
Saturday 7 February 2015

Myra's Fab Man Card & 1st showcase of Sue's New Dies

Good Morning Ladies,
Just look at this FABULOUS male card from Myra, She is first past the post to show a card with Sue's fabulous die's. Myra will hopefully stop by later and give us a run down on how she achieved this amazing card, I can see some Anna Marie Dotty card and Sue's new dies and the classic bows of course! I think this is a bright, fresh, modern card that men of any age word appreciate!
I am sure Myra would love to hear your comments.
Well I can guess what most of you will be doing today, watching our Sue do as only she does best,
lets bombard her with emails to show our appreciation, be amazing if one of our friends received a card, mind you I email in every show she is on and haven't been read out at all for a years!
I love seeing the delight on her face when she recognises a name.  Myra I think you should definitely send a pic of this card in to the show, it may get shown on the TV, Sue always keeps them too!
So we all have something to look forward too!
How many of you are thinking of going to Ally Pally, we will go on the Saturday, as we always do, it will be so lovely to meet you all.
I will pop back during the day, we can meet back here after the shows to hear what we all feel about the show!
Coffee Shop will be open for business at 6am as per usual, but self service is 24/7 for fellow insomniacs! The cakes are baking and the beans ready to grind!
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra and friends. Thanks for getting up early and putting the coffee pot on, I think a few of us will be in early for a quick chat before we settle down to watch Sue's shows.
    Myra, well done on sending a card for us all to see. I don't make many men's card and for our lot it tends to be tractors,motorbikes or boats, so thanks for a different idea. Is that Sue's new flag die I spy? I haven't bought any of the new dies yet but this is on the shortlist.
    I wonder why DB has decided to leave, and how many times she'll refer to it on the shows? Whilst I don't like her presenting style, I know that she has had a troubled personal life so wish her well. Plus anyone who loves dogs can't be bad! As for JJ, my Mam and I were watching her presenting a marbling show and almost every sentence she said "it's am-ay-zing", we couldn't concentrate on the demos because we were too busy laughing and mimicing!!!
    Theresa, I hope that you managed to get some sleep last night, sending you gentle hugs.
    I'll listen out for emails on the c&c shows but I have an awful habit of recording shows so that I can fast forward through the presenter waffle!
    Have a lovely Saturday everyone. Sue xxx

    1. Morning Sue,
      Thanks for popping in early, we will be popping back between shows for a catch up hopefully!
      I have had a peep and it's not the new dies, some lovely card packs though!
      Hope you enjoy the shows,
      I think the presenters today aren't too bad, tomorrow's the worst day!
      Love &hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Morning Sandra,
    I'm glad The Cafe is open early as I'm always up very early with my Dogs, because we have never had children we've always had Dogs and always two at a time, it can be heart wrenching when they leave, but I can't be without them they bring so much happiness with the things they do there mischievous and naughty at times! but I wouldn't change them for the world there called Archie and Charlie.
    Myra " What a Fabulous Mans Card" You clever Lady I Love the Colours you've chosen.
    I think I've mentioned in the past I'm rubbish at Men's Card I just don't know where to start, But your's is "Really Wonderful" its a good job I've only got my wonderful Husband to get a Card for and I hate to admit this I usually buy one, I know but I make all others.
    I Love the embellishments you have used for your Card The Bows and Ties and The Clocks, "Fantastic Card"
    Sandra re: Dawn Bibby I agree every one has there opines it would be a boring world if not, but for me she tries to take over each and every show she does like saying I'd do it this way etc,
    My Craft Leader was on with her and previously she'd been on with Martyn and you could really tell Dawn made my Craft Leader feel uncomfortable where she said Martyn made her feel very welcome, I shouldn't say this but I won't be sorry! (Please forgive me!)
    There is another J.J. I'm not saying c.c. get rid of them but tell them how to conduct a show "Yes" of course they have to introduce the Products and The Cards that have been made (Espcially Cards from our Sue) but stop butting in and stop wasting time precious time that could be used for Demoing both this person and Dawn are on with our Sue on Sunday.
    Yes I'm going to Ally Pally and I always go on a Saturday and it would be wonderful to meet up with others from The Cafe.
    I'll be back later to see what subject were chatting about today.
    Well Sandra my dear friend
    Take great care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx
    To all The Cotswold Cafe Friends, I hope your all well
    Take great care
    Love and Hugs to all
    From Sam xxx

  3. Good Morning Sam,
    You will have to imagine we are all sat round the coffee shop watching Sue on the big screen tv we have bought in specially for this weekend!
    Archie & Charlie sound lovely pair of mischiefs, I agree about the sadness when they leave, we had our dog Gemma for 13 years before she past away and I tell you now that was one of the most painful things, she was like one of our children, we said we couldn't go through that again so never had another dog. We now have Milo & Bella, our daughters kittens, they too have well and truly carved their place in our hearts, we were not keen on the idea of having them to start with, my eldest daughter Becca bought them for her sisters, but they have slowly wound us round their little paws and now even sleep in OUR bedroom! They are great company for me being stuck in the house all day on my own too. We have Diego too, he is like our 'grand-puppy',
    He lives mostly at Becca's boyfriends house, but we have him here a few nights a week, now he is a handful!
    I guess it keeps you fit with all the walking you do!
    Hope to see you pop back between shows,
    Love & hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra how are you this morning ... excited I feel the vibes!!.
    Myra your card is absolutely stunning I love it. So glad I am able to comment on one of your cards for a change. Really think you have to have a Blog to show all your wonderful creations.
    Oh! Oh! Oh! all you lucky ladies going to Ally Pally. Hazel and I did think about it. Our BIG problem was accommodation!! all fine trawling the Internet BUT .....!!. Kept wIshing we knew someone to give us a heads up on a good, reasonably priced small hotel near the show. Next year, maybe next year, we will see.
    Right off to get myself organised for Sue's Show. I do hope she gets time to Demo and show us all her wonderful talents for creating those stunning cards.
    We will all have our cuppa on the table with our cake of choice. However I know there will be very little noise apart from the oooing & aaaing!!
    Have a great day everyone.

    Patricia xx

  5. Morning friends. Boy it smells lush in here, has Paul used his best aftershave knowing your lady friends pop in Sandra ? Or is it the perfume from the candles ?
    Id love to come by after each show this weekend to catch up too. Lets bombard CC.with Wilsonette emails, it makes me SO happy when I hear familiar names it makes me squeele out your names... Im such a child !
    Myra, come live with me. I have some bleeping male cards to make and I loath doing them too, was thinking, how do you stop a pile of fudge looking like a pile of ? Bloomin mad scientist and fudge lover (better be careful how I say that) grand prix fanataic jeez. I also think you should email this in Myra. Sue gets quite a few female pics but very rarely any male, plus it.shows her new dies a treat... Please think about it.
    Theresa oh poor love, hope you slept, what a painful day ahead, I'll be thinking of you SO much today. Stay strong sweetheart. You know where I am if it gets too much.
    Latte and toasted teacake for now please, too early for custard etc. See you all at 10am and hope to hear you inbetween.
    Loves ya.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  6. Good morning Sandra, and all you other wonderful ladies. Myra, your card is stunning and just perfect for a male young or old. And as my big sister has said it is lovely to be able to comment on your work, thank you for your lovely comments left on my blog. I meant to welcome to my blog yesterday, but the problem with using my iPad to write up my blog from trying to change or add bits can send it doing silly things, or you cant scroll back to were you need to add something. Well I can see they will be a lot of silent house holds while Sue is on. Then we will be all rushing to the cafe to chat about the show and the presenters!!! Yes I am with you all there. Some just don't like not being centre stage, and yes it would be a boring world if we were all the same. I wonder if Norah is up early this morning looking out her very clean windows to see if that painter has returned, if he does I hope he hasn't taken his shirt off as its freezing out there. We had freezing fog at 4am. No I haven't been up since then. No Harris woke me up needing out. Our neighbour is a policeman and for the past few days he has been working away from his normal station and has a bit to travel so leaves around 4 am but has this habit of going in and out to his car, so of course he disturbs Harris, thankfully Harris doesn't bark at noises infact he just doesn't bark. Right off to make myself some breakfast. Will be in later for a cup of tea and some more of that calories free cake. Hazel xx. P.S. Go for it Myra and send your card in.

  7. Hi Sandra. I have just finished mopping up the tea that was spat all over the duvet, still giggling at your "teaspoon" comment : ))) Please can I have a fresh cup and I will join Steph in a toasted teacake (with proper butter) Oh, my mouth is watering at the thought, think I will have to treat myself to some today : )
    What a great card Myra! You have done a fab job on this mans card showing off Sues new dies. Thank you for sharing it. : )
    Well, I'm sure we are all busy getting ready for 9am. I have had a look at what is on offer on C & C but the prices are far too high, and that is before you add on the ridiculous p&p! I love the card packs, but you only get 50 sheets in total(10 of each gorgeous colour) so once again I will be using Joanna Sheen for them, and either her or Icon for dies. I don't understand why people order from C&C anymore, except for some of the bundles, which can be cheaper occasionally, as you pointed out yesterday! Iam another one that records Sues shows so that I ca rewatch her, and also fast forward through all of the presenters waffle ( I know they have to sell products but they waste so much time don't they) And why do they have to put the advert to join C&C in the middle of a show, that is so annoying.
    I am with you on the Dawn Bibby moaning on etc, I'm sure she is a lovely person if you know her personally, and she has her place in the craft world for those that like her style, maybe she has an offer somewhere that will suit her much better and then she won't feel the need to moan on TV. It's just not professional is it? Any way. I am so glad that she isn't with Sue today, I am also delighted that Sue isn't with a certain other lady who I can not stand (she hasher own dies too and thinks she is the bees knees, I don't need to say anymore. We all have our own likes and dislikes of everything, wouldn't it be boring if we all liked the same thing? It is great that we can come on here and be honest and not feel that we have to keep quite. Sometimes someones comment abou someone, or something, else makes you stop and think doesn't it? Or is that just me? Thank you for letting us do that Sandra : )
    Anyway, I'm off to make that fresh cuppa!!! Be back later, enjoy the show ladies. Take care.

  8. Well folks I don't know about you but I need a cup of tea after all that blethering by Nigel! And the dies seeing how they aren't her new ones were so expensive. So Sandra a nice cup of very weak tea and a big slice of chocolate fudge cake I need sugar!!! Here's hoping the next show will be a bit better. Poor Sue she just managed to make that one card. Hazel x

  9. I am with Hazel, so disappointed. Not with Sue she did her best with the time she had. Oh! Oh! Oh! those prices ....... I get all my Dies from great prices, service and no P&P
    A cuppa and a BIG slice of the sweetest cake you have on the menus today PLEASE!!!

  10. Morning Sandra and everyone, just watched Sue's demos this morning, well the ones she was allowed to do, they were ok, Nigel is not too bad unlike other presenters who can't shut up. I heard about DB leaving, and I wonder if she is going to Germany as she does some shows there.
    Myra your card is lovely, I think we all struggle with men's cards, usually' cars, boats, views or something similar!
    I'm now ready for a nice cup of coffee and cake please, enjoy the rest of your days not much work will be done today I think!
    Hugs to all who need them, Jess x

  11. Morning Sandra and all!
    wowser Myra that ia a fabulous card for men.Love that you have used so many happy colours, so often they are dark with sport,fishing or boats. Well done and love to see more.... Tea and some of that yummy looking chocolate cake ,please. First hour of Sue's done and I personally enjoyed it. They working very good together and so nice to see her smiling and joking with Nigel. Where does she get all her energy from, she is amazing. So not sorry we will miss out on DB, she might be a nice lady but she do take over a bit much on C+C shows . Theresa, Pat and Pete you are all in my thoughts and everyone else in pain take it easy and enjoy watching Sue today. Steph wonderful orders,sorry can't help you with the fudge. Maybe find a picture to download instead for a stamp.... Wonder if Norah had time to see our Sue or are you still looking out at your painter down the road tihi off to do some cutting, OH has gone to Tottenham so he let me use his office today,yay. So much nicer than sitting on the bed :-) See you later, Many warm Hugs Maria xx

  12. Hiyaaa. Show one over.. Oh boy, if there is one presenter that Andy cannot stand is Nigel lol, bless, there is no hiding from Mr Me as we live in a bung so he cant go hide in an upstairs bedroom lol his bleepin voice follows me into every room is what I hear Andy chuntering, I have to laugh, am I a cruel wife or what ? Think im ready for a custard slice now Sandra if you please.
    I loved those new folders, so different from all Sue's other folders... Me thinks Alison will be dribbling at those. Fab to hear some regular names... Did any of our friends email in apart from me ? Im emailing every show, (do you think I fit into the bracket of stalker) ?! : )
    You have just made me scream with laughter Sandra, will get back to you when Ive finished trawling my brain for idea's for these blinkin cards on order... Myra, any thoughts on emailing your card ? Do you think Sue will be showing this new collection ? Cuz if not will she want these new dies being shown on tv yet ? What do you think ?
    Oh well, better start my day now Andy has gone shopping, every wall in the house now is looking to familiar roll on Spring !!
    Oooo, thank you, slice and latte here so Im off, who's that who's just popped in to the coffee shop ?............

    See you all later xx
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi Steph,
      I answered your question below but just in case - I didn't send it when I saw what was on the Show. Not sure would have done Sue,s Dies justice and I'd hate to let her down. I so appreciate your comment and thinking it was good enough - that means a lot ! Thank you x As for fudge? Wow that's avove tricky! All the best with that my friend. My mind's a blank but it often is! Lol .
      Love Myra xx

  13. Well, I remember the time Sue did two, maybe three demo' in an hour, why oh why do we have to have all of the bloody percentage updates!
    Shut up and let our friend get on! She did stand up to him though and got get glue demo done, mind you I have tried it and it's not as easy as Sue makes it look, size and spacing wise and to be honest the fact that Julia Watts seems to put it on every card made it a little boring!
    Then there were the prices, I love those ribbon packs I loved the colours, I wonder if JS will have that?
    I wonder if posh spice bought the whole show?
    Was the winner our Saba do you think ? I just wondered if Saba was her blog name and as she lives in Germany, fingers crossed, I would love it to be a regular! I did email in, there didn't seem as many in that cup as usual for Sue though did there?
    Well I am just having 5 mins lay down, it's been a busy morning, up at 05.45 am to feed the kittens that were dancing a jig around my head,made a cuppa, back to bed, then up at 7.30 to make a big pan of Scots porridge oats for the girls and a Paul to warm them up for football at 9 am!
    Do you think the man on the oats box is wearing his kilt 'traditionally'!
    Who's Sue up with next? Please let it be someone sensible, I don't want to here about their anniversary or who forgot who's card, I want to watch the rarely seen Sue!
    I have got, jacket potatoes, toasted sandwhiches,etc for lunch time rush, get your order in early!
    Sandra xxx

  14. Hello Sandra,
    Well I've just watched Sue and may I please have a latte and I'll have a toasted teacake with real butter as well. You'd better get a good stock of them in as I've a feeling there may be a run on them!!!
    Isn't it lovely to have Sue back, and we all agree that we like her.
    Now this is going to be a long post, and I apologise.
    Regarding our friend DB, I have met her 4 times. 3 at QVC and once at a weekend crafting retreat when she had her place in Lancashire where we ate and had drinks together at the hotel. The last time I met her was at QVC was when I won an ATC competition and appeared on air (quiet as a mouse, too frightened to speak), and there were 4 other ladies there who had done cards and scrapbook pages. No expenses were paid by the way, I got a letter detailing the day and was told that DB would be there 3 hours before and she would meet us for lunch, spend time going through what would be happening and explain what we'd be doing. Well, Julian and Pippa were with us for lunch and they were lovely. Pippa took us around the Studio showing various parts to us and explaining who did what. Then we were taken to the part where we would be "doing our thing" and shown to our tables where we would be crafting.
    DB swanned in with her boyfriend about 5 minutes before going live (this was after she and JJ were divorced). She went to the other ladies who were all known to her, kissed and gave each other a cuddle - they all worked in the Crafting Industry - and hardly acknowledged me. Card and toppers were given out, with embellishments given to her cronies, and that was it. Good job I'd taken my own tools!!! No crafting involved, just folding card and sticking toppers on.
    After we had finished, we went for a coffee and were taken for dinner at a restaurant. Not the posh one in Chelsea where the letter said we had been booked, but to one where DB wanted to go. The only time she talked to us was when she was telling us how JJ had taken all her money, her family had not helped her to look after the shop and premises while she was away on holiday, moan, moan, moan. And then at end of the meal she and her boyfriend swanned off and left it to Craig - who was also lovely - to look after us all and get us taxis back to here we wanted to be.
    Finally, Leonie was at C&C long before her so how could she be sacked for going to see Leonie when her marriage broke down? She was still working at QVC long after Leonie left.
    Phew, sorry if I've bored you. I didn't expect red carpet treatment - honestly - but it was so marked the way she ignored me that Julian who was presenting the show kept coming to me whilst she was on camera, and Craig sat next to me in the Restaurant talking to me. I found out then that she hadn't looked at the ATC's, it was selected by the background crafting section.
    That's it, I need another coffee please, and I'm sorry if I've upset anyone but I can only speak as I find. It seems that as she has gotten bigger in the crafting world, she's lost some of her warmth. xx

  15. Hi, I can hear the moans from here, not that bl**dy woman again, but I forgot to say that I think Myra's card is fab. I know just the man who it's perfect for xx.

  16. He, he it's me again, what about the small plates for the Spellbinder, don't forget you can get them much cheaper from Cardcraft xx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      I am afraid I am not surprised, we were at the NEC once and QvC had a stand, she was there giving out her autographs, she did it for about 5 mins then demanded a rest, she kept people waiting for hours, she had hair/makeup faffing around her! Also she was so 'stand-offish with people! Please don't be under any impression that I was queuing for her autograph! I think she lost a lot of fans when she lived out her life dramas on tv, you have to remember there are always people worse off than you! Not according to Dawn, it is sad that her marriage broke down, as it is for anyone, but we had to hear it over and over again! It sounds like she was downright rude to you Maureen, fancy her not even picking the winner!
      It sounded a shambles of a day! It also sounds like she has told people a different story regarding her leaving QVC, it also sounded like her family were always helping her out, from comments made here and there! Is she still with Paulo the Portuguese fella?
      Thanks for keeping is informed Maureen!
      Love Sandra xxxxx

  17. Morning ladies! I fancy a cream donut but doesn't fit in with my fat club regime! Never mind!

    Firstly, Myra what a fab mans card it is brilliant! I like the use of Sues new dies. It is so nice to see everyone's masterpieces strange all of them have a Sue Wilson influence!

    Sue was lovely this morning but I was disappointed that not her new dies. Yes Steph I loved the embossing folders one in particular. One of my friends is extremely partially sighted - enough to have a guide dog so the embossing folders are great for cards for her as so tactile.

    I don't know where Sue gets her energy from I guess she probably has a good support team behind her. She won't be doing school runs, after school activities, spending half the night at work etc so maybe I shouldn't feel so inadequate as I look around my house that a bomb has hit!

    Well I must attack this bomb site before the next show. Thinking of Teresa, pat and Peter have a peaceful weekend xxx

  18. Hi Sandra,
    Good morning everyone!
    I just to say thanks to everyone for being so nice! I bought the Tags set as I will use those lots with the children and at the Retirement Home I go to about once a month. Previously I had to draw around a template and cut out! They cut beautifully with one pass throught the GC. The piercing round the edge is lovely. Also in the package of dies there is a small round disc! When you cut that out it strengthens the card around the hole and it's decorative too.
    Also the banners are so cleverly designed! One of the larger ones has no cutting edge so it can be as long as you want it to be. I thought I'd sent all the details to Sandra but sorry, they must be out there in the ether somewhere!
    I made the cuff links with little watch charms and brads. The Itty Bitty Bows may have been better than the bigger bow for the bow ties but I don't have the little ones! The rest is self explanatory ! Finished card is 7 x 7 ins.
    Steph - when I saw it wasn't the new set today I didn't email the card! Whew! I didn't really want to as it's hard enough sharing with friends and I wouldn't want to let Sue down. However I do appreciate that you thought it was good enough to send! Thanks for that. x
    Oh I do wish Nigel would say a lot less! My husband went to his study as he couldn't cope!
    Thought I'd stop by for a comforting vanilla slice or a Danish pastry? Love to everyone and many thanks to Sandra!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Myra, it's a pleasure to share your amazing design today, think that Sue would have loved to have see it as it would give her chance to talk about her new collection! I did actually expect to see the new dies, or some of them at least, it must get very hard to not mention them!
      I wonder if she had a choice on what went into the show?
      I may go over to joanna sheen to see if she has those ribbons, I am getting really low on ribbon, particularly silky crush and the they wrinkled edge ribbon too! Not too many people stock that.
      Well I am off for a quick shop before 12 o'clock show!
      Thank you for stopping by
      Sandra xxxxxx

  19. Good morning Sandra
    First off, Myra, I love your Man's card. Wish I had seen this before I made my son in laws. Do send it in, I am sue Sue would be delighted.
    Yes it was a bit disappointing that her new dies were not being showcased, but I could watch her whatever she is showcasing, and there were some gorgeous samples.
    Ooh nearly forgot, could I have a Latte please and a slice of cherry cake.
    Sandra it wasn't me. I did email in and my heart fair popped into my mouth when Germany was read out, not only that but her name started with an S as well. You were right though, Saba is not my official name, that's Barbara, but it is a nickname I was given many many years ago and I use it as a blog name as well.
    I too have "met" DB. It was at her shop in Ostwaltwistle a few years ago and it was in the days when I thought she was the bees knees, so was a bit star struck, however, she looked at me like I had just crawled out from beneath her shoe when I said hello to her and mentioned how much I admired her. She said hello back and then promptly turned around and walked off. Went right off her!!!
    Well ladies, get your emails prepared and ready to send in.
    See you all later, Norah is he back? I'm a dab hand at cleaning windows if you need any help.
    Love and hugs

    1. Aww Saba I am gutted, I really was hoping it was you!
      How funny another bad experience with Dawn! Sounds very similar to Maureen's treatment doesn't it .
      Maybe you will get picked out at noon, they will me miffed the cost of posting to Germany, haha a dose of their own medicine!!!!
      I am off to get my email ready, I just cut and paste I'm afraid, as they don't reAd them out, I change the name of the presenter and send it off! I am still in shock as to how few emails were in that cup, I don't believe there were so few, I just wonder if as they are using the tablet to read out the emails they don't bother printing them all out, we would never be any the wiser would we!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  20. Hello Sandra and everyone, gosh the coffee shop has been busy. Sorry didn't mean to stop by earlier but got carried awayin my craft room. Actually I was looking for some male cards I had made in the past for John, they always stay on display for a few weeks, then he will say would you like this back. I keep them for ideas. The cards I give away to family I usually take a picture of and have a little albums with them in. What I'm waffling on about is I can't find the male cards must've made such a good job of tidying up the other week ha ha .
    Myra your card is lovely what a lovely idea for the men in our life - yes I like it, I agree with everyone you should send Sue a copy of this I'm sure she would be delighted.
    Enjoyed Sue first show I always feel sheath is comfortable with Nigel, don't know why, it just comes across that way. But like all of you wish they could cut idle chatter. After all it's the demos we all want to see, isn't it.
    Will Sandra if the coffeepots going I think I have a cappuccino and if you have any of those toasted buns left I'd love one, (can I have butter on it)
    Will sit and enjoy my coffee and snack and see what delights are coming up in this next hour.
    Sending crafty hugs to all, love Brenda XXX

    1. Good afternoon Brenda,
      Thanks for covering for me yesterday!
      I am guilty of the 'putting it somewhere safe trick' I derived myself crazy trying to find things!
      See now Dave knows his job, Our Sue got two whole demos done instead of one with the wafflers!
      Sit & enjoy your cuppa,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  21. Oh Sandra sorry I'm late yet again a quick latte please I have even missed Sue's first show, my daughter is ill and had to go to the out of hours doc luckily it's not what they thought, but may be glandular fever.
    Such a beautiful card so very inspirational well done to Myra, and thanks to you Sandra for making it possible for us all to see such a fabulous card.
    Totally agree with what has been said about DB the shop at Oswaltwistle was tatty I thought and very pricy too, she came in one day with the icon JJ I swear he had makeup on and as for her I am sure her's was put on with a trowel. She was looking around to see who was looking at her, yet when a customer spoke to her she just ignored them, my daughter and I didn't bother speaking to her.
    Sue looks wonderful but so sorry not to see her new dies on but if I remember rightly she will not allow C & C to have her new dies exclusively so perhaps that explains it. Why oh why they don't realise Sue really does not need a presenter with her, she can do a better job on her own. I am sure it is Sue's demo's that sell the dies NOT the blithering annoying presenters. Sorry folks rant over.
    Theresa hope you had a better night gentle hugs to you.
    Thinking of Pete and his nurse stay positive xx
    Will be back later for another coffee, but I have bought Derek 2 custard tarts to make up for having to listen to the presenters 'dribbling on' as he says.
    Hugs to all
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      What annoys me is that the presenters often offer suggestions which shows that they know nothing about crafting!! xx

    2. Absolutely Maureen, they are quite simply useless, except for taking and talking and as for Nigel his favourite thing is the club badge well that says it all don't you think!
      Margaret xx

    3. Ha ha, it's the way you tell em!!!

  22. Good morning (just) dear Sandra,
    Thank you Myra for giving us a great new idea for those pesky men in our lives that don't like frills and sparkle and gems(can't understand it myself like). It is a lovely modern take especially for the younger ones that don't have a sense of humour and prefer straight forward cards (just think of the delights they are missing out on being boring), awh well each to his own but you have given me new inspiration today. Must agree with our beloved Sandra in i think you should email it to the show as well as Sue would be delighted to see her new pride and joys being used so soon after her launching them.
    Sorry girls, but my painter Adonis isn't back as the house is all finished now and there was me going to ask him if he would wash the outside of my windows while i did the inside along with him, ahhhh. We live in a row of terraced housing and he must have had someone else doing the front while he was doing the back. Unfortunately to peek at the front yesterday would have been a dead giveaway as we have front porches on all these houses and you really need to go out and along which would give the game away i reckon, but it was nice the views while it lasted. I love my ever changing spontaneous landscape as you never know what delights you are going to be seeing.
    Well girls i have the feeling about Stephanie that some feel about Dawn. I was at the SECC a couple of years back where she comes up to with a big stand and does impromptu make and take classes. Well my beef is when these two wee lasses sat down fair star struck because they have seen her on the google box and they were asking questions or trying to ask her questions in which she just ignored the bairns. When an adult asked her something she was all over them like honey, now it just might be me getting my drawers in a fankle over nothing but these kiddies to me are the new generation of crafters that are going to keep these things alive and how are they suppose to learn if no one answers their questions, not only that but just how do they think these kiddies are going to keep going, wanting to learn when they get treated like they are nothing and not worth bothering about?
    I must say that i love the coffee shop where you can come in for a wee bit coffee, non fattening scrumptious cakes and where there is a lot of fun and laughter, fantastic and it is open all the time with such a welcoming open door policy. Can i book a latte and a big fresh cream chouix bun with caramel on top as it is my favourite and thank you to Lucy and Sophie for the delicious array of baking delights, but i hope they didn't make too much mess in the kitchen.
    Have fun today girls
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Good afternoon Norah,
      Aww heck, I was going to ask you to send us a photo of the Adonis for us to drool over together!
      I can just picture you all starry eyed washing with inside of the windows as he did the outside, I am not sure how bug your windows are but I wouldn't want to see you remaining at the bottom window while he had gone upstairs though, your head may have been just at the 'wrong' or maybe right height! Sorry just my inappropriate mind once again!
      I am guessing as far as Stephanie W is concerned the 'bairns' aren't spending their money! Sadly that's all that matters these days!
      Cakes are all calorie and fat free here Norah, hour choux bun will be waiting for you!
      Disappointed that no Wilsonette in the draw again, do you reckon they are filtering us out! Ha ha
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  23. Janet Ecco of Sheffield7 February 2015 at 13:25

    Afternoon all - please please save me - extra large latte and whatever delightful cakes are on offer. I've just spent my morning in Meadowhall with Mr E;s Niece and her two children (2hrs) then my shopping and back home to attack Tesco for delivery Monday. To say I'm exhausted would be beyond thinking. I've set my recorder for all Sue's shows today knowing that I wouldn't be in any shape to sit and watch. So am looking forward to seeing them. I only wish it could be Sue on her own just like her 'Crafting My Way'. The so called presenters really do wind me up. I also have to say that I stopped watching C&C so much when a certain presenter DB joined. I'm sorry my lovely friends but I just cannot be doing with her in any way shape or form. Ups that's my rant.
    Myra your card is absolutely wonderful. If you don't mind I would love to do a version when I need one for those really pesky males we have to cater for from time to time. Right I'm just going into the corner to drlink and think so please don't think me rude. I'll come out in a little while.
    Hugs to you all. xx

    1. Janet you must have been exhausted after that start to your day!
      I hope to see you I. The cafe again tomorrow!
      Also I hope you have a more relaxed day!
      Sandra xxxx

  24. Hi ladies. 12pm show was full of familiar names. I was so chuffed when I heard Sue compliment your cards Patricia. BE PROUD. Dave seems a good guy, he always seemed lovely on QVC.
    I really thought it was OUR Saba, Ive not seen another Saba on the blog and she was from Germany. Stalker email number 2 not read out, never mind, not the end of the world ! Not made a single card today. My own fault if I feel rushed with this order. I just love the new FT dies, I have a feeling I shall have to invest, the more flowers and vinary I have the better, they are certainly finishing touches, dont you agree ?
    Oh well, 4 paws is singing and humming and getting all unnecessary ready to go in 'her' car, so I must go harness her up ready for Andy to take out.
    See you all after Sue's next show.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hello Steph,
      We must have been posting at the same time, so I hadnt seen yours before my last post.
      It was on the first show that someone from Germay won the card, but sadly not me, at least I don't think it was?? Anybody recorded the show, maybe I misheard the name being read out. However, my email was read out on the second show and I thought it was our Patricia as well but wasn't certain. Sadly neither of us won on that one either.
      So come on girls get your emails ready for the next one (don't think I dare send in another in case they think I am another stalker) you never know, one of you might be lucky.

    2. Hi Saba,
      I'm gutted, I set the recorder for 9 and 12 shows, and neither have recorded. xx

  25. Good afternoon Sandra,
    I was pretty gutted as well that it wasn't my email, so I sent one in to this second show as well, and they read it out!!, I nearly fell off my seat. Didn't get pulled out of the cup though, but it was enough of a shock for one day just hearing mine get read out. And I am not sure, but Patricia, was yours read out as well??
    Well, no time for a coffee as I must pop into the city and buy a birthday present for a party we are going to tonight and if I am quick should be able to catch Sue's next show.
    I had to laugh at your technique for emailing the show Sandra, knowing me I would forget to change the name.
    See you all later for a catch up.

  26. Hi Sandra, a jacket potatoes sounds lovely, could I have it with tuna mix and some cheese on top and a large mug of black coffee please Tihi well the second show over. I really thought our Saba was read out,shame it wasn't. I also e-mailed in but no luck and the cup seemed to be very empty Sandra. I find the items to expensive plus p/p no I will wait til AP and see them proper before buying. Sorry you Adonis didn't turn up Norah but you seem to have a wonderful view out your window. So sorry Margaret if your Daughter have glandular fever, it's a horrible thing to get. Wishing her a speedy recovery, bless her. Oh dear, feeling a bit dizzy ,think I have to get some real lunch and some painkillers,the cutting out do take on the shoulders and hands. I pop in later to see what else going on, Hugs Maria xx

  27. Hello folks, yes!! it was my e-mail that was read out. However like Saba neither of us were .... PULLED ... as they say!!!
    I e-mailed in the first show so keep them coming you might be lucky next time ladies.
    I have had so many cuppas I will be floating. Will also be a stone heavier with all the cake. No I won't forgot they are "calorie free"
    Well off to get a few things done for the Evening Meal so I can watch Sue again. Wonder who she will be with next time.......!!!

    Patricia x

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I was so chuffed for you that Sue praised your cards On Air! Have another cake to celebrate! I also sent emails in but as long as Sue knows we send them that's the best we can hope for.
      Love Myra xx

  28. Hi Sandra
    My word Myra what a stunning card. Looks like the shirts have been made out of Sues Tags. I just love this card. It's so difficult to make cards for men, so we need all the help we can get. I'm with Hazel Sandra, a lovely cup of weak tea and a slice of chocolate cake please. Now Mrs B, I'm very sorry but I didn't know that DB had a style. I just thought she put a topper on a piece of card. I think our ladies in your cafe make better cards than she does Sandra.
    I do hope that we get to meet a few ladies at Ally Pally again this year. Mind you I always wiz through the silly chatter of the presenters. Hugs to all today. Keep warm and safe.

  29. Hi Sandra
    Myra what a fantastic card men are so hard to make cards for. I have been to the craft show in Manchester I wish I had stayed at home and watched Sue. I didn't get anything and I had hoped to get lots. I for one am glad DB is going I could never watch her. We have now been told BT will dig up the garden on Tuesday. We are going away Monday so don't know what will happen. Our poor neighbour was disconnected over two weeks ago when they found her line was going through our house and they haven't done anything for her. I am going for a rest before Sue is on. Love Tandy

  30. Hi guys, just wanted to mention to you that Sue is not allowed to mention her blog anymore on TV!
    So maybe if you like me mention it and our fellow Wilsonettes, your emails are being no read out!
    Ridiculous rule!

    1. Well I didn't know that, I emailed in and mentioned Sue's blog but it was not read out

  31. Hi Sandra,
    That may explain a lot!
    I have always mentioned Sue's Blog in the past although I didn't at the noon show!
    Thanks for that!
    Love Myra xx

  32. Oh just popped in for another cup of tea, been putting invites together with Gillian, I say it that way as she has been in her element doing a good part of each one - she is very crafty so no worries there. I wonder why Sue isn't getting to have her blog mentioned, has someone complained or something??? I bet that's why not many e-mails in the cup! I think Sue will not be no there much longer, she did mention something about Germany when the first e-mail was pulled out and I am sure she said the winner was something to with crafting over there might be have got it wrong. Do you think she might do her demos over there and they will just be shown on sky??? Hazel x

    1. Hazel that would be unthinkable I don't
      Have Sky only virgin, but hey ho let's hope that does not happen. On a brighter note it would be lovely to see you in our little shop in Grangemouth, of you want you can have peek just google Jess x

  33. Hi everyone. Managed to watch the 9am show but miss the 12 and it is not showing on recent shows yet so canno watch it yet. Will watch at 4

  34. Couldn't write anymore on previous message. Looking after 2 granddaughters at the moment but they are being very good. Except we couldn't get the TV to work so they are watching on the iPad. Can I gave a hot chocolate and carrot cake to have while watching the 4pm show

  35. Hi Sandra and all, hot chocolate please. Getting ready for round three, wonder how many card they let her make this time. Sorry Manchesters show was not a hit Tandy,will you have poss. to come down to AP ? Janet hopefully you can have a restful afternoon .Maureen do you have catch up on your tv ? See you later Hug Maria x

    1. Probably Myra, but I don't know my way around the control and George is no good either. If it's still possible to see it on Monday, I'll get one of the granddaughters to show me. I'm watching the 4 o'clock show now as I'm ironing, and I've e-mailed in the first time, getting good aren't I? x

    2. We got a new tv around x-mas and I can't use the controls either yet,why do they have to make everything sp tricky? the kids arw amazing with all technology. My son did three years in uni.reading computer science/programmer so his life is computer and other techno.thingies but he can't teach me , do you think it is a age thing ?.Tihi Hope you find Sue somewhere, not sure if she got many today. why couldn't they just let her doing demos and not so much selling. Have a nice Sunday Hugs Maria.

  36. Oh no what if Sue's shows sells out, will they cancel tomorrow's do you think,
    She is on our screens so rarely, I can't believe we could get cut short!
    And another waffling presenter, at one point I was screaming at the telly for him to SHUT UP!

  37. O MG guys my eyes have gone square and Ive not done a thing today !! Cant remember the last time I spent all day in front of the box and I feel so lazy and guilty, and more of the same tomorrow - I tell a lie... Made some brocolli and stilton soup. Ive 12 cards to make for the 22nd and im spending time watching tv, awww well, its Sue, so it HAS to be done, who cares its all recorded, thats for future viewing : ) some nice cards shown on 4pm show, wonder if Sue is still allowed to keep the print out or if they've stopped that too ?!
    I also mentioned our friends and Particraft why wouldnt we, but I wont anymore, what a shame we cant even promote her blog anymore so after launch, and all the worms have crawled back under their stone numbers will fall again !! Such a pitty.
    Well I wonder what will be left for tomorrow's show's ladies. I shall try and try again to email, so I hoping I hear our regular friends again. It seems SO odd that there are 2 Saba's both from Germany ??? !!! Aww, are you 100% its not you, our Saba (Barbara) ?
    Any latte left Sandra please ?

    Have all our friends had a good Saturday ? My thoughts have been full of Theresa today, what with her 'little girl' moving to Bristol to open a new chapter in her life and Theresa having to do that journey in ALL that awful pain thanks to the miss-diagnosis !!! I cried non stop almost for a whole week when my little girl moved away to start her first nursing post ! And then for another week after she'd returned to Yorkshire after visiting, so Im thinking of you Theresa.
    Im off (not litterally you understand) hope you've all enjoyed your Wilson Wonderland.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  38. Hi Sandra
    I was doing the same I don't know why they have guests as they rarely get more than 1demonstration finished but that that is all we want to see. I didn't e mail in as by the time mine got there the show would be over. I hope Sue is still on tomorrow we don't get to see enough of her. I don't understand why she can't mention her blog what harm is she doing its a special blog just like this one. Going for another lie down having a bad day. Love Tandy

  39. Congratulations Sandra, you're name was pulled out of the cup. Heard other names mentioned as well. Wonder which card you'll get. xxxxx

  40. Yayyyy Sandra you WON xxxxxxxxx
    Lancashire Steph xx

  41. Hi Sandra,
    Well Done! You won a card! So thrilled for you and Sue looked pleased too.
    Lots of names read out including Steph and Alison (Barbie) yes! Lovely end to the days shows?
    Love Myra xx

  42. Hi Sandra,
    Just popped in to see what then"low down" was on the last show.
    So glad to read the comments ... you won!!
    Did not see the last show we just have Freeview here.
    Good for you well deserved.

    Patricia x

  43. Sandra. Congratualions on winning a card, so pleased for you. Glad Steph and Alison had there names read out too. Hazel x

  44. Yipee VERY WELL DONE Sandra so very pleased for you, something for you to treasure! Pleased to hear some other names read out too, it just goes to prove if at first you don't succeed try, try again!
    Maureen you say you have missed Sue's 9 and 12 shows do remember that you can watch them on the C&C web site afterwards I think it is possible for 7 days afterwards, but beware it is Nigel on the first one!
    Could I have a celebratory latte and a bun with real butter if there are any left, I will leave the custard slices for others to enjoy, thank you.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening.
    Margaret corgi owner

  45. Congratulations Sandra. Missed the end of the show so didn't know until I came on here again. It's something you will treasure. Will have pride of place on the cafe wall.

  46. Well I am signing out for the night, what a day!
    I am hoping that Sue will return tomorrow even though her shows virtually sold out! I will be gutted to miss out on a whole day of Sue!
    THERESA, I just want you to know that your usual order will be waiting for you in the morning, along with the support of all your fellow coffee shop regulars, I have in idea how you got through the day today, with the amount of pain you are in and driving your baby all the way to Bristol to start her next chapter! I am sure you will have a heavy heart tonight, this first week will be tough, but I promise we will all be here for you! Huge hugs and love xxxx
    Myra, thank you sweetheart for allowing me to feature your amazing card, everyone has loved it!
    Thank you all lovely ladies for your ongoing support, I treasure it dearly!
    See you bright and early in the morning,
    Love & hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  47. Just had to pop back in to say congratulations to you Sandra, I was really pleased when I heard your name being read out. Sue xxx

  48. Hi Sandra,sorry so late we have been out nealy all day went to see friend's
    Managed to see most of first show,sorry it wasn't Sue's new die's though,I Emaild in but wasn't read out,never lucky with that. Congratulations My lovely just read you won one of Sue's cards so pleased for you. Glad Steph & Alison had there's read out too.All shows I'v recorded. Can I have a cup of Tea with dash of milk & a scone with jam & cream please.
    MYRA my friend your card is amazing a great man card loving Sue's Tags they look great. Hoping Sue's shows are not cancelled tomorrow.
    Will be late again tomorrow as over my daughters for a lovely roast dinner. Then on way home we are going to pop into my sons & yes Cuddles with Harry yaaay seems ages since I'v seen them all.I will try & pop in the coffee shop Sandra before we leave. My thoughts are with Theresa Pat & Pete stay strong.Sending you all.Gentle Hug's.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  49. Hi Sandra, thank you for popping over to my blog, I keep coming here to visit you, all your lovely Blog ladies have so much to say (few I know) all I can think of is beautiful card.. I feel awful as not much time to read all that days post.
    Hope you understand Pam x

  50. Hi Sandra, just had a look in before watching Downton Abbey etc. and what did I miss not seeing the last show with our Sue? Your name got read and pulled from the cup ? Wonderful ! , wonder witch card you being sent Congrats!
    Lovely to hear some wilsonette friends name being read out, I e-mailed too but no luck. Take care, until tomorrow Hugs Maria xx

  51. Myra, sorry I didn't mention earlier how much I like your card. Excellent for a male.

  52. Hi Sandra, had to go out about 5:30 so missed Sue's last show of the day. WOW you won one of Sue's cards - I am so pleased for you. It was lovely to hear so many names we know have their email read out. I did email in to each show. But not drawn. It doesn't matter as one very special lady won one of Sue's gorgeous cards
    Will be AWOL tomorrow as we are going to our daughters in Essex her youngest is having an early birthday party. His birthday is next week but he will be away on a school skiing trip in Italy.
    Sending love and prayers to Pat and Pete, also Theresa and anyone else who feels sad, sick or lonely.
    Will try to do a quick blog in the morning, but John bless his heart is like a cat on a hot tin roof when we are going anywhere - I blame the Navy.
    Everything is timetabled - that is so not me!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sleep well my dear friends, love Brenda xxx

  53. Hi Sandra,
    I have just got home from our friends party and seen that your email had been read out and that you got pulled out of the cup. Well done lovey. I am thrilled for you? I missed the last show as our party started early and I am going to be out all day tomorrow from early doors till late, so will miss tomorrow's shows as well.
    Funny thing, reading today's posts, I did mention Sue's blog in my email which was read out, but Dave skipped that bit. I just thought at the time that he was just skipping bits to save time, but now realise it was deliberate. why?? What harm can it do??
    Off to bed now, love to you all.
    I won't be able to post till tomorrow evening, but look forward to seeing what has been happening with you all.
    Love and goodnight hugs

  54. Sandra,
    Sorry didn't mean to put a ? After thrilled for you in my last post. Makes it look as if I don't mean it. I do, I am really really thrilled for you. I think I have had a glass too many at the party.
