
Monday 9 February 2015

Pretty Peach Wishes

 Good Morning Ladies,
Here we are at the start of another week, are you all excited for the draw tomorrow, I have everything crossed for all of you, lets please hope that the prizes go to regular bloggers.
Todays Card was made using an apricot/peach colour card for the top of the card and coconut white for the bottom. I started with a an 8 x 8 white card and added a pierced mat of white card, then  I embossed the peach colour card with the Creative Expressions Eternity EF, the bottom card I put on the Hougie Board and scored lines all the way across, I then cut both pieces of card on an angle (inspired by Sue ) and stick this to the base card.  I added some cotton lace across the join sticking with Cosmic Shimmer Glue and tucking the edges under the side of the card. Before sticking down I weaved some apricot coloured seam binding through the lace, as I thought it would look pretty! I tied some more of the ribbon into a messy bow and secured a heart shaped dazzler in the centre, I made one decorative stick pin in matching peachy tone beads and a couple of plain pearl pins too.
I cut the Oslo outside die as a matt, I then cut it again with the decorative edge in place, after embossing I inked through with Tattered Rose Distress Ink, which matched the peach colour perfectly, this gave a little definition to the die cut. I then cut the largest of the two inside dies in the peach card then stamped my sentiment onto white card and die cut with the smallest inside die.
I matted these all together using very tiny foam pads to raise the top decorative die cut from the base.
I added just three tiny matching Mulberry roses in the bottom corner with a couple of white rose buds and some foliage and one in the top corner for balance.
I look forward to reading your comments today.
I wonder how many blog posts Sue had today, do you think that they will start to decline already?
How did you all enjoy Sue's shows this weekend, anyone have a favourite show/demo.
I am not going to ask if you bought anything as I would be amazed if you had at those prices and then the postage on top!  Although I will admit I was tempted by those new E folders and the packs of ribbon, but I am sure they will be cheaper at Ally Pally or online.  Some of those dies were £5 more than Icon, then you had to add £2.99, its extortion.
I was quite shocked when Sam was saying that her friend that was on the other day had to give 60%
of what they sold, plus some exclusivity deal no doubt, no wonder they are clearing off to that internet channel!
Right I must get on, cards to make, blogs to look at!
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra and Ladies, this is really pretty and could be used for any occasion!

    I see we are back to regular names on Sues blog again this morning. Shameless aren't they these freeloaders?

    I enjoyed the shows but didn't buy. Have done my crafty spending on a few of the new collection plus went to the show at Trafford and got some bits there. I loved the beaded circle embossing folder as it has a deco feel. That one has gone on the ever growing list.

    Have a good day ladies I will pop back later xxx

    1. Hi Alison,
      I am looking forward to seeing what you make with your new goodies from the show!
      I am not sure if Joanna Sheen has the new folders in yet. I did Hear Sue say she had a surprise for the shows in two weeks, so I wonder what that could be? I am guessing that launch will be the dies just launched. Although I am not sure as they only really did the Scandinavian collection this time.
      Whatever it is I will be glued to the screen!
      See you later
      Sandra xxx

  2. Hi Sandra,
    I'm so pleased "The Cotswold Cafe" is open early, I'm still cutting down so I would Love a Coffee and a Slice of Toast (But Really I'd Love A Milky Latte With A Teacake And Best Butte)
    Your Card Is "Truly Stunning" I Just Love the Fabulous Colours you have chosen for your Card, The Peach is so Pretty I really Love your Messy Bow and the addition of your Flowers, Pins, and The Beautiful Lace, Sandra your a very talented Lady, once again your Card is just Amazing, very Beautiful indeed.
    Well on the subject of buying anything from from Create and Craft while our Sue was on, I never purchase from them I refuse too people think there getting a good deal but there not.
    I must admit I was a Member and I ordered a Die and received a pack of Paper Doily's which cost around £2.99 the Die was £12.99 then postage and packaging, I telephoned Customer Service they apologised and said they'd sort it out for me, I had to contact them again then I received a letter saying I could Keep The Doily's (WOW) and the difference in money I could spend on something on Create and Craft quoting a particular reference number, but I had only Three Months to spend it in or I would Lose it!!!
    It was my money so I telephoned and after quite a lot of arguing with a Supervisor I got my Money back and within a month they sent me a letter and asked if I was going to re-new my Membership, as you need to speak to telephone them to say yes or no they wanted to know why!!!
    I must say I can understand if you can't get to show's or anything like that it's O.K.
    But I'd say shop on-line lots of great products great Prices and in lots of cases no Postage and Packaging!
    Well I enjoyed watching Sue I would have Loved to seen more Demos rather than interruption, and the presenter J.J. Why on earth did she start Sue's show having to go back over the Create and Craft Advert, I'll never know, I'm sure even though there wasn't a lot of stock if they had said to Sue can you show different Tips and Techniques with the Produts we have she would have been only to pleased to.
    I was pleased to see that the Figures on Sue's Blog yesterday were still good I really truly hope it continues we'll have to wait and see.
    Well my dear friend Sandra its Breakfast time for the boys
    Have a great day Sandra
    Take Great Care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx
    To All The Wonderful Ladies who meet up at the fabulous
    "Cotswold Cafe" I Love this Blog it's so friendly like Sue's, I hope your all keeping well, I've just watched the weather for the week and it going to get really cold so Wrap Up really warm and take care all.
    Take Care My Friends
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam, I hope you enjoyed your toast, It wouldn't be a diet for me as I have to have the butter as thick as the bread! We only have proper butter as I personally think that it's better than margarine, plus it tastes much nicer!
      It sounds like you are another victim of C & C's bad service & rip off prices! I don't understand why anyone buys from them I think if you can shop from C & C you can go online and shop around, you would then discover the rip off prices! I mean they sold out, I guess if C&C are taking that big a cut of your takings you have to inflate the prices little! but those prices were beyond a joke!
      It was frustrating that Sue only got half a demo done at one point, they must know how much we want to see the demo's!
      I felt like screaming at the tv screen, I was so frustrated!
      Anyway I have them recorded so I cam whizz through the waffle!
      I hope you gave a great day,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra. What a pretty card, I love how you have added the beautiful cotton lace and threaded the ribbon through it, that is a lovely touch.
    Still haven't caught up with all of Sues shows but the ones I have seen were the usual annoying waffle with only a little time for Sue to demo! It must be so frustrating for her, and any other guests, to have so little time to demo after planning so many!
    I had a phone call from RJ at 10pm to say that Gemma might be in early labour as she was having regular contractions every 25 mins! Am waiting to see what he has to say this morning.
    Take care my lovely. xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Thanks for your lovely comment on my card.
      Had any news yet.
      Sandra xxx

  4. Janet Ecco of Sheffield9 February 2015 at 08:23

    Morning Sandra - first sorry I didn't manage to get into the shop yesterday as I went over to Christina's and we had another celebration for her Bday which was on Friday. I have looked at yesterday's post and oh how I love your fantastic card - and today's again is just beautiful in every way. You're very professional in your descriptions and would put mine to shame everytime. Are you sure you don't moonlight for a large crafting company lol. It's fantastic that you won a card from the cup (As yet I haven't seen any of the shows) will be trying to watch some today. I have to say that I lost my heart to Sue's new Noble dies and have fallen and ordered from JS so waiting impatiently for arrival. Hope you have good news Mrs B this morning. Nearly forgot -can see I'm not organised yet so please extra large latte I think I'll be having a few of these today. Hope to pop in later for a little chat.
    Take care today.
    Janet x

    1. Hi Janet, I hope you had a lovely day at Christina's, did you have plenty of cake?
      Thank you for your lovely comment on my card, I can assure you that I do no moonlight for any company oh how I wish I did! Haha !
      The Noble dies are amazing aren't they? I want them all!
      I can't wait for my card to arrive, it will be my most popular blog post to date I imagine!
      Apart from tomorrow I think that might be popular too........!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Wow this card is stunning. I just love the peach card, and how you've weaved the ribbon through. I also like the EF that's on Sue's card today. That one will definately be on my list. Mrs B I hope you have good news soon from the hospital. It's lovely isn't it when a new Grandchild arrives. Well I've just rung the hospital, and apparently the letter I received on Sat was fir my first appointment. The lady I spoke to said it looked like someone's name had been rubbed out( that would have been me ) and another one put in its place. I wasn't very happy, I can tell you. The upshot is that I still have an appointment but it's at 9.15. As you know that an ouch time here in Oxford as the traffic is so bad. Going back to Sue's shows, I felt like I was on a different planet yesterday, that I haven't even watched her shows yet. Oh well, it Pete goes out this afternoon I can snuggle down and watch them. Look forward to seeing you both on Wed. Better skip the tea and cake this morning as I'll be off to school soon. But will pop in later. Please save me a piece of chocolate cake if you have any today.

    1. Hi pat,
      You are going to have an early start tomorrow, please remember to call me when you get home, as I will be worrying how you got on, I have everything crossed that this can be sorted quickly!
      Looking forward to catching up on Wednesday!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Pat I hope your appointment goes ok tomorrow. Hazel x

  6. Good morning Sandra and all the Cotswold café customers.
    Your card is so very beautiful and elegant I love it especially how you have used your flowers a real touch of luxury. I was hoping for a picture of your prince charming I suppose we will have to wait a little longer will we?
    I totally agree again with Sam I had a similar experience with C & C so never make any purchases what so ever only watch, that is when they don't go on and on otherwise I change channels, it is easier on the blood pressure!
    Please all have a coffee or tea on me this morning we are celebrating there was a CORGI on BBC1 breakfast news this morning hope you all seen it, beautiful red and white one, ours are tri coloured that is red white and black, such treasures.
    Enjoy your day
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Thank you for your kind words about my card.
      I wish I had seen the gorgeous Corgi's on tv but I missed it, in think it's the royal link that makes them extra special!
      What are yours called?
      I think we have all had a bad experience with create and craft at some point!
      Sending love & hugs your way
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sandra
      Our corgis are Tomas and Amy, brother and sister we have had them two years almost, they were six years old when we got them, their owner had died suddenly and had gone back to the lady who had bred them and had given them originally to their friends as a Ruby wedding present. We had just lost our corgi Oliver who we had got from her 16 years before and were finding life so hard without him. Derek was lost not having a dog to take walkies. So I phoned the lady to see if they had any litters planned, but as her husband had died she said there was to be no more, but told me about Tomas and Amy. She had had people wanting to buy them, they had both been shown especially Tomas and he had won lots and he was in the Kennel Club Stud Book. She said she did not trust the people that wanted to buy them felt sure they would treat them badly, but said we could have them, so that is their story, they are so wonderful, Amy is the boss she has to be first for everything and Tomas bless him just stands back and lets her.
      Big hugs for a good night

  7. Morning Sandra and all friends. I really wish I had a larger vocab so I could put into words how beautiful your cards are Sandra, I just seem to use the same old same old everyday !
    Oh how I need a really strong coffee this morning, I feel shattered, id give the earth to wake up and feel totally refreshed for once instead of being afraid to sit too long in fear of dozing off ! Hardly had a busy weekend considering most of Saturday was spent watching Sue like the majority of us were, I managed one complete card and half of another from the order ! So Ive just been sitting here sticking my open camelia petal in periwinkle to my white full camelia petal which I added glossy accents to yesterday. I couldnt believe Sue only got half a demo in at one show !! The more I read about CC.the more I dislike their 'goings on' what craft program are you talking about Sandra, I need to investigate that asap lol... Or do I lol, will it be a reason/excuse to sit and 'rest' once all 11 cards are finished you understand : )
    I must say how happy I was to hear so many lovely names over the weekend, (I had emailed Sandra within the 1st minute of Sue VERY happilly did you notice when she picked our Sandra's name) id hate to think you thought id not congratulated her. Hoping to hear some wonderful news this week Mrs B re your new grand baby.
    Hope Cam and Lynn M are ok, its been FAR too long since we've seen them ! Wonder how Theresa is, poor thing, its her trauma clinic appointment today, hope she lets us know how she got on. That latte was lovely thanks Sandra, I love your card today, your strip of lace with the seam binding seperates the card beautifully. Ooooo that new selection of ribbon is deeelish, must see if JS sell that, if not will get it ordered from our craft heaven. I knew you'd love the new folder barbie - I noticed though how many pin prick holes were showing up in those little samples, id have to either throw away my card or use it to die cut from, maybe use it for flower's or something maybe ?
    Oh well, I'll grab my matchsticks and hobble and slouch into my den to start (thank goodness we dont have stair's) ! Have 2 appointments this week I could do without, maybe 3 as it was too cold to go out last week for my bloods and have found a skin 'nubbin' on my shoulder that need checking out, so I must now push myself to get started like it or not.
    Love to all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hey Steph,
      Thanks for your kind words about my card!
      I too will be shopping for that ribbon, I hope somewhere sells it!
      I agree with you about the holes In that embossed card, it can look a little messy! You gave to be careful with the eternity folder as that can be a really deep emboss and sometimes cut through the paper!
      I hope that your two appointments are over quickly so you can get back to your mammoth order!
      I am so aware of waking up after a drug induced sleep, you don't feel refreshed at all, i struggle until about noon, feeling dopey and drowsy, but if I didn't take the medication I would be awake all night and often still am, infact like you I have forgotten what it must feel like to wake up feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed!
      I hope you got some cards finished, I am always happy for you to email me a pic, I will help with ideas if you like ( not they I think I am any better than anyone else) it's just something that Sue Pat & I do.
      Sending you big hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies, I LOVE your card today Sandra, so professional, what more is there to say.
    I watched most of Sue's shows over the weekend but never bought anything, too expensive along with the p&p, I have a wish/ must have list and will see if my local craft shop Klassy Kards, in Grangemouth has any of them.
    Caroline, who owns the shop has a fantasic stock of dies and EFs and her web site is brilliant as well, no p&p plus international postage.
    Well done to all the ladies who won cards at the weekend, I hope you get them soon.
    Off to do some housework now, as nothing was done over the weekend, but I will have a coffee and scone at 11.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      Thank you for you kind comments about my card.
      I have bought online from Klassy Kards and they were very reasonable priced so worth a visit.
      Enjoy your housework!
      Sandra xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    This is my fourth attempt but still not to late for coffee and toasted tea cake please. Your card is lovely I love peach and use it a lot. Your flowers always look perfect I am so glad you share them with us. My water pillow is just like an ordinary pillow but has a reservoir for water. You need to get all the air out and you don't hear the water. Its the only pillow that gives me a good night's sleep it really helps my neck. We are of to see my husband's cousin in Shropshire as its her late husband's Birthday and anniversary we should be going for a few days but have to come back tomorrow because of BT. Take care love Tandy

    1. Hi Tandy,
      You are going to be exhausted with rushing back from Shropshire!
      I hope by this time tomorrow BT have you all sorted!
      I am intrigued about your water pillow, do you put warm water in?
      Have a safe journey my love
      Sandra xxx

  10. Good morning. Sandra and any one else who is into the coffee shop today.
    Sandra I bet you were glad that the coffee shop wasn't as busy yesterday. I think so many of us had family to see plus how many sat in front of the TV watching Sue? I watched the first one, after that I was busy cutting the evening invites in between cooking and cleaning. I to can't get over the prices that C&C charge plus P&P. Icon are as you say up to £6 cheaper and you don't pay postage. I love the new embossing folders we will see it not rushing to buy. Can I have my usual weak tea and a piece of calorie free cake, please. I tell you I wish turning that G.C. Handle would make you loose weight! Hazel x

  11. Sorry I forgot to say your card is stunning, I am not a peach person, but you can put others colours with this design and as I say you can't please every one. I love your design. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Thanks for commenting, I was sad there weren't as many visitors yesterday, but I knew it was sunday and everyone was busy watching Sue and then catching up in between!
      lots of customers back today though! YAY
      Thank you for stopping by, hope you enjoyed your tea!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

  12. Good morning. Love this card. Not a colour I usually use. Don't know why as don't dislike it just always seem to go for purples and pinks. When I am crafting again I must give it a try. So many ideas going around my head but not able to do anything about it. Can I please have a hot chocolate and toasted tea cake please. Take care everyone

    1. hi Brenda,
      It must be so frustrating not being able to craft! Especially when it was tv and everything!
      we must be 2 weeks down are we? 4 weeks until you can craft again? it will be the best kind of physio!
      Take care my love

  13. Good Morning Sandra,
    What a beautiful card you have created and your roses look fabulous. The lace you have used would go perfectly with Sue's new beaded fanfare folder. Love your shading on your die cuts, love your messy bow, dazzler and your stick pins. In fact I love everything about this gorgeous creation of yours.
    I am still sitting in my dressing gown, aching muscles from yesterday's walking, so I would like the seat in the far corner please and hope none of your customers notice, could I have a strong coffee, vanilla slice and if it's not too much trouble, a bowl of warm water to soothe my feet please.
    Mrs.B, the waiting will soon be over, bet you are on tenterhooks waiting for your new precious grandchild.
    Maureen, I heard your name read out and if my aching muscles would have let me would have jumped up and down with Joy.
    Margaret, I thought of you immediately when that beautiful corgi came on and hoped you would see it. I think Bill has fallen in love and I think the feeling was mutual, what a sweetie. It made me laugh though when they talked about rich and famous making certain breeds of dogs popular and I think it was Bill said, so we need someone famous to have a corgi so they become popular again. I wanted to shout out "the Queen, the Queen!!"
    Right my dears, really must get in the shower and then a bit of housework wouldn't go amiss.
    Love and Hugs

    1. Good Morning Saba,
      I too was still in my dressing gown at 11am, its a bugger making all these tea's and coffee's in my nighwear! I am surprised health and safety haven't been called in!
      I am not surprised you ached after all that walking yesterday, I hope you had a long relaxing bath to ease those muscles!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

  14. Good morning dear Sandra,
    Sorry first has got to be your stunning 3 graces, they are beautiful all three of them oh and how they are going to break a good few hearts even Becca if she had second thoughts. I can see Paul isn't just wound around one wee finger here, he is around 3.
    Please can i have a large extra hot latte this morning please and any cake that doesn't have cold custard in it will do me just lovely as i like trying new things.
    Your peach/apricot and white card is beautiful Sandra with the cotton lace and binding through it. I love your little roses how they match as well and they just fill that bottom corner so lovely. I like how you have got the 2 differing textures going on in the card as it keeps your eyes moving and finding new surprises all the time.
    I am going up to visit mum today as it is her birthday so i am going to get her a big bunch of the most colourful flowers i know or can see as she loved colour., but must remember the bottle of water as more often than not the water pipe at her bedside isn't working and a cloth to give her and dad a wee wash down so that i can see their faces( a picture from my wedding of both of them is in a plaque on their stone with 2 of our dogs Scruffy and Poppy in another plaque).
    I was on Becca Feekans Amazing Paper Grace blog this morning where she was asking what is your hoardy thing. Card really does it for me and i hate if i could run out, well that's not going to happen anytime soon i can tell you. When his nibs sees in reality how many A4 plastic boxes i have and all of them with card, you will hear him far and wide i think. It will become really apparent when we go to move but then he will see why i need a craft room all of my own. I think by the amount i have i could open the Glenochil Craftroom no bother at all.
    Mrs B, i hope that young Gemma is well on her way to becoming a mum today and that her and baby are well when they make their appearance.
    Tandy i send hugs to your hubby's cousin as she will be feeling her loss today as much as i am but at least i have a break of 5 weeks before what would have been their golden wedding anniversary. I think mum just wanted to be with dad for that special day and i can't say i blame her.
    Sorry girls, although busy with erecting front doors and washings that would frighten the french, and clearing up from World War Kirsten evacutating the premises i haven't seen the shows yet and i never bought anything as i had got the dies from Icon but haven't managed any new ones as yet(need to top up the funds abit from WWK).
    Thank you for the much needed latte and cake Sandra, hope that you all have a great day
    Love and crafty hugs angels
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hello Norah,
      I am sure your mum will have loved the flowers today, even more now that she is back in the arms of your dad!
      Thank you for your lovely words about my three girls, that is on their best day mind! There is a lot of hair between the three of them to be teased and tweeked in the mornings, they leave the house and I can taste the hairspray for hours afterwards!
      Sounds like you had a busy day, cleaning up after the hurricane that Kirsten left behind her!
      You will be glad that you can fast forward through the shows you have recorded because the mindless chatting from the hosts was painful at best! Our Sue must have the patience of a saint!
      I will leave you in peace now,
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  15. Good Moring Sandra and all who pop in!
    What a beauty today Sandra! I love how you've balanced the card so beautifully - you are very good at that! Also love your bow and pins and how you've showcased the EF too with your lovely lace border. Very very pretty.
    I sent emails too to every show except the two I couldn't watch live yesterday. It was super to hear so many names of friends read out and winners too! Agree about C&C prices. I also think that as I never email any other show they will never read my email out! Just a theory! I couldn't believe how much Jacquie went on and on yesterday. Even saying it was like the Eurovision Song Contest - well she made herself laugh anyway! Must stop, it's not nice!
    Got the Kids craft today so need to get a move on!
    Sending hugs to those who are in pain or worried or both.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      Thanks for stopping in and for your kind comments.
      The shows were frustrating at times, lord knows what was going through that womans mind as she was waffling, the two o'clock show had me screaming at the TV, she kept going on about 'in a box' or something! it was ridiculous!
      Hope you had fun with the kids
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

  16. Morning Sandra,
    Beautiful card this morning so much work has gone into it and the colours,flowers and the ribbon are stunning.You could demo your cards at c+c but if they take so much of you then it's not worth it I guess. Great to hear so many names being read out and how wonderful to see you got a wow card,wonder wish one you get. Tihi "mamma" means mum in swedish, my son's name is Christian and please to tell you all that he managed to drive home from work unhurt . He's going in soon again so my heart is still in my throat oh dear. Any news Mrs B ? Hope all gone well for Theresa. Thinking of you both Pat and Pete, have a nice time watching Sue's few demo's. think some on youtube already. Family coming in a minute so must dash but I might see you later, Warm Hugs Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Hope you had a lovey time with your family and that your son arrived safely, he will soon get the hang of it!
      Thanks for your kind words about my cards, I don't think I am anywhere near a high enough standard for tv! nice thought though!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  17. Hi Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop, could you just have a cup tea for now I'm my order something else later just want to little restaurant cup of tea thank you.
    It's been a manic weekend, what's new! Went to grandson's family birthday party yesterday. big bro was home from uni so it was lovely to see our three grandsons, our other daughter came with her two daughters and son so we had all six grandchildren together they all get on so lovely together, even though there's quite a age difference . The 19 year old grandson and eight-year-old granddaughter are the ones who really really hit it off, they are Great pals.
    Sandra your card today is beautiful, I love the way you woven the ribbon through the lace. Love the card colour, not a colour I have used it ,it looks gorgeous . Your design are always so inspiring, thank you for making the time To share your wonderful work with us.
    Thank you for your comment yesterday, I will send you a picture of card I made for daughters MIL. Slight delay because I have left my camera in Essex. Anyway SIL works in London and will bring it up with him one day this week and I will collect it from his office. In the mean time will see what sort of result I get from my phone.
    Be back later Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Sounds like you had an amazing family day, I love when all the family is together making memories!
      I am sure you are exhausted today though!
      I look forward to seeing your photos
      See you tomorrow,
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  18. Sandra can I have another lovely cup of tea, won't have any cake thank you. I have just come back from being at my local little craft shop, it doesn't have a coffee shop, but you are always asked if you would like a tea or coffee. Adrian cut the 10 sheet of A3 card down to size for me. Can you see that at Hobbycraft. Card cut to size and a cup of tea while waiting. More so he did offer for me to take his guillotine home and do them myself. Things very quite today again, where is everyone? All playing with their new goodies that the postie delivered ??? Norah of coarse might be hanging a door or planning how her craft room will look?. No end to your talent Norah. Sue ( Mrs B). Will be like a cat on a hot tin roof I bet. I hope her wait isn't to long. Babies no have a habit of taking their time especially when we are waiting in the back ground. I hope Sue ( mrs B) you didn't think I was being forward when telling you about a slightly higher off the ground car, I just know it saved we suffering so much, like you say Sandra you just sit you bottom on the seat and get in no sitting on the floor as I say. Well I enjoyed my tea, it's been great having no pick up to do. Off to emboss some more invites. Hazel x

    1. Hazel flower, please give me the info on said car as I love my Honda civic hybrid but it is lower to the ground and although I don't really
      Want to give up my wee car it is getting more and more difficult to get up out of it so any recommendations would be most welcome.
      Thank flower I much appreciate any help I get
      Love and crafty hugs
      Norah Glenochil

    2. Norah. We have a vauxhall merriva and a Toyota urban crusier both are good, but we are looking at the new vauxhall mokka as again it's a good height not to high but you don't have to lift yourself up and out. Sandra was saying she likes her car for the same reason. The civic is a kind of low, you want to be able to swing your legs out and just stand up no having to lift yourself out. Tammy has a Ford Focus lovely card but oh boy I can't get out easily. Your are welcome to any help, as I know what it's like. I hope you haven't been over doing it today. Hazel x

  19. Janet Ecco of Sheffield9 February 2015 at 16:22

    Hello all - just popped in for a quick cuppa (fruit tea) please before I have to go and do some prep for tea. Have now watched two of Sue's show and have to admit that I finished with the remote and fast forwarding to places I wanted to see and not hear the presenters rattling on. Well have managed to do some more of the year book and hopefully will finish it tomorrow. Still haven't started the much needed bday cards - just need to wish for extra hours!!
    Have a good evening everyone and see you tomorrow.
    Janet x PS - Sue I also don't know what craft programme you referred to earlier. Please spill the beans.

  20. Hello Sandra,
    Well, I'm a bit late today as been visiting some poorly friends and doing some shopping for them (they are different friends, I mean they live in different parts of the city, so it took a little longer). While I'm chuntering on would you like to get me a latte and to celebrate your beautiful card, a peach melba!!
    It is gorgeous, I love (I sound like JJ) everything, the slanted cut, the embellishments of flowers, ribbbon, hat pins, everything, it's just beautiful.
    I agree with so many of the comments that have already been posted regarding C&C BUT I have a confession to make - no I don't think I can - you'll all shout at me. Oh, all right then, I ordered the Scandanavian set, but I wanted to pay by flexi pay and the screen just shot through and is showing the full amount taken. I sent an e-mail and told them what had happened. I've just had an e-mail back to be told that there's nothing they can do so I've to return it for a refund, and then re-order. That means two lots of P&P plus it will probably have gone up in price. I really can't afford the total amount in one go so I am very annoyed. I will not be renewing my membership, that's for sure. Please don't shout at me ladies, I don't think I can take it !!! lol
    Now on to happier things, Mrs B - I hope you get good news soon.
    Norah - when I pop my clogs and George clears the craft room, I reckon wherever I am I'll hear his cries of disbelief. He has no idea of the stuff I have, a lot of it bought when I was working, and although Rachel likes home crafted cards, I reckon it's 8 year old Zoe who will take over.
    Theresa, Littlelamb, Pat and Peter - I'm thinking about you.
    I know there's other things I was going to say, but I've finished my latte and I can hear George stomping around downstairs, so I'd better go and start the tea.
    Love and hugs xxx

    1. Oh Maureen! How awful! I wouldn't dream of shouting at you but I'd like to shout at C&C . That's just awful! So sorry that's happened to you.
      Love Myra x

    2. Hi Maureen,
      What are you like?! I totally understand your reason for wanting to but the set flexi-pay does make it a more accessible way for those of us that struggle financially, the complete sets do generally work out cheaper or better value anyway! But I can't believe with technology these days that they can't cancel the order off your account and add it back on with the flexi-pay, it's ridiculous none of us could afford that amount in a one off without budgeting it first!
      I can really see that that bloody company are going to end up with so fed customers they struggle themselves!
      I think that most of our husbands would have a kitten if they knew how much stash we really had!
      We are here to support you not shout at you, we feel your frustration!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Hello Maureen, I went off C&C when I discover Icon and Joanna Sheen give a better price and NO POSTAGE ........ Yippee
      I stopped my membership - I just was not getting VFM.
      I'm sorry they have put you in this position.
      WHY could they not change your order. If they valued their customers you would have had your order changed. SORRY rant over. LOL

  21. Sorry haven't commented Sandra on yours or Lyndas but am struggling. Gorgeous card
    Hugs Theresa (TOB)xx

    1. Teresa flower, sorry I can't be off any use other sending strong hugs of friendship to you with love. I can only hope and pray that your struggles will soon be less. Xx

    2. Theresa, sending you special thoughts and gentle hugs. Sue xx

    3. Theresa, I hate the thought of you being in such pain, I wish I could do more than send you the gentlest of hugs.
      Thinking of you tonight,

    4. Theresa, sending (((((( hugs)))))) I hope you will get help with your shoulder soon. It will get easier not having your daughter home every night, she loves you very much and will get home as often as she can, she will be feeling like yourselves at the moment. Hazel x

    5. Hi Theresa Sending you BIG gentle hugs - You really are going through the mill. It's horrible when our children fly the nest to stand on their own two feet, your daughter will be missing you so much, but will probably keep that to herself, she knows you have a lot to put up with at the moment. We also know you are in great pain and hope that you are able to get that sorted out soon. Sending you Love and Prayers.

  22. Dear Theresa, it's not really my place to reply but Sandra is so lovely she won't mind! So very sorry you are struggling. Sending love and many hugs to you,
    Love Myra xxx

  23. Hi Theresa,
    I did email you a reply, but I just want you to know that we are all here to support you, I don't mind if the whole blog is taken up with support for you.
    With what you are suffering physically and your events this weekend I am sure this is going to be a very hard week for you to get through!
    We are all here for you. You have my personal email if you feel you want too message me.
    Sending you the biggest hug
    Sandra xxx

    1. Oh Theresa,
      I am so sorry that you are in such pain and feeling so low. This is such a wonderful blog, and as Sandra says, we are all here for you, it's just such a shame that we cannot physically support you. Love Maureen xxx

    2. You are in my thoughts Theresa I too am so sorry you are feeling so bad but if there is anything I can do to help please you only have to say. Sandra has my personal email you are more than welcome to get in touch. Please do hang on, I know how hard it can be when you are in pain, but there is light at the end of the tunnel although it may seem rather dim at just this moment, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
      Gentle hugs as many as you need are here for you.
      With love
      Margaret corgi owner

  24. Hi Sandra. Just popped in for a hot chocolate before bed. What a beautiful card, love the peach. I must remember to try the scoring technique and cutting on the diagonal. I agree with all the comments about Sue's shows, but it was lovely to hear emails read out from people who regularly contribute to her blog and even better when they were chosen from the cup. Maureen, I totally understand about buying on flexi-pay, I can't believe that c&c can't amend orders.
    Well, I've finished the chocolate so I'll say goodnight and see you tomorrow. Sue xxx

    1. Good night Sue,
      Thanks for your kind words and toughts!
      Feel free to use my design, it will always be here for you to refer back to.
      Sleep tight,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Good evening my lovely,
      First yesterday's card was gorgeous,& you three daughters are beautiful,no wonder your so proud of them. Sorry I didn't comment but we never got home until 11pm,& felt rough & was coughing all night,so never got much sleep,lost my voice & have sore throat today. Terry had his Camara thing today didn't feel like it but went with him & all is ok,the doctor said he could live till he's 105 haha well I won't see if he dose live that long. Sandra Todays card is stunning I love it you get better & better my lovely well done.
      Lots of love Lynda xx ( I will ring you when I get my voice back )
