
Saturday 28 February 2015

Saturday Selection of Super inspiration!

 Good morning Ladies,
Today I have a few treats for you, first up is this gorgeous card made by our very talented stamper
Sam, this is I believe a Lily Of the Valley Stamp, I just love all of their cute designs.  Sam you really do have some serious talent in the colouring and stamping department. I also love the way you have built the card up with the lace and ribbon and the flowers, it is a truly stunning card.
Thank you so much for sending it for me to share with everyone. 
Now these two gorgeous little mice were knitted by our very own Theresa, for a friend of hers wedding, they had a country theme so these perfectly dressed little mice were given as gifts, the detail is absolutely unbelievable.
Theresa there is clearly no end to your crafting genius, you have so far showed us a stunning bird house, a totally beautiful card and now these incredibly detailed little mice!
When you look at the fine details of the flowers in the brides hair and bouquet to the frilly neckline of her wedding dress its just amazing, the little groom has a spotty bow tie and a button fastened waistcoat. I just can't believe the details, I bet they will be treasured forever, thank you so much for sharing these beautiful little mice today. xxxx

 Now this next stunning piece of crafting genius is made by Brenda (littlelambs)
Can you believe how clever she is, just look at the skill in that colouring,
you can see the sparkle in the Owl's eyes !
The flowers look so real I can almost smell them and that is with my blocked up nose!
Some young lady is clearly following in her Grandma's footsteps
thank you so much for sharing this beautiful card with us xxxx

 Well I am going to keep the other gorgeous projects I have been sent for tomorrow, there are some gorgeous children's cards to show and another of Pats wonderful cards. But I need to keep some back
to show tomorrow as I am sure I am going to be fairly whacked tomorrow night!
Littlelamb I hope your Granddaughter gets to see her card published on my blog, it will give her a huge confidence boost.
Thanks too to Theresa and Sam, you really have saved the day with your lovely creations, I think that Saturdays will from now on be Mixed Craft Days, so please send in any photos of anything handmade, from Needlecraft to Jewellery to home décor. I think it will make for an interesting change. 
Well I am off to Farnborough, tissues in my pocket, antiseptic hand gel so as not to spread germs, I cannot wait to meet any of you that are going along.
Love and hugs to all,
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra and coffee shop friends. Sorry that I've been MIA for a couple of days. I've been having an awful time at work, I wasn't on the list for redundancy but it seems that they are making things so difficult for me that I leave anyway (saves 12 years pay!). It also doesn't help that I'm not very well, I had to have a blood test and my iron level was so low it didn't register so I'm waiting for a scan and more tests to see if they can discover why, and you know how everything seems worse when you're not firing on all cylinders. But in comparison to what a lot of other people are going through it's pathetic of me to moan so sorry, self pity over now and pulling myself together.
    I've loved the cards and crafts that have been shown recently, you truly are an extremely talented bunch of crafters.
    Happy birthday to everyone that I've missed, and welcome to Diane. Saba, I'm so happy that Val is making good progress and I hope anyone who isn't well feels better soon.
    I hope that anyone going to the craft show today has a fabulous time and that you all get to actually meet each other. Would you believe I've never been to a craft show - sad isn't it? The nearest to me is Harrogate but that's about a 2 hour drive each way.
    I thought it was only me who wasn't too keen on JND, although I quite like Phill - apart from his upside down bows!
    Well, I'm going to have a look at Daphne's Diary and the works online (20 miles to the nearest shop). Will call back later hopefully. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue, Don't know what to say, I just feel for you so much that you are having so many hurdles to deal with. Hope all works out for the best in the end and please keep us updated. Come and have a little chat every day, we'll be here. Where do you live Sue ? Hugs Maria x

    2. Sue, firstly, it's not at all pathetic of you, you are going through a terrible time of worry and we all feel for you. We are a family here and when one of us is hurting it touches us all, so let us wrap our comfort blanket around you love and hope it helps. Love and soothing hugs. Saba XXX

    3. Sue, Please don't leave a job with nothing. Go on the sick as you are clearly not well at the moment. Your Employer CANNOT get rid of you while your are on the sick, you need to get yourself well. I know some Employers only pay SSP but if that's not enough claim off the state you are ENTITLED to this.
      At least you will be away from that awful environment, and hopefully you can concentrate on your health.
      There are always hugs at Sandras café. Love Theresa (TOB)x

    4. Oh Sue, Please take note of Theresa's comments, she obviously knows about these things (I have been out of the employment market for so long that things have changed so much). Take time to find out what's wrong with your health, that's most important, and let work wait.
      Love Maureen xx

    5. Sue, you are clearly unwell, take sick leave and maybe you'll get more out of your employer, you should have to face this situation where you are being forced out of your job. Yes I'm sure your employer would prefer not to pay you redundancy. idoesn't that count as contract constructive dismissal. Hope it all turns out well in the end, but first of all you must get well.
      Sending love and hugs Brenda XXX

    6. Sorry Sue that should read you should NOTt have to face .
      Oops Brenda xxx

    7. So sorry Sue your going through such an awful time at the moment. As others have said your health comes first so go on the sick. It must be awful for you having the situation of being forced out of your job, that must come under unfair dismissal. Try citizens advice they might be able to advise you on your situation.
      Please take care of yourself & your not pathetic we are all here for & Hug's Lynda xxx

    8. Sue, I left a message, well I did but it's gone walk abouts, not good that your bloods are so low, no wonder you feel terrible and then to feel you are being pushed out of work. It looks like you would have been a big pay out, so they are trying to push you to leaving so they will save all that money.??? Sue please don't let them make you more ill, than you are, your health is more important. Hazel xx

    9. Sorry to hear all this Sue. As everyone else says go on the sick. I also found out recently gat my iron was very low and am taking tablets but back to the Dr in a couple of weeks and if not up then I expect I will need tests etc., thinking of you and hope everything turns out ok. Everyone here is very caring so keep coming back.

    10. Sorry you are having a bad time but there is nothing worse than being in a job that makes you miserable. Your health is more important than a job. If you can follow the advice above and go on the sick until you get your bloods sorted. I remember feeling really tired and breathless and just wanted to sleep all the time and it was anaemia. I had all the usual tests but there was no reason for it and ended up on iron tablets, folic acid and vit B injections. You definitely need to rest and recover and stop worrying about work.

    11. Sue, sorry you are having a tough time, keep your chin up, and don't let the bu....s get you down. Go off sick for as long as it takes!! Take care, Jess x

    12. Janet Ecco of Sheffield28 February 2015 at 18:46

      Sue - I am in full agreement with all the above. If you have a sick note your employer cannot sack you in any way so please think twice before doing anything. I'm so sorry that your're having a really tough time and when you are ill everything is a big big thing for you to do but once again please do as everyone has suggested. Am sending gentle and warming hugs to you. Janet x

    13. Hi Sue yes your health is much more important so get that sorted and take time out so you don't add stress to the situation. Poor you. Take care love Diane xxx

    14. Oh Sue, I was worried where your were, I am so sorry sweetheart for the trouble you are going through, I knew how you felt when you managed to keep your job, you said then you felt so bad that you wish you hadn't, I am so sorry you have gone through all that heartache to now feel like this, its even worse than being made redundant in the first place!
      I am sending you the biggest warmest hugs,
      love Sandra xxxx

    15. Good evening Sue please do listen to everyone go and see your doctor, quite clearly you are not well and things will seem worse when you are finding things so difficult. They should not be allowed to treat you in this way, are you in a union if so speak to them too, please don't give this employer what he/she wants without a fight their tactics are disgusting we are all here for you.
      Hugs to give you some extra strength are waiting here for you.
      Margaret corgi owner

  2. Hi Sandra, My dear Friend
    And All My Lovely Friends At The Cafe,
    Well I'll help myself to breakfast as your busy getting ready to go out, I hope you have a Terrific Day at The Farnbourgh Show.
    Sandra I'm sorry your still not feeling to good hopefully when you go to the show and meet up with people and enjoy the Demos you'll feel much better.
    Thank You So Very Much For Sharing My Card With Everyone And The Kind Words You Said About My Card.
    I've just got to finish off the centre with an insert as I don't think they are finished until I put insert inside, as you mentioned it's a
    Lili Of The Valley Stamp I start with my image first and Colour with my Copics I find this so very therapeutic it does take me a long time though.
    The Flowers are from Wild Orchid and The Lace I then just add red card and paper and Ribbon, I used to throw my work away if when I was colouring I went over the line until someone mentioned to highlight the image with a pale grey or pale blue Copic and this hides the place where you've made your slip up. It Works Unless It's Really Bad!!!
    Theresa: I Just Love Those Adorable Mice You Are Extremely Talented I Love The Fabulous Flowers On The Bride, And The Groom I Love His Outfit He Looks So Smart In His Bow Tie, you are so very Talented I can't even knit unfortunately no one ever sat me down and showed me as it was really only myself and my Father (Bless Him)
    Like Sandra mentioned I'm sure the couple will cherish these Beautiful Mice,
    They Are a Just Outstanding.
    LittleLamb: "Granddaughter" What A Talented Young Lady You Are I Love Owl's Also, Those Eyes Are Beautiful And The Fabulous Flowers And I must Say Your Background Colouring Is Just Excellent Your A True Crafter And Your Grandma Must Be So Very Proud Of You.
    Sandra Its a great idea and extremely Kind of you to show everyone's work and creations I Love fact that your going to have Saturday's where you'll show a mixture of items.
    There is some very Talented People that visit The Cafe.
    Sandra have a great Day
    Saba I've been thinking of you and Val
    All my other dear Friends I do hope your well, take great care all its supposed to feel warmer today well when I went out with the boys It felt the same to me!!
    Love and Hugs To You All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam, your card is wonderful. You are such a talented colourist, I am in awe. It is plain to see you are are a perfectionist, and next time you make one of those tiny mistakes, don't throw its way, send it to one us, it's bound to be far better than anything I could ever do.
      XXX Saba

      And for your thoughts, thank you Sam. Xxx

    2. Sam, sorry I didn't comment on your card earlier but was in a hurry to get out to Farnborough as was having a lift. Love your card. Like everything about it. You are very talented. At out craft group we always put pale grey or blue round the edge and then cut round that.

    3. Hi Sam, thank you sweetheart for sharing your card, your colouring is just amazing! I saw these lovely stamps today at Farnborough, they have some fab paper pads too, although they are little expensive for my budget!
      Your talent blows me away!
      love and hugs

  3. Morning all.
    Sorry about the way work has treated you Sue to the point of having to leave, that's just awful. I know everyone will say dont worry about venting, we can do that here and gather support on the way, if you're not well, you're not well, and with your iron level not even being registered you must feel totally awful, lets hope they sort you out soon so you can enjoy crafting again xx

    Well what can I say ? WOW ! How amazing, wish I could see more of Sams beautiful cute card, Ive tried clicking on it to get a larger picture but it must be the distance its been taken at, but it looks soooo cute, I have a few LOTV stamps and they are really cute. The Christening stamp I have is so delicate as are the 'festive' stamps.
    Those tiny ikkle mice lol can you believe the detail ? Wow Theresa where does your talant end lol
    As for the owl birthday card - gobsmacked. How stunning is that colouring, so precise, its absolutly gorgeous, I see an extremly talanted young lady ahead. If none of this makes sence Im so sorry my brain is still in bed !!
    Sandra and all that are so lucky to be going to the craft show - have the most wonderful day, I hope you feel well enough to enjoy it Sandra, although I have this feeling that you are going to knock yourself backwards, and tomorrow wont be such a great day for you, so never mind playing with all your new goodies, make yourself rest (although Im sure Paul will make you do that) dose yourself up, take a box of tissue's and pace yourselve's but have a fantastic time.
    I managed to get in early, it was lovely and peaceful just Sue and I, chatting, looking at all the beautiful cards etc on the wall and having our drink together. Ive locked up, left my money in the box, the key is in the usual place lovely ladies.
    Have a great day.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hello my love,
      Thank you for your unconditional support, for me and everyone else that needs it, your are one special lady! XX
      I am absolutely shattered to be honest, I think going from spending almost a day and a half in bed to getting up and out for 7.45 was an absolute killer! But I had a lovely day, Sue is the best company, we had some giggles!
      I hope you have had a productive day,
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra,

    Gorgeous selection of craft, beautiful creations.

    Enjoy your day at Farnborough.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  5. Wow-two beautiful cards + 2 very gorgeous knitted mice, everyone is so very clever.

    I'm off out early to have my hair cut + coloured then quick change of clothing and off out again to meet an ex colleague for lunch. Hopefully it will cheer me up as I heard yet more sad news about my poorly friend-the reason his speech was slurred is the tumour spreading. It's hard to believe that less than a year ago he went to see his GP about a mole on his head which was the start of all this. I'm Now concerned that they'll have to change their wedding plans as it's booked for May. Whatever i'm feeling, i'm sure they are feeling much worse.

    See you all tomorrow ladies.


    1. Michele love I am more than sad for you what you and your friends are going through. I know Something of how it feels through personal experience and my heart really does go out to you.
      Love hugs and prayers are on their way to you. Saba xxx

    2. How awful for your poorly friend, I can't imagine how devastating it must be to learn that. And his fiancee, they are two very brave people who don't deserve what life has thrown at them. Sometimes I can't find the right words to say what I mean but please know that you are here in my heart with prayers winging their way to you all.

    3. Oh Michele, so sorry about your friend. Love and hugs to you all,
      Maria x

    4. Dear Michele, I'm so sorry for the situation, and praying for your friends (and you).
      Maureen xx

    5. Ohl Michelle, we all feel so helpless when faced with situations like this, my heart goes out to your friend and his fiancee, You can only let them know that you are there for them, just tried to stays strong. Sending you big warm hugs, LOL Brenda XXX

    6. Oh Michella,so so sorry for your friend & his fiancée how awful for them.Sending them& you a load of (((((((((( Hug's ))))))) to you all
      Love Lynda xx

    7. Michelle, I also left you a message that has gone. I am so sorry for your friend, but try and keep cheerful for the two of them as it will help. I know it's hard but it will be worth it. Hazel x

    8. Dear Michelle. So sorry to hear this. Hugs to you all. You are in my prayers.x

    9. Michele, I am so sorry for your friend and his fiancee, I hope that their wedding goes ahead whenever they need it to. Sending them, (and you), hugs and support. Sue xxx

    10. Michele such sad news for you I do so hope they can bring their wedding forward as this will give them something positive to focus upon, before they are faced with saying a last farewell.
      You and they are in my thoughts and prayers sweetheart.
      Margaret corgi owner

  6. Janet Ecco of Sheffield28 February 2015 at 08:12

    Morning everyone - first of all everything in the coffee shop is on me today. As it's a special day for me I'm treating everyone so please help yourselves and take a flower from the vase as you leave.
    Sam Oh once again an absolute joy and wonder is your card. I just love everything about it. Theresa is there no bounds to your talent. Your mice are so so delicate and so very very beautiful. Littlelamb your Granddaughter is one very talented craft. You have taught her well. Everything about this card is just right. Please let us know her name so that I can thank her for starting my special day with a smile.
    Right sorry cannot stop this morning as it's off to meet Jim's niece and her two little ones then back to order from Mr. Tesco and complete the day with anyone who pops by. Will be back late afternoon to cut the cake Sandra so kindly has left for me. Enjoy Farnborough everyone. I wish I could be there with you. Hugs to all
    Janet x

    1. Happy birthday, have a wondeful day. Thank you for the tea. Hazel x

    2. Janet, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, thank you my coffee and for the flower, I'll put it in a little vase and place it by my dad's picture, it would have been his too today.
      Have a fabulous day. Saba XXX

    3. Happy birthday, to you, thanks for the coffee. Have a great day, Jess x

    4. Have a lovely day Birthday Girl, and thanks for the coffee and cake. The flower is particularly lovely today and it's in pride of place on my bookcase.
      Maureen xx

    5. Happy birthday Janet Hope you're having a lovely day and you have lots of birthday cards. Sending big birthday hugs love Brenda xxx

    6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET hope your being spoilt,have a lovely day.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    7. Happy Birthday Janet! Have a lovely day. I have tried to leave a comment late yesterday but it went AWOL! Tried again a few minutes ago - no joy! So at least this way I'll have wished you a Happy Birthday. All the crafts today are gorgeous - in case I'm unsuccessful!
      Love Myra xxx

    8. Happy Birthday Janet. Thank you for your lovely comments about my Granddaughter's card. Her name is Scarlett.

    9. Janet Ecco of Sheffield28 February 2015 at 18:51

      Hello Littlelamb thank you so much for giving me Scarlett's name. It's a gorgeous name. Scarlett your card is just gorgeous in every way. Owl's are also my favourite bird and you have created a beautiful beautiful gift to keep in a memory box. I would love to see more of your wonderful creations. Your Nan should be really proud of you. hugs Janet xx

    10. Hi Janet Happy birthday and thank you for the flower. Have a lovely birthday, sorry it's not your French pastries today! Diane xxx

    11. Hi Janet. Happy Birthday, hope you had a lovely day. thanks for the cake and kind words. Sue xxx

    12. I do hope you have had a wonderful day Janet wish you a Happy Birthday and a wonderful year ahead
      With love
      Margaret corgi owner
      P.S. many thanks for the latte and lovely flower

  7. Hi Sandra,
    I wish for you to have a wonderful day at Farnborough and all the ladies you will meet at the seating area. Have fun everyone. I do wish I could be there to meet them also but it is too far for me to travel. Perhaps one day we will decide to have a crafty weekend, it would take a lot of organizing, I sure it could be possible.

    What a beautiful way to start today, 4 stunning show pieces.

    Sam, your card is stupendous, you must have a lot of patience to colour in so beautifully, my hands do not allow me to grip pens pencils, etc unless they are really chunky ones, so that is one talent I am in awe of.

    Theresa, your mice are simply divine and what an original keepsake for the bride and groom. i bet they were well pleased.

    Littlelamb & Granddaughter: Well done young lady, your card is delightful and I can see the amount of work you have put into it. You are very talented and I for one, would love to see more of your work.

    Happy Birthday Janet, I wish for you to have a truly wonderful day.
    And Happy Birthday to Myra's OH. Have a wonderful day also.

    Oh my dear Sue, my heart goes out to you today, being ill and being forced to leave cannot be pleasant all at once. Dig your heels in girl, I don't think they're allowed to treat you like that if your name is not on the list. Sounds like constructive dismissal to me and you can fight that. Is there anyone who can help you? A union perhaps or CBA?

    Saba& Val, have a good weekend with your healing. You are often in my thoughts and I am still holding your hands in spirit.
    To everybody else enjoy your weekends
    Love Cheryl xxx

  8. Quick visit as off to Farnborough very soon and looking forward to meeting everyone. My Granddaughter was really pleased to see her card on the blog. She loves doing crafts she did the background with her blending brushes and ink pads on her blending mat. The Owl was coloured with Promarkers as were the flowers. Flowers were from a Chocolate Baroque stamp, owl is a Papermania Urban Stamp. She thanks you for your comments. She is 6 years old. Be back much later after Farnborough. Thank you so much for showing it today Sandra and see you later.

    1. Brenda you Grandaughter has made a masterpiece there. It is stunning. I cannot believe she is only 6 years old. Her owl is with his shiny eyes is so cute and her greeting and flowers so professional.
      Please tell her she is a very talented young lady and thank her for letting us see her lovely card.
      Saba XXX

    2. Brenda, How talented is your granddaughter??? What a wonderful eye for colour and the whole layout is fabulous. She is sooooo clever - does she give lessons?
      Much love to her, Maureen xxxx

    3. Brenda your granddaughter has created a gorgeous card, every detail it's just lovely. Give her a big hug, I think she's a very clever young lady. You should be very proud of her (as I'm sure you are anyway)
      Hope you're having a great day at Farmborough, and you manage to meet up with Sandra and two other graces. Love Brenda xxx

    4. Brender your granddaughters card is so beautiful,her colouring is amazing for a six year old she has kept everything within the lines better than I do lol. Has she gone to Farnborough with you?
      Have a good day .Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Brenda what beautiful colouring from Scarlet, I think she will be an artist . I didn't realise you were at Farnborough, would have been nice to meet you. Hope you bought loads, it was a good show wasn't it. Diane xxx

    6. Thank you all for your kind comments to Scarlett. She is so pleased by what you have all said. She didn't come to Farnborough with me as she had a birthday party to go to. That's what the card was for. I also had a lift there as I cannot drive at present because of the broken wrist. Diane sorry I missed you. I did meet up with Sandra, Sue, pat, her sister in law and I should have said Paul as well at lunchtime. We did wonder if we would see you. Thank you for the comments about Scarlett's card.

    7. Hi Brenda. Hope you had a fantastic time at Farnborough. What a talented granddaughter you have, her colouring is fabulous - a Sue Wilson of the future??? Sue xxx

  9. Morning Sandra, and ladies. Oh that's Sandra off I see, poor Paul that bag looks full before they have even got to the show, it will be the tissues, hand gel and med box plus the cold meds. Have a lovely time I hope you meet up with everyone. WOW, WOW we have a wonderful selection of crafts today. Sam your card is gorgeous, your colouring is amazing, I love LO
    TV but I buy their toppers all ready to use. Theresa your mice are amazing, the detail is out of this world, having been a knitter I know what it's like to work with such fine wool. What a gift to give to a couple on their special day. Brenda your grand daughter is gifted, her card is wonderful just love that owl. So a Hugh well done from me. These children are lucky these days to have granny's etc. who have all these wonderful goodies that we allow them to use and engorage their talents.
    Sue, you poor thing your bloods being that low you must be very tired and very unwell, you just get on and vent all you want, we will all support you and give you big ((((((hugs)))))). Yes money is always at the bottom of everything, they don't want to pay you redundancy as that will be a lot, no they want you to walk away. No pay out then.- money saved. It's a horrible world we live in. But Sue your health is more important at this point in time so don't let them take that as well.
    Michelle. Not good about your friend, how awful for him. Just keep cheerful for him. It's hard I know but do try. I think you need (((((( hugs)))))) today as well.
    Right I'd better move fish man will be along soon and I don't want to be going out there to get the fish in my pjs.
    Will be in later. I to have put my money in the pot.
    Hazel x

  10. Sorry meant to say congratulations to Jess on winning Sue Wednesday card. Was meant to say it on Sue blog but forgot. Really pleased for you. Hazel x

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies, Oh what a night and I'm so glad you came Steph as some one looked me in here last night, any guilty lol. Huge black coffee to keep my nerves at bay.
    Really hope you feeling up for your adventure today Sandra and all ladies who are going. The craft on show today are all amazing, your card Sam is so cute. I like the LOTV stamps and papers. Your colouring in is beautiful, it's nice to sit and so calming to do isn't it. Theresa I love you mice ! Such a wonderful keepsake for the happy couple. The work thats have gone into them is superb. must have taken you a long time. 6 years old and already a better crafter them me lol Brenda your granddaughter will go far if she keeping this up. The background is fabulous and I to like owls and being coloured by promarkers like that is just perfect, well done and cyber hug to a very talented young lady ! Happy Birthday Janet !!!
    Happy birthday Myra's OH Have a great day ! I'll be back later hopefully not to late so be looked in again, Love and hugs to all Maria xx
    ps is Elvis still in the building? tihi

    1. Hi Maria,
      hope you were warm enough and didn't eat all of the cakes meant for today.
      Saba XXX
      Ps, don't think so, you'll need to make your own milk shake till she gets in. Give her my love, I won't be back till late this evening.

    2. Yes thank you I was warm enough. I found this very big soft thingy in the corner, not sure if it was Sandras onesie or the big nice towel we talked about the other day hihi and No I did not touch any cakes but was tempted when i saw the big yummy cake for Janet ! hihi xx

    3. Hi Maria, oh no I hope it wasn't me who locked you in, I thought I'd checked everywhere before I locked up! I'm so sorry if it was, I thought I'd checked the loo to see if anyone was in there. Have a big cake on me and a hot chocolate to warm you up. I will shout louder next time! Love Diane xxx

    4. hihi Diane no worries I'm ok, had father Brown to keep me company lol Thank you for the hot chocolate and the nice slice of cake,you are forgiven lol Were you to Farnborough too today or will you be at AP in April ?

    5. Hi Maria yes I was at Farnborough today, it's a lovely show. I probably won't get to Ally Pally this year, we usually go for the knitting and stitching show in October as it covers things we all like, Julian's mum sews knits and quilts, Julian (my husband) does cross stitch and black work to relax, my daughter sews and I knit as well as card making. Sometimes I'm allowed to go to the NEC if I've been really good! It would be great to meet up with more people and put more names to faces. Sleep tight xxx

  12. Hi Sandra, hope you have a lovely day at the craft fair.
    Sam wow,wow I love this card. I was hoping Sue would introduce some patterned papers. I love the offset of the papers with the focal element. That colouring in is gorgeous, beautiful stamp. Gorgeous flowers and a lovely colour palette. So talented.
    Well my mice were created to match exactly what the bride and groom were wearing, they were fun to do but I did have a long time to make them, they had to stand up so I added a pipe cleaner in the tail so that would act as a stand.
    Brenda(Littlelamb) your granddaughters card is gorgeous. She is clearly following in the talent of her grandma. Love those little flowers, and the up and down wording looks great. Such a talent at such a young age.
    Hope all is well with everyone. Lots of spare hugs if you need one. Love Theresa ((TOB) xx

    1. Theresa,
      We were obviously writing at the same time, love your mice,
      See below!!!
      Saba XXX

  13. Hi Sandra,
    I hope you are feeling a bit better and hope you have had a wonderful day at Farnborough don't tire yourself out and that you didn't drip all over the standsLol.
    What a lovely selection of goodies today, I felt I needed to do individual comments for Sam and Brenda's very talented Granddaughter but as Theresa hasn't been in yet wanted to say, Theresa I fell for your mice the minute is saw them, however you had the patience to put in such detail I do not know. They are gorgeous and I am sure the bride and groom will treasure them all their married life.

    I helped myself to a slice of curd tart, haven't had that for so long and yesterday's trip down memory lane brought it to mind. Yesterday was a lovely day in the coffee shop, I didn't get in till late and most of your ladies had gone home by then but there were so many funny stories and memories.
    I will have a slice of Janet's cake when I come back this evening if that's alright. I am out all day again and it will probably be quite late this evening before I get chance to come back.
    Haven't been over to Sue's yet, but saw the preview in my mail box, Izzys Bags!! Wonderful, you wouldn't believe it but I was planning to try to make something similar on Sunday.
    And Jess, Hazel mentioned you won a card. Well done, really pleased for you.
    Take good care my lovelies, (another good day and all is well here)
    Love and hugs

  14. Morning Sandra and ladies, this is certainly a wow day, first of all, Sam you card is gorgeous. Theresa I love your little mice to bits, and Littlelamb, your granddaughter certainly has talent.
    To cap all this off I WON Wednesdays card giveaway, can't believe it. Can't wait to receive it.
    Hope you all have a great time at the show today, meeting up with everyone.
    I'm off to my scrapbook crop today so will catch up later.
    Take care, Jess x

    1. Jess Congratulations on winning a card on Sue's blog. lol Brenda x

    2. Congratulations on winning Sue 's blog

    3. Congratulations Jess on winning a Wednesday giveaway on Sue's blog enjoy Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Congratulations Jess on winning Wednesday giveaway.

    5. Congratulations on winning the Wednesday giveaway, I was delighted a coffee shop friend won. Sue xxx

    6. Many congratulations Jess something for you to treasure how lovely for you
      Margaret corgi owner

  15. Jess,
    Wow, how exciting fantastic, thrilled for you oh and by the way, a tad jealous!!,
    Saba XXXX

  16. Hello Sandra,

    Have a great day at Farnborough, I just wish it was closer to Newcastle!
    Now the beautiful crafts shown on this fab blog today are really something. Sam, your card is lovely, the colouring is so good and I can't see where you've gone over the lines!!! I always just go around an image in pale grey because it seems to make it "pop" out.
    Now Theresa, your mice are divine - mind you I wouldn't like the real thing running around my house! It's when I see lovely things like this, so detailed and beautiful, that I lament not being able to knit any more. I bet the Bride and Groom loved them, and they will be handed down over the years.
    Littlelamb - Brenda, you must be so proud of your granddaughter, and she's only 6!!! Wow, give her a couple of years and she'll be demonstrating at all the Craft Shows, her card is ACE (I think that's a modern word, but she'll know).
    No sign of Mrs B so I'll leave the corner table, but will pop back in later, Maureen xx

  17. P.s. If I had a brain, I'd be dangerous. Congratulations to Jess on winning the Wednesday card. I haven't been on Sue's blog yet, so will wander over there now.
    Maureen x

  18. Oh Ladies, it's Maureen again. I've just read all yesterday's comments that people wrote after I'd gone to bed. I always read them before getting in but never bother to write as I think you'll have had enough of my ramblings by then BUT I have to say that I sound like I'm turning into some of your Grandmothers!!!! We all have funny little foibles, but I think I've inherited some off people I've never met.
    Yes Norah, I used to love all those programmes that you listed to on Radio 7. I'll have to see if I can find it, and the Play for Today used to be a corker.
    My beads from JGD Crafts have just arrived, so what with them and the New York Dies yesterday, I'm in heaven. Eleanor and Zoe are having a sleepover tonight and are coming at 4.30 p.m. (they like to make an early start!) so if I want to play, I'd better get a move on. Although, if I take a load of stuff downstairs to the dining room they can make their Mother's Day cards - and keep out of my way!!!!
    |I hope the ladies are having a great time at Farnborough - jealous, me, never ........ well maybe just a little bit!!
    Love to all xxxxx

  19. DUCK everyone I have now got two messages floating around in cyberspace I just hope they don't crashing to anyone. Ha ha

    Hi Sandra, Hope you are having a great time at Farmborough and meeting up with lots of your blog friends.
    What an amazing amount of talent you have brought to us today. Littllelambs granddaughter has created a really stunning card, she is so talented for such a young lady, I'm sure she will go far.
    Sam, as ever your card is stunning, your colouring is wonderful, I really am quite envious I'm sure you could give a masterclass.
    Theresa, these mice are exquisite, so much detail, I'm sure your friends will treasure them for ever.
    Well I've just had a coffee and a pastry both were delicious. Will stop by later to see who's in the coffee shop to chat to.
    Take care dear friends love Brenda XXX

    1. Brenda. Snap two off mine have gone walk about two. I think blogger thinks " they have sent enough". I will now have to go and leave comments where I thought I had. Hazel xx

    2. WE are all in this together girls, mine either float in cyber space, or two or three comments are posted one under the other - all the same. We are a danger to the others ha ha xxx

    3. Hi Hazel, I wouldn't mind but it always seems to happen when I have a long post, then when I go back to retype it I can't remember what I said to who, and if I scroll up to read who I wanted to send a wish or thought to - my post freezes!
      Oh happy days. Lol Brenda x

    4. Hi Maureen, my message took me so long to post yours got in first Just wanted you to know I wasn ignoring you - see you in Cyberspace. Now wouldn't that be funny lol Brenda x

    5. Hi this is happening to me too sometimes,very frustrating or what...
      I'm writing down on a piece of paper to remember what who doing what instead for keep scrolling up and down and then comment at each person for the day,does that make sense lol Hugs Maria x

    6. Hi My post posts keep freezing too Maria it always happens when I have almost finished, as you say FRUSTRATING. I will also bump into you Brenda I have lost count how many posts go to cyberspace Hug's Lynda xx

  20. Hi Sandra hope your enjoying Farnborough & managed to meet up with some Wilsonettes.
    Sam your card is gorgeous you colouring is brilliant.Theresa wow I love your little mice they are so sweet,much better than real your so talented.
    Littlelamb your granddaughter is amazing her card is gorgeous so talented already she will go far.
    Sandra & everyone love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

  21. Good afternoon Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    I'll just help myself today Sandra as i know that you are away having fun and meeting idols and drooling like a groupie. Can i just say happy birthday to all our birthday girls and boys today including Mrs B who i somehow forgot yesterday, sorry Mrs B, but the mind is not my own at the moment, i hope you are having a fantastic time my 3 Graces and your companions that you have hauled along determined to get them into the spirit of things, have fun at Farnborough.
    Sam, i can see as a child you were like me sitting in a corner with a colouring in pad and pens(if we were allowed and didn't draw on the walls) or pencils when we weren't trusted. Your card is beautiful with each part just adding to it's beauty, not deflecting it. I love the colours that you have used Sam in it, just so gorgeous and enhancing it's beauty by each and every element you have put on, not one of them detracting from it. Thank you Sam for showing your talent as it truly deserves to shine in the spotlight.
    Theresa, i love the knitted mice all done up in their wedding attire looking so cute, i sincerely hope that the bride loves them as much as i would. If they ever need a new home then i have the ideal spot for them amongst the rest of my little friends and they would be made to feel so welcome. I love knitting as i have done it for so many years. The thought that 2 sticks and a ball of wool can make whatever your imagination desires does it for me everytime. Thank you flower for bringing your beautiful little friends to see us today.
    Little Lamb, did i see that your granddaughter was 6? somewhere yesterday?well if this is that kind of work she is producing at her tender years, art college look out for a child prodigy coming your way. Stunning work from her.
    CraftySueToo, i am so sorry flower that you are going through a right rough time. You moan away flower, we don't mind because to be quite honest it allows some of us that you are talking about to get a bit of spirit going from the constant non stop that we are in, well that's how it does to me. It lets me think of some one else just for a wee while that is going through a hard time and stops me from wishing myself away in a box because the pain and reactions and problem upon problem building up on top of me. I wish there was something practical i could do for you my flower to ease what you are going through, but i hope that life improves for you soon. Get yourself to your doctor to be signed off ILL because that is what you are, extremely ill. How can you muster any fight when you have no energy in you left to help you. They can not dismiss you just because the mood takes them, now go to your doctor and get signed off ill, when you start feeling more able to cope with your work go to one of the advocacy places that help fight injustice at work on your behalf, that is what they are there for so use them, you need help from people that are on the ball and can stand up for you and do what you haven't got the power, ability(because you are too ill) and clout behind them, let them sort out the bu****s(sorry but i can't stand nice people that are doing nothing wrong getting trampled on).
    Sending hugs to Michele and her friends, to Val in the hospital and Saba who i hope is getting back to normal now that her sister is turning a very difficult corner. I will leave my basket full of hugs here in the corner, come and take one as it is filled with every kind, soft, squishy, happy, just because and more.
    With love
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Norah I would love to see some of your fabulous creations. I am just a basic knitter myself and would love to be able to knit dog coats/jumpers for my own dog and my friends dachshund's as it costs a fortune to buy them handmade. I think I need some tuition from Norah!!!!!!

  22. Beautiful creations all round today. Lovely card from Sam, I do like LOTV stamps and toppers.
    Theresa your little mice are so cute and just adorable. I would love to be able to knit like that.
    Littlelamb your granddaughters card is gorgeous, she is obviously very talented and very artistic. What age is she?
    Sandra and the Graces I hope you have had a great day and bought loads of goodies. Please take some photos and let us see what you have bought.

  23. Hi Sandra and lovely ladies, first of all, thank you for all your good wishes on winning Sues card, I can't believe it.
    I hope you all had a lovely day at the show meeting up with everyone, I hope you havent tired yourselves out with all that chatting!!
    Well it is raining cats and dogs here, so a night of card making beckons
    I think, the TV is also rubbish so will catch up on Johns shows today.
    Sandra I have left my money in the box for my coffee, will catch all you lovely ladies tomorrow. Take care, Jess x

  24. I would like to thank every body for their kind comments on my card today. I cannot thank you enough. I used all my own stuff.
    Lots of love Scarlettx

    1. Hello Scarlett, THANK YOU for letting Sandra show us your card on her blog. lots of love, Brenda x

    2. You are one very talented young lady, Scarlett. Thank YOU very much for allowing us to see your beautiful card..
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    3. Hello Scarlett,
      What a beautiful card you have done. Your colouring in is fantastic, I bet Grandma wishes she was as good!!!
      My granddaughters (Eleanor and Zoe) are having a sleepover tonight and we have just watched Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters on a DVD. They are going to make their Mother's Day cards tomorrow. I have shown them your card on the computer and they are very impressed. Well done, Maureen xxxx,

  25. Good evening Sandra and ladies. Just popping I to get a quick cup of tea, won't have anything to eat as Charlie has started getting tea ready. No I just need a drink, as that's all Gillians and Andrews invites done and dusted. Gillian came at lunch time and we, well she put the last lot together, the smile and look of pride she had on her face when she completed the last one was lovely, I was left to as she said " waff " with the tissue paper and putting them in their boxes. Now I have just to make lots of thank you cards. She wants them there so if they are lucky enough to get gifts, (they have said they don't expect gifts, people coming to the wedding and the evening party is all they want,). They want to be able to send out a thank you card straight away.
    I got my tootsies done so iam happy. My job for tomorrow is to tidy up the spare room so you can get in and see the bed. It's a real mess as I have just spread everything over the bed, to save keep going to boxes. No doubt by next weekend it might look just as bad. Well Sandra, Sue, Pat and Brenda I hope you all had a great time at the show and you will have to let us see what you bought. Thank you for the tea. I have washed up my cup , tidy up and put the money in the pot. Sandra we will look after the shop tomorrow so don't worry. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I bet you breathed a sigh of relief that the invites are finished. Take a deep breath now, and start the Thank You cards. Oh, and clear up the spare room, then tote that barge, lift that bale!!! And if you've any spare time, come and clear up for me lol.
      Maureen x
      P.s. Been to Australia lately?

    2. Evening Maureen. I wish I could have gone to Australia today,as its poured with rain all day here and so miserable! It will take me hours to sort out, we have a 4ft bed in there and you can't see any of the duvet apart from the bit hangs down the side. I never leave my dies out of my storage box, but I have this week it was easier to have them on the she le above my Xcut . I will get there if I just pull my finger out. Hazel x

    3. Glad you have managed to finish the invitations. Big job isn't it. I did my son's invitations etc., and had to emboss them before there were embossing machines in the market so it was a stencil and light box. Thank you for the kind comments on Scarlett's card. Had a good day at Farnborough and met Sandra, Paul. Sue, Pat and her sister in Law.

  26. Janet Ecco of Sheffield28 February 2015 at 18:56

    Good evening everyone - sorry I'm late but this afternoon has been a little on the manic side - daughters/son in laws etc. It's been lovely seeing them all. So I hope you have all had a piece of that gorgeous cake Sandra left for me and that there may be a little left for all who have been to Farnborough. Thank you all so much for all your wishes. I have loved all of them. See you tomorrow. Janet xx

    1. Hi Janet,
      Glad you had a lovely (if manic) day with the family. xx

  27. Hi Sandra and all the ladies. I had a lovely day in Farnborough and managed to meet up with Sandra Mrs B and Pat. It was lovely to meet you all and put a face to a name. My lovely friend Jackie was there too, we used to work together, she pops over to my house for a catch up at lunchtimes now when she needs to get away from school and sometimes we have an afternoon together playing. It's great to have a friend like that, she misses me at work and our crafty chats. Hope you managed to buy lots ladies, there were some lovely things there. I'll just have a quick cup of tea as dinner will be ready soon (good old M&S meal deal!) . Sam your colouring is beautiful, what a lovely card. Theresa you mice are wonderful, I would treasure them if they were given to me. Much nicer than real mice! Brenda I've left you a comment fo Scarlet, sh is very talented. Sandra hope you, mrs B and Pat aren't too tired tomorrow and Sandra I hope you feel better soon. See you tomorrow, hopefully I will have room for cake! Take care everyone. Love Diane xxx

  28. Had a lovely time at Farnborough today and bought a lot of things. Some for Scarlett. It was good to meet Sandra, Sue, Pat and her sister in law. Had a chat over lunch. Also saw quite a few other people I know. Sam your card is stunning. Congratulations and Theresa I love your mice. I have made them out of felt but not knitted them. Must be very fiddly so congratulations. Think I will have a piece of Janet's birthday cake and a belated Happy Birthday Janet. Also a cup of tea please.

  29. Hello all,
    I'm glad Sandra, Sue, Pat, Littlelamb, Diane and anyone else that I've missed all had a good day at Farnborough. Me, stuck here in Newcastle, no I didn't miss you at all while you were having a good time shopping and chatting. Bet you never gave us a thought - did you lol.
    I love my New York dies as I got to play with them this afternoon, and the beads are lovely. Been trying different configurations, but haven't stuck any yet. Can't decide which I like best between the Scandinavian or New York Dies. That's like trying to decide between Ferrera Rocher and Cadbury's Whole Nut chocolate - impossible!!
    Sandra, I hope you are feeling a bit better and I'm sure you will be happier now that Paul's home.
    I'm going in to see to the girls, time their light was off now.
    See you all tomorrow, I hope you all have a good night, Maureen xx

  30. Hello again. I just wanted to say a huge, heartfelt thank you to everyone for their kind words and support, you have no idea how much it means to me. Coffee and cakes are on me tomorrow.
    Sandra, I hope that you're feeling better and that you and the Graces had a wonderful, craft filled, giggly day. Sleep well all. Sue xxx

  31. I was going to go through and comment on every post but as there were in excess of 80 and I pooped, so I will summarise and hope you all read it!
    Firstly Happy Birthday Janet, I hope you have been treated like a princess today as you deserve! hugs for you!!
    Sam, Theresa, Thank you both for allowing me to share your amazing works of art! you are what makes this blog special xxx
    Little Scarlett, you young Lady should be so very proud of yourself, your card is amazing and as good as any card that us grown ups make, please keep using Grandma's craft goodies (she bought lots more today!) thank you for allowing me to show your gorgeous card. hugs xxxx
    Sue I am sorry for the anguish and pain you are going through, I have a left you a little message under your post, big hugs my love, xx
    Steph, I hope you are all prepared and that you are getting ahead with your orders, hugs xxx
    Littlelamb Brenda, it was so lovely to meet you today, now I can see who I am talking too! hugs
    Diane, It was lovely to meet you today, thanks for spotting us, I look forward to the nest time! hugs ps hope you didn't spend too much xx
    Hazel I am so pleased your got the invitations done, phew! and your tootsies too, you deserved that little treat, I hope you managed to get that spare room tidied! love and hugs xxxx
    Now Saba you were in here late last night watching quatermass on that Bakelite TV, did you or did you not lock Maria in???? come on own up.....
    she ate half of my next months profit worth of cake! hihihi, we must remember to check the toilets etc before we lock up! xxxx
    Brenda (mumma) I thought you were using rhyming slang there at the beginning of your post, phew! it was a warning to avoid your post in cyberspace! love and big hugs xxxx
    Jess, congratulations on winning Sue's Wednesday card, lucky girl! hugs
    Barbara, thank you for dropping in my love, and for your lovely comments xx
    Norah, Oh my have you any idea how much I would love to meet you at one of these craft fairs, or anywhere for that matter! I would need my tena lady then as I more than likely pee myself laughing, you are the most supportive, caring, funny, therapeutic, lovely person I know, love you xxx
    Cheryl, I too would like to think that one day we could arrange a big ole meet up for everyone, its a little dream of mine! hugs xxx
    Maureen, I hope you enjoy the sleepover and the movie, I love the Percy Jackson movies! you'll be tired tomorrow! rest up xxxx
    Hi Lynda, how was your day, you would have enjoyed the show, it was bigger that AP but not as big as NEC, was very well organised too, would have been lovely to meet up, sending hugs xxxx
    Michelle, I hope you had a nice lunch, I am so sorry to hear the news of your friend, how terribly sad that they have to rearrange their wedding plans, I can't imagine how much of an emotional day that will be, you will need plenty of tissues on that day my love, what a privelige to be part of such a special ceremony! love and huge hugs my love xxx we are all here for you, anytime xxxx
    Jacquie, thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comments too, xxxxx
    Myra, sending you big hugs xxx
    Maria, I am presenting you with a key, so that you don't get locked in again and eat my out of house and home, I just followed the crumbs and found you sleeping in crafty corner! tut tut! love and hugs xxxx
    Thank you all for keeping the coffee shop running in my absence, I will do my best to get up and in in the morning, but I am making no promises, the key will be under the Bay Tree in the pot outside the door!
    love and hugs
    Sandra xxx

    1. DONT even think about it - you are under orders to stay in bed - we have the coffee shop sorted out. All the cakes are restocked the place has been tidied up and had a deep clean ( wouldn't like you to think we were slacking in your absence) it all looks lovely. iF you can't rest, you can sit in Norah's corner and chat OR just watch.
      We know you have had a fantastic day BUT you have to take it easy, Because we care about you and don't want you overdoing things. Sweet dreams, Mumma xxx

    2. I promise to help with Brenda in the morning so you stay in bed and rest your aching body, did you find a lot of goodies today ? Hmm I don't think you can blame Saba for yesterdays mishap as Diane has own up lol but the crumbs I do know nothing about ,honestly. maybe we have got mice! Hope you are having a better night and your cold is easing Hugs Maria xx

  32. Good evening Sandra and the last few customers of the day, oh I am so tired after helping with curtains etc at the new home my daughter is getting sorted and has her three boys home from the kennels so is one happy bunny! It is so lovely to see both her and my son in law looking so happy after the dreadful year they have had.
    Well Sandra I do hope you were able to meet up with lots of people today and enjoyed the show I know you will be shattered now so relax and snuggle up to your darling Paul and the aching effects will ease will be well. We will cope without your lovely smile in the morning sweetheart you have a well earned rest in bed tomorrow morning
    Sam you have the patience of a saint your card and colouring are so beautiful you are one very talented lady and no mistake, thank you for sharing your card.
    Theresa what delightful little folk something for the bride and groom to treasure from their wedding day and such a beautiful gift for them.
    We have serious competition from one very young lady in our midst with
    such a beautiful owl card.
    Saba wishing you and Val a wonderful weekend thinking of you both sweetheart.
    Well good night and God Bless everyone,
    Hugs and snuggles for a good nights sleep to you all.
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Bless you Margaret. Hope you can have a rest tomorrow. Good Night God bless. XXX

  33. Anyone home, hello, Maria are you hiding again.
    Good morning anyone fancy a nightcap, it's gone one o clock here and it really is time I was off to my bed but couldn't resist popping in to check on the mouse situation. There were no crumbs around when I left last night. No, not a mouse in sight, but, Sandra what's all that about in your post about lovely to meet Diane and looking forward to the NEST time. Predictive text playing up,again or is there something to get excited about, and I don't mean mice.
    Right I'm off, see you in the morning, I'll put that key back where I found it,
    Love and night night God bless.
    Saba XXX
    Ps don't worry I've checked, Maria is not hiding anywhere so your cakes for tomorrow are safe.
