
Tuesday 10 February 2015

Guest Deigner Day.... Janet's Gorgeous New York Card!

Good Morning Ladies,
Just look at Janet's card it is simply stunning, beautiful composition, gorgeous colour combination,
the flowers and stick pins are to die for! its Just WOW Janet, thank you for sharing!
Janet will call in later and give us a brief description on how she achieved this masterpiece!
I would just like you to know that I emailed Cameeli yesterday, she is ok, she just needed a break to focus on looking after her parents. She is hoping to come to Ally Pally so I am hoping to get my hugs finally!
Pat, I will be thinking of you this morning as you go for your long awaited appointment, lets hope there is a fast solution, so we can get you back to being the fittest one of our trio!
Theresa, I hope you feel up to popping in this morning, we are all gathered round to give you the biggest virtual hug ever!
Ladies don't feel the need to worry or ask if you want to leave long replies to any of the others, I love how you all rally round to help each other, it warms my heart, this blog is craft based but its equally friendship based and support is what friendship is all about, you are welcome whether you want to join in with everything or sit quietly in the corner!
Sue, any news?????
Steph, did you get any cards ticked off that list?
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra,
    I'll have a nice weak Latte please, I just Love this Card today from Janet, It's just Stunning, I Love The Flowers and The Stick Pins. I keep thinking I'll send you one of my New Cards and then I see The Fabulous Cards that you show on your Blog and think maybe not!!
    Short message this morning but I'll be back later To join in with all the lovely Ladies that visit The Cotswold Cafe, as I'm going to Craft Class, then onto The Dentist.
    Take great care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx
    To All the Wonderful Ladies in The Cafe today I truly hope your all keeping well, take care out there it's Very Cold and Frosty
    Love and Hugs to you All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      Your cards are stunning, I have seen them on Pinterest, so please send me some photos to share, so I can get you on that Coffee Shop wall of fame!
      OOOOH nOOO, not the dentist!!! my worst living nightmare, I won't be thinking of you because I can't bear to sorry!!!!!
      I hope you enjoyed your craft class though.
      Do you want me to put you something soft aside for after the dentist, or is it just a check up?
      I am just about to make a big batch of fresh Leek and Potato soup, ready for my lovely ladies coming to play tomorrow!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. I've seen the cards on Pinterest too! They are beautiful.
      Love Myra xx

    3. Sam, i have also seen your cards are gorgeous
      love Lynda xx

  2. Hi Sandra,

    Janet's card is gorgeous and so was yours yesterday, besutiful colours and I loved the ribbon threaded through the lace.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Thanks Jacquie
      I have done that ribbon weaving technique a few times, thanks for stopping by and your kind words xx
      Sandra xxx

  3. Hi Sandra. Triple espresso please, inspection day today!!! Janet's card is gorgeous, I am in awe of the stunning cards that are shown on your blog, so many of you should be on design teams. Thank you for the inspiration and tips you all share, as well as the friendship offered. Wish I didn't live so far from Ally Pally as I would love to meet you all in person.
    Good luck for today Pat, hope everything goes well. Hope that you have a better day today Theresa. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I hope the inspection goes well!
      I too wished you were close enough to come along to Ally Pally, as I would love to meet up with you all!
      The hints, tips & techniques are yours for the taking, the friendship is the special gift that plays a huge part of this blog and I believe sets it apart from others, I don't pretend to think I am as good a card maker as some of the great bloggers out there, I just wanted somewhere to share what I had made, giving a brief description so that anyone liking any small element of the card could have a go! The main focus of the the blog for me was having it interactive, I know on other blogs you feel like you could write an epic novel just to explain something that has happened to you or to support someone else, but you feel uncomfortable doing it, well I don't mind if you want to recreate war and peace, as long as you are happy while you are doing it!
      I know I drone on and on about it all the time but for me its like having friends round, being stuck in doors 24/7 it gets super lonely while Paul and the children are out all day, now I can check in and chat, after having years of various therapy and counselling sessions this has given me a much bigger lift in mood! its something exciting to look for when I wake up!
      If one other person gets a fraction of help support out of it then that makes it even more amazing for me!
      Sorry that went on, but as you can tell I am very passionate about my blog! and all of my lovely customers!
      Huge Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Good morning, Sandra and everyone else who pops in during the day. Janet your card is stunning, I love the ( now this might sound strange) softness or should that be delicatess of it. Your colours are gorgeous and I love your design with all your dies and embelisments, it's just lovely.
    Sue ( Mrs B). Has that little one arrived ??? Pat you will likely be up and getting ready to go for your appointment - fingers crossed you will get a result. Crafty Sue your not the only one that wishes they lived nearer to Ally Pally, ? I could buy oh so many dies etc with just the train fare let alone the hotel bill. Hope you didn't mind Sandra I just served myself with my a cup of tea and a crumpet, which was delicious, I have cleaned up and left the pennies on the side. Will be in later to see how every one is we are off out later for a drive and a lovely dog walk some where. Then we will stop and have lunch, that's the great thing about not clock watching for school pick ups. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      did you enjoy your walk, I bet the dog did!
      Thank you for your kind comments on Janet's card, it really is a stunner!
      Where did you stop for lunch and what did you treat yourselves to?
      Paul is away again tonight so I am not sure what the girls and I will have, I know what they will suggest, take away pizza, I can guarantee! But they are so expensive aren't they! I always compare things to die sets these days, its like converting into a foreign currency according to this lot! they will say 'its £20' I will reply, "that's two striplets, or two Gemini dies, maybe even a Noble set" they all look at me as if I am daft, saying 'what??????'
      If only this coffee shop were real, as per Paul and I have dreamed of, I would be raking it in, Paul has a few little Ideas for making dies accessible to everyone, so he has put a lot of thought into it, if only we could win the lottery so we could realise our dream!
      Anyway, gosh I am in a waffling mood today! thanks for popping in,
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  5. Good morning Sandra, you are such a darling showing off all the cards for others. I love to see what these ladies who do not have a "blog" do. There are so many talented crafters that are hiding in the wings, Janet your card is stunning love those little flowers and stick pins.
    Can I just steal all the comments my sister Hazel has written and use them.......I agree with them all.
    Have a great day

    Patricia xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Thanks for popping in and for your lovely comments, Janet sent me pics of a few cards and I was spoilt for choice of which one to show first!
      Hope you have had a great day too, I am missing my other half today/tonight, so feeling a little blue, its a bit sad I guess, but he is my life, (soppy, sorry)! even after being together for over 25 years and married for 23, I still get that fuzzy feeling when he comes home, but consequently it makes me somewhat of a baby when he has to go away! Although he is in the Raf so you would think I would be used to it, but no! Since becoming disabled and dependant on him, he is like my security blanket!
      Sorry you really didn't need to know all that, goodness me you will all be running for the hills!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  6. Oh my giddy aunt what an absolute beauty Janet, your card isnt bad either lol. I love the way you have built up the selection of dies, isn't the little ornate square gorgeous, I just love this set of dies and you have showed them off in a way our Sue would adore. Your little flpwer's and stick pins are the perfect finale to an amazing card. Love it Janet. Treat yourself to a larger slice of cake lol.
    Managed to get just one 80th card.done yesterday ! I just couldn't decide how and where to place my flower's, should I place my Noble square in a diamond or keep it square, should I place those flower's here or there? I did nothing but faff about, then came the classic Andy statement (banter) have you finished all those cards yet ? Id do 2 an hour. So they would be done by the end of the day!!!! Be my guest. So he did no more than go and arrange all the camelia's Id cut and glossed with the leaves on the card, walked out of the 'den' with a cat that got the cream smile... 7 / 10 Im afraid Andy, he was gutted lol, so I sat for another hour faffing but eventually got it finished and ok'd by the customer (always send a picture for their approval before the recipients name goes on) so I then made a start on the 2nd 80th birthday card.. This lady is a music teacher, so I may have to use my Kanban stamps with a music sheet, piano keys, a music swirly - is it called an octive ? Anyway that swirly thing that looks a bit like & (looks nothing like) but im sure you get the jist lol but I have a podiatry appointment this morning, and then into Lidl next door as Patricia opened my eyes to this supermarket selling card and paper, I had no idea. Then off to Tesco to get Andy's Valentine gift (and maybe card) ! Good job its not at freezing point today or Id have to cancel doing all of that !
    I presume no news yet Mrs B as no news from you on Sue's blog ? Good luck Pat.
    And to our dear Theresa, Im thinking of you SO much, I cant believe what they've done to you : (
    That's me done. Back for latte later Sandra if that' ok. 4 paws needs feeding.
    Hugs to all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hello Steph,
      Firstly how brave were you letting Andy go and fiddle with your craft goodies! I am guessing that you didn't keep his design! haha
      The card sounds gorgeous, I would love a private peek!
      I have had a stroke of Pats Lidl cardstock and its very nice quality,
      I would love to get my hands on some, the pad she had contained a lovely variation of colours, so would love to get my hands on some, mind you if you saw how much cardstock was in my craftroom you would have a shock! I did buy a lot of patterned paper back in the day, but don't really use it much today, but I must make a conscious effort to start including it in my designs! Do you use patterned papers?
      What will you buy Andy for Valentines day? Paul usually either receives chocolate or some luxury coffee beans, he is a nightmare to buy for as he insists that he doesn't want or need anything! If you pop over to Christine Emberson's Hope and Chances Blog, she has an Easy yet totally stunning Valentines card, that you could knock up in about half hour tops! Save you spending your money on one, you could re-invest that into a die set!
      That second card you made sounded gorgeous with the music sheet and piano keys, sounds a little vintage too!
      I hope the podiatrist was kind to your toes!
      warm cosy hugs

  7. Hi Sandra. Well, we have another great card maker in our midst.
    Janet this is gorgeous, I love everything, and it is my favourite blue/white combo : )
    No news on the baby front. Gemmas contractions have become erratic again after about 6 hours of them coming every 25 mins! It is so frustrating isn't it, when you just don't know when it is going to be "the real thing". Up until 2 weeks ago RJ was working at a branch an hours drive away but is now only a 3 min drive away so even though he doesn't want to leave Gemma he can be back home quickly if needed. As they want me to be with them for the labour/birth I am even more "like a cat on hot bricks". I'm not sure if being a parent and all of this waiting is even worse than when we went through it ourselves? You have the worry about the new baby AND your own baby too, as no matter how old they are they are always your baby aren't they.It certainly feels like it at the moment, but I know RJ and Gemma wouldn't agree, naturally : ) I will let you all know as soon as there is anything to report. I will text you Sandra anyway when I go off to the hospital, unless it is silly 0 clock in the night!
    Theresa, I am so sorry you are having such a bad time at the moment, I am sending big hugs to you.
    Hazel, thank you for the car info. It is always really helpful to hear other peoples thoughts and experiences. I drive a Corsa at the moment (well I did until she failed her MOT big time!) We have spent the last couple of days looking at cars and don't I know it! My hips and knees are letting me know that they don't like all of the getting in and out of cars. I think that the Nissan Pulasar is the easiest to get in and out of, and really comfy for me to sit in and drive. It seems to be the right height for me. It's funny how we each have different views of what is easy isn't it? My Mum swears by her Jeep but it is a nightmare for me! Thank goodness there are several different designs out there.
    I have got my fingers crossed that I make it to you tomorrow Sandra my lovely, I can't cope with missing 2 weeks of not seeing you my lovely. It will be sods law that baby decides to arrive during tonight/tomorrow won't it!
    Pat, my thoughts are with you today. I hope that they can get you sorted ASAP. Once they have sorted out the mess up over the appointments etc!. Please let me know what they say my lovely friend.
    Right now I have finished this short!!!!!!!! comment I am off to try and catch up on some house work :(
    Have a good day ladies : ) Take care.

    1. Hello Sue,
      How lovely that they have asked you to be with them on the most important time of their lives, that is a huge opportunity, usually one that only your daughter would want, not your sons partner, you must be thrilled, I do hope that I get asked along, Becca has already said that she couldn't go through it without me, but you never know! You had best have the bare minimum of your morphine so that you don't go into one of your 'deep sleeps' like you did on Christmas eve!
      Anyway could you ask her to keep her legs crossed until Thursday please! with Paul being away as well as not having seen you last week I am REALLY looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! I will make you some fresh soup and maybe a chocolate brownie!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sue. You are so lucky being about to be at the birth of your grand child. Tammy would have loved for me to be at the boys births, but she had to have elected c sections with both. The waiting at the other end of the phone to say they were safe and what she had was unbearable. Hope you don't have a middle of the night job. Hazel x

  8. Janet Ecco of Sheffield10 February 2015 at 09:05

    Morning all - one large latte please - nothing to eat. Now this is taking me out of my box/comfort zone. First a big thank you to you Sandra for showing one of my cards. Well here goes for the run down:-

    If all else fails I turn to blue/white as I think nearly everyone has a soft spot for these colours unless of course their team has the other set from around Sheffield lol. Anyway so colours chosen; I love 8x8 cards so nothing to decide there; the background die is from Tonic - it's a 6x6 swirly die which reminds me a little bit of a Celtic design. I cut two of these and then cut them in half again to make the bigger square needed. I then cut the New York -Times Square - base square as you can see in blue; next square in white and to finish the centre in the same blue. All are glued flat (I use glue (photo glue) these days as it gives me time to move pieces if I don't get it right first time (hands shake etc). I cut two pieces of white organza ribbon and tied them together in a knot; I used a couple of leaves cut from Sue's Classic Rose dies. The stick pins - I used two blank stick pings (purchased from JS) and beads out of my 'bead tin'. (these have been collected over the years as I just cannot throw anything away). The flowers I buy these days from E-bay as my fingers just will not behave and to be honest II find it cheaper to buy them than my blood pressure rising.
    The sentiment inside is as follows -

    May you have
    For every storm a Rainbow
    For every tear a Smile
    For every care a Promise
    And a blessing in each trial.
    For every problem life sends
    A Faithful Friend to Share
    For every sigh a Sweet Song
    And an Answer for each Prayer.

    I hope all the above makes some sort of sense. When I think that I never faltered standing in front of groups numbers up to 350+ and now I quake at having to present instructions etc. I suppose that as it's nine years since I retired I've just got out of practice. Once again Sandra thank you for show casing one of my cards.

    Please may I have another large latte now.
    Janet x

    1. Hi Janet,
      Firstly I want to once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me show your card today, it is stunning, your method description is spot on and that verse must have bought a lump to the throat of many of us this morning! its beautiful!
      What was it that you did before you retired?
      I hope that all the amazing comments boosts your confidence a little, as you are an incredible card designer!
      Love and Huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxxxx

    2. Janet Ecco of Sheffield10 February 2015 at 16:30

      Hello Sandra - thank you so much for the wonderful comments you made and make. Before retirement I worked in a secondary school -total student number of 1750- It was the largest 11-16 year old in the country. I worked there for 20 years and was Senior Finance and Administration Officer for the last 10 of those.(or in my terms general dogs body)lol. We had year groups of 350 students and so I frequently addressed year groups both as admin and a Governor of the school. I also have been connected with the local drama group for the last 51years -first as an acting member and now and since I've had mobility problems I'm a patron. So once again I've performed acting and singing infront of audiences but not doing something for a time you loose the knack. Never mind I wouldn't change retirement for the world.
      Please may I have a large latte and I think a pastry would go down just right at the moment. Once again thank you for showing one of my cards. Hugs to all. Janet x

  9. Morning Sandra and lovely ladies, Sandra thank you for showing us Janet's card it is absolutely gorgeous, Janet you deserve all the praise you can get.

    Well ladies what did you think of JJ presenting Sues show the other day when she mentioned that she was forced to go on a cruise, and then proceeded to tell us that it was 5 star with a butler! What a show off she is.

    Can I please have a latte today and a seat by the fire to calm me down.

    Take care ladies whatever you are doing today, Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      Thank you for popping in and for your lovely comment about Janet's gorgeous card.
      I think that you can imagine what you we think about JJ's presenting of Sue's shows, I was screaming at the screen for her to shut up at one point, she was going on about the guy in the weekender adverts face, we even had to watch it again! I was proper angry, then on the next one she was going on about "back in stock" items, she was going on and on and on, and then on about Sue dancing in a negligee, to which Sue looked very uncomfortable, she really needs to stop, think and shut up, at one point I think that Sue was in the middle of a demo and she then started running through the products again! Oh my goodness, and then to end the day with DB! well need I say anything?! What on earth was all the being forced on a cruise thing about? I know she used to be a on the radio at some point, maybe she is married to someone rich!
      A nice calming latte to calm you down or maybe you should try a chamomile tea!
      sending you calming hugs
      Sandra xxx
      ps have a look at British Craft it is a 24hr online crafting channel that has demonstrations 24hrs a day with no selling, there are links on the site to the websites of the demonstrators, they are people like Indigo Blu, Kraftyhands, Hougie Board Kay and many more, you can pick and choose, watch older videos etc without the hard sell!

    2. Thanks Sandra, will certainly have a look at British Craft
      Have a nice quiet night with your girls. Jess

  10. HiSandral, Thank you thank you for your kind words They mean a lot. OMG what a beautiful card Janet, love the colours, the layout, the stick pins and flowers.The insert is heart wrenching, I seem to cry over everything lately.Thank you all for your support.
    I think I'll have a large half shot latte and a blueberry muffin. Thank you
    I hope you don't mind Sandra but have told the blog about your lovely café. Hugs to all who need one, I certainly do. Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hello My Lovely,
      I am sure you are feeling horrendous again today, but I would firstly like to thank you for taking the time to stop by today. Please read all the loving support that everyone is sending your way, it won't cure the symptoms but it might just ease the pain in your heart a little, we all love and care about you my lovely, I don't mind you sharing my blog on Sue's bog, they probably have no idea what you were talking about! haha
      I am sending you the biggest, warmest hug you can imagine!
      I wish you were close enough for me to deliver it personally,
      Love and hugs

  11. Hello Sandra,
    A Latte and a shortbread biscuit please. Thank you.
    Janet, this is really lovely and the verse inside is - as Theresa says - heart wrenching. Really emotional. (I'm going to do a JJ here) I love it!!!
    I really hope they can sort you out Theresa, you must be in despair, but I am sending very gentle hugs and love.
    I agree with Hazel and Patricia regarding Ally Pally, the return train fare and hotel is just too much to make the journey, so until I win the lottery I'm afraid I'll have to give it a miss. But, if I win the lottery, we'll all go, stay in the best hotel and have a ball!! (some dream).
    By the way, I've e-mailed C&C and told them if they can't give me flexi-pay just cancel the order, and I'll return the other two things I'm waiting for, and will not be renewing my membership.
    I don't suppose it'll make a jot of difference, but I didn't half feel better when I pressed the "send" button!!!
    Love to all, and see you later with all the things I meant to say and forgot xx.

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Oh Shortbread, you are a girl after my own heart, I love it, any of you proper Scottish ladies as expert at shortbread, I would pay you handsomely for some traditional shortbread!
      Have you had a reply from C & C regarding your order, had they an ounce of care for their loyal customers they would not put you in the position where you may struggle financially, at the end of the day its all computerised so its simply a case of a few minutes typing!
      I really hope they come through for you but knowing what they are like, I am left wondering!
      Thank you so much for popping in today and for your lovely words about Janets card.
      Look forward to you updating us later!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Oh Sandra, I love shortbread, but it's the one thing I can't make. Is that not terrible!!! I buy yes BUY Deans as I think it's the best.
      Norah, do you make your own?? Big sister Patricia did years ago. As for Ally Pally if we could get a cheap train fare and a Travellodge for what we spend when we go to birmingham we would do it. But the train alone was coming up at £130 upwards depending on the time you set off. And the Travellodge wasn't cheap we can stay the two nights in birmingham for less than one night in London. Hazel x

    3. It's me again - sorry I feel a bit like the bad penny - keep popping up! I have a shortbread recipe which
      I have used for years and it was used by Mum and Grandma before me! It always seems to work so it must be easy. If anyone is interested I'll type it out ! It's a cup of this and a cup of that but it works so long as you use the same teacup for all the ingredients! Those were the days!
      Love Myra xx

  12. Good morning Sandra and everyone at the Cotswold Café, could I please have a latte oh it is so cold this morning.
    Oh Janet your card is so delightful the colours are divine, your design is wonderful and the flowers and stick pins add such a lovely touch of elegance. Thank you for sharing this with us and a special thank you for sharing such a lovely verse too, oh it does bring a lump in the throat. Many thanks to Sandra for making it possible for us to see other's work you are so generous.
    Pat and Theresa thinking of you both today hope all goes well and as you want it to, and you both get some long awaited and overdue help and relief, comforting hugs a plenty to you both.
    Thank you Sandra for the update on Cameeli hope with all the extra she is having to cope with she is still getting some time for her grandchild too.
    Take care everyone and hope you are feeling recovered and rested Sandra.
    Hugs to all who need them or just feel like one for one reason.

    Margaret corgi owner

  13. P.S. I do so agree with what Hazel, Patricia and Maureen say about Ally Pally I would love to go, but the expense is just too much and when you think as Hazel says of what that money would buy, I could have every one of Sue's dies and still have money left! But and it will be a big But if I win the lottery we well all go and stay at the Cumberland Hotel it's a 5 star so I am told!
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Thank you for calling in and your lovely words about Janets card, I gasped when I opened the photo she sent me, it is so beautiful!
      Cameeli is loving her gorgeous grandson, she sent me some photos so I will ask her permission to share one with you!
      I am sad that I won't get to meet you at Ally Pally, I would love to sit and have a chat and a hug! Maybe I should get a mobile coffee shop and take the blog on tour!
      I look forward to your lottery win and meeting you at the Cumberland Hotel!
      Love and Hugs

  14. Hi Sandra
    Can I please help myself to a hot chocolate and a piece of chocolate cake today. Janet your card is absolutely stunning. I have these dies but not the swirl you have put behind them. The stick pins and flowers are gorgeous and set the card off nicely.mNow Sam, stop thinking your cards aren't as good as everyone else's, because they will be. So please send us one of your creations. I always think my cards aren't any good.
    Theresa I do hope you get sorted out double quick as they've put you in so much pain. Gently hugs to you. It's a shame we just can't pop over to give you some support. Well as you've guessed I'm home from the hospital, and apparently the ball of my hip isn't sitting in the socket correctly. So it's a hip op for me asap. As the NHS has a very long wait I'm going private. I can't stand to be in so much pain for such a long time. I could have had an injection in my hip but the would just be delaying the op. So I might as well have it done in the first place. No news I see as yet on Gemma and RJ. Nearly called him JJ there Mrs B. How awful. Well I do hope that you can make it tomorrow, perhaps the baby thought its to cold out there I'll stay in the warm for a bit longer. Forgot to say Janet you verse is lovely. Well my Hot chocolate and cake seem to have disappeared, I wonder where it went. Sue if you make it tomorrow try sitting in my Nissan Note, or have you already?. It's just the right hight for me and were about the same size. Gently hugs to all. Your like me Janet, I used to stand up and give talks to loads of people. But now it seems like I don't have a brain at all sometimes. Especially when I'm giving someone else instructions. Look forward to seeing some of SAMs cards. Fingers crossed.

    1. Pat, it's good that you now know whats causing the pain? But not good you have to go private to get it done quick. You right ref your Nissan Note, our Tammy had one and it was the one car I could out with her using her car, they now have a focus and it doesn't do me any good to be in. Hazel x

    2. Hi Pat,
      so pleased that there is light at the end of the tunnel and Pete will get his 'new woman'!
      Looking forward to a proper catch up tomorrow,
      huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Just popped back to see how Pat got on! So sorry you need an operation but you need to get rid of that pain. So sorry too that you have to go privately - it shouldn't be necessary but I know how you must feel and waiting is just awful particularly if you are in such pain.
      Take care and I hope you ladies all get your crafty fix this week!
      Love Myra xx

    4. Pat, sorry to hear you have to get a hip operation, but just to let you know, I have had both hips replaced and I can advise any one to go for it, just to wake up without the pain is brilliant, you have the pain from the op but not the hip pain. Hope it all goes well for you. Jess

    5. Pat I have just popped in to see how you got on at the hospital sorry you have to have an op but look at the positive side you now know the cause and it will soon be sorted. Going private your op will be carried out by a consultant and not an underling with only a little experience and you will be very well looked after.
      Sleep easy tonight knowing it will not be long before you will be on the road to recovery.
      Gentle hugs, take as many as you need.
      Margaret corgi owner

    6. Hi Pat,sorry you have to have a hip operation,but at leased your pain will be gone.You will get excellent care going private too. Hopping you haven't got long to wait
      Pat We have a Nissan Cube it's brilliant for getting in & out its the best car we have had.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  15. Hi Sandra,
    Hi to all lovely friends who pop in and out throughout the day!
    Janet what a beautiful card! It is in my favourite blue and the composition is lovelly. I love your stick pins - they are gorgeous. I also very much like the verse - it just shows thoughtfulness and care in a few short lines. Lovely !
    Agree about Ally Pally - would also love to go but it's just too far and as Hazel says the money spent would buy an awful lot of dies! Not planning to spend quite so much but it puts things in perspective! Lol .
    Pat hope all goes well today and Theresa you too.
    Please may I have a cappuccino and a Danish pastry! We were queuing once a few years ago for coffee in M&S or somewhere and lady in front asked her little girl what she would like to eat - think I'll have a dangerous pastry - she said! It did make me smile.
    Have a good day everyone. Pleased you going out for a little while , Steph. Keep warm.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      Thank you so much for calling in today, your kind words about Janet's card will put a real smile on Janet's face! That verse for the insert is so heartfelt, I had a tear in my eye when I read it!
      You can have whichever 'Dangerous' pastry you like, I am partial to a cinnamon whirl, drizzled with a little icing!
      Love and Hugs

  16. Hi everyone. Like your card very much Janet and especially the verse. Theresa and Pat hope things soon get sorted for you and you are in less pain. I am back to the fracture clinic tomorrow. Hope I am not there all day again. Know how you feel about not being able to do any crafting. I can't even read for long as since the two cataract ops my glasses are hopeless and cannot get new ones until I get the all clear from the eye clinic. Next appointment 2nd March so a while yet. Tried the magnifying glasses. Ok for a little while. Sandra thank you for showing Janet's card today. Can I please have a hot chocolate and as the cakes do not have any calories can I please have a Belguim bun. Thank you

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      You sound like you need that Hot chocolate, I hope that you have a better time at the fracture clinic tomorrow and there is a positive outcome! You must be so fed up and frustrated, 2nd March seems so long away! When you are used to being busy crafting or reading the time must drag so much when you can do neither! Maybe you could go to the library and get an audio book, its not the same I know but may just help past some time!
      Love and Hugs

    2. That's a good idea Sandra. I have got some cassette books at home will get one when I next go home. Will need to get the radio/cassette player as well.

  18. Good afternoon dear Sandra,
    Hi everyone, well i have just finished posting on Sue's blog and i can see we are up to the grand total of 130. Oooo that makes me fizz just the sheer greed of some people. The first post on day one there was 399 comments so what happened to the rest of the posts and since. I was expecting it to go down when the draw had been done but to fall back to normal 4days before the draw even happens is really not on.
    Sorry folks tantrum over, Janet your card is beautiful flower. I love the blue and with combination and with the lacy tonic diecut behind it. I know exactly what you mean when you say that you can't bear to throw anything away as i am definitely the same in that point of view. And if you keep something long enough you will find a use for it. Campbell thinks that's my problem because i hoard everything as there maybe a use for it at some time in the future. Mum had these wee bottles of a milkshake sort of build up drink(not that it worked on her) but i used to wait until i had a wee supply and it was great what they could be used for especially for the children or the elderly. Filling them up with sand, wee stones, pulses, made marracca's or filled with water at different levels and them blowing across the top of them like pipes or filling them with sand to make skittles or covering them in cotton wool to make snowmen and ladies with sweeties inside, but to Campbell it was just rubbish that they could go and buy these things instead of storing rubbish. But hey the cubs and rainbows, beavers and brownies, the special needs wee club and the schools that Rory has attended have all found a use for them once i got going, see the head is full of rubbish.
    Well i am going to sit here quietly in the corner with a latte please and something nice please Sandra. I like this cafe as it is such a happy wee place to listen to everything that is going on all around. Mrs B's is looking quite anxious over there in the corner, i expect it is waiting on that phone call to come with the wind as all systems are go, but hey the wee one is quite happy where they are and they are cosy so is not too fussed on making an appearance yet. Just wait until they outgrow that nice little cocoon they have buried themselves into although i expect their mummy feels that they have already outgrown it a while ago. The coffee shop is not quite as busy today but it is nice seeing so many friends happily chatting away.
    Sending hugs of all kinds to my angels, there are soft squishy ones and gentle ones, some tender and some just because ones,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah Glenochil

    1. Norah,
      You are like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day! I love reading your posts, it always makes me smile!
      I think its this blooming recycling that makes us hoard, if I wasn't washing out all these jars and bottles I wouldn't look at them thinking 'oh I could put buttons in this' or I could fancy this up with some paper and ribbon and put it on the side in the bedroom for odds and sodds'! I would have just thrown them in the bin! Tissue paper that comes in clothes when you buy them, the ribbon hangers, if you carefully wind them up and put a stitch in they make a gorgeous little flower! see I am crazy, I will end up like those on tv where you cant get through the door!
      Listening to your uses for the bottles Norah, you have just the most amazing imagination, You are going to be the best Grandma ever!
      By the way do you make shortbread? I am desperate for some traditional shortbread! As Scotland is its home, who better to ask?
      I will have a big squishy hug if that's ok as Paul is away again tonight, the bed is just so big and cold without him!
      Love and Huge Hugs coming your way,
      Sandra xxxxx

  19. Hello everyone, it's me again. Well that e-mail to C&C certainly did the trick. They say that there's not a thing they can do about the flexi-pay because the item has already been despatched, (and if you believe that you'll believe anything). That's the very last thing that I'll order from them. I'll take your advice and go to JS or Icon.
    Oh Littlelamb, had such a laugh at your post. I obviously need my eyes seeing to because I thought you'd asked for a Belgium BUM, the mind boggles. I thought you must have seen Madonna's photo in the paper!
    Norah, I agree with you, it's amazing what can be made out of rubbish, although George would never agree with me, like Campbell.
    Mrs B, any news yet, I was with Rachel and her husband when Eleanor was born - which was just as well because he was as much use as a chocolate fire guard - and it was amazing because I didn't see Rachel being born, but I saw my granddaughter.
    Myra, we have a saying in our house if anything is delicious. Rachel when she was about 3 or 4 said to my mam, "Grandma, can I have one of your delious cakes (as in dee lee us) and it's stuck ever since!!
    Pat, please let me know the name and address of the hospital when you go in for your hip op and I'll send you a card. You may not want it - but I'll send it!!
    Maureen x

    1. Oh Maureen
      I am so sorry that they wouldn't help you, I wish everyone would vote with their feet!
      Also I would have thought that these days almost all of the people purchasing an item on flexi-pay would use it as it is interest free so better the money in your bank than theirs, anyway, that fact in mind you would think that you would have to click a button to opt out of flexi-pay not in!!!!! Does that not make more sense?
      I hope that if you send it back they refund you pretty quickly!
      So many of us just don't bother with them anymore, watch for the inspiration only!
      How lovely that you were there when Eleanor was born, it something that will stay with you forever, it gives you a special bond!
      Sending you love and hugs

    2. Hi Maureen
      I know just how very frustrating C & C are and you have made a very wise decision not to order from them again and believe me you will save money in the end as they are not cheap, Icon are very good, so is JGD Crafts and since Sandra told me I have found Klassy-Kards very good too, they are all shops that offer a good mail order service.
      I am with Sandra I too thought you were allowed to cancel if you ordered online, why not check with your bank or credit card company.
      Margaret corgi owner

    3. Hi girls, I have to plough in here with my big size 4 feet. I get increasingly frustrated by c&c as it takes them quite often a week before sending my order in dribs and drabs out to me but another few days from them dispatching it to me getting it and it fair annoys me. Times that I know I have ordered things and they have never come in to find after waiting long enough on the phone to be answered and be told "Oh you cancelled it". No I didn't but to no avail. All these people emailing in to say on the Tuesday that they have received their parcel that they had just ordered the day before...Well where do they live that they get them to move that quick because it's certainly not in Central Scotland. I would see the sense if I lived in one of the islands or remote places that they have to build the road each day to get to me but I live a mile from civilisation and although a B road it takes the main traffic to the motorways of Glasgow , Edinburgh , Perth etc. it is just so annoying when you are desperately waiting on something to come and have to organise that it will be during a working day so that I am spared the earache of "what are getting that for" ,"Mair rubbish to clutter up the place" , or " dae ye think this place as ever expanding walls" I could continue but you all get the gist of it. So what happens is because of their weeks delay it normally comes a Saturday morning when his lordship is at his cheeriest and goes of the deep end about b****y mair crap fir you and it starts again.
      Sorry will leave you all to a lovely night
      Sandra I will dig out a good recipe for you flower
      Love and crafy hugs dear Angels
      Norah. Glenochil

  20. Hi Sandra, large coffee and a slice of carrot cake please. Janet,Janet where have you been hiding your cards? let them out and be admired as they should be , I'm sure they are all Beautiful as this one! Love the colour stepping of blue and white, the lovely stickpins and flowers. The verse is also lovely. like to see more! I hope you wrapped up warm Steph if you went out? here in Mk it is very raw today and since I got in from our outing this morning I can't seem to get warm. We borrowed our son's Nissan Micra and was really surprised how high I sat in that little car and getting in and out with ease, maybe another to think off Oh Lynda how are feeling today ? glad do the test were fine for Terry. So sorry to see you need a op Pam, when do you think it will be ? Hope it goes well at the fracture clinic tomorrow Littlelamb ! and I heard Sam been to the dentist and all the problems Maureen have with her order with c+c, they are discussing how they treat their costumers. I too used to be a member and had some difficulties with orders never turning up etc. so I never belong to them again!! It has been a tough day for many, ToB you ok? I'm tired,cold and achy and need another hot drink and maybe one of thoose dangerous pastry's Tihi You all take care now Many Warm hugs to you Sandra xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Look out for the postman your card is eventually on its way, Matt (my son) took it to the post office for me today, thankfully!
      Take your hot drink and go sit over by the fire, I will bring you a hot water bottle to warm your aches, it always works for me, as it can no longer get in and out of a bath!
      Thank you for the lovely comment you left for Janet, her card is stunning isn't it!
      Love and warming hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Thank you Maria,
      i have lost my voice now,& coughing non stop,no sleep for last two night's. ahhhh.
      love Lynda XX

  21. Good afternoon Sandra,
    Sorry I am a it late today, would it be possible to have a little of that Leek and Potato soup please.
    Sorry you are feeling a bit fragile today with Paul being away, get that Pizza ordered girl, you deserve a treat and have a big glass of wine with it, it will help you sleep (the wine, not the pizza).
    Janet your card is lovely, the blue and white really work well, especially how you have layered the New York dies up. Your stick pins are fabulous, love the beads on them. So glad you let Sandra show it to us, thank you. I know what you mean when you talk about nerves though. It never used to worry me talking in front of large groups, but now I would quake in my shoes. Your description was spot on and your verse beautiful.
    Oh littlelamb I thought you had put Belgian Bum as well!! It did make me chuckle. Hope all goes well at the fracture clinic.
    Theresa, thinking of you too, hope you get the result you need.
    Pat, you poor thing, here's hoping they get you in very quickly.
    Mrs B. We are all so excited for you, can't wait to hear that your first grandson has arrived.
    And lastly, before this really does turn into war and peace, Maureen I am disgusted at C.And C. I don't order from them because of their delivery prices to Europe, but if I did, I wouldn't be ordering from them now having heard your tale. I thought when you ordered something on line, there was a cooling off period when you could change your mind, maybe the bank would know if you can just stop the payment going out. Probably talking rubbish but it might be worth asking them.
    Better go now, I haven't commented on Sue's blog yet although I have watched the brilliant video.
    Love and hugs to you all,

    1. Hi Saba
      You are welcome to the soup would you like a slice of freshly baked granary bread too?!
      Hhhmmm I am tempted by the pizza, but not sure!
      I could do with a big juicy Belgian Bum though! haha
      Thank you for the lovely comment for Janet, her card is gorgeous!
      I too thought you had time to change your mind after buying online, but I think that C&C take the money straight away, frustratingly, they don't even wait till they have despatched it, which surprises me, I think that they were lying to Maureen about having already despatched her order,!
      Well I had better go and decide what to feed these girls, do you know I have been sitting writing on here for over 2 hours!
      Sending you love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  22. Good afternoon ladies, real coffee and cake for me on a Tuesday as Tilly does baking club so I have to try cakes it would be rude otherwise. Back to the virtual ones tomorrow.

    Card is beautiful, colour really pretty and I love the hat pins. I have never done my own should give it a try.

    Wishing for longer, warner days now. Have had enough of the cold. Don't know how Steph copes with being stuck in. I would be climbing the walls!

    See you tomorrow for virtual cake as fat club in the morning! Xxx

    1. Hi Alison,
      I bet Tilly loves baking club, my children all love to bake, its always been a family activity, thankfully it has stuck with them.
      Thank you for your kind comments for Janet, we need another of your stunning cards to show too!
      I can sympathize with Steph, you kind of just get used to it, my only problem is that the longer I am isolated the harder it gets to leave the house, hence the stupid panic attacks!
      I will be happier when the lighter nights are with us, the days just seem to be over so fast at the moment!
      Good luck for fat club tomorrow! oh I remember those days, we did have a laugh in class though!
      Love and hugs

    2. Thanks for your reply! I forgot to mention the recycling last night I was bringing home empty boxes that hold sutures they are like little drawers a joy to any crafter well a few raised eyebrows what are you going to do with those?? I am always acquiring waste stuff I was thinking cover with papers decorate and store craft stuff or even gift boxes. Their minds don't work like that!! They then asked and what else is in that bag? Well Filofax - bag to the 80s, Rubik's cube cause no one speaks on a break all on b....y phones! Moisturisers, lip balm, lip gloss, perfume, spare knickers don't ask but you never know! Kindle, slimming world magazine and broad church DVD and bottle of Vimto! No my bag isn't a tardis but I like to be prepared!

      Fat club as I call it is just like the coffee shop a group of friends having a laugh you should have heard one girls description of attempting to get in and out of a two sizes too small wedding dress!! Just support each other and to be honest the one hour and a half in a week where I can switch off and think about myself!

      With the fat club tales and barbiepinkfairy bit I am sure you all have me down as an overweight blond bimbo but couldn't be further than the truth! Actually I have a normal BMI and am not blond well apart from a few highlights well maybe more than a few to cover the grey!! And not a bimbo 22 years on the front line in A and E is not for bimbos! See you all tomorrow!

  23. We had a beautiful walk down at St Andrews beach, we use to go every week nearly, but then Harris had a couple of fits so we stopped. Today we didn't go as far as we normally would have as we had to monitor how he was, he is a silly lump and doesn't know when to stop being daft and running stupid. It was so lovely to just walk in the sunshine and it wasn't cold. We went into the club house at The Old Coarse. I had the BLT which was very nice, the club house has views over the coarse which is a beautiful setting. As from next month we will go to the club house at The Castle coarse there you sit looking out over the sea - stunning on a good day. We don't play golf just like using the restaurants. It's our treat. When the kids were little we would go off for the day and it was the packed picnic, which we always loved these days out as it often was a case of " let's go there" as long as we had fuel in the car and a picnic we were ok. We lived in Devizes and Trowbridge,
    I think we covered hundreds of miles round there, then in Germany we saw so many little villages that other friend never knew they were there. I hope the three of you can meet tomorrow and craft. I am meeting up with Patricia in the morning, so I am looking forward to that. I can just smell your soup, love leek and potatoe. As for the pizza I agree they aren't cheap, I am like you and think what I could have bought for the amount they cost. Hazel x

    1. Hello Again
      Your walk sounds lovely and so did your lunch, I always imagined that the Golf Club houses were always super expensive, but I guess these days people are a bit more savvy with their money so there is no point of these places pricing themselves out of business
      We like you used to always pack a picnic and disappear off for the day, we had a icecream as a treat! We always used to be members of the National Trust and then they started to make comments about taking the children in (my children were always perfectly well behaved at places like that), the other thing that put me off them was they started offering new members 3 months free membership etc, but the existing members of 10 years or more got no incentive to stay with them, so we gave up in the end! Devizes is quite close to us here in Oxfordshire, we live about 3 miles from Burford, that is where the girls go to school, Burford is a beautiful little place, it is called the 'Gateway to the Cotswolds' !
      We have some breath taking views and scenery around here!
      Well I am away to feed these girls
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  24. Hi Sandra and everyone, I'm later than ever today,
    Please can I just have a cup of tea for now.
    Had to go into Croydon to have my INR checked ( pleased to say it's settled down again ) then thought as I was so close would go into M&S and a couple of my favourite shops. Then home for lunch, sat down afterwards and had a lovely snooz . Well feel somewhat revived now and cuppa has certainly helped.
    Janet your card is gorgeous, I really love it. Your stick pins are lovely (something I must try) they add a special touch of glamour to your beautiful creation.
    Mrs B Its lovely you have been asked to be at the birth of your first grandchild. I promise it will be a memory to treasure. I was at the birth of our younger daughters first baby (a Girl ) parents were staying us while an extension was being added to their house. It was to be max 6 weeks ended being over 6 months!!! Daughter went into labour, husband the other side of London, so I drove her to her elected hospital East Surrey. I was so nervous, And like Gemma, we get to hospital and baby needs a rest !!! In the end It was a wonderful experience, BUT as I said to John it was worse than having a baby myself.
    Theresa Thinking of you and sending you crafty hugs. LOL

    Pat S. I'm pleased you are able to get your opp. sooner - rather than join NHS list. It does make me cross though , all the years that you have contributed to the NHS and you have to pay to have this operation that you so obviously need.

    Sandra, Sorry Paul is away again, Just think he is one sleep closer to returning home!!!
    Love to you and everyone. Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Mumma,
      You always have a way of making me feel better, like any mum would! he is ones step closer to being home, he always calls as I get into bed, so we can catch up on the days activities before we go to sleep! Perfect end to the day! sorry I am a bit of a soppy socks as far as Paul is concerned!
      You obviously made your youngest daughter too comfortable, that's why they stayed longer, these children of ours aren't daft!
      I imagine seeing your baby in pain having her baby is a hugely emotional experience, there is the part where you cant bare seeing your child in pain, but the elation of seeing your grandchild enter the world! oh I have gone all goosepimply!
      Well I will have to shop round for a new hat for visiting Pat in that posh hospital! haha
      Well I really do have to go feed these girls,
      Super Hugs for you Brenda,
      Sandra xxxxxxxxx

  25. Good evening Sandra,
    i might try a hot chocolate please.
    Haven't been too good got this bloody cough's driving me mad'no sleep for last two night's coughing & listening to the Terry's snoring, & can't shout at him as lost my voice too. cheeky s..d he said i kept him awake
    WOW Janet your card is stunning the colour's are gorgeous,your layout stick pin & flowers,Times square,& Tonic die's are all put together brilliantly
    Your verse is beautiful Thank you for sharing.
    Thank you Sandra or my lovely hot chocolate hope it helps me sleep.
    Love & Hug's to everyone Lynda xxxxx

    1. Take care of yourself Lynda, stay in, stay warm and have plenty to drink. I've never had a problem until this winter and I blame the flu jab as I cannot seem to fully shake off this virus. Fortunately, my voice has come back - although George may disagree with that statement!!!
      love & hugs Maureen x

    2. Hi Lynda,
      One Hot chocolate coming right up!
      Sounds like you need a treat, bless you, I know how that feels, omg the frustration of laying there trying listening to them snoring, sometimes Paul even makes a whistling noise, I am surprised he doesn't wake up with bruises, where I keep 'nudging' him!
      Maybe we should put a tot of something stronger in to help you sleep and some ear plugs!
      Thanks for stopping by my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Thank you Maureen,
      I suppose I should't moan as first cold for a few years,I have also had the flu jab,Eveyone seems to be going down with this virus,my daughter & her hubby had it. It's just the cough that's annoying.
      Sandra Terry snores then mumbles after & sometimes starts laughing,but swears he's had a sleepless night.Also Annie & Bambi snore. Good night all you lovely ladies,see you all tomorrow
      Thanks my lovely
      Hug's Lynda xx

  26. Hi Sandra I hope you all enjoyed that lovely smelling soup and was it a pizza in the end I wonder. Have you ever thought of making your own pizza bases and freezing them until you need them believe me there is nothing better than kneading bread and pizza dough to get rid of frustration or those negative feelings believe me, and as a bonus you do save a real packet of money.
    Have you never tried Delia's shortbread from her book Delia's Cakes, it really is lovely, I have had lots of lovely comments from visitors who have had some of mine.
    Now sweetheart your Paul may be away at the moment but just think of that excited feeling you will get waiting, when he is about to walk through the door, to say nothing of the lovely cuddle you will get when he arrives home. Have a lovely day tomorrow with your friends we are waiting to hear all about it.
    Have a super evening with your lovely family.
    With love and hugs
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      We were very naughty and had pizza! It was more of a treat for the girls to be honest.
      We often used to make our own pizzas from scratch on a Saturday night, they always turned out so much bigger than we expected, it was a good way of getting the excess energy out of the children, they used to make faces and allsorts! No I haven't tried that recipe, is that the book with the lemon cake on the front? I will have a look if not I may ask you to send me the recipe!
      I know what you mean, absence does make the heart grow stronger and no snoring tonight of course!
      I have sat a watched some Vampire Diaries with the girls, they love them and I haven't really shown an interest, but they aren't too bad, I prefer the Twilight movies though!
      So we have had a girly night just the three of us!
      Looking forward to tomorrow with the girls too!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  27. Hi Sandra,
    Sorry Paul is away from home! He'll be home very soon. Hope dinner went well. Sleep well my friend,
    Lots of love,
    Myra xx

    1. Hi Myra,
      Thank you I am just to soppy and daft, we were naughty and had pizza, never as nice as home made though!
      Thanks for coming back to leave me that lovely message xx
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  28. Hi Sandra, are you night open by any chance ? Thank you so much for the hot water bottle and the hot drinks, It felt good after a little while :-) How are you doing tonight ? How many day's are Paul away for? think I asked before but can't remember,sorry. Pizza sounded nice, we sometimes take home from Pizza express when they do two on Tuesday's,it is still pricy but you get one extra and they are alright. Hoarders for crafting who are they ? Tihi
    Bottles,boxes (of all sizes) wrapping paper,strings,buttons (from tops etc.) you name it I collecting to my husbands dismay,is that the word,anyhow but we still putting out between 3/4 pink sacks a week. I have started to collect the yogurt tubs (500ml) my thought is that I can put them together,when I have a few, and use them for storing my promarkers but have realised that they aren't the same width so it would be to tricky to put them together so now I have to come up with another idea.I'm not throwing the tubs do :-) How do you and the other girls storing you crafts.?? No way I can afford the ones John was showing on c+c and I wouldn't buy from them anyway. Really feel for Maureen,how can they just do such thing to a costumer...........Another small craft shop have closed here, it's a real shame but they can't keep up with the on-line shops where I at least can afford to buy something if they have a sale on so I guess I was one of them to make them close-up.........
    Sitting here listening to my hubby's snoring, he also have funny noises but also stop breathing at times, a bit scary, mention it to his heart doctor but he just smiled and probably thought I was a fusspot ,is that a word ? hihi I can tell you all that if I didn't have the spellchecker on you wouldn't be able to read my comments.:-) I'm also thinking of what Steph said and so tru how many "followers " disappeared right after the launch of Sue's new dies. Wish they couldn't be in the draw, it's not fair. I really hope that some of us real followers winning most of them at least, I'd love to get some, of course :-) Not very lucky, in that area. I won some BeBunny stamps, think it was crafters companion, with two !different during a craft-hop, Norah contacted me because she had doing it too, so I thought I had been lucky for ones. Maybe even get two stamp sets :-) so I could have given one to Norah for telling me as I had not been in and seen it myself.Oh well I have not seen any stamps at all ! I have phoned them and even to the girls I won from in the blog-hop and still nothing so I have given up with them but very happy with that company either ( Sarah is to full of herself ) sorry if any of you like her. That's me for now . Hope Lynda get some sleep tonight and that the cough easing up asap. read somewhere that they given the flu jab with a weaker strength, not sure of course if that the reason but so many with viruses that take weeks to get rid of... Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the generosity you are making and thank your boy Matt for taking it to the post office ! You are a lovely lady and you wait for I will give you a huge hug or two when we sees in April Tihi promise to be gentle as I don't want to squash you. Until later, hope you getting some sleep too Night,night Maria xx
    Ps. Wonder if that baba has arrived yet ?

    1. Oh Maria, i am so sorry that you haven't seen one of the stamps never mind both of them. I am supposed to have won one of them as well and although the lass emailed me a fortnight ago to say that she had forgotten but she was on to it with HQ and would see what could be done but nothing and being quite honest i have written it off because it has put me off entering a lot of the blogs that i used to read and comment on daily. I am not one of lives winners but my heart lept to the moon and back when i seen my name picked for this silly wee stamp, so disappointed but hey ho it's just one of those things.
      love and hugs

    2. Hi Maria,
      Just wanted to say that Terry stops breathing at night,went to doctor & sent him to Papworth hospital in Cambridge had to stay in over night said he had sleep apnea & stoped breathing on average of 40 times an hour now he has a breathing mask which he is supposed to wear every night but he pulls it off. If I don't nag him he wouldn't use it at all. Men ay.
      Hug's Lynda xx
