
Saturday 14 February 2015

I want to share my prize with you all!

Good Morning Ladies
Happy Valentines day to all, especially the ones that didn't get a card today!
Well todays card as you can all see is my prize from Sue, from the show last Sunday!
I think I can even give you a brief run down of how Sue has done this, I could pretend like its one of
mine (although I am pretty sure you can all tell the difference between and Sue card and a Sandra card)!!!!
Firstly take a piece of Coconut White card and place the Floral Meadow Striplet Die (without the cutting edge) onto one end of the card, run through the Grand Calibur then Emboss, before removing the die, remove any tape covering the cut image and ink through the die with Tattered Rose Distress Ink,  repeat on the opposite side of the card but leave the part that you have already cut and embossed off of the cutting plate (so you don't flatten your embossing)! Now emboss and repeat inking through the die. I have already prepared a base card with a Coconut white matt to which I have added pearls made using Cosmic Shimmer Pearl Pva glue.
I placed foam tape on the reverse of my die cut and embossed card and added it to a very slightly larger matt of white card, I stuck this to the base using Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear glue.
For my focal element I die cut the Copenhagen from the Scandinavian Collection twice using Coconut White card, I put mounting foam on the back of the first one and mounted it horizontally down the middle of the two striplet dies on my base card, I then cut the second Copenhagen Die in half trimmed it so that if covered the centre section of the first Copenhagen Die cut.
I then Stamped Trailing Ivy Stamp from the Floral Flourish Oval Duo Stamp set from the Stamps to Die for range and embossed with Perfectly Clear Cosmic Shimmer Embossing powder and die cut with the centre die from the Scandinavian Background, before removing from the die I inked around the edges using Tattered Rose Distress Ink and cut and dry foam. I Stamped my sentiment on to this,
added foam tape and mounted it to cover the join in the die cut below.
To finish the card I added Pearls to the centres of the flowers on the striplet dies and some tiny pearls onto my stamped sentiment and the Copenhagen die cuts too.
Oh by the way you can buy all of these products from Joanna Sheen (if you like)!

Well it probably doesn't flow as well as Sue's description but you get the picture, I hope she won't be offended by my attempt!
I love the card and will treasure it forever!
Mrs B, hurry up and share your news, the ladies are all bursting with excitement! Congratulations!
Pat sit and put your feet up today, hope you are in less pain, hugs xx
Steph, I hope you have recovered fully from your experience, any more cards off that list? hugs
Sam, how are you feeling my lovely, I was hoping you would feel well enough to call back in, but as long as you are feeling better today, have a nice relaxing day my lovely, everyone was wishing you well yesterday, huge hugs, xxxxx
Hazel,  I think you dealt with your situation amazingly, (I am not sure if you saw my post back to you last night) but I just wanted to say what an amazingly hard thing you had to do to make the mum realise that she needed to find a little more time for her girls, you couldn't carry on like that any longer, you have done more for those girls than you will ever realise, especially if it does work, although they will probably be sad not to be spending as much time with you! I feel so (I don't know what the word is, I want to say proud), but I am just amazed by your strength, hopefully now you won't have as much pressure dumped on you! sending you huge hugs xxxxxx
Maria, have you finished happy dancing around the house?? not only a win but a Noble die too! congratulations, |I am so pleased for you!
Theresa, I hope you got my email yesterday, big hugs coming your way! xx
Myra, please send me your photos, I will gladly show them, it gives me the  night off!

I just want to share with you that Paul was busy in my craft room all evening making a card, I am so excited to open it! it feels like Christmas!  New Guest Designer maybe??????
Right I must go and have a shower, I am aching as I managed another meeting with the carpet in the lounge, whilst trying to get to the phone! imagine my mood to find it was a bloody call centre that hung up as the answerphone started up, I am surprised they didn't hear me in whatever country they were in, the air was blue! Poor Paul wondered what he had walked into when he came in at lunchtime!  So steady day for me today, what a dingbat!
Love and Hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra and All My Dear Friends,
    I would like a weak Latte and a Toasted Teacake please.
    First of all I would like to say a huge thank you for your extremely kind comments re: my Hospital appointment, some of you go through so much pain mine feels very minor but your all very kind which really helps.
    Without going into to much detail which I'm sure you don't wish to hear about, it didn't go very well it was definitely Friday 13th for me.
    I was nervous about the procedure to start with, but everyone was really kind there was a long wait as it was really busy and I was early as I hate being late.
    When my Consultant tried to carry out the procedure it wasn't possibe, so now I've got to go into Hospital have General Anesthetic to have two procedure's done, and next week I'm going to have a Body Scan, it's not a MRI Scan as I can't have them any more as I had Two Brain Aneurysm, one burst so I have a clip the other I have a Titanium Coil this left me to be a Epileptic but this is kept under control by medication, (I do apologise if I've mentioned this before its those grey cells) I am fine now with that now Lyndon is worrying about present problem bless him!!
    Steph I really hope your feeling a lot better as your a very kind person and always caring about others, as are you All.
    Pat please take care of yourself, Mrs B I do hope you've got good news for us!! Please forgive me if I've missed out anyone who's not feeing to well I'm thinking of you all.
    Marie I'm thrilled you won on our Sue's Fantastic Die's Giveaway Gifts, it was good to see some names I recognise I do hope the numbers don't drop on Sue's Blog, if someone else from the Cafe was a winner I'm sorry not mentioning you but Congratulations.
    Sandra Today's Card which is your wonderful Gift from our Sue, it's a really "Beautiful Stunning Creation" and your clear breakdown of how Sue put it together is wonderful Sue couldn't have explained it better, it was great to get the close up photography shots of the Awesome Card also.
    Sandra please don't put yourself down when it comes to you making Cards your Creations are Stunning, Beautiful, and looking at our other friends creations whom visit the Cafe you are all so very talented indeed.
    Sandra I will e-mail you with some Photographs of some of my Cards and my Craft Room.
    Well enough of me rambling on, my dear friend's I truly hope your feeling well if not I'm thinking of you and sending Huge Hugs.
    Have a good day all.
    Love and Hugs to all at The Cotswold Cafe
    Love from Sam xxx

    1. Sam, so sorry that you went through all that to be told they couldn't do it, my heart goes out to you and Lyndon as you now have to wait once again for appointments and all the time you both will be worried, no matter what I or anyone says won't stop you doing so. Big ((((( hugs))))). Hazel xx

    2. Hi Sam, thinking of you. Stay strong. big hugs
      Theresa (TOB) xx

    3. Hi Sam, sorry to hear you procedure didn't go well, but keep positive, big hugs, Jess x

    4. Hello Sam, I am so sorry that things did not work out for you but hopefully, when you go in again, everything will go according to plan. You are in my prayers. Much love xxx

    5. Hello Sam,so sorry you couldn't get your test done & now having to go into hospital & hopefully get you all sorted.
      You are in my prayers Sam Love Lynda xx

    6. So sorry things didn't work out as expected yesterday. Hope everything's goes to plan next time.

  2. Morning Sandra. Apologies for not popping in yesterday but it was an early start at work, last day of term is always manic. I'd intended to pop in after work but I sat on the sofa after tea and just went to sleep, then I woke up, went to bed and was fast asleep again! It was very strange but I feel better today than I have for the last week.
    Firstly, I never thought I was a "teal" person but loved yesterday's card. Thanks for showing us your winning card from Sue today too.
    Congratulations Maria, I was pleased that someone from the coffee shop was on Sue's winning list. I recognised a few names but there seemed to be an awful lot of non-regulars. I wonder if Sue will read the comments and change the rules for next time? It just makes me so mad for Sue that people take advantage of her generosity - has anyone else noticed that "whopperjaw" hasn't bothered to comment any more!
    Sam, I hope that yesterday went well and that you are recovering well. Steph, was your appointment in Leeds? If so did you feel like going to your craft shop? I hope that you are feeling better today too. Well done on sticking to your guns Hazel and telling mummy how things HAVE to be. It sounds as though you have taken on the role of surrogate mum to her and you did what mum's need to do sometimes - just tell it as it is.
    Can't wait to hear your news Mrs B! A friend became a grandma last week - and she's only 3 years older than me!!!
    I'll pop back later for afternoon tea if that's ok - the full works please - liitle sandwiches, scones with cream, chocolate eclairs and lots of crafty news. Sue xxx

  3. Hi Sandra. Well, I have to say that I have now caught up on the blog, the birdhouse is gorgeous, how lucky you are Steph, yesterdays card is a real beauty Sandra, ladies it looks stunning "in the flesh" and todays card made by Sue is so simple but looks gorgeous.
    Shall I keep you all in suspense any longer? No. I can't. As you may have seen on yesterdays comments Christopher arrived safe and sound at 11.10am weighing 8lb 10oz. He had to have a bit of help using the suction method in the end as his cord was over his shoulder so they wanted him out quickly. This means poor Gemma is feeling even more sore than usual after a birth due to what they had to do to her. Sorry ladies I hope I am not going into too much detail, especially at this time of day. He is gorgeous, after our first cuddles (I was very good and let Chris have 1st cuddle) Rj asked me to put his growbag on, (we have always called babygrows growbags as babies grow so fast in them, just like plants do : )) he was good as gold until I put his hat back on. He lloks just like RJ did. My mum got out the baby photos and he is the spitting image except for his mouth which is more like Gemmas. Up until 10.30pm he was not too bothered abut feeding. I hope the hospital don't make too much fuss about that as babies can manage for a few hours after birth. If they make too much fuss about it I think it will just stress Gemma and RJ out and it may make them feel that a bottle may be the only answer. Sorry but I believe just about every Mum can breastfeed, if they want to, as long as any help needed is given in the right way. Fingers crossed that Christopher has decided during the night that he is hungry, that would be perfect. They are hoping to go home today, Rj will ring me once they have been seen this morning, they will all be much happier at home, so again my fingers are crossed for them. Anyway that is more than enough about my life, will just end by saying that there are a lot of very happy people in our family today : ))
    I hope that all of you that have not been so well, had test etc are feeling better today. Hazel, you are dong those girls a big favour by making their parents stop and think about who is the most important, their patients or their children! Money does not buy happiness, only material things, I bet I know what those girls would prefer, seeing more of Mum and Dad or having all of the latest gadgets, fancy holidays etc. Well done for doing the right thing, thank goodness you have been there for them though : )
    Sandra, I hope you have a lovely day with Paul, will we get to see the card he has made for you? I still haven't finished Chris's card but as he is going away Scouting at 8am for the weekend he won't miss it until he gets back tomorrow anyway. We just change any special days like this to fit in with our lives as we are so often away scouting at weekends.
    Enjoy yourselves everyone. I will pop back later tonight, hopefully.
    Take care. xx

    1. Sue congratualions oh poor Gemma I bet she will need a swim ring to sit on for a day or two. And here's hoping they let her get on in her own time feeding little one. You are right about the money thing, but the girls don't have gadgets or the holidays. Yes they have holidays in which I will give mum and dad credit they spend quality time with them apart from the week they go skiing they spend at there cottage taking the ponies and horses and they ride out taking picnics, a TV no bigger than a computer screen is in the house and they don't get to watch it that often, they are allowed a DVD now and again, they are readers, from tiny new babies they were read to every night and during the day, or mum would sit at the piano and play,they are both very, very musical. But yes to many work and replace their time with the latest gadget. Enjoy those cuddles no money can buy that feeling you get. Hazel xxx

    2. Hello Mrs B, Many congratulations on the wonderful news. I bet you are so pleased that it's over for Gemma. I remember using a polo cushion for quite a while after a foreceps delivery. It is one of the best things ever invented!!!
      My daughter Rachel tried for 4 days to feed Eleanor, with the midwives and health visitors saying that she could do it if she really tried. Eleanor was getting thinner every day and after 5 days she was just bones (she was 8lb 11ozs born) and I said that enough was enough, so the health visitor said we could go to the Supermarket to buy ready mixed milk and a syringe (I didn't even know there was such a thing) to feed her. It was like a ballon being blown up, her little face actually filled in as I was injecting the milk into her mouth. Rachel later found out that a condition she has prevents her from producing milk, so she contacted the hospital to advise them for future mothers.
      I expect you are all on cloud nine, and longing to get baby Christopher home. xxx

    3. Big Congratulations Mrs B on the arrival of baby Christopher
      I feel for Gemma,I had forceps with my daughter 44 years ago & they only had one blow up cushion between the ward we all had to share it. Sue enjoy all your cuddles they are magical,the time goes so fast,I get withdrawal symptoms with Harry now 8 months.
      I wish You all happy times ahead.
      With Love & Hug's grandma Lynda xx

    4. Huge congratulations Mrs B of becoming a grandmother again! Glad to see mum and Christopher James are doing fine after a bit of trouble. Not wonder he took his time with the cord/seatbelt around him,sorry I'm being silly just so happy for you all ! Many hugs to you and your family, Maria xx

  4. Sorry it's me again. Just realised that I didn't say that I hope you aren't too sore after your visit to the carpet my lovely!And for a b....dy cold caller at that!
    Pat, I hope you are resting up today, like Sandra said I bet you have been moving furniture etc, please take it easy.
    Congratulations to Maria, it was so good to see your name, I am delighted for you, there were lots that I didn't know though!!!!!
    Ummmm, I think that was it, sorry if I have missed anyone else out. Take care x

  5. Good morning Sandra. Oh my goodness you are going to be black and blue for a week or so! The carpet didn't want you landing with such a bump, oh I can imagine the words that came out, Sandra please be careful, if the call had been important they would have phoned back!!! So next time let it ring. Also don't put your cards down, Sandra you make fantastic cards, and I opened up your page today and I truely thought oh WOW Sandra has made a card like Sues . I forgot you had won a Sues special!!! I am glad you knew how it was put together as I couldn't name all the elements. Thank you for your kind words, I was thinking yesterday that I would have been walking away very sad, I picked Anna up and didn't know if I would be doing that again, mum and I get on really well generally, she is like another daughter, but my two don't over step the mark, we argue but it's not often. Anyway mum and dad addmitted work has taken over home, and that's common these days which is sad, at least they have found out now. We will be back working as a team, I am going to be doing what seems a lot of the ladies do every day for their family and that is to see to the girls to and from school when one of them isn't able to, it will take a few weeks, as they can't cancel clinics etc without having things in place. I would like to think that the girls will turn out like my three as I am proud of everything they have done and do. It's a sad fact that in this day and age parents often both work full time and don't spend time bringing up their own children, I was lucky I didn't work when ours were little and when I did it fitted into their school day. The hardest thing we had to do was to send them to boarding school, oh yes we had tears and phone calls from Patricia saying we would have to take Gillian out of it, but a very quick packing of clothes in a bag, the other two and ourselves in the car and heading from North germany to a ferry port. And the journey from Dover to dundee lots of cuddles and reassurance that we were not that far away sorted things out, Gill now looks back and says " oh I was terrible doing that to you both". But that's being parents.
    Sue (Mrs B) have you recovered??? I bet you didn't sleep well as your excitement and I bet pain of sitting that long. An easy day for you today I think, I haven't seen your message I did look into see if you had put anything up late last night on the coffee shop notice board.
    Maria, congrats on winning that fab die, now we will all be waiting to see it up on the wall. I to was so glad so many regulars won, even two came up here to scotland.
    Right enough of my waffle. I have a few raffle prizes to put together before tonight we are going to a kidney patients dinner dance and we always donate prizes, plus Christopher son had things handed in so I will turn them into hopefully lovely gifts, so it's lots of cello and ribbon to day.. Hazel x

  6. Hi Sandra. Oh blimey love, are you ok this morning ? We use to have at least 6 call centre calls a day until we started the 'unkown numbers' blocked by sky, best thing ever, we probably have 1 a month now if that, its brilliant 5.00 a month and worth every pound. You poor thing. Dont rush to pick up ever again, if its friends or family, they know your situation, you know they will call back, but if you can do the blocked number scheme (not sure if you can with Paul's position) but talk to him about it.
    Im SO chuffed that so many familiar names and friends won a die... Well done Maria, it really made my day, my gob run riot again! Need to sort it out me thinks, but hanger oner's drive me nuts, how dare they think they can just show up for a chance of a freebie never to be seen again !!!
    Anyway, Im also thrilled most of all that our Theresa has won Sue's Wednesday card : )
    Boy does she deserve it bless her heart. Oh Sam... Lovely dear Sam Im so sorry to read about your traumatic day, you poor thing, if there is any 'good' outcome, at least you will know nothing about the procedure next time, apart from not having it done at all, the best thing is that you will be knocked out and painfree, I had to undergo a colonoscopy to get the Crohns diagnosed and I wouldn't have cared less if they did it under GA but it was so degrading, and although I was heavily sedated thank god, and remember nothing, id still prefer a GA for anything like that ! So we will be here to support you when we know you are going in xx
    Congrats Mrs B im sure you are thrilled beyond words.
    Im a lucky gal, my treasure bought me the new cornflower die plus the Innsbruck die for Valentine's (barbie just ask if you want.some cornflower's) Barbie loaned me ALL her Sue.dies last year and I loved the Innsbruck and one that Id highlighted as one of my favourite 'old' collection. He also added his own verse in my card regarding always wanting craft so no suprises, but he knows how much pleasure I get from craft gifts even though he wished Id ask for something different sometimes ! I also had my most fav chocolate, have you ever had the Lindt coconut chocolates ? Ohhh wooow, lush and the colour of the box, I wish Foundations would make a card that colour cuz Id have shares in it lol. Its gorgeous. I need to catch up on Hazels posts from yesterday as there seems so much to read. Well Im still grumbling on with my painful tummy, but I have to try and ignore it and push on as still 4 cards to make to complete the order plus more mothers day and Easter cards ready for next Sunday market ! Cant believe I'll miss watching Sue's show's, how annoying and frustrating. Got the card all done for the woman that designs jewellery and the lady that ordered it was amazed so that's that one out of the way !
    So im leaving now as Andy needs a grocery list, will pop back later to enjoy my latte with all my wonderdul, special friends and new Grandma.
    Have a wonderful day my lovelies.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  7. Hi Sandra, what a fantasic job you made with Sues card, well done.
    Can I have a white coffee and muffin today.
    So pleased that Mrs Bs grandson arrived safely, and so sad to hear that SAMs proceedure did go well.
    Sandra, as regards our craft shop, we don't sell papers or card making stuff, but my friend has a craft shop in Grangemouth, it is called Klassy Kards and she has a wonderful stock, she also does on line sales, with no postage in UK. She also does international postage. Have a look at her web site :,worth a visit.
    Weather is bit dreich(Scottish word for wet and miserable)looks
    Like it will have to be a craft day!,,
    Have a good day, everyone, Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      I had a look at your friend's website. She has some good stuff in there and next time I am over in the UK staying in the Dales, I will try and get over to her shop. Unfortunately the international postage is just too expensive to warrant buying on line, not her fault I know, but it puts me off. Don't know how Joanna Sheen does it for free, but I am very glad she does, just wish she would keep more stock in.
      Saba XXX

    2. Hi Jess,
      I have used and promoted your friends website on here before as I bought some embossing folders and bits there a little while ago and they were cheaper than anyone else at the time, so yes Klassy Kards is somewhere I always check into when looking for dies etc!
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Hi Sandra,
    Thank you for sharing Sue's card with us today. Your instructions were so like Sue's that it could have been her. Her cards are truly fabulous, but don't knock your either. They are also truly fabulous.
    You poor thing, hope you are not too sore this morning. Those cold callers should be shot. I bet they have all got cold call blocking on their own phones at home. And some of them can be so rude, my daughter had one who just wouldn't give up and after politely telling them more than once that she wasn't interested she the phone down. This woman then had the nerve to phone back and tell her off for doing so. Unbelievable. I don't think we get as many over here, but it always puts them off balance when I answer because I always just say hello , never my surname, which they always do here, and I speak English. Then after a few seconds I hear "hallo " in an uncertain voice and I answer Hello in my best Queens English. At that point I hit them with -: where did you get my number from? That usually does it and they hang up!!
    Actually when you think about you could try lots of tricks to annoy them back, answering as a frail old lady with trembly voice and hearing problems " Sorry I can't hear you my dear, could you speak up" or as a little girl in a tiny little voice " hello, is that my daddy's girlfriend?" Trouble is though, it might be someone you know and they would think you'd gone off your rocker.

    Before I forget, please could I have a vanilla slice today, Sue's card on her blog today put me in mind of custard, something they don't have over here, and I am having withdrawal symptoms now.

    Theresa, so pleased you won a Sue special, hope the buzz you got from seeing your name picked out helped to ease your pain a little bit, you are having such a tough time, you deserve a bit of pleasure.

    Sam, I am so sorry things didn't go well yesterday, please know that we are all thinking of you.

    Mrs.B -- Sue, many congratulations, you got the best prize yet, a beautiful baby Grandson. It's so special. That first moment when you hold them and your heart explodes with a love you never even knew possible. Please pass on my best wishes to the proud parents too.

    Love and hugs to everyone

    1. Hello Sana,
      Loving your ideas to annoy the cold callers, I usually do leave it to go to answer phone but I was waiting for a call! Never mind, atleast I wasn't carrying dinner this time!
      Your comment to Theresa made me smile as you used the words 'buzz' and 'pleasure ', you see my mind has a bit of a tendency to be crude at times and more so today as We are off to see "50 Shades of Grey " this afternoon. Valentines treat! Woo hoo!
      Although I must confess the Christian Grey in the film bares no resemblance to the Christian Grey in my mind from reading the books, (about 5 times)! Please believe me when I say the love story is the main draw for me, the kinky part was so blown out of proportion and plays only a small part in the whole story, to me the strength of the love between the two of them was something I could connect with, pretty daft I know! I felt the same kind of thing when I read my Daughters Twilight books, again it was the overwhelming power of the love between the two main characters! I guess deep down we all want to be lived that much, I consider myself lucky in that sense! Anyway sorry to hijack your post!
      I will give you my film review later on! ( I think Paul is dreading going to a cinema full of women)!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Wash your mind out with soap young lady. 50 shades, WOW. Didn't know there was a film, don't know if I could watch it, I felt guilty reading the book. I bought it by accident, had no idea, just thought it sounded a nice story. Well it was a bit of a shock to say the least, however, I did buy the follow up the minute I had finished the first one!!! Caught my sister reading it as well. Now that shocked me! Years ago she was clearing her sister in laws flat out and came across one of those "man magazines" she went into panic mode, convinced the police would be knocking at the door, and asked what she should do with it. In the end she burned it. We led a very sheltered life, so her reading 50 shades was unthinkable. Think she enjoyed it though.
      Looking forward to your film review.
      Love and hugs Saba.

    3. Well Saba,
      It was ok, Paul and I like to people watch, so it was an amazing people watching experience, there were a few husbands like Paul who had been "dragged along", there was one lady front row, she must have been 80, all on her own, she looked like she was loving it! We were sat next to a couple, now I will try to polite, the both had their own bag of supermarket popcorn, (I don't have a problem with that apart from noisy bags) but she insisted on eating each popcorn, crunching it WITH HER MOUTH OPEN! then any time one of the cast spoke, they updated each other on what part of the book it was from and then they giggled, and the man made some peculiar noises in the more 'raunchy, scenes! But apart from those two the film was good, my only frustration is why do women always get full naked and men don't!
      But is was a fun afternoon,
      Sandra xx

  9. Hello Sandra,
    I hope you had a good nights rest and you're not feeling too sore this morning though I suspect you will have quite a few bruises. I'm sure Paul will make sure you take it easy today. Wow what a wonderful husband he is making you a card really will be something to treasure. If John goes into my craft room he knows where to find scissors the Sellotape but nothing else! Thank you for sharing Sue's beautiful card and your description is brilliant, I think I would have left it to everyone to work it out for themselves.
    SAM. Sorry Yesterday was so awful for you, and now you have to have a general anaesthetic. Be strong and keep your lovely to cheery personality shining through.
    Mrs B. What a day you had yesterday so exciting, and to be there and cuddle Christopher WOW. as I said the other day you will never forget that moment. and you put Him in his growbag (we used to call them that too )
    Will be back later someone at the door love Brendaxxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I don't feel too bad so far today.
      I had a lovely card from Paul, boy did I have a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye when I opened it!
      Who was at the door, was it the mystery man all dressed in black with a box of chocs? Do you remember those adverts?
      We don't really bother too much as both of us feel the same about the rip off prices for roses etc for one day, I did say to Paul this morning that with the five pounds he saved by making a card we could buy a bottle of cava from Aldi, they do a lovely one called Camoli, it's very similar to Asti but almost half the cost!
      Hope to see you later,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. No It wasn't the man in black with the box of chocolates - mores the pity (and yes I do remember him) it was the was two very dishy young man handing out religious leaflets, I was very polite and they went away leaving me with beautiful smiles and a leaflet!!!
      I bet Paul got more satisfaction making that card than if her had bought one over the counter. What a good idea to have a bottle of Camoli on what he saved...... I'll drink to that!
      Take care, love Brenda xxx

    3. Oh No, no chocolates? was it the watchtower, I am always polite to them, but they really don't approve too much of my husbands career! But that's kind of what happens when you knock on the doors of married quarters!
      We did drink to that and it was delicious!
      thank you my lovely
      Sandra xxx

  10. Hello everyone, Many congratulations Sandra on winning and actually getting one of Sue's cards, sometimes they don't get delivered to the lucky winners, so pleased yours arrived safe and sound. Now will you please read and believe all the comments that have been left as to just how very good you are, because they are all true, so please, believe us. Your description of how this card was constructed is excellent, I don't think Sue could have done better and your cards are stunningly beautiful each and everyone are quite simply wonderful, so please believe us all sweetheart we are not just saying it.
    Please Sandra if that blooming phone rings again just take your time if it is urgent or important they will either hang on or ring back, please no more measuring your length. We got new phones that have BT Call Guardian and this has stopped all these cold calls as whoever is calling if they are not listed in our 'phone book' they have to say who they are, and if you want to block any numbers you can do this too and they just cannot get through.
    Sam I do feel for you but at least you will be having a GA so will not know a thing about it and hopefully they will get it done quickly I know it is a worry but please try and stay calm it will soon be over and then the doctors will be able to help you. I cannot have MRI scans either thanks to 6 inch metal plates and a heap screws so don't worry about that, just take it easy and cuddle your dogs, I find it so relaxing giving ours a cuddle.
    Many congratulations to the new grandparents, the gift of love is such a special thing to know the joy a new child can bring, enjoy every moment of him.
    Well done Hazel delighted you have got everything sorted at work, just a pity they did not realise sooner.
    Delighted we had a winner at the Cotswold Coffee Shop but did not recognise many other names.
    Well after all that could I please have a latte and perhaps a small bowl of soup if there is any, and I will pop into that corner and be quiet for now.
    Hope everyone is feeling better than yesterday.
    Take care and enjoy the day what ever you are doing.
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  11. Oh Sandra,
    You really have to stop getting up close and personal with your carpet!!
    Seriously, I do hope you are recovering and not in too much pain and aching muscles. Just ignore calls if you can't get to them easily, you can always do a 1471 to get the number, and ring it back if you want to. Incoming numbers show on our phone so if I'm near it, I look at the number and if its an obvious cold call number, withheld, or unavailable, I just ignore it. Of course, there are times when I may hurry in from the garden, or something like that, and I just pick the phone us quickly. If it's a cold call and they ask for me I'll say, I'll just go and get her, put the phone down and go back a few minutes later, by which time they've hung up, or I say, I'll get my husband because he's a policeman and deals with all calls for me - they are gone in a flash.
    If it's ok, I'll help myself to coffee and a shortbread biscuit as you shouldn't be running (I use that expression figuratively) around after me.
    I genuinely though this was one of your cards when the image came onto the screen. And the instructions - well how professional are you. Sue could not have done better, you clever thing. It's beautiful isn't it, I liked it when she did the demo.
    CraftySuetoo, I worked with a girl who became a grandmother at 36, I was in my 60's before I became one. If Rachel, had become pregnant fairly soon after getting married she could have a child 10 years older than Eleanor, and then I would have only been in my 50's (In fact she'd had tests and Peter was due to go to Hospital to start his when they found out she was pregnant). However, there is no love like a Grandparents love, our hearts swell with pleasure when we see them, although we do get very tired. Having said that, Rachel - being an only child - is so precious to us.
    Well, I must try to get my mojo back and get some G.W.S. cards done, two birthday cards, and a sympathy card. I think I need a bit of Steph's "get up and go" because mine has well and truly gone!!
    I'll pop in later to see what you've all been up to. George is making me my lunch and shouted that it's nearly ready. You see since he retired over 8 years ago, he has cooked most of the meals. He asks what I'd like and just does it. Now how romantic is that. After 40 years of thinking of meals, shopping for them and then cooking them, it's worth a truck full of flowers and a card. By the way, was it Saba whose husband gave her 1 euro for the card she'd made? Talk about deflation, I hope he gives you a large bouquet or some chocolates!!!

    1. Hello Maureen,
      Yes, my husband gave me 1 euro for my card which I received with great pleasure this morning lol. I can't decide what to spend it on though. He doesn't do romance so there will be no flowers or chocolate I am afraid. I bought myself a bunch of tulips in advance. He is Bavarian and a scientist to boot and they are a very different breed of men. But, don't get me wrong, I do love him to bits and I know he feels the same, just doesn't show it with cards and things.
      Hope you have a lovely lunch. Well done George. XXX

    2. Saba, having lived in Bavaria I know what you mean about the men, they are lovely but don't do things like presents and flowers,
      Our friend ran a ski lodge up small mountain and there was a farm near. The farmer asked our freinds what they thought about him buying his wife a cow to start her on herd for her birthday our freinds didn't know what to tell him. The lady In question ran the guest house and resturant they own, did he not see she had enough to do??? But in his eyes it was a great gift. Don't go wild spending your euro. Hazel x

    3. Hazel, many years ago he asked me if there was anything I "needed" for my birthday. Foolishly I said I couldn't think of anything. And for my birthday I received zilch!! Needless to say I never made that mistake again, now he gets a list. Mind you it sounds like it could have been a lot worse, he grew up on a dairy farm!!! XXX

  12. Hi Sandra Hi all, wow I won. gobsmacked doesn't even come into it. I'm more excited (if possible) because the sentiment has a very special meaning to us as a family.
    Anyway I'm not going to whinge today did enough of that last week.
    Sandra what a beautiful card you won, but I think your are wrong, your cards do look as good as Sues. maybe the only difference is that she wouldn't take as long to do a card as you might but that's down to experience.
    I hope you are not fighting with the floor again Sandra, take care, hugs.
    I know a while ago some of you were discussing guillotines and trimmers. Tony bought me a new one just before Christmas, it was hobbycraft one, with a large ball head which he thought would help with my arthritis. It could score, perforate, and cut and had a corner trimmer too. Well he tried it, I tried it once, seemed ok. Then it would not cut unless you were standing up no good to me then. Went to hobbycraft had receipt no box nothing, they changed it straight away and I bought the bigger Fiskars orange paper trimmer. OMG its ace ok I haven't used it much with my shoulder but it glides across the metal runner underneath I even cut it with my left hand. So if any of you are looking just thought I'd give you the thumbs up on that one.
    Mrs B hooray a safe arrival, congrats. E mailed Sue to thank her for my win, she is such a lovely lady.
    I'm shattered now so may I have a pot of tea and a toasted tea cake, and a latte and a muffin for Tony, hope its ok if he pops in now and again. Hee,hee.
    Had card and chocs from hubby and he has helped me sort out my craft room once and for all.Bless him,can now find things.Hopefully I'll be back crafting soon.
    Thanks for your e-mail Sandra, hope everyone is having a lovely day Hugs to everyone.Love Theresa (TOB) xxx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      It's funny you should mention your guillotine, I hazard thought for a while that mine has been cutting 'wonky',I mentioned it to Sue (mrs B) on Wednesday too, but last night Paul used it to make my card and he said it was a nightmare as he was matching to colours of paper to fit in a small square, but couldn't get them straight, he thought it was just him not using it properly, but it just confirms that it's the tool, it's the large tonic one too, so not cheap! I so times buy the 'Making Cards' magazine and their subscription gift is the large crafters companion guillotine, anybody got one? It normally costs £39 but you get it free with £25 subscription, so I may go for it!
      I am glad you have got your craft room all ready and sorted for when you can start! What is the expected time for you to start using it again, I have lost track, it's my morphine I think it's making me forgetful!
      Enjoy your chocolates and the lovely company of your amazing husband.
      Love -& hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hello Theresa, So pleased for you - winning one of Sue's cards, ENJOY Love Brenda x

    3. Theresa, congrats on winning a Sues card. Enjoy it. How lovely
      Of Tony to help sort your craft room, ok it might take you a wee while to find things, but he was thinking of you and that so important. Money can't buy that. Hazel x

    4. Theresa I am so delighted for you winning one of Sue's cards you really do deserve to win after all you have been through. What a treasure Tony is helping you sort your craft room he so deserves a latte for that!
      Take care
      With love
      Margaret xx

    5. Theresa,
      I'm sooo pleased you have won a Sue original,have you stopped dancing round the room you be careful with your shoulder. You so deserve a pick me up after all you've been through.
      Wow good for Tony helping you sort out your craft room well done too him. Enjoy your weekend.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  13. Oh dear, hope you are better Sandra and not too hurt? Congratulations on winning one of Sues cards, they are even more lovely close up aren't they?

    Enjoy your weekend

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie,
      Thanks for stopping by, Sue's cards are just amazing!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    Is it me or the iPad but don't seem to be able to spell today. What's with this affair with the floor Sandra, does Paul know about this. Well of course he does but he's not to happy about it. You could do with a sort of built up skateboard with steering handles to get around.
    Just love today's card Sandra. And Yours is just as good as Sue W, but just didn't take so long me thinks. No tea foe me today as we're going out to pay for our carpets and to order some more to go with what's left to do the hall, stairs and landing. Congratulation to new Grandmother Mrs B. A darling baby boy to love and cherish. Congratulations to Theresa on winning Sues card giveaway, you certainly deserve it. Hope it brightens up your week.

  15. Hi Sandra
    I was so selfish this morning going on about myself, I didn't ask how you were I do hope you've not hurt yourself too much.
    Take real care as always
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      You are anything BUT selfish, you are kindness personified! I have rarely met anyone so kind and caring to others as you are, it is a pleasure to have your company!
      Love and Hugs

  16. Hi again Sandra
    Ipad wouldn't let me look back at what I had wrote, so it decided to freeze. Anyway I was saying how lucky you were Theresa that Tony helped you with your craft room. Hopefully it won't be to long before you can use it.
    What's this about Mr Grey, I could use some titavation. Then again perhaps not with my hip at the moment. We're out to lunch on Monday, a buy one get one free at Hilltop Garden Centre, so I'm ringing the hospital if I haven't heard before we go. Lovely week off from helping the little ones reading as its half term. Hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Pat,
      I will lend you the book! You will love it, a bit like those Mills&Boons!
      Hope you haven't got a red face!
      love you
      Sandra xxx

  17. Well thought I would just drop by as Tony has done the ironing and is now watching the rugby, of course if it was Wales playing he would be screaming now. It really is a sight to see. He starts by sitting on the settee, then moves onto the edge as he swerves and dodges the players ball in hand, side stepping and diving over for a try. He's exhausted after playing the full match. He has a small can of beer at half time. He gets so excited its funny.
    Sandra, I have a bit of a long road with my shoulder. I have physio next Thursday I see the consultant in 3 months and then they will see from there, but it could be up to a year before I gain full strength in it. Tony has been cutting things out for me so hopefully I can do a little something soon.
    Lots of hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      That are easily pleased these men of ours!
      It's so frustrating when the hospital seem to drag their feet and don't share your urgency! I'm sure you share my thinking when I say you would like to ask them to "walk a week in your shoes" then they assess your urgency! So frustrating! You have my love & admiration
      I hope you have had a good day xxxxx

  18. Congratulations to Mrs B and Theresa. Hope you are ok Sandra and not feeling too sore today. I cannot believe that after over two weeks my face is still swollen and bruised.

  19. Message froze again and couldn't write anymore. Hope all who are unwell will feel better soon. Had a lovely surprise from my little Granddaughter today. She got me a lovely bunch of flowers for Valentine's Day. First time I have had any for quite a while. It was a lovely surprise. Hope you all enjoy Valentine's Day. Could I have my usual Hot Chocolate and a custard doughnut please.

    1. Aaawww Brenda,
      I am so touched that you got some flowers today, that has made my day!
      Sandra xxxx

  20. Hi Sandra,
    Now what's this about you getting up close & personal with the floor again
    Hope your ok Sandra & not too sore. Bloody cold callers,don't rush to the phone if it's urgent they will call you back or leave a message. Please take care my lovely. Wow your Sue Card is gorgeous Sandra & your description was spot on,your cards are up there with Sue's they are all stunning.
    hope you enjoyed the 50 Shades of Grey.
    Lots of love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      I will be ok, a little sore but I am getting used to it!
      I have had an amazing day with Paul, that is the best pain relief!
      Sandra xx

  21. Hi Sandra
    I thought it was a card you had made as didn't read first just looked you really do make beautiful cards so it could easily have been one of yours. Congratulations on your win. Sam sorry to hear it didn't go well let's hope they finally sort everything next time. Mrs B congratulations to you on the birth of your grandson it's a magical time. Our daughter in law was very generous and allowed me to hold our grandson when he was only minutes old it was such a special gift as I didn't see our son until he was 3 days old and didn't hold him until he was a week old.. Theresa congratulations on your win. Sorry late but took mum out and only just recovering. Love to all. Tandy

    1. Hi Tandy,
      Thank you so much for your lovely comments today, I hope you had a lovely day with your Mum. But rest now and tomorrow, it is so easy to overdo things.

  22. Good evening ladies, hope you have all had a nice day! I indulged in a slice of Victoria sponge in m and s today! Deeelicious!

    Steph, lucky lady two new dies wow!

    Congratulations to our new Grandma

    Beautiful win Sandra what a beautiful card and congrats to Teresa too!

    I may be AWOL for a few days as going to Cornwall for 4 nights where we are stopping ones have wifi but not sure how reliable!!

    See you all soon xxx

  23. Hi Alison,
    Have a lovely time in Cornwall, bring me back a pasty! Please xx
    Love & hugs
    Sandra xxxx

  24. Hi Sandra,
    I'm very late today and the coffee shop is closed but at least I didn't miss out on the chat! Had Migraine which just wouldn't go but it's now on its way! I have slept for Britain the last 48 hours!
    Will try and put all the proper congratulations etc in the right place!
    Your card from Sue is stunning - but it's true Sandra it could have been yours!
    Thank you for sharing and your emails.
    Lots of love, and night night all,
    Myra xxx

  25. Hi Sandra and all,
    Oh Sandra what are you doing kissing that carpet again ey, you got to take it more carefully. Them cold callers, how would they like having annoying phone calls made to them I wonder...Saba had a few good ideas. Sorry,have not been in earlier but the day has just gone.After shopping etc,and all the dancing and vino during the night I came home totally done in for so went to bed, not a good idea at all as I now feel really sluggish :-p Fabulous news from Mrs B, a little grandson, so precious. Hope she didn't take offend for my comment, just glad everything went well. (my sister was gone for about two min.with the cord around her neck) Sad to see Sam's appointment did not go to plan, hope you alright this evening. ToB will enjoy her card she won, its a lovely looking one and Sandra I really thought this card you are showing us today were actually one of your own creations so I was surprised it came from Sue. You are very lucky do to have won a wow card and I'm very pleased for you. I still can't believe my name actually was on that list yesterday,probably not until I got the dies in my hand:-) It was nice to see some real wilsonette's winning but there was quite a few names I didn't recognize and they will not be back,horrid so and so !
    My trip to 'the Range' was fine, I bought some paper and cards in the wild rose range from 'docraft' a colour I don't normally use but thought be nice with the new dies, one day lol Steph ,you sooo lucky to receive some as a valentine gift. did you not get some at x-mas as well ? There was this lady in today from 'docraft' but she was also working for X-Cut and she was showing me this new cutting machine they just brought out . Told me all about how good the rollers were as metal ones and this knob/dial on top to tighten and loosen the machine accordingly. Still don't cut all over do which would be great if they did and at £130 it is a bit steep so it will take me a while longer before I get a new one. Like to have one that take A4 do one day in "my craftroom" well I can always dream..... in our wonderful Cotswold Caffe . Hope to see you ladies sooner tomorrow oops, today lol Try to have a good night Sandra, hope you not to sore..... Hugs to you and Paul, Maria xx
