
Friday 20 February 2015

Butterfly from Barbie !

Good Morning Ladies,
I can't believe its Friday already, this week has gone so fast, I can't believe that its the last day of the girls week off!
Todays card is one of Barbie's works of art, I am hoping that she will call in later on today to give us a brief run down of how she achieved this amazing card. Another fabulous dose of inspiration for Sue's new die range.
Barbie's gorgeous gift doesn't end at the card, she wraps the card beautifully in tissue paper
and secures with a beautiful bow and then places in a beautiful matching box.
I am sure you will agree that Bev must have been really touched when she opened this card.
Thank you very much Barbie for allowing me to share this gorgeous card with everyone on the blog today.
I hope you all have a lovely day, ready for a lovely weekend.
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Good Morning Ladies,
    I am so sorry the schedule time didn't work, so todays post didn't go on at 6am as planned, I hope none of you have missed it!
    Have you been on Sue's blog today? how exciting, what do you think it might be that she is bringing us brand new????? I have asked many times about the beads for making the gorgeous stick pins, its hard to find beads the right size and shape! other than that I am stumped, I can't wait for another weekend of Sue though, lets hope it really gives her blog a boost, to try and get her up to number one, I would love to see her up there where she deserves to be, anyone got any ideas to sue's blog a boost?
    Well coffee beans are ground and brewing and tea's in the pot, a good selection of fresh pastries this morning too!
    I was so overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity yesterday, in particular Cheryl for donating a prize for a last minute bit of fun on Wednesday, I could feel Maureen's smile right over here in Oxfordshire, I so love the way you keep popping back in to see if each other are ok and offer support and advice for those of us that are unwell or worried about loved one, along with the giggles, after all laughter really is the best medicine!
    Thank you all. each and everyone of you for making this blog what it is!
    I have had just about every kind of therapy over the past twenty years, this blog and you amazing friends are the best kind of therapy ever, making me look forward to getting up, to check in with you all, when I am alone and feeling low during the day, being able to open up the ipad and check in here is like meeting up with friends, I know it sounds daft, but believe me its the truth. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart! xxx
    Sandra xxx

  2. Morning Sandra.
    Sooo sorry I didnt find time to pop in yesterdsy. I did look at your beautiful bsby card though, what an amazing keepsake for the parents.
    Maureen, well done on getting close on visitor number's on Sue's blog and how fantastic to receive the wonderfully kind gift. Such treasure's are found here that's for sure.
    Saba... What can I say ? Your love for each other will bring you through this awful hard time. Like Alison said, they wouldn't put your sister through such long difficult surgery if she wouldn't benefit from it, so Spring and happiness is on its way. Unless I go back and read.every message from yesterdsy I wont remember everyone that wasn't well, or family member's that arn't too good, so can I send a collective BIG hug to pass round please ? Theresa, hope your shoulder is a little less sore my love.
    Sandra and I may ask for everyone's help a little later, Sue has been intouch and asked for some blog help. Once Sandra has read my email to her and checked something out, maybe we can have that big table in the corner, a pot of tea, coffee and some cold drinks just incase, a selection of pastry (as its Friday) sorry they wont be French Janet, and talk about how to help Sue boost blog numbers ?
    Woah Barbie Barbie Barbie... Wonderful, stunning, amazing. WOW. Hope you manage to rest up a little, but knowing you - I doubt it, wahing, ironing, bla bla bla !
    Oh well, coffee time, then make an early start on all thats left to do ready for Sunday. I CANT miss Sue's shiw's tomorrow, so I HAVE to get everything done today, regardless.
    Have a fun day if you can, and see you all later.
    Hugs all round.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  3. Janet Ecco of Sheffield20 February 2015 at 08:23

    Morning all - yes please my usual latte. Sorry I didn't get back yesterday but this week has just been all over the place.
    Barbie - Oh what a gorgeous, wonderful, fantastic and heavenly gift you have created. I would be on cloud nine to receive a gift like this and I would love to see more of your creations please.
    OK I'm the world's worst at tracking things down so please put me out of my misery. 1 - I just cannot find any pics of the rogue trader Mr T. Please tell me where to go. - in the nicest possible way of course lol.
    2. I've looked back at Sue's gifts for the last couple of weeks and I cannot for the life of me see anything different.
    Looking forward to being at that big table in the corner and don't worry about the cakes not being French Steph I just love being among my crafty friends.
    See you all later.
    Hugs Janet x

    1. Janet put his name and then Brighton in your search engine his twitter account comes up you can see photos you can't miss selfie in red underpants! Nuff said!

    2. Janet Ecco of Sheffield20 February 2015 at 13:28

      Thank you - so pleased I'd had my lunch before looking and I've been and washed my hands. As you say Nuff said.
      Janet xx

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies,

    Fantastic card Barbie, I do not have that die but am beginning to see how well it works. It compliments all the detailed work of the embellishments you used. Congratulations my dear, you have a sure fire winner there. Bev will be very proud that it has been made just for her.

    By 9.30 Maureen's ( still so excited at winning) prize will be winging on it's way to her. I've actually got up early today to make sure I am 1st in the queue at our little Post Office! We will be losing it shortly as the Postmaster is retiring soon and nobody wants to keep the PO on.
    So instead the PO counter will be moving next door into our little Spar shop. How they will find the space for it is anyone's guess. It is so packed with 8 ft high shelving units and huge aisle baskets, something will have to give somewhere. And this is supposed to be progress? The shop will be chockablock with customers, you will have to take a ticket for your turn to even get inside!!!
    Thank you all for your beautiful comments on my providing a prize for the sweepstake. It was my greatest of pleasures to do something special for all those who have supported me over the last few months. Without you all and no Pete, I don't think I would have coped so well. Thank you to Sandra for letting me use her blog to do so.

    Intrigued as to how we can all help boost Sue' numbers. I'm game for that.
    My shower is calling so I'll pop back later, probably this afternoon as I have a visitor this morning, she has recently recovered from a double heart bypass and so to celebrate our return to good health we will be lunching out.
    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi Sandra,
    I checked your Blog out and you were not there, so I sent a very quick e-mail hoping you were ok.
    Could I have my normal please Sandra, the Boys have eaten there toast and enjoyed it.
    Talking about Sue's News I put on her Blog what ever it is I do hope it will be available to purchase in Craft Shops as I don't shop on Create and Craft.
    Well Today's Card and Box is well and "Truly Outstanding" there is some Extremely Talented People that visit The Cotswold Cafe, Well Done Barbie you have made a "Terrific Card and Box" your friend must have loved it. I Love the Die You've used and the Beautiful Flowers and Vine.
    I Love making Boxes for my Cards as I feel it just finishes them off, I Purchashed The Envelope maker which is very good and now I noticed there is another part to it but I saw it on Create and Craft I wasn't shopping on there so I'll wait until I see it else where.
    Sandra I can imagine your Blog being a great source of therapy as since I've been coming to The Cafe I Just Love it, I Love Sue's Blog very much but yours is more personlalised, very friendly and we can discuss things quite freely.
    Sandra you asked about had I heard anything from The Hospital, well I go once again to have an X Ray this one is the full body but not an MRI as I have the metal things in there!!
    Saba you sound very close to your sister, I'm sure with you by her side she'll do fine, Patricia and Hazel are Extremely close it must be wonderful to have a Brother or Sister to share your life with.
    Craftynanna I do hope your feeling much better, and Theresa I'm so sorry that you were in such pain yesterday I do hope your feeling better today.
    Congratulations to Maureen winning the Fabulous Gift and so very kind of our friend Cheryl for giving the Gift.
    Pat I do Hope Your feeling well, I'm so pleased you got your date for your Operation, and you will be able to go to Ally Pally.
    To all my Friends that are feeling unwell I wish you all well and I send you Huge Hugs to each and everyone of you.
    Sandra Please Take Great Care
    Love and Lots Hugs
    To all My Very Dear Friends
    Love and Lots Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Thank you Sam, we are very close and you are right, it's wonderful to blessed with a sisters love. XXX

    2. Hi Saba i don't know if you checked back late last night but i put a little post in for you, its the last one, save me typing it again, hugs Johanna

  6. Good morning Sandra. Also any one else that pops in today. Well Sandra you did have me worried when I popped in this morning!!! What went through my mind was " oh no she hasn't been down and close to her carpet again ! ". But no thank goodness!!!
    Barbie your card is just gorgeous, love the design, I to like to put tissue in my box, but have to admitt I do t put that little finishing touch of the bow, might just start. Your box is also beautiful.
    Steph I did miss you yesterday, again I am glad it wasn't because you were so unwell. The other person is Margaret Corgi Owner, she hasnt been in for a day or two. We will hope it's her Internet that's down again, and she isn't suffering from any nasty bugs.
    Well I am on a bus and holiday as they say, not working with the girls but over in Perth looking after grandsons, they are off and mummy has a full day of work, it's a case of if she works and puts them into out of school club she earns nothing as it goes to pay for the care, this way she it doesn't cost her. Ok she is paying for lunch next week. Plus I have a bunch of flowers here to take home. I to wonder what Sue's new products are??? Adrian from my little craft shop is just back from birmingham and was saying there are lots of exciting new lines coming out from lots of traders. So we will have to wait and see. Will pop back in to see what Sue needs help with. Sorry thank you for my cup of tea. Hazel x

  7. Hi Sandra. Well, what a lot has been gong on since Wednesday on here, hasn't it. I am sorry I didn't comment again yesterday but had the new parents and baby here overnight Wed. They were so tired so we offered to do the night shift to give them a good nights sleep, which they sort of managed to do, they both woke up each time the baby cried but were happy to leave us to deal with him. They looked so much more rested when they went home last night. I am so glad they took up our offer, those first few days are so hard aren't they, having some help makes such a difference doesn't it. Back in the days when Mum wasn't allowed to lift a finger for a week and also having Mum or someone staying did make a lot of sense in some ways didn't it. Chris and I feel emotionally and physically exhausted with all of the events over the last week and we are only the Gran and Grandad! : )
    Anyway once again I hope to get back to my normal(ish) routine. I have caught up with all of the chat in the cafe, there is so much going on ladies!
    Sandra, your baby card is gorgeous, I can see why your customer wanted a similar one again : )
    Barbie, this is beautiful, Sues new dies look wonderful, you are one clever lady : )
    Cheryl, I missed out on your generous prize draw but how kind of you to offer the dies : )
    Maureen congratulations on winning, will you share a card that you make with the dies? : )
    Theresa, so sorry to hear that you are still in so much pain, I can't imagine having physio in your position, bless you! : )
    Janet, I hope all went well with Jim at the hospital, Well done for driving though, it must be easier than having to catch buses etc. : )
    Saba, stay positive like your sister, and remember we will be with you every inch of the way next week : )
    Norah, cars are a nightmare when they play up aren't they, you poor thing. I hope the migraine has gone today : )
    I am not going to start on kids being rude, their bone idle ignorant parents aren't worth my time today! : )
    I hope haven't forgotten any thing, sorry if I have though, blame my meds!
    I hope everyone has a good day today, I will pop back tonight to see how you all are.
    We are so lucky to have so many wonderful people on here, I know what this blog means to you Sandra, you have created such a special place, we all love it as much as you do, thank you so much my lovely : ))
    Take care. Hugs, Sue xx

    1. Thank you Sue.
      Bet you need a rest today, can imagine you didn't sleep well listening out for the slightest noise from Christopher. Somehow we are extra careful with our grandchildren. I remember looking after my first one and I nipped out to the rubbish bin, ten seconds max but I had to go up and check on him make sure he was alright and that no one had snatched him, stupid really, they would have had to pass me as the bin is directly next to the back door. XXX

  8. Of course I will be back to see how we can help Sue, I will do anything to help such a lovely special person as she is.
    Pat, sorry that Petes date is a long way off, if thats an urgent one I dread to think how long a regular one would take! Your date is great though, I have already told you that we will get you to Ally Pally, it will be fun trying to work out who pushes who though won't it. Sandra and Pauls car will be full of mobility aids! Has any one seen a double wheelchair, rather than a double buggy? That would work a treat, Paul would be knackered by the end of the day though wouldn't he as neither me or my Mum wouldn't be much use trying to push a double one : )

  9. Morning Sandra and lovely ladies, coffee and a pastry for me today please, Barbie. Your card is lovely, I like how you make boxes for your cards, I only do that for really special ones.
    Hubby's birthday today, not a special one, we are at our little craft shop today so ought go out for lunch tomorrow, to celebrate.
    Wonder what Sues got up her sleeve for us maybe stick pins, or the foam tape she uses.
    Will pop back later for Stephs news via Sandra for Sue (if that makes sense).
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  10. Good morning Sandra and all your lovely ladies,
    I'll have a cappuccino And one of those fresh pastries please.
    Well, we are having a very exciting day today. Sue announcing a surprise for us, I think I've guessed but like I said on her blog what do I know, I thought it was :- Ian Beale !!! And Steph, how intriguing can't wait to hear what that is all about, think I might have to stay here all day, I'll just sit quietly at that big table in the corner and wait for you to come back.

    Barbie..... WOW. your butterfly card is just stunning and the box so beautifully made and embellished. And all wrapped in tissue too. Just amazing. Now I know why you iron your tissue paper!! Bev is one very lucky lady to be receiving this.
    Pat so pleased you have got your appointment, sorry Pete has to wait so long.
    Joanna, brilliant news, I am so very happy for you and your sister.

    Sorry to be repeating myself, but for anyone who posted after I had left the coffee shop yesterday, and those who came in earlier today I just want to say a big, huge enormous thank you for all your love and encouragement. I was so touched by all your comments and it really really helps. Thank you too Sandra for your amazing coffee shop and bringing us all together.

    Cappuccino was delicious thank you, I'll give you a hand with the washing up if you like Sandra.
    Hugs to all XXX

  11. Good sunny morning every one (well it's sunny here anyway) blooming freezing, thick white frost but hey! ho! the Suns out.
    Barbie, I just love, love,love your stunning card. Loved the use of that Die the other day as well. Just goes to show how the same Die can look so different just by using it the other way round.
    SABAH sending another load of (((((hugs))))) for you. I for one know exactly how you are feeling believe you me.
    (((((Hugs))))) for anyone else who needs them.
    Off to do some food shopping after I get usual "Friday run through the housework" done.
    I feel we will be seeing some nice patterned papers among Sue's new things. Maybe way off mark but that's the feeling I get.
    Hopefully be back for a cuppa and cake later.
    Be good everyone

    Patricia xxx

    1. Thank you so much Patricia. Wish you hadn't been there before me, cos it's not a nice place to be and I really appreciate your empathy.
      So happy it all turned out well for you both. Hazel did it and Val will too. XXX

  12. Oooopps!! So sorry Sandra I totally forgot to wish you a HAPPY FRIDAY.
    Slap on the wrist for me. Be good and I will see you later.

    Patricia xxx

    1. Happy Friday lovely lady, happy weekend too xx

  13. Hi Sandra,
    If there is an advantage to not being a morning person it is that I don't get a scare when your blog doesn't appear at 6am! If I appeared at 6am my husband would dial 999 and ask questions later! Lol.
    What a lovely card , Alison and a gorgeous box. That little finishing touch on the box is just perfect. Also on the tissue. The whole thing is beautiful.
    So much news!
    Re: Sue's tease, I'm wondering if it may be a display stand for cards as I had an email from her about those. She said Creative Expressions wanted to stock them as had been asked for them. Just a thought !
    Norah - sorry you had a bad car day yesterday and a migraine to boot! Hope today is better. Hugs on the way!
    Steph - was so glad to see your post today as I was concerned I was too cheeky the day before. Sometimes words in black and white can be taken in different ways. I do know you have a sense of humour so was relying on that. Go Girl with the last of your cards for Sunday!
    Hope everyone is feeling better today as well as husbands who are poorly.
    Theresa - hope the pain is easier today. Hugs on way.
    Will come back later for coffee and round table conference!
    Love to everyone,
    Love and thanks to you Sandra,
    Myra xx

    1. Hi Myra,
      Didn't I see one of your card displayed on pinserest on a posh stand.
      Like Sue's.
      Love & hugs Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda,
      That posh stand was my Mum's because the one I had actually holds a small painting which Alastair bought for a special Anniversary! We just used to call them plate stands but I guess the proper name is easel. Sue also spotted it! Sue is just lovely and we all love her because she is Sue!
      Have a lovely weekend , my Friend,
      Love Myra xx

    3. Thanks Myra
      Your mums stand is gorgeous. I loved your new card on pinserest it's stunning .
      Hope you sleep well tonight.😴😴
      Enjoy Sue's shows at the weekend
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  14. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning card Barbiepinkfairy that you've shown us today. My word my computer put your name in all by itself, hope it's right. Seems like a lot of hugs are needed today. What with bad shoulders, cars breaking down, migraines etc. Saba, my thoughts are with you, but an op will be the best thing if the Dr's recommend it. I know just how your feeling as Pete had to have 3 ops two of them major for his Bowel Cancer. I wonder what Sue has up her sleeve for us. If it's a peep road I haven't used any of the last one yet. We're going to have a communal hug when we sit around the large table to see how we can boost Sues numbers. I'm glad your bungalows quite big Sandra. Sue you did make me laugh with your idea of a double wheelchair. Poor Paul we'd have to get out and start pushing him by the end of the day. Ally Pally is nearly 6 weeks after my op so I could be ok. Big hugs to all of Sandra's customers. Forgot Sandra I'll have a hot chocolate and a piece of chocolate cake.

    1. Thank you Pat, I know you have your own worries at the moment and I am thinking of you both too. XXX

  15. I was wrong with my guess. I KNOW what Sue's surprise is, but I am not telling!!!!!

    1. How do you know !!! That's not fair!! I even tried to cheat and check the show line up!

    2. Alls fair in love and war, and I do love you but I am keeping stumm.

    3. Saba - was I warm with my guess or stone cold?
      You are as bad as Sue,
      Love Myra xxx

    4. Saba! I was very cold indeed!
      Shhhh! Love Myra xx

    5. Saba just whisper it I wont tell honesty Hugs Lynda xx

  16. UPDATE!!!
    Hello my lovelies,
    I have discovered away we can help Sue boost her ratings once again......
    If you go to who Sue's blog is now with, (I didn't know it changed) anyway if you go on there and type Particraft into the search thingy, sue's blog pops up and you can press follow, this boosts her ratings plus you get all of Sue's cards up on one page, no scrolling back through the months, it's fabulous also if any of you that have your own blogs could promote it on there too we could get Sue back up those charts!
    Are you in ??!
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Yes Boss, will do it straight away !!! xxx

    2. I've done it too. Does this mean I'll be getting two e-mail notifications now? x

    3. Will go and do that right now! Thanks for that!
      Love Myra xx

    4. Janet Ecco of Sheffield20 February 2015 at 13:03

      Please may I have my latte now as I've just finished my daily yog lunch please. There must be some thoughts floating around this morning in the air. After reading Sue's blog and leaving my comment I hit on the spot Bloglovin and joined the follow. I just hope that everyone follows and we can get Sue's numbers up where she should be. I still have no idea what the surprise will be. Hope to see you later. Hugs
      Janet x

    5. Ok will do that now, but still do not have my blog up and running as can't find the paper that I wrote Lynda's instructions on and can't remember on what post I asked her either. another of my 'brain salad moments'
      Love to all
      Cheryl xxx

    6. Have done the link to Bloglovin, they've sent me an email " confirm your email address" clicked on the link and got 'Page not available' Anybody else with this problem?
      Help Cheryl xxx

    7. I have done it Sandra.
      Cheryl,I tried to log on to Bloglovin at the bottom of Sue's blog but it said already had my email. I also tried to sign in with Facebook no luck said same thing. I think because I started following Becca Freekin on Bloglovin ages ago I get email from them already. With Daily feed.Cheryl think I remember you are already on you get a email "with your daily Bloglovin feed " on if you do just serch Paticraft . Hope this helps but probably clear as mud haha .
      Love Lynda xx

    8. Thank you Lynda, yes finally I did receive an email from them so I'm taking it as ok. Will search particraft next time I check.
      Hugs Cheryl xxx

  17. Hella Sandra,
    I've got my latte and toasted tea cake, the money's in the cup, thank you.
    Well Barbie's card is just beautiful, and the decorated box is just the finishing touch.l There are some very clever, artistic ladies on your blog.
    Guess what my first thought was this morning? Yes, Cheryl's kindness in giving a die. I just can't believe my number came up!!! And thank you for going to the post office so early for me. You really are kind.
    Saba - you are just as bad a tease as Sue - go on, tell me.
    Myra -I laughed at your comment re early posting. I'm usually up at 6.30 to go to my daughters, but I don't get the chance to post until about 9 am. Then when they are on holiday, I just take things nice and easy (unless called upon) so George would think the same as your husband and call the emergency services if I suddenly went on the blog at 6 a.m.!!!
    Steph - I'll keep popping in to see if I can help in any way - though I am not computer literate so if it's complicated I may not be any good.
    Janet - I know what you mean about driving. Going to my daughters or the Supermarket is about all I do these days, but when George had his hip replacement last year I had to do the main driving again. I was so apprehensive. Now, have I typed Janet's name, and mean someone else? If I have please forgive me.
    Hazel, you will think I am completely mad, when I read your post I thought "when did Hazel go to Australia", then realised it was Perth in Scotland. I am sure that my brain sometimes goes on holiday!
    I think I've waffled on enough for now so I'll go and pop back later. Love and hugs to all, especially Sandra for her wonderful blog. xx

    1. Maureen I wish, don't know if I could do the journey these days, Calgary and Vancouver is my limit. Where as this is just 50 miles round trip. Hazel x

  18. Dear Saba,

    I am posting this separately because I wanted you to see it, I am thinking of you and your sister. Stay strong, be positive, and take all our love and prayers and wrap them around the two of you xxx

  19. Bless you Maureen.
    And no, I am not telling.

  20. Morning ladies, thanks for your lovely comments about my card. It was made using Greek background - gorgeous needed it the moment I saw it! I mounted it on black card. Sentiment was stamped on white rectangular fancy tag die and off set on to same but in black. Ivy is sues ivy die which I love cut out in Anna Marie card I think it's olive and flowers from wild orchid. The butterfly I got from Trafford show a box full for a pound!

    The stamp is an inkylicious one and reads memories will linger on long after footprints in the sand have washed away.

    I made this for a friend on the first anniversary of her dad's death so I felt the sentiment was apt. I have always loves quotes and sentiments and recently found a school exercise book full of quotes I found inspirational! It's a bit old but still love all the quotes! When it got to ironing the tissue paper. I thought I had lost the plot but I like my cards to be a gift and get a bit faffy!!!

    Cheryl clutter welcome to my world I can't escape it! We annually fill a skip and still it builds up! Our garage is a no go zone recently our neighbours had bikes stolen from their garage and said to check ours I said no worries there's something to be said for having an assault course for a garage it's a no go zone even for burglars!!!!

    Well ladies loads to do. Thanks again for your positive feedback. Xxx

  21. Hi Sandra, hope you are feeling well today.
    Barbie what a beautiful card. The more I see of the |Greek background die the more I love it. Beautiful idea of the tissue paper and the flower.
    Will do bloglovin now. Nice to see you Steph, don't overdo it. Saba still in my prayers.
    Could I have a latte and a custard slice please, Thank you. Hugs to all.
    Theresa (TOB) xx

  22. Good morning Sandra
    I have really missed calling in this week, sorry, but a really nasty bug put me to bed and I don't do going to bed but it really floored me.
    Paul's card was quite simply divine, do give him my thanks for allowing us all to see it and very well done!
    Janet's French get away looks absolutely wonderful and even better than I had imagined, and the cards so beautiful too.
    All the other 'shows' this week as always are awesome and very inspiring well done to everyone.
    Saba sending you the biggest HUG possible darling, you hang on in there think positive and all will be well, it is possible to beat the darn thing I know and your sister will win, just you wait and see, and as everyone has said we are all here for you, if you need any help you only have to say, my thought's and prayers are with you and your sister.
    Hope everyone else not feeling too good are making progress.
    Cheryl you are so kind and good for you going to lunch with your friend you go girl and set the town alight! Have a wonderful time.
    Thank you for the info Sandra on boosting Sue's figures, yes boss I will do it today, anything to help!
    Take care everyone
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Sorry Margaret,
      Missed you! Pleased you are feeling a bit better. A visit here lifts the spirits too!
      Love Myra xx

    2. Margaret, Sorry you have been unwell, glad you are back, missed you. Thank you for you thinking of us and for that great big hug. It means so much. XXX

  23. Hi everyone. Wow what an amazing card Barbie. That die is definitely on my wish list now. I did think about it the other day but now seeing 2 cards from this die I am convinced. I am sure Bev will be delighted with it. Thank you Sandra for showing us. Will try and get back later but granddaughter and I are going to craft club this afternoon. Not sure how much I will be doing but can finish it when the cast is off. It will be good just seeing and chatting to friends. Have had two offers of lift but my son will drop us off. Only 5 mins away and won't have to worry about parking. Am intrigued as to what Sue's surprise is. Barbie your garage sounds like mine but not all my things in there - son and daughters - one day they will have to clear it all out. To anyone feeling unwell today hope you will soon feel better. Better go now but first can I have some Leek and Potato soup please and a cheese scone. Thank you. Hope to be back later

  24. Hi everyone,
    Firstly Saba, I was only joking, i love you really!
    Secondly if anyone wants to email a photo of a card for tomorrow's blog, I have a space for it as I haven't yet made the card for tomorrow and I am going into Witney shopping with my girls this afternoon, so will be pooped by the time I get back ! So you will be doing me a favour! Xx
    Barbie, I never thought of using the excuse of a messy garage as 'burglar proof' that's brilliant! Parts if my house are like that too mind, the girls bedrooms at times and (I hang my head in shame) my craft room!
    Margaret I am do pleased you are back, I missed you xxx hope you are feeling better my lovely xxxc
    Love to all
    Sandra xxxx

  25. Hi Sandra and all in the coffee shop today, large coffee and one of your pastries please. I didn't have a 'new post' today from you and thought the worst of course. So glad that is was nothing and I hope you are ok ?
    Your card is Beautiful Barbipinkfairy! That die is lovely when you see it made in to a card, the vinery and flowers are gorgeous and the box wow. It is all Beautiful. Dear Norah you didn't have a very good day yesterday , I hope you head is better and that the car behaving itself. Hope you are having a great day Steph at the market and having a good sellout. She is a tease Sue and Saba how have you managed to found out ey lol I would like to see a Sue's cutting machine but guess thats wrong , maybe stickpins ? or paper?
    No more dies hopefully, I can't keep up ! I will do the Bloglovin, I follow already some but have not seen Sue's before. Glad to see you back Margaret and hope that the bug has moved on. To everyone in some pain today or looking after OH, I giving you all a Hug. Sandra I hope you are having a lovely day with the girls, yes the week has really gone quick but they are off again I think in about six weeks.... Take care and warm hugs Maria xx

  26. Hi Everyone again. Sorry, the lady herself has sworn me to secrecy about the tease. Cant break her trust.
    When she felt so low re the blog award she was batting idea's to and fro. Last night Sue mentioned to me about bloglovin and would I check it out. I said to Sue not only would I check it out, us Wilsonette Wonder's would log on and follow her plus she wants ALL or should I say would appreciate mentioning how good blogloving is when we post our message on Particraft, which is what I did earlier and Sandra too. So Ive read you've all joined and clicked follow, would you mind saying so and encourage other's to go and join and follow when you comment next ? It wont help with those that dont regularly read any of our post's like those that only look at the card then leave, I have NO idea how to reach out to those blogger's but Im only doing what Sue has asked me to do, I also said to Sandra earlier if we could ask Patricia, Hazel and Linda and whoever has blogs here if they would 'promote' if you will our Sue's blog ? Would you ladies be kind enough ? Ive asked Sue if Im allowed to approach Tina E to ask if she will do the same as being a DT member I thought I should clear it with Sue before I ask Tina so neither of us cause bother.
    I know Sue will be so chuffed how much you've done for her, if anyone has any other idea's on how to get MORE people to join will you share them with us over a lovely slice of cake, Im sure we can reserve a larger table.
    I meant to ask Tandy earlier - you probably have already, but have you tried those Migrain jel soother strips ? When Andy has a migrain he's in and out of the bathroom, grey, and really ill, but along with a dark room, peace and quiet plus the jel soothing strip it does help somewhat.
    As soon as I hear back from Sue after assuring her, her request has been completed I will let you know.
    Hope your day is going well so far. Have been thinking - is it worth making MD cards for children to give to mommies, wont they be making them at nursery/school or creche or child minder whatever ? I know we use to make them and im certain most of us 'share the same age-ish) lol
    Well, had a bit of time away from my 'den' as its mild I just had to get a hair cut, not only for my sanity, but I cant do market on Sunday looking like Ive had a rough and tumble with the hedge !!
    Will leave you all in peace now Ive bugged you all.
    Love and Friday hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Thanks Steph will do as requested and will even try to think as well !
      Unfortunately Ctreative Expressions themselves have let cat out of the bag in an email! However wouldn't dream of spoiling the surprise!
      Re cards for Mums on Mothering Sunday - I am guilty too as I make them with the children in after school club . Hope you have a good Sunday at the market and that it's not too cold.
      Love Myra x

    2. Hi Steph. Have been on to Bloglovin and registered as a follower.

    3. Hi Steph,
      My granddaughters make MD cards at school and at Brownies and Guides, but they still make one each when they are here. Zoe, the youngest is of the opinion "you can never have too many shoes or cards" truly, that is her mantra!!!

  27. Hi Sandra
    Sorry I am late but decided to pop to local shops to see how I would cope tomorrow when I take mum out. I had to get hubby anniversary card as. It's our anniversary the day after we get back. Barbie your card is lovely I love it when a special box is made as well. I will go to Bloglovin when finished here. Sandra I know just what you mean I have had every kind of therapy over the last 23 years and nothing has helped like our wonderful blog friends. When the pain is unbearable you know our friends will cheer us up and make things feel a little better. So thank you Sandra for your blog it really helps. Steph hope you have a good market I have tried the strips but I just go to bed dark room only leave for quick sort of run to bathroom don't always make it so then feel worse as more work for hubby. I have learnt to just let it run its course I also take anti migraine medication every day. Saba I am thinking of you and your sister stay strong. Love Tandy

    1. Thank you Tandy, hope you having a better day and the pain is easing. XXX

  28. Well I am back and we had a lovely afternoon and made a nice card. I managed the Promarker part but needed help with the sticking. Am pleased with the result. We used Chocolate Baroque stamps. Nice to see my crafting friends and have made arrangements to go to Farnborough next Saturday. Looking forward to that. Have been on Blogloving and registered as a follower. Can I have a Ginger and Lime tea and Carrot Cake please.

    1. Oh Brenda I am going to Farnborough next Saturday too, with Mrs B and Pat is coming too!
      We will have to meet up!
      Sandra xxxx

  29. Hi Sandra
    Pete's shed sounds like some others garages. I seem to clear a path through and as Pete uses something he drops it just inside the door. I asked my lovely neighbour if I was using my stick correctly. She's a physio by the way. Apparently my stick was to tall, so she fetched me a smaller one from the house and will come and work on me( her words not mine) when I come out of hospital. Now I've gone on bloglovin and it says I'm already a member, but how to register on Sues I have no idea. I knew I was thick, as all you lovely ladies seem to have managed. I already see Sues blog every day on the address she used to give out on C &C. If that's not it, then Sandra as usual will put me right. Hope that eceryone has a great evening.

    1. Pat. I have just found out how to do the Bloglovin thing. Go to Sue's blog go to just below the last card on show today and you will see " follow on bloglovin and press on that. That's it . Hazel xxx
      P.S. I hope that shorter stick helps and how kind of your neighbour to be helping you after your op.

    2. Hi Pat,
      Once you have signed in to Bloglovin type Particraft in search box, when it comes up click follow, also at the bottom of the photo there is a share button, click that and you can share whole post on your pinterest or Facebook!
      Have a try and let me know!
      A different way to Hazel, but you can do it!
      Sandra xxx
      Ps exhausting after shopping in witney with girls!

  30. Evening Sandra and all Patrons of this wonderful cafe , firstly thank you Sandra for letting us use your lovely blog to have our say on a variety of subjects, and i will be onto bloglovin next, secondly Barbie your card is super gorgeous and your box and i bought this die because i thought it looked 'different', Sue's card is gorgeous with the Lyra die so that may be next, oh i havn't ordered so can i have a hot chocolate no topping and a bowl of chopped fruit thank you, i will wrack my very grey cells to think of any ideas to boost Sue's blog, Hugs for everyone, Johanna

  31. Hi Sandra
    Just been on Bloglovin and hopefully have signed up as a follower of Particraft just hope I have done it correct!
    I wonder if some people are being put off Bloglovin as when I first went on it told me to sign in to Facebook I don't do Facebook heard lots of poor things about it and also people causing trouble so I keep away from it, just a thought.
    By the way earlier this week there was a discussion about taking care what we say here, so pleased we did exactly this the other week when I gave you that little bit of information.
    Take care sweetheart still not eating a lot but could I please have a weak latte, many thanks.
    Margaret xx

  32. Pat I can't get on to Sue's blog they are saying that particraft isn't there, we had this problem a couple of years ago when they tried to us to change to bloglovin. So it's not just you, they are also trying to get me to put an app on my phone. Hazel x

  33. Hi again, I ve logged into bloglovin, and registered, anything to help Sue. Catch up tomorrow, Jess x

  34. I'm a silly cow i am already on sue's bloglovin, i joined two weeks ago, what i did was used the bloglovin on Sue's blog, its below the cards she has put on and i just clicked onto that and it took me straight onto it, hope this helps someone. hugs Johanna

  35. Hello everyone again,
    I've been doing my shopping and visiting all in one day so that I can sit and watch Sue tomorrow with an easy conscience.
    P l e a s e Saba, I won't tell anyone!!!!
    Littlelamb, glad you got to your craft club and enjoyed yourself.
    Steph, I hope you get everything done and have a sell out on Sunday at the market.
    Steph, Tandy and Norah, I had to take a Sanomigran tablet every day whether I had a migraine or not in the 70's and 80's but when I went on to HRT in the early 90's I found that took the migraines away too. However, that's no option for Andy! Tandy and Norah, I don't know if you can take anything on top of your usual medication I don't even know if Sanomigran is still prescribed (if that's how it's spelt). You have my sympathy, it's the most debilitating thing.
    Hazel, You'd have to go by rocket to get to Perth, Australia and back in time for Sue's blog tomorrow. How woolly brained am I? I hope you had a good day today with your grandsons.
    By for now, love Maureen xx

    1. Now Maureen, if you promise not to tell anyone, Sue's surprise tomorrow is ........................ . That's odd, for some reason the I pad is playing up and won't let me type. Oh well guess you'll just have to be patient love.

    2. Hi Maureen,
      Glad you got everything sorted for a lovely peaceful weekend of Sue! Shall we watch together?
      Wouldn't it be fun, all sat discussing what Sue was showing/doing together, cup of teas and cakes a plenty!
      What a day that would be, I think our jaws may ache by tea time!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  36. Beautiful card,just found your blog. Can't wait to check Sue's blog tomorrow .


    1. Welcome sweetheart, come join the fun and madness, the girls here refer to my blog as the 'coffee shop' because you can come in, join in chat, start a topic, have a moan, whatever you please, we do usually have some craft inspiration each day too!
      Lovely too have you, how did you find me?
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Michelle,
      Welcome to this wonderful coffee shop - open 24 hours and every cake/ pastry/ scone is non fattening! What more can a girl want. We are not all mad at the same time!
      Love Myra xxxx. PS if you need support its a great place to come .

    3. Hi Michele, welcome to Sandra's amazing blog. She gives us inspiration from her beautiful cards, generously lets see guest designers fabulous creations and serves up a wonderful array of calorie free cakes every day. And the friends you make in her coffee shop are some of the nicest people you will ever get to know.
      Hugs Saba

    4. Welcome Michele to the coffee shop blog run by Sandra,if she is missing just help yourself to coffee,tea & cake .
      Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Welcome Michelle, lovely for you to join us. I've not long joined and I can tell you, this cafe is fantastic. There is so much genuine warmth and oodles of love from everyone.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    6. Welcome Michelle. This is the best cafe around. Hope you will stay.

  37. Hi Sandra, been out shopping with my friend Heide and then we went for a Thai meal. You had a choice of mild, hot or very hot and I chose very hot. The lovely Thai lady said perhaps just hot, but no, stubborn me stuck with very hot. All I can say is a bottle of water and a pint of lager later and I am still breathing fire. That'll teach me. You have been very busy. That blog login is a bit confusing, but sure we will all soon get used to it. I downloaded the app as I didn't want to join with Facebook. Followed the simple instructions and all went well, except I seem to be following Sue 3 times, but the more the merrier I say. I am not sure about it yet but will promote it tomorrow as the bees knees if it will help Sue.
    Right my dear, off to see if I can trick the i player into thinking I am in England so I can watch Eastenders - sorry, but I love it.
    Oh before I go could I have a bucket of water and my usual hay bag please and I will trot off.
    Love and hugs

    Johanna, thank you very much for your kind words and support yesterday. I am thrilled for you and your sister, such good news, thank you for sharing it. I hope she is having a wonderful holiday. XXX

  38. Don't you just love automatic word correction. Should have read Bloglovin.

    1. Saba- you are a hoot! I am so glad you had a lovely meal! Bloglovin will sort itself out . Worry not!
      Sleep well,
      Love Myra xx

  39. Hello Sandra,how are you my friend. I have followed Sue on Bloglovin after a bit of a struggle,but sorted now.
    Barbiepinkfairy your card is stunning,I'm liking that die more & more,after Myra's card & now your's useing it. Love the way you have carefully wraped it with all the finishing touches & the lovely box I'm sure your friend loved it. Thank you for showing it. Hug's.xx
    Sandra have a lovely day tomorrow shopping with the girls. Your cheeky going to Farnborough craft show next weekend 😊
    I have got to sort my days out & try to blog earlier they just seem to disappear so quick.Haven't been in my craft room for three days must try tomorrow I have two cards to make between Sue's shows.
    Take care my lovely don't over do it tomorrow.
    Love & hugs Lynda xx

    1. Hi My lovely ,
      Firstly I promise I will sort those toppers for you tomorrow and get them in the post, so sorry I forgot, it's the drugs!
      Thank you for Bloglovin ! Me and you may have to do this too one day! I was beginning to think you had given up crafting! Haha
      Hope you are looking forward to Sue's shows tomorrow, kerrching!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  40. Good evening to Sandra and anyone ending the day with a hot chocolate in the coffee shop. Hope that you're not too exhausted after your shopping day.
    Barbie P.F., it's just not good...I've loved what you've done with the Greek background so much that I'm going to have to buy it! I've been so good since Sue did her last launch but your powers of persuasion have me beaten.
    Joined Bloglovin and I'll try to remember to mention it on Sue's blog tomorrow. Just had a peek on the stock list for Sue's shows and I was right about what I thought the "new" item might be, but wow - know that I can't afford it!
    Hopefully will get to visit for coffee earlier tomorrow. I've washed my mug and left everything tidy, so it's off to bed for me. Sue xxx

    1. Just been and had a look too! Bit too expensive for me would rather buy more of Sues dies to be honest.
      Beautiful card Barbie! late in posting as visiting MIL in hospital today and then shopping in Glasgow so totally knackered now!!!!

  41. Hi all only me again before signing off for bed, Welcome Michelle to the Cotswold cafe ,nice to see you here. Wishing everyone a peaceful night.
    I will pop in tomorrow night again as we are going down to London in the morning. Sending warm cuddles to all ! Maria xx
