
Wednesday 11 February 2015

Another Janet Masterpiece!

Good Morning Ladies
Another Janet masterpiece today, such a pretty card, its a good job Janet has sent me some cards to share with you too as Paul has gone away again, which would have no impact on my blog other than
the fact that he takes the photographs of my cards.  I have no idea how to use his twiddly lens camera thing, if it was a bog standard point and shoot thing I could have managed, (apart from the loading it up thingy)! So I would have had no card to show you and would have my broken my resolution of blogging everyday!
Mind you I love the Guest Designer concept, I think its healthy to see a broad range of cards rather than just mine! Boy have we seen some gorgeous cards, there are some very talented crafters among us, better than some people I have seen demonstrating on TV that's for sure!
I mentioned the other day about a different craft channel that's online, its called  its a 24hr channel of craft demonstrations, no selling, there are links to the various companies websites for you to purchase the products that they are demonstrating, so constant whinging presenter! 
Its worth a look, there are a few well known names on there, I think the Kraftyhand chaps have organised the channel, Kay Rutter is on there with her Hougie Board demonstrations. Indigo Blu are also on there, amongst many other names, all that have disappeared from Create and Craft.
I came across it when I read an argument on FB the argument was about the fact that Stephanie Weightman used to run the Summer Crafting Event at Doncaster in August each year I believe, but as far as I am aware she sold her company (or part of it) to the C & C family, so they then ran the Summer Crafting Event and they had said that anyone that had any part of this new British Craft Network Channel was not allowed to have a stand at this show! I feel that this is very petty personally, what ever happened to having healthy competition, there is room out there for more than one craft channel, maybe then the prices would be a more reasonably priced!
It shows C &C in their true light I guess, to try and kill off any competition, so any of the companies that are part of this new channel are not welcome to be part of Create and Craft as far as I am aware!
Isn't it ridiculous?
Anyway its worth you going to have a look I believe.
Let me know what you think anyway.
Hopefully Janet will pop in and tell us all about her card at some point.
I have got Pat & Sue coming over today, I am so looking forward to it.
Well I must go and feed these kitty's as they are getting restless!
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Morning Janet my Dear friend,
    I do hope your well, I'm sorry I didn't get back yesterday but I read the comments this morning.
    I've clicked you on Facebook so now we're Friends on there, I have a quick look to see if anything new is on in a morning.
    "Janet WOW what an Amazing Lady you are such a Talented Lady!
    Your Card Is Truly Exquisite, Very Beautiful I Just Love The Colours, you must say how you created your Centre Embellishment as that is Just Stunning."
    Well Sandra and all my Friends in the Cafe this morning The Dentist wasn't too bad this time normal clean and polish he also did a couple of X Rays and has decided that my Crown needs to come out, and a new White one in
    (I'm dreading that as the old Crown as been in place for many years!!!)
    I asked the price of The White Crown and he said it would be £200 on the NHS so I dread to think what it would be Private, so I've got that to look forward to but not until June.
    Stephanie Weightman still does the shows in Doncaster with Nancy Watts and of course Create and Craft, my Craft Leader has her Show in June and her Show is usually July and they Cram in so many Craft Companies that there isn't a great deal of room for people to get around unlike Ally Pally,
    The first year Stephanie did Doncaster she did a Full Day work shop the day before The Show opened, I went along It cost £75 for five hours and they said that Stephanie and Nancy would come round each table to chat etc, they had put so many tables within the room and there was 10 people per table you got a goody bag which I'm sure they was from individual suppliers they placed a Card on each table and virtually said copy that you had support from a lady but Not Stephanie or Nancy, they never came near the table.
    I vowed Id never go again as I didn't gain anything from it, then I got into Stamping etc and I Love it.
    What Channel is The British Crafting on please
    Well Sandra have a great day I'll be back later to get Janet update on how she made her Awesome Card, Myra Bless Her had commented on a couple of my Cards on Pinterest so I had a quick Look at Myra's and what can I say but "WOW" What Talent we have in The Cafe and like you said Sandra a whole lot better than so called famous guest's!!!
    Take great care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx
    To All the Wonderful Ladies that visit Sandra's Fabulous Cafe for the great Coffee and Mouth Watering Cakes I do hope your well if not I send you huge hugs.
    Take care my friends
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hello Sam, it's not on a channel, it's on the computer. Just type in British Crafting and it should come up. xx

    2. Hi Sam,
      Oh that crown has given me the shivers, and then there is the cost, you could gave been like 'posh spice' last week, just think how many dies that would have bought!
      I have a few tales of Step W being a little bit ignorant at shows, after promising to 'craft with you'! It's arms game as it's not what crafting us supposed to be about, most crafters like our Sue are kind, caring and would give you the world!
      That's not Create and Craft's ethos at all! They might as well be called "stand and deliver" !
      Catch up later,
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Hi Sam sorry to read of your news from the dentist but this is just a thought do you have any others that are old and may need replacing? My reason for asking is that my dentist had to do two for me so I was honestly expecting to have to take out another mortgage, but she told me as I was having two at the same time the cost would be cheaper than 2 separate ones and it was quite a lot cheaper.
      On a brighter note I have found some of your cards on Pinterest as I don't do Facebook Oh Sam they are nothing short of fantastic so very beautiful truly they are, I love everyone.
      Margaret xx

    4. Hi Sue, me again :-) Don't like the dentist , just wanted to tell that I paid nearly £ 200 for my silver one , if I had wanted a white it would have cost me £ 300 and this was NHS. I will try to find you on pinterest in a minute, now Margaret have made me curious. Hugs Maria x

  2. Hi Sandra, here I am for my early morning coffee and toast. Janet is really spoiling us with her creations, I hope that she will pop in later to tell us about the centre piece, it looks like an old fashioned cameo and it's beautiful.
    I'm sorry that Paul's had to go away again but at least you have a crafty day with Pat and Sue to look forward to.
    I had a quick look at the BCN website last night, but I'll have to wait until next week to watch anything. I can't believe that not everyone can exhibit at Doncaster - don't they realise that crafters will simply stop going. I did wonder why Stephanie Weightman's company was getting so much airtime, you've answered that question! I watch c&c but will never buy from them again - too many times of them taking my money and then 2 weeks later saying that the delivery firm had lost the parcel and they had no more stock; you never get anywhere when you complain either. You can't fault JS for customer service and fast delivery so I usually order from her. Anyway, breakfast over so I'd better go to work. Enjoy your day everyone. Sue xxx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Sandra,

    Gorgeous card from Janet, its good you are showing others creations, we get a chance to see what we may otherwise never see! Would love to know how she made her Cameo in the center as it#s gorgeous.

    I will take a look later at that channel, not surprised about C& C that's why they keep getting these awards because they block out every other company, I'm more surprised that Stephanie actually sold it to them lol! That would explain why her tattered lace gets so much air time and haven't the prices for those gone up! Perhaps everyone should stop voting for C&C in the awards then they may stop. I don't buy much from them now as I always find the products cheaper on the sellers own web site of various other websites, sometimes products are same prices but you don't pay the P&P.

    Anyhow I have rambled on enough, have a great day.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  5. Hi Sandra. Firstly I want to say how beautiful Janets card is, a lovely colour and so elegant : )
    No phone call (yet) so I will be with you at 11am and I am looking forward to some of your delicious leek and potato soup, and I believe you may have brownies on offer too, yum: ) We have got several of Delias cookbooks, I will bring them over for you to look at, (I think the shortbread recipe is in her Cookery Course one)
    Thank goodness Pat will be having her op soon, don't get me started on her having to go private after paying her stamp all of these years, but the important thing is to get you back to being painfree my lovely friend : )
    Thank you ladies for the tips about cars. Nissan seems to be a popular choice if you have problems with getting in and out of cars.
    I love the words little ones use, we have had STRANGLED Egg rather than Scrambled Egg ever since RJ called it that when he was tiny : )
    C&C are the worst company, they take your money when you order then when your goods don't arrive they take ages to refund you. I would also love to know how people get their orders in a couple of days as I have had to wait at least 5 days and so does everyone else it seems. Of course they wouldn't make up stories about the fast delivery, would they? I have had the same problems as some of you with not getting flexipay, then when you ring you are told it can't be changed. What a lot of nonsense. I will not be renewing my membership, the very odd flexipay deal that I did order from them is just not worth it, and I also do not want to be connected with such a shoddy company in any way. I will make sure that I have cancelled my membership really early as Sandra and others have been caught out on that too. All in all they leave a nasty taste in your mouth don't they. I wish Sue would start using the Great British craft network, how wonderful would that be?
    Any way I must go now as I have to take Phoebe, eldest granddaughter, to school as Paige, youngest granddaughter, has a bug of some sort. She has a high temperature and a cold bless her so she is having a day at home. She must be feeling poorly as she hasn't moaned about being kept home, she loves preschool, and would go every day given the chance.
    I will be back later to see what you are all up to today. See you at 11 my lovely. Take care x

    1. Hi Mrs B, you've just given me an idea of what to have for lunch, strangled egg on toast, it's great what children come up with.
      I definitely will not be renewing my membership this year. C&C have said that they couldn't put me on flexi pay because my order is in transit, what rot. I haven't had an email to say that it's even left the warehouse, and any way I've had to wait up to 15 days for a delivery before now, and usually wait over 7. If I contact them they just say that I should wait 10 working day. Then they read an email from someone to say that they ordered the 2 days ago and it's just arrived - hah, do they think we are stupid? Rant over xx

  6. Good morning Sandra. I see you had a busy day in the cafe yesterday? Everyone was making sure you weren't to lonely without Paul. You are not sloppy or a softy at all.. It's lovely to hear how much you love and miss him. there are to many times you hear negative things being said and hearing about " they split up as they had nothing in common". Paul is your soul mate and you love each other.
    Janet. Your card is another stunning one, I for one am so glad Sandra is show casing them and that you are letting her, you don't want to hide your beautiful work, everything is gorgeous about it.
    Well I must go and get myself ready, meeting Patricia later, Charlie did wonder what we will have to talk about after we had talked for over an hour last night, how silly is he??? We will still have plenty to talk about. Will be in later to see what been going on. Sue ( Mrs B) I hope your phone doesn't go off while your at Sandra's crafting. Have fun the three of you. Hazel x

  7. Hi Sandra
    I'm back again, I'm quite shocked I've just received an e-mail from some so called Russian Woman!!!
    Saying she is looking for Man!!! As Are Other Russian Women and for more information to click on the link. Which I didn't I deleted straight away.
    I don't know where she got my email from, you've got to be very careful with strange e-mails it could be anything and once you've clicked the Link they've got all your details act:
    Also a quick comment about The British Craft Programs they approached my Craft Leader-but because her small business was struggling she felt she needed to take her products onto Create and Craft, and she was told if she ever went on The British Craft Channel she wouldn't be able to go back on Create and Craft.
    Maybe Sue doesn't go on to British Crafting as Creative Expression is a big company with Julia, Kim, John,and Phill all using the Products, and they only really go to there own show Ally Pally apart from Workshops etc:
    Phill goes to other shows using his own Stamps and Creative Expression Products, I'm not saying this is the reason at all but could be.
    I know Kay from IndigoBlu had a fall out with Create and Craft so that's why she doesn't go on!
    We don't seem to see anything of Joanna Sheen on there either.
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

  8. Janet Ecco of Sheffield11 February 2015 at 08:46

    Morning Sandra and everyone - I need an extra large latte this morning please Sandra as I was so surprised to see my card when I walked through the door.
    Well here I go again (this snippet come from a song doesn't it?).
    The background card is out of my stash -I just cannot resist buying paper and card even though I have loads already).I has a slight pearl look to it so it could be from Crafters Companion. I stamped the edges with a clear stamp from 'The Edwardian Lady' set and then heat embossed. I used Color Box White to stamp and then embossed using Stampendous Detail Clear. The graduated white and then lavender squares are Tonic dies. I cut the beautiful lacey square from New York Times Square; the oval die is from The Austrialn collection Vienna. and of course are our own SW dies.
    The centre piece is again from stash - it shows the dried head of (oh I just cannot remember the name of the flower -when dried these flowers look like a ball and the stamens look like stars). I finished with white organza roses with a pearl in the middle (this was bought from The Range. The verse is:-
    May the Sun bring you
    new energies by day
    May the moon softly
    restore you by night.
    May the rain wash away your worries
    May the gentle breeze
    Refresh you Soul
    And all the days of your life
    May you walk gently through
    the World and know its Beauty.

    Thank you Sue for showcasing my card.

    1. Thank you Janet, once again another brilliant description and a totally gorgeous card!
      Thank you my lovely,
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Janet,
      Your card is another stunner,such pretty colours,love the Times Squars die it makes a lovely central statement,your flowers are gorgeous so is the centre embellishment that is stunning. Janet,where do you find your lovely verses .
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Janet Ecco of Sheffield11 February 2015 at 15:53

      Afternoon Lynda - thank you for your wonderful comment today. It really does make all the difference when a crafter makes such wonderful comments. As for my verses I collect them from wherever/whenever I see them. I have quite a collection of poem and quotes (Helen Steiner Rice is a good source as are Irish blessings) and I make a note of those I love. I also do a trawl on the net from time to time. I've always loved reading in any shape and form - I was one of those who when in bed read with a torch when it was lights out. Mum always had to take a book out of my hands and hide them when she wanted me to do anything. Even now I never go anywhere without a book.

      Once again thank you. Hugs x

    4. The verse is lovely as are your card , hope you don't mind if I write it down. I was also a bookworm when I was young. Still like reading but now it's mostly blogs :-) they take hours!
      Hugs Maria x

  9. Hello Sandra,
    Well, another beautiful card from Janet, and the verse is so lovely, gentle and thought provoking. Fabulous use of colour.
    Have a lovely day with your crafting buddies, I can smell the soup from here!
    Oh, if you have time may I please have a latte and a piece of sponge cake with strawberry jam in the middle!?
    I'm afraid I've been butting into people's posts with comments, and I hope that's ok, but if I wait until the end I forget the names, and if I write the names down, I forget what I was going to say!!! I suppose it's old age but it does get worrying. I used to have a fantastic memory for names of flowers, people and events, but it's not so good now.
    Well my coffee has been drunk, so I'll go to do some shopping but will pop in later to see what's been going on.
    Maureen xx

    1. Hello My Lovely,
      You but in to any comment you like, that's what we are here for, to interact and support with each other!
      Love and hugs

  10. Hi Sandra,
    First and foremost Janet's card! Janet it is lovely. I love the soft colours you use and it looks just perfect. I think it is extra special with your lovely verse added inside. I love the domed cameo in the centre. Thank you.
    Sandra - this business with the networktv channel is all making sense now! I had an email from them when they began but the had lots of teething troubles and when I tried to watch something it always cut out! I wondered how they got my email address but realised when I saw Indigoblu were on it they probably got it from there. Having seen Kaye on C&C I subsequently ordered from her directly. Cheaper and no need to buy sets! I actually lent an email to C&C saying that it felt more and more like the Stephanie Weightman channel and that I was fed up looking at Tattered Lace! Oops now I know why they never read my emails out! Lol .
    Sorry to go on about that but I feel there is too much power wielded by certain people and they'll lose out in the end as people will vote with their feet.
    Rant over! Soap box returned to corner !
    Sorry Milo woke you so early but I do hope Pat, Sue and yourself have a lovely crafting time. Enjoy real coffee!
    Must go as got a busy day today but will call back later. Please save me a custard tart!
    Lots of love to everyone!
    Myra xxxx

    1. I so agree with you about the power driven super bully (as I see it)
      How do they feel it Is ok to dish out ultimatums to companies who the wring every last penny out of!
      Looking forward to tomorrows post!

  11. Good afternoon dear Sandra,
    Janet, she that bushel where you stick your head to hide needs cut down so that we can see your pretty face and your wonderful talent, what a gorgeous card you have made and in such a soft dusky looking pink/ a grown up pink. I actually have the book The Diary of an Edwardian Lady that i got when i was young and loved it. The pictures are so pretty and it should come as no great surprise to anyone that Knitty Norah has a knitting book of jumpers, cardigans and various other things which are so lovely so i can see why you have a love of this particular book/s. Thank you Janet for having the courage to send your beautiful card to Sandra to show and all the other talented Wilsonettes that have done so as well. You do not know just the boost of encouragement that you give to us all. You all have given such inspiration and also the chance for us to go out of our own comfort zone to try new things as well(oh i hope this is coming out the right way). Thank you girls for inspiring me with your talent.
    Going for a wee lie down as not that clever feeling so take it easy my angels and i send hugs of all sorts from squishy to cuddly to gentle to happy, hugs of all sorts i have here to spare,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Oh Norah
      I am sorry you are not feeling so great today, I hope the lie down does the trick sweetie!
      we called people with 'nits' 'nitty norah', oops sorry! not as romantic as a knitting book, LOL !
      Its maybe time for you to chop down your bushel too (sounds like something you would do in a bathroom with a razor)!!!!
      anyway, I meant send me a picture of one of your cards, I know they are lovely without even seeing them!
      See you tomorrow I hope
      Love and hugs

  12. Hi Sandra and all friends. Just a quick post as I had a 'hiccup' with one of the cards from my order list, so that put me back a good few hour's so really need to crack out as I can today. Got MRI tomorrow, slap bang in the middle of the day so another 'bitty' day of not being able to settle to craft !!
    Just got the football card done, now for the rugby card (yawn, booooring)
    Janet, absolutly beautiful, the stamping, design, stunning. Is that the Tonic square dies I see ? Talk about chuffed, at last I have ALL the border sizes Ive wanting for SO long, noway could I have ever afforded the SB Grand dies so when I saw this, it HAD to come home with me and I LOVE them.
    No time to drink Im afraid, and NBM tomorrow 6 hrs before MRI : 0 how will I manage without my coffee ?
    Have a wonderful day y'all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Steph, ref. Lidl card what to do is Google lidl and go to special offers of the week, it will tell you the offers usually for that week and the the next, you will then see when the card is in. Saves you going out in the cold to find they don't have any. Thank you for your comment on my wedding card. Hazel x

    2. Steph,
      Hope all goes as well as it can tomorrow! Be thinking of you.
      Love Myra x

    3. Hi Steph,
      Big hugs for tomorrow my lovely, I will have your order waiting for your return, I imagine you will be drained both mentally and physically!
      Huge Hugs and lots of love,
      Sandra xxxxx

  13. Good afternoon Sandra
    Hope the three musketeers are having a good crafty day,I can hear all the laughing & chatting down here in Broadstairs haha. So pleased you have Pat & Sue's company today as Paul is away & will take your mind off that.
    I cancelled my C&C membership three years ago I ordered a CD when it arrived.I opened the box & NO DISC INSIDE.i rang customer service & basically they didn't beleave me,I asked to speak to the head of customer service,well they said to return the empty case & would send a replacement as a good will gesture. B....y cheek.
    I will check out the British crafting web site thanks Sandra.
    Enjoy your day my lovely
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      All these stories of disgusting customer service are unbelievable!
      We did have a good time today, the time just disappears!
      love and hugs

  14. Hi Sandra, Hope your crafty time today goes well. What a beautiful card again from Janet, I must look at tonic dies but I find them so expensive. oh I am so missing being able to craft.
    Have some new ideas and can't do any of them.
    Could I have a nice cup of tea and don't laugh a banana sandwich, just feel like one. A nice piece of carrot cake would go well too. Thank you all again for all your support and to you Sandra for allowing all these wonderful talented people to show off their artwork.
    Hugs to all Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      I love a banana sandwich,often have one for lunch,i like carrot cake too. All this yummy food talk,is not doing my diet any good.
      Any good new's on your shoulder Theresa,thinking of you sweetheart.
      love & Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Theresa,
      I really hope you are feeling stronger today, you have so much on your plate at the moment, get yourself a notepad to write down all of your ideas when you can craft again!
      Please call In again tomorrow my lovely, I have a little surprise!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx


  15. Hi Sandra and ladies, gosh I’m late for coffe today, our internet has been down all day, I’m hoping this works, I am typing this in Word and hopefully when the internet comes back on I can copy and paste this. ,in the meantime I will just have afternoon tea if that's ok

    The card today is stunning, Janet is such a talented crafter.

    Sandra here is an easy recipe for Shortbread(:old measures)

    16oz of plain flour
    8oz butter
    4oz caster sugar
    2oz margarine

    Melt butter and marg. Together (do not boil)
    Mix sugar and flour together
    Pour melted butter and marg., over the flour and sugar, mix together with a spoon
    Press well into a large swiss roll tin or oven tray.
    Bake at 180c for half an hour, cut into fingers when hot and sprinkle with caster sugar. ……..Delicious!!!

    Let me know how you get on

    Take care, Jess x

    1. This sounds easy and yummy, Jess . Will just maybe give it a try, thing is I am trying to be good. Hazel x

    2. Omg this sound easy enough,Think even I can make it. I love short breads too but oh so much (lovely) fat...... also on healthy eating at the moment but will come back one day. Tfs Jess. Maria x

    3. Hi Jess,
      I used to make them Shortbread biscuits,but they were so yummy we couldn't stop eating them,so i had to stop making them as sooo fattening,it's ok for all the lucky people who never put an ounce of fat on,but sadly that's not me. I even put it on when they are cooking :0(( oooh i can smell them now mmm.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Thanks Jess, I may give that one a try too, I will be 10 sizes bigger
      at this rate
      Glad you got to post eventually!

  16. If there is any of that lovely smelling soup left could I have a little to warm me up please Sandra and of course my usual latte, thank you. Now girls, I HAVE HEARD LOTS OF GIGGLES I hope there is some crafting being done today at the Cotswold Café too!
    Oh Janet your card is absolutely divine the colours are just perfect too and your verse so very lovely, thank you so much for sharing this one with us all, and to Sandra many thanks for making this possible.
    I have found the crafting channel you have mentioned Sandra there appears to be several names I recognise that have been missing from C & C for a good while, hmm I wonder why!
    Theresa keep thinking your crafty thoughts and getting your new ideas built up in a neat pile, you will be able to put them into practice when you are well again just hang on in there sweetheart we are all thinking of you.
    Now Sandra not long until you get that lovely excited feeling just before Paul arrives home and you get that great big hug from him, in the mean time keep busy.
    Well I must go and check on our 'Tattie Pot' that is in the oven for tea, but I shall call back later.
    Love and hugs to everyone
    Margaret corgi owner

  17. Love the die cut design and fabulous color.

    Hugs Diane

    1. Welcome the the blog and 'virtual coffee shop'!
      Todays card is not one of mine it is Janet's (one of our blog friends)
      She is very talented, I love to share everyone's cards on my blog,
      so all you have to do is email me a photo if and when you are ready!
      Please feel free to join in with all conversations, we are all very friendly!
      look forward to seeing you again

  18. Hi Sandra
    Apologies for not dropping in yesterday I had a really bad day just slept the morphine wasn't touching the pain. Late today as had to take my mum to the hospital. Janet your card is beautiful love the colours you have used. I have to agree that the cards we see on Sandras blog are much better than a lot of the cards they make on the tv. Sandra you put cold water in my pillow but you can't feel it I think if someone used my pillow they wouldn't know it had water in it but they are the only pillows that give me a good sleep since I damaged my neck and I have tried them all. Love Tandy

    1. Hi Tandy,
      I hope you have your pain under control a bit today, I often have days when the Morphine doesn't touch the pain, I think my body is becoming immune to it after 7 years or more!
      Your pillow sounds brilliant, I hate to think how many different pillows I have tried, trying to find the perfect one!
      Thanks for stopping by today,
      Love and Hugs

  19. Hi Sandra and all,
    Naughty of Milo to wake you so early, he must have been missing Paul too....
    Fabulous card Janet, that colour is gorgeous and lovely dies put together, the madison square and a lot more are on my very long list for AP. The flowers are beautiful, did you make them yourself ?
    Thanks Norah and Lynda for reading my blabber during the night shift, I had to have something to do Tihi Still managed to get to the pool for 8.30 this morning....... Sam, what were you doing out at 5.30 ey I'm glad you taken some protection with you and the dogs but you have to be so careful these days. Just delete anything you don't recognize on your e-mails. I'm getting loads of begging plea for money but luckily it's all goes to spam and I delete them direct , very scary how people from here and abroad can get hold of your e-mail etc. I'd like some of those "strangled eggs" and a large coffee, if you still serving food. Hihi I love our cafe' where we can meet up and talk just about anything and I must tell you all that when I came home this morning an d the postman did his round and brought me a white parcel my heart started to do a dance !! Your present Sandra turned up in the most wonderful condition and I LOVE it ,Thank you so much ! I know it is for my OH but after a week or so it will be Mine ! Hihi and I will keep it to my dying days, just so you know.
    Did you get your banana sandwich ToB, if we have some banana's getting soft we have toast, banana and a stroke of peanut butter, yummy.
    Hope you have a wonderful day with Pat and mrs B playing with dies and putting cards of art together so I'm off to do the same, I think hmmm.
    Take care everyone, Warm hugs to you and the family Sandra and Thank you again! You are soooo kind to someone you never met, Maria xx

    1. Hello Maria,
      I am so pleased you liked your card, I hope the OH likes it too (not that you mind either way)!
      I think Milo was missing his daddy too!
      Thank you for your lovely words today sweetheart!
      Sandra xxxx

  20. Good afternoon Sandra,
    That's me just home after meeting up with Hazel. We chatted for over an hour last night but still had plenty to chat about today. We spend a whole week together when we go one holiday. We find plenty to chat about, we phone to say we have got back home to our houses, end up chatting ....... again!!!
    Janet your card is STUNNING, love, love, love everything about it.
    The colour, wonderful Die work, embelishments and fantastic design.
    Never mind Sandra Paul will be home soon. I know the feeling, when John was working I never mineded him being away but I certainly looked forward to him coming home.
    Ooooo!! all these comments about C&C I thought I was the only one that never really watches. I am sick of the same old, same old, every other day.
    I watch when Sue is on and that's about it.
    I was given the heads up on the Crafting Chanel but have a problem with it always cutting out. Hopefully it will sort itself out in time.
    I now know the answer as to why all the people I enjoyed watching have disappeared from C&C.
    I am too late for the Soup which sounded good and of course a piece of cake. Hopefully I will have a bit more time to sit and have a cuppa and cake tomorrow. Might even meet with some of the other to sit and have a chat with!!.
    Have a good evening

    Patricia x

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I am glad you and Hazel had a lovely coffee morning, it shows that you are best friends as well as sisters, otherwise you wouldn't have so much to talk about, I can Imagine some of your conversations!
      The more I here about C&C the worse it gets, how are they still in business, what they did to Maureen was terrible, she chose flexi-pay to spread the cost but they put it through without and now she has to bare the brunt of that financially, to contact them on the same day for help and them say they cant alter the order and then saying they couldn't cancel it as it was despatched is disgusting, they clearly have no customer CARE!! they wont have anymore of my money!
      Soap box safely stowed away!
      Love and hugs

  21. Hello Sandra,
    Hope you have had a lovely day crafting with Pat and Sue. It must be wonderful to meet up with them.
    Janet, your card today is just as beautiful. You must have a fabulous stash, those stick pins yesterday and now a gorgeous centrepiece. Did you make those pretty roses yourself? Your verse is lovely, we don't always consider the beauty that is all around us, not only in nature, but also in the love and kindness that is out there too.
    Well Theresa has got me longing for a banana sandwich too, but then again that shortbread sounds delicious, however seeing as it is nearly tea time I wonder if Margaret has any of that Tattie Pot to spare. I have no idea what it is (do hope it's not a dish you are cooking for the Corgis Margaret) but I'll have some please.
    Hazel, men are just odd aren't they. They cannot comprehend that we often have a lot to talk about. I speak to my sister about 3 times a week and it's never less than an hour, sometimes two and when my hubby asks "what did Val have to say?" And I reply "nothing" he just shakes his head. You are so lucky to be able to see Patricia every week, wish I could see Val every week, even more so now that she is ill.
    Well I think it's time to lay the table so I'd best be off. Just thought, that is such a silly expression, is it just a yorkshire thing or does everyone say it?
    Steph good luck tomorrow with the MRI scan.
    Love and hugs.

  22. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Hope you have had a great day with Sue and Pat. I'm sure your day has passed quickly, after such an early start you should sleep well tonight.
    Janet, Your card is gorgeous, love the color - it's sort of a grown up pink.Your stamping is lovely (I'm still practicing - not very good at it)
    Thank you for letting Sandra show it to us.
    Will pop back later, Love Brenda xxx

    STEPH, Good Luck for tomorrow

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for your kind words my lovely, Janet's card is gorgeous isn't it!
      I hope you are less tired today, mind you I am surprised that you haven't slept all week after your busy weekend!
      Love you lots
      Sandra xxx

  23. Hello again Sandra,
    I'm back for my evening top up, if that's ok. Thought you ladies would like this little snippet. I've just had an email from C&C asking what I think of their service, I just typed "Will not be renewing membership, does that answer your question?". Let's see if I hear from them again.
    Talking about demonstrators, my friend and I went to a class at Fenwicks in Newcastle given by Debbi Moore when she was starting out, long before she was on C & C. Well she came into the room, handed out cards that she'd got from the card department (she hadn't bought them, we had to be careful because she was putting them back when we'd finished!) and gave out some craft stuff that she'd got from the craft dept, and told us to copy the cards!!!! I've still got the Snowman's head one that I did. It was done with a pipe cleaner, a glass button, googly eyes and black pen for a mouth! I can't remember exactly but I think the fee was £35 with coffee thrown in. I've never been keen on her since, and when I see her on C&C I shout at the TV!!
    By the way Sandra, did you see on Sue's blog you, Mrs B and Pat have been called the Three Graces, so that's what you'll be known as forever more. I just hope you wear considerably more than the statues do.
    I've been on long enough so Steph, good luck for tomorrow, Mrs B - hope you get good news soon, Pat - hope things are a bit brighter in your household. Theresa, keep your pecker up, I know is so frustrating.
    Sandra, when is Paul home, soon I hope.
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      I am going to have to research the three graces now! I bet is was that naughty Norah!
      These terrible stories of these craft classes absolutely gobsmacks me, its a bloomin disgrace!
      Maybe you should email it to me and we could give it its moment of glory on the blog, specially as it cost you £35
      Thank you for stopping by today and for your lovely comments

  24. Sorry just a brief visit today! Busy day and then had to finish a card for a friend for my shift tonight and when I got to ironing the tissue paper to wrap it in in the box I decided I had lost the plot!! Pleased with results though but craft room looks like you don't want to know!

    Beautiful card love the colours and the use of square dies!

    Must rush will catch up properly tomorrow!

    1. Hi Alison,
      right you need a reality check!!!! you will be ironing socks and pants next.
      You are obviously a proper perfectionist!
      Just shut the craft room door until tomorrow, I think we all do the same, its where we do the 'shall I use this' thing with loads of different things, before you know it, you are in chaos!
      I am sure your friend will love it!
      Love and hugs

  25. Hello again Sandra,
    It was Norah that called you three the "Three Graces" and it made me laugh, that's why I commented on it as well. Sorry lovelies but I think you will be stuck with it. Norah is to blame.
    Sam also got a comment from someone that made me laugh out loud. They said instead of Sam thinking "who,is that strange man"' that man on his way to work would be thinking "why is that strange woman with the dogs and the stick looking at me like that". It was something along those lines.
    Alison, you have got be joking. Please tell me you didn't iron that tissue paper, oh dear, you'll be ironing your knickers next. Lol.
    Wolf hall on soon, so better be off.
    Night God bless to you all.

    1. Isn't Wolf Hall fab, Saba.
      Have you read the books, they are amazing, I couldn't put them down. I can't wait for number 3 but Hilary Mantell says she is not going to rush into writing it. I'll probably be pushing up the daisies by the time it comes out!! xx

    2. So enjoying the TVs adaptation. Mind you have to watch it on the I pad now that the blessed BBC have changed their satellite so that we in Europe can't get it here anymore. Drives me mad, especially as I pay a to licence for our cottage in the dales.Loved reading Wolf Hall and then Bring up the Bodies. Do hope she brings out no.3. Have you read any other books by her?
      I read a lot of historical fiction, love history. Why was it so boring at school? Xxx

    3. Hi Saba, I'm typing this as Wolf Hall is on TV, but of course you are an hour ahead in Germany. I haven't read any other books by Hilary Mantel, but she is working on the third book of the trilogy about Thomas Cromwell. I can't wait for it to come out, but I'll have to !!!! x

    4. Saba,
      You are clearly in a giggly mood today!
      But that's a good thing, I hope you enjoy your programme!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  26. Fourth time trying to send this post. Don't know what the matter is today. Lovely card Janet and thank you Sandra for showing it to us. Fracture clinic today. They were two hours behind and I had an appointment at 10.10. My file has gone missing again. It was in the dept last week can't find it this week. Could have op to straighten bone but Dr seemed reluctant to do it with my diabetics and other issues so I declined. Might be a bit stiff he said but as I am left handed wouldn't cause me as much trouble as right handed.

    1. Oh How frustrating Brenda, you must be so fed up!
      I hope it doesn't leave you with any pain! I guess its better than an operation that will keep you out of action for longer!
      sending you love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  27. Hi Sandra
    I know I'm a bit late visiting the cafe today. But I was lucky enough to have my tea and cake (yum yum) earlier on today. The soup and warm bread was gorgeous to. Janet your card is stunning. I just love the colours that you have used. I have the times Sq die it's gorgeous isn't it.

  28. Hi Sandra
    Not to sure what's blogger it just stops while in typing. Theresa I do hope they sort your shoulder out soon. My word little lamb fancy the hospital loosing your file again, not to sure how they manage to do this. I'm waiting for the Dr's secretary to ring me. I had a thought coming home from Sandra's , do they actually have my phone number. I don't remember giving it to them.
    I'll have to ring first thing in the morning. I'll have a go at the shortbread it sounds yummy. I'm not really a cake maker. But Sues are gorgeous. Mrs B was making the baby a comfort blanket today. How talented are these two ladies. I'm now trying to make cards with dies rather than to much stamping. I'd buy a stamp and maybe make a couple of cards and then move on to another one. They just get stuck in a box.

    1. Hi Pat,
      It was so lovely to spend time with you today, you seem more relieved to know now that there is light at the end of the tunnel!
      Thank you for coming over and you actually got a card almost finished!
      Look forward to hearing from you tomorrow with news of you pre op appointment, is that private too?
      Love and Hugs

  29. Hello Sandra and everyone, Sorry just stoping by to say goodnight. Usually I'm an Owl, but tonight I just want to go to my bed, have been napping all evening- think It's time to call it a day.
    Sweet dreams everyone, love Brenda xxx
