
Thursday 12 February 2015

Stunning Stockholm

Good Morning Ladies,
Todays card is inspired by Sue's shows at the weekend, despite some frustrating presenters Sue battled through and made a lot of people very happy with her amazingly inspiring demonstrations to her stunning sample cards, I often think that if it takes me virtually a whole day to make one card how long does it take Sue to get all the samples ready for a show? I wonder how many cards she can make in day?
For this card I covered an 8 x 8 white card base with a matt slightly smaller than the base card of teal green coloured card, covering the bottom third of the card with a double sided sticky sheet and added some Cosmic Shimmer Iced Snow.
I then cut a slightly smaller matt of white card that I ran this through the Eternity (my favourite) embossing folder from Creative Expressions, then added one of the older Spellbinder edge dies to cut a nice scalloped edge to this layer,  I popped some foam tape on the back of this for a little dimension and stuck it to the card base, before adhering completely I stuck my teal coloured seam binding
across the front of the card and glued at the back. For the focal element I first cut the outside edge die of the Stockholm Die Set Designed by our Sue at Creative Expressions out of the teal card and then cut another die cut this time with both the outside and the decorative cutting die this time using white card, I then cut the two smaller dies one of each colour. The smallest white layer has the sentiment stamped on it and edged with Tumbled glass distress ink.  I out foam tape and cosmic shimmer glue on each layer and piled them one on top of each other.
I tied a bow out of the same seam binding as used on the base and stuck it directly under the focal element. I then cut several flowers using CE Full Petal Camellia Dies out of teal card and shaped them and added a pearl to the centre of each one, I placed them around the focal element and
to the top left and bottom right corners of the card. to finish the bow I added a pearl brad to the centre of it.
There you are the finished card, I know some of you aren't keen on the colour, its kind of one of my favourites.
Please let me know what you think below, as you know the kettle and coffee machine will be on so stop by, sit down and relax!
Steph, I hope you are feeling better today after being prodded and poked about yesterday!
Sam we will all be thinking of you today as you go to your appointment and procedure, lets hope it leads them to helping you get more comfortable! Hugs xxxx
I hope you can all pop in and today tell us about your best/worst valentine experience, is your partner
romantic? Or you can continue the running topic or start a totally new one!
Love and hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra and all My Friends at "The Cotswold Cafe"
    Just a quick message at 5:20 a.m. Sandra your Card is Outstanding, Extremely Beautiful your so Talented.
    Steph I really hope all went well yesterday.
    Thank you all for your kind wishes for today I must admit I'm not looking forward to it, already feeling nervous, Nora you made me laugh about how they take the photographer Lol! I'm the same with Holiday photographs I always stand to the side and hide one half of my body behind the other person so I Look slimmer it doesn't work for me though Lol!!
    Huge Hugs to All
    Take Care All
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Morning Sam,
      I am sure you are feeling rubbish this morning, remember to smile for the camera Sam! Haha x
      On a serious note, I hope all goes well, I will be thinking of you.
      Thank you for stopping by today, I wasn't expecting you to visit as you are probably a nervous wreck. I bet you 'boys' are fussing around you this morning, they seem to know you aren't feeling yourself and pay you a little extra attention! Is Lyndon going with you too? I hope so for the support, it's so much more comforting having that reassuring hand in your hand or at your back.
      Sending you huge hugs,
      Love Sandra xxxxxxx
      Ps please call back later and let us know you ok! Xxx

  2. Morning Sandra, and any one else who pops in for a cup of something and a chat.
    Sandra your card is stunning, your colours and design are gorgeous. Oh I bet it takes Sue ages to work out all those designs she has running around her brain??? I wonder if she has a pile of cards that she has worked on so far then got stuck? I havent been doing any thing to do with Gillians invites, will have to get cracking later, I got side tracked.
    Steph, I hope all went well yesterday. And Sam good luck for today I hope they find out what's going on? These camera things are not so bad, I think our nerves make it seem worse.
    Sue (Mrs B) no news yet, you will be jumping every time your phone rings. Hope it won't be much longer.
    How did the baking go Sandra? I think I might be in later for a cup of tea and a piece of shortbread. Have to do some housework, you would think a bomb has gone off in here. Wasn't home from work till near 7 last night and I had been away all morning with Tammy looking at dresses, she was wanting an idea of what styles to go for for Gillians wedding, there is not much in the shops, most are saying " new lines are just coming in". She tried on a good few with mum being the fetch and carry person, why do I always end up having to put things back on hangers too? I was the one who ended up buying, didn't go out with that in mind, but it's always the way isn't it??? When you are looking there's nothing and when you aren't there is. So being away from here from the back of 8 till 7 nothing got done apart from a load of washing that I had done the night before and pegged out before I left. Charlie brought it in but that was his lot for the day. Like a child men sometimes have to be told every five minutes what to do next. Never mind it's not the end of the world, and it will all be there tomorrow. Will be back in a while. Hazel x

    1. Good Morning Hazel,
      Why don't you bring all of the bits of the invitations into the coffee shop, we'll shift the tables, make a long one down the centre of the shop and have a 'production line' ! We could all sit and chat and have them together in no time!
      What do you think?
      It sounds like you were run ragged yesterday, I think that's always the way, they drag you along apparently for your advice but actually you are just there to fetch and carry, pay for their lunch and get loaded up with their bags, sometimes it's hard to pick me out in the wheelchair as I am surrounded by coats, shopping bags and handbags!
      What did you buy? Was it your wedding outfit!
      I am quite lucky, Since being like this Paul has picked up the housework chores brilliantly, although his washing loads can get a bit OCD, I used to do Whites on a really hot wash, coloured on a 40 wash, then black/jeans etc on a 40 degree wash too! One day my old next door neighbour said "I love your colour coordinated washing on the line", I wasn't sure what she meant so I had a look, well There was a Line of piles of washing on the utility room floor ready to go in the machine, one of the piles was blue, one green, one grey etc, he literally only washes same colours together! I have kind of got him to mix it up a little and put blue in with grey and green! It did make me laugh though!
      I do agree in general though, unless you specifically say "can you......" They will just say "oh you should have said, I didn't realise"
      If we had the same approach, there would be no cooking done or cleaning!
      Well Hazel I hope you have a much more relaxed day today.
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  3. Morning Sandra,

    Gorgeous card and I love the colours you have used, just as good as Sues card so well done.

    It usually takes me around 3 hours to do one card, wish I could do them a lot quicker but of course they have everything cut out ready to go on the shows.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Morning Jacquie,
      Actually you made a good point there, even on the youtube clips she has 'base already put together' or 'one prepared earlier', I noticed too that Sue often doesn't emboss her die cuts, I guess it's just time saving, I wouldn't ever cut the emboss stage out as that seems to me to bring it to life! I mean I have a Cricut and when I cut thing on there they seem to lack 'something' I think it's just that embossed finish.
      Have a lovely day,
      Sandra xxxxx

  4. Morning Sandra and all lovely ladies. Thanks for your thoughts and caring shown. Lets just say Im glad tomorrow has been and gone. It wasnt until I woke up feeling half human that I realised how yuk I felt yesterday. This Crohns can really mess up your day, so it started bad and continued throughout ! I did try and work through it by trying to design another card on the list of 12 but then had to stop to get to the hospital. Then to have to drink a whole jug of glup to help with MRI images just bloated me to the extreme ! THEN to have a canula (needle) into my already cold, tiny veins was just a faff, still, they managed it in the end. It was SO cold in the waiting room they had to put a blanket round me lol. Eventually got home and thawed out then the glup took hold and spent more time in and out of the bathroom !! After that.I just yukky I slept the evening away, actually.slept all night too - a sure sign Im not too well. But today is a new day, and im thinking of you Sam, hope they sedate you really well if its the examination I think you maybe having, and rest well the rest of the day.
    Thank you for all the lovely heartfelt messages left for Theresa's gift to me, Im sure you made her pain just that little bit better,and a smile from ear to ear. Im so honoured to be able to look at it every day. The pictures dont do it proper justice but hopefully you could see just how amazing it is : )
    Talking of beauty - I love this simple but beautiful card today Sandra, I love the teal, I know our barbie isn't too keen, I didnt realise how deep and lovely it was until I got some a couple of weeks ago.
    My Andy isn't slushy romantic, but he sure picks the cards with verses that seem to know how our 35yrs together has been, with its ups and down's but still in love after everything life has thrown at us, plus he always buy's me a Sue die (hence the list) he asks for, what I have, and which Id like lol, so he has his list with those I have, a list of all Sue's dies available from her first launch, then he chooses from there on bless him.

    Well I need to try and design a card for a jewellery designer and maker today, that will be easy - NOT !! Any thoughts or idea's anyone ?
    I'll just have a latte for now hon please as my tummy still feels a bit wobbly, so may pop back (hopefully to congratulate you all for winning a Sue die later) and celebrate with you with a plainish cake. Good luck lovely friends. Hope the leeches arn't picked out (did I really just say that) ?
    Sending love to you all today.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Good morning Steph,
      Oh your day sounded dreadful, I am not he surprised you slept the night away, I find just leaving the house mentally draining! You get kind of used to just looking out of the window or doors, trouble is when you have to go out!
      I am sure you must be very tender after being prodded and poked, I always get a lovely big bruise where the have tried and retried to get the canula in, my veins apparently collapse when they try and draw out the blood!
      Do you have ant stamps that are of a lady head and neck, or cd images like Debbie Moore's Art Deco ladies, (I can lend you if not), as you could have the lady as the main image and use flat back gems or those pearl strings that Sue uses, to makes necklace and earrings on the lady image ! (Sorry I am not sure I explained that to well), but the finished image should look like a lady with jewellery on!
      I hope that is of some help to you. Please let me know if you want one of the CD roms posting out Steph it's no bother.
      Good luck for today,I bet the winners of this draw won't be waiting 4 months to receive their prizes!
      I hope to see you in here later,
      Love& hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Steph , regarding your gilding wax, you can get a blending solution to soften the tubs, try it.

  5. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,
    This is a really beautiful card Sandra, love the embossing folder and the extra sparkle on the Teal. It's all really stunning.

    SAM hope all goes well for you today, will be thinking of you.

    STEPH Glad you got through yesterday and you rested well afterwards, hopefully after a good nights rest you will feel a lot brighter today.

    Oops my order........ I will just have tea and toast for now, keep me a Danish pastry for later please.
    Will pop back later Ciara awake now, so will be getting her breakfast order soon.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Morning Brenda,
      Thank you for your kind words about my card!
      Ciara had a goo sleep in, at least she didn't have you up early!
      Have fun today. What gave you got planned ?
      Hope you get to pop back later for a relax,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  6. Good morning Sandra it is still very cold so could I please have one of your excellent lattes please and one for Steph too I am sure she would like one.
    Your card is wonderful and so very elegant the colours are very rich and that bow matching your lovely flowers looks so luxurious too, well done sweetheart.
    I will be thinking of you Sam hope all goes well just think of your boys focus on them and it will soon be over. I know they are not the nicest thing to have but if it helps the docs to help you it will be worth it.
    Take it easy Steph and enjoy your latte I have ordered for you, your MRI is over so just relax and recover and look forward to your surprise from Andy.
    Well I have visitors coming soon so must get tidied I shall call in later god luck to everyone in Sue's drawing.
    Hugs all around
    Margaret corgi owner

  7. Sorry that should be GOOD LUCK to everyone!!!!!

    1. Morning Margaret,
      Thanks for stopping by, latte coming right up!
      Thanks for your kind comments on my card too!
      Now don't go rushing round too much and enjoy your visitors!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  8. Morning Sandra, just a quick coffee today, I'm off to man our little craft shop today, will pop by later, good luck in Sues draw today ladies, hope we see some familiar names!
    Anyone having problems with hard gilding wax, try a blending solution, from your local craft shop, it seems to soften it.
    Take care, see you later for a catch up. Jess x

    1. Morning Jess,
      Have fun at craft shop, don't spend too much!
      Thank you for the !!!!!!!!!!!!! TOP TIP. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      (Just wanted everyone to notice it) you clever thing!
      Call back and confess your purchases!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  9. Good morning Sandra, good morning lovely ladies,
    Wow, your card is stunning. I am in danger of sounding like JJ here, but, I love it. I love everything about it. Teal and white, fab, messy bow, gorgeous, matting and layering glorious, camellias placed to perfection and a touch of bling in the background delicious. Thank you for showing it to us Sandra.
    Sam, I hope all went well and they can start to help you now and I hope it wasn't as bad as you were imagining it would be.
    Steph, your day yesterday sounded horrible, and you were cold into the bargain. So glad you are feeling brighter today.
    Oh, nearly forgot, I have brought a tray of shortbread in which I made using the recipe Jess gave us (could not believe how easy it was thank you Jess)' so I'd like a slice and please may I have a camomile tea to go with it.
    Could you please ask Paul to pop over and have a chat with my hubby. I don't let him within a mile of the washing machine anymore. Last time he did a load he put the whites - cotton- together with a pullover- wool and a towel -red and to add insult to injury did a boil wash with them. I now have a pullover to fit a very small doll and all my undies and his underpants are pink.
    Now, as to Valentines day and romantic husbands, mine is not. I always make two cards, one fairly simple one for him and then I make another, a special one which I spend more time and effort on. I add my best embellishments, use my favourite cardstock, spend ages on the design and then create something I love. When he gets home in the evening on the 13th I then sell it to him. It's the only way I can guarantee getting a card from him.
    I so envy Steph, she gets a present!!
    Well, best crack on, hope you are all enjoying a crafty day, love and hugs to you all and very best luck in the draw, I know it's mean of me, but if Whopperjaw wins anything I will spit feathers.
    XXX Saba

    1. Hi Saba,
      What a genius idea, I had never thought of that, if you charge him enough tonight for that top of the range, totally bespoke card, you could have enough to buy yourself a die!
      I have tried a bit of your shortbread and it is melt in the mouth delicious, thank you!
      I guess that Paul may go a little extreme with the laundry but he doesn't ruin everything lol!
      Thank you for calling in today, would you mind sitting and helping Hazel put her invitations together? We have a production line running to help her get them finished! Haha
      Wouldn't it just be amazing if this I imaginary coffee shop was real!?
      Love and huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. If she does win I will be wanting to "whacker jaw "
      All that blooming boasting!
      Sandra xxx

    3. Hi Sandra, I love your play on words, I'll help you to "whacker jaw" haha xx

  10. Good morning Sandra & Ladies,
    Wow I love your card today it's gorgeous defently got the wow factor,love the colours used,& your little flowers the Stockholm die is one of my favourite die's.& your layout is spot on.
    Sam good luck at hospital & all goes well for you.

    Steph hope you feel better today,after the horrible day you had were in my thoughts.Sending you Hug's brave lady.

    Ooo Sandra could I have a cup of tea & just a dash of milk with a Danish pastry please.
    I will need it I've got two man cards to make well one is for my grandson Alfie he will be 9 but still hard I need some inspiration I'm going to look through my stamps & see if that will help.
    Good luck everyone in Sue's die draw later.xx

    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Morning Lynda,
      Thank you for your lovely comment on my card!
      Tea and Danish coming right up, don't envy you that job on a Friday!
      Have you made Terry's valentine card yet?
      Chat again later,
      Sandra xxxxx

  11. BREAKING NEWS!,!!!!
    Mrs B (Sue) is at the hospital with her son & Gemma, who is currently 7cm dilated, so hopefully little one well on his way!
    Join me in wishing her well,
    We are all thinking of you,
    Love & hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Yipeeeee, this is more exciting than waiting for Sue's draw. We are thinking of you Sue. Love and more,

    2. Yay, fantastic Mrs B, hope it doesn't all go on too long. All together now PUSH. Lots of love xxx

    3. Mrs B, sending you love in abundance on your long awaited news, now please no fainting, leave that to her other half as they don't seem to be very good when it comes to everything happening. Give him some gas ans air and he'll be fine when he comes back around. special hugs being sent your way xx
      Norah xx

  12. Oooooo Sandra I've just got goosebumps all over, a touch of excitement and dejarvoui (hope that's spelt correctly) Give Sue my best wishes .LOL
    Brenda xxx

    I have time to leave this message as Ciara has chosen to play with the Lego.
    Yes it still gets used, it's also something she would not do at home!!

    1. Watch where you walk, because that stuff really hurts when you tread on it!
      You will be exhausted tonight!
      Sandra xxx

  13. Hi Sandra, morning all. Thank you again for showing my birdhouse yesterday.
    I love this colour card, and the Stockholm is beautiful, I have these dies and you have given me inspiration on how to use them, thanks.
    I have the daisy dies but not the camellia I may have to rectify that.
    Rest today Steph. Good luck Sam. Thinking of you Mrs B(Sue)
    I have to say I am very, very lucky as I married one of the treasures on this earth. Tony has never forgotten our Anniversary, birthdays, valentines or anything else. Besides being my treasure he has also had to become my carer so he knows how to use everything in the house. When I didn't realise how poorly I had become I thought I would have a jkt pot,we had one of those grill, oven microwave included, not hard, no, but didn't realise that was the day that I had a brain swell and must have put it on to grill or oven and then forgot about I. Hence a fire and I ended up in the poisons unit in the hospital. I was mortified at the work that I had created for Tony. So now he makes me sandwiches or a friend will come and make me something. Romantic, he is. The one thing I miss about not being able to walk around is holding his hand, but when I use my scooter he walks by the side of me holding my hand, I think it's a huge thing for him to do and I love him for doing it even though we get some very strange looks. Anyway Sandra we are coming to the Cotswolds in June staying at a lodge in Kingham we love Bourton on the water. Do you live far from there.
    Ok I won't ask for a jkt pot.hee,hee but I'll order a nice bowl of sweet strawberries and yogurt, and maybe a frappe.
    Luv to all
    Theresa xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      Firstly, it was a pleasure showing your birdhouse, it is beautiful!
      You have said a few things today that I have said so many times and I think people think I am stupid for saying it!
      Firstly, the one thing in the world I miss more than anything is walking hand in hand with my husband, it is such a romantic thing to do and we used to do it all the time, but now he is stood behind me pushing me along in my wheelchair, so we don't have eye contact either!
      Secondly, having my husband become my carer is singly the hardest thing in the world, he does everything from clipping my toe nails to washing my underwear , cooking dinner, you name it?
      I am very lucky because it can put a huge strain on your relationship, but I have a man in a million like you Theresa, he doesn't get paid to be my carer he does in on top of working full time in the RAF, this is the reason I don't cope very well when he is awAy!
      So I totally understand what you are saying Theresa, are you like me and feel guilty at the extra work you make them? Guilt is my worse enemy I'm afraid and at times has had me balancing on the edge of life! I think most men would have packed up and cleared off years ago! Anyway I'll start blabbing in a minute so best stop there!
      I wS shocked to read that someone felt the same as I did!
      Yes we do live near to Bourton on the water, so please let me know when you are down this way! We can meet up xxx

  14. Oh. That would be lovely us all sitting putting the invites together, I will dream, at least Gillian is helping. It's now down to cutting and embossing the rest of the striplets for the evening ones. Twice through the G.C to cut and then again to emboss multiply that by 90 and will see why I am a bit slow this week, only have about 15 to do but. But it would be great to just even sit and have the company. Well mummy has messaged me asking if we could please sit and talk and sort all this out, so we will see. I know from the girls mummy isn't coping ( she is like another daughter in a away) my girls and I get on really well and are greatfull for all I do. But mummy dosent have that as both parents are dead, and I know they do see us as grandparents to the girls and do like that we treat them like they are. But still we have to get it sorted.
    As for what I bought, no not wedding, but the skirt is a Jacques Vert one and is gorgeous even if I say so myself, and it was less than half the price. It's in purple my colour and if I could find a top to go with it I could wear it. I wasn't leaving it as we have a few things on that I can wear it to as it is a simple classic design, I also bought two summer tops with holiday in mind. I love The Collection range from Debenhams but if you don't buy them when you see them they are gone.
    Well Sue will be having those cuddles soon by the sounds of things.
    Steph if you heated Margaret's little pocket heat bags and maybe wrapped a big one round them would they stay warm by the time you were getting your bloods done, I was thinking you could put the little ones in your pockets and then put your hands in to keep cozy, and you could have the big one on your lap under your coat. I used to fill a little hot water bottle and take to keep my hands warm when I was getting lots of blood tests, they had a job getting my blood. Next time I go I will use the heat bags. Just a thought!!

    Hazel x

  15. Meant to say between 3-4 this afternoon will be interesting to see how many come out of the wood work to see if they have won, I hope on hope that some one doesn't and you all know who I mean. She has every die she doesnt need a double does she??? Here's hoping there are a few regulars are lucky. Hazel x

  16. Morning Sandra,
    Gorgeous card, I do like teal. the Stockholm die and everything you used to put together this card with is peeeerfect :-)
    Glad you feeling better Steph after your horrible day ,just take it easy today.If you need anything just holla ! Hope Sam doing alright,bless her.maybe if she feeling up to it she might pop in later....... O my goodness Mrs B so exciting morning, not long now :-) My husband don't do laundry, He even phoned me ,visiting my family at the time, how do I put the machine on? I pointed out about the list I made for our Son how to use the washing and dishwasher and go and read that ! Yes, the washing was still there when I got back two weeks later !Not sure if I should laugh or cry about it.... We don't do Valentine . In the beginning it was flowers and a meal out but over the years it just fizzled out. Our anniversary is beginning of March so then we do cards etc,etc,etc ....Tihi I go and sit down now with a strong coffee ,was up late again but slept so well this morning so half the day gone, nice but not good at the same time... Warm hugs all around Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      I guess I am lucky in some ways, my husband had to learn to do washing as I couldn't. After being left disabled by that damn hospital, anyway before that he couldn't and it used to make me laugh that in his job he could keep an aeroplane flying, all the high tech bits, having the responsibility of all those lives in his hands, but he couldn't work a washing machine! Truth is they can learn it IF they want/need to! I bet you were proper pleased to return home to all of his washing too!
      But you love him just the same!
      If you slept half the day, you must have needed it. I do same sometimes, I can be wide awake until 3, 4 or 5am, then I take my morphine at 6-6.30 and fall asleep again, through exhaustion, but why can't the morphine I fake at midnight do the same!
      Trouble is your both clock goes on the wonk! Hope you can sleep tonight!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  17. Hi Sandra
    Love today's card, I do like real as well. I love how you finish your cards off, I'll have to sit down with you and work out what I need. Don't need to much on them, as a lot of them go to Aussie land. Hope that all goes well Sam, I've had a camera down my throat and that wasn't to bad. I do wish the postman Hurry's up with Pete's appointments. It's so frustrating having to wait all this time. Steph I'm glad that your feeling a bit better today after your MRI scan, I've never had one but Pete hates having them done. Brilliant breaking news Sandra, I hope that baby Christopher makes an appearance soon. Forgot to say that I'll help myself to a hot chocolate and a shortcake if I may. Is it Valentine's Day my word Pete never gets me a card. He's not a bit slushy as he calls it. I remember when he had his Illeostomy bag fitted he hated changing them as you couldn't see underneath the Stoma to see if they were sealed to the skin properly. I had to help him fix them and Craig (his son). Really let rip at him to buy me some flowers at Witney market to say thank you. They buy me more flowers than he ever does. I envy Steph if she gets a present as well, you lucky lady. Will ring you later Sandra, as I'm just trying to tidy up after the carpet fitter yesterday. Everything is all over the place in the living room. We still have to get the television ect can back into the dining room. Might try to convince Pete we need a newer tele and a smaller unit to put it on. Ch

  18. Hello Sandra,
    I've managed to sneak in to go on your blog. If Zoe knew, she'd ask to play on Moshi Monsters!!!
    What a beautiful card, Sandra. The colours and design are fab. Did you die the binding tape, or buy it that colour as it matches perfectly.
    Steph, I'm glad you got through yesterday, and hopefully today you will recover and start to feel a bit more human. I don't know that I could manage to drink a whole lot of gunk. It takes me forever to drink a cup of coffee (not a mug) so what I'd be like in your position, I just don't know. I suppose it's a case of having to do it.
    Sam, thinking of you today. I've had some very intimate photographs taken in my time - now, now, these were taken at the hospital ladies - but never (touch wood) inside my body. In fact, these would be published for students - but my head was not included in the shots!!!
    Oops, a latte and anything that you have on offer please, Sandra.
    Romantic - George - don't make me laugh, he's his father's son. Also he doesn't know how to iron, fill & put on the dishwasher, wire a plug, change the electric clocks when they go forward/back, set the alarm clock - and as for the washing machine, the very idea of sorting out clothes and washing them is an alien concept. I suppose I should start to show him these things but after 48 years (49 this year), I can't be bothered. Card, what card? However, he makes endless cups of coffee every day for me, looks after me very well if I'm poorly, and dusts and vacuums (around things, never moves a chair or piece of furniture) to save me. He is very loyal and always tells me he loves me, so I suppose all in all, when I think about it, he is romantic in his own way - it's just not my way haha.
    The girls are coming up the stairs, so I'd better sign off but will come on later this evening when they go home to their parents.
    This really is a fab card Sandra.
    Love to all xxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      He obviously shows you he loves you in his own special way!
      I hope you managed an afternoon without Moshi Monsters!
      Soon be time to sit and relax,
      So many of you ladies are grandchild watching today!
      See you tomorrow,
      Sandra xxxx

  19. Ok Mrs B... Its mom to be that has to hold her breath and puuuuuuuush not you lol. Dont want any ' accidents' now do we ? : 0
    Wishing you well Sue. 7cm's id say new baby in 3 hrs or so ?
    How exciting for you all.
    Lancashire Steph.
    Ps wouldnt it be an extra special day to remember if a die was going Sue's way (and for our Sam to cheer her up)
    Love n hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  20. Hi Sandra
    Love your card but you always make lovely cards the pearl brad set the bow. Off. BT did a good job but I was annoyed because the men said they didn't need to connect the New cable as the fault was in the box outside. Hubby told them you have dug up the front garden so you will connect the New cable I don't think they were happy but it could of been fixed the first day and taken nearly five weeks. Would love to help with invitations but hands not working very well. It's so nice to hear about all our wonderful hubby who do so much for us I feel a little better knowing its not just mine having to do so much as I do feel guilty. I have to take my cpap machine to the hospital on Monday as it is playing up not looking forward to it as hospital chairs kill me. Mrs B hope everything goes well and you don't have much longer to wait. Sam hope everything goes well today. Steph sorry to hear yesterday was rough on you. Sandra didn't order anything today as not up to it but just wanted to catch up with everyone. Love Tandy

    1. Hi Tandy,
      Glad BT have finished and gone, no more messing you about, good for your husband to get them to put it right as they should gave to begin with!
      I think that all of us that need our husband to card for us instead of the other way round are truly blessed.
      I hope you feel better tomorrow my love,
      Sandra xxxx

  21. Hi Sandra,
    Just dropped by briefly as got migraine today and been in bed. Got up for tablets ! Your card is gorgeous and I love what you've done with the iced snow on the teal card. It's lovely - love the whole card! Will pop back later to read comments.
    Hope all went well for Steph yesterday and that Sam is ok today too.
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra, means so much that you even drop in when you are poorly,
      Get back to bed and rest!
      You are such a sweetheart,
      Love you lots
      Sandra xxxx

  22. Hi Sandra, cani just say how beautiful your card is Teal is one of my favourite colours, the cardstock Sue uses has a lovely hue, also the cards and the fabulous birdhouse from the last few days are wonderful the talent that some display is breathtaking, I hope everyones day turns out as they would want, new babies, scans, mri's and i have had my share of them, and luck in Sue's wonderful draw, will i be saying that later if whopperjaw wins lol, i am of to St Helens hospital for an eye examination in a few minutes and have to take hubby with me because i can't drive afterwards, he always gets me a valentines card and asked me yesterday in asda if i wanted any flowers he is also my carer and has been for many years as i have walking difficulties ,but i cannot complain as there are worse of than me, good luck all, not long now hugs Johanna

  23. Janet Ecco of Sheffield13 February 2015 at 15:57

    Afternoon everyone - one large latte please - I need it. Sandra I love love your card - your colour of Teal is definitely one of my favourites and so you couldn't fail here. I've said before you're one very talented lady. Have done a marathon this morning playing with a new CD (My Besties - little girls with big heads and eyes - they are stunningly dressed and I can imagine every little girl wanting their dressing like these have. It started out as play and finished up doing two cards for two little girls who will love them. Now husbands/other halves well where do I start lol. Before I do start I need to make it plain that I don't know what I'd do without him as he's my rock; best friend and definitely the best thin that happened to me. BUT as for doing jobs without being asked to - no that's not how it's done!! He always has said that he'll do anything if I ask him and that's how it works. He really will do anything but I do have to ask. He has this wonderful instinct of appearing requesting if there's anything he can do and guess what it's always when everything is done lol. I think it's just a man thing. He has over the years made me wonderful things like a gorgeous craft cupboard I have in France all made in hard wood and every bit by hand with beautiful carved plaques on the cupboard doors. I have to say that he is romantic when he thinks about it - I always get a single red rose on Valentine's Day and he never forgets my birthday but for some reason he never remembers our anniversary. I've never worked that one out. Ah well I can do without one occasion. There are other things to be thankful for.
    I've just done a couple of hours on a cross stitch I'm doing and so as I'm sat here typing I've got my Tens Machine on hoping for some ease. See you all tomorrow - it may be late as it's Lily-Mae's first birthday - our youngest Great Grand daughter - where or where does time go!!!!!!
    Hugs to you all - thank you for the delightful coffee. xx

    1. Hi Janet,
      Sounds like you have a good one there, he sounds like he gas a heart of gold, 2 out of three ain't bad!
      Thank you for taking time to stop by today, I hope you have a lovely day with Lily-Mae tomorrow, maybe you could share her card.
      Sandra xxxx

  24. Lovely card and layout but as you all know I don't do teal! Still not worked out why not!

    Teresa your bird house was a stunner I loved it!

    Good luck to everyone in sues draw let's hope regulars are amongst the winners and not freeloaders!

    Don't want to spoil the surprise so get over there quick as a flash.
    Love Saba

  26. Blog winners on Particraft. Wooohoo no wotsit jaw, no broken jaw lol xx

  27. Congratulations lucky winners! Especially you Maria! Xxxx
    Did you recognise many names ?

    1. Thank you Sandra I'm still dancing lol
      Had liked to see more regulars, you my friends <3

  28. That's Sue's list out for the winners of the Dies.
    Neither Hazel or I have been lucky but that nothing new.
    How about some of you guys!!.

    Patricia xx

  29. Sandra, sorry I have not been in today.
    Had our two Grandsons since 7am. We have all had a great day, just need to feed them again and all will be well till someone comes for them.
    Hope to see you all tomorrow

    Patricia xx

  30. Not Pat, Sue or I, sadly, but I am not really surprised!
    Have the boys run you ragged?
    You will be needing a glass of something nice and your feet up tonight!
    Sandra xxxx

  31. Well ladies just quick up date, I am still working but oh boy it's on my terms and at long last they have realised they need to do take part of the daily life. They are gutting their work down to be there for their girls. Mum admitted she isn't coping and she has to stop working so much. I have come out with what I want, it's on my terms, Hazel xxx

    1. Good for you Hazel, I am so proud of you for sticking to your guns, it must have been almost impossible to stand before a mother and telling her she needs to take a bigger part of her children's lives!
      It needed to very said for the children's sake as well as yours!
      I bet you will sleep better tonight!
      You have made a difference to those girls lives Hazel, you are one amazing lady!
      Love you lots
      Sandra xxxx

  32. Hi Hazel and everyone, I'm so pleased you seem to have sorted out your working situation and the parents understand that they must take responsibility. It's obvious from lots of things you have said how much this has been playing on your mind, also how much is girls mean to you. This Family is very lucky to have such a treasure as you. I hope from now you can all go forward and these little ladies get the love and care they deserve. LOL Brenda

    Checked out the winners on Sue's blog, lovely to see your name up there MARIA Some of the names I recognise but I don't think they come tino this coffee shop. Apologies if I'm wrong. Bye for now everyone x

    1. Thank you Brenda, it's still feel funny to see you name
      on Sue's list ,and Friday the 13th too lol
      See you tomorrow.

  33. First chance I have had today to come on here. Was granddaughter's assembled this morning so went with my son. It was all about the Arctic and they did very well. Then tried a bit of shopping in Waitrose. Bit difficult but everyone was very helpful. Then went home for a few hours

  34. Hi Sandra,& all the ladies in the coffee shop.
    Boo Hoo not a winner but a Big congratulations to Maria enjoy your Noble Die. My friend.
    Think I will have a nice mug of hot fluffy chocolate please Ooo & a slice of carrot cake too My lovely.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. :-) Thank you Lynda. I still can't believe it. So weird to actually see my name on that list plus some others but also some I never seen before,hmmm. Your turn next time Night,night <3

  35. Couldn't finish the last message. Went home for a few hours and picked up the post and answered some phone messages. Wasn't easy but coped. Can't stay at my son's all the time so must try going home for the night and see how I cope then. Not really looking forward to Valentines Day tomorrow. Have lost a very good husband and then a good partner and couldn't go through all the illnesses again so best stay as I am on my own I think. Hope the new baby arrives soon, and everyone has good results at the hospital. Sorry Sandra should gave said at the beginning that your card is wonderful. Must try Teal sometime for a change. It's not a colour I dislike. Could I have hot chocolate and carrot cake today please.

    1. Bless you Brenda,
      You sound so fed up, I am sending you a big hug my lovely, tomorrow mudguards be tough, my mum is on her own too and although my dad wasn't very romantic she still misses him at times like these, so I do understand how you feel, treat yourself to something nice to eat! Are you finding it hard staying so your sons?
      Sometimes there is nothing like the peace of your own home,
      Thank you for your lovely comments today,
      Sending you list of love sweetheart xx
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Take care Littlelamb ! Pop in to the cafe' if you feel lonely it's always someone here ooooh ,maybe not after midnight tihi Hugs!

  36. don't recognise any names Johanna

  37. that was only half of my post heavens knows what happened, i was congratulating maria, did any other regular win, hugs Johanna

    1. Hi Johanna, I love your name!
      The other half of your message must be floating out there in the atmosphere!
      I recognised a few (very few) names from Sue's blog , but nobody except Maria from here, boo hiss! Never mind!
      You can't win them all (but some would be nice)!
      I sneaked on to Joanna Sheen and ordered myself some oops!
      Sandra xxx

    2. I also love your name Johanna, Thank you. Yes the die's coming to a very nice home and they will be well looked after .See you later lol

  38. Me again, I am so sorry Sandra i forgot to comment on your stunningly beautiful card. Love the colours, use of the Dies and your fantastic design.
    Hopefully tomorrow will be calmer in this house. Boys no bother whatsoever, love them to bits and love having them here. They are like a "double act" and so funny.
    They fairly keep you on your toes, it will be early to bed for me tonight.
    Enjoy your evening

    Patricia xx

    1. Thank you Patricia, I am sure they do keep you on your toes, you will be ready for a feet up and G&T night tonight!
      You can't beat the entertainment though, can you!
      Sleep well,
      Sandra xxxx

  39. Maria, Congratulations , truly thrilled for you, I do hope you pop back in tonight, there's a bottle of bubbly on ice in the back room ( might have to dim the lights, not sure we have a licence for alcohol). We just have to wait for Gemma to give that final push and then we will crack it open.

  40. Many congratulations Maria.
    Any news on the baby front yet. Saba, loved your comment about cracking it open, we can have a "lock in", or is that just a Northern expression.
    I forgot to say earlier that just because George is not romantic, I wouldn't change him for the world, I am very lucky.
    The girls are back home now, so I am going to relax and wander into my craft room. Although the brain is worn out, it might buck me up. xxx

    1. Thank you Saba and Maureen, I still can't believe it you know.Things like that not happen to me. Come on lottery numbers lol
      any more bubbly? nope, to late (Saba did you drink it all?) lol

  41. Hi Sandra, forgot to say earlier that. Your card is gorgeous,
    The craft shop I help to run is actually a craft association where crafters can sell their stuff, we take a percentage from them to help pay, rent rates etc, we have a diverse lot of crafters, baby goods, knitting, jewellery, cards, appliqué cushions, wood turners, polymer clay figures, photography, art, air dried porcelain flowers, up cycling of tables and small chairs. I did actually buy a small table which had been hand painted and waxed, it is lovely, quite shabby chic!
    I hope everyone is feeling better today after all the hospital appointments.
    My other half and myself don't bother with Valentines, but we still do birthdays and anniversarys.
    Well done anyone who won a die from Sue, not a lot of familiar names though.
    Feeling a bit tired now, always like this on a Friday after being in the shop, might have 40 winks before the Muskateers come on, nothing like a bit of swash and buckle!!!!!
    Will pop in tomorrow, take care everyone, Jess x

    1. Wow Jess your craft shop sounds brilliant, like a right Aladdins cafe of crafty goods, do you sell craft materials too paper, dies etc?
      It's like the perfect job isn't it! I am sure you are shattered though!
      Sleep well my lovely, thanks for your lovely comments,
      Sandra xxx

  42. Hello everyone is it our Maria that has been lucky to win a die from Sue's blog if so delighted for you yippee!!!
    Any news Sandra on the arrival of the new little bundle we are all waiting to hear about, so we can celebrate with latte or hot chocolate and all the trimmings?
    Have a good weekend everyone
    Hugs all round
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret, all is well, I will let Sue share her news tomorrow!
      Isn't it exciting!
      Hope you gave a good weekend,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Thank you Margaret, yes I'm still dancing Tihi

  43. Hi Sandra
    Wasn't able to ring earlier, My hip is quite bad today. I think it's because I've been doing to much standing. We went topetes cousins as usual and she had quite a few jobs for him to do. It looks like none of your regulars won, but I did recognise Maria's name. No news on the baby front as yet or else we would have known by now. Hope baby Christopher doesn't take to long, and hope that Mrs B finished the comfy blanket for him.

    1. Hi Pat,
      There is news, but I will let Sue announce tomorrow,
      I bet you have been moving furniture haven't you?
      Did you go to club yesterday?
      Catch up tomorrow,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sorry to see you hip is giving you problems,hope you are better later. Need new glasses I believe, thought you seen topless cousins,sorry or is it all the tears of joy seeing my name on Sue's list I accidentally read it wrong . Now you made us curious, Sandra :-)

  44. Hello Sandra,
    It's been a lovely day today, firstly your beautiful card to start the day off with, then the excitement of waiting for the names to be published and being rewarded by seeing Maria's name on the list and now, it sounds like Sue (Mrs B) has some news for us. So looking forward to hearing from her tomorrow, I couldn't stop thinking of her today. And my hasn't the cafe been busy as well. All in all a lovely day.
    I am about to wend my way to bed now now, so I'll wish you a good night, God bless and see you tomorrow.
    Love and hugs Saba.
    Ps. He paid me 1euro for my card so I won't be ordering any new dies anytime soon. Still love him to bits though.

    1. I euro, that's certainly 'mates rates'! I would push for cup of tea in bed too!
      I really needed the love from you lovely ladies in the coffee shop today, so I am super grateful it was busy!
      Good night my lovely,

    2. Night night sweetie,
      I really am going to bed now, just wanted to reply to Maria first. She sounded so happy.
      See you in the morning.
      Pyjama hugs

  45. Sorry Sandra,not sure if you are still open it's late but.Oh my good, my name is on Sue's list ! I kept reading that list up and down quite a few times for it to actually sink in lol I'm so happy guys and Thank You so much for your congratulations ! Tihi unless you are all plastered by now could I have a small glass of bubbly and please rally around so I can give each and everyone a bamse* hug !!
    No news of the baba yet ?
    Hope you feeling better Myra, poor you with such bad migraine at times,
    Going out in the morning, the Range and shopping so I will see you later in the day, best go to bed feeling a bit tipsy, hick (thanks to Saba lol ) Night,night Maria xx
    * teddybear lol

    1. Open all hours Maria, Champagne coming right up, everyone was coming in buzzing because your name was on the list!
      A Noble die too, only the best for our Maria!
      Everyone will be waiting to congratulate you tomorrow, so don't forget us, let me know of any bargains in the Range!
      Good night my lovely, so pleased for you!

    2. Oh Maria, I am so happy for you, not only did you win, but you won the Classic Adorned Noble squares. Way to go girl!!!!
      You sound as if you are as tipsy as I am. Bubbly is on hold till we hear Sue's news tomorrow, but this Chardonnay is not half bad.
      I have no idea what a bamse* hug is but yes please, let's do a group one.
      Love Saba

    3. Tihi the Chardonnay sound good too. Oh have you not got any Bamse in your area , you did not see the atrix *, not sure if thats the right word but no red line from spell checker lol Bamse =teddybear or just Bear so = Bear hug lol see you later pm.
