm Truly Blown away by The Awesome Creations that your showing today, in fact I can't find the correct words as they are all just Outstanding, I'm in Awe of everyone of these Very Beautiful Creations.
    Myra I Love your Beautiful Card it's just Amazing I Love the soft Colours and can I also comment on The Fabulous Card Holder you've got I've been looking for one for so long but couldn't find any nice one's.
    Barbie your Awesome, Fabulous Shelves with Roald Dahl on its just so Beautiful is it made from MDF I Love creating MDF projects and covering them etc I purchased my first piece many years ago at a local show from The MDF Man he'd only just started then now at show's he is always very busy.
    Then Janet your Beautiful Beauties your all so Extremely Talented and it's such a great pleasure to be part of this wonderful Blog, to be able to see these Fabulous Creations, I Just Love It.
    Norah I was sorry to hear about your Car Problem, also can I say a Huge Welcome Michele you'll Love this friendly Blog, As when I joined I was made to feel so very welcome and every day there is something New and Exciting on offer, and our Sandra is just so kind to share her Blog with all of her friends.
    Take Care all the Boys need there Toast!
    Sandra Have a Great Day my lovely
    Love and Hugs to you all
    From Sam xxx

    1. Good morning Sam,
      Thank you for stopping by this morning and for your email,
      I like you loved the card stand that Myra used, I am not sure where they get them from but they are a stunning way of showing your cards!
      Thank you also for your kind words about my blog, I loved your photos that you sent and I can't wait to share them with everyone
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. The card stand was my Mum's and she always displayed a favourite card on it or a small painting. It wouldn't have been very expensive at the time although it's quite heavy.
      Love Myra xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all visitors to the "coffee shop" today. Hope you are all well.
    I will back for a Cuppa and slice of cake later. May I please join some of you ladies in that far corner to watch Sue??
    MYRA:- your card is absolutely stunning, I love everything about it. Jury is out here re:- the Cornflower Die. Looks good on your card but I am not sure when I use it.
    BARBIE:- Wow!! those shelves are fantastic, a lot of work but so amazing.
    JANET:- your makes are wonderful. There is some amount of love & work gone into those beauties.
    SANDRA:- you are so generous to show all this wonderful work on your Blog you are an absolute treasure.
    Right:- off to get everything "done & dusted" to be back for my cuppa and cake later.
    Be good everyone (((((hugs))))) for anyone who needs them

    Patricia xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Thanks for stopping by Sue will be on the 'big screen' in the shop today, (did you know you have to buy an entertainment liscence for that)!
      I am with you on the cornflower die, I like the look some people have achieved with it but worry that when I do it I will look like scruffy snipped paper! Plus I have so many flower dies, I couldn't get away with another one!
      Slow down today Patricia, it's the weekend, relax, your coffee & cake will be waiting when you call back later my love!
      Can I please personally thank you for your beautiful words of support for Saba this week, it gives so much more hope when you know somebody else has come through a situation that you have to go through, that kind of support is so personal for you to share yet such a special thing to do, you and Hazel have an amazing bond, it's plain to see. So thank you from the bottom of my heart, you make this blog such a special place!
      Huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all you lovely ladies who will be popping in to day.
    Weak tea please, I will go join my sister at her table.
    What a wonderful surprise this morning when I came in, three designers work on show. Myra your card is stunning, you know me I'm a soft touch when it comes to striplets, and those little flowers are beautiful, gorgeous colour too. Barbie your shelve is brilliant, don't know about little girls or boys loving this, it would look great in a kitchen with spices in those jars, and best of all in a craft room, holding all those little buttons etc we all have. Janet what master pieces these dolls are, yes a mountain of love has gone into each and everyone you make. Well I have a couple of hours to myself this morning then I am back over to Perth ( not by rocket or plane ) had a little laugh to myself when Mayreen thought I had gone to the Austrialia, that would have been an expensive babysit??? If I hadn't looked after the boys it would have been an expensive day for Tammy as one of her clients cancelled her an hour before she was due in. Wait for it she was packing to go on a last minute trip to Barbados!!! She did say to Tammy at the time that her husband wasn't feeling good, he had been out the night before. Now I wish my husband got like that if you get a holiday like that to make up for it!!!.
    What she did t take into account that Tammy would have paid the out of school club 4 hrs for the 2 boys as she does 3 hours of cleaning but has to factor in travel time to and from that job, and that's a lot of money, funny she wants Tammy in the twice next week while they are away, some folk don't stop and think. Today's baby sit is so Tammy and Derek can go to a concert in Glasgow, I am going over early so they can get there and go get a meal before hand. The boys are happy o have me looking after them again as long as I get fish from the fish man for their tea, so I am not sure if I will be watching Sue's shows live or I might just record them and watch later. Got things to do this morning.
    Welcome to Michelle, no we aren't mad just a bunch of fun loving ladies. Barbara I didn't realise you were another scottish member? Hazel xx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      My international babysitting Friend! What an amazing mum you are, giving them quality time together, can I adopt you please! Although mine don't need babysitting to honest but I would love to adopt you anyway, I don't know what's happened to my other blog mamma still the moment (Brenda, she hadn't been in for a couple of days)!
      It's so good that the boys will eat fresh fish, so healthy, not the first thing you expect children to request for their tea!
      We are getting quite a few Scottish members in now, how lovely, you must be a creative breed across the border, Norah will be pleased too, she'll be waving her Tartan knickers in the air!
      Well enjoy your fish supper Hazel, you will be exhausted after your around the world journey home mind! So record sue's shows and watch them with your feet up tomorrow !
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. You can come and join the family. No yours just need an adult there for making sure they are in on time and door locked. The boys don't do things like fish fingers , burgers( Calum will eat one at a push ). Will only eat home made chicken nuggets, they had fresh fish on Wednesday and clean plates tonight and not small fillets of haddock at that, they don't do chips unless they are home made. Give them spag Bol homemade pasta sauce with meatballs or chicken , omelettes and they are happy. No easy day tomorrow off to help Tammy do a Jack &Jill sale. It where you can sell kids toys, good clothes and baby equipment. Tammy has a girl that' buys ?Calum's clothes has done since he was a baby, but it's Andrews he has grown a bit this past few months, she buys a lot of mini Boden for him it all like new, plus when Derek went into the loft he found a couple of boxes of toys so they are going. So that's my morning plus by the time we get back and hopefully don't have loads to unload I will then head home. Not at work Monday morning so will just take my time. I hope you get a bit of a lie in, or at least some sleep. Hazel x

  5. Oh my word, what a delight, such a collection of magnifisant beauty and smiles. Myra, what can I say ? WOW, I wonder if Sue realises what she started lol, you friends are sooo talanted, your card is stunning Myra.
    Alison, no wonder friends and teacher's stand catching flies when you hand over your gift to them, I know you described it to me a while back, but well, its brilliant. If I was this artistic I'd cover mine in those lush pale green paper's from the capsuel range, im such a 'girl' at times lol (I wish) saw my relection in the hsirdresser's mirror yesterday (obviously) its not one I can cover up unfortunatly, but Id had the hair washer tell me id only got a tiny head ( figure's, only needs to hold a tiny brain) lol and then proceeded to tell me Id got a hugh gap round the back wash and such a tiny neck (Im sure if he could have said scrawney he would) lol then when I looked in the mirror waiting for my hair cut, I had this vision of an old tortoise staring back with saggy eyes, pale skin, funny shaped nose and a mouth with no lips and a clownlike turned down mouth ! To say I felt and looked 90 is an understatement !
    On a brighter note, cant wait to settle and watch Sue's show's today, I will miss most of tomorrow's and Im gutted. Oh my goodness - Janet, what must you think ? I got carried away with aging, and forgot Id not mentioned your knitted bundles of smiles, colour and fun (that's what I meant about only needing a small head) !! I can imagin a small child carrying one of these round with them and being dragged out of their hands on their wedding day, what an amazing keepsake, wow, you cant help but smile at them.
    Sue was chuffed to bits with all you did yesterday (sorry Sandra I fell asleep) again ! Dare I ask if you wrote or have written on your Sue blog how great that bloglovin site is, as she asked if we would do that also to encourage other's to join.
    Tina E is allowed to 'promote' Particraft. I wasn't sure considering she's a DT member so I asked Sue before asking Tina and she's thrilled to guide people in Sue's direction, and Sandra and I wonder if you friends here that have blogs too would you do the same by promoting Particraft every so often for when you get new follower's, if they are new they may not know about Sue and Particraft.
    We thank you in advance xxx
    Talking of new, I see Michelle has smelt the coffee and cake : ) welcome Michelle, we're all settled now, we have barbie Alison to help diagnose and prescribe, and Michelle to dispense, we're laughing now : ) so glad you've found Sandra's fab blog, its full of crazy chatter and fun (and as per lots of caring and support)
    I think one blink and my day will be gone, going to try and get mount Etna clear (ironing) while Andy is out as he cant shout at me if he's out, and its one job less for him to do, bless him. I know I shouldn't but I will. Organise my stuff for tomorrow, type and print more verses and die cut them, I used one of Sue's large dies to cut a verse, and its too big to go into the small photo album, I wasn't happy as its making myself more work ! I first tried it at xmas, not adding inserts but giving people choices of verses all die cut then I stuck them into their chosen card. Ive put verses in before, but the customer didnt want 'that kind of verse' bla bla bla so as you cant please em all I decided to do it this way for birthday and MD card, and hope it works as well, but made myself so much more work into the bargain !
    Jeez, I must have sent you all back to sleep again - sorry.
    Enjoy your day ladies.
    Sending much love and if I find time, will try to pop back later after one of Sue's show's hope your emails get read out, and finger's crossed that one of you receive a W. O. W.

    Lancashire Steph xx

  6. Three talented ladies showing their makes today-all beautiful. I'll be setting the sky box to record Sue's shows today as I'm off to a craft show in Leigh, not that I need much but when did that ever stop a crafter??!!


  7. Hi Sandra. Please may I have my usual tea and a toasted teacake, thank you. I will be sitting at the big table with everyone else watching Sue : )
    Myra, what a beautiful card, I love it, it is so delicate and such a pretty colour : )
    Barbie, wow, you have used the Roald Dahl collection in such an imaginative way, it's far too good for the children : ) I love it.
    Janet, what a wonderful set of ladies, so much detail, how clever you are, they must have taken you so long to knit.
    Thank you ladies for sharing your brilliant goodies, and thank you Sandra for letting them : ))
    Right, I have a question for you as you know how good I am at all this computer stuff.....not !!! Can lots of people Skype together? Thought that might grab your attention ladies: ) Can you imagine us all actually being able to see each other and chat as we drink our tea etc, I would stick to Sandras wonderful blog cakes though as they are calorie free. The benefit of just using our imagination, as we do at the moment, is that I don't have to worry about what I look like (not a pretty site at this time of day......actually not a pretty site even after I have showered etc, but you know what I mean : ) And seeing what we all actually look like rather than how I imagined you all to look. Anyway I will leave you t think about that one my lovely : )
    Steph, thank you for sharing the info about boosting Sue's ratings, I have hit the Bloglovin button and also told everyone on Sue's blog today. It really is great having all of Sues card together, I love it for myself as well as hopefully helping Sue : ) Let's hope everyone does the same for our very special lady.
    I forgot to look to see who Sue is on with today, does anyone know? Are we going to see and hear Sue and her demos, or are we going to have to listen to Mr or Mrs Rude presenter waffling on?
    I will be back later to see how everyone is, I hope you have a lovely day with the family Sandra : )
    (Just think where we will be this time next Saturday) : ) : ) : ) : ) thank you so much for inviting me to join you my lovely :) xx
    Take care.

    1. Morning Sue,
      Skype is a fab idea, we could maybe pre-organise a time et , I will consult the fonts of computer knowledge (my children)!
      Great idea though Mrs B!
      I too am looking forward to next Saturday too, turns out that Pat is going on Saturday too, so we can maybe meet for lunch! She us going with her Sister in Law Sue! I think that's the one we have 'heard' when we have been at Pat's! Well done for 'Bloglovin' , it is actually really good isn't it! I found it to be like pinterest!
      Hope fully soon Sue will be able to see the numbers rising!
      Well I must visit my craft room today to create some cards!
      Pats thinking Monday or Tuesday next week, does that work with you? Love you lots
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Good morning Sandra & ladies,
    Myra your card is absolutely gorgeous,I love how you have used the die cut I sent, you have done them proud. The cornflower is so pretty i think I will get that die Hug's xx
    .Barbie your shelves are brilliant your so talented i love them so would any little girl/boy.Hugs
    Janet your amazing little knitted caricatures just so cute.your very talented Hug's xx
    Sandra have a lovely day with your family today & hope you don't get too worn out. I'm all ready for Sue's shows,call back later Sandra
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies WELL NOW WE ALL KNOW and i cannot afford them, is everyone sitting comfortably, i am early am i not, its charity shop day. the array in the cafe today is glorious the card the dolly and shelve unit are fantastic, i am in a hurry so will come back later. hugs Johanna

  10. Good morning ladies,

    Did everyone guess right?
    We should have had a sweepstake on that too to add to the fun of being in the best cafe in the world.
    I'd love a cuppa and squashy jammy doughnut please. I am in need of a sugar rush.
    And what beauties are here today for our perusal. Myra, Alison & Janet, I was gobsmacked to see your creations. You are very talented ladies.

    Myra, I too love the striplets and they were the first ones on my WANT IT/NEED IT list when they first launched. In fact I have spent this week using them, the diagonals and the geminis making b/cards in advance for some female friends and family and even on my Dad's b/card I have used the bevelled glass one.
    The MDF Man was at Westpoint Exeter earlier this month and I purchased quite a lot from him and was amazed at his show prices, very very reasonable although I couldn't stretch my arms to carry the shelves and boxes. A fair weight they were so I just bought some of the smaller items.
    Alison, I can't describe in enough words how blown away I was from your Roald Dahl shelf unit. Absolutely brilliant my dear heart. Next time I see him, I might be tempted to get one for my granddaughter Tiegan. She is into little boxes etc to hoard all her little stashes.

    Janet, I love these scarecrows. A work of art and much patience needed methinks. I made Sally the Scarecrow from a pattern in Women's Weekly for Tiegan when she was still a baby. If memory serves me correct, I believe it was Jean Greenhow who designed her and the family.

    I too have plugged BLOGLOVIN in my comments today for Sue, so hopefully if enough people read all the comments, we will be able to start a tidal wave to get Sue back in the NO.1 spot for next year's awards.
    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield21 February 2015 at 13:23

      Morning Cheryl - yes these lovely little girls are all Jean Greenhow lovlies. I have most of her books and love all her characters. I knitted the whole Scarecrow family for my adopted Niece who lives in Holland. She has them all sat on her bed. Thank you for your lovely comments. Janet x

  11. Morning Sue and ladies, just a coffee for me today trying to cut down lol.
    Myra your card is stunning, love everything about it and Barbie your shelves are gorgeous, I can just see 101 uses for them, Janet you little ladies are beautiful, I bet they sell like hot cakes, they are soooo cute!
    Think you Sandra for showing us these fantastic creations.
    I have just watched Sues first show, it was lovely pity she only managed one demo, but it was great, I feel that the gems and stick pins are a bit over priced, or is that just me being a bit tight. I have gone to charity shops and picked up old necklaces and took them to bits to use on blank pins. Matalan and Premark are also a good source for cheap jewellery.
    Off to try bloglovin again as I mucked it up yesterday. Not so good at technology.!!!
    Catch you all later no doubt about what the coffee shop gossip will be about today.
    Take care, Jess x
    Premark are also a good source for cheap jewellery

    1. No you are not tight at all. Pete & I joined our village Pantomime Society and we often used to peruse charity shops for all his costume bits and bobs and Scope once had a large curver box full of all kinds of jewellery priced from 50p to £1 per item. They also had a notice on the box saying £25 the lot. Needless to say I bought it and they included the box. My sister and I spent 5 hours untangling all the items, the final count being over 250 pieces.
      Once everyone had taken out what they wanted, Tiegan & I washed them all and hung them out on my whirligig to dry. We then packaged them up and placed them on our Church Fete stall where we held a Tombola and made quite a lot of money for the Cardiomyopathy Association in Pete's memory.
      All broken pieces are still in my bead box so when I buy the long jewellery pins, I use them for stick pins.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

  12. Sandra, sorry I called you Sue, brain not in gear!!!

  13. Well ladies, Sue beads are lovely. I work and I am sorry I could not justife that money, it's a lot all in one go little packets priced individually so one could buy one or two at a time. Well back to the ironing for me. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,i agree there is no way i would spend £60 on the beads although they are lovely,i could buy 3 or 4 die's for that money.
      Hugs Lynda xx

  14. Good Morning ladies hot vimto please!

    Sorry it was one of my pieces again today just thought if I sent something else to Sandra she could have a day off. Please don't think I am being a me me me person just wanted to help Sandra. The shelving was mdf from stamps away which I got via Amazon. The glass jars were 4 for a pound at local pound shop. The papers and ribbons were all from the do craft Ronald Dahl kit last year. It was made for my daughters teacher for Christmas and the jars were filled with paper clips, pins, rubber bands etc and the pot filled with pencils and pens. Whilst it was a work in progress a teacher friend saw it and NEEDED one so I ended up doing two! I painted the MDF with a base colour, covered in papers and then mod podged it all. It was very well received as she is a Ronald Dahl and question Blake fan just like me! A special teacher as she taught me and was my form mistress at one stage too so we go back a long way!

    Myra love your card and the colours are gorgeous! You have used the dies so well!

    Janet, love the scarecrows sooo cute! What a gorgeous gift they would make. Do they take an age to do?

    Have watched Sues show loved the grouting technique I haven't tried texture paste but that technique had inspired me. I liked the stick pins but cost prohibitive I am afraid. I could not justify that I am afraid and unlike many of you who are retired I am working but too much for me and I feel I could make do and mend and come up with my own. I love seeing Sue demonstrate but 2 weekenders in one month is a lot most people only have so much budget and pay day 6 days away - not counting!!!!! I wonder how many will have any money left for this one. However, will love the demos! Steph, great to hear your name read out let's hope we have a winner amongst us!!

    Well enough from me see you later xxx

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield21 February 2015 at 13:31

      Afternoon Barbie - First of all I love love love your gorgeous box - I would use mine for all my bits of bows/buttons etc never mind them being for children lol. The dolls take no time at all really as everything piece is relatively small and can be taken wherever you go. The Hiker and Miss Sweetie I did for two ladies who moved house and they were their house warming gifts. The girl with all the toys - hobby horse yo yo etc I did for my 1st Great Granddaughter's first bday. So pleased you like them.
      Hugs Janet x

    2. Janet Ecco of Sheffield21 February 2015 at 13:34

      I'm sorry I called you Barbie I keep meaning to say Alison. Will try and remember.
      Janet x

    3. I respond to most things particularly in the middle of the night in A and E and there's usually an f in it I am afraid!

    4. Alison, I was a ward Sister on a surgical ward for many years and have been called a few things in my time but have never had to put up with the sort of abuse you see in A &E. You should get danger money. XXX

  15. Hi Sandra and fellow crafters! I haven't seen Sues show as set it to record but found the stick pin set on C&C last night and thought it was way too pricey for me. I could buy 3 dies for that money!!!!
    Todays creations are fabulous such are variety of items. Beautiful card Myra, love the colours.
    Barbie your shelve unit is gorgeous and useful too.
    Janet what an amazing talent wish I could knit half as well as you.
    I am off to walk the dog as he is sitting with his paws crosses.

  16. Hello Sandra,
    I have lost two long comments so far so if this fails, that's it. I am going to make this short and sweet.
    Mrs B, may I sit in the corner with you for a coffee and toasted tea cake and we can discuss various card making techniques.
    Myra, your card is so deliciously elegant, love it.
    Barbie, what a brilliant idea for the Roald Dahl stamps. They are quite small and this uses them so well. I've never been on Amazon, do you just type the name in?
    Janet, your characters are fab, especially the last one with the lollipops coming out of the top of the head.
    STOP PRESS, my Cheryl Die has just arrived, so I'm off to do a bit of cutting with it. You may call it the Gemini Cygnus, but to me it will always be the Cheryl Die. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    I Can't afford the beads, they are too much money and will take Jess's advice and look at some other shops.
    See you after 12 noon show - I can hear my Grand Calibur calling..................

    1. Thanks for joining me Maureen, I'm sure you have had a great time playing with your Cheryl die. When are you going to share a card using it with us? Take care. Mrs B x

  17. Good morning Sandra and the lovely ladies,
    I see you're busy typing your email for the cup of chance so I'll help myself to a coffee and a toasted teacake if you don't mind.
    Myra, your card is beautiful, it has such style and elegance. Love the colours and that cornflower as a main focal element is gorgeous. Think I might have to get the die,
    Alison your shelves are amazing. I love them. It must have taken you so long to create this work of art. Those dinky labels are so sweet and the amount of detail, stunning.
    Janet, well, I have fallen deeply in love. They are adorable, love the bird watcher. They must take so long to make, I don't know how you could bear to part with any one of them, they are so individual, I adore them.

    Right Ladies, first show been aired hope you are ready for the next one. I discovered the Stick pin secret by accident on the Creative expressions site just in case anyone is still wondering how I knew, but couldn't let on and spoil Sue's surprise.
    I really enjoyed the first show, I know many will have got annoyed at Nigel, but Sue looked like she was having such fun. And what about Izzy's bags, they were gorgeous, would love to know how she made them. Sue was mega impressed with them, you could see it in her eyes, well, she wouldn't have shown them otherwise.
    Now the Stick Pins we have been asking for are finally here and don't get me wrong, I think it is a fabulous collection of delicious elements and I would love to have it, but it is too expensive for me, I think it is really good value, the beads alone would cost that in a shop, and if you make cards to sell then it is definitely worth investing in. I only make mine for friends and family and I would have liked smaller affordable kits in just the individual colours I would
    use. Maybe she will do that at a later date, hope so because they are beautiful.
    Right enough said, it's take me nearly an hour to write this (hubby keeps interrupting my train of thought) and I dont want to be late for the next show.
    Be back later, love and hugs Saba

    1. It takes me ages to write my comments too Saba : ) Take care. Mrs B x

  18. Hi Sandra,
    Good Morning everyone who passes by!
    I would just like to say that like Alison- Barbie don't want to promote me but happy to help Sandra and I'm glad we got a trio today as that is new and lovely.
    Lynda very kindly sent me a bundle of dies so she derives some credit for the card! Thanks again , Lynda x
    The cornflower dies are lovely and I've made three flowers with them so far - all different.
    Alson - I love your shelf unit. Such a clever idea but it's useful too. I love using MDF but have stuck to flat shapes! I'm sure the teaches was thrilled!
    Janet - what super characters! They're lovely and a lot of work. I don't hae "knitting patience" so would not attempt one never mind 3. What a lovely , bright keepsake.
    I gave Bloglovin a plug too! Let's hope it works!
    Agree about cost of beads etc. for stick pins. Smaller sets maybe even colour coded would have been better. Hey ho - that may happen later,
    Sandra, thanks again for so generously sharing your blog. May I have a cappuccino and a Danish pastry. Thank you.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield21 February 2015 at 13:41

      Myra - I'm with you and Alison and definitely do not want to promote anything of me but when Sandra said yesterday she was out with her lovely girls I just thought it might help. Myra your work of art is just gorgeous and I for one would just love to receive a gift like this. Thank you for your lovely comments re my three lovely girls.
      Hugs Janet x

    2. Thank you Myra,your very welcome it was my pleasure.Glade you made something so gorgeous.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  19. Well my Scottish roots have returned! I don't hae knitting patience - should have said have! But it made me laugh! Xx

  20. Wow, so many talented ladies! Thanks for sharing all their stunning pieces, such great inspiration x

    1. Josie, welcome to Sandra's lovely blog. We all pop in everyday to see what inspiration Sandra and her Guest designers have brought us. We affectionately call it Sandra's coffee shop, a place where you can chat, have a moan, share ideas and also a place full of love, support and encouragement and where you can eat as much calorie free cake as you like. Hope you will join us again.
      Hugs Saba XXX

    2. Josie, welcome to the "coffee shop". We are lucky having a most generous host in Sandra, she keeps her coffee shop open 24/7 and she makes the most delicious calorie free cakes. But most of all she lets us see these amazing makes of her guest designers.
      We might seem a bit crazy, letting our imagination run wild. Believe you me if we could meet up in real life we would all be there drinking our teas and coffees and eating cake. Look forward to seeing you here again. Hazel x

    3. Thank you Saba, that's a lovely description, it's you amazing ladies that make it such a nice place to be!
      Josie, I hope you can manage to pop in daily too!
      We all came together from Sue Wilson's 'particraft' blog that you can follow by going to 'Bloglovin' ! Fabulous inspiration from there too !
      Sandra xxxx

    4. Hi Josie,
      Welcome to the best coffee shop in Britain! The owner is friendly and welcoming and the customers are wonderful!
      A little mad - but wonderful!
      Love Myra xx

    5. Welcome Josie, as the rest of the ladies have said, the best little coffee shop in town!, enjoy our moans and groans, and calorie free cake, Sandra is so generous with her blog, hope you call back. Jess x

    6. Hi Josie a warm welcome hope to see you again
      Hug's Lynda xx

    7. Hello Josie,
      Welcome to Sandra's lovely blog. Pop in tomorrow for a delicious coffee or tea, and some scrumptious calorie free cake, Maureen xx

    8. Welcome Josie. I hope that you visit Sandras wonderful blog cafe again very soon. Take care. Mrs B x

    9. Welcome Josie, lovely to have you here in Sandra's cafe. We can guarantee you a wonderful time whenever you feel like popping in. Everyone has made me feel so special joining them.
      Hugs Cheryl xxx

    10. Welcome Josie to the very best coffee shop, I am so glad to see you have joined both our lovely Sue and my love friend Sandra's blog. This is the place that you can be yourself without being judged and you meet the most loviest people,
      Love and crafty hugs

  21. Good morning, Just! What a wonderful display of fantastic talent you have for us all today Sandra your kindness knows no bounds thank you so very much. Could I have a weak latte please.
    Where so I start Myra your card is stunning Sue would be so proud knowing she has inspired such a work of art it is so very beautiful.
    Alison your shelves are quite simply fantastic and so very professional looking your really are very clever, they are by far superior to those that Tonic and CE have produced in my opinion.
    Janet your little people are true works of love and devotion they are so beautiful the colours are divine and will be a lifetime treasure for some very lucky children or even adults! I for one would give one a home, I have a teddy on each bed in our bungalow so they would have company. It is amazing even when we have adults staying the teddy get taken into the bed with them, never thrown on the floor.
    Must go time for Sue again will call back later
    Hugs to everyone
    Margaret xxx

  22. Is it just me but my head is buzzing ...... Leonie drove me to distraction with all her "wittering"
    Loving those beads and stick pins but OMG!! what price ..... would you really want to make 200 Stick Pins?? Enough to make 20 would be ample for most people.
    Rant over:- May I have a bowl of soup please, I will have it over in the corner by the window so I can see what going on in the world.
    Hugs everyone

    Patricia x

    1. Totally agree Patricia! I said earlier a much smaller set would have been so much better! Even fifty pins is a lot but at a quarter of that price would have been more realistic. Even if you were to share with Hazel it's still a lot of money.
      As for Leonie - she said I need to tell you about stock levels as you get upset if things sell out. Next sentence 45 percent of stock gone! It's a while since I left school but thats less than half!
      Rant over too!
      Love Myra x

    2. I have just looked at what I pay for beads ( teardrop ones) it is £2 99 for 25 beads. I can only get them in blue or green. Maybe price isn't too bad just maybe could have been put in a smaller pack. Thought I ought to be fair! x

    3. I am with you both about the cost of the pin sets, the price is not at all realistic, if you go to Hobbycraft or a Strikes garden centre where there is a craft shop all the different things like pins and spacers are available so much cheaper and so are the beads where you can choose the colours and shapes you need. Pearl headed pins are available in sewing shops / patchwork shops and all different colours.
      I also agree with Pat some people don't keep their cards and it does seem such an expense, then to have them thrown away without a thought to the time skill and cost, so you would have to be selective how they were added. Do I sound mean I don't mean to be but I hate waste!
      I ended up telling both Nigel and Leonie to shut up because they do go on don't they?
      Could I please have a latte Sandra while I give Josie a hug of welcome.
      Norah so pleased you are feeling better today sweetheart.
      Hugs to you of course Sandra too
      with love
      Margaret xx

  23. Good morning dear Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    Sorry i wasn't in yesterday flower but still had that beezer of a migraine from the day before and no energy so slept most of the day with the random cup of coffee which amounted to 3 for the whole day which considering i keep the coffee growers in business normally as i don't drink anything else really, it was a bad day. Barbie sorry i didn't get to comment on your beautiful Greek wonder yesterday, it is so beautiful but there again i am not surprised as i know first hand what talent lies in your finger tips flower and it stands on top of my bookcase next to Sue's.
    Well i'll start at Myra's beautiful work of cardmaking art, it is gorgeous in the white and with the beautiful what looks like periwinkle blue underneath showing through. That blue is one of my favourite matte card colours as it shows up every time so softly through the lacy topping and with the pearl topped striplet it just finishes it off lovely.
    Barbie,i want to know what is in the jars because i'm nosey and my nose is bothering me. Is it for the wee lass's room or is it for the big kid that still resides in a lot of us? Any way it is great and useful who ever it is for but still has that element of fun about it.
    OOOooo Janet, you are going back to my first love here with these little characters as they are so cute and so very popular. I can remember when the miners strike was on, some of the miners learned to knit and the use to knit these and sell them to try and make ends meet but here 30 years later and they are still as popular, it just goes to show that good things never go out of fashion. I love the top ones direction post and binoculars, they're brilliant and the 2nd ones games and instruments that she has that she can't decide what to do first but some one is needing to tell that last one that all that sugar is not good for her and the ice cream cone is melting. Fantastic work and all so different, so thank you girls for showing us your creations and brightening up today.
    Got a whole load of things needing done and i'm getting there slowly so i will stop and have a coffee and piece of cake Sandra, any kind i don't mind and it will give me a second wind maybe to carry on. It is all shouting at me "i want done first" but my body is saying "you'll just have to wait your turn". I'm over in my normal wee corner listening in on all the happy chattering that is going on around me and it was nice of you to put the television on in the cafe today Sandra so that we can all worship our friend Sue. It's amazing how quiet you lot are when Sue's on, you can hear a pin drop.
    Love and crafty hugs are in my basket for the taking , different sizes and kinds for all,
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hello Norah,
      I'm pleased that you are feeling better today, Maureen xx

    2. Hi Nora. I'm glad that you are feeling better today, when the migraine has gone you still feel a bit "out of it" for a while don't you? Or is that just me? Take care. Mrs B x

    3. Hi Mrs B, no you're right, the pain might have gone but it really does take it out of me or maybe it just adds to the rest of the problems which all gang up on me.
      But thank you girls for just being yourselves, so caring and I am definitely so lucky to have such lovely friends.
      Love and hugs

    4. Hi Norah,
      Is that the same migraine as the 'car' day or are you having a bad week? What brings them on, is it stress or tiredness? I haven't had them, (thank god), they sound bloody horrendous, do you get waited on when you are poorly like that? I do hope so.
      I know this will sound hypocritical as I don't practise what I preach, but listen to your body Norah, the bloody housework can't wait until you feel well enough to tackle it, or maybe Rory or Campbell would help you! Is that laughing I hear?
      Sit down & put your feet up!
      Love & huggles
      Sandra xxxxx

  24. Janet Ecco of Sheffield21 February 2015 at 13:51

    Afternoon - everyone - latte please and may I sit in a corner to recuperate? First thank you all for your lovely comments re my three girls. I just thought like Myra and Alison they may help Sandra have a day off after all she never stops and this wonderful blog is such an important retreat and much needed. I have never tried to sell any of my knitted characters as they have always been done for special family and friends. The Hiker and Miss Sweetie were done for two lovely ladies as house warming presents when they moved three years ago and the little girl with her toys I did for my First Great Granddaughter's first birthday. I have one to do this summer for my Great Grandson's second bday and then and then the last for my Second Great Granddaughter's second bday next Feb.
    I haven't seen any of Sue's shows yet but they are being recorded. I did see the beads on C&C site last night and like you all think they are very expensive. As you say smaller packets would be wonderful and be very attractive. Off to put my feet up now to recover. Hugs to all. Janet x

  25. Hello again,
    Barbie, I'm sorry I called you Barbie, I will call you Alison in future. I didn't know your real name, xx

  26. Hi Sandra
    Wow wow wow what can I say. Myra your card is stunning. It's nice to see how somebody else has used Sues Dies. Lots of inspiration for us all. Barbiepinkfairy, I just love your unit. The teachers they were made for must have been over the moon. Janet your little people are gorgeous. I know at least 4 grandchildren that would fall in love with them. Plus some mothers as well. I used to do lots of knitting at one time, but nothing like this. They must have taken an age. I've been out all morning crafting with friends, so I haven't seen Sues show yet. Seems like the stick pins are expensive. However, although they look lovely, I wouldn't put them on some peoples cards as they get thrown away. A shame I know, but some people don't appreciate the skill of putting a card together. Been on BLOGLOVIN to follow Sue, we need to make sure other ladies do this as well.

    1. Pat. You know you are correct, there is no point of putting beautiful stick pins on cards that you know won't be saved. Hazel x

    2. Hi Pat and Hazel, I always worry that people will stick them into their fingers!!
      Maureen x

    3. Maureen, what are you like. I can barely type for the tears, They don't have the sharp points like real hat pins love, so stop your worrying and go and stroke your Cheryl die. XXX

  27. Hi Sandra and all its me once again,
    I Love Sue's Beads and Stick Pins, Sue said there is enough to make 200, I Purchashed 5 Pins already made up for £6 plus P and P.
    So maybe working them out not too bad just a lot for the initial outlay.
    I'd Love to get them they maybe cheaper at Ally Pally!
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

  28. Hi ladies,
    I am sat here in my craft room having one of those 'humphhh' kind of days!
    You know when you want to get on and get some cards made but your head is just not in the game! My beloved daughter pitched up at 9 am whizzzing round the house like a whirling dervish, "I need this! I want that" I have a friend whi will be here in 5 minutes to die my hair" oh and then half an hour later 4 more friends turn up! Oh my god, I wanted to hold my head and scream, Shut up and everybody out!!! I think it's maybe because I was still awake at 4 am this morning, 'Bloglovin' whizz ing around my head, hoping that it works for Sue, but just couldn't switch off! Then I must have dozed off at 4.15 ish, to be woken at 4.50 by a fat cat sitting on my pillow purring at a 100 decibels in my ear! So as Paul gets up at 5am everyday during the week I think I will give him a lie in today and drag my creaking body out of bed to open the fishy pouches of cat food for "our daughters" beloved kitty's !!!
    I will add that I usually take my morning morphine before attempting the pain of getting out of bed, but this is way too early, so I am surprised the "oohing and ouching" didn't wake the whole house! So I then drag myself back to the warmth of the bed, but due to the pain of walking unmedicated my heart is racing like a thoroughbred on race day! And I am gasping to get my erratic breathing under control,!!!! That's how my day started, I am now like a bloomin zombie! Help! If you see my mojo wandering about, can you kick his butt and send him home! Please!
    By the way, please can you all welcome JOSIE, to our cafe, I think she may have slipped in unnoticed ten minutes before Sue's last show!
    WELCOME my lovely, ignore my whinging, I really don't do it every day!
    This is the friendliest place you could ever wish to be! You will not find a nice, kinder more caring bunch of ladies anyway, they are hugely inspirational and so supportive too! So do you fancy joining us daily???
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Hello lovely, sorry you are not feeling brilliant today. If I find your Mojo I'll smack its bottom, or is that against the law nowadays. Hope you are enjoying Sue's shows. I love her demonstration where she cut up the union square. Leonie didn't really put me off, she really was interested in what Sue was doing and at least we don't get any "I do it differently" from her. I have a bit of a soft spot for her after all she went through a few years ago. Broke my heart at the time.
      And weren't Izzy's handbags fabulous. Sue must adore them to bring them on the show. I would love to know if she has a Pinterest board. I am assuming she is the Izzy who regularly comments, but there is no link on her postings.
      The stick pins seem to be selling well and that is lovely for Sue.
      Well my dear hope that Mojo is back, see you later
      Love Saba
      Ps have welcomed Josie as a reply to her post, hope if she comes back she sees it.

    2. Hi Sandra hope you are feeling more human and less zombie now. I know how it feels getting up in the morning before taking painkillers! I don't really come to for at least an hour after taking my tablets. If they are looking for any extras in a horror film I am sure I would get the part.
      JOSIE welcome to this lovely, friendly and funny blog. I have just had a nosy at your blog and you are such a talented crafter. If there is one craft I am hopeless at its sewing. I bought one of those tiny sewing machines to use for stitching on cards and didn't have a clue how to even thread it up and ended up giving it away.
      BARBIEPINKFAIRY sorry I was calling you Barbie as well didn't realise your name was Alison!

    3. Oh Sandra,
      Sorry you are having a humph kind of day! You must be so tired never mind the pain - and I can't imagine that. I'm grumpy enough with a migraine. Hope you can relax and watch Sue's 6oclock show!
      Sending hugs,
      Love Myra xx

    4. Hi Saba,
      Thank you, I think there are too many laws regarding how you bring up your children, a good smacked backside "never did me any harm" although I don't ever remember getting one, all my mum had to say was " that's it I am telling your dad" and we would be terrified, not for any other reason than we respected our elders!
      Personally I believe this is the problem with some children today, had they been bought up with a bit of discipline and a lesson in respecting your elders, the world might be a different place!
      I too remember Leonie from those sad days, seeing her hugely pregnant bless her, waiting for the news of the birth and I vividly remember sitting crying when it was announced what had happened. It happened to a very good friend of mine to so I know the damage an experience like that can do to you! She has coped remarkably well externally, that's not to say how she copes personally ! I don't have a problem with her, she can be a little giddy at times, but she is always up beat and genuinely interested in the craft guest! Those handbags were bloody amazing weren't they, I was blown away by them!
      That butterfly Sue made too was gorgeous too, I had a houseful so missed the start but can watch it back, was it a Gemini die she started the butterfly with?
      I hope Josie comes back, bless her!
      Hugs & thanks again,
      Ps you haven't sent me a card to share yet!
      Sandra xxxx

    5. Hi Saba,
      I have a soft spot for Leonie too, even though she drives me mad at times, but she has a good heart - and it was broken in the most horrible way. Maureen xx

    6. Sorry to hear that your day started so badly my lovely. I hope that your home has settled down for a nice comfy relaxing Saturday evening now. Take care xx

  29. Hi Sandra, yes it was the Orion she used for the butterfly. Hope you are getting your emails in, don't forget to change the name!! It's Dean up next so deep breaths ladies.
    One of these days I will pluck up enough courage and email you with one of my cards. I did one using Sue's quilted background design and used one of my " coffee filter flowers" as a focal element, so I might send that one. I need to take a picture first though.

    1. Email and photo on its way. Oh heck, what have I done. It's the wine, it makes me reckless.

    2. Saba, please send a pic to Sandra as your crads sound wonderful. Take care Mrs B x

  30. Hi All
    MYRA,, beautiful card love the striplet dies. Your cornflower looks lovely mine look really messy ANY TIPS ?
    BARBIE, How beautiful your little unit is, just gorgeous.
    JANET, Beautiful dolls. I have knitted these myself, have you knitted any Alan Dart patterns they are really good, you can pay to download them if you want to.
    3 very, very talented ladies, thank you Sandra for allowing us to see these.
    The stick pins are gorgeous but way out of my price range.
    Hugs to all Love Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      I have only made three so far , but I pressed the centre with an embossing tool so that the fringed ends sort of stood up. I mixed the sizes in some but used two of the same size in another. I think they look nice even if they are a bit rougher because cornflowers are a bit like that in real life. Sorry I'm not much help. Hope you are in less pain today.
      Love Myra xx

    2. Thanks Myra will give that a go. Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

  31. Me again-if any of you want stick pins you could try Spanish Crafter. Wendy has some gorgeous ones for sale on her blog-just a thought.


    1. thanks Michele, that's good to know, will definitely check it out. Hope you enjoyed your craft show in Leigh. No idea where that is ( I live in Germany, so wherever it is it would be too far for me!!!) hoping to get to Ally Pally though. XXX

  32. OH MY giddy aunt i have just typed an epistle and don't know what i did but its ALL GONE poo Johanna

  33. OH MY giddy aunt i have just typed an epistle and don't know what i did but its ALL GONE poo Johanna

    1. Bless you Johanna, you must be screaming, do as I do when I have written a long post, I always tap on it 'select all' and then 'copy' and then if you lose it as I often do (usually because I am not logged in) you can just tap the text box and 'paste' and it will all return! Its a good habit to get into, because you can write a corking post then lose it, but then you just can't be bothered to start again!
      I hope you are well my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxx

  34. Shut up Dean!!!!. Sorry, just had too!

  35. Sandra were you reading my mind, if he had shut up Sue could have made another card. The two boys have been good and not disturbed me. I just wish I could press a button and Dean would disappear!!! Hazel x

  36. They didn't really push the stick pins on this last show did they?
    Sandra xx

  37. Welcome to Josie. I am sure you will enjoy it here. Sandra. Sorry you are not feeling so good today. Hope you will soon feel better. To Myra, Alison and Janet. Love your creations today. You are all very clever. Don't know what I have been doing today apart from watching Sue but thus is the first chance I have had to leave a message today and haven't been on Sue's blog yet. Got my hospital appointment letter today. They couldn't make the appointment before I left the hospital last Wednesday but specifically asked for an appointment after 10am so that my son could give me a lift after the school run. Yes that would be fine. It would definitely be after 10am. Well what time is it? 9.30 and if I have to have an X-Ray then to come 20mins before that. Didn't say if I had to have an an X-Ray but they might do one so will need to be there at 9.10. Which will be impossible. Oh well just have to get there as early as I can. Can I please have a Ginger and Lime tea and a custard donut. Thanks.

    1. Oh littlelamb you must be furious, that is just so rubbish, ring them up and give them what for. Do they ever listen or do they just make the right noises knowing they will then totally ignore patients needs.

    2. Oh Brenda,
      You must be so cross, I would be! When you take the trouble to explain your reasons for not going at a certain time!
      Thank you for stopping by, sounds like you need something stronger than tea!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx

  38. Well another busy day in the cafe today, between our Sue's shows!
    No Brenda again today, I hope she is ok!
    Well what did we think of Sue's shows? I do love those stick pins! I am so tempted!
    Well I hope I will see you all tomorrow in the coffee shop, English muffins or bagels with smoked salmon & scrambled eggs as it Sunday !
    Love & hugs
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Got to be muffins. And would it be possible to get the mail on Sunday. I so miss my Sunday papers. Before I came over hereI liked nothing better if I wasn't working to have a pyjama day with the Sunday's and all the supplements. Ooh Sandra, it makes me want to sing Jerusalem. XXXX

    2. I love that song, So very 'rousing' !
      Sunday's are often pj days in our house, now before Mrs B chips in, I get up and put them on SUE! lol
      But Sunday papers seem to last a week in this house!
      But anything for you my dear, the papers are in a rack by the sofa's, help yourself!
      Sandra xxxxx

  39. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe at the moment.
    How do I get Sue's Bloglovin page onto Pinterest? Can some one help me. Sandra you know how thick I am when it comes to computers! Thanks. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, when you are looking at Sue's post on Bloglovin at the bottom of the photo of the card it should say 'share' click that and you will be able to choose fb,twitter or pinterest, click Pinterest then it will take u to sign in, do that and then share.
      If you are still struggling I will help you on Monday or Tuesday, which ever day suits you best!
      love you
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sue, it's all a bit of a mystery to me too, but I have just had a look and when you are on "my feed" there is a button marked share. If you click on that it shows a Pinterest button, so presumably that's the way to get them on your Pinterest board. Good luck, let us know how you get on. XXX

    3. Spooky Sandra we must have been typing at exactly the same time.

  40. Hi Sandra, I'm going to keep this short. Have been trying to post for the last two days IPad keeps freezing, today we are back home used laptop sent lots of messages to everyone, went to publish and Google asked me to verify although I was already signed in. Well my message went into cyberspace - I could have wept as it had taken me over an hour. I am fine and have been looking in each day. What a lot of fantastic gifted ladies on your blog.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Oh Brenda I have been so worried about you, I am so glad you are ok, please make sure you have me email address or give me yours so I can check in with you when you can't get on Blog.
      The coffee shop is just a mess without you!
      Anyway you must be exhausted from your busy week, whats the news on the cooker? do you have the new one yet? if not you and John can pop across to me for dinner if you like, always a roast on a Sunday!
      I am not sure if this will be a helpful tip but when I have a long post I always hold my finger over the beginning of the post (on the ipad) and then when it says 'select all' choose that and then 'copy' that way should it disappear when you hit publish you can just click on the text box and tap and 'paste' will come up just click that and it will return! (sorry if you already new that)
      Love and hugest snuggles mumma,
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Oh Sandra you really are lovely, the cooker is due to be fixed on Monday THEN we will put in a claim for a replacement. To make things worse our freezer has stopped working someone coming to sort it out - also on Monday. We have the contents of our freezer next door also at a friends in Streatham and our daughters in Kenley Surrey. I really think the gremlins are stalking us.
      Love Brenda xxx

  41. Hi Sandra,
    It's been quite a day? So lovely to know that you are alright Brenda .
    I know what you mean about the stickpins Sandra - they are lovely and very hard to source. The colours all match Foundation Card as well. Could you Three Graces not buy a set and divide it by three? I was tempted too!
    See you for scrambled eggs all being well! Yum!
    Love Myra xx

  42. It's me again I was suggesting on my mega postl that you try to concentrate on your breathing when you can't get to sleep. Just think I'm breathing in - I'm breathing out. Feel the breathing movements in your body, I promise it will help you get to sleep. Sweet dreams Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you mumma, I will try it tonight, although Paul will wonder what I am doing! Tihi xxxx
      Seriously though it drives me crazy some nights, I am either in too much pain I can't get comfortable enough to sleep, or something is stressing me out and I can't switch off.
      But you get into a viscous circle of getting wound up because you just can't slept no matter how tight you squeeze your eyes closed, I have started to read more, paul bought me kindle for Christmas and that helps!
      Anyway I am off to try,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Sweet Dreams. Just think the breathing thing in your head . Or give Paul a cuddle and think about breathing. I worked this out when I had cancer some years ago. I worried for the world. Really thought it this is my time. But had to function day to day. It really helped me through. It helped me get the sleep my body needed. Lol B xx

  43. Fabulous creations from these ladies Sandra, they should all be very proud of themselves.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  44. Hi Sandra, it's late so just wanted to say that Myra, Alison and Janet have made some wonderful arts of craft. Myra's is stunning, Alison have made something so different but how wonderful for a little girl or boy. Janet your little scarecrows are all sooo cute (pleased they are scarecrows, thought first they were clowns and they scare me so glad they are not :-)
    Have been in London today and met up with friends from Germany so feeling a bit drained but still can't sleep so will now go and test the breathing technique, tell you tomorrow if it worked. Wish everyone a good night. Hope you all feeling better tomorrow Sandra. Will read all comment later and I be back later thts morning Love and Hugs Maria xx

  45. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe at the moment.
    How do I get Sue's Bloglovin page onto Pinterest? Can some one help me. Sandra you know how thick I am when it comes to computers! Thanks. Take care xx
