
Thursday 12 February 2015

Theresa's Beautiful Birdhouse

Good Morning Ladies,
Today I am so delighted to share with you this beautiful bird house created by the very talented
Theresa.  I can see a few different Sue dies on there and some pretty papers, I know Steph (who is the very lucky owner of this beautiful piece of art). absolutely loves it and was absolutely blown away by its beauty when she received it.
I hope Theresa feels up to giving us a brief description of how she achieved this amazing creation!
Did any of you manage have a look at the Craft Network Channel?
The recent activities of Create and Craft make you want to vote with your feet and go elsewhere, although there are still demonstrations that we would not like to miss (like Sue's) for example.
But I think that it will hit them badly enough that people are choosing to shop more sensibly.
Some of the stories we have shared and read today do make you stop and think before you buy.
I would very much like to who amongst you voted for that Dean on Create and Craft, he publically struts around preening his feathers enough as it is, without getting an award to make him more cocky!
I would love you all to let Theresa know how much you love her Birdhouse.
I am hoping to make sometime (pain allowing) to bake some biscuits today as Margaret sent me some
lovely recipes yesterday, Shortbread, Butter Biscuits, Ginger Biscuits, Mars Bar Cake to name but a few. I can't wait! Paul said he was looking forward to it too!
Well the brownies I made today, have gone, Pat, Sue and I had 1 each, my eldest daughter just happened to pop home at lunch time, she went after an hour, next time I looked in the tin as I was sorting tea out there was 4 left, yes 4! So they all had one for pudding and that's that, all gone! No chance of them making me any fatter!
Well I am off to get a cup of tea.
Love and Hugs

Ps Good Luck to Steph today, hope all goes well with your appointment xxx
Pps.   Please tell me that somebody else saw that programme about 'Behind the Doctors Surgery Door' so many  of the people in there had me laughing so much, there was a man who's gentleman's
bits apparently made a clunk noise when he turned over in bed, I was crying with laughter!
PPPS I saw on C & C that Tonic have bought out what looks very much like 'striplet' dies! I am sure the same happened last year with the bow dies!


  1. Morning Sandra,
    Could I have a Weak Latte and Slice of Toast and Marmalade please.
    I do hope your well today Sandra, I'm so pleased you had a good day with your friends.
    I really Love visiting The Cotswold Cafe and when you share such Awesome Work with us like today's from Theresa which is a Stunning Bird House, so much hard work has gone into this I Love The Colour It's Just So Very Elegant, Beautiful Flowers, Love The Embossing, Every Detail Is Just Divine And Perfect, Steph must Love It.
    Talking of Steph I do hope everything goes well today at The Hospital.
    Can I just say to Margaret (Corgi Owner) thank you for your kind words re: my Cards I must admit I Love Crafting and I'm extremely lucky(is that the right word) because we've never had a family, my husband turned our small Bedroom into a Craft Room, at first I said I just needed a work table the length of the room to hold Computer and Grand Calibur etc, it was him (bless him) that said well don't you want shelves above for your Papers and underneath, but even with all that space it can get very messy!!!
    Thanks to Maureen (Killen) re: the information about the British Crafting Channel, I'll check it out.
    Also please forgive me but someone mentioned about me getting up early and going out with the Boys but when I worked I worked in Manchester at Kendals Department Store and I really Loved it.
    It is 80 miles from where I live so there was a lot of traveling, what I'm trying to say I used to get up at 4:00 o'clock and I still get up at the same time, I'm sure the man I passed the other morning thought I was so strange all wrapped up etc Lol!!
    Well Sandra please forgive me if I go on, I may not be able to visit The Cotswold Cafe and all my wonderful friends, tomorrow as I've got to go to Hospital for them to place the Camera inside as I'm having a few problems.
    I really hope All that visit the Cafe today are well and if not I send you huge hugs.
    Sandra have a good day and please take great care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Bless you Sam, I hope all goes well tomorrow and they can put a stop to your suffering.
      I think you send photograph your craft space to share with us all!
      I would very much like to show one of your cards too!
      Have a lovely day, by the way you don't 'go on'
      We love hearing what you have to say!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  2. Morning Sandra,

    Theresa has made a stunning birdhouse, house gorgeous is that? Definitely a keepsake.

    I have not had chance to look on that site yet but I will do. Tonic and others always seem to copy either what Sue or Spellbinders bring out, they see how popular they are then do their own, Tonic being one of them. Tattered lace are doing it now with their Panorama sets, same as Spellbinders matting & layering dies I believe.

    Anyway, good luck with all the baking,

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie
      Thanks for lovely words about Theresa's gorgeous birdhouse!
      It naked me hopping mad that Sue does all the hard design work and they just go and steal it!
      So frustrating!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Oops there is an image that nobody needs to have in their minds,
      Sorry! Hi hi xxxx

  3. Good morning Sandra. A weak tea please, while I admire this stunning work of art. Theresa you are very talented, to create your bird house with all your die cuts must take you ages to. The papers you have used, the flowers, foliage and just all the little elements is just wonderful. Oh what a keep sake.
    We need to see some of your cards, please!!!
    Sandra you are going to be busy baking all those goodies, you won't have time to serve us, I think it will be a help yourself day at the coffee shop ladies? Bear In mind to Sandra if the brownies are all gone, they are gone as they were so moorish. I always use to think when friends told me they had stopped baking as it was a waste of time as no one every eat them, there had to be a reason? NO ONE liked them. Ok I don't bake as much now as with only the two of us here and Charlie isn't a big biscuit/ cake person it's not worth it. What I tend to do is bake and share.
    Had to smile at Norah's new name for Sue, Pat and yourself!!!. Did you have a good day of fun and crafting? Meet up with Patricia and had a good chat, was I bit spoilt by the fact that my boss text asking me to pick Anna up at 5 from school, now I wasn't meant to be working, daddy was to do this. What made matters worse was she never replied to my answer plus one other message I sent. I ended up saying I had cancelled what I had planned as I didn't get answer from her and I couldn't leave Anna at school. Anna was so pleased when I messaged her saying I would pick her up, daddy had been late on Monday and she said she was worried he had forgotten about her. She is 12 and she shouldn't have that worry. Today I am off out with Tammy I have said I will pick Anna up on my way back. As daddy and Beth are to be skiing. It's so silly to areas next to each other and the councils choose to have half term on different weeks. Any way thank you for the tea, don't over do it Sandra there is always another day, no point in being in more pain than you already have. Didn't see that program but I does make you wonder. Hazel xx

  4. Hi Hazel,
    I really am going to look for this picture of the 'Three Graces' today!
    Gosh Hazel they do mess you about a bit with your work, would they manage as patents without your help! It sounds like the girls really look up to you,
    Thanks for stopping by,
    Love & hugs
    Sandra xxxxxx

  5. Janet Ecco of Sheffield12 February 2015 at 08:53

    morning Sandra and all Friends.
    Theresa your bird house is out of this world and I just cannot think of any words that will do it justice!!!!!! So yes please I would love love love to see more of your work. Steph you are a very very lucky girl to own this - I'm not envious - really I'm not - just absolutely GREEN with ENVY!!
    I too love your new name Sandra for you three - hope you managed to get some crafting done yesterday. I will definitely be one who is making a statement this year by walking away from C&C. I've been a member for the last nine years and have just had enough of them. The only time I view is when Sue is on and then I record the programmes so that I can fast forward to cut out all their rantings and self praise. I was always taught that self praise is no recommendation and it's so true.
    Sandra I did not know you live so close to Burford. It's one of our favourite places in the Cotswolds. We have gone to Weymouth for heaven only knows how many years and travel down the M1 as far as Rugby then come off and travel the pretty way through Chipping Norton, Burford, Lechlede, Shipton under Wychwood - these are not in correct order- and on to Salisbury. We always stopped and had a walk round Burford. It's a beautiful beautiful piece of country.
    Oh my large latte has arrived and I forgot to order as I came in. Really pleased to see I've become a frequent visitor - well I hope I have-. Hope to pop in later. Theresa once again I'm bowled over by your beautiful bird house. See you later. Janet xx

    1. Hi Janet,
      Burford is where my girls go to school! So please don't EVER call down this way without letting me know first so we can arrange for you to either call in to me or meet up in Burford. I would love that so much!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all Cotswold sisters. Am I lucky or am I lucky ? I adore my bird house. Theresa did email me and ask what colour scheme our lounge is and thought id get a colour co-ordinated Christmas card... Can you imagin my face when I opened the box the posie handed over, and yes I cried and cried and dont care admitting it, to think a virtual friend who is not well sat for hour's and hour's putting all that care and attention into this little beauty just made me realise that I dont have the health I so want and need, but who needs it when my luck comes in the shape of beautiful genuine friends, so stick the lottery, stick having loads of money in the bank, my financial reward are - friends.
    No order today as NBM so can I just sit and sniff a vanilla slice please lol.
    OMG Sandra, I watched clonk clonk man too, at HIS age ? Really ? Noooo TMI lol !!!
    As for the 'couple' did she REALLY ask the Gp to do THAT... I know they are... But wasting valuable Doctor time, but that Gp is so tollerant of them he needs a hug.
    Well, this is torture Im SO thirsty already. Sam id love to see your room too. Are your pinterwotsit cards the same as your FB ? If not I need to go looksie, and love and luck for tomorrow Sam love. Will be thinking of you, not a pleasent experiance my sweet.
    Love n hugs to you all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi Steph, I hope you aren't suffering too much my love, after such a long time inside I would me a mental wreck today as I am sure you are aware!
      Oh my that programme, I was watching through my fingers, my son was watching it too, he was sat in shock, the worse thing was the noise that 'special' lady made when the doctor put his finger where she requested, I nearly spat my tea out! That I sons surgery waiting room you wouldn't want to very sat in! Those GP's earn their money!
      Anyway I hope the worst of your day is over,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  7. Morning all, Thank you so much Sandra for showing my birdhouse. Thank you for the lovely comments. Tony (hubby) sat for hours cutting out the templates from foam core board lightweight but strong.Then it was cover, glue, and embellish. I loved making these especially as I used a lot of Sues dies for the foliage. I made them in different colours with matching birds. I was chuffed when I had orders for them. The sentiment reads "YOU TOUCHED MY LIFE AND MADE A DIFFERENCE" I also made some wedding ones. Could not have done this without Tony.
    Well I'm really thirsty this morning so a nice big cup of hot chocolate with cream please, and a Chelsea bun would go down a treat.
    Good luck Sam hope all goes well.Hugs to all Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Sweetheart you can have a hot chocolate, whipped cream,sprinkles and a flake!!
      Just for allowing me to be able to share your stunning creation, I can just imagine a table full of these at a craft fair, all different colours,
      You could make a fortune!
      Thank you my lovely friend, you really have touched my heart too!
      Please read and enjoy every last one of these amazing comments!
      Huge hugs & love
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies, wow what a stunning piece of work, Theresa what a star you are this is gorgeous.
    Sandra I had a wee giggle to myself from you a wee typo 'hopping around naked' I think you meant to say makes you hopping mad!
    A wee coffee and a bit shortbread, if you have made it, please.
    Will have to go and watch the British Craft channel now.
    Take care everyone, good luck Sam and Steph with your hospital appointments. Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      Please excuse the typo and get that image right out of your head!
      Poor thing!
      There are done fab demos on that channel, plus there us a catch up bit too so you can watch anytime!
      Thanks for calling in to the crazy coffee shop!
      Sandra xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra
    Could I please have my usual latte it is so very cold out today, Theresa I am stunned your bird house is out of this world and your die cuts are wonderful, has Sue seen a picture of your houses because I think so would be delighted to seen what you have done with her dies. To think you have created with the help of your hubby something as beautiful as this is absolutely fantastic, I am not in the least surprised that other people are wanting your works of art. They really are something to treasure and I am sure that Steph will do just that.
    Oh Sandra thank you for the details of the craft channel compared to C & C it is great no and I repeat no bad mannered presenters putting in their 2p. I do love the portrait you paint of Dean it did make me laugh. Talking of manners where are mine, thank you so much for letting us see this beautiful bird house.
    Oh Hazel these people don't deserve or appreciate you, treating you as they do, as my mum would say, if they treat you like salt and pepper a convenience to use when they fancy they are not worth working for. I know you think a lot about the children but it is they as parents who have the responsibility of them not you, please don't let them make you feel guilty or used. Sorry if I am being bossy Hazel but I do feel for you being treated in this manner.
    Sam I do hope all goes well at the hospital for you not a very pleasant procedure I shall be thinking of you and hoping the results are good, take care. xxx
    Hope all goes well for you too Steph take it easy when you get home.
    Well I must get some work done, but I shall be back later hope to catch Norah too for another latte, hope the baking goes well Sandra take it easy don't over do things.
    With love and hugs to all
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      I worry sometimes that I am the only one that feels frustrated with these presenters, he just is so in love with himself, he copies little 'quirks' from old comedians like 'the glasses' thing that he does!
      Some of the women demonstrators act so ridiculously around him!
      Anyway I have to go and finish card for the blog tomorrow.
      Love and hugs

  10. Hello Sandra,
    Steph, what a lucky girl you are to have this beautiful bird house, and Theresa it's absolutely gorgeous, the back is fabulous too, and the verse is "special". It must have been a joy to do. You obviously like to "mess" about - I mean that in the nicest way - because taking some raw material and first of all making the bird house, then decorating it so beautifully, well it would give you such a sense of achievement. And it's all the more remarkable because you have your own problems.
    Oh Sandra, a latte and the chef's special today please.
    I hope the three Graces had a good day yesterday, crafting and chattering, and that Paul will soon be home. I also wish Sam and Steph good luck with your hospital appointments.
    Well, I'd better go and hang out the washing, see you all later.
    Maureen xx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      I hope your washing was dry, it's chilly here today!
      Paul is home (at work at minute) so all back to normal!
      I googled the three graces, well I am quite flattered! I will maybe post a pic tomorrow!
      Hot toasted panini's with chicken, chorizo & mozzarella is the chefs special today! Fancy one?
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Theresa your bird box is fantastic I know Steph will treasure it and I am not surprised you have had orders for them. I love that you have decorated the back as well. Sandra I forgot could I have a hot chocolate please. I am going to look at the crafting channel today as just resting as have no energy. Sam we will all be thinking of you tomorrow. Love Tandy

    1. Hi Tandy,
      I am sorry you are 'flagging' today, pop that channel on and be inspired, there are some dab stamping demo's on there!
      Did BT do a go job?
      Hope you feel more rested tomorrow!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    A weak tea and a piece of chocolate cake as all your delicious brownies were finished off yesterday. They were lovely.
    Well Theresa what a stunning birdhouse that you make for Steph. How lucky are you. What a wonderful gift for you to receive. How on earth did you manage to make such a beautiful creation while in so much pain. I know that Tony helped you but it's the thought process behind the design that is amazing. Janet, you'll have to let us know when you visit Burford. I could pick Mrs B and Sandra up and perhaps a coffee together, that you be lovely. We all live in the Oxgordshire area, so it's no problem. I rang the Manor Hosp today as I didn't think they had my phone number. But apparently Mr Taylor's secretary is away this week, so she won't be ringing me until next week to let me know when my op might be. Hope that the visits go well at the hospital. No news Mrs B regarding Gemma today, hope you don't have to wait to long for your new arrival. You're like a cat on a hot tin roof with the waiting to hear. Sorry Sandra didn't catch that programme you watched. I'm using the cream you gave me for my psoriasis. Nothing's worked yet so I'll give it a go. Well my chocolate has gone and the carpet fitter keeps asking me questions and Pete's gone for his bananas and some more milk. So I'll see you all later. Would love to see more of your creations Theresa. Hope the hospital sort you out as well.

    1. Hi Pat, I could scream with frustration, of all the weeks to be off it has to be this one, does she not have a stand in!
      Be sure to let me know if that cream helps, I had some samples given me for Lucy's psoriasis!
      It would be great to catch up with Janet wouldn't it?
      Pop over to that blog you commented on Pat and read today's!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone, I love this coffee shop, I always feel at ease when i come here, everyone is so friendly - but in your face sort of way, its lovely. Oh I forgot to ask, could i have hot chocolate and a buttered bun please, I will just go and sit over in the corner and do some people watching, may go over to the craft table when I have finished my drink.

    Sandra love the name Norah has given you three, Oh and THANK YOU I found - I see quite a few big names/companies listed. As others have said I only watch C&C when Sue is most of the presenters seem to be on an ego trip (just my opinion) and haven't been in the club (behave Not that club!) for a couple of years.

    Steph, WOW what a beautiful gift, no wonder you cried, And Theresa what a lovely thought, your beautiful bird house has gone to a home where you know it will be treasured and loved.

    Mus get on have a load of washing, second load just about finished. Three cards to make, plus later we have Ciara coming for a sleep over (staff training day tomorrow) Big sister and brother start half term tomorrow.
    Will try to catch up with you all later. love Brenda xxx

    1. Hello Brenda, I also love this coffee shop, and never feel as though I have to have a paper to read so that people won't notice me.
      Good job you're not in THAT club, as I think it would be classed as a miracle, as it would if I were in that position!!!
      Our granddaughters are having a sleepover tonight as well as its a Teacher Training Day tomorrow. Marvellous how they are always tied in to school holidays. During the last one we bumped into a few of them having lunch together in the town, they were quite embarrassed. xx

    2. Hi Brenda (mumma)
      I hope you got all your washing dry today, I will bring your order over to your special comfy, winged arm chair by the fire, go and sit down get some rest as you at going to be exhausted after the sleepover tonight! What are you and Ciara going to get up to later, some crafting maybe?
      Well I can think of a few clubs that you could be referring too, none of them fit for a lady like you!
      And the club you WERE referring to does NOT deserve your money!
      My girls finish tomorrow, although we have nothing planned foe the coming week!
      The coffee shop will be open as usual.
      Right I will leave you to have a power nap!
      Sandra xxxx

  14. Good morning Sandra and our lovely ladies,

    Sandra, The talent that you have generously shown us on your blog is amazing. It's so diverse and so many different styles to inspire us and if it wasn't for you we would never have got to know such lovely cyber friends and in some cases they have become real friends. That's why the sentiment on Theresa's Bird House is so apt. Sandra, you have touched all our lives and made a difference.
    Theresa, it is quite simply stunning and how lovely that Tony spends time helping you to create such masterpieces. You should both be very proud of what you have created. Steph is a very lucky lady to have received this gift and it was heartwarming to read her comment and just how much it meant to her.
    Sam, good luck today with your tests.
    Steph, good luck too with your MRI, the thought of us all having lovely cakes and you only a sniff of a vanilla slice made me sad.

    Bye the way Sandra, I had you hopping naked as well in my head. What would they make of that in the cafe.
    Hugs to all Saba XXX

    1. Saba, did you enjoy Wolf Hall? They complain about the lighting in our newspapers but I think it adds authenticity and atmosphere. I will be so disappointed when the series ends. xx

    2. Loved it Maureen. I agree, it does add to the authenticity and atmosphere. It's makes it a bit more difficult having to watch it on my iPad though. I am lucky in that respect though because there is an app which lets you watch live u.k. Tv. Sometimes I have problems with streaming, which drives me mad though, plus even though I am in Germany, I can get the bbc i player which lets me download programmes, watch live or watch previous programmes.
      It's complicated as the bl...y bbc don't allow it so my son in law set up a thing called a VPN and that tricks the i player into thinking I am in the UK. Could be illegal but I really don't care because as I said yesterday I pay a licence at home so I don't see why I shouldn't watch UK tv when I am here.
      Anyway, back to Wolf Hall, I had wondered why Jenny from Call the Midwife had left, then last night I spotted her. She is playing Lady Rocheford, at least I think it was her. Not sure how many episodes left, but like you I don't want it to end. Xxx

  15. Oh! My! Word! what a STUNNING piece of "art" work that is absolutely wonderful. I love, love, love it.
    Steph you are one lucky lady to have one of these. Hope all goes well for you at the hospital today.
    Sam I hope you get on OK as well. Will be thinking of you.
    (((((Hugs)))))for any out there who might need them.
    Now!! Sandra may I have a cup of tea, very weak no milk and a piece of what ever you pass first. Everything sounds so good, I might just have something different each time i call in. If all your tins ere empty I think that tells you something!! Everything was YUMMY!!!
    My goodness this "Coffee Shop" is a wonderful place for information. I don't do Facebook. I know this might sound stupid but it actually "scares" me. I have been on and had a look at some of the content and what folk talk about ....some good BUT OMG!!! some of the rest ...... sorry not for me.
    Must be living out in the "sticks" surrounded by fields and my little community of neighbours.......makes me feel safe here.
    OK better go see what OH is doing ........ there is an awfull lots of banging and thumping going on. It's certainly not DIY he does not know the meaning of that!!!
    Might pop back later for another cuppa if I have time

    Patricia xxx

    1. Yes I am with Patricia and what she says about facebook to be quite honest it scares me too, there are lots of horrid people on there I don't feel safe, may be silly but I would rather be safe that sorry.
      well while I am here could I have another latte the last one was so lovely.
      Margaret corgi owner

  16. Morning Sandra,
    Thank you showing this wonderful birdhouse made by a very talented Theresa ! it's just so stunning and a bit difficult actually to believe it's made out of card. The little bird, the foliage and the die's from Sue is a work of art ! Love it!
    Well it's a very cold morning again so a Hot chocolate would be nice to heat the (cockles) and a cinnamon bun. I hope it goes well for you tomorrow Sam at the hospital and Steph today for your MRI. Sandra I hope your dressed now after hopping naked for a while Tihi did it make you feel better ?
    I agree thats a bad thing of other crafters to copy what Sue have made, many hours of work she put into to make. Many times the other ones might be a bit cheaper but also weaker in their products. I'm not keen on Tattered lace, don't work in my machine, but I like Spellbinders and Signature dies. I watched Julia on a recorded episode yesterday, unfortunately with DB :-( I have booked a day workshop with her in March and hope it will be good .
    Have a nice day out with Tammy ,Hazel. So nice to see you get along with your sister Patricia. I'm ok with my sister too but our lives have taken such a different ways and she can only,more or less just talking about her dogs,for hours ! :-) they are lovely but......It can take weeks before we speak on the phone to each other, mostly we leave a message on facebook.......
    I pop in tonight, maybe some news from Mrs B and how Steph got on. You take care , Sandra ,don't let the lunch guests tire you out too much :-)
    Warm Hugs! xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Oh a cinnamon Bun, I could just eat one of those! I will bring your order to you in a second!
      Well it was quiet this morning in the shop so thought a bit of naked hopping my just cause a commotion! Just bare in mind that if I were to hop naked there would be nothing safe on a shelf for a 6 ft radius!
      It doesn't even bare thinking about, I think Mrs B made a comment a few weeks back about my 'nightwear' or 'lack' of it, so whoever gad said I was in the coffee shop in my nightie & slippers would be in for a shock! I replied saying if I were stood making teas naked, I wouldn't need a spoon to stir the tea! Hahaha. (Gravity hasn't been kind to me)!!!
      Now I have made you feel ill, I will leave you to recover!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Laughing out loud, the others in the room /OH an son think I got mad or in my case madder ! You haven't made me feel ill at all but I would prefer a spoon to stir my drinks Haha! I'm sure you look amazing even after four children ! Hope you having a good night, Hugs Maria xx ps. I can't stop looking at the card ,just hope it's not to thumbed by the time Rick's coming up in April ! Tihi xx

  17. Hi Sandra,
    Hi everyone who calls in once or twice a day!
    Sandra it really is a lovely blog! I'm like Patricia and I guess a few others and don't do Facebook but this is just right! Thank you!
    Theresa - Wow what a gorgeous bird house! It is beautiful and such a lovely keepsake. I love all the die cuts and elements you have used and the message is just lovely too. You have brought a lot of joy today , thank you! x
    Steph - no wonder you were in tears! It is just such a beautiful gift and your face must have been a picture when you opened that box!
    Hope today isn't too bad - hope you can manage something tasty later on today.
    Hazel - I feel really sorry that you are being put upon like this - your employer knows your kindheartedness and is using that. Poor little lass not knowing who is coming or when! Pleased you had a nice time with Patricia.
    Sam - hope all goes well tomorrow ! Thinking of you too.
    Well, Sandra need to get some lunch I think - hope you've got some clothes on now! Lol.
    Lots of love and thanks,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi My lovely,
      I do have my clothes on, relax! It would be health & safety nightmare if not! Please read Maria's reply, that will give you an idea!
      I really love how people pop in and out during the day, answering each other's questions and giving each other support, better than any other blog!
      All because you lot make it that way, so thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  18. Wow. This is georgeous. You are very talented Theresa. Thank you Sandra fr showing us.

  19. Just don't seem to be able to finish a message on here. If I make a mistake and go back to correct it I cannot type anymore. Steph and Sam hope all goes well today. Will be thinking of you. Glad I haven't got to be hanging around the hospital again for three weeks now. Got some dies from JS today that I have wanted for a long time and she has just bought them out. Two beach huts and a deck chair. Also a cross with lilies draped around it which I think will be useful for Easter and Sympathy cards. Now I just need to be able to use them but hand is too painful at the moment. I cannot seem to get this other crafting channel on the iPad and my son has a Mac and he cannot get it either:-(

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Your dies sound lovely, it must be torture not being able to use them, you are using the best way method of recovery though.....retail therapy!
      I can get it on my iPad so you should be able to.
      When you are writing and it stops or you leave it a second and you can't type anymore just tap on the key in the bottom right corner (the keyboard icon) and then tap back on where you want to continue writing at it starts again, it's a frustrating quirk, but that's how you get round it!
      I hope that helps my love,
      Sandra xxxxx

  20. Hi Littlelamb,
    Try It works on my iPad so I hope you manage to find it. It is totally different from C&C. So sorry you are in such pain.
    Love Myra xx

  21. Good afternoon dear Sandra and my angels.
    Oh Teresa your birdie house is exquisite, stunning in every detail. What a beautiful gift to make for some one especially for our Steph. She has a lot to cope with and i can understand her tears at this superb gift. Thank you Teresa for letting us see this work of art and Steph as well. You are right about money & possessions, you can be the richest person on earth & have nothing if you don't have friends, but i think we are, as we have the very best of friends & we've never met. I hope today gave up some help to what they can do to make life a bit more comfortable for you, me i have had quite a few of these done and hate the machine. Sending you hugs to get you over the trauma of the polo machine. Sam ask for them to take the pictures portrait and not landscape as it might be better for you. I don't think i fancy seeing the vast extent of my tummy and worse some how, but at least portrait i'd be thinner than landscape mode or even worse panoramic mode(lol)
    Well that hot latte was just lovely and not too strong unlike some cafes who think they are making tar for the roads i think. I went to my friends last night to teach her how to knit as she knows how to knit & purl but that is all. Her gran tried to teach her but she would get so far make a mistake & gran would rip it down to which she got disheartened at never getting further than a few rows when it would get ripped back. A work colleague tried but cast on for her, did the rib and did a few rows (what use is that? how would she learn?) for her to take over and carry on, but she ripped it back if Ann made a mistake. I got one of those 99p knitting sets that is out the now to start her off making mitts. She wants to start on a cardigan but as i told her if we start on mitts, learn all the basic things:- casting on, rib, increasing, knitting,making buttonholes for the ribbon, decreasing for shaping and casting off as she can't do any of these and she can see results for her efforts in a shorter space of time. Well i handed her the knitting needles & wool & told her what to do. She is now part way up the mitten all by herself. Her face was glowing last night with the thought that at last she could knit and i was fair chuffed for her. She turns and says to me "how come you didn't shout at me?", why would i shout, what would be the need? None. Her daughter wants to join our Wednesday night knitting club now, she is only 24 coming up. Crikey nobody has ever wanted to hang around and learn from me before as i have always been considered as the old fashioned one out of all of my friend's friends. Me i am just glad that she is enjoying something that should be enjoyed and not considered as a chore. What does her daughter want her to knit first???? My Goofy cardigan that they are trying to swipe from me. Told her that that might be a bit in the distance at the moment, we'll get the basics in place first. So that was my couple of hours last night and i was really happy when i got home that my friend has finally been able to accomplish her dream of being able to knit. Yes she has a wee bit to go, but 99 % of it is enjoyment and the rest is practice.
    Me, i'm just back from Stirling where i got my son a lovely duffle coat out of that dear shop called "Primark" you know, £10 for the wool charcoal grey duffle... brilliant i think.
    Hope that you are resting as much as you can Sandra flower as the cafe can be quite busy at times but the fact that we can serve ourselves if needed makes it a great place to drop in and there is always a chair spare where you need it. Have a great day everyone,
    with love and crafty hugs of all sorts to all my angels and the 3 graces,
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hello flower,
      Norah what a fabulous gift you are passing on at your 'knitting club',
      There is something so rewarding about passing on the gift of a skill that you have for the rest of your life! It also proves that if someone genuinely wants to share a skill they have as much patience as it takes for someone to pick it up, you obviously have the knack as she has picked up in one evening! You are right about keeping the goals small, if you start off on a project that is so unachievable that you give up after a few days the feeling of elation at having a complete pair of bootees or mittens in front of you is just huge!
      Now this three graces thing, I googled the name and I am quite flattered, what would I have for a figure like that haha
      Primark is the best place for bargains, particularly for teenagers that wear clothes one month and don't want them the next, they aren't that bad quality either! Some of their towels are super good quality!
      I hope Rory likes his coat!
      My girlies are just in from school so I am going to make a drink!
      They can tell me about their Spanish exam!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hello Norah, I wish I had had a friend like you, your patience is wonderful, My Gran knitted for England! She said our first born saved her life. She died when our first baby was three. (OMG that baby has 3 babies of her own now) anyway my gran never used a pattern and her garments were always perfect. But she never sat and passed on any of her knowledge. I have tried to knit but never really felt that I was getting anywhere. I can sew and have passed this skill onto our daughters, the eldest daughter has some brilliant commissions she can boast about, she now has a career in education. So does not have as much time as she would like to sew. But it's a skill that you never forget. When she has time she can always return to sewing.

  22. Janet Ecco of Sheffield12 February 2015 at 15:23

    Afternoon my friends - one large latte please - I NEED it. Why oh why do I inflict pain upon myself!!!! I decided this morning that whilst I was doing some cutting I would have C&C on in the background - I craft at the far end of the dining room and the TV is about 25ft away in the living room so I cannot see but can hear. What a mistake that was and it's just reminded me as to why I don't watch anymore and why my subs will be cancelled this year. I had the misfortune to put it on for 11.00 - 12.00 and so had SW rattling on - I gave up after 15mins on how many updates she gave etc.So if I have that sort of an idea again you all have permission to shoot me. It's a good job today is Jim's day out or he would have done it before the 15mins was up. I am now in rehab lol so to go with my latte a little pastry is called for I think. Wake me up when it's closing time. hugs xx

    1. Hello Lovely,
      I will be over to give you your therapy session shortly!
      Take a deep breath and let it out slowly!
      Sending you big hugs, I will send you an email shortly, that will make you angry!
      Love you

  23. Good evening Sandra,
    Can I have a lovely hot chocolate please,but no cake trying to be good,otherwise I won't fit through the doors at Ally Pally lol We have just got home from shopping,had lunch out first as Terry wanted pie & Mash.
    Theresa WOW WOW what can I say your birdhouse is STUNNING your sooo clever & very talented,no wonder Steph cried when she opened it.
    Steph I hope all went well for you at hospital today sending you big Hug's
    Sam good wishes to you also for tomorrow's hospital appointment.hope it helps with your discomfort.
    Now Sandra no more naked hopping please,especially in the coffee shop😳
    Lots of love Lynda xxxx

    1. Hello lovely,
      You can have whatever you like, does Terry like the 'pie & mash' like the cockney 'pie & mash' or just ordinary everyday pie and mash?
      Don't they gave some funny 'liquor' on it or something, what about mushy peas?!
      Making me hungry now, I have got to go make a chilli in a second!
      Alright alright about my nakedness, but as Paul pointed out, I was in bed and actually baked when I wrote it! But ssshhhh!
      What do you wear in bed, us a Terry a 'furry pyjamas' man? Haha
      By the way Lynda, your card yesterday was stunning!
      Love & hugs,
      Ps dud you have pie & mash too?

  24. Hi Sandra and friends. Oh Theresa, your birdhouse is a work of art; the hours of love you must have put into it...well, I'm lost for words, it's beautiful.
    Steph, I hope that everything went well today and Sam I wish you well for tomorrow. Norah, I bet that Rory looked wonderful in his sweater and Kirsten will soon change her mind when she sees that her little one will have unique clothing.
    Has anyone else noticed that Sue's comments went up again yesterday but have gone down again today; it makes me so mad! Well I'm away to my bed because I only had about 2 hours sleep last night. Sue xxx

  25. Hi Sue,
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on Theresa's gorgeous birdhouse.
    I am so sorry to hear that you only had a couple of hours sleep last night, you sound like me, I can often be laid there with the brightness on the ipad turned down low ( so as not to disturb the walrus snoring beside me) playing on
    solitaire or something! once you get into the pattern of it its hard to go back to normal routine. The blog posts for Sue will be through the roof again tomorrow as they all roll up to see if they are winners! fingers crossed it will be mostly Sue's loyal everyday followers that win a prize!
    Night Night lovely, sleep well,
    Sandra xxxxx

  26. Hi Sandra
    My word this is playing up today. I'm last to leave the cafe I suspect. I've just looked up the 3 graces. My word we are getting about a bit aren't we. Mind you we are naked as well, and all those people ogling us in the museums. Mind you they're in for a shock if they saw me naked. Good job were just in our imagination. Hope your feeling a bit better now. I really feel very nasty now and could really go for Kim Robertson, where everyone seems to think she's so nice on her blog. Sorry ladies not like me at all. I'm very placid really, honest. Night night my lovelies and hope everyone could get a good nights sleep tonight. Good night sleep tight hope the bed bugs don't bite.

  27. Hi Pat,
    I was quite flattered with the three Graces images, their boobs were up where the should be, not one of them had them hanging around their navel!
    I wonder which one was which?
    I can understand that you are frustrated, anyone would be in the same situation!
    Don't let it stop you sleeping tonight though my lovely!
    I will hopefully speak to you tomorrow, did you go to your club?
    Love and Huge hugs
