
Thursday 5 February 2015

Special Guest Designer!!!!

Good Morning Ladies,
I have a stunning card to show you today, isn't it beautiful, I am so proud to say that this card was made by none other that Janet (Echo Sheffield), Our very own French Country Lady has very kindly allowed me to show you the cards she has sent to me, there may also be some photos of her French country home, we all have a picture on our minds as Janet has described her daily routine to us, either huddled in front of the log burner or eating scrummy pastries.  I am hoping Janet will come across today to see her card and to leave a message to tell us how she created such a gorgeous card.
The mainly white with a splash of purple is absolutely stunning!
Please ladies if any of you would like to share your cards I am more than happy to share them, I love hearing the positive comments you get from our friends in the 'coffee shop', it gives you a real confidence boost, so please get your camera's out and send me an email.
Theresa I have two very good recommendations about your cards, so maybe you would like to send me a picture, Steph, I have seen yours and it was quite simply stunning!
Sam, your cards are fabulous too!
Well the girls thoroughly enjoyed their birthday, we ended the day with a family meal out, the girls were embarrassed at the end of the meal as Becca's boyfriend decided to organise an impromptu singing of 'Happy Birthday' both over the restaurant music system and the staff and fellow diners joining in! they were both as red as beetroots bless them.
Well another exhausting day for me, I am absolutely shattered, but worth it to see those two smiley faces!
Janet thank you so very much for allowing me to share your card.
Sending each and every one of you Love and huge hugs,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Well I will have to start this very quick comment with. WOW, WOW WOW. Another lady hiding her stunning work from us all. Janet your card is so delicate and elegant looking. Please do not hide any more from us. Hazel x
    Sandra sorry I didn't even say good morning to you first. Oh I can bet you are exhusted you had so much going on yesterday. So glad the girls had a fabulous day. Will pop back in later must dash got to go to work. Hazel x

  2. Hi Sandra,
    I'm thrilled that yourself and your girls all enjoyed there day,
    What can I say about today's Card other Than this Card is Truly Stunning, Extremely Elegant, Just Awesome I Love it Janet your a very talented Lady I Love the Colours you've chosen and The Fabulous Flower arrangement in the centre, I'd Love to see more of your work.
    Sandra I love visiting your "Wonderful Cafe" I always come back later that day to see every one else's wonderful comments and your Extremely Kind Replies.
    I promise this is The Last Rant Over All People That Have Appeared On Sue's Blog But One Of The New Ones Actually Said Can I Win This One!!! Don't They Realise Its Random.
    It Makes me so very CROSS!!!! I Promise No More.
    Takes Care Sandra My Friend
    Have A Good Day
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx
    Fabulous Card once again.

    1. Oh Sam
      Thanks so much for the lovely comment. You rant all you want about Sue's pesky cockroaches! I was looking earlier trying to work out who was regular and who wasn't, trouble is I think I only read the real 'regulars' as there are a few names that I do recognise!
      Please say hi to Craftynanna and Jess if you get time, they are new customers in the cafe, we made need to hire an extra waitress soon!
      If you ladies only knew how real I wish this coffee shop was, having you all pop in every day to craft, my dream come true really!
      I am hoping that lovely Janet will stay a regular too now, I am hoping to share some photos of her French home that we love reading about on Sue's blog. Wouldn't it be lovely if Sue popped in? I gave her the link!
      I bet you are like me Sam and can't wait for Sue's shows on The weekend, it says it's craft dies so I am guessing it will be these new ones! Trouble is if they are these new dies and we buy them (although unlikely as they are usually way more expensive) it will be a shame if we get picked as a winner in Sue's blog draw and it's a die we have already bought! I must admit I have bought two die sets from Joanna Sheen, the flourish set and the flag/banner type dies as I didn't want to risk the selling out!
      Well haven't I prattled on for too long.
      Lots of love Sam,
      Come and rant anytime, maybe we should all start saying "please pick me for the Noble set" or "I want St Kitts", but then we are too polite and respectful!
      Sandra xxxxx

  3. Janet Ecco of Sheffield5 February 2015 at 08:09

    Thank you so much Sandra for that wonderful build up for my card. Unfortunately I just cannot remember the dies I used as I made it in December for my Aunt's 86th birday. I've never made notes on which dies I use as I've never had any published before. Shall have to start doing that. All I can say is that the Efolder and all the Dies are Sue Wilson. Once again thank you Sandra.

    1. Good morning Janet,
      Welcome to the 'coffee shop' (the ladies gave my blog this name as they can sit around a chat with friends)!
      The cakes here are ALL CALORIE FREE!!!!
      Thank you so much for letting me share your beautiful card!
      I hope you can find the time to be a regular visitor, as we would love to have you you can sit where you like! Lol
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx
      Ps if there are any more pics you would like to share just send me an email xxxxx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Sorry I don't think I said how lovely the girls cards were yesterday. Janet your card is lovely your aunt must of been delighted. Sandra take it easy today after your wonderful day yesterday. Love Tandy

    1. Hi Tandy,
      Well you still have internet so I am guessing no engineers are digging your garden up!
      Let's hope they get you sorted super fast.
      Pat came over today so we had a good chat a tried to solve the worlds problems, no too successfully but we had fun and did Some crafting too!
      I wish everyone lived nearer so we could all get together and craft, that would be heaven, between all of us we would have a massive die collection! That's one of the many good things Pat , Mrs B (Sue and like about crafting together, you can guarantee that one of us would have a die that one of us needed!
      Anything exciting for tea tonight Tandy ? We are having pizza & jacket potatoes & coleslaw as I was so exhausted after Pat left that I went and climbed under the quilt on my bed & promptly fell asleep, So Paul will do tea tonight, so it's an easy one.
      Love and hugs Tandy,
      Sandra sxxxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra,
    Glad your girls enjoyed their special day and I can just picture them when the whole restaurant sang happy birthday to them, I bet your heart was bursting with love.
    Janet, your card is amazing. It's got everything I love about a card, purple and white fabulous, gorgeous combination of dies, flowers, stick pins, a bow and some bling. What more could a girl ask for. Thank you for letting Sandra show it to us. You are very talented. Hope you are settling back into life in Yorkshire.
    Hope everyone is enjoying Sue's launch days as much as I am, although I haven't fallen in love yet, there are a couple that I really like and are on a possible wish list, some I don't like, and some ( sorry Steph, had a sneaky look on JS) I just can't wait for her to showcase.
    Enjoy your day ladies, love and hugs to Sandra and you all,


    1. Hi Saba,
      Thanks for your lovely comment,
      Janet's card is a stunner, I hope she is enjoying all of the positive comments! You could be next Saba, just email me a picture of one of you cards and I will gladly show it for you.
      The new launch is lovely but like you they aren't all my 'cup of tea' and some are very similar to existing dies, it will be great to see all her inspirational sample cards on her tv shows on the weekend.
      I don't think Steph minded anyone looking, it's just some people chose to talk about the dies before Sue has launched them.
      Sending you love across the channel,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Sandra, just popped in for a quick coffee and maybe a slice do pecan pie.
      I don't know you email address but if you let me have it I will try to pluck up the courage to send you a picture of my cards. Got a lot to live up to though.
      Night night my lovely

  6. Hi Sandra. Won't stpo for a cup of tea this morning, I'll have one later. I'm so glad that you all had a lovely time yesterday. I can just imagine the girls faces when the whole restaurant started singing Happy Birthday. Can I just say thank you to all you lovely ladies for your kind thoughts yesterday. I was choked up with emotion.
    Wow Wow Wow Janet. A stunning card today. You've been hiding your talent under a bushel. I love the colours as they are my favourite. I've never put flowers on my cards, but then again I hadn't used dies much either. Sandra has been giving me some lessons about what works with what. Must have a look through Sue's older dies and see if we can work out what you have used. I'm slowly learning that any of Sue's dies seem to work with every other one. I do hope we see more of your talent soon. It's fantastic to see other peoples talents in the coffee shop. You ladies are absolutely fantastic. I do hope that some of you live near each other and can meet up. Sandra, Mrs B and myself have a fabulous time when we meet up.

  7. Good morning my lovely friend,
    Sandra I'm so pleased your beautiful girls had a lovely birthday,& I can picture them faces a deep shade of red when everyone sang to them bless them.
    Janet your card is gorgeous love the colours,die's,flowers bow,you have arranged it all beautifulIy. Janet I have the large die at the back it's the Cordoba die of Sue's. Look forward to more of your creation's
    Love & Hug's Sandra & everyone Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Thanks for calling in and your lovely comments, did you and Terry enjoy your meal last night, it was nice of your friend to show how much she appreciates you like that, although you did earn it!
      Did you want me to send you some Gorjuss toppers for the cards you spoke about?
      I bet you are as excited as me for Sue's shows this weekend, now own up Lynda, have you bought any of the new dies already?
      No restaurant tea for us tonight, Paul is cooking as I am exhausted!
      Sending you love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Morning Sandra and all that walk through the door's today.
    Oh my word... Janet, magnificent. What a talant you've been keeping to yourself! I have these dies, but.due to lack of imagination I would never have thought have putting them together as you have, its absolutly stunning. It never ceases to amaze the amount of talant Sue's friends have, its SO wonderful of you Sandra to show these amazing cards on your talant wall in the shop, its lovely to see other's work. It would be so nice to see if our imaginations are right when our thoughts take us to Janets French retreat, Id love to see through the keyhole lol.
    Im so pleased you all had a special day yesterday, especially after all the hassle and upset you've had lately !!
    Talking of friends show casing their work, I really hope Theresa allows you to show the gift she sent to me, which sits proudly in the lounge, its a beautiful peice of work. We all know Tina E does the most amazing, stunning, cards, but id like to nominate barbie for the talant wall, Im so lucky to have had a beautiful card made by her too.
    I will leave you all flaberghasted (sp) ? and in awe of our Janets card, and hope you ladies have a lovely day together.
    See you all later.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi Steph,
      I hope you had a great time with Alison today, Pat and I didn't craft as much as usual, we sat and chatted until lunch but I wanted to hear all about Pete's appointment, I can't bear seeing them both so worried. We discussed all the new dies in the range and which ones we liked, I think Sue's are the 'Noble' dies, I'm still not sure to be honest, I ordered two from JS, both small ones but I am not going to tell you incase you haven't seen them, but they came today and we had a play! Do you and Alison craft or just chat, we have C&C on in the background, but turned sound down as it was JJ 'loving' everything! I hope to high heavens that Sue has got Martyn Parker or Dave as they are both brilliant at just getting on with it and enjoying the Demo's!
      Pat said she had had enough of politely requesting updates regarding her win, so said it like she meant it, but I am shocked that there is no mention of it anywhere else, the only other time the prizes were mentioned was more than a month ago with 'excusegate'! Thing is if you have had gentle reminders a month is a pretty reasonable timescale to expect something posted in!
      Right that's me done with the Soap box for today?? Anybody else need it???
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  9. Hi Sandra, Glad you all had a lovely day yesterday.
    Wow Janet what a beautiful card, I bet they go like hotcakes in Burgundy. Such a talent, love the colours.
    Thanks for the invite Sandra. Had such a bad night last night that I'm going to Drs this evening as I cant take the pain I've doubled my morphine and taken co-codamol and no restbite, oh listen to me sorry everyone I'm such a baby. If your open for business I fancy a piece of bread pudding with a nice cup of tea. Well if I put on weight this week it's because I'm eating such lovely cakes from your coffee shop.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Oh Theresa,
      I so wish I could do something to help you, do you take anything to help you sleep, I have Amytriptyline, it isn't as effective as it was for me but may help you as I believe it is a muscle relaxant ( although I could be wrong, I take that many)! But if doubling your morphine isn't helping I am not sure what will. I think that Barbie has suggested something below, I am sure that can't just leave you in this much pain without a solution insight, maybe they just need to tweek your cocktail of drugs, it's worth a try.
      Please don't ever say you are being a baby, there are many of us on here that a fully aware of what being in constant, chronic pain is like, so will fully sympathise with you, your are among friends here Theresa, we all car! By the way, the cakes in this coffee shop have absolutely no calories what so ever, so you could eat the whole cake,feel better and have no guilt, plus you know the saying "- little of what you fancy does you good"!
      Sending you the warmest, comforting hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Theresa love I wish there was something we could do to take away your pain. Hope your trip to the Dr. Has helped find a solution.
      Such gentle hugs for you tonight

  10. Hi Sandra,
    Glad the girls enjoyed their birthday. I can imagine how embarrassed they were at the restaurant as my granddaughter used to be the same. She always said we embarrassed her though it was unintentional on our part. It must be a teenage thing!
    Janet's card is beautiful, love everything about it. Another talented lady - I know I keep saying that about guest cards, but it is so true. Would love to see more.
    Take it easy today Sandra, you need a rest after your busy time yesterday.
    Have a good day ladies
    Pat xxx

    1. Hi Pat,
      Thanks for stopping by today, we embarrass them totally unexpectedly, it doesn't take much!
      Do you fancy being a guest designer? Just email me anytime!
      I am going to have my easy day tomorrow! In fact I had yo go to bed after Pat left today I went to bed,I was so exhausted!
      Hope to see you tomorrow,
      Coffee shop open as usual!
      Sandra xxx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    What a lovely card from Janet. I would think her aunt would be thrilled to receive it and I bet it stood out from the rest.
    I am so glad you all had a lovely day yesterday, and that Sophie & Lucy had such a fuss made of them. Take it easy today and don't do too much in the coffee shop!! Having said that while I'm here can I please have a latte and a custard tart?
    Sorry things are not going well for you Theresa. I hope you have a better day.
    Maureen xx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Thanks for your lovely comment, I agree with you about Janet's card, it's a stunner!
      They did enjoy their day thank you, apart from the embarrassing ending apparently!
      Your order will be with you shortly, I am a bit slow today, still suffering with my knee, but nothing's stops service here!
      Sending you love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Sandra you must be shattered after yesterday so take it easy today, this card is so lovely and the colours are beautiful your so good showcasing other crafters cards i would love to see more, Johanna

    1. Craftynanna lovely to see you back in Sandra's special coffee shop.
      Hope to see you again tomorrow.
      Love and hugs

  14. Good morning Sandra a recovery coffee please!
    Oh this card has taken my breath away Janet this is stunning absolutely beautiful, if this is what happens if you go to France I shall have to think of looking for a little cottage over there!
    Sandra delighted to know you all had a wonderful time with your lovely daughters, please do take it easy today and recover sweetheart.
    Must go for now my heating engineer has just arrived.
    Take care everyone
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Recovery coffee on it's way! Janet's card us a stunner isn't it!
      Now you can't be disappearing off too, unless you open a French craft retreat, so I could close the coffee shop for a week and we could come and share your hospitality! How does that sound?
      Thanks for your lovely comments about girls birthday!
      I am having my recovery day tomorrow!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  15. Hi Sandra,
    Please me I have a cappuccino and a vanilla slice! I was good yesterday - well on the pastry front, anyway!
    What a lovely card Janet - love the colours and the combination of dies. I'm sure your Aunt was thrilled with it! Sue really has influenced all of us and it' s so kind of Sandra to share her blog like this!
    I left my comment on Sue's blog this morning and I was on page 2 .
    Saba - you got me thinking about letters yesterday after Hello becoming Ollie! Didn't get very far - but if anyone has a Westie you can get that from best wishes! Maybe a scrapbook page! Got brain fever after that!
    So pleased Lucy and Sophie had a lovely day. You made me smile about the jeans as my 15 year old grandaughter seems obsessed by jeans. It's lovely though to see their sheer joy about things.
    Hope you're not too tired today! Take it easy!
    Theresa - I'm so very sorry that you are in such dreadful pain. Sending you hugs and really praying that the doctor will be able to help you . x
    Sending love to all the lovely ladies who pop in and out!
    Love Myra xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and everyone, Gosh the coffeeshop has been busy today, it's lovely everyone pops in and then goes off to do whatever, then stops by again later, Sandra this is a great place to be. Love all of your gorgeous calorie free cakes!
    Sounds as if the girls's birthday dinner party went very well, I can feel their embarrassment with everyone in the restaurant singing to them. Bet they are telling their friends at school and laughing about it now . You take it easy today, you had a very busy day yesterday and all that excitement, so be sure to find some 'me' time today, you deserve it! (do as Mumma says, please)
    Janet your card is gorgeous The Dies are gorgeous - I think the largest one is Sue's Cordoba die, don't recognise the filigree one in front. The bow is so neat and your flowers make a gorgeous centrepiece, I love it all and I'm sure you Aunt found a very special place to display this very special card.
    Wishing everyone a good day whatever you're doing.
    Will pop back later Sandra and see what's on the afternoon menu.
    Love Brenda XXX

    On the subject of Sues launch/giveaways - I tend not to read other people's comments at this time, It would be bad for my blood pressure!!!!!!!
    I Do you agree with everything that has been sent on this blog. All I will add is these people have to 'live with themselves' and they can't have a conscience .

    1. Hello Mumma,
      Thank you for calling in today, can you take over for me tomorrow as I need a day off, I may just sit and chat! I had Pat here today, although we mainly chatted, we did a bit of crafting, I had to go to bed after Pat left, so tomorrow I am going to just chill! I promise, mumma! Xxx
      I am the sMe as you now Brenda, just reading the posts of our friends and no more, you are right, they do have to live with themselves, but I dont think people like that have morals or a conscience! But that's their problem, I just wish Sue could exclude them leaving more places for her 160 or so regulars!
      Sending you big mumma hugs,
      Love too,
      Sandra xxxx

  17. Good morning dear Sandra,
    Me thinks that there is a few very talented artists that hide under a bushel instead of shining brightly out there for the world to see. Janet, your card is beautiful flower and i bet whoever received it was way over the moon about it. I love the touch of purple against the white of the card as it just pops and white the hat pins with the wee hint of purple to match just finishes it off a treat.
    OH Sandra flower i bet you are worn out today after yesterday's joys and my Kirsten's face would have been the same colour as the girls if that had happened to her in the restaurant but i so happy that they had a lovely day and night and there was no upset tums from eating all that delicious chocolate profiteroles. I know i am finding it hard to think that my baby girl is an adult and moving out of her home to start a new one, but that is the evolution of life we need to let them grow and become the person they are intended to be.
    I think i would like at the coffee shop a nice creamy hot chocolate as i could do with an energy burst please, but no flake as i get migraines from chocolate. The marshmallows and cream if you have any would be much appreciated with a flea cemetry( fruit slice down south) would just round that off perfectly. What a lovely friendly cafe you run, a bit like "Cheers" the bar/pub show that used to be on where everybody knows your name and are so friendly. I'll be sitting in the corner against the wall to help me up later.
    Have a great day everyone
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Norah a long time since I have heard "flea cemetery " to discribe a fruit slice haven't seen one of them in ages, but remember them being yummy. Hazel c

    2. Oh Norah ,
      I hadn't heard that for years either - my Grandad called it that as he didn't like it! My Mum and Grandma both used to make them but Mum made one tray with apples just for Grandad!. So chuffed about Rory! Well done to him and you! Love Myra xx

    3. Hi Norah, I have never heard of a fruit slice of being called Flea Cemetrys before, we always used to call Garibaldi biscuits Fly Cemeteries. Our younger daughter's children would love that name, because none of them like fruitcake.
      Was so pleased to read about Rory, I'm sure you're very proud of him. Kristen sounds as if she is doing well how exciting to know you're going to have a grandson. I promise you you will always remember first cuddle you ever have with him. I remember cuddeling our William (our first grandchild) when he was first born, he's 19 now. And he gives me the biggest cuddless in the world.
      Grandchildren are a very special gift. We have six four boys and two girls and we love each and every one of them, they'll all very special gifts. LOL Brenda xx

    4. Hi Norah. I just wanted to pass my congratulations on to Rory, you must be so proud of him. Sue xxx

  18. Hi Sandra, just finishing lunch and popped in to say hello to everyone. Janet your card is absolutely stunning thank you for letting us see it.
    Sues blog is getting a bit out of control just now, so many new names who don't bother to say anything at other times only when freebies are on offer!
    Sandra glad you had a lovely day yesterday, that's what we do, we embarrass our children especially singing happy birthday to them in public!
    Have a good rest today.

    Take care everyone, especially those under the weather. Jess x

    1. Hi Jess, you are right about that, those new names are driving us all mad. See you tomorrow,

  19. Hi Sandra, hope you ok after Lucy's and Sophie's celebrations ? Oh I could feel them getting red in their faces,bless them :-) and your expanding knickers Tihi. I'm so glad your are showing us Janet's creation because it's gorgeous ! the purple is a favourite of mine and I love seeing how you all used Sue's dies in all different ways .I have not got many so it's important when buying a few that they either work together or how much use I think I will get out of them. My wish list is constantly changing after each card that is being shown :-) Not easy at all to choose...... Hope you have a relaxing day with some light crafting, are you seeing Pat and Sue today ? If so don't forget to give my hugs to them both. After my nap ( and nightmare ,oh dear ) ,of course I couldn't sleep so all this morning has gone me pass in a haze of, not sure what..... Spending time in blogland and watching Downton Abbey is quite nice too. I'm sure to pop in later so until then Hugs all around Maria xx

  20. Hope you are ok today Sandra and not suffering from yesterday. Glad you all had a good time last night. WOWJanet. Your card is wonderful. Love the colours. Just what I like. Hope to see some more. I had a new plaster cast on yesterday. Very light as it is plastic resin and it is purple! Lovely

  21. Forgot to say please can I have a hot chocolate and a slice of carrot cake. Thank you.

  22. B*gger, b*gger, excuse me ladies but this is the THIRD attempt to post.
    I've popped back in for a top up of latte and to catch up with everyone's posts. I don't bother reading the posts on Sue's blog because I get hot and bothered at some of the comments!
    I should have said earlier today:-
    Pat, I hope you and Pete feel a bit more settled today, I'm thinking and praying for you.
    Littlelamb, you must be extra special, I only got bog standard white casts.
    Norah, you must be so proud of Rory, and wait till your grandson arrives, oh you'll be fit to burst!!!!
    I'm off for the girls coming from school, so cheerio for now xx.

    1. Don't know about being extra special. They seemed to have all the colours of the rainbow. Didn't mention white but that's what my first one was. One little boy had green another had red and saw a lady in a wheelchair with a blue one on her leg. If they hadn't had purple I would have had pink. Like to co-ordinate. Often wear pink or purple but purple being the favourite.

  23. Afternoon ladies. Hope all are well. Just got back from Stephs had real not virtual coffee! Dissected all the new dies and every guest and presenter on c and c!

    What a beautiful card as you all know pink and lilacs are my colours! Just can't get away from them!

    Theresa have you tried fentanyl patches for pain relief? They may be the answer - not interfering only a suggestion.

    Have a number of cards to get done so must get down to dome crafting this weekend. Tilly going for play day at her friends on Sunday so might treat myself to craft in between Sues shows!

    Must dash for now xxx

    1. Hello my lovely,
      Glad you and Steph had fun, Pat and I fairly put the world to rights!
      We were missing our third musketeer today as she is putting her house back together after the plumbers have finished!
      Did you have C&C on in the background ? I know there was at least one frustrating one on today J J are her initials I think, she 'loves' everything! I saw a Tonic show where they were selling glue like the Creative Expressions one that Sue uses and Julia Watts, they were in bottles that looked like nail varnish., some pretty colours though !
      I can't wait for Sues shows on the weekend, just hope she is with Martyn or Dave as they know we want to see Demo's and please lord not you know who!
      I hope you get your cards made at weekend, you may even get some extra inspiration !
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  24. Had email from Creative Expressions to say Sue has made a video of weaving dies. Just watched it and very interesting.

  25. Hi All, just popped back as I need a little cake comfort, after coming from the drs and the report on my shoulder is worse than we thought. I have been going around with a fractured shoulder, a full thickness tear in the tendon, bursitis and tendinitis. He tried to call the trauma clinic but guess what no-one there,
    Barbiepinkfairy thank you for the advice about pain relief. As I'm disabled I'm already on the highest doses of morphine plus co-codamol and a million other things but thank you so much for caring.It means a lot.
    A double layer of chocolate cheesecake for me. I'm sleeping downstairs tonight as I cant cope with the pain and cant settle in bed and am worried hubby is so exhausted. I love Sues Caribbean dies. Hugs to all. Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Omg, you poor love,
      A double portion coming right up, with whipped cream and sprinkles!
      So when will they see you? Please don't say you have to wait over the weekend! Can't you just go to A & E (sorry Barbie don't want to abuse the service, just want a fast track solution for Theresa).
      More comforting hugs coming your way!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Theresa, I have just replied to your last post and then I saw this. Oh my goodness, you don't do it by halves do you. How could they not have spotted all those injuries. hope your Dr. is getting on to the trauma clinic first thing. Wish I could wish your pain away.
      Special love

    3. Dear ToB, it's no wonder you been in so much pain! I feel for you and hope that they will see you asap. It has gone way to long already. wish you a peaceful night as possible Gentle hugs Maria x

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hi everyone, I have just been in Sues blog there is ONLY 150 comments for the 4pm die release, do you think the people who come out of the woodwork got the message!
    Take care, Jess x

  27. Hi Jess
    No, they didn't get the message as they are now well over 200.

  28. Hi Sue
    Blogger wouldn't let me finish my previous blog. No wonder you were in pain Theresa, with the fracture, and I do hope they will be able to sort you out. It's a bummer when you are in pain isn't it. The hospital rang Pete this afternoon re his blood test. His PSSA reading have now doubled again in 1 month. So as the new tablets he's on to go with his injections is doing no good, he's to stop them the doctor is apparently rushing his MRI and CT scans through so they can see what they are dealing with.

    1. Thank you Pat, I do hope Pete is seen quickly you are both in my thoughts. Hugs Theresa (TOB) x

    2. Thinking about you both, hope you don't have to wait too long for the tests, you must be so worried. Stay positive and know that we are all here to support you.
      Love Saba.

  29. Hi Sandra. I'm pleased that you and your girls had a lovely evening, I bet they were secretly happy at the birthday song. Hope that the coffee shop is still open as I need a quadruple espresso and a huge piece of chocolate cake please. Just had one of those days today, but at least I'm home now, slippers on, and surrounded by glitter!
    Janet, your card is beautiful, is the centrepiece from the Austrian collection? After reading all your stories I can picture the market and your French pastry shop.
    Well, I'd better get back to the actual craft as I must get on with my daughter's birthday card. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Your order is coming right up!
      Sounds like you need it, what's been happening to exhaust you?
      I would love to see a picture of your daughters card when you finished it. If you want to share x
      I hope you got it finished,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  30. Hi Sandra yes we had c and c on in the background guess what we did discuss said person who annoys us both too! Think the tonic new products are just a copy of the creative expressions ones if you ask me!

    Am going to pop to the craft fair at Trafford tomorrow I know where my favourite stands are Anna. Marie, every crafts a pound, mdf man and inkylicious - love their sentiment stamps. Was going to go on Sunday but want to save the day for crafting whilst Sue on TV.

    Steph and I both love the lush Phill Martin. He is so nice and seemed as nice in reality whenI met him at ally pally I commented on how much I liked his waistcoat to which he responded " Ted Baker darling"! Soon Phill!

    See you all tomorrow for coffee and cake it might be late whenIget to pop in or uber early!

  31. Hi Sandra sorry to rush off this morning when the heating engineer came but now I really do need a coffee served with some peace and tranquillity please after the day I have had.
    After the engineer had serviced our system he was to go to my daughters to do the same, no problem as she only lives the next road up from ours, so I went up to let him in. He started the service and I started on the pile of ironing, there is a problem the system needs a part the boiler must not be put back on he announced, I asked could it be done today, yes, he would go for the part, so on with the ironing got it all finished then discovered the washer was full so emptied that and got the dryer going, by now it was well passed my lunch time. Back came the engineer fitted the part and then asked why the water was turned off, I said it's not, is there a burst perhaps he asked looking worried I went to ask if next door had water, who said no, the water went off half an hour ago. He left instructions for them to put more water in the system when the water came back on, I emptied the dryer and did that ironing then tried to lock the front door, it simply would not lock and time was slipping away it was nearly time to collect Ben from school! I phoned Derek to put him on standby to go to school and phoned the company that had fitted the door last year, luckily they had someone working in a nearby village and he fixed it. had my lunch at 3.30. My daughter got home from school still looking ill with this throat virus that is going around and was over the moon to know all the ironing was done, so someone was happy at least.
    Good for you listening to your body Sandra and going to bed hope you feel better after your snuggle and nap.
    Special hugs for Pat and Pete you are in my thoughts, please do stay positive.
    Delighted to know Barbiepinkfairy and Steph had a good time, hope it did Steph the world of good.
    I'm off to make a card now thanks for the lovely coffee Oh I needed it!
    Hugs to everyone
    Margaret corgi owner

  32. Hi Sandra. I have really missed not being able to read and comment first thing in the morning on this fantastic blog. Unless grandchld no 3 decides to put in apperance then I am hoping that I will be back to normal in the morning so I will be here ordering my usual tea and anything sweet and sticky that you recommend. I will then sit back and enjoy all of the chat AND get to see a beautiful card too....oh bliss : ) I hope you have had a quieter day today my lovely. Take care. xx

  33. Hi Sandra
    I know that we had a lovely time today, and you said you weren't up to much this morning. But I do wish that you had told me you were still feeling under the weather and to clear off. I would have quite happily have gone home and left you in peace. Some days it's not good to share. I do hope your feeling much better tomorrow. Lots of crafty hugs. Oat x x x. X x x

    1. I wouldn't have missed it for the world, seeing you and Sue each week is like a tonic!
      You two are the highlight of my week!
      I did nothing while you were here apart from chat and a tiny bit of crafting! It's the rest of the week that exhausted me x
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  34. Janet Ecco of Sheffield6 February 2015 at 08:12

    Morning Sandra
    Thank you for yesterday. You really make my day. A big big thank you to all the lovely ladies and their wonderful comments about my card. I've never had so many beautiful comments in my life re my crafting. I don't sell any of my cards. I have two charities that I support - we have a local Hospice in Sheffield St.Lukes and then a local drama group which I have been a member and now a patron of for 50years' but I've never thought of trying to sell.. I have done a load of searching and the dies I used were 'SW Cordoba for the base; Nappa Valley for the next layer and to finish Beverley Hills'. I shall now be calling in this delightful coffee shop every day. Once again a big thank you to all.
