
Wednesday 4 February 2015

Sophie & Lucy's birthday cards


Good Morning Ladies,
Today I am showing Lucy's birthday cards, Lucy looks just like the Gorjuss
Girl character, with her hair almost exactly the same, Sophie is obviously
Lucy's identical twin but has her hair slightly different, I will find a photo of the
two of them to share with you.
All the elements for the cards are from a card kit I bought some time ago,
the girls don't like anything too fancy or flowery, hence the plain looking cards.
Well we have a busy day today, the girls decided yesterday that they would like
a Mountain of Profiteroles for their birthday cakes, they always have their own cake,
we have always treated them as individuals, they have never really dressed the same apart
from their school uniform, which isn't a choice!
I do hope you all have a fabulous day, I wonder how many visitors Sue will have today!
Anyway I must dash, so many things to do!
Sorry to be brief today
Love & Hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sophie & Lucy, have a wonderful day.

    Good morning Sandra, beautiful cards for the girls, it's so lovely to read that they get individual things as. I have known a few set of twins and a set of triplets that don't. Every child should be allowed to developer their own way.
    Off to work early and it's so frosty out there, so have to go and get the car defrosted. Will pop back in later. Sues numbers will be like yesterday's again. Hazel x

    1. Thanks Hazel,
      Hope you have a better day today.
      We have some family members that have sent the girls joint cards etc, but who gets to open them! It's a strange thing to do as you wouldn't normally send siblings a card to share!
      Take care in this icy weather my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Hi Sandra. With all you have to do today I didn't expect to see a card, never mind two! Happy birthday to Lucy and Sophie, I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your special tea and profiterole mountain. Glad you enjoyed your day with Paul, Sandra and hope that your knee has calmed down a bit.
    Littlelamb, was pleased to see that you have commented on Sue's blog. Didn't Sue have a lot of comments yesterday!!!! The person who commented that they have already bought them all should definitely have said that they didn't want to be included in the draw - wow I didn't know Posh Spice was a papercrafter lol. Well it's just started snowing again so I'd better get a move on as it'll be a walk to work today - just a couple of miles but it's all up and down hills. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Thank you for popping in and your birthday wishes for the girls.
      We have had no more snow after our light dusting yesterday, so many of the girls birthdays have had snow! Must be a sign!
      I love every minute of everyday that I spend with Paul no matter what we are doing, so yes thank you we had a lovely but tiring day, my knee doesn't like the position it is in in the wheelchair, so it does cause me problems the day after. But never mind!
      I hope you didn't have to walk to work, you would have frozen!
      Warm hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Yes I have tried several times in the past but for some reason I just haven't been able to post it but Sandra said try again so I have. Got new plaster on my wrist today .could choose the colour so it is purple. Why be dull and have white!

  3. Morning Sandra,
    You are very Talented Lady I Love your Daughters Birthday Cards, I hope you all have a Truly Tremendous Day.
    I need to rush my Boys (Dogs) are sat whining near back door they wish to go for there morning walk, they sit there looking so sad until I give in!
    Take care Sandra
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      I think we have all left plenty of hints to the new visitors over at Sue's blog, I just hope someone sees them, but people like that don't generally have a conscience do they!
      Thank you for the girls birthday wishes, now they are home from school they are having a fun time, mind you they came back with I cakes and all sorts!
      I hope you and your boys didn't get too cold this morning.
      Warm hugs
      Sandra xxx

  4. Happy Birthday Sophie & Lucy have a fantastic day. Beautiful cards, love the designs.
    Have a wonderful day and enjoy all the goodies

    Patricia x

    1. Thank you Patricia,
      Yes there are no diets going on today, mind you I have just sat and eaten 5 little mini packs of Palma Violets, I love them, Paul bought me a tin for Christmas of 'Sweet Shop' sweets, love hearts in and everything, mind you I was thinking of using them on a card....
      How sad am I ??
      Sandra xxxxx

  5. Hi Sandra, happy birthday Lucy and Sophie. Well I know I had a dreadful night but when I saw the card on Sues blog I thought I was looking at your blog, the flowers are beautiful, I wonder if you have given our Sue inspiration with your spring like flowers. Anyway I love your cards today. I bought the gorjuss girl stamps when the range had them on sale. They were something stupid like 3 sets for £10 I love them. Have a great day today.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      Thank you for the girls birthday wishes, they said thank you too x
      A few people have said that today, I never thought I would be compared to Sue Wilson, what an honour!
      Wow that was a fab deal for the Gorjuss Stamps, I think she has a cute look without being too babyish, ideal for teens!
      Well I have to go get ready for our meal tonight, I must admit I do love having all my little chicks around the table, old mother hen that I am!
      Hope you are not in too much pain today my lovely, (although being a fellow 'constant pain' sufferer) I am sure you are!
      Gentle hugs my love,
      Sandra xxxxx

  6. Two beautiful cards Sandra. Have a great day.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  7. Hi Sandra. I have taken so long catching up with yesterdays comments (and repling to several my self) and you know how slow my 1 finger typing is) that I have just been told that my breakfast is ready so I will be back later. Please save me a BIG piece of anything chocolate. I am going to need it! We have heating but now have to put the house back together : ((
    Please wish Sophie and Lucy a Happy Birthday from me. I hope you manage to get everything done. I will be back later, goodness only knows when though : ) Take care my lovely.

    1. Hi lovely,
      Girls said thank you!
      Hope you got sorted, did you get my message about tomorrow?
      What was for breakfast, that amazing man of yours does spoil you!
      But you're worth it!
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Good morning dear Sandra,
    Can i just wish your little princesses a fantastic 15th birthday but please don't be sick with all those profiteroles. Have a great day with them both Sandra, i think they must take their hair from their mammy if it is the lovely flowing locks similar to their cards which having seen the teenagers going around the village, they all seem to be into the same sort of style as your gorguss stamps. I was always glad that Jim and I were of different sexes as he would have ruined all his stuff with his wild ways and would have pinched mine. Jim and I had a communication level all of our own that no one could break through, even if we were in different places we knew what each other was thinking and saying. To be a twin is great in some ways but can bring it's challenges as well.
    Hope your little lovelies liked their cards and enjoy this precious day with them.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hi Norah,
      How are you feeling today my lovely? Pretty washed out I am sure.
      Thank you so much for the girls birthday wishes, where on earth did those fifteen years go, it barely seems five years since I was in the delivery room, the nurses where all watching an Eastenders cliff hanger about 'who shot Phil Mitchell' ! I remember thinking I don't give a damn, let's get this over and done with, I never did find out!
      I was still pushing at seven the following morning though, one twin popped out no problems, our Soph decided she would make the most of the extra room and adopted the diving position, hands either side of her ears, so she had to be pushed back up and turned, so there was an 1 hour 20 min gap between the two of them!
      They too have their own little communication system, can be quite frustrating at times, they are very close too.
      I was so thrilled to hear Rory's news today Norah, what a credit to you he is, you must be a very proud mumma!
      He must be walking on air bless him, that news really brightened my day, so thank Rory for me and give him a hug, (if he'll let you),
      Well I must away and get ready for our meal, plastering over my cracks is something I do very rarely , I am not really a make up wearer, just for special occasions! My mascara is probably a health & safety risk!
      Love and huge hug
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Norah, just read your comment on Sue's blog this morning and wanted to say a big WELL DONE to Rory, that's fantastic that someone has seen that he is more than capable of joining a team and and doing the work. As you have said, people see the support service as for bad boys. NO they are not bad at all, they are special and have qualities that a lot of " normal" boys/children have." I put it that way as it gets to me that people don't look beyond the end of their noses, my grand son has sensory processing disorder, and spacial a weariness problems. He is very bright very clever and such a loving 10 year old. But there are ones out there think he is misbehaving and should be much more careful etc. they don't stop and think the bigger picture. Rory is a loving son and I bet a pure pleasure to be around. He will do well and will give his best and be very proud to be part of the team. Sorry you were left so tired after the visit, hope tomorrow is better for you. Hazelx

  9. Hi Sandra, have just had a peep at Sue's blog and like Theresa I thought of you . I really felt I was looking at one of your cards
    Wish Sophie and Lucy a very happy birthday from me. Love the idea of a profiterole birthday cake. Their birthday cards are gorgeous. Thank you for shareing them with us.
    I got a bit mixed up yesterday ( call it senior moment) thought it was yesterday Paul had the day off, enjoy your day together.
    Will pop back later. Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      You weren't mixed up, he did have yesterday off, that's why I answered your comment saying that it was perfect timing (you offering us a cuppa and a cake) as we had been shopping all day with no breaks and we were gasping! When we got home the kettle had broken!
      I am looking forward to sharing their profiterole towers! But the place we are going tonight makes a lovely Eton Mess and that is one of my favourite desserts!
      Will meet you there about 7.30 if you want to come!
      Hugs my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. What are Dumbo I didn't go back to messages yesterday so missed that one Whoops!
      And YES PLEASE I Love Eaton Mess, to tell the truth is not many deserts I don't love. Have a lovely evening and hope the girls enjoyed their birthday meal LOL

  10. Hi Sandra
    Two beautiful cards today. How lovely that they get separate cards and presents. Please wish them both a very happy birthday from me. I do hope that Lucy and Sophie aren't sick eating their cakes. Won't stop for tea and cake today as I know you have a lot to do today. Please don't over do it. My word I didn't read all Sue's comments yesterday as Pete was on a downer. But CraftySue said someone had bought all of the new dies. My word, even if I could I wouldn't as some of them are quite similar to her previous launch.
    Crafty hugs to all. Pat.

    1. Hi my lovely,
      Was laid awake worrying about you last night, can't wait to give you a hug tomorrow, I can't imagine how worried you are!

      Having all the dies at once wouldn't be the same you wouldn't come to appreciate each one, it would be too overwhelming having so many at once, you would probably end up not using half of them, the way we do it is better as we appreciate each set individually!
      Sending big hugs to you both,
      Sandra xxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Happy Birthday to Sophie and Lucy hope you have a wonderful day. Thought I better pop in for my coffee in case they come to dig up the garden and cut us off. Please excuse me if I go absent again. Love Tandy

    1. Hi Tandy,
      Thanks for the girls birthday wishes, it must be so frustrating just waiting for them to turn up I hope that don't wreck your garden!
      Warm hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  12. Two lovely cards for your babies Sandra. Please wish them a very happy birthday from this 'virtual' frirnd and spoilt brat of a diva !!! Angry doesn't even come close to how I feel not to mention stupidly disapointed by bloggers telling me and other's that look forward to.suprises what's to follow !! Dies ALREADY on auction sites and show off's boating they have ordered the complete collection ! Well if I was well enough to work rather than being stuck in for these next few cold months then maybe, just maybe I could afford to treat myself instead of chilling my bleep bleeps off to try and sell cards to pay for my 'treats' I like to read comments to give love and support if needed, but ive decided to go back in at 12, not read any posts and just drewel over Sue's card then leave my comment, Andy, my rock, best friend and husby hasn't even told me what the new collection holds as he know's how much I love suprises etc. Call me a diva, spoilt etc then ask if I care, I just dont understand wht people spoil other's fun for want of a better word, lets face it, I dont have much to look forward to apart from my lovely blogs each day, and I only have my 'special' blogs (you all know who you are) hohum, sorry. Its stupid I let 3 posts spoil my day I know, but that's just me im afraid.
    Sam - loved your supportive comment for Sue today, I would have supported you but with the mood im in I think Sue may have deleted it !!! But GOOD on ya gal for saying your peice.
    I hope you have a wonderful day albeit a busy one Sandra, try not to over do it. Will pop back for my latte and vanilla slice when you're not so busy and providing you've not locked the door to keep diva brats out LOL.
    Sending hugs and love to all that pop in today. Sorry for my behaviour, should know better at my age lol... Jeez.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  13. Hi Sandra,
    Your cards are just gorgeous!!! or should that be Gorjuss. Wish Sophie and Lucy a very happy birthday from me. I hope they have a wonderful day, and profiterole cake sounds good to me.
    How clever of TOB to get some of the stamps while they were on offer. I ended up paying £5.99 each, but Eleanor and Zoe love them. I only had one living child, and two granddaughters, but I make loads of children's cards as all my friends and neighbours have lots. All the girls of various ages seem to love Gorjuss.
    Steph, I agree with everything you say, had to laugh at the lady who has already bought the whole set, sight unseen. I'm limited to one per month as a pensioner who only paid the married woman's stamp and I work out how many cards I'll be able to make with it, to see if it will be cost effective. That's my moan today!!
    I got on Sue's blog earlier before I went up to my daughter's to get the girls sorted for school, but will only read all the comments when I go in later to do the next post.
    Is the coffee shop open, no I expect you've got to much to do today Sandra, so I'll leave it today.
    Maureen xx

  14. p.s. Yee Gods, just had a quick look and at 10.30 there are 188 comments on Sue's blog!!! x

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Thank you for the girls birthday wishes, I paid full money for my stamps too, but still love them!
      I have stopped counting over at Sue's blog, yesterday linchtime there were 200 more than usual! Ridiculous, but I am trying to say calm!
      Coffee shop is always open Maureen! Help yourself if you can't find me!

  15. Hi Sandra,
    Happy Birthday Sophie and Lucy, hope you have a lovely day, enjoy your profiterole cake.
    The cards you have made for your girls are just lovely, similar enough not to cause jealousy and different enough to make them individual. Can't imagine how difficult it must be buying their presents, it's bad enough deciding what one child would like, but two must be really hard.
    I thought of you too when I saw Sue's card this morning, that bouquet of flowers must be right up your street.
    Now as to the lady who has enough cash to purchase all Sue's dies at one go, I think it's quite sad really. She seems to feel the need to brag and what pleasure can she get from having them all. I spend hours deciding which ONE I would like, then comes the excitement of waiting for it arrive ( takes ages to get to Germany) and then that fluttery feeling opening the package and just looking at it. Then comes the Joy of playing with a new die and seeing what you can create with it. Surely she can't feel that if she gets them all at once.
    Anyway, looking forward to the next one. It's getting very time consuming reading circa 300 comments but will miss seeing yours amongst them Steph, fully understand how you feel though and knowing how much you have been looking forward to seeing and hearing about them when they are launched, I feel so upset for you.
    Love and hugs

    1. Good morning Saba,
      It hanks for the girls birthday wishes, they often ask for the same things so I have to 'manage how they open them so as not to ruin each other's surprise!
      The boastful woman is getting on my damn nerves, I am struggling to bite my tongue, my posts are getting harder to write, what I don't get is if she has the whole lot why us the selfish mare still commenting on every post to try and sin and take the chance from someone less well off than she clearly is!
      Anyway, deep breath aaaannnddd relax!
      I think I made need a super hot chocolate with syrup and a flake!
      Mind you I need to leave room for tonight!
      Sending you ling distanced hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  16. Steph, oh I agree with you so much, I havent left big comments on Sues blog, we'll never do. But I like you if I started I would say something to these folk that spoil things and brag they have bought the whole collection, I spent the other day my Christmas money on some ink pads etc. I worked full time up till 3 months ago and now on half wages but I WOULD not spend that amount out on dies in one go and not in a few years. To me when you have to save for things you appreciate and look after them much better. We even brought our three up if they wanted something they saved their money for it, yes we often gave them the last few pounds so they could get the item, but they paid that back. The three of them always call us "The Evans borrowing bank". They can borrow BUT must pay back with a set time. They have, as students there was always one of them needing but better than debt. After handing in my notice I will miss the pennies going in to the bank but I won't suffer craft wise, as I will save for it, By the way Lidi do do card but only on a special offer week now and again. I and some others always put a post on our blogs to say they have it in. If I see it I will let you know as its lovely to work with ok some of the colours aren't to my liking but it never goes to waste. steph please don't get yourself to upset about these few folk that only blog on the week when Sue is giving dies away, they are not worth it. Here's a few ((((((hugs)))))). Hazel xx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I agree too, have just said same as you to pat a couple of posts up, If you work hard and save for it you will treasure it more, plus I make sure the dies will earn their keep, having more than one use!
      Pat has had some Lidl card and you are right it's fab quality so would always appreciate a 'heads up' to when it's expected in store!
      Sandra xxxx

  17. Hi Sandra, i have tried several times to leave you a comment on your lovely cards especially yesterdays it is so lovely and todays cards are lovely too, i had twins in 1969 a boy and girl, sadly my little boy is no longer with us, it must be lovely to watching them grow. give my best wishes to your girls are they identical, and on Sue's dies and all the comments i only read the ones i reconise from her regular blog commentors and skip the ones i don't know.
    hope your day is a memorable one, Johanna

    1. Welcome Craftynanna,
      Hi Johanna,
      Thank you so much for commenting, you have made my day!
      Thanks also for the girls birthday wishes, they are identical, very!
      Sorry to hear about your son, it must be hard watching your daughter grow up knowing there should have been two of them, i can't imagine how that must feel bless you.
      I too only comment on familiar names, there are too many to do them all!
      You will enjoy the comments here, it's very interactive, feel free to join in with all the conversations, everyone does!
      That's what makes for the lovely atmosphere!
      I hope to see you often my lovely,
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hello Johanna and a very warm welcome to Sandra's wonderful blog. I recognise your name from Sue's blog and it's so nice that you have popped into Sandra's now as well. It's a lovely family here, we drink coffee and eat cake and generally gossip, and we support each other as well.
      Hope to see you again soon.
      Love Saba

    Good morning Sandra oh it is so cold today -5 so a hot latte please, I so need one!
    Your cards are so beautiful today for your two special girls I must say they have class, the sound of their 'cake' has me licking my lips already, hope you all have a super day.
    Steph please take care of your blood pressure, and do you really think these boasting lot have ordered all the dies? Well I for one don't believe a word of it, you know the saying, believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see. As for those that can't keep it buttoned well, the least said the better, come on have a vanilla slice on me and a hug to go with it.
    Hazel think of you.
    Hugs to all
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret
      Thanks for your birthday wishes to the girls, they thought it was lovely reading all the comments.
      I agree with what you said and about it being lies about having all the dies, if she has, why bother entering all the posts to win!
      Very peculiar!
      Any way I must go get ready for their meal out.
      Sandra xxxx

  19. Hi Sandra, happy birthday to Lucy and Sophie! Their cards are lovely. Have a great day with them.
    I went into Sue's blog about 10 and could not believe how many bloggers had been in 177! So many names not recognised, crawled out of the woodwork I suppose. I am like Craftynana, I only read the comments from the names I recognise when there is a lot.
    How can anyone be so much of a show off to tell everyone they have already bought all of the new dies, maybe they won the lottery!!
    If you are open today, coffee and cake to calm me down please.

    Take care if the weather is bad where you live, Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      Thank you for stopping by and for the girls birthday wishes!
      It's so frustrating on Due's blog at the moment, it just spoils it for Sue's regular followers, like you I only really read the name I am familiar with but still on a Sunday when the names are announced I sit there looking at the list thinking.....who! So nice when you see someone you recognise though!
      I wonder if she is even telling the truth, why would she bother returning to every post if she has all the dies,a apart from to boast to all of us without bottomless pockets!
      Always open for my regulars, if you can't find me, help yourself!
      Huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  20. Hi Sandra,
    I called on spec today - expecting to see a sign up - Closed for Family Party! However it's lovely to find you open for craft and chat!
    Firstly , Happy Birthday Sophie and Lucy! Hope you have a super day.
    Lovely cards Sandra and I think the Gorjuss stamps are super , I bought some too and they get used a lot.
    When I saw Sue's card today it reminded me of one you made quite recently. I wasn't the only one who thought that either!
    I had my rant yeasterday about the " hey Big Spender" - what do people do with all these dies?
    Steph - pleased don't get too upset! I hate to see you upset and with not going out at the moment because of the cold it could upset you all day! I haven't read all the comments today but I read Sam's !! Well done Sam!
    Well, this just won't get the ironing done! Any offers ? - no didn't think so! Lol.
    See you later, all being well,
    Love to all,
    Myra xxxx. ps . Don't think Myra from Florida has shown up yet!

    1. Hi Myra,
      This coffee shop is open all hours!
      Thanks for the girls birthday wishes!
      I was quite thrilled to be compared to Sue today, what an honour, I am not sure that I can ever be that inspirational! But I like to try!
      It's the lovely friends that stop by everyday that inspire me to keep going, it fills my heart with happiness!
      The girls are parading around in their new high waisted super skinny jeans, trying to decide what to wear tonight! If only I had the same worries, lol! Big knickers and comfy trousers for me tonight, (the restaurant is all you can eat) but I am usually full after my first plate, the girls are have the slightest of figures, they are quite small for fifteen! They are not into wearing make up, only a little concealer if they have a blemish! Heaven forbid anyone see that! Were we ever like that, I really can't remember!
      Huge hugs my lovely
      Sandra xxxx

  21. Hi Sandra and a Happy Birthday to Sophie and Lucy ! Hope day have a lovely day. Very nice cards you made them . After my swim and shopping this morning I feel pooped so like to have a hot chocolate, sit in a corner and listening to the buzz of chatter and gossip from other people. I looked in to Sue's on the way and Oh my have she not got many new followers these days,shame on them ! I'm not going to say any more but totally agree with you all that they are pests. I saw you had a nice outing yesterday Sandra just sorry to see your knee is playing up again, isn't there anything the can do for you ? Pat , hope that Pete will be ok. what type of bloodtest are they taking on him ? sorry I'm eavesdropping. Just a worry when they get older ,men because they not like us and can talk if there are any problems . Sandra I'm sure you are all busy today so I'm going now before I falling in sleep in this corner of mine but you have a lovely day with the family and enjoy your tea tonight Keep warm,very cold out Warm Hugs Maria xx

    1. Thanks Maria,
      Please don't think your eaves dropping we all share our conversations in here, so just click reply under any comment and join in, everyone loves it, no need to sit in any corner, I want you in the thick of it!
      Was it not too cold to go swimming?, it's blooming freezing here, even indoors!
      I have changed the sentiment on the card so will post it out to you!
      I hope you like it!
      I think Pat has explained to you below about Pete's bloods etc, I am so sorry to hear their worrying news, but I am seeing Pat to tomorrow so I will give her a big hug!
      Thanks for stopping by my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sandra, Have you all finished you dinner now? I was thinking of you all having this lovely dinner when suddenly you very quietly could hear this,like a creaky sound ,and everyone wondered what is was when you suddenly realised it was the elastication on your big knickers and.............then I woke up from my dream ! After this mornings outing and the visit to your lovely cafe' I was so tired so I had a nap,not good but it will have to go. I liked sitting in that corner today :--) Can't wait to see your gift in real life, I'm sure it's wonderful! Coffee's and teas for you and Paul at AP, no argument!! Hugs Maria xx

  22. Knock knock, white hankey blowing in the breeze, can I come in and close the door I cant feel my finger's LOL...
    You are all so tolerant, fancy some old bird like me throwing my teddy from the pram, but its so nice that im not alone with how I feel ! I re-read what I wrote here earlier before I put my order in and I was so angry and cross I can hardly understand what I wrote, between spelling farts and grammer it made it look like an 8yr old had written it not an 18yr old... I wish LOL.
    Anyway I want to thank you for supporting my exploding brain cell ! I blogged at 12 but didnt read any posts. MUST congratulate Pat on saying it as it is on Sue's blog this morning, it makes you wonder if all those that come out the woodwork during launch were bought up with any morals at ALL !!
    Anyway, thank you to those lovely friends here that have made me smile, you know who really cares when they find the words to support you !
    Your email had me in stitches Sandra xx

    1. Hi Steph, you really weren't being a diva so stop worrying about it, we were all fuming as it is such an emotive subject, we all have great respect for a Sue and these roaches are taking advantage, nobody likes seeing that done to a friend! But the that 'Whopperjaw" or whatever her/his name is us making things worse by reminding us how she had the whole collection and how we should get our orders in, yet she is still commenting on each post to be in the draw, why be so selfish, when those of us that can't work would be so over the moon with a win as it would we could get the die soon rather than having to make things to sell to get the money to afford one or two there are still dies from two launches back that I would like!
      But people like that don't care about people like us, so let's not give them anymore of our time! By the way is anyone else as sad as me
      and is looking at names thinking are you new?
      How many more days have we got?
      Sandra xx
      By the way, It isn't the name you mentioned, i feel the same as you do about him/her ;)

  23. Hi Maria
    Pete had another blood test to see if his PSA levels are going up, he has an aggressive type of prostate cancer. Only last March they had to introduce another tablet as well as the injections he has. Anyway this one is no longer working. His reading went from 0.5 to one and a half then went up to 3 and 1 month ago they were up to 6. He was late with his appointment as they cancelled his original appointment, and this one was in place of that. So he has to have an MRI scan and a CT scan to see what's happening as he has already had bowl cancer it's very worrying. Anyway fingers crossed that all will be ok. These will be asap apparently, and hopefully these can be done on the same day according to his doctor. At least the Churchill hospital is generally on the ball, and do these kind of tests as soon as.

    1. Pat my heart goes out to you and Pete, such I worry, but as barbiepinkfairy says they will be done in the two weeks more so as he has had cancer before so they tend not to mess around. Please be positive I know it's hard but if you think negative I think your mind plays silly and blows out of control . Been there only the end of the year when I had to have a few scoop things done and having had cancer less than two years ago I was worried, but stopped and thought only positive thoughts again . Thankfully nothing to worry about it was the painkillers that were the problem and caused problems. And barbiepinkfairy is so right with her saying. Hazel x

    2. Pat both you and Pete are in my thoughts I know it is a real worry but as Hazel says please do stay positive as hard as it is it really is the best therapy. Having been there 3 years ago I know what you are thinking but don't let this dreaded thing be the boss, I am convinced it works being positive. At first I was told it's nothing, then oh we don't know what it is but don't worry and this was after 2 operations, they wanted to operate again I said I wanted a second opinion and went to see another consultant, he was horrified what the first one had done, thankfully he got everything sorted and for the last two years I have been clear. Now things are moving and Pete is getting the care he needs and quickly so do stay positive, we are all here for you. Margaret corgi ownerxx

    3. Pat you and Pete are in my thoughts and prayers too. It's such a worrying time you are going through. Hope it helps in some small way to know we are thinking of you both.

    4. Pat I was so sorry to hear this and am sure they will do the scans quickly. Having had cancer myself and also my late husband I know what a worry it can be. Thinking of you. Brenda

    5. Pat I am so sorry your husband's test were not good. We have two friends with prostate cancer so I know how worrying this is for you. Please stay positive. Thinking of you both.

      Pat xxx

    6. Dear Pat, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Pete. I will be going to mass tomorrow and will offer it for you both, and two other dear friends who are also going through this worry.
      Much love Maureen xx

    7. Hi pat,
      So Sorry to hear about Pete it's a very worrying time for you both,my thoughts & preayers are with you. Try & both stay positive.
      Sending you both Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    8. Pat, sorry to hear what a worrying time you and Pete have to go through and my only wish is that it all will be fine after the doctors has helped him. You are both in my thoughts and Sandra has promised to give you a Hug from me tomorrow so I'm sending Pete one too. Take care !

    9. Hi Pat,
      It must be a very worring time for both you and Pete. I feel for you both especially as you have been down this road before. Try to stay positive and have a GOAL to aim for. It certainly helps! My better half is having similar tests, had scan now waiting to see consultant on 27th Feb, possible referral to Royal Marsden.
      Sending you both love and prayers. Brenda

    10. Hi Pat. Have a lovely time with Sandra today, try and put your worry about Pete to one side just for a few hours. You are such a support to him,remember it is ok, and important to think of something else sometimes. I hope your painkillers are starting to take effect on your hips too. I am sorry that I can't join you as I want to give you a big hug my lovely friend. Take care xx

  24. Happy Birthday Lucy and Sophie! Love the cards really ideal for that age group I think!!

    As for posh spice don't know what she will do with all those dies! A number of the shapes are fairly repetitive. Where's the joy of choosing and seeing which you can afford? Waiting for the post? Then sharing with your craft friends as we all do? I am sure her life isn't as rich as the coffee shop members so don't let her get to you. A line in the school prayer at the school I went to was " much is expected of those to whom much has been given " I am an atheist but that line is the greatest lesson that school could have given and I have never ever forgotten it and have lived my life by it. Last Tango in Halifax viewers it was the school they use very Harry Potter and I now live opposite it!!! Please don't let people like that get you down. Pat I am sure you have more in your mind puts life in perspective doesn't it? All the tests should be done swiftly under the 2 week rule so not too long waiting for results.

    Love to you all stay as lovely as you all are xxx

    1. Have I missed something, who is posh spice?

    2. Barbie, have you been recruited as an extra!!! xx

  25. She's the one who can afford all the dies in one go !

    1. I thought she was called 'whopperjaw' or have you all nick named her?!
      Thanks for the girls birthday wishes,
      I agree whole heartedly with everything you say, you appreciate things more if you have saved for them .
      Anyway off to get ready for our meal, big comfy knickers tonight, lol!
      Sandra xxxx

  26. Hi Sandra,
    Happy birthday to Sophie and Lucy. Sorry it's late. It's been one of those days - getting nowhere fast! I hope the girls enjoy their profiterole cake and had some lovely gifts.
    I have managed to comment on Sue' s blog but not got around to reading all the comments. So many, surprise surprise!!! Will catch up later with your and Sue's comments. Have to start preparing our evening meal now.
    Take care everyone.
    Pat xxx

  27. Me again. Sorry Sandra forgot to say how much I like the girls cards. Doh! Typical teenager card.
    I have had family and a friend call in today so this has been like your coffee shop - kettle on most of the day.

    Love Pat xxx

    1. Don't apologise Pat,
      You can come back as often as you like, the door is always open!
      Thanks for the kind comments, and for the girls birthday wishes,
      I am just popping in to Sue's reading the posts of friends and no one else
      Sandra xxx

    2. I have only read the friends posts. Not interested in the posts from the others. I don't expect to win anything as I have just been lucky enough to win the comment blog stamps, but I still want to let Sue know how much I appreciate all the work she does for us. I agree with all the rants today!!
      Pat xxx

  28. Hi Sandra, me again can I just say that if people have won before don't let it go back into the draw as yours might end up going to posh spice, why don't you put a number of regular names in a hat pick one out and have that sent to them. I won before so that's what I'm going to do. I don't want the one I would have won ending up on e-bay. hugs Theresa (TOB)

    1. totally agree, we could always re draw It on here!
      if you like, we are all genuine, after all
      Sandra xxx

  29. Hi Sandra,
    Me again! Had a laugh about posh spice!
    Barbie - agree with your school prayer line! I think I may even know the School - my sons went there - well to the Boys Division!
    Loved the last dies Sue showed today - definitely my favourite so far although I would like the Square Frame first.
    I'm trying not to look at names!
    Steph - no need to apologise - we all agree! Just don't want you to get upset or you either Sandra. These people aren't worth it.
    Lots of love, everyone,
    Myra xxx

  30. Pat. Thinking of you and Pete. Just wanted you to know.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Thanks Steph. You're thoughts are appreciated.

  31. Hi Myra, right school though was at girls division, my brother went to the boys division. I live on a road opposite. Small world! Steph lives 10 minutes away by car! Was it you that said you had got the Filofax websites pages crafty one by any chance I have the surprise surprise bright barbiepinkfairy one!!

  32. Hi Barbie,
    It is a small world! We used to live in Lostock! I sat outside that school for years not to mention cricket and tennis teas I helped make! Even supported the football! Yes - mine is the blue one! Would have guessed yours would be pink! Mind you I liked that one too!
    It might be nice to meet up sometime just for a coffee but we'd have to wait until the weather is warm enough for Steph! Something to maybe think about! Do you hear that Steph?! My butcher is still in Bolton - mind you When I shopped there at first it was Mark's Dad who ran the business.
    Love Myra xx

  33. Hi again Myra, very small world. I am sure your boys will know. Doc Rogers who taught Chemistry he was a neighbour of mum and dads for years and still keeps in touch with mum. In fact at my dad's funeral my brother and him were reminiscing over a bottle or two! Of red wine! Do you live chorley way? Mum now lives in Horwich. I am sure Steph would like to meet for a real not virtual coffee when the weather warms up. We are meeting for a brew tomorrow the thought of that and the crafty chat will sustain me through my night shift! See you all tomorrow xxx

    1. Hi Barbie,
      I remember Doc Rogers well! Our boys were not scientists but we knew him from all the sports! He is even in some photos I think. We live in Euxton. Moved here almost 31 years ago. One of the boys was still in Junior School then. Trying hard to think of some girls but so far I remember Ruth Harrison? Have a nice time tomorrow! All the best on night shift! Hope it's not too bad.
      Love Myra xx

    2. Now I am sat here with my chest all puffed up with pride, without the 'coffee shop' you two would never have found your connection!
      That alone has made this whole venture worth while x
      love to you both
      Sandra xxxx

  34. Sorry I am late today but been at the hospital all day. Happy Birthday to Sophie and Lucy. Sorry it's late. Love your cards Sandra. Been Fracture clinic, plaster room, X-Ray and back to fracture clinic. Took most of the day. They did apologise. Next week same again but probably not plaster room. Bone had moved slightly and hand is apparently sloping up so may need op. Hope not. May not make it any better Dr said. Have purple plaster. Could have any colour you wanted so thought I would co-ordinate with colours I usually wear. Hope you all had a lovely evening Sandra.

    1. Littlelamb, sorry to read your latest news, I hope things work out for you. Maureen xx

    2. Thank you. Trying to be positive.:-)

    3. Bless you Brenda, I am so sorry to hear your hospital news, what a frustrating nightmare!
      Purple is the colour of creativity, so you chose very well, natural for a crafty genius!
      Lets hope it rights itself as an op is just going to prolong your recovery!
      We had a lovely evening thankyou xxx
      love and hugs Brenda
      Sandra xxxxx

  35. Hi Sandra,
    I hope you don't mind me replying to Barbie! It's just amazing really! I hope you have had a lovely meal for the twins birthday!
    Love Myra xxx. Ps I'll be quiet tomorrow! X

  36. Hi Sandra sorry I'm late,I have been round my friends cutting out some of her die's. Then she treated Terry & me to go out for dinner,as a thank you for helping her sort out her brother's things.
    Happy Birthday Lucy & Sophie sorry it's late girls hope you both had a lovely birthday & you all enjoyed your meal. Did you both like your Presents. I love both card's Sandra. Where did you buy the Gorjous stamp from,I have a couple of girl's card's to make,& think they would be just the thing for there cards. Hope your not too worn out my lovely after your hectic day.
    Steph I totally agree with you about the selfish people that spoil the surprise for Sue's loyal Wilsonettes that want to wait for Sue to show her new die's to us.Sue gets so excited as well when she says she has a surprise for us,it's not fair on her as well.As for that B...dy woman bosting I think she is making it up because why is she commenting on every post if she has them all.GRRR.
    Take care everyone.
    Love & Hug's Sandra ..Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes for the girls, they had a lovely day & night!
      Listen they are toppers from a big set that I got ages ago so I can send you some if you like, I have plenty!
      let me know x
      We all think the same about bragging betty, I reckon she is more like a 'liar, liar, pants on fire'! hahahaha
      Sending you lots of love and huge hug, hope you and terry enjoyed your treat, you deserved that!
      Phew I am knackered, as I am sure you are, does your friend have her machine sorted?
      Sandra xxxx

  37. Thanks for popping back Patricia and for your lovely comment,
    our hearts are all with Pat and Pete at the moment.
    You are very right about the Ivy and lattice, I have the other ivy and a different lattice so could easily recreate!
    You are like me, you have to look at a die and see how many ways you can use it before buying, it has to earn its keep!
    Nights like this with your family around a table celebrating are what life is about, despite my health problems and that of the older two children, I am also lucky to have four wonderful children and a husband who is my soul mate and best friend! that's a different kind of wealth! better than any complete die set!
    Huge Hugs My Lovely,
    Sandra xxxx

  38. Hi Sandra,your very kind if it's no trouble I would love a couple of your toppers,I have one of my step grandaughter's birthday too make for & I think that would be lovely for her.
    It was nice of my friend to take us out for dinner as a thank you for helping her sort all her brother's things,not that we expected anything,I couldn't let her do it on her own. Terry took lots to a charity shop for her, then this week she took more things for charity & she see all his shirts & trousers hanging up which upset her. Creatandcraft picked her Cut & Boss up Tuesday & she asked for a refund,made it quit clear she didn't want it repaired.
    Thank you my lovely friend Love & Hug's Lynda xx
