
Friday 27 February 2015

Guest Desiger Debut!!!!! Cheryl !!!!!

 Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Well what a day, I haven't had a cold/shivers etc for such a long time, I literally can't remember!
So anyway I didn't get a card finished because I would have run out of space for embellishments as I used them all to cover the drips when I ran out of another box of tissues!
So I asked for help and your didn't disappoint, I got some lovely cards from Cheryl, all pesky man cards too and another lovely card from Pat and the most gorgeous little crafted cuties from Theresa, that I have decided to show on Saturday and maybe have Saturdays for mixed crafts from all of you as a regular feature, what do you think?
I am hoping that Cheryl will call in and tell us how she achieved this amazing card.
Did anyone see the programme that covered 4 different ladies as they gave birth, they were everything from the bizarre to the ridiculous! there was the really wealthy couple that wanted their birth to fit into their international travel plans, so she booked in to the Portland hospital and scheduled their birth for convenience, another lady lived on a barge and wanted to experience a 'free birth' where there are no medical staff there at all, just her and her partner, bit risky, not for me, but I am one of life's pessimists! Another lady had a 'lotus birth' where they keep the baby attached to the cord AND placenta for up to a week of so afterwards, or when I dried up and drops off, so the baby had the cord protruding from its clothes the whole time and the carried the placenta in a thermal lunch box!  The last lady had a hypno birth and she eats her raw placenta afterwards, made into a fruit smoothie!
Did any of you have any of the above? any funny related stories?
Would love to hear from you. it kept me going through a long and lonely day!
Love and hugs to you all.
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Beautiful card by Cheryl, urgh! so glad I did not watch that programme, even reading about some of it makes me feel sick lol! Not for me lol!

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Good morning Jacquie ,
      Thanks for stopping by, I know what you mean about the programme, it pushed you to the edge a couple of to times,
      There's nowt so queer as folk as they saying goes!
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Morning Sandra my Lovely
    And to All My Dear Friends I hope your all well,
    Sandra I'm sorry that your feeling a little unwell I'd haven't had a cold in such a long time, so you must be feeling poorly today, when your Beautiful Children have gone to school etc: why not stay in your PJ's and have a good rest.
    I'm sure everyone whom visits The Cafe today will help themselves and we're all extremely trustworthy so we'll leave the money behind the counter, I'm having a weak Latte and a Toasted Teacake I'll write that down on your pad so you know what I've had,
    Well Cheryl Your Card Is Just Absolutely Stunning I Love The Fabulous Beautiful Colous And The Die And The Wheels And Cogs Great Mans Card, Cheryl your very talented indeed I'm terrible at Men's Cards thank goodness I've only got Lyndon's to think about and When I've been asked to make Men's Cards I must say I shudder!
    Sandra your Fabulous Blog is becoming so popular all these Extremely Talented Card/Gift Creations your willing to share with the lovely warm hearted ladies that visit The Cafe.
    I'm in total "Awe" of each and everyone of you, Cheryl Your Card is Awesome.
    Sandra as For The Programme re: Babies and giving birth I didn't watch, I very rarely watch any Documentaries of any kind.
    Well I must be off now boys want there toast and I've promised Lyndon I will do him some Bacon etc this morning.
    Take Care All My Very Dear Friends
    Sandra Take Care Have A Rest.......
    Love and Huge Hugs To All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Morning Sam,
      Thank you for stopping by, I always look forward to seeing your comment first thing! Thanks for your kind words for Cheryl's first card on the Guest Designer wall! I look forward to another one of your cards to share too, as the last one was really popular.
      Do you think,Lyndon will mind sharing? I could just eat a fried egg on toast,mi like the yolk runny! Or a bacon sandwich would be delicious too! Does Lyndon work full time, or do you gets to spend quality time together through the week? Oh Sam all that talk of cooked breakfast is making me hungry! How did your scan go the other day, I was thinking about you all day! I look forward to catching up with you later in here my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxxx

  3. Great card & nice to see one made for "those pesky men" we need to make cards for!

    Am so glad it's Friday-two whole days off work..........yeah!!!!!


    1. Good morning Michelle ,
      Thanks for stopping by today and for your kind comment!
      Hurray for the weekend, that's what I say!
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and "Coffee Shop" ladies. Sandra please have another day in bed, you sound like you have got a real nasty dose of that bug. No lots of hot drinks and snuggled down in bed for you, the girls are old enough to see to themselves? Just tell them to lock the door as they go out, that way if you fall asleep ( which will do you good) you will be fine, is Paul back tonight???
    Cheryl what a fantastic man card, I love the Bevelled striplet it covers so many uses and those cogs just add that man touch if you know what I mean???great colours too.
    Saba, I hope Val had a good day yesterday and not to uncomfortable. I know you will have been on the phone to see how she was, and that you had another good nights sleep yourself.
    Pat S. I hope all your pre op things go ok. So that you can go out to the show tomorrow knowing that your op will be going ahead.
    Tandy safe journey and enjoy your crafty time, how lovely to be able to take stuff with you so that while husband is having fun on the slopes you are having fun doing what you love to do.
    To all the rest of you lovely ladies enjoy your day and I hope you are not in to much pain, as I know a lot of you are each day. I had a sore leg last night, nothing unusual there, but I did stop myself from thinking I was suffering saying there are ones out there in real pain 24/7.
    Right Sandra, as Sam said we will just see to ourselves, we won't disturb you, but if you need us to bring you a drink or something just give a shout.
    Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Sorry your sore leg kept you awake, don't you meet Patricia on Fridays? Hope it doesn't stop you enjoying your day. I slept like a log again, and Val had a good night too thank you.
      Saba xx

    2. Good morning Hazel,
      Thanks for stopping by and for caring, I feel rubbish today, whatever this flu bug thing is it's horrible, I am so bunged up and it gas aggravated the tinnitus that I already have, so all I can hear is a really high pitched noise, it's so frustrating! I think I will take your advice and climb back into bed for a couple of hours, hopefully I can catch up on some of the hours I have lost.
      I was up 5am feeding the kittens, then made myself a hot drink and came back to bed! I made the girls do their own packed lunch! They are 15 and quite capable (when it suits them) !
      I am sorry to hear about your leg playing you up, what's the cause of the pain? I hope you can take something to ease it for you, p

    3. Sorry that published before I had finished writing, I hope having pain through the night won't affect your day too much, there is room in this bed if you want to come and rest for a bit, we could craft for a while if you like!
      Well I must go now, have a good day my lovely, however you spend it. I hope to catch up with you later, thanks for being such an amazing friend
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  5. Good morning one and all,
    Sandra, glad you didn't make a card with drips on, don't think they would be "acid and lignin free" . So sorry you are suffering with a bad cold on top of all your other aches. Back to bed for you girl, I'll do the washing up.
    I think I'll just have a glass of water and no cake today. It's the thought of that smoothie. I don't think I will EVER be able to drink one again!! And as for an attached placenta, bet it got all smelly, ugh don't know now if I can even manage that glass of water.

    Cheryl, you are a star. I loathe and detest making men's cards so thank you for giving me some much needed inspiration and thank you for helping
    Sandra out with your guest card. It's brilliant, love your layered cogs and how some of them match up with your letters. Did you use a die for your backing layer with the 2 rounded corners? You are as bad as Sue, she keeps showing cards with dies I don't have and realise I need and now you have shown me I need that Striplet !!!

    Love and hugs and especially happiness to everyone, I've got lots to spare.
    Saba XXX

    1. Good morning Saba,
      Is there an update on Val? Was thinking about you both yesterday.
      Sorry if I made you feel sick, I was just sharing with you the most bizarre programme I have seen in a while, it was on BBC1 too, which kind of surprised me! I like to think I am open minded, but my goodness this one was a little took peculiar, the 'lotus birth' was a totally ridiculous, I fail to see how keeping the baby attached a a rotting placenta would benefit it, they said they had to put rose petals etc on placenta to try and mask the smell! I personally thing it is totally blooming ridiculous!
      Thank you for dropping by my coffee shop today, I have popped some ice a lemon in your water to hopefully help your nausea!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Saba. Not meeting up with Patricia, we just didn't get round to arranging it. I suffer from polymalgia and the doctor has bringing my steroids down every 8 weeks, it just over a week since I came down to the new dose and my leg was just a bit more sore than it can be, plus I was very stiff yesterdsy so wasn't walking properly. Totally different today. Likely be sore again by night time, but hey ho life goes on and I will be fine. Thank you for asking after me. Hazel x

    3. Hello Saba flower,
      just sending a wee hello and hugs to you and your beloved sister Val. I hope that she is getting stronger by each passing day until she is able enough to chase those dishy young doctors around. I am still sending up a wee prayer that this is her over the worse and has the all clear soon.
      Love and crafty hugs
      Norah x

  6. Pat, so sorry, had pressed publish before I realised I hadn't wished you well for today. So good luck, Will be thinking of you.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. We will all run ourselves today so that you can rest my lovely.
    I am so sorry that you have got a cold. How are you feeling today. I hope you are feeling up to going to Farnborough tomorrow as I know just how much you are looking forward to meeting Christine finally after knowing her via her blog and emails for so many years. Please try and really pamper yourself today and then fingers crossed you will be ok for tomorrow.
    Where are the days going, March on Sunday! can't believe it, we were just talking about Christmas creeping up on us a couple of days ago, or that is what it feels like to me!
    Pat, I will be thinking of you at your pre op today, my fingers are crossed for you too : )
    Ladies, I hope everyone has a good day today and as long as Sandra feels up to it we will see some of you tomorrow at the show : )
    Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Don't worry I will be fine tomorrow, I won't be missing this opportunity for anything! Like you so rightly said I have been looking forward to meeting Christine for years.
      I am looking forward to spending the day with you too, I know we will have fun.
      I too can't believe we are in March on Sunday, it's not seemed five minutes since I was stressing about the girls birthday On the 4th February!
      Right I am going to try and get rid of this throbbing head!
      Hopefully I will catch up with you later about our early start😴😴😴
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Janet Ecco of Sheffield27 February 2015 at 08:38

    morning everyone - I'm helping myself Sandra so please stay at home today and keep warm and comfy - well as comfy as you can-. We can all do a self service today and would rather have you back in your full health this coming week. Saba - I'm so pleased your sister is on the road to recovery. Pat - hope everything goes well in your pre-op visit. I hope all of you who're going to Farnborough tomorrow have a really good day. I'll be thinking of you all getting together. Has a warning been sent to Farnborough to expect your invasion lol.
    Cheryl - Your card just hits the right notes and your colours are just wonderful. I have to make two cards today for those pesky males so you have just put my one little grey cell in the right mood. Thank you.
    Oh Sandra - no I didn't and don't watch such programmes and after reading your comments above I'm more than glad I didn't. But as you say 'there's nowt so queer as folk' and by the sound of it that programme proved it. I see that quite a few of my coffee shop sisters either ordered or looked at 'Daphne's Diary' yesterday. I'm now hoping even more that you all like it. You know how it is when you recommend something you like and then worry that others who you've recommended it to don't - hope that makes sense. Tandy have a really good holiday. It's just wonderful when you can take your crafting with you isn't it. I know I'd be at a complete loss without it.
    I love the idea of a 'mixed craft day' Sandra and I'm looking forward to it.
    OK off I go I'm feeling a little more myself this morning so hoping that the patches are settling down and as it's Friday I have some housework to do and then take it from there. Oh that reminds me of a radio programme from way back. Does anyone else remember 'Take It From Here'. I know it's many moons ago and most of my lovely sisters here are mere babies but perhaps one or two may remember such programmes. Another was Wilfred Pickles and his wife Mabel and their catchphrase 'Giver her the money Mabel' Oh I must stop perhaps I'm remembering as I have a bday tomorrow. I may pop in later. Hugs to everyone in many different strengths.
    Janet xx

    1. Good morning Janet,
      Thank you so much for popping in, please help yourself, I checked there was plenty of stock when I was feeding the kittens at 5am, I think I may have to see if you can buy kitty blindfolds or those things you get on airlines, this may trick them into thinking it's still nighttime!
      I am so pleased that your patches gave settled down a little so you feel less groggy, there is nothing worse than that feeling while your body adjusts to it. Take it easy with the housework though don't over do it!
      You kept your birthday quiet Janet, we will have special cakes In tomorrow, a maybe a bottle of fizz!
      Everyone will have checked out Daphne's Diary before they ordered it so stop worrying about that, although I totally understand why you are worried, sadly some of us are life's worriers, I totally put my hand up to that title!
      Are you doing anything special for your birthday ? I do hope so!
      We will have a little afternoon tea party in the coffee shop, little triangle sandwiches, fresh scones, chocolate eclairs and of course a huge double chocolate fudge cake with a blaze if candles, for you to extinguish and make a wish!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Janet,
      Just think of the extra wisdom you have learned in the past year so enjoy your memories as that is what brings a lot of happiness. I hope that you have a lovely day tomorrow and that you get a cake that is even half as good as the French ones all doesn't have the same je ne sa qui (i know i have spelt it wrong but my french teacher could only teach us how to swear in french which was funny because i couldn't swear in english either). Have a lovely day what ever you do flower,
      love and hugs
      Norah x

  9. Morning all, Sandra hope you are feeling a little better this morning, I have the sneezes so I won't stay for coffee.
    Cheryl great card, I do not like doing mens cards as I find them really boring to make, but thank you for this one its great. Are they Tim Holtz die cogs. Love the use of the striplet.
    Saba like you I'll never see a smoothie in the same way again.
    I love watching Call the midwives, that's me as far as watching birth goes. My daughter has had some sad news from a friend about their little boy, it makes us realise how lucky we are.
    Love and hugs to all who need one I have lots to spare
    Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Theresa,
      I'm so sorry to read about your daughter's friend. I always think "there, but for the grace of God". xx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It's me again, just wondered if anyone knows where I can get Sues camellia full petal flower dies. They seem to be sold out everywhere and I need them for a card I am doing for someone. Cheers Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      Just looked at website of my favourite shop and they have them on page 2 of Sue Wilson dies.
      They are an excellent family concern.
      love Cheryl xxx

    2. Hi Theresa,
      I just a quick whizz round some if the usual shops an none of them had them in, I am not sure why as they were all in stock last week, I have them and I am more than happy to do you some die cuts if you would like, just name your colour ! Failing that I can look for you at Farnborough tomorrow ?
      I an going to feature you gorgeous little mice tomorrow, so don't forget to pop back for that.
      I hope I didn't give you my germs yesterday, I observed the strictest hygiene standards! I hope you don't feel as rubbish as I do today my love!
      I am sorry to hear that your daughter had sad news about her friends little one.
      Let me know about the Camellia die my lovely,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and coffee shop ladies, can I please have a coffee to take away today, Friday is the day my hubby and I cover the craft shop, and I don't have time to read everyone's comments, sorry, I will certainly be back later to catch up.
    Cheryl your card is lovely men's cards are so hard to do.
    Sandra you have a nice restful day, cosy up.
    Take care till I return, Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      You certainly can, is that coffee and cake for two then, to take out?
      I hope you have a busy day in your lovely craft shop, how fab that your husband comes too!
      Thanks for popping in and for your lovely comments,
      Sandra xxxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all you lovely ladies,

    Sorry you still not feeling to good Sandra, off to bed with you young lady. Re heat pads, has anyone tried the hand warmers for skiers, sold in most sport shops for localised pain relief? It is best to wrap some tissue around them, attach them to the spot using mepilex or similar, especially good for my hip joints, heat lasts for around 6 hours. Very soothing.

    It is very sunny this morning albeit still cold, so I'm hoping to get some washing done today.

    Thank you for leaving some lovely comments re my Dad's birthday card.

    I started off with a gorgeous bronze pearlised card that I got from
    Payperbox and after using Sue's Bevelled Edge inside die to create the cut out, matted it with some off-white 220g paper rounding off two corners with the Xcut L corner punch. I then used ColorBox cat's eyes chalk inks in Ochre,Bisque, Amber, Olive,Dark Olive,Moss and Deep Green to create a kind of textured background, simply dabbing them straight onto my paper. Xcut Chronology Dies were used to cut the wheels and cogs in soft gold, gold mirri and dark red bits of off-cuts from my scrap box ( I took the plastic leather cover off last year's diary and have used that successfully as well). I raised some with foam pads and stuck others down to create dimension.
    DAD was made using chunky initials dies from Memory Box Alphabets with a left over piece of Hunkdory loveable scrabble? They were also foam backed.
    I do love putting personal verses inside my cards and use Card Factory Explosion v10 from Nova Development. V5 was one of the first things I ever bought from C&C and Pete updated them for me as each new version came out. I also stamped the card back with my personal 4UBYME (with a copyright c) handcraftedincannington cartridge stamp.
    These can be ordered from Staples and made on the spot. Make up your own message, add flowers or similar and they will stamp out up to 5000 times before running out. I've had mine for a few years now and it's still stamps as clear as the first time. I believe it cost Pete about £12 to buy it for me so a well considered purchase.
    Pat S, my warmest hugs are wrapped around you for your pre-op assessment.
    Big squashy ones for Saba and Val, I'm glad you've both had a restful night. Small steps mind in the healing process.

    To save on costs of buying the dies mentioned, if anyone would like me to cut some chronology cogs and wheels, I would be more than happy to oblige.
    I do it all the time for my Mum. She is 83 tomorrow, bless her. Whenever I get new dies, she chooses what she likes, tells me what colours and when I've finished I post them to her.

    Washing machine is calling me so I'll say bye bye foir now and pop in later for a catch-up.
    Hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl,
      Thank you so very much for allowing me to share your card with everyone today!
      As you can tell by the comments it is going down a treat!
      Is your "handcraftedin cannington stamp one of those ones that you just put it on and push the top down? Because that sounds fab, I had one made by Barbara Gray a year or two ago but I had Sandra Riley put on and wished I had Cotswold Crafter, so I was looking girls an alternative, also I am always afraid that because it is a clear stamp (that I don't always have great success with) I am always reluctant to stamp it onto my card in cads I fluff it up after spending hours making the card! So your solution sounds ideal.
      Your offer of sharing your die cuts is very generous, I am always happy to share too, Lynda has sent me some a while ago, it's great to have a play with the die cuts as it can help make your mind up about whether you want to buy the die or not! I have the Spellbinders cogs and I am happy to share those too!
      Thank you again Cheryl, you are very kind!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Thanks Cheryl went straight on the website but in little red letters UNAVAILABLE. Thank you for thinking of me.hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    3. Hello Cheryl,
      I hope that your daddy had a lovely birthday flower and liked his special card with just him in mind. A big happy birthday to your wee mammy for tomorrow hoping that she has the kind of birthday she deserves.
      Are you sure you you have the right year that you were born as you look awful, awful young to be born in 1952. Anyway flower i hope that a great day is had by all celebrating.
      Sending hugs and love
      Norah x

    4. Thank you Norah, you are so sweet. I must be ageing well.
      Actually at my son's 21st party I went over to speak to him and this young man made rather a play for me, at which point Robin told him to stop chatting me up. But I think she's lovely, is she not your girlfriend. No, say Robin, she's my MUM and Dad's over there watching you. Poor lad went beetroot and didn't stop apologising all night, bless him.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    5. Yes Sandra, it is the ones you put on and push down. rather like the ones libraries use. xxx

  13. Good morning Lynda,
    Well you are certainly up and organised this morning!
    Do you want to come and do my housework too?
    What card have you got in mind today?
    Thanks for the lovely comments on Cheryl's card, she sent a few man card photos through so keep an eye out over next few days for them!
    Ouch ouch ouch Lynda. How big were your babies! That must have hurt, did you have them normally or c section? 10lb 2oz, it's making my eyes water just thinking about it!
    I had twins but they were that weight combined, thankfully..'
    Well I noticed you gad a new card up last night so I will pop across for a peek later on.
    Love & hugs
    Sandra xxxx

  14. Hi Sandra,
    Good morning everyone who pops in! I was not going to comment today, just peek with a quick coffee but I just had to comment when I saw Cheryl's lovely card! It's really lovely Cheryl and I love the cogs used with the striplet. I'm sure I've got a few metal ones somewhere from Tim Holz which came in a bundle with keys etc. now I can use them. Love the bronze tones as well.
    Sandra so sorry you have been so poorly - streaming colds are awful! Hope you are well enough to go tomorrow and that you have a super day.
    Thank you for letting us see everyone's work - you are very kind. Having a day for a selection of projects sounds lovely.
    Well tomorrow is a busy Birthday! Janet, have a great day in case I can't comment tomorrow. Cheryl - hope your Mum has a great day too. It is also my husband's birthday!
    Saba - so pleased both Val and yourself had a good night. Praying her recovery will continue step by step, day and day. Hugs to both!
    Pat - hope all goes well with the pre- op. Enjoy tomorrow too.
    Janet - don't worry about the magazine - we trust your judgement in pastries - so magazine will be a big hit!
    Theresa - sorry can't help re- dies I've been looking too. I convinced myself I didn't need any more flowers but these are gorgeous and also fit the striplet.
    Must go.
    Take care everyone,
    Steph I'll really try to bring some warmer weather back with me. Keep warm and hope the chilli hadn't dried out!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Good morning Myra,
      I am so pleased you did comment today, thanks for your kind words too, I hope your husband has a lovely day tomorrow, are you treating him to anything special?
      Have a lovely weekend,
      Love panda hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Myra,
      i hope that your lovely hubby has a lovely day tomorrow on his birthday. Is there just going to be a couple of candles on the cake or have you got the fire station on alert to help if need be? hee hee hee. I hope that you both enjoy the day flower,
      with love and hugs to you both
      Norah x

  15. Hi Myra, thank you for your comment, I love the autumn colours for most of my male cards, they are so warming.
    I left message for Theresa re the dies and my well used craft shop.

    love Cheryl xxx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    I'm sorry you are feeling so poorly today, this cold/flu virus thingy is awful, and I hope you feel more like your old self tomorrow, ready for your big adventure to Farnborough, so take things easy, stay in, stay warm and have plenty to drink (BUT NOT GIN!) x
    I'll help myself to a latte and toasted teacake, put the money in thr pot, and sit in the corner table in case Mrs B comes back.
    Cheryl, I've been looking forward to seeing your "Men" cards and this does not disappoint, This would be perfect for my Son-in-law because he's very, very handy. Always making or altering, or extending, or doing something. Unlike George who is always sitting snoring lol!!!!
    Oh before I forget Sandra, I think a Saturday Mixed Crafts is a great idea as it will give you a breather.
    Saba - love to you and your sister, glad you both had another good night.
    Pat - hope your pre-assessment goes well and your op goes ahead.
    Tandy - safe journey and enjoy your holiday.
    Janet - I remember the programmes you mentioned, and I used to love "Workers Playtime" and we religiously listed to "Two Way Family Favourites" with Cliff Mitchelmore. Also "The Navy Lark" comes to mind and "Educating Archie". By we are showing our ages here, aren't we??
    Is it your birthday - I've read your blog umpteen times but can't see where you mention it, but Sandra says it is - so Happy Birthday!
    By the way, don't worry about recommending Daphne's Diary to us, I'm sure it will be great, and if it's not we'll all come and sort you out (only kidding) ha ha x
    Janet, you'll never believe it but the postman has just pushed it through the door, and on the quick flick I've had through it, it looks fab!!!!!!
    Got to go and do some reading.
    I'll be back later (sound like Arnie Swartzenaggar (is that how it's spelt)
    Love Maureen xx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      I won't keep you from Daphne's Diary for too long, I think it's Janet's birthday tomorrow!
      Thanks for popping in today, I am dosed up with cold/flu medication although I am not sure it really does anything, apart from dulling the headache! I just can't stand being so 'bunged up'
      Do you have anything you would like to add to the mixed crafts Saturday my love? I would love to show all kinds of crafts if possible.
      I am sorry to say that I have no recollection of any of the shows toy mentioned so It must be an age thing! Sorry x
      Look forward to you stopping by again later.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Sandra Sweetheart,
      I'm still thumbing through my mag. Loads of different things, like gardening, cookery recipes, etc. Very interesting and beautifully presented. You wouldn't have been born when these programmes were on the wireless (I only started calling it a radio in the past few years!!!), they were on in the 40's and 50's, maybe even into the early 60's, Janet may remember when. I also enjoyed "Journey into Space" and "Dick Barton" xxxxx

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hi Maureen,
      Although I don't remember some of the programmes you listed, my Mum always had the radio on for Mrs Dale's Diaries I was born 1952 so I should imagine it was late 50's as my sister and I went to Australia in 1962.
      Does anyone remember their first TV?
      My Dad got one and we were only allowed to watch the children's programmes. I do recall having to go visit family and being disappointed when Dad turned it on when we came on and my programme was not on!. I didn't know about listings or times then, I thought because Mum turned it for us at teatime the programme would always be on first
      Cheryl xxx.

    5. Hi Cheryl,
      Yes, I remember the original Mrs Dale's Diary, then after she died they brought it back with Jesse Matthews taking the part of Mrs Dale!
      Our first TV was when I was 16 and at college. I came in one day and my brother Thomas (12 yrs older then me) had bought one for mam and dad. The screen was about 8"!!!! xx

  17. Hi Sandra. Good morning everyone. Thank you Sandra for showing up Cheryl's lovely card and congratulations yo Cheryl. Men cards are always difficult. That is a striplet I haven't got but it looks very good on a male card. Sandra sorry about your cold and hope you soon feel better especially as you want to go to Farnborough tomorrow. I am looking forward to it as thought I would have to miss it this year. Another long day with no crafting but there are a lot of people worse off than me. A lot in this cafe. Hugs for all who need them. Will help myself to tea and marmite toast and hope to be back later to see what you are all up to

    1. Oh Brenda are you coming tomorrow too? If so we are meeting at the tables and chairs for lunch at 12.30 so please come along and join us if you can, I would love to meet you.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting my lovely, look forward sot seeing you later,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Brenda, thank you for your lovely comment on Beth's card and cake, saw you were in having a cup of tea so thought I'd catch up with you, she will be over the moon. Enjoy your day tomorrow I so hope you will meet up with Sandra, Pat and Sue. i wish these shows weren't so far from here? We are going to glasgow next weekend. Hazel x

    3. Hi Sandra and Hazel. Will look out for you at 12.30 tomorrow. Expect you will see the purple plaster cast on my arm so probable won't miss me have plenty of rest today so you will feel better tomorrow. . Hazel. I am sure the show in Glasgow will be just as good as the Farnborough one.

    4. Hazel flower what day are you going to Glasgow show as i'm going on the Sunday as this is when my friend can get off but it would be nice to meet up if you are there. It is just this week that i realised you lived up here in Scotland from the Grangemouth trip that you and Pat did there, see the head has definitely been away with the birds.
      Love and hugs
      Norah x

    5. Norah we are going Saturday, it will be a quick round as we are getting the bus from perth at 9.25 then back home on the 3.40'one one thing we won't have to much time to spend . Yes I live outside Cupar Fife . Patricia over at Meigle way. Hazel x

  18. Hi Sandra
    Just having a little break will help myself. Sorry to hear you don't feel well hope you get plenty of rest and feel better tomorrow. Cheryl what a great man's card you are clever I hate making men's cards. Pat hope your pre opening goes well and you are soon sorted out. Well I am going to miss you all but if we can get internet in the middle of nowhere I will drop in, if not see you all on the 18th March. Take care love Tandy.

    1. Hi Tandy,
      Thanks for making time to pop in, please drop in if you find wifi anywhere, the often have wifi in public areas!
      If not we will look forward to welcoming you back on 18th March, take plenty of photos to share with us.
      We will miss you
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxxx

  19. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Sorry you are still suffering Sandra, hopefully if you rest today you will be well enough to go to Farnborough tomorrow, sadly it to far for me. But will be thinking of you all who are able to go. Sandra could you make a sign to go on one of the refreshment tables 'Sandra's Coffee Shop' then everyone will be able to find you. Mind you I didn't find it to difficult to locate you at Ally Pally - quite close to SW Rubbernecks Stand plus two other ladies and a gentleman, it had to be you. Anyway have fun everyone.
    Cheryl love your Dads card. I have also got some Cog dies and rubber stamp. If anyone would like to borrow them, just say, you are more than welcome.
    Must dash John has hospital appointment. (Postrate problem) Will be back later. Love Brenda xxx

  20. Hi Brenda,
    The sign for the table is a good idea, although I am not sure Mr Sue W would be too pleased! I will never forget you coming across and asking if it was me, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy, I can't wait until Ally Pally this year,
    So many lovely people to meet up with and a big mumma cuddle from you, that alone is worth the journey!
    I hope Johns appointment goes well today!
    Love and big cuddles
    Sandra xxxxx

  21. Hi Sandra and ladies in the coffee shop, my first visit so I have put my contribution of cupcakes on the counter for you to help yourself. Hope you like the cake lace butterflies on top, I was playing last week! Sandra, just to say I will be at Farnborough tomorrow so I will look out for you and see if I can recognise you from your picture. It would be lovely just to say hello. Are you going with your other craft ladies, mrs B and Pat? Or is your husband taking you? Take care of yourself today so you feel ok for tomorrow. Must dash washing ready to go on the line in the sun. Love Diane G xxx

    1. Oh Diane, Welcome my lovely to the friendliest coffee shop in the whole world. (it was my lovely ladies that gave my blog its coffee shop status, as they felt it was somewhere they could come to chat with friends, the prices are cheap and the most delicious cakes have no calories)!
      I have felt this afternoon that I don't think I am going to make it tomorrow, but I am determined to go!
      My lovely friend Pat has reliably informed me that there are tables and chairs down one end of the craft hall, we are meeting down there at 12.30 to eat our lunch, you are more than welcome to pop along and join us! We are bringing Mrs B with us as Pat is travelling there with her sister in law!
      I will be with Paul, in my very rusty wheelchair (it doesn't like the Spanish sea air where we spend 3 weeks in the summer)!
      I will also be sporting a very red nose! I am also somewhat larger than my photo, so don't be shocked!
      I hope that you got your washing dry!
      look forward to meeting you tomorrow
      welcome once again,
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Hi Sandra Not sure what time we will get there, depends what time we get up and going (or rather Julian!) but I will look out for you. Had to laugh, thought you meant a comic relief red nose at first!!! I'm sure I will recognise you from your smile. Looking forward to seeing you , mrs B and Pat. Love Diane xxx
      Ps washing almost dry, what a treat ! Xx

    3. Welcome Diane, come and join in the fun and laughter you will fine in this fantastic ."coffee shop". Hazel x

  22. Morning Sandra and all who visit the coffee shop.
    Sandra, you just curl up in the corner with your hot drink, I am sure we can all look after ourselves today. This cold is a bad one this year. My other half is just off to visit his parents who have both had it. This is when living 100 miles away from them is hard, since they are 92 and 82.
    Fortunately they have really good friends and neighbours who help with shopping etc.
    Love the card Cheryl. You have created a fantastic male card. They can be so difficult.
    Has everyone seen the preview of John Lockwood's first range of stamps for Creative Expressions." John Next Door" He is on C&C tomorrow. Some lovely sentiments. Although I know some of you will be VERY busy tomorrow at the craft show. Have fun ladies. Wish I could join you.
    Hope everyone else is OK today.

    1. Hi Janice,
      know how you feel about your parents in law as my mum is 130 miles from us and parents in law about the same. So I know its a worry bless you!
      I think I have seen Julia using some of the stamps from John Next Door and they looked really cool. so that will be a good show to watch I may record it so I can ff through the waffle!
      Thanks for calling in, sorry about the germs!
      love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  23. Hi Sandra
    It's me again, I'd like to say a huge welcome to Diane "The Cafe is The Best"
    Cheryl Happy Birthday to your Mom for tomorrow bless her.
    Cheryl I also purchased a Stamp From Staples mine just says
    "Handmade by Sam" and then it's got a pair of Scissors underneath!
    Brenda I do hope John's appointment goes well.
    Theresa I think I've cracked this Bloglovin thanks to you I'm now following and as I mentioned when I was trying to leave a comment it kept scrolling back to the top so now I press The Faint X At Top Right Hand Corner Then it comes up with Reader Views Available and it lets me scroll down to leave message, I do hope I'm getting it correct.
    Sandra Take Care
    Love and Hugs To All My Dear Friends
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam glad you are doing ok, and yes we are pressing particraft you have to do that on bloglovin to get to Sues page so the comment will count. xx

  24. Hi Sandra and all friends. I have to apologise to you hon. Hang on, let me just grab my latte - ok, no Im fine here stay where you are you look all snuggled down but that hooter looks sore, any relation to Rudolf by any chance ? Anyway lovely, just when I thought I could cut down mats and layer's, dies, flower's etc do LOTV templates for the mini baskets, papers cut to size to fit, and few more bits to take with me next week, I get an order, then another then another !!! So yet again my plans are now on hold and Im thinking I have to get these cards done and posted asap and must get my 'leisure' bag ready as they do on that craft program, cant go with just a book I'll go totally bonker's !! Then Im falling behind on my fav blogs and that's getting me down as I believe its so nice to support the blogs you've found but Im not keeping up. I popped in first thing, then breakfast was ready, then a couple of order's and I got down to start those, so here I am with my white hanky (NO you cant use it) here's a tissue snotbag !
    Why niw when you have the craft show tomorrow ?
    Pst, hope all went well with your post op appointment, Saba, glad you slept well, do hope Val is doing ok and off ICU asap, there are so many posts re appointments and feeling unwell, so rather than keep scrolling up on my phone, can I just give you all a BIG Lancashire hug please and hope it works for you all.
    Well, I'll wash my glass up and toddle off, card's etc to do and finish plus my bag of craft goodies to try and organise ! I have a feeling I'll end up with everything I need to put one card together instead of the load Id like to take, such is life : )
    Shall I tuck you in before I go hon ? Rest well.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    For goodness... Thank you for another male card, they are such a help... More more please xxx

    1. Hello Steph,
      When do you go in for your infusion? will you have access to the internet? I can't bare the thought of you been incommunicado ( I never thought I would be using Marillion song titles in a blog post)
      Now then lady do not be complaining about the orders you are getting that is fabulous because it means more money to spend on craft goodies! think of it that way, although if its mens cards then I understand your frustration!
      I had better take my antiseptic hand spray so as not to spread my germs tomorrow, boo hiss I can't believe I get ill today of all days!
      will you be on a ward where you can chat to others or in your own room? I think I would prefer the company.
      well you will be pleased to know that your favourite CE presenter is on tomorrow, be sure to tune in ;)
      Anyway I must go as I need a new tissue, Paul is just home too, I bet I look a sight for sore eyes, my hair is standing on end and my nose is red and I look a right state! so much for a romantic reunion, I might let him rub Vaseline on my nose and vick on my chest, although I did read you are supposed to put it on the soles of your feet for maximum effect!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  25. Back again. Pat hope the pre op went ok. Hope to see you tomorrow. Sunny here so hoping later to get into town to go to The Works and see if they have the 12x12 paper pads still. Ours is quite a small shop and not a lot of room for crafts. If not they are in line so will do it that way. Will have them delivered to the shop as have two hospital appointments next week so can go in then hopefully. Steph, Sam and Saba hope you are all ok and that your sister is progressing well. Will just help myself to a hot Chocolate and carrot cake.

  26. Back again. Forgot. Used to listen to all those radio programmes. Never missed Dick Barton. Was my favourite. Didn't have a TV until the Coronation.

    1. Hello, it's me again (not ITMA - It's That Man Again), my goodness we could go on all day at this rate.
      Littlelamb I remember the King dying - we were all called into the school Hall and were told about him, and then we sang God Save the Queen. The anthem was played at the Pictures when the programme had finished, and we used to stand and sing it before leaving. Fat chance of that now!
      We didn't get a TV until 1958, but I used to babysit for a neighbour who had one, so used to watch Perry Como and other U.S. shows. I was in a Sanatorium for a year in 1957 and watched The 6.5 Special - heaven. How come I can remember all these old shows and can't remember what I had for breakfast lol. xx

    2. Hi Maureen. I am the same, I can never remember if I have taken my tablets or not. Think I need one of those boxes to keep them in. Yes I can remember the day the King died. We weren't at school that day as the 11+ exams were going on so we had the day off. Met a girl in the street who I didn't know but she stopped me and told me. Can remember it like yesterday and exactly where I was when she told me. There wasn't many programmes on the TV then were there. Used to have the Interlude and the Showcard a lot then.

    3. Oh Littlelamb, I've got one of the boxes with the week's tablets split into days. Yesterday after breakfast I went to take Thursday's and saw that Wednesday's was still there - oops!!! I get my box from Poundland, guess how much lol. xxx

    4. you two are hilariously entertaining today, thank you!
      The only trouble is if I laugh I cough and if I cough.........well my bladder is not what it used to be as far as control goes! I think it was having the twins that finished it off! I too am often asking "did you see me taking my tablets earlier" I tried one of those pill box things, but if I didn't have it beside me I would take one from my handbag and get myself all in a pickle so gave up! keep the entertainment up, I have sent out for some tena ladies! (not the singing sort)! so that may help!
      Love and hugs to you both

    5. Well typical Maureen. Got into town and went to the Works and got the 12x12pads I wanted and in that style they were the last two. Came out and thought I wanted something in the 99p or £1 shop. Couldn't think what is was. Just reading through the messages again and saw your answer to mine then realised it was a pill box I wanted ugh!

    6. Tihi , it's so good to read back what's happening to everyone and I think you two takes the biscuit or is it Sandra over there wetting herself haha you like my sister-in-law she always have to take spare knickers when we are out, don't know why hmmm. Just realised I haven't taken my evening pill and I have a pillbox in the kitchen. It's meant for the week but mine can fit in so I have three week prepared so now off for the pill before I forget ,again lol

  27. Good afternoon Sandra and coffee shoppers,
    Cheryl thank you for making the one card type that we all dread...a man's one. This would have fitted in with my daddy as he was a car mechanic and was quite used to all the different cogs and wheels that are within a car engine.
    I'll call back in after when i hopefully have less shake and i can actually concentrate in reading what is happening. Sorry Sandra, girls but the brain has left the building along with the energy and eyesight today but still left me with my shakes. I will tell you all this, i don't need one of those machines to make a milkshake the now, i can do it manually at top speed,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hello my bestie,
      Whats all this 'shakin all over' about then?? you having me worried! I wouldn't worry about the brain, I have given up looking for mine! If you wouldn't mind helping there is an order for a chocolate and vanilla milk shake, so if you would just hold onto it for a few mins, it might save some electricity! I will refill your wee tommee tippee cup in return! I am guessing its not soup tonight in your house then!
      You do know I am only messing with you, I find that if you don't laugh about these things from time to time we would be even more mental than we are already, I will give you an example, we took the girls to London a year or too ago, the older two came too and we went to madame tussauds , (which I might add were super helpful with wheelchair access as its not easy place to navigate without staff intervention, I did write to thank them personally as you can often be made to feel a it of a pain in the a**e in some places) anyway back to my story, they were all having their photos taken with the various rich and famous of the world, when one of them came up with an idea, whispered it around the others and they were all but peeing themselves laughing, when we enquired why the said "come on mum we want you to have your picture taken with your look alike" I was thinking maybe Kylie or Princess Kate, I had to close my eyes for the surprise, even paul thought it hilarious by this point, anyway I opened my eyes to find myself sitting next to Stephen Hawking, now I could have been hurt or offended, but the tears streaming down my face were from laughing! you really have take the rise out of yourself, it helps deal with your embarrassment!
      I can picture Campbell and Rory walking around in wellies at home, to keep their feet dry from all your spillages! or are you like me and have only half a cup of tea!?
      love you trillions
      Sandra xxxx

  28. Hi Sandra and everyone else in today,
    as it's lunchtime maybe some potato and leek soup with a nice doorstep roll.
    So sorry to see you have such a horrid cold, did you have the flu jab ? Hope you feeling a lot better tomorrow for you outing to Farnborough. Fab. for you to at last meeting Christine. I have looked at her blog and she makes lovely art and her dog Bella is a real character ! Have a lovely day tomorrow !
    Cheryl your card is brilliant for mens card ! Love the colours, yay I have got the striplet lol and the little cogs are wonderful.perfect. Happy Birthday to your mum tomorrow ,wish her a lovely day.
    What was the program you were watching Sandra, uuuuj not nice lol how weird some people are. I have heard about eating the placenta , why would you do such a thing ? Call the midwife and one born every minute, they are enough for me rg child birth lol. I was in hospital a week before Christian were born because of high blood pressure, then I was induced. Because of bad back I gave birth on the side with one leg up in a stirrup , not a pretty site and my dad wanted to film the hole birthing thing, No Way !! 6 hours later and I was just over 6 pounds lighter. Omg Lynda you had some big babies, you must have been so sore after. Tandy have a wonderful trip to Slovenia in your motorhome. How many hours will it take you to get there ?
    Myra you too have a lovely break to 'my island' lol it's where I met my OH so it's always a special place for us. What part of the island are you going to ?
    After my swim this morning I went with a friend over to Wyevale garden centre
    and bought some papers and some other bits and bobs lol One block was called vintage experience and quite dark so I think it will go fine for making cards for the men, the other was called Sence of colours ,rather nice and happy and for £ 3 they are a good buy I think. Had promised myself not to buy anything more before AP but that's gone out the window. I'm also seeing Julia on the 7th and I'm sure she will try to sell some of spellbinders etc Janice I too follow John and his stamps are wonderful and with some lovely sentence,very tempting to get some. No! lol.
    Saba so nice you had a good night and Val too. I'm calling my mamma later this evening , have not used skype or anything no. Bamse hugs to you both hihi. Dear Sam how did your scan go ? Pat, hope your pre-op assessment goes well. Hi to Diane, nice to have a new face among us lol Help yourself to a drink or one of the calorie free cakes that are sitting over there. Must say do that your cupcakes were real yummy, thanks.
    Sandra you take care now but tell the kittens that 5am morning call is way to early lol Love and Hugs to all Maria xx

    1. I went to The Works this afternon and also got Vintage Experience and Victorian Roses. Also though the dark one would be good for male cards. Got some of their alcohol pens. Only 99p. And double ended.

  29. Hi Sandra,
    We are back home again and had lunch and evening meal prepared. Just waiting for engineer to arrive with part to repair freezer. You won't believe this, but lost internet contact on laptop. Yesterday afternoon I thought I had better sort it out, having already established that the modem and laptop were recognising each other, I always say when I talk to Internet Service Provider I loose the will to live. ... WELL ......phoned ISP on phone 45mins. Who said call - John Lewis 25mins. Who said call - Hewlett Packard 45mins. 'Thank you God' a lovely man called Frazer sorted out my problem. Don't you love computers - WHEN THEY WORK !!!
    Johns hospital appointment went OK he now has to have another biopsy and a bone scan, he is fine with that, it's just a matter of waiting.
    PAT, hope all went well with your pre-assessment and they will be able to go ahead with your operation.
    TANDY, enjoy your holiday, hope you have lots of crafting things to keep you busy when OH goes skiing. Have a safe journey.
    CHERYL, wish your Mum Happy Birthday for tomorrow.
    JANET, Is it your birthday tomorrow,........ If so Happy Birthday.
    MYRA, Sending Happy Birthday wishes to your Husband.
    JANET, YES I remember all of those programs. I had a friend who had a TV the only family in our road to have one. I think it must have been about an 8" screen. When it was turned off, it was always covered over. Not sure why.

    Sandra I'm pleased I didn't see that program, I love Call the Midwife, also Casulty But really don't think I would have enjoyed the one you saw.
    Our first baby was born at home, after midwife had delivered the afterbirth she handed it to John in a kidney dish, saying take this into the garden, it's good for the roses. She was quite a character she would as mums to be who their Doctor was, If she liked that Doctor she would call them in, She liked mine so I had both midwife and Doctor with me. My friend over the road who had a baby later that same year, was told Oh we can manage without him.
    Hope I haven't sent you all to sleep with my ramblings.
    SABA, sorry, I didn't say I am still sending Love and Prayers to both you and Val.
    Well dear friends will go now. Hope you are still resting Sandra, the coffee shop is fine.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Poor John, Paul would have keeled over if the midwife had done that to him!
      He felt bad enough when the midwife wanted him to see how the girls had been on their sac and explained all about the placenta whilst showing him, he was a fair shade of green!
      I can imagine your neighbours dog running down the road with your placenta and the cord trailing behind him!
      How things have changed, I don't think I could eat it though, even if I was starving!
      Sandra xx
      ps I love your ramblings!

  30. Hi Sandra, know i didn't have a c section apart from forceps for Lisa they were normal birth's. they made my eye's water a little lol.
    Hope your feeling better for tomorrow lovely,have a lovely time.sorry i can't go :0(((
    love & hug's Lynda xx

  31. Hi Ladies,

    I'm back again in need of a very strong cuppa. Just had a showdown with a lady ringing on behalf of C&C reminding me my subscription was due and would I like to do it over the phone with her help. I replied "No" to which she responded "Please give me feedback the reason why. So I fired all barrels. Told her in no uncertain terms: didn't like Customer Services cos they never sort problems out until they become bigger ones, like refunds not being paid back into my bank(NOV PROBLEM), I have been unable to sign into members area because the passwords they send are not recognized (I have never been able to get in there) and I don't like the presenters interrupting the demonstrators just to tell us, "Checkout quick as x% sold". Also remarked quite casually as one does, that it is not nice of them telling us to be quick before someone steals it from their basket. Why don't they have enough stock as they know how many members they have?
    Very surprised lady who nevertheless sympathized with me and 'wished me a good evening'. Don't think I will hear back from them or that any emails I send in to Sue will be read out either.
    Well now I've wet my whistle and got that off my chest, I'll go and stand in the corner with my face to the wall for timeout.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Sounds similar to me Cheryl. They don't really care. I still watch when I like the show, but no longer a member. But keep writing in, I do and have actually had a couple of cards from them. The cards usually arrive much quicker than any order ever did. Hey, I like the demonstrators, not the company. Their loss, not mine.

    2. Yes good for you. Perhaps they will get the message one of these days

    3. Well done you, I think I will do the same when my membership
      Is due in June. X


    5. Brilliant Cheryl, you tell them !

  32. A very warm welcome to DENISE. So lovely to have you join Sandra's amazing, nutty, amusing, friendly, caring and supportive blog. Some of us tend to rabble on n on n onnnn! And fell a little 'guilty' as some that view Sue's blog dont like to read what people had for breakfast or hear how funny peoples pets are, but here we let go and have so much fun doing so, we also support those going to hell and back, its such a smashin place to people watch from the corner table there, and no - one moans or minds if we open up. So its SO lovely to see Sandra's blog blooming, plus we get to see so much talant, its amazing.
    Talking of talant you clever ladies - can anyone guide me with the new cornflower die please, to me they are flat circular strips of card !! Ive seperated them, closed the wide spaces, turned em upside down and bought the strios of card forward so they look like a cupcake cases, but still look like flat strips of card lol if any of you have this new Sue die and make it look like a cornflower, please share your talant with me.
    Hope your time spent resting today helps you feel somewhat better ready for tomorrow Sandra.
    Im not keen on that John bloke, something about him, trying to follow in Phylls footsteps is he ?!! Wonder how Phill feels about that !? Our little craft shop has that John doing a demo day in May, if Julia charges 40.00 I wonder how much his demo's are, not that I'll be going even if it was free !
    Well, still not got round to catching up with my few fav blogs, will have to wait until after dinner now (so sorry Patricia, Hazel, Lynda) I feel really bad, promise I will definatly visit before bed !
    Hugs to all.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. I'm with you Steph, just something doesn't sit well with me. You know I bet he's a smashing bloke, but I'm still not keen xxx

    2. Hi again lovelies,
      Firstly Steph, Its Diane not Denise, dingbat (that's u not her name)! lol,
      I think your description just about sums us up!
      I have not feeling the new cornflower die, when did you buy that one? you kept that quiet! tut tut, I have seen a few cut and they look very sweet, do you have to cut down the leaves independently or does the die cut it like that for you? the one I have seen that looks similar to a cornflower is lots of thin little strips of blue card. so maybe try that. I wish I could make these flowers look as good as Sue does when you see them finished!
      Did you see that gorgeous red ribbon flower she made last weekend, it was gorgeous!
      I have had no choice but to rest today as I felt so rough and heavy headed, even sitting up was too exhausting! If it wasn't such hard work I would get Sue to push me around tomorrow as she has a 'fine pair of cushions' that would be perfect for me to nestle my neck in for support! Do you think she would mind?
      You didn't say when you go in steph.
      I know what you mean about JND, he just doesn't inspire me the way that Sue does and Julia does sometimes, Phil's cards are ok, but I am not into this 'matching collar and cuffs ' approach to everything, I don't personally think it looks good to have everything the exact same colour, I prefer a more tonal approach.I haven't seen the new range, just the one stamp on Julias blog today that looks okay.
      Well my eyes like my boobs are drooping so I am going to rest my head, as the last lot of meds have taken their toll!
      love and hugs

  33. Hi everyone, back from our little shop and just had dinner, I think I have caught up with everyone now.
    Sandra I didn't watch the programme you were talking a out, boy am I glad, it sounds disgusting. I can't watch anything that has children missing or being abused, ie Broadchurch or Missing, they really upset me.
    I also remember some of the radio programmes and earlier TV, things were so simple then don't you think? When we were first married we did not have
    A TV, but listened to the radio at night, I remember listened to plays etc. then we took the plunge and hired a TV from Radio Rentals!!! Happy days!!!
    Sandra hope you are feeling better and enjoy your day tomorrow wished I lived closer and could meet up with all you lovely ladies.
    Take care everyone Jess x

  34. Me again, sorry I meant to say that if yu are having problems with men's cards, try Crafts you Primt, you can download sheets of designs by designers, it costs you 80p per sheet, but you can use it again and again, the only thing is you have to spend at least £5, but you have them for ever in your files. I have done loads of men's cards using some of the designs, they look better printed onto glossy photo paper, really handy when you lose your mojo. Jess x

    1. Hi Jess thank you for your top tips, did you have a busy day in the Craft shop, I hope so, Its great to support the local craft shops, unless its like ours that are selling the same peculiar shades of some cheap ink pads that they had in 7 years ago! every now and then they have a lady in from Do Crafts, who looks so frustrated at the lack of products they sell, she was In there once when I went in on the off chance that they might have a Perfect Medium pad, or something similar, but the ladies that work in there have no craft knowledge at all, it Is a very small office supplies company, with one shelf of craft stuff! There is nothing around here at all, I just wish we had the money behind us to start our dream craft/coffee shop!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sandra, it's not that kind of craft shop, it is a craft association and members sell their crafts in the shop and pay a commission,,get a cheque at the end of each month for anything they have sold less commission, I can get some photos to you to show you some of the things for sale, cards, jewellery, knitting, baby goods, appliqué
      cushion covers, mosaic, photography, art, up cycling, fimo models, etc, etc.
      It's my friend who has the craft shop called Klassy Kards. I help her on a Tuesday, look after the shop when she takes one of her card classes. Jess x

  35. Hello everyone,
    I've forgotten loads of things today. Sandra, meant to say that I was pleased I'd had my breakfast when I read about your TV programme.
    Cheryl, happy birthday to mam.
    Janet, happy birthday to you.
    Myra, happy birthday to OH
    (Who have I forgotten?)
    Went to The Works and the £3 card pad cost me £20, well I couldn't just buy one thing could I?
    Oooh my New York dies have just been delivered so I'll have to make this short and sweet, my GC is calling me.
    Now I would like to say a very warm welcome to this very friendly (if slightly unhinged) coffee shop, but I'm not sure if you are called Diane or Denise - so whoever you are, welcome!!! xxx
    Does anyone else know how much they are worth. I am worth 12/6d (52 1/2p) because when mam died and I cleared the house, I found the receipt for "Doctor's and Midwife's Services) - this was before the NHS was born. Can you believe that I threw it out - doh.
    I'm going to play with my new dies so Sandra, I do hope you manage to get to Farnborough tomorrow and that you perk up magically - I'm sure you will now that Paul's home.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Hi Maureen It's Diane but how funny as people sometimes get muddled and say Denise but I will answer to many names!!! I'm sure your worth more than that, in fact you are probably priceless! Take care love Diane xx

    2. You have to add inflation and interest, Maureen.

  36. Hi girls, it's me back again, trouble. All this talk of the radio and the old programmes makes me want to tell you all about radio 4 extra (was BBC radio 7) as they do all the old programmes as well as some newer ones(from 1980's). The Men from the Ministry was on today at 12:30 followed by what was the crime and thriller hour but is now 30mins with Lord Peter Whimsy. There is Micheal Bentine's show, the Navy Lark, Hancocks half hour, Dad's Army, Not in front of the children etc fantastic. I was brought up listening to the tranny or the wireless as mum called it, as it was always on in the house. Jimmy Young used to do a recipe of the day and there was Listen With Mother. I love 4extra being on as i can still see where they are and picture the scenes which is seriously sad at 48 some how but it's better than some of the rubbish that is on the television the now. As you all know i didn't know we had a television set until we were about 8 as it was inside a cupboard with 2 doors over the front of it and a table runner and plant that sat on the top and you just didn't touch mum's furniture, ever. Our house was always a look but don't touch house and it was the same when we went anywhere as mum just needed to look and that was enough as we knew better unlike my cousins who didn't and got away with murder with there parents or parent. My Auntie Margaret, mum's sister worked for Radio Rentals in Stirling and for years that was the television that my Nana had, one with a box on the back of it for a shilling to go into it, to make it work. I think the last one she rented was upto 50pence which my Nana couldn't get away with 10/- or 10 bob a go for the television. She only put it on in time for Countdown or Going for Gold or on a Saturday for the wrestling with Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks(my was that man big).
    Anyway i had better be going and Sandra if you are going with the Alternative Saturday option i just might if i can work it out send you a picture of my knitting.
    Bye the now, leaving a basketful of hugs in here in the corner for everyone,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (glenochil)

    1. Oh Please send me photos of your work Norah, I would so love to see it and share it!
      I so remember getting all excited on a Saturday about watching the wrestling, my Nan used to come and watch and she used to get really involved, she loved it, so did my dad, Booing at Giant Haystacks and cheering for Big Daddy, we all used to get involved, do you remember Mick MacManus too , he was another baddy, I seem to remember! My girls at one point used to love WWE or F, well if you have ever seen it, its so 'choreographed' compared to the old wrestling, I used to remember my dad getting most frustrated at anyone who suggested it was a fix!
      Anyway get yourself to that PC and get those pictures sent!
      I will take one of those hugs if that's ok,i need it today!
      Love and Hugs

    2. Used to watch the Saturday afternoon wrestling with my Grandad. Can also remember Mick McManus and Les Kellett.

    3. My Grannies both loved the wrestling. My 4 grandparents all went one time, but the men said never again, there was one of my Gran's all 5 foot quarter inch of her, shouting at the men in the ring.
      Oh yes, I didn't realise till much later in life that my family must be strange, my 2 sets of grandparents were best friends, holidays together, dinner at each others homes each week etc. I thought it was normal. Loved them all though, it was the grannies who taught me how to knit, crochet and embroider.

    4. Isnt it funny that old ladies loved the wrestling, I remember seeing a live one once and some old lady went up to the ring and was swiping at the wrestlers with her handbag! then more joined in! hahaha
      I think its lovely that your grandparents got along, my nan's both used to got bingo together, which was lovely but they also used to moan about each other too! .
      What a thing for us all to remember, typical Saturday afternoon, along with the football results being read out on tv, Paul says he used to have to write the results down for the pools coupon or something! Mind you wasn't jim'll fix it on Saturday evening too, it makes me shudder to think what he was really like, yuck it makes me nauseous !
      Basil Brush, that was same sort of time too, what a load of rubbish I couldn't stand Basil Brush.
      We did take our eldest two to 'Mr Blobby land' what a rip off that was! I think Noel Edmunds seems to be one of the few that hasn't been hauled in to these sex scandals!
      Anyway I must go before I fall asleep, poor old Paul is straight in from being away and straight in to cooking the tea!
      love and hugs,
      Sandra xxxxx
      remember 12.30 tomorrow Brenda xxxx

    5. I'm out the corner now. Thank you all for comments re C&C.

      That was my highlight of the week (from 4pm til football results in), the big wrestling matches. How about Tibor Szasacks and his brother also Young David who partnered Big Daddy at a Wrestle Match I went to see in W-S-Mare. Young David then went to America to join what is now WWA or WWE. Les Kellet def my favourite, so so funny. Les Dawson always reminded me of him.
      Welcome to Diane, (sorry dear, with me in the corner I didn't notice you came in) you will find on occasions we can be very funny, lively and articulate if there's a pet peeve, but on the whole, this Coffee Shop is filled with genuinely lovely people who will support you when you're ill or feeling blue and make you laugh when you need a good chuckle and who have become very good friends.
      Cheryl xxx

  37. Hallo Sandra, not sure if you got a new paper trimmer by now but I just got a message from Hobbycraft and they selling their A4 paper trimmer for
    £ 15 ! (normally £ 30 ) They also got the Teal Spellbinder Cutting machine for £ 79.99 Do you ladies think I should get one or not ? please help.....
    I'll be back later Maria x

    1. Hi Maria
      Thanks for the heads up on the trimmer, I will be hoping to have a look at some tomorrow! That sounds like a good deal though!
      I don't know what to say about the Teal Grand Calibur, I can ask about tomorrow to see what the general opinion is, It doesn't seem to cut any different than the pink one, but is supposed to be better inside! I really wouldn't like to say, If I were you I would put it up for everyone to give their opinion on tomorrow! I will ask in my blog post in the morning if you like, that way everyone will see it and hopefully respond.
      Love and hugs

    2. Thanks Sandra. Hope you having a good night, back i Paul's arms <3 and that you feeling well enough for ,oh dear, later today lol.
      Have a wonderful time meeting the others who are going! Nighty night and hugs Maria x

  38. Hi Sandra
    So sorry to hear you're under the weather at the moment. Hope your feeling better for tomorrow. The programme you mentioned sounds revolting. I'm glad i didn't see it. The Grand Caliber seems ok to me, not any different to the other one really. Brand new but it still squeaks. I do hope that nothing turns up regarding Noel Edmunds on the sex scene. Sex what's sex I see my self asking. Have I been here before Sandra and Mrs B., as I quite like Noel Edmonds.

  39. Hi Sandra
    Sorry Cheryl meant to say how lovely I thought your card was. Can we please have more mens ones. They're a bummer to make cards for aren't they. Well my BP was up at 186/100 which is to high for an op. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Tuesday. Didn't dare tell her that I had to stop taking the tablets as the Dr said they would interfere with my pain meds. Better start taking them again quickly.

    1. Pat, drink loads loads of beetroot juice, you can get it in the supermarket. It will bring your BP long as they don't need a urine sample, since you will pee pink.
      Some of my husbands friends use it when they are going for a medical for a licence and need to make sure.

  40. Good evening Sandra and all the other late comers today.
    Well my daughter has got moved into her new dream home, she had shown me photo's of it but to see it in real life it is stunning, absolutely beautiful, both she and her husband are so delighted and everything went like clockwork.
    Please could I have the largest latte available I am shattered and no mistake.
    Now where do I start, firstly welcome to Diane so lovely to have you join us, rest assured we are not batty all of the time just some of the time!
    Oh Sandra come on it is time to get rid of that dreadful cold how dare it be so much trouble, you don't deserve that on top of everything else sweetheart, but now Paul is home and you will have had a lovely cuddle you will feel better I'm sure. An early night for you my girl then you can look forward to a super day tomorrow meeting everyone, have a wonderful time, I hope Paul will be taking his camera so those of us not going can see you all meeting up, looking forward to your show report.
    Ugh that programme sounds like something from a horror movie, those poor babies. As for me and child birth well it is a long story and there was so many notes in that section of my hospital file they split it into two! I had c sections so had a lovely sleep and was woken up and presented with both of my beautiful daughters all clean and smelling sweet.
    A variety of crafts day sounds a wonderful idea Sandra.
    Oh yes I remember all of those radio programmes, but does anyone remember the Ovaltenies on the wireless where you got a secret message each week if you were in the club? I think it was on Radio Luxenburg who remember that?
    Saba sweetheart wonderful to know Val had another good night and you too. I will bet you are counting the days until you are over here and can see her for yourself, you are both in my thoughts and prayers so very pleased all is going well, gentle hugs to you both. xx
    I hope all the hospital appointments have gone well today for everyone and for those with or helping to celebrate a birthday, I hope you all have a wonderful time.
    Janet please don't you worry about 'the magazine' we all bought it of our own free will but it sounds wonderful I cannot wait for mine to come.
    Cheryl wow what a great card it is quite simply wonderful thank you so much for sharing this with us all, and many thanks to Sandra for making it possible.
    Well done Cheryl you have been awarded a Corgi bravery Medal for telling C & C just what you thought of them and not sparing on the details, good for you. I just wish we could have seem the C & C persons face, I'll bet it was a picture, he! he!
    Now Norah come on where is that fighting Scottish spirit so what if you have a little shake or wobble, onwards and upwards, you have Glasgow next weekend so just you take it easy this next week and look forward to the show, wish I was coming up for it.
    Well it will be an early night for me I am exhausted and I'm back to the new house tomorrow to hang all the new curtains for her, and what ever else she needs help with, there is bound to be something!
    To all going to the craft show tomorrow have a wonderful time spending, remember ladies there are no banks in heaven or pockets in shrouds and if you don't spend your pennies, someone else will!!!
    Take care and a safe journey tomorrow all who are travelling.
    Hugs to all who need them take as many as you wish.
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Good evening Margaret,
      I am so pleased that the big move went well, you must be frazzled and you have to go and do it all again tomorrow, hanging curtains is a killer on the back and neck so please go careful.
      if the house is as big as I am imagining there will be a lot of curtains to hang
      I was about to say that I am having an early night tonight to prepare for my early start but I actually haven't got up yet, poor mrs B has already seen me looking bedraggled once this week so I had better not put her through it again tomorrow!
      so goodnight, I know you will sleep well.
      love and hugs
      xxxxxx (sorry I was born 1967 I think there were before my time)1

  41. Hi Sandra. If you are still up to read this I will have my John Lewis bag tomorrow with a Penquin on it.

  42. Good evening ladies,
    Well, I don't know where to start. Just popped in for a quick drink, thought I might have a milkshake if Nora is still here and what do I see, a Bakelite television showing Quatermass (no idea how to spell that one, and it dumfounded old predictive text !!!! ) and over in the other corner the Flower Pot men with their blob a lob a lob a lob coming out of the wireless. Eh, those were the days, or put another way, I think we are getting old!!

    And we have had big babies here as well, Lynda, at 10lb 2oz I think you win. Mine was a mere 9lbs 5 and I thought that was big.
    What was it about wrestling. My Granny who was truly gorgeous, loved Big Daddy. She used to shout at the telly, shake her little fists and scowl. Then when it was all over, my Real Granny would be back sitting sweetly and sipping tea. She was deaf my Granny, proper deaf but she loved songs of praise. It was awful, she was always a few words behind and often used the wrong tune. Don't think she would have coped with all the new stuff they sing on there now.
    Welcome Diane, I do hope we haven't put you off, we are all a bit dotty, but you won't get a better cup of tea anywhere.
    I am going to publish now because seeing as I am so late, I am probably talking to thin air. I'll just do a bit of sweeping up before I go, you've all been getting so giddy there are crumbs everywhere.
    Those of you gadding off tomorrow, Hope you all have a fabulous day, don't spend up, and we want to hear all about it when you get back.
    Love and hugs to each and everyone of you, and special thanks as well
    Been another good day for us, everything is going well.
    XXX Saba

  43. I am still here. Watching Quatermass. Used to love watching that.

    1. I think I am the late one. I'll put the lights off when I leave.
      Night all

    2. no Hurry Ladies I am still around, just done blog for tomorrow, be sure and let your granddaughter look Brenda as her card is one of the items featured.
      Goodnight ladies

    3. Thanks Sandra. She will be 'over the moon' when I show her.

    4. Oh very quiet here, you all snug in your bed.
      I help myself to a hot chocolate and putting the tv.on for
      Father Brown lol, see you later

  44. Hi ladies just tucking down for the night, I' ll turn the lights off as I go and unplug the kettle! Thank you for the lovely welcome, I shall stop by again, the food is great and the company lovely. My Gran used to watch wrestling too on a Saturday afternoon, but she used to sit knitting as she watched and would get so carried away she would either drop a stitch and not notice or knit so fast one sleeve would be much longer than the other one! We always had a laugh about it. We then had to be quiet for the football results so grandad could check the pools coupons. Those were the days. Night night everyone and hopefully see some of you tomorrow. Love Diane xxx

  45. Hi Sandra
    It's me again but just had to call in again after reading a few comments
    Little Lamb your Granddaughter being Six Year Old and coming up with this
    Fabulous Creation and using Blending Brushes For The Background Very Good.
    Sue I'm Appalled at the way your being treated at work I had the same problem I'd worked for same company for nearly twenty years then I had two Brain Aneurysm one which burst, so I took three months off my immediate Boss changed overnight he did everything to make life uncomfortable, It was horrible so my heart goes out to you.
    Hazel I hope your Leg is feeling much better
    Take great care all
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx
