
Friday 6 February 2015

Janet's Knit and Natter Card!

Good Morning Ladies,
Thank you for holding the fort yesterday during my absence, I just didn't seem to stop all day!
Anyway you have my undivided attention today as I have to have a relax day, otherwise my outings and sleepless nights will catch up with me.
Today's card is the amazing card that Janet designed for her Knit and Natter ladies, who then went on to complain about it! WHY!!!!!!!
It is beautiful, I love it Janet, the bow goes so well with the outer part of the die, Sue is a genius isn't she?  I love the focal element too Janet, that rose is stunning!
Hopefully Janet will pop in to enlighten us as to how to recreate this WOJ (wonder of Janet)!
Steph I hope your treatment is well underway and not giving you too many side effects.
Pat, it was so lovely to see you yesterday, at the not so posh, posh hospital, I don't know what I was expecting but that wasn't it!   Although Pat did have afternoon tea delivered while we were there, which included a proper china pot and cup and saucer, not the luke warm muck I had when I was in, when I enquired why it was never hot, I was told it was health and safety, to avoid scalding!
Anyway Pats was hot and she had a lovely chocolate tart accompanying it with a half strawberry in top! Sue and I were drooling a little, we were kind of hoping that we may have been offered a cuppa but no! Anyway as we arrived Sue declared that we needed to look the part and put our hats on, I was puzzled at first but then looked over at Sue as she produced two Christmas Cracker Paper Crowns!
I said I would put it on but only when we got to Pats bedroom door! it was worth it to see the smile on Pats face, I think she secretly thought we were mental! Well .....she isn't that far off the mark really!
I wonder how Sue is enjoying her cruise around Norway, I really do hope that she gets to see the Northern Lights!
Well I must go and get myself a drink as all this talking has left me parched!
Thank you to all of my lovely CafĂ© friends, my life is so much richer with you all in it.
Anyone looking in and thinking about joining us, come on, you will love it, its the friendliest place
ever, most of us on here barely knew each other this time last year and I am still amazed every day at how lucky I am to have such a wonderful group of friends around me.
Love and hugs to you all,

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