
Thursday 26 February 2015

Lovely Lyra

Good Morning Ladies,
Todays card I made for my Son to give to a friend that's having  a pretty tough time at the moment
I used a beautiful blue card from American Crafts and Vanilla also from American Crafts. I took an 8 x8 white card base and matted and layered with the cream and blue card the top layer of cream has been embossed with the Eternity Embossing Folder that is Designed by Sue Wilson for Creative Expressions, it has rapidly become my favourite folder! I them cut the third die from Spellbinders Grand Squares and then embossed a border using the largest outside die from the Ornate Pierced
Squares die also designed by Sue Wilson for CE. I then Cut a piece of the Vanilla card using the New York Collection Union Square die set, the largest for the cream outside square then the next layer was cut in the blue card and then the centre square was cut from the second smallest of the Union Square set, I stamped the Justrite Sentiment on the centre piece. I then die cut the lyra die both the outside pieces together in cream and then the whole thing (inner and outer) cut in Blue, I placed this at the bottom of the card for a little understated decoration, given the sentiment. A few pearls finish the design. I know this card is a little bit different so may not appeal to everyone.
Please leave your comments below.
I need your help my lovely ladies, Paul has, once again been called away and I have no photographer
for tomorrows card, so maybe somebody would like to take up the offer of being Guest Designer, I will need your photograph before tonight so that I can load it on to the blog, I don't mind what you have used.  I love to show all of your work as well as mine, I think its a real confidence boost for everyone to hear the lovely comments from our blog members., So please let me know.
Saba, I hope you are feeling a bit less stressed today my lovely, I want to wish Val a speedy recovery, I think you touched all of our hearts yesterday, I really do hope you took strength from the love and support from this lovely bunch of ladies.  sending you huge hugs  xxxxx
Thank you all for the Congratulations for Becca, she is over the moon!
Littlelamb, Brenda I hope you didn't do any lasting damage during your smooch with the stairs, you were just trying to trump my meeting with the rug in the lounge weren't you! I hope you are ok xxx
Norah, Well Fancy 'Harry' Tangoing around is mummy's tummy! I hope they got all the measurements they needed, a friend of mine had her scan today too but has to go back tomorrow as the baby was laid with its back and bum in the way! Those sonographers certainly earn their wages!
now about those fleecy pj's, I will confess that my mother decided to buy me a 'onesie' for Christmas last year, if I just say that the poor local Camel was missing a 'toe' ! you may get the idea of how hideous it looked! haha Sending you the biggest hug, for always making me smile! xx
Brenda, I too watched Anna Marie, aren't those new colours of card stunning, they soon sold out, they aren't on their website yet either, I did email to ask if she will have them at the show at the weekend.
But haven't heard anything back yet, she had a really successful show, but I now wonder if as they have to give 60% of their sales to Create and Craft, they don't take that much stock with them, you just have enough to whet peoples appetite, but leaving them wanting (like me) so they go to their website!
I have come to the conclusion that this tiredness is turning me into an emotional wreck because I tuned in to Dawn B's last show on C&C and I almost shed a tear, I proper welled up! I think it is more to do with the other sadness and worries that are surrounding us at the moment, I still don't know what she is going to do, Leonie did keep saying 'I know you will enjoy it' but I have no idea what she meant.....answers on a postcard.......
Love and Hugs to each and every one of you amazing friends,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra my dear Friend,
    All My Very Dear Friends,
    Could I please have a Weak Latte and Toasted Teacake.
    Well Sandra I'm so terribly sorry your Son is going through a tough time at present, at least he's got wonderful parents to support him, you must be really feeling for him.
    The Stunning Card you've made, which is just Outstanding I thought you said you had lost your "Mojo" well your Card is just so very Beautiful you must be thrilled with the end result, I Love The Eternity Embossing Folder Also, and The Fabulous New York Dies, and The Sentiment from JustRite the Font is Beautiful I Just Love your Tremendous Card.
    Saba I do hope your feeling much better today and I'm pleased to hear your Sister came through her operation and being in ICU is the best place to be,
    I've been on a ICU Ward before and they were Brilliant The Nurses were really great.
    Sandra ca I say a huge Congratulations to "Becca" for Passing her Driving Test I remember how I felt when I passed its the best feeling ever and because I travelled with my work it was so much better than relying on Public Transport, so Becca Congratulations. Sandra I'm sure you must be thrilled.
    Sandra Take Great Care My Lovely
    All My Dear Friends take care I hope you all have a great day
    Huge Hugs To You Each And Everyone Of You
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      How did yesterday go? We were all thinking of you!
      Thank you for your lovely comments about my card and for Becca, she is still as high as ever about passing her test!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx

  2. Beautiful card-Sue Wilson is such a huge source of inspiration & all her new dies are so lovely. I've only bought a few as I have a rather large die collection already.


    1. Michele, hope you are having a better day, extra hugs. Saba XXX

    2. Hi Michelle,
      Thanks for calling in yesterday and for your kind words, they mean a lot!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all the wonderful "Coffee Shop" ladies hope you are all well. Will leave a box of "hugs" in the corner, help yourself if you need some.
    I will just help myself to a quick weak tea, will pop back later for a cuppa and cake.
    Sandra, your card is Amazing, may I have one of your "lost Mojo" if that's the kind of card you create without it. Great colours and design.
    Saba hope you managed to sleep last night. Thinking about you and Val, sending "gentle" hugs for both of you.
    I mentioned yesterday that "The Works" have 12x12 Craft Pads for £3. The papers are beautiful, double sided and 250gsm. They are fantastic value, if you have one near you grab a bargain. They also have some other really nice "crafty" things.
    Right best get this "housework" started so I have time to "play" later tin the day. I want to use some of my new papers.
    Be good till get back

    Patricia xx

    1. Thank you Patricia, I slept like a log. I was on the phone to my niece for about 4 hours!! And by the end of it we were both getting so giddy, a mixture of relief, real hope and happiness. Think the wine helped lol. I was in the Works in Northwich last time I was home and they had dazzlers for about a £1.
      Have fun with the new papers. Saba XXX

  4. Morning Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies. I need a large latte this morning as I Have an early start and cant face anything to eat first thing.
    SANDRA your card is lovely I like the fresh colours as some sympathy cards can be quite depressing.
    SABA hope your sister had a peaceful nights sleep and is not in too much pain.
    SANDRA congratulations to your daughter on passing her test I bet she cant wait to get her own car.
    I am of to Glasgow Royal Infirmary today for my Rituxamub Infusion for my RA. I find it really helps and gives me a new lease of life for 6 months.
    DAWN BIBBY is of to EGYPT with her boyfriend according to Paul the presenter on ideal world, I wonder what she will do with her three dogs as they wont be used to the temperature over there and one of her dogs is old.
    Will pop in later to catch up on the gossip.

    1. Thank you Barbara, hope the hospital visit is not too difficult for you and your infusion brings you some relief.
      I thought that was where she might be going. She is not my cup of tea, but hope it works out for her.
      Saba XX

    2. Hi Barbara hope that everything goes ok at the hospital. I hope that the infusion lasts for a full six months.

    3. Hi Barbara,
      Thanks for stopping by, I imagine you have a long day ahead of u,
      I have a lovely friend who started on these same infusions as you for her RA, she started with the it in January, she has had a couple, because she was in a fairly bad way with her knees, she was taking Humira (same as my son) while she was pregnant and it wasn't having much effect on her RA but sadly she list her baby at 22 weeks just before Christmas. So they have given her a real kick start on this new drug (to her) to try and get her more mobile!
      It's a terrible disease, her experience concerns me greatly as both of by older children have Psoriatic Arthritis which seems to be very similar symptoms to her RA, Becca (my daughter) takes Methotrexate but is really struggling with the nausea and she works full time, going on Matt's experience they will offer her injectable methotrexate next! I think that you have to "jump through the hoops " of these cheaper drugs before that get the clearance to go on to Humira (adalimumab) as it costs £250 per shot, but it seems to have helped stop the spread of the Arthritis to Matt's other joints and he hasn't suffered to much with side effects.
      Anyway I hope your infusion gives you the relief you need to keep moving around for the next 6 months!
      Now Dawn Bibby, off to Egypt, is she still with that Paolo that she used to witter on about a couple of years ago?
      I wonder if she is going to be a lady of leisure.
      huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  5. Janet Ecco of Sheffield26 February 2015 at 08:35

    Morning Everyone - I'm so sorry I didn't manage to get into the cafe yesterday. I'd visited my GP Tuesday tea-time for my review of meds etc and he has decided that as well as all the painkillers I already take that I should try some patches to work alongside. Yesterday was the first day of having one attached and I just couldn't do a thing. I suppose it takes a day or two to get my system to accept yet another med so I'm hoping that it's a better day today. Anyway I have looked at yesterday's card and Sandra it's just beautiful so much so that you have nudged my remaining single little grey cell for an idea for my K&N on Tuesday. Am leaving one of the biggest but gentlest hugs just inside the door for you. Your colours are just perfect and as I've just received my rectangle Noble die it's given me a perfect sample of what it looks like. Today's card is definitely another beautiful beautiful piece. I'm sending loads of hugs to all who need them and at the moment it seems that everyone is in need. Oh hope you don't mind I've collected my latte and left my money on the counter. Hazel I've seen the paper pads in The Works - we have quite a large one in Meadowhall- and they are fantastic value. I also picked up a reel of red gingham ribbon shaped into hearts and a bottle of matching material buttons and some gorgeous painted wooden buttons just right to use on my 'My Besties' all these are a £ each. So it's grab before they go as it's one of those shops that may not have any more when stock runs out. I'm waiting impatiently for my order to arrive from Sue's week-end shows. I bought the bundle which had the edge, corner and tag as I already have Times Square. I know I'd told myself that I wasn't buying anything from C&C but just couldn't resist that bundle. I'm still not renewing my membership in May. The more i hear about that company the more cross I get. Thank you so much for that latte - I really needed it and I'm off to try some cutting. Take care everyone. Love and Hugs to all.
    Janet xx

    1. Hi Janet,
      I hope you don't have to wait too long for your Times Square die, C&C are rubbish with posting out items, you can wait ages!
      Hoe are you feeling better with your patch today and that it helps with the pain!
      If you look at the works on line you get 25% off today! Not to be sniffed at!
      Well I must go as it's morphine time!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra C&C

  6. Hi Sandra
    Another lovely card don't get a shock as I am early so can I have a tea and a piece of toast please. Saba you and your sister are in my thoughts. I am off to the shops to get last things for hols hope to pop back later. Love Tandy

    1. Tandy, thanks love. Jetting off any where nice? Xx

    2. Hi Tandy,
      Have fund shopping today tandy and get those nice little bikinis!
      Are you going some where special?
      I hope so, you deserves a break.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all of the other ladies. Please may I have the usual tea and toast and marmalade today? I have to catch up as I got floored by a migraine halfway through the morning yesterday so was out of it until this morning.
    Howis your throat today my lovely? Feeling better I hope. If not then get gargling with TCP so that you are in fine voice on Saturday to talk to Christine when we finally get to meet her. Only 2 sleeps now. By the way, my ticket arrived yesterday : )
    Your card is beautiful, I would be thrilled if I could come up with that at any time, let alone when my mojo had taken off! You always get it just right, you really are a very talented lady.
    Please give poor Matt a hug from me and tell him I am thinking of him, so sorry to hear about his friends Dad.
    Congratulations to Becca, she will love the freedom but now you have even more to worry about don't you! I still fret about Gem going off in her car, that's parenthood though isn't it. I still think that the days before they start pre school etc are the easiest as they are with you all of the time.
    Saba, I am so glad that Val came through her op well, may she make a quick trouble free recovery. Be very gentle with yourself now that the stress of her op is over : )
    Patricia, thanks for the heads up about The Works paper pads, if I don't spend all of my (small amount :( ) money on Saturday at Farnborough on Saturday I will have a look : )
    Right, I am off to eat my breakfast then I have to make 2 birthday cards (both mens!!!) and a sympathy card, and I also have Beavers tonight so I think it is going to be a long day! I know Sandra has the same problem as me when making a card, it takes so long to decide what to do, which embellishments to add etc. The actual making of the card doesn't take that long. Does anyone else have the same problem or is it just us two?
    Wishing you all a good day. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue, sorry you have been having another Migrane, I have a friend who gets them and they are just horrible, hope today is easier for you.
      As for making a card, well, it's colours for me, I spend so long looking at shades, pink is a nightmare, too peachy, too light, too dark, bluish tinge to it and then is there enough contrast, shall I start with strong colours for the matting, you get the idea.
      XXX Saba

    2. Hi Mrs B sorry you had a migraine but hopefully feeling better now as you seem to have a very busy day ahead. I can't put together cards at all, Found really hard what colours work together and shapes. I have magazines, youtube and you all + Sue to help but it's still a nightmare. I think a card for my dad is nearly made but not sure and I want to make a anniversary card for my OH but might have to buy one in the end. Hope your day are good, Maria x

    3. No me too takes ages for me to make up my mind what to do. Sorry about the migraine. Hope you feel better today

  8. Hello Sandra and all you lovely ladies.

    I cannot begin to tell you all what your love and support means to me. The outpouring of love which I felt - really felt - not virtual love, but real love from you all has staggered me. I want to write to newspapers, I want to send a message to the whole world, and announce from the rooftops that this world we live in has some beautiful, kind and genuinely compassionate people in it. We don't always feel that we are particularly nice or good people, but each and everyone of you here have goodness in your very bones, and the gift you gave me yesterday was more precious to me than you will ever know. God bless you all.

    I was unable to reply to you all yesterday so just to say
    Thank you :-
    Sandra for telling me I was not alone. Sam for your reassurance. Michele for thinking of us even you though are having your own sad time. Cheryl for holding my holding my hand in spirit. Brenda for lighting a lighting a candle for us. Margaret for having us in your thoughts even before I had posted. Hazel for wishing you could fly to me. Myra for also wishing you were nearer. Norah for your love and your Wee prayer. Jess for thinking of us. Maureen For your prayers. Maria for wishing you were here. Lynda for your positive thoughts and prayers. Theresa for your thoughts and prayers too. Tandy for thinking of us
    Steph for your biggest virtual hug. You are spot on we are not just names anymore.
    Janice for thinking of us. Patricia for your positive thoughts and empathy.
    Craftysuetoo Sue for your healing hugs. And if I missed anyone please forgive me.

    And then you all came back for an update. That was lovely, like a group hug. And I slept like a log.

    Val has had a good night, the surgeon is really pleased how it all went and we are over the moon
    so now it's chin up shoulders back and a bit of sunshine in this cafe today. So I would like, a white hot-chocolate with whipped cream and a slice of baked custard please if it's not too much trouble.
    Sandra, what a lovely card you have made for Matt's friend, he will really appreciate it. I am starting to fall for the Lyra die. Love how you have used it as a separate element.
    And Becca passed her test!! Congratulations Becca, enjoy your new found independence, drive carefully and if you borrow the car, don't forget that funny little trap door on the side, it's called a petrol cap!!!

    Very special love, thanks and hugs, be back later.

  9. Good morning Sandra & ladies,
    That is such a beautiful card for losing your 'mojo'. Could I have some of it please? What a wonderful way for your son to say exactly what is needed for his friend. I sometimes feel traditional sympathy cards for a youngster do not address their needs or feelings, but this is stunning. Well done you Sandra.
    I have finally found pictures of some of my male cards but have now lost your email address. Honestly I'm as bad as others at not being so computer 'savvy'.Most of my stuff is still floating away on this Cloud storage, but where it is, heaven alone only knows. Please could you post it and then I could you send you them.
    I had a lovely afternoon yesterday with Judy. After we had finished with her medical appointments, we went to visit her daughter and had a lovely afternoon just sitting and chatting. It was 6 o'clock before we knew it so time to go home.
    I have been asked how the agoraphobia affects me. Sometimes it's like a black cloudy fog that obscures everything and I physically cannot even get outside my house and into my garden. When I open the door, I feel like I'm in Doctor Who's Tardis and it is not my world out there. Other days I can go to places I'm familiar with but that takes an awful effort not to start panicking with a subsequent anxiety attack and usually I have a friend with me to ensure I feel safe. I have had to decide not to let it rule my life and now I just go with the flow. If I can get out fine, if not then I don't. I have a fantastic network of family and friends who all help when I need them, and I have had such caring support from all you ladies over the last few months on the Sue's blog and now the Coffee Shop. I am eternally grateful to you all.
    I'm sorry, I forgot to order a drink today so if you could please keep the teapot warm, I'll pop in later.
    Saba, I've just read your post from last night. what a relief to hear all went well for Val and she is now in ICU. She is in the best place and with the best of support. I do so hope you are feeling less stressed now and can start your own healing, I know it will be worrisome for you but as everyone else says, we are here for you with love & hugs xxx
    Hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you Cheryl,
      for the first time since her diagnosis in November I feel really optimistic. You know how it feels my lovely so I don't have to describe it to you. We are over the biggest hurdle now and it's one step at a time. She will be back to bossing me around before you can Jack flash.!!
      You are so inspirational Cheryl, the way you always manage to convey your positivity despite what you have gone through and are still going through. Some of your postings on Sue's blog before you came here made me want to get to know you better. So glad Sandra made all this possible for us all.
      Big big hugs. Saba XXX

      I look forward to receiving your pics as I don't have a card to post tomorrow as my photographer has been called away, ans I am pants at using his twiddly, fiddly, zoomy camera !
      Matt didn't want a traditional sympathy card, he said that he just wanted them to know that they were in his thoughts! So that's kind of the theme I went with.
      My fear of leaving the house came softer being 100% housebound after my bodged surgery in 2009, I was inside for close on two years, the effect of that was every time we 'had' to leave the house I would have such a major panic attack I simply. Can't breathe! Paul is my security blanket so when he goes away I just seen to have a major anxiety attacks over ridiculous things!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    3. My dear Saba,
      Thank you for your lovely kind comments and if you'd like to email me at any time it's

      And Dearest Sandra,
      I SO do know about the panic attacks, and Pete was my security blanket too He could always judge when something was going to affect me and took steps to make sure I felt secure. I really do miss him and I know with certainty he's always with me wherever I go. Now I have to it for us both. My agoraphobia started when I had a major breakdown following a horrendous year when my son-in-law died and Pete had an 'episode' with his heart on a golfing trip to Ireland I had sent him on with his mates as a surprize for our 20th wedding anniversary. All that took place over 6-7 months and I was struggling to stay strong and deal with all the practicalities for all of us. My daughter had gone to pieces and came back with the children to live with us for a while as she had also lost her house in the midst of her grieving. Bl**dy banks and their pound of flesh! She's now back on course thank goodness. It's been a rocky road and we have found our inner strengths.
      I think I'll have that cuppa please with an Eccles cake and I'll go and sit in the corner for a while.
      Hugs Cheryl xxx

    4. Dear Saba, I am so pleased both you and Val had a good night. Sleep is a great healer, but you would know this anyway. do take care dear friend, you are both still in my thoughts and prayers love and hugs Brenda x

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Janet Ecco of Sheffield26 February 2015 at 09:08

    Hi everyone sorry it's me again - I've been meaning to tell you about the most gorgeous Magazine I've found. It's call 'Daphne's Diary' and it's the most beautiful crafting mag I've ever seen. It's bigger than the normal mags; has 122 pages; fantastic articles -some written as a diary- plus some papers and templates to cut but as the paper is such high quality - all glossy and thick- I cannot bring myself to cut anything out of it. It's available from a company called 'Unique Magazines' . I've never seen it on the shelves but it's available on line and at a cost of £4.99 it's the best value for money I've seen in a long time. I found the copy I have on my way back in Feb but it's printed in quite a few languages so we're OK here. I am waiting for my March edition to arrive. It's not published on a monthly basis. I cannot recommend this mag highly enough. It's just fantastic in every way and I really do urge everyone to have a look at it.
    The next edition is out on 11th March. The site is:- Hugs to all Janet xx

    1. Sounds amazing, will have a look. I gather you liked it a little bit!

    2. Thank you Janet I have placed an order for 6 months, looks a really good magazine as you have said
      Margaret corgi owner

    3. Thank you Janet, I have also placed an order.
      Hugs Cheryl xxx

    4. I think I saw this in Our local newsagent a few days ago. Looked interesting. Don't know why I didn't buy it at the time

    5. Hi Janet,
      Thank you for that! I cancelled my Craft Magazine as
      I was not at all impressed with it. Have ordered the current copy and will take it from there! Many thanks.
      Sorry the patches are causing you such discomfort . Let's pray it all settles down and all the mess work in harmony very soon.
      Lots of love,
      Myra xxx

    6. Hi Janet will go and look at the mag as need a new one. tandy

    7. Got my son to get it for me when he went shopping. Took him a while to find it on the shelf. Had got put behind another one. Will have a good read tomorrow when I am on my own.

    8. Oh Dear! Oh Dear!
      All the mess work in harmony! Wow that some sentence and concept!
      I did mean lol the meds ! Mrs B predictive text strikes us all.
      Love Myra xx

  12. Sandra,
    I so wish I was nearer you, I could have come kept you company. Had a laugh, helped you in the Coffee Shop. Taken your photos with my cheap "point & press" camera. The photos on my Blog are not great but they let folk get the "jist" of what I am trying to do.
    I shed a wee tear when I read about your situation, you are an absolute wonder and bring so much benefit to others. You are an Angel, that's what
    you are. I would like to add some more "sparkle" to your wings .... turn round so I can sprinkle it on!!!
    Hugs a plenty

    Patricia xxx

    1. Hi Patricia
      Thank you so much for your lovely words, you gave me goosebumps!
      Love and hugs

  13. Hello Sandra,
    May I have a latte and date and walnut scone please. I'll just help myself and rush over to the corner table before Mrs B goes to make her cards.
    I hope you are feeling a bit better today. If your beautiful card is anything to go by you certainly are!! The colours are so uplifting, and with the combination of dies are just right for a "Thinking of You" card. The last thing someone needs at an unhappy time, it something to bring them down, and this will not do that.
    Sam and Michelle, I hope you both are well today.
    Patricia, I've taken a hug, and thank you for the info on The Works, I'll try to pop along today. There's one in our local Garden Centre.
    Barbara, I wonder how long our friend will stay in Eygypt.
    Janet, sorry to see that you are having to take yet more meds. You'll be able to do the "Shake, Rattle and Roll" with no difficulty!!! (I don't mean to be flippant - but sometimes you have to laugh, or you'd cry). Also, thank you for the info on Daphne's Diary, I'll have a look at the website.
    Saba, I'm so pleased that you and your sister have both had a good nights sleep. I bet you're longing to see her today. I send my love and prayers.
    Cheryl, special lady, I know how awful agoraphobia is, a neighbour of mine suffered from it (she has since moved to be closer to her family, which was so traumatic for her, although we and some other neighbours helped her as much as possiible) so I admire the fact that you manage to do what you do.
    Well, I've finished my coffee and scone so I'm off to look on the web and then go to the Garden Centre. See you al later.
    Maureen xx

    1. Thanks again Maureen, seeing her is not possible at the moment though as she is in the UK and I am stuck here in Germany, but I will be home in a few weeks time to be with her when she comes out of hospital. We decided that was the most sensible thing despite it being hard.
      Have fun in the garden centre. Xxx

  14. P.s. Sandra, sorry that Paul is away, and I hope Matt and his friend are feeling a bit more settled. I can't say happier because that will take a long time yet. xxx

  15. P.p.s. I've ordered the current issue of Daphne's Diary to see what it's like before I decide whether to put a standing order in, thanks again for the info, I do like a "good" read xx

  16. Good morning Sandra and everyone who pops in today
    Sandra this card is so beautiful and very calm and comforting looking too, which is really what the recipient needs to feel along with plenty of hugs to get her through the next few days, weeks and months, bless her. I am sure your Matt will be so proud to give her this card which is saying just the right message from him too.
    I do hope you are feeling a little better today and your throat is improving. Please think calm and positive thoughts and put those dark ones away in a dusty corner to hide in the dust and stay there, just remember we are here or you sweetheart, sending you the biggest calming and comforting hug possible.
    Saba oh want a beautiful morning that dark cloud of anxiety has lifted I am so delighted Val had a good night and you too. Just take it one day at a time her strength will build and she can, and will she make a wonderful recovery. I have been on ICU and believe me they are absolute angels there looking after their patients they really are so special and most definitely aid recovery. So please keep those positive thoughts going, you are both in my thoughts and prayers, the power of prayer is such a wonderful thing when it touches you. Take care sweet friend xxxxx
    Janet thank you so much for the information on the magazine I will check it out after I leave here.
    Sam lovely to see you back today thinking of you especially yesterday hope all went well with you and your precious boys.
    Michele you are in my prayers please just take it one day at a time and think positive sweetheart.
    Barbara hope all goes well for you too.
    I am off now to check on this magazine but will call in later take care, there is a basket of hugs for all who need them in the corner by the window.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Bless you Margaret, I truly do believe in the power of prayer. And I am sure you know the lovely words about footprints in the sand, well yesterday there weren't any, He was carrying me.Xxx

    2. Bless you sweetheart, your really are doing wonderfully well, I wish we lived closer they you would get the biggest hug possible for being so brave. It will not be long before you will see Val and then you will feel so much better, being able to help her, it must be so hard being apart, but the nurses will help her in the best way possible for now, then you can take over when you are needed the most.
      With love and hugs
      Margaret xxx

    3. Margaret, thank you so much for the wonderful hug, I wrapped it around me this morning to take the place of Paul!
      Just frustrated as I have this stupid coldly/ flu thing, Thursdays are not a good day for Paul to be away either as it's a busy night in our house, the girls have after school clubs then rush home for a quick snack then off to football, I am hoping that Matt isn't busy so he can take the girls to football as I don't want the girls walking on their own in the dark!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra's xxxx

    4. Hi Saba,
      So pleased you had a good night's rest. Steph was so right when she said we are not just names on a blog anymore! I know the Footprints poem and it is so very true! So pleased you have been helped. We'll keep on praying and just being here. Sending hugs .
      Val will be thrilled to see you when she has recovered a bit more. That way you can be a real support to her.
      Love Myra xx

  17. Hi Sandra, What a beautiful sympathy card (that sounds strange, but you know what I mean) some of the cards in the shops are so upsetting that people cry when they read them, when what they really need is support, This is what your card does, so they know that, that person is thinking of them.
    Saba, so pleased you were able to sleep last night, stay strong and my prayers are still with you both.
    Well been to physio this morning. I have worked really hard this week to try to get movement in my arm, and it is improving but the pain is still really bad. I'm told I have to be patient as there is a long road to go.
    Sandra, sorry to hear Pauls away and I know that's tough for you. I may have found a way to stop myself getting so lonely, (before Emma moved away she used to pop over for lunch) and I miss that. Anyway I get a cd that I love put it on and sing at the top of my voice, had no complaints from neighbours so must be ok. I find that singing lifts my spirits.
    Cheryl hang in there.
    I have lots of hugs to give today so please take one with my love.
    Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Thank you my dear, I have taken a couple with pleasure.
      It will be quite a while for you to reach full strength and I am pleased to read of your baby step improvements. Keep strong.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    2. Hi Theresa,
      Hmmm I don't think i will do the singing thing, although I do like music so could go for that!
      For some unknown reason, I hVe woken up with a heavy cold /flu thing, I am shivering, sweating, aching like hell, blocked up sinuses and soar throat! So I feel like rubbish!
      I am glad you are getting a little more movement back, although I am sorry you are still in pain.
      Thanks for your kind words ,
      Love Sandra xxx

  18. Hi Sandra
    Love the card that you made for Matt to give to his friend. If you made this stunner when your mojo has gone. Can I have it when you get yours back. Although you'll worry when Becca is out driving, perhaps Paul can stop ferrying her around now. He might now get a bit more his time, if that makes sense. Sorry to hear that you've had a migraine Mrs B, please don't knock yourself up again by doing to much.
    Saba, great news about Val, ICU girls are fantastic. Well saying that, all nurses do a fantastic job. However, they seem to have more time for the patient that nurses who work on a normalish ward. I must admit that the nurses and the Stoma nurses do a fantastic job also. Good job I looked back as my iPad changed Stoma to Asthma. No wonder My comments sound bizarre.

    1. Oh Pat, that made me laugh, it makes you wonder whether whoever invented the predictive text function had a wicked sense of humour and slipped the odd random word in.
      And thank you for you praising nurses, I was a high dependency unit nurse before I came here.

  19. Hi Sandra
    Me again, as I couldn't finish before. Keep up the physio I've been told that the pain gets worse before it gets better. Big gentle hugs to all in need of one today.

  20. Hi everyone,a bit later today as this is usually the day we go food shopping. Shopping done, and now it is nearly lunch time!,
    Sandra your card is lovely, I'm sure it will be appreciated.
    Janet thanks for heads up on the magazine I will certainly be having a look.
    Saba good news about your sister, keep your chin up it wont be long until you are over and be with her.
    A wee hot chocolate would go down well today Sandra, it it so cold today the wind would cut you in half.
    Take care everyone, will pop back later. Jess x

  21. Hi Sandra,
    I've been tryin to do this all morning ! I absolutely love your card today. I love the colours , the layout and your sentiment. I think this is a lovely sentiment as it can be used on different occasions and I use it a lot. It would be an excellent sentiment for our Saba today!
    Sorry Paul is away and I do hope you will be alright without him. I would like to help you but I go on holiday tomorrow and I'm kind of run off my feet. I will still try to peep in most days but it depends on the signal.
    I would get withdrawal symptoms otherwise lol!
    Will go for now but may pop back later for a coffee and a pastry!
    Lots of love to everyone,
    Myra xxx

  22. Oh Sandra what a kind husband you have he shares everything with you! Just you snuggle up warm with plenty to drink, sending you plenty of gentle hugs, just wish I could do more.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

  23. Sandra, I am late today. Did try and comment from my phone but it went into space instead. Your card is stunning and just perfect. Not a sad card but one that shows what it's says "thinking of you". Oh dear I think we better all take a turn running the "coffee shop" you just stay in bed and nurse that flu/cold until you are better. Sending ((((((hugs)))))) .
    Saba, it's lovely to read you and Val had a good night. Val is in the best place where she will get well looked after. It will be hard for you not to be visiting her, but your right waiting till she is home will be better.
    Michelle. Hope you don't have to wait to long to find out what's going to happen with hubby's job. To the rest who are not feeling to good today, there is ((((((hugs)))))) for you all.
    I went up to Glenrothes this working and went to the " works " and got some of those pads of card. Great value that's for sure. And pretty. Right off to make lunch. Be back later. Hazel xxx

    1. Hazel, I think the wine helped my good nights sleep!! I know she is in safe hands.XXX

  24. Hello Sandra,
    I am so sorry you're under the weather, and to make it worse Paul is going to be away. If only we lived closer, how I would love to lend a hand. LOL
    The card you have made for Matt to give to his friend is just perfect. And will mean a lot to both of them. As someone else said it could also be adapted to lots of other occasions.
    Sam Hope all is well with you and your boys.
    Michelle, thinking of you and hope all will turn out well in the end love and hugs
    Sorry, but I can't remember who left the message about medicines, but I recall a few years ago in out of ICU and when well enough to return home I was given this bag with all my medication in after a few days I thought I should read the leaflets enclosed, and on one of the leaflets it listed side-effects of this particular drug!!! And this was where I had to laugh - one of the side effects was death...... It didn't work I'm still here, and still find it amusing,
    Sorry girls my sick mind.
    Pop by later, love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I love it, are you sure you're not the grey lady who haunts me? Some of my meds warn that they could give me side effects which I've already got and am taking the med for - how silly is that. x

    2. Oh Brenda! You did make me laugh! I'm not one for reading about side effects either sometimes they give too much information!
      So pleased you are still with us!
      Lots of love, Myra xx

    3. You are so funny Brenda, my sense of humour too though!
      If I'd taken notice of all the leaflets I'd not be here either. Some of mine actually say don't take this if your taking this 'named' one. My doctor has prescribed them both, though I'm not too sure if he knows what reaction I'll get!
      Cheryl xxx

    4. Brenda, no need to be sorry about having a sence of humour. I had a little laugh to myself about the meds. I think we are all guilty of taking them before reading up on them. Hazel x

    5. Hi Mumma,
      oh goodness I am glad your tablets side effects didn't work!
      I have stopped reading them as I would be more of a nervous wreck than I am already, I was upto about a month or so ago taking Ranitidine as I suffered terribly with heartburn, anyway it didn't really work for me and as you can buy it over the counter I gave the ones I had left to my Mum in Law it worked for her but also made her hair fall out!
      I now have Omeprazole and that works like a miracle! I still have my hair too, apart from the bit I tear out in frustration sometimes!
      Please come back and make me smile tomorrow.
      love u lots
      Sandra xxxx

  25. Hi Sandra,
    Just time for a quick cuppa to heat me up. Brr it's cold and windy out there, what a mix of hail and sun today.
    This is a lovely card. It's hard to hit the right spot with these, but I think you have done it. Sometimes the words on a printed card are all wrong, but it's hard to know what to say.
    I agree about the ICU staff. I know one who puts so much of herself into the job she is exhausted and drained by the time her set of shifts are finished. Good to know they care so much though.
    Janice W

    1. Hi Janice,
      I agree, ICU and High Dependency nurses work so hard, and are so caring, they are a credit to the profession. Mind you, I've met some others on the ordinary wards who are just the opposite!! x

    2. Thanks for popping in Janice, thanks for your lovely comments about the card, My son is a man of little words and some of the cards and verses were a little bit too much for what he wanted to say.
      Hope to see you here tomorrow
      love and hugs

  26. Hi Sandra and all.
    Beautiful card Sandra and a lovely way to say your are thinking of them at the time of sadness. Oh you poor thing to feel so poorly and Paul being away as well. Lets have a tea with honey together and hope you feeling better soon. We can help ourself in the meantime, sure someone can work out that monster of coffee machine spluttering over there, anyone lol
    So good the op went well for Val, Saba lot of hugs to you both! It's hard when you can't see her yet but hopefully she will be a lot better when you are coming to the UK. I have thought a lot about going to Sweden but I think I support mum more through facebook and phone calls at the moment so.....
    Janet, how is you new drug/patches working for you ? It's crazy how you feel first with new meds. especially if you can't read the labels right so take double dose in one go instead for twice over the day, gosh I felt like I was in a cosy bubble lol but know it wasn't right, yes I take it right now. Brenda if we all read how our meds. working and what they are used for we probably would have met in the heaven cafe' instead for the cotswolds. I will go and have a look at that magazine. I'm a prescriber on Cardmaking and papercraft but also buying other ones too and they cost a lot really for what you get. I like when it's coming through the letterbox and it is not only bills and begging letters, sorry,you know what I mean . ToB bless you ,It must be so painful but hope it will heal you right so the pain want be so bad in the future, gentle hugs to you.
    Myra, have a lovely time away. Going somewhere nice ? nosy Tihi
    Time to get the dinner on so I sending lots and lots of hugs to you Sandra and everyone else who are felling crap Maria xx

    1. Maria,
      I didn't realise your mum was in Sweden, you poor thing it must be so hard for you now that she is ill. Facebook gets a lot of stick, but used properly it can be such a comfort to see family posts and pictures and it's brilliant your mum is on there. Don't know if you have used FaceTime or Skype but that can also make you feel as if you have visited them a little, my eldest grandson 7 Facetimes quite a bit and I do get a bit sick of seeing his "minecraft" but I never tire of seeing his sweet little face and hearing what he comes out with.
      Loved your final endearment,!!!!
      Xxx Saba

    2. Hi Maria, Thank you . We are going to Majorca. You are not nosy at all! You are just like me - you are interested and like to know things!
      You all have to behave while I'm gone!
      Lots of love,
      Myra xx

  27. Hi Sandra
    I have actually made it back today everything sorted just the stuff to go in the motor home tomorrow. We are going to Solvenia hubby will be skiing and I will be cosy in the Motor home with my DVD'S and everything I like to do. I have to force him to go skiing as he doesn't like leaving me but he deserves to do something he loves. I hope your day hasn't been to bad with Paul being away hope he's home soon take care. Mrs B sorry you have had a migraine I do sympathise. Love Tandy

    1. Hi Tandy,
      Have a lovely time just doing what you want, all snug in the Motor Home. xx

    2. Hi Tandy,
      Have a lovely holiday and just enjoy being together and having a nice rest! Well, your husband won't be resting but that's his choice.
      Safe travel,
      Love Myra xx

    3. Wow Tandy, all the way to Slovenia in a motor home. Hope you have a fabulous enjoyable journey and a great time when you finally get there. It's a beautiful little country we travel through about twice a year on our way to Croatia and sometimes stop off there for a couple of days. Safe journey. Saba Xxx

    4. Hi Tandy, have a lovely time on holiday,you have a very long drive all the way to Slovenia safe journey. You have a lovely relaxing time. Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Tandy,
      Have an amazing time in Slovenia, that's the benefit of motorhome, you can make as many stops as you need.
      Have and amazing break,
      look forward to hearing all about it when you are back.
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  28. Evening dear friends. Hope you've all had a decent day so far. OMG - dont suppose anyone watched the Brits last night did you ? Madonna was pulled off stage by her dancer's whilst trying to undo a robe lol... I saw her fumbling trying to undo the ties and thought ' look well if she has a wardrobe malfuntion or doesn't undo her robe in time ' and just as I thought it and had a wicked smile on my face... Wollop and down she rolled, she wont be showing her tush anytime soon, she'll have the biggest bruise on her butt cheeks ( was even funnier when Andy kept rewinding) !! WHAT - 6.30 : 0 be back later, chilli will end up as dry as concrete, sorry didnt realise the time xx
    L. S xxx

    1. Missed the Brits, would have like to watch it and see Whether John Newmann got an award, but saw Madonna's fall on the news.
      Don't know about out her showing her Tush as you so delicately put it, but what about the woman presenting the awards her Biddies were a bit on show, think she needed a supportive bra.

    2. Hi Steph,
      I saw Madonna's tumble on the news, ouch! she needs to slow
      down at her age, I think she always pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable to show at her age, brave, but its not always a good look!
      I hope your Chilli wasn't burnt, do you have it with rice or jacket potatoes?
      Hope to see you tomorrow my lovely,
      love and hugs

  29. Hello Michele,
    I've been thinking of you all day and really, apart from saying that I hope your husband get's good news, and that your friends are as happy as they can possibly be in the circumstances, I don't know what to say. I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you.
    Love xx

    Saba, you must think I'm stupid. Of course you're in Germany, and of course your sister isn't. Was it Hazel I thought was travelling to Perth Australia to babysit, instead of Perth Scotland. I think the sooner I have a brain scan the better (if they can find it).
    Love xx

  30. Sorry I am late again today. No idea why. Started Reading the comments several times and got distracted then Granddaughter came home from school and have been supervising her making a card for a friend. It has turned out very well. Am very proud of her. Sandra I hope you soon feel better and up for Farnborough on Saturday. To all who need hugs there are plenty here. Think inking of you all. Lovely card today Sandra. I like the colours and especially the Lyra die

    1. Thanks Brenda,
      How lovely that your Granddaughter wanted to make a card with you, passing on the gift of creativity is an amazing thing.
      I am going to dose myself up with lemsip (yuck) and go to bed!
      see you tomorrow,
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  31. Good evening Sandra and all having a late cuppa today.
    I hope you are feeling a little better after your cosy snuggle and have got the family organised for everything going on tonight. Would you like a nice cuppa before I leave, and a little piece of something sweet?
    I have to help my younger daughter move house tomorrow she wants me there in a supervisory capacity she says, so it will be late in the day before I can pop in for my latte, so please don't worry. She is moving into a brand new home, her dream home, she still cannot believe everything has gone according to plan, she has been so sure something would go wrong and her dream would be shattered. I am so excited for her and her husband, their dogs have gone to kennels to keep them safe, but she had to go with them last weekend so they (the dogs) could have a look around and she could see they were happy! They have gone tonight and will be picked up on Saturday. So it will be all systems go tomorrow and Saturday too, Sunday will be my day of rest I can assure you!
    Saba please keep those positive thoughts going sweetheart, I will be thinking of you and Val.
    Can anyone tell me where February has gone? I cannot believe it will be March on Sunday, I feel like saying, stop the world while I catch up!
    Take care everyone I have put some more hugs in the corner help yourselves if you need some.
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      I would love a cuppa, that's one thing I miss when Paul is away, the kettle is on all the time when he is here!
      You are going to be exhausted over the next couple of days, mentally if not physically. I think by sunday you won't be able to do anything but rest!
      Its very exciting for your daughter though, moving in at last, I think its lovely that she hasn't just put her dogs in any kennels, we used to do on the spot visits to kennels so they weren't clean and tidy because they were expecting someone.
      I will leave the kettle on and some sweet treats out for an energy boost if and when you do pop in tomorrow night.
      I so agree with you my jaw dropped when someone said its march on sunday!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  32. Margaret, I am still on cloud nine. I really feel we are finally off the roller coaster that we have been on since November.
    Good luck with the move. It's a wonderful feeling when your children have realised their dream. I hope she we will be very happy there.
    Don't go doing too much though.
    Why is it though that in our day, we were the ones that helped our parents with decorating and such and then we had families and we are the ones who are helping out our children with the same sort of things.
    Val and I once decorated Mums bedroom, we wallpapered the ceiling and I will never forget the fun we had. She was up the step ladder and I was a couple of rungs down passing the drippy pasted paper up and each time she got one bit up it started peeling off again till in the end we both had a blanket of wet wallpaper wrapped around us. Worse thing was, I was sort of between her legs on the ladder and you know what uncontrollable laughter can do to you after having had children, well it was very nearly "raindrops keep falling on my head" time. We still laugh about it.
    I don't know where February has gone either, let alone where today has disappeared to.
    Much Love Saba

  33. Sandra,
    off to watch Wolf Hall now, didn't get chance or feel like it yesterday, but I have been so busy commenting today and have yet to tell you thank you my lovely for your wonderful generosity in sharing YOUR blog with us all. You have made a family out of us and I love you for it. Your blog is unique.
    I do hope you will be feeling brighter tomorrow, you need to rest and get well for Farnborough. Bless you Sweetie. XXX Saba

    1. Hi Saba,
      Thank you so much for your wonderful words, you feel like my family, you guys are the last thing I look in on at night and first thing in the morning too, (apart from kiss from Pau) of course.
      You have all bought so much love, warmth and companionship to my life, its seems so daft to say I feel like I know you all so well but I do, I think that when we do all eventually get to meet, we will meet and chat as friends and not strangers, I so hope you get to make Ally pally while you are over here visiting Val, because I would love an actual hug!
      thank you sweetheart once again.
      Huge snuggles
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Saba hope Val had a good night sleep & not in too much pain she is in good hands on ICU they will take good care of her. Saba You have to take care of you too, your both in my thoughts
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  34. Good evening all you lovely ladies.Sandra hope your day wasn't too unbearable my lovely with Paul going away.Your card is gorgeous I'm sure Matt loved it & it is such a beautiful sympathy card. I love the lyra die it's so elegant. I thought it was me that had a lost there mojo but this card says you have found yours Sandra.
    Love & Hug's everyone Lynda xx

    DB is going to Egypt because her boyfriend has tryed three times to get a visa to come here & he has been turned down every time. Them poor dogs I feel sorry for I don't think is she is taking them with her.
