
Sunday 8 February 2015

Splendid Swirls Sunday

Good Sunday Morning,
Here is the promised photograph of my 3 Beautiful Girls, Sophie, Becca & Lucy.
Now that I have uploaded this card I am not too sure that the ribbon works, In real life the colour matches a lot better than it does on here.
Anyway I have used the Creative Expressions Union Square Die, designed by our Sue Wilson, I cut all the squares and central element from this set. I layered up the colours and placed them on the card base that was matt and layered with dark red and cream American Crafts Card, on the point of the square giving it a diamond look.
I cut 4 lots of Sue's new Splendid Swirls dies, (I haven't quite worked out what to do with the little swirls yet), I placed these flourishes with the little 'curly q's' as Sue calls them just hanging on to the edge of the largest square at both bottom and top of the card. These are symmetrical so it works perfectly to put either side of anything.
I then tied a bow with a cream colour wrinkle edged ribbon and popped and matching red brad through the centre. I then cut multiple pieces of the same card as I made the card from, and put them on a foam mat and formed them with a ball tool! I then layered them up and place them on some leaf dies on the opposite corner to the bow!
Let me know what you think below.
Well I have everything crossed that Creative Expresssions has found some new stock for Sue to play with tomorrow, I will be gutted if they scrap her shows, she is on so rarely, I think there will be a
Well I have the arrival of my WOW card to look forward to this week, YAY!
its an extra surprise as I have no idea which one it will be.
What are you all up to this Sunday Morning, I have cards to make and cakes to bake, then roast beef  and Yorkshire pudding for tea, as requested by my daughter Becca.
Mind you I had such an early start to today I am not sure what time I will wake up!
Whatever you are doing today, I hope you have an amazing Sunday.
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra,
    First Congratulations on winning your Card.
    The Card You've shown today is just so very Beautiful, Stunning in fact,
    I Love the Fabulous Union Square Dies, I Love the Colour of your Card, and Yes the Bow for me is a Plus I Love the small stone in the centre, I Love Bows. Like yourself I Loved The New Ribbon Sue had on the show.
    The Photograph of your Stunning Daughters they are just so very Beautiful you and your Husband must be very proud of them.
    I know the chatting in the Cafe yesterday was about our Sue's shows and I'm with you I can remember when she was aloud to do more Demos,
    I even sent in a Facebook message yesterday to Create and Craft to ask if The Presenters would let her Demo because that's what we wish to see, I even said Please three times in the message!
    Sue was brilliant as always, sharing all her Fabulous Tips and Techniques with us, But Why we have to hear about what percentage of certain product has gone, I'm sorry But If It Sell's Out They Do!!!
    Sue will take on plenty of product to do the show, to hopefully have enough.
    I can remember Sue once saying she wouldn't take on her New Dies as she wanted to make sure all of us got a chance first.
    Plus Create and Craft like to do Exclusive Deals for so long, and that's something Sue didn't want. Create and Craft ask so much from there Guest and there Companies as when my Craft Leader has been on she is a very small Business only herself and her husband and one member of staff, Whatever they sold Create and Craft take 60%!!!
    I'm sure this is the same for every company.
    I don't shop from them, I go to Joanna Sheen or Icon and Icon have Sue's Stamps also and No Postage and Packaging and with Joanna on-line shop when you buy Foundation Card which weighs a lot you'll pay no postage as long as your order is over £10 I'm sure you all know and with Icon it doesn't matter what you spend you'll pay no Postage and you get Good Prices.,
    Like everyone today in The Cotswold Cafe I really hope we get to see our Sue, for all the hours she's supposed to be on for.
    Well everyone that's it for now as Archie is sat with head on my lap waiting for his Breakfast they like there Toast!!
    Sandra Take Care My Friend
    To All My Friends At The Cotswold Cafe I do hope your all keeping well, It's still cold out there, today I'm busy making Birthday Cards! I wonder what your all doing.
    Take Care All
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      Thanks for your lovely comments, I messaged Create and Craft, to ask about the not mentioning the blog, ridiculous!
      I think that it's disgusting that they take 60% from small companies! how greedy!
      I am guessing that's why a lot of the other crafting companies have gone over to British Craft Network, have you seen it, no selling, just crafting demo's all day!
      I know Indigo Blu are over there now and those Krafty Hands Guys, Hougie board Kay,, to name but a few!
      I hope you have had a lovely day, did you have a nice walk with your boys today?
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  2. Morning Sandra, I bet you can't wait for your WOW to arrive, will you put a picture up so we can all see it? I'm pleased that Sue's shows are going ahead (according to her blog this morning) but goodness knows what there will be left to sell. I wonder if they'll let Sue do more demos if there isn't as much stock? Do you know why they won't let her mention her blog any more? I emailed to every show but wasn't read out, I did it to support Sue as per Stephanie's suggestion, I hope c&c let her know how many people emailed in. Today's card is gorgeous, I'm just not sure about the bow - that's very unlike me because usually I love ribbon. Your girls are beautiful, you and Paul must be very proud of your family.
    Well, as it's Sunday I'll start the day with a pot of coffee and a couple of pain au chocolat please. Hope that everyone enjoys their day. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Thanks for your comments, I am so impressed that Sue managed so many demo's with barely any stock! Such a pro, despite being with Jj & DB!
      We are very proud of all our children!
      I hope to see you tomorrow, got a girly card to show!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Morning Sandra,

    Gorgeous card love the die cutting and all the elements.

    WOW! you have three stunning Daughters who look like their Mum! I take it your other child must be a Son, (see how clever I am lol) I bet he loves being the only boy now he's older but probably hated it when he was younger lol! You must be very proud of them all?

    I do hope Sue is back on our screens today, I did not realise she is no allowed to mention her blog on there any more, how silly!

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie,
      No flies on you! Yes I have a son, he is my eldest, photo soon!
      We were gifted with a other 3 sessions of our craft hero today!
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra, how are you this morning? Still enjoying the thought of your Sue card coming later this week? Sandra you have three stunning daughters, oh no mistaking who their mum is? Yes you and Paul must be so proud of your family, I know we have always been of ours.
    Your card to day is gorgeous, it's funny how when you look at the photo you see what the camera takes doent look like the real thing as it changes the colours, we all know this so, no worries. your design is wonderful and colours great. I have to remake a thank you card, it just wasn't right I have looked at it a couple of times and I am not happy with it. So it's back to the drawing board.
    I hope you have plenty of help in the cafe today, as I am sure it will be busy after each Sue show. It's so sad she can't mention her blog, I bet she is so unhappy about that. Any way I will serve myself with my weak cup of tea and I will have a crumpet with some jam to. Thank you. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Thanks for your lovely comments about my girls and my card!
      Cafe wasn't so busy today, hopefully business will pick up tomorrow, not ready to shut down quite yet!
      Sue did us proud today didn't she, up against it with dwindling stock and dodgy presenters!
      Look forward to seeing you tomorrow, your beer cakes are amazing!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and Ladies!

    Congratulations Sandra on your win what a bonus! I was surprised when they read my email followed by Stephs spooky! And then you were a winner a good day for the coffee shop!

    Your girls are beautiful and although Sophie and Lucy are very alike they do look different in some ways which I am sure is nice for them I have often wondered what it's like to look at yourself! Loving beccas skirt!

    Card is gorgeous I like the bow but I am in to my bows and hat pins so no surprise there!

    Hoping to play with new dies and some bits I got at Traffird craft event that's after I go around in circles tidying up the same stuff I tidied up yesterday morning and the morning before. Clearly losing it yesterday has had no effect at all! Driving me mad!

    Hope we all enjoy the shows today and get some crafting done. Steph in your Den work yo be done!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      Thanks, I still cAnt believe it!
      It depends on the day and how they wear their hair, but Sophie has a rounder face than Lucy, even I get it wrong sometimes!
      What did you create with your new goodies!?
      What new things did you buy? Was there a good choice of stands?
      Ally Pally is a hard act to follow, as it has the right amount of space, stands,proper craft stands too! And loads of places to sit, which is a huge bonus! I think I am going to take over a large table for Sue's blog followers, I don't care what mr grumpy has to say!
      I did get a card made, eventually!
      See you tomorrow
      Sandra xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra. A cuppa and some beans on toast for me this morning I think, please.
    Congratulations on winning a WOW, now you will be watching for the postman won't you : ) It was good to hear some other familiar names too.
    Todays card is a real beauty, I love the red and cream combo, a lovely combination that always looks elegant I think. Like Hazel said it is annoying when photos change the colours, I'm sure the ribbon looks lovely"in the flesh". The flowers are cute, something a bit different.
    Your girls are all so beautiful, and I can vouch that your Matt is a very handsome young man too.
    We have to go out today so will have to wait to see Sues 11am, I hope we are back for the 3pm one though. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Sue could just demo for the whole programme if all of her goodies sold out. Now that would be a result. It's not going to happen though is it!
    Right, have a lovely day. I will pop back later to see how everyone is. Take care my lovely xx

  7. Good morning ladies,
    I knew you would all be worrying about Dawn Bibby, so I did a bit of research this morning on a Craft Forum and she had made a statement saying that for the first time in twenty years she is going to take a career break, she goes on to reassure you all that she won't be disappearing completely, she will still on fb and her craft blogs!
    I was surprised this morning to see that CE has added nothing more to Sue's show product listing, you would have thought they had enough stock to add some more products, just to ensure she gets to do all three of her shows today! She is on so rarely that it would be devastating for them to cancel her shows! I have everything crossed that she manages all three.
    I feel like a bad mummy today as I put the photo of my girls on here but not my son! I will find one and post it, there aren't as many as there are of the girls, I think Becca's most used present this Christmas was her 'selfie stick'
    I will pop in again later,
    Sandra zxxx

  8. Hello Sandra,
    I love your card, these diess are fantastic yes I am also undecided about the bow.I have made a card for younger daughters MIL who will be 70 next week. I had the same dilemma and ended up putting little floral spray on it.
    Pictures of your daughters is beautiful they are very stunning young ladies
    I thank you for sharing.
    Must dash now ready to leave,love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thanks for your comments, would love to see a picture of your card!
      Hope you had a great day,
      Sandra xxxxx

  9. Hi Sue
    Yes, today's card is lovely, and the bow works in the flesh so to speak, so don't fret about it. Love the pictures of the girls. Don't they look different dressed up. I only see them in their school uniforms. I haven't seen any of yesterday's shows yet. Wouldn't have been able to concentrate anyway. I'll have to ring the hospital first thing tomorrow to find out whether I still have an appointment for Tues, hopefully the one the weel after might be a follow up as you suggested. Fingers crossed it is. If I have to wait until the 17th, I might just as well still go to my appointment at the Nuffield, rather than pay at the Manor. I'll have a hot chocolate today instead of a weak tea plus any cakes that you are baking. Hope the girls cleared up behind themselves the other day. Look forward to seeing which card Sue sends you.

    1. Hi Pat, let me know how you get on on Monday (with phone call to hospital)
      I will let you make your own mind up as to whether they cleared up if not!

      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  10. Morning Sandra and friends, what a lovely photo of your daughters Sandra you are right to be proud of them. I think we all are of our own children. Well Sue's shows went down a bomb yesterday, I just hope there is still some stuff left for her to finish her demos today. Well done on winning a Sue original, it was great to hear familiar names read out, good banter
    for the coffee shop today. Coffee and scone sounds good. Take care today we have a lovely sunny but cold morning here. Jess x

  11. Yoohoo. Just a quick "moooorning" while the selling chatter is on. And to say "how stunning your babies are" talk about heart breaker's WOW.
    Will be back after the first show, but maybe my only visit as I spent allll day in front of the tv, who cares if I recorded at the same time it would have been SOOOO rude not to watch ! I should make a start on the order or I'll end up in a panic room instead of my den !
    So for when I get back to compliment your card can I order a latte and vanila slice please. Get your emails in today ladies.
    See you at 12 xx

    Lancashire Steph xx

  12. I have just emailed into the show and forgot to put in the bottom not to include me in the draw, should I (unlikely) get picked again I will do a draw on here to pass it on to one of you lovely ladies
    Sandra xxx

  13. Grrrr!! Why spend half the show going back through the products,
    Poor Sue barely got one card done! I was getting so frustrated at the time wasting!

  14. Half a demo : 0 how annoying.
    Just love your card today Sandra, the bow looks lovely to me. So sorry to be short and sweet, could I take my coffee and cake to my den please, promise I'll return the cup and plate.
    Love n hugs - will try to return later.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi honey,
      Thank you for your lovely comments, did you get much done today?
      I hope so, otherwise you are going to be frustrated!
      Sending you big hugs,
      Sandra xxx

  15. Hello Sandra,
    I need pampering so I'll have a hot chocolate and a piece of millionaires shortbread please.
    What 3 stunning daughters you and Paul have. You must be so proud of them, they could all be models.
    Your card is gorgeous as well. I love the colours and the bow is fine, as others have said, the camera does change colours slightly. Everything about it works so well.
    Well blow me down, our friend deserves a break from work after 20 years,
    What about people who work 50 years without a break, and my father who worked 51 after leaving school at 14! Hard, manual work on the Railways.
    I'm dying to see which card you are sent. I bet Sue sends a smasher as her face lit up when she said your name.
    Pat, hopefully there will be no cancellation of appointments.
    Steph, there are just some days when other things are more important, like Sue on the TV lol. The order will be there to tackle when you are in the right frame of mind.
    Barbie, I sort my craft room out so many times, give it a day and I'm back to square one, just too much rubbish that I can't bear to throw away. In fact I don't throw it away, I give stamps, punches,paper and card to the Hospice for the patients to use, or other things to the granddaughters school. Then I need something, and realise that I've given it away! But I wish the craft fairy who hides things when I've just used something would get lost!!!
    See you later ladies.
    Love Maureen xxx

  16. Hi Sandra,
    I've literally grabbed five minutes as family ten minutes away! Mobiles come in handy! I love your card today and I'm sure your bow is the same colour as the flowers so just blame screens as it looks beautiful! I love the colours and its a really striking card!
    Aren't your girls lovely! No wonder you are proud of them! Thanks for sharing that lovely photo.
    Missed Sue this morning as was at church so no email from me this time! Next show looking dodgy as well as the children will want to craft after lunch as well! Hey ho all the exercise means don't feel guilty eating these vanilla slices you offer each day! Lol.
    Must go but will call back later as haven't read comments yet! Hope not missed anything!
    Lots of love to everyone,
    Myra. Xxx. Ps thanks Maria for the hugs on Sue's blog yesterday! Xx

  17. Afternoon all, well where to begin, firstly your girls are little stunners Sandra and i bet there brother is fit too, LOL, i never got to watch any Sue shows yesterday as it was Charity shop day but reading you comments Sandra you won a WOW card how fantastic is that then, and our Sue has had a sell out day, I recorded all the shows and todays as well, no now i am telling fibs there I did see the last one when i came hobbling in from the shop and did Sue say she was showcasing her new dies in two weeks, or did i image that, I hope not, Your card today is beautiful Sandra and i wouldn't change a thing as like so many have said the camera changes the colour. I am off out soon for sunday lunch at the restaurant my grandaghter works at inbetween her college classes, she lives with me and her grandad like a few of the others have done over the years, five of them I think at one time or another. Right C&C presenters, i can't STAND Stephanie Weightman if thats her name, she really gets on my nerves, but hey its great to be able to vent one's spleen and not get taken to seriously.. I forgot to say how much i loved the colour of your card Sandra i love red and cream, and was it Pats mans card yesterday was brilliant a grand idea, Well i am off to see what JS has on offer so will pop back later, Sue's shows are recording so i can catch up later when hubby has gone to bed, Johanna xx

  18. A beautiful card today Sandra and a fabulous photograph of your three beautiful daughters both you and Paul have every reason to be so very proud of them. I do think they will be breaking a few hearts along life's way, as all the boys cannot have a date with them!!!
    I totally agree with what Sam has to say today.
    However has anyone else noticed that Sue is using the small plates on the GC does this mean that her dies will cut better if we use the small plates, I wonder, as some of us have had issues with some in the past?
    Did you see the new We R Memory Keepers die cutting machine today Sandra, this is the one I talked about a little while ago? Must dash as the corgis are wuffing wanting their teas.
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Somebody on here suggested using the small plates a while ago, when we were discussing machines, whether it puts a more even pressure on as they are a smaller area, not some much winding that's for sure!
      I did see it Margaret, not too sure, it looks like a cuttlebug, but with a pressure knob!, however I couldn't watch because of the silliness of the guest! I will say no more!
      Good night
      See you tomorrow,
      Sandra xxx

    2. You don't need to say a word I know just what you mean I switched off!
      Nite, nite God Bless
      Margaret xx

  19. Hi Sandra
    Late again as internet has only just started working for today so no email for Sue. Your card is lovely. Your girls are beautiful they will certainly be breaking some hearts. I have to own up missed bits of Sues shows as keep going to sleep as my old water pillow sprung a leak and getting the water right in the New one takes a few nights. Hubby has taken some more water out so hope it's ok tonight they really are good pillows when we get it right.. I will try and blog tomorrow before we go if internet will work. Nearly forgot congratulations on winning a card. Love Tandy

    1. Hi Tandy, sorry but what are water pillows ?.Never heard about them before......

    2. Snap Maria! Please tell us about them Tandy. I have visions of the sound of water sloshing around, like in a hot water bottle : ) xx

  20. Hi sandra and all beautiful girls, Tihi Oh Sandra what a fabulous card,gorgeous colours and everything, just beautiful ! Another thing, your girls are beautiful and defo. agree with Maureen that they all three could be models. I can see Matt being good looking as well because he has wonderful parents! I sooo looking forward to see you at AP in the real world Tihi
    Dear Pat, hope you get your appointment so they don't cancel it for some reason. Steph, are you happy in your little den ? hope you managed to get some cards together as you have such a fab.order. Any gilding included :-)
    We had a busy morning as my husband has sold the car and the ones who bought came over for the paper works etc. He's getting a new one but not before beginning of March so in the meantime we will driving around in our son's car wish is picked up later. Driving test were all in the ones with a stick but we bought him a automatic so it will be first time he driving home from work this evening, yakes mamma is nervous ! Hope your day been fine, thinking of you all with problems and pains so warm Hugs all around !
    Many hugs to you Sandra and your beautiful family, Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      I do hope mumma got home safely!
      It will be strange for a while but you soon get used to it!
      Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,
      Sandra xxx

  21. Hi Sandra, so sorry I forgot to say earlier how beautiful your card is today. I watched most of Sue's shows today, a lot of sellouts, funny how they could conjure up more dies for a later show!
    Got to go and wash up the plates now, have a good night everyone, well done everyone who got their name read out and well done to the card winners. Jess x

    1. Hi Jess
      Thanks for your kind comments,
      I think we should have clotted cream on those scones too if we are celebrating!
      Hope you had a good weekend,
      Sandra xxxx

  22. Good evening Sandra,
    Sorry I am so late any chance of a hot chocolate?
    Your girls are stunning, you must be so proud of them, I bet heads turn when you go anywhere all together.
    Your card is also stunning. Love the colour way and how you have put all the elements together and your sweet little flowers with their alternating middles look lovely.
    Don't know if you saw my comment last evening - it was very late when we got home- but if not, just wanted repeat, well done on winning one of Sue's cards. I was so pleased that so many of us had our emails read out, but absolutely over the moon that you had been pulled out of the cup. I never saw it live, and would have been jumping up and down if I had done.
    I am hoping to see her 7pm show, if it's still on, and if this blasted i pad stops being naughty. It isn't letting me watch the repeats of today, it keeps kicking the Internet off, so I am not the happiest of bunnies.
    We have been out all day, it was our annual walking day with our sailing club, we walked about 15 miles, through forest tracks, up and down hills, (am sure there were more ups than downs) across fields and all that in about 2inches of snow, so the going was not always easy. And after yesterdays party when we came home very late and had perhaps over indulged a tiny bit. I am absolutely shattered.
    Will try and pop back later after - call the midwife - has been on, but if not, will see you all tomorrow.
    Love and hugs to you all,

    1. Hi Saba,
      You must be absolutely exhausted, all that exercise!
      Thank you for your comments and congratulations,
      My i pad has been playin up today too, it kept freezing!
      I need to start the new series of Call the Midwife, I haven't started it yet!
      The walk must have helped clear your over indulged head!
      Look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  23. Good evening Sandra, I am very late, I have been "playing" with paper most of the day.
    Oh! My! Word! How beautiful are those girls ...... they are gorgeous. They obviously turn heads when they walk down the street.
    Your card I stunning, love the use of all the great dies, the colours you have used and the fantastic design.
    See you in the morning

    Patricia x

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I will pop over later and see what you have been making!
      Thanks for the lovely comments about my girls and my card!
      See you tomorrow
      Sandra xxxx

  24. Sorry to be late but went to other son for the weekend and not long been back. Lovely card today. Nothing wrong with the bow. Your daughters all look beautiful. You must be very proud of them. Feeling very tired as the girls were awake at 6am but they didn't come and disturb me although one looked in she said but I was asleep. After they woke me I just kept dozing so early night tonight for me. Take care everyone.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I know you had a busy weekend I was exhausted reading about it.
      Did you have fun, how about those grandchildren!
      Sleep well tonight sweetie,
      Sandra xxxx

  25. Good evening my lovely. I hope you have had a lovely day with Paul and the family. We have been out most of the day looking at cars. My poor hips are not happy, Why can't manufacturers make them easier to get in and out of? Had a couple of hours sleep when we got home and now I am set to do the ironing while catching up on Sues shows : ) Sleep tight my lovely. Take care.

    1. Hi Sue, did you find one you liked? I find the lower cars are harder for me to get in and out of. It's so frustrating!
      Aren't you a good girl getting the ironing done, much more of a pleasure while watching Sue though!
      Looking forward to Wednesday!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sue, I see you are saying you are looking at cars but your hips aren't happy as getting in and out hurts, have you thought of getting one that's that bit higher off the ground, don't know you may have. I suffer if I go in daughters car or a car that's low. We have a vauxhall MPV and a Toyota unban cruiser ( not one of those Hugh ones). I found when we changed to the slightly high off the ground ones I didn't hurt as you tend to step out rather than lift yourself out. As I said you might have a car like that any way. Sorry if so.
      Hazel x

  26. Evening Sandra, calling in late been putting evening invites together so could be doing with a sit down. Funny I have just basically said the same to Sue about cars, I suffer if I am in a low car too. Hope you have had a lovely day with your family. Will be in tomorrow for a cup of tea and a chat. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      We have a high car, a Toyota Previa, I just rest my bum against the seat and move my legs in, no having to drop down into the seat or having to leaver yourself out!
      I bet you will be glad when these invitations are finished,
      I can't wait to see them!
      See you tomorrow my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx
