
Tuesday 3 February 2015

Teal Today,Tomorrow & Everyday, Clean & Simple Card

Good Morning Ladies,
Todays card was inspired once again by the 'bit box' and a goal I set to try and make a card
that could be used for a male card if necessary.
In the bit box were the Die cuts, largest two from the Auvergne French Die Collection from Creative Expressions, the inner decorative die is from the Provence Set from the same Collection, the very inner section is from the Auvergne too as it is plain enough to stamp the sentiment on.
The sentiment is from Hobby Art Stamps Sentiment Collection.
I decided to keep the card very clean and simple so I embossed the top section of the card with the
Pinpoint Checkerboard Embossing Folder, the bottom I kept plain, I will add a Dad or Husband on a flag style tag at the bottom of the card.
I added the Border strip from the Classic Bow Die Set from Creative Expressions, I also used both sizes of the Bow in the set too, one in teal and one in white. I added a teal button to the centre of the bow.
So what do you think, will it do? would you add to it or leave it be, sometimes less is more!
Paul managed to get the day off tomorrow as we haven't managed to get anything yet for the girls to open tomorrow, they are just so hard to buy for, or maybe not as they haven't given us a great long 'I want' list, thankfully! So we are off to the very glamorous Swindon as they have a broad range of shops!
They asked for a three course dinner for their birthday .....Starter Mussels in white Wine, Main Steak, Chips, Garlic Mushrooms, Onion Rings and Peas, Followed by Toffee & Pecan Roulade. 
AS a surprise we may take them to their favourite restaurant, the may feel like celebrating as it is the last day of their mock exams too!
I still haven't made the girls birthday cards yet!!!!!!!
Tomorrow will be a busy day!
Welcome to Jess who joined our 'coffee shop' today, its lovely to have you join us xx
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra. A stunning CAS card, love your design and that teal colour. Well my boss is in for a shock this morning as I was speaking to Ang our DIL who is an account last night. and she was saying that as my boss thought I should claim those miles via my tax ( self employed)! She would in fact be making me break the tax laws. Which I knew as I have done my books and have been doing it for more years than I dare say. I was so angry as I never charge for what I call silly miles like only doing unde 10 miles as it's such a pain to remember to note them down. I do think it's because I did so much up till the other month and of coarse I don't now and she has to do so much more herself. She isn't liking it. The new house keeper doesn't do a lot of things like picking up behind them. As Chris my son said " it's your fault mum as you have been to soft, but that's just you". Your girls are very much like ours were and infact Anna and Beth. They don't ask for lists of things. Their choice of meal for their birthday sounds lovely, don't do steak but the rest is yummy.
    I noticed you saying that you weren't allowed friends home " that's was us too". Tammy's MIL is just like your mum since Derek's dad died she won't do anything on her own and has no friends as like your mum and ours was " they don't need to know our business " is what was said. Derek's mummwont even have Tesco deliver her shopping as she can't have a stranger in ??? They are so silly, as they are missing out so much. Well I'd better go get the car defrosted, heavy frost here, and I have to go in this morning I usually get in for 7.05 even when I shoukdnt start till 7.15 but I think I will just hang back a bit and get in on time. Have a good day at the coffee shop. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      You stick to your guns! Sounds like you have been taken for granted for way too long. I hope that things won't be awkward for you at work, how much notice do you have to give? I think if I were you I would 'work to rule' this last weeks, just so they can be made to realise just how much you work 'above and beyond' what is required of you! I feel so proud of you for standing up to them, but I have to say it sounds like it was 'the straw that broke the camels back' !you can only be expected to take so much Hazel!
      Hope the day passes quickly.
      I wish my mum could see what she is missing out on, life could be so much more interesting for her, but I'm afraid it's like banging your head against a wall' trying to explain!
      Hope you have time to call in later to let us know how your day went.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  2. Hi Sandra. Well, this is a lovely card, bet you found it quite hard to do though , not being able to add your signature gorgeous flowers etc. I wish we could add them to mens cards as well, it would make it so much easier wouldn't it! I think you have got it just right.
    It is total chaos here. Every room is upside down and it is going to be even worse today. No heating since 8am yesterday, isn't it typicall that it snowed properly for the first time this winter last night. We do have an portable electric radiator which has actually kept the house reasonably warm. We never had any heating except for an open fire as children until I was 9 when my Dad put in a radiator in the hall and one in the bathroom! We are very lucky these days aren't we. (Thank goodness for fleece onesies though, it is keeping me snug : ))
    Sorry to hear that some of our lovely friends are not well at the moment. Please take extra care of yourselves.
    Have a good day in Swindon, hope you find something for Sophie and Lucy.
    I must go now as the heating men will be here in an hour! Take care my lovely. Hopefully I will be able to start getting back to normal on Thursday.
    Enjoy looking at the snow, we have about 2- 3 inches over here.
    Take care.
    Hugs Sue xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Hang in there and keep warm, will they be finished by tomorrow, I hope so, it's amazing how fast they can work these days, I hope Chris is creating some delicious soups to keep you warm! Aww I bet you look like a little lamb in your fleece onesie! I had one last Christmas, it wasn't very flattering, I looked like a 'telly tubby with a camels toe' hahaha, that will give you something to giggle about!
      We didn't have as much as you (snow) but it's still pretty, mind you we have a busy day ahead so being snowed in would be a little frustrating today!
      Warm hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra. Love the card, I would just do as you say and put a flag sentiment on the bottom. It would also be perfect for ladies who don't like a lot of embellishments.
    Theresa, I'm sorry that your news wasn't better. My cousin has done something similar and has to have an operation too. Welcome to the friendliest coffee shop on earth Jess. Lots of chat and no funny looks when you linger over your teas. Hazel, I'll bet your boss didn't sleep well last night. Make sure you claim for everything from now until the end of your notice.
    It's funny reading about the comments about people not being allowed in the house, ours was the opposite. My mam used to count the pairs of shoes at the bottom of the stairs to see how many people were in! Better go to work but wanted to get a quick comment in. I'll call back for my evening cake, and we'll see how many comments Sue has by then! Sue xxx

    1. Morning Sue,
      Thanks for popping in, your mum sounded very accommodating, you lucky thing, some of my friends had mums like yours it was lovely to be welcomed in to their homes, I try to be the same with my children, we have had many sleepovers over the years, though why they call it a sleep over I don't know, more like a 'talk over' or 'giggle and mess about over! But that's all part of the fun!
      Hope you gave a good day, we should have run a 'coffee shop sweep stake' on how many visitors Sue would have!
      See you later,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Oh Sandra. Sorry, morning Sandra and all that visit. This is BEAUTIFUL. You know how I love the simplicity of CAS cards as well as flower's bows and everything 'fluffy' but this is beautifully simple and clean. Adore it. Please dont add anything else (apart from the tag you mentioned)
    Well, not a lover of Sue's first die release. LOVE our Sam's comment so Ive supported her in what she wrote and I think we should continue to 'make our point' tactfully, as Sam said yesterday - how come people say they dont have time to leave a comment every day when they can find time to leave a comment as many times as Sue adds a new die ? Upto 4 times a day - rubbish excuse's not reason's just stupid excuse's !! Enough said LOL. Maybe this first set will look better 'in real life' but seeing it via my phone, hmmm not sure id rush to buy it. Wouldn't you all laugh at me if by any chance I was chosen for this set ?! That would teach me for being truthful !
    Sandra, how lovely you and Paul are having a day together, just you and your man, special. Enjoy your day together : )
    If you are not too busy today can I order my latte, no sugar and either a custard slice or custard tart (if barbie hasn't polished it off) lol maybe you can give me a call when its ready and our friends are gathering as I dont want to tie you down to a time.
    Oh yes, extra tables and chair's required as more friends are popping in when they see the open sign.
    Have a lovely day together.
    Sending friendly hugs to you all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    P.S. Pat, thank you for answering Margarets question as it was the question Id asked previously about your swirl stamp, as I too received a swirl stamp for the comment game and like our Margaret.said it's very similar.

    1. Good morning Angel,
      Feel for you on this bitterly cold day, I know how my 'big baby girl' was suffering this morning so goodness knows how you feel! She has gone out with hand Warmers in her gloves and boots!
      Well I have bitten the bullet and told it like I thought on Sue's blog, I am fed up of people taking the 'p*ss' and just commenting for what they can get, no respect for Sue at all, I said if like last time the numbers rose into the 300's Sue would be number 1 blog and that would be fitting thanks for her generosity! I still don't understand how you can pitch up at a give away and manage 3 visits a day but can't manage one on any normal day, ridiculous and down right selfish!
      Rant over and I have returned your box to the shed Steph is that ok?! No Barbie said ' look again at sue's card Steph,' what did you miss? I know what I am hoping it is!
      Sending you warmest hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  5. Morning Sandra, now as I always say on Sues blog I just don't do teal. I don't know what it is because everyone else loves it! Colour apart I love the simplicity of this card and I love using a sentiment as a focal point as you have done. In fact bought some phill Martin inspirational sentiments yesterday as I loved them.

    I am unsure why Sue used that particular die as her initial launch as it wouldn't be my first choice. I have peeked and there are so many more beautiful ones. Steph, look again my friend and not at the obvious what have you been asking for?

    Hope you get the girls some nice gifts. My Rubik's cube is in transit see yesterday and I forgot to mention I have returned to my Filofax! I love all things 80 s and the music is the best. All those memories!

    Well see you all soon! Xxx

    1. Good morning Barbie,
      I agree with you about the choice of first die to launch, I imagine that the paper weaving is a very niche market, it looks way to find fly for me, I am not too sure about the effect either. There are a couple of the dies I really do like in this collection, so very different dies too, we will wait and see what magic Sue injects into them!
      They keep trying to re-create the popular things from the 80's the girls got a little thing called a 'boggle' for Christmas it is like a cylindrical Rubik's cube, very frustrating!
      Have a good day my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

  6. Good morning Sandra,
    Please may I have a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows today and a slice of that pecan roulade wouldn't go amiss either.
    Love the CAS look of this card and although teal isn't one of my favourite colours, I think it really makes this card pop. I don't think it needs any other embellishment. It's perfect as it is.
    I am early today, couldn't wait to get up and see what Sue had brought us. I am with Steph and Barbiepinkfairy in that this particular die probably wouldn't make it onto my wish list, but having said that, the card she has made using it is stunning.
    I hope those people who only comment in order to win something actually read all our comments, but I doubt that they even bother to do that.
    I'll pop back later to see what you have all been up to.
    Hugs for now

    1. Good morning Saba,
      I did have a peek this morning and there are a few dies that I am 'not sure' about,some are very similar to existing dies too! But I will hold judgement until Sue has bought them to life with her amazing inspirational talent for designing!
      I am in agreement with you, I don't think that the selfish types that just comment to win bother reading comments but I have made a point about it in mine 'just in case they do', I honestly don't know how people could be so cheeky, without a care in the world about Sue or for that matter the rest of us that blog daily!
      Hope to see you later,
      Sandra xxxx

  7. Hi Sandra, Hope you have a lovely day today.Gorgeous card as you say so versatile could be used for anything.
    I think Sue should have a secret qualifying date in which you had to leave a comment before you can be entered into the draw. But there are a lot of prize blog hoppers who do this on all the sites and then sell them on e-bay. It took 12 hrs last time before someone put a new launch die on e-bay even before the die has been posted.
    I think this concept of weaving dies are fab but I would like to see them used in video like some of you I would not rush to buy these. I've had a quick peep and ordered some off JS they went on yesterday but she did not tell anyone so not to spoil it for Sue.I'm sure some of them look very similar to other dies that Sue has launched.
    Anyway I'm ordering a bowl of trifle please, need the sugar fix as I had a dreadful night last night.

    1. Hi Theresa,
      Your idea is perfect solution!
      It's very frustrating to watch people take advantage of some one so generous!
      I could with a sweet treat tonight too,
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone oh what a chilly morning please could I have a large latte to thaw me out, I will pass on a cake just the thought of one puts on a pound!
    Your card today so, so, lovely and I don't feel it needs anything else just you label, sometimes less is more, for me it is just right.
    Have a lovely day with Paul hope you get some lovely presents and perhaps fit in a craft shop maybe???
    I am afraid Sues die does not sing to me her card is lovely but I don't feel I would get any use from the die unfortunately, so I am looking forward to the rest of them.
    Take care everyone and enjoy your day.
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      I am with you about the dies today, but I am sure there will get some we like!
      No Craft shops anywhere hear us today:(
      But there is always the internet!
      Hugs my lovely
      Sandra xxx

  9. Sandra, just popped in for a quick cup of tea. Well floods of tears this morning. Mummy looked terrible when I got there, she and I had spoke i between her floods of uncontrollable tears( she doesn't do tears that often) any way it ended with her asking for a hug as she was in need of one, of corse that set me off. As I told her I treat her like I would do to one of ours, I have always thought and done things to make things better for her at the end of the day, on the other hand I think she was told by someone last night that I was right and she was in the wrong, girls are very, very unsettled but I told them I will always be there for them, they are like grand children to us, Beth quite Anna I can't make out she has gone into herself, hoping that tonight we can sort things out. Any way change the subject a136 comments by 9.30 am, on Sues blog makes ones blood boil. Never mind we know we won't let her down.
    Norah, your knitting needles will be red hot getting those little coats done for new baby. As you say the main thing is that Kirsten and baby are well. Well off to get house work done. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel. Thinking of you, it is not easy for the children is it, but that is up to their Mother to realise just what is important. A few extra £'s in the bank, or the best care for her family that anyone could wish for. Sounds like she realised just what she is going to lose. Make sure you stick to your guns, don't let her make you feel bad for her problems. I'm sure she did need a cuddle, but I bet you could have done with one too! You sound like me, once you take on a job the people become like family, which makes any issues harder to deal with, I think. ( I was a nanny before having our children). Take care. x

  10. Good morning Sandra,
    Could I have a cup of tea please just a dash of milk.
    A gorgeous card as you know I love the teal colour card it just seem's to pop.
    No more needs to be added it's just the right balance as it is.
    Have a lovely day with Paul shopping for the girls present's hope you find them something nice. Have they got similar tastes. Oooo Will there be a sneaky craf shop visit. Enjoy your day my lovely.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Thanks for stopping by Lynda,
      I am exhausted, but got them a few bits!
      My knee is swollen after bring stuck in wheelchair all day!
      Nice to spend day with Paul though,
      Sandra xxx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    I love todays card! I wouldn't add any thing but the sentiment - it's perfect!
    I am another one who doesn't have teal! I love your card , love when Sue uses it but have never bought it! I really do get in a rut!
    I thought the die used by Sue this morning may help me in cutting strips for the children for weaving but not sure - need a closer look! Wouldn't just buy it for my card making. However, Steph, I did like her frame as I am looking for a larger square frame!
    When I left my comment at just on 11am I was number 202!! Such a shame. Some people are not quite so busy today! Funny that!
    Hazel - so sorry about your upset at work! Hope it can be solved in the way you want it to be.
    Mrs B - sorry about the timing of the boiler fitting! It's just typical isn't it? Thought of you yesterday as it was our annual service! It's so cold !
    Sandra - hope you have a successful shopping trip! Enjoy your day out.
    Love to everyone who pops in and out throughout the day!
    I think I've forgotten something but then I'm getting old you know!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra. Thank you for your kind words. It wasn't as bad as I imagined it was going to be actually. The electric heater did a good job. Our boiler service is always due about now too! Take care x

  12. Hello Sandra,
    Your card is perfect or a man, or a lady who does not like frills and things. As you say a banner with their name or relationship would be ideal.
    Had to laugh when I went on to Sue's site before nipping to the shops early and there were 136 (or something like that) comments. Thought of Myra immediately and her saying she had called herself Myra P. You are all so right about people who haven't time to post, unless there's the chance of a freebie!!!
    I think I must be the odd one out here as I quite like the dies. I have made quite a few of the paper weaving cards as shown by Sue on her DVD and they have always been well received so these would be a lot quicker and easier to do (I think).
    Sandra, I hope you enjoy your day out today with Paul, and if you can stretch to another guest at your dinner table, count me in - the menu sounds delicious!
    I Hope you get your heating on soon Mrs B, it's no fun being without, although I can remember scraping the ice off the inside of the windows in winter, and all huddling around the coal fire. We would have to brace ourselves to go into the kitchen or upstairs to the toilet, in fact I used to get dressed for school under the blankets in bed! I was 39 before we bought a house with central heating, oh the luxury. The house we have before was a huge Edwardian terraced house. Lovely house, but impossible to heat, and the gas board could not guarantee the heat output so we didn't have heating put in, just electric radiators in all the rooms and the hall.
    Got to go, and I haven't even ordered a coffee!!!
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Thanks for stopping by today, I think we all had something today about the amount of blog posts on Sue's blog today!
      We had a busy day, not getting home until after 6!
      I am whacked, but still have wrapping to do!
      You are more than welcome to join us tomorrow, the more the merrier, it's never a quiet affair though I will warn you!
      Come back for coffee tomorrow, I will have time for a chat then too !
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Maureen. Thank you for your kind words. It wasn't as cold as I thought it was going to be, thankfully. We are all softies these days aren't we : ) Take care x

  13. Hi Sandra
    This is a lovely. BT are back and our line is unearthing out so they have to come back and dig up our front garden I could cry it's only taken them 3 weeks and 4 men to find the reason. Still it's only a phone and internet. Love Tandy

    1. Hi Tandy,
      You must be tearing your hair out with frustration, it might just be your phone and internet but that can be a lifeline at times!
      Hope it's sorted soon,
      Sandra xxxx

  14. Hi everyone. We have had snow here but gone now although a week ago they forecast it for today but not the other days we had it last week. Anyway haven't ventured out yet since the wrist break. Perhaps when I have been back to the fracture clinic tomorrow and got the full cast on I won't feel so nervous. Sandra love today's card and will definitely use it for a male card in the future. I have similar days from that set. Think it just needs a name on it when you know who it is for and that will be fine. Am intrigued with Sue's new dies today and am interested to see how it is done as am supposed to be doing some card making classes with some ladies who haven't done cards before but are interested. We did do a box card at Christmas which they enjoyed and hope to do more sessions in the Spring. We did ribbon weaving with 3inch ribbon and made mats so think they would like this die if it's not too difficult. Haven't posted anything on Sue's blog as not the right time I feel. I tried in the past but have always had a problem so not tried again. Sandra, hope you have a lovely day in Swindon. Are you going to the Shopping Outlet. Think it would take me about an hour to get there so are there any craft places. I would like a hot chocolate again please and as it is a virtual cafe I don't see why I can't have cake so would love a custard slice. Thank you

    1. Hope all goes well for you tomorrow.
      Take care
      Pat xx

    2. Hi Littlelamb,
      We didn't get to the outlet centre, oh bless you I am sorry you have had trouble going on Sue's blog, we all know you are genuine so I would have a try, after all everyone else is and you are entitled. I hope all goes well tomorrow, I will be thinking of you my lovely!
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Thank you for thinking of me. I haven't been to the outlet at Swindon but been to the one at Bridgend which I think is the same. Have been having trouble with the internet all day. Get if for about 5 mins if lucky and then gone again. Very frustrating.

  15. Hi Sandra,
    This card is just up my street and I don't think it needs anything else. Less is more as the saying goes.
    I agree with everyone regarding the comments on Sue's blog, but you will always get people after a freebie. They have no shame.
    I must confess I had a sneaky peek at Sue's collection - couldn't resist - but I am relieved to say that there are just a few that I really want. Still haven't got all that I would like from her previous collections. Where's that lottery win I keep hoping for, I could treat us all then.
    Enjoy your day in Swindon tomorrow, hope you find what you want for the girls.
    Pat xxx

    1. Hi Patwyn,
      I will keep looking for your lottery win, hopefully I will find it, I will share don't worry!
      I only want a few dies this time too, but there are still some I would like from last time!
      We had a busy day, still got to wrap presents, then bed!
      Good night
      Sandra xxxx

  16. Hi Sandra, love this card it's so clean and fresh, and teal is one of my favourite card colours. I don't think you need to add anything else to it is just beautiful the way it is.
    Hope you and Paul have had a lovely day in Swindon and hope it wasn't too cold for you. Did you you manage to find anything for the girls? I'm sure they will be delighted what ever you give them and the idea of a family meal out is lovely they will have your undivided attention, real Quality family time.
    I wasn't sure of the first dies Sue put on her websit this morning, and was glad of the visual to see what they do. It will be interesting to see if she has other ideas for these dies. But then she is a lady full of ideas. At the moment I don't feel and be rushing out to buy this die .
    Littlelamb: Brenda, I hope you get your cast on tomorrow and it will make you feel less nervous, take care.
    Mrs B. Hope the heating gets sorted out soom, we had a new boiler just over two years ago now, so I feel for you coldest time of the year and no heating.
    Thank goodness for onesies!
    Hazel, hope you're okay. It's always difficult working for a family especially when children are involved, I'm sure they will understand you will always be there for them. LOL
    I'm sure you Paul must be due home, I'll put the kettle on - I know you would like tea Sandra, what kind of coffee can I get for you Paul? And we have fruitcake, Victoria sponge, a llovely chocolate torte, Lemon meringue pie, some fresh scones or I could just do something on toast. You sit I will bring it over.!!!!!!!!!
    Take care, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda for your best wishes. Will see what tomorrow brings. Brenda

    2. Hi mumma,
      Thanks for stopping by today, it was freezing cold today in Swindon, we got the girls a few bits, they didn't ask for much!
      There are some very different dies this time, the weaving ones weren't for me, mind you I said that about the Lyra die!
      Do you know you had both Paul and I saying "ooh yes please" to your offer of cuppa and a cake! We were gasping, anyway we didn't get home until gone 6 and guess what ......our kettle us broken!!! That's like a crisis in our house!
      Anyway I am off to wrap some presents!
      Goodnight, god bless,
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Hi Brenda. Thank you for your kind words. I think fleece onesies should be HAVE to be worn at all times when it is cold, but I for one do not look good in them, there would be some real sights on the streets wouldn't there! Maybe it's not such a good idea! : )) Take care. x

  17. Hi Sandra,
    Oh this is a lovely card. Don't need anything else then what you said ,a banner or something similar. Gorgeou colour! Cup of tea and one of does victoria, please. Woke up this morning to a blanket of white outside. It was so pretty but very cold brrr! Went to Waitrose for a free coffee and read the papers( spend £5=hot drink free) of course we spent more by the time we gone through the shop :-) Hope your day shopping in Swindon was fruitful. The girls dinner sound yummy ,especially the dessert :-) Please give them my warmest wishes for tomorrow ! Mrs B, I really hope you get the heating back on soon .What a task to change the boiler, it is messy job. Our's is in the airing cupboard with everything from towels to bedding so when we had it changed oh what a job. That you sitting there in your onesie sounded nice. Think I would look like the michelin man if I was wearing one so that's out Tihi.
    Like to hear what happened for you Hazel at work's a big step to leave but can understand fully if not being treated right. I've been off work now for 2 years and regret nothing... So sorry Theresa you had such a awful night , many gentle hugs to you. Littlelamb- hope all goes well tomorrow at the fracture clinic. The new die's from Sue will have to go far back on my wish- list, haven't even got the last ones yet I like to buy and I'm trying to save up for AP sooo they have to wait. Have not been over to Sue's, will be fun to see what number I am today....... Sandra you take care now, say Hi to Paul and the rest of the family Warm Hugs Maria xx

    1. Thank you for your good wishes.

    2. Hi Maria. Thank you for your kind words. My onesie's are so warm and comfy, but I do not look in the mirror when wearing them as I am not a size 10! Do I need to say more : )) Take care x

  18. Good afternoon Sandra and your lovely ladies,
    Well it's been an exciting day seeing The first releases and Sue's creations. I think the first card was my favourite, even though the weaving die isn't for me, the card she made with it was lovely. Wasn't too sure about the second showing, but the third and last one of the day is much more up my street and the pierced edge one is one I would like to own. I think there would be a lot of mileage in it and when you have to watch the pennies, that's an important consideration for me. I can't believe the numbers who have commented, and it's still early.
    Love and hugs to you all, very gentle ones for Theresa.
    P.s. Brenda, can I have a slice of your chocolate torte please, I'll do the washing up.!!!

  19. Good afternoon Sandra, I am late as usual and you will be shutting shop. Never mind the drink but could I have a nice piece of something sweet to take away??
    Your card is brilliant, love the colour and fantastic design. To me it needs nothing else, however a little tag greeting like you suggested would be fine. I love making cards from the Bit Box or bits left over from a previous production still lying in a bundle.
    Have a wonderful evening

    Patricia xx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Thanks for stopping by, I think Brenda is taking the orders today while we are out!
      I have a very large bit box, so hopefully get a few more cards out of it, trouble is I don't like throwing things away! But I have to stop or I will end up with a bit 'room'!
      Sandra xxx

  20. Hi Sandra
    Love this man card you made. All it needs is a little banner on like you suggested. Have you all seen how many people have crawled out of the woodwork for Sue's first day of showing. Your quite right Sandra they second one is more to my taste,nand the last one of today as well.just come back from the hospital, so I assume that you are wishing the cafe down now, but I'd love a piece of cake if you have any left. Pete's news wasn't so good. Had to have more bloods taken before we came home, as over the last 6 mths his reading are doubling each time. He'll have to have MRI scans ans well as CT scans. If we're meeting up tomorrow I'll tell you more then. I'll email you later, as you said your going to be busy tomorrow, doing the girls card and sorting out the girls tea.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Sorry to hear your news. I hope you get better news for you and Pete when he has more tests x

    2. Hi Pat,
      So sorry love that Pete's test results were not good. Thinking of you both. XXX

    3. Hi Pat thinking of you both.
      Theresa (TOB) xx

    4. Hi Pat. Sorry that Pete didn't get better news. Special wishes to you both. Sue xxx

    5. Hi Pat , Sorry you didn't get better news. Sending you and Pete love and prayers. Brenda

    6. Hi Pat. So sorry that Pete's news isn't good. Thinking of you both my lovely friend. x

  21. beautiful Sandra, gorgeous CAS card. I adored your poppy card, so, so pretty.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  22. Hi Sandra
    I just Love your Truly Awesome Teal and White Card, I Have the Dies I must admit the Cards I've made recently have been Stamps as I get so much pleasure from Colouring.
    I do hope you enjoy your day in Swindon with your Husband,
    are you closing The Coffee Shop while your out, I agree with Steph with people joining daily you'll need extra Tables and Chairs!
    It sounds like The Twins Meal is going to be Fabulous.
    Well Sandra I'm sure you have checked in on Sue's Blog steam is coming from my ears Why Oh Why do they do this, come onto her Blog just for the Free Gift and some are so cheeky to actually say they can't wait to win this, I found one Comment strange
    from someone saying they'd Purchashed the whole of the New Range (great if you can Lol!) I couldn't understand why she didn't mention in her comment that because she has them all she doesn't wish to go into the Draw!!!
    You Take Great Care
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Good point Sam, and then there are others at the opposite end of the scale, like Alimecca (Alison) who said last Wednesday that if she won the Wednesday giveaway last week, would Sue please do a re- draw and give it to someone else as she had been lucky enough to win the week before. The person who has purchased ALL the new dies could take a leaf out of Alison's book.
      Hugs again

    2. Hi Sam,
      Thanks for stopping by today, the coffee shop is open all hours!
      I am so with you about the bloody infuriating blog on Particraft,
      How dare they, so damn greedy! There is no need to comment or you could just say please don't include me in the drawer!
      These launches do bring all the cockroaches out of the dark!
      I wonder if they will continue to post tomorrow ?,
      Look forward to hearing from you then!
      Love and hugs my lovely friend,
      Sandra xxxx

  23. Hi Sandra,
    Just had to pop back as I couldn't wait until tomorrow as I was so cross! It's ok I'm not going to be cross with you - you're much too nice! I read what Sam read on Sue's blog! If you've bought all the dies why are you trying to win one? It's funny really - I honestly don't care if I'm not a winner so long as the dies go to a regular! How much must that have cost! It's mind boggling. I will probably but the square Noble die as like Steph have wanted one for ages.
    Sorry but I got the soapbox out again without asking permission!
    On a much more important note, sorry Pat that you didn't get very good news today. Thinking of you and your lovely husband.
    Steph - thanks for sending us love here in the coffee shop! That made me smile today!
    Barbie - I've just bought a new " Filofax " . So pleased I'm not the only one who likes to write things down! My previous one sat in a kitchen drawer for years and then was thrown out! Oh well I've upgraded and with the help of washi tape and photos am having fun!
    Thanks Sandra, for this little haven,
    Night night all,
    Sleep well,
    Love Myra xx

    1. Hi Myra,
      I had a message earlier and someone worked out that to buy them all would cost £460 at the current discounted rate! So why bloody bother commenting to enter the draw, I tell you now, any draw on this blog will be only for people that take the time to call in regularly, not necessarily everyday although that would be nice!
      I think it's up to Sue to maybe put a stop to this as like you I don't mind not winning, I didn't last time, but was happy for those who did!
      It's not really fair to the regular bloggers I don't think anyway!
      I feel the same when there are more on a Wednesday giveaway too!
      The genuine blog followers aren't motivated by what Sue gives away, it's supporting Sue that motivates us to call in everyday,!
      I am sure the cockroaches will crawl away again as soon as this launch us over!
      You rant away my lovely, that's what we are here for!
      All I ask is that you put the soap box away when your done!
      Hugs my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxx
