
Wednesday 25 February 2015

Spring Colours for Mothers Day

 Good Morning Ladies,
Well I am afraid you have to put up with one of my cards today! This card was inspired by my husband, who on a brief visit to my craft room suggested that I use some yellow as it would be good to think about Spring! Et Voila!!! As requested by his lordship a card with yellow, and lilac, now these colours I wouldn't have thought of putting them together, but on my colour wheel they are complimentary!  I do think they work together too, I used my new Noble Dies designed by Sue Wilson for Creative Expressions, I love these dies.  I have used both the Ornate Pierced Rectangles and the Classic Adorned Rectangles, layered up and topped a Happy Mothers day stamp from a Justrite set. The flowers were made using the Camellia Complete Petals dies designed again by Sue Wilson and the same lilac and lemon card that I used to make the card.  I added some pearls to the corners and put a strip of lemon Seam Binding ribbon across the card base and tying a double bow and placing on top of a piece of white tulle and topped with one of the Camellia dies.
Well what do you think? Let me know by leaving your comments as usual below.
Sam - we are all thinking about you today, I hope all goes well with this hospital visit, be sure to pop in and let us know if you feel up to it when you get home.
Norah, I hope you are back up to full speed again today, your special cup is behind the counter, just help yourself.  How did Kirsten's Scan go,  are they finding out which 'flavour' they are having?
Steph, are you feeling back to normal? I hope so sweetie, spend the day in your den catching up with your orders, hugs xx
Theresa thanks for allowing me to show your gorgeous card, I am please hubby is getting involved,
watch out, he may get the bug and you will find your craft seat filled, mind you just think of the benefit of him treating himself to dies!!!! xx
I hope all of you are warm and safe from this blustery weather, today is going to be about purely craft today! I looked around at the chaos left by my darling off spring and thought for a moment about swooping the whole lot into a black bin bag! but I have shrugged my shoulders and I have left it, I am going to ignore it and when they can't find things that's their fault not, ''mum where have you put my...''.
Well I am off for a shower and a cup of tea.
look forward to reading all of your comments today, I did reply to most of you yesterday although it was late after coming in from Pat's, helping Paul with tea and being Mum for a while!
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Hi Sandra,My dear Friend and All My Friends,
    Just a very quick look in as I've got to be out very early I feel so bad as I had to put The Boys in The Kennels for the evening as I had to be out early this morning, we never leave them on there own but it's a Fabulous place.
    Sandra your Card is Truly Outstanding, Extremely Talented your all so very, very Talented.
    I really Love the Spring Colours you have chosen and I Just Love those Dies from Sue I've just bought The Square Noble Dies but not used as yet!!!!
    Take Care My Lovelies, when I go to Hospital Lyndon is coming along with me, it's not to bad today its a Body Scan but it's not in my town it's about an hours drive away.
    Take care Sandra
    Take Care All enjoy The Coffee Shop today.
    Love and Hugs
    To one and All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam. Sending you special thoughts and hugs today, hope everything goes ok. Sue xxx

    2. Good morning Sam,
      Will be thinking about you today sweetheart, having your body scan! If you feel up to it maybe you could call in later and let us know how you got on?
      I hope your boys got on ok too at their kennels, I am not sure that they will get spoiled anywhere as much as you spoil them Sam!
      There will be some waggy tails this afternoon when you go to collect them.
      Thanks for popping in this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to see you, I thought you would have been too busy stressing about dogs and hospital!
      Lots of love and hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Hi Sam. I know you won't read this until after you have had your body scan but I will be thinking of you and hope it goes well. I'm sure your boys will be fine in the kennels, but I bet they will be all over you when you collect them : ) Take care.

    4. Hi Sam, I am thinking of you, hope all goes well today for you so pleased you will have Lyndon with you for company. I know just what you mean about using kennels we don't put our corgis in kennels but we are lucky our daughter will step in and help or my good friend over the road. However good kennels are, there is no place like home, but just think of the welcome you will get from your boys when you collect them.
      Take care lovely lady
      With love
      Margaret xx

    5. Hi Sam just a quick good luck call for your scan.
      Catch you later, Jess

    6. Hi Sam, guess you back home in the warmth by now with your feet up and your two/ three lovely are taking care of you for the rest of the day Hugs Maria x

    7. Hi Sam,hope all went well for your scan. I'm late so your probably home by now but i was thinking of you. Please take care & rest.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    8. Hi Sam, Hope all went well today. I'm sure your boys had a good day but will be pleased to have their mummy back.
      Take care love Brenda XX

    9. Sam, I was sure I had left a message this morning. I hope your scran went ok and they have found out what the problem is. Your boys will have been fine, better there than you having to worry about them, we don't like putting harris to his home from home place, but he hasn't got much choice this year as we are away to Canada. He loves going it's us we feel terrible. Hazel xx

  2. Morning Sandra,

    Gorgeous card and yes very Spring like colours, so pretty. Hope you have a happy day crafting and SAM I hope all goes well at the hospital.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  3. Hi Sandra. It appears that my comment yesterday is floating around in cyberspace (either that or I clicked sign out not publish)! So firstly can I say Theresa, I think your card was lovely and truly must have been a labour of love given your pain. I'm glad you had some help with the die cutting.
    Sandra, has Paul caught the crafty bug? Love your card today and the lilac and yellow together remind me of crocuses and is very spring-like. Glad to hear that the Three Graces managed a get together.
    Michele, I hope you enjoyed your night out with your friends, I'm very sorry that their life together won't be a long one, but it will be one filled with love and that is what matters. Sorry that your hospital visit didn't go well Steph, hope you have a better day today.
    I'll try and pop back for a hot chocolate and a catch up tonight. Sue xxx

    1. Good morning Sue,
      Thanks for making a flying visit ( I left some 'coffee to go' cups on the side) so you can get a drink and take it with you!
      I am glad you liked my card, I agree about the crocus' flowers also little violas too.
      Sue, Paul has always had an interest in cards, years and years ago he used to make decoupage pictures, really intricate designs too, one was an old fashioned pharmacy, he used to glaze them all and put them in box frames! This was way before I ever showed an interest in craft. We have for many years now shared a dream of opening our own Craft shop/coffee shop/tea room, with a space for demonstrating and holding craft classes and to try before you buy on craft tools! What do you think? All we need now is a lottery win! Haha!
      Love and hugs my lovely,
      Sandra XX

  4. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Well Sandra I for one think your colours go well and Paul is right it does look spring like, oh how I wish it was spring like here? Got so cold yesterday waiting on Beth coming out of school,
    Your card is stunning, I do like those dies, but I am trying to be good and not buy. Your little flowers and bow just finish it off lovely. Poor Sam I think she is more worried about her boys being in kennels than going for her scan? My big lump is back in his bed sound asleep, must be great being a lab - sleep, eat, sleep again a good walk then oh yes sleep again, he's a good soul no trouble so will let him off with it. Well it's into take Anna. To the dentist, mummy thought she would be working from home today, but no she has to go to Edinburgh and Glasgow and if her meeting finishes early she has to go to Dundee, talk about stretching oneself, this is where she forgot all about the other week when we fell out.. Hazel to the rescue as after the denist I have to take Anna to school a 35mile run trip for me this morning then again tonight, good job I don't mind driving. Sandra do you have any of Margaret's heat bags? I was wondering if you put one down at your feet like a hot water bottle but not hard then another up near the middle of the bed it might just be cozy enough to send you to sleep, I was cold yesterday and that's what I did except I had one under my leg which was a bit sore, Charlie said this morning that I was out like a light and that was me till 5.15am unheard off with me that often. Sorry again I helped myself to tea, money in the pot. Oh Tammy said to say it's a pity there wasn't the old style Butlins holiday camps with the little chalets that we could rent for a craft holiday as they would have a big ballroom like room with all the tables, space and access for those in wheelchairs. But wait for it " plus far enough away from anywhere so we could make as much noise as we liked , be it all the chatter or even the noise of all those handles going round" now what is she saying??? Hazel xxx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Thanks for calling in this morning, also for your lovely comment on my card, I feel a little sad for you all today having my cards and not one of my very talented guest designers!
      So has 'mummy' totally gone back on everything that you went out of your way to explain ? How very frustrating, I hope to goodness you are billing them for your fuel, let alone the wear on your car!
      Margaret's heat bags sound brilliant for getting heat to specific areas! I just use a normal pink hot water bottle that when you empty it the sink is full of the bits of pink, so it's obviously deteriorating !
      The Butlins idea is brilliant, you have no idea how much I would love to meet up with you all!
      Just to spend a few days chatting and crafting and more chatting!
      It would be heaven! Well I am just off to see my wee girlies off to school and then I am going to make a hot drink and take it back to bed for an hour! I have got a killer sore throat today, mind you a Paul is full of cold once again! I then have to visit my craft room to sadly make a sympathy card, my sons friend lost her dad to lung cancer yesterday,Matt had spent weekends away doing motocross with them, so it has hit Matt really hard, bless him he was sobbing last night, the chap only got diagnosed in September,so it must gave been fairly aggressive, the chap was the same age as Paul too, life seems so unfair at times! This will be my first sympathy card too!
      Well I am going to go make that hot drink!
      Love and huggles,
      Sandra xxx

    2. Sandra, no mummy been good, it's just she booked Anna appointment as she was to be at home, but the scottish health board are holding meetings and she is meant to attend the three big meetings all being held today, so asked if I minded helping out, oh yes mileage will have to be paid as 70 miles is a 5th of a tank of fuel. Let alone the wear on the car. Not good about the sore throat you take it easy. Sandra your cards are stunning so don't do yourself down. I know how you feel about the sympathy card, I have just made a couple, I try and not make them look sad, a cheery card as I feel there is enough sadness around as it is. Poor Matt it's hard on the young, lung cancer doesn't give much time, the girls dad being a Cancer doctor ( he is head and neck ) but does see others, but he will tell you if you catch right at start it's ok, but so many younger folk think they just have a cough.
      Well I'd better get some house work done, you stay in that cozy bed. Lots of hot drinks too. Hazel x

  5. Beautiful card today, really lovely. The meal last night went well although my friuhas lost some of his speech. Specialist not sure if it's a bleed on his brain or it's the tumour, sad as it is his 29th birthday on Monday. He & his fiancé seemed to enjoy the evening which was good.

    Off to get ready for the day ahead-I manage an Aseptic Unit where all the chemotherapy is made for the hospital. Usually I love my job but right now I'm strugging personally & we're waiting to hear if hubby will be made redundant (by that big supermarket chain)- we find out on 6th March.
    Right-I'll stop moaning & leave you lovely ladies to a crafty Wednesday.


    1. Oh my dear Michele,
      What a lot for you to handle in one go. Please let us help share your load, we will all support you every step of the way. Hugs and prayers winging their way to you.
      Cheryl xxx

    2. Hi Michele. First of all, we are all here for you and you are not moaning, you are having an awful time at the moment. Being able to share both good and bad times is what Sandras wonderful blog is all about. Sometimes just sharing things can help a little and that is what we are al here for.
      When you hear of people like your friend it puts things into perspective doesn't it. It doesn't stop you worrying about your husbands job though, yo wouldn't be human otherwise. Please come and have a drink and a yummy cake and lots of hugs from us all to help you through these bad times. We are here for you. Take care.

    3. Hi Michelle,
      No wonder you are struggling. So sorry about your young friends. Lung cancer is so awful and really aggressive. Going to work - instead of taking your mind off things is almost a constant reminder. As for your husband's job I do hope that it will be safe. Such a lot of worry for you. So glad you have shared it and we are all thinking of you and you husband and friends. Sending caring hugs to you. Love Myra xx

  6. Oh Michelle,
    Bless you sweetheart you have so much going on to worry about, with your husbands job which you won't be relax about until you have an answer for! Coupled with worrying about your friend, I am sure you must be in Zombie mode! You have so done the right thing by sharing it on here as you couldn't wish for more support.
    Love and huge hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Michelle, as the other have said please come in and chat, to share you fears is good, and ou have a bucket full at the moment, and friends and family are ok but on here you can share the fears that you might not want to do with friends and family as they are worrying too! Glad your meal and evening was lovely. Hazel x

    2. Michelle, please do not fret, come in and get support from Sandra and the rest of us. Have a coffee and no calorie cake, and share your troubles goodness knows we all have them, and as the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved. Take care, Jess x

    3. Dear Michelle, what a lot you have on your plate, The ongoing worry about your husbands job, also your dear friend. What can I say that hasn't been said already.
      PLEASE remember the 'Coffee Shop' never closes, we are all here for you. Love and lots of gentle hugs. Brenda

    4. Michele, you are in the right place to share your worries and sadness. Your friend is so young, my heart goes out to you for the job as well for your husband ,we are here Hugs to you both Maria x

    5. Hi Michelle,you have so much worry to deal with at the moment,with the worry of your hubby's job & your dear friend's illness,it's so unfair being so young.My thoughts & prayers are with you.As the others have said remember we are all here for you.
      Love & Hug's Lynda

  7. Hello Sandra,
    First of all, if you do not mind I would like to say to Michelle that I am thinking of, and praying for her friends and that her husband doesn't lose his job. You know a trouble shared is a trouble halved and you did absolutely right in sharing your worries with us. The more support you have, the lighter the load.
    Now the colours on this card are not ones I would have put together, but it does signal spring, and the lovely spring flowers, so well done Paul on his suggestion. He can come and colour co-ordinate my wardrobe for me!! The card is beautiful and very, very pretty - I love it (I sound like JJ)
    Sam, hope the scan goes well, and I'm sure your "boys" will be fine.
    Sandra, I looked at yesterday's blog again this morning to see what I had missed (I always do) and have to laugh at your instructions re losing my messages. Tap the box and paste????? what box and where's the paste. Remember, I'm a total washout at this computer lark. I switch on and type, the rest is a mystery to me. I can send an e-mail and read one, but that's about it.
    I was a secretary in a previous life, so did shorthand and typing, but way back when I learnt to type in the 1950's there weren't even electric typewriters, only huge hulking manual ones.
    Well, I hope today is a good day for everyone, and that things go more smoothly for me than yesterday. Now you see, I forgot to sit in the corner table with Mrs B with my latte and toasted teacake, so I'll go over there now and sit quietly watching what you are all doing!
    Maureen xx

  8. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Paul is absolutely so right to put these two colours together. They remind me of my little violas gently nodding their heads in a spring breeze. So bright and colourful.
    I am having a busy afternoon taking my friend for her INR check up at one surgery then back to her own doctor's for an appointment to discuss it. I did ask why they couldn't do it themselves, the answer? they don't get paid for it. Load of tosh methinks as they CAN do it but only if the doctor asks them. So it involves us having to go from one end of town to another with road works going on on the way to the first appointment. I have been working hard on being able to control my agoraphobia to a certain extent that I do not feel anxious driving her there and back. (It took me over a year after Pete died to even get into the car to get to my doctor's and last year I would have totally floored if it was not for the Red Cross Drivers taking me to appointments). Otherwise it would be a two bus trip each way and 1-2 hours for her on her own. And we only live 3 miles from town!
    Sam, I hope all goes well for your scan, hugs to Steph, Norah, Hazel and Michele and especially to Matt.
    Cheryl xxx

  9. HI Sandra. How are you today, sorry that you didn't get a good nights sleep!!!
    I am so glad that you have shared this gorgeous card with us today, it is wonderful to see everyones cards and creations but don't forget we do want to see your gorgeous cards too my lovely : )
    Oh dear, I will be back in a while, Chris has just shouted that breakfast is ready, I had lost track of time. See you all later. Take care. xx

  10. !!!!!!!!!! BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My eldest daughter Becca, has just passed her driving test!!!!!!!!!!
    She makes me so proud !!!!!!!!!!!
    Also please ladies check out the gorgeous new colours of card on Anne Marie Designs show at 11 am on C&C , they are to die for!!!!!!!
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Congratulations and hugs to the new driver, I hope she will have many years of happy driving.
      Cheryl xxx

    2. Congratulations and hugs to the new driver, I hope she will have many years of happy driving.
      Cheryl xxx

    3. Congratulations Rebecca, well done you, it will be scary the first time you go out on your own, I still remember that and it was over 34 years ago, I had to wait till I was 30 before we could afford my lessons, if I got a penny for each mile I have driven I would be living in total luxury. Enjoy the freedom. Hazel xx

    4. CONGRATULATIONS Becca, enjoy but be careful xxxx

    5. Becca, WELL DONE. It's a great feeling having the freedom of the road. I know you will enjoy it. Take care and drive carefully LOL

    6. Yay Rebecca Congratulations ! xx

      Take care & drive carefully.Hug's Lynda xx

    8. Big Congratulations Becca, enjoy the independence that driving brings but take care and remember that passing your test is only really the beginning of learning to drive. Sue xx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    What a stunningly beautiful card. It ticks every box for me. You have really created a masterpiece with Sue's new dies. Could never be disappointed to see one of your beautiful creations. Thank you for sharing it.

    Can't stay today, my head is all over the place. It's my sisters big day and I can't concentrate. There is such sadness, Michele's friend, your sons friend and I am in bits. I will be so glad when today is over and i know she is safely out of the operating theatre. I knew today was going to be hard, but didn't realise it would hit me like it has done. I am trying really hard to be positive but after we had spoken very early this morning it felt like we had said our goodbyes. Wish I could hold her hand.

    Love to you all XXX

    1. Dear Saba,
      Stay as positive and as strong as you can my flower, we are all here for you and your sister today with as much support as you need. I wish I could be there to hold your hand but I am holding it in spirit.
      Cheryl xxx

    2. Dear Saba,
      Stay as positive and as strong as you can my flower, we are all here for you and your sister today with as much support as you need. I wish I could be there to hold your hand but I am holding it in spirit.
      Cheryl xxx

    3. Oh Saba, bless you sweetheart, we are all here for you!
      Don't sit fretting on your own, please sweetheart, we are all here for you! Is your sister here in uk?
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    4. Dear Saba, I really did mean it when I said you and your sister were in my thoughts and prayers the other day. Also when I went to church at the wekend I placed a candle on Our Ladies alter for your sister. I hope you don't mind.
      Please stay strong and try to keep busy, sending you again Love and Prayers and gentle HUGS Brenda

    5. Saba darling we are all here for you and sending you the biggest bundle of hugs we possibly can. Both you and your sister were the first people I thought of this morning when I awoke, she will getting the very best care possible today and in the days to come so please take comfort in that and stay as positive as you can. I know it will not be easy, but you are in my thoughts and prayers sweetheart and you will both come through this stronger than ever.
      With love
      Margaret xx

    6. Saba, I will be thinking only positive thoughts for your sister, you and the family today, I wish I could take those 2 flights and the train and give you these ((((((hugs)))))). We will all be here to give you the support. Your sister will be ok she is in good hands.
      Hazel x

    7. Saba, this is going to be such a tough day for you but your sister is in excellent hands and she has a positive attitude too and is a fighter. Sending love and hugs to you - can only try to imagine what you are going through. Wish we were nearer you.
      Lots of love , Myra xx

    8. Saba dear flower, i am writting this with tears in my eyes because i feel so awful at i do not know what is wrong with your loved one, i think news of this must have came out when i was at my lowest ebb and couldn't come in to the coffee shop. I can only say i so sorry for not giving you the support that i have received this past few months but i am sending hugs to you and your sister as she goes through today's ordeal. I can say please try and be strong but that is easier said than done, but i will say a wee prayer and hope that it gets answered for you.
      Love and hugs
      Norah x

    9. Saba, thinking of you and your sister, try and stay positive for her, it will be hard, but you will both get through this. Jess x

    10. Saba, you and your sister are in my thoughts and prayers. Try to stay strong, I know it's difficult but we are all rooting for both of you. xx

    11. Dear Saba my thoughts are with you and your sister and have been all day. Wish I was there with you ,try to stay strong Hugs Maria x

    12. Dear Saba you & your sister are in my thoughts & prayers my lovely,.I know it's hard for you but try & stay strong today,she is getting the best care sending you Positive thoughts & love.
      (((((((( HUG'S )))))) Lynda xxx

  12. Hi Sandra, your card is stunning and I agree with you I Would not have put these colours together. WELL DONE Paul they work..
    Had an email from Anna Marie she in on C&C now. Program started at 11am. I will have to watch it on catch up.
    Sorry dashing out for a few hours. Going as younger daughter calls it to 'Ladies what lunch '
    Will be back later, love Brenda xxx

  13. Hi Sandra Wow great news do tell your daughter Congratulations! Your card is absolutely stunning the colours are so beautiful I love how you have put it all together very clever and yes it does say spring to me too. If Paul keeps dropping these little comments he will have to take up a chair in the coffee shop as a consultant!!! lol.
    Could I please have a latte to keep out the cold, thank you. We had heavy snow but lucky for us it has gone today but the fells look absolutely fabulous.
    This Bloglovin thing has been causing a lot of us such a trouble of late but thanks to Saba things are I hope clear now, well done Saba for sorting me out as I was completely lost and not sure if I was getting things right.
    It is always sad to make a sympathy card especially when it is for someone that were too young to loose but a lovely card does bring comfort to those who are suffering the most.
    I had a chapter in my life when things were so very bad and a good friend told me there is a reason for everything, although you may never get to know the reason but hang on to that and it will get you through, and it really did. That chapter did finally close and another new one eventually started and I could see the brightness ahead. Those who are struggling at present please keep this thought near to you and have as many hugs as you need from me.
    Take care everyone
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  14. Just been watching Anna Marie on C & C with DB who has said at 2pm it is her last hour!!!!
    Margaret xx

  15. Hi Sandra,
    It's taken me ages to get to the end of the comments today s I have stopped off and added my own on the way here!
    Lovely card Sandra - I wouldn't have thought of using those colours either but when you think of nature just now all the lovely little bright flowers peeping out of dark soil and the lovely fresh green foliage, it's a clear winner. The flowers reminded me of my little pansies too - almost wondering if it's safe to come out!
    Well done, Rebecca ! Drive carefully. It's scary at first on your own but very liberating!
    Sam - hope all goes well today for you. The doggies will be fine as soon as they see you they'll forget all about the kennels.
    Norah - sorry you are not so well . Knowing how much you love to do crafts of all kinds , having shaking hands must be a real nuisance. Also not safe to handle hot things like kettles and pans. Take care, my friend. Hope you feel much better very soon. x
    Lots of love to everyone.
    Sandra - sorry you had a bad night and now a sore throat! Sending hugs to you too. x
    Love Myra xx

  16. Oh, Sandra, what a beautiful card. The colours are a real touch of spring, just the thing we all need to get us through this last part of winter.
    So many ladies are having a tough time just now, jut wish I could take some of the hurt away, but I guess sharing it here helps.

  17. Afternoon Sandra and ladies, so late today I will have to be ladies who lunch!
    Sandra your card is lovely, I actually bought some yellow and lavender card yesterday I thought the colours went well together, looking at your card it certainly makes it look natural. Congratulations to your daughter on passing her driving test, it took me 4 goes!!!
    Too late for elevenses, so can I have some cinnamon toast and tea for my lunch. Take care everyone, catch you all later, Jess x

  18. Hi Sandra, well I was looking forward to seeing this card when you told me the colours, and it doesn't disappoint, its beautiful, fresh, and elegant. You really do have such a talent. Hope you are feeling better today, Congrats to your daughter for passing her test. Have you tried deep dark burgundy and Lime green, sounds awful but looks stunning together.
    Well told my friend who crafts in knit and natter about Your blog and Sues and shes going to have a look in.
    Saba my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as always.
    Michelle hang in there its a worrying time, my husband has been made redundant 3 times and its stressful. My prayers are with you and your friend.
    Littlelamb I didn't see yesterdays comment until this morning no more falling. I hope you haven't done any more damage and that your cast comes off soon, and you are back crafting.
    Lynda are you going to put one of your gorgeous cards on your blog I am missing them.
    Sam hope all goes well today.
    Lots of hugs for everyone
    love Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa, i have just posted a card, thank you for asking so kind of you to say your missing them.
      Hope you are feeling now with the physio hope it's not making things more painful, i can't imagine the pain with them pulling your fractured shoulder about.
      Love & hug's Lynda xx

  19. Silly me forgot to order a latte and a piece of toast please. Thanks Theresa (TOB) xx

  20. Hi Sandra
    Clever Paul for picking the colours they go so well. I hope you soon feel better. Congratulations to Rebecca on passing her driving test. Saba my thoughts are with and your family. Michelle you are not moaning some times it helps if you can just share things hope everything goes well for you. Well I have nearly finished my mum's card just have to foil the verse then need to sort everything out for hols at the weekend. I would of been sorted if those unexpected guests hadn't turned up I wouldn't have the nerve to turn up unexpected anywhere. Back to the grindstone. Love a Tandy

  21. Good afternoon Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    Sandra, if your Paul keeps this up you will losing your craft room to him and his designing ideas. Now in the spring you get purple, lilac, yellow etc in the crocuses and primulas that all go together so why shouldn't lilac and yellow or lemon. I think your joint card is ideal for mothers day and spot on with the colours. I love the Noble dies but not at the moment somehow, but they are on my list for getting when i can.
    Kirstens 20 minute scan took 45mins because "Harry" wouldn't co operate with them as he was deciding to do acrobatics in his mummy's tummy, so in other words she was just getting paid back from what she did in mine.Hee hee hee. It was to check out his heart and other organs developement and make sure he was rising nicely in the oven.
    Sam, i hope the body scan goes well for you today and that they can see where the problem is and just how they are going to go about fixing it for you flower. The last scan i went for was to see if there was any neurological problems and they scanned the brain, well i could have told them that there wasn't one there if they had just asked. I can understand you not liking to put the boys in their kennels for the night as it isn't all that warm yet but i am weird in the fact that i don't like seeing a dog in a kennel at night because of the weather because i know i wouldn't like to be shut up outside on a cold draughty night to which Campbell thinks i',m daft at. The amount of arguments we have had over the same thing is unreal. Tia is the first time that she has not been put out into a kennel out the back. See you when you come into the coffee shop flower.
    Oh Hazel, i feel sorry for you having all the running around to do but i do feel sorry for the girls mum as well(can i say that without getting lynched) how do they expect her to be in 3 places at once may i ask. And it is not as if they are close to each other as they are on opposite coasts and points of Scotland, it's 2 hours to Dundee from here in the wee county never mind coming from Glasgow or Edinburgh to it. Safe journey's today flower.
    Oh Michele, i am glad that you had as good a night out with your friends as you could but it is so sad that this young man is being stricken down in the prime of his life like that. There is so much talk about wasting doctors time that sometimes you are frightened to go with what looks like nothing and it will go away of it's own accord. But the doctors make you feel guilty at taking up their time and then they faff around with antibiotics and by the time that they actually take you seriously and send you to see a specialist it is too late or maybe that is just me being bitter because that is what they did to my daddy, as the doctor concerned was more interested in his pay packet at the end of the month than he is in his patients. I hope that your friends wedding is a happy one for them, when are they now getting married?
    back in a minute

    1. Norah no you won't get lynched as you are so right, and yes you know the travelling she will be doing herself today. I only had Cuper to Kinross high and back to do, ok I do the Wednesday run to pick anna up at 5 pm, if stupid stagecoach would just stop and think and put a bus on at just after 5 I stead of 6 it woundnt be so bad, but she is only 12 and not street wise at all, we just can't let her hang around like some do. Mum often picks her up on her way back from Edinburgh to save me going. Glad wee Harry is doing well and letting mum have peace of mind. I wish I had been able to have scans when I was carrying mine then they would have maybe known that what they thought was a very small baby was a big 9lb 4oz one mine all lay with their backs to mine, very painful plus what they thought was hips was knee caps. Hope you get your shakes under control soon. Hazel x

  22. I'm back
    Sandra, oh boy not funny when you are seeing every minute on the clock go bye. Snuggle up in some of those fleecy pj's that the girls like the now and i think the time has come to say a fond farewell to your pink hot water bottle somehow as we do not want it bursting and scalding you.
    Rebecca sweetheart, we are all so proud of you today passing your driving test, fantastic news but this is when you really learn to drive so please take it easy and watch out for the rest of the idiots that don't know where they are going. Your confidence will come as you go out, and wishing you all the very best baby flower.
    Poor Matt, he must be devastated at his friends fathers death both for all his own memories of the things that they did together and for his friend and her loss. Son, it is after everything is over that your friend is going to need you more, and together you will pull through this sad time. I am sending hugs to your friend because i know just how she feels.
    Myra, that is the reason they invented jam sandwiches and diluting juice, for the Elvis's amongst us that decide that you can shake any time, any place, any where. Oh no, that was the martini advert that was anytime, any place, any where but you know what i mean. I am hoping that it is just a passing phase though i wish that it could make me dance again.
    Well now that i have yapped enough and this is the third attempt at this i will get my cup(thank you for getting in that Tommy Tippee for me Sandra) and i will go and sit across in my corner. I don't know how many of my hugs have fallen out of my basket due to the shakes but there is still plenty of all shapes, sizes and kinds for all occassions,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  23. Hi Sandra and all lovely friends. Such a lovely cheerful card today Sandra on a very sad and worrying afternoon in our cafe, I cant continue reading all comments, but Im just so glad that Sandra's wonderful blog has become so caring and supportive for all those going through hell at the moment. My heart screams out for you both Saba and Michelle, I dont know what to say other than that we are all thinking of you with the biggest virtual hug anyone could give and I mean that with all my heart. We've stopped just being names on a blog in my opinion.
    Sam hon by the time Ive found time inbetween cards you will be hopefully been through your scan and picking up your babies - having that distance to drive with one set of paws is bad enough (especially when most of the journey is 50mph) !! And a ginger dog singing and crying with excitement for an hour NONE bleeping STOP !!! Which we have to go through yet again Wednesday ! Anyway Sam love, just make whats left of your day when you get home with the boy's your's to rest and relax and fuss those 8 paws.
    Well Im off to start the Mother's Day card Ive been asked for this morning. Want to get any order's I have done n dusted so I can cut petal's, flower's etc and Lilli of the valley mini basket templates and paper's ready for next week.
    So I'll send my love and biggest hugs I can give, and pop back tomorrow.
    Congrats to Becca, sorry Sandra almost forgot, I remember when Lou passed her test, I was in hospital at the time but the staff had watched her grow from a young little girl to a young lady ( I wish ) lol so we all celebrated and cheered when she turned up beaming later that day. Proud times and lovely memories.
    Love you.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  24. Good afternoon Sandra and all you lovely Coffee Shop Ladies.
    I am very late, may I have a cup,of week Tea and a piece of the 2nd Gooey Cake you have on the counter.
    FIRSTLY:- Sandra you card is really pretty those colour are brilliant together. Love the flowers, bow and the all over design. Head up there girl be proud
    of your wonderful work.
    SAM:- good luck, your boys will be fine it's you we need to think about.
    MICHELE:- sending some (((((hugs))))) and Positive Thoughts.
    BECCA:- Congratulations happy driving.
    SABA:- you are in my thoughts and prayers .... having been there I know exactly how you are felling ... (((((Hugs))))) for both you and your sister. Remember ... Postive Thoughs.
    Now everyone else, thinking about you all and leaving a box of (((((hugs))))) please help yourself.
    I have been off out to Perth (Scotland) this morning with John. Got all the things we needed plus more of course.....!!!
    Went in the "works" shop and bought lots of beautiful 12x12 pads of papers. They are really good quality and pretty colours. If you have one near you pop ind and see what they have.
    Right better go get some "housework" done

    Patricia xxx

  25. By the way ladies forgot to mention the Paper Pads in "The Works" are only £3 per pad.

    Patricia xx

  26. Hi Sandra
    I see what Mrs B said yesterday about this card. Yes, the colours do go together. I think I could do with a colour wheel like yours. Paul's a clever devil isn't he. Congratulations to Becca on passing her driving test. Tell her to take care when she first starts driving, as they're are a lot of idiots on the road. Hopefully NORAH you won't need your tippy cup for to long. Hope you scan went ok Sam. I to feel as if I havent a brain at the moment. Sandra said my comments the day before were like gibberish. No offence taken Sandra, but my brain does feel like it's left the country at the moment. Went for lunch with friends earlier. We had no time for a drink as Pauline had to go to the JR for a checkup. So I'll have a cup of hot chocolate and a slice of chocolate cake. No need to move I know where the kitchen is, so I'll help myself if I can. Hugs to all in need of one today.

  27. Hi Sandra, Hope Matt is OK. It really hurts as a parent when our children experience the hard facts of life. It is a sad time, but in some ways good he was able to express his emotions to you, Tell him it's good to cry and to talk. He will get through this awful time, because his has a very caring family there for him. Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  28. Afternoon Sandra and ladies! A tea and scone would sit nicely this time of day.
    Love your card and the colours are so working together.Well done Paul ! I would need a colour chart for whats goes as I'm useless at putting things together so seeing all your cards and the others helping a lot. The adorned rectangle and your little flowers are also perfect so please don't stop showing us your cards because they are lovely. Sorry to see you not feeling well but hopefully it shered you up with Rebecca passing her driving ! Christian is on his third week, I think doh, driving to work and back and I have relaxed a bit lol . I know /hope he is sensible lad ,it's the others that worries me more Give her a hug from me. Poor Matt and his friend to be loosing her dad, sigh I feel so for him and others who are involved with this illness, sending hugs to you all ! I waiting for my mamma to get her appointment for starting her treatment but as she got a infection at the moment it is delayed....
    You always make me smile Norah and today it is a 'Harry' who making himself known lol do we know if it's a boy or girl ? Patricia, we have a Wyevale garden centre that have' the works' so will have a trip out tomorrow to see for some papers. Thanks for the tip. You will think me real dumb, because I am lol but when I heard about 'Fondation cards' what does that mean ? I do need this retreat badly lol ! Sandra ,Wish you better and love to everyone
    Hugs in bunches Maria xx

  29. Norah hope you are feeling better Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

  30. Sandra and lovely ladies.
    Just a very quick comment to let you all know that Val is now out of the operating theatre, it took them almost 8 hours and she is fine. On ICU but we knew she would go there afterwards so that's not because there is a problem. I will be back to read all today's comments that I have missed.
    Biggest hugs in the world to you all.
    One very relieved Saba XXXXX

    1. Saba, glad your sister is out of theatre and on the road to recovery. Just take one day at a time, we are all with you and Val. take care both of you, Jess x

  31. Hi Saba, delighted to hear your news, you will be relieved and no mistake, she is in the best place on ICU she will have a dedicated nurse with her all the time. It is hard waiting but really it doesn't matter how long it takes the main thing is all has gone well. When you call back later have a latte on me.
    With love and hugs
    Margaret xxx

  32. Hi Saba, glad to hear all went well. Theresa (TOB) xx

  33. Hi Saba,
    So pleased your sister's op is over and done with, and that all has gone well. Now is just the time to let the healing process begin and take one day at a time. Love to you both, in fact love to all the ladies and their families on this lovely blog.
    Sandra, I do hope Matt and his friend will find some peace.

  34. Hi Saba so pleased Val's opperation went well,she is in the best place now on the ICU ward & will have a nurse with her at all times.
    Sending you both big ((((( Hug's )))) Lynda xxx

  35. Good evening Sandra,
    It was really lovely to chat with this morning,hope ok now it's so sad for him & his friend she must be in bits loosing her dad,
    Hi Sandra your card is gorgeous Paul is right the colours are lovely together,I think I need one of them colour wheels you've got.
    Sorry I wont be able to go craft show Saturday it would have been lovely but money gets in the way or lack of it , just realised Terry hospital ct scan is Saturday so couldn't have gone anyway.
    Just helped myself to a hot chocolate,thank you.
    Wishing everyone love & Hug's Lynda xxx

  36. Hi folks

    Glad to hear your news Saba, can I just thank everyone soooo much for the lovely comments today. Am feeling a bit brighter despite hubby ringing to inform me they have all been put on 45days "consultation notice". Decided it was time for a glass of wine , i'll now watch the last few hours of Sue Wilson from last weekend then ring my Dad to check on him.

    Thank you all for your comments ladies. Aee you bright & early tomorrow!


    1. Hi Michele. Sorry about your husband's news. We know that there is nothing we can do to take away the worry that you are going through but we are here to listen anytime. Sue xx

  37. Saba, so pleased to hear Val is now in ICU, she will be well looked after. Now she has to just let her body recover, baby steps for her. Thank you for letting us know, I have been thinking of you both all day. Hazel xxx

  38. Saba, Great news and thank you for being so kind as to let us know so quickly! Praying you will all have a good nights rest! One day at a time my Friend. That's the hard bit sometimes.
    Lots of love, Myra xx

  39. SABA:- so glad to here all went well with your sisters operation.
    She is in the best place with a nurse to look after her.
    Been thinking about you both all day.
    Gentle (((((hugs)))))

    Patricia xxx

  40. Sweet Saba. Thought Id pop back just incase there was an update on Val. Couldn't get you off my mind after I read your post earlier so I cancelled my day, what the heck, tomorrow is another day, its only a card lets face it.
    Im relieved to know Val has got through her surgery and on ICU, the most important thing now is that she takes life easy until her body starts to heal. ICU is the best place for one to one nursing, and hopefully she will be offered post ICU counselling so she wont go through the trauma ICU patients can sometimes have once back home. Just want you to know both you and Val are in my thoughts and heart. Thank you for updating Sandra and allowing us to share your thought's with us to allow us to help support you.
    Night night Saba try and rest well, not just for your health so that you look 'kind of.refreshed' when you see Val tomorrow... Other than that, Sandra and I have quite a few mask's we will share with you.
    God bless.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  41. Hi Saba. I was also delighted to hear your news. I am sure val will progress well now. Thinking of you both at this time. Michelle, so sorry to hear about your friend. Thinking about them both and your husband hope he is able to keep his job. always a worrying time. Also thinking of you Sandra and hood you are feeling a lot better. Sorry to hear about your son's friends father. A very sad time in the cafe today but congratulations to Becca on passing her driving test.

  42. Hi Saba. So pleased to read that Val has got through her surgery, we know how worried you are. Sending healing hugs to you both. Sleep well. Sue xxx

  43. Hi Sandra. Sorry I forgot to say how much I like your card. I think the colours go very well together. I would not have thought of that combination but seeing it here I can see how good it is.

  44. Looked in to see if there was any news. So glad everything has gone well Saba. A good night's sleep for you honey. Take care of yourself too.

  45. Hi Saba,thank you for keeping us updated about Val, I have thought of you both all day and so glad to hear her op went well. It's still going to be some tough days, we are here whenever you need us. Try to have a rest this night.
    Hugs to you and Val, Maria xx
